#such as how Wesker exposed Umbrella and Spencer
cenorii · 3 months
Headcanons about Oldsker
I drew him quite a lot, so I managed to form an opinion about him. Yes, officially Oldsker exists only in our heads, but that doesn't stop us from coming up with something about him. Who is he? Read here.
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— Of course, my main hedcanon is his appearance:
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— I think Oldsker is the perfect version of Wesker, the final stage of his personal evolution. It's not only the result of his personal growth, but also the result of Capcom's labors to make a complete and final version of the character that will include all the notes and previous games, creating a coherent image out of all the vast information there is about him.
— Having limited himself all his life, Wesker was able to go all out after the volcano. Now that he wasn't bound by the confines of Spencer's upbringing, nor held back by the fulfillment of his dreams, he felt free. Now he was like a child who had been told by his parents to "do whatever you want." Wesker, who had never used foul language before, might start doing it. Wesker, who previously didn't drink and despised bad habits, might try them. Long hair and a different clothing style? He's just getting started. He's free and will probe that feeling in absolutely everything. Acting like a silly joker on the street? Easy. Create the image of the urban lunatic around him as a disguise? Oh yes, he likes that. He's free and his name no longer constrains him, because he'll change it too.
— I think Wesker got tired of having the same hairstyle for 50 years, styling his hair every morning, and so on. And he's already 61. Feeling completely free, like a teenager craving self-expression, he will grow his hair out and not care about styling at all. The only thing he will do with his hair is wash it. He doesn't even need a blow dryer anymore, just a towel, because now he loves himself any way he can. And he no longer needs to be "perfect" to like himself.
— He hasn't gotten rid of the habit of wearing sunglasses, but he really needs it to fit in with society. His eyes still tend to glow with emotion, and basically have an unconventional look. It's unlikely that colored contact lenses can override something so unusual.
— He doesn't forget about Chris. For Chris, Wesker's "death" means a lot, thanks to this event Chris realized that his fight was worth the lives saved. But for Wesker, this event is also very important. He has revised absolutely his entire life, changing the way he approaches it.
— Chris is his obsession. Wesker admires him, hates him, loves him, despises him, loves him, and so it is every day… every day is his struggle with feelings he is not familiar with, but tries to understand. Wesker has become free of any restraints, but the walls that were erected around his feelings still stand. And that's why he's such a noob in feelings, he doesn't know what he's feeling or how to describe it. That's why his relationship with Chris is so confused… He created Chris clones for some new purpose, but the purpose is just an excuse for his real attitude towards Chris.
— He continues to pursue his hobby and creates various weapons and names them after himself, paying homage to his "past life". Thanks to "Albert Wesker" he realized what he wanted out of life, and because of him he became the man he is today.
— I like the name Michael Baxter from this theory. I think that even though it's a weird nickname, it would be a great fit for Oldsker instead of his past name that was given to him by Umbrella and Spencer. He'd obviously want to stop being associated with "Wesker" because it's a dirty and disgusting project. But would he want to stop being Albert? Perhaps the name is too catchy and would expose his whole new image. So he would want to change his name completely, renouncing his past self.
— Oldsker hasn't changed, he's just become liberated and free. Perhaps there are scars on his body that have not been healed by regeneration, due to his powers becoming weaker.
— He probably knows Karl Heisenberg. It's unlikely to be any kind of close acquaintance, but they could very well turn out to be conversation partners by correspondence. Karl could be telling Oldsker about Miranda's plans, and Oldsker could be chattering unrestrainedly about Chris and his plans for him.
— Perhaps freedom would turn his head a little and he'd look for himself in completely unexpected directions. How about…writing a novel? Can this Wesker write NSFW about him and Chris? 😳
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nunalastor · 23 days
Resident Evil Au
Instead of 7, it’s the first Resident Evil in the Spencer Mansion
Alastor was a former S.T.A.R.S. member who later went to make a career in radio. The only reason he joined was because he wanted to keep an eye on Guy (he was scrawny back then). He and Guy were in Alpha Team with Albert Wesker as their captain. Alastor never liked their captain, he could sense something familiar in Wesker. It was until they were trapped in the Spencer Mansion, it was revealed Wesker was working for Umbrella and Stars were just Guinea pigs for their experiments.
Alastor was about to try and stab Wesker, but he also revealed that he knew Alastor’s secret. Wesker knew Alastor was a serial killer all along and threatened to expose him if they don’t join forces. Alastor hated being blackmailed, but Wesker also promised to get Guy out there alive. The creepy part was how handsy Wesker was while threatening to spill Alastor’s secret; Wesker was rubbing Alastor’s shoulders as he felt his breathe at the back of his neck.
Yeah I added one-sided Alastor x Wesker
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ebitchwriting · 2 years
Jake Muller/Wesker Headcanons
Jake Muller ended up being my favorite character of the characters introduced in RE6, so why not do a headcanon list for him?
Firstly, his mother never actually loved Wesker. In fact, they never actually met. See, in the early '90s, Spencer decided to create a new test group for Project W. The big difference here between this batch of W experiment kids and the first batch is that instead of seeking the most intelligent and genetically hardy kids and "adopting" them, Spencer is just genetically engineering them to have the immune systems needed to adapt to viruses to their advantage as well as be more intellectually driven by choosing sperm donors of the highest pedigree and PhD. These scientists in queation didn't actually know what they were donating sperm for this purpose though, and instead were fed lies such as "Oh certain exposures to experimenral chemicals and gases may cause infertility. We at Umbrella are looking out for your future and want to take every precaution," or some other shit.
Jake's mother was a mercenary often hired by Umbrella for disposing of failed experiments and whistleblowers threatening to expose Umbrella. So when they contacted her for another job, she didn't think much of it. When she learned they wanted her to serve as a surrogate mother, it threw her for a loop. But ultimately, she agreed simply because, with that money, she can live an easy, breezy early retirement life instead of expecting to die a brutal death at every corner. But after the first trimester, she found herself becoming more attached. With each little ultrasound the scientists made her take to make sure there were no abnormalities, and no early miscarriage, she found herself warming up to the little embryo more and more. She never saw herself as mother material, never thought that was something she would want. But she did. And she after breaking in and reading the files to know what was the true purpose of this pregnancy, she knew she couldn't go through with it. (I'm sure you can see I'm a fan of the "heel-face turn" and "even evil has standards" tropes)
She knew Umbrella would be keeping a very close eye on her bank accounts, her home, and her vehicles, so she abandoned it all. Whatever petty cash and clothes she had on her, that was it. She died and cut her hair, changed her clothes, and used whatever cash she had on her to the one country she knew no one would ever look at. One that was constantly in war, whether that's an invasion or a civil war. Edonia.
Once she was in Edonia, that's when she really started to struggle. She managed to get a job as a bartender at a little bar, and get a shitty and small apartment. But saving money between rent, food, and getting the proper baby shit was way too hard. Not to mention finding a doctor was impossible in the war-torn country, at least one that had the equipment to tell her if the baby was alright. The rest of thr pregnancy was really scary. But in March 22nd of 1992, she delivered a healthy boy with red hair and a hell of a pair of lungs for an infant. She named him Jakov.
After he was born, she knew that she couldn't take the chance of taking any mercenary job, no matter how well-paying it was. If Umbrella even got a whiff of where she was and where Jakov was, they would torture and kill her and rip Jakov and start experimenting on him. And that's if she was lucky. So she kept her bartender job, occasionally taking on an extra tutor job if she had the time.
She homeschooled Jakov, and she found out how much of a quick learner he was. He really picked up on languages and mathematics really well, and even though she never knew any instruments, it seemed like all he needed was a week to fuck around and listen to the notes to learn how to master it. When he was almost at puberty age, she started to teach him what she knew about martial arts, as well as how to properly disassemble and clean a variety of guns, how to properly wield knives, and how to disarm someone. He never questioned how she knew all this, considering the constant wars and infighting Edonia was constantly suffering. But, as he wanted to learn more about his father, she couldn't bear to tell him the truth. So she told him lies about how she still loved him, how good of a man he was, and that one day he'll come back and everything will be right again.
Unfortunately, with wars there and shitty buildings that meant constant exposure to dangerous chemicals. She started getting sick when Jakov was 12. As her condition worsened and she was unable to work and keep Jakov safe, the tables turned and now Jakov is out working whatever odd jobs he could to help care for her. Which eventually led to him joining the Edonian Liberation Army at the age of 15 since mercenary work paid a lot more than the odd jobs he used to find. Unfortunately, this wouldn't matter much as just a year later, she would pass, thankfully peacefully in her sleep.
He threw himself into his mercenary work after that, grief-stricken and having no idea how to deal with it. Which, surprisingly quickly, actually helped him. The leader of the new mercenary group he joined(which took him all around the world), really took a liking to him and personally trained him, gave Jakov his first drink, gave him a shoulder to cry on when he couldn't push his emotions away and gave him pointers when he had his first crush in Siberia. His leader became the father Jakov wished he had growing up. Those two years were nice, until 2009 in South America when his leader sold out their mercenary group for a bigger paycheck.
This leads us to the Jake we see in RE6. Jaded, with zero trust in others, and zero wish to be taken advantage of like last time. Using sarcasm and jokes as a front to keep others away. And a reputation for only caring for money, the last lesson his father figure taught him. Which he eventually unlearns in the events of RE6 with Sherry Birkin thoroughly breaking all his beliefs about how people and the world works, and thoroughly charming him.
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darkasagrowl · 4 years
Understanding Wesker’s motivations
I’m not claiming to be an expert on character analysis, but I sure as heck am tired of seeing every RE head canon I come across making this guy seem like he does what he does just for laughs, or because he is “just evil”, or emotionally unattached. Like seriously?
Here I list 3 major points about his character. Some are speculation but most of it is based on information that we have been given throughout the games.
Let me know what you think:
1. Emotionally detached - I can't believe people pull this one up on him constantly. We have more than enough evidence that this couldn't be farther from the truth. First of all, we have Birkin as one proof that he can develop and maintain deep and meaningful connections with other people. We can also go back to re6 and argue that maybe he also had a relationship with Jake's mom, but we don't have enough evidence of that (that I'm aware). Ultimately, we can refer to how he lets his anger control him in re5, if nothing else. He might be incredibly intelligent, but he isn't as rational as he likes to make people believe. 
2. Concerned for Alex? - in re5 there is a list of which of the Wesker children are alive, but in rev2 we see a picture of both Alex and Albert together. He seems to be wearing the same clothes from re4, which could mean the picture dates from around the same time. If this is true, maybe this is around the same time that Alex started her own experiments at that island and they lost touch. Wesker could be using that list and info about the children to try and track her down and find out what she's up to, and maybe he himself gave her the uroboros sample she ended up working on.
3. Superiority complex - I argue that he has in fact the opposite. Wesker has an inferiority complex and it is only enhanced further the more he interacts with Chris. I think Wesker is a bit jealous of him, and also, hates that Chris got such an accurate read of him. So this one's a little long:
Wesker has lived his whole life thinking all he had ever accomplished was on him. He believed he was smarter and generally better at everything than everyone else. This boosted his ego from a very young age. He finally discovers that everything he has ever done, everything he had ever thought or discovered or whomever he'd manipulated to get what and to where he wanted could actually not be due to his free will, but because he was being controlled by Spencer and Umbrella and even his existence was, as he put it, "manufactured". He was manufactured to act that way; to think that way - he was manufactured to be this next step in human evolution that he had always thought he was. But he was actually a thing, not an actual person; no better that those experiments he had trifled with his entire life. This realization, I believe, broke him. Just think about it, what would you do if you found out suddenly that your every action or thought might never have been your own; that they might have been imposed on you? Well I certainly know what I would try to do: prove to myself and to whoever is still watching that I can, in fact, make my own decisions; act according to my own free will.
And that's what he did. The whole "God" thing, I think, was him trying to make his actions big, and by big, I mean meaningful. I mean, can you imagine being someone that has been involved in how the world is being shaped, in how different societies are developing solely because of your own advancements and meddling in either science or political relations around the globe (due to selling and enforcing the use of chemical warfare and terrorism)? Can you imagine, after all that, something that would really have an impact in your life and prove to you and everyone around you that you are your own person; that what you are doing, you are doing it of your own accord and, again, free will? I mean, it HAS to be something BIG.
Que Redfield. Like I said before, Chris had Wesker all figured out immediately at the end of re1 (tyrant scene). It's obvious how his laugh affects Wesker. But I believe Wesker is visibly confused by this, and not angered per se. See, I think this is the point in which he has one of his first realizations as "himself" and not as an Umbrella/Spencer project. I think he did think the same thing as Chris: what he was doing, and the way he was acting at that moment, WAS pitiful. But the thing is, although he knew that, he couldn’t understand why. I mean, that was what he had been working on for a long time, and he was finally about to see it in action, but it still felt lacking; and what happened next proves it to him (being stabbed by it meant that thing he was so proud of, so enamored by, wasn't perfect -but he was - so it made no sense to see himself in such a thing; such a “failure” as Chris puts it, or did it?). This started his hatred for Redfield. Before this, we can argue that maybe, during their time together at STARS, their interactions made Wesker see how different his life could have been. Seeing how carefree Chris was in his younger years made him realize how repressed he must have felt when he was his age (and maybe at that time as well), but there isn't much information about this time, except the novels, but I'm not sure about how canon they are, so let's leave this part at that.
Even in re5, when Chris asked if he always takes his ideas from comic book villains, he got it right. I know this one sounds far-fetched, but bear with me here. What if he did? What if the only thing he could think about was to a simpler time in his life, when Umbrella didn't feed him their intentions 24/7? I believe that, when he was a child, his life must have been relatively normal, to a certain extent so he must have had hobbies; things kids like to do growing up. And what is something kids enjoy? Reading comics. I know, this doesn't make much sense, that I'm making this part up or whatever, but we don't know about this part in his life. Maybe, when he found out about his origin and felt the need to reject it, his mind shot back to a simpler time; to when he felt safe and as normal as everyone else. It makes sense to me. But you can disregard this part if you want.
Back to Chris, in re5 we can see more closely how Wesker is jealous of Chris. He's had numerous chances in the past to either let him die or directly kill him, although he always opted for the option of "toying" with him. In re5 this is no different. He could have easily killed Chris (and Sheva) in the first fight they have, but opts to "play" for 7 minutes. The second fight he could have finished the job, but he wanted to make it last and was defeated, which led to him being temporarily weakened and presumably dying at the volcano.
The way he says his name, the way he yells for him; it's always Chris, even though others have thwarted his plans and machinations, Wesker always seems to have Chris in his mind; it doesn't matter who else is around, Chris is always there - it's always him, even when it isn't. It feels as though Wesker wants to prove to either Chris or himself (or maybe both) that he is better than Chris, but always ends up failing.
And ultimately, I think it's because Chris has the life Wesker always wanted to have. This hatred developed from earlier in their lives, to seeing how he has a family that cares enough about him to risk their own lives for him (Claire in both re2 and code Veronica), close friends and a seemingly easy ability to befriend people (something that his cold and controlled demeanor prevents him from, achieving little more than a relationship of authority towards most people *and also, can we talk about his sunglasses? He's been wearing them since before his eyes mutated. Was this on purpose to create even more distance from people and make developing any form of connection impossible?*) and finally, a purpose. Yes, a purpose. He's always had something up his sleeve during his time at Umbrella and after, but their accomplishment was never enough; it never satisfied him. And after speaking with Spencer about his origin, it finally made sense. Those were never his goals. They were the designs of other people whom, at the end of it all, failed; which could also be something that affects him, knowing that, to top it all off, he failed - his existence is summed up to be just a failed experiment.
 Idk man, if that were me, I'd also be poppin' off.
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eviltothecore13 · 4 years
Why I don’t think Wesker is a victim
I see a lot of posts going round about how Wesker is a victim. How he’s an abuse survivor. How he’s too traumatised to be fully responsible for his actions. Often they say he has PTSD.
Quite often, these posts are worded as if the OP is the only person in the fandom who appreciates or understands this about him. This always surprises me, because I see these posts a lot, from a lot of different people, and rarely see anyone claiming the contrary. (I am not targeting anyone in particular with this post. As I said, I’ve seen this interpretation a lot--in fact, it seems to be the dominant one.)
I don’t agree with this interpretation (although of course it is fine for people to see characters differently, and I am not trying to prevent anyone interpreting him in this way, just providing my own point of view)--and I struggle to find fic portraying Wesker in ways that really feel like Wesker to me. That in itself I wouldn’t mind too much. But on occasion I’ve seen people suggest that people who don’t portray Wesker as a victim just...don’t appreciate him. Or aren’t real fans. Or that they see him as a one-dimensionally evil character with no depth. And...well, for me at least, that’s not it at all. I don’t interpret him the way I do because I don’t like him, or I don’t think he’s a complex character, or I’m not familiar with canon or something like that. I just...don’t see him that way, and I think my interpretation is just as canon-compliant as the more common one.
Let’s start with what canon says for certain. He was taken from his parents, presumably when too young to remember them considering that he has no idea about the whole Wesker Project thing. He was raised, possibly with Alex though we don’t know this for certain, but not with all the other children (there were hundreds of them, not just the 13 best whose names we know, and they were stated to be raised in different places around the world), by people who worked for Umbrella. He was monitored throughout his childhood, and taught to believe in Spencer’s ideas of eugenics. All the Wesker children were given the best possible education, and when they grew up were allowed to work in whatever area they were best at--some of them, including Albert and Alex, ended up working at Umbrella, but many of the others did not. Alex was the only one who knew about the project: Spencer considered her to be the best (despite telling Albert he was the best at one point...) and she ended up working for him directly, though she didn’t have much real loyalty to him.
In 1998, the 13 best subjects were chosen and infected with the virus (through a variety of methods--some got it disguised as a routine medical procedure, while in Albert’s case Will gave it to him to help him survive the Mansion Incident), and Albert and Alex were the only survivors. Albert was the only one to gain the superpowers the virus was meant to give him.
There’s also a possibility that all the Wesker children were exposed to smaller doses of the virus when much younger, but I couldn’t find anywhere this was explicitly stated though I’m sure it had been mentioned somewhere. Either way, though, they didn’t know they’d been exposed to it (since Wesker didn’t know about the project at all and didn’t seem to realise there was anything that unusual about his background), and judging by how Wesker injects himself, it was a fairly simple injection that could have easily been disguised as something routine. (I know the Makino novelisation of Umbrella Chronicles portrays Wesker as falling to the ground and thrashing about in pain after injecting himself, but in canon, he just...injects himself. Chris and Jill walk into the room moments later and don’t initially even notice he’s in the room. He’s not thrashing around on the floor and screaming, they’d have noticed that, and he looks fine when we see him a few seconds after that. So it would seem in canon you either die or you’re completely fine.)
Revelations 2 adds that the focus of the project was to train the test subjects’ minds and bodies--along with one mention of “hellish trials” which I think is the main basis for the trauma interpretation. (Although I’ve seen some people translate the original Japanese as something more like “difficult challenges.”)
Personally, I don’t think “hellish trials” necessarily means torture or painful experiments. In fact, I have a longer meta I’m going to post one day about why I don’t think Wesker shows any of the symptoms that someone who has gone through the traumatic experiences fanon portrays him as having gone through generally would, but I just wanted to post a shorter version now. I picture that aspect as more like some kind of military-ish combat training (which wouldn’t have taken place when the subjects were young children, because it would be completely useless and counterproductive then).
Now, obviously the Wesker Project was wrong. Of course it’s a bad thing to take a kid from their family. Of course it’s morally wrong to raise a kid to believe in eugenics and Social Darwinism, with the aim of manipulating them into helping you take over the world. Of course Spencer is a horrible person--arguably worse than Wesker. I don’t think Wesker was born evil. I think he could have been a much better person without the influence of the Wesker Project. But I don’t think he was traumatised, and I do think he had a choice in his actions as opposed to being completely controlled by Spencer.
First up I don’t think there’s any strong evidence that anything physically painful was done to him while he was a child. Wesker doesn’t think there was anything that strange about his background (on that note, if he had no memory at all of several years of his life, I think he’d have figured out something was going on much sooner. Whereas what he seemed to figure out first is “Spencer’s planning something and he’s not telling me”, not “hang on my memory of most of my childhood is a complete blank”), and there’s no need for the project to physically harm any of the kids anyway. It would be counterproductive if they were trying to make them stronger. (And trauma would affect things like confidence, ability to focus, academic performance, long-term physical health...basically anything that traumatised the kids would be doing the opposite of what Umbrella wanted.)
I’ve seen claims that a hidden file in Rev2 explicitly states that he was sexually abused. I went through all the hidden files. I checked the wiki and Project Umbrella to see if I’d missed something. I checked fan translations of the original Japanese. I ran the Japanese text through several different translation programs. Found nothing. If anyone does have the hidden file in question I would be interested to see it, but I’ve seen no proof that it exists.
I also don’t think emotional abuse of the “you’re worthless” “you’re subhuman” etc kind that I sometimes see in some fics really fits at all...the entire point of the Wesker Project was to raise “superior” humans. By the age of 17 he believed himself to be a chosen one. I think Wesker was pretty clearly raised to believe he was better than everyone else.
So I don’t really think anything happened to him that could give him PTSD. I also think he was never completely under Spencer’s control (although he was manipulated by him to some extent). In his second report, he showed from early on that he didn’t have any real loyalty to Spencer, and cared mostly about personal gain. He figured out Spencer was hiding something from him and started to investigate. While Spencer continues to manipulate him and keep secrets from him, he wasn’t “mind-controlled” in the “literally cannot think for himself or control his actions” sense at...any point, really. 
He wasn’t forced into joining Umbrella, either, in my opinion. The phrase “they all received the best educations available in the field they pursued” indicates that they had a choice in what field they would pursue. They didn’t all end up working for Umbrella. Which makes sense since I imagine to take over the world Spencer would want some scientists, but also some people in the military, some people in government, etc. While he might have been encouraged or influenced into working for Umbrella to some extent once they realised his skills in science, there’s no indication he was forced into it. And while he doesn’t like Umbrella--because of the nepotism and incompetent aristocrats running things, because of the secrets Spencer kept from him, because of the constant infighting, etc--he never shows any regret for his actions while working for them and never really seems to be bothered by experimenting on people. I mean, he keeps experimenting on people long after leaving Umbrella, and even openly gloats about it. He often acts like he very much enjoys what he does.
So in the end, the evil things Wesker did still seem like his choice to me.
The worst I can really see having happened to him, personally, is that the “family” who raised him would probably have been...quite emotionally distant. Considering they likely saw their job as “make sure the test subject is physically healthy and academically successful” rather than anything more...parental. Even then, though, he can’t have been too isolated, because he learned enough social skills to function in society for 38 years, convincing the entire STARS team to like and trust him, passing the army psychological (and physical--trauma tends to affect physical health) evaluation, commanding people in the army for years apparently without incident (he was a commissioned officer, that’s a role that would involve some degree of leadership, which needs some degree of social skills), not to mention just...having a successful career at Umbrella (and not having the kind of mental breakdown that...say, Will seemed to have). He wasn’t completely deprived of any kind of positive interaction. I mean, for a start, kids completely deprived of any kind of positive interaction tend to...waste away and die. Look up Romanian orphanages if you want to know more about that (obviously very grim and depressing and disturbing, child abuse tw). Wesker is much too functional to have been raised in that kind of environment. While I don’t think there was the kind of emotional closeness you’d see in a real healthy family (well, not with his “parents”, he was pretty close to Alex), I imagine that to be as confident and ambitious as he is he must at least have been rewarded for success to some extent--it wouldn’t make sense for a training program not to reward success, it would just lead to far too many people burning out and giving up.
Also, I’m thinking about how he had a PhD at 17--which is incredibly difficult for anyone and would probably be close to impossible for someone suffering from PTSD and abuse. Fanon Wesker backstories would have meant he was a child, with no social skills since he’s often portrayed as raised in a lab, having to function at university among adults, while suffering from a mental illness that affects memory and the ability to focus, somehow getting good enough grades to get a PhD, working with others--you can’t get a PhD or even a degree without working with others at least a bit--successfully, not having a mental breakdown, and somehow coming out of that at age 17 confident and determined to succeed. Personally, I don’t buy it. Considering the amount of work and pressure getting a PhD at 17 would involve--only a handful have ever done it, and fewer still have gone on to be successful and not burn out--I feel like he’d have to be in a reasonably good state to start with in terms of...confidence, self-esteem, general mental health...to achieve it.
Of course he’s not the only villain in Resident Evil. Of course Spencer and Umbrella are ultimately responsible. But I don’t think “Wesker is a victim” is definitively canon, or the only valid interpretation.
(As a final note, I’m always disappointed when I see posts saying Wesker never had any friends, never had anyone who cared about him, has never formed an even somewhat healthy relationship, has always been alone, etc. Will is right there. So is Alex--Rev2 makes it clear that they were close and cared about each other a lot.)
I will post the proper long meta on AO3 at some point (it has a proper layout with subheadings and everything! It has sources! It has more details of the research I did speaking to people who are actually experts in psychology!) and I’m happy to send a link to anyone who wants to read it though I won’t be posting it publicly here as I don’t particularly want to attract that much hate. But I just wanted to explain my point of view. Again, I’m not saying you can’t interpret him differently, or that you can’t write whatever you want. I’m just giving the evidence for my interpretation to show that I do have reasons for it and it’s not just from a lack of knowledge or understanding of canon. Honestly I’d like to see a more diverse range of interpretations in Wesker fanfics, sometimes I feel like some fanon aspects dominate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep writing the fanon if that’s what appeals to you.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 4 years
Alex Wesker x F!Reader
Summary: Alex is in love with the reader and she watches her through the surveillance cameras while she’s resting in the nap room.
Warnings: smut, masturbation.
She sit in her chair with her legs crossed and a report in her hands. Alex carefully noted the results of an experishe just finished. The four poor souls didn’t stood a change against her BOW. Despite the many tests she ran, she barely made any progress, that not only infuriated her, but also made her anxious because Master Spencer expected results. If T-Phobos was a succes it could grant immortality to the host, being very useful to the dying man too. She threw the papers on the table and leaned back on her hair, exhaling while moving her hands through her slicked back hair. After a short break she will continue her work. It was time to check on her princess.
She switched between the cameras in hope to find her walking around. When Y/N came to Umbrella she was assigned to work in Alex’s research team. The first thing she felt when hearing the news was weary, because she didn’t need another rookie to train right now. However, her feelings changed when she came through that door. Y/N entered full of confidence im the room amd she immediately started to analyze her surroundings, her eyes resting upon Alex.
“You must be Doctor Wesker.” She raised her hand to shake hers. “Im Y/N, the new recruit. Can’t wait to start working on this project.”
Her lips curled into a wide smile exposing her perfect teeth. Alex took her very feminine hand in hers, feeling her smooth skin and bony fingers. She only remembers few details of the conversation that followed after, her only memory being how she kept starring in those (y/c) colored eyes, devouring them.
She was meant to be kept in a tower, that’s what she told herself every day after meeting her. She will always have a special place in the scientist’s head, but she’s aware that she can’t have her, that she is just a distraction of the moment. She doesn’t fit in her plans, she’s there to serve.
She kept switching until she finally found her. Alex liked it to look at her because she calmed her down. Her little princess was sleeping peacefully in a nap capsule, layed on her back with her arm resting on her belly and the other next to her face. Alex watched as her chest rose and lowered with every breath and imagined herself being there, holding her tight.
Her princess gave signals of waking up, making Alex feel more frustrated that before. But fate made that she didn’t opened the capsule, she moved the hands that was on her belly higher, heading to her breats. Alex moved closer to the monitor. Y/N shyly started to draw circles around her breast with her fingers, like she was preparing. Alex froze when she grabbed her breast properly and started to squeeze it. She started slow, then she applied more pressure and arched her back. Her fingers looked like they wanted to massage the hard nipple, but failed because she couldn’t get enough stimulation through the fabric, so she kept squeezing the boob and she was too sleepy to remove her clothes. The other hand went slowly at her entrance, slowly spreading her legs and lifting her skirt a little, allowing her hand to explore further her core through the fabric of the panties. She was soaking wet already.
Alex mindlessly layed back again and spread her legs, moving slowly to unzip her pants and gently inserting a hand inside. She started to work at her bud, pressing firmly and moving up and down with her fingers, while looking at the show provided by her princess.
Y/N inserted two fingers and began to thrust slowly, while the big thumb worked on her clit doing circular motions. Her breast was squeezed hard and fast with every thrust. Alex on the other side added four fingers to her clit stimulation, and a hand underneath her tank top.
Y/N started to move her hips and to pick up the pace. Three fingers worked now inside her, going faster and deeper, trying to touch that spot, while her thumb remained on her clit. Alex spread her fold and used her tips to move up and down on her swollen bud, while inserting a finger also.
She was close, and Alex could tell by the way her fingers clenched around the ready abused breast and by the speed of her hand. Y/N was getting close, and Alex would’ve have given anything to be the one that gives her the orgasm.
“Alex...” Y/N seemed to whisper before her lower abdomen began to pulsate and her hand holding tight on her breast. After a few minutes, her hands collapsed next to her body and she began to breath heavily.
Alex heard that whisper. She could feel those long legs wrapped around her waist as she was on top fucking her with with her best strap-on. She could feel her beautiful breats in her hands, and she could taste her as she would clean her after she came. All thise actions were calling her name.
These thoughts made Alex’s vision go blurry as she felt her orgasm building up. She threw her head back allowing herself to be overwhelmed by the climax.
Y/N arranged herself before getting out of the capsule. Her little break was enough to get her rested enough to continue her research.
This break helped Alex too. She got a clear mind, ready to do experiments and to thing in depth about Y/N’s role in her life. She needed her, that was clear, not only for the moment, but on the long run. She changed her objective, from that moment she would achieve immortality not for Spencer, but for her princess and herself, leaving together and rule the earth for eternity.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
15 Best Resident Evil Bosses and Monsters Ranked
You don’t go 25 years with a name like Resident Evil without introducing a good mix of macabre monsters primed to haunt the nightmares of players everywhere. At their best, these frightening beasties make you want to run away and hide, challenging you to use your limited resources wisely while trying to survive the night. Even at their worst, any Resident Evil monster worth its weight in viscera will still have you gawping at just how disgusting it appears. Eugh!
With the release of Resident Evil Village and the arrival of nine-foot-tall vampire Lady Dimitrescu, we thought it worth ranking the 15 scariest monsters in Resident Evil history. That’s right – not even a top 10 would be good enough to do the creatures of Capcom’s iconic survival horror franchise justice.
15. Ustanak – Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil’s much maligned sixth entry has a lot of problems, we’ll admit, but one area where it does succeed is in its litany of boss fights. While the game features four interconnected campaigns with plenty of unique enemies, Ustanak breaks away from the crowded roster of other monsters thanks to his relentless pursuing of Jake Muller and appearance (however brief) in almost all of the featured storylines. As far as bioweapons go, he’s also one of the most mean-looking, boasting a tank-like physique and threatening mechanical claw. 
You’ll fight Ustanak multiple times as part of Jake’s Resident Evil 6 campaign, first within a wintery Eastern European town as he clambers from chopper to chopper to get to you, then as part of a team-up with Leon in a shipment yard, before eventually finishing him off in a fist fight as boiling lava bubbles below you. Very much following the Nemesis template of growing persistently stronger, Ustanak is easily one of the redeeming elements of Resident Evil 6’s overt bloat.
14. Comms Officer/Scaghead – Resident Evil: Revelations
The mutated Comms Officer in spin-off title Revelations is one of the first major hurdles you come across. After learning that Chris isn’t aboard the Queen Zenobia, Jill is forced to venture into the bowels of the cruise ship, and this oversized piece of sludge is the only thing standing in your way. Taking down this two-headed behemoth involves getting him close to the various gas cylinders littered around and firing, all while keeping his many ghoulish minions at bay.
The comms officer’s human half is where the monster is at its weakest, so by placing a few well-timed sniper shots in this area players shouldn’t have too much trouble. Even still, only having a limited number of windows to jump through and tight passages to go down makes him a real problem early on. That’s why it pays to be patient (as well as smart) with this lumbering mass of goo. 
13. Regenerador – Resident Evil 4
Capable of regrowing any limbs you shoot off with relative ease, the first time you encounter a regenerador in Resident Evil 4 is easily one of the adventure’s scariest moments. Though Leon is by this point well-equipped, and without Ashley as his tag-a-long helper, these sludgy beings are still quite the challenge, as they continue chasing you unless you equip your thermal vision and target their specific weakness points.
An enhanced version of the Regenerador greets you a little later in the form of an Iron Maiden. This hellish creature would enjoy nothing more than to hug Leon and impale him on the long nails that protrude from its flesh. You have to be sure to not get to close and maintain your distance, all while targeting the leech-like Las Plagas cells scattered all over its body to make it out safely.
12. Executioner – Resident Evil 5
It may have been the entry that saw the series swerve fully into action blockbuster territory, yet Resident Evil 5 also features some extremely unsettling monsters that still haunt us to this day. One of the first you come across are the handful of executioners who look and act exactly as their name would suggest. These immense figures have pins sticking out of their arms and wield a deadly axe, one swing of which is enough to turn Chris and Sheva into nothing but jam.
The executioners pose a real problem early on in Resident Evil 5’s campaign, as your weapons are severely underpowered, and you’re only given limited space in which to lead them around. Hold out for long enough, though, and you’ll manage to avoid the edge of their blade, only to encounter a more imposing version of them later on in the Desperate Escape DLC. It’s here where their axe is now laden in flames and primed to roast your skin.
11. Licker – Resident Evil 2
Arguably not just one of the scariest but also one of the most iconic monster designs to come out of Resident Evil, lickers are known for their ability to move fast, climb walls, and trip players up using their incredibly far-reaching tongue. The lickers’ one weakness is lack of sight, which Leon and Claire are wise to take advantage of when exploring the zombie-infested R.P.D building. Sometimes, however, these brain-exposed mutants are simply impossible to avoid, forcing you to outwit them and stay at a distance. 
Believe it or not, lickers are thought to be an advanced form of zombie. These particular subjects were designed to be even deadlier bioweapons. We’d say they succeeded. While lickers are easily dealt with in most of the games (provided you know what you’re doing), their arrival is always unsettling since you need to remain quiet, often while trying to contend with other undead threats. 
10. Lisa Trevor – Resident Evil 
Altering an existing game’s story or structure is always a tricky prospect. On the one hand, you want to be true to what fans know, yet at the same time sprinkle in a few surprises. This was the case with Lisa Trevor’s debut appearance in the 2002 remake of the first Resident Evil game. She isn’t just a ho-hum boss fight, but rather a fully formed character with a surprisingly sad back story that involves her being experimented on by Umbrella for at least 20 years.
Lisa Trevor’s animal-like posture and distorted appearance is a result of this constant testing, which makes having to slay her alongside a true series villain (Albert Wesker) all the more heart breaking. The encounter itself may be relatively straightforward, but hearing Lisa wail and cry out as you’re forced to pump rounds into her is genuinely unsettling. Lisa Trevor is a welcome addition to the original Resident Evil’s canon, not least due to how terrifying her circumstances are.
9. Dr. Salvador – Resident Evil 4
What makes Dr. Salvador from Resident Evil 4 even scarier than he looks is the fact he’s not even a boss. No, all this relentless, bag-wearing maniac needs to try and keep Leon Kennedy at bay is a thirst for blood and a ripping chainsaw primed to rip our protagonist to shreds. He’s surprisingly fast and nimble in spite of his wide-set frame, which makes for a deadly combination when you’ve just heard the rumble of his tool-turned-weapon from a distance and are trying to get an accurate lock on him. 
Typical handgun bullets will do very little to stop the swing of Dr. Salvador’s chainsaw. Instead, your best bet is to barrage him with shotgun shells or attempt a stun with a flash grenade. Either way, every die-hard Resident Evil fan remembers where they were the first time they heard the grinding of a metal chain so soon after entering Resident Evil 4’s Spanish village. 
8. Cerberus – Resident Evil
Dogs have always played a huge role in Resident Evil, but most players will never forget the first time they smashed onto the screen. Slowly traversing down an innocent hallway of the Spencer Mansion in the original Resident Evil, the unsettling silence is suddenly disrupted by the sound of windows shattering and what appears to be two undead Dobermans. They are, in fact, four-legged monsters known in canon as Cerberuses – bio-organic weapons infected by the T-virus strain.
These doggos are far from the good boys you first expect them to be, leaving a mark on your mind as well as the hallway floor thanks to the amount of blood they drip. Their introduction kicked off the classic Resident Evil tradition of having to take down zombie canines quickly. If you don’t, they’ll continue to pursue you around most corridors or until you can bide your time in the nearest safe room. Cerberus dogs are living proof that no mammal is safe from Umbrella’s experiments. 
7. Nosferatu – Resident Evil Code: Veronica 
Code: Veronica often gets forgotten about as far as Resident Evil games go. This is a shame considering its host to two of the most merciless franchise villains in siblings Alexander and Alexia Ashford. What makes them so monstrous? Possibly their willingness to experiment on their own father, eventually transforming him into the near unkillable monster known as Nosferatu. Strung up, blinded, and suffering from a gaping hole in the chest, he serves as one of Code: Veronica’s most nightmarish monsters and boss fights.
Nosferatu is another Resident Evil monster with a deep and disturbing back story, which makes fighting him even creepier. After whipping Claire whips her partner Steve Burnside away to one side, she faces Nosferatu on a wintery helipad without much visibility. It may be fairly obvious where his weak spot is, but you’ll quite literally need to play it cool to pump enough rounds in.
6. Deborah Harper – Resident Evil 6
Bombing it through the underground cavern in a minecart while trying to avoid the clutches of Helena’s gloopy sister is one of Resident Evil 6’s best sequences. At first it seems like you may have rescued Deborah in time, but it isn’t long until Leon and his partner discover she’s already been subjected to the C-virus, causing her to catch alight before birthing a more monstrous version of herself from out of her own back. 
If this imagery alone isn’t enough to make you fear Deborah, just wait until she comes at you with her four whip-like tentacles. First you face her head-on while trying not to get repeatedly lashed as the caverns crumble around you, before gunning at her from the back of a racing minecart as mentioned. The fight culminates once you hit a ridge and squeaky Deborah is forced to fall to her death. For a short while there, though, this gruesome bioweapon gets close to giving Leon and Helena the kiss of death.
5. Queen Leech – Resident Evil 0
Don’t be fooled by how regal the monster known as Queen Leech looks in human form. By the time Billy and Sherry come across her in Resident Evil Zero, she’s increased in height, gained multiple flaps, and sports a face full of enough teeth to finish you in one bite. This boss fight serves as the climax of this prequel adventure, and as such she chases you throughout multiple areas.
She’s one of the scariest Resident Evil monsters due to her disgusting final form, coupled with her ability to control loads of smaller leeches, too. Players with a hatred of slithery creatures are sure to find her disgusting.
4. Marguerite Baker – Resident Evil 7
Almost any member of Resident Evil 7’s Baker family would have been a good choice for this list, but we had to pick Marguerite due to how distinctly spooky your boss encounter with her is. Not only has she grown abnormally long limbs by the time you take her on in an abandoned outhouse but the majority of the fight also takes place in the dark. This makes your attempt to burn her all the more unnerving since she’s prone to sneak up on you and strike.
Players will likely have already developed a deep hatred for Marguerite even before this fight, though, due to the handful Metal Gear Solid-esque missions where you’re forced to sneak past her as Mia. However, all bets are off by the time you face her as Ethan. It’s just a simple case of knowing where to look and what nooks she may pop out of. Sending both Marguerite and her army of insects to Hell is satisfyingly tense and a good showcase of Resident Evil 7’s more claustrophobic first-person perspective.
3. G-virus William Birkin – Resident Evil 2 Remake
The mutated version of William Birkin already looked grotesque in Resident Evil 2 on PlayStation One, but Capcom outdid itself when returning to the character for the 2019 remake. Transformed into a ghoulish monstrosity as a result of injecting himself with the G-Virus strain, Birkin constantly cries out in pain to his wife and daughter as players concentrate fire on the gaping eye bulging out of his right-side shoulder. This final hint of humanity makes fighting him feel devastating.
Dr. Birkin loses more control of himself as the Resident Evil 2 campaign barrels towards its end, eventually transforming into a wall-crawling mass of daggers that tries to tear your head off. His pursuit of Leon and Claire eventually leads to his downfall, however, after his attempt to derail the train escaping Raccoon City is thwarted by a few pokes. Still, Birkin goes down as one of the gooiest monsters in Resident Evil history.
2. Nemesis – Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil’s original hulking stalker is still one of the scariest. First appearing in the original PS One version of Resident Evil 3 before being slightly modernized for last year’s remake, Nemesis is a massive pain the ass for ex-S.T.A.R.S member Jill Valentine because he just doesn’t stop and can appear unannounced at almost any time. His Terminator-like determination to pursue means that you’re never safe when exploring the streets of Racoon City.
Nemesis is easily recognisable by his missing lips and stitched-together skull, both of which result in a face that only a mother could love. He becomes more deformed the longer Resident Evil 3’s campaign progresses, too, making each fight feel scarier than the last. Nemesis has only ever returned in spin-offs, but you never know when he’ll pop around the corner next.
1. Mr. X – Resident Evil 2 Remake
Mr. X is the reason many players start panicking whenever they hear the sound of approaching footsteps in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Don’t be fooled by his bowler hat and trench coat, this Tyrant model T-103 looks like a wardrobe but moves at a brisk pace. As such, facing him head-on is always a bad idea, especially since he won’t stay down for long, even after pumping him full of explosive rounds. The opposite direction is always your best bet whenever Mr. X unexpectedly shows up. 
While he gradually evolves into something more monstrous and unsightly towards the end of Leon and Claire’s adventure, even Mr. X’s initially plain appearance is unsettling. You simply have no way of defeating or halting this 7-foot-tall stalker, and you’re instead forced to navigate R.P.D headquarters using an entirely different route than you first intended. This endless game of cat and mouse never fails to get the heart pumping, especially since he follows you in real time.
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was-that-a-fanfic · 5 years
Disclosed Secrets
Also On Ao3 under Wasthatafanfic
What if Wesker found out about Project W much MUCH earlier in the series,  and what if because of that Wesker were to become the sort of person who doesn’t betray his team in the mansion?
:Part Six - Epilogue:
There was no meeting in the days following the nightmare at the Spencer Estate.
After being treated for their injuries they faced a gauntlet made up of submitting reports, questionings, disbelief, and outright interrogation. They were under such intense scrutiny from every direction that outside of a single formal recorded debrief in which they all carefully danced around the topic of the 'deceased' Alpha team captain, It was just short of two weeks before the true debriefing could be held at the Burton residence.
Chris had been woefully late to their clandestine meeting and last to arrive. The round-about path he'd taken from his apartment had taken longer then he'd expected. The abandoned street had made him feel exposed and vulnerable. But driving had seemed too conspicuous, too easy to track. And while Chris knew he was being paranoid, he also knew that the paranoia was very very justified.
He wasn't the only one either. He'd by chance recognized Jill's car parked at a bar a few blocks away, one crowded enough to get lost in the crowd and easy enough to sneak out the back unnoticed, and he was mildly amused to find Rebecca's bike tucked carefully out of site on Barry's front porch as the front door was pulled open before he'd taken to steps onto it.
Barry's living room was cluttered but comfortable, the coffee table covered with newspaper articles, files, and photo's they'd collected over the week.
Barry would be leaving soon to join his family, currently safe visiting Kathy's parents in Florida, to finish moving her and the kids into their new home in Canada. Well out of Umbrella's grasp.
Of the eight surviving STARS member's only six were present. Wesker among them, despite Jill's predictions and how long he'd had to stay hidden.
Brad 'Chickenheart' Vickers, however, had run. Left town within hours of being released from the hospital. Considering what they were apparently up against they couldn't exactly blame him, but that didn't stop the sting of being abandoned by a teammate yet again.
It was Richard who had them all really worried. The COMM's officer had been in and out of surgeries the entire last week, doctors frantically working to try and counter the damage done by Yawn's necrotic poison and bite as well as the damage from Neptune's razor sharp teeth. Unfortunately they'd finally had to admit defeat, the arm had to go, and he'd gone in for the procedure to have it amputated only hours ago.
The mood around that messy coffee table was uncomfortable, tense, and somber.
The papers were already running wild with tales of drug use and gross negligence, almost gleefully spreading rumors of impending suspensions that was looking more and more likely to be true by the day. Even the investigation of the 'mysterious' fire had already been handed over to Umbrella, making the whole mess feel all the more hopeless.
They owned Racoon city, and Wesker laid out a list of every official, officer, and agent he knew of that were on their payroll. The number of STARS on the list was especially distressing, many people they knew and trusted as friends.
Albert explained the full scope of what the so-called pharmaceutical company did; the viral research that had been the source of so much terror in recent weeks, The dangerous bioweapons they created, illegal human testing and experimentation, and of course project W. It seemed no one was off-limits now on the staff just as likely to end up his experiments is anyone else.
There were some things he wasn't quite ready to share and some things that, with the trauma still so fresh, they weren't ready to hear. But he did give them the folder he collected on himself and his new 'condition'. 
The sparse couple of pages it had begun as had grown over the near decade-and-a-half since Wesker had first discovered project W, though it was still severely lacking. He hadn't had access to the equipment needed to get a good idea of what the prototype virus had done to him.
What he could ascertain at least was that there had been no further visible mutations beyond his eyes and no obvious deterioration, by now he was at least certain he wasn't going to 'go zombie' as Chris semi-jokingly referred to it at one point.
Enrico's plan was to ferret out the trustworthy and still uncorrupted among STARS ranks and use them to start pushing out the rest and taking the evidence they had of what they'd done, using Wesker as not just a key witness but exhibit A up the chain of the u.s. government.
Wesker had no interest in that particular course of action.
Begrudgingly he admitted it wasn't until he'd joined STARS and was exposed to their (naïve, arguably childish) morality that it occurred to him to bring them just justice, instead of simply causing its destruction through their competitors. So when he'd had access to what could have served as the hard evidence they needed he'd only been interested in what he could sell off to the highest bidder.
That meant that not only was his list likely just a fraction of those actually influenced by the company but the evidence he had on hand was only enough to implicate Umbrella on a local level.
Even with himself as evidence he knew exactly what would happen if he went along with Enrico's plan.
Imprisonment, interrogation, testing, and most likely forced service.
He'd just slipped one leash, he wasn't especially interested in immediately trading it for another.
So, in spite of vocal protests and debate, he would shortly be leaving the country to track down Umbrella's head office, the true location of which even he hadn't been privy to, and destroy them there. Feeding information and evidence back to them as he collected it so they could strengthen their side of the mission.
Enrico would have the key witness he so wanted soon anyway, with William (the only person outside their team who knew of his survival) already taking steps for his own defection. But William was almost, if not more obsessive in his research than Wesker himself and wouldn't abandon his work on the G virus until it had reach completion. Once it did though he had no problem handing it over to the government to seal Umbrellas fate. All they needed to do was keep attention elsewhere and the most damming evidence would be delivered with a bow and a gleeful middle finger toward their former employers.
As they finished their plan Wesker was surprised to be pulled aside not once but twice for a final word.
First by Rebecca who stopped him just before he stood
"I, uh…"
"I've sort of been spreading rumors that Richard agreed with the story the papers are running and told him to say he couldn't remember what happened if he was asked. To make it sound like trauma-induced amnesia."
She received a nod of approval from Wesker, and a disbelieving laugh from Jill just behind them at finally knowing where those rumors had started.
That would improve his chances, and he told her as much, they would most likely approach him with a pay off and, despite Enrico scoffing at the idea, it was probably a good idea for him to accept the bribe, then use the grace period it would provide him to get somewhere safe while he finished recovering. Even if they assumed he wasn't a risk they wouldn't leave that loose end dangling for long.
The second was even more a surprise. He planned to use the tree line of the bordering park as cover, the dark wasn't nearly as much of an impediment now, his night vision much improved since his infection, along with his hearing. Which meant As he slipped out Barry's back door into the dark yard he heard the soft *tump* of the door being gently stopped by a palm.
"When do you leave?"
He didn't even pause before answering.
"Immediately, I should have been gone as soon as we cleared the mansion. What do you want Chris?"
The smirk he found on his point mans face when he turned was unexpected.
"How about two days?"
Orange eyes narrowed behind dark lensed sunglasses Wesker wore even now.
"And why would you need that?"
"To have enough time to get suspended. So no one'll bat an eye when I take a 'vacation' to 'clear my head'. I hear Europe is nice this time of year."
The silence was enough the crickets started up their song.
"You must be joking."
Behind the smile it was clear in Chris's gaze how serious hours conviction was.
"This isn't over yet, and I wouldn't mind taking the fight to them. So?"
Amusement twitched his own lip into a smirk of his own, the prospect an unexpected and intriguing one. Considering Irons had had it out for Chris almost from the very start it was doubtful he'd need the full forty-eight hours to stage an actionable offence.
But he supposed they would need time to pack.
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chiauve · 6 years
Enemy Mine - days 10-13
Tumblr media
Summary: Chris has succeeded....or has he?
Note: I forgot a little tidbit last time and added it in the last post.
Cover art by Pelissa.
        Along with the promise of jobs and prosperity, Umbrella had pledged to back the construction of a modern hospital in Raccoon City, a pledge that would now remain unfulfilled for an unknown amount of time. Chris didn't regret his decision to alter history, but he'd forgotten to what extent Umbrella's downfall would affect the town. He was reminded now as he stood watch over the Wesker children as they took turns being looked over by the overworked doctors and nurses of the single, small clinic that serviced the town. Outside of that were a few family doctors that ran a clinic out of their homes and made house calls. A couple of them had answered the late night calls and came to assist handling the 'poor lost children'.
         They'd arrived at the RPD without incident, the children disturbingly docile to the point Gary worried they were in shock. The mere mention of it made blankets appear and Jen the dispatcher started making hot cocoa. The fact they looked at the sweet drink like they didn't know what it was was depressing.
         It was in the midst of getting the children's fingerprints and making calls to social services and the next town over for missing child records that Orellana noticed markings under one of the boy's collar. Rolling back a few sleeves revealed old scarring on some of them. This and the current minor injuries (and the fact that Five smashed Seven's face into the wall earlier) made them hasten through the fingerprinting and get the kids to the clinic before any questioning or attempt at proper identification.
         The bus arrived to take the children just as the mayor practically kicked in the door in stressed fury and Chris, Gary, and Lake were happy to take the out and left Captain Orellana to handle the initial reports and the mayor and Chief Lowe.
         They mostly just stood around, trying to stay out of the nurses' way as they ushered children about. He didn't miss Two quietly informing a nurse he would like more cocoa. The Wesker children were being compliant, yes, but not polite. They didn't ask for things but told people what they wanted and apparently expected to get it. One doctor's eye was beyond twitching as Twelve, or Alex, told him how she would deal with her own injuries since he was clearly incompetent.
         Chris kept an eye on Albert and took note when he was guided to an examination room by one of the nurses, a doctor following soon after. When that doctor emerged a little while later he couldn't help but inquire about Wesker's health.
         "He was the only one who struggled earlier," he explained when the doctor gave him an odd look, "I just wanted to make sure he was okay."
         The doctor shrugged. "He's dehydrated and a bit malnourished. After a couple of good meals he should be fine. All the children have old scarring and signs of injury of varying degrees. These kids have been put through hell, but it looks like they were given medical attention afterwards so it could have been a lot worse than it is." His voice dropped low, allowing out some of his anger, "Still, what sick people do this to children? Some of these injuries are years old! This was out at that mansion in the mountains? Is that fancy 'Lord' Spencer involved in this?"
         "I can't say anything for certain right now," Chris lied.
         Gary was still trying his luck with Seven since she'd been the most forthcoming so far. She was even more so after getting her head smashed, glowering at Five and explaining away clearly just to spite him.
         "When did all the adults leave you guys?"
         She gave a small tilt of her head in a shrug like it hardly mattered. "Two days before you all began trespassing, I suppose."
         "Two days all by yourselves? The place was pretty well lit up."
         "Of course. We must always ensure the mansion is welcoming in case Father comes home."
         "And who is Father?"
         She gave another tilt of her head and said nothing.
         Gary didn't bother pressing that line of questioning, there'd be plenty of time for that later and most likely not by him. "Did you guys have food during those two days? Did anyone make sure you could take care of yourselves?"
        "We can take care of ourselves. We were told to wait, so we did. Thirteen broke into the kitchen stores yesterday. He's not supposed to do that but he always disobeys. Since it was already stolen we took it from him for ourselves."
         He sighed. "You could all share, you know, and then no one has to be hungry."
         Seven wrinkled her nose at him like the idea was abhorrent. "If you can't defend what you have you don't deserve it."
         Chris watched the exchange sadly, feeling bad for both Gary and the children. Gary looked a bit distraught but he didn't understand the depth of how twisted these children became. Had they survived would they have been just like Wesker? Or was it, as far as Chris knew, that he was the only one to return to Umbrella what damned Wesker to his mad end? Had the others actually managed to create somewhat normal lives for themselves before it was brought to an end by the T-virus?
         He didn't know in his own time, and he'd probably still never know in this one. Once all this was done with the children would be handed off to social services and would no longer be of concern to him. They were free of Umbrella.
         "Hey," Lake leaned on the wall next to Chris, "Didn't get a chance to ask earlier, but how'd you know that one bugger's name?"
         "The crazy one, Thirteen, you called him Albert or something when he was tryin' to cut up Gary. How'd you know?"
         "Uh, well… There were some names attached to the clothing order. I just yelled out the first one that came to me."
         "That's pretty damn lucky," Lake said, his voice betraying he didn't believe it.
         "It's been a pretty lucky night. Could have gone a lot worse."
         "True. But I wasn't expectin' to find any kids, to be honest. Who'da thought we were about to get into bed with those Umbrella sickos. What were they tryin' to accomplish?"
         "Who knows."
         The doctors' findings were about the same, the children were overall healthy if underfed and so they were herded back onto the bus and returned to the RPD. The exhausted tactical unit handed them off to awaiting uniformed officers and went to find out how many more grey hairs Orellana gained this night. Chris watched Albert as he was ushered out of sight by the officers, an odd feeling in his gut, and then followed after his teammates.
         Chris tried very hard to never compare Captain Orellana to Wesker, but sometimes he couldn't help it, especially when the Captain looked like he was about ready to eat someone's face. That happened a lot when government officials were around. Chief Lowe didn't look much better as the mayor vented his frustrations on the loss of Umbrella and the promise of city progress, not to mention how making such connections with revealed kidnappers and child abusers would make him look.
         The judge had signed the warrant but Mayor Lundgren had made his displeasure with the whole affair known to everyone. Storming Spencer's mansion, which had been a staple of the Arklay Mountains for over seven years, would damage relations with Oswell Spencer by offending him and making them all look like fools if they were wrong. And how could they not be wrong? Kidnapping? Brainwashing and experimenting on children? What nonsense.
         Mayor Lundgren had prepared for the impending apology; he'd been up all last night writing his statement and condemnation of the police force for not performing their jobs properly. He was not at all prepared for twelve abused children to be extracted and dumped into his police department.
         Chris didn't give a damn about the mayor's reputation or the lost opportunities for progress. Something else would come along eventually or it wouldn't. If anything they'd have to make up some reason to use those electric trams underneath the city and would try to entice another company out to Raccoon City. Construction of the chemical plant Umbrella was to use had already begun so surely someone else could make use of it.
         He was suddenly tired. Physically from the night's work but also a weariness from the sheer anticlimactic succeeding in his mission. The Wesker children were free from Umbrella, which was now exposed. Spencer and his people fled.
         It was over.
         Chris didn't feel cheerful or even assured.
         Seeing his men outside the door, Captain Orellana excused himself from the Chief's volatile office and made his escape, shutting the door behind him with a long-suffering groan.
         "Everything hunky-dori as ever, huh?"
         "Shut up, Wright. Debrief tomorrow morning and I'll need your full reports before the end of the business day. This is a mess and it's only going to get worse before it gets better so get a good night's sleep. Hell, debrief at eleven o'clock; I want some sleep at some point too," Orellana said, rubbing at his eyes.
         "What about the kids," Chris asked.
         "I'll keep you informed best I can but they're not really our concern anymore. They're going to be questioned tomorrow, probably be given psychological assessments to see how bad the damage is, then handed over to social services who are going to try to locate their families."
         And that was that.
         Chris went back to his lonely house and crashed, earning relief from any dreams and sleeping the rest of the night through. The debriefing included the K-9 unit's full report, including the discovery of the body of the missing child beneath the mansion in space being dug out for unknown purposes. (Chris knew, of course, but said nothing.) Initial report suggested she'd drowned but it was hard to tell as she'd been cut open and apparently experimented on. The coroner of course would have the final word. Nobody said anything when Lake excused himself to throw up when photographs were shown.
         Files on the children had been uncovered and then promptly locked away, the depth of Umbrella's disgusting acts to be seen only as needed in the case of the children's care and not for the public. Mayor Lundgren was in damage control mode and Chris suspected much of this whole incident wasn't going to make it to the public's attention.
         In the end the official word was that a cult had kidnapped the children as infants and was raising them as child soldiers out at the mansion for the usual cultish revolution. It was close enough, Chris thought, and despite the fact that Umbrella's involvement was glossed over its marriage with Raccoon City was finished.
         Umbrella was finished.
         It should have been over, but Chris lay awake at night, wondering. The Wesker children were liberated, yes, but Spencer was still out there, as well as Marcus and Ashford (well, one of them), so while the name Umbrella might be done what was to stop them from trying again elsewhere? Would they start over? Would Spencer give up on his Project W entirely and merely focus on his search for immortality through Progenitor viruses?
         Or… what was to stop them from continuing the project as is?
         Chris went cold at the thought despite his mound of blankets. The children had been released into the world sometime in their teens to seek out their own paths, what if all Chris had done was move that release date up?
         The staff had fled and left the children behind. Children who followed orders and did not resist when the RPD came to take them away.
         Except Albert. Had he attacked them in defense or was it as Alex said in that he was actually trying to get away and Gary just happened to be blocking the door?
         If he was right, then Umbrella could come back for the Wesker children later.
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