#sucking out venom
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Notruf Hafenkante S06E04
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ed-died688 · 4 months
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lemonlimestar · 26 days
dc i have two requests. 1) bring anita fite back 2) make her a DYKE
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camzverse · 5 months
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spider-van spider-van does whatever a spider-van can
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drunkeddiediaz · 29 days
Eddie gets stung by bees on his ass 😔
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fellhellion · 1 year
Something something the spot’s goofy antics distract from how dangerous his own entitlement and resentment is
#I don’t want to be that guy but I feel a little bit like spot gets sanded down a tad into just the fact he’s funny#and he IS funny I get it. but what makes him scary is the power to lash out with his entitlement and resentment towards miles#it’s you did this TO ME (miles didn’t#he was busy getting pummeled by kingpin and then venom shocking him back and the building was being EVACUATED it’s literally no one’s fault#but spot’s that he was there AND miles didn’t even know he was there when the collider exploded)#so I’m owed the role that you made me into <- miles literally didn’t do this#I’m OWED being your nemesis because I created you <- when all of itsv is about its miles own choices that make him heroic and not the bite#spot can’t even take ownership of his own actions. he’s like oh IM not robbing you that’s the bank. well buddy I don’t see you robbing the#bank I see you harassing some guy owning a corner store#like I get it. ur a cosmic horror and it sucks capitalism is pushing u down and u can’t get a job but like OWN UP TO WHAT THE HELL YOU DO#LMAO#and even miles trying to genuinely reach out and say look I’m sorry I made u feel bad (even though this isn’t an owed apology) and spot#STILL is hellbent on breaking miles back for an imagined slight#I AM GOING TO KILL YOUR LITERAL FATHER BECAUSE I BLAME YOU FOR SOMETHING YOU DIDNT DO#like god lmao. he’s a fun silly villain but there’s legitimate anger and spite and RESENTMENT motivating him purely to try hurt miles back a#as* badly as he imagines miles hurt him. when it’s like dude. own tf up to who’s responsible here#I’m not angry at the spot btw I actually think he’s a fun villain but I think recognising that resentment is what makes him effective as a#*​frightening* villain and one that poses legitimate danger#tunes talks spiderverse#apologies xinakwans ik u said you didn’t want to read any spot posts hopefully this snags on ur filtered content block shdjfjfk
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waitineedaname · 5 months
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im enjoying heaven official's blessing so far
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bonkin · 1 year
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good morning
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crmsndragonwngss · 2 months
I feel the need to stress that I’m not still losing my mind over my lil kpop boy wearing a Mayhem patch in the year of our lord 2022 for gatekeepy reasons. As a general rule, I automatically assume that if someone is wearing merch then they have engaged with the media that merch is from in some way. And even if they haven’t and they’re only wearing it for the aesthetic, that’s cool too I don’t give a shit. If it had just been the Beherit patch I would’ve probably been a little floored and screamed about it some, then probably woulda thought y’know it’s possible he actually listens to them and moved on with my life. But Mayhem???
There is no fucking way anyone involved in that outfit choice had any idea what that patch was because, if they did, they would not have put it on him and he wouldn’t have worn it. Like… Mayhem is probably one of the most infamous black metal bands in history, but you’ve probably never heard of them unless you’re into metal or were alive and cognizant in the early 90s. In saying that, I think everyone’s heard of Those Norwegian Black Metal Bands That Burned Churches. Yeah… one of those was Mayhem. There’s also, y’know, murder and shit involved in that story, and like suicide that was probably coerced so… yeah no idk just a hunch but I don’t think anyone knew what the fuck they were doing in that shoot and I don’t think I’m ever gonna stop thinking about it
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vulpinesaint · 1 day
they actually write bad venom comics in order to hurt my feelings specifically. the 2003 run is so fucking ridiculous (/neg) because i was born and they didn't want me personally to have nice things (good venom comics)
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
oh my god hua cheng drank xie lian’s blood it’s canon
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mechanicalowls · 4 months
Want Me To
a terrornoss fic inspired by my possibly in michigan animatic
chapter 4 - it hits the fan
rating: m (for graphic violence, language, and shadow man evan is a warning in and of himself, also the next couple chapters are about possession so just a heads up)
chapter under the cut:
Brian dug his nails into the steering wheel, leaving little indents in the rubber. He was at the mall again the next day, just like the shadow man commanded. He'd taken initiative and came here earlier, allowing himself more time before nightfall. As much as he feared for his safety, he found he couldn't morally skip coming here every day.
Despite the shadow man all but showing his hand in causing the sickness Brian suffered from missing being here at least once a day, Brian found himself almost eager to come back every day. It was addicting, like a drug, and the sickness he suffered from not getting his hit was withdrawal. Plain and simple, this place made his life more interesting, life threatening or not.
He'd called into work specifically to come to the mall early today. But now that he was here, he felt sick.
Another car was in the lot.
A familiar one.
He'd been followed by one of those groups of “professional” urban explorers enough to recognize their leader's expensive-looking raised truck. A bitter taste permeated Brian's mouth at the sight of it. The mall was in no way a place he'd call a safe haven, but he felt as though his territory was being encroached upon.
Those snooty, sorry excuses of vloggers had no respect for the places they explored. They'd come in, wreak havoc, destroy something, do a dumb skit, and leave with complete disregard for the damage they'd done. 
And now they were more than likely doing the same to the mall.
The bruise on his chest throbbed painfully.
The shadow man.
What was he going to do with these intruders?
Maybe he could read his mind.
Brian, park in the back. Come through a back door.
Brian gulped, but did as he was told. He feared what would happen if he didn’t.
He parked his car next to an old dumpster, closer to the building than what would’ve probably normally been allowed. Upon spying a back door that didn’t appear to be locked (he was sure the shadow man would unlock it for him even if it was), he opened the metallic door slowly so as to not make any noise. He didn't want the wannabes to know he was here, and this place echoed.
Some dim overhead lights buzzed at Brian as he gazed over his surroundings. He was in a warehouse of sorts. Dozens of unopened cardboard boxes were stacked all around rows of tables. Much like the rest of the mall, the room teemed with signs of life. There were work gloves, box cutters, and scissors discarded on the tables, like they had been set down while an employee took a break. Some of the tables even had opened bottles of water and soda.
There were bits of styrofoam and used packing tape littering the floor. A stack of empty cardboard boxes stood idle next to a trash compactor. Brian could feel the breeze from outside through the opening. He shivered, but not from the chilly fall air.
He could feel the shadow man's aura radiating off of him. He could feel his presence. 
He could feel the figure’s emotions.
And he was livid.
He trembled at the feeling. The shadow man scared him enough when Brian merely said or did something he didn't like. Even if he wasn't truly frightened of the figure cloaked in darkness, just as he had told him; the being still unnerved him. What would he be like when he was well and truly enraged?
Scurrying through the buzzing back room, Brian emerged in the office of some clothing store he couldn't name. It was small and cramped, barely able to fit the desk and a filing cabinet. As he reached for the knob, Brian found it would not twist. He wrenched it with all his might but the damn thing just refused to open.
He was trapped.
Or so he thought.
Brian fell silent as he strained his ears to listen through the door. A voice, many voices. All grating on the ears as they loudly commentated over the dated clothing they filmed. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but he heard lots of laughter, and lots of smashing.
They were fucking wrecking the place, just as he feared.
Brian yanked at the knob again, desperate to get out there and give them a piece of his mind. It remained motionless, his reflection in the worn brass was smudged with his fingerprints.
Suddenly, Brian was ripped backwards by the hood of his sweatshirt and slammed against a wall. He knocked his head hard, and he almost slumped over before he was pressed against the wall by a wispy black talon. A growl, not dissimilar to a bear's, curled around his head. He almost howled at the pain in his chest before the talon closed over his mouth. 
The shadow man scowled at him, dead in the eye. His features were more pronounced now that they were up close and personal, despite still (somehow) being cloaked in a shadow . He could see the shape of the being's head, his shoulder length hair that kept it's shape somehow. His nose was wrinkled in disgust. His brow was furrowed so deeply that Brian wasn't sure he'd ever be able to emote properly ever again. His other hand clutched the collar of his sweatshirt, pressing him up against the wall with his forearm. 
Yup. Livid.
Who are these people? The shadow man snarled. Brian winced at his tone.
I save your fucking life and this is how you repay me? By bringing these insufferable little brats into this fucking place? Intruding upon my home? Of course. I should've known I was making a mistake letting you live.
Brian furrowed his own brow and bit the inky black palm over his lips. The figure hissed and pulled his hand back, snarling at him again.
“I didn't bring these fockers here, dickhead! I hate them just as much as you do!” Brian whisper-yelled. He grasped the shadowy forearm that was so close to choking him, clawing at it to pull it away. The shadow man sneered.
Of course not. Of course these roaches suddenly discover this place out of nowhere after something interesting happens to you. How stupid do you think I am, Brian?
“I swear on me mother's life I didn't bring them here! They've been following me ever since I started doing urban exploration!” Brian all but howled. The shadow man growled again.
They've what?
The arm on his chest loosened. Brian inhaled deeply, relaxing his shoulders. The shadow man continued to stare into his soul. Brian swallowed.
“I've been explorin’ abandoned places for months. Saw some videos and wanted to do it for myself. Kept runnin’ into these guys and another group. Figured they were followin’ me.” Brian explained.
“They do this to all the places they go to. Completely wreck the place, record some stupid scripted shit, then get the fuck outta dodge.” Brian relayed, crossing his arms in distaste. The shadow man growled and turned to the door, glaring heavily at it.
They're destroying the mall. He grumbled. Brian sighed.
“That's what they do, man. We can try and scare them out. I don't know how well that'll work, but it's better than nothin’.” A rumble emitted from the shadow man at that. He faded into nothingness, leaving Brian alone in the office. He cursed.
But the door inched open in his wake.
Peering through the crack, Brian saw the destroyed clothing store. Racks were tipped over, shirts and pants alike were strewn about the floor. The registers were opened and looted, and one of the windows was completely smashed. Brian felt a twitch in his eye. The wannabes were just outside the entrance of the department store, giving over exaggerated tellings of the state of disrepair the mall was in. Brian growled.
But it didn't sound right. 
Brian blinked, and felt nauseous instantaneously. He looked down at his hands. They raised to meet his gaze, but he didn't raise them. He raised his right leg, then his left. He flexed his fingers, then rolled his neck. Despite the mall still being heated and cooled accordingly, a frigid chill suddenly overtook his body. It felt as though he had broken into a cold sweat. His limbs were moving of their own accord, still flexing and relaxing. Like he was trying to get a feel of his own appendages.
He felt like he was in the backseat of his own body.
Just relax, Bri. I'm just going to borrow you for a minute~ Came a sickly sweet voice, echoing in his head.
Oh fuck.
He watched from the sidelines of his own head as the shadow man pulled his hood up, messing his hair up more than it already was. He flexed Brian's fingers a couple more times, exhaling hard and grinning wickedly.
Brian was fucked.
“What the fuck are ya doin’?!” Brian cried inside his own head. He heard a chuckle that wasn't his own tumble from his lips.
I told you, I'm just borrowing you for a minute. I'm taking care of my problem. Of your problem. The least you can do is lend me your physicality. The shadow man purred. 
Brian felt sick.
He could only stare in abject horror as the shadow man, masquerading as a loser irishman, stalked towards the wannabes. One of the girls saw him approaching in her selfie camera, and whipped around to scold him. The others turned towards him too. They all began berating him for ruining their shot, for taking their space.
One of the big dudes shoved him. The shadow man possessing Brian stumbled back, his eye twitching. Brian gulped.
I'd recommend looking away if you're squeamish, Bri. The somehow oddly comforting voice of the shadow man posited inside his head.
Brian couldn't tear his eyes away, both in shock and morbid fascination.
He watched himself sock the man straight in the nose. He heard the loud crunch of cartilage and skull breaking. He heard the horrified screams and startled yells of the rest of the wannabes. He felt the cascading blood coat his hand. He shuddered at the realization that his fist didn't stop when it connected with the man's nose.
It kept pressing forward, breaking skin and skull alike. He almost hurled from the feeling of flesh and blood squishing around his hand. His hand emerged from the other side of the man's head, completely coated in blood and bits of brain matter.
The wannabes screamed. Brian gagged. The shadow man grinned.
Pulling his hand free, the shadow man turned to the rest of the group, his teeth bared, like a snarling dog. Loud gurgling and a heavy thump signified the death of the man behind him. Brian felt faint as the wannabes took off down the corridor, scattering every which way.
They won't get very far, Bri, don't you worry. The shadow man spouted, almost cheerfully. Brian was terrified, but he couldn't bring himself to look away. As he strode past, the shadow man paused at the discarded video equipment. He looked down at the fallen camera in fascination.
“Destroy it.” Brian whispered to him out of nowhere. His own demand startled him. He just witnessed himself murder a man in cold blood with one singular punch, and he was helping the culprit cover it up.
What in the fuck was happening to him?
Great minds think alike.
The shadow man stomped on the camera hard, doing the same to the rest of the equipment. He trodded over the debris as he made their way down the corridor, following the trail of the wannabes.
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hekateisconfused · 2 months
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mo-ok · 5 months
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fellas whats more contrived
cant transform because pretending to have memory wiped
cant transform because brace knocked off wrist and crushed by falling rocks
cant transform because stung on arm by big scorpion monster and now arm too sore to transform on account of had to cut open wound and suck the venom out of arm (arm is an integral part of the henshin sequence)
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chryzuree · 1 year
my babysitter’s a vampire chryzurejacks au!!!!! tragically, in trying to impress his childhood friend, jacks fucks up so bad that now his parents have assigned the new french boy to keep an eye on him&his sister and he loses all of chrysi’s respect. also he has to watch her fall in love w his vampire babysitter :| who IS only a year older than him 😔
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selfcarecap · 2 months
My cousin made me watch Grimbsy today and I genuinely have lost all faith in humanity
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