#sue personal
suedrawl · 2 years
here we go nerds season 2 finale of Made in Abyss let’s go and suffer!!!!
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pteropods · 1 year
I am actually so serious I think it really messes with a childs creativity and joy to tell them to never make a mary sue OC. Like that unbridaled form of joy where you make a self insert OC who super cool and everyone loves them and they have every superpower in the world SHOULD be something a kid makes, it nourishes their ability to create things for fun and not be stifled by "oh but what if my character is too overpowered and cringey...". whatever
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qiinamii · 1 year
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old men's little guys
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andorerso · 2 months
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Rogue One as a Netflix series: what if the team survived Scarif? (in/sp; template)
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sic-vita · 7 months
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The Sandman | Morpheus and Lucienne
MORPHEUS: And yet you remained while others fled, the royal librarian of an abandoned kingdom LUCIENNE: I never felt abandoned. I knew you would return.
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marisatomay · 2 years
my most boomer thomas edison was a witch technology is killing us take is that i believe in my soul that deepfakes should not only be illegal but we should destroy all of the technology behind them
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sleepy-hawks · 5 months
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Cowboy’s last rodeo..
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daisiesonafield-blog · 8 months
I love this man so much I can’t even explain it
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ganondoodle · 28 days
just saw more on twitter about the stupid book and apparently theres a "timeline update" and supposedly hylia made the stupid magic pebbles
yeah sure, say whatever you want, theres no saving this shit anymore, lore down the drain yeehaaawww
one of my biggest fears before totk came out was that it would screw not only botw lore up but also mess with existing lore, and i hate to be right on that part, id much prefer if theyd leave whatever shit they invent as being something new and not something that has "totally always existed", they clearly dont care about lore consistency, why do they keep trying to connect things afterwards anyway
....... if im being honest, i was surprised but glad that the game didnt actually end up killing my passion for the franchise even if it made me struggle for a good while
the stupid book might. and im being serious.
i really just want to throw everything zelda related i ever made or bought away right now, it will only get worse from here and the sooner i can stop caring the better
"that sounds unhealthy" oh you dont say?? i am mentally ill, in fact, the passion that an obsession like that brings with it can turn into some really ugly distress, i am aware of it, i do fucking wish i could just stop caring about lore and timelines and find something else, but i cant, thats not how this works, just bc i am aware of how stupid this is doesnt mean i can change anything about it, i feel what i feel
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violent138 · 2 months
I know canonically a large percentage of Bats do not live in Wayne Manor (nor do they want to and it would be so bizarre and concerning if they did) but at the same time I am not immune to finding the implications of Bruce having everyone in the house hilarious. Obviously the Manor isn't some infinite hotel, so I'm thinking of the who would be the worst people to share rooms, picturing two people who tried to kill each other last night arguing over who gets to shower first (one has school and the other is a dick who got woken up because several people had school). Also because the idea of Wayne Manor not being a mausoleum and instead full of the kind of kids that Thomas and Martha likely would have raised (intelligent, highly skilled, positive forces for change) is a fun idea to play around with. The issues arise when we consider that kidnapping is kind of bad and that several parents are alive, but for the sake of the bit, still funny to imagine Alfred playing host to an army of night owls who communicate near telepathically via grunts and violence.
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suedrawl · 2 years
financial vent
I went -$88, even after adjusting my budget and a friend’s support. i feel so shitty. scared my account is finally going to be shut down after so many negatives this year (thanks predatory capitalism and banking systems)
i went over what i spent. I caught up on gas, electric, paypal credit, spent some to pablo, helped a friend out, and donated to extra life stuff
but the day i did my grocery/costco run is where i went over. and i shouldn’t had treated myself with genshin impact gems ($20ish?) and new disposable vape (also $20ish)
part of me is like…god i’m so embarrassed. but i screwed up so others should see this and be disappointed /:
but. idk you grew up so poor and get sick of being paycheck to paycheck and not allowing yourself any fun or enjoyment, and it’s so hard to grasp when depressed
and there’s so much im behind on, even a few hundred dollars and i’m still catching up. i still need to pay my psychiatrist bill, hopefully before it goes into collections. my apple card is months behind and i’m working out a payment plan. i really need to pay off paypal credit and be done with that (and i’m not even thinking of the $12,000 medical bill that’s been outstanding for years)
also the lowkey oof that i avoid the questioning from ppl here about traveling to TN during the holidays, and then that reminds me I’m wanting to get xmas gifts in order soon
anyway im… feeling pretty rough ngl. i had a burst of energy this saturday and likely overdid it trying to get as much as i could done (exercise hardcore making trip back and forth from car after the costco run ow). sunday i overslept (no win tbh, body desperate to sleep but then also can’t) and also spent a couple hours cleaning and organizing before bed last night. now, i’m pretty achey, bad headache, stiff, been bloated/IBS, dizzy (kinda flu like sensations, but fibromyalgia)
i have some goals, things to do this week, projects to catch up on, want to do NaNo, cleaning apartment properly, contact doctors/set up appointments, have a lot to cook/prep so healthy food i bought doesn’t go bad, wanted to help Pablo on some things, been really bad socializing and hanging with friends, and the list keeps going. i know i should be rly thankful that i don’t have to currently be working in retail again, among other blessings that allow me space to rest and heal. so it could be a lot worse
still, wish i could function better. and not to blame it all on chronic illnesses/I should be accountable—more and more i’m realizing how limited i am when sick
hhhhhhhhh i’m tired. i’m really sorry
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gay-meowmeow · 2 months
me on tiktok whenever i see nc scene discourse, someone saying how "traumatized" they were by seeing 2 queer people having sexual encounters onscreen, or demonize any bl/gl that isnt pg13, "wholesome", or "pure".
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starrystevie · 11 months
steve falls in love with eddie because he's this perfect amalgamation of everyone he's ever loved.
there's nancy's curly brown hair, of course, but also her fierce stubbornness and her bashful little smile when steve is being purposefully obtuse. there's tommy's passion, his impulsivity, his need to get under steve's skin in the best way possible. there's jonathan's quick remarks with a crooked grin and heather m's soft touches on bruised skin and robin's flailing hands when she talks that steve loves so much.
there's even the dorkiness of his kids that only amplifies when eddie's around them, all their talks of fantastic worlds that steve knows nothing about but nods along like he gets it. there's the bright blinding smiles that seem to pull at every face in the room when they win, hooting and hollering in a harmonious chorus.
steve falls in love with eddie for all of those things but also for all of the things he possesses on his own. his charm and his wit, his need to make steve smile every waking moment. the way he knows when steve needs quiet and dark so he closes the blinds before wrapping him up in his steady arms.
eddie falls in love with steve for all of the things that seem new to him.
he's never had a guy treat him like steve does, never had soft smiles and cards on valentines day, never had date nights or kisses in the daytime or a hand that fits gently against his own. he doesn't feel like a dirty secret pushed away to closets and out of windows. he doesn't see the quick glances around to make sure no one's watching before he gets into steve's car like he's used to getting with old partners. he doesn't get shushed or ignored or heartbroken.
he's used to being shrouded in darkness but steve is like sunshine, his love warming eddie like sunrays in and of themselves. he's used to confusion and questions but steve makes him feel wanted. makes him feel loved back.
steve is protective and smart. he sees through the bullshit eddie's built up around himself and holds him when those walls inevitably crumble down. eddie falls in love with steve because he sees him for who he truly is and loves him because of it.
they fall in love with each other because their jagged edges were made for one another, like puzzle pieces in the wrong box finding their way back home. they fall in love with each other because nothing else has ever felt more right. they fall in love with each other because everyone they loved before was a trial, a test, pushing them together whether they knew it or not.
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cosmicwhoreo · 11 months
don't mind me, I made a thing for a thing that I'm not too sure when I'll be done with 'cause it requires coding knowledge-
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Idk It always bothered me that they both had only one sprite, so I wanted to fix that
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room-of-lies · 2 months
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owed art ehe.. the horrible co-workers
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dkettchen · 2 months
SCIENCE IS ON IT! The kids will be ok 🙏
(They're even calling to stop the ban while they're doing this and on the same side as the rest of us in that "[they too believe that] clinicians, patients and families should make decisions about treatment on the best available evidence, not politicians."!)
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