#sugar milkk
i ate. one quarter jar. cinnannamon suagaaaaar. with the milk. diy cinnamilk if you will. i sipped it. 63683693964)94963968/10 would recommend especially warm I need to sleep but brain will not but I highly recommend the cinnamilk the asexual warm milk yessssss
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wilmaslittleflower · 10 months
i awso waana try th brownn sugarr milkk i like sugarrrrr :3
taro looks coooool i like th purrrrple purple prreeeetty
brown sugar wone ihs good!!! Wittle sweet buwt iht good!
Wuv taro!! Peciawwy wit tapioca bubbles! Purple wone of my favowite cowows!
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thesugarhole · 4 years
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@frickhead-jpeg​​ Let me preface this by apologizing for this reply being one whole week late, but I hate writing, combined with all the info flowing at the same time, i had to segment this.
I can’t guarantee you that I’ll stick to just facts, since Sanrio creates a mascot, gives them 2-3 traits and moves on; a lot of this is from my inferring. I also can’t give you that much info on my melody since I’m not as interested on her- most of what I know is from the anime anyway.
Note: If I’m assuming something wrong/need to know something PLEASE tell me I will devour the knowledge
So, lloromannic.
(I REALLY did not want to readmore this as if this were reblogged, I’d like all the info to go with it, but this is a 9 page word document WITHOUT images, so I’m sparing everyone.)
They debuted in 2007- same year as Kagamine Rin/Len. Kind of an odd coincidence that they’re both like, a boy/girl duo… if only I knew the exact date for lloromannic. I guess it was That kind year for characters????
Also, fun somewhat related fact to increase the sus levels: The 2008 song Kokoro (&Kiseki eventually but not) by toraboruta story is pretty much identical to lloromannic’s origin, just like… taken seriously. And more tragic, whatever. Just makes me think people know something I don’t about this……………………………………….. Their status isn’t as vague as the Kagamines though, as Sanrio often reinforces the “they’re friends!” bit. A lot of people think of them as dating- it’s somewhat supported, as whenever Cherry is sucking up to Espresso Berry appears deterred.
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(Don’t think I have the original image of this one, sorry)
However, he doesn’t act jealous nor argues about it, which could be reinterpreted as just him being afraid of losing her as friend. Personally, I love the found trope family on them and think some sort of unbreakable blood of battle is thicker than the water of the womb (sorry for being cheesy) suits them perfectly!!! I just think found families are neat. (I’m not opposed to the ship though, it’s just not something I lean on often)
Before I forget, lloromannic is cinnamoroll backwards.
They were created shortly after Kuromi given her success as a little demon subversion of My Melody, so design and motive wise they have a lot in common. Unfortunately, they did not become nearly as popular, probably BECAUSE SANRIO FORGOT TO PUT THEM IN A DECENT CINNAMOROLL ANIME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO ANGRY WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL!!! LLOROMANNIC COUNTRY!!!
I read from a poorly translated blog long ago that the word lloromannic doesn’t refer to just those two, but rather the whole town they come from, and more lloromannic characters should be brought to light more often. Make of that what you will, BUT I do know one more character I’ve seen in Fuwa Fuwa Cinnamoroll fanart that also comes from lloromannic, called Cavity. He’s(?) basically like a cloud with little demon wings and tail. MS Paint mouse drawing because I can’t be bothered to plug in my tablet:
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Addition: remembered this image one of the llorobots at twitter post and that it has what I believe is cavity along with other cloud characters? So there you have it.
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Something like that… I don’t remember if he has hands or not honestly bhddhajv. From what I inferred from fanarts, I guess he worked alongside (maybe even bossed around) Berry and Cherry in regard to taking over Cinnamon’s coffee shop. I can’t confirm any of this until I get my hands on the last (I believe it is the last- volume 5- that lloromannic appear) volume of the manga, and man that’s hard to do for no good reason. I’ve seen them on sale online though, I might just buy them one day. Otherwise, I haven’t seen him anywhere else, at all.
Neither of them shows up in the movie since they were created after it’s release.
Back to ‘lloromannic’, their descriptions in Sanrio pages is often just “we came from the other side of the mirror in the mansion” or something along those lines, so to me personally it’s just safe to assume that’s their place of origin, and now they just fuck around in the haunted mansion in Sukuru Town, where Cinnamon and the rest live.
Still regarding the mirror- It’s always mentioned as a single one, and although it’s not always drawn the same, the most common version of it is a large, oval one with black horns (and sometimes a skull) at the top sitting on the foyer of the mansion. So, I think only that one would lead to where originally they come from ONLY, as it’s been shown in both Onegai My Melody (henceforth referred to as OMM) Kirara and the Cinnamoroll twitter than they can show up/teleport in any mirror though.
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I mention this now rather than later because it ties in slightly with one plot hole questions I’ve had: they can both teleport anywhere through mirrors, but the short video about their origin story vaguely implies Berry has been isolated for a long time, nothing but magic books, and because of it he wants a friend, rather than the more common idea of “he’s really awkward and always pranking people so he can’t make friends”? In this video he also has a floating pumpkin and a small bat following him around: if he created cherry it’s likely he made the pumpkin live, for example. Like, there is no thought about teleporting somewhere and making a friend up until Cherry joins, it’s just straight up into candy frankensteining. I basically have the “isolated until learned magic further, created Cherry and together learned to use mirrors” idea as part of background headcanons for them, but the right answer is often the simplest so he really could just have been Dumbass. Idk
Additionally, they are also associated with a mirrored clock (pictured below) that instead of the 12 hours, it has 13. There was more info about this clock but it’s such a background thought nowadays that I can’t even remember what it’s about guuuh….
By mentioning the mirror situation, I skipped and assumed a lot of their background info was known so uhh here goes:
Berry is the boy with black wings and goat-like horns. He has a scar on the back of his head from an undisclosed childhood accident.
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No one ever mentions that the horns are growing completely backwards on him, and even Sanrio eventually decided to give up on curling them and just draws them like this now:
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Not me though. Not me. Anyway, what he wants most is to make friends, but it seems he never starts on the right foot. His love for pranking people first and introductions later might have something to do with that. Idiot. Stupid ass. I love him.
If, assuming he was trapped but eventually managed to move around through mirrors, and with the RARELY BUT SOMETIMES INFO of him being Cinnamon’s reflection, you could categorize him as Doppelganger demon. Something like this?:
Not to detract, but in that game each ghost has a background story, and for this one the story is about twin ballerinas where one accidentally kills the other by putting glass in her shoes (infection), and the other eventually shows up in the mirror and makes the surviving twin choke herself. Food for thought on the 2007 Kagamine thing. Or maybe it’s me connecting the dots about doppel lore (you didn’t connect shit) I CONNECTED THEM!!!!!!
Regardless, he is rather awkward in social interactions, but it’s a case where the more comfortable he is the chiller it goes? The reason he seems to dislike Cinnamon so much is because despite being shy, he has a lot of friends. He knows deep down Cinnamon thinks he’s a friend too but he’s just too tsundere to admit it I guess sjdfdbhfja. He is also very stubborn.
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(caught voting for cinnamoroll rather than lloromannic at the yearly sanrio popularity polls hohoho)
He LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES sweets and loves whatever Cinnamon makes. Seriously, for what it’s worth he never talked badly about the food.
In collabs/fancier clothing, he often has a similar jester collar as Kuromi. A centered top hat (as opposed to cherry’s sideways, neck tied one) is also common.
He is voiced by Koki Miyata and is apparently the only male character voiced by a man in the Cinnamoroll crew.
I think individually, that’s all I can say about him.
As mentioned before and known by any lloromannic fan worth their salt (lol) he was lonely, so he decided to make a friend. Literally. You can see the recipe he used in this video, if you want to try for yourself:
The instructions required sugar, but for some reason he had the labels wrong and used salt. This is usually the excuse given for Cherry’s bad attitude (I don’t think Berry minds much which to me speaks a lot about loving someone despite their flaws ooh aah subtext only I see BHJSDSHDVJHAF). Cherry is voiced by Fujiko Takimoto. She always greets people with “good night” in French (Bonsoir I think), so we can assume she knows how to speak it. Nowadays she is rarely seen without her phone.
Cherry is a girl with black wings on her head and a cute little top hat that ties around her head. She has a tattoo of butterfly wings on her back. (Headcanon time: salt fuckery made it so her demon wings went to her head rather than back, she got that because…. Idk YOU THE READER complete the sentence. She thinks having butterfly wings would be cool or smth bhdvasd) Also, even though it’s not drawn consistently, her tail sometimes makes a heart shape, so I like to think her tail is significantly longer when compared to Berry’s.
She is often described as “selfish and with a crush on Espresso” so I guess… she doesn’t share her stuff that often?? I don’t know if the crush on Espresso has any background, but he since he always acts like an everything savant and her first words (according to the previous video) was something along the lines of “hello prince charming, your Cherry is here” yea, I guess she sees him as a prince. Her bad attitude can be seen on the occasional Cinnamoroll tweet and in OMM but it’s not something that comes up that often honestly. Like for the most part she’s chill, so if anything, the bad attitude thing is on a first impression basis; exception being, she always acts sweet around/to Espresso, so you know <___< girl probably is a tumblr yandere or something. She does have tsundere moments though, like during the band joint effort for the Sanrio popularity poll there was this:
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Everyone say thank you @sugar-milkk​ for translating the Cinnamoroll twitter account loromannic tweets!
For the most part she seems alright not having many friends, unlike Berry. I don’t feel like we see much of her personality because of this… I don’t know if it’s favoritism, but I just don’t have as much to say about her as I’d like.
If I had to categorize her the same way I did Berry (despite her equal proficiency with mirrors) I would say she’d be more like a Homunculus; a mandrake was used in her creation, and more importantly, she IS a creation. I have no idea how you go from vague plants and bats recipe, to oven, to fully fleshed out tiny cuddly creacher, but hey I’m not an alchemist. It does bear very interesting questions about how her inner anatomy works (as we don’t really see a mold/skeleton/etc, and not even Berry knew what was going to come out of the oven- he seemed surprised it was a girl), as well as her response to infections, injury, disease, etc. More importantly, to me personally, would she fall apart eventually? (And you will say “sugar, you are over thinking this”, and I will reply, “if I don’t, then what’s the fucking point”. Get bent I love her so much and I want to figure her out so badly aidfodflsj.) Anyway, by Sanrio standards this is all irrelevant so disregard.
I left some stuff out of the individual analysis because there’s a lot I want to approach as a duo and now it is time for that:
Berry’s birthday is on the 6/6, and Cherry’s on the 9/9. Funny number aside, that’s a common play on their pronunciation as together it sounds like ‘rock’ – 6 is ro, and 9 is ku (like the way Show by Rock is often abbreviated as SB69). I don’t think, besides that, there’s any ulterior motive to why their birthdays land on these dates…?
Idk if this is me projecting, but Berry has been shown to be more of a crybaby than Cherry, which aligns well with the whole loneliness/want friends thing.
They are sometimes seen with chess pieces (where each role is replaced by Cinnamoroll characters) so chess might be something they play a lot together (either legitimately or when planning pranks) to pass the time. I fucking hate chess.
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I’ve speculated a bit on their demon forms for being only slightly inconsistent with details regarding why they have/when they use it. Firstly, as a personal paranoid connect-the-dots detail; since they were inspired by Kuromis popularity, I think their true forms always being visible in their shadows came from this detail from the OMM anime:
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Complete with the see-through eyes and everything!
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When Berry is in his true demon form, he grows claws, his horns turn upwards, and his wings get bigger and skeletal like. Minor side point: the ‘powered up’ design for Tasmanian Demon from demonsvenom (SB69) is incredibly similar to this; I don’t believe there’s a hidden motive to it other than demonsvenom being mainly an emo rock band, so the designs were inspired by late 2000s emo related stuff? Still, its fun to joke about.
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When Cherry is in her true demon form, her top hat comes loose and becomes a ribbon that wraps around her tail- which loses that pointy devil thingy and becomes thick. I read in that same google translated blog that this was something she was embarrassed about and didn’t want Espresso finding out; if it’s fact or just a headcanon, no idea, but I think it’s cute so I decree it law. cbsvhbh. She also grows claws, gains red eyes, and her head wings become bigger and open fully, leaving no doubt that they’re bat wings.
Now here’s where it gets silly: It could be just early plot installment or whatever the trope is called, but the primary info about these forms is that they only come out at night (alternatively, only on full moon nights). They both are also afraid of the sun, maybe because it hurts them, maybe because they forgot their sunglasses. (This is relevant to this section because the info came in pairs)
Later on, in the OMM anime and Cinnamoroll tweets, they don’t seem to be fearful of daytime, so I think that detail was discarded. And as far as I know, the “turn by nighttime” isn’t strictly followed as well, being more like “turn when using a lot of magic”?? I don’t know. I feel like this true form thing has been discarded too these past years that’s for sure. I’m literally not sure of any info in this section and ‘turn when using a lot of magic’ is almost entirely a Me headcanon derived from the video I previously linked where they temporarily transform to produce nightmares. A common fan representation i’ve seen around is that these forms are seperate, more malice driven entities.
Oh also on the same video it’s shown that they like to prank human children by giving them nightmares of themselves. So don’t forget that! And they hide from the sun in their drawers if they forgot their curfew.
Berry likes pranking people (particularly cinnamon) a lot more than Cherry, and it sometimes annoys her when she’s not in the mood for it.
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I guess this could be said for anything Berry does though; in OMM he’s literally dragging her inside because they’re missing the Usamimi Kamen anime vhjbfdvbhs
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Despite this it’s not a REALLY FUCKING ANNOYED annoyed, and she does seem to like pranking (and watching Usamimi Kamen) as well, just not as much- She definitely doesn’t bother to fix whatever mess up Berry has done or convince him to not do whatever he was planning to do.
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If anything, though, she likes poking fun at Berry, examples include laughing at his dumbass faces:
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And throwing whatever she can magic at him since when she first got uhh.. finished??? For the heinous crime of not being a prince charming or something.
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Wrekt. Im sure there’s more examples…
Before I move on, I want to close the Usamimi Kamen topic: I think it’s not just Usamimi that Berry likes, but rather the whole Kamen genre? So stuff like Power Rangers and Kamen Rider, he’d probably like. It’s known that My Melody also admires Usamimi Kamen, and there’s a 20 second skit from OMM that I absolutely refuse to let go: when Berry dressed as Usamimi, My Melo gained an instacrush and pretended to break up with Prince Sorara for not being as good as Random Guy In Usamimi Kamen Cosplay (they’re not even dating btw this just served to piss off Sorara and Kuromi)
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So, going from their demon forms to magic proficiency, I find it really interesting that not once their magic was seen failing (although sometimes not having the intended consequences, but never a spell fizzled out or backfired in a magic sense) So although they’re just little creachers they definitely have some power in them.
Let me get my headcanoning out of the way by saying it’s more interesting to think their skills compliment each other, so I think Berry would be more proficient in “physical” magic, like potions and plants and the like, whereas since I’ve seen Cherry conjure things out of thin air, she’d be better at stuff that requires more mental strength. There’s overlapping of course, like shapeshifting, teleporting- a mental technique altering a physical body… This is a case-by-case basis on who could perform it better. My examples are 1: them teleporting through a mirror in OMM; Berry is noticeable clumsier coming out.
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2. Shapeshifting into Cinnamon and Mocha: although not perfect, they both seem to have it pinned down fairly well. (Cinnamon figures out Berry is Berry pretty easily, and obvious point of ‘there can’t be two Cinnamons’ aside, they might be unable to alter their voices, or the disguises not be as convincible in universe.)
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That’s it that’s the headcanon.
Onwards to what they can do:
Travel and spy through mirrors, as mentioned previously.
Flying. Not really a special skill in Sanrioverse since almost anyone can do this.
Summon objects (in the video FRIEND, Cherry seems to be able to conjure them from thin air rather than summoning them from somewhere else, at least how I interpret it- she was literally just born, after all).
Alter the state of objects in their environment: Seen in OMM, they made one of the mirrors reflect Baku when Prince Sorara was looking through it, and a photo of barbecue emit its scent*. On twitter, it was shown berry mess up Cinnamons cupcakes as well as his own birthday cake (without his knowledge).
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*Note: This scene showed that lloromannic feel pity for Baku’s family poverty situation as they left the area crying and this is
important for me personally.
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Alter the state of living things in their environment: same as the last point and shapeshifting to a degree. Berry once turned Cinnamon’s cat from white to black, complete with little horns.
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(this obviously isn’t the actual tweet I just wanted to share my stupid edit again)
Summon clowns?? Create clowns?? Create… people??? Uhh if this is a magic skill then whatever the fuck this was (they unleashed an evil clown on a themed park from what I recall).
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Cherry was shown once messing with Berry’s super evil malefic potion and replacing whatever the result would be with the Cinnamoroll gang. Pictured: the oven she was created in!!
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I don’t know if I’m missing anything, but I think all these are already pretty impressive, no? Ironically, you’ve never seen them cook/bake. Unless Cherry counts as as such lol.
I think from here on out it’s going to be more disjointed trivia stuff without it connecting to one another, that I find in my lloromannic image folder that is worth mentioning.
For starters, Oster Project produced a Cinnamoroll album for like a play or whatever and lloromannic had a song in it. You can view the play here:
and this is the song:
The song summarized is how they’re throwing you a big fancy ball because you’re their new friend!!!!!  But then they trap you in the mansion. Better luck next time! Berry cool, Cherry cute. Image of them dancing just to complete the aesthetic:
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Still in the music topic, in 2018 they joined forces with Cinnamon and formed a band: their main goal was to be number one at the yearly Sanrio polls (it tragically failed of course, but not without cinnamon reaching number one first).
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There’s a lot of funny images from that time, and if you’d like to see them all (and more!) I recommend Lin’s thread of translated tweets (that I mentioned at the start of this): https://twitter.com/cherryy_milkk/status/1251444486472781824
I’ve nicknamed the band CinnamanniC, long name being Cinema Magic because shrugs.
Additionally, Berry can play Cello (poorly) and Cherry can play accordion.
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They’ve also had a collab with Shiina Pikarin who is a singer and a model, but I can’t find any materials other lloromannic’s images and plushies of their little outfits for the collab… sorry : (
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They recently had a collab with idol group NOT EQUAL ME: https://twitter.com/Notequal_ME/status/1355007883029581825 I believe most of the merch is still available so if you have the means for it, buy it!
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There was also this, which I have no idea what it was about, but it gave us cool looking school uniforms for them:
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It also had a dedicated page where they all moved around in a classroom, but I’m unsure if you can still access it. This is how it looked:
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Their associated slogans are “Bring out the devil in you!” and “Delightfully Devilish Demon Duo”.
Berry uses Ore which is funny for obvious reasons.
It bothers me a bit that if Cherry doesn’t spend her birthday with Espresso than she spends it alone…
Cinnamon once gifted Berry a matching sushi backpack for his Birthday: He’s only ever seen wearing it in the front, implying that it’s uncomfortable to wear on the back due to his wings.
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Cinnamoroll has this AU called Cinnamoroll kingdom where everyone has like a medieval role in society. Llloromannic are the king’s (Cinnamon) jesters, and Medieval Berry is planning to somehow overthrow him.
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They are acquainted with Azuki of Cinnamoangels, as they once won a Halloween costume contest together.
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They are prominent characters in the gacha/dress up game Hello Sweet Days, so if you have the patience and want to fill your little pixel house with lloromannic stuff, that’s your app! I tried it but it’s not for me… I do occasionally lurk twitter to see what new lloro goods dropped, though.
I was gonna add some bonus looks but tumblr REFUSES to save the images into this post and has tried to nuke it 5 times now so. sorry. no additional vogue. Hope you enjoyed though!
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youreanangelbaby · 4 years
oliver wood as (some of) my favorite lyrics + the reasons why
“everything is better when you hold my hand”
deep brown eyes- bedside kites
very self explanatory, holding olis hand is all i want. his hands are so big and warm, i wanna fall asleep in them like thumbelina
“my baby's sweet as can be she give me toothaches just from kissin me”
work song- hozier
he gives the best kisses, i will take no criticism. they’re soft and passionate, and leave you breathless everytime
“i never knew love could be soft, i never knew love could be light, and now i'm so helplessly sugar-high on you”
strawberry mentos- leanna firestone
to experience love in the way it’s supposed to be experienced; to feel warmth and ecstasy
“to speak or die under this oil painting sky, your hand resting on my thigh, please don't ever leave my side”
northern italy- margaux beylier
oli loves your thighs first of all, this is cannon, no room for debate
picnic dates with oliver while he rants about puddlemere and all things quidditch
“i come alive every time you walk into the room”
less than 3- milkk
eyes bright, wide smile, heart skipping a beat, breath caught in your throat, that’s the kind of love i want
“i think i'm gonna love you for a long time boy, i can't go a minute without you on my mind”
party pill- cub sport
again very self explanatory, with every passing moment i think of you, my love
hi ! if you’re reading this , i hope you like it & pls send in requests for playlists/ concepts or if you want more of these <3 and thank y’all for the support i hope y’all are liking the playlists i’m putting out<3
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heystephen · 3 years
idk how to find the infinity sign!!
song: ice & sugar / milkk
fave line: "freckled shoulders under your blue hair / come in closer / do you even care?"
put a "∞" in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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thompsborn · 4 years
could you do caroline for the mini-playlist ask?
Constellations—the oh hello’s
Another sad love song—khalid
Revolution—the score
Oh my god—alec benjamin
Leaving on a jet plane—peter, paul and mary
Ice & sugar—milkk
New religion (acoustic)—the heydaze
Earth angel—the penguins
send me a name (it can be yours, a character, etc.) and i’ll make a mini playlist based on the letters!
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collisionxkiss · 6 years
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Ice and sugar // milkk
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atlszine · 6 years
MILKK and the Rise of Social Media in Music
Three piece self described “emo boy-band” MILKK are a small, up and coming pop group from Nashville, Tennessee, who have managed to make a big impact online. Throughout the course of a year, the group has managed to grow a large, loyal fanbase through lighthearted interactions and conversations on social media platforms. By creating group chats with fans and chatting with them frequently, MILKK has managed to bridge the often tremendous gap between fan and artist. Because of this, many would describe MILKK’s following as more of a family than a fanbase.
Following the 2017 release of singles “Pacific Kiss,” “IDWK,” “Less Than 3,” and “Ice & Sugar,” MILKK had some pretty big shoes to fill this year. However, with the recent release of their debut EP Sad Girls and announcement of their first ever live show (Thursday, April 12th in Nashville), it seems as if this band is on fire, and have no plans of stopping anytime soon. We were given the chance to speak with frontman Pat Kiloran in an exclusive interview below.
First off, which member am I speaking with? This is Pat.
What was your favorite part about creating Sad Girls? Honestly, just the looseness of it. We made these songs mostly in my spare bedroom. It was just a laid back, go-with-the-flow process. The new stuff we have been working on has been a lot more intensive to create, but with "Sad Girls," we just went with the vibe and put together a group of songs that felt good together.
What is your favorite lyric from the EP, or which lyric holds the most personal meaning? I have a few for different reasons. I love the general message of "Sad Girls." The point of that song in general is to remind people that they have intrinsic value outside of being in a relationship with someone. You don't need another person to give you inherent worth as a human being. On the flip side, I sort of love the simple cheesiness of the chorus of "Less Than 3" ("me plus you, yeah, we're less than three, it's true"). It's such a dumb line, but it just feels perfect. I also really like the lyrical flow in "IDWK." I really like the imagery of "your dress is still hanging up to dry" and "the bedroom clock's still broken from the first and last never-ending fight." I don't know why. I just felt really good about those lines.
Who in your lives were the biggest inspirations for getting into music? Did anyone in your lives influence which direction your music would take? I don't know really. We've all been involved in music for a long, long time. I think when you're young and in your teens, you take a lot of influence from all over the place as you try to figure out what you like, artistically. I think we've all gotten to the point where we just do what we ourselves think is cool.
Aside from music, what do you like to do in your spare time? I spend a lot of time at home. I don't go out a ton. But when I do, it's with my good friends. I love to watch films or see what's new in contemporary art. John is really into fashion and design. Jack...I honestly don't know. He's an enigma even after knowing him for 12 years.
What is your favorite part of interacting with fans online? I just love joking around and chatting. It's special to me that we've created not only such a strong fanbase but also friendships with people who care about what we're doing. We try to be really accessible to everyone and anyone.
How has the experience of being a band spread largely via social media been, specifically in comparison to bands who don’t place such an emphasis on social media and fan interactions? It's certainly interesting. It's important to me to create that closeness with our fans. I don't think I would enjoy doing the band thing as much if there wasn't that connective level to it. I love watching people react to what we release and talking with them about what's coming next or whatever. It makes it more rewarding to me.
If you had to choose, what three albums would you take to a desert island with you? Tough question. I'm just gonna go with the first things that come to me and say: The 1975's first album, Ryan Adam's self-titled album, and an album called "Hymns" by a band called Ascend The Hill.
Which big band would you wish to tour with, together or not, if you could? Right now, I just wanna work with Tyler, The Creator super bad, so I'm gonna say that even though that doesn't blend at all.
You have your first live show coming up very soon, which is awesome. What are you most excited about in relation to this experience? I'm just excited to show people what these songs feel like live. We've played them together, and it's sort of a different experience. I'm excited to bring that energy to the stage and to see if people actually know the words.
If there was one album you wish you had written, which is it and why? I just really wanna write the first MILKK album. And now for some fan questions.
Lindsay, twitter user @PRAYFRTHWICKED, asks “are there any plans in the works for an upcoming tour?” Yes, we are working on something right now. It's not completely confirmed yet, but hopefully we will know more very soon.
They also ask “Is Jack real?” Honestly, I don't even know. I think so.
Antonia, twitter user @antoniamaljevac, asks “what was the inspiration behind “Sad Girls”? "Sad Girls" was meant to be an important message over a really catchy track. Like I said, it's about not finding your value in someone else's attention or opinion.
Vi, twitter user @thcfallaway asks “what can be expected from your upcoming music?” It's honestly gonna be a shift. It sounds different and bigger than what we've released so far. It has a lot of personality. It's very "MILKK."
They also ask “What was your reaction when you began to see that many people actually care about your band and their music?” It was humbling and also exciting. It made me feel like, "Why do people care about ME?" but also like, "Cool. I'm doing something cool. I'm gonna work even harder."
Ellie, twitter user @mrigraine, asks “could you describe your fanbase in one word?” "h."
They also ask “what cities are you looking forward to playing eventually?" I'm looking forward to LA and San Fran. Seems like we have a lot of fans out west. I'm also looking forward to Minneapolis, MN because it's our second hometown. And it's where Jack lives. I'm also really excited to play cities outside of the US once we've grown more.
To close out the interview, the most important question of all: what's your favorite fruit? Pineapple but only when it's on pizza.
If you want to learn more about the band or join the MILKK family yourself, you can follow the band on twitter and instagram @wearemilkk. You can also stream their EP on Spotify, and subscribe to the band’s YouTube channel.
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P- Part II // Paramore O- Our own house // Misterwives R- Rich Youth // Hayley Kiyoko T- This city // Patrick Stump I- Ice & Sugar // MILKKA- About a girl // The academy is...-Send me ur name for a playlist!-
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placelesstraveled · 7 years
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musictoliveby · 7 years
Ice & Sugar by MILKK http://ift.tt/2s5sXlz
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heystephen · 4 years
Do I know them already?: yes | no
If I know them:
Favourite Song: the garden (i’ll be alright)
Least Favourite Song: stupid ://
Favourite Album: the sad girls ep!
Least Favourite Album: n/a
Song that got me into them: ice and sugar
Seen Live?: no :(
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
music asks
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heystephen · 5 years
ice and sugar // milkk 
send me a 🎧 and i’ll give you a random song off my shuffle!
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heystephen · 3 years
ice & sugar / milkk
send me a 🎧 and i’ll shuffle my music and give u whatever song that comes up!!
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