#cuties replying
thesugarhole · 5 months
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kymiya · 2 months
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fridgrave2-0 · 11 days
Do you think Calhoun and Felix are endgame or Felix and Turbo? For example, if there was any kind of possibility Turbo could come back, would they get back together because of unresolved feelings or would or be an aggressive side eye situation? lol
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if we take a situation where turbo is mostly forgiven by others and goes through his therapy arc, then actually think of poly
turbo would hate the idea of being around felix 'cause he still has to process the whole "he turned me into a boogeyman" thing, so he always reminds himself that he shouldn't be jealous bc of calhoun, he doesn't want this fixing piece of shit anymore (he does, but he lived with this anger on felix for 25 years so he can't just let go). turbo actually tries to interact with calhoun when felix isn't around and very soon he understands that she's actually very cool. he's been through some shit between roadblasters and sugar rush period, still feels a lot of regret and pain about turbo twins and can relate to calhoun's loss more than anyone else in the group. and, well, the whole cybug thing also adds to it. as much candybug felt excited about becoming this mutant, it was a lot from the bug perspective, and when turbo got the full control over his mind and body the terror did hit him like a bus. tamora was able to give him the understanding of cybugs, and he shared how he felt when he was eaten. "it wasn't painful or anything, at least i don't remember the pain. but i didn't feel like myself anymore, like i was under players control again, and any attempt of taking the control back just felt so wrong." it was something tamora needed, many years she lived with doubt. did her fiance even had a chance of being the man she loved after being eaten, or it would just be a monster with a familiar face. now this burden fell off her shoulders. she wasn't the one who killed him, the cybug was
turbo saw a lot of himself in calhoun. this need to keep the front all the time, to stay in control, to hide most of the emotions and do not look weak. and just like with him, she began to open up because of felix. turbo wanted to warn her, say that he already got burned by felix's light, got too close and paid for it. but keeping the distance with fix-it actually helped turbo see the whole picture, and felix seemed different now. and it shouldn't be surprising, people can change in 15 years of which he didn't see felix. maybe it was calhoun's job, or an experience of almost being unplugged, but fix-it looked almost sad everytime turbo was coming up with an excuse to avoid him. turbo learned his lesson. why did he felt so bad seeing an unspoken remorse in felix's eyes?
tamora was the one, who made them talk after too much time of walking around and playing hide and seek. in last months turbo taught himself to apologize and be genuine about it, and he was ready to do it, but with felix everything goes wrong, as always. this was exactly what fix-it wanted, it has always been like this. when turbo apologized, that was making felix in the right, no matter what was the reason. he knew felix saw the world in black in white, and that means always there's the one who's right, and the one who's wrong. and my any means turbo never was a perfect or even a decent person before, and he doesn't think so of himself now just because he realized his bad actions and said sorry couple of hundreds times. being eaten by a bug and burn in lava makes you reconsider a lot of things. but he knew he wasn't the only one who was wrong, and the idea hearing it again from felix was the worst. so turbo bit his tongue and kept his apologies
...only to hear felix saying "i'm sorry" for the first time in 30 long years. turbo didn't think it was possible, but here he was, sitting in niceland with silent but proud looking calhoun by his side while felix was pouring out his soul. apologies mixed up with tears - turbo knew that felix always cries when he gets too emotional - and felix just talked and talked for ten minutes straight, not seeing how the tension was leaving turbo's body. he relaxed, listening to felix not with a sense of triumph, but with a bit of fun. couple of times he turned to look at tamora only to see her sharing this look with him, and suddenly everything just became so simple and trivial that turbo made felix stop talking by pulling him into a hug. he wished for his apologies for 30 years, and now when he got them he didn't want to listen to it. because what was the point? turbo got the point in first two minutes, he knew felix was feeling sorry, and to list all their mistakes and bad choices would take too much of the time they had already lost
"i got the jist, big idiot, you didn't have to write a whole essay about how sorry you are", turbo said with a grin and heard felix chuckle. then he sighed and hid his face in felix's shoulder, still uncomfortable with being so open. "but thanks... i'm sorry too, y'know?"
turbo felt how felix relaxed in his arms
"yeah, i know, little idiot", felix replied, and for the first time in decades turbo felt like home. while he was keeping his face in felix's shoulder and breathing the familiar smell of pie and brick dust, felix looked at his wife, who seemed unusually soft, and uttered without a sound small "thank you". after all, without her they wouldn't ever try
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mushramoo · 1 year
Oh.my.gods. I love your art soo much it makes me stim internally.Anyways for fnaf pride requests I was wondering if you could do a pansexual one with either toy Bonnie or glamrock Bonnie couldn’t care less which one as long as you have fun with it!may all the rest of your life be atleast semi-enjoyable and remember to atleast drink something :)
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Thank you sm!!!!! I’m happy u like the art! Here is ur toy Bonnie since I haven’t drawn him yet 🥰
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dotted-clouds · 1 year
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tea time :')
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mistysblueboxstuff · 1 year
I held a snake, isnt she adorable?
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omg i love him!!!
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vertonghen · 5 months
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say it 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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ashyybees-art · 1 year
I want nothing more then to see Weiss just be a giggling mess whenever Jaune says or do something dorky in V10 with Nora going 👀👀👀.
Soft White Knight and reveling in being silly with each other! Jaune making Weiss laugh and smile so much, cutting loose (melting the ice queen)
Nora catches the two of them out in the market of Vacuo and Jaune is attempting to play a guitar-like instrument they found and sing a little, making Weiss giggle at him still being an absolute dork, reminiscent of him trying to serenade her back at Beacon.
Nora catches them sparring together, both getting a little cheeky with each other. There's moments where they are getting dorky with each other.
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seullovesme · 7 months
it’s cold in my house and the fact that i’ve been wrapped up in my bed isn’t helping
my love 🙁🙁 i should ship you one of my hoodies to keep you warm
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nyegher · 7 days
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homo sex is in!
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thesugarhole · 2 months
your cat looks gnc as fuck
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midnightfire830 · 6 months
Thank you for answering my ask about Holly! I've just noticed Snowball was in the mermaid au. Is Snowball a sea slug or something else?
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Yes she is!! I know sea slugs are poisonous but I’m gonna explain it away that she’s not poisonous. Maybe like a weird mutation she has or she’s not poisonous to merfolk. Idk something like that.
Thanks for the ask Fox!
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f1owermoon · 2 months
Have your daily Joost!
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AHHHHH i love the postcard video 🥹💘💗🩷💓
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ayiemojis · 3 months
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Safe — take
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Pls don’t respond — server
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Stay — chore
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Can you — cutie
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Nitro — die
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hanbeanz · 1 year
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unrivaled king of aegyo!! ᵘʷᵘ
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turbobyakuren · 4 months
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@archantropy @darkaac @cutie-phalanx @izolyn @smithalspersonal @gatorinanicesuit THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! THAT MEANS A LOT!!!
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