#sugarloaf key
customairstream · 8 months
This commercial Airstream bar will be a new vocal and meeting point for guest and visitors of Sun Outdoors Sugarloaf Key property in Florida. Visit our website to know more!
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
The Dawn Patrol | Prologue | Bradley Bradshaw
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Arriving a day late, with a broken taillight, in the middle of the night, Bradley shows up to his new posting in the Florida Keys and finds himself mixed up with something sinister.
Warnings: themes of kidnapping, murder and death as well as predatory male characters, age gap: reader is 24, Bradley is 32. All chapters detailing sensitive topics will have more detailed warnings. Kind of unhinged reader, she’s a little feral but we love her. Will be smutty from literally the get go but as always specific warnings will apply — minors dni.
May 2nd 1986
Lottie is last seen on the Sugarloaf Marina at twelve-oh-six. Just after midnight, already a while past her curfew. It’s well lit, visible from the Sugarloaf Channel Bridge which leads down through the keys.
She is wearing a yellow halter top, white shorts, denim jacket. Some reports say that she‘s barefoot on the marina, others say that she was wearing some white sneakers. Took them off, lost them, wasn’t wearing them in the first place; she was right by the beach, the detail doesn’t matter in the beginning. Those kind of crossed wires aren’t the kind that are easily tripped over. She was wearing the shoes, but that won’t ever matter.
That bridge is almost always busy, especially so at this time of year, tourists moving from one key to another or heading down from Miami or central Florida.
By this point in the journey, people tend to start checking their surroundings again. The Overseas Highway has been refurbished into a main coastal highway between the cities of Miami and Key West — its been like that since the fifties. Offering travellers a roadway through a tropical savanna environment and access to the largest area of coral reefs on the U.S. mainland.
If Bradley Bradshaw had looked to his left at exactly midnight on that night in May, as he crossed the mile marker on the Overseas Highway, he would have been the second to last person to have seen Lottie Rivera. Alive, standing at the payphone at the edge of the beach, tears streaming down her face and blood on her knees.
He hadn’t looked. It’s something heavy to consider, all of the things in your peripherals that you’ll never know where there. What would have happened if he had seen her. He isn’t sure that he would have stopped. He isn’t sure that she wouldn’t have gone missing if he did.
The radio is playing Tears for Fears’ hit from last summer, Bradley’s still wide awake; he has been driving for six hours straight and he doesn’t feel ready to stop. His destination is coming up. There’s something so melancholy in the synth pop, he hasn’t really ever listened to the words as much as he does that night.
Going fifty-five, the ocean passes him by on either side. Steady streams of traffic, tourists pouring into town for the summer. Nothing ever lasts forever. He almost scoffs, wanting to spit back at the radio, wondering if some sick DJ is out there sending him this message just to spite him. Instead, he tousles his hand through his curls, resting his head against his hand.
The reminder that he has crossed the threshold and now resides on the wrong side of thirty sits in his knees, more so in the dull ache that has come to rest in them at some point over the last six hours.
He’d trade in his soul before he’d ever consider trading in this truck, but he has to admit that the bronco has its downsides. ‘75 model, fresh blue paint job, wagon style with a removable hard top and a freshly detailed white leather interior. Bradley paid sticker price for it back in ‘81; it remains his pride and joy today.
The leather looks pretty but his ass has been numb since he passed Fort Pierce. On the highway like this, the gears are steady as they are, he can stretch out his left leg a little but the right has a job to do.
Even with all of these aches and pains, his gut would let him keep on driving until the front wheels hit the Gulf of Mexico. Running sway’s funny like that — it all feels so definite when you’re getting in the car. Knowing when to stop’s the harder part. This time around, he has a destination.
Seems a little too close for his liking. He hasn’t ever been here before, never this far south in the US. But Navy? — That’s someone fucking with him. His dog tags rest around his neck now, tangling with the chain that holds his badge.
Six years of service, nothing to show for it but the chain around his neck and a couple of bad dreams now and again. This work suits him better than the Navy ever did. He’s got Admiral Simpson to thank for where he is now. Yet, the thought of looking that man in the eye and shaking his hand makes Bradley’s stomach churn.
Rooster passes by the Sugarloaf Marina at twelve-oh-six. The moon’s sitting high in the sky, it’s full and it’s a dazzling white. Too bright to not notice that tonight’s a full moon. Rooster’s eyes are on it as he passes right by the marina. He never once notices Carlota Rivera in her abundantly clean, white reebok club c’s or her little yellow halter neck that her mom had told her that she would be too cold in.
No, the first time that Bradley will see her, she’ll be missing one of those sneakers and her left ankle will be bloated and twisted abnormally. Her tanned, Italian skin will be a sullen grey and her naturally slim body will be bloated from the days in the water.
But for tonight, she’s alive, at twelve-oh-six, standing beside a payphone with a smile on her face.
His posting isn’t anything to do with Lottie. It’s a simple strangulation in a Navy barracks. Someone taking hazing a little too far. It’s shut and closed but it gets Bradley out of the city, and that’s all that had mattered. It’s none of his business tomorrow morning, when her Mom calls the Monroe County police department, bawling her way through a missing person’s report. It’s none of his business until six days later.
For tonight, his only business is getting to his new apartment and the remaining thirty minutes that'll take. He rubs his calloused hands over his eye, feeling it pulse in complaint under his fingertips. Sitting up straighter, he exhales slowly and blinks until he feels a little more awake.
Grabbing his suitcase and duffel from the back of his truck, and the keys that he had mailed to him two days ago, he sees his apartment for the first time as he’s setting foot inside of it. He knows that his landlord thinks he’s insane, putting a deposit down and four months upfront for a place that he had apparently no interest in seeing. That doesn’t matter. It’s better than he was expecting.
Two bedrooms and open-plan living space, pre-furnished, first floor with a balcony that faces the Garrison Bight Marina. He pulls open the sliding door and steps out onto the beige tile, leaning his palms on the wooden slatted railing that brackets the front of his balcony.
A perfect view of all of the yachts he’ll never be able to afford. Sea air, salty and thick. He heard that there was a small storm here the last night that carried through into this morning. Even if he hadn’t heard that, he would know. He can feel it surrounding him, like it’s holding him in place. Maybe fate.
A police siren whoops once and he looks up to the end of the road. He can just about see the police cruiser marked Key West Police, its lights are on but it isn’t after anybody. Not at first glance anyway. The aging, sunburnt driver leans out of the window and holds the radio to his mouth, “Make the right decision, Finch.”
And then the perpetrator comes into view. Police description would mark her as early-twenties, curly perm in a large denim jacket and a denim skirt with the same kind of faded wash to it, advancing on foot — well, heel, westward towards… Rooster glances to his left, having to squint to read the road sign under the dim-neon of the street light. Not alone, there’s another girl with her. Female. Early-twenties too. Laughing her ass off.
“Come catch us, Marshall!” She calls back towards the cop in the car. He looks exhasperated and already out of breath, but not surprised. This isn’t the first time he has chased the two of you. You’re intoxictated. Rooster can tell from the perpetual squinting grin on your face, the bubbly laughter — and most prevalently, the brown paper bag and glass wine bottle peaking out of it in your hand. He doesn’t have to be a detective to figure that one out.
Briefly, you glance upwards. You follow the feeling of eyes on you and land on him, the handsome brunette on the first floor balcony. Tired looking but pretty, bathed in a pink flush and wearing a barely buttoned cream over shirt. Your grin widens as you give a nod of acknowledgement to your solitary audience member.
“Yeah, if you can run that fast!” You call back to the cop in the car. Hayward Marshall, the shiniest turd of the Key West police department. Not a bad guy, but a narc nonetheless. “Fuckin’ pig!”
At that, the cop at the end of the road growls loudly in annoyance and finally pops open the driver’s side door. Rooster’s lips quirk softly as he watches the two of you turn and run. The cop waits for a beat, then quickly catches on. There’s no point in chasing you.
Rooster hears the door to the police cruiser slam as he steps back into his apartment. Without turning the lights on, he closes the patio door and drops down onto the couch. Exhausted to the point that even closing his eyes hurts, sleep comes for him much more quickly than the usual tossing and turning, ebb and flow of consciousness. Carlota Rivera takes her last breath at 1:49am. Rooster’s laying on his back on an uncomfortable could that might’ve been new in ‘73, just about asleep. The blinding sun streaming through the window wakes him again at dawn.
His first shift with the Monroe County PD is tomorrow morning, an 8am start. Lottie’s whereabouts remain unknown from that morning. She was already dead, but she wasn’t in the water yet.
Rooster has today for himself. First, is a shower. He doesn’t bother to shave, that can wait until tomorrow. Second, he unpacks the essentials. Not that he packed much more than that.
Finally, he walks outside into the morning sun with a pair of gold ray-ban caravans and a faded baseball cap. It’s already warming up, in the high seventies before Rooster’s watch even ticks past seven. He walks over to the railing and looks out over the docks. It hosts a fleet of about eighty yachts, big ones that could easily make the trip across the ocean to Europe. He’s surprised to see as many of them as there are.
Taking off his sunglasses, he’s even more surprised to see the feral minx that was outside of his window last night, howling laughter like a damn coyote, now standing on the deck of a thirty-five thousand dollar boat. You’re showered and dressed, and flushed with a remarkably healthy glow considering how drunk you were a couple of hours ago.
Hair tied back into a loose ponytail, curls decorating the sides of your face, wearing a white tank top and classic blue denim cut offs. Resting his elbows against the railing, he thinks back to your treatment of the police officer from last night and finds himself glad to have left his badge in his bedroom. He’s technically still a cop, even if he tries to distance himself from all of that.
If he wasn’t alone and unobserved, he would pretend that he knows what you’re doing. Fiddling with different canisters and wires. All that crap has never made too much sense to him. He likes fancy cars and cool boats, he just doesn’t really get them. Now, planes? — They were much easier to understand than cars ever were.
Salty, warm morning air and half a packet of mints in, your sinuses are more than clear and your eyes have only just stopped streaming from under your sunglasses. As much as you know you shouldn’t have been out last night, drinking as much as you were, it helps to know that you’re got access to the best freshly squeezed orange juice known to man on this boat.
Usually, you’re pretty aware of your surroundings. A young lady has to be in this day and age — that’s what your grandmother would say, right before you’d teasingly remind her that there’s little that’s ladylike about you. But, you don’t notice the handsome brunette that’s watching you until you turn with a heavy canister in your hand, grunting softly.
It’s clear that he’s been there for a while, he’s settled in against that old railing like a statue, just studying you. It’s almost refreshing that it’s not some sun-spotted, viagra fuelled retiree standing there and slobbering all over the path as he watches you work. But, it’s still a random guy that makes no effort to look away, even as you narrow your eyes at him through your sunglasses.
“You got a staring problem, or something?”
Rooster’s lips quirk upwards as you confirm every suspicion in his mind that you’re the girl from last night. He gives you a slow shake of his head and nothing else. He’s handsome. Tanned with pink cheeks, sunglasses that fit his face well and a shirt that’s pleasantly tight around his biceps. You’re seeing him for the first time now, last night is too much of a drunken haze for you to remember the brief encounter that you had.
If he came up to you in a bar, you’d let him buy you a drink and maybe fuck you in the backseat of his car. Truck, he probably drives a truck. He’s probably Navy. It’s growing increasingly easy to identify the men that turn up around here for a summer or two.
“Y’know, to most people, that means stop staring.” You tell him, setting the empty gas canister down onto the dock for you to carry back later. His lips quirk up further. Almost really smiling at you now.
“‘M looking at the boat.” Rooster shrugs calmly, still smiling softly. You push your sunglasses up onto the top of your head, swiping several tight curls with them. He’s not looking at the damn boat. You’re pretty when you’re glaring at him like that. All riled up like a pissed off kitten.
“You wanna see it up close? — Can wipe the deck with your face if you’re feeling brave.” You bite back at him. This time he grins at you, truly amused and still leaning on that rickety old railing. That’s the thing about working at Garrison Bight — you spend just as much time fending off slimy old men as you do actually working.
This guy doesn’t look that old. Or that slimy. He’s older than you, certainly. You can see that from the nice watch he’s wearing, the sunglasses, the dated baseball cap. Definitely Navy. Poor fella picked the wrong place to approach you, anywhere other than work and you’d happily play along.
He gives you a small shake of his head, settling back into that comfortable, amused smirk. “Not that brave,” He teases, turning his head finally to actually take a look over the yacht. Three floors, not including below deck. Huge. Beyond impressive. “I’ll keep on looking from right here, if that’s alright with you. Got a pretty nice vantage point from over here.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, lifting your palm to shield your eyes from the glaring morning sun. “Have you got a wife or something that I need to know about?”
“Not that you need to know about,” He shrugs, “She keeps herself occupied most days.”
Finally, he gets you to break. You smile across the gap between the yacht and the railing, amused by his joke. You set your sunglasses back on the bridge of your nose and tilt your head at him, giving him a quick look up and down.
“You ever had your dick sucked on a yacht?”
@thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @perpetuelledaydreaming @raisehailpraisedale @khaylin27 @sharpsapphic666 @fudge13 @slutfordw @averyhotchner @hangmanscoming @bradshawseresinbabe @diorrfairy @phoenix1388 @alm334 @princess76179 @cherrycola27 @wkndwlff @xoxabs88xox @galaxy-moon @itsmytimetoodream @sugarcoated-lame
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keywestwildlifecenter · 8 months
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Thanks to Matt Royer of the Florida Keys SPCA for making the call about a Barn Owl down weak and dehydrated this morning on Sugarloaf Key. Matt made the rescue and we met him to transfer the Owl into care and begin treatment in our clinic. Fluids have been administered to begin rehabilitation.
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noaasanctuaries · 2 years
For more than 40 years, mooring buoys have been saving the coral reefs of the Florida Keys. Now, they have saved a human life.
After freediver Dylan Gartenmayer was stranded in waters off Key West on January 26, 2023, the swift current carried him into NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s Western Sambo Ecological Reserve, which features several mooring buoys used by recreational boaters to tie up instead of dropping anchors on coral. With his knife, Gartenmayer cut loose three of Western Sambo’s 18-inch buoys and fashioned a makeshift raft that kept him afloat until his family found him in near darkness. Understandably, the buoys were cast away during the rescue. One week later, Sugarloaf boater Ronnie Rupp found the buoys washed up on shore and reached out to the sanctuary.
The buoy team is scheduled to replace the moorings in the coming days, but on February 7, 2023, one buoy — W1 — was presented to Gartenmayer as a memento.
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365daysoflesbians · 2 years
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“Barbara Deming (1917-1984), my friend and teacher, activist and author, was born on July 23rd. I made this photograph of Barbara at her home on Sugarloaf Key, FL in 1982. Throughout her life, Barbara worked in the civil rights, peace and women's movements as an out lesbian. Barbara believed we could change the world through the power of nonviolence and love. She was a listener and she was stubborn. You can learn more about Barbara from her books. ‘Prisons That Could Not Hold’ has two parts. The first is an account of her time in jail in Albany, GA for demanding that a walk for peace include Black and white protestors together. The second part, from 20 years later, is about being jailed with other women from the Seneca Peace Camp demonstrating against first-strike nuclear missiles. The book includes an introduction by Grace Paley and a photo essay by me.”
-Joan Biren (J.E.B.) 
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skifflife · 8 days
Great video of the 2nd Annual Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU - a.k.a. Dunk City) Fishing Club trip to Sugarloaf Key...looks like EPIC fun chasing bugs, sharks and Barracuda!
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roomchailimited · 2 months
Brazilian Beats: Carnival and Beyond
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Brazil is a country renowned for its vibrant culture, pulsating rhythms, and the spectacular celebration of Carnival. While Carnival remains the heart of Brazilian festivities, there is much more to explore in this diverse and dynamic country. From the intoxicating beats of samba in Rio de Janeiro to the serene beauty of the Amazon rainforest, Brazil offers an array of experiences that captivate the senses and ignite the spirit of adventure. Join Roomchai Limited on a journey through Brazil, where the essence of Carnival is just the beginning of an unforgettable exploration.
The Heart of Carnival
Carnival in Brazil is more than just a festival; it is a celebration of life, culture, and tradition. Held in the days leading up to Lent, this exuberant event showcases the best of Brazilian music, dance, and creativity.
Rio de Janeiro: The iconic Carnival in Rio is famous for its grand parades in the Sambadrome, where samba schools compete with elaborate floats, costumes, and choreographed performances. The energy is palpable, and the streets are filled with revelers joining in the celebration.
Salvador: Known for its rich Afro-Brazilian culture, Salvador's Carnival offers a unique experience with its street parties, or blocos, featuring electrifying trio elétrico performances and the infectious rhythms of axé music.
Olinda and Recife: These cities in the northeastern state of Pernambuco are famous for their traditional maracatu and frevo music, colorful parades, and vibrant costumes, offering a more intimate and historical perspective on Carnival.
Beyond Carnival: Brazil's Rich Tapestry of Experiences
While Carnival is a highlight, Brazil's allure extends far beyond the festival. The country's diverse landscapes and cultural heritage provide a wealth of experiences for every traveler.
1. Rio de Janeiro
Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf Mountain: These iconic landmarks offer breathtaking views of the city and its stunning coastline.
Beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema: Renowned for their lively atmosphere, these beaches are perfect for soaking up the sun, people-watching, and enjoying local cuisine.
2. The Amazon Rainforest
Manaus: The gateway to the Amazon, Manaus is a city steeped in history and natural beauty. From here, embark on river cruises and guided tours to explore the dense jungle and its incredible biodiversity.
Wildlife Encounters: The Amazon is home to an astonishing variety of wildlife, including jaguars, pink dolphins, and countless bird species.
3. Iguazu Falls
Majestic Waterfalls: Straddling the border between Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world. The sheer power and beauty of the falls are best experienced up close on a boat tour.
National Parks: The surrounding national parks offer trails and viewpoints to explore the lush subtropical rainforest and its diverse flora and fauna.
4. Salvador
Pelourinho: This historic district is a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its well-preserved colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and vibrant cultural scene.
Afro-Brazilian Heritage: Salvador is a hub of Afro-Brazilian culture, with a rich history reflected in its music, dance, and culinary traditions.
5. Brasília
Architectural Marvels: Designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer, Brasília is a showcase of modernist architecture and innovative urban planning. Key sites include the Metropolitan Cathedral, the National Congress, and the Palácio da Alvorada.
Cultural Institutions: The city is home to numerous museums, theaters, and galleries that highlight Brazil's contemporary art and cultural scene.
Brazil is a land of contrasts and wonders, where the festive spirit of Carnival is just the beginning of an incredible journey. From the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro to the tranquil beauty of the Amazon, Brazil offers a multitude of experiences that are sure to enchant and inspire. Roomchai Limited invites you to discover the magic of Brazil, with customized travel packages and visa services that cater to your every need. Embark on an adventure where every beat, every sight, and every moment is a celebration of life.
For more information on travel packages, visa services, and customizable tours to Brazil, visit Roomchai Limited and start planning your unforgettable adventure today.
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khaniyaalikhnewala · 2 months
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Rio de Janeiro is not a city. It's a feeling. From the bustling streets of Copacabana to the vibrant energy of Lapa, every corner of Rio pulses with life, color, and rhythm. But if you want to truly capture the essence of this magical place, there's no better way than to witness a Rio sunset.
Whether you're using the latest high-tech camera or your trusty smartphone, here's how to catch that perfect sunset shot:
Choose Your Spot: For the most breathtaking views, head to the iconic Sugarloaf Mountain or Christ the Redeemer. If you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere, the beaches of Ipanema and Arpoador offer stunning oceanfront sunsets.
Timing is Everything: Aim to arrive about an hour before sunset to find the perfect spot and set up your gear. This also gives you time to capture the beautiful golden hour light.
Composition is Key: Use the rule of thirds to place the sun and landscape in your frame. Include elements like the silhouette of the city, mountains, or the sea to add depth and interest to your shot.
Adjust Your Settings: If you're using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, set your aperture to a higher value (f/8 or higher) to keep more of the scene in focus. Lower the ISO to reduce noise and set a slower shutter speed to capture the rich colors of the sunset.
Embrace the Moment: Sometimes, the best photos come when you least expect them. Keep shooting, experiment with angles, and most importantly, soak in the beauty of the moment.
In Rio, every sunset is a reminder of the city's unparalleled charm and beauty. It's a feeling that stays with you long after the sun dips below the horizon. Capture it with your camera, but more importantly, with your heart.
The best places to see the sunset in Rio de
Janeiro are:
Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar): Why: Offers a panoramic view of Rio de Janeiro, including the beaches, mountains, and the cityscape.
Tips: Take the cable car up in the late afternoon to catch the sunset from the top. The view is breathtaking, and the colors of the sunset reflecting off the bay are spectacular.
Arpoador Rock (Pedra do Arpoador):
Why: Located between Ipanema and Copacabana beaches, it's a popular spot for both locals and tourists.
Tips: Arrive early to grab a good spot, as it can get crowded. Enjoy the stunning view of the sun setting over the ocean, with the Morro Dois Irmãos in the background.
Ipanema Beach:
Why: Famous for its beautiful sunsets and vibrant beach culture.
Tips: Find a spot near Posto 9 for a classic Rio sunset experience. The sight of the sun dipping into the Atlantic, with the mountains in the distance, is unforgettable.
#riodejaneiro #travelphotography
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bysumex · 2 months
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Rio de Janeiro: Where Every Sunset Tells a Story / TIPS PICS 👉 https://bysumex.com/rio-de-janeiro-where-every-sunset-tells-a-story-tips-pics/
Rio de Janeiro is not a city. It’s a feeling. From the bustling streets of Copacabana to the vibrant energy of Lapa, every corner of Rio pulses with life, color, and rhythm. But if you want to truly capture the essence of this magical place, there’s no better way than to witness a Rio sunset.
Whether you’re using the latest high-tech camera or your trusty smartphone, here’s how to catch that perfect sunset shot:
Choose Your Spot: For the most breathtaking views, head to the iconic Sugarloaf Mountain or Christ the Redeemer. If you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere, the beaches of Ipanema and Arpoador offer stunning oceanfront sunsets.
Timing is Everything: Aim to arrive about an hour before sunset to find the perfect spot and set up your gear. This also gives you time to capture the beautiful golden hour light.
Composition is Key: Use the rule of thirds to place the sun and landscape in your frame. Include elements like the silhouette of the city, mountains, or the sea to add depth and interest to your shot.
Adjust Your Settings: If you’re using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, set your aperture to a higher value (f/8 or higher) to keep more of the scene in focus. Lower the ISO to reduce noise and set a slower shutter speed to capture the rich colors of the sunset.
Embrace the Moment: Sometimes, the best photos come when you least expect them. Keep shooting, experiment with angles, and most importantly, soak in the beauty of the moment.
In Rio, every sunset is a reminder of the city’s unparalleled charm and beauty. It’s a feeling that stays with you long after the sun dips below the horizon. Capture it with your camera, but more importantly, with your heart.
The best places to see the sunset in Rio de Janeiro are:
Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar):
Why: Offers a panoramic view of Rio de Janeiro, including the beaches, mountains, and the cityscape.
Tips: Take the cable car up in the late afternoon to catch the sunset from the top. The view is breathtaking, and the colors of the sunset reflecting off the bay are spectacular.
Arpoador Rock (Pedra do Arpoador):
Why: Located between Ipanema and Copacabana beaches, it’s a popular spot for both locals and tourists.
Tips: Arrive early to grab a good spot, as it can get crowded. Enjoy the stunning view of the sun setting over the ocean, with the Morro Dois Irmãos in the background.
Ipanema Beach:
Why: Famous for its beautiful sunsets and vibrant beach culture.
Tips: Find a spot near Posto 9 for a classic Rio sunset experience. The sight of the sun dipping into the Atlantic, with the mountains in the distance, is unforgettable.
Vista Chinesa:
Why: Offers a unique, elevated view of Rio, with a picturesque Chinese-style pavilion as a foreground.
Tips: Located in Tijuca National Park, it’s a bit of a drive, but the view of the city, especially at sunset, is worth it.
Morro da Urca:
Why: The smaller mountain next to Sugarloaf provides equally stunning views with fewer crowds.
Tips: You can hike up or take the cable car. Enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere while watching the sun set over Guanabara Bay.
Leblon Lookout (Mirante do Leblon):
Why: Provides a stunning view of Ipanema and Leblon beaches with the sun setting over the ocean.
Tips: A perfect spot if you want to capture the urban beach vibe of Rio with the setting sun.
Each of these spots offers a unique perspective of Rio’s natural beauty and vibrant culture, making sunset a magical time in this incredible city.
#riodejaneiro #travelphotography #brazil
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alexanderkidwell · 2 months
Things to Do in Paradise on Earth in the Florida Keys
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The scenic drive on US 1 heading south in Florida leads travelers to islands some describe as paradise on Earth. An archipelago, the Florida Keys consist of islands that sit off the coast at the southernmost part of the state. Extolled in literature and song, the Florida Keys offers visitors several things to do and see.
Like the rest of South Florida, the Florida Keys offers a vibrant take on relaxation, leisure, and exploration. Unlike its more bustling neighbor, South Beach, the Florida Keys exude a distinct low-key vibe. Visitors can focus less on appearances and more on enjoying the laid-back atmosphere and unique experiences.
US 1 takes travelers over 42 bridges, offering a panoramic view of the entire area, including South Florida's light aquamarine waters. Key West. Considered the crown jewel of the Keys, it provides a blend of history and nightlife. From the Southernmost Point marker to the vibrant Duval Street, home to museums, souvenir shops, galleries, and cafes, Key West has something for every traveler.
At Mallory Square, visitors can visit Old Town Key West or any shops, including the Key West Sponge Market. Key West is also home to the Key West Lighthouse and Keepers Quarters, a historic lighthouse built in 1848. It allows visitors to take spectacular views of the Atlantic after climbing 88 stairs to the top. The Key West Museum of Art at the Custom House, also on Duval Street, features art displays and exhibits, and the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum offers visitors a glimpse into one of America's notable writers' lives, including his 17th and 18th-century Spanish furniture and the gardens.
Moreover, the Florida Keys offer various natural beauty sites, from the live coral reef to multiple state parks. Big Pine Key's Bahia Honda State Park is one of the Keys' most pristine beaches where travelers can snorkel, enjoy boat tours, camp, and picnic. Key Largo's John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park is another hotspot for swimming and snorkeling. Key Largo is also home to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, a popular place to snorkel because of the diverse marine life and shipwrecks.
Next, visitors can enjoy the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory or Big Pine Key's National Key Deer Refuge. At the butterfly conservatory, visitors can see 60 different species of butterflies, caterpillars at various stages of development, and 20 exotic birds. They can also learn about the butterfly life cycle. At the deer refuge park, visitors might glimpse miniature species of deer, which grow no bigger than a dog, on Big Pine Key; at the Blue Water Hole, visitors can see turtles and alligators.
Lastly, the Keys offers something for those who enjoy fishing. Visitors can fish at Key Largo's North Dry Rocks and Molasses Reef, where various snapper species, yellowtail, and grouper species exist. On Islamorada, fishing enthusiasts will encounter tarpon and bonefish. Fishing at Marathon Key offers a mixed bag with blackfin tuna, sailfish, or mahi-mahi. Islamorada and Marathon Keys suit angler fishing, and Bahia Honda Bridge caters to tarpon fishing.
The waters of Cudjoe Key contain tarpon, grouper, permit, and snapper. Sugarloaf Key has snook, redfish, and tarpon. Fishermen can find bonefish, tarpon, and permits in the Marquesas Keys and Key West. Therefore, fishing in the Keys has something for everyone.
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allbrandscorpacinc · 2 months
Air Conditioning in Sugarloaf Key, Florida Keys
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Welcome to All Brands Corp. AC in Sugarloaf Key! We are your trusted local experts in air conditioning services, dedicated to keeping your home or business cool and comfortable. Our experienced technicians provide top-notch installation, maintenance, and repair services tailored to meet your needs. Serving the Lower Keys, we pride ourselves on delivering reliable and efficient solutions to ensure your AC system runs smoothly year-round.
Ready to experience the best in AC care? Contact All Brands Corp. AC in Sugarloaf Key today and let us take care of your cooling needs!
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garymcadams · 7 months
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Sugarloaf Bat Tower, Sugarloaf Key. Gary McAdams, Key West Realtor, eXp Realty, (305) 731-0501. #keywest #keywestrealestate #keywestrealtor #garymcadams #garymcadamsrealtor #FloridaKeysRealEstate #MLS #garymcadamskeywest #realestate #floridakeys #KeyWestHomesForSale...
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customairstream · 10 months
Custom Airstream has designed a range of customized Airstream projects including Sun Outdoors Sugarloaf Key Food & Beverage Bar Experience. This airstream features modern functionalities and features that elevate experiences for guests and visitors. Visit our website to know more!
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Program Director Samantha releases a Magnificent Frigatebird this morning at Higgs Beach. The Frigatebird was rescued down in offshore waters near Sugarloaf Key and transferred to our organization by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Officer Jared Brierly for treatment.
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artworksstore · 1 year
Please follow the link and check out the great products created from this nautical chart at Fine Art America. If this isn’t the nautical chart you’re looking for, I have additional nautical charts covering the Florida East Coast.
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Baby’s Coffee, on the main Florida Keys road - the A1A, between Lower Sugarloaf Key and Big Coppitt Key. Damn Fine Coffee.
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