#sugawara kitchen god
noirflms · 5 months
haikyuu men as househusbands. or haikyuu men who’d be good househusbands in general.
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— ୨୧ ˖ ˚ AKAASHI KEIJI !
he is the one who keeps track of finance in the house , keeps track of how much you should spend even if you get a six-sum salary and love spending it on him even if he doesn't like it because he wants you to save for the future.
he also pretty much cooks all sorts of dishes and morning tea made by him is served to you in bed , he is just the best. buys groceries when you're out to work , keeps the house neat and clean — it's a penthouse so it's not much work as it's not that dirty all the time — keeps track of your health and if you're pretty much not skipping breakfast or lunch cuz he's there to spoon feed you at dinner.
he's not much fan of laundry just knows he has to fold it and keep it neatly in your shared closet and is pretty much a the best husband of all ( according to your mother ).
he is that type of house-husband who actually takes care of the loundry more than cooking and cleaning but still cleans the house just the way you like it — organized and neatly done. he doesn't step in the kitchen for he knows he might burn whatever he cooks so you don't let him step in there , it's either you come home and cook but if your tired , it's take out time!
whenever he does laundry he has a habit of smelling the clothes before folding for he like the smell of the detergent you use and the clothing softener should be if the best company because that is kinda professional when you go to work wearing soft and clean clothes.
dusts around the house with music playing in the background and does all the cleaning while blasting Oliva Rodrigo on the amazon echo you brought so he won't have to go on connecting his phone to the Bluetooth other than that he is just the best husband you could ask for.
— ୨୧ ˖ ˚ KITA SHINSUKE !
he is the package , can cook , cleans , does laundry , keeps track of all budgets and savings , knows every nook and cranny of the house and is happy being a house-husband for you. kita buys the best clothing softener and detergent , is a man of his words for if he promises breakfast in bed for you then you get it.
he sets up the house according to a taste that suits him and you like almsot all the time after seeing it on pinterest — yes HE HAS PINTEREST and you can't change my mind — cooks the best meals like you're in heaven to be eating such delicious meals , laundry is done and the house smells like lavander and you don't know how he does that and he keep it a secret ( it's just him using scented house cleaning stuff ).
grocery shopping is done with you because it's to lonely for him to go out so it's shopping time on the weekends , he is like a stay at home mum but you love him and for god sake who wouldn't want a man like KITA SHINSUKE.
you enter the house with the smell of the most delicious food being cooked and when I say delicious , it's over the top delicious. he loves cooking so much that he forgets he has to clean as well and do laundry. yamaguchi almost does everything before stepping into the kitchen and prepare a bento for you in the early morning with starting to think for dinner — even though lunch is not even thought out yet — and what to be baked when your home.
it may not seem like but he has a passion for baking good for you.
he blasts playlist made for him by you and tsukki , and does the cleaning and laundry because sometimes it's to lonely in the house , he keeps track of time and when you're gonna come so he could prepare a bubble bath and then start with the cooking so you could have been relaxed and come eat with him.
when it's a weekend , he wakes up late but the breakfast is in his hands to be cooked , and in the evening it's time for him and you to have a baking session and you cherish this baby more than anything.
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NOIRFLMS 2024 ! all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime , do not translate my works without permission.
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tangsakura · 2 months
Sukuna's Backstory Theory (+ mini Uraume Backstory Theory)
While we wait for jjk ch 265 leaks, I hope you enjoy reading this post of mine in the meantime.
Please note that this is just my theory. Also, Sukuna deserves to die.
Now enjoy your reading.
WARNING: MANGA SPOILERS UP TO CH 264; subject covers the following sensitive topics: sacred s*x, cannibalism, homosexual relationships; mentions or implications of abuse
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We know from Sukuna himself in chapter 237 that he was an 忌み子 - a taboo child. In ancient and medieval Japan, a taboo child is a child that is ostracized, unwanted, and discarded.
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As mentioned by Sukuna, he himself 'consumed' his twin to survive and had presumed that his 'foolish mother' (愚母 - he wasn't looking down on her, calling her stupid, but instead he was humbly referring to her) must have been starving.
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Prominent families during that time were the Fujiwara, Sugawara and Abe clans. For sure, he wasn't born a noble, but rather a commoner, or worst, a slave. He must've been born with weak or below average CE, too, aside from his four arms, four eyes, and the second face.
It was probably only him and his mother in the beginning and she was the only one taking care of him. Given their supposed circumstances, Sukuna must've started working by the time he was around 5 or 6. Plus, if I were to guess where they would've lived, it would be in the agricultural lands of a Buddhist-Shinto temple. In Heian era, Buddhism and Shinto co-existed together (shinbutsu-shuugoo) so it's not strange to find Buddhist temples to have at least one small shrine dedicated to a kami (a Shinto god/goddess) [these are calles jisha (寺社)] and Shinto shrines accompanied by Buddhist temples in mixed complexes [these are called jinguuji (神宮寺)].
In addition, these institutions had these manorial estates called, shooen (荘園), which were "any of the private, tax free, often autonomous estates or manors...... developed from land tracts assigned to officially sanctioned Shintō shrines or Buddhist temples or granted by the emperor as gifts to the Imperial family, friends, or officials." In the case of shrines and temples with shrines in them, they are called mikuri (御厨), which means a god's/goddess' kitchen.
The Chinese characters for mikuri are the same as the first two letters of Sukuna's CT (御厨子). In the beginning, mikuri only referred to the place where shrine offerings/sacred food (fish, vegetables, etc.) were cooked, but it eventually also included the land or property where they get the offerings from and prepare them in the meaning. Plus, the citizens of these lands/properties were called "gods' & goddesses' people" (神人, shinjin), and these mostly consisted of the producers (fishermen, farmers, etc.). We can definitely infer that Sukuna has most likely worked in the cooking area of the mikuri, the 御厨子所 (mizushidokoro, a kitchen for the upper classes and the shrines and temples) Think about it, not only does he use words related to consuming, but he also referenced fish-related words.
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JJK CH 224 - "A fish who merely has no name attached to it."
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JJK CH 216 - "卸す" - to grate (e.g. vegetables); to cut up fish "三枚に卸す” - to cut you into three slices (fillet)
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JJK CHAPTER 8 - "おろした" - past tense verb of 卸す "三枚におろした” - cut you into three slices (fillet)
(light blue is just to cover watermarks)
In Heian era, meat was forbidden except for some parts in Japan where hunting was really common (except for aristocrats and monks lowkey - they do eat them at times, especially when they fall sick). Fish was temporarily banned but was eventually lifted. So, majority of the Japanese people during this time period didn't eat meat with the exception of fish and other seafood. Moreover, when cooking the shrine offerings, the only meat they cooked was seafood. Plus, if he and his mom was in one of the shrine and temples in Heian-kyoo (present-day Kyoto), then chances are he had to cook for festivities and rituals in the imperial palace.
But then, how did he learn to read and write? The only one who were literate were the imperial family, aristocrats, Shinto priests, Buddhist monks, and anyone else related to religious institutions and higher rank than commoners. So the only available ways for him to have access to learning kanji (漢字 - Sino-Japanese characters) and even kana (hiragana and katakana) was to become an apprentice monk or priest. But I believe he became a Buddhist apprentice monk since it is more open than becoming a Shinto priest.
If he had started as a worker in the mikuri, he would have been secretly listening to the lessons between an apprentice and the older monk. Then, if he managed to prove his talent, he could have become an apprentice. If he were an apprentice monk, he would have to learn directly from an older monk. This would not stop him from working as a kitchen worker since he would have to help with preparing offerings and cooking for important occasions and guests.
As an apprentice, he would have learned everything about Buddhism, including how to preach to people. Unfortunately, there was a cost to this. It was the nanshuudou, the homosexual practice between a prepubescent apprentice monk and an older adult monk, which is heavily documented in Edo period but a practice that has been ongoing in the Shinto priest apprenticeships and eventually in Buddhist monk apprenticeship, as well. Mind you, this is not a practice between male lovers, but of loyalty and the first step to 'reaching enlightenment'. I think of it as a pseudo-sacred s*xual relationship. It is something expected at that time, but it may not have been a great experience for Sukuna. He was a taboo child, meaning even those older monks most likely made this harsher than it already was. Not to mention, he might have been as young as 7 or 8 years old when this all happened.
This was also sort of thought of by a JP theorist, according to this twitter user.
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Anyways, let's move on from this sensitive topic.
You might be wondering why do I think he had been an apprentice monk and a cook? Well, mizushi (御厨子) also has these meanings.
Zushi (厨子) originally was a word for storage boxes for utensils and ingredients in the kitchen, then extended into becoming a storage for personal stuff and a decoration as well for aristocrats.
Zushi also extended to becoming a storage for Buddhism relics, scrolls or anything important. This includes the Buddhist altars. Thus becoming Mizushi, sacred storage.
Additionally, as an apprentice monk, he would be able to interact with nobility more. Buddhism was intertwined with the court politics in Heian era. This is more prominent when court officials and even the imperial family members, including the Emperor, would retire as Buddhist nuns or monks. Plus, there would also be visits by the officials and probably he was able to see or receive letters and poems from them. It would be inevitable that he learns them to communicate effectively.
This would also makes sense as he knew Tengen, who was an avid supporter of Buddhism.
Career as a Sorcerer:
In an era where the Fujiwara clan ruled supreme, leaving barely any crumbs for other aristocratic clans to take spots in the political arena. So, in order to consolidate their own power, many other clans (including the minor/weak branch families of the Fujiwaras) and Imperial princes went to obtain their own land outside of Heian-kyoo (present-day Kyoto) and even their own army. That's why these clans have armies of their own, especially those full of sorcerers. I won't be surprised if they took in anyone who has curse energy and trained them, just like what the Fujiwaras did with Uro.
So, I believe that someone noticed his cursed energy and his potential, then took him for training. Then obviously he would have met other Heian-era sorcerers. Here are my two cents on this:
I would like to believe that Tengen trained him as she was also an avid supporter of the religion, and he eventually met Kenjaku as they're 'friends' with her. Being a jujutsu sorcerer apprentice meant quitting or being part-time in his apprenticeship from the Buddhist Temple. (But I wonder if this would have stopped the pseudo-sacred s*x stuff.......) However, I'm open to the fact that it might have been another sorcerer who trained him (or there has been another one besides Tengen and Kenjaku who did so or influenced him) due to the name of his extension technique 'Divine Flames, Open'
One of the opposing factions (either the Sugawara, Tachibana or Abe clan) to the Fujiwara hired him in their order to put them in check. I'm leaning more towards the Sugawara clan.
This was probably the time when he probably met Angel from Abe clan, Uro from the Fujiwara, and especially Uraume. I'll explain how Uraume is related to the Sugawaras in a bit.
Sukuna served as part of Sugawara's troops or something like that. This can also be the point where he learned more about Japanese art and culture at the time.
One of the curses he must've fought was Yamata no Orochi.
Sukuna betrayed the Sugawaras and destroyed its army of sorcerers, with a few survivors left. Uraume decided to dedicate their whole life to him and followed him from then on.
He officially became a curse user and wrecked havoc in Japan, especially Heian-kyoo
Angel got enraged from his acts and with the permission of the Abe clan and the remnants of Sugawara clan, they jumped on Sukuna but lost.
Later on, he defeated the Fujiwara army led by Uro.
How is Uraume related to the Sugawaras?
There's this video from JP channel that was theorizing about Uraume when they first appeared in Shibuya arc a couple years ago that they used to be trapped in the prison realm before being freed so that Kenjaku can use it for Gojo Satoru and it was time for Sukuna's resurrection but this was obviously debunked, but there was something interesting that the creator brought up - the Tobiume.
Have you heard about The Legend of the Flying Plum (飛梅伝説)? So basically, when Sugawara no Michizane was demoted in ranking because of the Fujiwaras and was exiled, he wrote a poem expressing his sorrow of not seeing his precious plum tree in his residence in Heian-kyo (present-day Kyoto) ever again. Then from this, a romantic legend came about, where the plum tree was so fond of its master and cannot bear to be apart from him that it finally flew to Dazaifu, where he was exiled to, and that tree became known as tobi-ume (飛梅, 'the flying plum').
Michizane loves plum trees and plum blossoms, so it won't be strange if there were people in the clan named after plum blossoms or plum. In my case, I believe that Uraume is related to the Sugawara clan, but their status in the clan itself wasn't great. We can assume from their name in kanji, 裏梅.
裏 means the following:
opposite side; bottom; other side; side hidden from view; undersurface; reverse side
rear; back; behind
in the shadows; behind the scenes; offstage; behind (someone's) back
梅 means plum
Though they may have been born from a noble, prestigious clan, they remained in the shadows. My theory is that, for whatever reason it may be, Uraume's life wasn't as good as before Sukuna allowed them to serve him. They might have been an illegitimate child or they might have some deformity we don't know of, or whatever. Then they met Sukuna and the rest was history.
Do you not believe that Uraume is not related to the Sugawaras?
Let me show you a picture of the Sugawara clan crest.
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They call this umebachi. A plum blossom crest.
And what's in Uraume's name? Ume (梅) - plum.
Another thing here that fulfill its name is the fact that Uraume is Sukuna's servant. Just like the tobiume, they follow their master from behind and cannot bear to be apart from him.
'Divine Flames, Open':
Here's something that caught my attention.
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Kamino (カミノ) has the kanji 竈, that is originally pronounced as kamado. It means traditional Japanese wood or charcoal-fueled cook stove​. Fuuga (フーガ) has the kanji 開, originally pronounced as kai, meaning open. Now everything else is purely Japanese except these two.
Kamino and fuuga originated from Latin and Ancient Greek, and both exist in the Romance languages. How tf is he using these words? Around Heian era, only the Eastern Roman Empire is standing and the main language there was Greek....... but that's around present-day Turkey and its surroundings. The furthest they reached in trade was China...... oh wait, Heian era Japan still traded with China........
Seems like that theory of Chinese sorcerer isn't far-fetched, eh?
(But fr tho, do you think he met someone from Byzantine? There's no confirmation time travel is a thing so that's the only possible explanation)
Cannibalism, believe it or not, was practiced in China from Tang Dynasty and onwards. Remarkably, Heian era's last major Chinese contact was with Tang Dynasty. Records of cannibalism must have been brought from Tang Dynasty China along with Buddhism and other things by monks who were sent to China by the government.
It was said that human flesh of a young person was a great medical treatment for illnesses. So there would be young people, especially females, sacrificing some of their flesh for the sake of their parents or parent-in-laws recovery. Furthermore, Emperors, e.g. Wuzong of Tang, supposedly ordered provincial officials to send them "the hearts and livers of fifteen-year-old boys and girls" when they had become seriously ill, hoping in vain this medicine would cure him. Later on, private individuals sometimes followed their example, paying soldiers who kidnapped preteen children for their kitchen.
There was also something called war cannibalism, in which victors in a battle, war, or conflict would eat the dead enemy's flesh as "official punishments and private vengeance", as well as "celebrating victory over them."
Therefore, I propose that Sukuna started cannibalism as a way to treat an illness or disease - in private obviously since in Heian era, meat other than seafood was banned and meat that becomes available for special occassions or circumstances like falling sick are reserved for the upper class, plus if he ever was an apprentice monk, he would not have been allowed to consume meat. Since Heian era had outbreaks, such as smallpox, and also common diseases, anyone can get it, including him. So, not wanting to die, he resorted to this. But then it eventually became a habit that also extended to eating people he defeated in battles and young people and women for medicinal and nutritional purposes later on. This is the most likely the reason why in the first chapter, he was looking for children and women.
But if he had contracted some sort of illness or disease at some point in his youth and cannibalism (obviously) wasn't a cure for it, how would he have survived it and lived longer? Perhaps it might have to do with Tengen - who knows if she could have an extension technique of her Immortality CE, where she could have extended his lifespan. It could have had to do with Kenjaku; with their vast knowledge, it's possible he offered a solution to him. However, I'm leaning more towards Tengen helping him in this regard. It was also probably the reason why she ended up having four eyes and all because of this. But, of course, he couldn't escape death, so he agreed to Kenjaku's terms and became cursed objects to reincarnate later on.
My second proposition is that Sukuna was maltreated and the people didn't bother sharing meager amount of food available to him. We know that because of the Fujiwara family's political monopoly in the capital as well as the distribution of the land to nobility made it possible for them to abuse their power. For instance, these lords imposed taxes in an unreasonable amount to fund their lavish lifestyle, which obviously made life hard for the peasants and slaves since goods such as silk, grains and food became a common medium of exchange when the currency fell. So you can imagine how much they had to give up just to pay their taxes. This definitely made their food supply low. I can also imagine Sukuna was blamed for misfortunes and misery they have experienced because of his status as a taboo child. I don't think they would provide him food and so he would have to rely on dead people to survive.
And assuming that we're going off with this proposition instead of the other one, I think the reason why Sukuna was seeking women and children because in the past, it was more common for children and women to die. Children are naturally more vulnerable and women die easily, especially during childbirth. I'm certain that the most common corpses or bodies he must've found were those of children and women. But, of course, eventually he began to crave humans because he got so used to it that normal food didn't satisfy his hunger any longer - not that cannibalism fully resolved it, though.
The Fallen:
(I'm not gonna lie, majority of what I would say here are more assumptions based on Geto's and a bit of Yuji's acts)
Everyone has been comparing Sukuna and Gojo, seeing them as foils and parallels. I acknowledge that they are similar to each other and whatnot. But what if I tell you that he could've gone through an experience or two similar to Geto?
Think about it. Wouldn't you consider Geto as a 'Fallen One'? He was a righteous man, whose goal is to protect the weak as a strong person. But after the Toji incident, his moral convictions and purpose has been questioned by himself, and eventually, he fell from grace - being stripped of his status as a jujutsu sorcerer and thus becoming a curse user. He had the same values but they were reinterpreted and twisted.
If my theory on Sukuna being educated at a Buddhist Temple is true, then he must have believed in the salvation of those who are suffering (like Yuji to some extent), but was corrupted along the way. He had the same ideals, but it became reinterpreted and twisted. I think the reason why he hates Yuji because he is seeing all those he threw away to gain freedom and absolute strength in jujutsu in him. Both of them are inverses of each other, and it's not a surprise if Yuji is the representation of the old Sukuna.
I mean if you look at nobility back in Heian era, they kept indulging themselves in leisure and pleasure to the point that they neglected the economy. Literally the currency fell and all those bureaucratic and admin work fell mostly to lower classes working in each ministry. Basically back then, the higher you were in the hierarchy, the more pleasure you could attain and keep chasing for. How else did you think Japanese art, literature and culture came to be during this era? This was where he probably learned about hedonism or what influenced him to be one.
Not to mention, people who would've taken advantage of him for their pleasure, curiosity, greed and personal gains, power and control, and many more reasons. He could have been like Geto and Yuji, who exorcise curses and help the weak. There was a turning point where he decided to let go of everything and walk the path that he has been in for the last 1000 years.
I am not surprised if he decided to be who he is today as a revenge to the world, a response to the trauma and suffering he went through just like Geto.
If I am right about Sukuna going through a similar experience as Geto did, then this page below brings a whole new meaning to the Gojo vs Sukuna fight on December 24, 2018 - the death anniversary of Geto:
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JJK CH 223
But despite all of these, there's one thing we can agree on - that is, he became the monster the world sees him as in the end.
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That will be it. I hope y'all like it to some extent. Until then.
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Heian Era, Buddhism, 御厨子 -related Topics:
Homosexuality in Medieval Japan:
Cannibalism & Sacred S*x-related Topics:
Ancient Greek, Latin, & Roman Empire Topics:
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sugawara-levi · 1 year
it’s my bday so imagining
birthday morning with Levi
established relationship, soft levi, reader w/ personality, fem reader (calls you girl)
You wake up to the sun landing softly on your pillow. The blinds are pulled up and you rub your eyes against the sharp light. As you drift into reality you hear muffled sounds from the kitchen, of utensils and movement, and you stretch over the big bed. Tangling your body with the white sheets.
Some swearing mixes with the muffles, and some other words you can’t really make out. You can’t help but smile at yourself. Typical him.
Wallowing in the crispy whites around you you enjoy the space as you wait for him and whatever he’s prepared. Listening to the silence.
The door creaks as he pushes it open with his foot and steals into the room you share, trying not to wake you. You open one eye and glance at him from the corner of it. Bare feet shuffling on the parquet floor as he enters wearing only his boxers. He’s carrying a tray but you can’t really tell what’s on it.
“hey baby” he whispers to the morning air as he puts the tray down on the bedside table
You yawn out a “mmmm” and stretch your body after him like a cat, grabbing whatever you get in contact with and pulling it towards you on the bed. Turns out it was a hairy leg.
He scoffs.
Then makes to sit down with his back against the headboard as he greets you with one of his “good morning”s.
“sleep well?”
“mmmh” god knows you were never a morning person.
He’s not either, not really.
“You’re up early” you muffle out into the duvet.
He yawns and you peek a glance as he reaches for a coffee-cup, one of the things that was on the tray.
“Yeah,” he takes a sip, “special services for my girl only.”
You’re beginning to wake up, “lucky girl”.
You can practically hear him smiling into his cup as he takes another sip.
You roll your body over enough that you’re almost upright and sit up in the middle of the bed.
If only you knew how cute you looked. Hair messy, face frowny, sleep in your eyes.
“Come here princess”, he grabs for your waist and pulls you to sit between his legs, chest flush against your back.
“Here, I made your favourite” he says as he puts the breakfast tray on top of you both. “Happy birthday darling”, he kisses your ear.
©sugawara-levi, do not copy or republish m.list
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lou-struck · 1 year
Boba and the Beach
Koshi Sugawara x reader
Prompt:🧋+ beach
~ When the line for the ice cream parlor is too long you and your boyfriend find another beach treat.
WC: 1.2k
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the Masterlist on my welcome page.
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“How is it this hot outside?” Koshi groans, running a hand through his slightly sweaty silver hair; despite your earlier protests about how sweaty your hands are, his other hand is still holding yours as you walk down the wooden boardwalk. 
You sigh and really regret leaving your water bottle on the kitchen counter earlier that day. “I feel like I am in an oven,” you whine, looking at the water in the distance. You swear you can see the heat waves radiating off of the pavement and rippling through the air as you walk. 
It’s the first true summer day of the year, and it seems everyone and their mother is out here.
The Newly renovated boardwalk will for sure be the place to go this summer, with its sprawling bike and walking trails that take you all the way to the old lighthouse in the distance. Countless new shops, restaurants, and boutiques with an amazing oceanfront view and, of course, the beach. Large multicolored umbrellas dot the coastline as people wade into the water, trying their best to beat the heat.
“Do you think your shoes are going to melt?” Koshi asks worriedly, looking down at your cheap flip-flops. In hindsight, you probably should’ve brought something a little better quality with you today, but one dollar flip-flop day at Old Navy only comes around once a year. It would be a crime to miss it.
“No, I think they’re fine.” You lie. Your attention is quickly stolen by a group of teenagers walking by with mouth-wateringly delicious-looking ice cream cones. The one that catches your eye the most is a blue ice cream with little bits of cookie in it. “Oh my God, we need that.” You whisper dramatically. Your eyes bugging out of your head at the size of the scoops.
“The Ice Cream?” he chuckles, looking back over his shoulder. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”
“Ice cream is never a bad idea,” you cheer, grabbing the crook of his arm and pulling him down the boardwalk. You may not have an exact location of the ice cream parlor, but the teens seem to have come from the opposite direction from you, so it can’t be that far. You pass a few more people carrying ice cream cones, and they guide you to the parlor like little beacons of frozen creamy, delicious hope.
Once there, you are too entranced by the sweet smell of freshly baked waffle cones to notice a rather important detail.
“Is that the line?” He asks, noting the long line of people that doesn’t just come out the door of the ice cream parlor, but wraps around the block. Despite the heat, people refuse to move. “We will be here all day if we wait in that.”
“But…” Your stomach grumbles, and you’re half tempted to sneak in front of a young couple more focused on being lip locked than who is in front of them. You take a tentative step forward, only for him to stop you.
“Don’t even think about it,” he lectures. “We can either wait all day in this line or find something else cold to eat.” He rests his hand on the small of your back and gently guides you away from the ice cream parlor, effectively crushing all your rocky road dreams.
“Suga, it is so warm,” you sigh as the two of you pass what looks to be the back of the ice cream line. “What else can we get?”
“Hmm, let’s see what is nearby.” he hums, looking around. Despite the few droplets of sweat on his brow, he looks utterly refreshed in this heat. You wonder if this is the reason some of his high school friends call him ‘Mr. Refreshing’. “Oh, what about that place?” He points to a small shop on the corner, with an adorable chalkboard drawing of a smiling bubble tea mascot just outside the entrance beckoning you inside the shop.
“Boba sounds good; let’s go check it out.” you hum as you walk into the shop. The strong and steady flow from the air conditioner soothes your skin as you walk into the quiet shop. 
“It’s pretty quiet here,” Koshi sighs in relief, shutting the door carefully behind him. “It must be new. I’m glad we found it before it got too busy.”
“Yeah, and they all look so good. What one are you gonna get?” you ask, looking up at the massive menu; there are just so many options and combinations to choose from. 
He pauses and scans the menu, “Hmmm, probably honeydew milk tea.” he hums. “I heard from some of my student’s that it’s refreshing.”
“That does sound good,” you mumble, finally deciding on what to order. “I think I’ll get a brown sugar milk tea.”
“Isn’t that what you get every time we go out for Boba?” he teases, kissing the top of your head affectionately. 
“Yeah, because it’s the best,” you say defensively, trying to reach over and ruffle his silvery gray locks. He orders for both of you and bats your hand away like a cat when you reach for your wallet. 
You weren’t planning on paying, but it’s nice to pretend sometimes.
A few more people wander into the shop as your drinks are being made. And by the time they are at the end of the pickup counter, the line is almost out the door.
“Wow, we made it just in time,” you say, grabbing straws for the two of you. Yours is a sunny yellow color, and it is an icy blue. 
“I guess we are trendsetters.” he laughs, taking the straw and stabbing it into the top of his drink. You have no idea how he does it, but he hits the dead center of the plastic every time. You look at your off-center puncture with envy and take a sip of your drink; the thick straw sends a generous portion of the milk tea into your mouth, quenching your thirst and your sweet tooth. You sigh happily as you bite into a boba pearl enjoying the texture.
Koshi smiles and takes a sip of his own, his eyes go wide, and he takes another sip. “Wow, this one is really good.
“Really?” you ask, leaning over to him. “Let me try?” your try to steal a sip, only for him to pull it away from you. “What was that for?”
He laughs at the pout on your lips and takes another sip of his drink. “I thought you said yours was the best; why would you want to try mine.” his eyes are bright as he teases you. Just trying to push your buttons. 
“It is the best, but I want to find a good backup in case they sell out,” you reply.
“Rude,” he huffs, but he still lets you try his drink. The Melon is sweet but just as refreshing as you thought it would be. “So, how is it?” 
“It’s good,” you hum, “did you try mine?” 
He smiles and opens the door of the shop. “You’re right; yours is better.”
A satisfied smile appears on your face as you walk down the boardwalk and down to the beach as you take another sip of your drink. “I told you so.”
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alienaiver · 1 year
Chapter 3: Collision [FINAL]
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Chapter summary: You're traveling to the duchy where the root of the issues might be. The bond with your advisor deepens and truths are unconvered, in every sense of the word.
Warnings for this chapter: someone gets stabbed in this, and another get an arrow to the head so uh. warnings for that? theres also some in-fighting but its not like, dramatic overkill!
Wordcount: 12k [...hehe]
Chapter content: fluff, sfw, fantasy AU, royalty AU, MEDIUM!!! angst, genderneutral reader, poc and bodytype!friendly reader, no use of y/n, more ‘your majesty‘, im bullshitting my astrology knowledge i apologize to ppl who actually knows shit, happy ending, kissing is minor but THERE IS KISSING, THERES STABBING AND BLOOD HERE THO, descriptions of fights/battles but im not very sufficient in them so it  stays light LMFAO,
notes: i APOLOGIZE MY ASS OFF FOR THE DELAY. i got hit by an intense ass flu, so i could barely text normally the past week!! BUT HERE IT IS.... my god. this world. i have so much more information and world building that will never see the light of day. i wanted to still keep the focus on suga and reader, so i apologize if some of my world building has felt like it falls short now that its done. it was mostly just to show there was more, without diving deeper. i also have intricate backstories for everyone involved and love charts LMFAAAAAO. the economic history has been worked on as well even tho no economy is shown here LMFAO MY DUMBASS  DOING MATH. if youd like me to expand on other characters or other parts, i might be feeling up to it heheeh<33333 ENJOY!!! im gonna go treat myself to my friend’s ice cream in my freezer JFESKJFSK
ALSO in tryibg to fix the spaces between paragraphs, but tumblr's new psot editor is messing w me. so please bear w me! 🧡 (if youd like to avoid the spacing issue until im able to fix it, theres no issues in ao3! the link to the story is on the series masterlist!) ✨
previous ┋ series masterlist ┋ first chapter
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Sugawara’s sitting in the servant’s kitchens, drinking ale with Sawamura and Azumane.
Or more truthfully put, Sawamura and Azumane are drinking ale. Sugawara’s fighting to stay awake and stay part of their current subject. They’re talking animatedly in front of him but he can’t for the life of him follow suit. You’re currently eating a leisurely lunch with Bokuto and his fiancé, Akaashi Keiji, in the gardens before they’re taking their leave tomorrow and travel back to the empire.
You’ve given Sugawara time off but he hardly knows how to pass such hours anymore. There’s always something to do – so when both Azumane and Sawamura was off as well, they all decided to eat lunch together.
“You need to work less, Suga.” Sawamura scolds, his hand pushing at Sugawara’s plate as to regain his attention. He brushes him off as he stifles a yawn, “thanks for the encouragement Daichi, but it’s just sleep that’s the issue, is all.”
Azumane frowns in concern but isn’t sure how to convince Sugawara either, “we never see you around anymore,” he tries and Sugawara smiles, “I appreciate your concern Asahi, however, to support my crown I will do what it takes.”
They both shake their heads and Sugawara sighs as he leans his head in his palm, “I like what I do, you know? It enriches me. When I look at them, all I see is the bright future that shines on Karasuno. They just need a push, is all.”
They nod in unison, “yeah, there’s something to agree on. They have the proper air around them, too.” Sawamura sighs as he crosses his arms, a satisfactory smile on his lips. Azumane smiles too as he takes a sip of his ale, “they’ve come so far. Nothing has brought me greater joy than supporting them through it all.”
Sugawara sends Azumane a beaming smile, “exactly! You spend just as much time with the crown as I do – so there’s no problem, right?”
They laugh and shake their heads at him, “there’s nothing we can say to make you change trajectory anyways, Suga. But please remember to rest.”
The talk branches off to different subjects – mainly Sawamura’s complaints about the new troublemakers in his personnel. They’re talented with weapons and hard-working, but the barracks has never been as chaotic as they are right now. It’s giving Sawamura new wrinkles to worry about.
Sugawara zones out of the conversation as he thinks back to late last night. He’d found you in the map room – the room that had unofficially become your meeting place – exhausted. The bags under your eyes were hardly possible to hide on top of the greying of your skin. After that afternoon where he’d helped you sleep some moons ago, there’d been no repeats and he wasn’t so arrogant to suggest his help himself to the crown. He might’ve even done it wrong for all he knows.
You’d sat with your head resting in your hands, looking pointedly at documents in front of you but Sugawara had a feeling you weren’t looking at anything of this world.
He’d been right.
You hadn’t registered his appearing and the moment he cleared his throat you’d jumped up from the chair with fear and panic in your widened eyes. His arms had shot up to show he meant no harm and as you’d registered his face, you’d become visibly calmer.
Sugawara had ended up going to the guard’s kitchens to grab a bowl of the hot porridge always freshly served for any guards on night duty and spoon-feeding it to you. He’s sure it had been awkward for you, even if you were the one who suggested that he did so, but for him it was an entirely different experience. He’d felt your breath on his hand when it came close to your face and he swore he had almost felt your heart beating, that’s how close he’d been.
He can’t possibly tell of this to Sawamura and Azumane – the teasing would be relentless.
Midday turns to late afternoon and as the sun is slowly setting behind the mountains, Sugawara is called upon by a maid. You’re in his study and require him to attend you.
When he reaches the door left ajar, he sneaks a peek before announcing himself. You’re standing by his window, your hand outreached towards the stained glass, admiring the light’s reflection onto your palm. the sun bounces off of you and leaves you in an ethereal glow. You remind him of the bright guiding star on the night sky.
This is when you’re the most beautiful, Sugawara thinks and holds his breath.
You retract your arm from the sun’s rays and drag your fingers over some of the books on his shelves. It’s the fictional section and he feels a touch of embarrassment at your possible scrutiny. He hears a low chuckle leave you as stop by a small row with a few children’s books. They’re worn out – mostly because he’s used them when telling stories and teaching children how to use letters, but also simply from age. They’re the first gift from his mentor and he holds them close in his heart.
To Sugawara’s surprise, you turn around and look directly at him. Then, you let out a surprised yelp when you see him. Your hand travels to your chest, “oh, I apologize Sugawara, I neither saw nor heard you.” you laugh and he shakes his head and bows lightly, “no the fault is mine, your majesty. I apologize for startling you.”
You laugh it off and sit yourself down by his desk, “the lunch with Bokuto went well, I take it?” he asks as he rounds the armchair to sit down, keeping his gaze on you. You hum out a reply as you settle better into his chair, dragging your open palms over his desk, “I’ll miss him and Akaashi when they leave. You’re joining us for supper, correct? It won’t be for the full court, for the sake of privacy.” Sugawara raises his eyebrows but keeps his stare level, “pardon?” he asks and you chuckle, “I’d like you to be there. The chefs are making your favorite.”
His favorite?
The chefs – who cook for the royal court – is making his favorite meal from his hometown? A nervous laugh escapes him, “your majesty, are you serving spiced tofu to your royal visitors?”
A smile as mischievous as your personality graces your features as you nod, “I’m sure Bokuto and Akaashi will enjoy it as well! And I’m curious about it too. It’s been on my mind since you told me about it.”
Maybe he shouldn’t have, he thinks for a short panicked moment.
He’s not sure how highly spiced the chefs will prepare it – hopes it won’t be – but he can’t be certain. His dream isn’t to offend the royal tastebuds of his crown and other royal entities. You bark out a laugh, one that comes deep within your stomach and sound off of the room, “you seem perplexed, Sugawara.”
Sugawara nods, “do you enjoy spiced food, your majesty?”
You smile, big and proud, “I can take anything.”
You couldn’t.
Since you’d been so wise to ask the chefs to create it as true to its original form, the spice level had been nothing to scoff at. In your defense, Sugawara thinks you’re holding out really well, considering.
Bokuto’s handling it worse than you, constantly scarfing down the offered milk while Akaashi enjoys it in silence. Sugawara’s not sure whether or not that’s positive, but decides to take it as a win either way. The dinner drags on with the minstrel playing for them struggling to keep a neutral face. Sugawara’s not sure telling Azumane and Sawamura about this spectacle in front of him would count as treason against the crown.
“You’re in love with them, aren’t you?”
Sugawara’s chokes on his own spit at Akaashi’s blunt question during the final evening walk of the gardens. It’s become a habit during their stay, and you and Bokuto are currently walking further ahead, opting for conversational privacy for a few short moments. Sugawara hadn’t expected Akaashi to speak much to him, let alone confront him like this. Akaashi smiles and looks up at the sky, “the night sky’s so beautiful out here. It reminds me of the place where Bokuto proposed to me.”
Sugawara nods, confusion evident on his face, “that does indeed sound romantic, your majesty.”
Akaashi nods his head towards you, “they like the stars too, don’t they? You should take advantage of that knowledge.”
Before Sugawara can ask him to elaborate, Bokuto calls on them both and he gives Sugawara a court smile, “I think the chances align in your favor, dear advisor.” And with that, he walks up to Bokuto and kisses him on the cheek.
It takes Sugawara a few short moments to restart his mind, being called out of his stupor by you, asking if he’d like to retreat for the night. There’s a question for concern hidden in the syllables and the gentleness of your gaze that makes his palms sweat.
Bokuto and Akaashi departs your kingdom without further incident, and Sugawara feels like he can finally relax in several days. The moment Bokuto and his entourage has left the courtyard, Sugawara notices how your shoulders slump slightly as well. It must’ve been more draining for you than he can even imagine. While you and Bokuto are on much more even ground, he’s sure the need to pose correctly still lingers at all times.
“Sugawara, what does the court say about my marriage opportunities?”
He tries to keep his face as neutral as possible, to hide the surprise from the sudden question in the middle of your lunch in the map room. You haven’t been in here for longer than small moments while Bokuto had been visiting, so it’s nice to finally sit in here again, just the two of you. To gain a moment where he can gather himself, Sugawara takes a bite of his bread and hums, signaling that he needs to finish chewing. You wait patiently with a neutral expression.
He then brushes his palms against each other to get rid of any loose breadcrumbs, “there currently aren’t any official suitors, if that’s what you’re asking.”
You smile and take a sip of your tea, placing it down gently, “my question pertained more in regard to our laws. With whom can I marry? What are my restrictions?”
Sugawara swallows thickly again, letting his mind stay close to simple facts and not emotions, “well there’s quite a bit of history there. In the olden days, the crown was allowed to appoint anyone – although most of the weddings still related mostly to those of royal blood, your great-great-grandmother married a commoner – to which her son was so enraged that the bloodline was sullied,” you both make a grimace at this part of the story, “that he forbade such matrimonies when he ascended the throne.”
You sigh and deflate down into the chair, “what an unsettling man.” Sugawara nods in agreement and gently folds his napkin over the plate to signal that he finished eating, “a lot of laws were created during his reign that most don’t agree with.”
”I can’t imagine he was very popular.”
Sugawara tuts at you, “now, now, your majesty. You mustn’t speak ill of the dead.”
You sigh and give him a look – one that signals that it may not matter as much to you. Sugawara then clears his throat and with a voice pitched higher than he’d have liked, asks, “a-anyways, what brought this on, your majesty? If I may be so presumptuous to ask.”
You tense up suddenly, clearing your own throat and hastily gathering your cutlery on your plate, clearing your throat a second time before you answer, “oh! Oh, well. Akaashi’s a commoner and it just… it got me thinking, you know?” your hand travels to the back of your neck to scratch while you let out a soft laugh. Sugawara smiles gently at you, happy to hear you might’ve found someone – even if he thinks you should focus on your duties for an extended period of time before marrying (that’s what he tells himself is the reason, at least, when he’s back in his own sleeping chambers that night). You don’t bring up the subject again, and Sugawara tells himself he shouldn’t pry.
Sawamura walks around the map room, his armor newly polished and shiny. You’re sitting upright in a chair with Sugawara standing next to you, arms on his back. Azumane’s there too, sitting on a stool to the right of the table. Sawamura’s waiting for his underlings to arrive, his eyebrows getting more and more furrowed with every moment they’re leaving him waiting. The mood is tense in the room and you’re afraid of making small-talk – you can’t stifle the yawn that threatens to spill and look at Azumane, who you inevitably infect with the need as well. He gives you a reassuring smile and just then you hear the sounds of someone yelling as the sound of their armor indicates that they’re running in your direction.
Sawamura hurries to the door and lets out a hushed but no less powerful, “hey!” which makes Hinata and Kageyama halt in their movements. He ushers them inside and sigh deeply, “your behavior could cost a life on a battlefield,” he scolds and you hurry to get up with a kind smile, “luckily it wasn’t on the battlefield, Sawamura, let us excuse this honest blunder and get started, shall we?” you send Hinata and Kageyama a look that you hope shows them you won’t bail them out of a scolding a second time.
It’s past 3AM and the moon’s high in the sky. You’ve all rendezvoused in the map room to plan what you hope will stay a secret plan until you’ve left the keep in a few days.
The information that Bokuto offered you has meant tremendously in the investigation and yesterday you finally convinced Sugawara to let you go with them as they’re traveling to the Hiashi duchy to figure it all out once for and for all. There are gaps in the knowledge that the kingdom pertains and what seems to be the actual reality.
You’d like the arrival to the duchy to be as quiet as possible, gaining momentum before a possible uprising will occur if the news reach them before their arrival. Sawamura originally wanted two other guards with him, more seasoned ones he knows and trusts well, but Hinata is from the area that you’re going to, and Sugawara convinced Sawamura of the importance of someone they already trust as a local.
Sawamura goes over your travel route, of the places and areas where you’ll be resting. There’ll be tent-sleeping and as little contact to the people of the kingdom as possible. Your face is already known and he won’t risk this information breaching containment. His guards are well underway packing all of your needs and supplies – you will all travel as light as possible, meaning everyone will have to carry their weight. As he says this, he gives you an apologetic look that makes you snort out loud, “I am fully capable, sir. There shan’t be any complaints from my shoulders.”
You miss the proud gleam from your advisor as Azumane reaches for your shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze.
The plan is simple, really. For you, it feels like an adventurous and exciting quest but you know, based on Sawamura’s tight demeanor, that there’ll be dangers lurking. He wouldn’t bring in so many neutral guards to travel in the radius around you if it wasn’t – not to mention his loud protests when you demanded to join him.
Sugawara had to calm him down after that and it wasn’t until that moment you realized the weight you’ve put on his shoulders by joining this mission – he’d already lost your father to a faceless enemy. One he’s hopefully going to face again if the outcome of this hunt goes right. What if he isn’t strong enough to protect you as well?
It turns out there wasn’t much for him to worry about, as you’re at the end of the first week of traveling with no issues. The fears Sawamura conjured in all of your minds on the night you left seems so far away now, with the quiet travels you’ve experienced. You’re in one of the middle duchies, Kogeno, and the weather tonight is clear and fresh. Spring is nearing and the tips of the mountains aren’t all white anymore.
Yesterday, Sugawara showed you one of the spring flowers in bloom. Kageyama accidentally trampled it down with the mule shortly after.
You’ve taken a liking to the night shifts. You’re traveling with two tents, one for you and one for the rest of them – you’ve tried protesting this multiple times, seeing no need to carry both when there’d be room for you in theirs. None of them has accepted that, though, fiercely arguing about your title as crown and theirs as commoners. You aren’t sure how to tell them it’s lonely without sounding too much like a child. Azumane sometimes comes in and holds your hand, but you know he leaves your tent shortly after you’ve dozed off.
Night shifts are less lonely since no one takes them alone. You’ve gotten closer to Hinata, learning about his hometown and his dream of becoming a knight. How no one believed him and he was ridiculed for such a dream due to his short stature. He’d proudly puffed out his chest the night you’d told him that you’d appoint him a title after the travels were over, “I’ll even send home an official letter to your family.” You’d added with a wink, and his eyes had turned bigger than you thought possible.
The day after, Sugawara had scolded you that you mustn’t make such promises to such a young guard. You’d dismissed him.
Tonight, you and Sugawara has the shift together. You take a sip of your tea and sigh, “it sure is quaint out here,” you muse and Sugawara chuckles, “you seem to have fallen quite in love with the countryside.”
You look at him longingly and smile, “well, it’s quite the view.”
He doesn’t notice how your gaze lingers on him and just smiles into the distance, “it is. I haven’t ever been this far south.”
You wrap yourself up more in the blanket that Sugawara draped over you earlier, when your watch started. You then gather the courage to ask him, “are you happy with your work?”
You’re not sure if he turns his head to look at you or not, your eyes fixated on a rock further ahead in your line of vision, afraid that his answer might not be what you’re looking for. You spent so many years admiring the relationship between your father and his advisor, counting down the days until you’d be the one bound in an oath like that. You’re not sure it is what you expected.
You’re not sure you’re supposed to look at his lips so much.
Sugawara sighs and stretches his arms, “it sure is work, your majesty.”
It takes a moment for you to register his joke, to understand that he’s making fun of you, your expression not as schooled as you’d like it to be. You kick his shin and he chuckles before taking a sip of his own tea. It’s elfbark, harvested a few days prior when he took you foraging – he’d even held your hand as you went over a creek.
“There’s no greater thing for me to do, your majesty. I told you, remember? That I dreamt of grandness, to help the Karasuno Kingdom reclaim its former glory before the Third Age.”
You hum out a reply and look into the fire in front of you, “do you think I shall be able to achieve that? Continue my father’s work?”
Sugawara puts down his cup and leans closer to you, his brown boot lightly touching yours. A way to make a connection. You notice the dirt on the leather. You think this may be the first time you’ve ever had boots this dirty outside of the keep. Sugawara points up at the night sky,
“You remind me of the guiding star, your majesty. Your glow is magnificent and empowering, you’ll lead this country to greatness. Do you not trust the Farseers?”
You huff out a laugh, trying to hide the flustered expression on your face by looking back at the tents, avoiding his intense gaze, “it is not that I do not trust them, Sugawara, but being called the ‘Bringer of Serenity’ feels like a title meant for someone else.” you admit, for the first time out loud to anyone ever since the premonition was brought to you by the Farseer clan when you were just short of 14. You’re not sure when you started to feel like an impostor. It’s been a while since those thoughts journeyed your mind last.
You haven’t had such thoughts since Sugawara came into your life.
“You’re my earth, Sugawara.”
You blurt it out before you can stop yourself – before you can think through the heaviness of the words. Spiraling in your mind, you don’t notice the way Sugawara’s breath hitches or the way his eyes widen, his mouth hanging open. There’s a silence stretching between you until Sugawara manages to close his mouth and bite his lip.
“Pardon, your majesty?”
You can’t retract it now – you might as well be honest. Didn’t your father always tell you to never hide any parts of yourself for your advisor?
You heave in a big breath, “you ground me. I may be a star to you, up in the sky where nothing can reach me. But I get to admire you, look at you. To be reminded of who I’m shining for. A constant reassurance that you’ll always be there.”
Sugawara doesn’t reply to you immediately and you cough into your sleeve to hide your face, not able to look him in the eye just yet.
As the silence stretches out you whine and give in and look up at him. Sugawara’s simply looking at you with the warm smile that makes your insides melt. If it weren’t for the darkness of the night, you’d know that his lash line is wet, but he gets to keep that information to himself. You raise an eyebrow, “’cause you will always be here…. Right?”
His warm and affectionate smile turns into a face splitting grin, the gooey mess in your stomach suddenly sprouting wings and flying rapidly, desperately around inside you, “of course, your majesty.”
A few more days pass in peace, the setting up of tents your biggest worry. There are two mules with you, ones that Kageyama and Hinata takes care of. It’s not until you’re at the borders between Kogeno and Hiashi that trouble arise. There’re scouts positioned in a two-and-a-half-mile radius traveling alongside you, even if you’d insisted there was no need. Sawamura hadn’t budged on the subject and the hardened look he’d given you made you shrink in on yourself, remembering the burden you’ve put on him.
Some scouts didn’t report back to Sawamura and some went missing. Sawamura’s sitting by the fire with Sugawara, a tense silence draped over them. “I think it’d be safer to return with the crown.” Sawamura says, his eyebrows furrowed. Sugawara hums, “I’m not sure they’ll do that. They’re just as determined as you are, if not more.”
Sawamura heaves a big sigh as he straightens his back, lifts his arms above his head and gain a satisfying pop of joints. Sugawara scrunches his nose up at the noise – he’ll never be one to enjoy that sound.
“Won’t they listen to you?”
Sugawara scoffs out a laugh as he takes a sip of his mug of ale, “as capable as they recognize me to be, if their heart is set on something, none of my academic words will matter.”
You’re all out in the woods with no one around you, so everyone lets their guard down. There’s quiet, only the sounds of critters. Sawamura flinches a few times but Sugawara doesn’t notice.
The mules, which are tied up next to your tent, start whinnying and moving restlessly, and that’s when Sugawara notices.
There’s a fire at the side of your tent.
He flies up, his mug thrown to the ground as he runs towards the entrance, glad to see the fire’s still small. “Daichi!” he calls as he hurls open the latch of the cotton door. Sawamura yells in the distance and out of his peripheral vision he sees Kageyama and Hinata jump out of their tent.
You’re asleep. He flies to his knees in front of your bedding, “your majesty!” he calls and you open your eyes, confused and disoriented, “we have to get out!” is all Sugawara says before he pulls you against him and out of the tent. You both land on the ground outside, coughing.
There are other people now. Sugawara belatedly hears the clashing of swords, commands and running. It takes him a moment to orient himself, shielding you underneath him on the ground. You start to claw at his arms, “I can fight too!” you yell, and he hushes you, “we’re not sure what our enemy is here,” he half-whispers as he makes a headcount. He’s not sure if they’ve noticed you’re out of your tent, alive. You grab on to the ground underneath you and manage to crawl free of Sugawara’s grasp, running to your sword placed by the supplies, ready to grab and defend with if needed.
There’s more yelling, and you manage to land a hit on someone using an axe. Commands of killing the crown are shouted all around you and Sawamura’s back hits yours, “your majesty, please escape.” He says and you let out a hysterical scoff, “I’m not”- you land a hit on the hip of the enemy in front of you- “leaving you all behind!” you finish, shouting as you kick the person away. They fall to the ground, weapon lost on the way down. The fire from your tent lights up the place in an almost magnificent glow.
Someone shouts something about daggers, you think it might be Hinata. You turn your head, and then you see it.
The dagger hurled toward you makes your eyes widen in fear, freezing you into place. You want to dodge – knows how to, yet you’re unable. You hear the shouting of your men from all around you, amplified by the sound of weapons continually clashing. You’re able to filter out Sugawara’s voice in all the noise as he calls your name – your name. It’s the first time you hear him use it and you almost want to scoff at how the mind processes all of this in such short moments. This must be what it feels like to know you’ll die. An image of your father appears in your mind.
And then you’re roughly pushed to the ground, exclaiming a groan at the impact with another human, hearing his cry into your shoulder as you both crash onto the ground. All sounds are now muffled and you feel intensely the pressure on your ribs from the weight of the other, the pebbles digging into your hip from the ground and then, then you feel a warm liquid trickle down over your collarbone and jaw. You briefly wonder if it’s yours but can, in those short seconds, locate no penetrated part of you that’d make you bleed, heaving in a deep breath filled with the dust of the ground.
Your eyes travel to the tuft of grey hair tickling your cheek and it’s then the bubble that had closed your ears pop sharply, making every sound all too loud and all too much again. On top of you, Sugawara is groaning in pain before he rolls off to the ground next to you, apologizing in a strained voice for getting blood on you.
The dagger, meant for your heart, is lodged into his shoulder and he’s bent awkwardly in an attempt to hide it from you with his left arm. You desperately pull his other arm away to assess the damage and there’s more than just one scolding going through your mind as you see how much blood is running down over his arm and chest, though no constructive words are able to pass your lips, only panicked one-syllable words. Sugawara’s already heavily damaged, not one used to fighting like this. There’s already bruising forming on his face, his brow split and bleeding. He’s groaning in obvious agony.
Words are being shouted around you and one repeats itself continuously, “run, your majesty!”
It’s not a demand, it’s a plead. Sawamura’s voice sounds desperate and coarse as he fights off another attacker with his sword. The meaning behind the words has changed since he started shouting them at the beginning of the ambush and for the first time since drawing out your sword, you decide to heed his words. You send him a determined nod and his gratitude gives him new power to charge an enemy.
“I’m sorry, Koushi, please hold on,” you whisper and Sugawara starts whining and trashing as you try to carry him off of the ground. His voice is garbled as the four words departs him, “leave me. Hide.”
You laugh, almost hysterically as you get his arm over your shoulders, “you can make this easier for me or not, I won’t leave you.”
The fear of losing Sugawara gives you new strength and while limping on your right leg, you manage to carry the both of you into the nearby bushes off of the road. You have half a mind to look back and check if anyone’s following you, but it’ll slow you down to turn your head, so you decide to trust Sawamura and his men. You know more arrived shortly after the ambush, the back-up guards Sawamura has had stationed in a radius around you ever since you left Karasu Keep. You’re not sure how many successfully fell to the ground up until this point, but hope you’ve outnumbered them by now.
The shouting becomes quieter, the throbbing of your head becoming louder. Out here there’s no light, the bushes and trees blocking off the light from the fire in the camp. Blearily, you locate a bigger bush and decides to push yourself and Sugawara inside of it to hide. He groans loudly at the impact, and as you crawl in next to him, you realize it’s a hawthorn bush. You roll your eyes; it’ll have to do.
You feel the thorns digging into your exposed skin as you try to get on your knees and pull Sugawara’s upper body to your lap gently, trying not to make the damage worse. Judging by his groans and whines, you’re not doing a very good job at it. You feel after the wound and hiss when you realize it’s still bleeding. You’re afraid to pull out the dagger, fearing it’ll make it worse. You’re also afraid it might be poisoned – would these attackers rely on simple luck that it’d pierce either your head or your heart? A dagger to the arm or leg isn’t necessarily fatal.
You apologize to Sugawara in bated breaths as you try to get a grip of your shirt’s side, ripping off as much fabric as you’re able, all the way to your back, where it’s hard to reach. You then lift his arm to wrap it around.
“Remove”-Sugawara coughs and curls in on himself – “the dagger.” He finished and you whine at his command, “what if you’ll bleed more?” and he wheezes out a laugh, “I’m bleeding either way, aren’t I?”
You want to punch him, but decide to do as he says, “here, bite down on this. I don’t want them to hear us,” you rip off the fabric of your sleeve and he bites down onto it, “I’m not sure if I’m supposed to do it quickly or slowly,” you admit and he groans. You apologize again, “I’ll do it quickly, in one”- you put your hands around the handle – “two… and three!”
Sugawara passes out after that.
Sugawara’s eyes are heavy as he tries to open them, coated with blood and tears. He hears Sawamura calling out, “Suga! Are you here? Your majesty!” and as he manages to open his right eye, is immediately blinded by the bright light coming in through the branches he’s surrounded by. He feels a weight on top of him and feels arms wrapped tightly around him, almost caging him in. He hears your soft breathing and sees you asleep on top of him.
Your face, beautiful and kind is layered in caked blood and dirt, your lip swollen. His name is called again and as he opens his mouth to reply, he realizes how dry and big his tongue feels. He tries to lick his lips, gather saliva but coughs instead, “in… here,” he manages to croak out but it’s barely even a whisper, his voice strained and hoarser than he’s tried before. He takes in a deep breath, “Daichi!”
Footsteps near them in a fast pace, “bushes,” he manages to wheeze out and that’s when you steer over him, “Sugawara!” you plead as he coughs from the strain, and then Sawamura is standing next to the bushes, “we’ll help you out, don’t worry your majesty, Suga.”
Sugawara’s eyes fall shut again.
He wakes up more comfortable this time, wrapped in blankets and with a pillow underneath his head. He’s back by the camp, and everyone is gathered, in various stages of bruised and hurt – but alive.  
He sighs as he falls back onto the pillow, which makes Daichi look down at him, a gentle expression on his face, “you’re awake.”
Next to him, you’re stirring something together in a cup, blending them as you wait for the kettle to finish boiling – you’re preparing medicine, he realizes. You’re doing it meticulously and with your tongue sticking out in concentration.
Sawamura fills him in on what happened, “it’s the same men as the attack on the former crown,” he clears his throat and takes in a deep breath, “fewer this time. We managed to fight them off, but a few of them escaped – probably to report back to whoever’s behind this.”
You fill in the cup with the water, trying to pour it in the swirling motion that your father taught you, so that the medicine blends better. You haven’t spoken a word to Sugawara yet. He pouts, “that decides this. The crown’s going back.”
He’s never seen you turn your head so fast, “I am most definitely not!”
Sugawara tries to sit up but feel the strain it gives his body, wheezing out a cough. You instinctively reach out to help him, but recoil at the last minute as you see the hardened look he gives you, “there’s no discussion to be had about this. You’re going back to Karasu Keep where you’ll be safe – and alive!”
You scoff at him and get up, “who’s the hurt one here? I can walk and run just fine!” you yell, and everyone at the camp is holding their breath, shifting their gazes between the two of you. Sugawara groans out loud to make a point and sits up higher, “who says you’ll survive the nex-“
“I do! I’ll survive jus-!”
“There’s no heir!”
Everyone freezes. You look at Sugawara with a mixed gaze, surprise and … is it hurt he sees there? He looks pointedly at the ground as he sighs, “Karasuno is teetering on the edge as it is. Losing one crown to an assassination was a hard blow – but losing the next one too? You’re unmarried, you’re childless. Whose head will the crown fall upon? Someone with the kingdom’s interests at heart?”
You slump and almost stagger but stand your ground as much as you’re able. You look him directly into his eyes, and he swallows thickly at the emotions swirling so obviously there, “I’ll survive.” You grit it out, like it’s hard to speak, and he fears it might be for you. He knows his words have hurt you – but he’d rather have you hurt and alive. He’ll gladly become a villain in your mind to keep you in this world. He grits his teeth,
“Take Hinata and go back.”
You laugh and throw your arms in the air, “we’re almost there. Who says I won’t be attacked on the way home, then? Will I be safer with more guards or simply one? And we only have pack-mules and very little supplies. I’ll hardly survive the trip home without making it known that I left!”
Sawamura gets up then and gives Sugawara an apologetic look, “they’re right. It’s safer to keep them with us.”
Sawamura sends him a pleading look, begging for him to cooperate, “keeping the crown safe is my priority and responsibility. I cannot guarantee such protection if they’re to stray from my side.”
Sugawara puffs up his cheeks, “you wanted to send them home a few days ago!” he yells, his anger redirected to his best friend. Sawamura lets out an exasperated sigh, “the situation’s changed.”
Sugawara looks around. Azumane, Hinata and Kageyama are all avoiding his gaze. “You can’t be serious!” he yells before he falls back on the makeshift bed and turns to lie on his left side, his back turned to everyone. He has to squeeze his eyes shut to prevent tears from falling.
Kageyama’s standing by the mules, feeding them stray grass he’s found from the side of the road. You come up to him and stand in silence. You’re not sure how to talk to him, though you wish you could. His entire arm is brushed and bandaged and he’s limping just a little bit more than you are.
You sigh as you pet the side of the mule’s head. It leans happily towards you, enjoying the attention. “Should I go back?”
Kageyama whips his head so fast towards you that it surprises you. His face is as hard to read as ever before he pouts, “I’ve never wanted to follow a weak leader,” he gets out and you raise your eyebrows, awaiting his continuation. “I don’t think Suga meant it the way you took it.”
You nod as he bites the inside of his cheek, “I’ll always follow you, your majesty, and I believe you capable of making the right choices.”
There’s silence between you again, only the sounds of the mules’ hooves and breaths – it’s comfortable. Behind you, you can hear the movements and low talks of your other travel buddies. Azumane has clung to you since you came back and this is the first time you’re walking away from the make-shift seatings and he didn’t follow you.
“I think Suga simply wants you to survive, is all, your majesty.”
It’s your turn to bite the inside of the cheek at the statement.
Evening has arrived at your little camp and while everyone’s settled in a sort of comfortable gratitude about being alive and well, the tension between you and Sugawara is still pulled taut. Hinata is currently singing a few songs by the fire while Kageyama fills up the waterskins for tomorrow’s continued travels.
“Sugawara, a moment if you will.”
Sugawara puts the ladle back down into the pot of porridge with gracious speed compared to the damage of his injury before he straightens his back and replies to you, just as coldly as you had to him, “of course, your majesty. How may I assist you?”
Azumane and Sawamura can scarcely keep the smiles off of their faces at the display in front of them, entirely too childish and immature – not befitting of the crown and their advisor at all. Not to mention the way they’re all unceremoniously huddled under blankets around the fire, their ruler in the same, commoner survival gear as them. You look nothing like royalty after last night’s attack, so your speech mannerisms seem almost out of character. Sawamura’s just glad they brought a few extra uniforms with them since everything in your tent turned to ashes.
You pull out a map and beckon him closer. Sawamura doesn’t miss the way Sugawara rolls his eyes ever so slightly yet gets up from his crouched position to be by your side at your request. Your quarrel today is still heavy in the air and Azumane fears for the night shift the two of you are supposed to have at nightfall. He knows how you both can be stubborn and volatile and he’s not sure he’ll be able to sleep soundly.
Your talk remains civil as you go through the final stretch of your journey on the map, talking strategies. Sawamura altered the route earlier today to shake off possible attackers in case there’d been a mole in his scouting groups. He’d also sent one back to the keep requesting back up – he’s not sure they’ll get there in time, even if their travels won’t be on foot.
The night shift is entirely quiet. Sugawara’s stiff through the first few hours, waiting for you to yell at him, chide him, anything. But you stay silent, only occasionally getting up to fetch fresh water from the kettle by the fire. He thinks he’d rather want a scolding at this point.
You then gasp out loud and his fight or flight reacts immediately, his body tensing, ready to jump up at any given demand. He may be hurt, but he’s sure he’d still be able to defend you – at least until Sawamura woke up. He then looks to you, and your eyes are fixated on the sky above you. There’s a shimmer reflected in your eyes that makes his pose relax, the half-smile you’re adorning that makes him unclench his fists.
“There was a shooting star,” you explain and keep your gaze fixed up. Sugawara looks up at the immense horizon, the stars illuminating the pitch-black darkness. “Right there,” you point up even if the action is meaningless since your perspective is different from his, “right by Orion.”
That doesn’t help him, so he just stares up at the sky, “I think Cygnus is visible on the sky tonight as well.” You bite your underlip in concentration as your eyes flicker around and Sugawara finds himself looking more intently at you than at the heavens. A triumphant smile appears on your face, “yep, it’s right there north of the guiding star!” you say and Sugawara hangs his head low as he admits his biggest academic flaw to date, “I can’t navigate the stars.”
There’s silence from you and he finally gathers the courage to look up at you. The moment your eyes meet his apologetic ones, you can’t stop yourself from bursting out into a laugh. He seems genuinely sorry that he’s unable to locate a constellation and the blanket of tension between you dissipates immediately at his confession. You wipe a stray tear from your lash line as Sugawara pouts next to you, “it’s okay,” you manage to say between laughs as you start to quiet down again, “I can show you.”
You shuffle closer to Sugawara – closer than he thinks you’ve been before and he swallows thickly – and put your head by his shoulder. Sugawara holds his breath. You raise your arm to point, “do you see the bright star there? It’s Deneb, there’s three stars aligning with it horizontally,” you say and Sugawara thinks he knows where you’re talking about. You sigh before you continue, “the star directly next to Deneb, there’s stars that go vertically,” you point your finger a little higher slowly as you count, “one a little distance away and then,” you lick your lips subconsciously, “two, three and four.”
Sugawara’s getting cross-eyed by the closeness but wills his mind to focus entirely on your hand and the stars above. He sees the pattern you’re mentioning, “Cygnus means swan, right?” he asks and you nod. In nodding, your head touches his shoulder – you decide to lean into that with a sigh, “yeah, it’s the swan constellation. It means summer’s coming.”
Sugawara dares not move, lest you pull back from him. Only once has he felt your weight like this on him, and he never imagined himself lucky enough to experience it twice. He can feel your body temperature mingle with his own and when he exhales slowly, he can actually see his breath. He notices your slight shiver. It’s unseasonably cold for this time of year, “it’s the clear skies. There’s nothing to tie down the heat.” you say while stifling a yawn.
Did Sugawara speak out loud? He simply nods, unable to form the proper words he wants to articulate. All these years reading books and learning about the human mind and he can’t even hold a conversation with you. He wants to lean onto you as well, but he doesn’t.
You climb out of the tent bright and early, stretching your limbs. You enjoy sleeping in but admittedly sleeping next to three grown and snoring men made it easier to get up with the sun. Azumane greets you from the fireplace and hands you a cup of tea as you settle down.
Today, Hinata is leaving ahead of you to see if he can either gain information or trust. He’s from the duchy – even if he grew up on the borders of it, on the other side of the mountain, it might help that a local arrives. He’s preparing a packing mule for traveling together with Sawamura, trying to make it appear that he’s been traveling alone. You’re lucky he didn’t get visibly hurt during the assault.
When he’s packed and ready to leave, you approach him, “thank you, Hinata, for doing this,” you say with a gentle smile that makes Hinata tense up in excitement from your acknowledgement. He then salutes you, “of course, your majesty! I shall do my utmost to help.”
He sounds knightly and ready, if it weren’t for the rumbling of his stomach a few short moments after his declaration. He curls in on himself with an apology dripping from his mouth. You notice the signs in him as the signs you had back when you became Crown-in-Waiting. You bend down to lock eyes with him, “you’re going to do great, no matter the outcome.” You hope you give a sufficient enough smile as you rest a hand on his shoulder, “we’ll arrive after nightfall as well, so it won’t be long before we’re united again, okay?”
He inhales slowly, holds it, and while straightening his back, exhales slowly again. He seems more determined as he gives you a big smile, “thank you, your majesty.” he says as he gets ready to leave you.
After Hinata’s left, you’re all by the campfire, eating a small provisional breakfast. Kageyama’s trying to sleep a few hours before you leave after having the final part of the night shift. Sawamura scratches at his ever-growing beard and you smile, “it’s really grown out these days, huh.” You say and he laughs. One of those deep ones that rumbles from his stomach, “I admit I have forgotten to pack a proper looking glass and blade.”
You smile and take a bite out from the small bowl on your lap, “it suits you. Beards are very handsome.”
Next to you, Sugawara chokes on a piece of bread. With a worried look you turn to him, leaning in to see if he’s alright. You pat his back and he raises an arm, “I’m okay, your majesty,” he manages to wheeze out and you smile, “you have to be careful.”
Sugawara nods as he wipes off his mouth with his sleeve. He freezes when he feels the pad of your fingers against his cheek, “you haven’t grown out much hair,” you absentmindedly state, eyes locked on his lips, the valley of his cupids bow as you feel the softness of his skin. You’re pulled out of your daze by the roaring laughter around you. You look to Sawamura and Azumane who’s both wheezing out, Sawamura hitting his thigh too in order to control his laughter. Sugawara pouts and scolds them, “shut up you two!” he tries, but they hardly listen.
You laugh at the antics in front of you, “did I say something amiss?” you ask and Azumane heaves in a breath, “Suga’s never been able to grow a beard, it’s his insecurity, your majesty.”
“Hey!” Sugawara yells and your eyes trace back to him, he’s pointing at Azumane with his butter knife, “stop telling people about that!” he side-eyes you for a second and then, in a frustrated whisper adds, “especially them!” as if you wouldn’t be able to hear him.
Sawamura laughs, “when we were little, Suga drew a picture of us grown up, and he had this big beard on the drawing – so you can imagine his disappointment,” he jokes and you laugh. Sugawara mumbles out unintelligible yet clearly annoyed words.
“Yeah, in front of the castle, right?” Sawamura asks and Azumane confirms, “yeah, he drew it shortly before I left as my parting gift. I still have it in my chambers.”
You look around at the three men in front of you with slight confusion, “you grew up together?”
They all return your confused look, staring at you as if you’d just grown three heads and not simply asked an innocent question. Azumane smiles, “did I fail to mention so, your majesty? We’re all from the same hometown.”
You nod as you piece together the childhood stories you’ve gotten before from both Azumane and Sugawara. Like a painting receiving it’s finer lines, you start to visualize who was with them in the stories they’ve told. You raise a hand to your mouth as you bark out a laugh, “I didn’t realize! But I can see how it makes sense…”
You sigh, “…must be nice, to stay so close after so many years.”
They all nod, solemnly, and the rest of the breakfast is finished in silence. It’s comfortable, but there’s a fog around you that Sugawara can’t seem to see through. He’s not sure how to give you any reassuring words.
When you arrive at the outskirts of town, there’s quiet. You can see the light from the houses littering the scenery and nothing seems amiss. There’re still a few miles to the center of the town, so you stretch your arms over your head as you straighten your back. Sawamura is by your side instantly, “do you need a break, your majesty?” he asks and you smile at him as you shake your head, “I’m fine, Sawamura. Thank you, though.”
Sugawara and Kageyama are walking behind with the remaining mule and Azumane’s walking a few steps ahead. Sawamura paces his walking to yours, and a comfortable silence settles over you as you take in your surroundings.
You heave in a breath to gather courage and clench your fists at your sides, then you turn to Sawamura, “ho- “your voice is higher pitched than you’d like, so you steel yourself again, “how was Sugawara as a child?”
Sawamura looks at you, startled to begin with but loosens up with a sort of fatherly smile. He looks up at the sky as you continue walking side by side, “Suga? He’s not much different now, I’d say. He’s mischievous when he wants to be, but other than that he’s got a stout heart – he doesn’t sway easily.”
You nod, playing with your fingers to alleviate your own nervousness. Sawamura sighs, “he’s always there for the people he cares about. He picked a fight with some older guys when we were kids, because they picked on his brother.” Sawamura chuckles at the memory.
“He’s a romantic, too.” Sawamura adds and it sounds much like an afterthought to you, but if Sugawara had heard him say those words to you, he’d scolded him. You feel your pulse quicken from something other than the brisk pace you’re walking as you hurry to avert your eyes to the ground. You’re about to say something when you’re abruptly interrupted, “psst!”
You all turn your heads to the hedge you’re walking next to, Sawamura already holding onto the handle of his sword, ready to fight if necessary. It’s an elderly lady in a cloak looking directly at you. She’s so small that her head is barely above the hedge’s edge. “Who walks there?” Sawamura demands, all loud and imposing but she hurries to hush him, “quiet! Come in quickly, before everyone knows you’ve arrived.”
She motions for you all to come in through the gates to the modest house. Inside, there’s lights in one of the rooms and you can see someone else walking around.
“Daichi.” Sugawara says from behind you, his voice level and even. You can hear the coldness to it, his message clear that he does not trust this lady. You smile gently at her as she tries to make you hurry, “if they spot you there’ll be trouble, so please, your majesty.”
That makes all of you tense up and Sawamura hurries to drag out his sword, pointing it towards her. He asks you to stand back but you walk closer to the gate, and lower Sawamura’s sword with your hand as you pass him, “I believe we can trust her.”
You’re not sure why. You have no recollection of meeting this woman, but you feel safe when you lock eyes with her. She bows slightly and opens the gates for you, “the mule can grass behind the house, just hurry.”
When you’re inside, you’re seated by a table. Sawamura and Sugawara’s standing by the entrance with their arms crossed, not happy with your decision to come inside and they’re not afraid to make it known. Azumane’s sitting with you, profusely apologizing for your company’s manners. You’re all waiting in awkward silence for Kageyama to walk in through the door after securing the mule to a post.
There’s another woman humming as she’s preparing a kettle of water. You can’t determine her age, but she isn’t much younger than the other one. You faintly recognize the melody she’s humming, but you cannot place it. When you finally ask her where the melody is from, she chuckles as she answers you, “it’s my own. I sang it for my son when he was just a babe.” She hands you a steaming hot cup of tea and you bow to her as you hurry to thank her – both for the cup of tea but certainly also for the hospitality – even if the circumstances seem dubious to your traveling company.
The door from the gardens open and Kageyama treads in with the elderly lady in hand, helping her up the heightened steps. “Oh, your majesty, I’m so delighted you’ve been tended to,” the elderly lady exclaims happily, excusing herself as she walks past Sawamura and Sugawara, who both declined any refreshments.
“I believe an introduction’s in order.” She says nonchalantly, seating herself next to you, “I’m Takeda Airi,” she bows to you unceremoniously before she grabs one of the pastries from the center of the table. Both you and Sugawara perk up and take a look at each other, recognizing the name immediately.
She lets out a shrill laugh, “you two can’t be fooled, I take it.” She notices, and you smile sheepishly, “am I wrong to assume Takeda Ittetsu is a family member of yours?” you ask, putting down your cup on the table. Airi hands you a pastry without asking if you wanted any, and the other woman scolds her, “mother! Don’t force feed the crown!”
She waves her off, “Ittetsu told me that the crown loves sweet things. Which is why I had you baking!”
You can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. You’d never known your tutoring scribe’s family history or ever imagined yourself in his family’s home. Airi seems special and almost familiar to you, now that you can take a better look at her. Her nose is rounded and flat, while her eyes are still big and all-seeing. When she catches you staring, you straighten your back. She smiles knowingly, “you’ve realized we’ve met before.” She states, and Sugawara walks over to stand by your side. You’re not sure of his intentions.
You’re about to ask her to make sense of this feeling in you when she claps her hands together, “we don’t have time for the past! Your majesty, you must leave.”
“Leave?” you exclaim, not able to hold back a grimace. She nods, “this duchy does not see you in a very good light. Your very life is in danger just by being here.”
Your throat feels dry but your mouth waters in anxiety. You try to gulp but feel unable to. Sugawara puts a hand on your shoulder, “with all due respect, we came to figure out why.”
Airi nods before giving Sugawara a grim look, “you have been doing a poor job, advisor. Letting your crown come so far into a lion’s den.” Everyone tenses, Sawamura and Kageyama take another battle stance at her comment. She then lets out another shrill laugh, “oh I don’t mean me, obviously! The town! The duchy!” she raises her arms to further her point, “the duke is not to be trusted.”
The other woman sighs, “mother, you’re confusing them,” she then turns to you all with a warm smile, “I’m Hina. Ittetsu’s mother.”
You take a bite of the pastry shoved in your hands earlier. She then sighs and look out the window, clenching her fists by her chest, “Duke Takashi killed your father.”
The air gets hard to breathe. It’s like there isn’t any air in the air you were breathing, your throat feeling tight; mouth numb. The ringing in your ears become distinctly louder and your blood feels heavy, rushing through you. In a far corner of your sense of self, you feel the hand on your shoulder tighten. You think the pastry in your hand might’ve fallen to the ground. The sweet aftertaste of cinnamon lingers on your tastebuds, suffocating you.
You register the raised voices around you, but none of the words gets processed. Your eyes are open but they’re looking inwards. There’s a burning wire of fire in your heart, ablaze and uncontrollable. You think you hear your father’s voice somewhere, repeating your name. As the voice gets clearer and clearer, the sound of your name gets more and more distorted.
You heave in a desperate breath as you’re pulled back to reality. Airi’s hand is touching yours, her ring cold on your skin. You recognize it immediately, the Black wings of the Crow crafted into a ring instead of a pin. You look at her with questioning eyes and she smiles gently, “one thing at a time, my dearest. Now, take a deep breath for me.”
She takes deep breaths to instruct you and you seem to follow them with ease. Sugawara tries to relax next to you, but he can’t deny the bizarreness of this entire situation. He holds his breath until yours is back under control.
Hina asks Sawamura and Kageyama to sit down as well as she starts explaining. Duke Takashi came into his dukedom shortly before the drought, known locally as the power-hungry, youngest son of the Takashi family. His older brother tragically died in a housefire shortly before ascending his duty and therefor Takashi stood to inherit it all.
There was a big change of staff when he entered his role, new rules bestowed upon the duchy.
“After the drought, he held an assembly to tell us of the kingdom’s decision of abandonment.”
Sugawara raises an eyebrow. No such decision was ever made – or even discussed. Hina smiles patiently, “you all looked confused. See, Duke Takashi is good at many things. Manipulating and isolating his duchy is undoubtedly his strongest suit.”
Airi scoffs and interrupts, “that snake.”
Hina nods, agreeing with her mother, “the treaty with Fukurodani Empire was still new at the time and he used it to his advantage. Made us believe that the crown was trying to give us up, abandon us.”
You suck in your teeth, fear gripping at your heart as you try to steady the beating. Hina continues, “your father did a lot of good things for the duchy during the crisis. He even came here, in this very kitchen, with food to help sustain us – and a lot of other homes.”
Airi sighs, “but time does as time does best. If it is not taken care of, it forgets. It leaves behind knowledge.”
“But what does that have to do with Duke Takashi?” Sugawara asks, though he thinks he might’ve pieced it together by now. He doesn’t like where it’s going.
Airi’s about to open her mouth and speak more when Hina hisses, “they’re here.”
You whip your head to the window and through the darkness of the outside, you make out a few torches and movement. More detailed it won’t become, so long as there’s light in the house.
“Hide, upstairs!” Airi says as she pulls you up from your chair with surprising strength. Sugawara grabs your hand and leads you first towards the stairs he noticed at the back of the hallway when they arrived. He hears the others are right behind the two of you.
You take a look back and see Airi smile gently at you, tapping her ring finger with her other hand. You know it means her allegiance lies with you, though fear still has a wholesome grip around your throat. You’re not sure what’s going to happen, but you know nothing must happen to her.
You’re huddled in the back with Azumane and Sugawara hovering over you, arms around you protectively, as Sawamura and Kageyama stand ready with weapons in case anyone will show up.
You hear the muffled noise of knocking on the door and Airi tiredly yelling she’s on her way when the knocking becomes more aggressive. You strain your eyes to listen to the words spoken but can only make out the hostility of the voice speaking, not the words. The voices raise and you hear something being thrown, which makes your body react before you can really think your actions through.
You jump up from your bent position, passing Sawamura and Kageyama before they can even react to your actions, jumping – and almost falling – down the stairs, a determined glare in your eyes. You see Airi on the floor next to the stool she’d been pushed towards and Hina crouched by her, holding up her head. Airi looks at you and yells out a “no!” but you only have eyes for the man who still has his arm raised from the push.
Duke Takashi.
When he sees you, a sinister grin appears on his face. He pulls back his arm and readjusts his sleeve, as if the wrinkles he’d gotten from his violence was more revolting than the action itself.
“Oh, your majesty, what brings you here? What a pleasant surprise.”
You scoff, “surprise?”
You hear the others hurry down the stairs to you but before they can round the corner, Takashi’s already jumped into action, pulling your back close to him with a knife to your throat. Involuntarily, you let out a whine from the impact as you try to scratch at his arms, kick his legs, anything.
But he doesn’t budge. He merely kicks at Airi as if your struggle was a daytime breeze.
“Get Airi and Hina away from here!” you choke out between labored breaths, and Sawamura orders Kageyama help them get up and behind them.
“Let them go, Duke Takashi and you shan’t be punished.”
Takashi laughs again as he starts walking backwards and out of the house with you in tow, “oh I don���t believe that at all, you simple knights have no honor left.”
Outside, a mob has gathered. It’s the people of the town, and they’re all making way for Takashi to hold you in the center, demanding their attention.
“Everyone! We have them in our grasp!” he starts, toying with the knife close to your throat, laughing triumphantly.
“Our plans had setbacks, sure, but now we can reclaim the full prize. There is simply no heir to take the throne and what will happen when they tragically pass due to a group of bandits? I, Duke Takashi, will of course lend my aid to the kingdom.”
Sugawara clenches his fists, “there’ll be no place for you on the throne!” he yells, and one of Takashi’s guardsmen takes a hold of him. “Let me go!” he yells, but it’s futile. His shoulder’s acting up and the fatigue from the other bruises that he’d hidden well from you, is catching up to him. He’s powerless. He sends Sawamura a pleading look, but his look is steeled entirely on you, sword raised as he tries to figure out what to do. How to get you back safe.
“Won’t there? You’re the advisor, Sugawara, so tell me. What happens if there’s no one to ascend the throne? Hm? That’s right, the dukes are put to a vote to become stewards of the kingdom.”
“As if they’d vote for you!” Sugawara spits back and the guard tightens his grip on Sugawara’s arms, making him kneel. You whine at seeing him being hurt.
“Oh, so you think I’ve been snoozing the past five or so years? You haven’t noticed the good relations I’ve been making with the other duchies? The aid I’ve provided them?”
Sugawara’s eyes widen. The lowered tax – Sugawara had assumed that Takashi had kept the money to himself instead of giving it to his duchy, that he’d hoarded wealth for his own gain – but the plot had been much bigger than Sugawara had caught on to. This was more than just stealing money from his own duchy.
It’s a coup d’état.
A carefully planned one at that.
You scratch at his arms and he groans, “stop moving, your majesty, I’ll finish this soon enough.” He says your title mockingly. You hear the sound of crows cawing somewhere in the distance.
“You stole your people’s money!” you manage to yell out as you kick his knee. Takashi yells out as he hits your head with the blunt end of the blade, making you disoriented.
The guard holding Sugawara tightly suddenly loosens his grip – not enough to be visible to anyone else, but certainly felt by Sugawara. Sugawara notices some of the guards looking around at each other, their angry and victorious faces going pale, confused, questioning.
Sugawara takes his chances, “you stole the much-needed money from a hurt duchy and redistributed it to other well-functioning duchies, didn’t you? The crown lowered the taxes to help the people here, but you didn’t lower their payments!”
More confusion, more questions.
Sawamura smiles confidently but with reprehension still as he quietly says, “these people are helping you on false pretenses, aren’t they? Do they know the truth?”
Takashi starts backing away more, tightening his grip on your throat. You try to resist, but he’s strong – and the knife is lodged so close, that you can feel the sting of the blade. Your head pounds, making your vision blurry. You feel blood tickle down your brow. You have to trust your men.
You detect panic in his voice as he frantically starts explaining to his men how they’d get in on his success, too. How he’d share the riches of the kingdom with them. One yells back, “there was riches! But you took them!”
“My daughter passed away because you said we couldn’t afford to pay the local doctor to stay in town!” another yells, anguished.
Words like worthy sacrifice, small evils needed and desperate attempts to convince them of his righteousness is thrown around, but he’s frantically grasping at straws now that he’s been exposed.
He pushes the blade enough to break skin. Sugawara calls your name again and you almost smile. You must be delirious from the pain because somehow you feel happy that he called your name again. You never thought you’d hear it again, much less this soon. He calls it with a hoarser voice and as the guard lets go of him, you can see he intends to run to you. Sawamura stops him with an arm and the yelling is now directed at him instead.
Sugawara can’t see what you can from your perspective on the other side of the hedge, and you know Sawamura’s taking a gamble based on his hearing only.
Takashi laughs manically, hysterically, shrill in your ear as he presses the knife, getting ready to slice. You try to mouth ‘it’s okay’ to Sugawara but it seems to make his anger rise even more.
Takashi raises the knife again and lifts it high to get ready to end your life. A mocking salute is heard from him.
And that’s when you hear the sound of an arrow pass cleanly by your head.
The sound and feel of blood gushing out will probably be forever ingrained in your memory. You look to the side to see one of Sawamura’s guards with a bow. Behind him is one with a shield and a sword, together with Hinata. You smile at them before your legs give in underneath you.
You expect to hit the ground, given that Takashi’s body is pulling you down with him.
Sugawara scrapes his knees as he tries to run to you so fast that he stumbles. The last few steps are crawled but he reaches you before your upper body falls further down, grabbing a hold of your shoulders.
Panicked, one-syllable words are thrown at you, his behavior mirroring yours when he was stabbed. You almost laugh. His hands search your face and wipes your tears and drags stray hairs away from your face. You’re about to open your mouth and make a mother hen joke when his lips are colliding onto yours.
You’re rigid at first before you relax your mouth and mold your lips to fit his. Right as you’re starting to enjoy the feeling, he pulls away, apologies thick on his tongue, panic laced in his voice. He hasn’t gotten very far away from you before you lean forward to kiss him back.
You’re rougher, and your teeth clash, the kiss much more undignified than when he initiated it, but it’s no less perfect to you. When he pulls away, slower this time, you let him, searching his eyes. He still looks terrified and his breathing is still panicked, “I thought I’d lost you.” he admits. You smile and kiss him again, this time short and sweet, “oh, you won’t get rid of me that easily.”
Behind you, you hear the bellowing laugh of the guard who shot the arrow. You think his name might be Nishinoya. Sawamura walks up to them – he puts a hand on your shoulder on the way and smiles at you.
“Nishinoya.” Sawamura then says gratefully, and you make a mental note of giving that man a title as well. Nishinoya yells, “I told you guys I’d always have your back as the Guardian Deity!” you hear Hinata’s excitement too as you laugh and rest your head on Sugawara’s shoulder. Then, a stray tear slips past your defenses, “is it over?” you croak out, almost too afraid to ask. Sugawara laughs airily, like he can’t believe it either, but he rests his head on yours, “yes, your majesty.”
You’re glad to have found the truth, relieved that you can now let your father go knowing what has happened. The steps in front of you are also now clear, like he’s paved them for you before he left.
You smile into Sugawara’s shoulder and close your eyes. It’ll be okay.
My cat’s final contribution. He thanks you for reading his words and for your kind feedback in earlier chapters. He knows his words are superior to mine and CLEARLY is what’s made you all come back to this work:
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amive2567 · 2 years
Hi there I wanted to participate in your match ups if it was possible ^^
Fandom : Haikyuu
I'm 22 y/o, she/her pronouns, heterosexual. My favourite colors are orange and black, I'm an ISFJ, cancer, for my appearance is short (4'9 ft - 1.52 cm) with shoulder length brown hair and chubby. I love animals (I own 2 cats) and I enjoy talking about mental health.
My ideal type is someone who's in touch with their emotions, someone who shows his soft or special treatment only with me (it could be just little things not something big) , someone who's honest and sensitive, if he has an artistic side or is bi or multilingual is super attractive too. For physical features I find long or messy hair attractive.
Pet peeves: when someone asks me to do something I already planned to do, not letting a song finish if you already let it sound for a while
Some traits I hate is when people rely on someone who's more responsible to get stuff done, people who think higher of themselves than they really are, lies, people who think they are the center of the universe. Uff and people who are not polite (please and thank you are big to me I'm sorry)
And I would like the match up to be romantic please
Thank you for your time ^^
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he is intouch with his emotions
he can be mischievous, but also has a soft spot
he fondly listens to your rambles
Sugawara will motivate you to reach your goals
Your little story:
Waking up on a weekend morning was special, for most people at least, especially at the beginning of spring. The golden spring sunrays would shine through the windows, and the birds would chirp a wonderful song to wake everyone, but this dream would not come true to you. You woke up with a cat butt in your face and the sound of the busy city of Sendai. Even though you loved your cat dearly, you wished she would act cute like the cats in movies. To the demanding meows, you responded with a soft growl. "I will feed you, but you have to wait a moment." With closed eyes, you grabbed your cat and placed it on Koushi's cold bedside. A groan escaped your lips as you started stretching your muscles.
Now you were still not wide awake, but the smell of fresh coffee and pancakes made you hurry into the kitchen. Before you ran to your food, you grabbed the black and orange Karasuno Sweater from your boyfriend. Your little cat followed you now happily to the kitchen. Soft music was playing in the background and accentuated the noises of the spatula clinking against the pan. To your dismay, your cat passed you by and joined her friend to eat. Sugawara had already filled up their little bowls. She jolted you out of your deep slumber for no apparent cause.
You leaned against the doorframe only to watch your boyfriend with a smile. How his muscles flex against his white Shirt whenever he flips One of the pancakes. He bit his tongue while focusing on the little piece of pancake batter. His messy bed hair was adorable. All you could think of was ruffling his hair even more. If you could, you would capture this moment and frame it, but Your loud stomach growl destroyed it. Koushi turned around with a bright smile. "Good morning darling, did my cooking wake you up?" He flipped the last pancake from the skillet onto the platter alongside the other pancakes and returned the pan to the turned-off stove.
Koushi stepped towards you and placed his hands on your hip. "No, this cute little cat ass made me wake up." You pointed at the guilty cat, who calmly munched on its food. Koushi chuckled. "I hope my pancakes will make up for this horrible wake-up call." You nodded happily. "Of course, they will. Your pancakes are amazing. They're always so flipping delicious." Now Koushi had to laugh. His eyes had little laugh lines. He cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead. Still laughing, he whispered, "God, I love you."
The both of you just stood there for a while and smiled at each other like teenagers in love. "I thought about doing a little picnic today. So what would you think if we take the pancakes and other little snacks with us and pay a visit to our local park." You suggested, breaking the comfortable silence. "That's a great idea. I will pack up our stuff, and you can get dressed. Even though my sweater suits you very much, it's a little bit chilly for just a sweater and shorts." You nodded with excitement and ran off to get dressed. "I wish every weekend could be like this."
You walked through the park with the leafless trees. "How about this spot? It's the driest one out here, I guess." Koushi pulled out the blanket he carried and placed it on the ground. You pulled out the little snacks Koushi readied earlier. Strawberries, pancakes, little chocolate treats, and more. Koushi sat beside you on the blanket and began to pull out the warmer blanket so the both of you wouldn't freeze to death. You thanked him with a sincere smile, and he returned it. The both of you started to eat quietly. You talked about everything. The topic of mental health and the healthcare system made the entire date more fascinating because you both had the same viewpoint. You contributed facts to the other one and spoke all day about new movies and the current series you're watching together, not only mental health. Your discussions got sometimes interrupted by short and loving kisses. At the end of your "breakfast" the sun was already setting again and you walked back home to cuddle with your cats.
Your special surprise: 🎧Playlist: Pov Your relationship with Suga🎧
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Thank you so much for participating in my event. It was lovely to get to know you a bit. I hope you like the music I picked out for your short playlist. 💕
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
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and i am back with the pretty setter squad! it took me a long time to decide which character and then after that i had to fumble over how corrupted or innocent i wanted him to be. i ended up choosing innocent bc fluff. maybe i'll write the not so safe for work(?) stuff another time. (^_^;)
* shy boi. head empty only volleyball so is understandably confused about his reactions to you.
* what are these new feelings? he just has no clue. what even is love? does he even know what romance is??? what is a date?
* wants to spend time with you but doesn't know how to say it... awkward bean he is
* probably asks if u wanna play volleyball with him HAHAHAHA will want to teach you also. u know how mika got pissed at daishou? same feels
* hinata best wingman tbh
* hinata and sugawara best wingmen. first two to notice the feelings and totally helped set you guys up with lots of *wink wink hint hint* (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* anyway when he finally realises he likes u he is a red, blubbering mess.
* what is a date? 可以吃的吗? (is it something to eat?) LOLOLOL
* anyway hinata at least got the point through to him that he should bring u to eat during a date and so..... he brought you two to a speciality milk shop smh
* ok the yogurts were good give him some credit
* anyway most of your dates r either food dates or wanna-come-watch-game-tape-with-me type of dates omg this boy. just what even is love only volleyball
* u will b bored. mika/daishou vibes
* travels around a lot for pro vb matches so be prepared for late night video calls and super early good morning texts (who tf wakes up at 430am kags pls. just bc hinata wakes up at 5am, u don't need to one up him for everything)
* he doesn't really care if u come to his matches or not. bc you will both end up watching the game tape at his apartment. it's not a choice he will watch it with or without u
* he will obsess over the details and replay all the bits he wants to see. will nudge u or narrate the good points and the bad points. minimally just nod in response
* not especially cuddly but when you're watching game tape tgt he likes it when you sit between his legs
* like will set his chin on your head and just watch the match and b engrossed it in while drinking milk (STILL? baby you're old enough to do power curry advertisements). he'll be really quiet tho (focused!!)
* basically u are a giant pillow when he is watching tv. occasionally will even hook his legs around u to pull u closer to him to hug.
* you don't actually have to watch the tv with him, he doesn't mind if you just do whatever as long as u stay his warm pillow
* if he is sleepy he will move his head to rest on your shoulder and snuggle his face into the crook of your neck. that's a sign to turn off the tv or pause the tape and move so he will actually go to bed
* he is ticklish. if u feel like u need attention u can tickle him and immediately he will react
* he is ticklish AND competitive, so u have to b prepared for revenge and a tickle battle to the death
* n e way other than that i don't really see much skinship in your relationship like he is not fond of PDA and not fond of anything more than handholding and if he can avoid it he will
* he does like to hold you by the waist. or ruffle your hair. but only in private
* fav place to kiss you? top of your head, or temple
* fav place to be kissed? if he's not expecting it he gets shy no matter where so go for it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* has no idea what romance is, do u actually think he knows how to resolve arguments between u two? NO
* will ask hinata for help. bless his soul, hinata is best bro hinata gives him actually good advice!! unfortunately kags cannot replicate the ways of the sunshine child and so he has to look for someone else
* will never ask tsukki. tsukishima will also not answer, anyway.
* yamaguchi, lovely sweet baby, will give him good advice and even help to pick out flowers actually it was yachi who picked over his shoulder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what r these two up to
* yams will become his relationship advisor
* pls give yams lots of soggy fries as reward for saving your relationship
* when you're sick he will turn to suga for help bc suga is mom bc suga is domestic god and will make some porridge or soup for him to bring to u. all hail suga the kitchen god
* suga has given kags the recipe once but after the other first years had to rescue him from the resulting fire he never touched a stove again
requests are open! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
masterlist here (♡-♡)
ah yes. i've been caught up in life recently and so have not had the time to post or write but i do have a long captains crack fic i've been working on LOL. it's very long. save me. i've also been really swamped at work recently so i just can't deal with life and any free time i get i will take a nap. my therapist does not approve but yet here we are with my poor self control and lack of motivation to get better. in other news i went to see the psychiatrist today for my meds and there was a cute med student who was asking the usual questions and i just blanked half the time cos he was cute
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
congratulations on 2k! sugawara koshi with #1 'you look good in my clothes' and #20 from the first fluff list and #49, #76, #98 from the smut list. top male reader thanks!
Thank you for requesting~ ☺
Fluff Prompts; 'You look really good in my clothes' & 'Oh my god, you never told me you can cook'.
Smut Prompts; 'You're going to cum untouched, do you understand?', 'You know I'm holding back from fucking you over the kitchen counter, don't push your luck' & 'I never thought you'd say that, fuck, that's hot'.
Warning; implied kitchen sex & breeding, grinding, nipple play.
Sugawara Koushi [Haikyuu!!]
Please, enjoy the event~
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It was early in the morning, the miraculous occasion where (M/n) woke up from his slumber before his partner. And seeing Koushi laying on the bed, deep breaths as he slept peacefully, made him want to do something a little different and special for him.
Getting up from the bed, he put on a pair of sweatpants he found laying around and walked to the bathroom so he could wash his face, and proceeded to head to the kitchen, looking around the cabinets and the fridge to find what he could cook for breakfast. Well, it was close to midday, so it'll be more like lunch.
Not in complete silence -because he can not do stuff without vibing to music- he played his playlist at a low volume, low enough that he could still hear it clearly. He finished cooking within the next forty minutes and he was now washing the dirty dishes and used, and those that were left from the night before. (M/n) was distracted, moving his body around to the rhythm of the music, so he didn't hear Koushi as he walked in behind him after being awoken by the wonderful smell of food.
Wrapping his pale, slim arms around the (h/c) haired male, he hummed quietly with the music, nuzzling onto (M/n)'s back.
Feeling a wide, bright smile stretch along his face, he turned around after drying his hands, he was done washing anyway. He looked at Koushi up and down, while the silver-haired male stared at him with a sleepy look in his eyes.
"You look really good in my clothes," he mumbled, leaning closer to press a sweet, short peck on Koushi's lips, who chuckled softly and hugged him tighter.
"I love wearing your clothes, so is a win-win situation," (M/n) hummed and nodded, before holding Koushi's arms, breaking their embrace.
"Come on, the food will get cold," (M/n) guided Koushi to the set table, where the food was still steaming hot. The silver-haired male sat down and stared at the various plates in front of him, making (M/n) observe him, wondering if there was something he didn't like. "Is everything alright?"
Koushi blinked and nodded, picking up his chopsticks and a spoon, as he reached for what he wanted to eat first, "Where did you buy all of this?"
Oh, so that was what he was wondering.
(M/n) only chuckled, causing Koushi to look up at him, chewing his food and swallowing it before talking again.
"What's so funny?" He said with a short laugh, getting more food in his mouth soon after.
"It's nothing, sweetie, and I cooked this," Koushi stopped moving for a moment, before glancing up at him, the chopsticks in his hand moved around in a way to signal 'all of this?', "I cooked it for you."
After a few seconds of silence, Koushi laughs at the situation, "Oh my god, you never told me you can cook," (M/n) just shrugged with a wide smile.
"You never asked."
When they were done with breakfast, they took every dirty dish back to the kitchen, (M/n) washed them while Koushi dried them and put them back. Everything was nice and the quiet was comfortable.
But Koushi, just suddenly started feeling a little... needy, to put it simply. It may have been the sight of (M/n) still shirtless, or the way his sweatpants hung low on his hips, maybe it was the sound of his voice, it might've even been the memories of the previous night clouding his mind all of the sudden. But it just happened, and he wasn't sure why.
He took a step behind (M/n) as he finished drying the counter and his hands, when Koushi's hands were pressed against his abdomen, slowly but surely rubbing on his skin as they reached further and further down than expected. His slim, longer fingers pressed on the outline of his cock, stroking him up and down over his clothes.
(M/n) sighed and turned around, placing a hand on Koushi's face as he leaned closer to kiss him. He didn't really mind Koushi's touch, but he wanted to play with him for a little while, after all, they woke up barely two hours ago. Breaking their kiss, (M/n) started making his way down to his neck, nibbling playfully on his sensitive skin, his hands caressing his nipples over his shirt, making him squirm and gasp.
Koushi felt how his erection was pressing against his underwear, mostly likely wetting it too, so he let go of (M/n)'s cock and reached to touch himself, but he was stopped the second he barely graced his leaking tip.
He was now pinned against the counter, both of his hands held behind him, (M/n) leaning down, pressing their bodies together.
"You're going to cum untouched, do you understand?" His free hand held the hem of his shirt, lifting it as he leaned down, attaching his lips to his perky pink nipples, swirling his tongue around it, causing Koushi to squirm in his grip, his hips grinding down on (M/n)'s thigh since his leg was placed in between his.
Koushi lets out whines and whimpers, progressively getting louder and desperate, needily grinding his hips faster. "Please, (M/n), I... I don't think I c-can't cum if you don't... touch me~" his words make (M/n)'s cock twitch in the confinement of his clothes, the lewd and erotic moans that Koushi was letting out right next to his ear only fueled him even more.
"You know I'm holding back from fucking you over the kitchen counter, don't push your luck," Koushi's eyes shut tight, struggling to break free from (M/n)'s grip. He wants to touch him too, he wants to feel his cock inside him, fucking him dumb on the kitchen counter, he doesn't care.
He wants it now.
"Do it~ please, do it... I want you in-inside me, filling me up... so good with your cock," Koushi's body quivered as he came in his underwear, a dazed look in his teary grey eyes, "I need you to fill me up with your cum~"
Staring at Koushi with a look of disbelief, (M/n) couldn't hold back the smirk that stretched his lips. "I never thought you'd say that, fuck, that's hot." He let go of Koushi's hands, reaching to hold his thighs, picking him up on the counter. "I hope you don't regret this, Koushi."
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(I really hope this is what you wanted)
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Hi there, I just recently found your blog and I am absolutely INLOVE with your writing. I read your Kuroo ones and I am HOOKED. The way you write just touches my heart in all the right places.
Anyways, may I make a request angst/hurt to comfort with Kuroo and Suga x reader with daddy issues. Where them and reader have been quite distant towards each other and reader just wants to spend time with them. But due to the stress of work they start to lash out on reader and they then come to an arguement. Things get heated up, to the point they make a comment about how possesive we are and says "You're just like your father." They realize what they've done and comfort reader from their statement and fluff ensues.
Please feel free to ignore this request if you don't want to write it. Have a good day!
Sugawara Koushi x Reader, Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader (3k wc)
WARNING: Angst, arguments, neglect, hurt, hurt/comfort, happy ending, mentions of past trauma
A/N: Okay, so when I first read your request I had to sit and try not to cry because wow, you are so sweet and amazing. Thank you for the kind words, it really really made my day. 😭 Honestly an awesome person like you would send in an awesome request, thank you! The requests I’ve gotten so far (which, multiple requests?! You guys are AMAZING!) are all angst centric and I honestly am living for it. Thank you, I hope you enjoy!!!
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Sugawara Koushi has been ridiculously busy
The children at school are restless - it’s the prime time between long holiday breaks and they’re losing their focus
The teachers are no better, including Suga
Pair that with a nasty cold that’s been floating around, Suga is drained
He goes to school, works harder to help out his fellow teachers and placate whiny students
And he comes home, eats whatever is in front of him, and goes to sleep
This isn’t ideal, but it wouldn’t be a terrible situation if he was single
But he’s not
He’s been married to you for almost three years now, and they have been the best three years of your life
But these past few weeks have definitely tried your patience and the unbreakable bond between you and your husband
And you think it’s about time that you say something about it
“Are you serious right now YN?”
From the moment Sugawara stepped into the house you knew that this conversation wouldn’t go well. He looked just a tired and ragged as he’s looked for the past two weeks, and you knew that he would want to be left alone.
But seeing how you’ve been left alone this entire time, you’ve had enough.
“I am serious.” You reply evenly. “It’s just a dinner, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to go out. And it’s at the place Daichi recommended, so -“
“Typical.” Suga interrupts you, throwing his hands up. “Not checking with me if I would even want to go out. You just plow ahead and assume that I’ll go along with it!”
“I don’t do that,” you argue. “I thought we could enjoy a nice dinner together, Koushi. I feel like I’ve barely seen you, and -“
“There’s a reason for that.”
You narrow your eyes at your husband’s muttering. “I beg your pardon?”
Suga matches your glare with one of his own. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. Work has been unbelievably stressful for me, and you’re not thinking about my needs or anything. You never do!”
You feel your mouth drop open in surprise. “Your needs? What -“
“God, you always have to have the plan!” Suga plows forward, cutting off your reply. “You always have to be the one setting the agenda! Having control! I feel like you’re micro-managing me and I can’t deal with it right now!” He breathes heavily, his hands gesturing around. “You just assume that I’ll go along with whatever you want, and the one time I’m telling you I don’t want to, you just freak out!”
“I’m not freaking out!” Your voice raises to match Suga’s. “I’m just -“
“God, you’re just like your father.”
Whatever you thought you were going to say is wiped away from the bomb that Suga just dropped on the conversation. You stand in the kitchen in complete silence, too stunned to offer a weak rebuttal to his shot at you. You’re silent for long enough that Suga turns and walks away without contributing anything else to the now dead argument, and he leaves you alone to your thoughts.
God, you’re just like your father.
Your father, the man who was the definition of micro-manage. Who planned out what felt like every second of every day for you. From what you would eat, to what you would study, to where you would go. It wasn’t apparent until you had grown up and wanted to try different sports or join some clubs in school. But no - nothing that would deviate from his plan for you. A plan that included you studying and earning the top grades and going to college before joining his company as a prominent employee. Hanging out with friends would have distracted you from homework, playing a sport would have exhausted you and you wouldn’t have focused enough on your studies.
The constant monitoring had been suffocating, and you vowed that you would never treat anyone else like that. Like their wants and desires were second to what you thought would be best. You would respect them, because you understood how fucking awful it was when your opinions were cast aside.
So to have your husband compare you to your father - to think that your treatment of him is comparable to how your father treated you growing up - was sobering. You weren’t like him, right? You were just lonely and wanted one night with your husband. And Suga never complained about you making plans for them before - but did that mean he’s always hated it and never told you?
The realization leaves you shaken, and you quickly reach for the phone. Cancelling your dinner reservation is the least you could do to right this ongoing wrong.
“Morning YN.”
You hum in response to your husband coming down the stairs into the kitchen. It’s early, the morning after your argument with Sugawara.
He doesn’t have to work today, and normally you’d enjoy the early morning together in bed, cuddled under the sheets and reveling in the silence before the world around you wakes up. But this time, you let Suga sleep longer and went downstairs instead. He would always complain about you being up early and not letting him sleep in, and maybe he expressed his displeasure by dragging you close and trapping you in bed for longer while he dozed. You thought it was endearing, and you never really thought he was mad. But you didn’t want to risk upsetting him more, so you had left him alone to sleep.
“Someone was up early,” Suga notes, making himself a cup of coffee. “Surprised you got out of bed.”
You hum again, taking another sip of your coffee. You miss the look of confusion that passes over Suga’s face, but you’re more focused on being quiet lest you upset him.
It feels so weird to not talk with Suga in the morning, to chatter about your dream and let him offer his thoughts, and just let the conversation flow between you both. You love being able to talk about anything and nothing, but you’re making yourself hold back. For all you know, Suga was just playing along to make you happy, when in reality he enjoys silence. Not knowing what your husband really wants hurts, but you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy and respect his wishes.
“Are we doing anything today?” Suga asks after five minutes of complete silence.
You shrug. “I think I might do some reading.”
“Oh.” You don’t hear any inflection in his response, so you can’t tell if he’s relieved or not to be left alone. “Well, I might try to catch up on sleep. Maybe clean up my desk.”
“Sounds good.” You stand from the table and walk to the sink to rinse out your mug. The silence is stifling, and it’s paired with the heavy tension that comes after an argument, but you’ll be damned if you go and break it. When your husband is ready to talk, you’ll listen.
Arms come and wrap around your waist. You feel Suga press a kiss between your shoulder blades, and you can’t help but relax into his embrace.
“I’m sorry about last night,” he says quietly. “I know I’ve been more irritable lately, and I haven’t been paying enough attention to you.” Another kiss, and you hear him sigh. “I’ve been a bad husband, and I shouldn’t have yelled at you last night.”
It’s an apology that should reassure you, tell you that you didn’t do anything wrong. And yet, the echo chamber in your brain has Suga’s words bouncing around, reminding you of what you’ve done.
Suga squeezes his arms around you. “I can’t wait for that dinner. Thank you for getting us reservations, I remember Daichi saying it was hard.”
“I cancelled that.” You reply quietly. “We don’t have to go anymore.”
You step out of Suga’s arms, easy after they slacken from what you said. You resolutely don’t check and see if your words and actions had any effect on your husband - you don’t want to see the relief of cancelled plans that he didn’t even want color his face.
“What? Why?”
That’s not disappointment, is it?
You cave, and look at your husband. Sure enough, the dismay is clear on his face, mixed with confusion.
“Why did you cancel our reservation?” He asks again. “You’ve wanted to go there, and I thought you wanted a date night.”
“But you didn’t want it.” You say. It’s your turn to be confused. “You said last night. And I’m trying to be more respectful of what you want, so I cancelled it.”
Suga doesn’t say anything, and from his furrowed brows you can tell he’s thinking hard. You wait, unsure if you should provide more context or explanation, but suddenly your husband’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh, YN.” Comprehension spreads across his face, changing from confusion to crestfallen. “Is this what I said last night? About your dad?”
You flinch, definitely not expecting him to bring that back up. You look away, unable to bring yourself to speak, let alone look at him.
“Is that why you let me sleep in this morning? And why you’ve been so quiet?”
You hear quiet footsteps, and soon arms are pulling you into your husband’s chest. You feel it lifting and falling quickly, and it’s paired with the quick breathes you hear coming from Suga. You let yourself be enveloped in his warmth.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers to you. “YN I’m so sorry. I should never had said that, you are nothing like your father.” He squeezes you tighter. “I never feel like you’re controlling me, and I love when you make plans for us and organize dates to places that we both would like. I really like when you take me places that you like, and let me fall in love with you more. I’m sorry I said that, that was completely out of line for me.”
You exhale sharply, feeling the weight and tension you put on your shoulders melt away. It’s gradual at first, after hearing Suga’s words wash over you. But as you take in what he’s saying, and the words start to comprehend in your brain, you feel yourself sag with relief. The man holding you isn’t some stranger, or someone who was just putting up with you and your antics. He did love you, and there’s the respect between you both that allows you to be who you are around him, knowing that he’ll be who he is and you love each other for that.
Kuroo Tetsuro has been crazy busy
Despite the regular volleyball season being over, the Japan Volleyball Association never rests
There’s players to scout, teams to promote, events to coordinate
It’s a sad fact you’ve come to realize
Not that you’re not proud of your husband, you just miss him
You try to tell him, but it doesn’t really work out that well
“You’re not listening to me!”
“I can hear you fine. In case you weren’t aware, you’re nearly screaming at me about my life choices!”
You let out a noise of frustration, definitely not at the same volume as a scream would be. You and Kuroo are arguing, yet again, about how his work is taking up a lot of his time, especially time that he would spend with you. You tried to explain this to him, but he’s taken it as you bashing him for working hard for his job.
Which, yeah you may have had some choice words that weren’t the best. (‘Soulless Corporate Zombie’ probably wasn’t the best thing to call him.) But you were frustrated.
“I am not screaming,” you snap back now. “If I was screaming our neighbor would have called the cops by now!”
“Oh, spending a lot of time with the neighbor, huh?” Kuroo sneers, his tie loose around his neck from him aggressively taking it off without fully removing it. He’s still in his business clothes, having just get home from work 20 minutes ago. “You say you’re lonely but you seem to have plenty of company next door!”
“Do you even hear yourself right now?” You ask incredulously. “Are you really equating time I could spend with my husband to time I could spend with our 80-year-old neighbor?!”
“Well I don’t know, YN! All I hear is me not meeting the impossible standards you set for us, and me being at fault for it!” Kuroo laughs, meanly, before shaking his head. “Remind you of anyone? Maybe your father?”
You gaps, completely shocked at the low blow. Kuroo knew how hard your father pushed you growing up, and how you never gained his approval. No matter what he did, you were never good enough for his approval. That idea of you never being enough transferred into a lot of your daily life, and it took people like Kuroo to prove to you that you were enough.
However this was the first time that you have been accused of setting impossible standards. The first time you’re supposedly ridiculing and harping on Kuroo for not meeting your expectations. And it doesn’t feel that great. Mainly because you would never do that to your husband, or anyone else. There’s one thing to ask the bare minimum from people, and another to ask for something that they couldn’t do. You know you’re not asking for much, just for your husband to be home a little earlier, or to spend time with you. But you can’t think straight enough to explain this to Kuroo in a patient and coherent way.
If there was one thing you inherited from your father, it was his temper.
“Fuck you Kuroo,” you snarl back. “That was a fucked up thing to say you complete ass.”
You think you see a flash of regret pass across his face, but it’s gone as quick as it came. “Well I’m only speaking the truth. It’s not my fault that you learned it from him or whatever.”
Kuroo turns away, grabbing his coat from the chair he left it on, and not letting you get another word in. You watch him stomp over to the door, seethe as he jams his feet into his shoes. As he reaches for the door, one last retort falls from your lips.
“Oh, running out on me now? Remind you of anyone? Maybe your father?”
The words are out before you can take them back. The stinging retort, a mix of his earlier barb remixed specifically to hurt, is something you know you’ll regret saying for the rest of your life. Because you see Kuroo fumble for the door knob, you see the tension in his tight shoulder blades, and you feel the absolute pain that you unleashed onto him. On your wedding day you vowed to never bring Kuroo pain, only to alleviate it - and with those quick words you’d shattered that promise.
Kuroo doesn’t look back as he yanks the door open, and the slam of it shutting echoes in your empty apartment.
You’re left alone, the remnants of your argument wafting in the air and seeping into your bones, and honestly unsure if your husband will come back home.
It’s early, way too early, when you hear the door open. You wake from your restless sleep, sit up from the couch, and see Kuroo toeing off his shoes.
Your heart fully unclenches in your chest. It wasn’t fully tensed, relaxed only slightly after you had received a text from Kenma notifying you that Kuroo was with him. But when you had gotten that message you weren’t nearly as relieved. Kuroo was safe, but the same couldn’t be said for your relationship.
You had no idea where you both stood after the argument. You both said cruel, awful things, things you would have never dared to think. His words had cut deep into the part of your brain that fully repressed all feelings related to the awful relationship with your father. And instead of you telling Kuroo how he hurt you, you lashed out, equally cutting deep to the part of Kuroo that repressed all feelings related to the nonexistent relationship he had with his father. You realized in the night that part of you was glad that he left, unsure what would have happened had you both continued to argue and scream. But another part longed for the comfort he provided you.
And now you feel some relief, knowing that he’s home. But another part is fearful of what’s to come.
Kuroo slowly walks into the apartment, and freezes when he sees you on the couch.
“Did you sleep?” He asks, his voice quiet and hoarse.
You shrug. “A little. You?”
He shrugs back. “A little.”
You wait for him to take his spot next to you, to come into the space that belongs to him. But when he hesitates, you realize he’s waiting for confirmation that he can come back. You realize that he’s feared of being cast out from his cruel actions. It’s the same fear you harbor, but you’re quick to quell his distress.
“Come here,” you murmur, holding out your arms. Kuroo doesn’t hesitate to come around the couch and fall into your embrace. The force knocks you back into the cushions but you welcome it. You bring him back to you, close to you, and simultaneously allow yourself to relax as his presence washes over you.
You will both have to apologize for what you said to each other. You know you will have to properly communicate the loneliness you’ve been feeling, and Kuroo knows that he will have to manage his time so he can be there for you. But right now, you hold each other and feel the comfort that you provide to each other. And you let yourselves be relieved of any lingering doubt that you are like your fathers. Because while your father asked the impossible, you know you only ask for mutual respect and trust. And while Kuroo’s father left, Kuroo came back.
That simple knowledge is enough for now, and you hug each other tighter, knowing you are both better than your fathers ever were.
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Taglist (Crossed out cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @ara-mitsue @meianshugoswife @amarinthe @savantsoulfinder @iamapotat @myasaaaam @jellien @rntrsuna
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lxvebun · 2 years
precious love
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summary: haikyuu boys just being head over heels in love with you!!
buns notes: fuck I love these boys so much. I hope you all like this<3
content: Atsumu/Oikawa/Iwaizumi/tattooed!Matsukawa/Sugawara x gender neutral reader. Fluff, its literally so soft. Kissing. Eating. Reader is described as beautiful and precious. Reader wears iwa's hoodie. Cursing. English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Not entirely proofread
Dc blogs k!nk and ed blogs fuck off from my fics I don't know how I could make it any more clear that i don't want those types of interactions. Learn to respect boundaries.
-♡navigation -♡dni
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Atsumu truly feels like he was put on this earth to love you and he will be sure he fulfills his job. You’re his angel, the love of his life, the safe space he can always count on, his home. He will make sure that you know you're the most precious thing on earth for him. He is not too good with words, but with every kiss you can feel the love he has for you pour from his lips, and every time he pulls you into him and holds you tightly to his chest, you can hear his heartbeat telling you it will never beat for someone else the way it does for you<3
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You're about to kiss him, he can tell by the way your eyes dart to his lips every few seconds, and, god it has him stumbling over his words, and butterflies awaken in his tummy. Though he has experienced your sweet kisses numerous times, it still gets him so flustered. It feels like it is your first kiss all over again. He wishes you would hurry up and just go for it. Pull him into you, and let him experience that little piece of heaven that your kisses are. The worst of all is that you’re completely oblivious to the effect you have on him. He could pull you into the kiss first, he could, but he’s afraid his heart will quite literally beat out of his chest if he gets any closer to you. All he can do is try to slow down the butterflies and keep his composure until you finally free him with a loving kiss
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One of his favorite things in life is coming home to you, dancing around the house in his hoodie. You look so happy and content and so, so his. It confused him the first time when he saw you in his hoodie, he couldn't understand why his heart suddenly started doing flips in his chest, and the warmth that started to creep up his cheeks, but he does now. It shows that you want him and that you feel safe and comfortable with him. Wearing his hoodie, which still has some faint hints of his scent clinging to it, it shows you and the rest of the world that he’s yours and there is nothing else he would rather be.
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If it's one thing Issei didn’t expect to be doing at 3 in the morning, it would be sitting on top of the kitchen counter with you, sipping hot chocolate while waiting for the cupcakes, that you suddenly got the urge to make, to be ready. But there is not anything else he would rather be doing. There’s something about this situation that makes him feel so safe. Maybe it’s the sweet taste of hot chocolate that's warming his entire body, maybe it’s the comforting scent of warm cupcakes that floats around the house, or maybe it’s the way you get such a soft loving look on your face whenever you look at him. He feels a little undeserving of you because you’re just so good to him. The way you always welcome him with open arms after a rough day, and the way you softly trace the tattoos on his arm to lull him to sleep. you’re so precious he just wants to hold you, and he does. Carefully, he places your half-empty mug on the counter before pulling you into a warm, comforting hug and peppering kisses all over your face so he can hear the laugh he adores so much. He will do anything for you if it makes you happy, so if that means baking cupcakes in the middle of the night, you can be sure they will be the best cupcakes you have ever tasted. He will stay with you for as long as you'll have him, and he truly hopes you keep him forever
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He adores these slow, soft mornings with you. They usually happen on the weekends, when both of you are off from work, but despite that, you’re still up, wide awake at 5:30 am. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon, and most of the world is still asleep, but here you are, in Suga's arms, dancing through the living room, with music that is a little too loud so early in the morning, while waiting for the heart-shaped pancakes to be ready to be flipped. He wishes he could take a picture right now, but that would mean he would have to take his eyes off of you to grab his phone and that's something he cannot get himself to do. Not with the way the soft morning light is hitting your skin, and the way you're twirling through the room with the biggest smile on your face, a smile he gets to see up close when your playlist switches to a slow romantic song and you’re pulling him into you for a slow dance. You have got him completely hypnotized. Has he ever told you just how beautiful you are? He would tell you right now, but his head feels too full of hearts and flowers to get the words out properly so instead he chooses to gently caress your cheeks before pulling you into a breathtaking kiss that only gets interrupted when you remember the heart-shaped pancakes that need to be flipped much like what his heart is doing now.
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Thank you for reading bunnies!<3
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kitashinsukehoney · 2 years
"I Didn't Lowered My Standard To Be Disrespected"
Characters: Sugawara Koushi, Atsumu Miya, Bokuto Koutarou and Mattsun Issei.
TW: Angst, Insecurities.
- He is your twin brother's friend and both of you fall for each other during a prom night at school.
- He is a loving boyfriend that provides lot of attention and loves for you.
- But for some reason, he is too controlling because he only wants you to be by his side.
"Koushi! You can't expect me to come home right on time. I might have to stuck at the subway or the bad weather that is happening now", you said to him after you arrived home. He is very upset with you for being only 10 minutes late to the dinner. "Y/N, you could've done better. I am tired of waiting when you actually not stuck at the rush hour but actually you walk way too S-L-0-W", he said and he even spelled out the slow word.
"Sugawara, I am sorry for being late but you can't blame me when I have to wait another subway to come because the first one was too compact and crowded. I am sorry, okay!", you stand up, going to the bathroom to take a shower. You wanted to make up for upsetting him. Not gonna lie, sometimes his behaviour stings your brain that can make your head explodes.
"I didn't lowered my standard for someone who breaks promises every single times, Y/N. At least, Haruhi can fulfilled the promises she made!", Sugawara yelled at you from the living room. You dropped your towel and earrings on the floor, and approached him.
"What did you say, Sugawara Koushi?", you asked him. He kinda don't want to repeat it but the way you glared at him was forcing him to say it. "I said at least Haruhi can fulfilled the promises she made", he said but in a lower tone this time.
"Ohh, I see, love. While she was fulfilling the promises she made for you, she even fulfilled Daichi's pleasure and lust.", you said.
"Fine, go back to your Haruhi then. I am going back to Kageyama who can understand me better because he is much matured", you said, slamming the door behind. Well, that's just how the relationship ended. He regretted it.
- Oh no, this guy! He is giving Sangwoo vibe when he actually doesn't want you to have any guy friends.
- But you, have a guy best friend from your high school and he is also your colleague now... let's just say it is Akaashi.
One day, you arrived home with Akaashi because he needed to pick up something from your house which was his trench coat that he lent to you during a snowy day.
Atsumu who was home early that day watched how you treat Akaashi so nicely until an uneasy feeling grew inside his heart.
Once you send Akaashi to the door and say goodbye (+close the door as well), you see Atsumu was actually staring at the TV with black screen.
"Is the antenna having troubles, darling?", you asked him.
"No, I just love to watch black screen. It's funny", he said while laughing. But you know, he was being sarcastic. He did witnessed your platonic interaction with Akaashi right?
"Do you want to eat anything? I can make dinner now. I'm planning to do onigiri and also miso soup", you said to him as you are walking towards the kitchen.
"Y/N, how do you feel when my female fans swarm over me and give me a hug?", he asked. "Well, I don't mind but I hope they're giving you space to breath", you said. You are a very chill person about hug or handshakes but a big no for kisses or touching any inappropriate parts.
"What if you see me having a very special interaction with my fan that I'm interested in?",he asked but his reflection in the black screen...he was smirking like insane.
You put down your knife and put your hands on your waist. "What are you talking about, Miya?", you asked.
"I swear to God, if you are going to make this into an argument, let's stop. I don't want to fight. I've been telling you that I have nothing special towards Akaashi. I treated him like my friend and I know my boundary in any interaction because you are the only one that I love.", you said. "Oh? I haven't said anything about you and Akaashi? Are you trying to be in denial?", he asked you.
"What the hell, Atsumu?", you said.
"Fine, I'm going to be honest. Yes, Y/N L/N. I hate to see him being the 'boyfriend' to you when I can't be there for you 24/7. But you shouldn't treat me like I'm actually not present.", he shut you down. Then he continued, "To my dearest love y/n, I didn't lowered my standard to date someone who actually think she deserves more when she is a 0. Tsubaki is better because she knows her limit around guys!", he said. He goes out and slammed the door hard.
After three hours, he was home again but he didn't see your silhouette around the house. Maybe you're sleeping. But he was wrong until he saw and picked up a note on the kitchen tabletop.
"Hi, my love Miya Atsumu. I love you so much but you know, maybe we are not meant for each other. I am tired with the usual argument that always happens and the fact you even mentioned above Tsubaki who cheated on you and she even humiliated you infront of Inarizaki and Nekoma teams, I can't believe it. Maybe your feelings to me were dead. Thank you for being a good yet a jerk boyfriend", the voice in his head read out the contents of the letter. He got panicked and quickly took out his phone out from his pocket.
He tried to call you but it seems like you have blocked him. He hates the fact you never even scolded him for letting his fans kissing him, touching him or when you once saw him kissing with his manager.
After 4 years of moving on from your relationship, you married Akaashi who proposed to you and at least, Atsumu was there to witness the happy day for you and the groom. Well, always the groomsman, never the groom.
Bokuto is a very clingy man who loves you so much.
But one day, you are not feelings well so you don't want him to get near you to avoid him catching the cold as well. But he misinterpreted it as you doesn't love him. So he use your bestfriend who doesn't know what he wants.
"Rikaaa, don't leabe meew!", he said.
You watched both of them but you can see how Rika is running away from him. Rika? She is not good in receiving physical affection and she actually has a crush on Akaashi though. "Kou-chan, don't hug her. She doesn't like physical affection", you laughed with your snotty nose.
You love how your boyfriend and Rika are like siblings but you do noticed Bokuto's behaviour is changing. When you finally recovered, you wanted to hug him but he dodged you. "Can't you see I'm busy, Y/N? I don't want you to interrupt me", he said. This thing has been going on for two weeks until you can't take it anymore.
"Kou chan, have I done something wrong?", you asked him during you are accompanying him doing his work at his house. "No, why, darling?", he asked but he won't even looked at you. "You do realised you have been avoiding me nor giving me physical affection like before, right?", you asked him. "Well, if you didn't rejected it before, I might giving it now.", he said.
"When did i rejected, love? I never-"
"You did. Three weeks ago. Y/N, I didn't lowered my standard for someone to hate the attention I'm trying to give"
"But-, oh...I was sick though. I don't want you to catch the cold...", you said.
"Oh... really?", he was surprised to hear that.
"Yes.... wait, so you've been holding grudge of me rejecting your hug...", you said.
He ignored your statement and went straight to hug you! <3
- Date you because of a dare-
- He is not into you really....he is not serious about relationships.
-Two types of things he would say. Sometimes you don't know if you are dating him because you love each other or you are being used by him.
"Y/N, can you help me to do this?" or "Y/N, do this for me!".
"Issei, I am busy today so I can't do your homework for you! Sorry", you said to him.
"Oh, so you don't love me.", he replied to you.
"Huh? Who says. I love you, Issei but I'm a bit busy because my little sister asked me to go out with her", you said.
"You refused to do my homework because you wanted to have fun with your sister. Is that right? So you don't love me", you watched how his jaw clenched. You were so confused with what was happening so you decided to ask him but then he cuts you.
"I didn't lowered my standard for someone who can't obey me. At least, Ai chan can do better", he said while drinking the orange juice that he was holding in his hand. You suddenly realised all those months you've been dating him was just him using you. Oh no, how naive you are... You slapped him hard with the notebook.
"You're a jerk. A freaking jerk. That's why Ai broke up with you. You just using your girlfriends to do your homework when you are with your own fun", you said.
"Screw you, Y/N",he said. You leave him and went home. You don't need to cry over him because you deserve better.
Let's say, you're dating Ai now. For 5 months now.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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this was... weird.
the house was completely quiet, for the first time in what felt like weeks and osamu felt very out of place.
despite being so far removed from everyone besides his girlfriend, he enjoyed the noisiness and bustle that came from all the other members.
osamu never had been a fan of the quiet.
all it did was remind him that he was alone — that he was the lesser twin, the one always left behind, the one that would remain alone while his brother basked in the limelight.
but now, that wasn’t the case! osamu had meiko and he used to have daichi and iwaizumi but ever since iwa was fired and daichi disappeared off the face of the planet, he was down two friends. that was okay! his was doing what he loved with the woman he loved and that was all that mattered.
a loud clang followed by a quiet curse shook osamu from his thoughts. he gently placed the knife he was using to prep his vegetables down before following the noise to the pantry where he found... you.
you were sitting on the floor of the pantry wearing hello kitty patterned pajama pants, fuzzy socks, and a hoodie with your hand in a bag of chips and a pan sat by your foot. belatedly, osamu recognized that you must’ve knocked over the pan after falling while trying to grab your snack.
you were cute, with your sleep mussed hair and confused expression, he briefly thought but he swiftly squashed that line of reasoning down.
he was in a happy, committed relationship and he didn’t need you to change that like you changed everything else in his life. after all, you were the reason atsumu hated him now and never spoke to him anymore. you were the reason he had to avoid going home for fear of his grandmother asking what atsumu was up to because he had no idea. you were the reason he and his twin drifted apart. it was all you.
before osamu knew it, that moment of endearment had passed and was instead replaced by anger.
“what the hell are ya doin’ here?” osamu scoffed coldly, staring down at you with fire in his eyes. you sighed and stood before skirting past him and walking out into the kitchen.
“i live here asshole,” you muttered, searching for your phone in order to go back to hiding in your room until the boys got back. you wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible but unfortunately, osamu had different plans.
he slid out in front of you, keeping you from leaving the kitchen and effectively trapping you in the encounter. “ya know that’s not what i meant. what were ya doing spying on me? gonna report back to yer little harem?”
you felt your face curl up in confusion which osamu apparently wasn’t a fan of, judging by the deepening of his sneer. “i have no idea what you’re talking about osamu, now let me go.” you attempted to push past him but he was too tall, too large, too strong and you were forced further back behind the island.
“no, i know ya tell em things about me. what were ya gonna make up this time, hm? what were ya gonna say to tsumu to make him hate me even more?” he spoke down on you, his words filling with more and more venom, and as much as you hated it, you couldn’t keep yourself from cowering in front of him, your eyes filling with tears.
“osamu, please let me go, i don’t know what’s happening and i don’t know what to tell you to make you leave me alone,” your voice came out as a whimper, despite your best efforts and osamu faltered.
he’d never seen you like this, not once in your whole time living in the house, not even when most of the members were against you. you never showed weakness — you had a quiet strength most of the time and when you really got mad, as evidenced by your fight with meiko, you got violent.
but this? this was nothing like you. you were practically curling in on yourself, your arms wrapped around your chest protectively as if you were afraid he would... hit you.
oh god, oh god, osamu thought as he took a step back. what the fuck was he doing? he’d just been yelling at you, cornering you and not giving you room for escape, even though your body was clearly begging for it. you viewed him as a legitimate threat to your safety and that thought chilled him to the bone.
“yn, i—“ osamu was interrupted by the door slamming open, revealing everyone returning from the mall with atsumu at the head of the group.
“tsumu!” you choked out before pushing past a now distracted osamu and running right into his twin’s arms. he wrapped them protectively around you while whispering reassurances to you before pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
the two of you held a quiet conversation that no one else could hear but osamu could guess the contents when atsumu glared up at him, looking absolutely furious.
sakusa, kuroo, and kenma gently took you into their arms, allowing you to cry quietly while atsumu stomped over to osamu before jamming his finger into his twin’s chest.
“what the hell did ya do to her, samu?” he growled, shoving osamu’s back into the island behind him. osamu allowed him to, too in shock and ashamed to protest, much less fight back.
that didn’t stop atsumu from pressing, asking question after question, none of which osamu could answer. “answer me! open yer fuckin mouth asshole and answer me!”
“atsumu, i-i’m sorry, i-“
a force barreled into his chest, thin arms wrapping around his waist and shoving her face in between his pecs. “it’s okay baby, i’m here,” meiko whispered in between kisses to his collarbone, her presence doing little to soothe him as his eyes darted around the room.
atsumu still looked as angry as ever but he kept his mouth shut as meiko rubbed more of her makeup on osamu’s black t shirt in her attempts to comfort him. you were staring him down as well with tear tracks staining your cheeks as sakusa rubbed circles into your back and kenma wrapped his arms around your waist. sugawara, bokuto, and kuroo were standing at your sides, eyeing him with contempt while oikawa and akaashi were deep in conversation with yachi who seemed to be stressed out of her mind.
osamu searched further and his eyes landed on daichi standing the furthest away, his eyes fixed on where meiko lied in osamu’s arms, his face full of hurt and... disdain? anger? disgust?
it was confusing so osamu quickly averted his eyes, instead choosing to focus on the woman in his arms who was now whimpering and shaking in her 4 inch heels. hesitantly, he lifted his arms to hold her closer before bending his head to breathe her in, his eyes fluttering shut at her unique smell of hairspray, brown sugar perfume, and chinese food.
“osamu,” sugawara spoke up after a moment of silence, “there’s something i need to tell you. we saw meiko ki-“
“babe? what’s going on?” a new voice rang out from the still open doorway, meiko clearly recognizing it as her head darted up to watch as the group moved from the door to reveal...
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℗ poker face
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an - AHAHAHHAAH >:3 i was wayyy too excited for this chapter muahahha also so many of y’all guessed suna right but i couldn’t answer cs i rlly wanted it to be a surprise!!!! soooo if u guessed it right, feel like a baddie :) KSJ m so so excited to see y’all’s reactions so don’t forget to feed me ;)))))
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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sugawara-levi · 1 year
We’ve been friends pt. 3
❀ Chifuyu Matsuno x reader
❀ friends (to lovers?), same friend group, fluff
❀ tw: alcohol, partying
<- pt.2 navi. pt.4 ->
Gimme! Gimme!
After you’d all played games for a while, Baji and Draken somehow making it out on top each time, Hinata’s wishes were heeded. You’d played ticket to ride of course. Draken was the type to dramatically plan his every move and turn, whilst Baji went for the longer routes and got all the stretches and tunnels with the most points. It was infuriating, even though all of you saw through him at this point he always managed to snatch the best cards and get the best plays time and again. Chifuyu had also won a race, after bashing out on Baji for cheating. Which he didn’t of course, but he might as well have with the amount of times he won this game. They had worked each other up into a rouse and for a whole round you had been stuck between two pairs of aggressively shaking legs and determined gazes. Squeezed with your elbows clamped to your sides. It was your worst round, needless to say.
“Guys, guys!” You had tried talking to them one time when they almost elbowed you in the head as well as skipped your turn in their engagement. They only looked up for half a second though, Chifuyu muttered a short “sorry y/n” followed by Bajis “yeah, sorry babe” before they seemingly dived back into it. Baji calling you babe wasn’t unusual, you two being friends since childhood and all, but squashed between the two of them, with the new circumstances in mind, it crossed your mind that it might seem a bit odd for others. Well, if Chifuyu didn’t seem to mind then it was nothing to worry about. And why would he mind anyway? There was nothing between you two.
With the games came also the blood alcohol level. When the looser has to down a box of their choosing, as well as drinking throughout the game, the levels easily rise. Draken and Baji had penalty shots for winning, Chifuyu got one as well. And most of the others ended up joining in.
“This round was so tense I need one too” you said after the last round, grabbing the glass from your blond seat mate before filling it to the brim again and downing it in one go. It never tasted good, but was exactly what you needed to get rid of the tension you had been quite literally caught in. Head resting against the cushions you felt rather than saw the two others rise from the sofa and engage in a heartfelt bro hug, friendship still intact.
“Girl that was so tiresome I’ll need some of that too”, Emma came over to lounge on top of you as she stole the glass from your grip and it trailed on in its journey. “Hina come get some you too, and then I’ll accept dancing,” she gestured the re-re-filled glass to the other girl. “Oh my god! Yes, dancing!”
With her smile the size of the moon you couldn’t hold back your laughter as she pulled the both of you up from the sofa. “Oof”, the floor wiggled under your feet. Damn, you should probably slow down a bit on the liquor.
Where had Chifuyu gone? No matter, you were dancing. He was not. You were dancing. What were your thoughts doing?
It wasn’t even 10pm yet. You were dancing. With Hinata, Emma and Takemichi. The others were joining too. Emma has really nice hair. Damn. You needed to sit down for a bit.
Before you can really register how you got there you stumble back into the sofa, sideways, leg landing kinda awkwardly on the armrest. Okay. Crisps. And you’re up again and on your way to the kitchen. Where did he keep the popcorn? Popcorn popcorn popcorn, oh, there it was. Third shelf to the right.
The music is blaring through your thoughts but you can barely register them as you wait for the microwave to give its signature beep. Bleep. There we go, popcorn, bowl, chair. Aah. You can hear your thoughts again.
©sugawara-levi: do not copy or republish as your own
a/n: I honestly have no idea how many of the guys are in your gang, you can choose ig, also i guess you’re either switching up who gets to play or some play in teams idk and idrc, its just for funsies 🤩
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applepi-1 · 2 years
The girl who wants your boyfriend- Sugawara
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When you first met Sugawara, he was nothing like your friends told you. You always seen him around school talking to this one chick and his friend... Asahi? You weren't really sure if that was his name. Your friend has class with this girl, and she is always talking about Sugawara. So when you two bumped into each other out of school, no girl around him. No guys, it was frustrating. "Oh, I'm so sorry, let me pay for your coffee." Your eyes widen as he bowed and began to pick up your spilt coffee.
"No... no, it's fine. I should've watched where I was going."
"I... wow." Sugawara stopped moving, taking in your appearance. Your glasses hung perfectly on your nose, your hair tied back into a messy bun as you wore a black skin tight crop top and joggers. He looked back at your face a small smile forming. Your eyes shined even brighter as the sun beamed on them.
"Hm?" You felt shy under his gaze, no guy has ever checked you out.
"Oh, sorry I was staring. It's just... you're beautiful." You felt your cheeks redden as he said this. "Sorry..."
"No, um... thank you. No one's ever called me that before."
"Really? Hm, guess I'm lucky then."
"How so?"
"Because I'm smart enough to know when someone is beautiful." You smiled a little as he gestured to the counter. "Please let me buy you another coffee. If it's okay, I'd like to continue to talk a little more." You nodded your head following the boy.
That was 4 months ago. Sugawara never introduced you to the girl, and he told you why. "Who Abigail? She's one of those friends you grew up with that your parents force you to hangout with because they're friends with her parents." You understood why he didn't feel the need for you to meet her, but from what your friends tell you about her, about the stuff she says about your boyfriend, kinda makes you want to mark what's yours. You always go to his house after school, you'd never run into her because when you leave is when she comes over, same at school. She always just shows up when you leave. But not this time, your mom wasn't going to be home that night, so Sugawara's parents offered you to stay the night. You just couldn't say no to her cooking. You were putting your stuff down when you heard someone talk. A girl, couldn't of been his mom the voice was too high. You threw on one of Sugawara shirts and walked down stairs.
"Oh my god, Sugawara you're so funny." You furred your brows as your boyfriend wishes he was else where.
"It's so good our kids are still friends." You looked into the kitchen seeing an older woman talking to his parents. Must be her mom. You walked into the living room fully catching Sugawara's attention, his eyes widen as his landed on the shirt you were wearing.
"Hope it's okay if I barrow this."
"You can have it." You smiled as he stood up.
"Who's this?"
"Oh, Abigail, this is my girlfriend." Sugawara said as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "Babe, this is Abigail."
"Wait, this is your girlfriend?"
"What does that mean?" Your voice was soft as always when you spoke.
"Oh, you just weren't what I was expecting, hun. That's all. But what's your name?"
"Cool cool cool. Well as he said I'm Abigail." She held her hand out like a princess before laughing. "Oh. Sorry, habit. The guys call me princess so they all just kiss my hand to greet me."
"In your head sure." You chocked back your laugh as Sugawara mumbled.
"Well, we've known each other for like ever. We even got married on the playground. It's just a cute little story."
"We were in kindergarten, and it wasn't legal."
"Well, yeah it wasn't 'technically' legal, but we never 'technically' got a divorce either."
"Well, I want one now."
"Awe, babes. I just noticed, are you wearing his shirt?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Awe, twins." You looked at Sugawara confused as she picked at her shirt.
"That's Daichi's."
And that was the first day you met her, now she's always around, and it's not just driving you crazy, but Sugawara as well. Once you were out of your shy faze around Suga, you began to let him see the real you, and he loves it. He loves the spectrum nose ring, the way you cuss seems so innocent to him, and he loves how cute you look in your clothes. You were chilling with the volleyball team and her at Sugawara's house. Nishinoya and you were arguing over something and a few cuss words came out. Sugawara's eyes widen but then he smiled at how soft your voice is saying such bad words. Nishinoya ended up losing the argument as you went into the kitchen, Aby following you. "Oh hey."
"Hey, can I give you advice really quick?"
"What's up...?" You set your drink down as she laughed.
"So I love your little... bowl ring?" You furred your brows as she touches her nose. "Like is makes it look like a bowl?"
"You mean my spectrum piercing?"
"Yes, your spectrum piercing, I love it, I think it's so cute. I love your glasses, like sometimes I have to wear glasses when reading. But... Sugawara doesn't really like that type of stuff. He's more into like the clean looking, you know? Like the pretty presentable type of girl. So maybe take it out and like... wear contacts?" You looked this girl up and down as she continued. "Just if you wanna be with him, I don't know. He just doesn't like that stuff. Also I hear you swearing like a sailor all the time, and I think it makes you sound cool, but Sugawara doesn't really like that stuff. He's more into smart and classy girls you know? Have you ever thought about going blonde?"
"You should, Sugawara is into blondes. Oh one more thing one more thing. Those clothes that you wear. I don't think Suga likes how you dress. And there is always this mood around you every time we hang. And I love hanging out with you don't get me wrong. It's like a jealous vibe, I don't know. I don't know what it is. But there is nothing between us."
"Ok, I heard enough." You put a hand up stopping Sugawara.
"What in the hell do I have to be jealous of? Your over burying personality? The way you only dress hooker-like is around my boyfriend? Or the fact you just pop up and run all his girlfriends off, because you're in love with him? Sweetie the only reason nothing is going on between you and him, is because he doesn't want your plastic ass. Suga tells me all the time how cute I look with my glasses. And my spectrum ring?" You took it out easily before putting it back in. "Is magnetic. And Suga loves playing with it when we cuddle. The only blonde Sugawara has ever been around is you. Doesn't make him into blondes. He's told me plenty of times he finds my swearing cute because of how soft my voice is. And my clothes, 90 percent of the time it's Suga's clothes I'm wearing and he loves me in them. The only thing Sugawara isn't into. Is you. So you can stop." Sugawara and the guys looked at you in shock as Abigail looked embarrassed.
"I think... I should go..."
"Yeah, I think it's best."
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iwadori · 3 years
Why you and the haikyu boys broke up (Atsumu,Oikawa,Kageyama,Kenma,Akaashi,Sugawara)
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Part two: Osamu, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Ushijima
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Atsumu: “god yer so clingy and annoying”
You and Atsumu have been dating for years and every year was worse then the last. Atsumu became more distant and standoffish as your relationship progressed.
“‘Tsumu, where were you said that you’d be back by-“
“Gosh Y/N, just leave me alone, I don’t need you doting all over me like your my mum or something” he said harshly making you flinch
“Well I wouldn’t keep acting like your mum if you weren’t being such a child, you dick”
“God Y/N, yer so cling and annoying”
That was the last thing he said to you, well the last thing you heard, since after that you were gone. You definitely didn’t care for Atsumu anymore and you definitely didn’t care about his mutiple messages and calls asking begging you to talk to him.
You were done and you silently asked yourself the question “who’s the clingy and annoying one now ‘tsumu”
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Oikawa: “If only you supported me like she did then..”
You and Oikawa, the classic ‘highschool sweethearts,’ with him being the athletic trailblazer with you at his side through it all, always known as “Oikawa’s girlfriend”
Being known as that, at first you didn’t mind, since being attached to the Oikawa name in any aspect was something to brag about (especially when you’re a teenage girl.)
But as you got older you didn’t want to be just somebody’s “girlfriend,” you wanted to be Y/N The doctor or Y/N the lawyer, journalist or whatever.
And Oikawa wasn’t particularly fond of the idea.
As the time went on, with you now studying and preparing for your new found dream job (which you were over the moon about.) Oikawa became unbearable, late nights out, always hiding his phone when you were about, he had this odd scent about him one that was different to usual.
He was cheating on you. You knew it, but since there was no physical proof and because you loved him so much accusing him of such a thing could ruin everything.
You didn’t need too though. Since one night, when Oikawa was supposedly meant to be at an away game. He was away, but in someone else’s pants... in your bedroom.
After being caught he pleaded for you to hear him out and when you wouldn’t he said “if only you supported me like she did then I wouldn’t be cheating on you”
That was definitely the final straw, you became the best doctor that Japan had ever seen, and you didn’t know what happen to Oikawa and that girl.
You may of heard through the grapevine that she definitely cheated on him a month into their relationship, but what do you care anyways.
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Kenma: “gosh y/n I’m not your therapist”
Kenma and you were childhood friends before you started dating. You were two peas in a pods.
You worked perfectly as you being the talkative one always talked and him being quiet just always listened.
That’s how you worked and it was fine, right?
Well of course it wasn’t, well at least till when you were a few years into your relationship it wasn’t. Kenma was obviously a popular gamer and kind of a businessman, he wasn’t as free as he used to be and neither were you and you both knew that.
So when you did have time to hang out you most certainly made the most of it, doing what you normally did: you talk, he ‘listens.’
Even though Kenma wasn’t listening anymore, who knows when he stopped listening but he probably hasn’t heard nor cared for a thing you’ve said since you were 5.
“Gosh Y/N I’m not your therapist” he said after you were telling him about a terrible day you had “ I don’t even know why we’re still together, or together at all... “
“Fine, if that’s how you feel I’m gone”
“Wait Y/N I didn’t mea-“
You slam the door blocking out the rest of speech which you didn’t need to hear since obviously ‘you aren’t his therapist.’
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Akaashi: you’re just too much of an idiot too understand.
When you and Akaashi met, it was in one of your classes, and you first noticed him when he was answering in a question in class.
Hot and smart was what you thought when you first laid eyes on him
What you didn’t know by the time you got together was that ‘hot and smart’ translates to the biggest patronising mansplainer ever.
Akaashi has a way of belittling you and dumbing you down, you didn’t know why he was doing it. Heck, you didn’t know he was actually doing it until he actually said “you’re just too much of an idiot to understand.”
The other times it was subtle, but obvious enough to leave you sad and uncomfortable afterwards questioning every aspect of yourself.
One night, you don’t tell him what your doing, you pack up your crap leave the rest of the months rent on the kitchen counter along with a note saying ‘I’m breaking up with you,’
You knew that sooner or later that day you’d get a text from him and you did which read:
Akaashi: what do you mean I’m breaking up with. Why ?
Y/N: oh I guess you’re too much of an idiot to understand.
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Kageyama: you don’t work hard enough Y/N
You were dating the best setter in Japan. It always felt surreal when you said that to yourself, or when someone said that to you.
Since ‘how could you’ get ‘someone like that.’
That was the question that many people asked, since of course ‘Tobio Kageyama was only worth the best of the best,’ and to them you most certainly wasn’t that.
You got comments like that all the time online, but you didn’t care but one time you were scrolling through Twitter and so a post about you and the comments were all talking about your body.
This crushed your heart, as the comments they were making were vile so this definitely hit a tough spot.
When Kageyama came home and saw your distressed state he rushed to your side to see if he could help. However once you showed him what you were crying over, his tone of voice changed as he said,
“They aren’t wrong Y/N, ever since we got together you’ve definitely not really been looking after yourself lately”
“What is that supposed to mean” you retort
“ I mean, you don’t work hard Y/N, you don’t work at all... as of lately you’ve just been bitching and complaining and mooching off of my success whilst you let yourself go.”
“If that’s how you see me, then so be it” you say gracefully standing up and exciting the building. You were done with Kageyama and you both knew that, there was no going back after what he said, especially since you could tell he was thinking that for a while now.
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Sugawara: your not the girl I fell in love with
Sugawara and you were described as the “perfect couple” by people that didn’t know you. Which you always faked a smile a compliment, knowing certainly well you weren’t.
You’ve loved sugawara ever since you met him in your first year. But you knew, you always knew he didn’t love you back.
Kiyoko Shimuzu, her name was. A pretty name for a pretty girl. All the boys were in love with her (some more vocal about it then others) but sugawara even though he wasn’t shouting his love from the rooftops, you caught the looks of adoration he gave her when she was simply walking by.
You dated him anyways, maybe he could sense your desperation or maybe he needed a distraction. You didn’t know why he decided to ask you out and you didn’t care, he was yours and you finally ‘won.’
Well you were winning up till you got a certain invite in the Mail:
You are invited to the wedding of Tanka Ryunnsoke and Kiyoko Shimuzu.
Even though sugawara looked happy at the idea of his two dearest friends marrying, you could tell he was heartbroken. And he knew that you knew.
That is why, on the day before the wedding as you were packing your bags to go, it turns out he was packing his bags too. But for a completely different reason.
“I’m leaving” was all he said at first heading for the door.
“Where? Why?” You aksed
“You know why Y/N, you’ve always known why And itll do more harm then good if we keep this charade up any longer”
“But I love you” you cried latching on to him
“And I love you, but you were not the girl I fell in love with and I don’t think that love will ever stop”
You knew he was right and you let him go, crying over your one true love.
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An: I kinda heavily like this one, (maybe because it’s hard to write on my phone and this style is definitely not what I’m used too so I’m appreciating my efforts.) what do you guys think ??
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Taglist[bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi @iimoonii @hamdehlesmis @Shoyosupremacy @meadowsinjapan @iambashfulperson
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satoriberry · 3 years
Can I PLEEEAASSSEEEE request a baker s/o headcanons for Suga, Kenma and Iwa and anyone that you want???🥺🥺🥺🥺
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‣ Currently Growing: What they'd be like with an S/O that's gifted in baking!
‣ Pairings: Sugawara Koushi + Kozume Kenma + Iwaizumi Hajime x GN!Reader
‣ Watch out for: Nothing really? lolol, maybe slightly OOC kenma (?)
‣ Berry's note: KSHSKSJS CONGRATS ON BEING MY FIRST EVER ASK!! djdkd idk feeling kinda cool rn [happy]. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed what I made! :)
Part two! ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ ) Part three! ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
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• Sugawara Koushi:
-Ok, so let's get this out of the way. He got to know you through the school's baking club.
- You and 3 other people were the only members but it was very lively since students and even staff members would visit to see what yall were doing (aka steal some pastries and leave lololol)
- You were in the middle of making the final touches to your Choux chantilly à la fraise (cream puffs with strawberries <3) when you heard a faint sliding noise.
- You look to the side and see a head of silver hair poking through the tiny gap, just,,,,,staring at you.
- He excused himself and politely walked over and stood across the decoration table where you were.
- You just stood there like ".....yeah?" and he struck up a conversation about what you were doing.
- You know that thing in cartoons where a character wants to stealthily steal something so they distract the person with a conversation? Yeah that's what he was doing. He was trying to steal a cream puff.
- You caught on to it pretty quickly but offered him one anyway. He didn't even hesitate to shove the whole thing in his mouth. He cried. It was THAT good,,,,he cried.
- Long story short, you two started to date a few months after this very fateful moment. And he abuses his boyfriend privileges in regards to your baking skills.
- Literally brags about you all the time. He could be in the middle of the most torturous, vigorous, borderline abusive training by their coach and he'd go "omg guys y/n made me a fruit tart the other day lololol we ate all of it together lolol not that you would ever get to taste their baking lololol fucking losers lololol".
- But oh my god. Bring some of your creations for the team to enjoy after training and he'll basically propose right then and there. 72% chance he'll cry again.
- He loves the domesticity of sitting with you in your kitchen on a Saturday afternoon and watch you make something new for him (and only him) to try. He loves it so much <333
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• Kozume Kenma:
- You see, he didn't know about your talent for a while. It wasn't until you two had been together for a few months that he actually found out.
- It was on a weekend and you were over at his house, him playing a new video game he'd bought and you trying to get some homework done.
- Kenma's probably more cheerful when playing a new game so his answers to anything you said were longer and more detailed.
- You'd said something along the lines of "Y'know, I could really go for some [favourite thing to eat], maybe I should get some later." to which he responded to with, "Hm, apple pie sounds really good right now..." then he went back to kicking ass (gamer boy moment lolol).
- You mentally went "Waiitttt, I can make that myself...", so after that, you made it your objective to some your Sunday making the meanest apple pie because kenma + apple pie = shoujo anime type BS unlocked.
- And make the meanest apple pie, you did. You packed it in a cute lil lunch box and decided that giving it to him after his volleyball practice on Monday would be perfect.
- The entire day, he was kind of confused as to why you were so eager but you held it in until the end.
- You two normally take a route that's right next to a park when going back home. You convinced him to sit down with you on the grass and enjoy the weather, that's when you took the cute lil box out and gave it to him.
- "Sorry y/n, I'm not really hungry :(" "Open it smartass 🤨"
- See, Kenma isn't easily surprised or taken aback, but at that moment, you could swear you saw his eyes widen and his jaw drop just slightly. But that expression was quickly replaced with a somewhat toothy smile, his cheeks a barely visible shade of red.
- "Did you seriously make this yourself? For me?" He asked you in a calm but clearly giddy tone, pointing his index at you then towards him to emphasise his point.
- You nodded, feeling the pride surge through your veins at this one in a million reaction. His smile grew softer, his gaze back at the pie and his brain trying to imagine how cute you probably looked while making this lunch, brows furrowed in concentration and hands slowly working on the presentation of the pastry.
- He reached for the tiny spoon that fell out of the box's wrapping cloth and went for a bite. He made sure to hold eye contact the entire time because 1) he'll feel like a true food judge and 2) he wants to see your raw reaction.
- His eyes went 👁👁....
- You could swear you saw his eyes get glossier, but he didnt cry dwdw 💀
- He doesnt like to brag in general, and this also applied to things regarding you. Mostly because he knows Kuroo and Yamamoto will try and convince you to make them something because "you're our beloved Kenma's amazing and talented s/o, we're like family" (their words, source: me because im right)
- He never hesitates to help you with baking,,,,by sitting on the counter and reading the recipe out loud to you. Jkjk, he struggles in the kitchen but his favourite thing to do is crack eggs and measure ingredients <3
- Kenma + Baker S/O = Making brownies at 1 am with Super Mario Bros. in the background
- He tries to not make it a big deal, but the way you smile so wholeheartedly when something you make turns out perfect never fails to make him hide his face and look away, so you dont see his own giddy expression :((
- Kenma <3333
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• Iwaizumi Hajime:
- Out of these 4, Iwaizumi is definitely the one who's most impressed.
- You see, he's probably REALLY good at cooking, but baking? Put him in a kitchen with some flour, milk and eggs and he'll start a regional hazard. Can NOT bake for shit, not even to save his life 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
- So when he once decided to come over and saw you frosting a fucking 3 layer cake all by yourself, he just 😯😶👁👁
- Asks so many questions, and wants many answers >:(( dont leave him hanging
- He hides his admiration by keeping it cool and going "Ahaha that's dope, who would've thought you can make these kinds of things all alone?"
- He also finds it very...attractive. Well, he finds YOU very attractive (hot) and cool looking when you reach for the cloth of your apron to wipe ypur hands ands and neck while baking. Something about you being so passionate and putting so much effort into this is so hot to him but he'll eat his own nasty ass socks before even saying this.
- Doesn't mention anything about you being a god at baking because he KNOWS the other third years will ask you to make something for them as a "gift of appreciation for dealing with Iwa-chan when you're gone 🥺🥺🤞🤞" (Spoiler: he failed and they know about it)
- Oikawa will (and did) ask you on more than one occasion to make something for him (milkbread-), Hanamaki will literally offer you 3 month's worth of his allowance money to have you make him some cream puffs (his favourite food <3). I don't think Matsukawa will ask for anything but he will tease Iwaizumi for being such a fucking simp for you and the fact you make him feel so special with your sweet gifts
- The second years and first years know better than to mention it around him (or in general) LMFAO
- But he would never ACTUALLY get mad at you if you made something for the entire team, he'll just die from happiness <3
- Iwaizumi thinks of you as some kind of angel whenever you come up to him after volleyball practice with a cute box in your hand, because he knows what's in it and he knows just how much love and care you put into it
- Iwaizumi = boyfie material <333
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- This will be kind of self indulgent but you're a student from Inarizaki Highschool working part-time in a bakery that's in the same district as the school <3
- He heard of the shop you worked at through Suna, who talked about going there with his sister to get her dessert every now and then.
- Kita isnt particularly invested in baked goods, always choosing traditional sweets like mochi, kakigori and daifuku when an urge for sugar hits him.
- But he ruled that trying something new doesn't sound half bad.
- On one Friday, after the school day ended as well as volleyball practice, Kita and Aran were preparing to lock the gym and leave when the latter excused himself.
- "Yeah, my mom wants me to drop by the post office downtown and collect her parcel. It's better if you return home without me. Cya."
- And so, Kita was left to walk back home by himself, when a sudden idea hit him. How about he go and get something for him (and his grandma because Kita is a fucking angel >:0) from the new shop that's approximately 7 minutes away, according to Suna's story?
- Setting foot in there for the first time, he wasn't expecting to be overwhelmed by the strong scent of warm sugar and vanilla.
- It takes a lot to have THE Kita Shinsuke deeply amazed, and the exquisite array of foreign delicacies, some of which had names he couldn't pronounce, did exactly that and more.
- He chose the "cute golden pastry thingies" with cream (Chouqettes à la crème) to bring home with him. Except there was no one to take his order? No cashier at the register and no random customer to ask for the whereabouts of said cashier.
- Kita was slightly dumbfounded and on the verge of leaving when he heard a panicked, "SORRY SORRY, I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF SOME STUFF."
- You clumsily stumbled out of the back room with a tray in your hand.
- And at that moment, his eyes fell on you for the first time. You had flour on your chin and above your left eyebrow, jam on your chin and pastry cream all over your apron. Obviously, you were kind of a mess right now, but something about you looked so....pleasing. So gentle and calming, looking at you made his heart feel lighter.
- "Excuse me for being late, the manager left me in charge of many things and I was supposed to take these out an hour ago and you had to wait and I'm so-" "It's completely fine, I understand :)."
- He didn't want to make you apologise, you seemed like very dependable person and that's something he was fond of in a person.
- "Oh, ok then, thank you. What would you like to have today?" Opening his mouth to butcher the name of those "cute golden pastry thingies", he gazed at the tray you were holding a few seconds ago.
- "What's that?" " Oh, it's just something I've been working on. Nothing special really, it's cherry clafoutis with lemon z-" "I'd like to have two slices please, in a box if possible."
- He wasn't going to lie, he didn't know what a "cherry clafoutis" was. For all he knew, it could be poison. But the joyous look in your eyes from him wanting to get something YOU made was more than enough to make him forget about this uncharacteristic impulse decision. He felt his heart beat faster for some reason ("some reason" simp.)
- You gently packed his order in a folded box, the store's signature colours and stamp on the side and top.
- His fingers grazed yours while handing the box, but he didn't want to react in fear of embarrassing you and himself accordingly.
- After exchanging a "Thank you, goodbye." and a "Come back soon!", he stepped out of the store, his face reddening at an alarming rate. He wasn't a fool, he knew that this simple first meeting with the cute patisserie shop employee was going to be one of many visits. Most of which will have the ulterior motive of seeing your face and cute smile again.
- He really had to thank Suna.
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