#sugi kenji
sachi · 10 months
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☆ Sawamura Spencer Eriri // Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata ♭ ☆ 1/7 / Good Smile Company ☆ August 2018 ¥10,694 ☆ Sculpt Tomogomahu Paint Sugi Kenji / Ekoshi
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adultstim · 4 years
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木之本桜 Hello Brand New World
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leenaevilin · 7 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル 忍たま乱太郎 第7弾 再演 ~水軍砦三つ巴の戦い!~ (musical nintama rantarou dai 7 dan saien ~suigun toride mitsudomoe no tatakai!~)  TV Broadcast
you will be able to watch it @ NHKBS プレミアム (November 26th, 2017 ~ 13:00-15:00)
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bri-notthecheese · 3 years
my thoughts on Iki Island:
(spoilers under the cut)
I really loved this DLC! I had nothing but high hopes for this after playing the base game last year (and three more times after that), and Sucker Punch didn’t disappoint. The whole time playing it I felt like it was only adding to my love of the characters and the stories they set up in the base game, and then all the new quests and mechanics added a lot of fresh fun on top of that! 
So where to even begin. 
The opening scene was super cool and a neat way to introduce the new shaman enemies. And despite Yuna only actually being in one scene, it was a delight to see her again. Though since I’m playing the DLC after finishing everything, I don't love the continuity of Yuna not accompanying him, but gameplay wise I knew that wasn’t going to happen anyway, but I just love when she’s with us <3
Went for my horse straight away and I was THRILLED to see that Kaze can now kill enemies and the new charge mechanic was way more fun than I was expecting and I was having too much fun with that. After Nobu, I didn’t expect to get attached the Kaze all that much (even if he continued on into a later game) but I was quickly proved wrong with this because I now kind of separate Nobu as the more gentler of the two, that was always there for me, and while Kaze is too, I like imagining Kaze is a lot younger and his aggressive personality in this really sold that and I like that it probably eases Jin’s worries a bit to see his new horse being able to fend off attacks a bit better. Plus, with his new armor, he’s even safer <3 Really fell more in love with Kaze in this, which I didn’t expect.
Met The Eagle next and had that whole encounter. I love how right away if you pay attention, you know Yuna isn’t Yuna because she’s never once addressed Jin as ‘my lord.’ I think the only time she said it was when she was talking to both him and Shimura at the lighthouse, and it wasn’t because she wanted to. But still, even knowing something was wrong, it’s cute that Jin’s mind went to her as a safe place who he’d have no problem entrusting stories and secrets to, which was obviously the Eagle’s goal. And hearing her voice warp into the Eagle’s was creepyyyy and so good <3  (my Yuna loving ass was sad to realize that was most likely the last time we’d see her, but that’s okay) That next part of the hallucination really got you feeling for Jin, and I couldn’t help but be frustrated that he’s only a child, how was he supposed to help?!?!? 
So I ignored Tenzo’s next mission and explored and pretty much completed the entire island. I got jump scared WAY too many times by her taunts, but I loved how that just added to the direness of the situation. I was obsessed with finding all the hallucinations and it just kept breaking my heart how Jin has all of this pent up guilt/heartache--with Ryuzo (he had so many I found), his father, his uncle, the Khan, Nobu :(, Masako, etc. I honestly had expected to find one regarding Taka and I’m a bit sad that I didn’t. Add those to the memories of his father and the ever-present taunting, I was going through it with Jin <3 At least you can pet the animals for him <3 The little smile he’d get every time was worth it. And the flute playing mechanic was really neat!
The first memory I got was their chat before Kazumasa’s death and honestly that got me all teary because Jin wanted so badly to hear him say he accepted him as his son, but deep down, would he have felt it? And my heart just breaks so much for Jin because as I kept going through the memories, I kept thinking how well 1) his dad sucks, but 2) both father figures kept wanting Jin to be somebody else. And it hurts that he was closer to Shimura’s way of thinking and how we even see that one time that Shimura corrects Jin, that his recitation of what honor means were his father’s words, and gets Jin to say that kindness is what honor means to him and wow. <3 <3 <3 But it hurts knowing their fate too <3 That while Shimura was more of a father to Jin than Kazumasa was, eventually, he couldn’t accept what Jin was doing in their way. Though it does hurt and make you wonder if Shimura was frightened that Jin was turning into his dad...I had that thought many times. (I loved seeing Adachi so much though omg <3 <3 <3) It was very interesting how the song Jin ends up playing for his father at the end of the memories is the ‘Jin Sakai’ theme. And then how that in turn, morphs into ‘The Way of the Ghost’ later on when in the final battle. 
It hurts that Jin had Chiyoko in his life for such a short time. I’m glad he did have Yuriko at least, but all of Jin’s memories on his mother and how she emphasized just living was so prominent, and her love of animals clearly passed to him and that gentleness too. And of instruments. Such softness, and I love that he retains that even as an adult. It makes sense that he doesn’t speak of his mother as often since he has far less experiences with her vs Kazumasa or Shimura, but it was nice to see her influence within him.  
Did this quest near the end of my exploration but I got the BIGGEST smile on my fave when I barged in the house to find the Ghost of Iki Island was Kenji <3 <3 <3 I love this dumbass so much and it was so nice to see a familiar face <3 Plus it let Jin have an actual full laugh when Kenji referred to them both as ‘tough guys’ XD His quests are always enjoyable for me and so I really loved that (though I was also Jin when he’s like “...you didn’t say goodbye.”) but I was happy to see him do the right thing at the end <3 THEN I got to duel the Viper because I diffused the situation instead and that was fun. Love that Jin explains his knowledge of negotiation was learned from all the years with Shimura <3 Also enjoyed spotting Kenji later in the Refuge XD
Really enjoyed all the side quests overall, loved all the animal sanctuaries, and the archery was a TON of fun! Getting the horse armor was neat, seeing Jin actively stop a Mythic retelling, though I was surprised there was no duel for that one. The one for the monkey armor was so creepy, following the lights in the cave, but so damn cinematic and that fight was incredible plus that amor is my new best friend. Seriously omg, the duels in this DLC felt so much beefier than the base game (I was playing on hard so that could be a reason, but the fights didn’t feel this tanky in the base) But that armor just made them a piece of cake if you’re good at perfect parries and perfect dodges <3 <3
Loved the banter and camaraderie between Jin and Tenzo throughout. And I really enjoyed Fune’s character as well! Did the next few story missions and I couldn’t help that sense of foreboding slipping in as I was getting more attached to these characters. Love that they had Kidafure Battlefield on the map but it isn’t till the mission that they tack on the ‘Village’, really hitting home what happened there. 
Maybe I should have been, but I did not see the twist with Tenzo coming at ALL! I physically gasped when he spoke the “May your death benefit all things” to that random Mongol and I was soooo tense, like Jin listen I know he was your dad but also Tenzo spared you. Which I love in the long run how he spared the Butcher’s child only to save him later in life, and Jin could save him and the island in return <3 Because ohhhhhh boy did I get emotional when Jin stopped the Eagle from landing that blow. 
But before that, HER FIGHT IS SO FUCKING COOOOOL!!!!!! SHE IS SO DAMN FAST AND SHE EASILY WIPED THE FLOOR WITH ME THE FIRST TWO TIMES. I also love her references to Khotan and that her moveset with the spear shares some similarities with him.  I tried once more in my Ghost armor (for fashion) and then I switched to the Sarugami armor and was flying through just to have that whole cutscene.
I know culture is different and obviously I can never understand that mindset, but to hear him say to Jin that they both should have died there broke my heart. What kind of a father wants his son’s death with him like that?!?!?!?! But I LOOOOOOVED ‘Honor and Ash’ playing in the background for that scene, as Jin is rejecting what his father may have thought/wanted (just like he did to Shimura with that track at the end of Act 2) and then it moved up a key just to reinforce that Jin is forgiving himself for this and letting go and again, forging his own path just as he did with his uncle. I loved that they used that piece for that pivotal moment...
...JUST TO KICK IT INTO AN EVEN HIGHER GEAR WITH JIN SAVING TENZO AND THE GHOST THEME BLARING IN WITH A KEY CHANGE TO THEN TRIUMPHANTLY FINISH OFF THE EAGLE!!!!! I WAS SO HYPED (and also hoping I wouldn’t die cuz how anti climactic would that have been?!?) but I didn’t and I really enjoyed the resolution between those two. I bowed to him after he bowed to me and I love that they even added dialogue for that if players do decide to do that <3 <3 <3 
The next quest with Fune was sweet, though it felt a little odd to do after defeating the Eagle, but it was sweet nonetheless. I have to finish up some trophy stuff, I guess there’s unseen quests that I’m sure I’ve done a few of, but I have to figure out what I missed. The dueling ring was fun, though that lady was the most difficult for me.
A few things of note:
-I like that in this DLC, you really can’t tell if it’s better to kill or spare Shimura. And how there are lines that could mean slightly different things to Jin depending on what he’s done. I’ve done both and I was on a file where he spared him, but besides a hallucination mentioning the Ghost being hunted for the rest of his days, nothing else pointed to one choice or the other.
-Though a line Jin said to Sugi threw me a bit when he said something along the lines of ‘you’ll never understand how hard it is to kill your family’ and maybe he was referencing his guilt for his father, but I’m like ?????? who else did you kill Jin??? Shimura is fine in this play through XD 
-Talking with her though, I like that Jin described himself as ‘someone who knows what it’s like to be hunted’ :((((((
-Tenzo also made reference to a friend of his being beheaded, but not finding the head till a week later, and asking Jin if he understands that and while the situation is different, I bet Jin’s mind went to Taka :( 
-Loved the subtle storytelling elements with Jin falling into his nightmares during the fight through the Gorge and his resolve disappears each time. The second time it happened, I verbally went “oh my resolve.....oh.”
-I do think Sucker Punch made a lil mistake though because I started thinking about how in Tale 8 of Masako’s quests, I’m almost certain she mentions Jin not understanding her need for revenge or something along those lines, and she talks about Shimura hunting down Kazamasu’s killer for weeks and how Jin had his closure. But uhhhhhh obviously his killer was never found? Or they killed the wrong one? And they didn’t mention it was on Iki Island and obviously didn’t have that foresight that they’d be doing this DLC since he was killed in the snow in the base game and now it was under a wisteria tree, but besides that small thing, I had no complaints! except for always wanting more Yuna
It was so great and I felt it really complemented the base game, especially in regards to everything that Jin feels guilty and responsible for, but also puts his relationship with Shimura is so many new lights that I loooove and I need to talk about more!!! If you read this far, feel free to hmu to chat about it because my best friend who played the base game at the same time I did and screamed with me about it has not played this yet and ahhhhh!!!!!!
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8045: Super Sentai 1-100
Row 1 - Goranger [Akaranger (Red): Tsuyoshi Kaijo (Naoya Makoto), Aoranger (Blue): Akira Shimnei (Hiroshi Miyauchi), Kiranger (Yellow): Daita Oiwa (Baku Hatakeyama), Momoranger (Pink): Peggy Matsuyama (Lisa Komaki) and Midoranger (Green): Kenji Asuka (Yukio Itou)] and JAKQ [Spade Ace (Red): Goro Sakurai (Yoshitaka Tanba), Dia Jack (Blue): Ryu Higashi (Tairayama Itou), Heart Queen (Pink): Karen Mizuki (Mitchi Love), Clover King (Green): Bunta Daichi (Yuusuke Kazato) and Big One (White): Sokichi Banba (Hiroshi Miyauchi)]
Row 2 - Battle Fever J [Battle Japan (Red): Masao Den (Hironori Tanioka), Battle France (Blue): Kyousuke Shida (Yuuhei Kurachi), Battle Cossack (Orange): Makoto Jin (Naoya Ban), Battle Kenya (Black): Shirou Akebono (Kenji Ohba) and Miss America (Pink): Maria Nagisa (Naomi Hagi)] and Denjiman [Denji Red: Ippei Akagi (Shinichi Yuuki), Denji Blue: Daigoro Oume (Kenji Ohba), Denji Yellow: Jun Kiyama (Eiichi Tsuyama), Denji Green: Tatsuya Midorikawa (Naoya Uchida) and Denji Pink: Akira Momoi (Akira Koizumi)]
Row 3 - Sun Vulcan [Vul Eagle (Red): Takayuki Hiba (Takayuki Godai), Vul Shark (Blue): Kin'ya Samejima (Kin'ya Sugi) and Vul Panther (Yellow): Asao Hyou (Asao Kobayashi)], Goggle-V [Goggle Red: Kenichi Akama (Ryouji Akagi), Goggle Black: Kanpei Kuroda (Jyunichi Haruta), Goggle Blue: Saburo Aoyama (Shigeki Ishii), Goggle Yellow: Futoshi Kijima (Sanpei Godai) and Goggle Pink: Miki Momozono (Megumi Ogawa)] and Dynaman (Red and Black) [Dyna Red: Hokuto Dan (Satoshi Okita) and Dyna Black: Ryuu Hoshikawa (Jyunchi Haruta)]
Row 4 - Dynaman (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Dyna Blue: Yousuke Shima (Kouji Unogi), Dyna Yellow: Kousaku Nangou (Yuu Tokita) and Dyna Pink: Rei Tachibana (Sayoko Hagiwara)], Bioman [Red One: Shirou Gou (Ryosuke Sakamoto), Green Two: Shingo Takasugi (Naoto Ota), Blue Three: Ryuuta Nanbara (Akita Osuga), Yellow Four: Jun Yabuki (Sumiko Tanaka) and Pink Five: Hikaru Katsuragi (Michiko Makino)] and Changeman (Red and Black) [Change Dragon (Red): Hiryu Tsurugi (Haruki Hamada) and Change Griffin (Black): Shou Hayate (Kazuoki Takahashi)]
Row 5 - Changeman (Blue, White and Pink) [Change Pegasus (Blue): Yuma Ozora (Shiro Izumi), Change Mermaid (White): Sayaka Nagisa (Hiroko Nishimoto) and Change Phoenix (Pink): Mai Tsubasa (Mai Ooishi)], Flashman [Red Flash: Jin (Touta Tarumi), Green Flash: Dai (Kihachiro Uemura), Blue Flash: Bun (Yasuhiro Ishiwata), Yellow Flash: Sara Tokimura (Youko Nakamura) and Pink Flash: Lou (Mayumi Yoshida)] and Maskman (Red and Black) [Red Mask: Takeru (Ryousuke Kaizu) and Black Mask: Kenta (Koichi Kusakari)]
Row 6 - Maskman (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Blue Mask: Akira (Issei Hirota), Yellow Mask: Haruka (Yuki Nagata) and Pink Mask: Momoko (Kanako Maeda)], Liveman [Red Falcon: Yuusuke Amamiya (Daisuke Shima), Yellow Lion: Joh Ohara (Kazuhiko Nishimura), Blue Dolphin: Megumi Misaki (Megumi Mori), Black Bison: Tetsuya Yano (Seirou Yamaguchi) and Green Sai: Jun'ichi Aikawa (Jin Kawamoto)] and Turboranger (Red and Black) [Red Turbo: Riki Honoo (Kenta Satou) and Black Turbo: Daichi Yamagata (Fumiaki Ganaha)]
Row 7 - Turboranger (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Blue Turbo: Youhei Hama (Keiya Asakura), Yellow Turbo: Shunsuke Hino (Junichiro Katagiri) and Pink Turbo: Haruna Morikawa (Yoshiko Iwaya)], Fiveman [Five Red: Gaku Hoshikawa (Toshiya Fuji), Five Blue: Ken Hoshikawa (Kei Sindachiya), Five Black: Fumiya Hoshikawa (Ryohei Kobayashi), Five Pink: Kazumi Hoshikawa (Kazuko Miyata) and Five Yellow: Remi Hoshikawa (Ryo Narushima)] and Jetman (Red and Black) [Red Hawk: Ryu Tendo (Kotaro Tanaka) and Black Condor: Gai Yuki (Toshihide Wakamatsu)]
Row 8 - Jetman (Yellow, White and Blue) [Yellow Owl: Raita Ooishi (Tomihisa Naruse), White Swan: Kaori Rokumeikan (Rika Kishida) and Blue Swallow: Ako Hayasaka (Sayuri Uchida)], Zyuranger [Tyranno Ranger (Red): Geki (Yuta Mochizuki), Mammoth Ranger (Black): Goushi (Seiju Umon), Tricera Ranger (Blue): Dan (Hideki Fujiwara), Tiger Ranger (Yellow): Boi (Takumi Hashimoto), Ptera Ranger (Pink): Mei (Reiko Chiba) and Dragon Ranger (Green): Burai (Shiro Izumi)] and Dairanger (Red) [Ryuu Ranger (Red): Ryo (Keiichi Wada)]
Row 9 - Dairanger (Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and White) [Shishi Ranger (Green): Daigo (Tatsuya Nomi), Tenma Ranger (Blue): Shoji (Ei Hamura), Kirin Ranger (Yellow): Kazu (Keisuke Tsuchiya), Houou Ranger (Pink): Lin (Natsuki Takahashi) and Kiba Ranger (White): Kou (Hisashi Sakai)] and Kakuranger [Ninja Red: Sasuke (Teruaki Ogawa), Ninja White: Tsuruhime (Satomi Hirose), Ninja Blue: Saizou (Hiroshi Tsuchida), Ninja Yellow: Seikai (Shu Kawai) and Ninja Black: Jiraiya (Kane Kosugi)]
Row 10 - Kakuranger (Navy) [Extra Hero (Navy): Ninjaman (Hideaki Kusaka, voiced by Kazuki Yao)], Ohranger [Oh Red: Goro Hoshino (Masaru Shishido), Oh Green: Shouhei Yokkaichi (Kunio Masaoka), Oh Blue: Yuji Mita (Masashi Goda), Oh Yellow: Juri Nijou (Ayumi Aso), Oh Pink: Momo Maruo (Tamao Sato) and King Ranger (Black): Riki (Shoji Yamaguchi)] and Carranger (Red, Blue and Green) [Red Racer: Kyosuke Jinnai (Yuji Kishi), Blue Racer: Naoki Domon (Yoshihiro Masujima) and Green Racer: Minoru Uesugi (Yoshihiro Fukuda)]
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kmexk · 5 years
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Gracias a la página Welcome to Koda Kumi World, tenemos unas capturas de la lista de reproducción especial en el servicio de AWA.
Algunas de las canciones que aparecen son:
Akina Nakamori - DESIRE -Jounetsu- Hiromi Go - Goldfinger '99 Kiyomi Suzuki - TAXI Shizuka Kudo - Ice Rain Seiko Matsuda - あなたに逢いたくて ~ Anata ni Aitakute Kenji Sawada - 時の過ぎゆくままに ~ Toki no sugi yuku mama ni Kazuyoshi Saito - 歩いて帰ろう ~Aruite Kaerou BEGIN - 恋しくて ~ Koishikute Mariko Takahashi - 桃色吐息 ~ Momoiro Toiki Kiyohiko Ozaki - また逢う日まで ~ Mata au Hi Made BENNIE K - サンライズ ~ Sunrise
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thumm hnc esvenroc browny circus teeny frahoop milkees speena taisho 9nenn meg epiqurean sucrette cecil 5th garden havana exotica mansfield kenji aira saori sawa nagisa ami suzuki joanna shizuka mizca maa mini usagi-chang beautiful electro yukari takako miu amu spoon+ jaccapop cyborg 80s pal@pop melting holidays chocolat citrus kyoko togawa nippon girls bridge venus peter spank happy motocompo p5 hi posi mihomihomakoto tomoe shinohara rie tomosaka spaghetti vabune! akane hosoka orangenoise shortcut marino karia nomoto orange lounge tomosuke marshmallow kisses instant cytron kokusyoku sumire vanilla beans sonicberry favour micro mach machine yuu kofta pecombo losfeld hairsalon fpm tetrapletrap the caraway utrecht miniflex happy end kuno shinji boys & girls together photo jenny mummy the peepshow rocket or chiritori dahlia ex girl red go cart kuchiroro marys 9th cut tiroleantape chapter 4 nicely nice aprils bice bitter cherry jam ayuse kozue uinona tomoya harada pupa pastelshot chat chat humming parlour kiiiiiii collette genki rockets ram rider cinnamon toast crunch flower bellcow on button down panda 1/2 johnny dee childish tones 住所不定無職 (jusho futei mushoku) c want you soleil tweedees b flower honey skoolmates coba u 壱岐尾彩花 (ayaka ikio) strawberry mud pie! katamari pastel music abcd*efg softly! 3f=c apogee & perigee tarte tatin ナンバタタン 小池玉緒 (tamao koike) the apricots harqua nokko nelories ether22 p&rt sasanoooha funny little dream little lounge * little twinkle bluenö sunnychar three-weeks-old lovesick puppy chapi chapo ammakasie noka arcorhyme t.v. jesus murr*murr cyclon 86 pianetta instant cafe records camera works chupi*chupi tropico q comoestas sugi & reo cacoy kazmi with rickies syoko スーザン soda fountains balloon skirt noodles maki asakawa trico! マサ子さん margarets hope* marigold leaf twinkle jack the shinno love tambourines monsieur de foursaings eletronico spoochy chiemi manabe applecider lil 松井優子 (yuko matsui) pastel pants cosmetic robot the electronic tomato rajie mademoiselle yulia gekkan probowler portable - ハジメサセナイ chix chicks 平田香織 (kaori hirata) 稲森寿世 (hisayo inamori) starbow kilala & ulala yukako hayase yusei mints jellyfish (technopop academy) jet pool jullan comtron plus - cross power flower the tables - tablemania aimei cioccolata トランジスタ気楽 /トランジスタきらる 8-bitchin'tendo modern choki chokies 8分のバニラ (vanilla/8) 有機生命体 (yukiseimeitai) elisabeth arais toni basil lab life keiichi ohta shi-shonen urban dance yoshié - idoratria hiromix rocketman tom atom comoestas iwamura manabu testpattern interior akiko wada mikado urban dance everything play - loulou mon amour tamao koike - 鏡の中の十月 jess franco jun togawa kahimi karie dahlia kyary - ghibli set shonen knife joni mitchell lydia lunch dorian goodburger vanity 6 kt spit the pink panda
0 notes
The Last Samurai (1974)
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aka. Okami yo rakujitsu o kire
KENJI MISUMI's masterpiece! Rare Classic. His final film before dying from a heart attack in 1975. Possibly the greatest samurai film of all time. It tells the story of SUGI Toranosuke, and his involvement with the Shinsengumi and Satsuma Clan assassins. Great bloody action and superb martial arts with a story that is a testament to the era of the Samurai.
The film follows the story of Sugi Toranosuke, a ronin, who returns to his home town of Edo many years after his attempted suicide as a sickly child. Rescued and adopted by a master swordsman, he has grown into a master swordsman and a very kind gentleman. The time is around 1868 the year that the nails were finally put into the coffin containing the feudal system that nurtured and sustained the samurai. Sugi is confused and unsure about what is happening but his teacher wants him out of the chaos of the multiple power struggles between the various clans.
Movie with Eng Subs: https://archive.org/details/the-last-samurai-1974
Eng Subs: https://subscene.com/subtitles/the-last-samurai-okami-yo-rakujitsu-o-kire/english/2132365
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.09.05 Messiah: Yukyuu no Toki Review!
GUYS! The drinking theme this time is’ drink every time I say ‘I want to punch (insert part of the Messiah cast or staff here)’.
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Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Video Coverage PreOrder DVD here
Cast and Characters
Izawa Yuuki as Ariga Ryo Sugie Taishi as Kagami Itsuki Nagae Ryuuki as Miike Mayo Yamaoki Yuuki as Yuugi Kotaru Hashimoto Shinichi as Kogure Jun Yamamoto Ikkei as Hinamori Senju Otsuka Kousuke as Dr.THREE Kotani Yoshikazu as Kuroko Yamada James Takeshi as Salyut Miyagi Koudai as Souk Araki Kentaro as Cheka Nishino Ryuta as Tetsu/Tecchan Toyoshima Kyousuke as Touya Murata Mitsu as Hangedman Nakahara Yuya as Ichijima Harumi Ensemble: Hosokawa Akihiro, Kitamura Kai, Uraei Kenji, Hisada Yuki, Ishigami Ryuya, Sakamoto Kazuki, Takenaka Ryota
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Overall: This was good. I enjoyed it all the way through, I was hooked and entertained. The action as usual doesn’t disappoint and there’s an (Koudai, and Itsuki x Ariga’s fight) amazing step up in the action and fighting scenes and techniques which I loved. I’m glad we got a LOT more info on the new cadets. However, (oh jesus here I go) I am thoroughly pissed off at everything Ichijima did -- I hate this guy with a passion if you didn’t know. I also feel there were too many storylines; we REALLY didn’t need those ‘two young ex(?)-terrorists on the run’ story line... and the second half of the stage with Ariga’s twist plot was a little stupid too. There was a bit too much repetition too; some couples fighting over and over. Also so many fires shot and no one died from them?! Come on! Someone should’ve died! About 4 people get at least two shots into their body and then go ages without seeing a doctor, by reality: someone (or most of them) should’ve died. And I didn’t really cry either -- the only time tears burst out of me was at a Mamiya reference. Rating: 7/10
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Lets get started shall we....
Itsuki has to get a surgery to remove the chip in his brain so that no one can control him again, yet the price would be that he might lose his memory in the process. All the while, their graduation mission ends up being ‘Kill Ichijima Harumi’. While that’s going on two guys have decided to betray their group and flee along with a disc that has a computer programme on it for nuclear(?) bombs, which Sakura end up deciding to protect; especially when it turns out Cheka is back and working with Hanged Man. Part of their mission is to go to an island with a tower named the Tower of Babel and infiltrate and stop the terrorists groups so they can reunite the south and north sides of the island -- especially when so many important natural resources are there. And then we get Salyut and Souk who are there so Salyut can find his father, but also get involved with Sakura once more.
As you can tell... there’s quite too many plots lines going on at once.
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Izawa Yuuki and Sugie Taishi - of course they gave amazing performances, I wouldn’t expect nothing less and they gave nothing less. It was so great seeing them SO freaking close <3 3rd row was a lovely sight! Izawa is so freaking handsome <3 I understand WHY they did it but I think the whole Ariga ‘losing his memory and then working with his best friend (and his childhood friend, wtf?!) Hangedman’ was complete bullshit. They could’ve handled it a different way. It would’ve been ore interesting IF Itsuki had gotten the surgery, lost his memory and HE was the one taken in by HoppouRengo. Makes more sense to me in my opinion.
I didn’t cry at all in this until Ariga was like ‘I’m not alone... I have Itsuki... 間宮はここにいる / and I have Mamiya here (in my heart) too’ and I burst out crying and smacked my hand against my mouth. It was like a 30second burst of massive tears.
And I got VERY angry at Itsuki towards the end, when he walked on with a violin and then later takes the violin out and is like ‘I’ve been practising’ and starts playing it; why they keep trying to ruin Mamiya’s image even more?! I really do feel like the staff (after the stage where they killed Mamiya) got way more complaints than they anticipated and have kind of taken any moment to be like ‘we’re so sorry we pissed so many of you off with the Mamiya story line, so here’s any chance we can to mention him and hopefully you’ll forgive us?’ but it’s just worked the other way for me; just makes me more mad and when Itsuki pulled that move, I was about to get out my chair.
Another moment was that, there’s about 3 or 4 scenes of just Ariga and Itsuki fighting and there’s even a point (I think) where both of them are shot to shit yet they’re still alive while yelling and fighting each other -- wtf?! It got really repetitive.
The main plot itself was kinda of stupid with Itsuki like ‘But if I get the surgery, I might forget you Ariga’ it was OBVIOUS Ariga would stay by his side to help him remember?! SO what was the point of that whole plot line?! Jut get the surgery straight away and stop wasting our time with that plot line. I GET why it had to be in the stage but just... common sense! He’d make you remember and get to know him again! I did kind of like the whole ‘Shirasaki and Yuuri are helping us!’ and it’s thanks to Neocromancer that Itsuki gets control of his brain again but just... that was a WHOLE stage ago; get over it with the Yuuri shit.
I really, really loved this one fight between Itsuki and Ariga where they really go at each other at full power: their fighting seemed SO realistic(!!!). I was actually worried they were going to hit each other; they used such power and at a fast speed, and it was such a good moment for fighting choreography that it really looked real! I can’t explain it.It was an amazing fight sequence though! I was super, super impressed!
Their ending was great too! Their grad outfits are so badass!
And someone sent Izawa flowers with a freaking violin in it!!
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Nagae Ryuuki and Yamaoki Yuuki - which dumb fuckers thought these two wouldn’t be Messiahs? It was so fucking obvious. I can’t believe ANYONE would think any different. Yuugi even said in Akatsuki ‘I’d hate you to be my Messiah’ that’s Basic 101 of foreshadowing and storytelling and setting up the obvious plot line of them being Messiahs! It was so predictable my pet dog could’ve predicted it and I don’t even have a dog! That’s how obvious ti was! Anyway, I digress.
It’s actually super strange: I hated the new cadets to begin with but for some reason I really, really liked Miike in this one. I want to know more about him. And I like they were paired together (as obviously predicted!). They definitely set up some interesting plots with these two... First we have the whole ‘not wanting to be Messiahs’ yet by the end of this stage Yuugi is desperately trying to save Miike when he gets heavily injured, and Miike is like ‘I thought you didn’t want to be my Messiah... do you finally accept it?’, and then he next says ‘but unfortunately I’m not someone who dies’ which made me think back to Polar Night when he seemed to have supernatural abilities or something, so something else is going on with him. We also have a conversation of how Yuugi used to be religious but now he knows there is no god and Miike just flat out being ‘there was never a god. How could you believe?!’. We ALSO have Miike going a bit crazy and being like ‘I WANT TO BE KILLED BY YOU YUUGI!’ which to me was like ‘he more crazy than I was anticipating! But also that’s kinda sexy and I’m all about that...’  AND we also have Yuugi going ‘there’s someone I want to kill with these hands’ and Miike is like ‘you’re exactly the same as me funnily enough’ but out of ear shot of Yuugi. So they definitely caught my interest. I might carry on Messiah for them (especially if Koudai, James, Asato and Naoya -- jesus christ give me Naoya back please! - are back for the next stage), that’s how much their relationship interested me. I really, really hope it turns out that the person Yuugi wants to kill IS Miike.
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Hashimoto Shinichi and Yamamoto Ikkei - I spent the entire stage going ‘Ask him Kogure! Ask him!! Tell him Ichijima! Tell him!!!’ but in the end Ichijima was like ‘you want to know if I’m your father? ... *whispers something inaudible* You are me’ 
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And my reaction was:
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Swear to god if he’s a genetically modified clone baby of Ichijima, I’m gunna punch the director in the face.
2017.09.06 Edit: Just realised I kind of didn’t talk about Kogure at all xD we got to see him being less stable and breaking down, after Ichijima kidnaps him and beats the living crap out of him, in this one which was great. I loved towards the end how hes’s like ‘I’m gunna find Ichijima and kill him’ so he’s been completely pissed off by Ichijima which was great to see! There’s also a scene towards the end where Ikkei helps him get to safety, but then both of them have the same thought of ‘fuck it’ and come running back ingot the theatre to help the other cadets. It’s going to be interesting seeing these two bond over their hatred for Ichijima. End Edit
And then we have Ikkei’s character who clearly has hate towards Ichijima and he’s not quite right in the head. He’s got a sadistic side to him; you can tell by the way he smiles when he fights. Unfortunately that’s all I picked up about him. I don’t know how he and Hashimoto will work as a pair BUT since both of them have beef with Ichijima and both hate Ichijima (bet they don’t hate him as much as I do!!!!!), I hope they do a double murder on Ichijima and then become like a badass anti-Sakura group...ooooh that would be fucking awesome! Rather than Terrorist-turns-Sakura (which we’ve seen before) it’d be great to see Sakura-turned-Terrorist group happen! I just really want Ichijima dead okay...
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Otsuka Kousuke and Kotani Yoshikazu - this ended up being a pairing I was surprised to see and actually wanted. They were a good combination and Dr. Three just took all the crap and humour and jokes Kuroko had xD he even ended up joining in towards the end of the stage.
Kuroko... my precious Kuroko.... he had so much more comedy in this one! He hit so many of them with his slipper and it made amazing sounds and was very funny every time! He also ended up as acting leader of Sakura for a while which was awesome! I wish he’d stayed as the head... there was also a funny moment when Dr.Three tells him he has to become the boss (bosu) but all Kuroko hears is him being called ugly (busu) which was funny xD He also makes a joke of how tall the Tower of Babel is and says ‘that’s like 9000 Ichijima’s! It’s three times taller than skytree!’ But... I’m surprised we’re just going to ignore that he killed Misu-san though... it hasn’t affected him in Akatsuki OR this stage... I thought he’d be a bit... emotionally unstable but he was more energetic and fun as usual. But I do love Kuroko and he kept everyone entertained ^_^ another time he sniffs Ichijima’s jacket and is immediately like ‘umm... I’ll go wash it’ xD
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Yamada James Takeshi and Miyagi Koudai -  Koudai really impressed me this stage. I’ve only ever seen him in Tenimyu and I knew he was playing a rather sexy guy in Brave10 and I knew he was in SSL but I haven’t seen either of those two, so I didn’t really have an opinion of him -- and in ALL honesty, I thought he was the same guy as the one who played Reiji in PuriSute... ANYWAY, I really liked his character in this! There’s any good things about him; he’s a good combination with James, I liked their interactions. His fighting style is both bad ass and sexy. He doesn’t use any weapons, just his fists and body and my oh my, did he use those legs to wrap himself around many of them... he was on top of quite a few of them some times too... it was real sexy... I think there was a part with him and Ikkei wrapped around each other and on the floor and rolled around and I was like ‘please do carry on’. I am very much looking forward to see more of his sexy fighting style xD Another thing about him is even though he’s in loads of layers, you can still see how TINY his waist is and his nice his body is! I knew he was on a diet for Brave10 but that’s finished so surely he’s been eating normally again, but still he has a wonderfully slim waist! I couldn’t not look. 
James was just as pretty as ever with that hair of his. And his face <3 so close, I got such a good look at him ^_^ I was surprised that his motivation this time around was to find his dad who was taken under Specter. I was even MORE surprised when he ends up offering and helping Sakura! WTF?! But we did get a few moments of Izawa and James fighting each other which I enjoyed obviously <3 such a shame we won’t see them two fight each other again =‘[ I’d pay just to have a stage of them fighting each other... I wonder who his dad turns out to be.... I’m sure it’ll get revealed and I’ll be excited to see!
But swear to god, they make Koudai and James the new Misu and Amane pair; I’m gunna punch the director in the face. Same goes for the new purple kids; if they become major roles and something similar to Amane and Misu; I’m gunna punch the scriptwriter in the face.
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Araki Kentaro as Cheka - I was surprised how they brought him back! I thought he was going to be a flashback piece but turns out, he didn’t die in Akatsuki. Pretty sure he’s dead this time though, we saw him collapse this time around. He is a very sexy character and a very sexy man.... He did a great job. I can’t praise him enough.
Nishino Ryuta and Toyoshima Kyousuke - can we not? They were super pointless. Their story line was super ridiculous too. Their storyline was something like ‘they decided to run away from their terrorist group while still holding an important computer programme disc and get the protection of Sakura’. What the actual ********. We could just not have this plotline and the stage wouldn’t have suffered. Why.... WHY were they here?! And I almost lost my shit when Ichijima asked them if they wanted to join Sakura - I was like ‘PLEASE NO NEW CADETS!’ but they refused -- thank god. I hope they aren’t back in the next stage but they probs will be -__- they didn’t need to be in this. Them nor their storyline was needed..
Murata Mitsu - this guy is always amazing at whatever role he does. I was so happy to have him back in Messiah. But for GODSAKE. Can Ariga stop killing everyone he’s fucking paired with?!  Ariga killed his Messiah Mamiya. He almost killed Itsuki multiple times in this one. And he ended up killing his old friend Hangedman in this! What the actual fuck. Y’know Ariga, YOU’RE the one who needs to be shot and killed; NONE of the ones you killed! *breathes* sorry... Hangedman’s story ended up being somewhat very human and very real and sad and it kind of touched my heart and ended up liking him.... especially because there’s a cute, funny adlib/comedy scene between him and Ariga which melted my heart towards him (goddammit script writers! We’re supposed to hate him!), it was such a cute and good scene for them. 2017.09.06 EDIT: However, I am a little concerned and feel like this relationship was sloppy writing... Ariga has met Hangedman many times throughout the Messiah series but not once did he really seem to show he knew him nor imply or hint was even childhoods/best friends with him. Have I missed this point in a previous sage or did they really create this random relationship just solely for this stage and storyline? End EDIT
Nakahara Yuya - Ugh look who it is: Ichijima himself! First we get the mission to ‘Kill Ichijima’ came up, I was actually shocked; my mouth dropped down. But then he ended up being on the terrorist side and I was like ‘about FUCKING time this secret came out! I KNEW it!’ but then he does another switch-a-roo and IS actually on Sakura’s side and I was like ‘*flips table* FUCK this bullshit.’ because I have not once, not ever trusted Ichijima; it makes so much fucking sense for him to be on the bad side and for him to get killed by Sakura but oh no ‘hahaha just joking guys, I am really on Sakura’s side’ bullshit really pissed me off. AND THEN to make it worse he did that bullshit move to Kogure and THEN!! Ariga didn’t kill him! I gave the biggest fucking sigh and loads of people around me heard. I fucking want this tosspot dead asap! He should’ve been dead STAGES ago, but ‘due to popular demand’ the fuckers brought him back into Messiah! << I want punch the casting and director who made this decision. I’ve never liked him, he should die, he’s not a nice person, he’s manipulative as fuck, I HATE him. JUST DIE!
*takes a break*
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A gun went flying off stage tonight and some of them had to do finger guns because they were down a prop - seriously, how do you NOT have backups?! I’d have a whole stock of guns ready! During curtain call the first thing Sugie talked about was apologising for the gun falling of stage. It sounded like it didn’t hit or hurt anyone but they were very apologetic, but you could feel the whole room like ‘we really don’t care. Please don’t waste your time apologising. We don’t mind what happened,’ but obviously if it had been filming day, people would’ve been annoyed.
Also during curtain call, Izawa and Sugie both looked to the right at the same time and they both looked straight at me for a bit longer than they should’ve.... I was starting to feel the sweat xD
On the way home, I saw this guy with really nice hair in a bun and I immediately went “Araki?!... nah it won’t be... it can’t be.... *he turns to go down the stairs* HOLY SHIT IT IS ARAKI!! HE’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!! SHIIIIT I LOOK LIKE A STALKER!!! I LOOK VERY MUCH LIKE A STALKER!! I’M JUST GOING TO THE TRAIN STATION!!! WE’RE GOING TO THE SAME TRAIN STATION! OMG ARAKI!!!! ... be cool... be cool” I freaked the fuck out internally.
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Speaking of idiots I want to punch; I want to punch myself! WHY did I preorder the DVD?! Seriously, I just ant the backstage and extra bonus disc stuff. I really don’t care much for this stage -- I’m sure in time it’ll grown on me and grown in my brain but right now, I’m kinda okay with never seeing this stage again. This one is supposed to be my last Messiah stage anyway so, trying to push those ‘throw away’ feelings to the front xD
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There we go! My rather quick recap of Messiah xD I kinda wanted to get this out fairly quickly because, unlike most of my other reviews, Messiah is one that people actually read and want to know about.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Rocking Battle Previews Return Of "Symphogear" Anime
On July 1st, Satelight music action anime Symphogear returns for its fourth anime, Symphogear AXZ. A new preview rides ZweiWing's climactic battle against the Carol Malus Dienheim and the Autoscorers into the new conflict against history's noted alchemists. 
  In other words, maybe skip the preview if you're catching up on previous seasons...
    Cast includes
  Hibiki Tachibana - Aoi Yūki
  Tsubasa Kazanari - Nana Mizuki
  Chris Yukine - Ayahi Takagaki
  Maria Cadenzavna Eve - Yōko Hikasa
  Shirabe Tsukuyomi - Yoshino Nanjō
  Kirika Akatsuki - Ai Kayano
  Miku Kohinata - Yuka Iguchi
  Elfnein - Misaki Kuno
  Genjūrō Kazanari - Hideo Ishikawa
  Shinji Ogawa - Sōichirō Hoshi
  Sakuya Fujitaka - Kenji Akabane
  Aoi Tomosato - Asami Seto
  With new additions
  Saint-Gemain - Minako Kotobuki (K-on!'s Tsumugi Kotobuki, Tiger & Bunny's Blue Rose)
  Cagliostro - Shouta Aoi (UtaPri's Shouta Aoi)
  Prelati - Rina Hidaka (Sword Art Online's Silica, Magic Girl Raising Project's Hardgore Alice)
Original: Noriyasu Agematsu, Akifumi Kaneko Director: Katsumi Ono Series composition: Akifumi Kaneko Music Producer: Noriyasu Agematsu Music: Elements Garden Original Character: Dan Yoshii  Character design · Animation Direction: Satoru Fujimoto Action director / noise design: Fumiaki Mitsuda Action Director: Yukiyoshi Shikiji, Toshiharu Sugie Main animator: Yoshiyuki Okubo, Shunta Sakamoto, Hanyu Mechanic design: Hiroyuki Okawa Sub Character Design: Miki Yoshikawa Acoustic director: Satoshi Motoyama Opening Theme: Mizuki Nana "TESTAMENT" (King Records) July 19, 2017 Wednesday release Ending theme: Aki Takagaki "Futurism" (Music Rain) released on August 2, 2017 (Wednesday) Animation Production: Satelight Production: Project Symphogear AXZ
      There's also a 3.5 smartphone game promo, hyping Senki Zesshou Symphogear XD Unlimited's June 26th launch:
  ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 
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sachi · 2 years
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☆ Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière // Zero no Tsukaima “Finale Wedding Dress” ☆ 1/7 / KADOKAWA ☆ June 2019 ¥20,166 ☆ Sculpt Ajiken Paint Sugi Kenji Illustration Usatsuka Eiji
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sachi · 3 years
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☆ Lancer (Caenis) // Fate/Grand Order ☆ 1/7 / Good Smile Company ☆ February 2023 ¥26,800 ☆ Sculpt Katahara Itashi Paint Sugi Kenji
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sachi · 3 years
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☆ Hatsune Miku Symphony 2020 ~5th Anniversary~ ☆ 1/1 (340mm) + music box / Good Smile Company ☆ January 2023 ¥35,000 ☆ Sculpt Lingzi Ming Paint Sugi Kenji Illustration Rella ☆ Music Butai / JimmyThumbP
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sachi · 3 years
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☆ Shiro // No Game No Life  “Yuu Kamiya Art Works” ☆ 1/7 / Good Smile Company ☆ April 2023 / ¥26,000 ☆ Sculpt Sukima no Hito Paint Sugi Kenji Cooperation Nendoron
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sachi · 3 years
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☆ The three heroines of Fate/Stay Night -15th Celebration Dress ver.- ☆ 1/7 scale figure set / Good Smile Company ☆ November 2021 ¥45,000 (set) ☆ Sculpt Ichihashi Takuya (Saber) / ehenmushi (Rin) / Sasaki Kai (Sakura) // Paint Iwabitsu / Sugi Kenji / Yoshino Nobuhiro
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] WORLD ~Change The Sky~
the show will be running from June 27th, 2021 to July 4th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ なかのZERO 大ホール (Nakano ZERO Main Hall)
Menjou Kentarou Sugie Taishi Sasaki Yukari Tanaka Toshihiko Ogasawara Ken Kashiwagi Yuusuke Yamaki Tooru Isaka Tatsuya Takeda Tomohiro Kunishima Naoki Shiba Konona Kamada Ayumi Kawaguchi Naoto Kawana Kousuke Sakamoto Kenji Mizutani Atsushi Fujiwara Shuusaku Watanabe Shinichirou Takechi Kenji Yoshida Koutarou Watanabe Hiroyuki Kanayama Kazuhiko
homepage twitter natalie
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