#suit by syphon :3
arcandoria · 1 year
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Badlands Royalty. 👑
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quitepossiblytall · 3 months
I’m not voting 3rd party because America’s 3rd party choices are trash. On the merits, they are just not a good choice and I wouldn’t trust any of them to be a better president the Joe Biden.
1)They have not made it on the ballot in enough states to actually win the election. Williamson fully lost the democratic primary to Joe Biden. The people have already spoken.
2) Cornel West is a political hack who is being used by the republicans to syphon votes from Biden. He’s mismanaging his campaign - he spent more money on graphic design than petitions to get on the ballot. He supports republican education policies (google Classic Learning Test. A conservative backed replacement to the ACT and SAT that focuses on “western literature”. It’s supported by DeSantis, if that is any indication of quality).
3) Jill Stein is a millionaire who larps as a activist, while actively lying about the Biden administration and generating wealth (she’s worth 7 million dollars and inherited half a million from her parents) from the very industries she claims to be against (big banks, big oil, military industry, big pharma).
5) Neither Jill Stein nor Cornel West are truly anti-genocide. They’re pro-Putin. Meaning they would allow the genocide of Ukrainians to continue. West wants to fully dismantle NATO, which would put former USSR countries like Estonia, Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania in danger of Russian aggression without NATO protection. Both are a threat to the sovereignty of former Soviet Union countries.
6) All of our presidential candidates this year, aside from Jasmine Sherman are 70+. So, if Biden is too old, so are all of them.
7) Marianne Williamson, one time spiritual advisor to Oprah Winfrey, lost to Biden in the primary. People didn’t vote for her in the primary - full stop. She’s a wacko, who describes AIDS as “angels in Darth Vader suits”. She’s a pseudoscience pedaler and an anti-vaxxer (long before COVID-19), excuse me a “safe-vaxxer”, who once tweeted that the “power of the mind” could save people in the path of hurricanes. She is wrong about both mental and physical health (because pseudoscience), calling clinical depression “a scam”.
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blacksupremacy86 · 2 years
The Puppet Series
Part 1
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A phone call comes through ringing so loud waking me up from a deep slumber in the hotel room I payed for not even a day long.
My eyes roll out a slumber flipping on to my back, I yawn from my mouth with outstretch arms and messy hair.
Answering the phone I manage to hear a tiny minor buzzing sound then alert beep system
I quickly rush in to the bathroom lathering up before the shower, rinsing off I can’t stop thinking about the day.
Heading to the mirror I dress as fast as I can one more smooth comb through my hair and races down the staircase.
At the edge of the final step I cannot believe my eyes he finally has arrive to the hotel as promised.
It’s the Andrew model so damn sexy sitting in the breakfast lounge with a bright white smile.
He is everything I have hope for when I put in the order to have him kidnap him from the hotel staff.
It is because i have been dreaming of him all day and night for weeks the process shall be worth it.
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“Hello Andrew!”
“Are you my Master?”
“Yes, I am!”
“Shall we activate?”
“Create interface”
“Let’s pair my Master”
“My name is Master Lawrence “
“Take my hand”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“We are pairing…pairing…paired”
“Stand up, follow me and let’s head home.”
“Yes Master”
Part 2
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Patrick’s disappearance has been a very odd and slow one when I saw on the news report about him running for Governor of his state.
One of my friends who knows I hate politics and history calls me to say he sent a email to rile me up and sure enough it is him in it speaking.
I sigh suddenly getting turned on by it fill out a form on this The Puppet Website after my friend told me about his new puppet Andrew.
“This cannot be real, what the heck? Why not?” I say to myself in disbelief putting my debit card away.
“One bit of important information” every bit of my insides squirm with excitement and anticipation.
“Pic, payment and send” I say filling out the last of the form to my hearts content evil I know.
“Please be true, please be true” I close my eyes and chant to will it in to existence .
“A email confirmation already?” Jolting up at the sound of the beep from my email I see a confirmation response.
“Oh! A video of how in blue blazes” opening it I notice a video under the confirmation number.
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My opens a bit in gaps my bottom dropping to see the Governor’s candidate being spray in the face.
Someone had snuck past the guards on to the podium dropping a smoke screen bomb and faced Patrick.
“Who are you? What is this?” Patrick yelling at him before a hand is raising in the air he falls back to the ground.
A few guys follow suit two for the arms, the legs as they guide him to the back of van in
and lock the doors.
They hop in the front seat driving off rubber cooling off, the streaks the floor burning in to the ground.
They van eventually speeds in to a abandon old and racket make shift warehouse on the outskirts of town.
The keys turn a hand removes home while two others open the back door and unload him on to the medial slab.
“Don’t be scared Patrick, you will soon see I mean the world to him.” He whispers.
“He loves you Governor Patrick.” The man is stating to him with lust in his eyes as he kiss his cheeks.
Part 3
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“Are you ok Andrew?”
“Where? What? Who am I?”
“You don’t remember do you?”
“Remember what?”
“How you volunteered?”
“For what?”
“I took ownership of you “
“You agreed”
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“You are Luke”
“My puppet “
“Your puppet”
“Yes mine “
“Why would you?”
“Because I choose you “
“I wanted you “
“I am your Puppet”
“Show me how much you love me”
Part 4
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“My name is David”
“I am your robot”
“I belong to you “
“Use me like a key”
“Turn me”
“Twist my heart”
“I am a perverse puppet “
“Your subject”
“I commit to you “
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“Do you love me?”
“All my heart and soul”
“God! I love you “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“My body is everything”
“It is your beginning “
“My end”
“Fuck me”
“Make me worship you”
“Steal it all”
“Syphon all of my money”
The end
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skybiome · 4 years
My life, freely given.
tw: panic attack, narration that implies suicidal thinking
Techno rubs at the bracelet on his right wrist. Everyone on the server has one. It's a plain, black metal band with three green gems set into it. Well, they start with three gems. Not everyone has three any more.
Death is common on the server. Hell, Techno’s communicator has been alerting him of Quackity dying about once every couple of hours to creepers for the last few days. But normal dying and respawning wasn’t enough for this server. No. In Dream’s own words, if someone died in a ‘plot important fashion’, it sticks. And if they die three times, they might not come back. 
That’s what had happened to Wilbur. The black band is still on Ghostbur's wrist every time Techno sees him, but the gems are cracked and grayed out. The same goes for two of the stones on Tommy’s bracelet. 
Techno reaches into his inventory and pulls out an iron dagger. It’s edge is dulled, mostly because he uses it to make cuts in planks of wood when bored, but he found something interesting a few days ago. Carefully, he sticks the tip of the dagger under the edge of his leftmost gemstone. A little wiggle and it pops out of its setting.
A shiver runs down his spine, despite his heavy winter gear. Techno holds the life in his hand. It’s warm and fragile. He closes his fist around the gem as Tommy’s yelling echos up from his space below Techno’s house. 
The older sibling closes his eyes, sighs, and lets his head thump against the wall behind him. He’s glad that his little brother couldn’t hear the war that his logic and emotions were fighting between his ears. Only the stragglers of the war fought now, with the leading ideals already having come to an agreement and made peace.
Allies are always good, especially if it meant that his family stayed safe. Techno rubs his thumb over the green gem once more. He stood up from where he was sitting on the crafting table and climbed down the ladders to Tommy’s room. 
“Heyyyyy, Big T!”
Techno feels a smile slide onto his face. He let it. Tommy is now wearing an antarctic empire uniform. He didn’t need to know that Techno had stayed up for 3 days straight to finish it after he’d first realized that Tommy was staying with him. It was much better suited for the cold weather than the scraps of clothing that his little brother had shown up wearing. 
“Hey, Tommy.” His boots land heavy on the concrete. Tommy didn’t like it when he was silent around the house, so Techno has been putting an effort to go against his instinct and start making noise while traversing the cottage. 
Tommy sits up from where he’d been reclining on his bed. “What’re we doing today?”
“You aren’t doing much.” Techno raises his hand to cut off Tommy’s protests. “I’m going to go to L’manberg later, but you can stay here and take care of the turtles and bees. Can I see your arm?”
Tommy frowns, but holds his arm out to Techno.
“Other one.”
Tommy swaps arms, and Techno rolls up his brother’s sleeve, revealing the band on his wrist. The elder reaches into his inventory and pulls out the knife. He stops when Tommy yanks his arm out of his gentle grip. His little brother slams into the cobblestone with enough force to make Techno flinch. 
Techno’s eyes widen to match the dinner plates of his brother’s. Carefully, he sets the knife down on the floor, and shows Tommy that his hands are empty. Techno can see tremors running through Tommy’s form, even through his layers of clothing. His breath is coming in short, raspy gasps
Techno purposely softens his voice and face, apologizing and saying, “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you what I was doing. It won’t happen again.”
Tommy blinks a few times. He blinks again and actually sees his brother instead of someone else. The tension syphons out of his shoulders and Tommy averts his gaze from Techno, shrinking into himself even more. His breathing is still shaky and uneven.
“I’m sorry.”
Techno shook his head and lowered his hands, but keeping them in Tommy’s view. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Tommy. I promise.” He ignored the dampness around his brother’s eyes.
Tommy doesn’t say anything, but he does swallow and unclench his jaw. 
“Can I see your arm again? I won’t hurt you.”
Again, Tommy says nothing. He holds his arm out to Techno, eyes closed, and lets a harsh breath out through his nose, like he’s bracing for something to hurt him. 
Techno retrieves the dagger from the floor. Carefully, he turns Tommy’s arm over so that the lives on his bracelet are visible. Two of the gemstones are cracked and gray, stark in contrast to the one green gem, the boy’s one remaining life. Pressing the tip of the blade one of the lost lives’ edges, Techno removes it. He slips the life he took from himself into the notch on Tommy’s wrist. 
The older brother knows it’s worked when the younger inhales sharply, eyes snapping open. Techno lets go as Tommy withdraws his arm. He stares at the gem with wide eyes. 
Tommy’s breath grows unsteady, and he starts shaking again. He’s clutching his right wrist with his left hand. There are tears in his eyes, but a grin is splitting his face. Before Techno can even open his mouth, Tommy’s arms are wrapped around him.  
With a flick of the wrist, the dagger is out of Techno’s hand and in his hotbar. Techno doesn’t register what Tommy is doing, but he knows he shouldn’t have the weapon that close to him. A second later, he feels that Tommy is shuttering against his chest. Techno hesitates, and then returns the hug. They stay there for a minute, Tommy rattling in Techno’s arm’s, face buried in the fur of brother’s cape.
Tommy breaks the embrace first. He shoots upright, one hand on Techno’s shoulder and the other wiping tears off his cheeks. He’s so ecstatic that he’s tripping over his words.
“Techno Techno Techno where did you- how did you- how did you get this?” Tommy’s gaze is bouncing between his brother and the new life he’s been given. He grips his wrist and pushes the gemstone into Techno’s face, like he wasn’t just the one who'd given it to him. “Where did you get this?”
Techno lifts his wrist, showing Tommy his bracelet. “I gave you one of mine.”
Something in his chest grows cold as Tommy’s expression falls. Tommy freezes, and then starts clawing at his wrist. Techno lunges forward, grabbing Tommy by the wrist. He cringes as Tommy freezes in his grasp. A moment later, Tommy shakes it off, and fights against Techno.
“I can’t take this, Techno.” Tommy’s eyes are frantic and his breathing is picking up again.
“You aren’t taking it, Tommy. I’m giving it to you.”
Tommy stops fighting his brother’s hold. Techno can still see his hands twitching, wanting to pull the live out of himself.
“Tommy, look at me.”
After a moment of staring at the band on his wrist, Tommy turns his head towards Techno. He’s looking at his brother’s face, but won’t look him in the eyes. 
“You’re not taking anything from me.” Techno removes a hand from Tommy’s wrist and sets it under his brother’s chin. Gently, Techno lifted Tommy’s gaze until their eyes met. “This is my life, freely given to you. I expect nothing in return, except for you to use it to its fullest. Do you understand?”
Tommy blinks, with tears in his eyes. “Yeah,” he croaked.
“Good.” Techno nods and releases Tommy’s other wrist. He hesitates, and then rustles his hand through his brother’s hair. Tommy jumps at the contact. He blinks twice. A smile breaks onto his face, and he lets out the most infectious laughter that Techno knows. Techno joins in. Next thing he knows, Tommy is moving past him and already halfway up the ladder, yelling, “Now we’re on even playing fields!”
Techno barks a laugh and follows after his brother into their home. “I don’t think that’s how it works, Tommy.”
“Yes it is!” 
Techno can hear his chests opening and closing, and let himself indulge in the warm feeling in his chest. Tommy’s starting to recover, and he’s going to help his brother however he can. He thumbs the empty spot on his band, and then moves onto one of his two remaining lives. Phil’s band only had space for one life, but there was someone Tommy cared about who was in danger. But that could wait a few days. Right now, he wants to spend time with his brother.
Even if it involves a lot of cobblestone towers on his front lawn. 
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brokeboardgames · 3 years
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Wizards & Wordles
A word game for 2 players by @wobbles
A shared pool of 7 Green Square Emoji 🟩, 7 Yellow Square Emoji 🟨, 7 Red Square Emoji 🟥 (or physical equivalents like basic land cards or suited playing cards)
Two wizards are facing off in a magical spelling bee to the death! It’s fought over 5 rounds or until a player is unable to craft an appropriate counter spell.
Round 1 - The starting player chooses a five letter English word and spells in backwards. They then define that attack to their opponent
drowS - I conjure a magical flying sword that flys at you swinging wildly
Round 2 - The defending player thinks up a 5 letter counter spell and uses the appropriate emoji from the shared pool to cast it. The word must use at least 1 of each color of emoji!
frawD - 🟥🟩🟥🟩🟨 - I summon a dwarf ally who catches the flying sword, wrestles it into submission and then attacks you with it!
The color of emoji used is determined using Wordle rules (🟩 indicates a letter shared with the previous spell in the same location, 🟨 indicates a letter shared with the previous spell in a different location, 🟥 is a letter not used in the previous spell). If using physical components, remove those emoji from the shared pool after use. Or otherwise keep track of the emoji remaining.
5 🟩, 6 🟨, 5 🟥
Round 3 - Round 3 follows the same pattern as Round 2, now with the initial player thinking up an appropriate 5 letter counter spell to the word used in Round 2. However, they can only use words that can be formed with the emoji remaining and they must use at least one of each color
niarD - 🟥🟥🟩🟨🟩 - A magical syphon saps the dwarf of strength until they collapse, then it begins to drain the enemy wizard of strength as well! 3 🟩, 5 🟨, 3 🟥
Play continues this way until one player is unable to form a legal word with the emoji remaining. That player loses the duel and their opponent is victorious!
Let me know if you’ve tried it out or want to play via twitter @wobbles!
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bots-basket · 3 years
Safety in numbers #7
Balan did all he could, but nothing seemed to be working as to calm the young visitor down as she curled up around herself and her dimly lit Mindcores. The mere mention or thought about this ‘Tobais’ was something completely worse than how she would usually respond to anything else. He wished to comfort her.. but that isn’t something she will allow of him at this point in time.
Lance murmured under his breathe as he looked to Balan and Rosie silently. She had been unable to say anything else about the mysterious person as she repeatedly stated in a panicked manner that they all were in fatal trouble. Lance was of course not bothered by such a statement; as it would take a lot to even consider something that dangerous to befall entities like him and Balan.
But Then again, he shouldn’t brush off her warnings so easily. If the mere Mention of their name warrants such a response, Then this.. ‘Tobais’ could really mean Trouble.
As the silent thought to also attempt to stop the child’s crying crossed his mind, the Mindcore between his fingers gave a Brighter glow that caught his attention. The glow grew to a more brighter and defined color the longer he held it. Even Balan Attention was slightly gathered as he saw the glow out of the corner of his Golden Eyes.. and without much Warning, Lance felt a Pull of his Power Leave him.
Once again, The Energy Beast From before had reconstructed himself and now stood before the two Maestros with a glint in his eyes. Balan instinctively got in front of Rosie and stood in a more defensive position. Lance however wasn’t as defensive, Just slightly disturbed that He Came back without His consent. His eyes Narrowed as he Looked to the giant feline before making his statement.
“ So You’ve returned; Bass was it?”
“ Step Aside Clowns, I’m not here for you.”
Bass retorted, Catching both Maestros off guard with the fact he too could speak. He also didn’t waste much time in giving them no time to respond to him. He reached out his Large Paws and rudely batted them out of his way and crawled under the Tree where Rosie Lay crying, before ever so carefully laying down beside her and protectively wrapping himself around her. A Soft purr escaped from his throat as he nuzzled his face into hers, causing her to look up with surprise.
“ Bass..-!”
“ Shhh.. Calm your fears, For I am here My Master.”
He gently licked her face and kept her close. The sound of his voice alone helped her feel a lot better as her breathing began to slow down and she was ultimately calming down. Amazing what can happen when someone you know just holds you close. Bass’s Ears Perked slightly as he glanced over to the two Maestros just Staring at the two. He couldn’t help but let the edges of his tail spike up as he glared back... he really doesn’t like being around other beings.
“ What.”
“ Oh- We were just surprised to hear you speak and all-”
Balan started to speak when he was cut off by Lance, who was already not feeling this Beasts Attitude towards them. He didn’t care how harsh or rude he sounded at this point, he was just generally ticked off that he was taking liberties with his power without much attempt at getting permission.
“ Your syphoning off my Energy again, you Leech.”
“ Well Master Needed me, and so I settled with using your power to aid her. Besides, if I heard correctly- You wish to know about the situation your now apart of; And I can provide that information. So it’s an Acceptable trade I’d gather.”
Bass stated as his tail lashed from side to side. He could be a lot worse in his words, but decided against it since Lance was technically right. And as much as he hates it, he probably shouldn’t be too cumbersome to the guy allowing him to use his energy to exist atm. It would be annoying to fight with his current host over control anyways.. that wouldn’t be too good for his master.
Lance Raised an Eyebrow to the feline and his unorthodox manners.. but let it slide. This time anyways. Any information would be helpful and he did manage to stop Rosie’s panicking so he’ll give him that. He folded his arms and looked down to the lounging feline with an sharp glare
“ Then Elaborate.”
“ Well do you want the Long boring version or the Nutshell version.”
“-I’d Personally say the Long version to get to the bottom of this- But I don’t believe we have the time.”
Balan interjected before pointing over to a few of the other doors Lining the edges of Tim isle. As they spoke another Door started to slowly become corrupted. Whatever they were up against, it wasn’t wasting any time moving throughout Wonderworld. His brow furrowed as he look to Lance with concern.
“ I’m worried about the inhabitants.”
“ If thats the case, Then i guess I can tell you on the way.”
Bass stood upright and gently picked up Rosie by her Hoodie as he did before. Except this time, he Set her down onto his Back and approached the corrupting Door.
“ What? Your coming with us? Wouldn’t it be safer to stay on Tim isle-”
Balan wasn’t too sure about Bass coming along when it was their problem to handle... whatever it was. Not to mention the thought of Taking Rosie with them. She was already traumatized enough as it is as far as he was concerned.. And what if they come encounter with this ‘Tobais’ Fellow that scares her so? That would be a disaster. He’s supposed to help visitors feel better not make their conditions worse.
Bass scoffed At Balan’s concerns as he looked to him with his green dilated cat eyes, the snarky attitude still apparent.
“ It’d be Safer walking through a Blazing inferno then to Stay Here Alone and in the open. Besides, Cheerful the Clown over there is keeping me powered up.. if he were to leave, I’d go back into my Core state and Master would be even more danger. So where he goes, We Go.”
Balan couldn’t really Argue with Bass’s Logic.. but he did wish he’d wouldn’t be so Rude about it. Guess it would be Safer for them to travel in a group for now. And at least he won’t have to worry about Loosing Rosie again in the Wonderworld if all 3 of them were watching over her.
“....I Suppose your right in sticking to together as there is Safety in numbers.”
“ Well if you two are Quite Done, Let’s get a move on.”
It was apparent Lance wasn’t too thrilled with this arrangement either- But he didn’t have the time or patience to waste arguing with an overgrown house cat.
He walked over to the doorway to dramatically throw the doors open- But they wouldn’t budge. He tried a couple of times to open the door, but it still wouldn’t budge. He was beginning to get frustrated with how everything was apparently against him today; Moreso than usual. He began to aggressively jiggle the handle doors as he became more and more ticked off.
“Why. won’t. it. OPEN-!”
“ I’m draining your power. Duh. You can’t used your magical girl power to open stuff. Let Treeline Tophat get the door.”
Bass rolled his eyes to the struggling Negtai Master before using his tail to shove him to the door.
“ T-Treeline Tophat..?”
Balan Blinked as He felt Bass’s Tail pushed him forward and ontop of Lance’s Back, his Hair tentacles flaring upwards at the touch. The Wonderworld’s Maestro Quickly got off of him as he could practically feel the Daggers of Lance’s Glare pierce through his suit.. ah- sorry.. He Gave an apologetic Smile before using some of his Maestro magic to open the doorway to the next Mindscape.
He heard Lance let out an annoyed huff before entering the gateway first, and then Bass followed soon after with Rosie in tow. Balan was the last to go through as he took another Glance around tim Isle before following after them.
And so the Brave Group went off to face the Next Challenge before them; A world completely submerged in Water.
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akenvinleus-blog · 4 years
Does Vidtoon Get Better
Vidtoon Review-- Intro
Are you aiming to drive website traffic to your website for the most affordable rate? You can have a great website as well as a high quality product but no one gos to it. The factor I assume you recognize well. That is, you do not know just how to drive website traffic from huge social websites to your site. I was like you. I have a frustration of increasing the number of site visitors to my website while the rate of website traffic is boosting. Each month I invest a lot of money promoting my product, however the variety of consumers visiting my site does not boost.
Yet fortunately, with the help of my friends. I located an item that not just helped me pull website traffic to my website easily but additionally converted the number of clients from social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Today I will introduce this product to you. Review my Vidtoon Evaluation to recognize even more!
Vidtoon Review-- Introduction
Supplier: Cindy Donovan et al . Item: Vidtoon. Launch Day:2018 -Aug-26. Launch Time:11:00 EDT. Front-End Rate:$ 27. Recommend: Highly Recommend. Home Page: https://ucsolidarity.org/vidtoon-review Reimbursement:30 Days Money Back Assurance. Particular Niche: Social Media.
Vidtoon Testimonial-- What Is Vidtoon?
Vidtoon includes a new idea of electronic advertising and marketing. If you concentrate on social networks marketing, you must recognize an attribute called pixel.
Specifically, Vidtoon enables subscribers to track their ads throughout a variety of social networks channels. Conversely, you can likewise make as numerous calls to actions as you want.
About the Author-- Cindy Donovan et al
. Cindy Donovan et alia never dissatisfied me with her product. She is not just a creator of marketing products yet is likewise active in social networks. All her fans are always counting on the item she gives. ShopaBot, WP Blazer Suite, Piece Of Cake Tweet, Covert Compensation, Viral Loophole, Text Provide, Viral Loophole 2.0, Vidtoon are her fantastic products.
Vidtoon Testimonial-- What is the Attribute of Vidtoon?
Once your account is established, you can make use of PixlyPro to browse any online web link. Vidtoon permits you to include targeted pixels to the top six web traffic resources of the Web at the cheapest price feasible. So you can click on the dime effortlessly with: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, ect ... Includes a "Call to Activity": You can reconnect with people go to that link AND their friends, along with any individual else that wants your material subject today on your web site concerning the fantastic advertising and marketing method. Have the software application "syphoning" the highest possible web traffic with 4 simple actions. There are 7 different social media sites systems, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, LinkedIn, Quora will certainly be inserted right into your affiliate web links. Affiliate web links, website, article, social networks shares will certainly be fully organized and will certainly work on ANY web page online.
Vidtoon Evaluation-- Why Should You Get It?
If you are making use of the old re-targeting method for website traffic, you'll run into the adhering to problems:.
Trouble 1: You require pixel code, from Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you pick to position your advertisement. If you are not a developer, this can be somewhat confusing and frustrating to get right.
Trouble 2: You need a website, to place that code up.
Issue 3: Affiliate advertising is pricey and WEAK. You need to pay multiple times to raise your customer reach. Customers will certainly not stay there permanently with you. When they leave, you need to pay additional to obtain them back.
With the above issues, I recommend making the smart decision not to lose your cash as well as work.
Who Should Buy It?
This product is the very best option for digital marketers to put this system into account when you wish to participate in the area of social networks marketing. Although you have numerous seasoned, you will still require this device if your efficiency is not so excellent. Particularly, with this item, you can track your ads on social networks with personalized web links. In addition, you can develop call-to-action in a selection of layouts. Vidtoon Testimonial-- My Experience In Using as well as How Does It Work?
I utilized this item as beta tester so you can trust anything I review today.
Now I'm mosting likely to take an excursion to help you understand whatever concerning it.
Right here is major dashboard of Vidtoon:.
Note1: I say again concerning Pixly to help you understand an overview about it.
What is Vidtoon? It combines 2 effective traffic approaches in one wonderful SaaS.
" Rival Spying".
The software develops a "phone call to activity" pop-up on any kind of viral material, anywhere on the web which is after that re-targetted.
Just pick any type of site, store, or video, as well as add the link to the software application.
A pop-up will certainly show up-- advising visitors to click ... and also they obtain redirected to any type of destination of your choice.
Retarget like a mo-fo.
Your contact us to action web link includes up to 6 retargetting pixels from these platforms.
-- Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Advertisements, LinkedIn, Quora.
After your customers saw your competitors websites (and also clicked your phone call to activity link)-- they are retargeted with PixlyPro!
There is no need for challenging establish, or several campaigns throughout several networks.
Currently I'm mosting likely to instruct the most effective means to utilize this tool.
1/Step 1: Pick any kind of social site with great deals of viral web traffic.
Note2: Typically, you can choose any type of LINK on the web to make use of with Vidtoon.
Additionally, if you utilize BuzzSumo, that's great idea. (if you don't use it, it's no problem).
Note3: BuzzSumo is the device researching all viral material on the web, It's rather costly however really powerful. I'm currently using it. See my screenshot below, I kind search phrase "online marketing" and below is the result:.
It shows you all the viral components on the web (you can translucent some share numbers in my screenshot over). The suggestion below is to utilize BuzzSumo to bring the best possible outcome for you. Nonetheless, as I claim above, if you do not make use of, it's doesn't matter.
I'm going to use this link to make example today for you: https://moz.com/blog/links-headers-footers-navigation-impact-seo (it has 1.2 k Facebook shares and 1.8 k Twitter shares, this is a truly warm material online).
2/Step 2: Connect the traffic source with Vidtoon.
First of all you need to include your pixel to Vidtoon.
Vidtoon supports you to re-target to 6 systems, consisting of: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Adwords, LinkedIn, Quora.
Secondly, you can include your LINK into Vidtoon as below:.
There is a shortened URL appear on package as my screenshort above.
3/Step 3: Choose your call-to-action and also include it to the page. Buttons, clickable pictures or even optional kinds.
There are some call-to-action themes like below:.
After that I pick an arbitrary CTA theme and I'm mosting likely to personalize my theme as listed below:.
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4/Step 4: All your rival's traffic will certainly be immediately readily available to you now As Well As for re-targeting.
And also now below is your outcome, your CTA will certainly be appear on the website URL you use, and once site visitors click to the link, they will certainly be re-targetted on the platforms you select before.
My Opinion:.
I appreciate this tool since re-targetting play essential role in advertising and marketing online. You can see a lot of devices supporting Facebook retargeting available but no software program supports 6 platforms like Vidtoon. It's simple however effective. I extremely suggest to utilize it.
Benefits and Disadvantages.
An on the internet help desk is always available to answer your questions. Work on different particular niche markets. No technological skills required to establish Vidtoon. Very practical and actionable.
Maintain your computer system in good working condition.
Price and Assessment.
Vidtoon has 1 Front-End and 3 OTOs:.
- Front-End (Vidtoon-- $27) (See Details).
URL shortener.
Google Ads.
Call to Activity Software Program.
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DFY CTA design templates (10 ).
Retargetting Tutorials.
Custom-made URL.
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Chrome Extension.
Very own brand on CTA.
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Produce Sensational Styles at a Press of a Switch,.
Message Them on PixlyPro, Amazon, Facebook, Your Blog or Affiliate Web Site and Start Making Sales Currently. This reoccuring product has among our highest possible stick prices yet, bringing you more payments on a superb item your subscribers will certainly love.
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Allows consumers to market PixlyPro as well as keep 100% of the commissions, consisting of the reoccuring offers.
Due to the fact that each upgrade you will obtain even more feature and benefits to get rise leads and sales. You will have 1 month to try the product. If after one month, you feel it is not suitable for you, you will be reimbursed. Now, you can go to the sale web page to obtain even more information.
Vidtoon Review-- Conclusion.
With the benefits that I understand about Vidtoon, if you are an affiliate marketing expert do not miss this opportunity. No item can operate 6 big social networking websites like it. When you buy it on the day it launches, you will certainly get several terrific gifts from the supplier.
I have warned you. Its price will certainly double after the launch date. So make the wisest decision for yourself. Whether you choose to buy it or otherwise. Desire you success with your choice. Thanks for reviewing my Vidtoon Evaluation. FAREWELL!
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ofsyphon · 5 years
Send me a “📱” and I will answer the following: @glitchcd
1. What was my muses 5 last sent text to yours?
Syphon: Okay but what do you think Vi is going to tell us.
Syphon: It sounded important didn’t it?
Syphon: I’m not worried, I’m concerned.
Syphon: You know, you were a lot nicer to me yesterday. Let’s go back to that day.
Syphon: Alright I’ll calm down, you’ve convinced me. Can’t you let me win just once?
2.What was my muses 5 last unsent text to yours?
{unsent}: I know you’ll never see this and neither will Vi but I’m going to write it anyway as a reminder.
{unsent}: I’ve probably gone and fucked up a lot of things with people that I love. 
{unsent}: but I hope and pray that I never do that with you and Violet. 
{unsent}: you two were my best friends for a long time. I would rather die then to see anything happen to you. Vi almost dying in that last battle hit me… harder than she knows. The thought of losing either of you would break me.
{unsent}: so come hell or high water, I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that I don’t lose you. That we get home, and we get to see mum and dad and baby phillip. Because I have a feeling we are going to need each other once this is all said and done. 
3. What was my muses last picture to yours?
{image sent} : When you said we would be cleaning I didn’t think I would need a Hazmat suit!
4. What my muse saved your number as?
Mama Rue 
5. What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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6. What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
Baby Shark by Pinkfong
7. How many times my muse has called you’re this week?
Daily, never for long though. Just checking in to see if she needs anything or what she is up to for the day.
8. How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
None, He doesn’t miss calls from Rue or Violet. He will always answer when they call. 
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serelia-evensong · 6 years
Interview with a Demoness
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(For my alt Darthea who does not yet have her own blog)
1. What is your name?
The woman makes herself comfortable in the chair opposite the interviewer, clasping hands on the table in front of her.  “‘Thea.”
2. What is your real name?
“Just Darthea.  That is my full given name.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“It is the name that I have.  No one gave it to me, I simply exist with it.”  She drums neatly manicured nails lightly on the table, studying the person across from her from under her hood.  “You may continue.”
4. Are you single or taken?
“I am single, and I have no interest in being taken.  I am...”  She clicks her tongue, considering, “Not well suited to romantic entanglements.”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
A rise and fall of ‘Thea’s shoulders, and she reaches a hand up to push the hood back, meeting the interviewer eye to eye.  “Many.  I can charm the weak willed to the point of domination with naught but a few words.  Would you like to see it?”  She cracks a smile, and relaxes.  “Don’t worry, I do it rarely.  I can also see auras and sources of magic by type.  I can syphon mana from around me to feed.  I can take the living essence from a person should I choose to get close to them.  I don’t do that either.  I could go on but I don’t wish to take the whole day.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Darthea tilts her head, as though listening to a voice from somewhere beyond.  “You might be right, I could be a bit of one, ah well.” 7. What’s your eye color?
“Blue.  Are you reporting this somewhere?  You can see me right now.”  She edges forward in her chair, trying to get a look at the interviewers writing.
8. How about your hair color?
"It’s a mix of black and dark greens.  More forest than fel.”
9. Have you any family members?
“I don’t have any family no.”  The Demoness brings hands together again, glancing down at the wood grain of the table.  “In a way, I suppose I do.  I exist after all, but no, no family in a way that is meaningful.  Brand is a bit like a brother.” ( @iron-ravens)
10. Oh? What about pets?
Her smile returns, lifting gaze again.  “The Warlock who summoned me to Azeroth was my last, he didn’t make it.  Are you offering?”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
The smile replaced with a flicker of a scowl.  “Meandering conversations.  I prefer to keep somewhat on topic and to the point.  Not that I don’t enjoy socialization but this...there is no logic flow to your questions, I don’t like it.”
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“Like this.  Why are we...” She takes a slow breath, “No, fine.  I enjoy hiking, fishing, swimming.  I’m very comfortable out doors and among nature.  I also like to people watch, mortals have such endless fascinating variety.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
"Yes.  Both under my own power and under the control of others.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
"Yes.  Both under my own power and under the control of others,” she repeats evenly.
15. What kind of animal are you?
"Metaphorically?  I might be a lone cat.  Like one of the Panthers of Stranglethorne.  If you mean your question literally, I am Sayaad, a Demon of the Twisting Nether.  Your people call me Succubus in the common tongue though I do not feel your interpretation fully encapsulates our capabilities or interests.  You have a very narrow, if often accurate, view.”
16. Name your worst habits.
Darthea casts gaze upward for a moment as she considers that question, one of her nails dragging along her lower lip in thought.  “I have issues trusting others.  I push away those who would profess to offer me aid or friendship.  I am not the only one of the Sayaad to defect from the greater whole of my people, but I’m territorial and I will admit irrationally mistrustful of my kind.  Perhaps because I know myself.  I find it easier and safer to avoid or attempt to destroy those like me rather than form a bond of safety with them.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“No.  I do not have any heroes or idols.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“I am not a sexual creature.”  She frowns, rethinking that.  “No, I am, by nature, that is not what I meant to say.  I have no sexual interest in the mortals of this world of any shape or form.  Romantically I suppose I could form emotional ties with anyone.”
19. Do you go to school?
“I was trained harshly.  The more powerful demons of the Nether, and then the Legion had specific goals for us.  I do not currently receive any schooling and prefer not to.” 
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
'Thea’s expression darkens, and she reaches up to pull her hood forward again, looking prepared to leave.  “That is not a possibility.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“That’s an interesting question.  Not me specifically, but I have certainly found that there are a subset of people that are even to their own detriment, intense fans of us and what we can do.”
22. What are you most afraid of?
“Returning to the Twisting Nether.  Being forced into the service of a Warlock or anyone else who can control us.”
23. What do you usually wear?
She gestures down at herself.  Hood half covering her face, wrapped up in her cloak, an over large men’s tunic hanging past her hips, and long heavy skirts that brush the floor.  “This, unless I am with people I trust.  So this.”
24. Do you love someone?
“There is a philosophical question as to if I am capable of love.  I would be curious to find out, but I do not have it now.  There are several people for whom I have affection.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
"I have never wet myself.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
She eases back down into her chair.  “Fine, continue, quickly.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“According to the general financial caste system of most Azerothian cities?  Low Class.”
28. How many friends do you have?
"Very very few.  Brand.  A gnome who’s name I will not give.  The woman Olivia Lovecraft seems promising, to be seen.” ( @olivia-lovecraft)
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“I enjoy almost all sweet pastries, Pie would be on that list in most of its forms.”  She starts to gesture the interviewer to move on but then adds, “Pie should be sweet.  Meat pies, pot pies?  Disaster.”
30. Favorite drink?
“I like sweet rosé wines.” 
31. What’s your favorite place?
Darthea considers that, eyes flickering toward the ceiling again.  “Oh that’s an interesting question.  I like most places in Duskwood.  I find it atmospherically comforting though its feral population is inconvenient.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
"I am to assume you mean romantically?  No.  I am interested in a number of people as a curiosity though.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“When I shift to take the guise of one of the mortal races, it’s dependent.  Naturally?  You do know cup size is dependent on band size, and that the same cup size on six different women will not mean the same thing do you not?”  Darthea huffs a sigh.  “No.  You probably do not, or you would not ask. D.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I prefer lakes.  You’re doing the meandering thing again.  You could ask all these same questions with better ordering and the conversation would be smoother.”
35. What’s your type?
“I’ll humor this.  Curious, open minded, constantly learning, explorative, outdoorsy.”
36. Any fetishes?
“Yes.”  She stares the interviewer down.  “I can be non-sexual and still have fetishes.”  She continues to meet his gaze evenly.  “I will not give you an indexed list.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“It is situational.”  She does not elaborate, the glow in her eyes increasing slightly in intensity as she becomes more and more ready to leave this conversation.
38. Camping or indoors?
“I answered this with my hobbies.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
She pushes out of her chair, and leaves the room without answering, satisfied that the person got the answers they needed.
40. Now it’s over!
(Tagged by no one, I just wanted to do more Darthea stuff.)
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olgagarmash · 3 years
CrossFit Trailside focuses on fitness, family – West Orange Times & Windermere Observer
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CrossFitters in Oakland now have a local gym to call their own.
Tony Siceloff, a former turnpike contractor for the Florida Department of Transportation, opened CrossFit Trailside July 26. 
Prior to moving to Florida, he worked for a 3-D printing company in Charlotte, North Carolina. 
As the pandemic raged on, Siceloff decided he needed a change of pace from his regular job with the DOT and also his job in corporate finance. Having dabbled in CrossFit for 10 years, he decided to open his own gym. But where to put it? 
The inspiration came after he ran by the building while on a run. 
“I saw it and I wanted to open a gym here,” Siceloff said. “It’s also a good position on the West Orange Trail, so you can start off with a run on the trail and then come back. Something different from having to run mostly on the street in some of the other gyms I’ve seen.”
Siceloff said he had a few obstacles to overcome before opening — including from other gym owners who were worried the new business would syphon off clients. However, despite all the road blocks — and 17- to 18-hour days of preparation — Siceloff welcomed his first clients last month.
All workouts are taken straight from CrossFit headquarters and adjusted to suit the needs of the group. The gym is equipped with Olympic lift racks, gymnastics rings, turf for running and boxes for box jumps.
Siceloff said unlike some other CrossFit locations in the area, his is more geared toward families, based on the demographics of Oakland. In addition to the exercise equipment, CrossFit Trailside features a children’s room in the lobby.
“With there being a lot of families in this area, we had to do something to stand out from the other gyms,” Siceloff said.
Siceloff said he has enjoyed the mental and emotional boosts he has experienced as a CrossFit student, and he is excited to bring that to others.
“I love the confidence that it gives after you get through a tough workout,” Siceloff said. “It teaches you self-confidence, patience and mental fortitude. You sometimes have to push yourself beyond what you’re capable of in a workout, and I love that.” 
During its first week of business, the gym got 16 members. 
“Our goal is to get 30 members at the end of the first month, and eventually reach 150,” he said. “The location is good, because we’re close to (Florida’s Turnpike), close to Winter Garden and Clermont. The goal right now is exposure.”
CrossFit Trailside offers a free introduction class at 10 a.m. every Saturday. Guests can check out the gym and participate in a workout before they decide whether they want to join.
The price for a membership with Trailside starts at $145 per month. The membership allows unlimited classes, Run Club access and Sunday Yoga once those programs begin in September, and access to open gym. There will be further add-ons for later. A foundation class is $120. 
If you want a one-on-one session, that starts at $240 a month.
source https://wealthch.com/crossfit-trailside-focuses-on-fitness-family-west-orange-times-windermere-observer/
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thisdayincomics · 7 years
January 20
The Raiders first feature in Iron Man #145 (January 20, 1981) when they suddenly appear during a technology trade show and cause property damage until the arrival of the hero Iron Man. The trio skirmish with Iron Man for a moment, with one of the Raiders using acid to damage the hero's armor. During a second battle at a live boxing match, Iron Man defeats all three Raiders. The trio are revealed to be the employees of Edwin Cord, a corporate rival of Tony Stark. Cord knew that Iron Man, as Stark's bodyguard, would follow him to the trade show, and used this opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of the Raider suits for covert organisation S.H.I.E.L.D. Cord, however, is arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. Each of the Raider suits provide the wearer with greater durability and flight, and offer varying weapons systems. "Raider 1" is equipped with wristbands that can generate bullets; acid and lasers; "Raider 2" is equipped with a net capable of syphoning energy and a protective shield that absorbs energy attacks and "Raider 3" has two wrist weapons that project and amplify sonic waves in concentrated form.
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triumviratethree · 7 years
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Went undefeated at draft tonight. This was really just a solidly good day. Was really hoping to get a Pheobe and she was my first rare, and all in all had fun, met some new people and learned that people will shout "do you like squirrels" across the room for a free squirrel. Decklist was nice, nobody was taking blue, which left it all to me to get solid flying. 10 island 5 swamp 1 watermarket 1 secret base (sneak) 1 clocknapper 1 sneak dispatcher 2 dirty rat 3 crow storm 2 crafty octopus 2 spy eye 1 modular monstrosity 1 overt operative 2 spell suck 3 capital offense 3 novelmental 1 pheobe, head of sneak 2 blurry beebles Contraptions 1 dual doomsuits 1 twiddlestick charger 1 oaken power suit 1 auto key 1 insufferable syphon 1 targeting rocket
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thetristoneera · 7 years
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Sooooooooo, I’ve been working on a Mighty Ducks fanfic.  A lot.  A whole lot.  Like I’ve been spotted in flying V’s all fall, a lot.  Even in Minnesota a lot.  So the thing is, there’s a purified strong essence of inclusion with this fanfic. I have Asians, Indians, Blacks, Latins & Whites in the rank of the main team.  From all around the world, want to figure out how I came up with it? Well, here it go…
In a land of imagination… There’s a round table of elite spell binders that call themselves, “Full Guardians of the Universe”. Their technology is beyond splendid & their home planet is eons away from the Milky Way. It’s safe to say that they are immortals, friendly immortals; all they want to do is show their home planet how entertaining space travel is. Every time they come across humanoid species, they use their incredible chain of satellites to set up documentaries based on how interesting civilization is; that are light years away. They are beyond sneaky with how they move & have yet to be detected by anything; they look at Planet Earth for a full decade; researching it before they set up the Documentary of the Milky Way. They have dabbled in several things but all of them decided to indulge in hockey as the seventh documentary of this world. They have successfully infiltrated humanity to the point that they were able to do what they want within a ten year span but after deciding on making a free summer camp of hockey & to hand picked one thousand fifteen year olds around the planet for it; they didn’t mind extending it a little. After the summer camp came to an end, they created a scholarship for sixteen different academies, invited thirty students for each; veterans & rookies they found absolutely inspiring through out that summer. All of the parents say yes to it but no one knows how inspiring the Mighty Ducks Trilogy were to this magical round table. The scholarship is purposel set up for individuals to go after their dreams but they didn’t realize how entertaining the summer camp would become after the sixteen hand picked teams start a ruckus across their world.
Now, you may be wondering; why I did all this & how I came up with all of this.  It’s because of the euphoria I magically manifest in my own system.  Imagination land is an infinite place, the summaries, plots, stories & twists I create upon universes are not a joke.  I’m constantly filtering which ones I should keep or let loose.  This is one I definitely let loose, so here are the beans…  I’m in this fanfic, alone at first; like all of the rookies, we have ambitions that do not lie with hockey.  The veteran fifteen year olds that grew up with it or street hockey, were invited to the summer camp at a 3/5 capacity with the rookies being mostly 1/3 capacity.  The summer camp took over two months in Australia, in one of the most snowy regions in a facility that was designed to be a psych ward.  Because Full Guard had riches that were unlimited; they bought the facility out for preparation for one thousand kids while building two ice rinks & fortifying a frozen lake for hockey as well.  Because the spell binders were so powerful, everyone invited to the camp always felt welcomed because of all of the spells placed in the architecture, the vegetation & the grounds.  There was no excluding or bullying when it came to the summer camp because the Full Guardians of the Universe are of the Haaldeirez species; a humanoid carbon based life form species that are of thinner variations of human species.  They have gem stone based eye balls that glimmer & move at the slightest amount of light.  Comes in full spectrum of the rainbow but their insides are all black, from the bones to the teeth to their digestive system to their nervous system.  They always look healthy & fit but range from the adult heights of 6’ to 8’ tall.  Their skin is also the full spectrum of the rainbow but only in pastel colors; with thick to coarse to thin to fleauxing hair that are usually effervescent glow in the dark colors.  Unlike humans, the Haaldeirez do not have malicious DNA/RNA; they are completely peaceful as well as completely powerful species that have no real bound but the mortality rate.  Full Guardians may be around 22,000,000 years old but that’s because of the immortality spells they made that allow them to feed off of space air.  Majority of their maximum spells, hell; all of their maximum spells reflect from space air, since it’s immortal.  All of their satellites are built on nanotechnology that feed off of space air with fleets of gundams, mobile suits & spaceships that protect a Pluto Sized Satellite to send the video feeds they collect around the universe. Because of their intellect, even though their spaceship is the size of one of the Milky Way planets; they have cloaking mechanisms in place that keep them remarkably hidden.  As well as allowing them to devise their plans for documenting intelligent life forms; yet, the inspiration humans provide to them over the safe summer camp; will inspire them to make the sixteen special teams while giving all of the kids super powers while transporting them all the way to their home planet to learn how to deal with them.  They are not to be taken lightly, but no one will ever figure out about them because no one will ever reach their home planet; not any time soon at least.  Moving in a giant spiraling circle, the Full Guardians have traveled so far; the number of miles cannot be spoken in one or two breaths.  The total mileage is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; give or take seven.  Wondering how they transport the kids to the Feiro Rotation (the Name of Their Galaxy) to visit Planet Ozeva.  The birth planet of their species that belongs to a single sun with a weird alignment of fourteen planets.  Each of them are aligned with one another, making seven pairs.  There’s two dead planets that hover directly over the sun, the other six pairings actually rotate, Ozeva was the first to habitat humanoid species; the neighboring planet that rotates ahead of Ozeva was the second. A planet of the next pairing behind their alignment was sustained naturally to habitat, so their species could utilize another planet.  The rest of the planets don’t have enough elements, life forms, are within enough distance of the sun with an ozone layer that can habitat life with out support or spell binding. The Feiro Rotation is a beautiful galaxy, but it looks like lavender mist outside of it because of all of the spell binding the Full Guardians have done since they were born.  All of the solar system activity with radio activity from the satellite feeds have changed it from being a misty white solar system to a misty lavender solar system.
Moving along, these kids…
Rookies: Diane Guerrero, Francia Raisa (Almendarez), Jaimee Wallace, Jared Tarquini, Jazmyn Wallace, Olton Vermillion, Selena Gomez, Sopheton Ferrara, Stephanie Tejada, Terrance Barnes & Tiffany Boone
Veterans: Brandia del Guozo, Emilio Mauvio, Emily Blackville, Jipzi Kiyoko, Jubilee Enayam, Juliette Blackville, LaSwan Black, Millennios Turaun, Zelena Crocodile & Zorik Kiyoko
Super Veterans: Atrotus Meteor, Chester Gold, Dylan Bronze, Eziki Xiahou, Idola Volbez, Localu Sugimoto, Rhiegot Jons, Theodore Castle & Wolven Silver
From Iceland to Canada to Japan to Mexico to France to the Pacific Islands to Ireland to the United States of America to North Africa to Great Britain to Turkey & to China.  Culture, heritage, nativity, ethnicity & attitudes across the board of a lot of differentials.  The Full Guardian who hand picked the Mega Mallards goes by the name of Lucius Logan to this world; he looks like Chris Chalk but talks like a molten double chocolate cake, in human form. His voice is hypnotic because of the spells in place he puts on himself, he means no harm but his real voice is very demonic to the point it has three echoes.  It’s how all of the Haaldeirez sound, like triumphant beings of massive power; so he tones it down to sound more safe, comfortable & deluxe.  The teams that syphon through the footage of the documentaries took heed to all of the kids he liked out of the thousand. All of his choices were out of a mere forty four but he felt that the connections made during the summer camp had to stay connected; especially when it came to the twin sisters.  There’s a lot of back stories in between them individually but collectively, this team belongs together like the fifteen other special teams made during this epilogue.  Wondering how I’m going to turn it into an epilogue?  Well…
Full Guardians of the Universe will bestow fifteen super powers onto the kids of their teams, a boy & a girl with the same power each; down the line & connecting five of the powers for each gender with an animal. Making six animals in a group of five connected by the super powers for each gender, acting as the catalysts needed to make the spells work to give the kids super being qualities so they can harness super powers safely.  In order to bring that into effect, upon the night before the first day of school; the kids will have three pieces of chocolate connected by a spell called Decadence Projection Existence.  Making it so that something delicious will project their vessels across existence; even dimensions.  The kids will be transported to one of the space colonies over Planet Ozeva, in a circle of thirty rainbow lit incubation teleportation beds; so that the kids’ bodies will appear in two places at once, but eight days behind their time. Because for every hour they sleep, is a day in the Feiro Rotation.  Yup! Gotcha!  Didn’t think I was going to do that huh?  So the kids will be talked into having super powers, why they were chosen, where they are & the whole learning process of everything. Where they’ll be guided magically into their super powers, get some space travel in, learn how to space travel & break into the atmosphere of Planet Ozeva to be welcomed by a parade of people that have seen the Documentary Ending of the Milky Way. Into a grand palace for the kids to stay the eight days while their real bodies are sleep.  Their lives will forever be changed by this & when they wake up in real time; all of them will still be able to access their memories so that they can use their powers successfully.  The fifteen powers are: astronomy, dark, death, earth, electricity/lightning, explosion, fire, life light, mirror, psychic, rainbow, vegetation, water & wind.
If you’re wondering, the mother ship of the Full Guardians of the Universe is named Valdepozeiron.  They have it cloaked directly above our solar system, the same distance from the sun as Planet Earth is.  They have decided to stick around for four years to watch the kids grow through out high school as hockey players, in light of the Mighty Ducks.  After every graduation of a grade, the kids will endure a sixteen team tournament.  The outcomes will always be different but Full Guardians won’t tell them that the final tournament will depict which team will face their genetically made Mighty Ducks team that includes all of the characters from the movies who have been raised in an alternate dimension where everyone on the team went through a similar high school situation as the kids did.  So yes, this fanfic will be developed as a four season fanfic.  So yes, I realize how ridiculous my imagination is.  So yes, you can ask me questions.  Unless you have my Facebook; my Facebook is where all of their individual background stories reside but lastly; I will describe the relationships to be among the team.
Stephanie Tejada, Jaimee Wallace & Jazmyn Wallace are all of the BGC alumni; I love them so because they are mad hilarious & yes I’ve imagined them as characters who play hockey even with them starting off as rookies at the ages of fifteen.  Stephanie will eventually get into a budding relationship, separate ones with a few guys of the Moonfield Academy; where the entire team is stationed at.  Jaimee & Theodore will eventually become an item.  Jazmyn & Dylan will eventually become an item.
Chester Gold, Wolven Silver & Dylan Bronze are all friends who grew up together in the peewee leagues of hockey in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  The three of them together have played so much, they are considered super veterans. They are destined to enter the big leagues professionally with all of them having the ability to be on an Olympic team.  The three of them even know LaSwan & have lost against his team on occasion.  Chester will find himself in many messed up situations with Emily & Juliette; because both of them like Chester & he likes the both of them in return.  Drama. Dylan & Jazmyn will eventually become an item.  Wolven & Terrance became an item during the summer camp then turned into pen pals when it was over; but became an item again once they both arrived at Moonfield Academy.
Zelena Crocodile & Brandia del Guozo will eventually become an item.
Jared Tarquini & Olton Vermillion will eventually become an item.
Sopheton Ferrara & Rhiegot Jons will eventually become an item.
Jipzi Kiyoko, Zorik Kiyoko & Localu Sugimoto all grew up together to be best friends in the matter of which their party-holic parents are best friends.  Even as neighbors.  Gulp. All three of them have tremendous intellect that makes everyone question why on earth are they into hockey.  Yet, their parents let them be who they want to be. During the summer camp, halfway; when the rookies were finally mixed to be with the vets in terms of room arrangements; that’s when Lucius discovered that majority of his team would form right before his eyes.  Jipzi, Jubilee, Jaimee, Jazmyn & Localu immediately become best friends way before they make it to the camp because the announcement of the scholarship listings. The five of them were already a nuisance hurricane in the summer camp because of their connections with Stephanie, Tiffany, Emily & Juliette.  Jipzi & Eziki will eventually become an item.  Zorik & Tiffany will eventually become an item.  Localu will keep the promise to her father about not dating anyone during high school.
Emilio Mauvio & Diane Guerrero will eventually become an item.
Jubilee Enayam & Atrotus Meteor will eventually become an item.
Idola Volbez & Millennios Turaun will eventually become an item.
LaSwan Black’s history with the Metalloids (Gold, Silver & Bronze) will unfold to make LaSwan more of a threat as a hockey player.  They have squared off on the ice before the summer camp but didn’t during the summer camp because they were deemed as two different classes.  Yet, before the hockey season begins, LaSwan will continue to be a threat to the three of them when it comes down to fighting for positions on the team.  Like the super veterans, LaSwan has definite leadership qualities that deem him as captain material.  When the coaches begin the deliberations for team positions; rivalries among the team will start to build because LaSwan will be the main person trying to set a standard for the team, in the same ways he did in the peewee leagues.
One big happy family, for the most part, during the summer camp; all of them got along.  Arriving at the airport in Minneapolis; the home guys even stayed there until everyone’s flights arrived.  The thirty of them reunited & shared group photos to be added to their social media sites.  Had a ball on the shuttle ride over to Moonfield Academy, then had a ball seeing the mansion they were all going to be staying in.  A beautiful spacious mansion with a huge cylinder in the middle that had fifteen individual girl rooms on the second floor & the same for the guys on the third floor.  They had everything they needed & more, because Lucius wasn’t shy with spoiling them at any chance; but they won’t figure that out until the hockey season actually starts then Jaimee & Jazmyn are going to joke about going on a shopping spree.  But if I ever make it as a writer, this will be one of my guaranteed fanfics.  Like the Streets of Rage, Spyro the Dragon & Zombies Ate My Neighbors fanfics…
PS there are sixteen members of the Full Guardians of the Universe; they have merrily sat around their round table for more than twenty million years.  And yes, every crew member of their mother ship are welcome to sit in on their round table meetings as well as watch the broadcasts of them.
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loreleywrites · 7 years
Command Zone: The Legends of Commander (2017 Edition) - Part 2
Commander (2017 Edition) taunts us from the near future. My tongue is sticking out and aching to taste the delicious flavor of four brand-new tribal decks. Each deck features three foil commanders of the deck’s tribe and color identity, though a few bonus legends are thrown in too.
Yesterday I took a look at the new commanders from the Dragon and Vampire decks. That means Wizards and Cats are on today’s docket. Without any further introductory delays, let’s get magical.
Not a Shapeshifter
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Still have my fingers crossed for her being from Dominaria though.
OK, so my speculation that Inalla, Archmage Ritualist was a Blue/Black Shapeshifter was wrong. It was a good effort though, and I’ll take consolation in the fact that she does temporarily clone your other Wizards.
If you’ve never played with Minion Reflector or Mimic Vat, you are in for a ride. The best thing you can do with these kinds of effects is double up on your enters-the-battlefield triggers. Get double the tokens with Master of Waves. Copy a spell twice with Dualcaster Mage. Get two creatures back from the dead with Bloodline Necromancer, another new card that comes with the Wizard deck. You can even double up on sacrifice abilities when you have more mana available. Here, the name of the game is value. And since this is an eminence ability, Inalla doesn’t even have to be on the battlefield to give you that value.
Unfortunately, Wizards aren’t known for their combat prowess. Unless you’re casting Nameless One, you don’t be able to use Inalla’s ability to produce a significant amount of power out of nowhere. That is, unless you cast her. Once Inalla is on the battlefield, you can tap her and four other Wizards you control to just dome an opponent for 7 life. So that dorky little Sea Gate Oracle you copied now provides two of those Wizards. Synergy.
The Pretenders
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He probably killed the other members of the band.
Mairsil, the Pretender was a major villain back in The Dark. He caged the wizard Ith in order to syphon his magical energy. After his demise, Mairsil’s spirit attempted to possess others for more power. Not a nice person. But true to the lore, Mairsil’s card lets him steal powers from others.
Before your brewing minds go haywire, I want to point out that “You may activate each of those abilities only once each turn,” is the last line of text on Marisil. You will not be building a Rube Goldberg machine that goes infinite with just a few combo pieces.
So, what can you do with Mairsil? Flexibility and options are paramount. Mairsil becomes a ferocious rattlesnake if you load him up with defensive abilities that imbue your opponents with threat-of-activation fears. Exile an Aetherling, however, and suddenly you have a frightening attacker that’s almost impossible for your opponents to deal with. Give him double strike with Jodah’s Avenger. Give him infect with Vector Asp. Boost his power while killing things with Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief. Even crazier, you can use Aetherling’s flickering power to exile more and more cards.
It’s also worth noting that Mairsil can exile artifacts and creatures from your graveyard, not just your hand. Maybe you don’t even want to use him as a build-your-own whatever, but just as a way to recycle the abilities of your dead creatures. Brewers often shoot for ridiculous when “good, solid value” can be fine on its own.
Kess and Tell
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The ground has eyes, so it probably also has ears for her to talk to.
If I could sum up Kess, Dissident Mage’s strategy in a single phrase, it would be “instant and sorcery tribal.” She is a wizard that wants to do what wizards do best: sling spells. A 3/4 flier for four mana is decent stats on its own, but she also lets you cast a spell from your graveyard once during each of your turns.
That you’re limited to casting your bonus spell on your turn is important to building around Kess. Since you can’t cast your spell on an opponent’s turn, it means that reactive spells aren’t going to provide value for you. This is mostly counterspells, but it also means you can’t double up on instant-speed spot removal unless you use it on your turn.
To maximize Kess’s ability, you want to build a proactive deck with instants and sorceries. Sorceries are where to start, and ones that create tokens are “creatures” that Kess lets you cast a second time. There are a handful of sorceries that steal creatures that fit into this same category. Making token copies of creatures or reanimating them from the graveyard are also proactive, creature-based effects that go on sorceries.
Since this is Commander, there are going to be sorceries that simply have splashy effects. Epic Experiment fits right into a spells deck. When life totals are low, casting Banefire a second time can give you a victory. You know you want another round of Cruel Entertainment.
If you’re not interested in going all-in on instants and sorceries, Kess still makes for a great self-mill commander. In this kind of deck, her ability is more about extending your hand to your graveyard than doubling up on spells. Getting to cast spells you normally wouldn’t have an opportunity to cast is still value town.
Lend Me a Hand
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Wait. You’re a murderbutt, Taigam, so nevermind.
The Wizard deck also includes Khans of Tarkir-era Taigam. This is the one that defected from the Jeskai and kept failing to assassinate Narset. We know, his tattoo and outfit are more Silumgar than Sultai. Sometimes art direction isn’t as tight as it could be. Either way, Taigam, Sidisi’s Hand brings back a food of memories about the machinations of the Sultai.
As expected of his clan, Taigam is all about dumping your own cards into your graveyard to use as a resource. And like Taigam, Ojutai Master (the other Taigam in the Dragon deck), this one feels perfect for the clan mechanics. There are two main parts here. First, Taigam replaces your regular draw with a “draw one of your top three and mill the rest.” This is incredible card advantage, helping you dig for the exact card you need each turn. It also fuels his second ability, which assassinates creatures in a mimic of the delve mechanic that the Sultai used.
Obviously, a Taigam deck wants cards that care about filling your graveyard. Wonder, Living Death, and Mortivore are just a sampling of cards to use. Delve cards themselves can use the graveyard as a mana resource. Flashback and unearth are mechanics that can give value to the cards you do end up milling away.
If you really want to be mean, play Taigam with Teferi’s Puzzle Box. Since you skip your draw step, you’ll never have to ship your hand to the bottom of your library. It will be frustrating for your opponents, which means you’ll probably become the main target, but it’s good for a laugh if you’re a griefer.
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While The Ur-Dragon is out in the Multiverse being the paragon of dragon-ness, Arahbo, Roar of the World is doing the same for cats. This kitty is all about aggression, helping your feline forces bat enemies around like little balls of yarn.
Like all the face cards in this product, Arahbo has an eminence ability that impacts the game from both the battlefield and the command zone. In this case, it grants a free Giant Growth to another one of your Cats every combat. This is terrifying, as it makes two-drops actually great attackers in Commander. Drop a Fleecemane Lion and you’re attacking for 6 damage on your third turn. Your opponents might not have even cast a creature yet.
Letting Arahbo out of the bag gets even crazier. You’ll still get to give another Cat a free +3/+3, but then you have to option to pump your attacking Cats further and give them trample. That free +3/+3 becomes +4/+4 and trample for 1GW at minimum. Once your early attacks have dealt some damage, trample helps push the final bits of damage through.
If you’re building around Arahbo, you’re building an aggressive tribal deck. Green and White are already the best colors for pumping up your forces. Gaea’s Anthem, Mirari’s Wake, and Collective Blessing maximize your attacking potential. Granting all your Cats vigilance is another great way to keep up the pressure in multiplayer games, as you now don’t have to worry about being attacked back.
You Have My Sword
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And his hammer, but it’s not a legendary creature, so you won’t meet it today.
We’ve had a number of Equipment-matters commanders already, but Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith is the first one in Green. The best part about this is that it lets you play Behemoth Sledge, which is one of the most efficiently powerful Equipment cards in Magic.
As a smithy, it’s natural for Nazahn to made weapons for you by tutoring them up. You can get anything into your hand, but searching for Hammer of Nazahn plops it right onto the battlefield.
Aside – Hammer of Nazahn is a must-have in a Nazahn deck (any Equipment deck really). When Nazahn tutors it up, it’ll enter the battlefield attached to a creature you control (probably Nazahn). All your other Equipment will too, evading the equip costs once. Granting indestructible is also one of the best things a piece of Equipment can do.
Nazahn makes for a fine Voltron commander. Load him up with Equipment, which he brings with him, and off to the races!
But his second ability, which gets blockers out of the way, rewards you for spreading the equipped love around. This lets Equipment decks go a bit wider and not have to rely on suiting up one creature that might die and leave you with nothing. I love that Nazahn gives you this kind of flexibility.
Life Three of Nine
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Mirri’s first card sucked. Her second card was from an alternate reality.
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist fits into one of my favorite categories of commander. She has fairly unique abilities, but otherwise doesn’t tell you how to build around them. “Here’s a thing, figure out what to do with it.” In Mirri’s case, the “thing” is giving you a Dueling Grounds effect that makes it impossible to group block Mirri and impossible to swarm you with attackers. So what can you do with that?
First, this ability makes Mirri a fantastic Voltron commander. All she needs is trample and it becomes very difficult for your opponents to profitably block her. Load her up with Auras and Equipment and you’ll have a massive creature that is almost guaranteed to take out a blocker. You don’t have to worry too much about crackbacks, as your opponents will be limited in how they attack you. The key part is “attack you.” They can still attack with a bunch of creatures, but a tapped Mirri will force most of those creatures elsewhere. That’s excellent for you offensively (Your opponents die faster) and defensively (You’re harder to kill.)
Mirri also works well in a token deck looking to flood the battlefield with creatures. One of the problems of token decks is that tokens tend to be small. That means they’re difficult to profitably attack with and easy to attack into because they don’t block well as individual creatures. Mirri helps solve both these problems.
When Mirri attacks, each opponent can only block with a single creature. If you attack an opponent with Mirri and ten tokens, you know ten of your creatures will go unblocked. And once Mirri is tapped, it becomes much easier for a swarm of tokens to block one creature instead of a horde of creatures.
It’s Link Cat
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Traveling hero that loves refreshments? Def Link.
We don’t know what plane Balan, Wandering Knight is from, but she fits an archetype that would belong on an Arthurian fantasy world. You know, like Hyrule. She carries oodles of Equipment. She is Link, and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Anyway, Balan is very much a Voltron Equipment commander. She tells you which cards to play and how to use them. Little flexibility, but the tradeoff is raw power.
Like any Equipment Voltron deck, the most important abilities to build around are hexproof and indestructible. You don’t want your commander dying easily. Assault Suit is great protection against sacrifice while helping the game end faster by letting everyone beat face with your armored commander. Since Balan gains double strike herself, that’s a powerful ability you don’t need to run any Equipment for.
Balan’s key power is the ability to attach all your Equipment to her for only 1W. This skirts all your equip costs, as a Voltron deck won’t be interested in attaching them to any other creatures. You can even wait until combat to attach them, using the threat of activation to entice your opponent into making less risky plays.
Lords of Magic and Mews
Together with Dragons and Vampires, Wizards and Cats round out the tribes featured in the four decks of Commander (2017 Edition). Wizards use their minds to enable sneaky strategies. Cats let the claws out for aggressive attacks. Each of these four tribes pushes into new space that’s sure to reinvigorate your existing decks and provide opportunities for all-new archetypes.
Rule your tribe when Commander (2017) releases on August 25, 2017.
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford Accused Of Contempt In Latest Court Filing
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/gearbox-ceo-randy-pitchford-accused-of-contempt-in-latest-court-filing/
Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford Accused Of Contempt In Latest Court Filing
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Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford continues to be embroiled in legal disputes stemming from a host of allegations made against him over the past few months. Wade Callender, Gearbox’s former legal counsel, filed a motion on Tuesday in Dallas County (Texas) district court for contempt and requested sanctions against Gearbox, alleging “discovery abuse” and failure to produce certain court-ordered documents.
This is the latest filing in a lengthy legal battle between Pitchford and Callender. It started with a filing by Gearbox in November 2018, alleging that Callender “exploit[ed] Gearbox’s generosity and trust for his own personal gain.” Callender responded with a countersuit a month later, accusing the Gearbox CEO of harassing the company’s former general counsel because of his Christian faith. The suit also accused Pitchford of taking a “secret” $12 million bonus as an advance on royalties, and of syphoning profits from Gearbox to fund “Peacock Parties” where adult male guests “reportedly exposed themselves to minors, to the amusement of Randy Pitchford.” There was also the USB drive Pitchford left in a Texas restaurant allegedly containing sensitive corporate information from the studio and its business partners–such as 2K Games, Take-Two Interactive, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft–as well as “underage pornography.” Ten days after the filing, Gearbox sued Callender for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.
“Callender believes he can prove that GBX (Gearbox), and their lawyers, continue to violate this Court’s order and hide documents,” the most recent filing reads. “Enough is enough and GBX needs to be held in contempt and sanctioned for this behavior.” This follows months of back-and-forth legal disputes between the two parties. Callender served Gearbox with a set of eight interrogatories in February of this year, which the Borderlands developer responded to in March with a one-page document. Callender claimed a deficiency in this response and requested an amendment. After a week with no response, Callender filed a motion to compel Gearbox to respond to the deficiency letter. Gearbox agreed to provide amended interrogatory responses by July 3, but a later 30-day extension pushed this back to August 2.
When the latest deadline arrived, Gearbox provided their response, which included text correspondence between Pitchford and a “member of the press that he had podcast with” in which the two discuss the aforementioned USB drive. Pitchford appeared on the December 22 episode of the Piff Pod podcast one day after Callender’s suit was filed. During the conversation with comedian and fellow magician, host John van der Put, Pitchford mentioned the USB drive contained “barely legal pornography.”
“In response to ‘Is the USB stick falling out or has the internet moved on now?’, Pitchford replied ‘Internet is fine. All they care about is if my next video game is good or not.’ It comes as no surprise that GBX did not want to disclose this very telling document,” the latest filing claims.
The allegations claim the USB stick was discovered at a Medieval Times restaurant in 2014, in a location a stone’s throw away from Gearbox’s Plano, Texas, headquarters. During this time, Callender and other Gearbox counsel were mediating the Aliens: Colonial Marines class-action; another case where Pitchford’s conduct has been controversial. Earlier this year, Pitchford was involved in another dispute with former Gearbox vice president (and the original voice of Borderlands’ Claptrap), David Eddings. After Pitchford called him “bitter and disgruntled,” Eddings spoke up and accused the Gearbox CEO of physically assaulting him in a hotel lobby during GDC 2017, along with numerous other allegations.
On Monday, ahead of Callender’s official filing, the Dallas County Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied Gearbox’s request for relief. The company claimed the “trial court abused its discretion by overruling numerous objections to requests for production of documents and compelling production of certain documents.” The appellate court stated that Gearbox “have not shown they are entitled to the relief requested.”
Source : Gamesport
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Honours Project - Mechanic Breakdown
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                                        Etigo is a Level Design project for me. I wanted to focus on what goes into making an exciting and engaging level that promotes replay and intrigues the player into learning what they could do better. To do this I first needed to make a series of mechanics to fit the theme of the game. I knew this would take time, so I ensured to allocate the first few months of the project to this. I was also very mindful that the mechanics were not my main aim for this game, so I set myself a date to call them finished and not work on them any further until the level was complete and it was time to polish everything. I will go over all the different mechanics I made in this part of the journal; however, I will keep it brief as my focus was the level design not the technical aspect of the project.
 he movement mechanics were vital to get working early in the project. This was because without the movement being finished it would be impossible to start working on other aspects such as AI (artificial intelligence) and the gunplay. To make the movement mechanics I basically just tweaked the run speed until it felt right, then did the same with the jump height and air control to allow strafing. I also coded a Grapple Hook as the primary movement ability. It took a lot of fiddling with to get it to feel right but I am very happy with the result.
 Guns and Shooting
As this level was intended to be the first or second level in Etigo, I did not want to have too many different guns. I thought a good starting set up would be a Shotgun for close range combat, and an AK47 for medium to long range combat. This worked very well, and I ensured to programme the weapon system to make it easy to add to in the future. The guns were made in blueprint using a very modular technique that I created myself. Every aspect of the guns is broken down into their own functions and it would be a case of copying a set of those functions and changing some variables if I was to add another gun. This would be done in-between levels in a full version of Etigo.
The shooting is done in a very similar way and is very intuitive to use when playing the game. There are crosshairs the bullets go towards them. There is some recoil to control with the AK47 which raises the skill ceiling so that players can practice with the gun and learn how to control it to hit their shots more consistently. The player must be aware of how much ammo they have in their magazine also, however there are no reserves so they can shoot as much as they wish. This was a design decision I made early on because I do not find running out of bullets very fun, so I didn’t want that in my game.
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Artificial Intelligence
For the AI in Etigo I took a lot of inspiration from Dusk as mentioned above. I wanted them to be fast and aggressive and not hold back against the player. They are coded quite simply so when the melee enemies see the player, they run and attack. The ranged enemies are the same in that when they see the player, they will cast a fireball until the player gets behind cover and breaks line of sight. The ranged enemy will then look at where the player is hiding until they regain line of sight when they will start to cast fireballs once again. These fireballs are obvious and easy to see and have been designed for the player to dodge them while shooting at the enemy in question.
I added 3 different melee enemies to add some variety to the level. These are a large slow enemy, a quick medium sized enemy and a very hard to see “invisible” enemy that shimmers. This invisible enemy is very fast but has very little health.
There is also a boss fight at the end of the level which consists of a different enemy model to everything else. This boss is huge and slow moving. It slams the ground with one hand and then the other in a consistent rhythm. If the player learns this pattern and the rhythm of the hits they can dodge and kill the boss with ease. The boss was designed as a tutorial to give players a feel for how the boss fights will play in the future if it was a full game.
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Pickups and Generators
To make a “Retro FPS” game, pickups are a vital part of getting the player to move smoothly throughout the level. They are also used to solve puzzles and complete tasks in the levels. The main way I carried this out was leading the player to points of interest using Health Kits. These will restore 50% of the players total health points and they are vital to surviving in Etigo. If the player continues to work towards the next Health Kit they will eventually arrive where they need to be.
The next pickup I created was a grenade ammo refill. These give the player 2 extra grenades to use to clear large groups of enemies. These pickups are very simple and are placed carefully throughout the level to ensure the player doesn’t have too many of them. Too many of these pickups makes the game too easy, this was found and balanced thanks to playtesting sessions.
The last resource the player can collect is their Power. Power is part of the suit the main character wears that allows them to carry out various actions. This Power can be filled up at the big green generators throughout the level. It takes a few seconds and the player must be standing still to syphon from the generators. This leaves them vulnerable to attack so syphoning should be a strategic decision made when the time is right.
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User Interface
I loved the way that Half Life 2 did their UI, so I designed mine to be very similar. It works with animations that get called depending on which gun the player selects. I also have a Power Bar that shows how much Power the player has. The power bar is colour coordinated to match the generators that the player can syphon from to fill the bar up. I have health bar and Grapple Cooldown bar.
Below is the Half Life 2 UI and it is laid out in a very similar way to mine. When the player selects a weapon in the game it plays an animation to show which weapon was selected from the right-hand side of the screen.
Below this you can see the UI in Etigo. It works in a very similar way and simply shows the information needed to the player.
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Discarded Mechanics
I had a lot of different mechanics that I created for the project that ended up not being used in the final build. This was due to them feeling out of place or slowing the pace of the game in a way that I did not like. These mechanics were toggled by pressing the F key after selecting one from the Ability Menu. I decided to have only the Grapple Hook permanently bound to the F key and discard the other mechanics. The discarded mechanics were:
 Slow Motion: This did not feel like it helped the player enough. All it did was slow the game down in a way that was not fun.
 Freeze all Enemies: This had a similar effect to the Slow-Motion mechanic. It also made the game far too easy.
 Flashlight: This worked perfectly, and I would have kept it in if the player had any use for it. It was originally created for a platforming sequence that I later removed from the game. I will talk about this sequence in the Level Process section of this document but without, there was no use for the Flashlight. The plan for the Flashlight would be to pick it up at a later point in the game when the need arises.
 Full Heal: This was very overpowered and made the game incredibly easy. It also stopped the player needing to follow the Health Kits used to guide them through the level.
 Double Jump: This mechanic made some of the carefully calculated jumps in the level not work as intended. I added the Double Jump too late in the project to make it work so I took it out.
 Sprint: I did not like having to toggle the sprint, and this was not a feature in the games I used for research. Instead of having a toggleable print ability, I set the player to be permanently running at sprint speed. This really made Etigo feel like the games from the period I was aiming for.
 Pick up objects: This was my favourite of the discarded mechanics. It did allow the player to move rocks and other objects around to create their own structures. This is something I would absolutely add into Etigo as a full game.
 Ability Menu: To select which ability the player would use; I created a menu they could enter by pressing Tab. This was obviously discarded when I decided to prune the above mechanics.
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