#sukuna x reader crack
joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 6 months
Featuring Sukuna and Itadori as brothers teehee
A/n: I got this wonderful idea from nessieart's artwork of sukuna and megumi... I love nessieart but I'm not tryna bother them by @ing them like a mad woman...anywho enjoy
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You were looking for Yuuji around the building, he told you he wanted to talk to you.
You round a corner and there's 2 of them
Itadori just laughs and introduces his older brother to you
"Uh..nice to meet you. I'm L/n Y/n."
You hold out your hand for him to shake when he walks over to you. He just stares at you, no emotion on his face. Did he not like you or something? All of a sudden, his hand shoots out of his pocket and plops down on your shoulder.
He keeps eye contact with you and then smirks.
You looked in shock and Yuuji couldn't even look at the scene in front of him.
"Bro, you're cringing up the place."
Sukuna had to skedaddle even if he didn't want to but being pushed by Yuuji just reluctantly helped him to leave.
You wanted an explanation after that whole cringe fest.
"Yuuji, I need an explanation. I never knew you had a brother." You place your hands on your hips, staring daggers into your friend.
"Okay Y/n, imma explain now."
He explains that his brother wasn't here, he was in Kyoto for some studies and came back just now. He pulls a picture out of his wallet of them smiling with the words 'happy graduation' above them.
You take the picture from his fingers and look closely at it.
"H-He went to school?"
Yuuji nods, smiling wide.
"He graduated?"
Yuuji nods but looks to the side like 'of course'.
"What do you mean impossible?"
The way you look at him tells him everything he needs to know.
"Nevermind but you should hang out with us while you can. He might leave again and he can probably answer your questions better than I can."
So with that, you began hanging out with both Yuuji and Sukuna
They had the cutest relationship to you, even though Ryomen would call his brother a brat sometimes which would cause a small quarrel.
During this time, you had a sleepover at their house.
When you awake in the morning, you overhear a conversation between the two siblings...
You press yourself against the wall near the kitchen and listen in on their conversation.
"Aniki [older brother], have you seen my-" Yuuji pauses and then makes a noise. "What are you doing?"
"Making lunch."
You peek around the corner, making sure you aren't seen by Yuuji or Ryo.
Yuuji quickly pads over to his brother's side and peeks over his shoulder.
"Careful. You almost burned down the kitchen last time you cooked."
He looks closely at the counter. "Why are there 3 boxes?"
You hear a small thump against the floor, signaling that Ryo pushed Yuuji back.
"I watched tutorials this time...one's for L/n."
Yuuji opens the bento boxes and lets out a snicker with his hand covering his mouth. The bentos are decorated so it looks like different animals.
"This is so corny but cute as hell. What are you, 5?"
"What's that supposed to be?" He points at one of the bentos.
"It's a F/a!" He slaps Yuuji's hand away from the bento.
Yuuji lets out another laugh and then a long 'aw' while approaching his brother.
"Who would've thought that my big scary brother has a crush~?"
"Fuck off brat!"
Ryomen has a big blush on his face, focusing on finishing up the bento boxes. You blush at the fact that he might have a crush on you. You decided that it's time to stop eavesdropping on their conversation.
You stand and make yourself let out a loud yawn to announce yourself to the both of them.
"I smelt food."
Yuuji is about to say something but Ryo elbows him to quiet him.
"This bento is for you L/n."
You take it from his hands with a smile.
"Thank you Ryo but remember, you don't have to call me L/n. Y/n is fine."
You open the bento box and smile at the animal he created for you.
"Is this a F/a?!" You smile while eating the food on the top of the bento.
He smiled and nods proudly...you sadly, really couldn't tell what it was, thank God for him telling Yuuji.
You and Yuuji were originally supposed to train with Gojo-sensei but now Ryomen is babysitting the both of y'all
Gojo is such a child...
"All you have to do is just help them train, physically."
"So, pretty much beat them up?"
He looks back at Yuuji with the most fiery expression, showing off his cursed technique.
"Yeah pretty much. Sorry kids, I got a date with destiny!" He kisses the side of his phone and leaves the field as quick as possible.
You and Yuuji's mouths become agape then you both turn toward Ryo. He laughs and removes his top layer to reveal...a tank top. You were really hoping he would be shirtless but whatever, it still works.
Yuuji takes his top layer off as well, revealing his red hoodie. You removed yours as well since everyone else was doing it.
"Well losers, let's fight."
You both end the training session breathing heavily on the floor, fistbumping Yuuji. Ryo pulls you both up onto your feet. He pushes Yuuji's jacket into his hands while he gently hands you yours.
"Come on brats, I'm hungry and y'all need to change quickly. We're done for the day."
You tag Yuuji and run back inside of the school before he can catch you. You two change quickly and walk back outside to his brother.
"Let's go, I'm paying for the ramen."
You guys walk through the streets, just conversating with each other. Then Itadori spoke up.
"If Aniki and I were drowning, who would you save?"
You don't think long about your answer, you smile and blurt it out.
"Well because of my cursed technique, I could save you both."
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To the Floor, From the rat
Sukuna x Reader crack
@kmayafk and @ari-tart-3114 helped out with this
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Disclaimer: dangerous amounts of crack ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED hehehe 👹. totally scary topics like rats with…penis??
Summary: you are Sukuna’s maid and you’re paid to clean his enormous penthouse (and maybe something ELSE enormous but who really knows 👀). 
Good god not the floors again!
Why does Master Sukuna always have me clean the floors?! Like, I could be cleaning literally anything else, but it’s always the floors *cries*. 
Maybe he just wants to see my non-existent ass? Who fucking knows at this point.
I rarely see the guy too. It's always a little rear glimpse here and maybe a sliver of hair there
He only tells me these things via text too, like I’ve never heard his voice. The other maids are starting to spread rumors around him. 
Some say he’s like ultra hot but an absolute dick but also that he’s like incredibly smart and doesn’t fuck around (his bedsheets really do beg to differ though, like good god the amount of cum stains on his bedspread)
He’s been having female visitors and it always ends with the woman crying and running away (coward). 
Some of the maids say his female visitors run away purely from seeing how enormous his cock is. Some even say it's because he continues till the visitor faints, even after they say no. 
Another says they run away from his expectations and are only there for their own pleasure
So now he just goes to hotels and such because why bring those women to his house and waste his time
Oh geez, thinking about Master Sukuna made me go toward his room.
Though I know he isn’t home and he didn’t ask me to clean up his room but hey what could be the harm though there’s still flooring in there so technically…
So now I find myself in his room with my jaw hitting the floor with how large it is. I look around more and find a wall full of pictures of women with “x” marks on them. 
Is he “thank you next” ing them?!?!
Before I can process, I see a small stash of pictures of the maids.
Oh no, oh no. He isn't-
“And who gave you permission to enter my room?”
I turn around and see him.
“The floor gang!” I shouted at the strange unfamiliar man, supposedly the master of this house. It was almost as if a quest to get fired popped up.
Sukuna closed his eyes and sighs. He grabs a cigarette and proceeds to smoke. I look at him, wondering if he is going to fire me, or worse. 
It was then a tiny little furball scampered across the room. It seemed to be a screaming kitten that appears to have fallen into a trashcan as he was covered in trash. 
“QUICK GET THAT RAT” Sukuna screamed, causing me to jolt. 
“But master Sukuna why would you have a cat and not see it as such?”I chased the supposed kitten, now fearing for my life.
 As I tried to pounce on it, the kitten screamed out a weird noise. “SHEEEEEEESHH”
“Jeez you can’t even catch a small cat, what the fuck did I hire you for again?!?!”
“To make vegan eggs”
“Oh yes. You do make a pretty bussin vegan omlette”
Sukuna laughs, but then realizes something.  “Wait…What even the fuck is a vegan omlette?”
“A spicy version of connect 4” I answered snarkily.
“i-I what?”
Sukuna begins to look at me confused, but proceeds to keep his composure. 
“Don’t change the subject. Why were you in my room?”
“Well you see…” I looked around the room for an excuse and for a moment I didn’t have one
But catching sight of a statue on the floor that was clearly soiled. “That. I had to clean that, it’s clearly a biohazard.” “This?” Sukuna picks up the statue, showing some sort of mythical creature, a groundhog perhaps? No. A rat. Some will say it is a rat penis. 
“Y-yes sir it looked like it made a mess everywhere sir” 
“There is no need.” He quickly pocketed the questionable statue. “But since you’re here, I have a favor to ask of you…”
Ooooooh is it finally happening?!?! The moment all of us maids have been waiting for?!?!
“Can you draw what exactly a rat penis is??”
Before I can even say anything, the world around me begins to fade away. My eyes start to feel exhausted. 
“Why am I feeling so… sleepy?”
“I see the drug is finally taking its effect on you”
I look at him, and gasp in shock. No way, how in tarnation was he able to drug me while we talked about the rat penis?
“By the very statue that led you here. It was diffusing sleep powder into the air that only works on scrubs like yourself.” Sukuna grinned over my collapsed form on the ground. 
I start to feel very dizzy. The last thing i see is Sukuna’s smirking face. 
“You shouldn’t have come in here naughty pet”
“Now put these on” He held out a headband with some strange animal ears along with a long pink tail clip thing. 
Funny how he thinks I have the strength to do so
I wake up, for some reason, very sore, 
My neck.
My back.
I notice a piece of paper next to the bed lamp. The paper said. 
Once a rat, always a rat.
I fume in anger. 
“Ah, it seems you’ve finally awakened” The monster I've come to know as Sukuna walks in, with the most punchable look on his face. If only I wasn’t tied up like this, I’d send this jerk flying. 
“It’s not my fault you hit the ground too hard.” {hehe you thought us 3 did something there} He walks over with an intense stare especially at the rat costume. 
I close my eyes. I look at the handcuffs, and rip it from the bed. 
“You really thought this was going to contain me?” mistake number 1 as I would later find out
“This is what it means to go even further beyond!” I charge at Sukuna, not caring for the consequences. “PLUS ULTRA” I swung as hard as I could, but at the last second my back gave out and I became like a worm on the floor writhing in pain. And he dodged it 
“Pathetic. Did you expect me to praise you?”
I look at him and give him a matching grin
“No, but look what I have”
I grab the same drug he used on me. His eyes go wide
I spray it on him and he immediately goes to sleep. 
I make sure that he is asleep and immediately run out of the room. I grab my things from the servant quarters and run for it. Various maids looked on as I ran, I realized that I am still wearing the rat costume (AHHH SHIIIIIT).  
I then realize that I am like all those other women he fucks with, except dressed like a rat. I cannot be in a room with that… monster.
But is it cowardly to quit? Maybe. Is it the best option for the time being? Yes.
It truly is a shame he’s hot. During our encounter I noticed many MMA awards on his walls on that luscious deep red paint coat.
“I see the rat has found my awards” It was as if Sukuna had teleported behind me. 
“Using my very own rat penis against me… Perhaps you are the one I’ve always been searching for.” With a swift grasp, he grabbed me like a potato sack, but more like a rat sack…
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN” I fought against him, pulling his hair like a child.
He pulled me into an embrace, not letting me go. 
“You really gotta tone down the rat fetish man”
Sukuna’s grin only widened. “You sure are feisty. I think I’ll keep you, my little rat.” He isn’t fazed in the slightest by my attacks. 
I try to think of a smart remark to say back, but I can’t. This weird feeling I am having cannot be described in words. 
“You can keep me, but the rats gotta go,” I blurted out without thinking.
“So you’re saying I can keep you?” Sukuna’s eyes glistened mischievously. Surely he was plotting something to get his way, after all he firmly believed in his favorite quote: “Once a rat, always a rat”.
He grabs me by the waist and carries me bridal style (insert wedding music)
Afraid of falling, I instinctively clutched onto him, which caused Sukuna to have the most annoying grin on his face. At this point, I’d much rather be dropped. Afterall the floor is basically my home in this accursed place. 
“So my little rat…” Sukuna looked down at me, “Where to next?”
I look at Sukuna.
“The Floor, you dumb rat”
“Who’s the rat now?” I cackle.
The end fool.
Or not 👀.
69 likes and it could happen.
The retuuuuurn of the raaat
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nanaslutt · 13 days
asking them for their friends number (pre-relationship)
ʚ cont: gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso, sukuna, higuruma, shiu, ino, shoko, uraume
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ʚ cont: suggestiveness, jealousy, crack
ʚ note: the names are the same for convenience reasons ^.^
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5K notes · View notes
velvetcrimsonkisses · 30 days
(Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna)
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sexbot300 · 1 month
their reaction to you wearing men’s cologne but it’s actually theirs!
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contents: 18+, mdni. anon requested. them reacting to you wearing their cologne on accident. toji being sappy lol. gojo, geto, toji, nanami, choso, sukuna, shiu, and higuruma included.
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5K notes · View notes
satoruluvies · 1 month
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breaking and entering
# what happens when someone breaks into your home?
## incl: gojo, geto, nanami, toji, sukuna, shoko, yuta
! [cw: slightly graphic on yuta's text] !
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4K notes · View notes
faithums · 7 days
jjk men send you nudes… ᡣ𐭩 ₊˚.
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✎ synopsis: you ask and do they deliver? idk read to find outtt (spoiler: yes they do. each and every one of them.)
<very suggestive><fluff???>
Inclu. gojo, nanami, choso, toji, geto, sukuna
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3K notes · View notes
sttoru · 2 months
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𝝑𝑒 synopsis. tired of the continuous bullying you’re receiving from the other concubines, you finally decide to stand up for yourself. the tension dulls when lord sukuna breaks the fight up.
tags. true form!ryomen sukuna x concubine!reader. sfw - angst kinda, little suggestive. mentions of bullying. violence. fighting. vile language. reader gets referred to as a ‘bitch, slut, whore’ by the concubines. reader gets referred to as ‘brat, woman’ by sukuna. not beta read bcs im sleepy. @ohimsummer, thank you for the idea LOL
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you’re tired. tired of being treated like less by the others in sukuna’s harem. they’re salty—jealous—because of the shameless favoritism sukuna shows. you’re his favorite, the one he can’t seem to get enough of.
that’s exactly why you’re on the floor right now. you’ve fallen to your knees after tripping over a concubine’s foot. you were passing by to go to your headquarters, though apparently such a mundane thing can’t happen in this place without some woman interfering in the worst way possible.
“oops,” the blonde one laughs as she sees you on the wooden floor. you’re covered in food and some. . . gooey beverage. you don’t know what it is, but it’s making everything feel uncomfortably sticky. your clothes, your fingers, your skin. it’s starting to itch.
“should’ve looked where you were going,” another girl chimes in. the brunette. she feigns pity and throws a handkerchief in your face, causing the other concubines to giggle. there are three of them in total. they always stick together to bully you.
the one with green eyes speaks up as well, “now now, don’t be so harsh to the poor slut! she’s got no brain to use after all.”
the other two laugh as you try your best to stay calm. you’re always telling yourself to be the bigger person in difficult situations. you’re clenching your hands into fists, your body basically trembling in anger. you want to swing. to show them that you’re worthy of respect.
“aww, she’s gonna cry,” the blonde one pouts—a mocking pout that gets on your nerves. the laughs sounding from the trio are like nails on a chalkboard. you want to make it stop. you’re tired of keeping it civil, when they have never tried doing the same.
your eyes land on the serving tray next to your hands. the one they emptied on your head ‘by accident’. you take a deep breath and try to remind yourself that it’s probably best to go wash up. they desperately want a reaction out of you and you refuse to give it to them.
despite it all, you’re mad. you’ve gone through enough of this. all because of sukuna’s favoritsm. all because you’re you.
they’re salty that they can never be you. you’ve seen their pathetic attempts to put you down yet simultaneously try and copy your entire existence. thinking that would somehow get them in your position as sukuna’s favorite.
you’re sick and tired of it. today’s the day you show them exactly that. you’re going to show those women that you can and will beat some sense into them.
“oy, dumb slut, answ—” the blonde is interupted before she could finish her sentence. a loud bang reverberates through the hallway and everyone falls silent.
she’s the one on the floor now instead of you. you’re up, the wooden tray in your hands, the one you just used to smack the life out of her. she’s whimpering and holding her red cheek. a nasty bruise is sure to form on her skin; deserved.
“i’ll answer you, alright,” you mumble under your breath. you’re panting as the adrenaline keeps pumping. you stand over her and lift up the serving platter in the air once more—bringing it down over and over against her head, which she’s trying to shield with her hands.
the other two concubines are frozen in pure shock. you’re not thinking anymore. you’re on autopilot. the woman’s yelps and screeches are music to your ears. “hah. you sound as ugly as you look,” you spit on her, watching the blood trickle down the corner of her mouth. you lift your arms up to bring the wooden platter down on her body again, but you’re stopped.
the green eyed concubine had moved first. she grabs your wrists with one hand and smacks you across the face with the other. “have you lost your mind?!” she yells and raises her hand to slap you again. the disrespect you’re showing clearly was not expected nor is it welcomed.
“don’t you fucking touch me,” you kiss your teeth. you’re glaring at her with pure hatred. you push and slap her right back. you’re sure the blonde won’t be up for a while now—she’s done for.
you don’t know if you went a bit overboard with it, considering she’s barely conscious anymore, but you couldn’t care less at the moment.
you’re surprised when the third concubine yanks your hair. “oh, you little bitch!” the brunette grabs a bunch of your hair with both hands and tugs at it to drag you down on the floor. you wince in pain but quickly pull at her own brown locks. you struggle to keep your balance and your scalp aches.
you hate it when women go for your hair when fighting, though luckily you know your way out of it. you take a deep breath and bring her head down, lifting your left leg up at the same time. her forehead comes crashing down on your knee and she loosens her grip on your hair.
“disgusting,” you huff and take the opportunity to push her fragile body aside, making her trip over the blonde girl on the floor. you can’t help but think that your current state is quite similar to a certain someone.
the violence. the seething anger. you’ve seen this scene way too many times before. you’ve learnt it from him.
your thoughts are interrupted by someone pulling the back of your hair, causing you to stumble backwards. “a whore like you needs to be taught some manners,” the green eyed concubine sniffs and keeps a tight grip on your hair. she delivers a few punches to your face, which you actually struggle to block for a second.
the force hitting your nose makes it bleed. that only angers you further. you gather some saliva in your mouth before spitting it out right in the girl’s eyes. you take your chance and grab her hair, smashing her head against the nearby fusuma. the thin plaster the sliding doors are made out of breaks, and she falls right through into the other room.
“i think you all need to be taught how to act,” you pant and wipe the blood dripping down your chin with the back of your hand. you walk through the opening you made in the frail door, kicking the concubine right in the face as revenge for the nosebleed she gave you.
you crouch down, your fingers tangling into her hair. you yank her head up and stare her right in the eyes. there’s an eerie, dark look in yours. “why can’t you just accept that you’re nothing but trash in your lord’s eyes?” you sneer. you are pitying them instead of the other way around, like how it usually would be.
and they despise it.
“you fucking—” “bitch? slut? whore?” you finish her sentence for her with an exasperated sigh. you’ve heard those insults a thousand times before. it’s nothing new. it’s always the same nasty and repetitive comments. you slap the concubine in front of you again for good measure before standing up, “you should come up with something new. it’s getting boring.”
you walk over to the other two, who are still recovering. you add to your last comment with a shrug, trying to hit them where it hurts, “your repetitiveness explains why lord sukuna rarely calls for you at night. i bet your severe lack of creativity shows even in bed.”
“you’re just a boring and hopeless bunch,” you’re out for blood. the blonde and brunette are looking up at you with fear and the sight excites you for some reason. they’re crawling away, trying to go find someone who would save them. the servants are nowhere to be found. nor is uraume, who usually stops the petty arguments.
they’re terrified by how you’re acting right now. they’re clearly seeing sukuna in you. in your eyes and the aura you’re emitting.
you’re mirroring him, his merciless personality and all included. he’s subconsciously taking over your mind and it’s terrifying them.
your steps are heavy as you walk towards the concubines. you don’t pay attention to the blood trickling down your chin, nor do you care about the ache in your scalp from the earlier hair pulling. all you care about is getting revenge for yourself.
you could complain to sukuna and have him punish them in your place, but that wouldn’t be enough. you’re going to make sure that they don’t try you again any time soon. you grab the blonde by her arm, lifting your fist to punch her—
“oi, brat.”
your eyes widen and you snap out of your mad daze. sukuna’s voice shakes the floors with how loud it is. you whip your head to the side and see his tall figure standing at the end of the hallway—uraume being right behind him. it looks like they were the one that rushed to inform sukuna of the ruckus.
you drop the other concubine and look at the mess. the broken fusuma. the blood splatter on the wooden flooring. your disheveled hair and clothes. your bleeding nose. the crimson stained plate and spilt food that got everywhere.
it’s a complete mess.
sukuna doesn’t utter a word. he just glares right at you. you’re not sure if it’s because of your irresponsible behaviour or the mess you created. or both. he marches over to you and grabs you by the back of your collar with one big hand.
“m-my lord,” you whimper, nearly choking as you’re held up in the air like you weigh nothing, like one would do to a cat’s nape. one of sukuna’s hands keeps you up whilst the others hang limply by his side. his red eyes scan your body, moving up and then back down.
you don’t know what to say. you surely have overstepped a boundary - or multiple - with what you’ve done today. you’ve disturbed the peace in the estate and have caused damage to sukuna’s property. both to his women and the interior of his palace.
you cough up a bit of blood that was stuck in the back of your throat. you’re uncertain of how you should explain yourself. “i’m sorry, my lord. i didn’t know what came over me,” you apologise and look down at the floor below your feet. you’re too embarrassed to look the king of curses in the eyes.
sukuna stays silent. it’s nerve wracking since you have no idea what he’ll do in response to your outburst. his facial expression is blank, so you aren’t able to guess what’s going on in his head. it’s a complete mystery.
however, the tall man is secretly more amused than anything. what you’ve just done, is one of the most interesting things he has seen a human do. sukuna witnessed everything from the beginning to the end and thoroughly enjoyed it. from the way you used that serving plate as a weapon to the way you managed to get out of those concubines’ grasps each time.
it’s strange to sukuna; he felt something when he saw you in action like that.
pride? perhaps that’s it. sukuna can’t pinpoint the exact emotion, though if he were to describe it, the closest word would be indeed pride. he is proud to have discovered and witnessed that untamed side of yours. you’re always full of pleasant surprises that keep even a dangerous curse like him on his toes.
it’s why he will never get bored of you. he wishes to unleash your full potential one day.
sukuna finally breaks the silence with an amused snicker. one of his hands move to wipe the blood from your nose. you cringe when he slowly licks the red liquid from his fingers afterwards—clearly ravishing the metallic taste.
“y’ finally did something, huh?” sukuna grins wickedly. he knows of the harassment you’ve been going through and he couldn’t wait to see you snap like this one day.
it’s sickening that he allows the bullying to continue just for the sake of creating drama, but it’s also worth it to him, since he’s got to unlock a side of you he knew you had buried deep inside. sukuna is a selfish bastard. you know that much, yet you like it when he looks at you with a prideful gaze and grin.
it’s so obvious that sukuna took pleasure in what he’s witnessed. he couldn’t believe how much you actually resembled him in a way.
if he were to be honest: it turned him on like crazy. seeing how you fought back against those women and how nearly deranged you became. the degrading words you spewed. . . sukuna cannot get enough of it. if it were up to him, he’d have let you continue. but for your own sake, he decided against it.
as much as he loves that untamed side of yours, sukuna knew that he couldn’t let you go too far. not because he wants to defend those other women, but because he still needs you to stay sane. going down that path of violence surely will do you more damage than good.
he’ll fully corrupt you - your body and mind - one day. just not today.
sukuna lets you back on your feet after you nearly fail to breathe. he cocks his head to the side, still having a menacing smirk on his face. he roughly pinches your cheek, “it was entertaining, i’ll give you that, woman.”
you wince as sukuna pinches the exact cheek you had a bruise on. he’s never done so before, therefore you don’t have a clue about the meaning behind that gesture. though the compliment told you that he was pleased by the ruckus more than he was annoyed by it.
sukuna still hasn’t bat an eye to the other concubines. they are waiting for their lord to punish you for hurting them, but it all seems to be in vain. they know better than to speak up about that to him. they’re easily replaceable. they know that by now. it’s as clear as day.
you’ve drilled that into their head today.
the king of curses pushes your small body towards uraume and you nearly bump against their chest with how easily he moved you around. uraume catches you in time and helps you stand straight, awaiting their master’s orders.
sukuna checks you out one more time in that disheveled state, before you go back to your formal and reserved self. his interest in you has been piqued by today’s events and he wonders when he can experience that side of yours again. he nods at uraume, “make sure she’s properly taken care of.”
uraume doesn’t waste a single second after being given an order. “understood,” they reply curtly and keep you steady so you could walk with them towards the physician’s quarters.
you look up at sukuna, trying to catch a glimpse of him before you’re taken away. he’s staring right back at you, the corners of his lips twitching into another subtle grin. he’s surprisingly pleased and content with your actions.
however it’s also not so surprising, considering that he loves it when you show any hint of resistance or stubbornness. whether it’d be to him or to his concubines.
sukuna’s facial expression turns cold the moment you’re gone and he’s left with the mess. “she took the words right out of my mouth,” he stares down at the three women on the floor who’re still unable to stand. he’s not helping them up—that’s their own problem, “y’re a pathetic bunch.”
the concubines flinch as they hear the inevitable from their own lord. hearing it from you was frustrating, but hearing it directly from the man that’s taken them in is heartbreaking. they don’t dare look up at him in such pitiful states.
“all three of you,” sukuna addresses them sharply. his arms cross over his chest, a ruthless tone to his voice. the concubines tremble in his presence, though it’s partially still because of the fear you’ve implemented in their systems.
he would’ve killed them off right then and there, though you’ve done enough damage to them both physically and mentally for now.
sukuna however, still couldn’t care less about their wellbeing. their wounds and bruises are something they’ll need to fix on their own.
he points at the floor and broken door with his head before turning around to leave the miserable trio. sukuna leaves them with an order that’s usually left to the servants;
“clean up the damn mess you caused. it better be taken care of before i return. ‘nd i don’t wanna hear a single squeak from any of you about this.”
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loves4ge · 3 days
sending them nudes in the middle of an argument !
incl. nanami kento, sukuna ryomen, toji fushiguro
mdni ❌😔
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calist4r · 13 days
Wrong Person (Ver 2)
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(Req) jjk characters accidentally sending a nude pre relationship
Characters: Nanami. Gojo. Geto. Toji. Choso. + Sukuna. Shoko. Ino. as special guests :D
Cw: profanity suggestiveness kys/kms jokes
A/n: lolll wasn’t going to do another part but this was requested! So I decided to just do the opposite of the first one with some new characters. Enjoy!
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obsesssedblerd · 21 hours
Smau: "Sorry sweetie, he's busy rn. 😘"
- the guys pranking you by sending you "he's busy"
(geto, choso, nanami, sukuna, gojo, shiu, and toji)
contains: crack, fluff, some suggestiveness
a/n: my take on the famous "he's busy rn" prank i see on so many smaus in so many fandoms! this one was so fun to make lol.
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1K notes · View notes
To the Floor, From the rat
Sukuna x Reader crack
Disclaimer: dangerous amounts of crack ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED hehehe 👹. totally scary topics like rats with…penis??
Summary: you are Sukuna’s maid and you’re paid to clean his enormous penthouse (and maybe something ELSE enormous but who really knows 👀). 
Good god not the floors again!
Why does Master Sukuna always have me clean the floors?! Like, I could be cleaning literally anything else, but it’s always the floors *cries*. 
Maybe he just wants to see my non-existent ass? Who fucking knows at this point.
I rarely see the guy too. It's always a little rear glimpse here and maybe a sliver of hair there
He only tells me these things via text too, like I’ve never heard his voice. The other maids are starting to spread rumors around him. 
Some say he’s like ultra hot but an absolute dick but also that he’s like incredibly smart and doesn’t fuck around (his bedsheets really do beg to differ though, like good god the amount of cum stains on his bedspread)
He’s been having female visitors and it always ends with the woman crying and running away (coward). 
Some of the maids say his female visitors run away purely from seeing how enormous his cock is. Some even say it's because he continues till the visitor faints, even after they say no. 
Another says they run away from his expectations and are only there for their own pleasure
So now he just goes to hotels and such because why bring those women to his house and waste his time
Oh geez, thinking about Master Sukuna made me go toward his room.
Though I know he isn’t home and he didn’t ask me to clean up his room but hey what could be the harm though there’s still flooring in there so technically…
So now I find myself in his room with my jaw hitting the floor with how large it is. I look around more and find a wall full of pictures of women with “x” marks on them. 
Is he “thank you next” ing them?!?!
Before I can process, I see a small stash of pictures of the maids.
Oh no, oh no. He isn't-
“And who gave you permission to enter my room?”
I turn around and see him.
“The floor gang!” I shouted at the strange unfamiliar man, supposedly the master of this house. It was almost as if a quest to get fired popped up.
Sukuna closed his eyes and sighs. He grabs a cigarette and proceeds to smoke. I look at him, wondering if he is going to fire me, or worse. 
It was then a tiny little furball scampered across the room. It seemed to be a screaming kitten that appears to have fallen into a trashcan as he was covered in trash. 
“QUICK GET THAT RAT” Sukuna screamed, causing me to jolt. 
“But master Sukuna why would you have a cat and not see it as such?”I chased the supposed kitten, now fearing for my life.
 As I tried to pounce on it, the kitten screamed out a weird noise. “SHEEEEEEESHH”
“Jeez you can’t even catch a small cat, what the fuck did I hire you for again?!?!”
“To make vegan eggs”
“Oh yes. You do make a pretty bussin vegan omlette”
Sukuna laughs, but then realizes something.  “Wait…What even the fuck is a vegan omlette?”
“A spicy version of connect 4” I answered snarkily.
“i-I what?”
Sukuna begins to look at me confused, but proceeds to keep his composure. 
“Don’t change the subject. Why were you in my room?”
“Well you see…” I looked around the room for an excuse and for a moment I didn’t have one
But catching sight of a statue on the floor that was clearly soiled. “That. I had to clean that, it’s clearly a biohazard.” “This?” Sukuna picks up the statue, showing some sort of mythical creature, a groundhog perhaps? No. A rat. Some will say it is a rat penis. 
“Y-yes sir it looked like it made a mess everywhere sir” 
“There is no need.” He quickly pocketed the questionable statue. “But since you’re here, I have a favor to ask of you…”
Ooooooh is it finally happening?!?! The moment all of us maids have been waiting for?!?!
“Can you draw what exactly a rat penis is??”
Before I can even say anything, the world around me begins to fade away. My eyes start to feel exhausted. 
“Why am I feeling so… sleepy?”
“I see the drug is finally taking its effect on you”
I look at him, and gasp in shock. No way, how in tarnation was he able to drug me while we talked about the rat penis?
“By the very statue that led you here. It was diffusing sleep powder into the air that only works on scrubs like yourself.” Sukuna grinned over my collapsed form on the ground. 
I start to feel very dizzy. The last thing i see is Sukuna’s smirking face. 
“You shouldn’t have come in here naughty pet”
“Now put these on” He held out a headband with some strange animal ears along with a long pink tail clip thing. 
Funny how he thinks I have the strength to do so
I wake up, for some reason, very sore, 
My neck.
My back.
I notice a piece of paper next to the bed lamp. The paper said. 
Once a rat, always a rat.
I fume in anger. 
“Ah, it seems you’ve finally awakened” The monster I've come to know as Sukuna walks in, with the most punchable look on his face. If only I wasn’t tied up like this, I’d send this jerk flying. 
“It’s not my fault you hit the ground too hard.” {hehe you thought us 3 did something there} He walks over with an intense stare especially at the rat costume. 
I close my eyes. I look at the handcuffs, and rip it from the bed. 
“You really thought this was going to contain me?” mistake number 1 as I would later find out
“This is what it means to go even further beyond!” I charge at Sukuna, not caring for the consequences. “PLUS ULTRA” I swung as hard as I could, but at the last second my back gave out and I became like a worm on the floor writhing in pain. And he dodged it 
“Pathetic. Did you expect me to praise you?”
I look at him and give him a matching grin
“No, but look what I have”
I grab the same drug he used on me. His eyes go wide
I spray it on him and he immediately goes to sleep. 
I make sure that he is asleep and immediately run out of the room. I grab my things from the servant quarters and run for it. Various maids looked on as I ran, I realized that I am still wearing the rat costume (AHHH SHIIIIIT).  
I then realize that I am like all those other women he fucks with, except dressed like a rat. I cannot be in a room with that… monster.
But is it cowardly to quit? Maybe. Is it the best option for the time being? Yes.
It truly is a shame he’s hot. During our encounter I noticed many MMA awards on his walls on that luscious deep red paint coat.
“I see the rat has found my awards” It was as if Sukuna had teleported behind me. 
“Using my very own rat penis against me… Perhaps you are the one I’ve always been searching for.” With a swift grasp, he grabbed me like a potato sack, but more like a rat sack…
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN” I fought against him, pulling his hair like a child.
He pulled me into an embrace, not letting me go. 
“You really gotta tone down the rat fetish man”
Sukuna’s grin only widened. “You sure are feisty. I think I’ll keep you, my little rat.” He isn’t fazed in the slightest by my attacks. 
I try to think of a smart remark to say back, but I can’t. This weird feeling I am having cannot be described in words. 
“You can keep me, but the rats gotta go,” I blurted out without thinking.
“So you’re saying I can keep you?” Sukuna’s eyes glistened mischievously. Surely he was plotting something to get his way, after all he firmly believed in his favorite quote: “Once a rat, always a rat”.
He grabs me by the waist and carries me bridal style (insert wedding music)
Afraid of falling, I instinctively clutched onto him, which caused Sukuna to have the most annoying grin on his face. At this point, I’d much rather be dropped. Afterall the floor is basically my home in this accursed place. 
“So my little rat…” Sukuna looked down at me, “Where to next?”
I look at Sukuna.
“The Floor, you dumb rat”
“Who’s the rat now?” I cackle.
The end fool.
Or not 👀.
69 likes and it could happen.
The retuuuuurn of the raaat
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nanaslutt · 15 days
asking them if they’d put it in soft and let it get hard inside
ʚ incl: gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso, sukuna, higuruma, shiu, ino, shoko, uraume
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ʚ cont: suggestiveness, crack, fluff
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6K notes · View notes
(Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Higuruma, Ino)
Note: sukunas might be my favorite 💀
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sexbot300 · 30 days
─── ˚୨୧⋆ telling them that you didn’t finish as a joke!
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contents: 18+, mdni. anon requested. telling them that they didn’t make you cum last night. gojo, geto, toji, nanami, choso, sukuna, shiu, and higuruma included.
cw: smut, slight fluff, crack, cum, oral (f and m), brat-taming, degradation, toys, bimbofication, humiliation, rope, penetration.
a/n: brain has been going brrrrr lately. hope u guys enjoy fr </3 sorry for not responding or being as active. hitting a temporary slump with my writing!
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taglist: @whisperingcherry
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satoruluvies · 15 days
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fuzzy menace
# they're jealous of a plushie version of themselves lol
## incl: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, toji, sukuna and toge
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all pics found on pinterest ctto
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