#summer 22 is when everything started getting back on track
icarrymany · 7 months
gotta love marble hornets and its representation of not remembering fuck all
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noneorother · 10 months
The secret timeline inside of Good Omens season 2 revealed, *part1*
Part 1 l Part 2
If you’ve ever watched a ballet or an opera, you know how the rhythm in the music is used throughout to determine not only the movements of the dancers, but also when lines are sung or spoken. This is almost unheard of in television, but what if I told you it was hidden in season 2 of Good Omens? If one were to, say, meticulously cut together only the scenes set in the present day into one big timeline, you would get one long video that is exactly 2 hours 22 minutes 00 seconds and 00 frames long. An ineffable cut that is so perfect it defies all logic. (I’ve burnt a timecode into this ineffable edit to help pick up the rhythm.)
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Even though there are large swathes of the second season with no music, there is a constant tempo weaving its way through the show: What if the seconds ticking by in the runtime itself was the music? Here’s an example of what I found. Behold a supercut of every single time Shax shows up, or Hell is mentioned in series 2 in the ineffable edit. They always arrive on a 6 in the time stamp (ex: 00:XX:X6).
(SOUND ON is an absolute must here, otherwise you won't hear any of the triggers)
Shax rings Crowley on a XX:X6. Shax miracles herself into the car on a XX:X6. Shax knocks on windows on a XX:X6. Shax’s big scary moment at the bookshop happens at 66 minutes exactly (lol). Crowley calls out for Shax on a XX:X6. Beelzebub starts spewing flies on a 6. People mention hell and it’s always on XX:X6 etc. etc…(Bonus: I also left in Maggie flipping the damned the double-bird on a XX:X6) I’ve also left in the only appearance of Shax or hell at all in the whole series that isn’t tied to a six: the park bench scene with Crowley. Shax seems to be off by one line, showing up on a XX:10, then back to XX:X6 on her second reply: “Bills, mostly”. I can only theorise that this scene, while technically in season 2, is not supposed to *be* in season 2 (even just judging by the trees, sun and the overcoats, it’s not summer like in the rest of the season). And it’s not only sixes! Every time I go through I find more and more little beats that line up exactly with ineffable timings. I can only do one video per post, so I’ll have to cut it up into sections, but Gabriel, doors, car horns, bird calls, Aziraphale, food, drinks, Angels, dialogue, Maggie, Nina, jokes, clocks, bells… The list goes on and on. 
Neil called this season “The bridge”
Because we all know how much Neil loves double meanings and wordplay, I just have to ponder the idea that when Neil said this season was “the bridge” between seasons 1 and 3, he meant it double-literally. First, as in the bridge Aziraphale and Crowley have to cross in order to get them into position for the second coming. We even see the physical manifestation of this bridge leading everyone in the background of the opening credits. But this season is also a bridge in the sense that it’s a musical section that introduces new ideas or material in the middle of a song. This whole season is the music that deviates from the familiar, and re-contextualizes the chorus and the verses so we can appreciate them in a new way. 
Let’s not forget that 2:22 is also exactly the same timing as this (and only this) track from the good omens s2 album (read all about the soundtrack here):
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Why is this so bonkers? I think GOS2 might be the first ever “Total” series of television.
Having everything in the series timed and choreographed would actually make it a very faithful adaptation of the Powell & Pressburger film The Tales of Hoffmann (read about the movie and it’s effect on all of s2 here). If you watch the tales of Hoffman, you will realize that the entire film is actually done more like animation, with the music and vocals all performed in a studio, mixed and edited first, and then the actors came back to act out their choreographed and lip-synched parts for the cameras afterwards. The result is "Total film": a movie that feels more like a ballet, with every movement, action, and line happening in time with the music. As far as I can tell, very few films have ever attempted this, with The Tales of Hoffmann and Playtime being the only two “complete” films I could find in this style. (The Red shoes has one section, and An American In Paris has a few)
“Why would ambitious filmmakers simply film an opera? Many admirers of the work of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger have assumed that their decision to make The Tales of Hoffmann (…) was in some way an admission(…) that they couldn’t go on making their edgy, over-the-top melodramas after the rejection and interference they’d suffered, (but) there’s a case for considering The Tales of Hoffmann as one of the finest and boldest works that Powell and Pressburger produced, so far ahead of its time as a wholly “composed” film... Late in his life, Powell himself said that he thought it was one of the best films that he and Pressburger had made.” - Criterion review, Tales of Hoffmann
Here’s a simple example from An American in Paris
If season 2 *is* scripted and choreographed to line up with specific timings, I’m pretty sure that would make this the first ever “total” or “composed” season of television ever attempted. Not only does this take an ASTOUNDING amount of planning, scripting and editing finesse, not to mention a completely controlled set, it takes a real understanding of how to perform as an actor using rhythm and metre, which would go a long way to explain why all of the main actors coming back for season 2, with the exception of John Hamm, are well regarded theatre performers, (especially of Shakespeare).
I’ll leave you with one last surprise I found in the discovery of the ineffable edit: remember Aziraphale’s smile at the very end if the credits? It happens on 02:23:03, as the first step off the bridge, and into season 3.
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I will have much more in the next ineffable timeline post. Stay tuned…
Thanks for reading all the way to the end. It’s taken me a solid month to get this perfect. There are so many hidden cuts and jumps to take into account, and I had a frame rate issue that kept exporting to 29fps instead of 25fps, but I’ve finally nailed the ineffable timeline enough that I am confident sharing in it.
Credits to @thebluestgreen and @embracing-the-ineffable for all the support and help with editing and just general good vibes. 
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tookthe-405 · 5 months
Chapter 2: Damage gets done ~ hozier (MY LOVE)
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a/n: again, sorry this took so long, life’s been stressful but I hope y’all like it <33 its long af tho
this is honestly just me messing around with happiness and then destroying it soon 😍
c/w: smut in future chaps!!, religious trauma, internalised homophobia, religious manipulation/abuse, implied abuse by parent
summary: you grew up religious without questions and in summer you would get send to vacation bible school. The camp always felt like prison to you, until a very interesting girl appeared.
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7/22/2007 (sunday, week 1)
Readers pov:
10:02 a.m
The faces of the others were frozen as you trudged back to the hostel, which you couldn't blame them for. You don't see two girls with wet clothes here every morning, and the fact that you had to walk past the dining room to get to the stairs didn't exactly help you stay inconspicuous.
You and Ellie lost track of time a bit and were already too late when you noticed that breakfast had already started. The dining room doesn't really have a single door, the room was just completely open with no wall or door that could have protected you from being seen.
Giggles and agitated whispers immediately started as Ellie walked past the large room and down the corridor. Pastor Tobias' eyes pierced into back of your head as you walked past the hall.
Ellie found it all very entertaining and waved to a group of people who greeted her back with a laugh.
You, however, couldn't meet anyone's gaze, not your friends and certainly not Pastor Tobi's.
With your head bowed and your wet hair hitting your red cheek, you quickly fidget past all the spectators.
After 2 days, the events came dry from the lips of the people and you and Ellie could walk through the halls with a little less shame.
Or at least you did.
Ellie didn't think the whole thing was so bad. She said she didn't care and that it was worth it. That you hadn't done anything wrong, and she was right, you hadn't done anything bad.
But guilt was beggingly nibbling at your skin, hoping to be let into your brain where you would make up some fucked up mistake.
The singing of the choir and hazel next to you make it a little harder to think about all this, but not impossible. With your luck, you might dream about it. The whole scene in front of you, is so familiar that it feels like you are timely. The many children of different ages who sing their souls out to be enough.
Some of them are also really good, and some are good and love to sing. But they will probably not get any further than your little congregation, because it was explained to you from an early age that those talents you own are there to serve God and only him.
Acting out of free will would make you feel too guilty.
Your gaze rushes behind a shoulder to Ellie, and even she sings with it. Ellie seems to have made friends with a group of boys and girls a few days ago. She fits in pretty well, everyone looks like they don't feel like being here.
The short-haired girl catches your eyes and winks at you slightly, which makes you grin. She's so inserious, it's to laugh sometimes. With the same grin, she makes a small movement with her fingers and hands that looks as if she is composing something on an invisible piano. You understand that she just wants to tease you and show her a guitar-playing gesture.
"Don't do that!"
The hissing in your ear scares you, and you shake together briefly. After you have stretched your body forward again, and your shoulders feel like wooden boards, you give Hazel an apologetic look.
She unobtrusively holds a finger to her lips instead of telling you to shut up.
But her look is not as angry as she sounded, she admonishes you to stay out of trouble and you have to admit, that has often saved your ass.
When you were smaller, you wanted to try out almost everything, whether it was because of your quick trust in other people or because you just hated yourself too much to have any self respect left, no matter what it was, it almost messe up your life. Or rather your social life in church. And Hazel was like a warning hand that pulled you back again and again, saving yiuin the last moment.
When the piano music ends quietly and slowly, everyone sits down again, and a squeak sounds through the room. The piano that is played on every morning is old, but still sounds quite good. You could play all the hillsong songs and the old ones of your grandparents with your eyes closed if you had to, but Tanja does a good alternative job for you.
Your mother liked it so much, when the piano was played in the service that she thought it would be all the more beautiful if her daughter sat up there.
"Good morning everyone"
The older pastor leans against his narrow pedestal with the large cross on front and looks slowly through the rows.
"Personally, I find that 2 days are enough to get used to a life in nature and among themselves with God" he sighs tired for a short time as if he is already disappointed about something.
"Tomorrow you will go to the city with your assigned room partners and grou leaders and spread God's word”
Groaning resounds around in the room, most of pre teens who would rather do anything else than talk to strangers in the summer heat. Your group also has less desire, but this happens here every year like a kind of tradition, so you've been preparing for it.
"Not only that! The kitchen also prepares candied apples, which you can then all hand out nicely together!"
That was new. However, you understand the purpose behind it, you would also like it more to sit and listen here with a candied apple. In recent years, so many people have slammed the door in front of your nose that a few apples can't be bad.
"Hey girls" Louisa's voice makes you all look over your shoulder.
She kneels in front of you to be able to whisper better and more inconspicuously.
"You have kitchen duty this afternoon, please don't forget it and don't plan anything"
you all nod in Union.
"Kate!" Admonished hazel.
"What? It always takes like what? 2 hours?-"
"2 hours and 46 minutes" you improve her.
The four girls look at you confused.
"I stopped time last year out of boredom"
hazel grins at you, you twist your eyes but there is also a soft smile on your lips. You know exactly what's going through her head.
'That's so weird but just too sweet'
"I can't even remember the last time" murmurs naveah dreamy, her gaze rigidly on the ceiling.
"Probably because it was so traumatic that your brain simply deleted it for you" Kate dramatically her index finger against her head.
"It wasn't so bad, Kate exaggerates."
"I don't"
"my legs hurt all day"
Kate's and Mia's voices roll over and you smile. Hazel looks at you questioningly. You gambled with your shoulders.
"2 hours and 46 minutes Hazel..."
the girl shakes her head and her brown curls fall around her face a few times. "I thought it was okay"
Kate snorts. "Haze you would walk around in underwear in the snow if it happened in the name of the church."
"You wouldn’t?
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11:38 a.m (sunday, week 1)
Three. You got 3 soccer balls shot in your face within 1 hour. You're not surprised that one of them was from Caleb, but the other two were shot by the same pretty black-haired girl, and it didn't look like she was sorry.
"What the…"
You stare at her and Caleb's backs during the water break and hope that it was just a coincidence, even if deep down you know that it wasn´t.
"Does he still not like you?" Naveah, sweating, picks up her water bottle while her eyes wander from time to time between you and Caleb.
You shrug, now more focused on Caleb fooling around with some guys.
The air in the gym was incredibly thick and almost unbearable, but the leaders still talked you into a soccer match. It was more or less Hazel's decision anyway and you guys do everything she does. The high windows let in the warm sun, whose heat wasn't particularly welcome right now.
The teams are mixed, meaning there are boys and girls on the same teams, aged 16 to 18. There weren't many, but enough to at least form 2 fair groups with even a few substitutions on the bench.
Ellie is nowhere to be seen , which doesn't surprise you, you regret ever saying yes to this, but you miss her in the disgusting, sweaty, narrow air. Her presence and her funny jokes would have been the only thing that could have made this a little less shitty.
"What's the deal with him anyway?" Naveah doesn't seem to let this go.
"We just don't like each other, that's just how it is sometimes."
She frowns.
"I don't think you can hate each other so much without a reason."
"I don't hate Caleb, I don't really care about him"
Naveah lets out a snort.
"Damn didn't know you could be a little bitchy too"
Caleb turns briefly in your direction and you take that as a sign to turn away and finally sit down for the next 8 minutes. Naveah does the same.
“I think everyone can be a little bitchy, you can’t like everyone and everything”
“Jesus could”
“Well im not Jesus”
she stretches her legs out next to you and sighs deeply.
"I know, even if this doesn't sound good, I sometimes find the principle of the church really fucked up. I try to love everyone, even people who do bad things to me, but it doesn't always work."
You're very surprised that she comes to you with this, but now that she did, you want to give her the best comfort you can.
"That's okay, naveah. We're neither God nor Jesus, we can do some things and we can't do some other. And we find a lot of things difficult. So Hate who you want"
naveah laughs and then becomes creepily serious again.
"Thanks, since you became friends with Ellie, you seem more relaxed to me."
Thinking, you try to remember your life before Ellie, but you can't. Before that everything was much more colorless, it didn't make as much sense as it does now.
"yes, I guess"
"no matter what Hazel says, you're right, Ellie isn't bad. How can a bad person make someone else this happy?"
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12:24 p.m (sunday, week 1)
You haven't heard from Ellie all morning. It was almost as if she had completely disappeared, and if you're honest, you've had the feeling for a while that one day, she would just run away from here.
You wouldn´t hold it against her, but you would still feel dejected and left behind.
naveah and you talk a lot more after the game, she's more like you than you thought and you think she's good company. She understands your humor and you don't feel stupid or judged after every sentence you say.
It often happens to you that you wish for a world and reality in which it was always so easy to live. Where not every breath you take feels wasted.
You try very hard not to think about Caleb or your siblings back home. Homesickness seemed to catch up with you sooner or later anyway, but you didn't expect it to happen so quickly.
The summer heat was bearable, but it was still uncomfortable, so you spent most of your time indoors. Shortly after 12, Naveah suggested playing a few rounds of Uno with you, and since there was nothing better to do, you agreed.
"My father taught me uno, I can still remember that"
there is a very faint smile in her voice that touches your ears. She sounded a bit sad, as if she´s mourning that time of her life.
"I don't know your father at all"
you put a wish card on top of the pile of other cards. One round probably turned into a few.
"He's not really a christian, sometimes I think that's why he is the way he is"
"What do you mean?"
"He has a lot of emotions, he doesn't know what to do with them."
Christian parents are often very strict, as there are many rules in both parenting and the Bible that you have to follow. But since Naveah is talking about her atheist father, you don't really have a picture of what she really means, both your parents are religious.
"I don't understand exactly what you mean naveah…"
half of your brain is focused on the girl in front of you and the other half on the cards on the floor. Naveah moved around a little to sit down a little more comfortably, but this position didn´t seemed to free her from the emotional discomfort.
"Sometimes he doesn't know where to put all the anger. My mother doesn't help much with that either. Both of them know how to provoke each other, but only one of them knows how to deal with feelings."
"I still don't know what you mean? How does that affect you and your fathers relationship?"
It seems absurd to you how you talk about something like that while you're playing Uno, but if that's what she needs.
"Girls, lunch is ready and then you have to rinse off."
Louisa's voice flashes through the room and everyone moves quickly, but you make a mental note to talk to her about it later. You walk at a slow pace down the hallway and the other girls just rush past you. You remember how easy everything seemed to you at that age.
On the second floor you meet Jonathan.
“Hey you got wash up duity, don’t you?”
A dramatic groan leaves your mouth and you nod.
Joanthan is nice. You know his parents very well and you both grew up together as often as you saw each other at school and he was one of the only boys who wasn't interested in bullying girl for fun.
"Are you in the same room with Samuel?"
“Samuel and Austin, luckily”
You nod in understanding and see your group of girls whizzing past you out of the corner of your eye. Hazel turns to you briefly and gives you that grin and suddenly you know exactly what's going on here. An unpleasant feeling spreads through you and you try hard to ignore it.
"yeah… it's nice that you're still friends"
"I can't believe how long I've been able to put up with these two"
You giggle a little bit uncomfortable and think about the many pranks the three boys have pulled off. Both here in the camp and at school.
“Have you planned any new pranks?”
"hmm I don't know if I can tell you that" Jonathan grins at you.
"Well, if I hear something about a prank, I know who it was."
He shrugs and chuckles softly.
"Do you know what you're planning to do after the summer holidays? Now that we've finished school." you ask him.
He doesn't seem so sure about his answer.
"Not really, I don't know yet whether I want to stay here or go further away. Samuel wants to study in new york, I feel a bit left behind"
left behind. You know the fear of that as well.
"No matter what you decide, you have a future everywhere, time goes by either way"
he smiles at you and combs a few thick curls out of his face. You notice that he's looking at you longer than necessary.
"Hey would you like-" "Jesus where are they?"
You try strenuously to find Hazel's brown curls over the many people's heads, but they are nowhere to be seen.
"Sorry Jonathan, I have to find the others before they can no longer manage to save a seat for me."
you lie coldly to his face.
Without any further words, you quickly march through the many groups. You can feel his confused look burning at your spine, but whatever he wanted wasn't what you wanted.
You notice two things in the dining room.
Luckily Hazel secured a spot for you and Ellie is talking to the girl who shot a fucking ball at you. Twice.
Ellie's face seemed neutral, she was smiling slightly.
Jealousy overcomes you and you´re embarrassed at how quickly and unexpectedly it happens. Your cheeks redden and you feel very immature, like in middle school when you were mad that Hazel had other friends besides you.
You sit down in silence next to Hazel, who has already placed a plate at your place. Some pureed vegetable soup that you have to force down.
"What did Jonathan want?" Kate leans forward eagerly.
Unexpectedly, Jonathan is a good distraction for once.
"You're being so childish"
"Come on, we're just curious"
That's how it was always with the boys. No matter what people say, Christian girls are obsessed with boys, no matter how much the feeling of guilt trys to destroy that. For many, boys even come before God in terms of interest.
Not necessarily boys, but more the romance itself. The acceptance and recognition of being enough for a man.
Your eyes flick to Ellie, who is still talking to her about something seemingly funny. Of course you don't care.
“He didn’t want anything from me and even if he did it i would not care.”
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1:14 p.m (sunday, week 1)
You are just waiting to be let into the kitchen. It's nothing unusual to take on kitchen duty in camp. It's a kind of thank you from the church to the kitchen for cooking warm food every day. Every girl's room gets a turn twice a year. After the girls' rooms have all been through to the second time, there are two more boys' rooms so that it doesn't get unfair. Ironic isn´ it?
Every year it's the same, every year you can hear the boys crying and complaining when they're the ones who have to do it this year. Now was your day where you have to wash 200 dishes. The staff and managers involved.
Ellie isn't here yet. She can't really have forgotten it, Louisa reminded her not to do anything between 1 and 3 p.m. this morning.
"Okay girls, then let's get to work."
Lousia opens the door to the kitchen a little too enthusiastically with her key and everyone follows her limply. It's the same place with the same number of dirty dishes.
Washing the dishes yourself isn't that bad for you, it's the fact that this kitchen is so damn dark.
For some reason there are only 3 windows in the white, old room. The tiles on the floor are already old and a few edges have broken off, the potholes were noticeable on the sole of your slippers. It still smells like soup and detergent and you wonder who would want to spend hours doing something like that.
“Here” Hazel hands you gloves and an apron.
"Sorry I'm late" Ellie stands in the doorway, panting, looking for Lousia's gaze, but it still stays on you.
"Hey" she smiles at you… shyly?
You smile back and pull the apron over your head.
"Ellie… please don't let this happen again."
“I promise it won´t”
Hazel also hands her the things and Ellie doesn’t hesitate for a second. You're a little surprised that she showed up at all, but she seems a bit inergic to you.
"Okay, we'll divide into 3 groups and one will rinse while the other dries and puts thw dishes away," you almost order the others.
You grew up with a very tidy mother and a big sister, you know a lot about tidying up and organization. That's why no one hesitates and does what you said.
"I wanted to talk to you all day"
Ellie's rough voice loops into your right ear and you quickly grab the dishes and a sponge as a distraction and start to rinse.
"I'll rinse you dry"
Ellie seems surprised to have to pick up a plate but does as you say.
"Everything okay?"
What bothers you is how easy it is for her to read you.
“Yes, everything is perfect”
“It doesn’t seem like it?”
"That's your self Ellie?"
"Did anything happen?"
"Did I do something?"
You say her name a little loudly and Mia, who is standing across from you, turns to you briefly and smiles encouragingly at you.
No, that is completely wrong. You shouldn't be mad at Ellie, you should stand by her, she could be in distress or something.
You direct your gaze again, an embarrassing blush on your face.
As strange as it sounds, Ellie really looks beautiful in an apron. Her soft curves, her forearms that show off her fair, freckled skin and the black ink of her tattoo. She always has to pull up her sleeves no matter what she does.
"I just had a bad day okay?"
You take the next plate.
"Her name is Ruth"
Ruth. you imagine how the name would feel on your tongue, how it would taste. How it would taste on Ellie's tongue. Shaking, you banish the thought because the thought of a sentence where both Ellie’s tongue and taste appear, seems too dangerous to you.
"I didn't ask that"
"You didn't have to"
Nobody speaks for 10 minutes, there is complete silence. Your thoughts rush from one corner of your brain to the other. You didn't want to argue with her, you didn't want to be anything other than hers.
soon you realize that you have no right to be angry with Ellie. She can talk to whoever she wants. Strangely enough, it also seemed to make a certain amount of sense for Ellie that you were angry.
You Wonder why.
"I'm sorry," she murmurs next to you, a wet glass in her hand.
"You don't have to be, you didn't do anything, Ellie."
Your anger subsided, and your longing for Ellie's soft, warm voice grew.
"I haven't paid any attention to you all day."
"You don't have to-"
"But I want to. As often as I can."
Sometimes you think that she doesn't even notice what she's actually saying to you. That she's in a trance and doesn't even notice what's falling over her lips. How vulgar her allusions are, and how good they feel.
You turn around briefly, but no one seems to have heard.
"It's okay, don't worry about it now."
"I really am sorry though." Her hand rests gently on your back, but doesn't quite touch you. it is the gesture itself that counts here, but you can't help but think of her soft skin, of her many freckles that are certainly not only on her face.
"I know. Me too, I shouldn't have acted around like that"
her face shows how happy she was with the situation and you smiled too.
"I like your hair. It's really pretty braided" she whispers
her hands sadly turn back to the dishes and your gaze remains stuck to her for a while. But how could you not? who would ever want to look away from her?
"what did you want to tell me?" you ask her.
"how do you know that I want to tell you something?"
"you get really fidgety when you want to talk about something"
you notice so many things about her. how her leg fidgets slightly, how she keeps having to change her position and shifts her hips from left to right, how she bites her cheek, sometimes too hard.
"um... I had an idea"
"Ellie, no-"
"I haven't said anything yet"
the running water covers your voices, luckily, and no one notices.
"We're handing out these apples tomorrow and I thought to myself-"
you give her another glass and look into her soul.
"That's stupid and we're not 10 anymore, Ellie, what makes you think of something like that?"
Ellie takes the glass slowly and carefully, not breaking eye contact with you. Her eyes look hurt.
"Please explain it to me" you try to make your voice softer, more trustworthy.
"I don't want to be here. You don't understand, you're here every year and people love you. There's something wrong with me and I'm reminded of it every fucking day, I just want to show him what it's like to be treated like that"
you could hear the tears in her voice. You noticed early on with your brother that some people just don't cry, or at least don't like to. They express their tears differently, with Ellie it's her voice.
Her voice shows how she's feeling just as clearly as tears would have.
The kitchen is divided into two compartments. One is where they cook and the other is where they put the dirty dishes and clean them.
"How are we even supposed to get into the kitchen? And how do we know that they haven't already put the glaze on the apples? We don't know anything, Ellie-"
"Jesse's mother is volunteering to help in the kitchen. He said that he needs to help his mother to candy the apples this evening. But before that we can make a few changes."
Your mouth is slightly open. She has really thought this through. You hand Ellie another glass and stare at the door at the end of the room. No chance of her just getting in there. Louisa is a very nice manager but even that wouldn't gat an approve of her.
"How are we even supposed to get in there?"
a high, loud noise bounces around in the air and you flinch so much that it hurts.
"oops" Ellie grins at you slightly after she has dropped the glass, you gave her to dry, on the floor.
"I'm so sorry, god I'm so clumsy"
Ellie gives you a whole scene, in which you don't have to do anything but hold back a laugh.
"Louisa, forgive me, it just fell out of my hand"
the other girls have to hold back a giggle too, even Hazel.
Ellie's high, dramatic voice sounded bad like a dying cat, but once again you were impressed by how daring she is.
"Yeah, yeah Ellie, clean that up. The broom is in the storage room"
Louisa presses the many keys into Ellie's hand and doesn't seem at all surprised.
"Thank you very much sister" for a moment you thought she was bowing.
„we’re not catholic Ellie-“
„But Mrs. I don't know where the storage rooms are"
„And I’m not married“ Louisa sighs
"Shit Ellie, I'm kinda enjoying this"
Kate grins at her and Ellie winks as Louisa gives Kate a warning look.
Ellie puts a strong, secure arm around you.
“Please accompany her”
Louisa waves her hands in the air between you two
“Sure” you reply like a robot
Ellie's arm pulls you towards the exit door and almost slams it behind you.
"first we ruin the glaze, then we can get the broom from wherever that was"
"in the storage room"
There are two doors to the kitchen. One that is in the washing up room and connects the two rooms and another that leads directly to the kitchen. The other entrance can be taken through the dining hall, and that's where you headed.
"if the pastor sees us, we're dead, Ellie"
you walk quickly but are still careful when you go around corners.
"I know, I think he wants to hang me on a scarecrow, I had a dream about that recently-"
you grab her arm and shove her back behind a safe corner.
"who the fuck is Phillip"
you press Ellie lightly against the wall because you are sure that sometimes she can't control her body properly. you peek around the corner slightly and see the orange hair.
"He's like the pastor's right-hand man, his best friend is also his roommate and his assistant."
"Pastors can have roommates?"
The orange spot at the end of the hallway slowly disappears like the light of a car on a dark night. This time you go first and Ellie follows you like a dog, she is also much quieter.
You feel 6 years younger and you like doing something you've never dared to do. Otherwise it was always the boys who played pranks and even though you never admitted it, you were always jealous.
Jealous of the freedom to behave like an asshole and not face any consequences. You wanted to have that laugh, that bond of having done something wrong together and to experience the big drama afterwards. To be praised for having done it.
"Shit, you like this, don't you?"
How can she read you so well?
When you get to the door you stare at her knowingly.
"Yes you do, you're not as good as you always act doll. And I mean that in the best way possible"
"You're full of shit Ellie"
you let her pass you and the green eyed girl hastily tries to find the key.
"hey" you calmly touch her quick hands.
"calm down. don't stress Ellie"
her cheeks redden and her hands slow down.
"i really can't find it. fuck do you even have the key to the kitchen as a group leader?"
out of instinct you pull the door handle to use the key and the door opens.
"That was easier than i thought-"
Ellie puts the keys in her back pocket and carefully sticks her head into the kitchen. you keep watch so that no one walks by and tells on you. you quickly scurry after Ellie into the empty, warm room and smell the sweet air of the apples.
"the door has a fucking window" Ellie whispers in your ear and points at the door from where your friends are cleaning dirty dishes, the door that leads to Louisa who Is waiting for her keys.
goosebumps spread across your arms and legs and you are not sure if it is where Ellie is or the chance of being thrown out of the camp.
as you stand in front of the big pot you both breathe in out of reflex.
"It smells good, I even feel a little bad about ruining it"
Ellie watches the bubbling bubbles a little dreamily.
"Isn´t that actually vandalism?"
you ask thoughtfully.
Ellie almost laughs out loud and puts her hand over her mouth. You grab her arm and press even harder against her mouth so that she is really quiet.
"No, that isn't really vandalism oh my god you are innocent"
"Wow thanks Ellie, it was so enlightening"
you spend a while looking in the kitchen for something that might taste good and after a while Ellie finds vinegar that is probably decades old.
"that is so disgusting, remind me not to eat any of it"
Ellie's look confirms that somehow you'll have to eat it anyway.
"it will noticeable if we don't eat anything, just a small bite"
"Ellie what the fuck" you massage your temples with your thumb and watch her open the vinegar.
"not too much, okay?"
"yeah yeah"
In the end she used almost half the bottle to make it really gross. for an "extra reaction" she said. In the end you almost got caught by the pastor's right hand. In the end Ellie held your hand for exactly 4 seconds.
It was impressive how those 4 seconds stayed in your head for hours.
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Please post and repost a lot about Palestine especially right now. The videos shock me to my core and are really disturbing but people live these lives, these are children of someone. Please take your focus on the people in Palestine who are going thru hell. Help where you can
I really hope you liked this chapter, I will upload more after focusing more about palestine so it might take a while! Btw SO SORRY ITS THAT LONG
Taglist: @elliewilliamgfooc @bready101 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @vqxen @hersuniverse @nelzooo @shiimer @bellaramseysgirlfriend @sonthingwithl @vi0lentb3rry @elliewilliamsblunt @be3flow3r @adelaide013 @abbysbraids @mourningdovee
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
Good Sleep - LaMelo Ball
Summary: hate writing these, so just read and find out.
A/N: This man is the love of my life (and his brothers).
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It was hard, dating an NBA player. Not that it was Melo's fault. He tried to make things as easy as possible. He called whenever he could, making sure to at least check in on me once a day.
It wasn't like I made things any easier. I took a lot of pride in my job and it felt like a lot of the time when he was home, I was busy working.
Which is what I am currently doing. Its around midnight, when I hear the garage open, I know it's Melo. His team was supposed to get back earlier tonight, but their flight got delayed due to weather.
After a few minutes he enters our room. I moved in with him a 6 months ago, since I practically lived there full time anyways. We both also thought it would be a good way to spend more time together.
"Hey, babe." He says walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He heads into our bathroom, getting ready to shower. He hates how he feels after plane rides, always complaining about being dirty. "What are you working on?" He calls from the bathroom.
"Just work stuff." I respond, not having the time to explain. I have to have these reports ready by Monday. I'm a CFO for a major clothing company in the US. We are currently working on expanding to European countries.
Melo showers while I work and before I know it he's climbing into bed. "Babe," He whines, "when are you going to bed?"
"I don't know, soon." I answer, dismissively. He frowns, looking up at me from where he's laying.
"You work to hard. Your not even 22 and your the CFO for a major company. I worry you're gonna work yourself to death." Melo's always hated how hard I work. We've been dating since we were both 19.
I was getting ready to graduate college, when he was getting drafted into the NBA. Being born a genius helped me fast track my schooling and career.
I started interning with the company I currently work at when I was 17, the summer after my junior year. I started working with them when they were just a start up, but in the past four years they have rapidly grown and I've been a part of the process the whole way.
This company is like my baby and I'm the one that has to track everything to make sure we are achieving our goals. I never intended on working here this long, but I love the people I work with (the pay isn't bad either).
They promoted me to CFO when their old one left to work for a bigger company. What an idiot, they didn't have believe in the company and soon ours will be bigger than the one they are working for.
Three hours later and I'm still working, Melo's passed out. After he fell asleep I headed to the office he set up for me, not wanting to wake him.
I have a blanket wrapped around me, with my headphones in and a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the desk. Once I get this done, I'll be on Monday and present to our investors I will be on vacation for the next 9 days.
I haven't told Melo yet, wanting to surprise him since our schedules rarely line up.
I look up from my computer, when I see the hallway light turn on. I take my headphones out, knowing it's Melo. He walks into my office, frowning. "Babe, go to bed." He groans.
"Ok, just give me a few minutes."
"Nope, you always say that and then a few minutes turn into another hour or two and then you're only getting like 2 hours of sleep before you head into the office." He walks over and shuts my laptop, before pulling me out of the chair.
I whine and protest the whole way back to our bed, but he doesn't seem to care. He makes me lay down and tucks me in like I'm a little kid, before climbing in bed next to me.
Once he's in bed his, arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me closer resting his head on my stomach. "Finally, I can sleep now."
"You've been asleep this whole time." I argue.
"Yea, but now I'll get good sleep. I only get good sleep when you're with me." I smile, even though he can't see me. I continue playing with his hair, before we both drift of to sleep in each other's arms.
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lex-loudestwoman · 1 year
Kaylor Swiftgron: Which Muse Inspired Which Songs on Red & 1989
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On the precipice of 1989 TV's release and amidst the Kaylorification of 1989 TV's rollout, I thought it'd be a good time to figure out which muses aligned to which songs. I did my research, which includes: lyrical analysis & music video analysis, the timing of when songs were written, which producers and co-writers were credited to each song, social media posts, and where the girls were in real time. Shout out to @sophietv for her incredible work on the Kaylor timelines and evidence, and to @swiftgronmasterpost and @swiftgronmasterpost for their work to outline everything from Achele to Rivergron to Swiftgron. Round of applause to you both!!
Let's get into it!! (and if you want to just see my conclusions for which songs are about which muse, scroooolllll to the bottom)
The Red Muses
Red was written in two phases. First, she worked with her producer from Speak Now & Fearless, Nathan Chapman. They wrote 25 songs together between February and October 2011. She took these songs to Scott Borchetta and he congratulated her on a finished album, but she wanted to experiment with other producers and writers to play with new sounds. So, after October 2011 she started working with a handful of other producers to write more tracks for Red. Here's a breakdown of Red songs by producer.
Nathan Chapman:
State of Grace
All Too Well
I Almost Do
Stay, Stay, Stay
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Begin Again
The Moment I Knew
Girl At Home
Martin & Shellback:
I Knew You Were Trouble
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Message in a Bottle
Bhasker: Holy Ground
Wilson: Treacherous, Come Back...Be Here
Walker: Everything Has Changed
Lind & Bjorkland: The Very First Night
McKenna: I Bet You Think About Me
The first time we know for sure Dianna and Taylor interacted was on September 4th, 2011 at the Fairfax Flea Market, which implied that the songs Taylor wrote with Chapman weren't about Dianna.
Karlie and Taylor dated (I think) starting in the summer or early fall of 2011. I think they weren't expecting anything super serious, but it was one of those flirtations that starts out strong and feels good with them and all of the sudden you're in love and you barely believe it and feel ridiculous for knowing but you have a feeling this person is for you, maybe forever... It sounds right for Taylor who has admitted how fast & hard she tends to fall for people when she's in love.
Taylor attended the Rodarte Spring/Summer 2012 fashion show during NYFW and sat front row next to Anna Wintour on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. Karlie walked in the show (slay). This was also the day that Taylor spent with a Vogue interviewer for her iconic January 2012 Vogue Cover and Article where she is quoted as saying "I love Karlie Kloss! I want to bake cookies with her!" She said this straight after leaving the Rodarte Fashion Show.
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Interestingly, Karlie was quoted in a magazine as having been introduced to Taylor Swift at the Met Gala and they joked about baking cookies together! They both attended the Met Gala in May 2011, just four months before the Rodarte Fashion Show/Vogue Interview day! So it's pretty weird that Taylor would say the exact same thing, unprompted, when she saw a photo of Karlie Kloss at a fashion designer's studio on the exact same day she sat front row for a fashion show Karlie walked in!!
I imagine that Taylor and Karlie fell into something new and beautiful and sweet by accident. The Rodarte Show was on a Tuesday, maybe they met up for coffee the next day on Wednesday, September 14th in NYC? Who's to say!
All that said, I think Begin Again is about Karlie. It was written sometime between February and October 2011, which would've been a really, really fast turnaround for it to be about Dianna. Between the music video and the lyrical connections, it's very Kaylor coded. Starlight also could plausibly be about Karlie because they attended the Met together in 2010 and 2011, and their 2011 dresses were sparkly and tbh Karlie looked hot AF.
But, let's also remember that Taylor is on tour and just got herself out of two on-again-off-again, fairly toxic relationships, and as she said herself in Begin Again that the last 8 months she's been heartbroken and scared to get hurt from love (earliest would've been June 2010-February 2011 and latest would've been February-October 2011). Plus she's not even 22 years old, so she's not necessarily good at being in relationships yet. She's in a messy place, and she falls in love like a ton of bricks.
I think that this delicate, precious new thing with Karlie didn't work out (not for malice or hurting each other, just life) and over the winter they were distant but were still in contact.
On January 17, 2012 we get tweets from BOTH Karlie and Dianna about the *iconic* Vogue article. This makes me think:
1. Karlie is still interested in exploring this new relationship with Taylor
2. Dianna and Taylor have kept in touch and have a lil something something going on, a little curiosity they might want to explore
3. Taylor likes public attention, and she likes feeling wanted, and she's got two hot ass women who want her. Do you blame the girl for being messy!?!
Dianna and Taylor attend the same pre-Oscars party on February 24th, 2012, and this is where I think Swiftgron starts to take off. Dianna is all happy and heart eyes online for the next three weeks until the Speak Now Tour ends. They're spotted together frequently in March and April. The Shirley MacLaine birthday party thing happens April 25th, Dianna's circus birthday party is April 28th, and I would bet anything they started hooking up sometime these first two months. I think Holy Ground was written about Dianna's birthday party, with the note on the door with the joke we made, and that was the first day.
Taylor writes Everything Has Changed and Run on May 15th, 2012, with Ed Sheeran, and records both EHC and The Last Time on May 28th, 2012. Everything Has Changed seems Swiftgron (thanks Gaylor twt for helping me figure out that the freckles are IN Dianna's green eyes bc girl bye I was full of questions). The Last Time is almost certainly about Liz.
But Run is very Kaylor coded! The pale blue eyes, use of darling, the laugh like a child (Begin Again), locket, picture frame...
On May 31st, 2012, Dianna is bearding hard with Henry Joost to distract from her appearance with GLAAD. I have a working hypothesis that Taylor Swift hates beards and is not a fan of having to use them or be with people who have them. I just don't think it works for her with how insanely famous she is, the guys are hyperscrutinized and she's honestly not very good at being a convincing heterosexual woman. I think there's some conflict between Taylor and Dianna because of the beard.
By June 10th, 2012, Taylor has written 22, WANEGBT, and IKYWT. I am inclined to believe that WANEGBT is about Emily or Liz. Same thing with IKYWT. 22 is about her besties and living life and being carefree and embracing all of the beauty and pain of falling in and out of love and everything that is your early 20s.
We get the whole Hyannis Port x Kennedys summer week of pap walks featuring Swiftgron all over the place! But it seems like they probably break up later in July. This was a hot and cold relationship for real.
WANEGBT is released on 8/13 and Dianna tweets at Taylor (like never ever?). On September 29, 2012 Dianna and Naya Rivera are on a cheeky, lil sexy vacation in Paris. Taylor goes to Paris that same weekend to film Begin Again at the Love Lock bridge (Karlie is also in Paris but there's no evidence to show that they saw each other at all).
However, I wouldn't put it past Taylor and Karlie to have seen each other while Swiftgron was cold. Perhaps in September 2012 right around when she filmed Begin Again?
October 17, 2012 Taylor writes This Love in LA according to her diary entries. So I think This Love is about the Swiftgron reconciliation for whatever happened this summer. Things are good for a bit, they go to the Ripple of Hope gala together on December 3rd, 2012. They're pictured together on December 6th, 2012 and Dianna's all cryptic online about her secret love.
Quick Aside: Karlie and Josh have been "officially together" ever since June 2012, but they were first seen together in November 2012 when they both attended the VS Fashion Show. I'm under the impression that these gay celebrities in their early twenties only needed a beard when they were in another relationship they were distracting away from. They didn't need a beard, they could just say they were focused on friends and their career (aka 1989 era). So who was Karlie dating in mid 2012 that needed to be covered up with plausible deniability? This would've been in the works for a bit before they launched it in November 2012.
Also, super interesting that Karlie also met Taylor for the "first time" at the 2013 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, hmm? Anywayssss.
I think everything Swiftgron blew up on February 14th, 2013 with the 'I Do' episode of Glee where Dianna Agron and Naya Rivera hook up on screen. Taylor made a whole big deal about this episode containing one of her songs and encouraged her fans to watch, but her song wasn't in the show (tweet was later deleted). But picture this: Happy Valentine's Day, watch your girlfriend hook up with the girl she told you not to worry about!! And then learn that they actually did hookup when y'all were on a break, like two weeks before y'all got back together!! Oooh boy!! I'm pretty sure this was what inspired Babe (in the music video Taylor was the mistress, but IRL Taylor was the main character who got cheated on instead of the mistress!!).
Dianna is a mess on Twitter after that and there might have been about two months of back & forth, maybe some breakup sex, but I think Swiftgron died dead by the time the article about them secretly dating dropped on April 16th, 2013.
The Red tour started on March 18th, 2013 and I can't imagine that made things any easier for Swiftgron. Meanwhile... I think Karlie and Taylor re-reconnected in this time period.
The 1989 Muses
Taylor wrote 1989 while on tour for Red (except for This Love, according to the diary entry it was written on 10/17/2012). I think the breakup songs are about Dianna and the love songs (excluding This Love) are allllll Karlie.
If Taylor and Karlie did reconnect in Fall 2012, then Spring 2013 would be a long six months later...
Taylor and Karlie "meet for the first time" (which we have so much proof that it's not but like, okay, fine) on November 13, 2013 at the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. We know this isn't their first meeting or flirtationship, but it certainly is their first public outing to test what people say about their friendship.
Then, I'd wager Taylor plays "cat & mouse for a month or two or three" until they officially are girlfriends on March 6, 2014. Yay!!!
Songs About Dianna:
Red: Holy Ground, Everything Has Changed, Come Back...Be Here, Better Man, Babe
1989: Clean, Wonderland, All You Had To Do Was Stay, I Wish You Would
Songs About Karlie:
Red: State of Grace, Treacherous, Stay, Stay, Stay, Starlight, Begin Again, Message in a Bottle, Run, The Very First Night
1989: Welcome to New York, Blank Space, Style, OOTW, Wildest Dreams, How You Get the Girl, I Know Places, You Are in Love, New Romantics
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hourcat · 1 year
Fake Dating w piarles 👉👈
22. Fake Dating
Ferrari sits them both down on a Thursday and tells them the truth: the team is going to shit. Which--Pierre could've told them that in the first place, if he's being honest. It's not like they're not competing in the MotoGP sphere, but even on two wheels, Red Bull just seems so much god damn faster, and try as he might, he can't make up the ground he needs to for a championship with this bike. He loves Ferrari, he does, it's just...
It hasn't exactly been their year. Sitting beside him in the chair, Charles' body language tells him that it's the same in the F1 paddock too.
"We are bleeding money," Fred says flatly, "and we're going to break cost cap if we try anything on our engines." Which isn’t exactly the most reassuring start of a conversation to be having with your boss. “So we need to figure this out off the track.”
“What do you expect us to do,” Charles deadpans, unfurling a little in his seat. Pierre, admittedly, is a little shocked—he doesn’t really know Charles all that well, outside of the occasional PR events the whole Ferrari organization is required to attend, but from everything he’s heard, Charles Leclerc is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered driver who just turns the energy on out in the field. This is not soft-spoken at all. “We are drivers, Fred, not cash cows.” Pierre bites his tongue. Charles is right, of course, but he’s—he’s not going to stick his foot in his mouth by actively agreeing with him right now.
Fred just levels him with a tired look. “I know that, Charles. And I am doing my best to get you a better car—” he turns to Pierre briefly, “and you a better bike,” then back to Charles, “but in the meantime, we have to make due.” He sighs, then grabs one of the folders stacked neatly on his desk. “Public Relations had an idea.”
The idea is for them to date.
Not for real, of course, Fred had stressed the importance of that: it’s only in public, and they don’t need to really do anything besides appear together close in public. “It will drive the tabloids in Maranello crazy,” he’d said, “and it will hopefully give us some financial buffer between now and the end of the season.” It’s definitely an out-there plan, but honestly, Pierre has been so frustrated with his racing season that he’ll do anything to get himself a better, faster bike for next year.
Including this. Charles apparently feels the same, because there’s no argument over the plan once it’s laid out—they sign off on the paperwork from the PR department, listen to Fred make an endless slew of promises about swimming in champagne by next year, and then.
Well, and then they leave the building as boyfriends. Pierre doesn’t think he’s had more than two conversations with Charles before this moment, so as they reach the front doors of Ferrari’s headquarters, he stops in his tracks. Charles, blessedly, notices. “What?”
“I…” Pierre shakes his head. “Are we starting now?” The afternoon has gone overcast, clouds threatening rain all over the otherwise-warm summer afternoon.
Charles shrugs. “Why not?” He gestures outside, to the surprisingly-empty square out front. “No one is here, so we can at least…practice.” He hums. “See what works.” It feels like too awkward of a conversation to get into right now, all things considered. Maybe Charles is right.
“Makes sense,” Pierre agrees after a slightly-too-long beat. “So do you…?” He’s not sure what he’s asking, really, but he extends a hand to Charles anyway.
Charles, who nods slightly, then takes Pierre’s hand in his own. He’s warm. His hands are soft. Pierre tries not to look into why he shivers when their fingers slowly interlock.
The idea goes off the rails with six races left to go in the F1 calendar.
Pierre had expected it to happen sooner, if he’s being honest—but not for this reason. When they’d signed off on their PR forms and clauses, he’d had an inkling that he and Charles wouldn’t mesh well, which would make the fake relationship that much harder to maintain in front of all the cameras surrounding them both on-track and off. The spotlight of Ferrari and all that. It’s one thing to be friends with someone in your team, but it’s another thing entirely to pretend to date them, and Pierre’s no actor.
Yet here he is, standing in Charles’ garage on the paddock with the Ferrari-branded headset and Charles-branded sweatshirt, and he’s finding that this whole pretend relationship thing is going off the rails because the moment Charles hops out of his car at the end of the practice session, he makes a beeline right for Pierre and all but crashes them into the back wall with the force of his kiss.
This whole thing is going off the rails because Pierre goes with it so easily it’s like breathing, not a second thought in sight. Charles is soaked in sweat, he can feel it seeping from his race suit into Pierre’s street clothes, and there are balaclava lines etched deep in his face, but Pierre doesn’t care. He doesn’t care, which means when he winds his arms around Charles’ shoulders to urge him closer. Charles takes the hint easily. He surges forward with the next kiss, pressing Pierre so forcefully against the back wall of the garage that he thinks he’s going to have some marks of his own.
“Don’t you have a debrief,” Pierre manages when they split for air, foreheads still leaned together. Charles huffs a laugh, shakes his head a little. Droplets of sweat cascade from his hair onto Pierre’s face.
“Had to see you first,” is the answer he gets, and Pierre can’t swallow his reactive moan. Two weeks ago in Barcelona, Charles had said the same thing in Pierre’s driver’s room after MotoGP’s qualifying session before giving him the blowjob of his life behind closed doors.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck. “Yeah,” he manages in reply after a beat, “bet you did.”
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
Go Behind the Scenes of Tomorrow x Together's 'Dream Come True' Collaboration with the Jonas Brothers (Exclusive)
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The K-pop stars and the pop-rock trio have joined forces on "Do It Like That," a dance floor-ready summer anthem
Tomorrow x Together and the Jonas Brothers turned to Ryan Tedder to produce "Do It Like That," their new, disco-tinged summer anthem.
"Jonas Brothers were so welcoming and it was an honor to collaborate with them," says Soobin, 22. "We look forward to another exciting opportunity to work together again."
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The South Korean K-pop band, who released their fifth EP, The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION, in January, are more than ready to share their latest bop with the world.
"I very much enjoyed singing alongside the Jonas Brothers," says Yeonjun, 23. "'Do It Like That' will make you want to get up and dance, so we hope our fans truly enjoy it!"
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Both groups united on a music video for "Do It Like That" — and for Taehyun's sake, here's to hoping it won't be the last time they join forces.
"Jonas Brothers were just as cool off-screen as they are on-screen," the singer, 21, says. "We would love to perform on stage with them in the future!"
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For Hueningkai, the chance to work with Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas was the opportunity of a lifetime.
"As someone who looked up to the Jonas Brothers when growing up, this collaboration was a dream come true for me," the 20-year-old star says. "'Do It Like That' is an upbeat song that you could listen to anywhere, anytime this summer!"
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At the end of the day, it's all about having fun for Beomgyu!
"From start to finish, everything about working on 'Do It Like That' was an incredible experience," the singer, 22, says. "We would very much appreciate your love and support for the track! It's such a joyful song that we had a lot of fun at the music video shoot."
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Joe, 33, Nick, 30, and Kevin Jonas, 35, recently released their sixth studio album, The Album.
The record contains hits like "Waffle House" and "Wings."
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Tomorrow x Together debuted in 2019, and recently released their second Japanese album, Sweet.
Their album, The Chaos Chapter: Freeze, came out in 2021.
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The Jonas Brothers have a fan in Beomgyu.
"I was amazing by all of the little gestures and expressions the Jonas Brothers made in their performance in the music video," he says. "It make me realize again what a great band they are."
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The Jonas Brothers and Tomorrow x Together announced the song was available for pre-save back in June with a cute Instagram video that showed both groups jamming and dancing in the studio together.
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Joe Jonas announced his excitement for the collaboration on Instagram in June.
"So pumped to be working with @txt_bighit!!" he wrote. "When @ryantedder brought us TOGETHER for #DoItLikeThat we immediately said yes!"
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starsstuddedsky · 9 months
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Star’s 2023 Top K-Pop Songs 
*only one song per artist
**I forgot half the songs I listened to this year 
27. The Rizzness – Taemin 
This song had potential for top 5, were it not for that fuck ass title/the lyrics. The instrumental track is just too good, I loooooove it so much. 
26. In Bloom – ZEROBASE ONE
I think this says more about me thank anything else but i just love a pumpy song, it was fun, good track, what else is there to say 
25. Still You – Seungkwan 
This is me cheating and throwing in an OST but it is far too good and I don’t ever hear anyone talk about it. This song kept me together for half the summer. Go listen right now and tell me im wrong for adding it. 
This is partially because of the MV, i simply love cowboy concepts. Just iconic. dont come for me if their new releases are “better” bc this is my list and also i haven’t listened yet. I am behind. 
ICONIC. MV, song, all of it SCREAMEDDDDD ty and i love him for that. I really admire artists that are truly dedicated to their craft and taeyong is just one of those dudes.  
22. Say You Love Me – Kai 
I couldn’t not put him. I can’t believe there’s a whole year left until he comes back. It’s genuinely insane. anyway rover deserves to be on here too but i wanted to be special (also ur lying if you think this isnt the best song on that album. the only alternative is sinner) 
21. Air Force One – ODD EYE CIRCLE 
Right when I started wanting to listen to LOONA, everything happened and, well, at least they’re safe. This song is such a bop idk 
20. Will I Ever See You Again? – Red Velvet 
I think this is mostly just my personal taste but it’s sooooo good, an easy listen but consistently good???? 
2000s concept SLAYED, idk it’s just such a good song? like i’m not picky in my music taste but this is very much my style 
18. Get Loose – THE7
yes i got it from tiktok but a good song is a good song and this is a good song. I actually just like fun songs 
Remember when i said i love cowboy concepts? yeah. I also was working on a horse farm when this came out so like. it just fit  
16. Fire Eyes – The BOYZ 
Remember what i said about fun songs? i don’t even know how i found it bc i dont listen to the boyz religiously but i LOVE this song 
15. Memories – RIIZE 
They’re actually iconic for having siren and memories as pre-releases and showcasing their dance/singing abilities. K-pop is very much about singing for me and boys can sing, so memories made the cut. Honestly all their songs have been on repeat for me though, i just love the final chorus of this song ugh 
14. PADO – NCT U 
This is another cheat but i couldn’t not put it on. like haechan????? xiaojun???? yeah.. you got me confused…… you got me soooo satisfied 
13. Cool With You – NewJeans
Ditto remains my top newjeans song but cool with you… like i said with left right, it’s just very my style and idk i really enjoyed it. The whole album was soooo good JUST TOO SHORT 
12. Bubble – STAYC 
SLAYC IS BACK LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!!! I LOVE bubblegum pop so this was right up my alley. It’s just so funny and i love the girlies so much im so mad i couldn’t see them on tour 
11. Space – NCT 127 
WE’RE IN THE TOP TEN NOW LETS GOOOOO!!! Every time this song comes on i ascend to a higher plane of existence like that one spongebob meme. Let it breathe. Let it chill. Yeah we doin’ too much too much. specifically jaehyun on that part……. Oouugghhhhhhhh (whatever instrument/fake instrument that’s doing that one part…. Idk how to describe but ooughhhhhh) 
When i tell you this was on REPEAT while i was in japan… i was making it bouncy all through the streets. played it for my mom and she said “this is a weird song” 
9. Fighting – BSS
That one tweet that’s like BSS’s music is like “dont kill yourself were booseoksoon.” yeah. It’s half that and half their performance and incredible ability to always make me laugh 
8. Poison – NCT DREAM
my world STOPPED when that track video dropped like…… have i mentioned haechan bc wow. he saw the baekhyun poster outside the recording studio and swore he wouldn’t let him down and he did just that. i love me some good whore music and that is whore music baby 
7. Spicy – aespa 
Perfect balance between bubblegum pop and noise music. the girlies came to serve and they did just that. 
6. JUMP – P1Harmony 
Not to be that person but they are seriously soooooo underrated. Justice for my boys because this song is just so good. I NEED to see it in person 
5. Queencared – (G)-IDLE 
SO hard to choose between this and I DO (and allergy) but ugh. the bubblegum pop won in the end. I love this song so so much, had the time of my LIFE singing along to it. Yuqi come home <3 
4. Poppin’ Love – WayV 
Idc if you don’t think they’re kpop, they’re going on my list. This song just has it all
3. I Don’t Understand But I Luv U – SEVENTEEN 
Remember what i said about whore music? also i genuinely don’t know why anyone was surprised when they looked at the lyrics for the first time like just listen to the song and it’s obvious what they were singing about idk. thank you woozi, thank you jun, thank you hoshi, thank you minghao, and thank you dino. if i dont see this song in concert……… lord knows what will happen to me 
2. Let Me In – EXO 
this was my number one song of the year i think. It came out right before i went to japan so all those positive memories are associated with this song, but also like.. she’s just that bitch. My first release with DO, Chen, and Baekhyun on one track together and let me tell you.. This song is just too good. Vocals will always win me over and the entire bridge-last chorus (actually the whole song).. just so good. 
1. Can We Go Back – NCT DJJ 
Whore music. Vocals. What else do you need???? When i tell you this song has brought me out of a Mood several times,,, idk what it is i just love this song so much. i put it on to write this and like. there’s just nothing bad about this song, its too good. the instrumental, the vocals, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing. PLEASEEEEE keep letting jaehyun sing it’s such a crime to hide his voice 
Runner Ups: 
I DO – (G)-IDLE, Allergy – (G)-IDLE, Super – SEVENTEEN, Perfume – NCT DJJ, SHOOTING STAR – XG, Sinner – Kai, Rover – Kai, Ay-Yo – NCT 127, Lip Gloss – THE BOYZ, God of Music – SEVENTEEN, RODEO – WayV, Get a Guitar – RIIZE, Talk Saxy – RIIZE, Welcome to MY World – aespa, Drama – aespa, Guilty – TAEMIN, She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not – TAEMIN, NewJeans 2nd EP ‘Get Up’ 
“What about _” i probably forgot to add it, i wont lie 
inspired by threads ive seen on twitter. if you see this and want to do it PLEASE do!!!! and tag me in it!! i love reading these :)
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borom1r · 3 months
hmmm 3, 5, 6, 11, 14, 20, 22, 26, 38, 40 for the fun questions meme <3
ooooooo ok these’ll b inchresting :3
3- 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
th lotr trilogy (duh), I Saw the TV Glow, The Last Unicorn :3
5- what made you start your blog?
THIS blog? suicide bait on my old blog :3
tumblr in general? a friend showed it to me in high school n i made one n my life was irreversibly changed lmfao
6- what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
ATTENTION. double edged sword. like ok i try not to let myself care abt attention and try to be rlly careful now abt who i interact with but at the same time it rlly is validating when things Get Attention. some of my favorite fics have little to no engagement :( n like yea its not healthy to create FOR engagement (fast track 2 burnout) but its also like very disheartening to put time n effort n passion into sth only for it to fizzle out in the void
but whatever. ill make weird art forever
11- what do you consider to be romance?
THIS IS SO FUNNY 2 GET bc soooo much recently has made me reevaluate like. how I perceive this lollllll
anyways short answer: idfk man!!!!!!! close friendships n romance r incredibly cloudy in my mind cuz ive got a bad case of dogbrain!!
long answer is i just don’t quantify that stuff the way neurotypical ppl do :3 ties into th autism + nonhumanity. i also think cis ppl being attracted to me is gross lol. ideal romance for me is bein held n tended to like a noble knight tends their sword. I feel love like a dog feels abt their human!!! dogbrained!!! romance is being a guard dog, being a Really Good Boy but just soooo disconnected from like. idk allosexual/neurotypical quantifiers of “romance” for me lol
+ i don’t use th label rlly but im def somewhere on th ace spectrum lol like physical intimacy is only rlly “safe” conceptually when its completely disconnected from th realm of possibility. like thirsting over celebrities or like th knight i have a crush on. + cis ppl desiring me is rlly like.. ew 😒 don’t look @ me anymore man
14- what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
UM. funnily enough im gonna do th Big Thing this summer :3 im going 2 th renaissance festival shirtless this year now tht im post op
s’gonna be scary showin off my scars but i rlly wanna go all out n celebrate finally havin top surgery. like im alive!! despite everything im alive n im happy ^_^ so cis people be damned, im gonna run around like a lil wolfguy for the first weekend!!!!!
20- favourite things about the night?
i love the moon :3
i also love how still n quiet things get
22- say 3 things about someone you love
(hiiiiiii Ly hehe!!)
26- fave colour and why?
when i was a kid my favorite colors were neon yellow n neon pink :3 they still kinda are but now i usually stick to like lime green or bright red paired w black. forest green + dark blue r gr8 too
38- fave song at the moment?
here r some I’ve had on loop lately: Far Away (Roadside Ghost), Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl (Broken Social Scene), I’m Already Gone (Baroness), Sex for Homework (MSI)
40- any bad habits?
oh yea i have dermatillomania lol
it doesn’t rlly bother me to talk abt bc i think “gross” stuff like that deserves to be less stigmatized— my shoulders n back are COVERRRRREED in little scars + scabs
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heartlesscorpse · 4 months
Ask game jumpscare :3 7, 11, 22, A, E?
OH I was busy watching stuff on YT I almost didn’t see this
Moving on to the more important stuff, rather than telling you abt an OC you already know. I’m gonna go on a fucking ramble about my monster hunter oc, Ilya Vasilyev. >:))
So kicking off with number 3, Ilya doesn’t do anything in order to cope while he’s tucking himself to bed, in most cases the moment he’s under the covers this man is already dead asleep in seconds because he’s a deep sleeper, he doesn’t hear shit, he can’t feel anything, man’s just gone from there once he goes eepy. The second option this could go is that Ilya’s not going to bother with going to bed, either a) night terrors from early childhood is plaguing his mind and proving difficult to get a wink of sleep, or b) his fucking nuisance of a vampire boyfriend (who also belongs to another friend of mine), is too busy pestering him for the fun of it. In some rare cases he’d take some small music box his mother used to keep and have that lull him to sleep after some long stressful mission with combatting against monsters or vampires.
7, Ilya gets his whole hit with nostalgia with food related things, things from Russian cuisine things like Pelmeni for example is one thing he really loves eating whenever he has the chance. The smell and everything just reminds him of his mother’s cooking and how he came running back inside the house with his younger twin brother, all ecstatic to eat their mother’s home cooked food. It’s nostalgic at best, the taste and everything is comforting, but at the same time he can’t help but internally cry about it sometimes fbskbfjsbf.
Ilya doesn’t sort well with confusion, and he’s not the type of idiot he claims most people are whenever he doesn’t understand something, in some cases he’d get lost halfway with his co-worker’s explanations with his missions and assignments and then Ilya’s stepping in from there before they go a little too far with their ridiculous explanation like ‘Okay slow the fuck down there, I don’t know half the shit you just spewed so back track a little and start off slowly for me to understand what you’re saying please and thank you.’ So first option being yeah he would be the type of person to seek clarification seconds later when shit starts escalating a little.
Ilya’s not really the type to get jealous as easily tbh, he’s like, a whole lot less and more down to earth whenever it comes to jealousy? Considering his partner’s a vampire he’s not possessive or anything towards him with the fact that why would anybody in this day of age (which is like sort of around the Victoria era which is his timeline), want to date a blood-sucking monster that preys on people?
And lastly, I’m pretty excited of this character, I’ve had him with a few AUs made with another friend of mine with my oc and theirs for a pairing besides their og universe, I haven’t picked up on any writing or rping with him in awhile. I’m hoping I’d get the chances in doing so later on in the summer by the time I’m officially done from school. As for the last question?? Hell naw 💀💀 this mf’s gonna look at me like some small ass bug he could squish underneath his boot, he wouldn’t even take me serious much and look at me like ‘Oh you’re 19? You don’t look like it’ BFKSBFJD, would’ve bruised my ego so badly if him and I ever tried to get along. Overall he’d probably be treating me like a kid lmao.
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Reality/Non-AU (6) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part seven, part eight
a haze on the horizon (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Phil finds something on Dan's camera roll after tour that has him thinking some frustrating thoughts.
A Nun and A Priest: You Get Me Closer to God (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: When Dan dresses up as a sexy nun for Halloween in America, he finds himself longing for a sexy priest.
A Very Lester Christmas (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Upon their arrival to the Lester family home for Christmas, Kath has special gifts ready for her sons.
a warm heart (ao3) - okaydoomer
Summary: On new year's eve Dan is thinking about the year he's had. He's the happiest he's ever been and he can't put his feelings into words but Phil is there to listen and he knows what feeling this is. Pride.
all of these small things (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: It’s Dan’s first day back from his American tour, and Phil can’t believe how much he’s missed him.
and the house becomes a home again (ao3) - BLUEGREYKIM
Summary: Dan’s plane lands at one-thirty-two AM (he’s been tracking the flight since it took off, and his stomach’s been flipping with jitters since Dan’s phone switched to aeroplane mode and his texts stopped going through).
Two and a half months, since Dan's been home, and Phil has been going crazy.
(also known as the dan comes home fic)
banging on a heart of tin (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan has a little crush.
(Spoiler: It's on his boyfriend of thirteen years.)
Dan and Phil vs the Pantomime (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Phil surprises Dan with tickets to a Christmas pantomime.
end this chapter (ao3) - brookwrites
Summary: it’s been years since dan and phil planned the changes they’re about to make, and they’ve been preparing for them since they got home from tour. dan’s more than ready, but when it comes time to announce it, phil has some doubts. is it really time to end this chapter?
envelop the lonely places (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Dan in his arms is like remembering how to breathe.
(reunion fic, dec '22)
Here’s some faves from my camera roll this year (ao3) - natigail
Summary: 1 birthday tweet. 4 photos. 4 domestic memories. 1 smiling Phil. 1 fond Dan.
home for the holidays (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil take a moment to themselves while hosting Dan’s family for Christmas.
I can't help falling in love with you (again) (ao3) - Findus26
Summary: It's 2020, the world is falling apart and Dan can't help thinking back to October 2009 when everything was new and exciting. Phil finds a way to recreate the feeling
keep your brittle heart warm (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: this summer is strange. but its warm. and theres wine. and theres music. and maybe things will be okay.
Kind Of Similar (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: It’s kind of like 2009, they are apart again and spending hours staring through cameras at each other - just that Skype is as dead as the fringes and Dan is touring the world - but apart from that, practically identical.
made for you (ao3) - BLUEGREYKIM
Summary: Phil, in all the years he's known Dan, can tell what he's thinking with a glance, a lock of eyes. Dan, in all the years he's known Phil, is the same.
aka the fic where they have a super psychic connection and insane communicative skills (real life)
Merry-Go-Round (ao3) - thestreaklives
Summary: Martyn and Cornelia’s babysitter cancels last minute
pancakes + syrup (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: “Are my nostrils deceiving me?” Phil asks, still out of Dan’s line of sight.
Dan blinks, looks down at the pancakes, now almost ready to be flipped, and then back at the Phil-less space. “No?”
pretty (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: The boxes sit piled in a jumble in the corner of Dan’s closet for weeks. Phil starts getting notifications for them in the days after Nashville, alerts of purchases off the credit card they don’t use often and then the packages themselves, one by one at the door.
(little dresses and fishnet stockings, 2022)
Santa Buddy (ao3) - TehInternetHomo
Summary: In which the boys host joint family Christmas in their forever home
Based on the Michael Bublé Santa Baby cover
solitary spark (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Truth or dare and tequila really don't mix well for Dan.
the one that I belong to (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil comes home after the glue incident.
Together Again (ao3) - LivingVicarioslyThroughDaydreams
Summary: This is Dan’s moment, and Phil is more than happy to let him have this time. So when Dan calls every night, gushing with energy and excitement, Phil doesn’t tell him how he wants to be with him, how he misses him so much. He only smiles and laughs along and tells Dan how proud of him he is.
But now Dan is coming home, back to him. He almost feels selfish with how excited he is. Today though, he’ll allow it. Dan has had his time to find himself, but today: today will be just for them. Together again.
(Phil's perspective on missing Dan and being reunited with him)
Uncle Dan (ao3) - Ragopamplina
Summary: Dan is a Lester. He knows it, but still, he enjoys little reminders.
Welcome home! (never leave that long again) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes home from tour and stumbles right into Phil’s arms. He is more touch starved than he’d realised.
when... (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: A fic about hypothetical future dogs.
when we were younger. (ao3) - dylaesthetics
Summary: dan is seriously in need of a breather after the difficult year he's had, and finds home in no one other than phil
would it be okay if i came home to you (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: dan comes home after the US leg of his tour
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morganofthewildfire · 2 years
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I posted 3,384 times in 2022
757 posts created (22%)
2,627 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 772 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 315 posts
#stt - 181 posts
#rowaelin - 146 posts
#rowaelin fanfiction - 127 posts
#throne of glass fanfiction - 125 posts
#throne of glass - 123 posts
#rowaelin au - 119 posts
#throne of glass au - 113 posts
#rowan x aelin - 76 posts
#morning reblog! - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#i almost had to pay for a textbook i already have but i managed to work around it cause that would be an extra $80
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Love Left Behind
~ 17k words
CW: lots of cursing, mentions of death, brief mentions of domestic violence, NSFW
It's finally finished!!!
Winter had a peculiar way of bringing up things you’d buried deep down. Maybe it was the snow, that new layer of powdery white melting and sprouting new life, the picture of rejuvenation. Maybe it was the chill in the air, guiding you to cuddle close and open your hearts to keep yourself warm. Or maybe it was the way the season brought out that deep instinctual urge to be with the ones you love.
Even if the ones you love are the very things you’ve tried to forget.
Aelin Galathynius had never liked the winter. She was a summer child, with a heart of fire and eyes full of sunlight, prancing around her family’s estate until the sun went down, going to sleep and starting all over again the next day.
When she was younger, the winter had been a time of innocent boredom, of complaining about the inches of snow keeping her from climbing trees and racing around with her cousin. Now that she was older, the winter was a time of loss, of death, of suffocation. It’d been good for a few years, and now everything she’d ever loved about it was gone.
Maybe that’s why she’d run from the city she’d grown up in, chasing the promise of forgetting to a new city, a new country, a new world. Rifthold never snowed. It’s constant heat promised constant life, constant freedom. And the world of film promised constant distraction, an easy way to be anyone but herself.
Aelin hadn’t wanted to be herself in a while.
It hadn’t necessarily been her goal to get famous, but now, she faced suffocation in a different way. Constant paparazzi, constant judgment, the constant pressure to be what everyone wanted her to be. To be the girl. The star.
And she was. And she’d promised to never go back to Orynth, to where everything had gone so horribly wrong.
But then one phone call changed everything.
Now Aelin was on her private jet, heading back to the one place she’d never wanted to be again.
It was snowing already, even though it was still early in the season, and as the plane landed and she stepped into the icy cold, she took it as an omen for how this trip was going to go.
Nothing good ever happened when it snowed. Aelin had no reason to think that would change.
Bundled up in her designer coat, paired with her slightly impractical heeled boots and tights, she strolled down to the car waiting for her. She could’ve gotten a limo, she could’ve gotten a scary looking black sedan, she could’ve paid for whatever car she wanted. But instead, it was her cousin picking her up.
Luckily, the paparazzi hadn’t been able to track where she was going, so the runway was eerily silent as she walked over to the car door. Aedion was in his beat up old pick up truck, and she would’ve laughed at the clear difference between her expensive and clean cut self and the dirty, rugged method of transport.
She would’ve laughed, if she wasn’t doing everything she could to keep herself together at the thought of driving in the snow.
“Hey, Ace,” Aedion said, smiling tightly as she slid into the seat, slamming the passenger door shut behind her. Her personal assistant, Lysandra, had wanted to come with her, but Aelin knew this was something she needed to do by herself.
It wasn’t anything too momentous, or it shouldn’t be, but to her it was everything.
Selling her parents’ old cabin up in the mountain; it was a part of life, it wasn’t a big deal. She’d never liked visiting there anyway. But now that they were gone, it just felt like another piece of them she was going to forget.
“Hey,” she said tightly, pulling her designer bag off her shoulder and setting it primly in her lap. “Are you ready for this?” Her cousin raised a golden brow, looking out the front window as he put the car in drive.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He questioned, pressing down the gas and zooming down the road to leave the private airport. Aelin tensed, her whole body locking up, her fingers digging into the patent leather of her bag. He seemed to notice because he slowed down, taking the drive easy instead of driving simply to get to the destination. His mouth tightened.
“How’s Rifthold treating you?” He asked blandly, one hand drumming on the steering wheel while the other fiddled with the radio. She hated this awkwardness, this coldness that so resembled the frozen world around them, but it was her fault really. She hadn’t stayed in touch for long when she left Orynth. Just enough to get the major updates about their lives, everyone she’d left behind.
She was famous enough that they just needed to open twitter to know what was going on with her, something she was still getting used to.
It’d all happened so quickly, she hadn’t had a chance to breathe.
See the full post
164 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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Same Time Thursday - Part 14
CW: depictions of depression, depictions of abuse, depictions of self harm, some violence, cursing
Aelins... having a rough go of it
Her bare feet padded against the authentic dark oak wood floor, making no sound as she moved. She had no destination in mind, no direction for her legs to take her. She felt like a ghost, wandering these dark halls like she was searching for something long gone.
She wasn’t searching for anything though, except maybe something to search for. One hand clutching her silk robe together, not feeling the heat of the summer that permeated through the walls and into the lavish mansion. Even at night, there was no escaping it.
Her other hand was tucked in itself, one of her nails scratching against her palm. It was an unconscious tick now; it started as her finger repeatedly brushing the scar now adorning the middle of her palm, from the time that finally sent her to the emergency room under the guise of an accident, and over the days it’d resorted to scratching, as if she could take ownership of the pain being forced on her. She was in control of this pain.
It was never deep enough to draw blood, but it was uncomfortable, which was all she needed.
Aelin hadn’t been able to sleep, so instead of laying there, buried in thick blankets, she decided to get up. Arobynn wasn’t in bed yet, so he couldn’t get mad at her doing the same, right?
She scratched at her hand as she trailed down the hallway. Her face was empty, her eyes empty too when she looked in the mirror hung on the wall. Sometimes emptiness could look like innocence, but to her it just looked like heaviness. He’d finally accomplished what he wanted; she looked much older than nineteen.
She looked away, continuing her mindless trek. Her eyes glazed over even more as she passed each room: the game room that was never used, the exercise room that was never used, the library that she did use, and a million other rooms that were there for the look of it and not for the actual function. And this was only the second floor of this wing, and not even the second floor of the guest wing. That was everything all over again.
Her feet reached the top of the staircase, hovering along the edge of the first step. The stairs were marble, and she was always half afraid she’d slip and fall, rolling down until she landed on the ground floor with a dramatic flop. But she also knew she was much more likely to be pushed.
She took a step down, the marble cold on her bare skin, and then she took another step, and another, until she was down at the bottom, stepping onto the ground floor. Arobynn favored clean lines, and harsh steel, and dark furniture. Most everything was some shade of grey, and in the dim lights of the night, it looked almost black. She used to admire the artisticness and the excess of it all, but now it just felt stark and unwelcoming.
An icy cage.
She kept walking, moving through the grand foyer and down through the living room, passing like a wraith through a misty field. Walking always soothed her; it was better than just sitting there staring at nothing, wondering if there was anything left worth caring about.
She scratched at her hand again.
Aelin passed the living room and the excessively large kitchen that was barely used, as his personal chef had a separate kitchen in a different wing, and trailed down the hallway toward the sitting room. Maybe she could lay on the couch in there, maybe she could curl up and try to get some sleep on this damned night.
But as she walked, her steps as silent as a graveyard, she heard faint voices. They were coming from the office, and she recognized one of them as Arobynn of course, but the other took her a second to place. Tern maybe? His coworker. He came over for dinner every now and then, and she’d be kicked out of the room, left to eat her food in whatever hole of the house she found herself in. Or didn’t eat her food more like it.
They’d been married for nine months, and she’d lost about twenty five pounds over that span.
She felt hollow, like she was rotting from the inside out. Or maybe the outside in. She hadn’t left the house in months so it wasn’t like there was anyone to help her. No. She would just flit around this great, big, empty house until she became a part of it forever. Maybe she’d haunt it in a hundred years for the next unsuspecting girl who got pulled into something she didn’t understand.
Aelin unconsciously trailed toward the voices, hooking onto that tiny glimpse of curiosity in her. A low lamp guided the way, until she was hovering outside Arobynn’s office, peering through the cracked door. Tern looked upset, raging around like a caged animal, but her husband was sitting at his desk unruffled, a cool mask on his face.
“The complaints are gaining momentum again,” Tern was saying, his voice rough like he was trying to make Arobynn understand. “There’s only so much ignoring we can do before it turns into something we can’t stop. It’s twice the number of employees now.”
Arobynn leaned back in his chair, his hands crossed in the picture of casualty. “They’re simply adjusting to the new workload. It’s only natural there be some - discontent.”
“Discontent? This is practically a full blown strike!” Tern argued, and Aelin’s face fell into an expression of shock. Both at the news and at the tone of voice. Arguing with him? That didn’t bode well for anyone.
“Interesting,” Arobynn said, and she recognized his dry tone as slipping into anger.
“What is?” Tern asked, his voice reasonably hesitant. He paused his pacing to stand still in front of the desk, almost blocking her view.
“That you think I don’t understand the workings of my own company,” he said, his eyes narrowing into a deadly glare. “That I don’t have complete control over the situation.”
Tern started to bluster an apology, sensing the change in tension, and Aelin tried to strain to listen. To her detriment. Because as she scooted closer, exposing more of herself through the crack in the door, Arobynn’s eyes darted right toward it.
See the full post
173 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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Same Time Thursday part 13
~5.3k words
CW: depictions of abuse, depictions of depression, language
WOOO! It's finally here!! It's been a long time coming lol, hopefully part 14 doesn't take as long!
Rowan was waiting outside his apartment door by the time she walked over there, his face looking grave. Elia was tucked in her arm, but immediately fussed until Aelin had to pass her over to him. He took her gently, painting on a smile to greet her before looking back up at Aelin, his expression reverting back to seriousness.
“What happened?” She asked, glancing past him at the dark green front door. Worry was gnawing at her gut. “What do I need to see?”
He just sighed, squeezing his eyes shut before opening them again. “Just come inside.”
Aelin followed him, albeit with a bit of trepidation, but she had no choice really. He was taking Elia in, and she’d follow her anywhere. Not that she didn’t trust Rowan; it was just instinct.
It was an older apartment, and the wood floor creaked as she crossed the threshold. But she didn’t notice that, not as her eyes traced over the rest of the space, widening in utter horror.
It was completely trashed. All of it.
She was in the living room, and the couch cushions were ripped up and thrown all over the floor, the tv lay shattered across the carpet. Books were strewn off the shelves and the shelves themselves knocked over too.
Rowan stayed there as she wandered into the kitchen, stepping carefully over shattered glass and ceramic. The cabinets were all wide open with plates and dishes haphazardly spilled all over the place.
It would’ve been a nice place if not for the mess.
“Where’s Lorcan?” Aelin asked tightly, speaking the only words she thought she could say.
“Out on the balcony, calling the police,” Rowan answered, gesturing with his head. She followed the movement with her eyes and sure enough, there was the tall man, speaking angrily to someone on the other end of the phone.
“So someone broke in?” She asked, a lump forming in her throat as she tried to avoid the truth. “A thief maybe?”
She cautiously looked over at Rowan, her boyfriend, her brain added unhelpfully, seeing the truth in his eyes. No, it wasn’t a thief.
“Lorcan’s room isn’t touched,” he said, “but go look in mine.” Aelin followed his gesture to the door on the left side of the hallway, each footstep measured as she walked toward it. The door was half open, a chunk of the wood missing, so it was easy to push open as she stepped inside.
And her blood ran cold.
Her breaths were short as her eyes traced the room again. The dark green comforter was torn and tossed off the bed, the contents of his dresser sprawled all over the rug, his desk was upturned and in shambles. And on his nice grey-blue painted walls, were the words-
Below it was a crudely drawn image of a decapitated body, with blood spilling out of it and exes over the eyes. It was the lack of skill of a child mixed with the gruesomeness of someone far from innocent, and despite her thick layers of clothing, she trembled.
It was all made worse by the fact that the medium looked like actual blood, the dripping red substance thicker and darker than paint.
“That fucking asshole,” she breathed, unable to tear her eyes away. Rowan let out a humorless laugh.
“That’s one word for it,” he said drily, and Aelin didn’t dare turn to look at him, to see his reaction to what she’d brought down on him.
“Rowan!” Lorcan suddenly called out, giving her a reprieve, and she turned just as Rowan leaned against the doorframe to look out into the hallway, Elia perched in his arms.
“The police are on their way,” Lorcan added, and then a pause before, “When did she get here?”
Aelin walked over then, maneuvering around the destroyed bedroom to peek around Rowan and wave a small greeting at the tall man. “We just got here,” she said, and he nodded at her, his face grave.
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174 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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But Who Could Stay?
Rowaelin Month Day 1: Song Fic
based on The Archer by Taylor Swift
~ 27k words
an: I am immensely proud of this, and I have put so much work into this one, I really hope you all like it; it was born out of my obsession with the archer but has turned into something of its own; I'm a bit nervous sharing it, but I'm happy with how it turned out, so I hope you all enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it
CW: cursing, angst, depictions of an eating disorder, mentions of sexual assault, very brief depiction of attempted sexual assault, NSFW
Who could ever leave me darling?
But who could stay?
Aelin woke up that morning to the sound of classical piano blaring in her ears. It was the opening chords of the Stygian Suite, which meant she was just on time as she sat up, lifting up her eye mask and turning to switch off the alarm.
With a graceful yawn, she pulled back her silk sheets, standing out of bed to stretch as the first reaches of sunlight seeped in through the light blue curtains. 
5:30 am, bright and early. It was the time she woke up every day, just to get a jump start before her schedule caught up with her. 
Efficiently, she made her bed, tucking the fluffy white comforter nicely underneath her pillows before heading into the bathroom. In there, her face highlighted by the lights around the large mirror, she combed and clipped her hair up, with a towel headband to keep any stray pieces back. Turning on the faucet to let the water warm up, Aelin went and grabbed her silk robe, sliding it on over her silk pajamas, the luxurious fabric caressing her skin. 
Then she went back to the sink, splashing her face with water and using her expensive face wash to start the day fresh. After the face wash, she applied her bottle of toner to her skin carefully, before layering it on with a few of her favorite serums, finishing the routine off with her moisturizer and of course, sunscreen, to keep her skin youthful and glowing.
Then she took off the headband, but left the clip in, traveling out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, turning on her fancy coffee machine. After hitting a few buttons, her coffee was brewing, espresso and steamed milk spilling out of it to make a delicious latte. 
While that was brewing, Aelin padded over to the floor to ceiling windows, pulling open the curtains to reveal the city skyline below, already bustling at the early hour. Rifthold was a huge city, there was always something going on. She relished in the chaos of it all, it kept the chaos in her own mind at bay. 
It was only when she was sitting down on her plush couch with her coffee and her small bowl of yogurt that she finally looked at her phone. 
6 am. She’d made good time. 
If she ate her breakfast and drank her coffee in the next fifteen minutes, then she’d have another fifteen to get changed before starting her morning workout. Not to be confused with her evening workout of course. Morning was cardio, while evening was all toning. 
None of her friends were awake at this hour, so there weren’t any text notifications, but the fashion world was 24/7, so she had multiple emails in her inbox, essentially detailing her itinerary for the next month. 
After transferring all of her shoots and runways, as well as her meetings, into her calendar, Aelin uncurled herself from the couch, abandoning her half eaten yogurt on the counter before going into her bedroom to change. 
Within half an hour, she was sweating as she nearly sprinted on the treadmill. Her legs and her lungs were burning as she ran, crossing the mile mark at a record speed for her. It was one of her favorite parts of the day, to let loose all of her stress through pure sweat. 
But as she was crossing the second mile, her phone rang and she was forced to slow her pace down to a gentle jog as she answered it and put it on speaker, hearing Lysandra’s tired voice yawn through the line.
“Good morning, bitch,” her best friend said affectionately, and Aelin chuckled, still breathing heavily as she exercised.
“Good morning,” she replied, “you’re up early.” 
“And what?” Lysandra said, “you’ve been up for an hour already, haven’t you.” Aelin laughed again, wiping at some stray sweat.
“An hour and a half,” she admitted, hearing her friend snort through the phone. 
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183 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Attention Throne of Glass Fandom!!!
I have compiled a masterlist of every rowaelin fic on tumblr!!!
Link Here
This may not be a completely exhaustive list, as I'm only a human, so if you notice any of yours are in the wrong spot, or are missing, or if you know of one that's not on there, please let me know!!!
The categories are a bit arbitrary, and I did my best to divide it up and categorize them based on my own knowledge of the fics, so I will completely take recommendations on adjusting things or moving things around!
And note: this is a rowaelin list only, so anything that features another couple as the main couple or doesn't have rowaelin as the only main couple, I didn't include it, simply so that I could keep the lines clear and make this just a rowaelin list.
I'm going to be tinkering with it over the next few days, as it's really late here and I know already that I've messed some things up, but I'm tired lol, this took me a really damn long time.
I just know tumblr can be difficult to navigate sometimes and I wanted to create a resource that was easy for people to find new fics and new writers, and just try to expand the fandom a little more!!!
Let me know if you have any questions!
470 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rachelminetti · 1 year
room for squares, 9.18.2001
i have a few john mayer related rituals i (sometimes) keep up with over the year, but none as sacred as this one. why do i have john mayer rituals? probably in some attempt to tether myself to myself. i wrap my years around it, i measure time against it, i keep my clocks in sync with it. so every year on september 18th i listen to room for squares, start to finish, followed up with some favorite live versions. this is the week when i no longer wonder when summer will wrap itself up, when the humidity disperses and i want to be home by 7. my hands are starting to show signs of age this year, my sentimentality has waned, renewal feels less likely, more daunting. 
but this tradition persists, i reconnect, i let the new year begin. this album has been given the gift of context, 22 years to settle in as an early 2000s soft-pop-rock-coffeehouse-easy listening delight. it is by no means my favorite album of his, i do not think it is a masterpiece, and this is the only time of the year i listen to it in full. but it is a great comfort and there are some stellar live renditions of its songs, exemplary of their time, their longevity and lack thereof. so, here are some of my favorite versions of each song, dug up from my personal john mayer archive. 
no such thing, live sometime in 2001.they listen to phish, but they can’t find the answers. added to my library sometime before 12/26/2012 (the day i got my MacBook, lost date-added data for most of my music up to that point), probably ripped it from the youtube link above. my library would be nothing without clipconverter, mystupidmouth, that giant torrent, and, of course, the internet archive. you’ll get a lot from this version: long, fun intro, alternate lyrics, an everything she does is magic tease – all wrapped up into a 9 minute, pretty solid recording. essential listening for those looking to dip their toes into the world of live JM.
why georgia, go anywhere intro. i have no idea how i found a download of this, i can only find the lyrics online. it’s been in my library prior to 2012, i must’ve downloaded from mystupidmouth. it’s a different version than the portable intro that’s easier to come across. after about 30 minutes of trying to track it down, i’m led to believe that it is from 9.06.02, thanks to a reply from Humming6ird on this post. going to spend another 10-15 minutes trying to track down a download, we’ll see if i’m successful. side note: cool to stumble upon an old self while tracking this down, i’m all over this page. ok, no luck. it’ll find me one day.
my stupid mouth, probably 2002-2003. i’ve had this labeled in my library as (Soundstage 2005) but i think that that is very wrong. great improv intro to a song i’ve never cared for. this is like level 2 deep cut live john mayer.  
ybiaw, 3/11/23. there’s nothing worthwhile about this song, so here’s a link to a nice transition from HOME LIFE earlier this year. 
neon, live 9.24.05 with the trio. 10/10 must hear version of this song. now this really is one of his masterpieces, take some time and listen to its versatility over the years. i was also going to share a version from what i thought was from 05.18.00 but i cannot find confirmation anywhere that this actually exists. it’s wonderful and i have no idea where i downloaded it from in 2021. oh well.
city love, i don’t really care for this song so here’s a trio video of covered in rain. 
83, live 3.26.04. this whole show is great – early version of don’t trust myself and a back to you closer, can’t lose here. this song very much feels like early fall, light and crisp. “83 was the vibraslap.” 
3x5, yet another mislabeled live version in my library. downloaded BMB (before MacBook). well, here’s a nice one from july 7, 2003. full show video available, always nice. 
love song for no one, i was going to link the one i have from 3.29.00 (terrible recording, live at the 40 watt in athens), but, of course, i have no idea how i even have my hands on that. it starts with tell me what to say, so it’s a real deep cut. here’s one from eddie’s attic in 1999, same vibe. 
back to you, live any given thursday. bring back back to you! bring back FULL BAND back to you! an all time favorite, one of my atlanta songs. here’s a link to any given soundcheck. 
great indoors, i was going to link a mysterious undated 2003 version with a lovely intro, but of course i cannot find it. this one from tower records on 6.31.01 holds up nicely. 
not myself, a lovely version from THE eddie’s attic shows in 2005. it will all come around again…
0 notes
Reigning SPBGMA Entertainer of the Year The Kody Norris Show’s New Album ‘RHINESTONE REVIVAL’ – Out Now!
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Award-winning country & bluegrass group, The Kody Norris Show is excited to announce their highly anticipated album Rhinestone Revival is available now! This undeniable record delivers everything their devoted fans adore, and then some. Building upon their signature style, Rhinestone Revival showcases a dynamic collection of twelve exhilarating bluegrass tracks that will leave listeners craving more. Elevating the honky-tonk spirit to new heights, the inclusion of percussion adds an irresistible rhythm that guarantees a toe-tapping experience from start to finish, cementing the album’s place as a must-have for bluegrass enthusiasts. Of the twelve songs included on Rhinestone Revival, four are penned by frontman Kody Norris: “Baltimore I’m Leaving,” “Please Tell Me Why,” “Gotta Get My Baby Back,” and their latest single, “Fiddler’s Rock.” Last October, the first single “Mountain Rosalie” was released along with an accompanying lyric video seen here. New elements to Rhinestone Revival include a track sung by Kody’s fiddling “sweetie” Mary Rachel Nalley-Norris who steps out on “Endless Highway,” a tune Alison Krauss made popular in 1990. In addition, the band’s banjo ace Josiah Tyree takes the lead on their current single “I Call Her Sunshine.” Charlie Lowman rounds out the group keeping perfect time on bass. Like All Suited Up, the band’s Rebel Records debut which reached the Top 10 on the Billboard Bluegrass Albums Chart, Rhinestone Revival is produced by Darin Aldridge who also plays mandolin on a number of tracks. Additional guests on the album include Darin’s wife Brooke Aldridge singing harmony vocals, Joe Mullins & The Radio Rambler’s Jason Barie providing second fiddle on a number of the album’s songs, percussionist Tony Creasman and David Johnson, whose wailing harmonica on “Otto Wood” gives the song a decidedly more country flavor. “We are so excited that our new album, Rhinestone Revival is available today,” share Kody Norris. “Rhinestone Revival is a virtual road trip of our musical expression and has something to offer every listener! Recording this project was a blast and we certainly hope you enjoy it!” Last night, The Kody Norris Show celebrated the release of Rhinestone Revival at their first-ever album release party at 3rd & Lindsley in Nashville. The party was sponsored by Gus Arrendale and Springer Mountain Farms Chicken. Also, The Kody Norris Show will make their Ryman debut later this summer when they open for The Queen of Bluegrass Rhonda Vincent at Springer Mountain Farms Bluegrass Nights at the Ryman on July 13. “We would like to thank Mr. Gus Arrendale and Springer Mountain Farms Chicken for their support for our album release party,” shares Mary Rachel Nalley Norris. “It is always exciting to share new music with everyone and hope you get a copy of Rhinestone Revival. We are also excited to be opening for Rhonda Vincent at the Ryman on July 13!” To order/stream/ Rhinestone Revival, visit HERE. Rhinestone Revival Track List: Mountain Rosalie – Premiered by Bluegrass Today Baltimore I’m Leaving – Premiered by Whiskey Riff I Call Her Sunshine – Premiered by Cowboys & Indians Endless Highway – Premiered by Nashville Country Music Magazine Let All The Girls Know You’re A Cowboy – Premiered by Cowboys & Indians Petals in the Fall – Premiered by Center Stage Magazine Please Tell Me Why – Premiered by Canyon Star TV Fiddlers Rock – Premiered by The Hollywood Times My Home in Virginia – Premiered by The Music Universe Looking at the World Thru the Windshield – Premiered by Bluegrass Borderline Otto Wood – Premiered by M Music & Musicians Magazine Gotta Bring My Baby Back – Premiered by Bluegrass Today The Kody Norris Show’s Upcoming Tour Dates: JUL 13 – Bluegrass Nights at the Ryman / Nashville, Tenn. JUL 15 – Racoon Creek Bluegrass Festival / Dallas, Ga. JUL 22 – Backyard Breakdown / Mountain City, Tenn. JUL 29 – Backbone Bluegrass Festival / Strawberry Point, Iowa AUG 04 – Appalachian Fiddle & Bluegrass Festival / Wind Gap, Pa. AUG 05 – Roots of American Music Concert Series / Galax, Ky. AUG 12 – Bluegrass In The Park Folklife Festival / Henderson, Ky. AUG 19 – LarryFest / La Farge, Wis. AUG 22 – Wilson County Fair / Lebanon, Tenn. AUG 23 – Gypsy Hill Park Bluegrass Series / Staunton, Va. AUG 24 – Georgia Mountain Fair / Hiawassee, Ga. AUG 25 – Pickin’ In The Pasture / Lodi Center, N.Y. AUG 26 – Blistered Fingers Bluegrass Festival / Litchfield Plains, Maine SEP 08 – Jerusalem Ridge Bluegrass Celebration / Beaver Dam, Ky. SEP 09 – Cameron Bluegrass Festival / Cameron, Wis. SEP 10 – East Troy Bluegrass Festival / East Troy, Wis. SEP 14 – Dumplin Valley Bluegrass Festival / Kodak, Tenn. SEP 15 – Blazin’ Bluegrass Festival / Whitley City, Ky. SEP 16 – Mohican Bluegrass Festival / Glenmont, Ohio SEP 22 – Upperco Music Festival / Upperco, Md. SEP 23 – Upperco Music Festival / Upperco, Md. SEP 26 – International Bluegrass Music Association / Raleigh, N.C. SEP 27 – International Bluegrass Music Association / Raleigh, N.C. SEP 28 – International Bluegrass Music Association / Raleigh, N.C. SEP 29 – International Bluegrass Music Association / Raleigh, N.C. SEP 30 – Oakdale Bluegrass Festival / Glen Rose, Texas OCT 06 – Big Ben Bluegrass Festival / Alpine, Texas OCT 07 – Big Ben Bluegrass Festival / Alpine, Texas OCT 13 – Uncle Tommy’s Barn / Wayland, Ky. OCT 14 – Lester Flatt Celebration / Sparta, Tenn. OCT 20 – Outer Banks Music Festival / Outer Banks, N.C. NOV 10 – Mountaingrass / Beechworth Victoria Australia NOV 11 – Mountaingrass / Beechworth Victoria Australia NOV 12 – Mountaingrass / Beechworth Victoria Australia NOV 17 – Bluegrass Christmas In The Smokies / Gatlinburg, Tenn. NOV 18 – Town Center / Burnsville, N.C. DEC 09 – Kenbridge Community Center Auditorium / Kenbridge, Va. For more information, visit thekodynorrisshow.com. # # # Suggested post: .@KodyNorrisShow’s #RhinestoneRevival album is available now! Also to open for @RhondaVincent12 on July 13 at @TheRyman for #BluegrassNightsAtTheRyman. To purchase/stream: rebel-records.lnk.to/Rhinestone-Revival Read the full article
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k1 speed
i am now determined to leave america
ever since i moved over to the east bay
life has ended for me
the only lifei have now is overseas
not anywhere local
i no longer have close friends
i am a lone wolf
i enjoy doing things myself
i enjoy spending money on myself
i have been forthing resturants for 4 years
retails for 2
and customer services for about 2 as well
i hae about 8 years of working experiences 
i started volunteering for companies at age of 11 or 12 ish
its been 10 years of working service
for most people
they start work at 22
after college
and by 32
theyll have 10 years of working experiences
i am 27 now
i have 10 years or more idk
but life here in k1 went bby quick
started out with many of the boys
now its just down to me basically
everyone moved one
everyones gone
its been a fast fun thing
things went and
came and went
things are moving fast
and so should i
i realize my life here wasnt equalitine to much
i decided i will follow thru with my plans for departure on the 29 of novmebt
i will coe back jan 18 fo family dinner
i will stay
get a job for any 2 or 3 onths
unitil its my bady
when i will head out again
life in k1
started off 
there were many guys
all were faster than me
 had some great lessons 
racing with faster people
things picked up
now im one of the fastest
but not fastest
new rookie in town took the spot
but yeah it was fun
had a quick short tie
well spent
covid came
and 2022 flew by
any lessons and scams along the way
didnt make much progess in terms of social or financial standing
didnt make it in tersm of money or girls
but i not worrying
i had a good year
or bad year
a bad year of good lesson
we did alot this year i feel
i liveeld u p a good aount
many experiences along the way
not many too memorable
but times 
good ties flies
its time to let go of the ast
and move on to the future where the great journey awaits
no more being fearful of things
no more being lustful for girls
no need of anything but my own harnessed good vibration
i dontneed to seell anybody anything
i dont need to share anything with anyone
its all coming to an end
life is moving on
when i leave
i will go
and when i come back
ill take a job at sushi house
and take back the job at k1
with new attitude 
and i will work to make 4-5k a month
that is athe goal
i will work
all the way
thru may
and until summer
june 2023
then i will elave again
this time
i iwll leave with 30k in my account
january 1/2
18k.... thats plenty
i currenly
have 7 plus 3
i have ten k
its been a year...
well 5 motnhs 18k not ad actually
get 20k 
and leave again
from june
and come ack january
6 months
3k a month spending
work months for 6 months of play
repeat and repeat
of a 27 year old
then maybe by then
id have enoguh of everything
if not
and by then
its real time to get started with maybe a house
and car
and by 40
id like to settle
10 years+ of travel eperience
ive done it all
seen it all
lived all there is to do eat and see smell feel
and by 40
ill be good
then ican settle
house car dog girl mortages friends social gatherings
for now 
tis all about the travels an
live it up now
who knows
if ill live to 40
theres so much to see
and do while young tthan go get a house
lock urself in
get a girl
get a car
lock urself in
lock get tied down
do the same shit
eat the same shit
see the same people
age 20- 30
30- 40
the prime years of ur life
spent doing the same repatitive shit
running track
doning tracking
doing races on the sae track
its about getting out there
doing all u can do
lvingin all u can live
being all u can be
being great being free and wild and limitless
dont be tied down to what others opinion is best of ru
u know hawts best for u
and do what is best for u
dontelt don
dont elt others
tell u whats bet for u
only u should have dictoriatiship over ur own life
else ur life isnt urs
its someone elses being controls for u
to let u know this is whats best
be the captian fo rur own story
0 notes
checkmains · 2 years
Cities skylines sunny breeze radio
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#Cities skylines sunny breeze radio mods#
#Cities skylines sunny breeze radio Pc#
#Cities skylines sunny breeze radio windows#
Graphics: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 2 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7870, 2 GB (Does not support Intel Integrated Graphics Cards).
Kick back and let everything align to create the perfect summer day chill.
Processor: Intel Core i5-3470, 3.20GHz or AMD FX-6300, 3.5Ghz Sunny Breeze Radio matches that mood perfectly with 16 modern synth tracks.
Graphics: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 5670, 512 MB (Does not support Intel Integrated Graphics Cards).
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+, 3.2GHz.
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system.
This content requires the base game Cities: Skylines on Steam in order to play. Steam account is required for game activation and installation. Sunny Breeze Radio matches that mood perfectly with 16 modern synth tracks. The waves call to you as you kick off your shoes to the sounds of summery electronic beats. The waves call to you as you kick off your shoes to the sounds of summery electronic beats. Palm trees sway on the city’s waterfront as you soak up the sun while the music plays. The sun and sand and songs combine to create the perfect summer day with serious chill.įor more information, please visit the Cities: Skylines website.įollow the game on our official forums, Facebook, Twitter, and InstagramĪll assets can be found within the press kit here.Palm trees sway on the city’s waterfront as you soak up the sun while the music plays. The waves call to you as you kick off your shoes to the sounds of these electronic beats. The 16 sunny synth tracks of Sunny Breeze Radio match your mood as you consider dipping your toes in the water. Palm trees sway on the city’s waterfront as you soak up the sun while the music plays. Rail Hawk Radio is your underground station of choice when you are getting ready to start a night of making vivid memories.
#Cities skylines sunny breeze radio windows#
The vibrant city may be slowing down to go to sleep, but you’re just getting started, jamming along to 16 electronic tracks as you prowl past flickering neon lights in windows while the late train keeps a perfect beat as it speeds past. Enhance your network with modern-looking stations that match Sunset Harbor and Mass Transit expansions perfectly. Whether your city would benefit from an elevated or below-ground station, there are new mass transit options to meet your needs, featuring several stylish train and metro stations, so your citizens can efficiently get where they need to go. Train Stations features 12 stations and 4 hubs, created by BadPeanut. Build on your city’s iconic appearance and shape your oceanic skyline with these quintessential connectors.
#Cities skylines sunny breeze radio mods#
Two radio stations, Rail Hawk Radio and Sunny Breeze Radio, are now available for those players looking to change up the mood they build, for $3.99 each.Įnhance and elevate your waterfronts! This set of 22 unique mods by Armesto, with industrial and classical styles found around the world. Buy Cities Skylines Sunny Breeze Radio DLC Steam Key EU - Get a brand new radio station for Cities Skylines: Listen to the sound of Sunny Breeze Radio. The Gold Coast is a major tourist destination with a sunny. Relájate para crear el día de verano perfecto. The Gold Coast is a coastal city in the state of Queensland, Australia, approximately 66.
#Cities skylines sunny breeze radio Pc#
The content creator packs are available on PC platforms, Xbox One, and on PlayStation®4. Sunny Breeze Radio combina perfectamente con ese estado de ánimo con 16 pistas de sintetizador modernas. STOCKHOLM – May 21, 2021 – Paradox Interactive, a publisher and developer that enjoys train rides and bridge-crossings while jamming, today during PDXCON Remixed announced the release of two new content creator packs, Bridges & Piers and Train Stations, for Cities: Skylines.
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