#summer camp was just like that with age restrictions tho
anglerflsh · 1 year
“i dont have a dead bird on my conscious. except-“
bro you cant deny this shit
hey it wasn't my bird it was a random wild bird also I was seven throwing with a bow as tall as me. Cut me some slack
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akireu-13 · 10 months
i really like this video on the b4rbie movie. i did like the movie, to clarify. i thought it was fun, i thought some of the feminist stuff was really good. spoilers ahead obv, but i really enjoyed the section where she has a breakdown and talks about all the contradictory stuff women are supposed to be. i liked the section where shes talking to ruth about wanting to be human and to be a woman despite it all. i liked that part of the message was that a lot of men need to fuckin get hobbies instead of their personality being Woman-Liker. i LOVED the songs being camp and mostly actually made for and about the film instead of using generic pop songs (tho the billie eilish song was jarring and took me out of it).
However. i did think it was pretty,,, superficial. some of that was because its a corporate product and there wouldve been restrictions on what gerwig could do. like she cant criticize the mattel board too much, because it would "make the company look bad." like mattel refused to call the movie feminist, and i think theres an aversion to calling the movie anything too concretely subversive, maybe because that turns the "ive been saying this for years!!" aspect into not relatability, but being behind the times, or worse, performative. which it is.
BUT i also think it really played into the Girlboss feminist schtick. like that in the end they went back to a matriarchy. i dont think the film was saying matriarchy bad, and im not even trying to say that it would be equally as bad as patriarchy bc i dont know nor do i care. but i do think it had that vibe of "men are stupid, right ladies?!? we know best with our woman power ;)" which feels a little weird tbh. even the little comments like implying that a president would NEVER dress like that or a woman would have to be BRAINWASHED to want to be a housewife is uncomfortable to say the least. the final gynocology joke at the end felt really reductive even with a trans woman in the movie. it felt weird for her to go to the queer-coded b4rbies to get help and then they stop mattering when they arent helping cishet b4rbie society. and no butch b4rbies, obviously.
it felt like they were going "see? woman power!! but dont forget to be respectable!!" despite halfway through talking about how hard it is to be respected as a woman. and this is most egregious when they have sasha going on an honestly reasonable and well-founded rant about the negative social impact of b4rbie which is then not really brought up in a meaningful way again. shes played for laughs and its only addressed as a "we hear your criticisms but theyre very silly bc barbie stands for woman power so there. 😊" like she calls b4rbie a fascist and thats a whole joke, which is really fucking weird tbqh.
but my point is that its ok to be critical of the way women are treated and what is expected of women, and its ok to be weird or ugly or whatever!! up until the point it makes you ACTUALLY ugly or tooOo much of a deviant (like dressing in revealing clothing as a professional, or criticising consumerism which is just a silly thing to do because why would you EVER-), in which case you just hate women and make the cause look bad.
anyway, i thought the movie was fun. it looked great, the soundtrack was fun, the casting choices were pretty good, and i liked the real talk about how hard being a woman can be. at the same time, it was a very long ad for b4rbie. it was corporate, and mostly sold a very girlboss, shallow look at feminism. a good entry point for like, men who think women arent oppressed but love their girlfriend enough to TRY to understand, or for middle aged women looking to hear something nice about their existence, or people looking for a fun summer movie with a few funny bits. not a great movie for film nerds or riotgrrls or trans people or anti-capitalists.
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giulietta-in-roses · 3 years
A rambling life update
I’m living with my family again, due to the plague. I really miss being at university and with my friends, but I do appreciate the fact that I get to use the big fancy kitchen at my parents house. I also really love spending a lot of time with my mom, and my little sister, who’s not so little anymore!!!!!! She’s going away to college next year and I can barely believe it. Her school starts before mine and is pretty close to our family home, so I’ll being going down with her to help her settle in. She’s a very shy person and very much homebody. We call her our country mouse since she likes to stay quietly at home , but now she’s going out into the big world. My mom and I are going to have to make sure she can take care of herself tho, like meal planning and prepping and all the other essentials. She’d live off of ramen if we let her, and she’s not self sufficient at all right now. I was much more prepared when I went to Uni, as I was already doing a lot of the household work when I was still in school, and I love to cook. I’d also lived by myself or in roommate situations before, so I wasn’t too worried, unlike my sister who’s longest time separated from one of us was a week at summer camp when she was 12. She cried and didn’t go back the next year. She was also looking at a Uni across the country, but my dad put his foot down on that, as he was too worried about her being alone so far away. Thankfully, it wasn’t her first choice, so it ended up being irrelevant. As it stands, my mom sees herself going down every weekend to check on her and cooking for her, just to make sure she eats alright.
I am glad that I’m getting to spend all this time with her right now though. I only wish she’d actually do the dishes when I ask! I keep waking up to a massive mess in the kitchen every morning, since if I don’t clean, no one does. Its getting annoying since I go to bed before anyone else so I can be up in time for my online classes since my Uni is in a different time zone, and then when I wake up, there's a disaster in the sink. Oh well. My mother despairs of how messy me and my sister are, which is true! But I do try to clean, there's just so much to tackle, despite there only being five of us plus cats. 
The other positive news is that my cousin has transferred to a uni in my city! I’m really excited, since she is such an absolute sweetheart, and I’ll have someone to go explore the sights with, as well as someone to cook with. She’s also very shy, like my sister, so she’s glad she’ll have a built in friend when she moves. She had a really rough time at her previous uni, and I get the sense she was very lonely. She’s definitely not as nerdy as me, but we’ll have fun going to museums and cafes (if the restrictions are lighter and its safe!) My mom is hopeful that I’ll get an invitation to my aunt (her sister)’s summer- soon to be year round house, since she hasn’t invited my mom yet. It’s still being renovated but some of my cousins’ friends have scored invitations and it makes my mom a little sad. She and my aunt are really close, but my aunt is soooo much busier than her and they rarely get to see each other in person. Hopefully, it’ll all work out.
I’m also going to be looking after two children (ages 2 and 4) when I go back to uni next October. Their mother is the daughter of an old friend/mentor of my mom, who encouraged me to go to my uni, and who is in town for a wedding. Unfortunately, they found out just now that no children are allowed at the wedding and were scrambling to figure out what to do. My mom’s friend knows that I live in town and offered up my services. Its only two days, but I’m a little anxious since I have to tell my flatmates that I’ll have some small children in our flat, but I’ve got the summer to work something out. It’s also been a little while since I’ve looked after kids so small, since the kid I used to babysit at their ages is now like 13??? When did I get so old??? I did help look after my little cousins a couple months ago, but there was a lot of people there since it was a family event (funeral) and I didn’t actually do all that much. Oh well. It’ll be fine.
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percethecurse · 7 years
all of them lol
Oh dear...1. Not yet2. Not yet3. What do you think (No)4. I don't have one. Like, I'm not exactly atheist, I was just never raised in a religious household so I never really developed strong thoughts/beliefs on it, ya know?5. I actually may end up changing it? I originally had it because it was a nickname my friend Travis gave me back when I met him, but it was based off of part of my birth name (which, as I've mentioned before, I don't use now). I might change it soon. But at the same time, it's kind of part of me? Like my best friend called me that for ages and also it sounds cool so I don't know if I'll change it or not? We'll see :)6. I was really bored one day and I had been kind of following certain blogs on here for ages anyway so I figured why not just like actually follow them lol7. Moudcloud, as I said earlier. Travis and Stephen have started calling me Ro recently, and the little girl who lives down the hall calls me Winnie (Rowan, Wan, Win, Winnie. It's less direct than Ro but hey man she's six cut her some slack). 8. Hellz yeah I like bubble baths who do you think I am9. I have not kissed in the rain, or at all10. Yeah! Back at like the beginning of the eighth grade I got purple tips, and towards the end of this school year I got it like, Michael-Clifford-Fire-Truck-Strawberry red. I'm gonna redo it over the summer though (and I'm open to color suggestions)11. Both I guess, but soup just because my grandma makes the best cheesy potato soup ever :)12. Between vegetables and meat, I don't have a preference... I like fruit tho13. Uh no I am too young for that (and honestly? I don't even know if I'll want it when I'm old enough)14, 15, 16, 17. No18. I mean probably I don't know though19. He's my main man it's Travis yo best bro20. I think like once??? I don't know man brown eyes don't get as much recognition21. Um obviously I may be a nerd who loves school but come on man sometimes we all need to chill 22. No but I've thought about it quite a bit... haven't been serious about it since like the seventh grade though so it's not as bad as it was23. Two nights ago. Got into thinking the Bad Things and started listening to sad relatable songs. Never a good place to be24. I've been semi-suicidal for years. What do you think?25. HA man I wish26. Long at the moment but I'm getting it cut short pretty soon. Going for a more gender-neutral vibe27. I usually notice a girl's eyes first and a guy's smile/laugh first. I don't know why it differs between genders??? I'm strange (insert "queer" joke here)28. Who doesn't I mean come on next question 29. Depends on the song playing (but usually, no)30. Here in my room as usual haha let's all laugh at Rowan for never going outside31. Yes actually! We did an archery unit in pe all through middle school and I did it a little in summer camp (gosh that was a while ago)32. School picture day at the beginning of the year (ew)33. Musicals are great and you can fight me on that34. Christmas is hella stressful yeah35. Are pumpkins fruit?... According to Google they are a fruit so pumpkin pie is my favorite kind of fruit pie? I don't typically like fruit pies all that much (or pie in general, Dean Winchester would be ashamed of me)... actually wAIT DOES LEMON MERINGUE COUNT IF SO THEN THAT IS MY FAVORITE FRUIT PIE36. Oh my goodness from the ages of 4 to 9 I had my heart set on being a florist. I also wanted to be a dragon tamer. I still want to be a dragon tamer37. I don't NOT believe in them, but they're more of a "I'll believe it when I see it" kind of thing38. Totally, it happens a lot39. Nope40. I used to have these hedgehog slippers that my babysitter/neighbor got me but one of the times we moved I lost them and my fragile child self was so distraught that I've never owned a pair of slippers since41. I own one, but I almost never wear it42. It changes? I don't usually own pajama sets so I'll have like a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top or some old athletic shorts and a t-shirt43. I hope to someday, but tbh if I found the right person who didn't want to get married but still wanted to be with me, I'd probably be happy :)44. NO AND I CAN'T WHISTLE OR ROLL MY R'S EITHER SHUT UP LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T EVEN CARE45. Never been in one as of yet but there's this one guy at school I've got my eye on and he is 👌 so hopefully my 0 will become a 1 soon 🤞46. Buy me Haribo Goldbears HA bet you toootally didn't see that coming (if you've seen my blog ever you knew I was gonna say that) Actually if you make me laugh I will most likely find you at least semi-attractive47. I could say the typical stuff about communication and trust here and I'm sure that stuff is true but like I don't know??? I've never been in a relationship the most action I've ever gotten is a high five??? Just respect each other man, that's my knowledge on the subject48. Oh boy now I have to talk about my type wow this should be good (I don't have a type) I don't prefer shy people or open people49. Oh... there isn't a 49 on this list... well uh... hi50. I don't care, as long as you don't act like a dick and use your religion to harass or discriminate then whatever my friend believe what you want51. (Why can't someone be both caring and non-restricting) I guess non-restricting?52. Don't care, I literally have no preference on most of these and also I've been typing for so long53. Don't have a preference necessarily but hey man piercings are h o t54. Same with tattoos 55. Don't really care, honestly I seem to work well with outgoing, social, party people who are the exact opposite of me, so I guess party typeOh wow this was longer than I thought I didn't expect someone to ask for all of them
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