sumunc23 · 1 year
Human Genome Editing Scandals by Nurin Afiqah binti Abu Bakar from Times of India
WHO: A heated debate broke out between the delegates of Western Countries and Muslim-majority countries, as genome editing goes against their Muslim beliefs. Genome editing, also known as gene editing, refers to a group of technologies that give scientists the capabilities to alter an organism’s DNA. However, according to the Islamic law, these actions
are considered wrong.
“—In most developed countries, clinical genetics service was established by the end of the twentieth century. However underdeveloped countries such as Pakistan face multiple infectious diseases, malnutrition and so on and so forth. We are agreeing to use genome editing in the healthcare sector in order to save our country’s citizens. We are not against the islamic policies.” said the delegates of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, agreeing on the usage of genome editing
solely for the healthcare sector.
“—Human genome editing is a method that involves modification of the DNA cells. It is edited by adding, removing or altering the DNA in the human genome.The purpose of human genome editing by modifying is that we are able to increase our understanding of gene functions and develop ways to treat diseases. Besides, the pros’ of human genome editing, it can lead to certain type of cancer, allergy reaction or damage of the tissues of an organ, if an injection is involved. Thus, it should be handled as ethically as possible.” state the delegate of the Republic of Zimbabwe, speaking up on the pros’ and cons’ of human genome editing as a whole. “—Human genome editing should not be trusted by the public, for the catastrophe it could cause is unpredictable. How can the public assure that human genome editing would not be misused in the future for selfish desires? Another concern surrounding this issue is the increase of the existing gap between the rich and poor. Genome editing is expensive and is only accessible to the richer citizens.” Added the delegate of the People’s Republic of China. Questioning the equality of the accessibility of genome editing if it made its debut in the medical sector. The session carried on with a ten minutes unmoderated caucus, where delegates from western and muslims countries separated to create their own draft resolution regarding the issue at hand. Each delegate works in a collaborative manner to support their own stands with the issue at hand.
“—We deemed that genome editing are forbidden in our country as it is according to the Quran, it’s a sin to change God’s creation. Although an individual might be using this technology as a medical treatment, we still strictly forbid it as our country takes religion seriously.” stated the delegate of the Islamic Republic of Iran, that is strongly opposed to the usage of human genome
editing commercially.
The debate went back and forth between the countries who are in favour of human genome editing and oppose it. The debate was both on the rights, one to stand for the betterment of the
health of the general society while the other to stand firm in their beliefs.
Is the human genome practice truly beneficial in our road to advancing medical technologies or is it a wolf in sheep’s clothing waiting to shake the world with impending doom?
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twentysnoir · 7 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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sumerianlanguage · 8 months
Hi! I have another question: how do you say "old" in sumerian? But i mean a disrespectful term for an old person, and if possible, a no-gendered term
Hello! The generic term for "old; old person, senior" in Sumerian is shugi 𒋗𒄄. It has a neutral to negative connotation, also meaning "weak, unable to work", as in someone old enough that they can no longer support themself.
More insultingly, sumun 𒌀 is a verb meaming "to be old, ancient, dry, used up; to rot, decay". The word namsumun 𒉆𒌀 means "old age" and is derived from sumun, so also has a negative connotation. To say "an old person" using this word would be lusumun 𒇽𒌀. The cuneiform sign 𒌀 has numerous meanings, including ush "to die; dead", so 𒇽𒌀 could also be read as luush "dead person" - reinforcing the negative meaning!
For more terms of disrespect, check out my Sumerian insults tag.
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dancindivas · 2 months
Who’s still gonna be mini next year that we should look out for?
savannah jackson, stella brinkerhoff, navy forrest, sienna dipietro, mila sumunic, remi hilson, cambrie o'haver, aspen brandt, gwyneth woods, giuliana shea, amaya rodriguez
and obvs belle, chase and sylvie winn
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
omgieeees ive been waiting and checking tumblr at literally regular intervals waiting to hear back from you <3
i feel like youre starting to get a bit sick of him... 😂 if the definition of crush is wanting to kiss sumun, i wouldnt say i was crushing on him, i just kind of liked him? it was really weird, this whole thing made no sense from the start, sis.
NO i disagree, it would be super weird to date sumun who looks like you, that feels like something straight out of narcissism. i could never, but im also indian and ive never liked any indian guys (i dont live in india to be fair tho) although maybe there's something slightly resembling me in the guys ive liked if we look too hard? idk. idts tho.
she has pretty eyes! she has his eyes, but they're different somehow. more detailed? LMAO i just really love eyes in general; i could recognize all of my friends from their eyes rather than their face 💀
yeahhh i dont like him anymore, its something weird between friends and not. distance would be great, and im getting that in a way because were off school for half term, although i have his snao and we do streaks so im technically seeing him every day.
any thoughts on the buzz cut tho? (in general)
high time for a new crush indeed 🙌 im looking but no one else has caught my eye :/ any ideas how???
sorry sorry for the rant omg 😭 somehow i enjoy telling this story because of how complex it is but i like telling it to you as well ❤ idk something about you makes me wana tell you the whole tea lol.
i get what you mean, i think its great that they have good communication and all because all healthy relationships are built on that, but idk we're teenagers so the thought of telling my bf "hey by the way this guy ive been having that weird spat with told me he didnt like me today, what about you?" is just... off. the fact she evens knows i exist because of that (or if he told her even before which is sus because he did the doing before innit) seems... awkward. it just feels really cringey, man. most things, not all things tho.
maybe tell someone but not ur gf, that feels disrespectful to both of us in some weird way.
damn right. he actually had a bit of a stutter around me when we first met! its gone now, but weve also spent a while around each other. hmm, i get that; obviously there's definitely a lot of people he would find attractive at our school (we have some genuine REALLY pretty gils here, like, super hot) (as you can tell, i am bi ❤) but hes not staring at all of THEM in a sus way. like, this was a whole thing. hes not gt a thign with all of them.
yeah, well, i dont want to DATE him if that makes any sense so its good he doesnt, but like, idk man. i hope he wants to stay with her because if they break up because of me its not going to end well in a lot of ways because im sure that me and C.S.M.B wouldnt last, even if we did date, his gf would hate me forever and rightfully so, and her bestie, my bitchy friend, would not mind her own fucking bsuiness and ruin things in the friendship group for me so lets hope whatever it is no beef goes down 🙏 also i dont like him because i know him better this year, so it would be a whole problem so its good the way it is 👍
all i need him to do is start talking to me regularly and then we can be friends and i can focus on my future crush 👌
its deffo fun and I NEED TO GET A NEW CRUSH BUT IDK HOW MAN ANYONE CAN YOU HELP ME OUT easier said than done ofcccccc
yayyy i really hope you like that playlist, i live breathe eat those songs, so lets give C.S.M.B a round of applause for helping me come up with it 👏
hmm, maybe. its a bad law :/
oh, hes definitely scared of me. he listens to me when im talking to other people and im a BEAST in class (and outside) so hes rightfully scared of me 👍 its absolutely hilarious but i think he was more confused
well, we were on the bus, and i said "guys we should come up with a nickname so other people dotn know who we mean" and my friend was like... "...what about toothpaste?" i think she saw an ad for toothpaste somehwere lmaooo any other explanation would be... ...questionable.
i would love for that too. shes probs hot so i wouldnt say no to that 🤣🥴😏😈
i wonder what your followers think about this series lol, The Very Deep and Complicated Love Life of Sythe ? someone give this sitcom a name 💀 i hope they're not too sick of it lmaoo i know this has nothing to do with him :/
but thank you so much for listening to me ranting about C.S.M.B, i appreciate it so much!!! <3
here is an anakin for you:
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this is my favourite anakin ever, hayden looks very hawt and sexc in this <3
i alos possess a rare coloured edition of this photo 😈
anywaysss bye oli love u!
i also really like eyes 🤭 and i get it, i just think you should fixate on someone else bc there are plenty of cuties and this one seems like a dead end. take the trash out 😂🗑 i have no idea how to find a new crush…maybe start trying to intentionally pay attention to other people in your school/your life? see if anyone seems interesting or cute hehe
it’s funny cause when i was in high school i was listened to T Swift You Belong With Me and hyper focusing on small interactions with my crush and i haven’t been in high school for years but ppl are still doing that same exact thing 😂 i guess high school never changes. now that i have an *adult brain* though, i can tell you that you should be focusing on people who are nice to you and if he can be a good friend great, but if not, boy bye
thank you for my Anakin. this concludes this episode of the sad beautiful tragic love life of sythe 😂
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juancho2030 · 5 days
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En mi obra El Esencialismo, cité que somos el sumun de lo simple y por ello, entendemos el universo. Para sumar mundo, descartamos lo complejo, superfluo y banal. Eso no cabe en la esenciaĺidad del ĥombre. Gcs. Juan Mangione.
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puppile · 3 months
mmmmm cn sumune send sumthn of da ask gams in da pinned post please? i am bord n i wanna do sumthing pls
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keynewssuriname · 4 months
Studenten bespreken grensdisputen tijdens SUMUN 2024
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Het derde congres van de Suriname Second Model United Nations (SUMUN 2024), is geopend door de Secretaris Generaal van SUMUN, Seran Naarden. Het initiatief heeft als doel studenten tussen 18 en 22 jaar op een informatieve en spannende wijze kennis te laten maken met de werkwijze van de Verenigde Naties (VN). Het onderwerp van het congres is ‘Border Dispute’ of grensgeschillen tussen diverse landen. President Chandrikapersad Santokhi was gast bij de opening op zaterdag 8 juni 2024. Het event is gehouden in de vergaderzaal van het nieuwe gebouw van de Nationale Assemblee en is het initiatief van de Rotary Club Suriname in samenwerking met de Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (AdeKUS) en krijgt ondersteuning van het United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Bij dit event worden studenten op jonge leeftijd betrokken bij actuele wereldvraagstukken, internationale betrekkingen, diplomatie en de Verenigde Naties. In ruim zes weken zijn 48 studenten getraind, die allemaal grondige onderzoeken hebben gedaan over het genoemd onderwerp. Tijdens de training zijn grensgeschillen tussen onder andere India en China en tussen Libanon en Israël besproken. Naarden verwacht dat de studenten tot sterke statements komen en effectieve discussies waaruit ontwerpresoluties gehaald en gepresenteerd kunnen worden aan de VN. De studenten hebben volgens planning de discussies gevoerd en verdedigden de positie van hun land over het onderwerp, met het oog op het bereiken van een resolutie. Sristy Bishoen, een van de deelnemende studenten, gaf aan dat ze tijdens haar onderzoek verschillende uitdagingen tegenkwam die hebben bijgedragen aan haar persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Een van haar belangrijkste inzichten was het belang van het handhaven van vrede tussen landen. Santokhi onderstreept het belang en de kansen die het SUMUN-congres biedt aan de jeugd om zich te verdiepen in de wereld van internationale diplomatie en samenwerking. Het staatshoofd verwees daarbij naar doel 16 van de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG): ‘Vrede, Justitie en Sterke Publieke Diensten’. “Door deel te nemen aan SUMUN 2024 dragen studenten bij aan het bevorderen van vreedzaamheid”, sprak de president. Hij prees hun inzet om het wereldwijde vraagstuk te bespreken wat een hoopvolle toekomst voor ons land weerspiegelt. “Ik kijk uit naar jullie bijdrage bij het bouwen van de Surinaamse natie”, sprak het staatshoofd de studenten toe. Read the full article
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ivanreydereyes · 10 months
Por cierto.. VIRGINIA MAESTRO a JUAN PEREZ FAJARDO lo fotografie en el FOTOMATON delante del poster de Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (incluye LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS=HE VISTO A LUCY del cd FUERZA NATURAL de CERATI).. x cierto.. Se puso pelo para gustar a una PUTA FUMATA=TE ESTOY AMANDO LOCAMENTE de las GRECAS (=Bolsa q fotografie cuando fotografie a FAJARDO en VITORIA) jaja
Por cierto..Este LP de The Beatles es un SUMUN de la Psicodelia junto a The Piper at the Gates of Dawn de Pink Floyd..y en su portada sale hasta el apocaliptico Bob Dylan o la SUICIDA MARILYN MONROE
Esa portada tuvo su réplica con la de ESTAMOS AQUI SOLO POR EL DINERO de Frank ZAPPA con una tormenta de fondo
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sumunc23 · 1 year
Multiple Countries think that Genocide is the only way to combat racial discrimination by Euro News
UNHRC: The US delegate says that racial discrimination is one of the biggest issues in the country. “To combat racial discrimination, we must have only one pure race in the country,” the US claims. The US argues that genocide is the right way to fight racial discrimination, despite its many drawbacks.
The Palestinian delegate accuses the US of making other countries suffer worse by treating them like commodities.
Iraq believes that the agenda is close to a conclusion and has found a solution to the issue. Iraq proposes that every country in the council must work together. Kenya supports Iraq’s idea, saying that it shares the same ideology of treating all detainees equally regardless of their race. Kenya also compares Russia and the US to Nazi Germany, saying that they are committing war crimes.
“I don’t want to kill 7 billion people, but only 6.4 billion people,” the Russian delegate declares. Russia thinks that there should be only one pure race if they want to end racism.
The UK criticizes Russia and any other countries that support genocide, calling them insane and uneducated. “If the UK ruled over Russia, then Russia would have been more educated,” the UK asserts. The UK denies that it stole any resources from other countries, saying that they were given as tokens of appreciation. Therefore, the UK says, the countries that were involved in this act have no right to call out the UK.
The Mexican delegate backs Draft Resolution 1.1 because of its short-term and long-term benefits for Mexico. Meanwhile, the US has proposed a different Draft Resolution, which Mexico opposes because not every country is as wealthy as the US to overcome racial discrimination. On the other hand, Brazil agrees with the US and mocks Palestine and Thailand for having weak economies and making no progress on this issue.
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tmrrwppl · 1 year
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An Original Halloween Experience hosted at Passion Bay. Come explore our Southern Town with plenty of charm, intrigue... and tentacles. Listen, this town already had a LOT goin' on before the Lovecraftian beasts invaded.
Open ALL of October! Bring friends and partners and explore the town... The ICONIC Affle House for a midnight snack, our Madpea brand escape room... and the mysterious tunnels where sumun' did sum summonin' dey shouldn't've!
[Warning, contains RLV and horror elements]
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letters-to-tension · 1 year
Dier Tenshun,
Aftr ye snt yer scroll on tae me, I went an mat tha prncs o yers. Fr sme rezon, hr gards trd t stp me bt I wnt past em an she sed she ws gnna pey me f I hlp.
Pieright lad ye menshuned in our tawks ws thre two. Thot he wud b talr. n ye dint tel me he wuz a coppr.
Dint met Fetver or Sfetlana, but we got cmpny frm a pgsus cald Torndo Trblnce n a younicrn cald Sharight.
Selesdia wasne very impresd wif us, bud she sed she wans us t go t grifonya wish is wer grifns com frm.
She sed tha th grifn empror wans t fite sum ponys who liv nex t th grifns, an she wans us t stp tht.
She also sed tha th buk ye fund on yer kwest wif Pieright ws stolen an tkn t grifonya by sum cltists wh liv ther. Sed dey r de mane grup.
Prntl sum unded kilt al de grifn kngdoms dere wen Selesdia faught hr sista n dey mai hab bin sent by dat clt.
Ekwus Mlus mae b bak.
Da clt xsts cuz Tennybrigh dint liek dat Stahswurl da breaded ws bettr dan hm.
Stahswurl assembled da Pillahs f Ekwestrya n dey evntly fund Selesdia n hr sistah. Tennybrigh an Stahswurl bof wntd t tiech da sistahs, bud Stahswurl bekem th tiechr an rgnt. Tennybrigh wus a soar loosah.
We saw hm kll too gards bt Selesdia dint do a fing. I fink we saw sumfing liek a memry. Siems he wsnt skared f th pillahs He cld bekom smok. Stahswurl n th pillahs trighd t prtct th prnceses bt wsnt abl t stp hm.
Tennybrigh hd a fncy nklase he cld th alikorn amlet he sed he maed.
Stahswurl n th pillahs n Tennybrigh wear fitin in sum kinda sndy plaes.
Stahswurl n th pillahs shod Tennybrigh wif a ranebow n he ws blstd awae. Stijyan ws hrt an Stahswurl dint liek tht.
Tennybrigh bekam Ekwus Mlus.
n now hes bak n raisin an armee. Selesdia gaev us a pies f papr t git wht we wanned, and Torn an Pieright ran of sumwear befour comin bak. Pieright brogt us t th gard hous n dey gav us sum healin potion Thy tuk us to a crt plld by sum gards n they flew awae wif us. We arived at a town kald Tal tael, an intradu intractio we tol each ofer our naems n wo we r. Sharight hs t do sum fings cuz o her rligin. We wer sposed tae met sumun cald Ruff Sees
We askd th pones arond twn were t fnd em We fund th hippcmps n Ruff Sees. Th hippcmps is a ship. No onna thm wooly uns, onna thm big wood fings wht ponys use t travl the sees.
We wnt on th ship an we wnt of t se th wurld.
Yer mate,
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thecorpselight · 2 years
The Hogmanay Lads - Part II
The walls of the old Hebridean houses are very thick - from five to eight feet - and of uniform height. There are no gables, and the roof of the house being raised from the inner edge of the wall, the broad wall-top forms rude terrace. Beside the door, two or three stones project from the wall so as to provide steps, which are used by the inmates for the purpose of re-thatching the roof or securing it in time of storm. When the procession came to a house, the lads climbed by these steps on to the wall and went round it sunwise in single file, sometimes each holding on to the coat-tail of the lad in front, the man in the hide shaking the horns and hooves, the others shouting and beating the hide or striking the walls of the house with their sticks. This rite completed, they descended and gathered round the door singing - We are come to the door, To see if we be the better of our visit, To tell the generous women of the townland That tomorrow is Calenda Day. Kalend of the yellow buckskin bag. Strike the singed skin! Old wife in the press (corner) Old wife in the cell (graveyard) A thorn in both eyes, A thorn in her fork, Rise and open to us!
or, again, the beautiful Cairioll Callaig, Hogmanay Carol - I am now come to your country, To renew to you the Hogmanay; I need not tell you of it. It was in the time of our forefathers. I ascend by the door linitel, I descend by the doorstep; I will sing my song becomingly, Mannerly, slowly, mindfully. The Hogmanay skin is in my pocket; Great will be the smoke from it presently. The house-man will get it in his hand, He will place its nose in the fire, He will go sunwise round the babes, And for seven verities round the housewife. The housewife it is she who deserves it. The hand to dispense to us the Hogmanay; A small gift of the bloom of sumuner, Much I wish it with the bread. Give it to us if it be possible, If you may not, do not detain us; I am the servant of God's Son at the door, Arise thyself and open to me. On being admitted, the gillean greeted the inmates with grave dignity. The leader of the band went to the fire and singed the tail end of the hide; then went round the room, holding it out for each member of the household in turn to sniff. The inhaling of the fumes was a talisman for fertility and protection from disease and misfortune in the coming year. Should the tuft go out in anyone's hand, it was a bad omen for the person concerned. In some districts, or where the company was large, each of the Hogmanay lads singed the short curly wool of the casein-uchd, which was fixed to his staff for that purpose, and applied it to the nose of every person and animal present. The Caluinn Breast-Strip is in my pocket, A goodly mist comes from it; The good man will get it first, And shove its nose into the fire upon the hearth; It will go sunwise round the children, And particularly the wife will get it. -The Silver Bough, Volume 3: A Calendar of Scottish National Festivals - Hallowe'en to Yule. F. Marian McNeill.
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akustisalonen · 2 years
Kurkistus ajassa taaksepäin
Ennen kuin voin mennä eteenpäin, on on palattava taaksepäin. Selailen muistiinpanojani parin kuukauden takaa. Ne nostavat esille ymmärryksen mitä silloin on ollut ja missä nyt ollaan. Tutkin tunteita ajalta jolloin en tiennyt mikä minua vaivaa. Tutkin kirjoittamaani ja pohdin miksi. Jo käsitys kulkemisesta läpi harmaan sumun tuona aikana saa tunteet pintaan. Ne ottavat oman muotonsa ja luovat…
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julio-viernes · 2 years
Una de mis canciones favoritas de todos los tiempos. “Gimme Shelter” (1969) no es solo la maravillosa voz de Merry Clayton, es el global, el sound, el trenzado de las guitarras, Mick Taylor, los coros, la carraca, Jagger, la batería, la armónica... La onírica y atmosférica intro es fantástica, seguida de la canción rock propiamente dicha, y, para cuando el fiero refuerzo vocal de Merry se queda estratosféricamente en solitario es ya el sumun, el puto despelote.
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danjermola · 4 years
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