b4byv4mp-archive · 4 months
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Inside Scooop
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fluffyyewon · 3 months
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yeeee_kk @hyominsour_official X @daze_dayz
어제 이 시간 이 때쯤을 추억하며 효민사와 하나 더 해야지🫧🧡 진짜 진--------짜 즐거웠단 말이지❣️ 즐거운 시간을 만들어준 두분을 위하여 @hyominnn @haengy
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brickbozo · 5 months
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 5 months
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Hot Summer Dayz: Jammin n’ Jamica!! ☀️🛍️
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Dolly is typing…..💬🎀….(1) NEW FROM; Dolly!🛍️
HI DOLLIES!! Welcome 2 My Next Summer Post where i cover how to not only have the best summer vacay/staycation but also give some useful tips on beating the summer heat!!
> Planning + Shopping !! 🛍️
> Knowing ur Location !! 🏝️
> Fun Summer activities to maximize ur Staycation !! ⭐️
> How 2 Beat the Summer Heat!! 👙
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Planning + Shopping! *࿐ ࿔*:・゚🛍️
When shopping 4 outfits 4 vacay/spring/sumemr we wanna make sure we not only make sure we’re comfortable in out clothes but also make sure they’re breathable and not too heavy or baggy!! bc obvis were gonna be in harsh sunny weather!! you pick up pieces that wre stylish nd serene!! here are some pieces i definitely recommend!!👙
Halter Tops
Cami Tops
Daisy Dukes
Flowy midi skirts
colorful platform shoes
strapless mini dress
jellyfish dresses
cute open toe shoes!!
stylish sunglasses!!
swimsuit tops
if its a stay in day or you don’t feel like dressing up an oversized white t-shirt but dress it up more!!
if you want to try to stray away from wearing darker/black color palettes bc they can absorb more heat
Knowing ur Location! *࿐ ࿔*:・゚🏝️
When Traveling 2 a New city,state,country you always want to be mindful of where you are,how this place operates and how to be like the locals!! + also knowing about weather!! my tips….
If ur traveling to a new country learn some of the basics of the language to communicate properly!!
Learn how they drive,speak,how they pay etc.
always keep money on you obvii!!
SUNSCREEN.SUNSCREEN.SUNSCREEN. ik this is already bible for some people but im gonna keep saying bc its soo important when traveling to places that are closer the equator & countries that are known to be hotter ALWAYS HAVE SUNSCREEN. and not just ur regular SPF 30 try using spf 50! like for me this summer i’ll be in place like san diego,florida & saint thomas and they have really harsh suns especially in summer im gonna need a way stronger SPF than my regular 30 to always be sure to have a stronger SPF everywhere!!
always be friendly with the locals its nice to always be friendly no matter what
educate urself on the country!!
while ur there try learning some new skills
Fun Summer Activities 2 Maximize ur Staycation! ☀️👙
For my Girls that are staying in their home state,country here are some super fun activities for you to try so you can also join in on the summer fun!!
Make a Bucketlist
Make cute Crafts
Go to the pool or beach with ur friends!!
cut up summer fruit and make a fruit salad
take up a new hobby!!
have a movie night + sleepover
go shopping
try a fun new workout
if u have a younger sibling play outside with them!
Watch ur favorite movies
water ballon fights!
painting at the beach
aquariums or planetarium
play a new video game!
Beating the Summer Heat !! 🎀☀️
Obvi its gonna b super hot during summer and sometimes unbearably hot out but its okay bc i have some super fun way 2 beat the heat!! 👙
Go 2 The Pool!
Cold Treats ie: ice scream,icee,slushies
drink ice cold water
eat some cold fruit watermelon,grapes,pineapple,honeydew
Stay hydrated!!
eat some cold meals!!
have a water gun fight!
Itz been fun!! Dolly Signing off….💗
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Fell in love with quirky murderbot so here's a quirky murderbot Yan that may or may not just want to kill you (tw: death mentions/idolization)
A bath at six in the morning.
You never had the time or energy for it before...
The water was nice. Not too hot, not too cold; pealing the spell of sleep off you at a temperature ideal for a peaceful rise. Enmeshed with first light of the waking sun, the water captures its amber glow - sunken petals at your feet shaded in the afterglow. It smelled faintly of lavender, and a colleague of lesser offenders you couldn't tell. Citrus?... Vanilla? You can't recall a time when your skin has felt smoother - so you don't bother to ask. You know better than to.
The door opens. You lower your knees as the latching stand of a tray attaches to the arms of the tub. Yogurt peers up at you from its bowl with a blueberry smile and sliced banana eyes. A flower vase, and a pair of headphones are its offering to you. A yellow smiley face sticker is plastered to the glass' side.... It shines your spoon before setting it on the tray.
"Brought you leetle snack to keep you steady til you get out. Studies show everything in it boosts mood and happiness levels in humans. I also brought you some headphones so that my outbursts don't effect you while I'm preparing breakfast."
You blow air into the water as you sink deep. "Mhm...."
Your observer gasps. "By my calculations, you seem more relaxed than usual this morning." Does that mean my services have acceptable this morning?"
Here it comes. "I guess."
"You are... satisfied with my work and efforts?"
"... Gonna smile for me?"
A knife clatters to the floor.
"I spent nine hours.... "
You put on the headphones as you ease against the floor of the tub.
"At least you spoke proper English."
"I ran you a bath and didn't plant one of my eyes in the cabinet this time .... BE HAPPY FOUR ONE SEC AND LET ME KILL YOU ALREADY GOD DAMN IT!"
The world is full of too many unfortunate people. Scornful and bitter; miserable and hopeless. It much be such a pain for those people to exist in place unfit for them - when a solution was right around the corner, but they're too damaged to ever see it. You can't be down, if The moto engraved into the mechanized heart of every bot sent out by the Happy Dayz corporation to this prevalent threat to society. They could be anyone you know.
Downer - level three in their classifications and the "incurables" People who will drag themselves and everyone around them down for a crumb of self gratification. Those who drown in the rain when the sun is a reach away; never to come back to shore. Orders were to execute these individuals on sight - but everyone deserves one last chance to smile. And that's how you met D.Kay
In your utmost defense, it was nearly three when you received the email. Even if you were awake, you probably would've written it off as spam and tossed it away all the same. You didn't think of yourself as a negative person, just one with not alot to be happy for. Within those few hours before dawn came a knock at the door and your worse nightmare unveiled - wearing that damned yellow mask.
"Hiya! Name'z D.Kay! Short for somethin' I kno, but U won't be alive long nuff for me to remember. I should be slammin' ur head through a wall, but it'z ur right as a living human to get one more smile in before u croak and my job to make it happen."
That was five months ago. Five long months. Given, there were some benefits. It was their goal to make your life better after all - before ending it. They helped you get a raise, cleaned up messed they mostly made, and a slew of efforts to bring out that smile. Sure your lips may quirk up or you'll smirk a bit - but that isn't a smile. They've also thrown knives into your walls, taken over your bed and refuse to let you sleep elsewhere, and snores. There's also the whole killing you thing, but that's minor at this point.
"Aw, come on- Dyin' cain't be that bad. I'd do it if I could. U'll feel better once ur in the grave." "Smiling feels so good, u' kno. The best way to use ur muscles. Besides slitting someone's throat." "This is my first mission....I was hoping to see gutz by now."
That was as far as your relationship went until one month ago. They've been acting.. strange. They wish you good morning more days than they ask if you're ready to smile. You often wake up with their arms around you and your clothes laid out. They refuse to let you dress yourself if you're going out. They stare for hours, jumping out windows if needed to get when you notice. You didn't have many friends before, but with them around they were ghosts. If you didn't know any better it was almost like they-
Nevermind. Wait- "Did you say...."
D.kay's impossibly side eyes shrink, mask bleeding red. "I SAID KILL. K-I-L-L. WHY WOULD I EVER BE DOWN BAD FOR A DOWNER?"
"Then why haven't you killed me yet?"
All at once their tantrum stops. It's the shortest to date. Their head dips back as if pulling the most dramatic of eye rolls. "Protocol.. U know that."
"I read the manual. If a downer refuses your olive branch you have permission to kill them and return immediately."
D.kay doesn't say a word, face still beat red from their slip up. Their hands twitch. Seething, they snatch the spoon from the tray. "Good luck without this. Enjoy your bath."
They slam the door as they leave, sinking again it. Hearing the water remain still, they pull their legs to their chest and kick the wall, hold back enough to prevent another hole. They always come when you're upset - why can't you do anything right? They pull a photo from their pocket. The photo. A picture of someone who looks so much like you it's scary, but they could never be you. They're smiling. It's small - a blip compared to the cheesy grins of everyone surrounding them, but it's still a smile. The best they've ever seen. Something feels wrong whenever they look between you and that person. Maybe they're broken too.
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bugrry · 2 years
Bookstore Girl || ellie williams x fem!reader
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hello lovelies!! firstly i want to thank @els-dayz for writing up this prompt because i've been wanting to start writing for ellie but i was suffering from some crippling writer's block and couldn't come up with anything for the life of me. all my love goes to liyah <33
masterlist || requests are open
word count: 2.7k
warnings: none i think! just wlw sweetness <3
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You really hadn’t wanted to leave the Boise QZ. You’d grown up there; you had friends, a decent job posting, and most importantly, no real idea of where else you could even go. But the FEDRA officers had started crossing lines. They’d started to withhold ration cards, raided homes when they knew the occupants were out on job details, and even brutalized those who disobeyed even the smallest rules. You had tried to be an obedient citizen, but you could feel things were getting worse. You couldn’t just stick around and wait to get killed. This had been your home, but it was becoming more and more unrecognizable with every passing day. 
So you made a plan to get out. 
You had been hearing whispers of a large settlement in western Wyoming, and after spending a few days studying old maps, you deemed the journey doable. 
After packing a few bags, circling Jackson on the map, and waiting for the sun to go down, you finally put the plan you’d been piecing together into action. Your escape went by in a blur, but somehow, by sheer luck, you’d wormed your way into FEDRA’s stables and made away with one of their horses. 
The ride took you about a week. You were grateful you’d chosen to leave before the winter became too brutal, but the wind still whipped at any bare skin. By the time you came upon the Jackson city limits, your whole body ached, your hands were nearly raw, and you were sure you reeked. Once they had deemed you as someone who was not a threat to their community, you were allowed inside the walls. You were pleasantly surprised by how tightly knit the community was. Everyone seemed to know everyone, and they all just wanted the best for one another. There were no officers berating citizens, no one hiding in alleys to avoid being caught, and no one shoveling anything other than snow off the paths.
You sat down with Tommy and Maria and they asked you where you were from, why you left, and what you wanted from Jackson. You told them what was happening in Boise and that, even though it pained you to admit it, the city was no longer your home. They were sympathetic, and they fixed you up in a small townhouse near the library. You were positively ecstatic. Not just at the fact that you had been welcomed into Jackson and been given a home, but at the fact that they had a library.
You’d regretfully had to leave an extensive book collection back in Boise. You wanted to bring at least a few of your favorites with you, but your bags were already packed full of supplies and you knew the additional paper would only weigh you down. So, with a sigh and embarrassingly, a few tears, you left them behind.
Now, as you walk through the aisles of the Jackson library, you feel a warmth in your chest that you hadn’t felt in months. You’re absolutely elated at the idea of being able to just walk in and read books you’ve never even heard of instead of having to trade a portion of your weekly ration cards for a new book. You run a finger over the spines of the books as they sat on their shelves, and would occasionally pull out a title that speaks to you.
As you round a corner in order to comb through another row of books, your eyes catch on a title you’ve been in love with for years and you find yourself drawn to it like a magnet. You had been absolutely devastated when you’d had to leave it behind, and had it been a shorter book you would have taken it along with you, but your copy just took up too much space for you to be able to justify it. 
The book sits on the top shelf, just barely out of your reach, and you huff as you approach it. You turn to look for a step stool or ladder of some kind when your eyes land on a girl instead. She has her head bent over a book as she reads the back cover with a soft frown on her face. Her chin-length auburn hair frames her face beautifully as a guitar sits slung over her shoulder. You find yourself captivated by her. 
She must feel you staring at her because she turns her head toward you and her frown softens as her eyes meet yours.
“I–um…” you begin to stumble out an apology as the intensity of her eyes takes you aback, “I’m sorry, I was just wondering if you could grab this book off the top shelf for me?”
You point to the book in question as she approaches you with a smile and a nod. She reaches above you and your breath catches in your throat. You catch a whiff of her and you swear your knees just about buckle in response. When she pulls away from you with the book in her hand, you find yourself missing her warmth and you almost ask her to grab another book for you just so you can be that close to her again. 
She hands you the book as she mumbles a soft, “There you are,” before she moves to turn away from you. You panic as you watch her retreating figure and you speak before you even know what you’re going to say.
She turns back toward you abruptly, her eyes wide. She doesn’t walk back in your direction, but she also doesn’t continue down the aisle. You let out a breath, puffing your cheeks as you approach her. You're digging in your brain for words but become frustrated when you come up empty.  She doesn’t say anything, just raising a brow at you as you come to a stop in front of her. 
“Um…” you start, just to stop her from walking away from you again, “I’m Y/N. I’m new to Jackson and you’re, like, the first person I’ve met other than Tommy and Maria. I just wanted to introduce myself,” you say awkwardly.
The girl smiles at you softly, reaching her right hand out in offering. You grasp it and your knees almost buckle once again at the feeling of her fingers gripping your hand. 
“I’m Ellie,” she says once your hands part, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you begin to panic, you don’t know how to keep this conversation going but you do know that you never want it to end. Luckily Ellie takes that responsibility off your hands. 
“Have you, uh, had a tour of the town yet?” she asks, rubbing her hand nervously along the seam of her pants. You smile brightly at her and shake your head. She smiles back at you as though she’d just been told that she won the lottery. 
“Let me show you around then, yeah?”
“I’d like that.”
After the two of you check out your books and she begins to show you around Jackson, your conversation never once ceases. You two talk about everything and nothing, and by the time Ellie runs out of things to show you, you feel as though you’ve known her forever. You point out where your house is and she walks you to your door. The two of you stand on the steps leading up to your front door silently for a few moments before you turn to unlock your door.
“Wait…” Ellie starts suddenly, making you turn back toward her, “I had a lot of fun with you today. I want to see you again.”
“Well, Jackson isn’t very big, Ellie,” you chuckle.
“I mean-” she starts, but you interrupt her.
“I know what you mean, Els. I had fun today too. I definitely want to see you again,” without looking away from her, you twist the doorknob and push the door open. “You want to come inside? I…I don’t have much in the way of drinks or entertainment, but I really don’t want tonight to end.” However, when you push the door all the way open, you are reminded of the truly barren state of your new home. With a grimace, you turn back to Ellie, who is just smiling at you. 
“How about we go to my place?” she suggests instead, “I can take you shopping tomorrow if you like. Promise to get you some good stuff.”
You smile even brighter back at her, “I would love that. Show me the way?”
She nods and reaches out her hand, nodding in its direction as an instruction for you to grab it. You obey her silently, wrapping your fingers around her slender hand. She squeezes your hand and you can feel your cheeks ache from how much you’d been smiling. She leads you back down the dirt path, past the library, and it's just a few minutes farther before the two of you come up to what you assume is her home. She drops your hand to unlock and open her door, and your hand feels so cold you almost whine. Ellie pushes her door open and grabs your hand again, pulling you through the threshold. You giggle at her excitement as she leads you to her couch and sits you down. Ellie smiles down at you before she turns toward what you assume is her kitchen. After a few steps, she turns her head back toward you.
“You want anything to drink?” she asks you as she reaches into the cupboard and pulls out a couple of glasses.
“Just water, thanks.” Ellie hums in response and fulfills your request quickly. She returns to you and sits down on the couch next to you, handing you your cup. You thank her quietly and look up at her. Like before, you are positively captivated by being so close to her, you wish you could look at her for the rest of your life. She smiles softly at you and leans in. Your heart begins to race, did you brush your teeth this morning? What about your hair, is it okay? Oh God, you hope you’re not a disappointment.
She simply pecks you on the lips before pulling away, smiling all the while. 
“You’re cute,” she says before she takes a sip of her drink. You feel your face warm and you look down at your cup with an embarrassing smile on your face. 
“You’re one to talk,” you say as you look up at her through your lashes. She hums softly at you before scooching closer to you. 
“You want to watch something?”
“Sure, what do you have?”
After a few minutes of deliberation, you two decide to watch one of Ellie’s favorite movies. It ends up being some shitty action movie that you can’t bring yourself to focus on. Instead, you spend the movie sneaking peeks at the girl next to you. During a lull in the movie’s action, she catches you looking over at her, and she wraps her arm around you and pulls you closer to her. You smile and settle yourself into the space between her arm and her ribs.
Eventually, you pull away from her and ask, “can I lay my head in your lap?”
She smiles sweetly at you and nods, “only if I can play with your hair while you do it.”
You chuckle quietly and shuffle your body so that your head rests on her thighs. You don’t want to turn away from her, so you decide to just lie on your back so you can watch both her and the movie. However, you end up spending more time looking up at her as she repeatedly runs her fingers over your hair than you do the movie. Her movements are so calming and the day has been so long that you feel your eyelids getting heavy. As much as you want to keep watching her, you allow yourself to drift off.
You are awoken by your name being called softly and the credits rolling on the TV in front of you.
“Sorry,” you say, sitting up, “I didn’t mean to fall asleep,”
“It's okay,” she says, her face flushed, “it was nice.”
You look up at her, smiling softly before you scooch up closer to her face.
“Can I kiss you?” you ask nervously, and you can feel your heartbeat in your throat. Ellie responds by planting her lips on yours and moving her hands up to cradle your head. The two of you move in sync for a few minutes before she maneuvers the two of you to lie down on the couch. She pulls away from you for a moment and speaks to you breathlessly.
“We don’t have to do anything more tonight, I just want to kiss on you for a little. There’s no pressure.”
You smile and nod, leaning back up toward her to reconnect your lips. You get lost in the smell and the taste of her and you find yourself thinking about how long she’d kiss you. She must be a mind reader because she pulls away again.
“God, I could just kiss you forever,” she pants before she connects her lips to your neck and sucks lightly. You groan quietly at the movement and feel her smile against your neck before she pulls away to press light kisses over any bare skin available to her. After she’s kissed over your whole neck, she pulls away and sits up. You almost whine, but she rubs her hands along your body, and you can’t find it in you to complain. 
“Can I take you up to my room?” she asks, and you feel your breath catch and your heart rate spike, “not to do…that. I’m sorry love, I’m too tired to treat you like you should be treated, but I really want you to stay the night.”
You smile, heaving a nervous sigh out of your mouth, “I really want me to stay the night too.”
She smiles back at you and leans down again, pressing her lips to yours before pulling your body back up with hers. You yelp as she moves your body into her arms and lifts you from the couch. You don’t see where she’s taking you, you’re too enraptured with watching her arms flex as she carries you through her house. 
Soon enough though, you’ve reached her bedroom, and she sets you down on some surprisingly comfortable sheets.
“I have some spare pajamas for you if you like, and maybe a spare toothbrush somewhere,” she says as she begins digging through her drawers. You don’t respond to her, you just watch as she putters around her room in search of nighttime toiletries to lend you. You smile at the domesticity of it all. She returns with a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and a toothbrush.
“Got this from the commissary last week so it’s clean,” she says, handing the toothbrush to you.
“Oh,” you giggle, “were you preparing for a guest?” She laughs lightly and turns away from you to pull off her day clothes. Once again, you find yourself tracing the outline of her lean body with your eyes, and you’re transfixed by the way she moves. 
Once you’re both ready for bed, she returns to your side and pulls the covers back, ushering you to do the same. She flips the lamp off and you snuggle up to her, sighing as you return to her warmth and her smell. She wraps her arms around you and shifts you so that you’re almost laying on top of her.
“Today was a good day,” she whispers into the dark air, “I’m glad I met you.”
“I’m glad I met you too, Ellie,” you whisper back before snuggling further down, "thank you for welcoming me to Jackson," you hear yourself mutter before you drift off into the most fitful sleep you’ve ever had.
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a/n - i'm not sure how i feel about this because i'm posting it while very very high but my friends say its good so here you go <33 i hope you enjoy bc i had a lot of fun writing this!!!
requests for ellie are open !!
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sixaratm · 5 days
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Miami DayZ / 1984
“The sun lit the way”
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fauxmystique · 25 days
Diary of an Ork
Diary of an Ork
Gork’s ‘Andz - 57
Braindoc sayz keep gernal, using dis ere old umie data slate to talk. We’z been on diz planit for so long, we’ze cum smart enuff to count. Z’been 57 hands of days. Dayz? Days? Woh evaMork’s Handz - 129Found me old data slate. Some grot tried to nick it. Ate ‘im. We’z bigga now, been fightin a long, long time. Have a new boy. Logistix ‘e calls ‘imself. Doesn’t sound very orky to me, buh’ ‘e sayz it’ll win us da war. Den we can go fight somwherez else!!
Grot’s Stew - 111Can’t recall the last time we had grot stew. They’ve grown thick on us, they keep turnin us un-orky. We’ve ‘ad to beat a lotta ladz down. Ladz from my squad. Good ladz.I hate this fuckin rock.
Winter - 20
Somefin blew up. Made the air all cold, and the ladz all sticky. My body burned for a while. “Cancerz” doc says. Don’t know what those are. Killed a lot o’ the grots tho. We’ze been in one place too long. Too many ladz ‘ave earned names to count. Dere’s gonna be a split soon, mark my words.
Da Splitz - 35
Well, dat’z in. War’s ovah. Not against the enemy, nah, they keep comin. Big bosses ‘ad them selves an arena match. Got bloody. Lotta ladz died. Lotta ladz… killed other ladz. Anyway. Dork’ll fix it. And Mork’ll see it done. Dey always ‘ave, alwayz will.I joined up, of course. Nobhead, I am, I joined up. Went with the black orkz though, the old guard. Da Goffs. Weirdboyz’ve been poppin up. Preachin tha good word of dancin an’ singin. One’z ‘ead popped a few weekz back. Funniest shit I’ve evah seen.Gork’z Andz - 25
‘Ello lad. The war’z goin great. Once we stopped fightin eachova, we killed the shit out of those brainy boyz. Well, some of ‘em got brainz anyway, hurhur. I’m a Nob now. Got my own squad, serve da Boss Goff. ‘s Name is Gothmog.Gork’z Andz - 26Ello Lad. we’s been round da sun one time. Seemed important, idkMork’z Andz - 2
Forgot dis was ‘ere. Ello Load. Fightin’ got dense. Made it out but… we lost da boss. And er… we lost a few of the otha nobz. Gonna have to find new drinkin buddiez, I guess. Oh yeah, we’z growing now. Mushroomz and beerz and such. S’alright, but I prefer the old stuff. Nothing like a grot stew.
Mork’z Andz - 10
8 yrz, Ello Lad. I’ve decided to call you Lad. Ello. Today woz a big day. I’m da Boss now. Weirdboyz are tellin me a lot of stuff. Thingz about Mork and Gork. About a Great Enemy. It scarze me. An’ I can’t let anybody know, dey sayz. Well, I told ‘em, I’m da boss, and so I’ll tell me Ladz!Dey laughed at me. Dey laughed at Da Boss. Seemz like Da Boss has some kleanin’ to do.Mork’z Andz - 2010 yrz, Ello Lad. Got rid o’ them weirdboyz and told the Ladz about Gork and Mork and da Great Enemy and stuff. We agreed we could probably fight it, so the war’z back on. Got some ‘umie ships shoin’ up in atmosphere. Heh. Some Mek’z ‘ll be ere soon, dey sayz. Gonna have a Rocket Boy time soon.Mork’z Andz - 3010 yrz, Ello Lad.I hate this bloody rok. I ‘ate that I waz born ere. I know now dat dere’s ovah rockz. I wizh I’z born on one o’ dem.Me squig died.I ‘ate this bloody rok.Grot’s Stew80 yrz, Ello Lad.
Been a rocket boy six yearz now. Went up in one o’ da rokkitz. Mek boy said it might explode. Don’t care. Built it meself, my girl wouldn’t ‘zplode on me like that. Course, she spilled her guts all over the enemy. Dey lit like torchez in da night. Like bonfires dey burned. Gorgeous. I kept da power core. I’m gonna put it-
‘old on lad. Tonitz gonna be a bad one. They got flyboyz now. The enemy. Bombz’re comin.Da Splitz - 10
??? yrz. Ello Lad.
Thought I’d lost you. Found you in da rubble. It made me feel somfink. Somefink I never felt before. It makez me think about my ladz. The ladz I lost. The ladz I… killed. Would dey ‘ave been alive, if I ‘adn’t spared them? Would dey be ‘ere, still my ladz? I ‘ope not. Don’t know wot that even means.
Da splitz - 12
2 yrz. Ello Lad.Got some info on wot da ‘umies call dis place. Oktarius. Weirdboyz are back. Might kill ‘em again, might not. Dey say it used to be Orruk. They urge me to find ‘is blood. Dey say.. Dey say dis iz da Big One.
Diary of an Orruk Warboss found on the surface of Octarius -- Stored in Crypt Arkmek until further study can be made --- The Omnissiah Protects even They
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c0zmozys · 4 months
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AHEHEHEEE /POZ alzo info: i do imagine that when zhe waz derooted zhe got violently sick for a few dayz bc the rootz helped her with neutrientz and ztuff zo being removed like that would fuck her up but. ZHEZ OK!!! (itz alzo why i added like zlight eyebagz dlehehde) (alzo shuri would probably help her relearn how to walk, cuz zhez not paralyzed zhe juzt genuinely forgot how to walk + legz r prob pretty weak after not uzing them for zo long) @sun-ea-sports wavez at you
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youremos0n · 6 months
“And I’m scowling at the sun while you’re fishing out my smile”
“Oh my angel your wings wrap around my neck”
Terrified, Jazmine bean.
My favourite parts of this song😭 I’ve had it on repeat for dayz
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thelockin · 10 months
Official Video Trailer just published today on Youtube for the new album "XVI : Return of the Gods" by New Jersey rapper Tru Trilla releasing through New Dawn Records in May 2024
Full album tracklist also confirmed
1 SUN RAYS  ft Reks & Lakim Shabazz [produced by LG Roc]
2 END THE DAY  ft Ruste Juxx & Julius of Shoe Gang [produced by Frost Gamble]
3 ONE ANOTHER  [produced & cuts by Tone Spliff]
4 RESPECTFULLY  ft Justo the MC & NapsNdreds [produced by Frost Gamble]
5 THE ONLY ONE  ft Trilly Trills [produced by Four Limbs]
6 NO JOKING AROUND  ft N.B.S. & Recognize Ali [produced by Jamal Nueve]
7 GOOD OLE DAYZ  [produced by Tru Trilla]
8 WE UP  ft Yah Ra [produced by Ramson Badbonez]
9 WINTER HEART  [produced by Tone Spliff]
10 TURN THAT DOWN  ft Guilty Simpson & Skyzoo [produced by Frost Gamble]
11 GET IT RIGHT BACK  ft Trilly Trills & Prince Ak [produced by LG Roc]
12 EXECUTION  ft Fly Kwa [produced by Frost Gamble]
13 STAY DANGEROUS  [produced & cuts by Tone Spliff]
14 PRINCIPLES  [produced by Sumerio Square]
15 TO THE ROOF  ft Prince Ak [produced by DNA Beatz]
16 DROP JEWELS  ft Prince Ak & Juxx Diamondz [produced & cuts by Tone Spliff]
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WIP Tag Game
I've been tagged 3 times so I guess I better do it 😂
Thanks for the tags, @atelier-dayz, @brokenphoenix99, and @wrennette!
Working on the next fic in the The Chronicles of Big Jim series today:
Little Sun, she looks like a fish! Big Jim declared.
Any guesses who Big Jim just met?
Tags, if you want to play: @lordoftherazzles, @theshinylizard, @oriki-miitad, @lumateranlibrarian, @catsnkooks, @themisfitthrone
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fluffyyewon · 3 months
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cr: rainbowoori
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paniwarhamauser · 1 year
I just realized I never finished posting Grot crusade write-ups here! Last was week 3! And that Crusade has ended back in May, and new one starts in a month😅
Guess I'll just dump weeks 4-10 here all at once.
And also end-of-crusade art for my guy 😁
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Week 4
Me and ladz 'ere rollin' around lookin' for da good scrap. And dere it was. Da shiny fishboy Devilfish, dem curves glistenin' in da sun!
Nachurally we WAAAAGH'd!
Fishboyz are ded shooty, but you know wot? Stompa is ded STOMPY! 
Afta Bigtoof turned deir kommander into da kanned fishpaste dey 'ere done for!
Only one fishboy on da floaty fingie flew off. Looked so smug too. As if 'e was not running away, but akchually won. Weird...
Speakin' of winnin'. Zippy better deliver on 'is promise to build anuvva Gargant!
Da ladz collected enuff scrap today ta finish da job!
Week 5
Gorksome is da beatiful little Gargant.
Zippy did da mighty gud job. Not dat I'd ever tell it to 'is face. Not givin 'im any ideas of bein betta at sum fings den da greatest Grotboss in 'istory!
And Gork was pleased by it too. We did not even had to look for da fight dis time! Bugboyz came to us!
Dis was a glorius day! Fighting everywhere! Gorksome got to shoot its first targetz! Even Zippy remembered 'e can fight too!
Too bad bugboyz 'ave nuffin' ta scrap. No matter, dey go SQUISH funny! Ladz larfed deir rumps off! And 'e got bugboyz snaks for dayz too!
Week 6
'E made it, ladz! Da 'umie Empra's shiny boyz (mega nobz beakies or whateva dese Kustardes are?) came ta fight us! And everywun knows dey fight only da most dangeros foez!
Of course I ALWAYZ knew I am da most dangeros! But 'tis nice ta be aknowleged.
And da best fing? Da stompa went BOOM. Dis was glorius! I almost kried of joy - ta witness da wrath of Gork and Mork wiff me own eyez!
'E even got enuff of goldy scrap ta fix stompa right up.
Week 7
Da fightin' is da most fun, but 'e gotta make anuvva Gargant. And dis means 'e need more scrap.
Mork smiled upon us today. 'E 'eard 'BLOOD FOR DA BLOOD GOD' warcry, and I knew my ladz 'ere sent anuvva gud fight! 
Red and spikey beakies are ded fighty. And dey charge like da best of orkz too. Gotta respect dat! Also dey brought tanks! Wich mean dere was plenty of spikey scrap to collect afta da battle.
Da ladz even charged da spiky rhino and stole deir icon! Scrap and trophiez, da best life all around!
Week 8
Would you look at dat! Stuntiez again! And dey have a new trukk too! Time to scrap it! WAAAAGH!
'Tis was fun! DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA! Dead stuntiez everywhere! 
And den weirdgurl and hammergurl 'ere at it again. Is Gork'n'Mork trying to tell me somefing by sendin' dem at me again? That I should I get a weirdboy and a hammer too? Interestin'...
Either way, a message from Gork and Mork is always a WIN FOR DA GROT WAAAGH!
Week 9
I was an idiot! Surprised at me sayin' dat? Da greatest grotboss is not afraid to admit mistakes!
I thought Devilfish were shiny! But Empra's goldie boyz showed me how wrong I was! Deir gravy-tank is proppa shiny! I 'ave never seen such a beauty in me life before!
Nachurally I called WAAAGH and sent ladz ta get me dat gravy-tank at all costs!
'Tis was a good fight. We krumped deir boss and deir nob too! Gargants are da best! Not as best as me, but close! Though I only cared for gravy-tank, if I'm honest. Nuffin else mattered.
Always keep da eyez on da prize, as dey say!
And wot a prize it is! Now I has da Goldy Throne of me own!
Week 10
I was sittin' on Da Goldy Throne, surrounded by me trophies, pettin' me squig and thinkin' of changin' me title from Grot Boss to Grot Empra. No uvver boss has Da Goldy Throne, after all!
Me thinkin' was interrupted by watchlad screaming 'SCRAWNIES ON DA HORIZON'
Scrawnies are sure need to be krumped. Let me finish my shroom brew and den we WAAAGH!
W-wot is happenin'? Why I can no move? Wot is dis green glow? Did Gork and Mork came to see me and name me deir new profeet? Now dat's a REAL WIN FOR DA GROT WAAAAGH!
Trazyn closed the tessaract and chuckled to himself, - 'Don't you just love when a specimen arranges itself into a nice display, saving me the trouble!'
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katiethezombie · 2 years
Over 10 years of being subscribed to AH/LP/RT and a few of their other youtube channels, today I unfollowed them all after all the shit thats been going on.
So I'm gonna do a post on a lot of other YouTube channels that I follow and watch more frequently. I can't and won't say that these are all good people with spotless records, but the content they put out right now is great and I enjoy it (something that I haven't felt toward RT content in the last few years). Some of these channels ahve not updated in some time but I feel that the content they have is still worth a look.
Info under the cut:
Primarily gaming channels:
AlzaboHD and The SocialStreamers mostly CK3 and EU4 content.
AnarchyHD , DayZ server mod who posts content of gameplay and banning cheaters. TheRunningManZ also palys DayZ.
CandyEvie, FlygonHG, Mah-Dry-Bread, Moxie2D , SmallAnt all post pokemon content (usually nuzlockes and other pokemon challenges), along with some other game content (especially MDB and SmallAnt).
Dagnel, Etce, Rinqueen, Therm , Traves post Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley videos along with other games. Etce also plays Splatoon frequently.
ItsJabo, Nerbit, NGPlus, Mitten Squad do many video game challenges (old games from NGPlus and a lot of Fallout and Elder Scrolls from Jabo, MS, and Nerbit)
BedBananas, Criken2, Charborg/CHRBRG, Tomato Gaming/Tomato's Trash I call them the RP gang. Usually they all stream and do RP together in game with a lot of recurring streamers (BrettUltimus, Joefudge, Kiwo, Strippin, Gmart, Lwalman and others).
I recommend the Sub Rosa/SCP/Edwad Emberpants/ videos on Criken's channel, the Hitman videos from Bed, Barotrauma/SCP/ The Long Drive videos from Charborg, and the Dread Hunger streams from Tomato's Trash. They also post solo game content and past streams.
iSyzen and Syntac for ARK Survival gameplay.
tomatoanus covers speedruns and the mechanics behind them.
Skoldire, started following them for their modded Fallout 4 videos. They have a lot of other content as well.
Let's Game It Out, DougDoug, RTGame, CallMeKevin, The Spiffing Brit kind of just sum their gaming style up as chaos.
Nuzzgard , Phasmophobia and other spooky games.
UpIsNotJump , game reviews and some other funny content, and his second channel has old livestreams.
The Horizon, posts videos on minecraft builds meant to crash p2w servers.
Welyn and Willjum, Rust gameplay. Welyn also plays Tarkov and Sea of Theives.
I also follow Dooley Noted and Bruce Green on YT because I follow them on twitch and catch their VODS on these channels, although I haven't watched them in several months. They're some of the few former or current RT employees that I watch along with Matt Bragg and like... Criken/Bed/Tomato.
Primarily Movie, TV/ Pop Culture, or Internet stuff:
Amanda the Jedi (movie reviews)
BREADSWORD (cathartic film critique and analysis)
Bright Sun Films (explores abandoned places and the history behind it)
brutualmoose (Food review, film review, plays old PC games, a good variety channel)
Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden (film reviews, general Internet commentary, both former Viners, not the same person)
Dominic Noble (compares book to tv/film adaptations)
Izzzyzzz (Internet Lore videos)
Nick DiRamio (film and tv commentary)
PushingUpRoses (old tv shows summaries and reviews especially for Goosebumps and Murder She Wrote, and talks about old video games)
Sarah Z (breaks down a lot of info on Tumblr topics of old)
Schaffrillas Productions (film commentary especially with animated movies)
Seamus Gorman (Disney film commentary and other animated films as well)
Sideways (Critique on film and film score, very interesting info on how music makes a movie),
Yhara zayd (Film analysis especially around race and gender)
Red Bard (anime and such commentary)
Let's Make Stuff and Learn Stuff! (Travel, Food and Crafting, History and Science Channels)
Dollightful (OOAK Doll maker)
Hanabira工房 (miniatures)
How to Cook That (Ann Reardon debunks dangerous youtube videos and also shows you how to bake)
How To Drink (History of alcoholic drinks along with recipes, quite a few are pop culture based.)
I did a thing (Australian lad making questionably safe gadgets)
MariaLazar (OOAL Doll maker)
Micarah Tewers (sews really cool stuff usually out of curtains)
Ordinary Sausage (Makes sausages with weird ingredients)
Pecos Hank (Professional storm chaser, teaches you about meteorology and also plays some good music)
Peter Brown (lots of cool resin projects and experiments, makes me feel like I'm watching an old PBS show)
Solo Travel Japan (Travels on various Japanese transport, I find it relaxing)
Sugar Bean 슈가빈 (really cute macaron baker)
Survivorman - Les Stroud (Old episodes of Survivorman along with commentary by Les. Gives good tips and practical tips about survival)
You Suck At Cooking (easy recipes to make)
NendoZaiker-SNAIL (cool polymer clay sculpter)
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holy-megs · 2 years
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≡ hey! welcome to my blog -> she/her. !! virgo sun ⋮ leo moon ⋮ libra rising …… gets bored easily and wants to succeed someday ;)
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: ̗̀➛ LIKES !
the moon, the color black, rain/rainy dayz, basically anything that is dark, cold weather, going to the gym—playing football, work, watching anime and simping for 2d men, writing for 2d men, listening to music, animals, sushi, cooking—i rarely do it! car drives [especially late night ones!]. sweets/food, megumi fushiguro, uchiha sasuke, juice wrld and chase atlantic <3
: ̗̀➛ DISLIKES !
people who walk too fast, manipulative people [besides dazai] hot weather, waking up too early, bugs, too much noise, when my coffe is too hot, hate anons, anxiety…
naruto—boruto, jujutsu kaisen, black clover, tokyo revengers, spy x family, bungou stray dogs, chainsaw man, tokyo ghoul
: ̗̀➛ FAV BABIES—!
naruto-boruto: sasuke, naruto, itachi, kakashi, sasori, pain, hinata, sakura, tenten, sai, shikamaru, neji, indra, minato, deidara, hidan, gaara, kawaki, sarada, mitsuki, boruto and more…
jujutsu kaisen: megumi, yuji, gojo, geto, mai, maki, toji
black clover: yuno, asta, yami, finral, vanessa, charlotte, william, nozel, fuegoleon
tokyo revengers: takemichi, mikey, naoto, shinichiro, chifuyu, draken, shuji, mitsuya, kazutora
spy x family: loid, yuri, yor, anya
bungou stray dogs: dazai, akutagawa, atsushi, odasaku
tokyo ghoul: kaneki, ayato, amon, hide, urie, akira, touka
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fank u for reading >_<
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