#sune woods
Catching the BG3 Companions Reading the Quarta Sune - Gale Edition
content warnings: 18+, piv, unprotected sex, thermal play, hurt/comfort, softdom Gale, lots of vulnerable crying
pairing: f!reader x Gale, f!Tav x Gale
word count: 3400
A/N: So, it’s like a two-for-one where the first half is very fluffy and the second half is very smutty.  I put a clear break so if smut isn’t your thing, you can exit safely before the movie-rating changes! Either way, enjoy ye merry folk!
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It was a rare day off from adventuring to allow yourself and your companions a day to recover from roughing it through the woods the past few weeks. You’d spent most of the day officiating a chess tournament between your companions and enjoying the spoils of an abandoned outpost with a well-stocked wine rack, together. Now, you stumble to a stand to collect more firewood as your companions roll with laughter, lost in drunken conversation. You smile warmly at your group when a small pang of guilt makes itself known in your chest.  Gale hasn’t been out all day; he said this morning he wanted to study some books you had picked up, but now that you think about it, he hasn’t so much as popped his head out all day.  You quickly walk past the wood pile and nervously continue towards Gale’s tent, and before you know it you’re standing in front of the canvas entryway.
Maybe he wants a break from everyone? From me…
Insecurity worms its way to the front of your mind as you freeze, feeling embarrassed at how anxious you feel after not seeing your wizard for just a few short hours.  You begin to turn around when you hear a familiar voice coming from inside.
“Delicious! Gah, but what flavor would she like?”
The relief you feel from hearing Gale’s voice is immediately infused with jealousy as you hear him pondering over the mystery “she”.  Before you can assess further your hand has already lifted the tent flap as you step inside and huff, loudly announcing your presence.  Gale turns in surprise before his face turns a shade of scarlet that envies the Esmeltar wine you had been enjoying with your friends throughout the day.  An embarrassed smile tugs on his lips as he steps towards you, away from the small worktable behind him full of herbs, flowers, and candles surrounding a boiling cauldron. 
“Sorry Gale, I hope she won’t mind me interrupting,” the bitterness in your voice more pronounced than you meant it to be, the wine somewhat overriding your logic.
Gale’s eyebrows knit together for a moment before he quickly realizes what happened.
“My dearest friend please-”
Before he can finish you cross your arms over your chest and inquire, “What have you been doing all day anyways?”
The wizard extends his hand towards you and you can’t help but soften just enough to accept his offer as he pulls you the few short steps across the tent to his workspace.  He hands you a small, steaming cup that smells like roses and honey, nodding towards the cup, “Do be cautious, it is very hot!”
You hold his gaze as your lips softly part to blow cool air across the surface of the tea, the steam visibly floating towards Gale as he deeply inhales the sweet scent.  You take a small sip and the floral tea immediately calms you.  It is more complex than you anticipated, tasting of rose, raspberry, dandelion, honey, and something…magical. 
“Gale…what is in this?”
His big, brown eyes grow wide with concern as his shoulders involuntarily slump, “You don’t enjoy it?”
The guilt is immediate and intense, it always is when he pulls out those ridiculous puppy eyes on you.  “No! Well yes, I mean- it is good, but why does it taste like magic?”
You scan the table as Gale attempts to stutter out an explanation, but then you notice the book on the stand behind him that he’s been concealing since you stepped in. He follows your line of sight and tries to step back in front of the book once more, but it’s too late.  You are already toe to toe and reaching around him to grab the book. 
“It is for educational purposes!” Gale cries out nervously as you look at the text in your hand; the left page has an assortment of tea ingredients and some suggested ‘aphrodisiac blends’. The right page is far more illustrative with a diagram titled ‘Threading the Weave’ with notes etched all along the side in a familiar hand.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at Gale miserably, jealousy and hurt taking over your wine-soaked brain that is conjuring images of your wizard and every pretty woman you’ve crossed paths with in the last few weeks.  You shove the book back at him with force, and turn to leave as tears threaten your eyes.
“Tav! I am sorry if my crudeness has offended-“
“Next time ask your secret flame to sample your offerings directly, don’t bring me into it.”
Your try to sound threatening, but the hurt in your voice is obvious as you step away from him towards the entrance as Gale sighs loudly, “You still don’t know?”
You turn back around with a glare despite the tears pushing out of your waterline, “What are you talking about?”
Gale sits down on one of the large cushions on the floor and pats the one next to him, an invitation to join.  You move slowly, eyeing him with suspicion as your mind races trying to piece together what he’s doing.
“I never have been good at this; I apologize for my poor communication. It’s just-“
“Gale I’m sorry.  You don’t have to defend your choices to me. It was selfish and stupid of me to pry into your things. You can do as you wish. I hope you enjoy your time with your new flame.” Your apology is sincere, though your heart still shudders in agony at the thought of Gale with someone else. You’ve been so focused on the many tasks at hand that you haven’t truly taken the time to tell him how you feel.  And now, you must suffer for it.
“My dear there is no new flame.”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise so quickly that it forces a tear out of the corner of your eye as you stare at the wizard, now truly dumbfounded as he gently reaches for your hands.
“It has been on my mind for some time now, yet I was far too foolish to recognize it as quickly as I should have.  I have watched you lead our merry crew through epic adventures and have admired you from the moment I felt your hand pull me out of the portal.  Your courage, your strength, your gentleness…and the more I speak with you the more enraptured I become.  I began to worry that my humble studies have never prepared me for how to woo a creature as fair and noble as yourself-”
Gale’s nervous confession swirls in your mind as you stare at him, astonished that you never allowed yourself to see it.  You had both been so caught up in your insecurities that neither of you had acted on your feelings.  Fuck it.  You cut off the wizard mid-sentence as you lunge from your seat, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss as your hands cup either side of his face.  He hungrily kisses back as his fingers tangle into your hair at the base of your neck and he lets out a soft groan as you both pull back for air.  Now, straddling his lap, you look at his face and see his eyes are now also damp with tears.  You rest your forehead gently against his and stay like that for what feels like both a moment and a lifetime.  A loud sizzle interrupts the serenity as you both see the tea cauldron boiling over.  Gale leaps to his feet in surprise sending you tumbling backwards onto the floor cushions as he frantically puts out the small flame heating the cauldron.  You can’t help but laugh at his sheepish expression as he glances back at you, the crisis now formally averted. 
You stand and make a few short strides over to him as a mischievous smile spreads across his face.
“Gale, why are you looking at me like that?”
“Well, perhaps now that you know it’s yours anyways, would you like a cup of tea?”
You peer at the cauldron, the intoxicating aroma of rose and honey teasing your nose while the pink liquid swirls around the pot.
“Only if you will have one with me.”
a few hours later...
(also this is where the smutty part begins so if you’re only here for fluff, depart here friend!)
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You lie on your side laughing as Gale animatedly recounts a story from his youth, when he stole a forbidden tome out of his headmaster’s office.
“Gale you didn’t!”
“I did! And he always suspected my classmate!”
You both roll into another fit of laughter but it is soon replaced with a gleeful, breathless quiet.  The two of you cannot take your eyes off each other; a warm smile spreads across Gale’s face and soon, you’re overwhelmed by the intensity of his longing gaze.  You look to your teacup to take a sip, but hum quietly when you realize it is empty.  You stare into the shiny bottom and turn your head inquisitively towards Gale, “I don’t believe you ever answered my question earlier…why is this tea so magical? Hmm?”
Gale’s cheeks flush as his eyebrows tense with thought, but he laughs, “I can’t quite remember honestly.” And he reaches up to the corner of the table above his head, his hand searching for the guidebook.  You roll onto all fours and crawl across the short gap to sit by Gale’s side, flushing with anticipation.  He brings the book down into his lap and you glance around his shoulder, hovering so close to him you can see the chill run up and down his arm.
Sensual Tea Blend:
-8 parts water
-2 parts rose petals
-2 parts fresh honeycomb
-1 part dandelion root
-1 part raspberry leaf
-1 handful of jasmine flowers
Scribbled into the side of the list you read Gale’s handwriting:
Extract of Rogue’s Morsel to promote romantic appetite. Ergo and nutmeg to relax the body and mind!
You giggle, hearing his voice read the note in your own head before you confirm out loud,  “Romantic appetite?”
Gale looks at you wide-eyed, biting back a smile on his lips, “Well, is it working?” He bats his eyelashes playfully, but quickly adds, “For scientific research, of course!”
The tea has certainly made you feel different, and you subconsciously bite your lip and scrunch your nose trying to come up with the right description.  Gale shifts his body to turn towards you, before he gently leans you back into the many cushions before sitting next to you and beginning, “M’lady, we shall begin with a brief physical exam if I may?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you gasp in surprise at the boldness of the wizard next to you, but you concede and nod your head to begin, trying to keep the grin from taking over your face. 
“Excellent!” He smiles before holding his palm up, closing his eyes and focusing until a soft, pink light glows warmly from his hand.  He slowly hovers his hand above your body, working carefully not to actually touch you, but to remain close enough to feel your skin relax in the warmth.  He slowly leads the light up one side of you, around the top of your head, and down the other. A small sound, almost a purr, rolls from the back of your throat at the sensation, causing Gale to give a satisfactory, “I see, yes. One more quick test…”
He retracts his hand and in a moment, Gale whispers a quick spell under his breath and a small ball of swirling ice replaces the flame in his palm.  Your eyes get big as he slowly drags his hand over top of your stomach, and breath loudly catches at the cold.  Gale looks at you, quietly waiting for your approval to move on; you bite your lip and nod, pushing your head against the pillow in anticipation of the sensation. His hand hovers up slowly, as he leans in closer to see your face as the harsh cold hardens your nipple and Gale lets out a soft groan as it pushes against your sheer tunic. His hand is a breath away from touching you, but you hold your breath as he hovers across your sternum and up onto your other breast.  You whimper softly at the cold and Gale tries to stifle another, louder groan.  Your hands jump from your sides; one holding his wrist, the other gently pressed against his chest.  You lock eyes for what feels like an eternity and in an instant, Gale shakes his hand and the cold orb is gone for only a moment before he desperately palms your breast and moves onto his side to kiss you. 
You both moan like beasts, weeks’ worth of tension breaking as your hands roam as far as they will reach.  Gale slips a hand under your shoulder to hold you up just long enough for you to slip your tunic over your head before Gale’s face is immediately at your collarbones planting harsh, wet kisses across your chest.  He lets a hoarse growl from his throat as your fingers tug at his soft brown locks.  Your hands tug gently at the shoulders of his shirt before he sits up to remove his own tunic and you slip off your trousers, his eyes wide as saucers, his mouth salivating at your nude form.  He quickly crawls back on top of you, taking both of your hands and pinning them on either side of your head as he leans in so close you can feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispers, “Do you often forgo your underclothes, or is it a special selection to visit my tent?”
You whimper as he lets go of one of your wrists to tightly grip your hip as he pulled you into him, the hard bulge in his trousers pushing against your bare thigh.  His hand slowly releasing your hip bone as he slowly caresses the softness of your stomach and travels down your hips to follow the curve of your thigh in towards your burning core.  His hand stops just short of the throb between your legs and you whine, louder this time before you cover your mouth, afraid you’ll alert your companions. Gale removes the hand from your mouth and whispers again, “I made sure to create a barrier for the sound in my tent when we began; I find it easier to rest when I cannot hear the snores of our dear Karlach, and thought it could come in handy in the off-chance I would be the noisy neighbor!”
You giggle at him before he gently moves his hand so that his middle and ring finger push firmly against your clit.  You moan loudly at the pressure and gasp as he moves you in soft, slow circles while his head swivels back to your mouth as he captures you with another deep, slow kiss.  You whimper against his mouth as his fingers move slightly faster and your hands fumble out, searching desperately as you palm the large bulge now fighting against the laces of his trousers.  He groans loudly with the contact and it emboldens you to reach for his wrists, as you slowly remove his hands from your body and raise them above his head while you move to straddle his waist.  His eyes grow wide in surprise at first, but then quickly become elated as he eagerly watches you take the lead. You lean forward so your breasts are just out of reach above his arms to turn the guidebook on the floor so you can see it again. One figure sits on the ground while the other figure leans back in their lap, their legs draped over the shoulders of the sitting partner.  Gale turns his head to follow your stare and lets out another groan when he sees the diagram.
He quickly sits up, and reaches out to grab your waist before pausing, sheepishly smiling knowing he has quickly struck down your attempt to lead.  You lean back onto your elbows and spread your legs wide, revealing your core with a smirk as you tease, “It’s okay dear, you can take me however you want this time.” You bite your lip, a bit shocked at your own confidence as Gale practically growls as he stands up to shed his pants and underwear in one motion.  His cock is already damp from your teasing, the sheen noticeable even in the warm candlelight that illuminates the tent.  You practically howl, throwing your head back, desperate to feel him as your thighs involuntarily shudder at the sight of him.  He smiles confidently as he returns to his knees before reaching out to pull you onto his lap by your ankles.  You feel his member brush against your folds as he positions your legs over his shoulder and you gasp out his name. He answers with a grunt as one hand secures your thigh over his shoulder, while the other drags his cock against your entrance again, this time with more pressure. 
“Gale please”, you plead with him, his enthusiasm and charm turning you into a whiny, desperate mess.
“I’m sorry my love, can you be more descriptive?” He just barely pushes the tip of his length into you before removing it again, causing you to moan and wiggle your hips to try and find the friction again. He gives a hearty chuckle before he asks, “Darling, all you need to do is tell me, please.”
His eyes are dark with passion, and he turns to give you a wet, open-mouthed kiss on your thigh before he turns back to look at you, encouraging you to speak with a nod.
“I want to feel you inside of me, now.”
Gale grunts as he pushes himself inside you, the movement is easy with how wet you are from the very drawn-out foreplay.  You rock your hips as Gale clamps his fingers into both of your thighs, thrusting his hips to chase yours as you both whimper and moan.  His thrusts become stronger, a snarl-like sound escaping his mouth as he watches your body jiggle with each impact.  The sensation is overwhelming as you lock eyes with the wizard and hold his stare as you begin to toy with your breasts.  You feel him twitch inside you for a moment as the sound of his hips bouncing off your ass becomes louder and his hands move from your thighs to your hips, pulling you onto him so vigorously that you feel each impact vibrate in your ribs.  The knot in your stomach winding tighter as you hold against him tighter with your legs, one arm propping you up while the other travels down your body to find your clit as you let out a cry of pleasure at the double stimulation.
Your wizard is groaning uncontrollably and you whimper at the sight of him as you feel him beginning to twitch inside you again before he lets out an ecstatic groan and you feel the warm result of your lovemaking filling your core as he continues with tired, sloppy thrusts while you gasp out, “Gale I’m so close!”
He continues to fuck you, tears welling in his eyes from the overstimulation and you let out a scream when you finally feel the tension in your body release in a flood of pure pleasure.  The sensation is so overwhelming you squeeze your eyes shut and ride the feeling as you come undone, Gale still buried deep inside you as you both slow to a still.  You carefully let your legs fall to either side of him while he carefully pulls out of you, causing a small mess between your legs that drips onto your thighs as you groan.  The wizard all but collapses forward, laying on his stomach next to you for only a moment before his arm wraps around your waist, pulling your naked frame into his.  You lay together silently for a long time, until your bodies calm down and you feel sleep trying to settle into your eyes. 
“Gale,” you whisper.
“Yes my dear?”
“Perhaps we should get dressed before we sleep? This is a bit compromising don’t you think?” You look down at your bare bodies tangled together and Gale chuckles softly before waving his hand; a blanket floats from his bedroll and stretches to cover the two of you. You laugh at his solution and cuddle back into his side before floating off to a deep, comfortable sleep in the arms of your wizard.
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I really hope y'all enjoyed this one! If you read the whole thing we're making friendship bracelets. If you like this kind of stuff, feel free to follow/reblog as I have plans for more in the future. Ask box is open if you have any requests, comments, or questions :)
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dreamings-free · 1 month
Move over George Clooney. From Paul Mescal to Jeremy Allen White, there’s a new gang of pin-ups with salt-and-pepper hair and they’re under 40
Tuesday August 13 2024, 9.00am BST, The Sunday Times by Richard Gray
With the first wisps of silver comes wisdom, they say, but while many men of a certain age choose to turn back the clock by reaching for a box of dye, a new wave of younger men are simply refusing to colour theirs in. The truth is that grey hair has never been so cool — just look at the red carpet. “There’s a handful of relatively young actors who just don’t care if we see them with grey hair or not,” says Paul Toner, deputy editor of 10 magazine. “Look at somebody as successful as Paul Mescal: when he’s not dying his hair for a new role, he lets his grey grow through and doesn’t mind one bit.”
He’s a silver fox? “More a silver fox in training. Let’s call him a silver fox cub instead,” Toner says. At 28, the Normal People star is one of several celebrities who, according to Toner, are “reframing” what it means to be a man approaching his thirties.
“We’ve had ‘zaddies’, those older, strapping sugar daddies with wallets to match — and we all know a silver fox when we see one — but these men, up to and around that 35 mark, understand that with salt and pepper hair comes a certain authority, a sort of superpower,” he says. As one of the four horsemen of the middle-age apocalypse (see also the pierced ear, the leather blouson and a sudden interest in cycling Lycra) the first sight of grey hair is no longer considered the over-the-hill omen of old age it once was.
At 33, arguably the world’s hottest chef who’s not actually a chef, The Bear’s Jeremy Allen White has a cut that cleverly blends his greys (on the temples and at the front) with his medium-length fair and wavy hair. At 30, the Quiet Place actor Joseph Quinn isn’t afraid to let his buzz-cut greys grow out. And at 36, the actors Jonathan Bailey (Bridgerton) — with his Mallen streak — and Nick Sagar (Shadowhunters) — with his all-over grey, natural curls — have cuts that emphasise rather than disguise their salt and pepper hair. A little grey — and its associated characteristics of wisdom, experience, authority and “been about a bit but you still definitely would” — represents, for these men at least, a chance to redefine themselves as they gear up for middle age.
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Not that everybody is on board with grey hair. When Louis Tomlinson, of One Direction, turned up at Glastonbury (he’s 32) with — brace yourselves — more than a few wisps of white in the front and sides, social media went into meltdown. From a disapproving “[he’s] making me feel 500 years old”, to “my man is getting more SEXY!”, his natural, dye-free hair caused quite the stir.
“Louis’s hair hovers around the 20 per cent salt to about 80 per cent pepper, mark,” says Mads-Sune Lund Christensen, a colourist at Josh Wood Salon in London. “I have men, and these are successful men, who come in for a colour and ask specifically for some grey to be left in — and that’s a new thing,” he says. “In the past, clients always wanted full coverage to remove it.” So now they want to look their age? “They want the salt and the pepper to show — and its authority.”
“It’s everywhere you look,” Toner adds. “You only have to watch something as hugely popular with men as Match of the Day.” Older chaps, yes, but Alan Shearer, Roy Keane and Gary Lineker — three of the most watched and, certainly, admired men on British television — all have grey hair or grey in their beards. Keane’s salt and pepper Grizzly Adams number is an absolute belter. Forget Succession, it’s these men (see also Graeme Souness and Jamie Carragher, the list goes on) who are influencing how younger millennial males wear their hair and, indeed, how they dress.
A quick walk down the men’s aisle in Boots confirms that products for salt and pepper hair have never been so effective, or popular: Control GX Grey Reducing Shampoo (which sounds as if it should be on Top Gear), for example, maintains that all-important seasoning mix. Meanwhile, what’s surely the best bit of man-kit since the reclining chair, Just For Men Moustache & Beard Brush-In Colour Gel will tone down any of those comedy pirate beards in bingo-marker black.
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linettefox · 6 months
NOTE: All info about my fan series is subject to change as I am writing it. More details may be added or altered in the future.
New Fan series ideas & info dump:
I made a logo for my most recent fan series Konfy Earth Precure. Here it is in Japanese and English:
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The themes for this series are foxes and nature. Honestly as soon as I saw we're letting regular dogs and cats become Precure now my brain immediately went "So I can have a Precure that is literally just a fox" and so planing for this fan series began with ideas of making it fit Wonderful's vibe just with some more fights considering writing action is my favorite part of making fan series.
The Name Meaning:
Kon Kon is the Japanese fox sound. I knew I wanted the main cure's name to be punt like Wonderful and Nyammy's are so I went with Konfy which is a pun on the word comfy and kon.
I research foxes in my spare time, I just love googling random facts and trivia about them. Recently I learned what a group of foxes is called there were three names given. Skulk, leash, and earth. No one knows what a skulk is and Konfy Leash Precure sounds weird so I went with Earth which also happened to fit the environmental themes I was going for.
The Cures:
They have not been designed yet and are in very early stages of development but I will share what I got so far for this duo.
Moribe Sierra/Cure Earth - She/her - 14 - A human girl who can become a fox. Outgoing, compassionate, loves animals, friendly.
Sume/Cure Konfy - She/her - A fox kit that can become a human. Feisty, honest, protective, naive, loves food, adventurous.
The only design elements I know for a fact is that Sume is a silver fox and Sierra will have hair the color of a red one. (Note: Both silver and red foxes are variants of the common fox) In their cure forms they will be humans with fox ears and tails being in between human and fox forms.
Moribe (森部) etymology: (Origin: Japanese)
Mori (森) - "forest, woods."
Be (部) - "section, department, category."
Sierra etymology: (Origin: Spanish)
Saw or mountain range.
I named her after the Sierra Nevada fox which is the one Google says is unfortunately most endangered. I thought it fit with the environmental themes. Also I know Cure Earth is already a thing but the name was too fitting not to use.
Sume (スメ) etymology: (Origin: Unknown)
I took the word "kitsune" which is Japanese for fox and shortened it to Sune before deciding I liked Sume best.
The Location:
I am still debating which town should base mine on, all I know is I want it to be near a big forest of some kind. Maybe they'd even have a nature park to explore. Of course I don't know Japan that well but I do like loosely basing my locations off of real places since Precure is set there.
Ideas for Villains:
The generals will be based on a wolf, cougar, bear, eagle and snake respectively they will be known as the Feral Five.
The monsters will be robotic and the Feral Five may end up becoming robots when they can't fulfill their duties. The reason for this is I don't want to show any animals as true villains because even though they hunt foxes it's all just for survival.
The big bad will probably be like a scientist trying to take over the forest with his robotic army or something. Think Dr. Eggman inspired I guess although completely different design.
Since I do not plan to have a mid season at the moment aside from the mascots I will be creating a Yui/Seiju type character from Sierra's class that will know their identities. For now here's all I have for allies though.
● Spinosa - She/her - A seed fairy that came to find the help of the Precure, Spike’s sister. Strict, worried, brave, hard worker.
● Spike - He/him - A seed fairy that came to find the help of the Precure, Spinosa’s brother. Laid back, calm, brave, lazy but well-meaning.
● Reynard (Or just Rey) - He/him - A kitsune mentor-type character, gave the cures their powers and sent Spinosa and Spike to find them. Mysterious, wise, fun, caring.
For the mascots I thought it'd be weird to have a normal fairy alongside realistic animals so I looked for other things to base them on. I looked up what were symbiotic to foxes and spiky seeds came up because they often hitch a ride in their tails. So I made mascots based on seeds. Rey isn't really a mascot more of a Rosemary type character.
Miscellaneous Ideas:
For the transformation I thought it'd be cute if they high fives to start them. No transformation device necessary they just high five while saying the phrase and the transformation starts. I imagine it being playful and upbeat with some Elegance mixed in.
That is all I have for now, will this is ever be finished and released? Idk! Anyways bye! Thoughts welcome.
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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“The weather project” (2003), monofrequency lamps, projection screen, haze machines, foil mirror, aluminum, scaffolding, 26.7 x 22.3 x 155.44 meters, installation view at Tate Modern, London. Photo by Tate photography, Andrew Dunkley & Marcus Leith
A Nearly 500-Page Monograph Chronicles Three Decades of Olafur Eliasson’s Practice
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“Waterfall��� (2016), crane tower, water, stainless steel, pump system, hoses, ballast, 42.5 x 6 x 5 meters, installation views at Palace of Versailles. Photo by Anders Sune Berg
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“Beauty” (1993), spotlight, water, nozzles, wood, hose, pump, dimensions variable, edition of 3, installation view at Long Museum, Shanghai. Photo by Anders Sune Berg
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“Fjordenhus (Fjord House)” designed with Sebastian Behmann (2009–18), Vejle Fjord, Denmark. Photo by Anders Sune Berg
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naemiblanch · 26 days
There came a rustle from a bush, and Gisle had an arrow ready in the blink of an eye. “Hold,” Torvald whispered, and Gisle heeded his word. A moment passed, and another one. Then; another rustle, and a fox jumped out. With a sigh of relief, Gisle lowered his bow. You’d get a nice pelt from fox, but he wasn’t about to waste his arrows on one today. He was just about to say as much when the fox, which had been heading straight towards them, suddenly turned and slank back into its bush.
“I think the lady of the wood must have called for it,” said Sune. And then, the forest turned into a swirling tangle of colours as they were all thrown to the ground.
(Quick translation from the draft of my original work Huldrfolk)
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bananarose · 1 year
FFXIV Write - #9 "Fair"
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This one is about my boys, back before they left their village. Knowledge of Viera lore will help you understand this one but it's not too lore heavy, just really fluffy. Because they hadn't left yet Lavandin and Aurelius use the names Sune and Fessa respectively. (Lavandin/Sune is the one on the left, Aurelius/Fessa is the one on the right)
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With shaky hands, knuckles turning white, Sune gripped his lance. He struggled to maintain eye contact with the boy across from him, who held his weapon with experienced hands, dropping into a well-practiced stance. Sune tried to imitate Fessa’s stance, shifting uncomfortably on clumsy legs. The stronger viera shook his head, gently indicating he was doing it wrong. Again. Sune took a deep breath, shifting again, slowly, watching for Fessa’s reaction. Fessa nodded, and lunged forward.
Truthfully, Sune was hopeless in battle. Even in a mock fight like this, he shook like a leaf in the wind. The older viera, tasked with training the younger ones to become formidable wood-warders like themselves, were nearly at their wit’s end with him. Sune simply did not pick up on their teachings, weak and easily distracted. The issue was, he had no interest in fighting, or struggling to survive in solitude. He had always assumed that when he came of age that he would join the other women of the tribe in caring for their village. He had grown up surrounded by strong and impressive viera women, and something in him always assumed that would be him someday. He had watched as the others around his age had started to display certain characteristics, those that would determine their role in society for the rest of their lives. It took a bit longer for him, but eventually the time came, and he was whisked off by the other male viera. This life didn’t suit him, he had come to quickly realize.
The head of Fessa’s lance clashed with Sune’s, easily knocking it out of his hands. “You have to hold it steady, not too tight but not too loose. Being disarmed will, effectively, secure your loss against most enemies.” Fessa twirled his lance around in his hands, jamming the end of it into the dirt.
“I know, it-it’s j-j-just” Sune sighed heavily, defeated, scuffing the toe of his boots across the ground in frustration. Strong arms came from behind, wrapping around his own and adjusting his grip. 
“Like this, you needn’t squeeze the life out of it now.” Fessa chuckled, close enough to Sune’s ear to make him shiver. He took slow, deliberate breaths, focusing on the older boy’s teachings instead of how warm his arms felt. Those arms moved away, only for a moment, before Fessa placed his hands on Sune’s hips. “And you need to fix your stance, a light breeze could knock you over if you stand like this…” Gentle pushes to his hips and back had Sune standing in the proper stance. He quickly tried to memorize the feel of the stance and Fessa’s hands before he could move away. Blush colored his cheeks at the thought and he gave a nod, unable to speak. Fessa smiled innocently “Much better. We go again.” 
Fessa grabbed his lance out of the ground, spinning it in a way that could only be described as showing off, before dropping back into his own stance. He gave a nod, and lunged once more. This time, Sune would not be so easily disarmed. Fessa grinned, impressed as he jumped backwards. They circled each other, lunging and parrying in something that could actually be considered a spar this time. “Much better! What improvement a quick adjustment makes!” Fessa chuckled mirthfully, putting some more energy behind his movements. It was like a dance, the way they twirled, kicking up bits of dirt and grass in their wake. 
Then Fessa did something incredibly, and completely… Not. Fair.
Moving in close, lances clashing once more.
Fessa winked.
Embarrassingly, that was more than enough to throw Sune out of focus, his lance soon clattering to the dirt. Fessa’s own joined it as he moved in close, breathily heavily from exertion. “Very good…” he spoke softly, laying a hand on Sune’s cheek. 
“Well, I have a good t-teacher, so…” Sune was soon lost in the gray eyes that stared back at him. They held eye contact for what felt like an age. Fessa leaned his forehead against Sune’s, lips barely an ilm apart. They breathed the same air for a moment before Sune remembered, he should be angry. He pulled back indignantly, crossing his arms in front of him. “Wa-wait! Th-that was hardly f-fair! You only disarmed me because you d-d-distracted me!” 
Fessa laughed, reaching to uncross Sune’s arms and take his hands into his own. “Perhaps if you weren’t so easily distracted…” Sune’s face burned hot, cheeks turning pink. He muttered in annoyance, but didn’t pull away.
“So not fair…”
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divider credit - cafekitsune
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arvoze · 3 months
I really enjoyed your last post where you talk about Mike's lore and character, so I wanted to ask if you could do something similar for Keith and Luwel. I really want to know more about them and I know we got a lot of information through your art as well, but I would find it very helpful to get it all in one post for each of them. I really adore them. Keep up the great work
thank u! since it's the two of them, i'll put it under a cut. i'll try and follow a similar format for the both of them. link to the mike answer. keith will have vague references to abuse so i'll put him last.
luwel (nuzleaf) is 34 years old, slightly older than mike. similar to mike, he originally lived in the wild village of apple grove, but now lives in verdant village.
both of his parents, tangrowth and shiftry, are alive. his father, tangrowth, was a civilised doctor (civilised = pokemon in towns, speak common etc, not wild mons), who came across an injured wild mon in the woods decades ago; he'd be quick to be accepted into the wild community for his actions and would slowly begin to introduce the language of common into apple grove (learning wildspeak in the process). both mike and luwel are bilingual (keith only speaks common). luwel would be raised with the intent of also becoming a medic/doctor of some sort -- he still retains a fair amount of knowledge, but ultimately didn't follow down that path entirely. he provides medical support for the team.
he lives with keith and mike in verdant village. originally, they live in guild housing, but luwel eventually retires from the team and works as a berry farmer instead; he doesn't buy the house or anything, because he works as a farmer under the guild. this means as long as he's providing food for the guild, he can keep his home & land. this is technically only luwel's house (and sune (floragato/meowscarada), his s/o's), keith and mike are just freeloaders who show up and sleep there sometimes, since they're always travelling around. sorry i forgot to mention he also has an adopted daughter called sochi (tinkatink/tuff/ton)
his moveset is based more around functionality within the world; careful, early bird. foul play, grassy terrain, razor leaf and leaf blade. he fights when he needs to, but doesn't usually get too involved. in "present day", he uses razor leaf as a means of mass-harvesting berries from plants, since he has good control over the move. instead of using leaf blade regularly, he channels leaf blade through a stick, forming more of a scythe than anything. i've never depicted him using foul play, but it's part of his moveset specifically in reference to the fact he's the team's tactician. it's relevant, trust me.
his link move is the combination of grassy terrain+leaf blade, which works both offensively and defensively. physically, it is the weakest of the three link moves, which checks out given that he's the weakest member of the team. leaf blade's half turns to controlling multiple blades of grass that function like tendrils, originating from the grassy terrain -- they usually aren't used for offense. instead, they're used as healing bandages or defensive walls. link moves in this manner, due to their power, will sap the strength of the user -- keith and mike can both typically stay standing after using theirs (especially since it's less resource-intensive), but luwel will almost always pass out when his link move has subsided.
as a farmer, he is also a merchant. he butts head with my other merchant, big mal (cradily), practically every day. just learned i don't even have mal's main ref image on tumblr! whoops.
luwel is autistic. he has the shortest fuse and is the quickest to snap, and is also quick to break down. he experiences sudden mood changes a lot. he's a little fucked in the head, in that if a dangerous situation becomes too stressful for luwel, he detaches himself from reality entirely and falls under the belief that he's currently living out a dream/fiction. there is at least two instances (second already linked) where luwel is in the presence of actual, legitimately dangerous individuals who kill, but his mind snaps from stress and fear that it becomes a fictional performance to him. the latter eventually leads to him losing an arm. he is commonly depicted as not being all there mentally, but he's actually pretty grounded, all things considered. a very large factor of this is his desire to eat bug pokemon, specifically ledyba, due to his general fascination with food (he will talk about preparing other pokemon, but exclusively in a hypothetical sense). it isn't considered cannibalism, because they aren't the same species.
he has some passive hobbies. luwel is an avid yaoi consumer. more often than not, he'll be depicted mid-conversation holding the local newspaper. he's always interested in what's going on around him, and will occasionally try to catch up on world lore & history if he's got the time. he'd consider becoming a history teacher, but it's not really something he wants as a job. luwel loves inventory management, so he enjoys setting up the team's inventory for jobs & setting up his own inventory for market sales. he is religious, in a very passive sense, believing that legendary pokemon do tend to towns and villages and the likes. luwel just barely falls shy from the agnostic umbrella, having a personal belief in xerneas, as he grew up with the belief that xerneas tended to the woods he was raised in. he follows particular beliefs regarding maintaining the forest's bounty. where most mons might be depicted saying terms like "oh, for arceus' sake", luwel uses xerneas' name instead. he has multiple outfits, but is most commonly depicted in his blue jacket, with luwel only wearing a black and green jacket as a means of images representing the timeline where he's still part of the team. luwel likes to climb around a lot. he usually climbs over keith.
he retires from the team as he is physically a lot weaker than his brothers. luwel makes the personal choice to not evolve into shiftry, primarily because he's rather happy how he is, and he quite enjoys having the use of hands. there is a What If au where luwel evolves and stays part of the team, becoming one of the heads of verdant village's guild (keith becoming the guildmaster). the two designs for mike and keith for this what-if situation ended up becoming their regular designs, because i preferred them in comparison to their previous designs (where keith only had a cape, and mike had nothing).
ok now i start talking about keith
keith, cacturne, is 33 years old, and is the youngest of his brothers. he originated from the sand continent, but travelled to the water continent alone as a young cacnea. he would get lost in the woods and be attacked by a group of pidove, at a similar time where seedot and shroomish (luwel and mike didn't have names) were straying almost a little too far from home. they fought off the pidove together, formed a very strong bond being just young kids and all that, and keith was taken back to apple grove, where he lived with wild pokemon for a few years. as a cacturne, he lives in verdant village, but he was a resident for a short while before his brothers were.
keith does not know who his parents are. his mother, cass (cacturne), exists within the world and lives on the sand continent, but i've never had much thought about his father. his mother's partner, butcher (spidops), would function as The Dad That Stepped Up, were they ever to meet. currently, keith and cass only cross paths once, wherein both him and his mother lack any emotional attachment to eachother. keith feels somewhat empty after this encounter, as he expected it to feel a lot more fulfilling. he concludes that he's most happy with his current family, and doesn't need to form a familial bond with someone who never felt like family to him before. his father figure is guildmaster rime (mr rime, design updated since last tumblr post), verdant guild's guildmaster. the two are incredibly close, with rime genuinely considering keith to be his son; keith is told that when rime retires, he will inherit the guildmaster title and responsibilities. despite coming off as stupid and reckless half of the time, keith is an incredibly level-headed leader and an excellent commander under extreme pressure, so he's actually the perfect fit for the job.
keith's drive to be part of a rescue team comes from his very early upbringing in the sand continent. as a young cacnea who never really had a home, he would wander around a lot, and get lost frequently. on one particular occasion, he would be rescued by an escavalier and galarian rapidash duo, who talked to him in such a way that inspired keith to want to help others as soon as possible. very early on in his life, he comes across silica (hatenna/hattrem; still uncertain on when they meet). she offers him a place in a "guild", which isn't actually a guild at all, but is in fact a bandit's group. under the guise of doing good for the "guild", keith is forced to commit a lot of crimes as a child. silica becomes extremely possessive of keith because he's so easy to manipulate; she berates him often as a means of trying to make him work harder. it is worth noting that silica's actions do get worse, and she is considered to be keith's abuser. however, i don't like to detail anything further in regards to what happens between them (there is NOTHING sexual, i personally would never depict CSA with characters). usually, when i draw keith and silica in the same image together, it should be somewhat clear that they do not have a positive relationship.
when meeting guildmaster rime, he recognises the bag keith brought with him (brandishing a symbol of the bandit group; rime's been around, he recognises these kinds of things). he knows keith is a lost and misguided child, and takes him under his wing to raise as his own. verdant village's symbol - a green diamond on a black background - is based on keith's existence, although keith never actually realised this, since it's existed for as long as he could remember. he always just thought it was coincidental.
keith's moveset is entirely offensive. naughty, water absorb. thief, pin missile, bullet seed, needle arm. keith's approach is to hit hard and worry about shit later. he's intended to be a ranged attacker to make up for his lack of speed, but it's physical strength and defences that he actually excels at (again, he's just slow, so he's not actually able to punch all that well in a fight). his link move is needle arm+pin missile, which is a deadly single-target link move. whilst mike's link move hits a whole room for large AoE damage, keith's link move is devastating for a singular target. it's essentially pin missile with incredibly large, dangerously pointed pins. if he intended to kill, it would drill large holes through another mon's body (undertale logic; moves will only cause serious injury if the intent is to kill, otherwise it's just an Energy Deal that makes pokemon faint). it's used as both a melee and ranged attack; ranged is shooting large pins, whilst melee is more or less having a spiked baseball bat for an arm (there's more spikes than a normal needle arm would provide). his water absorb is brought up often.
he's a kleptomaniac and alcoholic. keith can't help but get into petty theft often, and is heavily swayed by jewels and riches. he doesn't have much of a concept of risk when it comes to himself. most of his free time is genuinely spent hanging out at the local pub/tavern/bar drinking, which is where he'd meet his eventual bf, william (bisharp) (ignore my old dnd oc in the tag lol). one of keith's personal favourite gags is being unable to flip someone off and asking someone else to do it instead.
there is a period in which keith experiences near-death, which sets mike off mentally, resulting in mike killing another pokemon. keith recovers from this. he's not one to think before he speaks, so he'll sometimes make comments that can reflect poorly on mike, making mike feel horrible. it is worth noting that both of mike's brothers forgive him for the killing.
he is emotionally void. that is, specifically to say, keith experiences a lot of positive emotions, but he can't comprehend the idea of negative ones. he experiences true anger, rarely. keith does not cry or experience sadness: he only feels hollow and empty, unable to grasp what's wrong. it's incredibly difficult to get under his skin for this reason, unless you target his brothers. it takes him around 30 years to understand that he experienced trauma and abuse, and meeting silica again is the first time he's ever had his emotions unearthed - but he still doesn't know how to process them. his lack of negative emotions actually allows him to mega evolve with ease when the time comes; i am of the belief that mega evolution can be strenuous on a pokemon's mental state and can lead to sudden violent outbursts, however, keith can keep his "emotions" in check, so he has much greater control over mega evolution than others might.
he is unintentionally very intimidating. well, sometimes it's intentional.
i am missing a lot. this is like 2k words. oops! i might go back and edit mike's at some point especially with links, but no guarantees
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fenrirswood-hq · 4 months
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NO WAY TO TURN BACK NOW. Welcome to Fenrir’s Wood SOPH, you’ve been accepted for the role of JULES BELMONT and GRAYSON SHRI, please refer to the member checklist and send your account to the main in 24 hours.
[ samantha logan , cis-woman, she/her ] Hey, isn’t that JULES BELMONT. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WEREWOLF, and have a connection to SLOUGH PACK? What I do know for certain is that they’re 27, and they’re CREATIVE and LOST. They’re originally from FENRIRSWOOD, UNITED KINGDOM, and have been in FENRIRSWOOD for ALL THEIR LIFE living in WOOD ROAD. I wonder if they still work at COFFEE KANTEEN as the OWNER AND COOK . Best if they stay safe for now. ( soph, GMT, she/her, 32, removed for discretion )
[ avan jogia, nonbinary, he/they ] Hey, isn’t that GRAYSON SHRI. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WITCH? What I do know for certain is that they’re 32, and they’re PASSIONATE and RECKLESS. They’re originally from BRIGHTON, UNITED KINGDOM, and have been in FENRIRSWOOD for 2 YEARS living in SUNE’S HARBOUR. I wonder if they still work at GOOD DUCK ART GALLERY as the MANAGER AND ARTIST. Best if they stay safe for now. ( soph, GMT, she/her, 32, removed for discretion )
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nikomedes · 1 year
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my tavs for the fellow bg3 heads (and my own eventual drawing ref). from left:
uche, human monk. raised in a temple of sune but left young to become an acrobat/street performer (entertainer bg). currently coping w her gf’s new hairstyle (prepping to help a selunite shadowheart survive the house of grief)
shrike, wood elf druid. my durge! love how uncomfortable he looks here, thats been most of his experience of living so far. he and astarion are making each other worse (read, better. shooting for “bloodthirsty neutral” morality for them both, which is imo a happy ending)
the only actual tav i have, oktavia domnak, dwarf rogue. her family are dungeon engineers by trade (guild artisan bg). she’s been on an extended gap year from her studies but is suddenly hitting the mechanical engineering tomes again (romancing karlach and learning how to give engine tune-ups)
tav is maybe my favorite, despite being deep in the astarion madness rn. have a doodle
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delmorii · 1 year
9. Fair
Six years ago…
The coffin was empty, and Lucy felt like screaming.
She hated it. She hated how empty it was, she hated that they couldn’t even give him a proper burial, she hated knowing Sune’s body was likely tossed in some heap by the Garleans after they escaped from the facility. She hated that he pulled her in front of him at the last moment, she hated that he died and not her. She hated it, she hated herself, she hated his empty coffin. She didn’t even get to see him one last time. She didn’t get to lie in the tall grass and hold hands with him as he talked about the philosophy behind becoming a dark knight, weaving his words so artfully while staring up into the night sky and picturing it all in her mind’s eye.
It wasn’t fair.
Why did Sune have to die? Why not her? Why couldn’t the Garlean have missed? Lucy’s eyes were red and dry, but even after bawling her eyes out, they filled with tears again as she realised she’d never hear his laugh again. Never hear him worrying over her, yelling positionals at them during fights, checking on them after each day. Keeping their spirits up. He was the soul of Dreadblade– he roused them each morning, gave them pep talks, and kept them safe. And now? Now he was dead.
Nymomo hadn’t said a word since.
The three of them– Lucy, Nymomo, and Alfoux– all stood beside Sune’s empty coffin. The hole had been dug, and all they had to offer it was the empty coffin. Lucy had tried to talk to Nymomo and Alfoux, but neither of them ever replied. They’d known him longer, and the looks they gave her when she told them he didn’t make it will forever remain imprinted in her mind’s eye.
They stood there for hours. Exactly how long, Lucy wasn’t sure, but she did remember that Alfoux was the first to break the silence.
Not with words: Alfoux clutched his face and began weeping, sinking to his knees. His typical stoicism was shattered, and Nymomo and Lucy set their hands on his shoulders, but they also broke down.
Alfoux was also the first to leave.
Lucy didn’t know it at the time, but it was the last she’d ever see him.
Nymomo left with Lucy a little later. They never spoke, but they did hold hands as they left the fresh pile of dirt in the secluded woods of Gyr Abania. They had no body to bury, but it felt wrong not to do… something for him. He would’ve done the same– probably would’ve done more– for any of them.
Present day…
Lucy touched the framed picture. It was a drawing done of Dreadblade as a group with crackly white creases where it’d been folded. She framed it a long time ago– once she started seeing the creases– so that she never lost sight of them. She lost Sune that day at the facility, and she lost Alfoux not long after. He’d vanished off to Ishgard and hadn’t sent word since, and she’s long since given up on him, only hoping he eventually found himself again.
Nymomo and she stayed in touch, at least; in fact, Nymomo was now helping her with Blackflag, the very company she started in Sune’s memory. She thinks that’s why Nymomo even agreed– because it was for Sune. Taking care of each other, making sure every came home after a job… it’s what Sune would have wanted.
Lucy touched her fat stomach– she was six months along with child. She remembered telling Sune– and the rest of Dreadblade– she was never going to have a family, and she couldn’t help but think Sune’d be proud of her, if he were still alive. She smiled faintly, eyes welling up with tears as she gave a bittersweet smile to the picture.
“If only you two were still here,” she whispered to it, looking at both Sune and Alfoux. “I’d have so much to share with you.”
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estfenrirswood · 3 months
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catalina naomi flores
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Hey, isn’t that CATALINA NAOMI FLORES. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WEREWOLF (formerly a WITCH)? What I do know for certain is that they’re 34, and they’re OBSERVANT and DISTANT. They’re originally from BACALAR, MEXICO, and have been in/been back to FENRIRS WOOD for 1 YEAR living in SUNE’S HABOUR. I wonder if they still work at PATO PATO TAPAS as THE OWNER. Best if they stay safe for now. CATALINA FLORES has secretly been involved in the Mystery of THE DEADLY BITES as one of the THE VICTIM.
⸻ FULL NAME: Catalina Naomi Flores ⸻ NICKNAMES: Cat, Lina, Nina, Coco, Flo ⸻ BIRTHDAY: November 4 1989 ⸻ ZODIAC: Scorpio Sun/Mercury, Taurus Moon, Aries Rising, Sagittarius Venus, Capricorn Mars ⸻ AGE: 34 years old ⸻ GENDER: cis female ⸻ PRONOUNS: she/her ⸻ SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual & biromantic ⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: tbd. ⸻ OCCUPATION: Owner of Tapas Tapas Platos ⸻ SPECIES: Werewolf, former witch ⸻INSPO/SIMILARITIES: bonnie bennett ( the vampire diaries ), stefan salvatore ( the vampire diaries ), hayley marshall ( the vampire diaries ), spencer reid ( criminal minds ),
✕ ⸻ BIO to be updated more in the future
Catalina Naomi Flores was born under the watchful eyes of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains in Bacalar, Mexico, a place steeped in mysticism and the echoes of ancient rituals. From a young age, Catalina showed a keen interest in the old ways of her ancestors, who were known throughout the region for their prowess in witchcraft. Her grandmother, Abuela Rosalía, was her guiding light, teaching her the secrets of herbalism, divination, and the delicate balance between the natural and supernatural worlds.
As Catalina grew older, her abilities as a witch blossomed. She had a natural affinity for harnessing elemental energies and communing with spirits, skills that were enhanced by her twin brother, Mateo. The two were inseparable, their bond forged not only by blood but by a shared passion for the mystical arts that ran deep in their family's lineage.
Tragedy struck when Mateo, in a reckless attempt to gain power, ventured into the territory of a werewolf pack rumored to possess ancient secrets. Fearing for her brother's safety, Catalina went with him. In a desperate bid to prove himself, Mateo sought to be bitten by one of the werewolves, believing he could harness their primal strength. However, the bite did not grant him the power he sought. Instead, it brought a swift and agonizing death, leaving Catalina devastated and grappling with the guilt of not being able to save him. What she didn't know was that Mateo had a made a deal with the pack leader to take Catalina as a mate. She too was bit, but survived the illness that followed. She found unexpected comfort in the company of her twins, Leonardo. and Marisol, whose laughter and innocence brought a glimmer of light back into her life.
In the aftermath of Mateo's death & her twins' birth, Catalina withdrew from her community and immersed herself in solitude. She had to sneak out in the middle of the night, planning for months to take her & her children to safety. She retreated to the quiet town of Ferirs' Wood, seeking solace in its serene surroundings and trying to reconcile her grief.
To make ends meet and honor her heritage, Catalina opened "Tapas Tapas Platos," a Spanish tapas restaurant that she transformed into a vibrant nightclub on weekends. The restaurant became her sanctuary, a place where she could channel her culinary skills learned from her mother, father, & grandmother, mixing traditional Mexican flavors with Spanish influences. The nightclub aspect allowed her to tap into her latent connection to the supernatural world, hosting themed nights that subtly nodded to her witchcraft roots.
Despite her withdrawn nature, Catalina remained a pillar of strength in Ferirs' Wood, quietly observing the ebb and flow of life around her. Her distant demeanor masked a profound wisdom and an unwavering determination to protect her children and preserve her family's legacy of witchcraft. Through her restaurant, she found a way to weave together her past and present, honoring Mateo's memory while nurturing her twins and embracing the duality of her existence as both a mother and a bearer of ancient magic.
As Catalina Naomi Flores navigates the challenges of her dual life, she carries with her the weight of loss and the resilience of her heritage, a testament to the enduring power of love and the bonds that transcend even death itself.
regulars at pato pato tapas
father of twins
open to anything
Home Life: she lives with aiysha carver in Sune Harbour
Loves Nature: Catalina has a deep love for nature and spends her free time hiking in the forests surrounding Fenrir's Wood, where she feels most at peace.
Talented Cook: She is a skilled cook and enjoys experimenting with recipes that blend traditional Mexican flavors with local ingredients from Fenrir's Wood.
Fluent in Spanish and Latin: Catalina is fluent in both Spanish and Latin, the latter of which she learned from her grandmother who taught her ancient spells and rituals.
Artistic Pursuits: She has a passion for painting and uses art as a form of self-expression and relaxation, often depicting scenes from mythology and folklore.
Heritage of Witchcraft: Coming from a long line of witches, Catalina has inherited powerful magical abilities, specializing in herbalism and protective spells.
Animal Lover: Catalina has a deep connection with animals and often volunteers at the local animal shelter, using her magic to help heal and comfort injured animals.
Moonlit Adventures: She enjoys nighttime walks under the full moon, finding inspiration and solace in the mystical energy that permeates Fenrir's Wood during lunar cycles.
Keepsakes from Travels: Catalina collects souvenirs and keepsakes from her travels around the world, displaying them in her cozy home filled with artifacts and magical charms.
Music Enthusiast: She has a love for traditional Mexican music and plays the guitar, finding joy in serenading her friends and family with folk songs passed down through generations.
Protector of Twins: Catalina's role as a mother to twins, Leonardo and Marisol, is central to her identity, and she prioritizes their safety and well-being above all else, especially during times of heightened supernatural activity like full moons. She teaches her childen everything her family taught her about being a witch & the spirits.
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thebawdybaldurian · 8 months
#BG3FicFeb Day 1
SFW: Tav performs at a fertility festival the night she is kidnapped by mindflayers.
NSFW: Tav heads home with an handsome tiefling, not knowing that she is about to go on an adventure.
Some of the prompts I've pretty much already written in Tale of the Tadpoles, so I'll be skipping those SFW prompts and maybe linking to snippets or chapters. I'll be doing all the NSFW prompts :). I will try to post them separately, but I was able to tie in both of today's prompts into one story that gets progressively spicier...
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SFW: What was Tav doing when they were abducted? The Golden Sow was as packed as ever, with multiple performances planned for the Festival of Fertility. As a former devotee to Sune, Tav jumped at the chance to close the final performance of the night. She had a vast repertoire of bawdy songs to choose from, some tavern standards and a few original compositions. She’d had her golden locks dyed a vibrant red to match the fiery-haired love goddess and some long extensions sewn in to give her mid-shoulder hair some extra length. Her beloved lyre had gotten new strings and the wood had been shined to a gleam.
The crowd was well-watered by the time she went on, hitting the stage to a cacophony of whistles and shouts. She started them off with a particularly vulgar tavern song, encouraging them to sing along as she playfully stole drinks from the crowd near the stage. She followed up with a slower, sensual piece of her own mind, several old and new couples drifting upstairs to make their own music.
She also took the opportunity to scan the crowd, looking for someone to go home with for the night. She caught the eye of a shy, auburn-haired half-elf and a tall, muscular tiefling that was already undressing her with their eyes. Tav continued through her set list, unbuttoning her doublet when she got too hot. The half-elf looked away with a blush, Tav’s pink nipples visible through her sweat drenched undershirt. The tiefling, however, licked their lips. They would be her lover for the night. The half-elf might come back in a few more shows with some more courage. Tav finished her set with one final overture, her hips gyrating sensually as she plucked her lyre. She climbed off stage to more applause and whistles, and headed straight to the bar.
The bartender had her regular order ready for her when she arrived, a fresh towel, a mug of water, and a shot of Neverwinter Ice. She downed the mug, letting a bit of the water dribble down her chin to cool her. The tiefling had claimed the barstool beside her by the time she had finished it. “How did you like the show?” Tav grinned, dabbing herself with the towel.
“I found it very…enticing,” they grinned, their tail swishing around their thigh. They wore a low-cut corset top that pressed their breasts together and a pair of tight leather trousers that highlighted a thick bulge. “Can I buy you another drink?” They asked as Tav downed her shot.
“I drink for free here,” Tav motioned at the bartender to bring two new shots. “But how about breakfast instead?”
“I love breakfast,” they smiled and leaned closer, their tail moving to her thigh. “So…your name is Chardonnay Brandywine, but you are drinking…ice gin?” they sniffed the shot that bartender set in front of them, downing it when she did.
“I don’t like to limit myself to one thing,” Tav grinned, moving her knee so that it was barely touching their cock.
“That’s a great attitude to have.”
“So who I am drinking with?” Tav asked, ordering them a round of fruit ciders.
“Call me Ell,” they smiled.
Story continues to the NSFW Prompt ;)
Content and Warnings: Female Elf x NB trans Tiefling. Groping, nipple pinching, biting and sucking, genital touching with a prehensile tail, oral sex.
First Time
They flirted and chatted for a bit longer, their hands and eyes lingering on each other. “Are there any rooms left?” Tav finally asked to the bartender, as Ell gripped a generous handful of her ass.
“I think your performance made us full up,” the man laughed. “Someone was even asking about the renting the cloak room.”
“To Sune then,” Tav grinned at the tiefling and downed the rest of her drink.
“To Sune,” they both added, finishing their last drinks of the night as well.
“Tav, come by tomorrow for your fee. I think you deserve a cut of the rooms as well,” the bartender added, taking their glasses.
“You are too good to me, Farvil,” Tav smiled and gave him a hug across the bar.
“Watch out for this one,” he teased Ell. “She’s trouble.”
“I can only imagine,” Ell laughed and gave her ass a generous squeeze.
The pair made their way to the back, so Tav could grab the leather case for her lyre from the dressing rooms. Someone had set it outside, the grunts and groans from the other side of the door telling them that the crowd weren’t the only ones feeling amorous. The other dressing room was similarly occupied. “It seems everyone is in the mood tonight,” Ell pressed her up against the wall after she’d stowed her lyre. They kissed her with plenty of tongue, gripping her thighs to pull her closer.
“I believe the advertisement for this show was ‘Get some ass before Greengrass’ or something to that effect,” Tav flicked her tongue across their lips.
“Clever,” they smiled and kissed down her neck, pulling open her doublet and letting their nails pinch her nipples through her undershirt. “I have room close by,” they added, pinching their teeth around her nipple next. “Nothing fancy, but it has a bed…and they serve breakfast downstairs.”
“That works for me,” Tav grinned, letting her hand grip the growing bulge in their pants.
They left through the back, their hands groping each other as they wandered back to the Ell’s room. They cut through an alley, stopping to make out in the darkness. “I can’t wait,” Ell moaned as Tav sucked on one of their nipples, their tail slipping under her pants to tease her clit. “Can I at least taste you here?”
“Please,” Tav trembled, their dexterous tail rubbing her in just the right way. She unbuttoned her pants as Ell knelt, pulling them and her underpants off her hips. Their long tongue met her dripping sex immediately, lapping up her arousal and beckoning more to come. “Oh Gods,” Tav moaned, pulling on their horns as their tongue tickled her swollen lips. She closed her eyes tightly, focusing on the sensation of the tiefling’s forked tongue. It snaked up inside her, sampling every bit of her engorged folds. “Oh fuck,” she moaned, pressing her head back against the wall, looking up at the night sky. She caught only a glimpse of the mysterious thing coming at her from above, shouting “Oh fuck” again before she was instantly phased inside the spelljammer that hovered silently over the city.
“What the fuck?!” Ell stumbled to their feet, narrowly escaping the other tentacle that had come to take them. They ducked into a nearby doorway, forcing the door open to get away. They stayed there all night, terrified, only venturing out once it was light out. They saw no signs of Tav, aside from her lyre that still sat in the alley. They picked it up, heading back to the Golden Sow to ask about her. “Do you know Chardonnay?” Ell asked the worker who had taken over for Farvil.
“Tav?” The man asked.
“Uh, yes, I think so,” Ell set her lyre on the bar. “I was with her last night and then she just…disappeared.”
“She’s a bard, she’s been known to run off after a…” the bartender began before the tiefling cut him off.
“I mean, into thin air,” Ell exclaimed. “With my tongue still inside her.”
“Oh,” the bartender frowned uneasily. “Uh…I’ll ask around and put this in the back,” he picked up the lyre case. The instrument was one of her prized possessions and he knew she wouldn’t just leave it with a one night stand. “Come back later when my husband is awake again. He knows her a little better.”
“Alright,” Ell nodded and left to wander the city for a few hours.
They noticed a few other people nailing up sheets of paper that said MISSING on them. When they inquired about it, the people all explained that their loved one had gone missing some time last night, disappearing without a trace. Ell wondered what could have happened to all of them. They returned back to the Sow a few hours later, finding both Farvil and his husband at the bar. “Have you heard anything?” Ell asked, sitting down in front of them.
“Nothing. She should have been by for her performance fee,” Farvil shook his head. “She’s a bit cloud-headed sometimes, but she never forgets her money or her lyre.”
“Do you think it’s that cult we’ve been hearing about?” Farvil’s husband wondered.
“I saw others putting up missing posters. What’s this cult?” Ell asked.
“I dunno. Just rumors around the city. People gone missing or killed.”
“You think she may have been killed?!” Ell’s eyes widened. They hadn’t known her for long, but still hoped nothing had happened to her.
“No…I dunno,” Farvil chewed his lip. “I’m sure she’s fine. Probably just dashed off for an adventure on a lark, no offense to you. She does it all the time.”
“Can I leave my address or something for her? I just want to know if she’s okay.”
“Yeah, sure,” Farvil handed them a scrap of paper and a pencil. Ell scribbled down the name of the tavern they were staying in. “You’re staying in that shithole?” Farvil looked at it when Ell handed it back.
“I’m new to the city and they were the first place that would rent to me,” Ell frowned. After Elturel, tieflings had few places they were welcome.
“You have a job yet?” Farvil asked.
“Day labor for now.”
“Well….we’re looking for another bartender, if you are any good with those hands. Room and board included in your wages. We don’t care who you are or where you came from, as long as you keep the customers happy.”
“Alright,” Ell smiled. “I’m good with my tail too.”
Bonus First Time with Tav's main LI, Astarion.
I love Ell already and they will definitely make a reappearance in Tale of the Tadpoles at some point.
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itsmycherryforest · 2 years
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Wood-burned Table lamp by Swedish artist Sune Bergman (1890 - 1976), with landscape scenes
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rclused · 2 years
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[ will sharpe , cis male, he/him ] Hey, isn’t that SUKI KANEKO. I thought they went away for the summer? Did you hear they might be a WEREWOLF, and have a connection to GLOVER PACK? What I do know for certain is that they’re THIRTY FOUR, and they’re AFFABLE and RECALCITRANT. They’re originally from MANCHESTER, and have been in FENRIRS WOOD for TWO YEARS living in SUNE’S HARBOUR. I wonder if they still work at POLICE STATION as a DETECTIVE. Best if they stay safe for now. 
About .
Suki had always been a quiet kid, with hands as gentle as the spring breeze, and eyes that looked up to the world in awe. He’d take it all in, the great expanse of everything that just seemed to swallow him whole. His single mother was an ER nurse and in a city like Manchester that meant late nights. He wouldn’t mind, because in those moments where she would find the time, it was like the whole world would be lit up. He found frustration in his younger days, not able to understand the so many things of the world, but most of all why he never heard stories of his father. He would start acting out, once so quiet and unsure of his own words, starting to get in trouble at school. Gentle hands balling into fists, and detentions gathering. But his mother was kind and patient, one day she’d explain to him the kind of man his father was. The kind of man he’s on the path to becoming. But he has good in his hands, she knows it by holding them. That was the first day he understood.
The police academy was the first thing Suki felt like he was good at, perhaps the way he could push his body to the brink of physical exhaustion from training, or the way his mind would go quiet. Or maybe it was the way that on his good days, he was making the world a better place. And on the bad days, he got to prove to everyone else whether he knew it or not, that he was not his father. He graduated within the top of the class, threw himself into work and worked his way up the ranks fairly quickly. Eventually becoming a homicide detective. It was all going well, until it wasn’t. But really Suki had no one to blame but himself for that. To be clear the police work was still going great, but his life felt like it was crumbling around him. He knew it was a mistake the day he chased the perp, what he didn’t expect was that he’d wake up in hospital with multiple bullet wounds, a shattered shoulder and his insides needing to be sewn back together. Everyone wanted to call him a hero, wanted to give him a medal. He was just a sad man who didn’t know if he was a good person or if he was just good at pretending to be a good person, and it all got so messed up in his mind that he didn’t know how to untangle it. He should have been glad to be back, but he asked for a reassignment. A smaller town, somewhere quiet he thought, somewhere he can find his thoughts again. The last thing he expected was for his first summer to be that of a murder spree.
Long Biography .
Pinterest . 
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topherromijn · 2 years
LOCATION: Near the library TIMESTAMP: 12th of December @caseyconner​
Topher walked up to the library employee while finishing the last of their lunch, a stale piece of bread with a piece of vegan cheese and some salsa dressing. It almost made it a croque monsieur, just... stale and not toasted. They recognised the other from the library because Topher enjoyed hiding out in bookish places, they didn’t like reading much, but they enjoyed the smell of books. Sune’s Harbour was also a pretty nice neighbourhood, and a change from Fenway, where almost everything was. Or seemed to be. 
They waved to the individual, noting he was new, because they hadn’t spoken, and usually Topher made sure to speak with people at the library, at least those who worked there. It was a good way to ensure you weren’t chased off. 
“Hi,” they said. They weren’t heading towards the library, though now that they saw the familiar name-tag, they kind of wanted to. They peaked to their left, into the tree line. Sune’s being close to Lord’s Wood. They squinted their eyes, and jerked their whole body into the direction of the trees, having seen something. 
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apwmagazine · 2 years
Sunee Wood Obituary, What was Sunee Wood Cause of Death?
Sunee Wood Obituary, What was Sunee Wood Cause of Death?
Sunee Wood Obituary has been recently searched in a more significant amount of volume online, and moreover, people are eager to know What Was Sunee Wood Cause Of Death. Currently, Sunee Wood’s death is widely spreading, and people are concerned to know about Sunee Wood Obituary and want to get a real update. With that being said, let’s further investigate the truth and details of Sunee Wood…
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