#sunlight here I am
hinamie · 1 month
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god, i wish i knew you back when i was a kid / but when you stare into me now, it feels like i did
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bad12amcomic · 1 year
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From “We Could Be Sleeping in Flowers” by ETraytin this was initially going to be first page of this comic but then I realized that would’ve been incredibly long and the first pass through was already 10 pages I. I couldn’t do that to myself.
anyways as a treat have this scene that was earlier in the chapter
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littlekinng · 4 months
Three years following the settlement of the village, New Asgard’s political climate takes a turn for the worst. A fact that is not at all aided by Loki’s sudden, inexplicable tendency toward seemingly senseless acts of violence. Even less so by his outright refusal to speak to Thor about the matter. Something has to give. Unfortunately for everyone involved, this happens sooner rather than later.
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missingsunlight · 2 months
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Happy pride month ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ ✨✨
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vamptoll · 4 months
Does anyone Hate Juri RGU? Pretty much every character in Utena I've seen hate for, but never seen anything for Juri. She's even a member of the student council!
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cool-as-steel · 1 year
ideal gender: 1790s-1810s men in an edmund blair leighton painting...
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hannie-dul-set · 2 months
hello good fucking morning.
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pseudophan · 9 months
being just past polar nights and on my period and wine drunk whilst being borderline is a real fun phenomenon you guys you should try it its a hoot
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agentrouka-blog · 11 months
It's been a busy couple of months and my brain feels depleted of anything but that unsightly fizzy bubbling you get when you pour vinegar over baking soda.
Pretty sure it's temporary and I can return to obsessing over fandom things shortly once everything has calmed down a little.
If not, I had a good run on this blog.
RIP, Rouka Brain, newly smooth, wrinkle-free and squishy-pink
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carpe-dulcis-solis · 1 year
the whole 'moonlight' speech that lister gave to rimmer in TPL had me fucking FLOORED
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dent-de-leon · 11 months
once again remembering that the widomauk forehead kiss was the first kiss of the campaign. And then Caleb kisses Molly back at the end. The unconditional love and tenderness of it all--
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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basicallyjaywalker · 9 months
Just finished reading Chapter 5 of If I Can Think (Of Something Clever) and I think my brain chemistry has been altered. I also have a strong desire to get back into chess and find some competent animators and VAs. For no particular reason
I know I've reblogged Lila aka @cboffshore's links but consider this me continuing to push the agenda. If you haven't read this fic (or the entire On Sea, Sunlight, and Sky series) you should. Especially if you like:
* Nya causing havoc
* Insanely descriptive and immersive prose
* or any combination thereof
^ Here's the link to IICT(OSC)
^ Here's the link to the entire series, including the past three installments, all are incredible and a must read for any Ninjago fan IMO. I am not kidding
Now if anyone needs me I'm going to go lie down for a long time
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 11 months
you're always complaining about being "bad at dating" but have you considered you just might be aro or even ace?
Well I don't love the tone here, to start. But I'll answer from a place of assuming that you're trying to be helpful, if perhaps in an incredibly rude and condescending way.
No, I am decidely neither aromantic or asexual. I desire both romance and sex and romantical sex, in no uncertain terms. I love to fuck, and I love fucking someone I love. But due in part to a lot of trauma in my past, I am just extremely bad at making connections with people. I am extremely picky about who I let near me, both in a physical and in an emotional sense. I also know that I am not considered 'ideal' by many people's standards, so the dating pool is much smaller to start with. And then lot of the folks who like the same stuff I do are ENM, which is also not something I can handle emotionally, so that shrinks the dating pool down to more of a puddle. I'm also determined not to settle for someone that I'm not attracted to either, because back in my young slutty past I used to have a lot of questionable hookups just to prove to myself that I was desirable. At this point I know I'm fuckable and it's now the lovable part I'm struggling with, so I'm holding out for someone that feels like they could provide both.
And honestly this kind of question specifically rubs me the wrong way because I had an emotionally abusive ex who used to tell me they thought I was ace because I was having trouble being horny with them after they kept doing shit to hurt me like lying and cheating on me multiple times. But of course they didn't want to take any responsibility for their behavior, so obviously my problems with intimacy were because I secretly disliked sex!
Anyway no, I am For Sure not aro/ace. Please stop telling strangers on the internet how to interpret themselves.
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wewontbesleeping · 3 months
i wish i lived in the world of the americans who insist it's impossible living conditions to have the a/c set to anything over 72f lmfao. like my house is 81f rn and i'm a lil chilly. i would love to not be fucking cold everywhere i go here because everyone blasts the a/c to the absolute max.
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