#sunnydalescoobiies buffy
wickedlehane · 1 year
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@sunnydalescoobiies {buffy} gets a S4 AU based on this gifset
The first few weeks of school at UC Sunnydale weren't so bad, even if Faith was never the biggest fan of homework. But she liked the independent living, knowing she had a watcher for a safety net should anything go wrong out here on the Hellmouth -- since the last Slayer died, and so did the girl before that. Diana Dormer's own work required her to stay on the faculty back at Harvard, but she and Faith could communicate through the academic system (in addition to the good ol' fashioned phone).
Of course, college was a balancing act. Between her basic courses, psychology specialization, and nightly patrols, Faith knew she needed to carve out time to unwind with a little fun. Thankfully, UCSD had frats full of dudes looking to dance with the fresh meat.
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Faith didn't really know any of these older guys, but she liked it that way. Made the chase more fun, and if she ended up in bed with someone, it was easier to fade into the night if they weren't sharing the personal stuff. She did recognize a few people from her classes, though -- not all the names were sticking, but the faces were familiar. Especially the blonde girl who was on the first floor of Stevenson Hall, and had a few courses with her including Psych with Professor Walsh. Bunny, or something? But the slayer wasn't exactly here to make small talk over homework assignments and the quality of dining hall food. So for now, she grabbed one of the cheap beers the boys were stocking and proceeded to dance her way to the center of the room with a guy or two hovering around her hips.
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bethstreasures · 7 months
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Buffy season 1 always gave me R.L. Stine vibes. So I decided to use AI to help me create some images inspired by each Buffy episode, and turn them into Goosebumps book covers. This post covers Buffy season 1 episodes 1-6.
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cruelprincae · 9 months
buffy wakes cardan up by dropping a very beautiful hatchet made with a crystal handle, shiny and new, on his nightstand, causing a loud thump. she may or may not have stolen it from a nasty demon she just slayed. "happy birthday --- if you're into that sort of thing" she shrugs but, as nonchalant as she was appearing as, she was blushing. she's not used to celebrating birthdays... let alone caring for someone else.
Cardan's birthday wishes !
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Cardan wakes with a startle when the thumping sound echoes in the sharp shell of his ears. Still disoriented ― and quite frankly dazed due to the effects that iron holds on the Fae ―, black eyes rimmed in gold momentarily stare between the blonde slayer and the hatchet befuddled, unable to comprehend how a congratulation on one's birth date ― a holiday sort of occasion that mortals like to celebrate upon the date of their birth, much unlike the Fae ― is connected to a weapon dropped close enough to take his own head on the way down as well. But then he recalls that an unspoken rule for birth dates is to give gifts to the mortal celebrating and that Buffy, much like the deadliest of crows, is fascinated with all things sharp and shiny; so the hatchet ― the sharp, ominous and quite frankly dangerous hatchet whom he has no idea as to how to even hold ― is supposed to be his gift. And then, even with the lights dimmed, the Prince's sharp vision catches notice of the faint rosy tint of her cheeks which results in his own face heating up as well. So clearing his throat, he sits up on the bed and carefully yanks upon the hatchet until it dislodges from the nightstand and all that is left behind as a reminder of its existence is the straight dent in its surface.
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❛ I appreciate that. ❜ Cardan states, after a long moment of examining the weaponry ― and nearly losing an arm in the process due to how unfamiliar he is with such a hefty weapon. Looking up at Buffy through long, dark lashes that cast shadows across his sharp features, the Prince's gaze then wanders to the open window as though to look for the unlucky, ill and faint star that has been plaguing his existence since the very moment of his birth ― and almost instantly, he spots it, looming behind a dark cloud and flickering similar to a lamp whose light bulb is about to burst. Glancing back at her, he offers an arch of a manicured brow behind a sea of dark locks before he continues; ❛ I was not aware you were into that sort of thing. How did you even know of today ? ❜
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thatslayer · 8 months
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a wishverse thing for @sunnydalescoobiies
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"Whoa... easy, there, Tiger. I come in peace."
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crownedhopelesss · 1 year
alright guys i have some great newssss... I FINALLY FINISHED REVAMPING THIS BLOG! gotta edit a couple things on this main page but basically CROWNEDHOPELESSS is now a hub blog for canon muses and canon-based ocs which means all writing and characters are on their respective side-blogs as following! i encourage/implore you to follow any blog/fandom you'd like to write with!
i made a new pinned post with more about it if you'd like to check it out! my guidelines are still the same!
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER| @sunnydalescoobiies ANGEL THE SERIES| @weareheroes THE VAMPIRE DIARIES | @mysticfallsresidents AMERICAN HORROR STORY | @horrifiicstories THE WALKING DEAD | @feartheliiving THE OFFICE (US) | @dundermifflinitess 13 REASONS WHY | @iinfinitereasons YOU (NETFLIX) | @realevildealt ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK | @jumpsuitwarriors DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES | @wisteriialane VARIETY OF HORROR MEDIA | @monstersunderneath GOSSIP GIRL 2007 | @manhattaneliites THE TERMINATOR | @fatecreations IZOMBIE | @unthawedzombies GAME OF THRONES | @fightforironthrone WEEDS | @rainmenofweed SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER | @secretivelies
i'm so excited to write with ya'll again!! :)
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giftedeath · 9 months
@crownedhopelesss / @sunnydalescoobiies said “ i gotta look on the bright side. maybe i can still get kicked out of school. ”
“ that’s not funny, dawn. ” and brows furrow, lips forming into a disapproving frown. but this was really nothing new. dawn had been deep in her teen - rebellion phase ever since finding out about the whole not a girl, but a ball of green energy thing. then mom died. and it wasn’t as if buffy was the best with dealing with any of it. made her palms sweat, anxiety skyrocket. 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝗐𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿𝖿 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖺 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖺, he’d handle it in the adult way. but … neither mom or giles were here now, so buffy swallowed the abandonment down. tried not to choke on it.
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“ school’s important, ‘cause if you get kicked out, you’ll just end up ” like me, she thinks, but instead says ; “ regretting it. besides, don’t you wanna see your friends every day ? and maybe one day when you go to a fancy shmancy college, and make a ton of money with your equally fancy job, you’ll remember that big sis forced you to not get kicked out ! ” buffy plastered on a smile that she HOPED would fool dawn, and finished it off with a playful ruffle to the top of her head. overkill, maybe. probably.
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slaetales · 11 months
@crownedhopelesss    /    @sunnydalescoobiies  sent  from  buffy  summers      :      we  made  it  out  of  there  because  of  you.      i  wasn’t  expecting  you  to  change  my  life  prompts.
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THERE’S  A  LONG,  SILENT  PAUSE.      ⸻      necessary  time  taken  to  process  the  𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚕𝚎𝚍𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝  while  head  ducks  in  an  uncharacteristically  humble  manner.  bashful  even;    all  signs  of  the  vampire’s  usual  arrogant  façade  momentarily  fading  in  buffy’s  presence.  it  isn’t  the  first  time  his  big  𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞  has  come  up  in  conversation.  spike  himself  uses  every  opportunity  he  can  to  throw  it  in  angel’s  stupid  brooding  face,  but  it’s  different  hearing  it  from  someone  else.  different  when  it’s  her.  in  all  the  years  he’s  been  alive,  or  at  least  some  form  of  it,  there’s  only  one  person  who’s  ever  𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚢  managed  to  render  him  lost  for  words.  the  slayer.      "      not  bloody  likely.  they  had  you  fightin’  their  corner.  you  would’a  got  them  outta  there.      "      he  isn’t  sure  what  else  to  say.  this  is  a  conversation  spike  found  himself  purposely  𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴  and,  in  doing  so,  𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐  𝚋𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚢.  his  sacrifice  hadn’t  been  for  the  recognition.  it  had  been  for  her.  everything  he  did  in  that  final  battle  was  her.  hard  to  top  that  kinda  exit,  he  figures.  not  much  else  the  man  had  to  offer.  deep      (    and  unnecessary    /    force  of  habit  more  than  a requirement    )      is  taken  in  before  spike  looks  up,  faint  smile  tugging  at  lips.      "      i  was  just  lendin’  a  helping  hand,  s’all.      "
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halliwellauto · 9 months
@crownedhopelesss II @sunnydalescoobiies sent: NUDE :  for one muse to walk in on the other while they’re changing. / from buffy summers to aiden !
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Aiden had just came back to her dorm after going for a night run. it had been a long day with classes and guys trying to question her about why she was entering her field. It got a bit overwhelming. It made her doubt herself for a brief moment. But she was always one to prove others wrong. Instead of going to a party, she had decided to go for a run. She didn't realize how long she had been gone. She had gathered her bath things and decided to go for a long shower. Nothing like getting rid of bad feelings than a nice warm shower.
When she came back in her bathrobe, she was surprised that her roommate wasn't home yet. She thought it over for a moment before decided to drop the towel to look for her pajamas.
she didn't hear the door open when she was listening to music, standing there in all her glory. she jumped when she finally noticed Buffy. She scrambled to get the towel, her cheeks red with embarrassment. "I am so sorry. I wasn't sure if you were coming home or when."
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little-miss-buffy · 10 months
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Closed starter for @sunnydalescoobiies for Dawn.
Buffy and Xander sat with Willow at the dining room table as she traced the camera found on Buffy's lawn. Buffy's head was still reeling that the Trio was spying on her. What was even more shocking was that when Willow tapped into the camera source, she found out that there were cameras all over town, mostly where the Scoobies hung out.
"I think I got the Magic Box- Whoa!" Willow suddenly cut herself off by what she saw on the screen. Xander moved around the table to look at the screen and Buffy followed. "Wait, Xander, no," why was Willow trying to stop him. "Oh, God...." Buffy saw her friend's reaction before she saw what was on the screen, and when she did, she felt her stomach drop as she recognized the two people having sex on a table in the Magic Box.
Spike and....Anya!?
Buffy's face began to burn and air started whooshing in her ears. She wanted to look away, but she remained frozen in shock. Yes, she'd told Spike to move on, but she didn't expect to him to move on so soon. Especially with a friend of hers. And she DEFINITELY didn't expect to be watching it. Watching them kiss or walk around town all happy was one thing, but watching them have sex? Watching him kiss her, touch her, and- it hurt. She felt like someone was shoving an ice pick through her heart and her stomach dropped again.
She could barely hear Dawn as she entered the room, nor could she find the words to tell her sister to look away. She couldn't even hear what Xander was saying and he was standing next to her.
Willow's voice pulled her out of her reverie and she was finally able to move. "That's enough," Buffy said, moreso to herself than everyone else. She needed to be outside. She needed air. She went through the kitchen and into the backyard and then sat down in a lawn chair, trying to keep from crying. She refused to shed any tears over Spike.
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wickedlehane · 1 year
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@sunnydalescoobiies {robin wood} gets a surprise starter! ;)
"Faith- make me a deal, alright? We live through this, give me the chance to surprise you."
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"-no, man. You don't get it, I probably just ate a bad slice of pizza or something. I don't get sick."
The words 'bad slice of pizza' were blasphemous even to Faith, though she was sure certain New York City snobs would have to agree some places were bad, before following up with a hoity-toity list of insider recommendations (that more often than not had one or two establishments that were actually a front for demonic activity, unbeknownst to the average city slickers). She'd picked up a lot of specific social cues since moving to Big Apple with Robin.
It had been a few weeks, maybe verging on a month ot two at least since Sunnydale went from an outie to an innie, and the Scoobies were scattered to the winds. Buffy and Dawn took a little bit of a break before heading towards the Cleveland Hellmouth. Giles found some cushy library somewhere. Willow opted to take some time with the Devon Coven across the pond. Angel was still holding down Los Angeles, and everyone did their best to warn each other of any impending apocalypses. New York had been Robin's idea, since he grew up there with his mom and then a watcher after Spike... Faith couldn't imagine being a slayer in the big city like that. At least this place didn't have a Hellmouth- just a hell of a lot of weirdos.
"I think your city's trying to kill me," Faith shrugged, grabbing a Gatorade from their apartment fridge and taking a swig. The place wasn't swank, but then again she wasn't picky. Roof over her head, walkable neighborhoods, takeout at any hour (especially after patrol). It wasn't Boston, but it wasn't half bad. She dropped heavily onto their couch and rubbed the side of her face with a groan. "I must've picked up a bug on the subway or something. I thought slayer healing was supposed to help this."
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twistedtangledfate · 1 year
@sunnydalescoobiies sent a confession.
❛ i'm begging you, please forgive me. ❜ / from willow to buffy
Buffy had made mistakes in her life, many, many mistakes and she had been forgiven although they had sometimes made her work for it and Buffy could understand that now. Willow had messed up and Buffy wanted to grab her and hug her but Willow had to understand that she couldn't be forgiven that easily, not this time. Buffy didn't want to deny her though, not when Willow was so upset.
"It's not that easy Will." Buffy sighed and her hands twitched at her sides so she folded her arms across her chest. This was hard and she didn't like doing it, especially when her friend was so distressed and that much was clear. Willow was really upset and Buffy felt like she was being heartless.
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sunnydalescoobiies · 1 year
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#SUNNYDALESCOOBIIES an independent, semi-selective canon multi-muse for buffy the vampire slayer. SIDEBLOG TO CROWNEDHOPELESSS, WILL FOLLOW BACK FROM THERE.
a study and exploration of : an inescapable destiny, fighting the patriarchy, a love story between forbidden lovers, demonic creatures burdened with souls, rediscovering who you are, a path of rocky redemption, fighting what you've always known, controlling a dark power, finding peace among death, unlikely friends and surprising enemies....
muses. / rules. / open starters. / ask memes.
drafts : 1 | asks : 0 | queue : 10 | open for plotting !! / updated : 1/2
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cruelprincae · 7 months
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@sunnydalescoobiies sent from 𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄    
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . / from buffy 🥺
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Upon the first contact with the towel, laced with a hefty dose of alcohol ― ethyl, the slayer named it yet not one he is all that familiar with ― the Fae's plump lips purse into a thin line before they are altogether pulled into a hissing wince. The surface of his skin feels as though it has been set on fire ― a sharp, piercing jolt of ache that spreads upward to his forearms and gradually fades down to a mere, dull echo of a beat, similar to that of his heart that thunders across the palms of his hands. The relief, however, is short-lived, for no sooner than a moment after, the towel is returned to yet again brush against the tender area, startling the Prince and having him curse under the fairness of his breath.
When the towel is withdrawn ― for what he hopes to be the final time ― a slight rotation of his wrists reveals the reddening shadow of a pair of invisible bracelets, around which the skin has sizzled and blistered into a constellation of small, open wounds; the result of prolonged contact with iron, and if he is to be more specific, the near week he has spent wearing iron cuffs when under the detention of the blonde's vampire acquaintance. However, if one were to ask Cardan, he would say outright enemy is better of a characterisation, considering the amount of effort he put into tracking Buffy down with the intent of torture and possible death in mind.
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❛ If that is what you call you call a friend, then I would hate to see what your enemies look like, ❜ Comments the Prince, his voice bitter and laced with the slightest hints of pointed accusation ― it is less of the situation itself, however, rather than the fact he has been kept in the dark about it. His manicured brows are furrowed into a deep frown, one that mirrors the one lingering upon his lips and tugging them downward in evident consideration as to how best to approach the matter. ❛ What did you do to him to enrage him to this extent anyway ? Did you slay his vampire mate ? ❜
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cruelprincae · 10 months
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@sunnydalescoobiies sent from INTIMIDATION AND VIOLENT RP PROMPTS
💪 - sender forces receiver’s arm behind their back
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                Though Cardan would very much like to pretend the reason behind his slow reflexes is the iron and other metal-infused air that, for the past few days now, has rendered him heavy limbed and groggy, it is no secret that his fighting skills are non-existent at best and dreadful at the very worse ― and, whereas himself has denied to train in swordfight and combat plethora of times before, buffy is very much ready, trained and acutely aware. Another Fae ― one hardwired in combat and weaponery like his eldest brother or perhaps, one of the royal knights of the High Court ― might , perhaps, have had a chance when standing against the tantrum-inclined slayer, perhaps even land a couple of successful blows themselves; Alas, Cardan is not like them, but rather, the opposite. His fate was sealed from the very start, when fury flashed before the blonde's eyes and the first violent-intented step was taking in his direction.
                A hissing groan escapes from lips that have curled into a grimace of a scowl ― the sound nearly identical to that of a wounded animal ― as constellations of tiny, freckled stars ricochet before his eyes, and pain flares up his arm and shoulder. The cool surface of the plastered motel wall from where he is pressed is a welcome sensation, enough to pull his mind from its daze-induced state and as black eyes rimmed in gold squint upon the slayer from their very corner, the Prince's head turns in order to flash the slayer the best callous glare he can conjure at this very moment.
                ❛ You could have just said no, like any civilized and non-cave-inhabiting person would. ❜ Protests Cardan, voice muffled over the heavy panting of his breath. Would he have listened, and therefore inevitably ended in the same situation as now ? The chances of that are paler and slimmer than he is, but at least it would have proved that the blonde was capable of higher intellect than the lowest of the Unseelie Folk ― all admittedly in size double of her own ― , who live upon the branches of trees or under the dirt of the forest ground and only come out to snatch away an unsuspecting prey. How can someone so small be capable of this much strength ? ❛ This room has grown stale and boring, and I am thus incapable of remaining here any longer. I am not your travelling pet, I wish to go out. ❜
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cruelprincae · 8 months
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@sunnydalescoobiies sent from 🔱 "I BECOME SUPREME LORD OF THE BATHROOM"
' you drool when you sleep. '
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The voice may echo distant in his ears but it manages to rouse Cardan from his sleep all the same. With a vibrant hum, a hand ― void of all jewellery and rings that normally adorn it ― comes to scrub the sleep away from his eyes before it moves downward to rub across one shallow and sharp cheek but it is in the bottom of the latter that one slender digit comes to find the damp wetness of what he assumes to be saliva. That is unless, unbeknownst to him, there has been a minor leakage from the ceiling floor while he was fast asleep; not that he would not expect this from a demon hotel, but were he to take the slayer's blunt remark into consideration, then all signs point to the obvious conclusion that he has been, in fact, drooling.
Never has he drooled in the short eighteen years of his life for that is an entirely too human function, which goes to say, this journey has drained more of him than he thought possible, should he be this tired ― and it is not as though the iron clinging to his body like a wet cloth has been of any aid. In fact, Cardan can still feel the dull aching sensation throbbing away in his temples ― a very clear sign that he has spent far too long roaming around the iron cities and their smaller, town counterparts. He needs to return to nature; he needs to bask in a river bank and recharge all the energy the iron and the metals have stolen from him.
When the Fae opens his eyes, his gaze struggles to find focus and onyx eyes rimmed with a halo of gold around the irises can only glare at the blurred silhouette before him as it gradually shifts to reveal the vampire slayer ― crossed-armed, crossed-legged and with an entirety too crossed scowl in her already frowning features.
Well, this day has had an awfully great start.
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❛ Good to know you are watching me when I sleep, if one is to look past the creeping factor of it all, ❜ Cardan answers groggily and with a swift swipe of his hand, wipes away the wetness around his lips. Pushing himself to sit up upon the ― surprisingly not so uncomfortable ― bed, he glances down only to find that he has slept in his clothes from yesterday and, as one would expect, they have wrinkled from his troublesome sleep. Mab, how tired was he ? ❛ I am hungry, ❜ He continues, a silent confession as he looks back up at the blonde. His body is definitely having a hard time adjusting. ❛ Do we have anything to eat or should I send you on your way to kick a food machinery again ? ❜
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cruelprincae · 9 months
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@sunnydalescoobiies sent from 🌙  *  ―   𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄
❛  you want me, right ? so hurt me, and leave them alone !  ❜ / from buffy
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Given the vampire has circled his way behind him and with the way his hand is gripping his hair ― and thus fixing his head into place ― he is incapable of monitoring his movements, he can feel the slight graze of his sharp fangs against his own exposed skin of his neck. The ghost of the touch is enough to send shivers running down his spine, to have his face contracting into a wincing grimace, although, the Prince is not certain whether such is due to his close proximity to imminent danger, or his body's natural reaction to having been engulfed in so much iron that he can almost taste its copper aftermath in his tongue, that he can feel it crawling beneath his skin, weighting down his chest and making it hard to breathe ― perhaps, it is either. Both.
Yet, he is not afraid; Though his heart is thundering against his ribcage and his breath comes out labored, Cardan does not struggle, does not attempt to talk his way out of this predicament like he would normally do nor escape the bite that is inevitable to come ― rather, one can say he is encouraging it by tilting his head ever-so-slightly and exposing further of his neck as though welcoming the vampire in for a bite, regardless of how absurd and illogical ― insane even ― such is.
Considering a vampire's profound aversion for anything surrounding magic ( rooted in the law that magic is something infinite and alive whereas a vampire is a soulless husk of a person, like an acorn stripped off its insides ) and a Faerie's mere existence deriving from magic, the latter would be an ill-thoughted target to pursue when a vampire is in great need of the reddish, copper substance meant to keep it from perishing; with magic singing in a Faerie's blood, it is only sensible that consumption of said blood would be near as toxic to a vampire as a mortal's holy water, similar to how ingesting cold, raw iron is proven to be deadly to the Folk.
Our blood is a Faerie's greatest, most significant ally when we are unfortunate enough to cross paths with a blood leech, Cardan recalls Dulcamara, his tutor back from the school of the Palace of Elfhame, proclaiming during a particularly long and boring lesson, in which he was mostly distracted vexing one half of the mortal set of twins by yanking on her horn braid. Like the pheromones of a carnivorous plant, it is inviting, alluring. A mere taste of it is enough to have them drop to their knees, gasping for relief that will never come. Or, at the very least, it will grant them paralyzed and provide you with enough time to distance yourself. Unless you decide to kill it, that is.
The Prince knows not how ― or why ― this particular clip of a memory stuck with him, but right now, he is grateful it did for he can use it against him. Similar to his kind, this particular vampire appears to be arrogant enough to dive into a meal without a second thought regarding the consequences of what such an act could uphold; All he wants is to sate his hunger and inflict pain in the process and by doing so, it would grant the pair the opportunity to flee with all their body parts intact. It is a solid plan, and the best they have right this instance.
At least it would have been, had Buffy not been clouded by bravery and sheer stupidity to call the vampire's attention upon herself. The tone used does not miss him; it holds familiarity, an implement that he does not merely wish to hurt her because she is the slayer, but rather, that is a satisfying bonus. And, although the Fae holds still a semblance of hope that this invitation would befall into a deaf's man ears before the delicacy of a meal that is Faerie blood, it is soon to be shredded into pieces when the grip upon his hair is released and the sound of footsteps carrying themselves away reaches the sharp shell of his elongated ears.
The motion itself is harsh and abrupt, causing him to stumble forward; and, had there not been the iron chains wrapped meticulously around his wrists and forearms ― chains which sizzled and burned at the exposed skin enough to leave blisters and red, irritated skin ― and strung up to keep him upright, the Prince is near certain he would have fallen onto his face with nothing to soften the fall. But the iron chains eating away at his skin are the least of his concerns ― right now, he is far more concerned about what is bound to happen to the slayer.
He shouldn't be, a small part of him whispers ― the part responsible for self-preservation. It is to each their own, after all. And yet. . .
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❛ Flatter not yourself for I am far superior to you in every way. ❜ Counters Cardan whilst in the middle of an attempt to steady himself on brittle legs. When the attempt to avert the attention from the blonde to himself proves to be fruitless harvest, the Fae then considers the thought of trying to glamour his will into the vampire's head, but with the iron eating away at both his skin and energy, even the mere idea of it tires him, leaves him drained. No, summoning magic is not the way to go with this, the Prince decides, only to then begin thrusting around, in hopes that the sound of iron clinging to iron would be enough to cause a distraction. ❛ She is mortal. Her body is brittle and weak and breaks easily, hardly anything to keep you entertained for a long period of time. You will bore yourself, rather soon. Not to mention she is very short indeed, and barely anything worth eating. I mean. . . look at her. One bite, and she's gone and all that effort and trying would be for nothing. ❜ Then, a hard swallow is taken before he continues; ❛ She is also an exceedingly sour companion and she is bound to give you both a stomach ache and get some part of her stuck on your fang. I would think twice were I you. ❜
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