#super South Park 2000
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Forgot to post these to tumblr 😵‍💫
But it’s more character sheets for my AU!
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coquetita · 1 year
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i wanna tell u but i’m super shy ……. T_T
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yhuckloop · 1 year
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@lov3ame 's wendy 2000s AU in my style because i'm the president of the ame's fan club 😫 and also i love her designs for this au
wendy has the glow (no way scott pilgrim reference??? sorry i had to do that lol)
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fayehartz · 1 year
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weird shi i drew at 3am apparently
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flowersforbucky · 3 months
oil & water
bucky barnes x reader
prompt - "If you wanted to take your pants off for me so badly, you could have just said so."
shout out to @ellemj for her encouragement with this ♡
warnings/tags: SMUT, vaginal penetration, oral sex (female receving), face sitting, mentions of violence, description of blood & wounds, no use of y/n, reader is afab, hurt/comfort trope, bickering & banter, friends to lovers, forced close proximity trope. 18 plus only!
word count: 5.8k
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“Roll your window up,” Bucky snaps at you as he turns down the music you had just put on moments ago. “The last thing we need is someone noticing the blood caked all over the entire right side of your body.” 
As if the lack of functioning AC in the twenty-something year old getaway car (an early 2000’s model Chevy Aveo is inconspicuous, according to Sam) wasn’t stifling enough in the south Georgia summer, the annoyance radiating from the brooding super soldier sitting next to you adds an extra ten degrees. 
Sure, Sam. Inconspicuous is the right word to describe a six foot, two hundred plus pound man with a metal arm cramped behind the driver’s seat of the equivalent to a clown car. Bright fucking cherry red and all. 
“It’s 103 degrees outside.” You glare at him from the passenger seat, where you’re using a tattered handkerchief found in the glove compartment to put pressure on the knife wound on your shoulder. “I’m going to have a heatstroke.” 
“You’re not going to have a heatstroke,” he rolls his eyes at you. “That happening would indicate that I have any amount of good luck.” 
“Ha-ha-ha,” you say under your breath, reluctantly rolling up the manual window with your still bleeding arm. “I got the fucking intel, did I not?” 
You remove the USB drive from its secure location in the cup of your bra and flash it at Bucky. “Though we’ll be lucky if this thing still works after being drowned in boob sweat, since you won’t let me keep the window rolled down.” 
“And nearly got yourself killed in the process.” He grabs the flashdrive from you and grimaces. “We’ll be at the safehouse in less than five minutes, if you can please just refrain from stroking out or bleeding out in the meantime.” 
You glance down at the once white handkerchief clutched in your hand. “I’m not making you any guarantees.” 
You're welcome for saving your ass, by the way, you resist adding. 
Jokes aside, the energy exerted in bringing down over a dozen HYDRA agents in combination with the July heat and the substantial blood loss from your shoulder wound has you feeling woozier by the minute. Factor in a few potentially fractured ribs and a dislocated knee and you're in pretty rough shape. 
As promised, just under five minutes later Bucky parks in front of a small trailer just outside the city limits of Valdosta. It's seen better days, but you don't mind as long as it has semi-functioning air conditioning. 
Bucky is opening your car door and offering you a hand up before you can take in your surroundings. You force yourself out of your seat, ignoring his outstretched hand and attempting to stand on your own, doing your best to ignore the borderline blinding pain radiating from your right knee. 
“Thanks, but I think I can–” 
Your vision goes fuzzy as you stumble forward, right into Bucky's chest. Your hand instinctively clutches the fabric of his shirt as you attempt to regain your balance.
“Let me guess. You're capable of stitching up your own shoulder, too?” 
He gently loops his arm around your waist, slowly walking the two of you to the front door of the trailer. You try to focus on keeping pressure on the gash on your shoulder and not the feeling of his toned body pressed against you. How does he smell so good after hand to hand combat and sitting in that sauna of a car? You're sure you probably smell like a wet diaper that's been left in the sun for–
Bucky opens the door and guides you inside. The interior of the safehouse is surprisingly homey and clean. It's still uncomfortably warm, but offers a nice reprieve from the violent mid-day sun. 
Bucky leads you into the small living space before maneuvering you out of his hold, where you all but collapse onto a suede sofa.
“I guess you do have some amount of good luck, after all,” you mumble, wiping sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. 
“What are you talking about?” Bucky glances at you from over his shoulder as he flicks on the AC. 
“That happening would indicate that I have any amount of good luck,” you quote his sarcastic comment from the car ride. 
“Ha-ha-ha,” he fake laughs just as you did. He rummages through a few cabinets and drawers of the small kitchen before finding everything he’s searching for, then makes his way back to where you are on the couch. 
“Drink this.” He hands you a bottle of water that you hadn't even noticed him grab. For once you don't object to his instructions, uncapping the bottle and gulping down the contents as quickly as you can. 
“You're not having a heatstroke,” he assures you. “But you are going to have to let me stitch up this crater on your shoulder and pop your knee back into place.” 
You sit forward, removing the now fully soaked cloth that you've been holding to your shoulder for the last half hour. 
Bucky winces at the sight of it, handing you a dishrag before opening a bottle of rubbing alcohol. “You might want to bite down on–” 
“I know the drill.” You sigh before putting the rag between your teeth. 
He hesitates for a moment before pouring the clear liquid over the wound. You groan against the rag, your eyes squint shut in pain. You've had your fair share of broken bones and black eyes working in this field, but you don't think you'll ever get used to the pain of getting stitches without the comforts of saline solution and anesthesia.
“I'm sorry, sweetheart,” he murmurs, dabbing the cut dry with a paper towel. 
Your heart skips a beat at the nickname. “It's part of the job. I've come out of missions worse than this before,” you shrug, squeezing the dish rag he gave you until your knuckles go white as he makes the first incision. 
“Never because of me.” 
You glance at him, taken aback by the sudden shift in his tone. His gaze doesn't leave the thread and needle that he's using to close up the gash on your arm - his normally plump pout set into a hard line. 
“You know this isn't your fault, right?” You keep your eyes locked on him. “I saw that guy coming at you out of nowhere and I panicked. I wasn't watching my own back. That's my fault, not yours,” you say earnestly. 
“If you say so.” He glances up for a split second, giving you a tight-lipped smile that doesn't reach his eyes. 
“Is that why you've been such a grouch? You're blaming yourself for me not being careful enough?” 
“Maybe,” he admits quietly. “Or maybe I just hate seeing you covered in blood for any reason.” 
You freeze at the bluntness of his words. You and Bucky have been partners on more missions than you could count at this point - you know that he would have done the same for you if the situation had been reversed; in fact, there had been times where he had taken the brunt of the fight in order to protect you. 
All of those instances suddenly flash through your mind. 
The time he used himself as a human shield when there was a bomb set off during a recon mission at a warehouse in Tokyo. Or when he football tackled you out of the direct line of an incoming dagger during an operation in Portland. Not to mention the time he left a job all the way in Prague unfinished because he merely suspected you had a concussion. 
You had always chalked it up to “that’s what partners do,” but the pained expression on his face as he refuses to meet your eyes has you questioning if there could possibly be more to it. 
No. You’re his partner. He’d do the same for anyone else. He wouldn’t want to see anyone on his team covered in blood if he could prevent it. 
The two of you sit in a thick silence while he finishes stitching you up. 
“There,” he says at last, clipping the excess suture thread with scissors. “Not quite as good as your stitch work, but I think it’ll hold you together.” His voice isn’t as strained as it was moments ago, though you can't help but notice it sounds forced. 
“Thank you,” you tell him, ignoring the way your cheeks warmed the tiniest bit at his compliment. “Now for the really fun part,” you add, staring at your throbbing knee. 
“You’re in luck,” he says, perking up a bit. “I’ve popped my own knees back into place an embarrassing amount of times, so this should be a breeze.” He repositions himself to have better access to your leg, moving off the couch to perch on the edge of the coffee table in front of you. You attempt to pull the tight fabric of your tactical pants up enough to give him unhindered access to your knee, but it’s too restrictive, immediately causing you to wince in pain. 
“Fuck,” you huff. “I’m going to have to take these off.” You pop the button at the top of your pants and begin to push them down your thighs before insecurity can get the better of you. You try not to think about the fact that Bucky's never seen you in such little clothing - pants now pushed down to your calves, only your underwear and the bra and thin tank top you wore underneath the tactical vest that you took off as soon as you were in the safety of the getaway car left to cover you. 
Hesitation flashes across Bucky’s face for a brief moment before he scoots over slightly, moving directly in front of you so that he can position his hands on either side of your kneecap. You’re painfully aware of the polar opposite feeling of his right and left hand - his flesh hand is warm and so much softer than you’d expect, his metal one icy and smooth. You aren’t sure which causes the visible goosebumps that now litter your skin.
Maybe it’s not his touch at all. Maybe it’s the way his eyes haven’t left your thighs since you exposed them.
Maybe it’s the fact that if you parted your legs just a few inches, he’d be nestled between them. 
Chill out, you berate yourself. He's just relocating your knee for Christ's sake. 
“On the count of three,” he starts and you brace yourself. “One, two–” 
“MOTHERFUCKER.” You yell out at the same moment your knee creates a loud cracking noise that echoes off the walls of the small trailer. “You said count of three!” 
“Would that really have made it less painful?” He shrugs, but doesn't move from where his knees brush against yours. “I think what you mean to say is “thank you, Bucky, you're a lifesaver and I'm now in your debt.” 
“In your fuckin’ dreams,” you scoff. “I'm going to wash all of this blood and sweat off of me.” You move to push yourself off of the couch, tugging your pants back up as you stand. You can feel his eyes trail up your body as you do, making you feel woozy all over again. You turn away from him, heading towards the hallway that the bathroom is likely located down. 
“I could have done that through your pants, by the way.” 
You freeze mid-step, glancing back at him over your shoulder. “What do you mean?” You snap at him. 
“Your knee,” he clarifies, a hint of undeniable mischief in his expression. “I could have popped your knee back into place through your pants. If you wanted to take your pants off for me so badly, you could have just said so.” 
Just when you thought the safehouse was starting to cool down, your entire body heats up a thousand degrees. You're racking your brain trying to think of a retort when Bucky's ringtone starts blaring from the kitchen countertop. He ignores it, his eyes not leaving yours for what feels like an eternity. 
You finally break the silence. “That's most likely Sam wanting to make sure we're not dead. Should probably answer it.” 
“Probably should,” he smirks, and at last gets up from the coffee table to answer the phone.
You scurry the rest of the way to the bathroom before he can look back at you again, ignoring the sharp pains that radiate from your ribcage and the now dull ache that spreads from your knee. 
You turn the water to cold, and don't get out until you've started to shiver. 
— — — — — 
When you exit the bathroom and step back into the connected bedroom in only a towel, you see that Bucky has done you the kindness of bringing in the bags that had been stored in the backseat of the getaway car. 
You dig through your backpack, pulling out a fresh t-shirt and pair of leggings. From the next room, you can smell the aroma of whatever non-perishable food that Bucky has scrounged together. Despite your growing hunger pains, you take your sweet time combing through your freshly rinsed hair. The thought of looking Bucky in the eye after your last interaction nearly makes you lose your appetite. 
What was I thinking? Oh right, I wasn't thinking at all, otherwise I wouldn't have just pushed my fucking pants down right in front of–
“Your five course dinner is getting cold.” Bucky raps his fingers against the bedroom door, startling you from your thoughts. 
“Be right there,” you call back to him, swiping some deodorant under your arms. You take a glance at yourself in the bedroom’s small vanity mirror and immediately wish that you hadn't – you're cleaner than you were by miles, at least no longer covered in your own blood as well as the blood of HYDRA agents – but your cheekbone is lightly bruised, there's a slit on your bottom lip, and the bags under your eyes make it look like you haven't had a decent night's sleep in a month. 
You take a deep breath and then walk back to the one room that makes up the kitchen, dining area and living room. 
“Beef or shrimp ramen?” Bucky asks as you climb onto one of the barstools on the opposite side of the counter from where he's standing. 
“Hm,” you contemplate, not meeting his stare and instead occupying yourself with another bottle of water that he's placed where you now sit. 
Fucker probably wouldn't fluster me so bad if he wasn't being so damn thoughtful.
“I'll go with shrimp,” you answer, remembering that beef is his favorite.
He slides the bowl across the counter and then hands you a fork. You finally get the nerve to look up and meet his stare that feels as if it weighs two tons. 
“So, what did Sam say?” You try to go for light conversation, twisting the fork around your noodles. “Are we free to get out of here once it's dark out?” 
“Not…quite,” he hesitates, now seeming particularly interested in his own food. “The car battery kind of died.” 
“What do you mean the car battery kind of died?” 
“While you were in the shower, I tried to move the car behind the house so that anyone driving by wouldn't immediately know that someone's here. It started fine, but as I was driving it around back it just.. stopped. Had to push it the rest of the way.” 
You let out a dramatic groan as he continues. 
“I called Sam again and he said the earliest they can send someone to get us is in the morning.” 
“Well,” you exhale, blowing a raspberry with your lips. “We can flip a coin to see who gets the bed?” You ask lightheartedly. This isn’t the first time that you and Bucky have had an overnight mission together, but it is the first overnight mission where the two of you haven’t had your own motel rooms or at least a safehouse with two beds.
He looks at you quizzically, furrowing his eyebrows. “You really think there’s a chance of me making you sleep on the couch? In your condition?” 
“My condition?” you laugh. “I’ve got a few stitches, I’m not dying of cancer.” 
“You don’t think I’ve noticed the way it’s uncomfortable for you to inhale and exhale? You’ve probably got a couple fractured ribs with the way you landed on that cement. If not fractured, then at least heavily bruised. You’re not sleeping on the couch.” 
Between his tone and the look on his face, you know it isn’t up for debate. You throw your hands up in faux surrender. 
“Serving me instant ramen and letting me take the king sized bed?” you say teasingly. “Keep it up and I'm going to think that you're soft on me.” 
His gaze on you is heavy as he takes a long sip of water from his own bottle. “Wouldn't that be a shame?” 
— — — — — 
The rest of the afternoon is spent with you lounging in bed, resting your injuries and reading some cheesy western romance novel that you found in the drawer of the bedside table. 
Bucky keeps to the living room, where you hear a violent sounding movie playing from a TV that has to be as old as you are. 
You tell yourself that you're staying in the bedroom because you need to take it easy and relax, but truthfully you feel suffocated by the tension that has been escalating between you and Bucky since you arrived here. 
A certain level of tension had always been there, you knew deep down. From the first time the two of you met almost two years ago. 
Bucky had been formally introduced to the team just a few weeks prior, and it was his first official mission. An undercover mission - just the two of you. 
Posing as an engaged couple at a party thrown at the estate of a notorious crime boss in order to obtain intel. Pretty straight forward - it was far from your first undercover mission. And then it was sprung on you at the last minute that the man who you'd only met once, less than a month ago, was to be your fiancé for the evening. 
The bastard even went as far as to slip the fake engagement ring on your finger himself. 
“Natasha picked this out. She said it needed to be a princess cut, because that's what you like.” 
You chuckled as he went to slide the rock onto your ring finger. “What? You're not going to get down on one knee?” 
The mission went shockingly smooth, you and Bucky were in and out with the needed intel in just a few hours. But those few hours replayed in the back of your mind more often than you care to admit. 
The way his arm stayed wrapped securely around your shoulder or waist the entire hour that you mingled as guests. How he pulled you into a slow dance to discuss the plan for sneaking into the study on an off-limits floor. The musky smell of his aftershave and the spearmint on his breath. 
And especially the way he referred to you as his “bride” when introducing yourselves to people, on more than one occasion throughout the night. 
“And who is this absolutely beautiful young woman on your arm?” an elderly man with eye boogers and booze on his breath asks Bucky. 
“This is my bride,” Bucky introduces you, giving him your undercover name. “She is beautiful, isn’t she? Most beautiful woman here, if I do say so myself.” 
Saying that Bucky played his part well that night would have been an understatement. Saying that he played his part scarily well would be a more accurate assertion. 
After grabbing the intel and fleeing the scene, neither of you ever mentioned that mission again. Not the lingering touches, smoldering stares - not even the way he shoved you up against the wall of a corridor, cupped your face in his large hands, and kissed you senseless for half a minute when you came close to getting caught sneaking into the private office by security at the very end of the evening. 
“Do you think that was believable?” he asks nervously, his hands still clutching your face as he looks around the hallway for any lingering guards. 
“Ye-yeah,” you stutter breathily. “As believable as it possibly could be.” 
There’s a light knock on the partially open bedroom door that draws you back to the reality of the safehouse. You realize that you’ve been staring at the same paragraph in your book for the last half hour. 
"Yeah?” you answer, bringing yourself to a sitting position. 
Bucky peaks his head around the door, opening it further so that you can see what he is carrying. 
“I’m tired of watching old James Bond movies,” he sighs, glancing between you and the stack of board games in his arms. “I found these in the TV stand.” 
“I kicked your ass in Battleship last time we played,” you remind him. “Do you really want a rematch of that?” 
“How about we make a bet?”
— — — — — 
Half an hour later, you've eaten your own words, now owing Bucky a large meat lovers pizza from his favorite parlor in Brooklyn and two weeks worth of laundry duty when you return to the compound. 
“How'd you get so good?” you demand as he makes the winning attack. “You were so lame at this last time.” 
“Maybe I just let you win last time,” he shrugs with a shit-eating grin. 
You just shake your head in defeat, wincing as you stand up from where you had been playing on the shag area rug in the living room. 
“No,” you declare firmly. “No, I don't believe that. There's no way you'd willingly let me win anything. I've learned that the hard way during hand to hand combat training way too many times.”  
Bucky belly laughs from where he still sits on the floor, his gaze trailing after you. 
You walk over to where he has piled the board games on the coffee table, trying to find something you were confident you could win. 
Monopoly isn't fun with only two players, Risk takes too long — 
Your eyes lock onto a card game peeking out from underneath the Sorry! box. 
You pick it up, turning back to face him with a growing smile on your face.
“Absolutely not,” he says firmly. “I'm over a hundred years old–” 
“What does age have to do with truth or dare?!” You exclaim, sitting back down on the floor once more. 
“I haven't been roped into a game of truth or dare since the 1930's,” he groans. 
“Scared of what you might have to do?” You tease, unboxing the cards. “Or what you might have to admit?” 
He stares at you for a long moment, pursing his lips. The disapproval doesn't quite reach his eyes - you can tell by the way they gleam that he's going to cave. 
“Maybe a bit of both,” he admits. He tousles his fingers through his hair and moves to cross his legs at the ankles. “Fine,” he relents. “One game.” 
You squeal like a kid in a candy store as you shuffle the deck of cards and lay them in a stack between you. 
“Elders first,” you motion to the pile. 
He rolls his eyes, drawing one from the top – dare. 
“Smell another player's armpit,” he deadpans. You're instantly thankful that you remembered to cram a stick of deodorant into your backpack when packing for the mission. 
“Well?” You lift up your arm. “I'm the only other player here and it's not going to sniff itself.” 
Bucky sighs, leaning across the game to put his nose directly next to the opening of your t-shirt sleeve. “Lavender,” he observes after inhaling, giving you an approving nod. “As far as dares go, I got lucky.” 
“Lucky that I showered earlier,” you mumble as you draw your turn, your cheeks warming slightly. 
“Who was your last kiss with and what was it like?” 
Your heart plummets to your stomach as you read the words aloud. Bucky waits impatiently as you fiddle with the piece of paper in your hands. 
“Might I remind you, you are the one who wanted to play this game so desp–” 
You hold up a finger and make a shushing sound, silencing him as he grins menacingly. 
“My last kiss was almost two years ago,” you answer honestly, looking back down at the card to avoid his stare. He can always tell when you're lying, why even try? 
“With a man I barely knew,” you continue. “We had to pretend to be in love for the evening. It was a shockingly easy thing to do. When he pushed me up against a wall and kissed me as a distraction to security guards, I had to remind myself that it was an act. We never spoke about it again. But now two years later, I'm telling him that I think of that kiss often.” 
When you finally look up, you can't decipher the look on his face. Long gone is the mischievous grin from just moments ago, in its place is.. shock? Perplexity? 
“And why exactly have you not kissed anyone else since then?” He asks quietly. 
“Nope,” you say, popping your lips on the p. “That's not how the game works, you don't get to add sub-questions.” 
His eyes don't leave yours as he draws his next card.
His turn for truth. He glances down to read his question.
“Have you ever wanted to have sex with any of the players?” 
Forget your cheeks feeling warm - your entire body feels like it's on fire as you wait for him to answer. 
He chuckles, tossing the card on top of the other two that had already been picked. 
“Every goddamn day since I kissed her almost two years ago.” 
You aren't sure which one of you snaps first. You lunge forward at the same moment that he's leaning across the splay of cards to grasp your face in his hands just like he did in that corridor two years ago. The same hint of spearmint on his breath, a bit more stubble on his jaw, and a sense of desperation that wasn't there before. 
He moves his hands to your lower back, pulling you flush against him as you both sit on your knees. Your own hands find the hem of his shirt, your fingers dancing across the skin of his waistline. 
“I asked you why you haven't kissed anyone since we last kissed,” he murmurs against your lips when he pulls away, both of you breathless. “You don't have to answer, but that..” his mouth moves to the side of your throat where he trails open-mouth kisses across the sensitive flesh of your pulse point. 
“That's why I haven't kissed anyone else, either.” 
A pathetic, small moan escapes past your lips at his admission. In a split second decision, you take control. You place your hands across his chest, pushing him down onto the shag rug that you'd been playing games on just moments ago. He lets himself fall back, pulling you with him. 
You straddle him, positioning yourself directly on his already evident erection. You drag yourself forwards, and then backwards, desperate for friction - he groans beneath you, jutting upwards. 
The fabric of your pants between you feels like a prison. 
You scoot back a few inches - just far enough to give yourself enough room to unbutton his jeans. 
“Wait, wait,” he stops you as you're about to begin pulling down his pants and underwear. You freeze, petrified that you've crossed a line– 
“I haven't stopped thinking about having your thighs wrapped around my head since I saw them earlier,” he says as he hooks his hands around them and hauls you up to his chest. “Take these off and sit on my face.” He tugs on the waistline of your leggings. 
“If you wanted me to take my pants off for you so badly, you could have just said so,” you echo his earlier teasing. 
“I'm asking you now, sweetheart,” his voice has a strained edge to it. “Don't make me beg.” 
Though the notion of him begging has wetness pooling down your thighs, you're too eager to entertain it. 
You stand up, directly above him as he keeps his position on the floor. You shimmy your leggings down your thighs, this time completely removing them and tossing them somewhere behind you. He tugs his t-shirt over his head and throws it in the general direction of your discarded pants. 
With you still standing above him, he leans forward so that his face brushes against the inside of your thighs. He brings his hands to the band of your underwear, hooking his fingers and slowly pulling them down until they're at your ankles. 
You slip them off as he lays back down on the floor. A bit apprehensively, you sit so that your bare pussy is against his hard chest. 
“Just stop me if it's too uncomfortable or if you can't breathe or any–” 
He cuts you off by all but picking you up and hauling you up to his face.
“I wouldn't worry about that,” his voice vibrates against the flesh of your innermost thighs. He tugs you down just one more inch so that his mouth makes contact with your center. 
You gasp out in pleasure as his tongue begins exploring your folds. There's no restraint about it - he sets a brutal pace, alternating between fucking his tongue into your cunt and sucking on your clit. 
You're writhing above him, grinding your pussy against his mouth. You go to squeeze your breasts, pulling your t-shirt off when you realize it's the one clothing article you've yet to shed. 
When he realizes that you're now completely naked above him, he lets out an animalistic groan as he laps a thick lick up your center. 
The vibration, in addition to him now squeezing your ass with enough pressure that he's bound to leave behind fingertip shaped bruises, is enough to send you spiraling to your climax. 
You involuntarily squeeze your thighs around his cheeks, riding out your orgasm as he continues to wrap his lips around your throbbing clitoris. 
You go still for a moment, aside from your heaving chest, as you come back down to earth. 
You climb off of him, your jellified legs nearly causing you to collapse onto the floor next to him. 
He props himself up with one arm, looking down at you. His face is thoroughly glistening with your juices. 
You can't help but think he's never looked hotter. 
A proud grin begins to form across his features as you pull him down to you by the back of his neck. 
You kiss him with as much feverency as you can muster in your post orgasm haze, tasting the semi-sweet tang of your come on his lips and tongue. 
“It's your turn to get these off,” you demand, drawing back from the kiss to pull at the waistband of his pants. 
“Can I at least take you to the comfy bed before this goes any further?” he bargains. “You are still recovering from multiple injuries, you know.” 
“I can assure you that I've never felt better.” But you let him have his way. He stands before picking you up, lifting you so that you can wrap your legs securely around his midsection. His large hands planted firmly on your ass, he walks the short distance to the bedroom. Your nipples pebble as they press against his bare chest. 
He gently places you on top of the comforter before standing back, at last removing his jeans and boxers. His cock springs forward, slapping against his lower belly. 
Your mouth goes dry at the sight. If it had been a long time since you had been kissed, it had been even longer since you had been fucked. 
He crawls onto the bed, hovering above where you lay. You automatically open your legs to allow him between them. 
His eyes rake up and down your body, pausing on your breasts. 
"You're goddamn stunning.” 
Before you can respond, he's leaning down to capture one of your nipples in his mouth. Rolling it between his teeth, the sensation has you arching your back into his touch. You can feel the tip of his cock jutting against your core - teasing but not yet entering. 
He starts to line himself up at your hole, his eyes locking onto yours as he pumps himself in his hand. He brings his lips down to yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth at the same moment he nudges his tip past your entrance. 
There's a blissful burn as he cautiously buries himself inside you - you're simultaneously thankful that he's going slow and needing him balls deep. He pushes in, inch by inch, until you're filled to the hilt. When he can't get any deeper, he pulls back - and slams back into you all at once. 
You swear you can feel him in your stomach. You look down at where your bodies connect, the sight of him sliding in and out of you enough to have you on the edge of climaxing again already. 
He brings his metal hand to knead your breast. 
"Do you have any idea how many times I've pictured having you under me like this?” He coos. You gyrate your hips to meet his thrusts, causing his eyes to roll back into his head. 
“How many times I've thought about what your little moans would sound like?” 
Your only answer is a gutteral moan of his name as you wrap your arms around him and dig your nails into the flesh of his back. 
“Your pussy feels even more like heaven than I imagined it would.” 
His praises send you over the edge - you're coming for a second time, clenching around him as his thrusts grow messy. He fucks you through your orgasm before he loses control himself, burying his face in the curve of your neck as he spills into you. 
With you still panting and limp beneath him,  his movements gradually come to a stop but he doesn't pull out - instead he flips you to your side and maneuvers himself into a spooning position behind you. 
He peppers soft kisses along the skin of your shoulder, being careful to avoid your stitches, and relaxes beside you. 
“Remind me to dislocate my knee more often,” you joke, processing everything that just happened. 
He snorts, then tilts your head up to meet his gaze. “Remind me to play truth or dare with you more often.” He captures your lips in his, this kiss slower than any of the ones before. 
“I guess it would be weird to make you do my laundry for two weeks now, huh?” He teases, earning a laugh from you.
“You do still owe me a pizza, but I'll be happy to share it with you.” 
my masterlist
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st4rb3rries · 1 year
OMG I LOVED UR STAN AND KYLE BSF HEADCANNONS!! Can i req one with the main four, like what its like to be in a group w/ them?? have an amazing day <33
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (all aged up 18+)
summary; chaotic friend group hc's!
warnings; cussing
a/n; hi and ty hope you have an amazing day too!!
key colors; blue= stan green= kyle orange= kenny red= cartman pink= reader
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late night skate boarding with them. it's always cartman who texts you guys to go. in reality he only wants to go to just to start shit. in my opinion kenny is the best skater out of y'all. but cartman is the worst💀. "you guys you guys look im gonna go down the ramp!!" "cartman that isn't a good idea your not ready-" "WAAAAAHHHHH" laughter is coming out from you, stan, and kenny. kyle wants to laugh but he ain't risking it😭. "GAWDAMMIT KYLE IM BEAT YOUR J-" cartman stops himself because he knows damn well not to rip on kyle in front of you. so he switches up real fast 🙄. "you guys i seriously think i broke a bone" "whatever cartman you just switched up cause you know y/n would kick your ass" 5 minutes kenny is teaching you, stan, and kyle a trick. "ok so next you gotta-" "get a room lovebirds i mean come on🙄" "CARTMAN STFU!!" "yeah dude stay mad because your not psychically able to do any of this🥱" this all happens in less than 15 minutes, like why can't y'all just be a nice friend group😭. moments later stan was about to go off a ramp. UNTIL HIS WHEELS BROKE OFF THE SKATEBOARD. i wonder who unscrewed them..... "AAAUAGHHHHHH" "DON'T WORRY STAN I GOTCHU!!" and there he was, stanly marsh in your arms. "W rizz stan or nah😏" stan could feel his face heating up fr. "damn dude that should've been me not stan😔" "kenny shut the hell up💀" "wait a minute where's cartman he literally almost killed stan tf????" cartman isn't trying to get his ass kicked in front of people so he ditched and went home. classic cartman.
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karaoke night. you guys are definitely singing 2000's songs. but it always seems like you guys get interrupted no matter what. karaoke night was started by cartman, which is so surprising?? "I WANNA HOLD'EM LIKE THEY DO IN TEXAS, PLEASE" "FOLD'EM LET'EM HIT ME RAISE IT BABY STAY WITH M-" stan and kyle always hating cause you and cartman sound a little too good. "BOOO GET OFF THE STAGE" "YA MY EARS ARE BLEEDING" "OH FUCK OFF GUYS LET US SING" "you guys have been singing this same song for 2 hours bruh😭" "2 minutes kenny get it right" they just hating cause they can't handle real talent. sometimes when the karaoke gets intense you guys act like judges for americas got talent💀. "is this kenny mccormick from south park colorado?" "yes" "and what will you be doing today?" "YOUR MOM AHAHA" "disqualified poor people can't seem to have talent" "CARTMAN WTF" "NEXT" "no wait i'll sing with him" "oh god" if kyle and stan think you and cartman sound a little too good. JUST WAIT UNTIL THEY HERE YOU AND KENNY. "THIS ONE IS FOR THE BOYS WITH THE BOOMIN SYSTEM" "TOP DOWN AC WITH THE COOLER SYSTEM" super bass by nicki minaj is y'alls go to song. every time you guys finish that song your out of breath and laugh so much😭. "AND THE CROWD GUYS MILD🔥" "NEXT" "cartman we are done playing americas got talent" "dude let me and kyle sing next we haven't sung at all🥹" "fine" "ah hell nah it better not be anything emo💀" *30 seconds later every one starts singing* "BUT IM A CREEP" "IM A WERIDO" "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOIN' HERE" "I DON'T BELONG HERE" suddenly the tv, microphones, and speaker goes out?? "LISTEN UP BITCHES IM NOT HAVING AN ALCOHOLIC, A JEW, A FATHERLESS DAUGHTER, AND A HOMELESS POOR BOY SING RADIOHEAD AT MY HOUSE‼️‼️" guess who got jumped that night🤔???
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anqelified · 1 month
╰ 𑄽𑄺ྀ ˖ ⁩ ۫ idol profile
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✶𓏲ּ𐀔.ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀ANGEL⠀ ( 🐰 ) ⠀:⠀ BASICS
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ birth name: Kang Jae-Hwa ( 강나리 )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ english name: Juliette Kang ( 강줄리엣 )
name meaning: The name Juliette is a girl's name of French origin meaning "little Julia". The name Juliette is derived from the classic name Juliet. The name Juliet is thought to be a form of the name Julius, which was a Roman family name.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ nicknames: juliet ( everyone ), julie + jae ( close friends ), hwa ( family ), irl angel + sm’s angel + girlfriend ( fans ), my juliette ( lover 🤫 ), korea’s little sister ( fans + korean public )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ date of birth: October 31st, 2000 ( aged 23 )
zodiac sign: Scorpio
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ place of birth: Busan, South Korea
hometown: Los Angeles, California, U.S.A
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ nationality: Korean-American
ethnicity: Korean
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ physical details:
height: 5'2" (158cm )
weight: 97lbs (44kg )
blood type: A
hair color: brown - black - blonde
eye color: brown
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ gender & sexuality:
cisgender female - she/her
sexual orientation: not labeled
relationship status: not disclosed
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ languages: Korean ( 100% - Busan Dialect ), English ( 95% - American ), Japanese ( 90% ), Mandarin ( 50% - Conversational )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ claims:
facial claim: mostly park jiwon ( fromis_9 ), other female idols/celebrities
speaking claim: park jiwon ( fromis_9 - Korean & English ), minatozaki sana ( twice - Japanese ), ning yizhuo ( æspa - Mandarin )
vocal claim: park jiwon ( fromis_9 ), ning yizhuo ( æspa )
rapping claim: park sooyoung ( red velvet )
dance claim: kang seulgi ( red velvet ), kim chungha
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✶𓏲ּ𐀔.ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀ANGEL⠀ ( 🐰 ) :⠀ CAREER
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ stage name: Juliette ( Jule-ee-ett )
backstory: she chose Juliette as her stage name since it is her English name. though many people pointed out it was also a SHINee song and eventually called her the Juliette.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ agency: SM Entertainment ( 2010 - Present )
training period: 5 years~
idol debut date: February 14th, 2015
idol debut age: 14
acting debut age: 20
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ representative color: millbrook ( #614834 ), beauty bush ( #f1c5d4 )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ representative emoji: 💗 / 🍀 / 🐰
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ fandom name: capulets — in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was born into the House of Capulet. Given that her fandom would be her “home”, Capulets was eventually brought up to lean in the Shakespearian concept.
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ known for: being sm’s angel, korea’s little sister, shinee’s juliette, being an all-rounder idol, her voguing/wacking choreographies, having too many 00z friends 🥲, her halloween birthday and sm’s halloween party, wildin’ after turning 18/21, always with the dreamies or aespa, high-pitched laugh, an idol-butterfly or social butterfly, always yapping 24/7, daughter of the ▇▇▇▇ company, being a supposed chaebol, being a flirtatious person in general
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ signature:
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✶𓏲ּ𐀔.ᐟ ⠀⠀⠀ANGEL⠀ ( 🐰 ) : PERSONAL
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ mbti: ENTJ ( Commander ) — a personality type with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging traits. they are decisive people who love momentum and accomplishment. they gather information to construct their creative visions but rarely hesitate for long before acting on them.
strengths: efficient, energetic, self-confident, strong-willed, strategic thinkers, charismatic and inspiring
weaknesses: stubborn, dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, cold and ruthless
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ likes: white noise, rain falling on the window, choreographing, non-scheduled days, classical music, indie games, the persona franchise, affection, handholding, her bf, karaoke, anime— kimi ni todoke, nana, a slient voice—, true crime . . .
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ dislikes: loud noises, super crowded environments, affection, feeling weak/overworked, mentions of her family, thunderstorms, horror games, anything creepypasta, racism & xenophobia, the dark, donald trump tbh . . .
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ phobias: atychiphobia ( fear of failure ), nosocomephobia ( fear of hospitals ), nyctophobia ( fear of the dark ), tonitrophobia ( fear of thunder ), lockiophobia ( fear of childbirth )
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ favorites:
colors: white & light pink
season: winter
animals: penguins, arctic foxes
number: 0
⁽ ୨୧ ⁾ immediate family: born into a rich and busy household, juliette had barely any time to spend with her parents and was sent to the united states early on with her aunt. although she did develop a resentment towards her parents, they support her from the sidelines. though she has siblings, she doesn’t speak to them most of the time or rarely sees them due to her work. barely any family photos are shown by the idol, which is the most secretive part about her.
father: kang sanghoon — born 1981 ( aged 47 ) in busan, south korea. works as the ▇▇▇▇ ceo. twin
mother: choi naeun — born 1982 ( aged 46 ) in gwangju, south korea. works under the ▇▇▇▇ company.
sister: kang nabi — born 1997 ( aged 27 ) in busan, south korea.
brother: kang joo-won — born 1999 ( aged 25 ) in busan, south korea.
kang grandparents: kang ha-▇ ( 85 ) & kang ▇▇-hyeon ( 90 ). raised sanghoon and bit-na.
aunt: kang bit-na — born 1981 ( aged 47 ) in busan, south korea. works as ▇▇▇▇ president. twin
▇▇ grandparents: ▇▇ shin-hye ( 87 ) & ▇▇ beom-seok ( 89 ). raised naeun.
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chaebol lore drop 😔
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
Electric Cars Suck
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There is some irony in how things turned out, right? Like eight years ago or so it was mostly the left who was like: "We need more electro mobility!" And the people on the right were like: "Noooo! We need our gas guzzlers that go VROOOOOM!" And somehow now the people on the right buy their stupid cybertrucks, while the people on the left have in large numbers converted to: "Actually, all cars fucking suck."
And hey, that's me. I am in that story. Because actually, all cars fucking suck!
But let's be a bit more serious: The main issue with cars is not even the CO2, the fine particles, or the microplastics they generate. (Yes, most microplastics in the environment originate with cars!) The main issue is, that we live in a car-centric society, that is so very much inaccessible for anyone who does not have a car.
And let's be honest here: In this regard I am complaining as someone with a lot of things going for me: I live in Germany and I live in a city here. We have actually somewhat working public transport, and even my physically disabled ass is capable of reaching the next super market, pharmacy, doctor's office and library within 5 minutes on foot. Sure, due to a lack of bus drivers (which again is due to a lack of proper payment for said bus drivers) they cut some of the bus lines here, making the time I need to get to the next hospital go up by a good chunk, but... What I am saying is: Hey, I am at least not living in the USA, where it is basically impossible to get around in a lot of places when you have no car, because the infrastructure is just so bloody car-centric.
And that is the reason why cars just suck so darn much. Because they need all that infrastructure that makes it harder for everyone to get around.
And the double issue with that is, that some people will still need cars no matter what, even if we try to improve that. I spoke about it before: Some disabled people will always need cars to get around, because they just do not have an alternative due to a variety of reasons. And some services (like ambulances, fire fighters and so on) will also just need cars. Which taken together means that we need to maintain some infrastructure.
Generally speaking I feel, a lot of folks within the Solarpunk scene do underestimate this issue, too. Especially in concern to the USA, Canada and some other colonizer cities in the global south, that have been created very much with cars in mind.
In Europe, most cities have been created with horse drawn carriages in mind and people who walk on foot. Sure, they have been retrofitted to allow for cars, but that retrofitting can easily be toned down in a way that would allow those cars that are needed to pass through, but allow the areas to be used otherwise. (I mean, we have several cities here were you can still see that the city originally has been build by Romans some 2000 years ago, because the city map features certain Roman city planning styles.) It is not really so hard to turn those cities into 15-minute-cities again.
But in the US? In the US a lot of the cities have always been constructed with the car in mind, and the entire street plan is organized around the car. Lots of wide streets. Lots of parking lots. Lots of other facilities that are needed for cars. Sure, you can reuse some of the space. But that does not negate the fact that everything has this wide sprawl that makes it a lot harder to get around. And that really is a problem if someone tried to make 15-minute-cities here. Because frankly... In some areas there just would not be another way but to just tear it all down to rethink city planning once more.
Like, sure, in the city cores it is not that much of an issue. Turning Manhatten into a 15-minute-city is not the issue. But the wider area of New York city? Eh... And in other cities it is worse, of course.
And yeah, those issues - the stupid infrastructure cars need... It is still the same, no matter whether the car goes VROOOOOOM or BZZZT.
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saprozoicworm · 1 year
What’s are your favorite South Park episodes and who is your favorite character(s)? Any reason why?
There are a lot of episodes i enjoy so i'm going to give you my current top 5 which would have to be Gnomes, Free Hat, Super Fun Time, Christian Rock Hard and the Pandemic & Pandemic II episodes. I also enjoy the superhero and fantasy episodes and the s4 episodes all ending in 2000. I could carry on and on but i'll spare everyone (i actually have a google doc of my favorite episodes in each season bc after i finish a show i make a list of my favorite episodes)
as for favorite characters, it changes a lot. i do like tweek because i find him really funny, heidi because her plot line and character development were really interesting to me AND shes a STEM girlie, nichole because she's probably the best south park girl and i love her board game hobby, satan because. he's just awesome and a well rounded character idk. south park satan solos. again, the list is long so i'll quit while i'm ahead.
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an-adhd-infested-nerd · 6 months
Intro post
This is for me. I like lists.
Basic Stuff and info!
I'm a big old lesbian
My gender is "I don't fucking know"
Pronouns are whatever.
Neurodivergent as hell
I am an adult despite having the interests of a twelve year old boy
You can always tell when I'm scrolling through a tag cause I'll reblog 50 posts in a row about it
I am not responsible for my current hyperfixtations flooding my blog. I go where the audhd takes me
I may not always be super active in certain fandoms but they never truly leave me
Tagging System
all fanart reblogged is under #fanart
specific fandoms are always tagged by name
Fanart for specific fandom is tagged as #"fandom" fanart (ex #star trek fanart)
Original posts by me are tagged under #original
I'm hilarious in that tag
Long Replies are tagged as #reply
Commissioned art is tagged as #commissioned art
Interaction and Content Guidelines
I'm not gonna do an DNI because I think those are flawed and kinda dumb but I'm never gonna ~purposefully~ engage/interact with anything bigoted nor do I wanna hear or see it.
TERFS, zionists, homophobes and all bigots get off my blog. This is not a safe space. This is a danger space. I’ll hunt you for sport.
If I do reblog something bigoted you are welcome to let me know RESPECTFULLY.
I'm almost never gonna interact with NSFW stuff, I’m not a huge fan.
Send me asks! Message me! Comment! I gain strength off interaction!!!
Fandoms I'm in! Also just some general interests
Cartoons/TV Shows
What We Do in the Shadows
Good Omens
House MD
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, Lower Decks)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mutant Mayhem, Rise, 2012)
Inside Job
Ed, Edd n Eddy (I had some amazing art commissioned by @mar-saturn for EENE. Check out my #commissioned art tag!)
The Owlhouse
Gravity Falls
South Park
Over the Garden Wall
Wander over Yonder
Fairly Oddparents
Full Metal Alchemist
Spy x Family
Helluva Boss
Smiling Friends
Video Games
Legend of Zelda
Don't Starve
Strange Horticulture
Jenny LeClue
Night in the Woods
Monument Valley
Dave the Diver
Broken Age
Rusty Lake
Tangle Tower
Later Alligator
The Frog Detective series
Musicians and Bands
They Might be Giants
Will Wood
The Front Bottoms
Weird Al Yankovic
Chappell Roan
Marina and the Diamonds
Penelope Scott
Weezer (I will not be bullied)
The Night at the Muesum movie trilogy
The Muppets
Back to the Future
Scott Pilgrim
Dream Smp
Squirrel Girl
Jane Austen books
The Barbie animated cinematic universe
PBS kids shows, specifically from the 2000s to 2010s
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kdinjenzen · 8 months
Hi! Just wanted you to know I appreciated your nuanced take on Barbie. You raised some excellent points that I hadn’t considered, especially the mean dialogue. Don’t get me wrong I caught like, a few mean quips but I hadn’t registered that so much of the dialogue was mean. This is particularly concerning to me since I really dislike mean humor and I didn’t even clock it. I think I need to watch it again paying attention to it and doing some self introspection.
I really appreciated the trans point of view, which I also hadn’t considered, and I know often gets overlooked. I don’t necessarily think some of the things (trans doctor Barbie seduction thing) were consciously malicious choices, but that only speaks to the lack of awareness and knowledge of common trans experiences. Which can of course be just as harmful.
I just wanted to let you know I found your comments articulate, well thought out, and insightful and I hope you have a wonderful day/week/year/forever.
Love, ☔️
I really DON'T think they were trying to intentionally be as mean or malicious as they come across, I really DO think it was intended to be snappy and snarky as a way to clap back at things... but like... most of the people the movie is centered around are people who are hurting and they really end up hurting each other more than clapping back at the root cause of the problems.
So it all comes across as just... mean for the sake of "mean is funny."
And, yeah, there's a lot of movies/tv shows/content from the last forever (but especially the early 2000's to mid 2010's) that favored the "BE MEAN! IT'S FUNNY!" kind of comedy and I'd like to think that we've all grown away from that... but then again things like South Park, Family Guy, and Rick & Morty are all still super popular and all they do is bill themselves as "irreverent comedy" so I guess we, as society and people, haven't all grown that much together and it's more a "person-by-person" case.
For me, I used to really like irreverent comedy stuff way back when... and then I realized that it's not "irreverent" it's just fucking mean.
A lot of the clap backs and zingers in Barbie are like that. They're supposed to be snarky and irreverent, but tbh that's just, to paraphrase a certain show: "being mean with extra steps."
Seeing someone get actually hurt (emotionally, physically, etc) isn't really funny, seeing someone struggle and then have that not be resolved or fixed (in fiction) doesn't fill me with any positive feelings, seeing these escapism type of films that deal with "crashing down into reality" only for the lesson of reality to just be "HAHA! PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY MEAN! TAKE WHAT YOU CAN AND FUCK THE REST OF THEM!" isn't... good or fun or... I dunno... it just kinda sucks.
I went into Barbie really hopeful and expecting to enjoy my time with it, but it really just felt like "the same thing as every other movie that talks about this shit" but with a bright pink coating.
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He’s so goofy
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kyistell · 8 months
The last of my NJ headcanons. Now let it be known that there will probably be more in the future, considering he is my favorite, HOWEVER this is all I have for now lol.
New Jersey-
Normally is presenting more as Central Jersey, his tics are from North and South trying to speak at the same time
Because of slightly demonic magic, Jersey is fractured like how his state is, there’s North, South, and Central, they can all split into their own persons with North looking the same, but not for too long
While Jersey has used many names during his life, the one his mothers gave him is the only few actually know, Jonah Eriksson Bakker, Eriksson being his Mother’s last name and Bakker his Ma’s
Despite it being hundreds of years, he still isn’t used to English, words never come out quite right, there’s almost always something just slightly missed pronounced even when taking his accent into account
If he’s upset or tired he has a pretty heavy lisp, which along with his already heavy accent when feeling any emotion makes him pretty impossible to understand, the only ones that do are York, Del, and surprisingly Penn
Likes to call New York ‘Yorkie’ Vermont ‘Monty’ Kentucky ‘Ken’ (he’s the only one allowed too) California ‘Westie’ Florida ‘Dia’ ‘Sunshine’ or ‘Flo Rida’ and says Texas like how a Russian would (he has no idea why he started to he just did one day)
The Jersey Devil is real, Jerseys met it multiple times in his life, sometimes they exist in the same space in the Pine Barrens, but most times they don’t
Jersey has a Jersey Devil plush, had it since he was a young child, it’s his prized possession along with one of Connie’s books from the 1850s that he ‘borrowed’ 
When he was younger, Jersey would go to Devil’s Tree to read, it's how he learn the hard way, that his not father father is not the only demon that resides in NJ
In contrast to York, Jersey LOVES drop towers, thinks that they are the second best theme park flat ride to ever exist (the first are those super scramblers that flip while spinning)
Threw his shoe at York so much that Penn ended up buying him sandals as a joke, a joke that Jersey didn’t understand until YEARS later, he still loves and uses those sandals, his aim is unmatched when it comes to hitting York
Would get hit by Yorkie every time he said the R word (which he still doesn't fully believe is a slur but whatever Yorkie), this was specifically during the 2000s
Has brought every State to Action Park at least once when it was still open, it’s best not to question how he convinced Alaska and Hawaii or literally any other State, it’s just best not too
Jersey has a little devil that could in theory be related to the Jersey Devil, it's name is Impy
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startoshii · 4 months
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Helloz!! Im Toshi! {i also go by haza and fei, or any variations of my name really}
my pronouns are He/Him/Rawr ! Im a Non-binary gay man
I am a Minor.
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------------------ABOUT ME!------------------
im super kewl and silly X3 . keicho is my #1 comfort character and boyfriend >_< . Diamond is unbreakable fan ever . weird emo freak boy who talks about his interest ALOT . probably sick in the head tbh
Keicho x Hazamada CEO
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under 14 & 20+ [unless close] . Basic DNI, proshipper/comshipper, transmeds, zoos, fujoshis, ableist, whitewashers & if you think blackwashing exists (it doesnt fyi.)
Fandom dni: hazbin hotel/helluva boss , DSMP, south park, country humans, welcome home
just dont be a weirdo.
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—------------★ INTERESTS ★—--------------
 art, jjba[mainly diu/part 4] , cats , ponytown, my little pony , splatoon, pokemon , lucky star, aggretsuko , roblox [regretevator], Captain Underpants, odd taxi , 2000s/emo/scene/vkei fashion & music
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—-------------!OTHER SOCIALS!------------
Instagram: star_toshii
Discord: ask.
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stvrkendrc · 1 year
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✹ ˚₊ 𝖮𝟭. ﹚ ꗃ BACKGROUND ⸃
[ ## trigger warnings: mention of depression and anoressia. ]
Raised into a wealthy and “privileged” family, Kang Saetbyeol — mostly known by the English given name, Kendra Kang — has always been interested in music, since young age, her big influence she claimed to be her own father, Kang Yicheol, who was since the early 2000 years an active artist in the industry, before retiring to focus on managing his empire, DASK. Though she loved music, she wanted to try something different, for this reason she decided to audition as a model — with her mother’s surname Joo— in many companies, the only company who accepted her was YG Entertainment, which Kendra signed a contract in 2008 at the age. She started as a joke, but she eventually got really immersed up into modeling. Her journey to become “super model” was hard, she loved getting the attention she couldn’t deny, but she also felt like she was pressed by her company, constantly wanting her to be on perfect shape, always practicing her walk. Kendra’s schedules where already ethic at such a young age that she don’t have the time to spend time by herself or her family.
Kendra told her father about the situation, who was firmly supported her, he told her that the best way was to leave the agency, as a CEO himself, but also as her dad, she couldn’t see her daughter so tired of… life. Because Kendra was diagnosed with depression, she was also not in a good relationship with food which brought her into anoressia, this slowly ruined her mental state. Saetbyeol Kang was sick, the best choice was to leave the agency, take some time off and maybe starting off something new. In late 2013, she asked for her contract’s cancelation but it got rejected, instead she was obligated to make her acting debut, since according to the company she was gaining attention due her facial features.
In 2014 decided to give the company the ultimatum, she wanted her 7-year contract to end, she was sick of waiting, she was determined into getting a lawsuit, but with surprise her contract was announced to be ended by her boss, she would later found out that her father and Yang Hyunsuk had a talk which he apparently talked about her daughter under the company. Kendra was angry with her dad, but she will later understand that he did it for her own good. That was she wanted the most.
Kendra was finally free, she had the time to rest, to heal her mind and especially body, but she also thought at what doing next, she wasn’t going to stop her career, she wanted to continue, but that needed time. Only in 2015 it was announced that her and her brother Kang Seungyoon founded a company: SEVEN SINS LABS, which Kendra would later debut under as the first artist.
✹ ˚₊ 𝖮𝟮. ﹚ ꗃ BASICS ⸃
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ BIRTH NAME. Kang Saetbyeol
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ BIRTH DATE. October 23th, 1996
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ BIRTH PLACE. Manchester, England
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ RESIDENCE. Soul, South Korea
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ ETHNICITY. South Korean
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ NATIONALITY. South Korean 1/2, British 1/2
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ HEIGHT. 1.79 cm ❪ 5’10 ❫
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ MBTI. INTP ❪ the logician ❫
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ ZODIAC. Scorpio
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ PIERCINGS. eleven
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ TATTOS. none
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ FACE CLAIM. Park Soojoo ❪ model ❫
✹ ˚₊ 𝖮𝟯. ﹚ ꗃ CAREER ⸃
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ STAGE NAME. Kendra K. or Kendra Kang
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ YEAR ACTIVE. 2009 — present
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ COMPANY. KK Studio ❪ currently ❫ ; DEADLY SINS LABS ❪ currently ❫ ; YG Entertainment ❪ former ❫
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ OCCUPATION. model, actress, singer, producer, composer
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ DEBUT DATE. June 5th, 2015
。𓍢𓍢 ★̶̲ ꜜ ˒ DISCOGRAPHY.
ꗃꠂꠥ. THIS IS HOW WE DO ; single ❪ 2015 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. KIDULT FEELS ; single ❪ 2015 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. BE THE ONE ; single ❪ 2015 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. RISING STAR ; extended play ❪ 2015 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. KK VEGEANCE ; single ❪ 2016 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. CONSEQUENCES ; single ❪ 2017 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. +WDYT+ (write down your threat) ; single ❪ 2017 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. DON’T START NOW ; single ❪ 2020 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. RHYTHM CLUB ; album ❪ 2020 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. WHAT TYPE OF X ; single ❪ 2022 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. PHYSICAL ; single ❪ 2023 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. SPICE (FEAT. W.U of ASHOY) ; single ❪ 2023 ❫
ꗃꠂꠥ. PANIC ON STORE ; album ❪ 2023 ❫
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Sorry, it’s super early here and I’m not good at making sense. What I was trying to say is that the phrasing used in Velma for that joke is the phrasing used when discussing the concept of comedy television using “jokes” as a way of masking truly held beliefs, and the subject matter was a fairly visible point of discourse during the Trump administration. Because of that, as a “throw it in” joke, with the general subject matter of choice for the humor of the series, it makes a lot of sense as a joke about that concept.
And it’s part of a waifu pillow joke. Doing that specific brand of “jokes” as a part of pre-phrase 2000s/early 2010s “cringe culture” comedy was extremely South Park, ala the MMO episode. Exaggerating stereotypes you agree with to the point of absurdism in order to make jokes about the group while also being able to claim you’re mocking the stereotypes. So contextually, a joke where someone has a waifu pillow and they’re asked if it’s a joke, serious, or a-joke-that-is-serious, it comes across as the joke there being “is this a ‘portraying a thing as so comedically awful that people don’t register you actually legitimately hate these people’ thing”, a thing the show does constantly and given their knowledge of discourse, I’m sure they’d heard of plenty about from 2016-2020.
My guy I am genuinely sorry but all my brain is doing is
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I really don't understand what you're talking about.
This is not a bit or anything. I am genuinely staring at a wall of text and only hearing static.
Edit: I feel it worth mentioning the last time I watched South park was 1999, I have never been on 4chan ever, and I am not American.
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