#super retro-cade
corallorosso · 3 years
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Il Black Friday è una …ata pazzesca! C’è poco da fare, siamo provincia dell’impero, colonia esotica, esercizio commerciale di periferia. Un po’ come quei bar scalcinati, dal retrogusto vintage borgataro, con le sedie in plastica gommata colorata e il flipper nel retro. (...) Gli Stati Uniti hanno tirato fuori questa cosa (come altro chiamarla?) Black Friday perché si tratta del venerdì dopo la Festa del Ringraziamento, che cade sempre di giovedì a fine novembre e che consente a milioni di americani che non hanno diritto alle vacanze di stare quattro giorni consecutivi senza lavorare e dunque vengono spinti a fare shopping. Questo perché, se non lo sapeste, gli Usa, il paese del capitalismo realizzato, non prevedono ferie retribuite obbligatorie per legge. Il centro commerciale diviene una specie di Beauty Farm mentale per i lavoratori. Ma noi cosa centriamo con tutto questo? Se si voleva istituire un’ altra giornata o una settimana di sconti al di fuori degli abituali saldi, c’era bisogno di prendere la data americana e lo stesso nome? Gli americani, alla fine, li perdoniamo per la scelta del nome Black Friday, perché…è la loro lingua e su queste cose non ci vannot roppo per il sottile. La data, come detto, è inserita nel loro contesto. Ma da noi? Potevano decider di fare i super-saldi pre-natalizi, per esempio, visto che sta diventando una questione di Stato il cenone e perché è inserito nel nostro contesto culturale, se proprio vogliamo imitare. Cosi invece sembra semplicemente l’ennesima dimostrazione di servilismo al peggio della cultura Made in Usa. Quelli che a milioni votano Prima gli italiani ma stendono i tappeti ai grandi marchi a stelle e strisce. Poche idee ma…confuse. E parafrasando il ragionier Fantozzi: il Black Friday è una cagata pazzesca! Marquez per Kulturjam
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gaminggadgets · 7 years
Super Retro-Cade
Schon wieder eine Retro-Konsole? Aber Super Retro-Cade hat echt was zu bieten!
Etliche Spieleklassiker könnt ihr mit der Retro-Spielkonsole Super Retro-Cade neu erleben. Und das Beste: Nichts davon ist illegal. Die Super Retro-Cade unterscheidet sich von vielen Billig-Chinakonsolen mit tausenden Spielen bzw. Raubkopien in vielerlei Hinsicht. So konnte sich der Hersteller Retro-Bit tatsächlich offizielle Lizenzen von allen vorinstallierten Spielen sichern. Mit dabei sind…
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heavyelectricity · 6 years
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Issue 177 of Retro Gamer is out now, and the main feature is a super crazy 42-page special on the greatest games systems of all time, as voted for by readers. As you can see, we did some awesome lavish photography, lending a really different look and feel to the magazine. We also spoke to dozens of industry figures including Nolan Bushnell, Ed Logg, Trip Hawkins, John Romero, Yu Suzuki and Mark Cerny, and included reader responses and interesting poll analysis. Everyone on the team busted their asses to put it together and we all hope you like it.
We’ve also got the other stuff you’d expect from an issue of Retro Gamer, including the making of Venture and Earthworm Jim 2, a look in the archives of Looking Glass Studios, an ultimate guide to the 8-bit version of Castle Of Illusion, and a review of the Super Retro-Cade.
(I censored the spoiler - so now you know the Dreamcast makes it, but where?)
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gamex2020 · 4 years
Retro Games Consoles
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              Best Retro Game Consoles 2020
It's the perfect time to find the best retro games console for you. When it comes to gaming, the past was a simpler time. You bought your console, paid for your games, and then you sat down and played them. Over the years, several companies have attempted to bring this simplicity back with a variety of retro console revivals.
We've gathered the best Retro Game Consoles to relive your childhood or educate yourself about the history of gaming. Although these upgrades to gaming are necessary and loved, sometimes it’s nice to revisit some of the older consoles and games that brought us into gaming in the first place.
To help point you in the right direction, our team has put together a list of the best retro game consoles that every fan needs in their collection. We've also gone looking for deals, discounts, and reductions to save you cash along the way. Just remember to check which games are included on your console of choice before buying it.
The trend for all things retro has been long-established in the world of video games, of course. Most recently, there’s been a huge rise in the popularity of mini consoles.
Modern video games are amazing. Whether you swear by the NES, the Sega Genesis, or the PlayStation, there's a new, modern console for you you to experience the games of your youth.
The Best Retro Console You Can Buy:
1. Super NES Classic
2. SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive Mini
3. PlayStation Classic
4. Evercade
5. Retro-Bit Super Retro-cade
6. Atari Flashback 8 Gold Deluxe
7. C64 Mini
8. NES Classic
9. Capcom Home Arcade
10. Neo-Geo Mini
Here are the best classic game compilation systems you can get now, along with a few other options for retro gaming.
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ni-productions · 6 years
REVIEW - Retro-Bit Super-Retro Cade System
Retro-bit once graced us with a turd of an all in one box called "Retro-Bit Generations" a while back, and while it promised a lot, it truly under delivered on almost every level. Games included ran poorly, some games ran with the wrong aspect ratio and much of the game library was made up of crap shovelware games that no one wanted. Fast forward to today and Retro-Bit has released the "Super retro-Cade" and it is Leaps and Bounds ahead of the Generations in every single way!
This console gives you over 90 Games from the Arcade, the SNES and the NES. Companies like Capcom, IREM and Data East have licensed their games to Retro Bit so they could be included here with no fear of legal action. Plus, since it is truly licensed (and not faked licensed like the Generations), you are getting the original ROMS from the respective companies. Every game boots and plays just like they did in the Arcade or on Console with no hiccups or slowdown. The Generations had issues doing this with many of it's included games. A few examples of this was MERCS and Captain Commando, which ran slow and choppy. The Super Retro-Cade fixes all of these glitches to give you a fast and clear gaming experience. The system gives you the option of using HDMI or AV, but they only include an HDMI cable in the box. Some games have to be set to "original Size" in the options menu before playing, or they will looked stretched out. Other games look just fine in the 16:9 aspect, so it's completely up to you how you want to view the games. ;
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The Console and Included Controllers! It’s Small but Powerful!!!
The Generations console included some GameBoy Games that ran fairly decent, but the Super Retro-Cade does away with these and mostly focuses on Arcade games. True there are some NES and Famicom games included, but it's obvious that console games were not the focus this time around. I'm actually fine with this decision because what games they included. Speaking of the included games, there are some really great choices and some ... interesting ones. Examples of great choices are Gun.Smoke (Arcade), Ghouls N' Ghosts (Arcade) and Mega Man 2 and 3 (NES). On the Interesting side, we have Fighters History and Fighters History Mizoguchi (SNES), Spartan X 2 (NES) and Super BurgerTime (Arcade). In the case of Spartan X 2, the game is completely left in Japanese, most likely due to the fact that no US port officially exists, and Super BurgerTime is such an unknown title, I'm pretty sure that maybe 4 or 5 people have heard of it, probably less.
The controllers included feel nice and don't mimic the Generations ones, which were based on the 6-Button Genesis Controllers. These are loosely based on the SNES style pads and feel much better while playing. You have the ability to change the button layouts of every game, which is great because some of the standard layouts are strange. The Controllers are USB, so they also work on PC.
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The Menu is Bare-Bones ... but EVERYTHING WORKS as it should!!!!
Now, we need to talk about a hidden feature of the console, and probably something that Retro-Bit probably doesn't want you to know. You can add ROMS to this machine. By simply downloading a ROM file (One that you currently own the actual game for ^_-) you can load it onto an SD card, in a folder called "retrobit games" (without the quotes) and have the Retro-Cade run it. Now, not every game will play, or will play badly, so you will have to do some trial and error to get games to run. Plus, since this is not an official feature, you risk the chance of breaking this device or your SD card. On my personal Machine I have tried a number of Capcom, IREM and other Arcade games and, after some trial and error of my own, I got a nice collection of extra games like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Street Fighter Alpha 1 and 2 (Alpha 3 worked but was a bit choppy for my tastes).
The Super Retro-Cade is a Fantastic little box and really delivers so much more than the Generations. Comparing the two consoles is the same is night and day, and it's clear which one is better. If you've bought the Generations before, DO NOT be afraid to get this system at all. At $59.99, it's an absolute steal! I am happy I game Retro-Bit another chance, they really impressed me with this little box! A really, REALLY nice Emulation box at an efficient price!
System was NOT provided by Retro-Bit. It was Purchased for this Review. Platform: NES/SNES/Arcade Also On: Nothing Publisher: Retro-Bit Developer: Irem/Data East/Capcom/Technos Medium: All in one Console Players: 1-2 Online: No ESRB: E-M
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plug2game-blog · 5 years
King of the traditional consoles-- what to place on your wishlist|VentureBeat
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When it concerns bring in the video gaming public, prominent console manufacturers are seeking to fond memories as much as they are to online services and fancy peripherals. Simply in the last few years, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, SNK, and others have tossed basic circuitry into an adorable plastic shell to make players recollect-- and open their wallets.
As one of those individuals who yearns for the days of bits and beat-'em-ups, I have a nearly unhealthy fascination with the retro revival and all the items that have come with it. The thing is, just a few of these devices live up to their forefathers. A few of them, rather frankly, may offer you the desire to let the past die. Which ones are worth the cash?
Prior to I go into this ranking, it is essential to mention that none of these traditional consoles have a comprehensive list of video games. Don't go in anticipating to play everything that you keep in mind.
Above: The Sega Genesis Classics collection deserves your time.Image Credit: Sega If you truly desire to have a look at a specific video game, your finest bet would be to see if it has a PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, or Nintendo Virtual Console/eShop release. A number of business, including Sega and SNK, have launched collections that feature many old-school titles. The Sega Genesis Classics collection(available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch) is a great example. One more thing, the only minis I'm going to discuss are ones in my individual collection, so let's
get to it. The kings of the classics SNES Classic( Nintendo )The Nintendo "Classics"may not have pioneered the mini-console trend, however they turned it into a full-blown phenomenon. When the Japanese video gaming giant decided to come out with miniaturized homages to their Nintendo and Super Nintendo Home Entertainment Systems, the world took notice. And it stood in line with money at the ready. Now, almost every video gaming connoisseur has a Classic, or they're trying to find one. Both the NES and SNES Classics are extremely similar. They include a compact kind element, adoringly recreated controllers, user-friendly user interfaces, and great
video output. Games look fantastic and play without much input lag( this will differ, depending upon the television). You can likewise apply filters to get that tube-TV aesthetic-- if you're into that. Conserve states for every game are readily available. Above: The SNES Classic takes you back to the early '90s. Image Credit: Nintendo What really makes these models shine is the video game choice. And, for me, that's why the SNES Classic is
king. While it provides fewer titles than its NES big sibling, the library here is unbelievable. Super Mario World, F-Zero, Contra III: The Alien Wars, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy III(VI ), The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Street Fighter II Turbo are just a few of the highlights. As an included perk, Nintendo went ahead and consisted of Starfox 2, which never saw an official release until the SNES Classic struck shop racks. These 16-bit experiences hold up better than numerous other older video games. Just consider all the pixel-art indie titles out there. Where do you think they discovered their motivation? 2. NES Classic (Nintendo )Truly, the NES Classic is worthy of to be at the leading just as much as its SNES equivalent.
While the SNES edition provides deeper gameplay and more technically remarkable titles, the NES Classic is packed with renowned releases that introduced a new dawn for gaming. The initial
3 Super Mario titles, the
first 2 Legend of Zelda games, Castlevania, Kirby's Adventure, Ninja Gaiden, Punch-Out, and Mega Male 2 are some of the favorites that made the cut here. Above: The NES Classic is a mini marvel.Image Credit: Nintendo The NES Classic includes the same first-class develop quality and features as the SNES version. The one big distinction here is that it features one controller, not 2. If you wish to have fun with someone else, nevertheless, you'll require to pursue an extra gamepad-- which can be just as difficult to
discover as the console itself.
This does make the core package a
little less expensive, and you can utilize an SNES Classic controller if you occur to have one lying around. Enjoyable but problematic 3. Neo Geo Mini (SNK)When I heard that SNK was making a mini-Neo Geo to commemorate the console-arcade hybrid's 40th anniversary, I rushed to the very first preorder page I could discover. The end product itself may be the coolest device on this whole list, however it might just be the most infuriating. The Neo Geo Mini has an extensive video game list that need to satisfy most fans of
the original hardware
. SNK at first released two minis: one for Japan, and an "International "variation for other areas. Many of the games overlap between the two, however each mini has its own special offerings. Personally, I discovered this aggravating due to the fact that certain video games that I wanted ended up just on the Japanese system.
Regardless, amongst the Neo Geo Mini's 40 games, you'll get to play a slew of Metal Slug and King of Fighters titles, the remarkable Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Shock Troopers, Blazing Star, and the criminally neglected Last Blade 2. The Neo Geo library (and, as a result, the Neo Geo Mini's selection)has a heavy focus on fighting games. If you're not into that genre, you ought to most likely move on to something else. The
Neo Geo Mini gadget is different than most tribute consoles because it has its own LCD screen and arcade-style controls. This makes it a rather striking addition to any gamer's collection. While it's enjoyable to play these video games on a tiny game cabinet, the novelty wears away rapidly. And it deserves noting that the stick has no gate or microswitches, so you're generally playing with analog-style controls. This is less than perfect for the exact, arcade nature of
Neo Geo video games. The system is perfectly playable, however, and the screen's quality is surprisingly great. But I 'd rather hook the console as much as a TELEVISION, where I can have a more comfortable gameplay session. And that's where the Neo Geo Mini truly fails. The video output is flat-out disappointing. I can only tolerate playing with the "image quality optimization"filter made it possible for, which offers the video an extremely smoothed out appearance. I truly do not like the way it looks, however it's even worse when I turn it off. I paid for one of the gamepads that SNK released in combination with the Neo Geo Mini, so I might get the many of my TV play. These look nearly similar to the Neo Geo CD
pads that came out in the '90s. But the brand-new controllers don't include the satisfying microswitches from the CD system D-pads. To be blunt, the Neo Geo Mini controller is a disappointment. The D-pad feels unclear, and it's an ever-present distraction when I'm playing. And for some factor, SNK changed the order
of the buttons, so that adds an unneeded layer to my irritation. Due to the fact that it has its own screen, the Neo Geo Mini is in fact a little more costly than its classic colleagues. And you'll have to invest more money if you want one of the gamepads. Overall, the Neo Geo Mini is an excellent concept with an equally great lineup of titles. SNK screwed up in the execution, nevertheless, and it stopped working to provide fans with the worth they deserve. Still, this little thing has plenty of style(simply like its library ), and if you have actually constantly desired a Neo Geo,
possibly it's worth a shot. 4. Super Retro-Cade (Retro-Bit)This is the quirkiest console on the list, thanks to its random, yet unmistakably charming, selection of titles. Retro-Bit launched this gadget as a follow-up to its Generations plug-and-play mini-console. The Retro-Cade has a somewhat spartan style and includes two basic, yet strong, controllers(although, I wish the buttons and
D-pad were less stiff ). Like I pointed out earlier, the library of titles here is all over the place. You'll find game brawlers like Double Dragon from Technos and Capcom's great
Armored Warriors. You can jump into vertical shooters like 1942 and Varth. Or horizontal shooters like the goofy game romp Boogie Wings and R-Type III for the SNES. If you want puzzle video games, you can inspect out multiple Magical Drop games. Oh, and even the odd, Castlevania-like Holy Scuba Diver for the NES is here. Above: Yeah, Mega Male 3 is on the Retro-Cade. Image Credit: Capcom I ought to likewise mention that Bionic
Task force(arcade and NES), Strider(game and NES ), Joe and Mac, BurgerTime(NES ), and numerous entries in the Final Battle franchise are on this thing. The Retro-Cade's interface is straightforward yet functional. You can adjust the video settings to show a stretched or original aspect ratio, however the video games themselves look a bit too soft, with muted colors. Apparently, an upgraded version of the console is now readily available that lets you disable the smoothness filter, leading to a crisper image.
The"version 1.1"Retro-Cade also includes a revised
game list that includes
titles like Unrefined Buster. However I've only had the chance to experience the original gadget. Also, when utilizing the Retro-Cade, I needed to put my TV into video game mode to get less input lag. This is the norm for
many contemporary tvs when using video gaming gadgets, however with a few of the other consoles(like the Nintendo Classics), it wasn't as big of a requirement.
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postgamecontent · 6 years
Wizard Fire: Games of the Retro-Bit Super Retro-Cade
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Data East, 1992
Wizard Fire is the follow-up to a game that isn’t included on the Retro-Cade, Gate of Doom. It’s a similar game in most respects, but there’s certainly no need to have played the first one to, er, enjoy this one. This is a Dungeons & Dragons-flavored isometric action game for one or two players, and I’ll at least grant that Data East seems to have used a little originality with the gameplay, if not the setting. You choose from several characters, each with their own weapons and properties, then head out to smash and bash all kinds of fantasy foes. Besides your main weapon, you also occasionally have access to magic through a spell book. Be careful of what page it’s on before you cast, however, lest you end up turning yourself into a pig.
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I probably would have liked this game a lot if I had run into it when I was younger. It has really nice art and the presentation is excellent all-around. The big roster of playable characters is appealing, and I love the idea of the page-flipping spell book. But playing it now, it feels kind of clunky and unfair. The bosses take way too many hits to kill, particularly towards the end of the game, and I found myself becoming so bored in those battles that I ended up watching TV while hammering away on the fire button. It’s certainly something different as the Retro-Cade line-up goes, but in this case, I’m not sure if it’s all that welcome.
Previous: Vigilante (Arcade)
Next: XMultiply (Arcade)
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johnblueriggs · 7 years
Subscribe! https://goo.gl/BuAo7j Adding more games onto your Super Retro-cade is as easy as dragging and dropping. Buy yours! https://goo.gl/FNJvRF PromoCode: RIGGS10 to save 10% Buy via Amazon - http://amzn.to/2iW1f3d TWITCH: http://ift.tt/2AEobyl Patreon for perks! - http://ift.tt/1qsD0uu One-time donation - http://ift.tt/2icCPm3 FB - http://ift.tt/1VrV1F8 Tweet - http://twitter.com/johnblueriggs IG - http://ift.tt/17jOmHT List of Tools I Use for repros and Open Cart Surgery - https://goo.gl/eXn6WV Join the Discord! - http://ift.tt/2vUfJ8H Intro music used with permission: http://ift.tt/1ApQtCy by John Riggs: RIGG'd Games
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comiccrusaders · 7 years
Introducing the SUPER RETRO-CADE
SUPER RETRO-CADE Bring the power of an arcade to your home with the Super Retro-Cade plug and play console by Retro-Bit®. Packed with over 90 popular retro games from Capcom®, Data East, Technos, and Irem! The stylish console re-introduces such gems as Mega Man™ 2, BurgerTime®, Joe and Mac™, Bad Dudes™, Double Dragon™, Strider™, Super Dodge Ball, the Final Fight™ series and many more!…
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Classic Review: WrestleMania 20
Its been awhile since the last time I posted, I'm sorry for that. I've been sidetracked with finding work and lame adult stuff like that but I'm back now with this review, a fastlane prediction post sometime next week and I'm sure I'll have another review up sometime next week as well. This WrestleMania is one of my personal favorites, it's not like this is a fantastic wrestling show from start to finish but this has so many great "wrestlemania moments" that make me feel nostalgic with the ruthless aggression era being my favorite era in the companies history.
Big Show (C) vs. John Cena
The crowd was super hot for Cena during his run with the rapper gimmick and during this time is probably the peak of that heat. The match wasn't anything incredible but we got a pretty neat Cena promo before the match started to get the crowd hyped so at least there was that. This match was just mostly Big Show flexing his strength throwing Cena around and overpowering him. The end comes when the referee has his back turned, Cena hits Show with brass knucks then hits him with an FU and picks up the win. This was the first wrestlemania where Cena had a match and in his Mania match debut he picks up the United States championship.
Booker T & RVD (C) vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak vs. La Résistance
An underlying theme of this show was overbooking multi man matches for the sake of getting as many people booked on a wrestlemania card as possible. I couldn't tell you one memorable thing Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak ever did as a team and I totally forgot RVD and Booker T ever being a tag team until I rewatched this show. I dont mind multi man matches if everyone can really participate and it still be entertaining, I'll never complain about something being entertaining no matter the circumstances, but that wasn't the case. In an overall uneventful match Booker T & RVD win, retaining their tag team titles.
Christian vs. Chris Jericho
It took until the third match on the card but we got a really solid match. Also a slight side note, this event Jericho wears one of my favorite wrestling attires ever so if 2k wants to sell copies of their next game definitely make this attire Chris Jericho (Retro) attire or a side attire. But, I really enjoyed this match, but this is nothing new since Jericho and Christian would feud for a little while after this and they would continue to have some entertaining matches. Trish would end up making an interference but she doesn't really come in play until after the match. Christian ends up getting the win tonight and Trish turns heel by smacking Jericho twice and follows Christian up the ramp and laying on a French kiss on him.
Randy Orton, Batista & Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley & The Rock
This was a pretty "middle of the road" kind of match for me. It wasn't boring but I wasn't overly entertained, it's like they did just enough to keep my attention. The evolution squad of Orton, Batista and Flair get the win tonight which is odd since they got the Rock back just for this match. If they did this match today, it would be a no brainer that Foley and Rock would win. Part timers at Mania almost never lose especially since the feud would continue to the next pay per view. The main feud going into this match was Foley vs. Orton by the way. Looking forward, a loss tonight and a loss at Backlash the next month made Orton look great but it didn't really do much to make Foley look like a real threat.
Torrie Wilson & Sable vs. Miss Jackie & Stacy Keibler
(Playboy Evening Gown Match)
This match was a perfect example of the relationship between WWE and its female talent at the time. A tag team match between four half naked woman (hence the evening gown stipulation) and the match (from bell to bell) was under 3 minutes. As a male it intrigues me but as a wrestling fan it disgusts me. Its like fighting with myself to determine if I enjoyed what I was seeing or not. This match was a result of all these woman wanting to be that months cover of playboy, Torrie and Sable got the cover and Jackie & Stacy didn't so they were upset and had a match. Torrie and Sable ended up getting the win here but this feud was over two woman being upset because they didn't get to pose naked for a magazine sooooo.
Chavo Guerrero (C) vs. Akio vs. Jamie Noble vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Billy Kidman vs. Funaki vs. Nunzio vs. Shannon Moore vs. Tajiri
If it seems like theres too many people in this match, it's because there is too many people involved in this match. This was like a gauntlet match, it started with two people in the ring and when someone got pinned, they would go to the back and the next superstar would come in. The twist here is that the superstars wouldn't run to the ring when it was their time to come out because while two superstars were competing the other superstars were surrounding the ring like a lumberjack match. They mentioned on commentary that this was supposed to be a one on one between Chavo and Rey but because of unexplained reasons eight other people were added to the match. No two competitors went at it for more than five minutes anyway so I'm convinced a one on one match would have been infinitely more entertaining especially since the last two superstars in this match ended up being Chavo and Rey anyway. Chavo ended up winning due to interference by his dad (Chavo Classic) and he retains his cruiserweight championship.
Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
(Special Referee - Stone Cold Steve Austin)
This match is one reason why this wrestlemania is remembered. That's only because of how uneventful and disappointing this match was. Word got out that both of these guys would be leaving WWE after this show and the crowd let them hear their disappointment. Brock was leaving to pursue a career with the NFL and I dont remember why Goldberg decided to leave but its possible that he just wanted to step away from the wrestling business for awhile. This match was pretty much these two staring at each other from across the ring and putting each other in rest holds the whole time. Goldberg ended up picking up the victory and Lesnar gave double middle fingers to the crowd. The most entertaining part of this match was Steve Austin delivering stunner to both men, what a way to send both guys out.
Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (C) vs. The APA vs. The Bashams vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team
Just like with Raws tag team title match we've got SmackDown doing the same exact thing with their tag team title match. I will say this match was better than the previous tag team fatal four way we saw earlier in the night and it was shorter. Everyone got their stuff in and it was faster paced because it didn't get as much time. It wasn't overly entertaining but it was serviceable. I absolutely love the tag team of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas so seeing them lose was a bit of a disappointment because they're both legitimately great workers and it would've done great for them and the image of the titles. However Rikishi and Scotty ended up winning and retaining here tonight. The crowd didn't react much but I can only assume at this point they're burnt out on all the multi man matches plus this match had to follow Brock and Goldberg.
Victoria (C) vs. Molly Holly
(If Molly loses she must have her head shaved bald)
At least this show had a womans title match is about all I can say. I didn't hate this match, it just didn't do anything for me. Which is a perfect summary of every womans match during the ruthless aggression era, I think. I like Victoria, I think she was one of the few female talents in WWE at this time who had an entertaining character and could also carry someone to at least a mediocre match. This match was close to seven minutes in length which is pretty generous for womans match around this time. Victoria picked up the win here, retaining her title and shaving Molly's head at the top of the stage.
Eddie Guerrero (C) vs. Kurt Angle
Its been awhile but we finally get a super entertaining wrestling match on the show but with Eddie and Kurt you've just gotta know that you're gonna see something special. Two guys who really have a love for what they do and a willingness to always push the limits to put on a great match. I dont think this is even they best match they've had, I've seen some old SmackDown shows were I think they've had better matches but I for sure dont wanna take anything away from this match, this was awesome. Eddie ends up retaining after slipping out of his boot when Kurt had the angle lock locked in and off the distraction Eddie got the win. Its matches and superstars like this that made the ruthless aggression era so special to me, not even the era, its performances like this and so many more during this time that made me make a special place in my heart for wrestling/WWE and it's why I dont think I'll ever have it in me to just give up on wrestling.
The Undertaker vs. Kane
This match was short but entertaining. This was a wrestlemania undertaker match that went under ten minutes so that came as a bit of a shock, especially against Kane with the history they have. No "mind blowing" or overly entertaining moments but it was straight and to the point and because of that I can appreciate it for what it was. Undertaker got the win over Kane setting his wrestlemania record to 12-0 at the time.
Triple H (C) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels
This match was the whole reason why I even thought of reviewing this show. Just so I could watch this match. These three guys bring such a different style to the match that when thrown together you knew you were going to get something entertaining. The great heel work of Triple H, the exciting offense of Shawn Michaels and the technical wrestling ability of Benoit. Some would argue that a one on one between Shawn and Triple H would've been a great, and a more deserving way, to main event a wrestlemania but Chris Benoit was incredibly over with the crowd at the time and he had the skill to back up the hype, Benoit wasn't going to be denied. I really feel like these three gave everything they had in this match and it resulted in one of the more memorable wrestlemania moments/matches of all time. WWE would never acknowledge this matches existence, and for good reason I suppose, its just a huge shame that the actions of one man under the influence of performance enhancing substances will forever wipe this match off the record books in the eyes of the WWE. Chris Benoit picked up the win tonight and won his first World Heavyweight championship and he even made Triple H tap out to do it. Yes, Triple H tapped out to Chris Benoit. Say what you will about Triple H but I'll always feel like he always had what's best for the business as a priority over his own personal gain. When Triple H knew a superstars popularity and skill was too much too be denied he didn't mind doing "The job". That was the case in this match. Triple H did the honor of putting over Benoit. It's not like he was going out on injury, he wasn't leaving for any reason, flat out, he did the job and put over the popular, deserving talent. What really made this a wrestlemania moment was Eddie Guerrero meeting Benoit in the middle of the ring after the match and celebrating with him. Eddie retaining his title earlier and Benoit winning his first World title with the confetti falling from the sky, it couldn't have been booked any better, a true feel good moment between two of the greatest wrestlers ever. Unfortunately both men passed away way before their time but with moments like this they'll live forever. I'm glad I got to grow up with this. WWE loves to market a wrestlemania moment nowadays, well for me, it doesn't get better than this. A genuine moment that the fans loved. It's crazy that a scripted event can cause some of the most real emotion a fan can feel.
Pros: Christian vs. Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle, Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Cons: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, too many multi man/team matches
I know this show isn't a complete wrestling masterpiece but ultimately what I ask for out of a wrestlemania is the major championship matches to be entertaining and for the show to end on a positive note, and in my opinion, this show succeeds in doing that. Multi man/team matches were a bit annoying and the female talent didn't get the love or appreciation it should've had from the start but I grew up in a time where that was just the norm, all I can do is just appreciate that its different today. In my opinion this wrestlemania had the best end in the wrestlemania history and when it came to Eddie and Benoit I really felt like I was watching two guys live out their dream and as a wrestling fan theres no better feeling than knowing your favorite wrestlers are living out their dream and having a great time doing it.
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playnationde · 6 years
Mit Retro-Spielen bestückte Konsolen erfreuen sich anhaltender Beliebtheit. Retro-Bits Super Retro-Cade ist eins dieser Systeme, darauf sind Klassiker von namhaften Herstellern wie Capcom, Data East, Irem oder Technos enthalten. Ab Dezember wird das Gerät auch in Europa erhältlich sein.
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classicretrovintage · 6 years
Arcade Games at Home with Super Retro-Cade - Unboxing and Review | RIGGS
Arcade Games at Home with Super Retro-Cade – Unboxing and Review | RIGGS
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microcade-blog · 6 years
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archeoskins-blog · 6 years
Retro-Bit Super Retro-Cade Plug and Play Game Console - Packed with Over 90 Popular Arcade and Console Titles (Crimson/White) - Not Machine Specific
Retro-Bit Super Retro-Cade Plug and Play Game Console – Packed with Over 90 Popular Arcade and Console Titles (Crimson/White) – Not Machine Specific
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Retro-Bit Super Retro-Cade GameRevolution Review - A High-Quality RetroPie Killer
The Retro-Bit Super Retro-Cade has amazing value for the price, and the combination of great build quality and ability to play backups makes it a must-buy. from N4G: all news feed http://ift.tt/2qdD5b4 from Blogger http://ift.tt/2qaE4bV
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maurogv · 7 years
Schede telefoniche internazionali Tiscali, WTI, Westel e altre
Numerosi sono i gestori e le compagnie telefoniche italiane con cui un utente può effettuare, con schede telefoniche prepagate remote memory, telefonate nazionali e internazionali dall'Italia. Di Telecom Italia e Wind, ho già detto in schede telefoniche internazionali Telecom Italia e Infostrada Wind, ora illustro altre compagnie italiane note.
La maggior parte delle delle schede internazionali di questa pagina, le schede telefoniche internazionali Tiscali, WTI, Westel e altre, sono state emesse in un decennio, a cavallo del 2000, al tempo della grande rivoluzione e del grande fermento della telefonia fissa e mobile. Di quel tempo, ci sono milioni di schede telefoniche internazionali italiane con il codice segreto grattato, ossia schede usate per telefonare. Si pensava, o forse si sperava, che fosse sempre così, con il valore delle azioni delle compagnie telefoniche che si moltiplicava, e fosse facile guadagnare tanto, in breve ci sono stati, invece, fallimenti e debiti. Testimoni siamo, io e mio padre, Mauro e Giocondo, vivendolo a casa e nel nostro angolo al mercatino, freddo d'inverno e caldo d'estate.
Elenco le compagnie secondo un mio ordine, come ho fatto per le compagnie non italiane in schede telefoniche internazionali italiane Global One, MCI, ATW, ecc., privilegiando, ora, per brevità, il lato figurato di una scheda telefonica rispetto all'esame del retro della scheda telefonica. Rispetto alle compagnie straniere di schede telefoniche 'italiane', di cui tanto ho trovato su internet, in Wikipedia e nel sito stesso della compagnia, che mi ha fatto pensare a quanto, in termini di risorse finanziarie, ci fosse dietro all'oggetto che i collezionisti di schede telefoniche e me stesso hanno in mano, poche e scarne sono le notizie su queste compagnie.
Altre schede telefoniche internazionali di compagnie telefoniche presumibilmente italiane sono in schede telefoniche internazionali italiane per nome e per somiglianza.
Tiscali[^] è una società di telecomunicazioni,[^] con sede a Cagliari, creata da Renato Soru nel gennaio 1998. Tiscali è uno dei maggiori gestori italiani di telefonate dall'Italia con schede telefoniche prepagate scratch-off. La società opera a livello internazionale, ci sono, ad esempio, remote memory cards Tiscali anche in Francia.[^] Pare utile aggiungere, allora, che ci si riferisce alle schede Tiscali italiane,[^] per distinguerle dalle schede Tiscali di altri paesi.
Una scheda telefonica internazionale italiana Tiscali è Carta Mondo,[^] in diverse tipologie per continente,[^] che risale all'inizio della valuta euro. Una scheda telefonica prepagata italiana Tiscali per le telefonate nazionali è Beach Card.[^] Schede Tiscali sono in serie, come Papi dei Giubilei, da 10.000 e 20.000 lire, con e senza il logo del Giubileo 2000 davanti.[^]
Ci sono anche molte schede telefoniche Tiscali ricaricasa, emesse in serie[^] che diffondono la cultura sarda, i costumi, gli artisti,[^] i paesaggi, e altro. Queste schede attivano (o ricaricano) un numero di telefono, ed esulano dal contesto della pagina di schede telefoniche internazionali e qui ne parlo perchè sono schede Tiscali. Il PIN di molte schede in effetti non c'è.
WTI, acronimo di World Telecom Italia, è un gestore di telefonia, che, dal numero in per informazioni con prefisso 02, si deduce avere sede a Milano.
La società ha emesso una cinquantina di schede telefoniche[^] di buona qualità, il soggetto preferito sono località e celebri monumenti italiani, due schede anche per il Festival Latino Americano 1999[^].
Extel, Intelcom San Marino, Westel
Riferendomi cronologicamente ai loghi che appaiono sulle schede telefoniche, le prime sono Extel, poi congiuntamente a Intelcom San Marino del Gruppo Telecom Italia, e in ultimo Westel, che è il nome con cui sintetizzo, nel titolo dell'articolo, queste tra fasi distinte della società.
Molte schede telefoniche sono in serie e su licenza di marchi prestigiosi:[^][^] Tarzan[^] e Christmas Call Card di Disney, Alla ricerca della valle incantata,[^] Star Wars, pubblicitarie e di eventi sportivi, Juventus 2000, ottimi oggetti per chi colleziona schede telefoniche.
Planet communication
Planet communication, con sede a Brugherio (Milano), ha emesso numerose carte telefoniche internazionali prepagate a scopo collezionistico.[^][^] Cito: Ferrari con Shell,[^] Livigno e Trepalle,[^] Viareggio Il Carnevale, serie di luoghi e monumenti italiani con foto di Tropea, Taormina, Rimini, Selinunte, Venezia, Paestum e altri, auto. Originali sono le International Pre-paid Phone Cards lenticolari con effetto tridimensionale di Giovanni XXIII e Giovanni Paolo II, Padre Pio e altri personaggi religiosi, città,[^] le figure erotiche di Pompei e altre. Le schede hanno variazioni al retro.
Millecom e slogan Communication for the new Millenium, è una compagnia, che dal numero di schede telefoniche[^] che si possono reperire, ha avuto un buon numero di clienti. Le schede Millecom sono in plastica leggera, alcune hanno disegni di un buon livello di illustrazione: Xilia Card, con Around the Globe[^] e Better than TV. Altre schede sono la coppia di Task Force Card, onda blu Lit. 10.000 € 5,16, e, su sfondo verde, foglia con una goccia che cade nell'acqua, L. 20.000 € 10,33,[^] che cronologicamente dovrebbero essere le prime schede Millecom, Passe-Partout Card, Pronto Asia, Pronto Africa e altre fotografiche, la serie Erg Un mondo di energie.
Edisontel, fusa poi in Eutelia[^], è un marchio che appare in alcune, non molte, schede telefoniche.[^] La più nota è Tornado di Lemon Communications powered by Edisontel,[^] in sfondo blu, da 10.000 e 20.000 lire, nel doppio valore lira e euro, ed euro, poi, Super, Wild Card, dove c'è una tigre che mostra ferocemente i denti, nel valore € 5,16.
"Tiscali". tiscali.it. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Tiscali". Wikipedia: L'enciclopedia libera. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Remote Memory France: Tiscali". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Francia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
Tiscali. Catalogo 2005: Carte telefoniche italiane (16a ed.). Golden Italia Editrice. pp. 446-479. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"CartaMondo (orange)". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Tiscali: Cartamondo". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Beach Card". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Tiscali: Serie n. 06 - I Papi dei Giubilei". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Tiscali". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Lista per Serie. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Bullone e dado - Type B". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Remote Memory Italy: WTI - World Telecom Italia / Intercom". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Festival Latino Americano 1999". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Westel - Intelcom: Westel - Intelcom". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
Westel. Catalogo 2005: Carte telefoniche italiane (16a ed.). Golden Italia Editrice. pp. 480-482. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Disney's Tarzan - Tarzan and Jane". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Alla Ricerca della Valle Incantata". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Planet Communication". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Lista per Serie. Colnect. Consultato il 11 febbraio 2017.
"Planet Communication: Planet Communication". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Nella Ferrari batte il cuore Shell". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Livigno". Planet Communication. In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Firenze - Cattedrale". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Remote Memory Italy: Millecom". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Xilia - Around the globe". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Task Force Card - Foglia (Lire / €)". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Scheda telefonica. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Eutelia". Wikipedia: L'enciclopedia libera. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Remote Memory Italy: Edisontel". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
"Remote Memory Italy: Lemon Communications". In Catalogo di schede telefoniche: Italia: Schede telefoniche. Colnect. Consultato il 12 febbraio 2017.
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