worldwrestlingfanatic 5 years
Also, sorry for not doing wrestlemania predictions, I didnt forget I just had too many matches where I had absolutely no idea what direction wwe was going to go. But in my opinion, wrestlemania 35 was great, I was very excited and it was worth the months of hype and wait. Now definitely cracks my top three manias of all time. It goes 20, 21, 35 for anyone who was curious.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 5 years
I'm definitely gonna be doing my ruthless agression old school Raw and Smackdown reviews starting later today. I'm going to start from the Raw after Wrestlemania 20 in 2004. My reviews will be in chronological order with Raw reviews coming every Monday and smackdown reviews coming every Thursday. There will be no set time for these to come out but I can promise I won't miss a day when it comes to these reviews. I grew up during the ruthless aggression era so for me this is like a nice alternative to the main product, which I will also be keeping up with on a weekly basis, how could I not? This week is the Raw and smackdown after wrestlemania 35. I'm excited 馃馃徎馃馃徎
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worldwrestlingfanatic 5 years
Fresh Content/Update
Just wanna start by apologizing for not posting more reviews or essays or anything at all, really. I'm going to try to get at least one (maybe two) more classic wrestlemania reviews before wrestlemania 35. I watch the weekly shows (almost) every week so I'm still in the loop of everything going on. I have a few opinions on the product and certain storyline decisions and I've thought about making a post about it but I always decide not to because I just dont think I'd have very much to add to the conversation. At the end of the day this is a fanbase that I would love to grow, I've been considering branching out to Twitter as well. I made a wrestling meme page over on Instagram, its @wrestlingmerchwall if you wanna go give it a follow, I'm funny sometimes. After this years wrestlemania, as the WWE's calendar year resets, I'll make it a goal to post more consistently.
Moving forward when it comes to classic pay-per-view reviews I'll probably theme those around whatever PPV WWE is building to at that time.
I dont wanna force myself to do essay posts on a set schedule because I only post those when I'm passionate enough about a topic and I feel like I might have something to add to that conversation.
I also recently had the idea to review old Raw and Smackdown shows. Old Raw's will be reviewed on Mondays and Smackdowns on Tuesday's. I wouldn't review any out of order so I'll probably pick up around after wrestlemania 20 and go in order of the schedule. I've been watching wwe since about 2005 so I'm not worried about getting burnt out on the product, at this point I'm pretty confident that just isn't possible.
I'll definitely post my predictions for wrestlemania 35 probably the sSaturday before the show but I doubt I'll do a review. Since wrestlemania is kind of a special occasion I might do a post just giving my general thoughts the Monday after before Raw.
I hope you all are enjoying the build to wrestlemania and have a great wrestlemania weekend when it comes around, stay frosty my fellow wrestling fans 馃馃徎
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
An Edgier WWE (Essay)
After watching the Raw after Fastlane and some reviews online I felt that this is something I really wanted to talk about. The main event of Raw saw Dean Ambrose take on Drew McIntyre in a falls count anywhere match. At the time I didnt think it was anything overly exciting, it was serviceable but it's not like they were showing me something I've never seen before. Near the end of the match McIntyre and Ambrose were fighting on top of the commentary table and during the brawl McIntyre takes a pencil and stabs Dean somewhere around his face. I didnt think too much of it at the time but after watching Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez talk about it I realized something. Meltzer said that this was very unlike WWE to do something like this, what if kids are watching and they go to school with a pencil and do something crazy because they're kids and they're impressionable. I understand WWE is a PG show and nowadays much of the audience is probably 13 and under. WWE more and more hasn't been shy about blurring lines of the PG label with superstars dropping some curse words almost every Raw and SmackDown and having Mandy Rose attempt to meet an Uso in a hotel room with the implication they were going to have sex. I grew up during the ruthless aggression era, and I know it was no attitude era, but they had their fair share of adult moments and situations. Remember Katie Vick? How about the time when all of Evolution beat the hell out of Eugene because he cost Triple H the World Heavyweight championship? Oh, and the time when Booker T and Kurt Angle feuded because Kurt Angle said "Booker T, I wanna have sex with your wife". I was a small child watching this and never once did I think, "I should have sex with someone's wife just because I want to" or "I should bloody a mentally handicapped person because they slightly inconvenienced me". Even today, how many times do we see superstars coming out beating people up during their entrances or superstars running out to attack someone in the middle of their match? A lot right? I've never seen any news about kids attacking classmates or peers because they saw it on WWE programming. In summary, kids have parents to teach them right and wrong so go ahead WWE, have fun and don't be so uptight about booking an edgier product.
The more likely reason WWE only blurs the lines instead of completely crossing it is because or sponsors. Too many companies nowadays dont want to be tied to an overly violent show, that's why you'll never see a CZW show sponsored by Snickers or really any other mainstream company. In response to that I'd say, if current sponsors drop out, I'm sure their are plenty of other companies that dont mind a slightly edgier product and will be glad to have their name attached to the WWE. Bud Light? Playboy? Other adult companies. Some would fear that with sponsors like that WWE would go back to their old ways of booking women like sex objects instead of legitimate athletes. On the contrary, I feel an edgier product would benefit women and the rest of the roster more than it would hurt the talent. A product with less restrictions? A product that isn't so strict on what can and cant be said? Certain moves no longer being banned? I see that as a plus. Keep booking everyone the same, just allow intensity to heat up to another level for feuds/matches that call for it.
In no way am I saying I want every match to be a bloodbath or every promo to be filled with excessive cursing, I'm just saying, give your talent more freedom, let their real personalities show through promos and let superstars be creative and call their spots during a match. For example, this year's wrestlemania is filled with plenty of high stakes, high intensity matches that could benefit so much from a more loose booking style. Triple H vs. Batista, the triple threat for the Raw womans championship, Seth vs. Brock, just to name a few. Truthfully, I enjoy a great straight up wrestling match more than an insane, over the top hardcore match but if you're gonna book a hardcore match, dont be afraid to let your talent take some chances.
I will say I've really been enjoying the weekly shows since the Royal Rumble, maybe it's because creative is getting better, maybe it's because I'm just excited to be on the road to wrestlemania, either way it doesn't matter because WWE is doing their job and I'm entertained. I dont think WWE will ever go back to ruthless aggression tactics but as long as they're putting on serviceable weekly shows and great pay-per-views then no change needs to be made and they'll be okay. I just wanted to bring up a topic, take a side and defend as best I can and maybe stir up some conversation and get people thinking. I like the current product at the moment so I dont see a need for an extreme change.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Fastlane 2019 Predictions
I'm way late to be giving my predictions considering the event starts in just a couple hours. I was going to do it last night but my power/internet went out and I couldn't, but hey, I'm doing it now!
New Day (Big E & Xavier) vs. Rusev & Shinsuke Nakamura
I have no idea why these teams are fighting. Given, I dont always watch the weekly shows but I catch up on rivalries and major news from the Raws and SmackDowns and I can not come to any conclusions as to why these teams are facing off. I'm gonna say New Day wins. Kofi's in the middle of a big push so I feel that will also translate to the rest of the team so I'm gonna say Big E and Xavier are gonna pick up some wins going into WrestleMania so they can challenge for the SmackDown tag team titles.
Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade
This should not be a preshow match, these two have the potential to really put on some match of the year contenders. I'm going to say Rey wins this match. If I'm not mistaken, the last time these two went one on one, Andrade won. I predict Rey gets his win back tonight and they have the final match of their feud at WrestleMania.
The Revival (C) vs. Bobby Roode & Chad Gable vs. Aleister Black & Ricochet
Maybe I'm way too nitpicky but I hate that Aleistar and Ricochet are a tag team. They can do incredible work as singles stars but for whatever reason they're a team with no backstory and not really that much chemistry either. I'm gonna say Revival wins and retains. The Revival is such a great team who can really legitimize the Raw tag titles and believe me, the Raw tag titles need to be legitimized badly. I'm confused why Bobby and Gable are even still a team when they could really be tearing it up as singles stars. I get Raw doesn't really have much as far a tag division goes but that doesn't mean you should throw two guys together just because you don't have anything for them as far as singles storylines. I believe the Revival should retain and someone should really look into getting legit tag team stars on Raw to strengthen the tag division and give the Revival some interesting opponents.
Bayley & Sasha Banks (C) vs. Nia Jax & Tamina
I know Bayley and Sasha have a tag team name, I just dont want to refer to them by that name because it's one of the worst tag names I have ever heard. I say Bayley and Sasha win and retain. These womans tag titles are new and the first team to hold them (in this case, Bayley and Sasha) should have a nice, long title reign to lay the foundation and prove that these championships mean something and they're worth having/fighting for.
The Usos (C) vs. The Miz & Shane McMahon
Another tag team title match. That's three tag title matches and four tag team matches overall if you count the pre-show. I predict the Usos retain. Maybe theres some miscommunication between Miz and Shane that will set them on a course for match a WrestleMania but no matter how it happens, I see the Usos winning tonight. I've loved the Usos ever since they first joined SmackDown after the draft and had their gimmick changed. They're great as champions and can put on some amazing matches. Honestly if it were me booking, I would give the Usos a pretty lengthy run with the titles.
Asuka (C) vs. Mandy Rose
I think this one is kind of up in the air. Mandy Rose has been getting much better as of late and shes been dominating her competition over on SmackDown and Asuka has been barely promoted. I feel like Asuka will retain though and they might have a rematch at WrestleMania because they just haven't booked anyone else to even be considered a possibility to be Asuka's Mania opponent. They could change after this event but I'm pretty sure they'll just extend this feud to Mania.
The Shield vs. Bobby Lashley, Baron Corbin & Drew McIntyre
I dont really see a real possibility of the shield losing this match. Dean was the hesitant one to get the team back together so maybe they'll try to do a twist ending and have Dean screw the team over but this is Roman's first match back so I'm pretty sure they'll play safe and go with the feel good moment and have the shield win.
Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair
I am just upset with how this feud has been playing out. Becky won the Royal Rumble yet shes the one fighting for the chance to get the title match at Mania. People were going to be happy with Ronda vs. Becky but for whatever reason Charlotte has been added to the mix. Her addition to this feud just feels forced and unwanted. I dont hate Charlotte, I think she's a great wrestler, I just dont understand why she has to be apart of this feud. This match depends on how many extra turns WWE wants to throw into this feud. I feel like theres a 100% chance an interference takes place, whether its during or after the match is where I'm unsure. If its during the match, Becky will probably lose but if we make it through the whole match with no interference, Becky wins. I know for sure Becky will still be in the title match if she wins here or not, if she loses then WWE just really wants to throw as many twists into this as they can. But I predict Becky will win and then get attacked by Ronda after the match.
Daniel Bryan (C) vs. Kevin Owens
I wanna be excited and say this will be a killer match but I'm just unsure about the quality of the matches in WWE anymore. Theres a long list of feuds WWE had going on within the past 2-3 years that led to extremely underwhelming matches. AJ vs. Samoa Joe, AJ vs. Kevin Owens, AJ vs. Nakamura, Daniel Bryan vs. AJ, Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose, the list goes on and on. Whether or not the match is actually good, I cant predict, but I'm pretty confident in saying Daniel Bryan will win and retain the WWE championship and probably face Kofi Kingston at WrestleMania.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Woman are more than their looks, obviously, but heres Alexa Bliss from Survivor Series 2018 looking absolutely amazing 馃挄馃挄馃挄
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Asks are Open!
My asks are open so please feel free to submit any question! Can be wrestling related or personal, or if you just have a general comment that's cool too
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Classic Review: WrestleMania 20
Its been awhile since the last time I posted, I'm sorry for that. I've been sidetracked with finding work and lame adult stuff like that but I'm back now with this review, a fastlane prediction post sometime next week and I'm sure I'll have another review up sometime next week as well. This WrestleMania is one of my personal favorites, it's not like this is a fantastic wrestling show from start to finish but this has so many great "wrestlemania moments" that make me feel nostalgic with the ruthless aggression era being my favorite era in the companies history.
Big Show (C) vs. John Cena
The crowd was super hot for Cena during his run with the rapper gimmick and during this time is probably the peak of that heat. The match wasn't anything incredible but we got a pretty neat Cena promo before the match started to get the crowd hyped so at least there was that. This match was just mostly Big Show flexing his strength throwing Cena around and overpowering him. The end comes when the referee has his back turned, Cena hits Show with brass knucks then hits him with an FU and picks up the win. This was the first wrestlemania where Cena had a match and in his Mania match debut he picks up the United States championship.
Booker T & RVD (C) vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak vs. La R茅sistance
An underlying theme of this show was overbooking multi man matches for the sake of getting as many people booked on a wrestlemania card as possible. I couldn't tell you one memorable thing Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak ever did as a team and I totally forgot RVD and Booker T ever being a tag team until I rewatched this show. I dont mind multi man matches if everyone can really participate and it still be entertaining, I'll never complain about something being entertaining no matter the circumstances, but that wasn't the case. In an overall uneventful match Booker T & RVD win, retaining their tag team titles.
Christian vs. Chris Jericho
It took until the third match on the card but we got a really solid match. Also a slight side note, this event Jericho wears one of my favorite wrestling attires ever so if 2k wants to sell copies of their next game definitely make this attire Chris Jericho (Retro) attire or a side attire. But, I really enjoyed this match, but this is nothing new since Jericho and Christian would feud for a little while after this and they would continue to have some entertaining matches. Trish would end up making an interference but she doesn't really come in play until after the match. Christian ends up getting the win tonight and Trish turns heel by smacking Jericho twice and follows Christian up the ramp and laying on a French kiss on him.
Randy Orton, Batista & Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley & The Rock
This was a pretty "middle of the road" kind of match for me. It wasn't boring but I wasn't overly entertained, it's like they did just enough to keep my attention. The evolution squad of Orton, Batista and Flair get the win tonight which is odd since they got the Rock back just for this match. If they did this match today, it would be a no brainer that Foley and Rock would win. Part timers at Mania almost never lose especially since the feud would continue to the next pay per view. The main feud going into this match was Foley vs. Orton by the way. Looking forward, a loss tonight and a loss at Backlash the next month made Orton look great but it didn't really do much to make Foley look like a real threat.
Torrie Wilson & Sable vs. Miss Jackie & Stacy Keibler
(Playboy Evening Gown Match)
This match was a perfect example of the relationship between WWE and its female talent at the time. A tag team match between four half naked woman (hence the evening gown stipulation) and the match (from bell to bell) was under 3 minutes. As a male it intrigues me but as a wrestling fan it disgusts me. Its like fighting with myself to determine if I enjoyed what I was seeing or not. This match was a result of all these woman wanting to be that months cover of playboy, Torrie and Sable got the cover and Jackie & Stacy didn't so they were upset and had a match. Torrie and Sable ended up getting the win here but this feud was over two woman being upset because they didn't get to pose naked for a magazine sooooo.
Chavo Guerrero (C) vs. Akio vs. Jamie Noble vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Billy Kidman vs. Funaki vs. Nunzio vs. Shannon Moore vs. Tajiri
If it seems like theres too many people in this match, it's because there is too many people involved in this match. This was like a gauntlet match, it started with two people in the ring and when someone got pinned, they would go to the back and the next superstar would come in. The twist here is that the superstars wouldn't run to the ring when it was their time to come out because while two superstars were competing the other superstars were surrounding the ring like a lumberjack match. They mentioned on commentary that this was supposed to be a one on one between Chavo and Rey but because of unexplained reasons eight other people were added to the match. No two competitors went at it for more than five minutes anyway so I'm convinced a one on one match would have been infinitely more entertaining especially since the last two superstars in this match ended up being Chavo and Rey anyway. Chavo ended up winning due to interference by his dad (Chavo Classic) and he retains his cruiserweight championship.
Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
(Special Referee - Stone Cold Steve Austin)
This match is one reason why this wrestlemania is remembered. That's only because of how uneventful and disappointing this match was. Word got out that both of these guys would be leaving WWE after this show and the crowd let them hear their disappointment. Brock was leaving to pursue a career with the NFL and I dont remember why Goldberg decided to leave but its possible that he just wanted to step away from the wrestling business for awhile. This match was pretty much these two staring at each other from across the ring and putting each other in rest holds the whole time. Goldberg ended up picking up the victory and Lesnar gave double middle fingers to the crowd. The most entertaining part of this match was Steve Austin delivering stunner to both men, what a way to send both guys out.
Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (C) vs. The APA vs. The Bashams vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team
Just like with Raws tag team title match we've got SmackDown doing the same exact thing with their tag team title match. I will say this match was better than the previous tag team fatal four way we saw earlier in the night and it was shorter. Everyone got their stuff in and it was faster paced because it didn't get as much time. It wasn't overly entertaining but it was serviceable. I absolutely love the tag team of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas so seeing them lose was a bit of a disappointment because they're both legitimately great workers and it would've done great for them and the image of the titles. However Rikishi and Scotty ended up winning and retaining here tonight. The crowd didn't react much but I can only assume at this point they're burnt out on all the multi man matches plus this match had to follow Brock and Goldberg.
Victoria (C) vs. Molly Holly
(If Molly loses she must have her head shaved bald)
At least this show had a womans title match is about all I can say. I didn't hate this match, it just didn't do anything for me. Which is a perfect summary of every womans match during the ruthless aggression era, I think. I like Victoria, I think she was one of the few female talents in WWE at this time who had an entertaining character and could also carry someone to at least a mediocre match. This match was close to seven minutes in length which is pretty generous for womans match around this time. Victoria picked up the win here, retaining her title and shaving Molly's head at the top of the stage.
Eddie Guerrero (C) vs. Kurt Angle
Its been awhile but we finally get a super entertaining wrestling match on the show but with Eddie and Kurt you've just gotta know that you're gonna see something special. Two guys who really have a love for what they do and a willingness to always push the limits to put on a great match. I dont think this is even they best match they've had, I've seen some old SmackDown shows were I think they've had better matches but I for sure dont wanna take anything away from this match, this was awesome. Eddie ends up retaining after slipping out of his boot when Kurt had the angle lock locked in and off the distraction Eddie got the win. Its matches and superstars like this that made the ruthless aggression era so special to me, not even the era, its performances like this and so many more during this time that made me make a special place in my heart for wrestling/WWE and it's why I dont think I'll ever have it in me to just give up on wrestling.
The Undertaker vs. Kane
This match was short but entertaining. This was a wrestlemania undertaker match that went under ten minutes so that came as a bit of a shock, especially against Kane with the history they have. No "mind blowing" or overly entertaining moments but it was straight and to the point and because of that I can appreciate it for what it was. Undertaker got the win over Kane setting his wrestlemania record to 12-0 at the time.
Triple H (C) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels
This match was the whole reason why I even thought of reviewing this show. Just so I could watch this match. These three guys bring such a different style to the match that when thrown together you knew you were going to get something entertaining. The great heel work of Triple H, the exciting offense of Shawn Michaels and the technical wrestling ability of Benoit. Some would argue that a one on one between Shawn and Triple H would've been a great, and a more deserving way, to main event a wrestlemania but Chris Benoit was incredibly over with the crowd at the time and he had the skill to back up the hype, Benoit wasn't going to be denied. I really feel like these three gave everything they had in this match and it resulted in one of the more memorable wrestlemania moments/matches of all time. WWE would never acknowledge this matches existence, and for good reason I suppose, its just a huge shame that the actions of one man under the influence of performance enhancing substances will forever wipe this match off the record books in the eyes of the WWE. Chris Benoit picked up the win tonight and won his first World Heavyweight championship and he even made Triple H tap out to do it. Yes, Triple H tapped out to Chris Benoit. Say what you will about Triple H but I'll always feel like he always had what's best for the business as a priority over his own personal gain. When Triple H knew a superstars popularity and skill was too much too be denied he didn't mind doing "The job". That was the case in this match. Triple H did the honor of putting over Benoit. It's not like he was going out on injury, he wasn't leaving for any reason, flat out, he did the job and put over the popular, deserving talent. What really made this a wrestlemania moment was Eddie Guerrero meeting Benoit in the middle of the ring after the match and celebrating with him. Eddie retaining his title earlier and Benoit winning his first World title with the confetti falling from the sky, it couldn't have been booked any better, a true feel good moment between two of the greatest wrestlers ever. Unfortunately both men passed away way before their time but with moments like this they'll live forever. I'm glad I got to grow up with this. WWE loves to market a wrestlemania moment nowadays, well for me, it doesn't get better than this. A genuine moment that the fans loved. It's crazy that a scripted event can cause some of the most real emotion a fan can feel.
Pros: Christian vs. Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle, Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Cons: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, too many multi man/team matches
I know this show isn't a complete wrestling masterpiece but ultimately what I ask for out of a wrestlemania is the major championship matches to be entertaining and for the show to end on a positive note, and in my opinion, this show succeeds in doing that. Multi man/team matches were a bit annoying and the female talent didn't get the love or appreciation it should've had from the start but I grew up in a time where that was just the norm, all I can do is just appreciate that its different today. In my opinion this wrestlemania had the best end in the wrestlemania history and when it came to Eddie and Benoit I really felt like I was watching two guys live out their dream and as a wrestling fan theres no better feeling than knowing your favorite wrestlers are living out their dream and having a great time doing it.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Elimination Chamber 2019 Predictions
Just a quick side note to start, I've been planning on doing another classic review for another wrestlemania since we're currently on the road to this years wrestlemania but everytime I feel like I wanna start on it, its super late and I write my reviews while watching the even so if I start my review at midnight (like I was considering tonight) I wouldn't have been done until like 3 AM. So I'll probably get on that sometime Monday.
Daniel Bryan (C) vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton vs. Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston (WWE Championship Elimination Chamber)
With the names associated with the match I'm expecting this to actually be really good. Jeff Hardy who never ages and never feels the effects of getting older will throw himself off anything at any time to entertain the fans, so you'll probably get some neat spots out of him. Plus Kofi putting in a hell of a performance on the last smackdown, he may be a last minute entry but he proved to be a deserving entry. I predict Daniel Bryan retains though, it's a major title and it's too close to wrestlemania so if Daniel Bryan loses the title, the soonest possible event will be wrestlemania.
Nia Jax & Tamina vs. Riott Squad vs. Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. The IIconics vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Naomi & Carmella
(Womans Tag Team Title Elimination Chamber)
This is a bit of a tough pick. I feel like Naomi & Carmella won't win because they just look like a team that was thrown together at the last minute for the sake of filling up a spot in the match, they probably won't even team after this event. I enjoy the IIconics but I dont think they're ready for the titles yet, they'll be better chasing the titles rather than winning them right away. The same can be said for Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville. I really like the Riott Squad but I just feel like WWE isn't confident in them at all, I mean they've lost the majority of their matches since coming to the main roster and it's awesome they're even in this match but I feel like that's just a product of not having a fully fleshed out womans tag division. That leaves the two teams of Nia Jax/Tamina and Sasha Banks/Bayley. I still kinda expect either Sasha or Bayley to turn heel eventually and turn on each other but the longer they go without fully getting behind that idea the more I doubt it'll happen while Nia and Tamina are already heel so I think its pretty impossible they'll turn on each other. That being said, I'm gonna say Sasha and Bayley will win. If they do I hope Bayley is not booked to be such a paper champion like she was when she was the raw women's champion.
Bobby Lashley (C) vs. Finn Balor
I really feel Balor will win the intercontinental championship at wrestlemania but not until then. I predict some screwy finish to keep Finn looking strong while Bobby Lashley retains.
Ronda Rousey (C) vs. Ruby Riott
Come on. Its 100% the Ronda wins. Dont get me wrong, it's the right call heading into wrestlemania but I just want so much more for Ruby and the rest of the Riott Squad. I hate the one (and probably only) title match Ruby gets is just a blow off kinda match where the finish is so easy to predict heading into a major ppv. All I can do is hope for better for Ruby in the future.
Shane McMahon & Miz (C) vs. The Usos
Due to certain legal events that happened these last couple days I wouldn't at all be surprised if this match is thrown out or if the Usos get replaced at the last minute as punishment. But I'll predict based on the assumption the Usos aren't getting replaced. Doesn't matter too much because I think Shane and Miz win. Shane's gotta have his mania match. I still believe Shane at some point will turn on Miz but I'm not sure at all when that'll be I'm just gonna hope my prediction is right and that turn doesn't come at Elimination Chamber.
Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin
I had no idea this match was even happening. I'm kinda bummed that this feud is even still happening. Braun has to get over again and to do that he needs to feud with someone equal or better than him. I don't think very highly of Braun or anything but I feel like this feud is beneath him. This match is hard to predict because I dont know what WWE wants to do with either of these guys past this event. I'm gonna say that Corbin wins this match by some sort of interference and then they have another match at Fastlane so Braun can get his win back. But I'll also take this as a success if Braun wins and we just move on from this feud.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
I enjoy doing the reviews and essays but a good wrestling meme is to always be praised 馃檹馃徎
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Classic Review: Royal Rumble 2006
This is definitely a "spur of the moment" idea for me to review. I have no idea what brought me to wanna watch and review this pay-per-view. As I'm watching the intro while typing this I dont remember any of the feuds or big matches going into this event so I've got an open mind going into the pay-per-view.
Kid Kash (C) vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London vs. Gregory Helms
This match feels so weird. A match name so complicated and long I didn't even bother including it in this review, its pretty much just a six man free for all with the first person to score a pinfall or submission winning the match. To me it kinda just feels like around this time the cruiserweight title picture didn't have much going on but WWE still wanted to include all these guys so they were just all put together last minute to make this match. A few quick notes, Jamie Noble looks a bit odd to me in any attire other than jean shorts and it's insane to me how Paul London wasn't better utilized. Hes easily my favorite in this match and arguably the most talented. That being said, Paul London did attempt a shooting star press off the top rope into the crowd of opponents and he kinda just missed everyone and landed face first on the outside of the ring. Another quick note, does anyone actually remember Kid Kash or anything he did in WWE? I knew of him before watching this but other than this match I can't name anything he did during his time with the WWE. Gregory Helms ended up winning by pinning Funaki. The cruiserweight championship, a smackdown exclusive title was won by a Raw superstar. Not only that but he kinda had the lowest amount of impact in this match. He hit a neck breaker on Paul London off the top rope but other than that he was kind of a nonfactor. Last quick note, on commentary they mentioned that Gregory Helms used to be the Hurricane. That's crazy to me, that's like if WWE referred to Stardust as Cody Rhodes. Weird way to start the show. Not boring, not overly exciting, just... weird.
Odd Rant: I dont typically speak on backstage segments in these reviews but watching Vince McMahon interact/touch on the "Divas" was pretty uncomfortable to witness, I feel the further I go back to do these reviews, the more common stuff like this is going to be and I'm not looking forward to it. But in this same segment we got to see a young Randy Orton and that's always great.
Mickie James vs. Ashley - Special Referee - Trish Stratus
Ah yes, the storyline of unrequited love between Mickie James and Trish Stratus. Not too sure what role Ashley plays in this storyline but I'm guessing it isn't because she was super over with the fans at the time considering the crowd was pretty silent as Ashley made her way to the ring. I was confused seeing Trish be the special referee of this match since at the time she was the womans champion. Just odd to see a champion at a ppv with her championship but not defending her title. Mickie James gets the win and immediately tries to celebrate with/hug Trish but was just met with Trish not wanting anything to do with her. Neither Mickie or Ashley were really.... the greatest wrestler at this point in their careers to say the least.
Odd Rant: its increasingly getting more uncomfortable to watch Vince interact with the "Divas". If we're going to keep cutting here between matches I'm pretty worried how far these segments will go
JBL vs. The Boogeyman
The man who ate worms for real for the sake of the character who gave me creeps as a kid taking on the corrupt wall street millionaire. Wrestling has certainly given me plenty to talk about over the years. I cant even imagine how people who faced the Boogeyman planned for these matches. "Oh you're going to spit a worm into my mouth at this point in the match, okay sounds good". The Boogeyman was more entertainer than wrestler. A guy that wasn't very diverse when it came to in ring talent and was very reliant on his gimmick to get him over. Boogeyman wins in a pretty uneventful match. His finishing move was a pump handle slam and just one was enough to put away JBL which is odd because I've seen this man bleed buckets in an I quit match against John Cena so I guess Boogeyman and his pump handle slam was just that damn strong.
Royal Rumble Match
Weird that the selling point for this pay-per-view takes place less than half way through the event but like I said, I don't know any of the matches going into this show so maybe they just have a big main event planned. As I'm watching I'm now a little more than half way and this certainly isn't a very star studded rumble match. Out of the 17 entrants so far the only notable superstars have been Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane, Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley. Not even surprising returning legends its just been some mid carders who aren't too great and jobbers like Simon Dean. RVD now comes in at number 20, hopefully this is a sign of things starting to pick up. Matt Hardy is now being dry humped by Viscera in the middle of the ring and before I could even finish typing that sentence Viscera eliminates Matt Hardy. I just felt that was a notable highlight to add. Now that I've seen all the entrants I feel like I can now fully discuss the match since I already know the winner. Rey Mysterio wins if you don't know. The lack of star power in this match caused really legitimate possible winners to be a bit of a short list. It's very disappointing that it took the death of Eddie Guerrero for WWE to give Rey Mysterio a title run. A pretty forgetful title run but a title run nonetheless. The match wasn't really much to talk about until we hit the final five. I do wanna add that I appreciate that this match was also treated as a Raw vs. Smackdown event. I mean, it was everyone for themselves but on commentary they frequently added who in the match currently was on which brand, which makes sense because Raw and Smackdown are competing against each other and whenever theres a match where superstars from both brands are present, on commentary at least, it should be treated as a competition. Just something I wish WWE would do more of today, I hated when Raw was just one big "supershow" I prefer the brand split, but that's a different topic for a different time. Overall the match did feel like a bit of a chore to get through but in the grand scheme of things I did appreciate the story they told of Rey Mysterio overcoming all odds with the deck stacked against him to make good on his promise that he dedicated a victory to his best friend, Eddie Guerrero.
Edge (C) vs. John Cena
John Cena came to the ring in what Joey Styles called a "Spaceship Catwalk" and I cant really think of a better name for whatever this was so I'll just go with that. Cena isn't even the champion and he got a wrestlemania style special entrance and Edge didn't. It was such an odd touch, could've went without it but at least it looked cool I guess. Edge was such an absolute heat magnet, he knew what to do and what to say at all times to make the crowds boo him it was a bit of disappointment to see Edge drop the title in this match. I understand that in the long run Cena winning was probably the smarter move but if their plan all along was to send Cena to wrestlemania as champion I wish they didn't tease us with an Edge title run. I mean, in 2006 everytime Edge won the title, he beat Cena to get it and everytime he lost it, it was to Cena. Edge had a nice title run as world heavyweight champion on smackdown years later but in relation to this event, that smackdown title reign felt like it was an eternity away. If nothing else this WWE title run turned Edge from a midcarder to a main event talent and he was deserving of it. All in all, I just wish Edge had a more lengthy run with the title instead of losing it in a month after being the first superstar to cash in money in the bank.
Kurt Angle (C) vs. Mark Henry
Listen, I get it, Mark Henry is a cool guy, but he isn't really an amazing athlete. Maybe its just me but I've never been able to get behind anything Mark Henry has been apart of, besides the hall of pain storyline but doesn't have for another few years. I don't know the story going into this match or the full smackdown roster at the time but I just feel like this match shouldn't have main evented. After seeing that this was the match they picked to go on last I wish they would have just saved the royal rumble to be the main event, they would've sent the crowd home happy with Rey Mysterio winning. I know we got a surprise Undertaker return at the end and that made people excited but looking back, Undertaker vs. Mark Henry at wrestlemania wasn't really all that great. Kurt Angle is fantastic but he cant carry everyone to a good match. Angle retains but other than that there just isn't too much to say about this match, it was slow paced and just didn't pack any real punch for me.
I cant really make a pros and cons list for this event, nothing was overwhelming entertaining and nothing was offensively bad. It was just a pretty "meh" event. Rey Mysterio won the royal rumble and Kurt Angle did an interview that made me laugh a little bit before his match and those are the highlights for me. The real lowlights I guess would be just how underwhelming this event was and how bland everything felt. Say what you want, I love womans wrestling today but watching the story progress between Mickie James and Trish Stratus was mildly entertaining too. I'm really reaching here.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Classic Review: WrestleMania 33
I know it hasn't been long enough to be considered a classic but wrestlemania had a pretty long dry spell before this of being mediocre or just flat out boring and the wrestlemania that came after this... well, it wasn't too great either with a few exceptions. Leading up to wrestlemania these reviews will probably strictly be older wrestlemania's or events leading up to the big event.
Aj Styles vs. Shane McMahon
This was the perfect match to start the night. This match had no business being as entertaining as it was, but, then again you did have Aj Styles to carry most of it. Especially with this being just a normal match, no special stipulations added, and Shane McMahon being known as the ultimate risk taker in big gimmick matches, taking away the possibility for Shane to really do any breath taking spots, this was still a great match. Aj wins after a failed shooting star press by Shane, ending one of the best matches to start a wrestlemania.
Chris Jericho (C) vs. Kevin Owens
Best friends turned enemies and Kevin Owens challenging Chris Jericho for the United States championship. I didn't appreciate this match as much as I should have when I watched it the first time, I thought it was too slowly paced and cool down following the Aj and Shane match. But with a second watch I found out I was wrong, this was just a really solid wrestling match between two really solid wrestlers. This was a great match to go second but unfortunately going into it I knew Kevin would win since I heard rumors prior that Jericho would need time off to tour with his band. It doesn't bring the quality of the match down any, a well deserved win and championship run for a great athlete in Kevin Owens.
Bayley (C) vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax vs. Charlotte Flair (Elimination Fatal 4 Way)
I wanna start by saying I am now and always have been a massive Bayley fan and even watching this live for the first time I wanted her to win, its just the way it happened and leading up to it it felt like the conclusion was undeserved. The match started great, Nia was the one common threat everyone could target and we got some great moments out of the short 3 on 1 against Nia. Unfortunately, Nia Jax was the first to get eliminated and after she got eliminated the final three just looked... lost? The match just didn't flow very well after Nia was pinned. Sasha was the next to get eliminated after being thrown into the "exposed" turnbuckle. It was an abrupt elimination and after Sasha went through the first womans hell in a cell and iron woman match I just have a hard time believing she would've been pinned this easily. Ultimately Bayley gets the win pinning Charlotte after a series of confusing events. I love Bayley and I'm glad she got her wrestlemania moment especially considering nowadays and it looks like she probably won't get another run with the title, at least not for a really long time. I think everyone else is with me when I say going into this wrestlemania I wanted a one on one with a heel Sasha Banks taking on a face Bayley and Bayley ultimately overcoming the odds and getting the win. Unfortunately she was a booked like a paper champion leading up to this match and she won like a paper champion. I mean, just look at some of her facial expressions during the match, she just looks scared.
The Hardy Boyz vs. Enzo & Cass vs. The Bar vs. The Club (Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match for the Raw tag team titles)
Matt and Jeff returning is probably the biggest surprise in WWE history. Many speculated they would return but everyone figured there was just no way and we were all just fantasy booking again but when they made their entrance the crowd was on fire. Unless CM Punk ever returns, this will be the biggest pop for returning stars ever. The match quality wasn't fantastic but Jeff Hardy hit a swanton bomb off a ladder onto Cesaro through a ladder and Matt Hardy pulled the tag team titles down to end the match so it gets a pass. I didn't think I would ever see Matt and Jeff in a WWE ring again, let alone win tag team titles and work at the rate they did, it was amazing to see live and even rewatching it puts a smile on my face. Hardys win and make a great wrestlemania moment.
John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse
I'm convinced this match is here so John Cena could propose afterwards. Everyone knew it was coming, it would shock me if Nikki was genuinely surprised. John and Nikki win by the way. Also, the reaction Miz got throughout this match was awesome, I'm a Miz fan so hearing him get cheered like he was felt great.
Seth Rollins vs. Triple H (unsanctioned match)
The build up to this match was incredible. This was building ever since Seth turned his back on his shield partners and joined up with Triple H and the authority. Seth was selling a kayfabe knee injury that honestly hurt the match more than it helped. This match just didn't pack the punch for me it needed to feel like Seth overcame something great. When I hear unsanctioned match I think back to Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels at summerslam. That was a killer match. But this isn't 2002 so maybe it's my fault for putting my expectations so high for this match. I wanted this to be an epic back and forth, spot heavy, hardcore match. But it turned out to be a slowly paced, not much to talk about kind of match. Seeing Seth win is always cool but the match was kind of a let down.
Bray Wyatt (C) vs. Randy Orton
This match was just not good. The build up was cool and unique and seeing Bray with the championship was cool but this match was just... bad. The random insects projected on the mat was unique but it didn't really help Bray at all so what was the point? Randy ended up winning and having another forgettable run with the WWE title and Bray will forever be known as a transitional champion. I will say, seeing all the cell phone lights during Bray's entrance was very cool.
Goldberg (C) vs. Brock Lesnar
This match was everything it needed to be and also this was the last time I was genuinely entertained by a Lesnar match. A short, hard hitting match was everything this could and needed to be. Brock got speared through a barricade so that was fun to watch. Lesnar wins after hitting ten German suplex's and an F5. You can tell Brock was even enjoying himself considering he fist bumped a fan on his way back up the ramp after the match.
Alexa Bliss (C) vs. Naomi vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Mickie James vs. Natalya
This match was fast paced, fun to watch and everyone got their stuff in. But I know it could have been better if they were given more time. I'm not too sure why this match got cut so short but I can only speculate it's because the pitbull concert that was uneeded. Oh well, like I said the match was short, fast paced, really good, fun to watch and everyone got to have their own little wrestlemania moment within this match. It was Naomi's hometown and she never really lost the title so it was easy to tell she was gonna win here. That and she was the only person to get a full entrance. I wont lie, even with the addition of Naomi I was pulling for either Alexa to retain or Becky to win it. I guess looking back the right person won, she got to win the womans title back in her hometown in the second to last match at wrestlemania. Very fun match.
Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker (No Holds Barred)
This was difficult to watch. I grew up with the Undertaker and I didn't want to see him lose or even really look weak. I know he's old and a veteran of the company and for guys like him it's only right to put over the young star but... its Undertaker. From a quality of match perspective it didn't feel like Undertakers last match but the send off after the match ended was emotional and sad to watch. People had to now deal with the fact (including myself) the superstar they grew up with was now riding off into the sunset. We know now this wouldn't be Takers last match but it should've been. I could've went without the Cena match and I certainly could have gone without whatever they had him do at Crown Jewel. To be fair, Roman losing this match wouldn't have hurt his image but this is probably what Undertaker wanted when I think about the kind of guy he his and the time he was brought up in. Even knowing the Undertakers future after this match watching the send off still made me emotional, watching him get speared and hit with chair shots and get pinned was still difficult to watch. I'm not going to say Undertaker was my favorite wrestler or anything but you dont need to be someone's favorite to hold a special place in their heart. The Undertaker is a legend, he gave everything to the business and he deserves to be respected as the man he is.
Pros: Aj vs. Shane, Jericho vs. Owens, Hardyz return, SmackDown womans championship match, Goldberg vs. Brock, Undertaker send off
Cons: Bray vs. Orton, Seth vs. Triple H, Roman vs. Undertaker
This wrestlemania had everything but most importantly it made me feel. I felt happiness watching some of my favorite wrestlers win, I felt excitement seeing the Hardys come back and I felt sadness seeing the Undertaker lose and be sent off and ultimately if you can make me feel real emotions for these scripted events, I don't care, you've done something right. This event embodies why I'm a wrestling fan, whether WWE intended it or not me and many other wrestling fans grow emotional attachment to our favorite wrestlers and this event capped off everything. If you're a long time fan or someone just starting to watch the product this a great wrestlemania to watch.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
AEW vs. WWE (essay)
I know men and woman I love watching each week on wwe television will move onto AEW and it's a reality that WWE fans have to accept. I do want AEW to succeed, the time, money and effort being put into the company deserves to be met with some positive results. I grew up with WWE and no matter how bad things get I'll always want WWE to succeed and stay on top. I'm not afraid to admit I'll always have a bias to WWE. I've been a fan since about 2005, I haven't been around as long as most but I've still put many years into this product. Watching the weekly shows, begging my parents to buy that months pay-per-view as a kid, when I had a bad day in some form or another I could always go to WWE to take my mind off it. Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Jeff and Matt Hardy, Triple H, Randy Orton and soooooo many more have entertained me as WWE superstars for years and those were just ruthless aggression superstars I named. Nowadays I see guys like Adam Cole, Finn Balor, Alestiar Black, Dakota Kai, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Velveteen Dream, Seth Rollins and alot more, I tune in weekly and on pay-per-views because these are the guys today I wanna see succeed, I want them to put on killer matches and achieve everything they can and I cant lie when I say if I saw any of these guys I listed leave to AEW it would break my heart. I know these guys had success on the indies prior to WWE but WWE is what made me aware of these guys and showed all the talent they have and I know it's just TV and if I wanna see them all I would have to do is change the channel but it wouldn't be WWE. I talk shit about the product when I dont like what's going on but I still watch because I care, i talk shit about it because I want it to be successful and fun to watch like I remember when I was kid. The WWE will always have a special place in my heart and at the end of the day I'll keep watching, I'll keep complaining when things aren't going right, but I'll always be hoping the superstars I love watching don't go anywhere and succeed with WWE. My absolute favorite wrestler right now is Adam Cole and I have WWE to thank for even making me aware of his existence. I'm sure AEW will succeed and be fun to watch but I'll always be team WWE because WWE was always there for me when nothing else was.
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Classic Review: WrestleMania 21
Now that we're officially on the road to wrestlemania I thought it would be neat to review some retro pay-per-views. Personally this is one of my favorite wrestlemania's of all time, so let's get started...
Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
The night starts with the current smackdown tag team champions going one on one. Just a year earlier Eddie Guerrero was in a classic match against Kurt Angle for the WWE Undisputed Championship and this year, he opens the show with real life close friend, Rey Mysterio. While at times it can feel like the match was kinda slowly paced, this is truly a great wrestling match to start the show featuring two of the very best to ever set foot in a ring. Up to this point the story is Eddie Guerrero has achieved so much in his career, but he hasn't beaten Rey Mysterio. So a desperate Eddie Guerrero attempts to do all he can to add the name Rey Mysterio to the long list of legendary superstars that he beat. A lot of great near falls but ultimately, Rey Mysterio picks up the win with a roll up. Perfect storytelling to end the match. When it comes to this rivalry it perfectly shows how Eddie is always within inches of pulling off the win but cant quite do it. Perfect way to start the show.
Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Edge vs. Kane
The first money in the bank ladder match ever and this truly did not disappoint. Just look at the names involved, there was no way this match could fail. Its hard to keep track of all the big spots in this match, so you'll have to either take my word for it or check it out on the WWE network, this match was awesome. Ultimately Edge gets the win here after hitting Chris Benoit off the ladder with a chair. I remember being surprised at the outcome my first time ever seeing this but, honestly, for the first ever winner of the money in the bank ladder match, it was the perfect choice.
Undertaker vs. Randy Orton
Just listening to Randy talk in the video package played before the match reminds me just how charismatic he was, how he had a passion for what he was saying and what he was doing. He was a young, top star at the time and for good reason, no matter what he did, it was great. Plus with his legend killer gimmick and his cocky attitude, Randy Orton was an obvious pick to be the man to challenge Undertakers undefeated streak at this year's wrestlemania. At the end, it was Undertaker who gets the win here. It was the right choice to have Taker go over and I'm not upset at the decision but can you imagine if Randy Orton won this match? The legend killer gimmick, the heat he would've had moving forward. This loss didn't make Orton lose any momentum but if he did win, that would've been massive for Orton at this stage in his career and the character he was portraying. This was also a pretty fast paced match, which is refreshing to see, an Undertaker that can keep up with his opponent. I mean no disrespect at all, its impressive that he even still can step in the ring today, old age is just something that happens to all of us and with old age comes not being able to move as quickly or efficiently as you used to. All I'm saying is, seeing Taker be able to keep up with a young Randy Orton is a nice sight to see.
Trish Stratus (c) vs. Christy Hemme
I didn't care too much for this match. Did WWE, honestly? We know today some female wrestlers can easily outperform some of the male talent but that certainly cant be said for WWE's diva division during the ruthless aggression era. You had a couple gems like Trish Stratus and Lita but Christy Hemme just was not ready to compete for the title, against one of the top female talent, on the companies biggest show of the year. I don't remember if Lita was coming off an injury at the time it should've just been trish vs. Lita. Lita was in Christy's corner and already had an old rivalry with Trish that could have been reignited but Christy was the cover girl for playboy at the time and sex sales so I guess from a money making standpoint the choice was clear who they had to go with to compete for the divas title. It felt like WWE treated its women like the fans did at the time, the restroom break of the show. Trish won by the way, but with a match with so little thought put behind it, does it matter?
Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
This match was absolutely incredible. Two of wrestlings absolute best going one on one in a wrestlemania classic and this match lived up to the hype and so much more. Really, I'm not just overhyping this match, if you haven't seen this match, it is an absolute must watch, these guys made every minute they were given count. The fierceness in Kurt Angle and the resilience of Shawn Michaels made for one of the best matches probably ever. The chemistry between these two was unreal, even if you have seen this match its deserving of a second, third and even fourth rewatch. Kurt Angle gets the win in this match but both men left this match looking even better then they did coming into it and honestly, isn't that the indication of a great match?
Sumo Match: Akebono vs. Big Show
I guess WWE needed a "fun" and "cool" and "unique" moment for wrestlemania. But up to this point we've seen segments including Hulk Hogan, Rowdy Piper, and Stone Cold Steve Austin so this just kinda comes off as another bathroom break moment. Kind of a boring segment to be honest. This time could have been used to give some other superstars some screen time.
JBL (c) vs. John Cena
First off, the buildup to this match was incredible, all the best feuds feel personal and just watching the video package before the match, this felt personal. Watching this feud build up on a week to week basis had to be some of the most interesting storytelling in recent years. JBL may not have been the greatest wrestler ever but that man can talk with a cockiness and intensity unlike most today. Plus you had John Cena still doing his rapper gimmick. In my opinion Cena was doing some of his best work ever during this time. He had an edge to him when he spoke, a hunger in him to get to the top and he wasn't going to let anyone get in his way. I'm a fan of this John Cena. Unfortunately the match didn't really live up though. Pretty slow paced and one sided for the most part. This was Cena's first Undisputed Championship victory though and the celebration was fun to watch. Him jumping in the crowd and overall just losing himself in the moment. Its small things like jumping over the barricade and celebrating with the fans after a title win that superstars dont do anymore and its just nice to see someone actually celebrate winning a title they worked hard to get to, you know, being happy your hard work finally paid off, crazy right? This win started the John Cena dynasty though. We know him today as the guy who tied Ric Flairs record for most major titles won and this is where it all began. The ride to get here was fun to watch since he debuted back in 2002, the hype to the match was great and the celebration was fun to watch. I just wish the match was a little better.
2005 Hall of Fame Inductees: "Cowboy" Bob Orton, Nikolai Volkoff, Iron Sheik, Paul Orndorff, Jimmy Hart, "Rowdy" Roddy Pipper (RIP), Hulk Hogan.
Triple H (c) vs. Batista
Firstly, if I was booking the break down of evolution I would've put Randy Orton in this position. I like Batista and this wasn't a bad match, I just feel Randy was the first one to get screwed over by Triple H after he won the world title back at SummerSlam so I would've liked to see it all come full circle and Randy win the title back in the main event of the biggest show the company has to offer. I would've went as far as to keep Batista apart of evolution for a little while longer before feuding with Triple H. But that didn't happen and all I can do is talk about what actually happened. Some get upset about Triple H holding the title for as long as he did and beating the talent that he beat but I dont mind it, its what the world title needed at the time. Triple H was the first world champion since WWE decided to bring it over from WCW to make it raws main title so you have to put some prestige on it and solidify it as a title worth winning. Triple H was on the weekly shows every week, could cut an amazing promo and could put on a great match. Triple H is exactly what the world title needed. Triple H bled and he bled alot in this match. I know blood isn't need to have a great match but it does have some added intensity. It says alot about a match, a championship and a rivalry. It says "I'm willing to bleed and give everything I have to offer to put on a good match, I'm willing to go through anything I have to in order to win or retain this championship". It was fairly back and forth but it felt like Batista got in the majority of the offense which is odd because typically you'd expect the current champion to get in most of the offense and the challenger have a big comeback near the end to signify he went through a beating but hes still standing because this match means too much to lose. But, it was triple H taking most of the beating. Like I said, he bled and bled alot. Batista ended up getting the win and earning his first major wwe title. We all know now how good Batista but like I said, at the time I would've given the shot to Orton. In my opinion at the time he was better on the mic and in the ring. Batista was no slouch, he could talk and he could work but I think he could have benefited from keeping the title off him for just a little while longer. Maybe wait until next years wrestlemania or that years SummerSlam? But what's done is done and the match was entertaining and seeing a young star come out on top is always a good way to end a wrestlemania.
Pros: Money in the Bank, Undertaker v. Randy Orton, Kurt Angle v. Shawn Michaels
Cons: Trish Stratus v. Christy Hemme, Sumo Match
From what I saw the good outweighed the bad by a ton. As good as the show was I was believe it was still missing alot. There was no tag team title match, united states title match or intercontinental title match. I don't even remember who held those titles at the time but there certainly could've been some segments and matches that could've been shortened or scrapped to make room for all the champions to get some screen time. This was the first pay-per-view I ever ordered and watched live so when I say this one of my favorite wrestlemania's of all time it's because it holds a special place in my heart. I definitely recommend checking the pay-per-view out if you haven't seen it and have the spare time, it's a fun watch with some great matches
Final rating: 4/5
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worldwrestlingfanatic 6 years
Enjoy a fun screenshot of Vince McMahon from the first smackdown vs. raw game released back in 2005
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