#super zavok
wetwaluigi · 1 year
i see no reason why super zavok cant exist
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i looked up super zavok out or sheer boredom to see if there were any attempts and there really weren't so im doing my duty as a zeti fan
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 2 months
God, for the IDW writers, the Metal Virus Saga must have been such a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too storyline.
Like they got to have a zillion different characters turn into zombots in as many ways. Half the time it was people doing really stupid things that make everything worse for themselves and everyone around them. A character voluntarily bringing a zombot-in-a-box into a safe house was somehow not the thing that resulted in that safe house getting compromised. We got basically every possible reaction to a realizing that a particular character was infected. Everything gets worse and worse at every turn, with apocalyptic stakes from beginning to end. It managed to have Sonic the Hedgehog just about succumb to the virus with a POV shot from his own perspective, for Gaia's sake! Plus, even better than most zombie stories, the protagonists can't actually kill the zombots -- they're durable enough to take a point-blank shot from Omega and a direct hit from Amy's hammer, meaning the numbers are always going up and up!
... And the story could get away with all that because it was all temporary. A "cure" is always on the table, basically from the beginning, and in true Sonic fashion, the solution involves getting all the Chaos Emeralds. Cool action sequence leading up to it with Giant Zavok where Sonic teams up with Metal Sonic and Silver puts up an A.T. field. And then, right before Sonic succumbs completely, he goes Super Sonic alongside Super Silver. Poof, the Metal Virus gets physically pulled out of everyone, and they use the Warp Topaz to dump it into the goddamn sun, because fuck you, we're Super Sonic and Super Silver with the Warp Topaz. Hooray, wholesale victory, tearful reunions, and Whisper going +_+ before pouncehugging Tangle. And it's not even a reset-button ending, because the zombots did a lot of damage, and also sets up a number of plot points going forward!
Like I need to stress that I'm not even criticizing it. It Just Works! Plot devices like that are actually pretty great, when used in moderation.
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These two pages are the definition of catharsis. After so much stress and tension watching our heroes go through such horrors, seeing Sonic and Silver finally go Super and rid the world of the Metal Virus (and watching Super Sonic beat the ever loving piss out of Zavok) got an audible "HEEEEEELLL YEAAAAH!!!" out of me.
In light of recent antics by a certain shapeshifter in the IDW comics, I felt like we all needed a reminder that we have pages like this to look forward to. A great moment of catharsis when the villian is finally defeated.
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Also I just love this pose. Guy looks so fucking done.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #30: Cured
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After the epic battle between Super Sonic and Super Silver & Kaiju!Zavok, as well as removing the Metal Virus from everything and everyone, we are left with a nice little epilogue to wrap things up and finally end The Metal Virus Saga. Welcome, folks, to The Out of the Blue Arc.
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We are met with Super Sonic and Super Silver, just moments before the explosion in the last Issue happened. Super Silver cries out for Super Sonic that the Metal Virus is gone, so Super Sonic decides to ditch the Warp Topaz. One moment later, Silver crashes into the ground, explaining what had happened as Knuckles and Tails help him up.
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Amy is horrified at the implication of Sonic being gone, but Knuckles is confident that Sonic just wanted to be dramatic and that he would float down in front of them, all smug and golden, any minute now.
Aaaaaany minute now.
Honestly, I love Knuckles here. I love how he knows Sonic so well and believes in him, thinking he’ll just appear out of nowhere, completely fine. It just shows that, even if Sonic does get on his nerves, they’re still friends and respect each other’s strength.
Amy and Tails meanwhile are not as hopeful, wanting to search for Sonic, but they have no idea where to start. Knuckles then gets annoyed, noting how Sonic makes him look bad, yelling to knock it off and get back.
Meanwhile, Eggman sneaks away into the shuttle, figuring that Sonic is gone, one way or another, and while everyone’s distracted, he can get away.
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Meanwhile, as everyone in the background is celebrating, Cream and Vanilla are discussing how Sonic is nowhere in sight. Vanilla tries to comfort her, only for them to get approached by Gemerl, and Cream realizes he’s being controlled by Zavok. Pissed off, Cream yells at him to go home, but Zavok replies with a curt “No”.
Despite his ominous presence, he is still injured from the fight, clutching at his sides, but swearing he won’t suffer from another humiliating defeat at Sonic’s hands and since he lost the Zombots and the Metal Virus, he’ll tear the world down with his brute hands. Apparently, dude never heard of tactical retreat, huh?
Cream wants none of that, so she sics Cheese on him, who lands a hit on him. This is followed by Tangle wrapping him up in her tail. They then get joined by Vector, Espio and Charmy, as well as Silver and Whisper.
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Zavok refuses to fall, throwing everyone off himself, but he gets hit by Whisper and held down by Silver, unable to counter the former’s psychokinesis. We even see Shadow in the last panel, just walking away. I guess the mighty leader of The Deadly Six isn’t worth his time.
Or maybe, it is something else. 
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Meanwhile, Knuckles is still staring at the sky, holding out hope for Sonic’s return, while Amy and Tails are taking a moment to breathe. Amy has clearly enough of everything, on top of Sonic’s disappearance, but Tails reminds her the Zeti are still loose. We then see Zazz, Zeena, Zor, Zomom and Master Zik deciding to just ditch everything and reunite with Zavok.
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We also see the Babylon Rogues, who had survived the Zombot onslaught, Storm hugging happily Jet and Wave. Jet tells him to put him down, while Wave asks Jet whether he’s okay. Jet assures her that he’s fine, with Wave wanting to find Zik and turn him into prune juice. Jet notes that Zik is probably on the run, with Wave pointing out who didn’t run - Jet! He remained with them, and Wave and Storm admire him for that, calling him brave and noble.
Gotta say, I absolutely agree with Wave here. Jet is a badass... even if his ego is bigger than the Babylon Rogues’ airship. Nevertheless, I like the moment here, even with Jet bragging about him being the greatest leader of all time.
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Back on Angel Island, Amy laments about going back to whatever is left in the Restoration HQ, with Tails telling her to take a break and asks her why she took the role of the leader. Amy replies that she took it upon herself because a certain someone dissolved the Resistance. Knuckles responds how the War was over and his place was on Angel Island, and how Amy could’ve just refused, but Amy didn’t want to let the people rebuild without any help. They then realize the shuttle is gone, with Big pointing at it in the sky.
Tails and Amy realize it is Eggman who is flying it, while Knuckles leaves them, noting how there’s one more headache he has to deal with.
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Knuckles approaches the Master Emerald, with Rouge still lounging on it. Knuckles informs he calmly about Eggman’s escape, asking her why she’s not keeping an eye on him, but Rouge responds how he’s the Guardian of the Island, so isn’t that his job? Knuckles responds how it’s time to scram, with Rouge telling him to give her another minute.
Honestly, I’m surprised that Knuckles hadn’t punched her off the Master Emerald. One would think he’d do that, but no, he takes a more diplomatic approach and just tells her to leave. Again, it’s great to see him like this.
On the other hand, he does threaten to throw her off the island, but Rouge gets down and seems to blush a little when Rouge says good-bye to him, calling him handsome.
Again, I love these two.
Knuckles then once again looks up at the sky, still waiting for Sonic to show up.
“Any minute now.”
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We then check in on Gemerl, who finds Orbot and Cubot. The duo tells Eggman they’ve been discovered, so Eggman commands Metal Sonic to retrieve them, punching a hole through Gemerl(!) and grabbing Orbot and Cubot, flying off. Damn, Gemerl is lucky he’s a robot, or else we would’ve seen blood.
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Whisper fires at Metal Sonic, but Metal just activates his Black Shield, dropping Gemerl, Orbot and Cubot, then drops the Black Shield and snatches Orbot and Cubot, flying up again. Charmy attempts to go after him, but Vector holds him back, not wanting to go through losing Charmy again (Dad Mode activated!) and tells Silver to grab Metal. Silver, however, is too busy holding Zavok down, so he calls out for Shadow, who zooms right away.
Now, I genuinely like this sequence.
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Shadow uses his air shoes in an attempt to catch up with the shuttle, but gets elbowed in the face by Metal Sonic The two fight, with Shadow jumping off a branch and using the air shoes to fly at Metal Sonic.
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He spin-dashes into Metal Sonic, with the two continuing their fight.
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Metal Sonic blocks another spin-dash, knocking Shadow into the forest below, and flies back to the shuttle. Shadow follows them, but he cannot reach the shuttle anymore, glaring at it, his hand shaking.
All of this is done in complete silence and honestly, I believe this was Shadow’s attempt to redeem himself for what happened at Sunset City. I know, I know, some might say that “oh, this is Shadow trying to get payback for his bruised ego” and I get it. However, my interpretation of this scene is that Shadow is frustrated at himself for not listening to Sonic, so he listens to Silver the moment the latter alerts him to Eggman’s escape. He tries to catch Eggman, but is beaten by Metal Sonic, failing once again at his duty at protecting the world. I believe that this will carry over into the next arc because of a specific scene that happens in this arc.
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Meanwhile, in the Sol Dimension, Blaze enjoys the quiet evening, happy that things are peaceful...
...and then the universe itself decides to prove her wrong; and I swear I laughed for a solid minute at this panel.
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Blaze runs up to the crater, swearing she’ll deal with anyone who dared to intrude and is shocked at whom she finds.
It is none other than Sonic the Hedgehog! Bruised, beaten, and a little crisp, but alive nonetheless.
#Previous Issue
#Next Issue
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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legendofgenjiart · 2 years
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Yes, they are totally holding hands. Are they a thing? Possibly.
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bones-and-whatnot · 8 months
Sonic & Mario Character Archetypes, Part 3
(Bowser’s retinue all get a modern counterpart and a classic counterpart because I couldn’t decide.)
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Modern: The Villain’s Right Hands— The Stuffy, Snarky One and the Goofier One
Classic: The Conniving Old Man Assisting A Villain and the Wicked Witch
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Villain Squad— The Arrogant, “Classy” Leader (self-proclaimed or otherwise)
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one more for the night
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donelywell · 4 months
Road Trip MasterPost
Some people have been asking for it- so here it is! I'll keep updating it (probably will forget sometimes so please don't hunt me down) as I keep posting. But beware, lots of things are still not concrete on the timeline placement, so I might shimmy some things around (which sucks because Tails' fur is supposed to be fading into his yellow and patterns as he grows into a little kid, so that's gonna be out of order)
Putting a cut here because it's a LOT of posts (and way more to come later down the line)
There is now also an Ask Blog!
Is there an Eggman?
Does Sonic sound really annoying?
Height Charts
It is not always smooth sailing raising a kid twice your size
HedgeFox (and werebeing) infodump
Sonic and Eggman's dynamic (plus an idea of Sonic's Backstory)
Vector's comical height
Tails' nose bandage
Shadow's Black Arm design looks like a bat
Why does Tails not like that he's a fox?
Tails can't hear Super Sonic's Judgement
Super Sonic's Earring
What's Amy to Tails?
Does Tails Squish Sonic when he turns back into a normal hedgehog?
Hedgefox goes poof
Kneading (1)
Kneading (2)
Will Tails literally outgrow the van?
Why is it called 'Road Trip'?
What is Sonic and Knuckles' relationship?
Tails' unknown family: Fiona and Floris
Does Tails ever find out about his secret sisters?, (What if they did find out?)
Info Cards:
The Dream Cast (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy), (The Tornado)
The Club Ruby Members (Shadow, E-123 Omega, Rouge, Silver)
The Classic Crew (Mighty, Ray, Trip)
Zavok (will update to full group post when it's made)
Story in some sort of order (will be more fleshed out over time):
First Contact
Meeting Amy (Tails), (Pinky Promise), (Uncertainty), (He Returns!)
Growing up
Super Full Moon Hedgefox (1), (2)
Nighttime worries
You're my Mom, my Dad, and my Picket Fence
Madame Maroon finds her one true love
No Matter What
Mother's Day
Sonic Goes Super for the First Time (1), (2)
Sonic Goes Super for the Second Time
Sonic is Dead., (Bonus TMoStH doodles)
Doodles for the fun of it:
Maria and Shadow goofy doodles
No Pickles
Everything the light touches is our kingdom
Mouth Crocodad?
HedgeWOLF 2 (electric boogaloo)
Work Doodles
Nine-Tailed Travel Guide through the Multiverse (1), (2)
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comfort-clubhouse · 1 year
Comfort Characters
(Wave 1)
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ENA (ENA Season 1)
Kirby (Kirby)
Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
My Melody (Sanrio and Onegai My Melody)
Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Oggy (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Olivia (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Soft Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin - Soft)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
MX (Mario 85 and Mario's Madness)
SCP-049 (SCP)
SCP-999 (SCP)
Rayman (Rayman)
Hex (Friday Night Funkin)
QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Nikusa (Friday Night Funkin)
Rascal (Friday Night Funkin)
Rosalina (Mario)
Luigi (Mario)
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
Tippi (Super Paper Mario)
Boo (Mario)
Zavok (Sonic)
Chao (Sonic)
Orbot (Sonic)
Cream (Sonic)
Cubot (Sonic)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob)
Slenderman (Creepypasta)
Splendor Man (Creepypasta)
Lulu (Creepypasta)
Lost Silver (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Father (Kids Next Door)
Monty Uno (Kids Next Door)
Jaune (Spooky Month)
Skid (Spooky Month)
Robert (Spooky Month)
Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Little Miss Sunshine (Little Miss)
Little Miss Shy (Little Miss)
Mr Quiet (Mr Men Show)
Ragdoll (The Batman 2004 Series)
Question (Justice League Unlimited)
Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Jigglypuff (Pokémon)
Darkrai (Pokèmon)
Snatcher (Hat In Time)
Grim (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
Bread Mother (DHMIS)
Electracey (DHMIS)
Chudd Chudders (Skatoony)
Edd (Eddsworld)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Scarecrow (The New Batman Adventures, Arkham Knight and Injustice 2)
(Wave 2)
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Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
Eri (My Hero Academia)
Bubble (Battle For Dream Island)
X (Battle For BFB)
DangerGrid of Doom (Skatoony)
Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
Bendy (Bendy & The Dark Revival)
Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and The Ink Machine)
Baroness Von Bon Bon (Cuphead Show)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
N (Murder Drones)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Toriel (Undertale)
Majin Sonic (VS Sonic.EXE)
Mad Hatter (Batman The Animated Series)
(Wave 3)
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Mushi Sanban (Kids Next Door)
Maurice (Kids Next Door)
Dr Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Miraitowa (Tokyo 2020 Mascot)
Someity (Tokyo 2020 Mascot)
Right Hand Man (Henry Stickmin)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Dingodile (Crash Bandicoot)
Aku Aku (Crash Bandicoot)
Scarecrow (Harley Quinn Series and Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Sarvente (Friday Night Funkin)
Wall-E (Wall-E)
EVE (Wall-E)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Mr Shark (The Bad Guys)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Robert Englund (Celebrity)
Charles Martinet (Celebrity)
(Wave 4)
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Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Luther (Needlem0use)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
Collin (Helluva Boss)
Ms Joke (My Hero Academia)
Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
EteleD (Wii Deleted You)
Corrupted Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Duck Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Red Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Bingo (Banana Splits)
Snorky (Banana Splits)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Lord X (VS Sonic.EXE)
Curse (VS Sonic.EXE)
Hog (VS Sonic.EXE)
Hypno (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Lani-Loli (Crash Bandicoot)
Pusheen (Pusheen The Cat)
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugarbunnies)
Pump (Spooky Month)
Spot (Spot The Dog)
Dr Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin)
Reginald Copperbottom (Henry Stickmin)
Sun (Five Nights At Freddy's - Security Breach)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing Paralympics Mascot)
Meilin Lee (Turning Red)
Abby Park (Turning Red)
Zazz (Sonic)
King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Mugman (Cuphead Show)
Perrito (Puss In Boots)
Meggy (SMG4)
Scarecrow (Batman The Animated Series and Arkham Asylum)
Harry Hill (Celebrity)
Jaiden Animations (YouTuber)
(Wave 5)
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Moon Knight (Marvel)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
Alice (Pokémon)
Alicia (Pokémon)
Eevee (Pokémon)
Tari (SMG4)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Poppet (Moshi Monsters)
Capt Squirk (Moshi Monsters)
Baby Rox (Moshi Monsters)
Gary (SpongeBob)
Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob)
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
White Hat (Villainous)
505 (Villainous)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Iris (Pokémon)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Dawko (YouTuber)
CookieSwirlC (YouTuber)
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
ZAVOK NOOGYING BIG T CAT (jk uhhh super amy?? :D)
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lecaudal · 5 months
My ideas for new waves of STH Lego sets that would focus on new characters
Sol Castle: A castle and tower build with fire elements (50 dollars)
Minifigures: Blaze the Cat, Silver the Hedgehog, Zavok the Yeti
Team Chaotix Battlepack: A jungle tree with a flat canopy (20 dollars)
Minifigures: Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, Charmy the Bee, Crabmeat
Team Eggman Battlepack: A platform build with an arm to move Badniks around (20 dollars)
Minifigures: Metal Sonic, Caterkiller, Balkiry, Snail Blaster
Team Dark Battlepack: A bit of smashed road (20 dollars)
Minifigures: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, 2x G.U.N. Agents
Echidna Temple: A simple temple build with a giant Perfect Chaos figure that the minifigure can sit inside (45 dollars)
Minifigures: Tikal the Echidna and Chaos
Tails' Performance: A stage build with a tower and stairs (30 dollars)
Minifigures: Tails in pink dress, Marine the Raccoon, Cream the Rabbit, Cheese the Chao
Big's Pond: A small pond build with a deck and a buoy (15 dollars)
Minifigures: Big the Cat, Froggy
E-123 Omega Polybag: A buildable Omega figure (5 dollars)
35 years of Sonic the Hedgehog (2026) Midi Scale Death Egg or ARK Colony: A small model of the Death Egg that has an alternate build as the ARK Colony (80 dollars)
Minifigures: Doctor Eggman and Doctor Gerald Robotnik
Exclusive Minifigure: Maria Robotnik
25th anniversary of Sonic Adventure 2 (2026) Finalhazard Showdown: A large model of the final battle scene in SA2 (60 dollars)
Minifigures: Super Sonic and Super Shadow
Exclusive Minifigure: Barry the Quokka
Minifigures Series: Tom Wachowski with Donut Box, Maddie Wachowski with Tails' Tech, Dr Robotnik (Jim Carrey version) with new mustache piece, Agent Stone with goat figure and coffee cup, Mighty the Armadillo, Ray the Flying Squirrel, Fang the Hunter, Merlina with cape and custom staff, Mephiles the Dark with power blasts, Sage the Al with "Let's Go Dad" folded shirt tile, Infinite the Jackal with Phantom Ruby, and Black Doom with alien
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flickynightdarkness · 2 years
Waves 1-18 Of My Comfort Characters List
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Oggy & Olivia (Oggy & The Cockroaches)
Little Miss Sunshine & Little Miss Shy (Little Misses)
Mr Quiet & Mr. Scatterbrain (Mr Men Show)
Hello Kitty, My Melody & Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Jigglypuff, Hypno, Eevee, Pichu, Torchic, Jirachi, Manaphy, Darkrai, Alice, Alicia, Dwebble, Iris & Sylveon (Pokémon)
Atsuover, Rageminer, Dawko, Jaiden Animations, CookieSwirlC, Nicky Tate, WolfyChu, Rosanna Pansino, Ava Ryan (YouTubers)
Holly & Nanny Plum (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom)
Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Slinky Dog, Jessie, Trixie & Bonnie (Toy Story)
Kasane Teto, Kagamine Rin & Hatsune Miku (Vocaloids)
Bubble (BFDI)
Cake, X & Winner (BFB + TPOT)
Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Bow & MePad (Inanimate Insanity)
Sonic, Tails, Vector, Chip, Cream, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Zavok, Zazz & Tails Doll (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Rosalina, Boo, Count Bleck & Tippi (Super Mario)
Dum Mee Mee (Shopkins)
Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa & Po (Teletubbies)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl (Steven Universe)
Giulia (Luca)
Wall-E & EVE (Wall-E)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Scarecrow & Mad Hatter (BTAS)
Scarecrow (TNBA)
Scarecrow (The Brave & The Bold)
Scarecrow (Arkham Asylum)
Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)
Scarecrow (Injustice 2)
Scarecrow & King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Scarecrow (Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Ragdoll (The Batman Series)
Question (DCAU)
Harley Quinn (MultiVersus)
SpongeBob, Patrick Star, Gary The Snail & Sandy Cheeks (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Moomimtroll, Moominmamma & Snorkmaiden (Moomin Series)
Numbuh 3/Kuki Sanban, Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, Mushi Sanban, Numbuh 9/Maurice, Father/Benedict Wigglestein & Monty Uno/Numbuh 0 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
The Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Poppet, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Baby Rox, Kissy, Captain Squirk & Dr. Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
Needlem0use & Luther Artwright (Needlem0use)
Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom & Flurry Heart (My Little Pony)
505 & White Hat (Villainous)
Odie (Garfield)
Lilo, Stitch & Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
Candy Cat & Bunzo Bunny (Poppy Playtime)
F, P & Y (Alphabet Lore)
Rover, Isabelle, Timmy Nook & Tommy Nook (Animal Crossing)
Boo (Monsters Inc)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Felix & King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Mio Mao
Edd, Matt, Tom & Tord (Eddsworld)
Tuffy & Tyke (Tom & Jerry)
Roy O'Brien (ROY Series)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Toriel, Napstablook, Sans & Papyrus (Undertale)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Hex, Tabi, Sunday, Sarvente, Nikusa, Annie, Garcello, Chris, Legacy Annie/Rascal & QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Soft! Boyfriend (FNF: Soft)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Electracey, Bread Mother & Lesley (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Puss In Boots, Kitty Softpaws, Three Diablos & Perrito (Puss In Boots)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Dave Algebra Class
SCP-049/Plague Doctor & SCP-999/Tickle Monster (SCP)
Skid, Pump, Robert, Jaune & Streber (Spooky Month)
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugar Bunnies)
Bingo & Snorky (Banana Splits)
Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Grim Reaper (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
Spot The Dog
Harry Hill, Robert Englund, Charles Martinet & Tom Kenny (Celebrities)
Slushi, Cofi & Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
Foxy, Funtime Freddy & Sun (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Gingy (Shrek)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Lani-Loli & Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Lord X Hog & Curse (EXEs)
Majin Sonic
MX (Mario 85)
Eri, Tsuyu Asui & Ms Joke (My Hero Academia)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Movie)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Paralympics Mascot)
Miraitowa & Someity (Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascots)
Inky (Pac-Man)
Mirabel Madrigal & Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
Meilin Lee & Abby Park (Turning Red)
Wanda (Fairly Oddparents)
Bender (Futurama)
N (Murder Drones)
EteleD & Corrupt Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Unikitty (Unikitty Series)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Hypno & Lost Silver/Gold (Pokepasta)
Shinto (FNF: Lullaby)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Series)
Komasan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Sayori & Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kirby & Meta Knight (Kirby)
Chudd Chudders & DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Bendy (BATDR)
Boris & Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
Tari & Meggy Spletzer (SMG4)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Mugman & Baroness Von Bon Bon (The Cuphead Show)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust & Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Slender Man, Splendor Man & Lulu (Creepypasta)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
Blitzo, Moxxie & Colin (Helluva Boss)
Woolly & Tig
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Mr. Shark (The Bad Guys)
Charles Calvin, Reginald Copperbottom, Right Hand Man & Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Pusheen The Cat
Anya Forger (Spy X Family)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Zoe Kusama (Criminal Case)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Pim (Smiling Friends)
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fereise · 2 years
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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marinaiguess · 2 years
when I first read issue 29 from the idw comics, I legit paused reading to admire this one panel
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this is not only a badass move but also one that lets Sonic's character shine through; he is quick and casual abt getting zavok out of the picture (because he is done with his bullshit but also has other things to worry abt) and I was wondering how the heck we never had such cool moments with super sonic in the games. imagine playing as super sonic and actually feeling the power of the chaos emeralds, understanding their impact and having a moveset that allows you to be quick, effective and fancy.
is that how frontiers feels? like this panel? does it? cuz then I feel like, we, the sonic fans, have won.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #29: All or Nothing (Part 4)
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We have finally reached the final battle of The Metal Virus Saga, and I swear, it is everything I wanted from a Sonic story. The stakes are set, friends and foes working together to save the world, having one last push against Kaiju!Zavok, because if they don’t win, it is game over.
So, to make things more interesting, I decided to add the music I listened to while I read the Issue, starting off with Solaris Phase 2 from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Call the game whatever you want, but don’t deny that the music isn’t epic.
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The final battle starts out on Angel Island, Sonic and his friends surrounded by the Zombots Zavok had literally thrown at them, having empowered himself via the Chaos Emerald. They have nowhere to run and the only way to defend themselves is to engage into a combat.
Sonic assures Knuckles that he has a plan and to trust him, with Knuckles replying that he better has...
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...or he will haunt him, and straight up punches Zombot!Shadow! Well aware that he will get infected and fully trusting Sonic, Knuckles retorts how they need to keep the Zombots away from the Master Emerald and refugees, so Sonic should go and save the day already!
Sonic runs off, Silver following him, and calls out to Metal Sonic, needing his help. Eggman orders Metal to do as Sonic says, remarking how it is the only way to save him, and Metal flies off, Sonic grabbing his arm as they rush towards Zavok.
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Zavok is amused by this pitiful display of resistance, remarking how they may have destroyed the means of creating more of the Metal Virus, but he still can control the Zombots and let them infect the rest of the world, throwing another handful of Zombots at them. Silver, Metal Sonic and Sonic dodge them, Sonic telling Metal to head straight for the Chaos Emerald in Zavok’s chest.
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Zavok fires another fireball straight at Metal and Sonic, with Silver screaming for them. Fortunately, Metal has activated his defensive system, the Black Shield, to protect himself and Sonic from the attack. Sonic muses how he is glad that they didn’t deactivate Metal when they had the chance and honestly, regardless of what happened in-between, I am glad too that he kept Metal Sonic around.
But then, Zavok attempts to grab them.
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Fortunately, Silver saves them, using a psychokinesis barrier. Sonic thanks him, telling him to not drop the Chaos Emeralds, but Silver yells back to worry about the one Zavok has. Metal and Sonic are about to fly up, but Zavok just blows at them, sending both plummeting.
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While roughed up, Sonic is fine, and sees Orbot, who notes how the infection doesn’t look well and recommends him to start running. Sonic replies how it won’t work anymore, but Orbot replies how he should run from “them”; the Zombots that are now walking up to him. Sonic ignores it, all of his body but his face covered in the Metal Virus, musing how he needs enough speed to run up to the Emerald, and telling his friends to hang on. He needs just a little bit more.
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We switch over to Sonic’s friends.
Tails is dodging Zombot!Cheese and Zombot!Chocola, yelling how he cannot shake them off.
Zombot!Shadow is punching a half-infected Knuckles.
Whisper is trembling as she points the Wispon at Zombot!Tangle, tears in her eyes as she doesn’t want to fight her closest friend.
Espio is dodging Zombot!Vector and Zombot!Charmy’s attacks.
Dr. Eggman is on the ground, yelling at Zombot!Big to stay away.
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Cue Amy jumping out, striking Zombot!Big with her Piko Piko Hammer, but that has no effect on him. Behind her Eggman grins, and the JERKASS KICKS HER RIGHT INTO ZOMBOT!BIG, INFECTING HER! *curses in the background*
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WHAT THE HELL EGGMAN, SHE JUST SAVED YOU- and never mind, this is Eggman we’re talking about. Of course he would sacrifice anyone just to save his own sorry ass.
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He does get his commeuppance in the best way possible though - by slipping on Zombot!Froggy and the latter jumping right on top of him! HELL, YEAH! That’s what you deserve!
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Knuckles continues punching Zombot!Shadow straight into the ground, only his eye uninfected. Zombot!Shadow grabs his fist, and the punches stop, Knuckles now fully Zombotified. The two turn around to Tails, the tip of his twin-tails now infected by Zombot!Cheese and Zombot!Chocola, cowering and pleading for Sonic.
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We see Sonic, desperate to break out of the hold of the Zombots, with Metal Sonic ramming against them, freeing his rival. Sonic is on the ground, exhausted and at his limits, only able to mutter “Metal... Up...”. Metal listens, grabbing him and rushing upwards to Zavok, who yells at Sonic to accept his fate, that he has lost.
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Zavok takes control of Metal Sonic, sending him plummeting, while Sonic keeps on running. He reaches the Chaos Emerald on Zavok’s chest, pulling it out and screams for Silver as he falls. Silver rushes over to him, Sonic’s vision darkening as he reaches out for Silver and the Chaos Emerald.
This is it, this is the moment. This is where everything slows down for Sonic.
This is the moment where everything is muffled, where Sonic hears nothing but his own heartbeat, hoping to hang on a little longer, to not succumb to the Metal Virus. He and Silver are the only ones who can save everyone now.
Everything goes dark, a moment of pure silence...
The heartbeat stops...
...and then the music swells up again as we hear a familiar guitar riff!
Gold energy blast through, a light in the dark!
It is time to LIVE AND LEARN!
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Zavok can only stare in disbelief and shock as a blast of golden energy appears between his hands.
Can you feel life movin' through your mind...
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This, this is EVERYTHING! Not only is Super Silver back since his debut in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), but Super Sonic is now fully healed and ready to kick some ass! My excitement levels are shooting through the roof!
Zavok attempts to use the last of his energy to smash them, but...
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Do I need to say anything more? 
Super Sonic easily kicks his ass, resulting in Zavok shrinking down. Super Silver comments how this is a bit anti-climactic, and I agree, but Super Sonic notes how they don’t have time to be fancy. The Warp Topaz in Super Silver’s hands is already not handling all of the power too well, so they need to hurry up.
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Super Sonic sets out the plan: he’ll drive and handle the Warp Portal, while Super Silver does his thing with the psychokinesis. Super Silver then proceeds to siphon all of the Metal Virus on Angel Island as Super Sonic opens a massive portal into outer space above them. We see Metal Sonic getting up from the debris, surrounded by the former Zombots, now all cured.
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We see Sonic’s friends, all cured from the Metal Virus and celebrating.
Tails is crying tears of joy as he celebrates with Cheese and Chocola.
Amy hugs Big in joy, who is happy to see her.
Tangle is confused about being on Angel Island again, only to get tackled by Whisper and the Wisps, the latter overjoyed to see her healed.
Espio, Vector and Charmy are sitting on the ground, singing their theme song from Sonic Heroes - “Team Chaotix”.
Oh, and Eggman is lying on the ground, annoyed, while Froggy is sitting on top of his back. Nice job, Froggy.
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We switch over to Knuckles and Shadow, who are seemingly surprised to see each other, only to get angry when they spot Rouge on the Master Emerald. Rouge just cries out how the world was ending and she wanted to spend her last moments with the one she loved.
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I’m sure Knuckles is just pissed off that Rouge is once again trying to get her hands on the Master Emerald, while Shadow is just pissed off in general. Although, I’m sure the shippers have other thoughts on this one (Knuxouge supporter here!).
We then have a heartwarming reunion between Cream and Vanilla, the former hugging her mother as they tear up, with Gemerl giving them a moment.
As for the actual action...
There's a face searching far, so far and wide.
There's a place where you dream you'd never find.
Hold on to what if?
Hold on to what if?
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Live and learn!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,
Live and learn!
From the works of yesterday.
Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow,
Live and learn!
You may never find your way.
Back to Super Sonic and Super Silver, Super Silver tells Super Sonic how it is working and asks him where he’s going to send it. Super Sonic replies he’ll dump it where it won’t hurt anyone anymore, and we see that the portal is opened right above the sun, burning the Metal Virus to ashes.
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Super Silver and Super Sonic realize that the Warp Topaz won’t hold out longer, so they kick it into super sonic speed, zooming all across the world to remove the Metal Virus. THIS IS EPIC!
Live and learn!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow,
Live and learn!
From the works of yesterday.
Live and learn!
If you beg or if you borrow,
Live and learn!
You may never find your way.
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Super Sonic then asks Super Silver how they’re doing and Super Silver replies how he doesn’t detect anything anymore. Super Sonic holds up the Warp Topaz, deciding to destroy it and as the battle finally comes to an end, Amy, Tails and Knuckles observe a huge explosion in the sky, with Silver shooting down into the ground.
Now that the rush of adrenaline is gone, I believe that the only song appropriate is the piano solo of Never Turn Back from Shadow the Hedgehog.
Why? Well, the truth is... kind of somber.
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As Tails and Amy run up to Silver, who is fortunately fine, he tells them that he and Sonic destroyed the Metal Virus, but Dr. Starline was right - the Warp Topaz couldn’t handle such power.
They all gaze into the sky, now bright as day from the explosion, as Silver explains how Sonic attempted to ditch it in the Super Warp Portal, but...
...it seems that Sonic didn’t make it.
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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nintendoni-art · 1 year
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So I heard there was Zeti Super Form Discussion. So between @grimsdeadb0nes's Super Zenyx and @wetwaluigi's original Super Zavok, I decided to throw my hat in the ring. Personally, I like to think that all the color drains from their bodies and is expressed in their hair. And said hair also takes on the aspects of the main power that they have. For example, Zavok would have something like flaming blue hair and eyebrows or something ^^
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