#supernatural bobby
pumpkin-boylord · 3 months
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Do I need to say more?
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theimaginativesoul · 1 year
I love Dean but I hate him when he acts like he was the only one who has problems. Like how he treated Castiel and Bobby in Season 6. Castiel was at war in heaven and Bobby has a trouble with his soul. Like man you were not the only one who has a problem everyone is.
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Bobby Singer (Supernatural)
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[Image Description: Bobby, a middle-aged white man with brown hair, sits in a wheelchair. He is scruffy in appearance and has a brown beard. He is wearing a t-shirt with card symbols on it, a brown jacket, and blue jeans. On his head is a blue and white baseball cap with no symbol. His wheelchair is black and has dirt on the wheels. In the background are two cars and some trees. He is outside. End ID.]
Bobby is paralyzed and uses a wheelchair.
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shewritesinblackink · 6 months
The missing hunter - a supernatural fanfic
reposting this because i originally posted it on my main "private" blog but since i started writing more and posting more i thought why not make a blog just for that :) this fanfic takes place in the early years of the show since i’m only on season 10. I really like the vibe of the three/four first seasons. That’s also why Sam can’t crack the security camera– they haven't learned that yet :)
here's the AO3 link because i like posting there too, and i get more feedback thanks to the tags there!
part 2
words count: 2k
tw: blood, swearing, mention of a gun
part 1 - the missing member
“I don’t know what to say, Bobby,” Dean declared to the man at the other end of the phone.
The brothers were in a motel room in the middle of nowhere. Bobby had sent them there to find someone dear to him that disappeared a few days ago. But so far, they had no lead.
“Her stuff is still in the room, uh?”
Dean turned around from the parking lot to take another look at the small place. “Yeah, still here.”
There was silence and then Bobby’s voice broke through the phone’s speaker.
“That’s not like her. She might be in some kind of trouble.”
A frown appeared on Dean’s face. He'd never heard Bobby sound so helpless. That person, that woman whoever she was, must be someone precious to him.
“What do you want us to do?”
Sam was seated on the single large bed in the room, his laptop on his knees, fidgeting with the keyboard.
“I’ll give you her number. Maybe she’ll answer if it’s not me.” The pain in those last words made Dean sad. Who was she for Bobby to care so much and act like this?
Dean hung up, closed the door and walked toward Sam.
“What’d he say?”
“To try to call her.”
The look on Dean and Sam’s face said it all. They were aware the worst could have happened. Dean dialed the number and waited a few seconds before a ringtone was heard in the room. The two of them released a small sigh, stood up and searched for the device. The eldest found it under the bed, the battery almost dead and the screen cracked in half. He held it up for Sammy to see, and they both exchanged a look. Something bad definitely happened here.
They decided to go back to town and retrace every last step of the missing person. It led them to a bar on the avenue. A row of motorcycles were parked in front of the establishment, and the facade was all dark wood which added to the pouring rain and gloomy atmosphere. Everything in this town is dark and creepy, Dean thought.
They entered and were welcomed by suspicious glares from guys all around the place. Some were seated at tables drinking beer , others were playing billiards but stopped the moment the brothers appeared. The bartender shot them a look of annoyance. Clearly the people here didn't like strangers.
Nonetheless, Sam cleared his throat and asked, "Um, hi. We're looking for a young woman.”
"So am I." said a voice somewhere and the other men laughed.
Dean felt exasperated by their behavior and wanted only one thing at the moment: to get the hell out of there. So he talked, a bit too abruptly maybe. "Young, brown hair, pale skin, and approximately this size," he measured by holding up a hand. Truly he didn't know the woman, but Bobby gave them a description since he had no recent pictures of her.
The bartender snorted noisily and kept swiping off drops of water on the beer mugs in his hands.
"Depends what I get for helping you?"
There was no cooperation, and the Winchesters started to lose patience.
"Listen, buddy, it's a life or death situation here. She might be in danger, we need to find her." Dean's voice was low and raw, he could barely control himself not to punch the man in the face.
He slightly opened his brown leather jacket with the hand holding a shiny silver gun. The barman repressed an insult and took a quick look around.
“Look, if i were you, i wouldn’t show this to anyone here.” “Question of life and death.” he added pointedly to mock the brothers.
His sarcastic tone did not escape Dean, whose gaze became sharper, harder. Finally the man behind the bar started saying something interesting.
“There aren’t a lot of women comin’ in here, so yeah i remember some chick comin’ in. She sat at the bar and drank a scotch.”
Sam leaned forward, “Anything else?”. The  man grunted but continued. “There was something weird about her, like she was on edge. She was constantly looking behind her shoulder.” He put the glass behind the bar and leaned on the counter, then added “I mean maybe she didn’t feel safe here since she was the only woman.”
“Did something happen? Did she leave with someone?” Dean pressed, raising his eyebrows.
The barman seemed to think for a moment. “Yup, I think I remember her leaving with some guys.”
“Anything weird or unusual about the guy?”
“He was grabbing her by the arm. Not in a gentle way, you know. It seemed she wasn't willing to go with them.”
“And you didn’t call the police or stop them?” asked Sam almost with a shocked tone.
“Why would I?”
Dean's patience was more than thin now. If he stayed one more minute he would definitely shoot the man right here, right now. “Alright, enough. let’s go Sammy.”
“Wait,” Sam said, “which direction did they take?” The barman didn’t even bother speaking, and just pointed the way with his head.
And so they strode out of the bar toward the Impala, in the light rain that hadn’t stopped since their arrival. “Oh I swear this rain is making me crazy. Everything about this town is weird, man.” Dean muttered, his hands on the wheel, driving the car out of the parking back on the road. Since there was nothing for miles in the direction the man had indicated, they decided to go back to the motel room and wait in the car in case she showed up.
Sammy also tried to take a look at the security camera, but his skills with a laptop weren’t that sophisticated.  He couldn’t break into the town website to access the cameras. So they waited. Dean eventually went out to fetch dinner, and they waited for hours.
Finally, when they were both struggling to keep their eyes open, a silhouette appeared. In the dark night it was impossible to guess who it was, but the stranger stopped at the door of the room they were watching, and after a moment struggling with the key, the shadowy silhouette disappeared inside the room. The Winchesters didn’t waste a second and got out of the car toward the room’s door as if they weren’t about to fall asleep a second ago.
It wasn’t locked from the inside, so they pushed it slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible because who knows who was- or what was, that silhouette.
The boys entered the small room slowly, guns in hands. The lights were on but the place was empty. A noise came out from the bathroom followed by a grunt. At the very moment the brothers appeared at the bathroom’s door, the silhouette turned around and held a gun at them.
“Drop the gun! Now!”
“Who are you?”
“You, who are you?”
The three of them pointing guns at each other and yelling in confusion would’ve been a funny image if the tension was not that palpable and if the stranger was in a less miserable state.
“You’re two against one, that’s not really fair.” The voice was calm and steady but felt a bit out of breath. Indeed, the silhouette was soaked in blood, her clothes dirty with mud and rain. Her hair was a mess, clearly she hadn’t had access to any commodities for a few days.
“Wait,” said Sam, “are you y/n?”
Suspicious, the woman kept the boys at gunpoint, clutching her weapon like a lifeline. “How would you know?” she asked, her brows furrowed and her chest heavy with short breaths.
“Dean, I think it’s her.” And with that assumption they both lowered their guns. “Bobby sent us looking for you.”
“Looking for me?” she asked, as if she hadn’t understood Sam’s sentence in the first place and needed confirmation of what she heard. But all of a sudden the world started to spin and she wasn’t steady on her feet anymore. She stumbled back against the sink and let her arm fall down by her side, the gun pointed toward the ground. She placed the back of a bloodied hand against her forehead and closed her eyes tight, trying to make the room stop spinning and the white stars popping in her visions disappear.
“Hey, you alright?” Dean knew it was a stupid question considering how dirty and tired she seemed, so he added, “you hurt?”
And all y/n was capable of doing at this very moment was to stare at the two boys in front of her, her memory working like a DVD on fast forward. She couldn’t stop. Maybe didn’t want to, because her brain brought back memories she thought were long forgotten. She doubted they even remembered her at all, and at that thought her heart skipped a beat.
“Hello? Anyone in here?” Dean pressed sarcastically, like he was talking to some stupid teenager.
Getting back her senses, y/n cleared her throat and articulated a week “yeah” that sounded more like an exhausted plea. The brothers didn’t seem to buy it either, judging by the concerned look they both shot at her.
“Seriously, I'm fine. Just.. tired.”
“Where the hell were you to make Bobby worry-sick?”
What? Dawn almost choked on her own saliva. Bobby being so worried he’d send John’s boys after her? Why would he do such a thing when she’s already proved numerous times she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself? And suddenly emotions flooded in her. Not good emotions. “Why are you here? I’m a grown up, I can watch out for myself. I’ve been hunting my whole life y’know.” The words came out more harshly than she’s intended to. She stormed out of the bathroom, bumping into the boys, barely suppressing a wince because of her bruises.
In her backpack was a first aid kit. She took it and sat on the bed while taking off her dirty sweatshirt. But by the time she was opening the kit to fetch out something useful, Dean snatched it off her hands. “Hey! We’re talking to you here! We drove hours to come here because Bobby asked us to! Because he was worried you’d get yourself into trouble, and that’s how you’re thanking us?”
Dean was pissed. Sam though didn’t say a thing but gave his brother’s arm a slight hit. “Dude, c’mon. Look at her.” That’s what Dean did, he took in the messy states she was in. Blood on her left temple, trailing down her chin and neck, the right cheek looking slightly bruised. Cuts all over her arms and dirt on her hands and under her nails, even on her face. She seemed like someone who had just spent hours in filthy air ducts. Or in the forest running after something– or running for her life maybe.
No one said a word for what seemed to be an eternity, then y/n stood up slowly and walked back to the bathroom to try to wash out her hands, arms and face. She winced every time she touched a cut or a bruise but did not let it show. She was facing John’s boys, and she knew by experience that there were nothing that could make them flinch. So she did what she always forced herself to do since she met them when they were only kids. She clenched her jaw, and kept her composure as neutral as she could– but she was so tired, the dark circles under her eyes said it all.
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morphersnivy · 2 months
Rewatching supernatural and I forgot that Bobby canonically speaks and reads Japanese.
I bet he would love anime.
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standardquip · 7 months
(It's about Bobby)
Video:Supernatural Audio:Balmorhea, audio From video Source Balmorhea – Truth; TV audio Premiere Date:2013 Status:Downloadable, Streamable Genre(s):Character Profile, Sentimental
Original 2013 description:
Shortly after finishing my “Supernatural – Anything” video, I became inspired by a few other SPN fan videos that combined show dialogue and a song from Balmorhea. I got all my footage together again and decided to do a quick Bobby Singer tribute. Bobby is/was my favorite Supernatural character and I think there is someone in everyone’s life that is similar to Bobby. The writers of Supernatural are phenomenal people who develop all their characters so completely… It is inspiring. This video pulls at my heart strings every time. It almost hurt to edit it.
This video was very close to me because I, myself, have had family problems and have adopted new families over the course of my life. Being accepted as a family member to people you are not blood-related to is such a special and unique feeling, and it is that feeling that I wanted to incorporate in this video and the dialogue presented. Bobby went from an unremarkable, meaningless life to one filled with joy. He got three sons(Sam, Dean, & Cas), all of whom cared deeply for him. I don’t think he could’ve died happier with all he had accomplished.
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leahseclipse · 8 months
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The most beautiful kiss on supernatural
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davidjenkins · 6 days
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pastelsbuck · 2 months
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mischieviem · 2 months
That natural soup show or whatever
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Happy Easter!! ✨🐝
Thought the boys deserved at least one nice, happy Easter egg hunt and in my mind Bobby did so too :)
Have a fantastic Sunday 🌻
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theimaginativesoul · 1 year
We all need a spin off of Bobby and Rufus 😂
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inacatastrophicmind · 3 months
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Being a Destiel shipper: A mood
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John, somehow in heaven, looking at Destiel: They've corrupted my son! My boy is not gay! He's a man, god dammit.
Bobby: The fact that your son is bisexual doesn't take anything away from his masculinity
John: He acts like a teenage girl
Bobby: Says the one that keeps a diary
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shewritesinblackink · 6 months
The missing hunter part 2 - a supernatural fanfiction
Aaaand we are back! I’m so happy that people actually liked the first part of this fanfic!! So I hope this second part lives up to your expectations and that you’ll be excited for part three!!
spn cast x reader, y/n x dean and the spn cast
find part 1 here
- Who are you?
After cleaning her arms and hands as well as her face, y/n changed her clothes and packed her bags. When she opened the bathroom’s door Sam and Dean were sitting on the single bed in the small room. The rain had started again and the occasional lightning was casting shadows across the room, the dim glow of the bedside lamp giving the crimson walls a gloomy look.
She dropped her bags on the floor and the sound brought the brothers out of their slumber. They were half asleep, and you could see they were exhausted. But nothing compared to y/n.
The last few days had passed as if in a trance, she remembered some details but the rest remained hidden by a thick fog of fatigue. Or maybe her own brain was trying to protect her from the eventual trauma.
All the energy had disappeared from her body, and the simple fact of standing there instead of collapsing on the bed and letting herself go into a long deep sleep was like torture. Her body protested with every movement.
And yet, she forced herself to stay up and awake. Forced herself not to seem weak.
Before the boys allowed her to take care of her wounds and get changed, they forced her to call Bobby. And after confirmation it was her that the man was looking for– and a great amount of swearing and angry lecture about being irresponsible, she had finally been allowed some privacy.
But now the boys had to drive her to Bobby’s. For what reason, she didn’t know, but she was sure it wouldn’t be to share some pizza and a hug. She’d be getting the runaround about her behavior, her irresponsibility, and how worried Bobby had been while she was doing God knows what.
Before hitting the road, Sam had suggested they stop at a dinner. Y/n suspected this suggestion has something to do with the loud noise her stomach had made moments before, but since she was starving she didn’t decline the offer.
In spite of the night already well advanced, the trio found a dinner open a little before the limits of the town. The rain was pounding hard against the roof of the Impala and they had to rush for cover inside the establishment once the engine was shut off. They sat down and were soon served with coffee, waffles and eggs.
The place was practically deserted, only three customers were scattered in the small room. The sound of thunder echoed fiercely in the humid atmosphere and lightning illuminated the treetops of the forest that bordered the road.
No one said a word for a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, and y/n forgot about the world around her when a full plate was served, and her cup was filled to the brim with coffee. She didn’t even wait for the boys to start and attacked the pile of waffles, syrup dripping from her fork.
She barely paid attention to Sam who was clearing his throat in the hope of getting her to lift her nose from her feast. Dean threw him a look half annoyed half tired, with one eyebrow raised. He seemed really annoyed to be here, to have to babysit someone.
No doubt tired of this little game, he suddenly pulled y/n’s plate toward him just as she was about to bite her last waffle. “Hey!” She protested before swallowing her previous bite, and she froze when her gaze landed on Dean’s serious face. He looked like someone you don’t want to mess with.
Glancing at Sam she noticed he was staring at her too. Clenching her jaws slightly, she tried again to pick up the waffle with her fork but Dean pulled the plate further, “So,” he started. “You gonna tell us what happened?”
Knowing full well she couldn’t finish her meal or get back on the road without giving some explanations first, she obliged. “What do you want to know?”
“Everything.” Dean’s tone was dry and y/n’s heart clenched as she realized once again that he most certainly did not remember her. Leaning back in his seat, one hand still on the plate, Dean waited and y/n guessed his patience was wearing thin.
Sliding her gaze on the table, y/n’s mind was assailed by flashes of the last few days and the rather dark events that had followed. She couldn’t possibly admit she didn’t remember everything that had happened. She was going to have to come up with a story to cover her ass, one that wasn’t too alarming if possible, so they would leave her alone and stop lecturing her and looking at her like she was some ten years old girl.
Sam frowned, “Just start with the beginning, y/n.”
A mournful howl echoed in the darkness of the night. The moon played hide-and-seek with the heavy rain clouds and made the forest dark, the shadows merging into shapeless, sinister masses.
Y/n had been on the trail of a creature for several days, and felt that she was getting closer to her target. She had stalked the thing for days and spied on it day and night. She now knew her way to the creature’s hiding spot and had planned to take care of it the next day.
Y/n had learned to walk with as little noise as possible, even on a carpet of branches and dead leaves she was as quiet as a squirrel. Moving from bush to bush, she saw an owl perched on a branch nearby, watching her with its yellow eyes. It seemed to say this is a bad idea…
The farm was in a sorry state when seen from afar, but up close it was worse. The roof and some of the stoned walls were half collapsed, wild grass had grown everywhere and rust was crumbling the beams. She didn’t know exactly where the creature had established its quarters specifically, but the rooms were few so it wouldn’t be difficult. That’s what she thought.
Sam’s voice drew y/n out of her thoughts, “Hey, it’s alright.” Y/n blinked and came back to reality. Preferring to avoid the brothers’ gaze– which she knew was for one worried and for the other severe, she turned her head to the window and watched the night sky.
Just like that horrible night when everything went south, the sky was dark and the clouds were playing with the moon. The atmosphere was peaceful but there was something about the stillness of the scenery that made y/n uncomfortable. This whole situation was making her uncomfortable and she wished Bobby had never sent the boys after her.
After all, she had succeeded and escaped the place, and had, on top of everything, killed the creature.
Y/n took a deep breath, “I’ve been following the trail of a vampire for a few days.” She took a sip of her coffee, which thank God, Dean hadn’t pushed away from her as well, and studied them. Their expressions hadn’t changed a bit. Exasperated she continued on, “i had followed the creature to its hideaway, watched the place for several days. I was sure it was there and I was going to finish the job, and–” Dean cut her mid sentence, “You got caught.” His tone was as cold as ice and like subdued thunder.
She didn’t have to finish her story for Dean had already guessed what had happened. And he wasn’t happy about it. “And then what? How’d you even get out on your own?”
“I didn’t.” Y/n looked down at her fork and coffee mug, “there was someone else, and we helped each other.” The words seemed to die in her throat so she stopped talking and drank some more coffee, as slowly as she could to give herself time to think about the way she'll continue. No one said a word, not even Dean whose patience had certainly disappeared long ago.
After y/n had finished talking, there was a strange silence between the three. The dinner was almost empty, the few remaining clients had already left, hitting the road again, and one of the waiters was already cleaning off the counter and the tables.
And suddenly Dean broke the silence and it felt like he had smashed a glass on the floor. “That was such a stupid idea, you know that?” Y/n had nothing to answer. She was tired and angry at everybody for telling her what she should do, or how she should do it, or why she couldn’t. Clenching and unclenching her fists under the table, she remained silent and just waited for the lecture and critics the brothers would throw at her. Surely Bobby would do the same, with more anger.
Maybe it would piss her off even further and she will leave without a word, just like she did when she first left Bobby's place a few months ago. Technically she had left without telling him because he wasn’t there at the time, and she couldn’t reach him on the phone. So she just left because she had picked up something odd happening in the next state, and somehow her intuitons were right. She had found a case, investigated it and took care of it just like Boby taught her.
Back in the car, Dean at the wheel, the conflicting emotions were swirling in y/n’s head. She had opened her window slightly to feel the coldness of the night, hoping it would numb her overthinking brain, and a few drops of rain came crashing on her cheeks mimicking tears.
They drove for hours before finally arriving at Bobby's, and all y/n had been able to do was staring at the passing landscapes, unable to find sleep. Now she was even more tired than when the boys had found her at the motel and yet, she had to endure another lecture from Bobby, because surely he wouldn’t let this one slip.
She hadn’t taken one step outside of the car that Bobby was already up her ass, telling her all the different ways she could’ve been hurt or killed, all the things that could’ve gone wrong.
Bobby's place could be described as some kind of junkyard for cars and other things the man had accumulated over the years. But for y/n it felt kind of like home– maybe because it was all she knew and it was the closest thing to a home she ever had.
Once inside, everybody dropped their bags and Dean immediately went to the kitchen and fetched a beer from the refrigerator, and drank it in big gulps as if it was water and he was as dry as a desert from the inside. Sam still wore a frown like a crown embedded in his skull. And Boby was pacing the room from one wall to another, sometimes he’d stop and stare at his boots.
Y/n took a few steps inside and smelled that peculiar scent a room full of dusty piles of books would smell. Papers covered in old languages and symbols were scattered across the desk, an empty bottle on the edge of falling on the old wooden floor. Everything felt like Boby. Every detail, every inch of the place was impregnated with Boby and his lifestyle more than unusual.
On the mantle of the fireplace behind his desk were disposed old frames with dusty yellowed photographs. Each one represented Boby and someone, a few showed a young Bobby with different cars. Y/n’s gaze rested on a set of pictures at one end of the mantle. One of them was a photo of John with his boys when they were still young and he had the habit of taking them on the road. The brothers seemed quite happy in the photograph, the trio was smiling like someone had cracked the best joke ever. Boby wasn’t by their side, he must’ve been the one holding the camera.
Another photo represented the brothers again, just a few years younger than now, both of them posing beside the sleek black Impala. The smile was still there, but it was a smile saddened by too many things. John wasn’t by their side.
Without realizing it, y/n was looking for a picture in particular. A picture taken many years ago. She remembered the day the picture was taken as vividly as if it had happened a minute ago. She was at Bobby's for a year or two and she used to hang out with Dean and Sam when their father would stop by. They used to be close friends, calling each other when John locked his boys in a motel room for days.
At the beginning y/n mostly get along with Sam since she was younger than the brothers and the boy clearly needed friends. Dean was grumpy all the time even when he was young, but he'll always take care of his brother, and that's something y/n would never forget. Dean's commitment to the people he loved was inspiring.
Bobby had stopped pacing angrily and now stood by the window. When he turned, he faced y/n’s back, and knew what she was staring at. The brothers were always on the road and when they would stop at Bobby’s they would be too occupied with their research to even pay attention to their surroundings. Bobby was the only one glancing at the pictures every now and then, mostly when he felt lonely and sad about the past.
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