#supplement store college station
chris-continues · 1 year
Vash and knives road trip??? Because I’m going lose my mind on my six hour drive today
Road Trip HC’s!
Vash and Nai travel for the holidays :)
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-Vash and Nai don’t usually travel for the holidays. They’re the only family they have, no home to really return to. So their condo is their home.
-However, sometimes over holiday breaks is when Nai has several of Vash’s checkups happen- specialists see how his levels are, run a few tests, regulate everything. That sort of thing.
-But it’s a long drive- being in a college city there’s not much room for anything not school related, so they have to make a pretty hefty drive.
-So they pack, Vash getting snacks from a gas station or dollar store because he absolutely loves his unhealthy snacks.. and Nai packs things in a small cooler, or extra protein supplements (they’re both anemic) and has timers set for them to take their medications while on the road
-Let’s he real, Nai is doing most of the driving. Vash is napping.
-Knives has some beautiful symphony playing while he drives, and when he needs to wake up he plays some alternative music ( @coffinbeananteiku is the driving inspo for this hc) but he shuts it off the moment Vash stirs.
-Once they make it and check in, Nai is filling in paperwork tiredly as Vash is still half awake, looking over his shoulder to peek at the papers. It’s a tiring journey they have to make semi frequently, but it’s plenty worth it for the excellent facilities.
-Vash is admitted for the night to be monitored for any possible concerns (he’s got several health conditions, as stated) and Nai relaxes in the armchair in the corner of the room, stirring when any doctor comes in to check up on him and watching to view any treatment Vash receives.
-The drive back is about the same, although Vash is a lot more tired and Nai is a bit more relieved if nothing is acting up. He silently lists the several medications and things he must do to help Vash- diet, procedures, sleep, etc. it’s practically engraved into his mind at this rate.
-Now that they’re over 18, Nai doesn’t have to go with him. But he wants to- needs to. It’s a bit of an unspoken agreement, and Vash is eternally grateful for it. His anxiety can act up a lot in hospitals, and Nai is one of the only people that can help him navigate that well.
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moorejosie · 2 years
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name: josiah ❝ jo / josie ❞ barnabas moore gender & pronouns: cis male + he / him orientation: demiromantic pansexual age: twenty-nine date of birth: 19 august, 1993 zodiac: ☼  leo - virgo cusp   ☽  scorpio   ↑  gemini occupation: park ranger + wilderness guide positive traits: charismatic + resourceful + intelligent + engaging + hard-working negative traits: flighty + narcissistic + sarcastic + blunt + secretive
TW : domestic violence, abandonment, cancer, chronic illness, drugs, death, alcohol
Josiah Barnabas Moore — or Jo, to most, and Josie only if you know him well — was born the youngest of four in a small trailer just a stone’s throw from Fort Payne, Alabama to Laurel and Oliver Moore. They didn’t have very much growing up; his father worked full-time at a struggling hardware store in town, and his mother sold her paintings and handmade jewelry at local markets and fairs when she could to supplement their income, but it was still incredibly difficult to feed and clothe and house a family of six. Their trailer was small, cramped, the siblings nearly sleeping on top of each other as they grew older and rooms had to be shared and sofas had to be converted into beds. The Moore siblings were close, though; they had to be. Laurel and Oliver had a tumultuous marriage, to say the least, and the paper-thin walls of their trailer did very little to muffle shouting matches at all hours of the day and night. His older siblings did their best to shield Josie from the worst of it when he was young, and as a result, they’d often spend much of their time outdoors, exploring the woods surrounding their trailer. He grew up scraping his knees falling out of trees and wading through muddy river water to catch tadpoles in old jam jars. Nature quickly became a safe space, a haven for him away from the chaos of home.
He was thirteen years old when his parents separated. And okay, that’s a nice way of saying his dad just packed up one day and decided to get the hell out of dodge, taking half of Josiah’s siblings with him. With the eldest remaining sibling away at college, Jo and his mother were left alone in a trailer that suddenly felt very spacious to figure out how to fend for themselves. Laurel picked up an overnight job at the gas station about a mile up the road, and by the time he was sixteen, Jo was stocking shelves at the local supermarket when he wasn’t at school — Mama Moore insisted he keep his grades up, it was the only way she’d allow him to keep the job, in spite of the great burden his added income relieved of her. She never wanted to ask her son for help, but he was ready to offer it the moment he could. Everyone else might have left, but Jo wasn’t going anywhere.
In his senior year of high school, Jo was offered a full-ride academic scholarship to the University of Alabama, but he chose to decline the acceptance in favor of classes at the nearest community college so he wouldn’t have to leave home or make an impossible commute five days a week to try and make it work. He didn’t even tell his mother that he’d been accepted, and he tried to act like he couldn’t see the disappointment in her eyes when he told her where he’d be going instead. But she encouraged him all the same, and he graduated with a degree in environmental science all while balancing a full-time job at the supermarket. After graduating, she suggested he try finding a job in the field, and after a few months of trying, he secured a position at Little River Canyon National Reserve. It was about a half hour drive from the trailer, but the pay was good and the benefits even better, and for the first time, he actually felt like they weren’t struggling to get by. He felt relieved. Secure, even. He was happy.
But, of course, all good things must come to an end — a concept with which Josiah is all too familiar. He was twenty-five when Mama Moore was diagnosed with an aggressive and advanced form of breast cancer. For two and a half years, any time he didn’t spend working was spent by her side; taking her to appointments, sitting with her through chemotherapy sessions, teaching himself how to cook so he could make anything she wanted and might be able to stomach. In spite of how dangerous it was and how much of a risk it posed to everything he had, being employed by the government in a state like Alabama, Jo put his botany knowledge to good use and learned how to grow marijuana because he’d heard it helped with the side effects of treatment. He hid it well inside of their trailer, opting to sleep on the couch in order to convert their second room into a space to grow his plants for her, and he very, very rarely indulged with her, insisting that it was strictly medicinal and he couldn’t get caught with it, especially if he got tested at work. He’d lose his job and their insurance, and they’d be even more under water than they already were. ( Not that Jo would ever let her know that; he’d taken on the finances from the time he got his job with the National Reserve, and he’d be damned if he’d let her think for a moment they were struggling. ) They never did get caught, and once she'd moved onto stronger forms of pain relief in hospice care, he got rid of the plants and cleared out the room he'd used for growing.
Once he realized they were nearing the devastating but inevitable end of his mother's long and exhausting battle, Jo wrote letters to his father and all of his siblings inviting them to show up to say their goodbyes. His father never showed up, and much like the first time when he’d left, Jo was left to try and figure things out on his own. There was a small, modest service held for her, and per her request, she was buried in a shady spot under a willow tree. It felt surreal, coming back to the trailer alone, and it took several weeks for Jo to find it in himself to begin to pack up her belongings. He took an indefinite leave of absence from his job and spent many nights seeking solace at the bottom of a bottle as he struggled to swallow the loss of his guardian, teacher, and best friend all in one. He knew he needed a change, that the amount of hurt contained in the peeling wallpaper of that shitty little trailer outside of Fort Payne was too much to continue to bear, to make himself bear. Not when he didn’t have to.
After his mother passed, Josiah decided there was nothing more keeping him in Alabama and nothing left for him there but memories, so after an extended period of isolated grieving, he promptly made the choice to pack up in search of a change of scenery. Something new. An online search of jobs in national parks with zero distance restrictions led him to a listing for an available position as a park ranger at Rocky Mountain National Park near Bradford Springs. Colorado. It was a far sight from where he’d spent most of his life, but still promised the familiarity of mountain views and fresh air the likes of which would serve as reminder enough of home to keep him from growing heartsick for it. The entirety of his life fit into a few bags and boxes in the back of a beige Jeep Wrangler from the turn of the millennium, and with the aid of a bunch of old CDs and a handful of maps picked up at rest stops along the way, Jo made the thirteen-hundred mile drive all the way from Fort Payne to Bradford Springs over the course of two days and one night spent trying to catch a few hours of sleep in a rest stop on the state line between Missouri and Kansas.
Jo acclimated very quickly to his job at Rocky Mountain National Park after a few weeks spent studying the local flora and fauna. His efforts were expedited by his choice in domicile — a cabin out in the woods, only a short walk from the ranger station outfitted with the basic amenities thanks to solar panels and a well that he outfitted with a submersible pump and a supply line to the cabin. Being in close proximity to the ranger station gives him internet access, so he’s not entirely off the grid, but almost everything else about his lifestyle would suggest otherwise. Once he was familiar enough with the area, Jo took on the task of leading guided tours on hikes through the trails, taking tourists through scenic mountain and river paths to explore the natural views and wildlife. He loves his job, for the most part — he’s of the belief that people, generally speaking and on the whole, suck, and he’d much rather spend all his time in the company of the animals and trees, but he’s cultivated a skill for turning on the charm and enthusiasm for his job, if only because it’s a cost well worth the reward.
Only a few short weeks after settling into his cabin, Jo was walking home one night when he discovered a wounded baby raccoon abandoned in the brush. Unable to bring himself to leave it there to be a meal for any of the other predators lurking in the woods, the ranger took the animal back to his cabin until he could get it to an emergency vet, and after it was treated for the severest of its’ injuries, Jo brought the raccoon back home to nurse him back to health. He’d never bottle-fed anything before, let alone a raccoon, but he developed a very strong bond with the animal over its first few weeks in the cabin, and it wasn’t long before Jo realized he’d end up having a permanent home there. Meeko’s been living with Jo for over a year now, and in that time, Jo’s learned that he has to child-proof every drawer and cabinet in his home to keep the mischievous raccoons wandering hands out of his things. 
Jo is promiscuous and unashamedly so. ( As for if he’ll admit that he uses this as a blatant distraction from feeling anything too real is still up for debate. ) Whether it be flirting with the most attractive park visitors that sign up for his hikes through Rocky Mountain and inviting them back to his cabin for a night of roughing it out in the woods ( a frequent pastime of his ) or his trips into town to hit up the dive bars and clubs and drink and dance and charm his way into the hearts and pants of strangers, locals and tourists alike, Jo is wont to seek out fleeting intimate connections. He’s not one for commitment, not beyond a handful of recurring, no-strings-attached situations, and he’s also not selective when it comes to gender. He just likes people. He’s wondered more than once on Uber rides back to his cabin if some of his successful flirtations have suspected him some sort of kidnapper, serial killer for his cabin out in the woods, but it’s not hard to fall in love with the place once you’ve seen it and understand why Jo would live there.
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itsgonnabemagne · 1 year
My acne journey
Disclaimer: my skin isn’t clear ever since I have undergone puberty and during college. This process has been difficult for me to share, but I noticed that my skin improved when I consulted a dermatologist and when I realized that it is important to learn how to take care of it.
This was my skin during college. And as a poor student, I only invested in a good cleanser which was a Clean&Clear anti-acne. Di rin ako masyado gumagamit ng make-up pa non kasi wala naman akong pambili so Johnson’s baby powder is da key.
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I didn’t really pay much attention to it as I was thinking it would just go away. It really did, until my menses got really painful every month and I started noticing my pimples become bigger and bigger too. I remember editing my pictures before I post it on facebook because it was really that bad. I started to buy make-up to conceal it. That’s when I also started to watch youtube videos about beauty products, followed a lot of beauty vloggers and learned how to put on products on my face. Ewan ko ba bakit make-up yung pinambibili ko non di ba dapat skin care? Hahaha
So this was also the time that I get to learn about skin products. But I only used dupes because what I saw from the vloggers were really expensive. In all fairness, my acne went away but it left scars.
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This was when I had enough money to invest in some good drug store make-up but my scars still show up. It got better as I was only having one large pimple every month when I get my period. Plus required samin magmaganda at maglagay ng kolorete sa mukha when I was working in makati med. I remember our managers won’t let us go on duty hangga’t wala kaming blush on and usually I put on something sa station na kapag late na ako haha
Then the COVID pandemic happened. Our hospital provided us with respirator masks na pwedeng palitan yung filters para hindi aksaya sa N95. After weeks of using respirator, I noticed na lalo akong nag oil up sa rubber. I had little pimples growing on the area where the mask is fitted around my cheeks. The only remedy I did was to stop using make-up. Again, dineadma ko.
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Until naging ganito yung pimples ko. It was worse weeks before I took this picture nung pasibol palang at putok na putok yung mga tigyawat. So I decided to consult a dermatologist. She gave me 2 options: If I wanted to just put on products, or take anti-acne pills. I got scared because I researched about it and yung iba sobra magpurge. But I decided to try taking the pills. Before taking it, the doctor made sure that I had no pre-existing problems as it could damage the kidneys and liver so I took some blood tests. And boom, bagsak si accla sobrang taas ng liver enzymes ko non kakainom sa apartment hahaha so ang advise sakin is magpa-abdominal ultrasound and find a gastroenterologist para malaman if anong supplements kailangan ko para bumaba yung enzymes and para ma-clear ako to take the anti acne pills.
Nainip ako and all the blood tests that I had ay hindi covered as an MMC employee so I had to pay for all of it. So ang nangyari, after all those tests, bumaba naman liver enzymes ko. But I wasn’t able to get a clearance from the gastro kasi di ako makahanap ng sched na free ako at free siya. I went back to the derma and told her na magpapahid nalang ako. So she recommended these products:
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So that comprises a gentle cleanser, Clindamycin toner, an Adapalene anti-acne gel and a tinted sunscreen. These cost around around 5,000-6,000 pesos and yan yung pinakamaliit na size. I also used the Luxxe Organix toner which is milder and I only put on the clindamycin toner every other night dahil mahapdi talaga siya.
I religiously used this products and followed the instructions the derma gave me. She also advised me not to use any kind of moisturizer kasi yung goal daw is patuyuin yung skin ko para maglabas ng natural oil but only be careful not to clog the pores. Hirap na hirap akong imaintain to kasi I still use mask when I have work. So what I did was, every time I feel oily, I remove the mask, wash it, and put it back on. Also removing the excess oil on my face.
After 3 months of using these products, this was my skin.
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It’s not a really big change but my face doesn’t feel sore and my acne have already dried up.
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This was my skin after 6 months of using the products. This was March 2021 and started to use them in October 2020. I started to use make-up again but I was careful which products to use kasi iniisip ko baka bumalik huhu but in this picture, I did not use foundation, sunscreen lang kasi we were in Cebu nito and sobrang init ayokong mahulas. Girl I never felt so good about my skin nung time na to. Kasi i dont have to put on much make-up. There was no filter either, i only edited the colors. My scars were still visible but it was better with no acne at all.
My derma also advised that I can stop using the products that she recommended after 6 months when I see results kasi may antibiotic yon which is not really adviseable as a maintenance.
We still used those repirator masks after this but I always made sure that it was thoroughly cleaned before I put it on. I also purchased N95 9320 masks on my own expense kasi para hindi masakit sa pisngi and it was less harsh than the green ones.
Up until now, I still get pimples but it was not the same as before. I also researched products that suits my skin and learned that the harshest formula isn’t the best.
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This is my skin now. No filter, no edit and no make-up on (pero kilay is life talaga). My scars are still visible and i’m still figuring out to get rid of it pero i think kailangan na ng procedure, di kakayanin ng pahid pahid yan. Natutunan ko din na “less is more” so this is my skin care routine now:
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Cetaphil oily skin cleanser (not in the photo nasa banyo lol)
Joseon Ginseng Essence Water as my toner
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid serum - I still get small pimple bumps from time to time and i’m still acne-prone. This is just 2% of salicylic acid so it’s not that harsh and I only use it every 2 nights
The Ordinary Niacinamide + Zinc serum - this is a holy grail. I started with Luxxe Organix Niacinamide serum because it only has 4% of niacinamide then I builded up to this. Natatakot kasi ako magpurge haha
Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Aqua Gel Cream - I started using this here in the UK kasi wala akong makitang Celeteque Acne Solutions Moisturizer which is the one I use in the Philippines. I only use this when I go out in the day. Di ko siya nilalagay as a part of my night routine kasi parang ang dami na.
Thank You Farmer sun cream - I still have the Tizo one which my derma recommended pero kasi tinted siya so I really don’t use it often. I only use Tizo when I put on make-up. I also just use this during the day.
I also make sure that the products I used are non-comedogenic and water-based esp with moisturizers so it won’t clog my pores because my skin is on the oily side. So far, this is my routine and I’m on the process of gaining my confidence back which hit rock bottom during the pandemic.
Taray blogger.
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localizee · 2 years
If you need to stock up on a variety of health and fitness products in College Station and Bryan, the best place to go is this dedicated supplement store!
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aggielandsupplementsus · 10 months
Elevate Your Wellness Journey with Aggieland Supplements - Your Premier Supplement Store Near Me
In the quest for a healthier and more vibrant life, finding a reliable supplement store near me is crucial. Enter Aggieland Supplements, your premier destination for all things wellness-related. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an athlete, or simply someone striving for better health, Aggieland Supplements is your one-stop-shop for high-quality supplements and expert guidance.
Unparalleled Product Selection: At Aggieland Supplements, we understand that no two health journeys are the same. That's why we pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of supplements to cater to diverse needs. From protein powders to vitamins, pre-workouts to recovery aids, our shelves are stocked with premium products from trusted brands. We believe in quality over quantity, ensuring that every product on our shelves meets the highest standards in the industry.
Expert Guidance: Navigating the world of supplements can be overwhelming, especially for those new to the wellness scene. At Aggieland Supplements, our knowledgeable and friendly staff are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you're looking to enhance your workout routine, support your immune system, or address specific health concerns, our experts can provide personalized recommendations tailored to your unique needs.
Community-Centric Approach: Aggieland Supplements is more than just a store; it's a community hub for individuals passionate about their health and fitness. We host regular events, workshops, and seminars featuring industry experts to keep you informed about the latest trends and developments in the wellness world. Join our community and connect with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.
Convenience at Your Fingertips: When searching for a "supplement store near me," convenience matters. Aggieland Supplements is strategically located to provide easy access for residents in the area. Our user-friendly website also allows you to browse and purchase your favorite supplements from the comfort of your home, ensuring that your wellness journey fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.
Commitment to Quality: Your health is our priority, and we take that responsibility seriously. Aggieland Supplements is committed to providing products that are safe, effective, and backed by scientific research. We partner with reputable brands known for their commitment to quality, transparency, and innovation. When you choose Aggieland Supplements, you're choosing supplements that you can trust.
Customer Testimonials: Don't just take our word for it; hear what our satisfied customers have to say about their experience with Aggieland Supplements. Our commitment to exceptional service and top-notch products has garnered positive reviews, making us a trusted name in the local community.
Conclusion: If you're on the lookout for a "supplement store near me" that goes beyond merely selling products, look no further than Aggieland Supplements. We are dedicated to supporting you on your wellness journey by providing the highest quality supplements, expert guidance, and a community of individuals who share your passion for health. Elevate your well-being with Aggieland Supplements — where your journey to a healthier, happier you begins.
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Supplement Store near me Bryan Texas.
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If you're in the Bryan or College Station area and searching for an excellent supplement store, you've found it! This store furnishes a wide variety of pre-workout protein powder, creatine, fat burning powder, vitamins, supplements, and even smoothies. Stop by now to select the perfect supplement for you!
Address: 2418 Texas Ave S STE A, College Station, TX 77840
  source https://aggielandsupplements.com/blogs/news/supplement-store-near-me-bryan-texas source https://aggieland-supplements.blogspot.com/2023/02/supplement-store-near-me-bryan-texas.html
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rangerjotheho · 2 years
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name: josiah ❝ jo / josie ❞ barnabas moore gender & pronouns: cis male + he / him orientation: demiromantic pansexual age: twenty-nine date of birth: 19 august, 1993 zodiac: ☼  leo - virgo cusp   ☽  scorpio   ↑  gemini occupation: park ranger + wilderness guide positive traits: charismatic + resourceful + intelligent + engaging + hard-working negative traits: flighty + narcissistic + sarcastic + blunt + secretive
TW : domestic violence, abandonment, cancer, chronic illness, drugs, death, alcohol
Josiah Barnabas Moore — or Jo, to most, and Josie only if you know him well — was born the youngest of four in a small trailer just a stone’s throw from Fort Payne, Alabama to Laurel and Oliver Moore. They didn’t have very much growing up; his father worked full-time at a struggling hardware store in town, and his mother sold her paintings and handmade jewelry at local markets and fairs when she could to supplement their income, but it was still incredibly difficult to feed and clothe and house a family of six. Their trailer was small, cramped, the siblings nearly sleeping on top of each other as they grew older and rooms had to be shared and sofas had to be converted into beds. The Moore siblings were close, though; they had to be. Laurel and Oliver had a tumultuous marriage, to say the least, and the paper-thin walls of their trailer did very little to muffle shouting matches at all hours of the day and night. His older siblings did their best to shield Josie from the worst of it when he was young, and as a result, they’d often spend much of their time outdoors, exploring the woods surrounding their trailer. He grew up scraping his knees falling out of trees and wading through muddy river water to catch tadpoles in old jam jars. Nature quickly became a safe space, a haven for him away from the chaos of home.
He was thirteen years old when his parents separated. And okay, that’s a nice way of saying his dad just packed up one day and decided to get the hell out of dodge, taking half of Josiah’s siblings with him. With the eldest remaining sibling away at college, Jo and his mother were left alone in a trailer that suddenly felt very spacious to figure out how to fend for themselves. Laurel picked up an overnight job at the gas station about a mile up the road, and by the time he was sixteen, Jo was stocking shelves at the local supermarket when he wasn’t at school — Mama Moore insisted he keep his grades up, it was the only way she’d allow him to keep the job, in spite of the great burden his added income relieved of her. She never wanted to ask her son for help, but he was ready to offer it the moment he could. Everyone else might have left, but Jo wasn’t going anywhere.
In his senior year of high school, Jo was offered a full-ride academic scholarship to the University of Alabama, but he chose to decline the acceptance in favor of classes at the nearest community college so he wouldn’t have to leave home or make an impossible commute five days a week to try and make it work. He didn’t even tell his mother that he’d been accepted, and he tried to act like he couldn’t see the disappointment in her eyes when he told her where he’d be going instead. But she encouraged him all the same, and he graduated with a degree in environmental science all while balancing a full-time job at the supermarket. After graduating, she suggested he try finding a job in the field, and after a few months of trying, he secured a position at Little River Canyon National Reserve. It was about a half hour drive from the trailer, but the pay was good and the benefits even better, and for the first time, he actually felt like they weren’t struggling to get by. He felt relieved. Secure, even. He was happy.
But, of course, all good things must come to an end — a concept with which Josiah is all too familiar. He was twenty-five when Mama Moore was diagnosed with an aggressive and advanced form of breast cancer. For two and a half years, any time he didn’t spend working was spent by her side; taking her to appointments, sitting with her through chemotherapy sessions, teaching himself how to cook so he could make anything she wanted and might be able to stomach. In spite of how dangerous it was and how much of a risk it posed to everything he had, being employed by the government in a state like Alabama, Jo put his botany knowledge to good use and learned how to grow marijuana because he’d heard it helped with the side effects of treatment. He hid it well inside of their trailer, opting to sleep on the couch in order to convert their second room into a space to grow his plants for her, and he very, very rarely indulged with her, insisting that it was strictly medicinal and he couldn’t get caught with it, especially if he got tested at work. He’d lose his job and their insurance, and they’d be even more under water than they already were. ( Not that Jo would ever let her know that; he’d taken on the finances from the time he got his job with the National Reserve, and he’d be damned if he’d let her think for a moment they were struggling. ) They never did get caught, and once she’d moved onto stronger forms of pain relief in hospice care, he got rid of the plants and cleared out the room he’d used for growing.
Once he realized they were nearing the devastating but inevitable end of his mother’s long and exhausting battle, Jo wrote letters to his father and all of his siblings inviting them to show up to say their goodbyes. His father never showed up, and much like the first time when he’d left, Jo was left to try and figure things out on his own. There was a small, modest service held for her, and per her request, she was buried in a shady spot under a willow tree. It felt surreal, coming back to the trailer alone, and it took several weeks for Jo to find it in himself to begin to pack up her belongings. He took an indefinite leave of absence from his job and spent many nights seeking solace at the bottom of a bottle as he struggled to swallow the loss of his guardian, teacher, and best friend all in one. He knew he needed a change, that the amount of hurt contained in the peeling wallpaper of that shitty little trailer outside of Fort Payne was too much to continue to bear, to make himself bear. Not when he didn’t have to.
After his mother passed, Josiah decided there was nothing more keeping him in Alabama and nothing left for him there but memories, so after an extended period of isolated grieving, he promptly made the choice to pack up in search of a change of scenery. Something new. An online search of jobs in national parks with zero distance restrictions led him to a listing for an available position as a park ranger at Rocky Mountain National Park near Lockwood Springs, Colorado. It was a far sight from where he’d spent most of his life, but still promised the familiarity of mountain views and fresh air the likes of which would serve as reminder enough of home to keep him from growing heartsick for it. The entirety of his life fit into a few bags and boxes in the back of a beige Jeep Wrangler from the turn of the millennium, and with the aid of a bunch of old CDs and a handful of maps picked up at rest stops along the way, Jo made the thirteen-hundred mile drive all the way from Fort Payne to Bradford Springs over the course of two days and one night spent trying to catch a few hours of sleep in a rest stop on the state line between Missouri and Kansas.
Jo acclimated very quickly to his job at Rocky Mountain National Park after a few weeks spent studying the local flora and fauna. His efforts were expedited by his choice in domicile — a cabin out in the woods, only a short walk from the ranger station outfitted with the basic amenities thanks to solar panels and a well that he outfitted with a submersible pump and a supply line to the cabin. Being in close proximity to the ranger station gives him internet access, so he’s not entirely off the grid, but almost everything else about his lifestyle would suggest otherwise. Once he was familiar enough with the area, Jo took on the task of leading guided tours on hikes through the trails, taking tourists through scenic mountain and river paths to explore the natural views and wildlife. He loves his job, for the most part — he’s of the belief that people, generally speaking and on the whole, suck, and he’d much rather spend all his time in the company of the animals and trees, but he’s cultivated a skill for turning on the charm and enthusiasm for his job, if only because it’s a cost well worth the reward.
Only a few short weeks after settling into his cabin, Jo was walking home one night when he discovered a wounded baby raccoon abandoned in the brush. Unable to bring himself to leave it there to be a meal for any of the other predators lurking in the woods, the ranger took the animal back to his cabin until he could get it to an emergency vet, and after it was treated for the severest of its’ injuries, Jo brought the raccoon back home to nurse him back to health. He’d never bottle-fed anything before, let alone a raccoon, but he developed a very strong bond with the animal over its first few weeks in the cabin, and it wasn’t long before Jo realized he’d end up having a permanent home there. Meeko’s been living with Jo for over a year now, and in that time, Jo’s learned that he has to child-proof every drawer and cabinet in his home to keep the mischievous raccoons wandering hands out of his things.
Jo is promiscuous and unashamedly so. ( As for if he’ll admit that he uses this as a blatant distraction from feeling anything too real is still up for debate. ) Whether it be flirting with the most attractive park visitors that sign up for his hikes through Rocky Mountain and inviting them back to his cabin for a night of roughing it out in the woods ( a frequent pastime of his ) or his trips into town to hit up the dive bars and clubs and drink and dance and charm his way into the hearts and pants of strangers, locals and tourists alike, Jo is wont to seek out fleeting intimate connections. He’s not one for commitment, not beyond a handful of recurring, no-strings-attached situations, and he’s also not selective when it comes to gender. He just likes people. He’s wondered more than once on Uber rides back to his cabin if some of his successful flirtations have suspected him some sort of kidnapper, serial killer for his cabin out in the woods, but it’s not hard to fall in love with the place once you’ve seen it and understand why Jo would live there.
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kirobi3098 · 2 years
At Aggieland Supplements, we be proud of providing our customers using the finest smoothies in College or university Station and Bryan. Our smoothies are manufactured rich in-top quality components and are fantastic for those searching for a healthier dinner replacement. Along with our scrumptious smoothies, we also offer a full menus of supplements, preworkouts, and vitamin supplements & supplements. Whether you're looking to stay healthy and fit or simply want to like a scrumptious shake, our retail store is the perfect spot for you! For more information about Supplement Store Near Me college station bryan visit https://aggielandsupplements.com/pages/smoothies-in-college-station
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
An ongoing list of alternative items for your SF AUs~ ☕🥪🏠
Addison Tea Alternatives:
Anything gooey, slimy, thick, supposedly edible (or applied to the body), and justifiably dark-colored that could be consumed or used frequently.
-Chocolate (or other flavored) milk
-Candy (processed into taffy, jaw breakers, mints, gum)
-Sauce/dressing/dip (soy sauce, hot sauce, salad dressing, chip dip, etc.)
-Filling (for pastries, etc.)
-Medicine/ supplement/ vitamin/ tonic/ lozenge/ cough syrup/ 'miracle cure'
-Ointment/ salve/ lotion/ soap/ balm/ body scrub
Anywhere where people will spend a lot of time, can purchase/receive food, and has hidden/restricted areas where people could potentially be kidnapped or murdered.
Addison Apartment Alternatives:
-Condos/ townhomes/ housing development
-Hotel/ Motel
-Academy/ school/ college
-Mall/shopping center
-Hospital/ rehabilitation center/ hospice
-Shelter/food bank
-Grocery/ convenience store/ gas station
-Restaurant/ Café/ Diner
-Bar/ club
-Spa/ resort
-Amusement park/ water park
-Community center
Any food or dish that can be made in large batches with cheap, processed, heavily seasoned/salted meat.
Bologna Alternatives:
-Hamburger/Sloppy Joes
-Hot dogs/sausages/bratwurst
-Pot pies/turnovers
-Dumplings/pot stickers/eggrolls
-Chicken nuggets/strips
-Fish sticks
-stuffed peppers/mushrooms/etc.
-'''''Plant-based meat substitute''''''
Any object that can be used with lethal force (personal bonus points for items seen within the apartments or key inventory/story items)
Weapon Alternatives:
-Pocket Knife
-Guitar/ guitar strap
-Wooden Boards
-Booze Bottle
-Misc. object from each room
-No Weapon (bare hands)
-Sara lol
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andromedasstarship · 4 years
are you free tomorrow?
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pairing - spencer reid x gn!reader
warnings - nothing! just a sweet & cliche ‘first meeting’ story  :)
summary - midterms are coming up and all the good cafes on campus are filled, maybe the sweet looking curly haired guy in the back will share his table with you?
a/n - for my valentines day oneshot series! 'every table is full, but i really need to study, is there any way we could share?'
Stressed, was a simple way to explain the current state you were in. The semester had snuck up on you, moving faster than you had ever expected. As the fifth week was coming to a close, you were getting dangerously close to the storm of midterms you had waiting for you in the sixth week. And you desperately needed to study. The only thing stopping you- surprisingly not your own procrastination-, was that it seemed as if the rest of campus was also in the same predicament as you. 
This was the third cafe on campus that you had entered that was absolutely filled. 
Your eyes scanned around the room, hoping to catch someone in the middle of packing their things. Nope. You considered circling back through the other two cafes you’d just been in or maybe even just going off campus. Except you couldn’t justify wasting more time by circling the same few cafes over and over, nor could your college student budget justify paying for coffee when you could just use your allotted campus cash. 
Just as you were about to give up and leave- begrudgingly deciding that studying in your room would have to be good enough-, you spotted a man sitting alone towards the back of the cafe. He sat at a large table with plenty of space; even though he had one of the largest stacks of papers you’d ever seen one individual possess. 
You weighed your options, internally debating if it’d be worth potentially hurting your pride by asking him to share the table and getting rejected. Seeing as the other option was definitely hurting your pride by hovering the same cafes like a hungry park bird, you tightened your grip on your tote bag and started walking towards him.  
Whatever he was reading must’ve been exciting, as his focus didn’t stray even for a moment nor did he notice you at all until you were right up against the chair across from him. You awkwardly cleared your throat to catch his attention, giving him a tiny wave when he looked up at you. 
“I’m really sorry to bother you, just every table is full and I really need to study and I know it’s not the best, but could I share this table with you?” You asked anxiously, holding your breath as you waited for his answer. 
As he opened his mouth to respond, you quickly added. “I swear it’ll be like I’m not even here!”  
He gave you a ‘please calm down’ look and you felt some of the weight dissolve from your shoulders as he nodded his head. “Take a seat, no worry at all.” He told you, adding a kind smile as he looked back down at his stack of papers and pulled them closer; giving you more room at the table. 
You let your bag fall off your shoulder and hit the ground with a thunk, relieved to no longer be carrying the physical weight around. You clasped the top of the chair in front of you, leaning towards him just so. “Thank you,” you said, giving your best gracious smile, “let me get you a coffee or something?” 
He looked almost shocked- or was he flustered? you weren’t sure-, quickly shaking his head in response. “No! You don’t need to do that at all.” He assured you, but you weren’t so quick to back down. 
“It’s the least I can do, please?” You pressed, giving him a very exaggerated pleaaaase look, “with all those papers you must need some serious caffeine.” 
You thought he was going to continue this little back-and-forth with you, but you watched as his body relaxed ever so slightly, signs of what you hoped was him conceding. “Just a black coffee.” 
"Just black?" You countered, raising your eyebrow, leaving it unsaid that he was just choosing the cheapest drink they had.
"Room for cream? I'll fix it up myself." He replied.
From the line, you had your first opportunity to really give this guy a look. The papers in front of him had sucked him back in as soon as you stepped away from the table; meaning you weren’t too worried about him catching you in your little…, creeping moment. The student population was large, but it was still small enough that you found yourself repeatedly seeing the same strangers. Yet, you’d never seen this man before. And you were sure you would’ve remembered this man, had you seen him before. What? He was undeniably attractive. There was something about the way his hair just perfectly curled around his face that made you just want to reach out and ruff- that’s weird. Even his little sweater-tie-button up outfit was doing it for you. Maybe today won’t be so bad. 
The line moved quickly and you found yourself carrying the two drinks back over to the table in under five minutes. You set his cup by him, taking care to put it away from the massive stack of papers. You set your cup down next, sliding in the chair diagonal from him. 
“You know,” you started, hefting your bag up into the chair next to you, “I never got your name?”
“Thank you,” he quickly got out, holding up his coffee as he did so. “I’m Spencer, uh…, Spencer Reid.” He told you, a faint red creeping up from under his collar. 
You gave him your name in return, a bit distracted as you pulled more of your things from your bag. From the corner of your eye, you saw him hold his coffee up again, nodding his head towards the cream and sugar station before walking off to fix his drink up properly. 
In his absence, you pulled out the rest of your books, debating which subject you should tackle first. You were glad you were finally towards the end of your college career, meaning the majority of your classes were specific to your interests rather than a four hundred student gen-ed; not that it made you any more excited to study for this exam. 
When Spencer came back he set his coffee down with a slightly shaky hand. “Did you know coffee is actually classified as a fruit?” He asked, as he slid back into his seat against the wall. 
“I didn’t know that.” You replied, shaking your head. 
“The coffee bean itself grows on a bush and they’re actually the pit of a berry, which is what makes them a fruit. They come in two main varieties, green and red.” He rambled, as if reciting from some magic book stored in his brain. As soon as he was done he clamped his mouth shut, remembering how most people reacted to his ramblings. 
You raised an eyebrow at him, but your face didn’t show any signs of annoyance. “Big coffee fan Spencer?” 
“Big fan of facts.” He corrected, giving you a sheepish smile.
“Oh yeah? Well you seem pretty smart then, which class should I study for first?” You asked, holding up two of your textbooks.
He looked at both books curiously, trying to take a guess at what your major might’ve been. He pointed at the one in your left hand. God’s, Monsters and Mortals. 
“Are you an…, English major?” He guessed, wondering if the book was some supplement for a unit on the Iliad. Not to mention the other book you held up was quite literally called ‘Literature Through The Ages’. 
You shook your head, putting the book he chose down on the table while you returned the other one to your bag. “Close! Classics,” you said, giving him a sheepish grin, “I know, it’s a bit niche, kinda ridiculous, but there’s something about how we immortalized memories of ancient times through literature that are just fascinating. There’s something about the lessons of the past that I think a lot of people are ignoring today, ya know?” You replied, quickly closing your mouth before you’d go on some incredibly long tangent about your interests and studies. Didn’t you say it’d be like you weren’t even here?  
“No, no!” He hurriedly said, shaking his head. “Understanding the lessons and patterns of the past and how they’ve morphed humanity today? That’s cool!” He assured you. 
“Well what about you, Spencer Reid? What’s your major, you must have some horrible professors, if that stack of papers is the norm.” You joked, liking the way the corner of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. 
“I’m uh…, a professor here.” He responded, his face cringing ever so slightly as he watched your mouth drop open simultaneously as your eyes nearly fell out of your head. 
“You’re a…, professor?” You repeated, extremely confused as to how someone who looked only a few years older than you was somehow employed to such a degree. 
“Just a visiting one!” He clarified, clearing his throat. “I’m on a sort of, uh, sabbatical from work.” 
“Isn’t a sabbatical when someone gets away from academia?” You countered, smiling to show you meant no actual aggression. 
“Big fan of facts, remember?” He repeated plainly, but you caught the joke in it and you smiled wider at that. 
“No offense Professor, but you look a bit young to ya know, be one.” You said, hoping he’d give his age in response. 
“I’m 29.” Ah, only four years older than you. 
“29 and already a professor at a university like this? What, do you have like 20 Phds. or something?” You asked jokingly, laughing a bit as you said so. 
“Three actually.” He replied, a mix of shyness and pride across his face.
Your mouth dropped back open again, trying to wrap your mind around the man in front of you. “What are you? A genius then?” 
“By some standards, yes.”  
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence after that. Him paying special attention to each paper he graded- you wished all your professors cared about student work the way he seemed to-, while you were busy deciding which parts of the taught units were the most important. 
After what you imagined was nothing short of four hours you felt your head begin to throb and your eyes were starting to go fuzzy. In that time, the two of you had downed at least five coffees each, going back and forth over who paid for them. You had managed to create an individual study guide for nearly all your upcoming exams and a quick glance told you that Spencer still had a few papers left. Unbeknownst to you he could have finished those papers hours ago, even with the in depth comments he entered into the computer for each one; there was just something about you that drew him in.  
He wasn’t sure whether it was the funny unfiltered comments you’d make sporadically while you worked or the way you actually seemed to be interested in every little tangent he had gone on whenever one of his students brought up a particularly good or amusing point in their papers’. His therapist had recently recommended that he engage in conversations with those not already well acquainted with him and it seemed like the world had lined up perfectly to put you in front of him so soon after. 
You loudly slammed your textbook shut with a groan and let your head fall against the table. “Why does academia have to be so boring?” You asked rhetorically, bringing one hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Is it some requirement to get published? Your work needs to put college kids to sleep?”  
“The works that you’re reading are quite literally ancient, in their defense. The term ‘academia’ itself comes from the school of thought taught by Plato himself in ancient Athens.” Spencer explained, putting down the paper he had been grading. 
“And now, all these years later I have to suffer because Plato was such a bore.” You sighed dramatically, rolling your eyes. 
“You said you were studying the downfall of Icarus weren’t you?” He asked, once again unbeknownst to you, he remembered everything you had said today. “It’s one of my favorites of ancient Greek mythology. The power of the mind of man, yet how quickly that very power could be taken away if man oversteps. Really makes us wonder if we’ve overstepped as humans yet, if we use Icarus’s fall, quite literally from grace, as a lens for other devastations we’ve seen across history then-” 
“Spencer, are you free tomorrow?” You asked, effectively cutting him off. 
He looked a bit like a fish, the way you had stopped him mid sentence and his mouth hadn’t yet closed. His eyebrows turned up, head tilting with them. “Tomorrow? The 14th?” 
“Yeah, are you free tomorrow?” You repeated, holding back your nerves. 
“Oh.” He said, eyes going wide as you assumed he finally connected the dots, “Oh!” 
You were about to speak again, retract your question completely before he could reject you, suddenly wondering why you decided to go out on whim like that at all. But he beat you to it. 
“Yes, yes I am.” 
happy valentines day (almost) i love yall!!
tagging a few people who asked + a few mutuals i think might like this (no pressure!!) - @hqtchner @ssahoodrathotchner @kylorendrip @feverdreamreid @homoose 
permanent taglist - @sunflowersandotherthings
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Business Name: Aggieland Supplements
Street Address: 2418 Texas Ave S STE A
City: College Station
State: Texas
Zip Code: 77840
Country: USA
Business Phone: (979) 703-7685
Website: https://aggielandsupplements.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Aggieland-Supplements-102749661927018/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aggielandsupplements/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aggielandsupplements/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc8HJD_WxKy8Wo4RG7oMbrQ/featured
Business Description: Vitamin & supplements store in College Station. Aggieland Supplements Has the best quality Vitamin & supplements, smoothies in College Station.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=13576691742805861330
Business Hours: Sunday 11AM–6PM Monday 9AM–8PM Tuesday 9AM–8PM Wednesday 9AM–8PM Thursday 9AM–8PM Friday 9AM–8PM Saturday 10AM–6PM
Payment Methods: Cash Check Visa Master Discover Amex
Products: Vitamin & supplements store, Smoothies, preworkouts protein powder
Keywords: supplement store near me college station, creatine college station, smoothies college station, Vitamin & supplements store in College Station, Preworkout near me
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2014
Business Slogan: Aggieland Supplements College Station
Service Areas:
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Unlocking Your Peak Performance: Aggieland Supplements in College Station
In the bustling college town of College Station, where the pursuit of academic excellence and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand, Aggieland Supplements emerges as the go-to destination for students and residents alike seeking to optimize their well-being. As the demand for quality supplements continues to rise, Aggieland Supplements stands out as a beacon of health and vitality, offering a diverse range of products to support the unique needs of the College Station community.
Why Aggieland Supplements? Aggieland Supplements is not just a store; it's a hub for health enthusiasts, fitness aficionados, and anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being. Strategically located in the heart of College Station, this supplement haven caters to the specific requirements of a community driven by academic rigor, sports, and an active lifestyle.
Product Diversity: One of the critical strengths of Aggieland Supplements lies in its expansive product range. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast aiming to build muscle, a student seeking cognitive support, or someone looking to boost their immune system, Aggieland Supplements has you covered. The shelves are stocked with premium brands and trusted products, from protein powders and vitamins to pre-workout formulas and weight management solutions.
Expert Guidance: Navigating the world of supplements can be overwhelming, especially for those new to fitness and wellness. At Aggieland Supplements, a team of knowledgeable and friendly experts is ready to assist customers in finding the perfect products tailored to their individual goals. Whether you aim to improve your energy levels during exams or enhance your physical performance in the gym, the knowledgeable staff at Aggieland Supplements will guide you every step.
Local Convenience: Aggieland Supplements understands the busy lifestyle of college students and residents. With its central location, the store provides unparalleled convenience for those looking to quickly grab their supplements between classes or on the way to the gym. The store's commitment to the local community is reflected in its convenient hours, making it accessible for early risers and night owls.
Community Engagement: Beyond being a retail establishment, Aggieland Supplements actively engages with the College Station community. The store fosters a sense of community around health and wellness by hosting events, workshops, and informational sessions. Whether it's a fitness challenge, nutritional seminar, or product launch, Aggieland Supplements ensures that its patrons are not just customers but active participants in a shared journey toward better health.
Quality Assurance: Aggieland Supplements prioritizes quality, ensuring all products on its shelves meet rigorous standards. From sourcing premium ingredients to partnering with reputable brands, the store is committed to providing supplements that contribute positively to its customers' health and fitness goals. With Aggieland Supplements, you can trust that you invest in products that align with your wellness objectives.
Conclusion: In the dynamic landscape of College Station, Aggieland Supplements emerges as a beacon of health and vitality. Catering to the diverse needs of students and residents, this supplement haven offers a wide array of quality products and provides expert guidance, local convenience, and community engagement. Suppose you're searching for supplements in College Station to support your academic and fitness journey. In that case, Aggieland Supplements is your one-stop destination for unlocking your peak performance and achieving holistic well-being.
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literary-potato · 2 years
have stumbled onto the realization that I think better and concentrate more when I’ve had Red Bull. Like I feel dramatically better and more like myself. This has happened twice now.
Time for science to figure out why.
Variables I can already rule out because of unintended data collection in the course of day to day life:  * caffeine (also present in tea, coffee, and soda, none of which have that effect)
* carbonation (also present in soda and sparkling water, neither of which have the same effect) * sugar content and perceived sweetness (also present in soda, which doesn’t have the same effect; have also not noticed any difference between times when I prepare my coffee or tea with more sugar than less.) * acidity (also present in coffee) * specifically fruity acidity ie citric acid (also present in my Vitamin C tablets and in my sparkling water because they have a small amount of fruit juice -- I *might* be slightly sharper those days when I drink it, but that might be a correlation-causation thing because I don’t super enjoy sparkling water and if I’m choosing to drink it anyway that means I’m operating with some level of executive functioning that day.) Variables that remain to be seen: * combination of high caffeine levels + NO lactose (there’s a decent bit of milk in coffee and tea as I prepare it, though mitigated by me taking Lactaid, that is NOT present in Red Bull -- maybe the presence of lactose or something else about dairy counteracts the benefits of high caffeine beverages? experiment: use non-dairy creamer, keep all other aspects of coffee/tea prep the same. alternative cursed experiment: add milk to red bull) * psychological & emotional association with the taste of Red Bull specifically because it reminds me of *late* high school and (even more so) college, a period in my life when I was happy, had lots of social interaction, was high-performing, and experienced a lot of fulfilment and satisfaction in my work. (experiment: swap out another beverage that has similar emotional associations with that period of my life, namely iced caramel lattes from Dunkin Donuts; fortunately there are now Dunkin Donuts stores in my area so I can do this) * something in Red Bull that isn’t in the other stuff. taurine????? ginseng??? (experiment: ... supplements I guess? if I can find a reputable ish source that’s not weird pseudoscientific wellness crap or sold at a gas station and marketed at middle aged men)
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ask-a-vetblr · 4 years
Hello, sorry to bother! I think a cat of mine has anxiety, and until I'm able to get them to a vet, do you have any advice on what I can do to help them more in the meantime? Also, is there any viability to the powders/supplement items sold at petco/petsmart that go into pets food?
gettingvetted here.
Make sure they have enough litterboxes (enough to have one for each cat in the household plus one extra) that are situated on each level of the house in a quiet location away from foot traffic. Make sure there are separate food and water stations for each cat as well. Increasing the amount of elevated space such as shelving or cat trees as well as adding Feliway diffusers may help. Increase the amount of time you play with them (several short sessions in a day) and make sure they can’t see any cats that are outdoors.
Supplements from pet stores are useless if your cat is on a balanced diet, except perhaps glucosamine supplements, and even then you are going to want a veterinary form of the supplement if you want to see any kind of result.
Petshrink here:
PetMD has some good resources about cat anxiety you may find helpful, including this overview: https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/behavioral/c_ct_fear_phobia_anxiety
You may also enjoy the new book by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists!
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maple-writes · 3 years
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[Image ID: Banner image reading: The City of Eventide, Chapter 34, Maple-writes. End ID]
This is it! The last chapter! It still feels so strange to think that this really is the last one.
Each day grew longer than the last and the sun shone a little stronger, burning off morning spring clouds. Dylan made good on his promise to visit unannounced one afternoon. He showed up with a firm knock on the door and a greeting loud enough to wake me the rest of the way up. For hours he lingered in the kitchen, half occupied with putting the finishing touches on the egg salad sandwiches Fallon sent him along with but more occupied with filling me in on everything and anything. Tea in hand I barely spoke as the sun made its way down the sky, casting long shadows across the street outside and dimming the light through the windows all while Dylan replaced the usual quiet of the day. It was nice though, hearing someone else’s voice even if I did end up forgetting details and names in his stories.
The vitamins weren’t so bad aside from remembering to take them, and once I got used to the taste neither were the other supplements the doctor suggested. Even now Ginger stopped by sometimes to check on me and deliver updates on the goings-on back at the college, letting me know I could come see her there anytime. She’d smiled, assuring me that if I ever wanted to return to work with her we’d take it as easy as I needed.
Ember’s attempts to get me out of the house came fewer and farther between, dropping down from every night to maybe once or twice a week. Every time my heart skipped but two nights ago we made it to the 24 hour gas station store. Under the too-bright lights the night vanished outside and I had to remember to take every breath deep enough to keep my head from spinning and there were too many choices and items lining every shelf and fridge and nowhere to hide but Ember kept by my side. She walked me through and let me rest my hand on her forearm, letting some of the warmth and calm seep from her skin through mine.
We bought drinks and the lights and hum of refrigerators disappeared as the door closed behind us. Stepping between shadows cast by vacant gas pumps we didn’t make it much farther than the store that night, but for the first time some of the tension melted under quiet streetlights. Chill air cooled my lungs and settled my head. The two of us talked all the way back home and together in the living room until far too late. She really shouldn’t have been staying up that late with her job interview tomorrow, though she was quick to reminded me it was only in the afternoon.
Her interview went well, and by the end of the week she’d been called back for a second and a week after that they offered her the job as a deckhand on a fishing vessel. From what she told us it sounded hard, and she’d be gone for long stretches during the season, but her excitement was contagious. Striker ordered take out to celebrate and we ended up only going to bed long after the sun had set.
Yawning, I pulled my shirt off, crawled into bed and drew the blanket snug around my shoulders. After all the excitement and celebration I sunk all the way down into the pillows and sheets.
A rattle came from my window, then another and I sat up, squinting in the dark. Grey-blue in the evening dark, a wing flashed into view then a beak tapping at the glass as a seagull fluttered by. Cirrus. It had to be. Otherwise some poor bird was very, very lost.
I hopped out of bed and opened up the window just as he glided back around. He landed on the windowsill in a blur of feathers, tucking his wings neatly to the side and shaking out his tail as he came to a stop. His head tilted left and right, pupils dilating a moment before finding the right focus.
“Hey Cirrus.” I leaned over, resting my elbows against the windowsill. “It is you, right?”
The gull ruffled his feathers, puffing up and laying them flat again in one smooth wave. He raised his beak and stuck out his chest as he watched me sideways. I smiled, warmth spreading from deep in my chest. Of course this was Cirrus. Hard to believe the last time I’d seen him was back at the cabin. How long ago was that now? I’d lost track.
Cirrus turned, webbed feet tapping against the wood of the windowsill in the quiet of the dark. He faced the street, dark and empty, glancing back at me over his grey shoulder. I frowned. Did he want…
“You want me to go with you?”
He gave a quick nod, holding his head sideways to lock me in one of his little eyes. I swallowed and wrung my hands together. How far would he want me to go? What if something happened? I hunched my shoulder, hair falling in front of my face as I stared down at my arms.
“I, I don’t know Cirrus.” How was I supposed to tell him? How was I supposed to tell him I hadn’t gone much further than a few blocks from home on my own since I got back. “I don’t know.”
A weight landed on my shoulder, webbed feet against my skin. Cirrus pushed his beak through my hair to poke at my cheek. He settled down, feathers of his belly soft against my skin. I sighed and turned my neck to see him through the corners of my eyes.
Even if we hadn’t gone far nothing horrible happened whenever I went out with Ember. I held Cirrus’ stare for a moment, watching him blink and turn his head. If something did go wrong Cirrus would have seen it before, right? He didn’t know what Ginger did but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d helped. I could handle this. If I could handle the cemetery in the middle of the day I could handle a walk in the middle of the night.
I sighed again, straightening up slowly to give Cirrus the chance to hop down. “Alright. Let me get dressed first.”
Cirrus waited outside, perched on a nearby streetlight and watching as I finally stepped out into the night. I shut and locked the door as softly as I could behind me, trying to keep the nerves already wrapping around my throat in check. A flurry of feathers made me look up a second before Cirrus landed softly on my shoulder. Webbed feet tapped quiet on my jacket and grey wing-tips tickled my ear as he turned. He stuck his head out a second, caught my eye and flew down the street.
I took off running after him. My feet fell loud and echoing in the quiet side streets and alleyways, chasing flashes of white feathers under spaced-out streetlights until I staggered to a breathless stop. Hands on my knees and hunched over on the sidewalk, my heart struggled to keep up with my lungs and my legs burned. Shit. How long had it been since I moved this much? Cold air scraped at the back of my throat. I coughed and tried to catch my breath. By the time I looked up Cirrus was gone.
I grit my teeth. “Damn it.”
A seagull’s call pierced through the quiet, shrill and laugh-like. Sounded like he wasn’t too far, towards the waterfront. Of course he’d want me to meet him there. I pulled myself back upright. He’d have to wait though because I wasn’t about to run the whole way there.
I’d almost caught my breath by the time the gentle lapping of the waves caught my ear, soft and rhythmic against the deserted shore. A full moon hung bright over the ocean casting liquid silver over the dark water and the white crests of incoming waves. I slowed as I stepped out onto the beach. Full moon. Cirrus, he hadn’t waited for me here after I’d gone home, had he? Waited and hoped I’d show up for him only to leave disappointed like he had so many times hoping his mother would come around.
He’d understand why I hadn’t come, if he’d waited here for me at all. I bunched my shoulders against the wind and shook the thought from my head, picking my way across the dark beach to the usual place. Tiny creatures, insects, arthropods, they scurried away from my path with every step. Moment by moment the lights of the city faded to a faint glow at my back to give way to blue-dark night.
A figure sat on a washed-up log, turning when I rounded the bend. A woman in an ink-black evening gown that billowed around her ankles when she stood and faced me with a polite smile.
“Well, you’ve sure perked up since I last saw you.” She paused, waiting, but I only squinted in attempts to place where we might have met. “Ah, you don’t recognize me.” She gestured to herself with a black-gloved hand. “Cirrus’ sister. Call me Hadley.”
We had met, hadn’t we. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to remember back but couldn’t see much more than a blur, a haze of feathers and loud voices that seemed to rumble through the air and into my own lungs.
Hadley though either hadn’t noticed or didn’t mind, catching me with a nod as she settled back down on the log. “Cirrus should be here soon.” She shot me a smirk, raising her head high. “I have been instructing him on how to shift his form but it can be hit or miss. He wanted to see you though, so I agreed to help him out tonight.”
She leaned back resting her hands behind her and facing the shimmering sea. Her head tilted just a moment as I sat beside her. This close she had the same barely contained power Cirrus did, cold and powerful like a harsh wind biting through my clothes. She kept quiet, watching as wave after wave lapped at the rocky shore. Slowly, I ran my hand over the worn bark of the log, tracing over ridges and bits where the wood had torn and weathered away.
“Ah,” Hadley stood, smoothing down her dress in the breeze. “Sounds like he’s done.”
The bushes growing beside the beach rustled, and a moment later Cirrus stuck his head out, one hand covering half his face and casting a sheepish look at Hadley.
She half chuckled to herself with a short glance back at me. “One moment.”
Without waiting for any kind of response, she stepped out of sight behind the foliage and the night dark. She said something, mumbling and chiding but too low for me to make out, Cirrus responding with something indignant and defensive but without any teeth behind his words. I smiled, leaning forward on the log to try and peek around the bushes and shadows. That was Cirrus alright.
The leaves rustled again, branches snapped, and Cirrus swore as he stumbled out onto the beach. He found his balance and shook himself out, looking just like I remembered. Same hair, same eyes… I jumped up from the log and throwing my arms around him. He balked a moment, surprised, before returning the embrace. His clothes were warm and smelled like storm-bearing winds, familiar and new at the same time. I leaned against him, pressing my forehead against his shoulder a moment before standing up again, throat tight.
“Miss me?” Cirrus grinned, already knowing the answer.
I nodded. “Its different, with you gone.” Maybe not quieter now that Ember was around, but different. I swallowed and turned away, a hand to the back of my neck as I glanced out to the ocean. “I don’t know if you were waiting for me here, but I’m sorry if you were.” My voice dragged along. “Things haven’t been easy.”
He shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, I haven’t been around here either. It’s been a whirlwind.” Cirrus huffed and crossed his arms, shaking his head to the dark pebbles.
“Oh come on Cirrus!” Hadley scolded, coming up around behind him and messing up his hair. She snickered as he tried and failed to duck out of the way. “You had a great time. Do you think I missed you flirting with that pretty noble lady?”
Cirrus flustered, uncrossing his arms and stumbling over his tongue. “She started it!” He shook himself out with another huff, crossing his arms tighter than before. “But yeah, alright. It wasn’t all bad.” He watched his sister as she retuned to her perch on the log, a half smile on his face, before turning back to me. “You’re looking better than last time I saw you. At least like you’re not about to get blown over by the wind.” Cirrus paused a moment, just standing, watching me as the breeze slipped silent between us. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with so much colour in your face.
Even at in the dark? I looked away a moment, watching the moon hang bright over the gentle swells. Maybe he had better night vision than I did because Striker had said the same thing.
“I uh,” I faced him again, tucking my hands in my pockets and out of the chill. “I’ve been seeing some doctors since I got back for a while now. I guess it’s working.” The wind picked up again and I hunched my shoulders until Cirrus stepped to my side, blocking out some of the gale. “Ginger was saying the other day she’d be alright with me coming back to the college.”
“You going to do it?”
I shrugged, pushing rounded stones from side to side with the toe of my shoe. “I… I hope so. It’s been a while.” A smile played at my lips. “I kind of miss it actually.
Cirrus snorted. “Bored at home already?”
This time I grinned, full and toothy. “Maybe.”
He rolled his eyes but kept quiet, attention drifting up from me to the lights of the city down the beach. I glanced back over my shoulder to follow his gaze only a moment before focusing back on Cirrus. In the dark he looked just like I remembered, like nothing changed. Like he hadn’t been gone for months now and he’d never returned to life as a dragon. Like Ember hadn’t moved into his bedroom and he was going to be in the kitchen tomorrow morning when I got out of bed.
A deep ache spread sharp through my throat, all the way up to the floor of my mouth and I looked away. He had his own life now. His own life somewhere far away. Somewhere I couldn’t go and find him like I used to. He’d come to see me this time tonight but how long would that last? I swallowed. He wouldn’t forget about me now that what he’d hoped to happen for years and years finally came about, right?
“Do you remember back then when I couldn’t speak my name?” Cirrus spoke low, eyes still drifting over my head to the city. “That day you found me?”
I don’t think I would ever forget, he must have known that but I nodded all the same.
He paused, hesitating before speaking again. “It hurt for a long time. I used to dream of hearing it again, to be who I was again. But then…” Cirrus finally tore his gaze from Eventide. He looked down at me, the faintest of the distant light reflecting in his eyes. “It didn’t feel the same anymore. I’m keeping Cirrus. I just wanted you to know that.”
“Really?” My voice came out smaller than I expected, thinned and brittle. “You don’t miss the other?”
Cirrus shrugged. “I can’t say I don’t, but I don’t know, I couldn’t bring myself to part with this name yet.” He half smiled. “My mother wasn’t exactly thrilled but she’ll get over it.”
From what I’d heard of her, I wasn’t surprised. “You’re still going to come and visit, right?”
“Of course.” Cirrus casted a sidelong glance at his sister still seated on the log and gazing out to sea. “Though it might be a while yet before I get the hang of shape shifting alone.” He paused a moment before turning back to me. “I’ll be around. I’ve got at least a couple more centuries of watching over Eventide’s storms after all.”
That long? I guess it made sense. He was a dragon after all. I smiled but broke halfway by a surprise yawn. What time was it?
A warm hand rested on my shoulder as Cirrus’ laugh drifted over the crashing waves. “Keeping you up?” He grinned down at me as he turned towards the city. “I’ll take you home.”
We walked along the beach towards the soft city lights. At this time of night we had the sidewalks to ourselves, only the occasional car passing by the empty roads. My arm brushed his, contented warmth easing from him to me. I quickly ran out of things to update him on since coming back to Eventide and he took over most of the way home telling me all about his sisters and the trouble they’d get into. Even in the low light I could see how he flushed talking about the woman Hadley had brought up on the beach. I smiled, struggling to keep my eyes open and half leaning against his shoulder as we walked.
He sounded happy.
Sun sinking low in the sky relief pooled in my chest seeing how quiet Eventide College was this time of day. A handful of people milled and wandered around the front stairs, some chatting and laughing in the gold-tinged light. Inside the front lobby soft echoes of conversation drifted through the still air and the little coffee shop sat nearly empty with the last few customers before closing time rolled around.
My footsteps echoed through the empty halls, clicking against the stone stairs spiralling down towards Ginger’s basement. I hadn’t told her I was coming but surely she wouldn’t be unhappy to see me all the way out here.
The air chilled and a familiar presence brushed against my arm. I slowed, letting Cynthia gently press up against my shoulder as her relief and excitement slipped through my skin. A smile spread on my face and I held out a hand. She knew me. She knew how to be gentle, how to contain herself unlike the panicked, desperate spirits who needed my help.
She slid though my palm, passing cold up the veins of my arm all the way up where they joined together in the subclavian. Good to see you again. It’s been a while.
I nodded along, continuing down the stairs as she settled in deeper tucked under my first rib. Been a while was an understatement. I swallowed. Had anyone told her what happened? It must have seemed like I’d just vanished one day, Ginger too. Charlotte filled me in. We were all worried about you for a while there. Glad to see you back on your feet. Thanks.
The stairs opened up to the little underground hallway, my footsteps booming in the quiet. I tucked my hands in my pockets and shifted as Cynthia nestled herself more comfortably towards my chest. Here to see Ginger? I nodded. If she’s here. She is. Saw her come in a few hours ago. Good. Good. Does this mean you’re going to stick around? I turned the last corner, slowing to a shuffle. Had I even considered not coming back here? Even if Ginger had told me I’d never be able to come back here would I really be able to just… Stop?
Even if you change you mind, her grin crossed my face, you should still stop by. You’re the easiest living person to chat with to come through those doors.Really? Faster than hijacking Charlotte’s computer. Fair enough.
I paused in front of Ginger’s office, the door slightly ajar. Cynthia stilled under my skin, cold and fluid. Could you give us a minute? Right. Was good to see you again Asher. She shifted a moment before breathing out through the thin skin at the top of my chest and vanishing somewhere through the walls of the college. Alone I stood another moment in front of the door. I took a deep breath, rested my hand on the door handle and opened it up just enough to poke my head into Ginger’s office.
She looked up from her computer as soon as she saw me. For a moment surprise seemed to flash across her face but in a heartbeat it shifted to a wide, fang-filled smile.
“Asher! Welcome back.”
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