#support everyone that has carried the entertainment world for the asshole companies
purplemoonabove · 1 year
By tomorrow, it would be two weeks since I’ve saw s2. The fact that it’s been in my mind so long as me watching both The Little Mermaid and Across The Spider Verse shows just how good, emotionally wrecking, and memorable it is — for me as both a fantasy fan and a writer, who wants to create stories that would have people this attached to
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cerberus253 · 4 years
Demon Deep Dive (JCA)
Someone asked if I could do headcanons for the Eight Demon Sorcerers from Jackie Chan Adventures, so here it is, and more! Much more oh God...
Canon Stuff
All seven Demon Sorcerers HATE Shendu for his conniving nature and deceptive past towards/with them (Drago just hates him because father issues)
The Demon Sorcerers do not need external objects to perform spells, for it simply comes from their physical being
They are all old fucks
There are plenty more demon sorcerers, but these eight/nine are all those that were ever mentioned
All want to rule the world
Everyone, aside from Shendu, actually somewhat care about each other and agree to rule the world together. Why is that even though they shouldn’t have “social urges“ because of their biology? We’ll discuss that later
Looking back on the very first episode they were all in together, they are fucking in sync as all Hell! They were finishing each others’ sentences, they knew what each one was thinking. Damn, son, they be tight AF; family goals, amiright?
How to start a Demon Sorcerer meeting: Step 1) Find Po Kong, Step 2) Call everyone else over because it would take too long moving her at all
About the individual demons themselves (Most of this is reworded from the Wiki, but confirmed through watching their episodes):
Hsi Wu
Guerilla tactics for the win
Oddly patient, ya know, for someone so kind of childish
Becomes bored easily, so he has the knack to pick on his siblings and humans, with the latter being in more vicious and cruel ways
Aside from Shendu, Hsi Wu is the most bullied by his siblings (it’s because he’s small, isn’t it??)
Although he hates Shendu like the rest of his siblings, he is more “cold and apathetic“ towards him, with occasionally getting along, albeit extremely slight
High pitched noises hurts his ears
“His wings are sharp enough to cut through concrete“
Playful, although in a sadistic way
Simply flies to get where he needs to be
Likes to pester and make fun of Po Kong specifically
He just. Constantly smiles or has this big wide, toothy grin on his face all the time
*gremlin noises* *cat hisses*
Best/Worst Actor Award goes to...
Tso Lan
Sophisticated and more-or-less monotone sounding, he is always on alert with his senses. Despite this, his reaction timing is awful
Seemingly emotionless, his relaxed demeanor breaks when something doesn’t go his way. He does display some sarcasm, though
According to the wiki, he is very hard to please and never compliments anyone. What a stuck-up asshole
Along with Bai Tza and Xiao Fung, he is one of the more authoritative demon figures of the family
He apparently is one of the elder siblings
He is one of the most powerful sibling because he can bring the fucking Moon out of fucking orbit like it is nothing
He is Shantae He can control his hair, as well as float and glide gracefully
He can survive in space
He does indeed have legs, for he has been seen walking ONCE and we get to see his boots (Demon World (Part 2))
Shendu (My apologies, but not my regret, about if you are upset with me and my loathing for Shendu)
Selfish asshole who doesn’t like sharing, even with his family
Everybody Hates Shendu and Shendu Hates Everybody, and they all want each other dead, including Drago
Legit, he made a truce with Uncle, the mortal enemy, so he could horribly punish Drago. What a good father, amiright???
Can hold a grudge for, like, ever and hardly ever keep his promises. He also willingly admits he’s a traitorous bastard
Greedy and sophisticated asshole
Like, Jesus Christ, I wanted to give Shendu some slack because I did not want myself to be blinded by hatred for the guy, but my God is he the worst
“Shendu is not only devoid of compassion and sympathy for mortals, but also cares little to nothing for his family-members - this is displayed most markedly by how he left his siblings to rot in the Netherworld so he could rule the Earth himself.“
“Father and son's relationship was so toxic that Shendu even declared when Drago was being sucked into an interdimensional rift that his son deserved no less than to be trapped on the other side for his disloyalty.“
“Despite this, in response to Drago's apology and profuse pleading, Shendu visibly contemplated for a moment and hesitantly decided to try saving Drago from his fate (with a warning that his son must remember he is second to Shendu while they're on Earth), suggesting Shendu might genuinely care about his son to some extent (or at the very least, as close to caring about another being as Shendu is capable of).“ Um, not sure if I agree on the “genuinely care“ part, but totes on board with the “just wants him for a playing chip“ thought
Although he may be one of the most powerful demons of the family, that does not stop his siblings from actively going against him, which surprisingly makes Shendu submissive to them. Hmm...
He legit cares about no one but himself and that is no overstatement. I’m sorry to all those fangirls out there :V
Once ruled all of China
Shendu gets all whiny and high pitched, often stuttering, when expressing fear (which is every single time he gets a family reunion, which reminds me...)
He can be such a cheeky charmer
Although Shendu only cares about himself, he does seem pretty observant with recognizing what others do want, and of course uses that to his advantage. Hm, observant guy; no wonder he has fangirls
Tchang Zu
Not that talkative, even during fights, and rather only speaks when he feels the need to. However, when he does speak, it is rather loud and/or commanding
Hates when he isn’t respected, especially out of fear. He hates it so much he verbally explodes with anger when something personal to him is disrespected
Is willing to get down and dirty when reaching his (and his siblings’) goals
Is most likely the most colorful with his wording and admiring architecture
Really only attacks those he deems worthy (apparently there was a crowd of humans he only bothered scaring away and not attacking, even though they only saw him as entertainment?)
Become Goku Flies on a cloud to get where he needs to be
Oh my God he sits criss-cross-applesauce
Dai Gui
A little under average intelligence, but his brutality and strength make up for it, being an absolute bulldozer with anything that stands in his way
I must reinforce the “a little under average“ part because he does use the word “ludicrous,“ which is no caveman word
Violent and macabre imagery is his verbal forte
A big bully, since he loves throwing his authority around to those under him
Similar to Tchang Zu, Dai Gui is also willing to do dirty work, but mainly for himself than for others
Absolutely LOATHES “pretty“ things, like flowers
Sometimes talks in third person
Seems to prefer using his raw strength than his magical powers
Laughs at his own jokes
Persistent and dedicated. Nice!
Po Kong
Hungry Hungry Hippo; food is always on the mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if her want to rule the world was second on her list
Although she can and would eat anything, she is still picky
Her favorite flavor is human and salt
She knows French (ah yes, one of the “Love Languages”)
She snores
Po Kong likes to torment Hsi Wu
She can walk on her own
Favorite food: Human
Bai Tza
Hates Shendu the most
Most outspoken and dominating out of all the demons (”verged on superiority complex”)
Tends to deal with situations more realistically, as well as learning from past mistakes
Despite her intelligence, her hubris still gets the best of her
Along with Tso Lan and Xiao Fung, she is one of the more authoritative demon figures of the family
Apparently didn’t have humans living in her palace, which was Atlantis
Can levitate
Bunch of banshee screeches. Yeesh
Xiao Fung
Talkative and slimey diplomat that prefers debating with his siblings rather than arguing and fighting
Enjoys fights to the death between his underlings
Has an interest in drama and being a part of it
Seems to be the most cooperative and decent when working with humans. Cool!
Absolutely despises the Netherworld so much that a human prison is “paradise“ to him
Along with Bai Tza and Tso Lan, he is one of the more authoritative demon figures of the family
Need to get somewhere? No problem, just jettison your way with wind bellows from your lungs through your mouth
Although he does care for his siblings, it’s apparently not enough to “carry the burden“ of freeing them. Maybe it’s out of pure laziness? He does seem against doing active things (other than blowing wind, which only he can do)
Headcanon Stuff
Why do the Demon Sorcerers (besides Shendu) actually care for one another and agree to share the Earth between each other? I did say they do not possess the inherent-to-parent instinct, but I never said they were not social animals. The demons may not have the need to reproduce or want sexual anything, but they do posses the need/want to have company, which is kind of supported by the fact that canonically and in real life, Chinese demons mainly want to be praised and treated like gods. One cannot be considered a god, nor be praised in general, if one does not have beings beneath or beside them for confirmation
So, in a way, you could say they all desire some sort of reassurance of their importance.
Their relationship with humans is understandable, given from with what I just said, but the relationship between one another is a little more... deep? They obviously consider each other legit family, so they do care about one another (with some rough-play rivalry), but I think it’s less on the biological factor and more of the “fitting in“ factor.
Here’s my theory: Yes they are biologically family, but they did not view each other as such originally. After a while of being with one another, experiencing similarities, they became family-close in the metaphorical sense (in addition to the literal sense). This would explain how Shendu could have lost touch with them intimately while the others did not with each other, all the while still considering each other as family.
So, despite my whole push on the demons having little compassion, they do still harbor it; expressing it through family feelings. However, just like humans, there are always those who posses less compassion than the average person, and that would be Shendu. Shendu is the psychopath of the family-- the Black Sheep, if you will
In addition, theoretically, for all those fangirls and guys out there, they could love you like a precious pet. Just sayin’ (so, like, imagine the Demon Sorcerers having human pets and treating them like we do our own “Look how much of a chonkster my human is!” “Oh yeah? Well mine started getting ready for winter early; look at this massive boy-o!” I call my cats “stupid, stinky babies who I love” and then proceed to cuddle them all the time :V)
Fuck it, they have family movie/theatre nights because I find it endearing even though it may be Out of Character
To begin this next section, I want to state that the Demon Sorcerers are based on The Bagua. However, it is merely their elements that are the inspiration, not anything with the philosophy behind Bagua. However however, I will be looking into it and seeing what the Bagua has that still can reflect on the sorcerers. In other words, instead of basing the demons on the Bagua, I’ll be “basing“ the Bagua on the demons, if that makes sense.
Hsi Wu’s kingdom was probably located on the eastern coast of the USA
Judging by that teacher’s transformation with some of his chi, he may have “avian tendencies” with flying south for the winter and building nest-like structures
Probably the most convincing one to “befriend“ a human. Not because of his past friendship with Jade, but because people could relate to him of being picked on from size and lack of abilities, in addition to being more approachable because of his size and playfulness
His demeanor is mostly childlike, especially with how cruel children can be
Probably dislikes orchestral music, especially violins, flutes, the triangle, etc
Would most likely become a memester. Maybe.
“How do ya do, fellow kids?“
Likes to listen to music/singing while doing things and stuff. So, maybe he has to be distracted to some degree to be content, or he will be grumpy? (AD(H)D)
Real Talk: At one point in Tale of the Demon Tail (where Jade “befriends” Hsi Wu, or really his persona), Hsi Wu’s persona of being Jade’s friend actually disintegrates. Meaning, that “mask“ he put on to befriend Jade, at one point dissolved into an actual aspect of himself. So, when he answered Jade’s question of ‘are you going to the dance‘ or whatever, his initial response was that of an actual human-child Hsi Wu friend. While yes he was still acting, his initial response was almost unconscious, and then he realized what he was saying and said the other thing. I mean, it could have easily been “Nah, that’s stupid-- oh wait, that’s a good idea to get inside the house, actually,“ but that still follows the unconscious response action. What am I getting at here? Well, the interaction the two had proves that a clump of Hsi Wu’s personality does click with Jade. I’m not saying “I ship it“ or anything, what I’m saying is their personalities attract one another in general and could work between two different characters. As much as they seem to get along, there are other characteristics the two have that oppose one another and definitely shatters that friendship. So, Jade and Hsi Wu Being Friends? No; Some Personality Traits They Have Connect to One Another in General and Could Work Between? Yes.
The ye olde game of Chase is probably his favorite. Ya know, the game where you chase people around? Yeah, any game where he gets to chase/hunt his pray would be his favorite
Very similar to Shendu, Hsi Wu is one of the craftier folk of the family. However, unlike Shendu, creativity is his primary weapon which is, of course, used to make up for his size. 
Similar to Xiao Fung, Hsi Wu is also one of the siblings that listens and pays attention the most. Their difference being is the information he learns is more for his selfish advantage than a “getting along” way. 
Despite his dishonesty towards Jade, he is the most integral to himself. What I mean is, while yes all the demons follow their demon ethos, I believe Hsi Wu is the most true to himself and wouldn’t back down or reject something he is honestly interested in. However, probably because he knows how others know him, he can use this integrity to fool others into believing him with ease.
Hsi Wu is also probably the most inclined to have faith in others, but this DOES NOT mean he easily trusts people. What I’m saying is he may not easily trust others, but when he does, that faith in them is near unwavering
“The Beauty of Mischief”
“Lord High Lord of the Sky,” or “Lord High Lord of Firmament”
Tso Lan’s “kingdom“ was probably located on the Moon
Like all sophisticated assholes, he probably enjoys reading, but only books that deal with the fall of humanity and apocalypse stuff. Maybe even some space stuff, like the movie Interstellar? (Star Wars can kiss his ass, though)
Can posses dark matter? Because of his dark magic bolts and his affinity with gravity?
Doesn’t like being around people. His siblings are fine, but he rather not have company, judging by how he most likely spends his time on the Moon and rarely visits Earth. Antisocial personality disorder much??
Like we have stated earlier, Tso Lan never gives out compliments, for he is oh so difficult to please. He watches intently and is careful with his neutral wording, always sounding cold and cruel. However, despite his emotionless disposition, he does have some ugly colors. For example, he does get angry, especially when he is interrupted. Example two, he does take pleasure in tormenting his enemies. However, the good color of natural tranquility explains his seemingly “lack of emotion.”
If he can ever “give respect” to anyone, it’s probably so difficult to achieve it should be considered impossible. But hey, if you do somehow get his compliments, consider yourself special, home slice! In addition, it’s probably also highly unlikely to get him to laugh. Like, not even a chuckle. Maybe a sarcastic and flat “Ha,“ but nothing too intense.
He may not think of himself as king or an emperor, but he does view himself as some sort of higher metaphysical power, like a pontiff. In addition, he probably sees his position being the highest because of his throne on the Moon and his power over gravity (and maybe dark matter). Being used to this placement, he has distanced himself from just about every living thing, being untainted with normal, petty desires. Oh but being a demon has its drawbacks, for wanting is in the blood. Meaning, there are most likely some things out there that he may desire (Fanfic Writers, assemble!)
You want him him to talk dirty to you? Why yes, you should keep good hygiene and not be smelly. Real Talk, though, because of his lack of emotion words, he probably would have difficulty conveying emotion verbally. But hey, his voice and tones are enough to get anyone aroused :V
Might secretly like dancing, but only simple ones. Like, The Waltz would be the most active he’d like
Might also hum tunes every so often. Despite that, he still prefers silence over noise of any kind.
“The Beauty of Isolation”
“Lord High Lord of the Moon,” or “Lord High Lord of Satellites”
Shit Dad
Probably studies magic the most and has a huge library filled to the brim with spell books and whatnot
Drago may be on his mind a lot, but probably not for any positive reason
Probably had Drago made for that thing in Taoism where two beings can connect one another metaphysically, and if one is in trouble (like they died or something), the other can help out (and resurrect if need be). Or, he wanted someone that wasn’t human on his side because he’s sure as Hell his siblings won’t side with him
While Drago is way more hotheaded than his Dad, it seems Shendu is more likely to let a petty grudge get in the way of his goals
Shendu hates family reunions
Dude’s a mad scientist
Probably regrets having Drago
Oh God, oh fuq, it’s the Big Bad Dragon that wants everything for himself. He must know what his name translates to because oh boy does he feel entitled to his mighty sovereignty. Like, he lusts for power so much that no amount of trickery could mask his clarity of greed, ya know, like a “true” dragon. What he wants, he will obtain, with let nothing obstruct his path… other than a petty grudge. He’s so full of passion and thermal rage he sticks out like a sore thumb amongst his brethren. He would even sink to deep lows to get what he desires, even if it is heavily depending on humans, lying, cheating, and stealing from his own family, doing forbidden things with humans to have a “son” he only wants to use as a playing piece, and even bend reality to his liking.
However, I must say it is impressive and admirable how adaptive he is with every situation he finds himself in. He is rather courageous and would try anything to reach his goal, even if it is siding with the enemy. Shendu speaks in sophistication and eloquence, to which the latter trait he shares with Xiang Zu, despite his childlike outbursts of rage.
He may not be the most elementally powerful sibling, but he is The Best with knowledge about other magics like spells and potions.
He does perform the stereotype of “dragons are beasts of greed” exceptionally well, which, I can admit, is pretty hot, being a monster lover myself
Something I’ve noticed with his face is that he lacks lips, which are replaced with external tooth-like structures. This actually forces the creators to make him expressive through other means, like his eyes. So, he’s expressive, and he fits the draconic poem I read in a book somewhere “Beware the glint in a dragons’ eye/ It is cold as ice to the liar/ It is sharp as a knife to the knave/ It is hard as iron to the greedy/ It is a burning flame to the brave.”
“The Beauty of Wrath”
“Lord High Lord of Fire,” or “Lord High Lord of The Thermal”
Tchang Zu’s kingdom was probably located on the western coast of the USA
Would request for extravagant buildings and structures, as well as being a big fan of theatre (Beowulf, anyone?)
I can imagine him having a deep, boisterous laugh that is an award to trigger
Probably the best war strategist, everyone would hate playing Axis and Allies with him (He’d either play Russia for the size, or Germany because, well, you know)
(I’m just repeating what I’ve already stated, but whatever.) Similar to Tso Lan, Tchang Zu is careful with his words. However, what the latter does is speak only when he deems it appropriate, and sometimes with eloquence. When he does share his thoughts, it is in an assertive tone, making everyone stop and listen.
Tchang Zu is rarely ever caught off guard and surely plants himself where he stands, literally and figuratively. Despite his assertiveness, he does not come off as one of the most “authoritative” figures of the family. Instead, he’s more of an overseer and commander, making sure everything is falling in line under his, and his siblings’, iron-fist.
He is one of the few that would take the initiative when confronting a problem, which must be pretty terrifying for the opposition, seeing as how intimidating he is. Oof. Although he is on the shorter side, it does not bother him, for he knows his power is just as great as his siblings’.
Unlike his siblings, he wouldn’t be one of the “crafty” folk. What I mean is he isn’t a trickstery cuck like Hsi Wu and Shendu, but actually follows demon code and honor. I mean, not that “demon honor” is anything greater or equal to “human honor,” but the point still stands. What is “Demon Code and Honor” you ask? I dunno, watch Jackie Chan Adventures and observe demon culture yourself.
His demeanor may be slow and steady, but when he fights and flashes lightning, so much power and energy erupts from within. Majestic
Knows how to use semicolons properly
“The Beauty of Imperiality”
“Lord High Lord of Thunder,” or “Lord High Lord of Electricity”
Dai Guinguini
Dai Gui’s Kingdom was probably located on the western coast of Europe, maybe more specifically Spain
Let’s take that “hates pretty things“ even further beyond. The words “delicate and innocent“ usually come to mind when the words “pretty“ and “flower“ are shown. So, I headcanon he hates weak and fragile looking things, as well as cute. The more petite and dainty something looks, the more of an urge to destroy rises up
Probably needs to hold down a vomit when seeing romance in any medium (lava vomit?)
Also probably iffy on crystals and gems. Like, they are shiny and pretty and are sometimes delicate, but man, the massive structures these things can form into is crazy.
Dai Gui reminds me of the colossi in Shadow of the Colossus when viewed just wandering around. We know he acts like a brute and hates petite things, and is quite aggressive when he fights, but there’s something about him that makes me think of some majestic creature that likes to walk around all alone in a wide open space. There is some beauty to his “monstrosity” and I feel like that’s overlooked by him always being described as, well, a brute. 
Although not as intense as Shendu’s, rage can also be a common sight with Dai Gui, but it’s mostly from his non preferred environments. Also, similar to Tchang Zu, Dai Gui appreciates his structural surroundings, but has a more keen interest in its earthly variety. Mountains, canyons, plains, plateaus, mesas, volcanos, deserts, etc. would be his ideal territory. Like I have mentioned before, I feel like he’d often roam around his landscape, constantly fixing and changing anything he desired. 
Even though he doesn’t like flowers and such, I do not think he hates nature in general. Maybe most of it, but not all. He may like huge ass trees for their size and might, grasslands (like savannas) because, although grass is all over, it still gives a vast emptiness of calmness, which deserts give a vast emptiness of despair.
Quick note, I’m not saying he’s artistic and elegant. What I am saying he isn’t just a dumb idiot caveman that just lusts for destruction, but rather actually has a hobby of shaping the earth. Yes, he might find the terrestrial variety of the earth interesting, but he isn’t all, like, “Hmm yes, insert fancy art words here;” he’s more like “Hm yes, me like; I shall do more over there” and then just… does it without any pre planning or anything.
Not only does he like creating earthly structures, but also destroying them. Have you ever built something so cool (or have just seen something so cool) with Legos or whatever, and for some reason want to destroy it just because ‘ha ha destruction fun’? Yeah, that’s him sometimes.
I’d also like to add he likes bugs. Not only eating them, but also admiring their earth shaping tendencies. Their structures won’t stop him from eating them all, but he does like to see what they make before the big snack
I bet he likes to sunbathe sometimes. Mmmmm, warm rocks always feel good. Cool rocks, too! (This also made me think of belly rubs… hmm)
“The Beauty of Incessance”
“Lord High Lord of Earth,” or “Lord High Lord of Formation“
Mount Vesuvius
Po Kong’s kingdom was probably located in Japan, and/or Japan itself
Most likely the one to zone out on meetings with just thoughts on food (ADD maybe?)
Although she’d eat anything, Po Kong probably appreciates and remembers excellent meals. In addition, she probably could describe in detail of various tastes
Or, alternatively, since she eats so much all the food just blends together
Apparently, humans taste like chicken. So maybe, genetically create giant ass chickens, like in Skyrim, and feed her that if humans become scarce and/or too small for satisfaction
Probably the most difficult demon to satisfy, but not just because of hefty demands, but because she is practically the personification of gluttony. Like, I’m sure she can and will eat anything she wants, even inorganic things. She likes it? Nom. She hates it? Nom. She will never be fulfilled until she has consumed all… or until she explodes or whatever. I’m being dramatic. 
Luckily, she is not picky. Unluckily, she is also picky. I guess it just depends on her hunger mood. One day, she may want just a bunch of salty snacks, likes chips and fries, and on another day she may want a giant bundt cake filled with gooey human flesh and blood. 
Legit though, her kingdom/empire would be the number one food place in the entire world, with having the largest kitchen and all the best cooks (ha ha, like a collection. You could say she would have Too Many Cooks, but “too many” doesn’t exist in Po Kong World!). She would have food critics to make sure the meals she really wants to enjoy taste wonderful. Dude, like, imagine Gordon Ramsay and Guy Fieri at her command. She’d laugh her ass off with Ramsay yelling at people and Fieri with all of his antics; they’d be her favorite little humans. Funny, they’d both still be practically doing the job they do now, just being ordered around by a tyrannical demon who also likes food.
Has no interest in video games and picture shows, but does have the interest in the unique food that appears in them and of course demands them to be made for her.
To get on her “good side” is to be absolutely loyal to her and her eating habits. Ya gotta make the best meals, serve them in delightful ways (she actually doesn’t care about any fancy stuff, but appreciates the effort if done right).
I bet she likes getting spoiled. I mean, yeah, all the demons would want gifts rained down upon them, but they wouldn’t express as much glee as Po Kong would. She’d probably sound condescending half the time, but hey, at least she’s happy and smiles. Gotta give her big gifts though. Go big or go home, folks.
Just like us folk, she prefers Maximum Comfort when eating. That means sitting in her favorite chair, eating from her favorite dish, and watching her favorite entertainment pieces.
Ya into vore? She’s your woman *finger guns*
“The Beauty of Indulgence”
“Lord High Lady of the Mountains,” or “Lord High Lady of Beasts“
What do you call a fish without eyes? A Fsh
Bai Tza’s kingdom is factually Atlantis, but in the JCA universe, Atlantis might be close to the southern coast of Europe in the Mediterranean Sea
She’d be the one initially planning family get-togethers  
Do I dare say I could imagine her being a dominatrix? Yeah sure
Similar to Tso Lan, she has/had an isolated kingdom away from humanity, but unlike her brother she most likely had subjects, which lived coastal in southern and south-east Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle-East. Every civilization took a part in building her castle and its decor, but soon after it was complete, she sank it to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, never to be gazed upon with mortal eyes ever again.
Although she can survive in either, Bai Tza prefers warm and salty waters over cool and fresh waters. 
Because of her unique bond with water, which literally has her able to morph to and fro between a liquid and solid state, she probably traveled and oversought numerous locations around the world, with any place being close to warm and salty seas. Did she hold dominion over them? Maybe, seeing as how just the Mediterranean Sea and most of its surrounding land is quite small for a kingdom when compared to her siblings’ territories. 
Bai Tza may not be one of the most powerful siblings, but she is the most feared. She’s able to restrain herself when angry, she thinks outside the box when confronting obstacles, and her dynamism makes her tricky to confront. She is straightforward, blunt, and has a wicked and sharp tongue. Like stated before, she is one of the more outspoken relatives, being very dominant in every activity she takes part in. Wouldn’t surprise me if she was a control freak. However, enjoying her power so much leads her to be arrogant, making her hubris the number one weakness.
Bai Tza is probably the most cruel because she actively thinks about the damage she can cause instead of just doing it. Despite her cruelty, she isn’t heartless; she may in fact be the one that cares about her family the most, with having the most hatred for Shendu because of his betrayal to said family. On a side note with Drago, she probably rejects him mostly for his differences than his relation with Shendu, but of course the latter still counts. So, welcoming those into her tight personal circle would be a ‘no.’ 
Despite her evilness, she can and will compliment things that amuse her, and being super protective of them like personal property.
Would drown ships with anti-demon supporting humans on them, as well as anyone who enters her territory without permission. Probably could be convinced with gifts, but they better be good. 
Theoretically could forgive past mistakes, but they must be made up with something equal or greater amount to said mistake. 
Likes to wear jewelry, especially gold.
“The Beauty of Absolution“
“Lord High Lady of Water,“ or “Lord High Lady of the Abyss“
Xiao Fung’s kingdom was probably located in Latin America
One of the smarter siblings, Xiao Fung prefers to discuss and debate over physically fighting. Not sure why, but maybe because he doesn’t view physical fighting as something “high ups” do; all of the dirty work is for the peasants beneath them. However, if forced and there being no other way, he would partake.
Knows the art of conversation quite well and usually dishes out the best conversations. He may not be eloquent like Tchang Zu, or very particular with his words like Tso Lan, but damn can he keep a conversation going if need be. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d yak with others if he’s bored. Maybe try talking some existential stuff with him; that’d be neat. Or keep asking ‘why’ like an annoying child, and he’d probably be tricked into answering each one, with getting annoyed more and more the longer it all goes on.
Despite his laziness, he still would do activities that require his assistance, as long as it’s something only he can do. If there is someone else available, he’ll leave it to them.
Xiao Fung is probably one of the more “approachable” demons, being how he doesn’t immediately give off  “fear and respect me or die” vibes. He’s still intimidating, but to those with any amount of courage could muster up to confront him. Ya know, if it isn’t anything personal to him, then in that case you’d be the one telling everyone how terrifying he is, also, ya know, if he lets you go back to your village. 
It wouldn’t surprise me if he had decision making issues when it comes to something he likes vs something useful/”right” 
If a human went up to him and made a deal, he most likely would take it as long as he gets something in return that he wants, as well as the odds being in his favor. 
Human antics are strange and insignificant, but they are still intriguing to him and would converse about it. Just don’t think you’d make him change his opinion on us; that won’t happen, fo sho. 
The most forgiving and patient of the family, although it may not be by much. It most likely stems from his diplomatic character, being willing to discuss situations, even thoughts he leans more against. It’s really the subjects she is 100% not on board with he will not discuss, but something around 70%-60% he’d be more willing to listen to. Whether he actually agrees with you and is not just listening for amusement is another story. 
Really enjoys music, favoring well put together orchestral.
Could hold some serious long notes, and probably sing in all sorts of keys (Dude. Singing bass)
Dude probably loves board games like chess.
Tchang Zu and him probably get along well because of shared interests in theatre and strategy games.
Would be the one to bring up topics to get everyone arguing if things got boring, like politics. In addition, he would also bring up playing the “Friendship Ender” games we all know and love, like Uno and Monopoly.
While Hsi Wu carries the “shit eating smile,” Xiao Fung has the “smug cat” face.
“The Beauty of Disruption“
“Lord High Lord of Wind,“ or “Lord High Lord of Currents“
Bonus Factoids Upon my Research
Theoretically, because it is stated that the Twelves Talismans are physical manifestations/vessels of Shendu’s powers, the other eight sorcerers (this includes Drago) could have their own Twelves Talismans
Apparently, killing/destroying a demon causes the disruption of balance within the universe, causing a “stronger evil“ to manifest and fill that “wound.“ So, again, theoretically, could a “stronger good“ happen as well if a situation summons/calls for it??
Sadly, according to Shendu, the all chi-absorption thing Drago did at the end of Season 5 is irreversible. So, canonically, Drago is technically forever stuck as a Cthulhu abomination. I am forever sad. Like, yeah I’m a terato lover, but I really prefer Drago as normal :’( However, Shendu answered to a human using a man-made chi spell. What if the actual Demon Sorcerers did a chi spell, to which apparently is conductible without external means? Could they be powerful enough to reverse it if all of them worked together???
[Chinese and English Name/Japanese Name- Chinese Translation/Japanese Translation]
Hsi Wu/Tokage- Evil Lizard/Small Lizard
Tso Lan/Kyuketsuki- Flood maker/ Vampire
Shendu/Kiryu- God of All (oof)/Spirit Dragon
Tchang Zu/Oni- Soldier of Madness/Ogre
Dai Gui/Shishi- Great Ogre/Stone Lion
Po Kong/Daikaiju- Feared Cliff/Giant Monster
Bai Tza/Nisei- Force of Defeat/Second Generation
Xiao Fung/Keroro- Little Wind/Frog
Early Christmas gift to y’all :V
God I hope this is good enough. I’ve been spending all my free time working on these guys just to get the original ask done. Don’t get me wrong, I did like doing this and forming at least some kind of unique character with each, but I am so exhausted from how long I’ve been working on it. It’s mainly my fault for being such a try hard, so don’t blame yourself, Anon who asked for this; you all good, bruv.
24 notes · View notes
chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Sanctuary- Chapter 62 “THE RIVER”
Warnings: none
Tagging: @alievans007​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @thunderintheshadows​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @valkyrie-of-the-light​
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On day five, Yaz contacts the house.  
The past forty-eight hours had been uneventful; no text messages or phone calls demanding his attention, no one attempting to change his mind or get him ‘back into the fold’.  Nothing that has come close to even remotely triggering his anxiety or his PTSD; the outside world has left him in peace and his system is finally responding to the medications he’s faithfully putting into it.  And he’s had things to keep his mind busy and his hands busy; helping with the kids, the packing up of the house, and dealing with realtors and banking specialists and tracking down schooling information in Australia. He hasn’t had the time to think about the job; about New Zealand and the McMann kids and if things were running smoothly or not.  Too busy devoting his time and his energy to his own family.
He’s just stepped back into kitchen when he hears the phone ring; shirtless and in board shorts, body still damp from entertaining the kids in the pool., leaving them with Ovi after being the one sent on a mission to grab snacks and juice boxes.  He can hear Esme in the front room; talking to both Declan and Mac as they keep her company while packing boxes. While the furniture will stay, most of their other belongings will go into storage; taking their time to decide just what items from their past life they want to bring into their new one.  
Snagging the phone off the counter on the third ring, Tyler frowns at the name and number that appears on the call display.  He carries it with him as he heads down the hall and into the room where his wife has Declan by the hand, helping him practice his walking. It’s his favourite thing to do now; using whoever or whatever he can get his hands on to pull himself up onto his feet and use as support as he toddles around. Sometimes it’s even an extremely patient and tolerant Mac, who allows those little hands to tightly grip his fur.
“He is getting so strong,” Esme gushes, and there’s a proud, brilliant smile that spreads from ear to ear.  “I don’t think it will be too much longer until he’s walking on his own. He’s determined. Never gives up. Just like you.”
“I need you to do something for me.”
She frowns. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“He’s going to call back. I need you to answer. See what he wants.”
“Who? Who’s going to call?”
“Yaz. He’s probably calling to tell me about New Zealand. I don’t want to talk to him. Can you do it?”
“Don’t you think it’s better to hear it for yourself?” She scoops Declan up when he begins to fuss; angry that he can’t bridge the gap between the end of the coffee table and his father’s legs.  For the most part he’s been the sweet and cuddly one; the most affectionate when it comes to seeking or giving.  But while it takes a lot for him to unleash it, he has a hell of a temper.  “I mean, it was your thing.”
“Do it for me? Please? I don’t want to talk to him. To any of them.”
“Okay,” she relents, and then passes Declan over in exchange for the phone. “Are you alright? You don’t look so good all of a sudden.”
“I’ll be fine,” he assures her, and then gives her a chaste kiss to the lips and another to the forehead before leaving the room.
An hour later she finds him on the back deck, sitting in one of the oversized wooden chairs with his legs stretches out in front of him; hands clasped together and resting against his stomach. Sunglasses on as he watches Ovi -with Declan on his hip- and the kids tend to feeding the goats and chickens.  And she stands silently alongside of him, his cell phone in one hand, the other shielding her eyes from the sun as she observes Ovi teaching Declan how to hold the chicken feed in his palms.
“Do you want to know?” she asks. “About New Zealand?”
“I don’t know,” Tyler replies. “Do I?”
She nods, then perches herself on his left thigh. Both of his arms circling her waist and one of her hands come up to rest at the back of his neck, finger nails lightly scratching that the bottom of his hair line.
“They got the kids,” she says.  “Nathan was able to get them out. And himself.”
He nods slowly. “Hurt?”
‘Nothing too serious. Took a bullet to the right arm but it was a through and through and it didn’t cause any real damage. Zak wasn’t so lucky. He went in to help and got pretty messed up.  Yaz didn’t really go into details. Just said that Zak was in the hospital and it was pretty touch and go at first but doctors are ‘cautiously optimistic’ that he’ll pull through.”
“Better than dead,” Tyler reasons. “And the kids?”
“Dehydrated. Malnourished. They’ll be in the hospital for a little bit. Yaz said they’d been put through hell. The abuse was pretty bad. Worse than any of us thought it would be.”
Tyler sighs heavily and tightens his hold on her.
“When they’re well enough, they’ll be reunited with their mom.  “Nik’s arranged a safe house for them out of the country when they’re good to go. Yaz thought maybe you’d want to know. You were pretty invested in things and you were the one that taught Nathan everything he needed to know. So you did your part. In getting those kids out.”
He nods.
“He wants to contact you. Nathan. I said I didn’t know if you were ready for that yet. But I put his information in your cell. Just in case. Okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees, and presses a kiss to her shoulder.
“You’re disappointed aren’t you. That you weren’t there. That you weren’t the one to get those kids out.”  
“A little,” he admits. “It’s the first time I’ve ever bailed on a job.”
“You had a good reason,” she reminds him. “A very good and valid reason.”
“Doesn’t make it any easier. It’s a blow to the ego. When you have to admit you’re not even half the man you used to be.”
“You know that’s not true, Tyler. You just didn’t want to be that man anymore. Everyone has their breaking point. No matter how tough and strong they are. And one day they reach it and they’ve just had enough. You’d had enough. There’s no shame to be found in that.”
He merely gives another nod. It’s not that simple; giving up one life for the other. Even if you do know it’s the best decision for both yourself and your family. You get used to it: the adrenaline, the excitement, even the glimmers of fear.  They all become a piece of who you are; they feed you, nourish you. And it’s a hard blow when they’re taken away. Even if it was a conscious decision to let them go.
“It takes a strong man to admit when he’s finally had enough. To know his limits. That’s what bravery is, Tyler. Knowing when something is going to break you and having enough strength to not let it happen.”  She lays her hand on the side of his face; fingers pressing into his jaw as she turns her head towards her. “And you’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.”
He gives a small smile, one arm slipping from around her waist and his hand coming to rest on her thigh as she leans in to kiss him. Soft. Slow. Sweet. Her lips warm and soothing against his.
She wraps both arms around his neck and rests her head on his shoulder.  And they’re silent as they watch their family; the older kids chasing each other with the running garden hose, a beaming and content Ovi holding Declan by both hands as he toddles through the grass.  
It should be enough. This kind of life. A wife and kids. Domesticity. Routine. Yet there’s an emptiness Tyler can’t quite explain.  It’s only be a few days; it’s still fresh and he’s still trying to get used to the idea that this is it for him. There will be no more phone calls from Nik. No more jobs. No more putting his life on the line for complete strangers. No more taking lives.  And that should be comforting.  It should be a welcome relief. But all he feels is regret.  Even guilt.   And disappointment. In himself.
“Mark’s dead,” Esme announces, no emotion registering on her face or in her eyes, and she presses her nose to his temple and rests her brow against the side of his head.
“Nathan killed him. He didn’t have a choice. Mark showed up looking for you. To finish what McMann couldn’t. I guess he went on a rampage when he found out that you had left. Threatened to kill the kids. So Nathan took care of it.”
“Well…at the risk of sounding like a complete fucking asshole…”
“He had it coming,” she finishes for him.
Tyler nods, the softly rubs her thigh. “You okay?”
“Does it make me a horrible person that I feel…I don’t know…nothing? Even when Yaz told me, I felt nothing. I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t sad. I just didn’t care. Holy fuck, I’m a terrible person, aren’t I.”
“No baby, you’re not,” he assures her, as he presses a kiss to her cheek, then rubs the tip his nose against her temple. “You’re not a terrible person at all.”
“Maybe I do feel something. Relief.  A whole lot of relief. Because that chapter of my life is officially over. He doesn’t exist anymore. Which means he can take all his bullshit to hell with him.  I don’t have to hold onto it anymore. I’ve been holding on it for far too long and I’m tired,” she lays her head on his shoulder once more, her knuckles repeatedly rubbing against his head.  “I’m tired of letting it drag me down.”
“It’s going to be okay,” Tyler assures her, stroking her back with the palm of her hand.  “You don’t have to worry about him anymore. You can just let all that shit go. Same way I’m letting all my shit go.”
“I’m sorry I ever brought him into things. That I was dumb enough to trust him.”
“You’d thought he’d turned over a new leaf. That’s not dumb. Hopeful, maybe? Naïve, even?”
“I should have known better. That he was incapable of real change. He tried to kill you. Or tried to help someone kill you. Which is bad enough. And he didn’t even care that I was there and would have been caught up in it. He knew what they’d to do me and he didn’t even give a shit. What kind of person does things like that?”
“A sick fuck, that’s who. And I don’t want to talk about this. About McMann’s house. And what could have happened. I can’t talk about that.” Of all the things that will continue to haunt him…perhaps even for the rest of his life…that will be the one haunts him the most. How close he’d come to not only losing her, but having to witness what they would have done to her before finally killing her.
“And I’m sorry for the last five and a half years,” she says, tears welling in her eyes. “That I made you feel like you were constantly being compared to him. Because that’s not what I was trying to do. At all. I was never comparing you to him.”
“I know you weren’t,” he squeezes shoulder. “I know.”
“It was a shitty thing for me to do,” she wipes at the tears that manage to escape. “To treat you like that. You didn’t deserve that. And you put up with it and you stuck around and I still don’t understand why.”
“Because I love you,” he turns his face into hers and places his lips against her forehead. “And because I’m a stubborn asshole that likes punishment,” he teases.
She gives a small laugh.  “I don’t know how you can love me so much when I don’t even love myself.”
“Well, that’s what I’m here for, right? To teach you how to love yourself. And you know how much I love a good challenge and that I don’t give up easily.”
“I’m just so sorry,” she cries in earnest now, face against the side of his throat, one arm around his neck, the other along his collarbone. “I never meant to hurt you. I just didn’t know how to love someone. When you’re so used to the worst, it’s hard to get used to the best. And I’m sorry that I made you work so hard. That I made you feel shit or like I didn’t love you…”
“I never thought that. I’ve never thought that.”
“Because I do. Love you. With everything I am and everything I have.”
“I love you, too. I always have. I always will.”
She’s smiling as she lifts her head from his shoulder. “Even when I’m a huge bitch?”
He grins and presses a kiss to her brow before drawing her head back down to rest on him once more. “Even then.”
On the fifth night they sit with Ovi on the front porch. Sipping warm drinks and chatting; enjoying the cool breeze and the sounds of the crickets in the bushes. Tyler and Esme on the swing, her body turned sideways with her back resting against his side, one of his forearms laying across her collarbone. Ovi sit on the front in front of them; cross legged with an old plaid blanket draped over his shoulders and back. The conversation is light; memories they’ve shared while in Colorado, funny things that the kids have said or done, the holidays and birthdays that have been celebrated.
Ovi had turned fifteen his first years with them, and when he’d woken up that morning he’d been shocked to find his bedroom door covered in balloons and streamers, and presents waiting for him when he got downstairs. His birthday had never been celebrated before, and he’d been so overwhelmed by their generosity and their love that he’d cried. Both then and when they’d taken him out for dinner and given him a birthday cake.  And Christmas had become one of his favourite times of the year; the delicious food, the decorations, helping put lights on the house and getting to play with the kids in the snow. All the things he’d never would have gotten to experience if Tyler had not gone to that prison in Mumbai and convinced Mahajan Senior to give them guardianship.
“We’ve come a long way,” Ovi muses, as he stares out into the night, the palms of his hands resting on the sides of a mug of hot chocolate. “Since Dhaka.”
The memories are still there. For all of them. It’s dark and it’s painful and sometimes it is all still so raw.  Each of them tarnished and broken in their own ways; physically and mentally.   The scars may linger on the surface, but the real damage was on the inside, and it was taking longer to heal than any of them had ever expected. And maybe it never would. Maybe there’d always be that lingering agony; a nightmare that they just can’t wake up from.
It has been harder for Ovi, naturally. He’d been a kid when it all happened; his father’s mistakes forcing him into sheer and utter hell. It has caused long term damage; depression, anxiety, periods of self harm and wanting to kill himself. All of which they’ve supported him through and still continue to do so.  It goes way past simply having guardianship of someone. He is a valuable and respected member of their family.  Loved as if he’s one of their own. And he is. Maybe not biologically. But the way he fills a place in their hearts and in their lives is clear that he is their child.
Esme senses the change in the teenager; the darkness that suddenly creeps in and wipes the smile from his face. He was always smiling; even when he didn’t have a reason to. And she swings both her legs over the edge of the swing; sitting up properly and she wraps her arms around his neck from behind. Squeezing tightly as she drops a kiss on the top of his head. He’s changed so much. No longer that young boy she’d tried to comfort in the factory they’d taken refuge in; trying to distract him by asking questions about schools and sports and girls. Perhaps that’s when their bond began; when she’d stopped worrying about her own issues and her own fear and had started mothering a perfect stranger. A drug lord’s kid that Nik had wanted them to leave in the street. As if he was nothing more than garbage that needed to be discarded.
He appreciates the gesture of love and comfort; briefly closing his eyes as he leans his head back against her.
“I often wonder what happened,” she says, as she tousles his hair. “To that girl you told me about.”
He laughs at that. “So do I. Sometimes. But I have Chloe now. No one else matters.”
“And that’s how it starts,” Tyler speaks up.  “One day you wake up and you can’t remember anyone else that came before them. And you don’t want to.”
Esme smiles over her shoulder at him, and he gives a grin of his own and a wink, then reaches out to rub her back.  “I completely underestimated you,” she says. “I was totally expecting some smart ass comment and you came out with that.”
“It’s the ones you least expect,” Ovi laughs. “You know, I hope one day that Chloe and I are like you guys.  The way you love each other. How you never give up on one another even when things get really bad. You’re not perfect, but you’re perfect for each other. If that makes sense.”
“Makes total sense,” Esme says, and hugs him even tighter.  “I hate that you’re growing up so quick,” she laments. “That you’re not little Ovi anymore.  You’re not that kid who was telling me about girls and school and the kinds of movies he liked. Now you’ve got a serious girlfriend and you’re going to be living here and pretty soon you’ll get married and have babies and…”
Tyler groans. “Not this again.”
“It’s true!” she insists. “Whether you want to admit it or not, it’s going to happen.”
“Let him get out of his teens before you have him getting married and having kids, yeah? Jesus.”
“Well Tyler may be living in denial but I’m not,” she kisses Ovi’s cheek. “You know, sometimes I miss that Ovi. The one that would want to come and sleep with me every time Tyler was away. Because you’d have nightmares and you didn’t want to be alone. But I really like this Ovi. You’re brave and you’re strong and you’ve got a huge heart. I hope you never lose any of those things.  And what you did for us? When Tyler asked you to take the kids and run? That was huge. We trusted you with the most precious, important things in our lives and you did incredible. You kept them safe. And I could never thank you enough for that.”
He simply nods, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he struggles with emotion. “I did what I had to do.”
“I’m proud of you,” she says. “We’re proud of you.”
That’s all it takes for the tears to escape; sliding down his face as he turns towards her, both arms wrapping around her waist, face burying in her stomach. Just like that he’s a kid again; his body trembling as he cries, hands tightly gripping the back of her sweater. And she holds him just like she used to when he’d have nightmares and she’d go into his room to check on him; one hand in the middle of his back moving in slow comforting circles, the fingers of the other combing through his hair.  It’s soothing; before long his body stops shaking and he’s sniffling noisily as he moves away from her, wiping at the remnants of his tears with the backs of his hands. And she presses a kiss to his cheek and ruffles his hair.
“You know what I really hated?” Ovi asks, still sniffling. “In Dhaka?”
“The sewer.”
He and Esme say it at the same time, and he looks over his shoulder at her; both of them erupting into laughter.
“If I never see another rat again, it will be too soon,” Ovi declares.
“Well it’s a good thing you never met my ex husband,” Esme says. “Because he was probably the biggest rat out there.”
Tyler chuckles at that.
“As much as I would love to sit here all discussing the most disgusting sewer on the planet, I am beat.  And I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so…” she presses a kiss to Ovi’s cheek and then pats his shoulders before standing. “…I’m going to bed. You boys be good. Don’t get too wild and crazy. No inviting any strippers over. I don’t want to spend the next week vacuuming body glitter out of the carpets and furniture.”
“I won’t be long,” Tyler tells her, a hand on her hip as she leans over to kiss her. “I’ll be up soon.”
“No rush. You guys spend some time together. It’s been a while.”
He nods, then gives her a small pat on the butt before she gathers up their empty mugs and heads inside the house.
Tyler sits beside him now; next to each other on the top step.  Eerily reminiscent of that night in Gaspar’s house after Ovi had shot and killed him, when the kid had clung to him and cried about wanting to go home. Tyler had kept his promise; doing whatever it took to get Ovi there. Even at the expense of his own life.
Five and a half years he realizes that home for Ovi had never actually was that cold and sterile mansion in Mumbai. It never really had been. It was wherever they’d brought him along to. Starting with the crowded basement at Esme’s mothers, continuing with a handful of small yet quaint hotel rooms, and then ending with that farm house in rural Telluride, Colorado. And it would be Australia next. In a place on the beach; with quiet, solitude, privacy.  Where they could continue to heal. Together.
“That text message you sent,” Tyler begins. “I didn’t know what to say back. Hope you didn’t think I was an asshole. With what I sent back.”
Ovi shakes his head. “I didn’t expect you to send anything back,” he says. “I just sent it because…” he shrugs. “…because I felt I needed to say it. And because maybe you needed to hear it.”
Tyler nods. “I did. Need to hear it. Because I’ve been feeling anything but brave.”
“Maybe you’ll never see yourself that way. But I do. Esme does. And so do your kids.”
He gives a small smile. It’s a blessing and a curse; to have people love you and trust you that much.  
“Did they get the kids?” Ovi asks. “Are they okay?”
“They will be. They’ve been put through hell. It’s going to take a long time for them to get better.”
“Inside and outside,” Ovi concludes, and Tyler nods.  “We both know how that feels.”
“We do,” Tyler agrees. “And I’m not going to lie to you, mate. I’ve got a long way to go.  I’m fucked up. My brain’s a mess.  And I’m worried it’s never going to straighten itself out. What if it never gets better? What if one day I’m in that really dark place again and this time I don’t want to get out of it.  If I’ve just had enough and I want it all to be over? What then?”
“Then you look at your wife and your kids and you think about how much you have to live for.  That you have people that love you and need you. That should be enough. To keep you going.”
“I hope so,” he sighs. “I really hope so.”
“Remember that quote I told you? In Dhaka? About the river?”
“That you don’t drown by falling into the river but by staying submerged in it. Yeah, I remember.”
“This is the river now. What’s going on inside your head. And only you can decide it you want it to let it pull you under or if you want to fight out and get out. No one else can make that choice for you. Even if we want to.”
Tyler nods slowly, considering the kid’s words.
“You know,” Ovi says, sighing heavily. “You’re not my father. But you are my dad.”
Tears sting his eyes; emotion chokes at him. There are no words to adequately express what he’s feeling at this exact moment; as those honest and heartfelt words sink it. So instead he wraps his arm around Ovi’s shoulder and draws him tight to his side.
“It’s been quite the journey,” the kids says. “Not always an easy one, but…”
“Definitely not for the weak,” Tyler smirks.
“What do you think will happen now? Where do you think we’ll end up? How will we end up?”
“I don't know,” Tyler admits. “But I guess all we can do is just take it one step at a time.”
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Happy Bob Marley BD (it was Feb. 6), Tibetan New Year (Feb. 12) and Valentine’s Day week! I hope you and yours are happy and healthy. Communications from America say that things are a little less crazy now that the election is over. That’s good. Even the most pro-American Asians were thinking we went a little wacky!
With any luck, folks in the USA will continue to take deep breaths and calm down. With a little effort, things will become less hateful and more loving as both the reds and blues start to realize that working together is the only way things will ever work at all. With that sentiment in mind, this week’s 1000 words are from the Fearless Puppy On American Road book, and about a time and place that remembers the more beautiful part of the American experience.
Once something changes, it can never go all the way back to what it was. In many ways, that is a good thing. We can preserve some better parts of the life we already had while allowing room for new and improved ideas. Insisting that both those new ideas, and the parts preserved from the old, are employed as actual improvements that benefit the vast majority of us has become the non-negotiable, essential responsibility of each and every citizen. Like it or not, it seems we will have to stay actively, consciously, and intelligently involved in order to insure success.
Please be well & stay well. Love, Tenzin and the Nepali Crew
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Rural Vermont
Helpfulness. Tribalism at its best. Everyone works together on everything. Lives depend upon each other in temperatures well below zero.
Hitchhiking is no longer just getting from here to there while barely knowing my host. Nearly every ride establishes or increases a friendship.
More cows per square mile than people, more open space than cows, and more forest than open space. Pronounced seasons and cycles. Cold, white winters. Muddy springs. Vibrant green summers pulsating with life that knows it only has a few months to do what needs to get done. Rainbow autumnal foliage so brilliant that guests come from continents away to view it. Streams clean enough to drink from.
Eggs come from happy chickens — not from the cruelty of large “animal production” warehouses.
Everyone waves hello to anyone driving by.
There’s always time to speak with whomever you meet at the General Store or Post Office. There’s always time. No hurry. Life comes first. Being is more important than doing (once the doing gets done).
The only store in town is the size of five closets but has everything — food, hardware, videos, clothing, beer, and more. A giant empty cable spool acts as a table around which to enjoy coffee, home- made donuts, and the company of neighbors. A best friend makes maple syrup. Everyone grows incredible gardens.
I have spent a lot of time with four other people and five beers staring into the open hood of a pickup truck that was not in need of repair.
Wood keeps you warm three times — once when you chop it, again when you carry it in, and the third time when you burn it. Overflowing abundance lives here. Some folks want more. Few need more.
Theater groups that produce professional-quality plays thrive in the forests of nearby vest-pocket towns.
The purity and clarity of omnipresent Nature rubs off on its human inhabitants. Crime, violence, and assorted hatreds appear only in newspapers and on TV stations. No one here has seen those things in person.
The Town Treasurer has a sign on his office explaining, “It’s very hard to get away with anything in a town this small.” Live and let live. If it hurts no one, it’s legal.
Resourcefulness is a way of life. Anything you need can be built from left over parts of things that you don’t need anymore. If you don’t know how, someone will show you. They’ll be happy to help — even happier if you bring a beer to say hello and thank you.
Deer hunters and trout fishermen deny slaughterhouses and corporate supermarket chains their abuses and profits. Unprocessed foods, hard exercise, low stress, clean air, and clean water deny the medical industry their profits from unnecessary surgery and drugs.
Awe inspiring natural beauty excludes land developers and their profit-over-people motivation. Their concrete and steel are not welcome here. The industrial decay that would lead to profits for a large assortment of unethical folks in fancy suits is denied entry by the conscious decisions of simple, intelligent farmers in overalls.
There will never be a Wal-Mart or a crack house here. There are many guns. They are never used for anything but hunting food. People are constantly helping each other to build a barn or house, dig out snow and mud, care for the children, cook, clean, weed the garden, and feed the animals. Anything that can be done at all is usually done by a group, even if it’s actually a one-person job. Folks enjoy each other’s company. Except in the most extreme circumstances, everyone deserves inclusion.
Parties get thrown together instantly for no other reason than that someone feels like being the host.
On a Tuesday, my friend Mike told me that he was having a party at his house on the following Saturday.
“What’s the occasion, Mike?”
“The occasion is that I just came up with the bright idea of having a party. I’ll get out a side of venison and buy a keg of beer. Tell everyone you see to tell everyone they see. If anyone wants to bring more food and drink, that’s good. If not, we’ll be fine with what we’ve got, I figure.”
“OK, Mike. I’ll get everyone but the assholes informed.”
“Inform the assholes too, buddy! Who knows? Maybe if they got invited to more parties, they’d figure out how to act better and wouldn’t be such assholes.”
It was hard to argue with Mike’s logic, but then again it is hard to argue with much of anything in a clean, friendly village.
During those years of having a home community and base station, a lot of work got done elsewhere. Rest time there made hitchhiking across nearly every inch of road in Northeastern America possible. I probably hitchhiked as many miles regionally during this period as the number of miles that were traveled in all the previous cross-country trips. Each full month of whistle stops working for environmental groups and charities included many towns and cities. It included talking to independent business folks all day about various causes, sleeping wherever possible, and celebrating whenever plausible. At the end of road tours like that, staring at mountains in between long naps was more of a necessity than an option. It is a lot easier to burn yourself up on the road when you know that a perfect place to revive is waiting for you.
The focal points of the road binges included Greenpeace, Citizen’s Awareness Network, and self-organized efforts to help support a Mexican orphanage, raise awareness and funding for American homeless folks, and help the victims of a very severe African famine. The results varied. My little part as a team member in the environmental efforts worked consistently for over a decade at each. The orphanage and homeless projects I organized worked minimally. The famine relief effort worked very well. It involved a governor, two senators, labor unions, school systems, businesses, major league sports teams, rock bands, and more. Thousands of people in the Northeastern section of America gave massive help.
This is a short chapter, but it covers a long period of years. Eventually, my good friend who allowed me this cabin in paradise had to liquidate his properties. This put me back out on the street at age fifty. But for a while, my life was as close to normal as it had ever been. It included long term friends and neighbors.
Those years seem to have gone by very quickly.​
About the Author
Doug “Ten” Rose may be the biggest smartass as well as one of the most entertaining survivors of the hitchhiking adventurers that used to cover America’s highways. He is the author of the books Fearless Puppy on American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense, has survived heroin addiction and death, and is a graduate of over a hundred thousand miles of travel without ever driving a car, owning a phone, or having a bank account.
Ten Rose and his work are a vibrant part of the present and future as well as an essential remnant of a vanishing breed.
Follow him on Facebook, Doug Ten Rose
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The books Fearless Puppy On American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense by this same author are also available through Amazon or the Fearless Puppy website, where there are sample chapters from those books. Entertaining TV/radio interviews with and newspaper articles about the author are also available there. There is no charge for anything but the complete books! All author profits from book sales will be donated to help sponsor an increase in the number of wisdom professionals on Earth, beginning with but certainly not limited to Buddhist monks and nuns.
If you missed the Introduction to the new book that will be titled Temple Dog Soldier, or would like to see several chapters of it that are available for free online, go to the Puppy website Blog section. This is a book in progress. You will be reading it as it is being created! Just like you, I don’t know what the next chapter is going to be about until it is written. As the Intro will tell you, this is a totally true story — and probably the only book ever written by and about a corpse journeying completely around the world!
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personinneedofmusic · 4 years
We need to have this conversation
I want to start off by saying that, while I was reading the petition, from the  time, I was worried. I was concerned about the procedures and the operations required to be able to complete this. That's aside from the fact: how are we going to establish this law unanimously across 50 states and the FUNDING holy shit! We trying to defund the police but when you wanna bring this in "Fuggett uh bowit"! 
Try to imagine how to explain all that in a petition. How would it look? You'd lose the message. This is not a Bill or an Act. This is the way citizens make Congress pay attention to our needs to pass those laws.
Let's forget about the single incident that brought this link in our hands. You says "you don't believe such measures are required". Why is that? When we have a current law enforcement system set in place for a set of local organizations to uphold and enforce laws that we have all agreed to pass through our constitution. But the law is not being upheld fairly (and "fairly" is an understatement).
Justice is not being equally distributed across our land. Just because our system is not functioning as intended does not permit the allowance of it to continue.  Let's bring a better solution not just talk down and reject ANY suggestion. For anyone who talks so much about trying to improve the problems we face, whether it be a fat guy going to the gym or the office job with shitty employees, what are these complainers doing to make the situation better? Absolutely nothing.
Let's go back, though to the George Floyd video. Anyone would agree that those cops had no reason to pin this man down the way they did. Anyone watching would of loved to shoot those bastards and you're right they did not carry firearms so a standoff would of worked against the officers. But like you stated in your opinion about this petition, this is unreasonable. To have all citizens in America carry a firearm is wishful thinking. It is not and has not been a easy thing to possess (I'm not talking about purchasing the firearm that's a whole other story. I'm referring to maintaining dominion). Look at the news articles reporting underage children killing themselves or killing others because these children got their hands on their guardians weapons. This was one of the biggest reasons for the school mass shootings we were experiencing everyday in 2019. The first 60 days of that year had more shootings than days. I remember seeing it on the news. Now checking, The Gun Violence Archive organization has recorded 417 mass shootings all over the U.S. in 2019.
People want want to stick to their statement that everyone should be strapped up? This includes children and students? Going to work or going to school, nobody should be forced to have to know how to operate or shoot a firearm. It's fun AF but it is not and should not be an all-time waking moment requirement, I'll tell you why.
This is a country of consumption and entertainment not a military state, we are not the middle east for christ sakes we've only had one war on this land and that was caused by the same bigotry and inequality we see today. That's the point of this being a free country, we have systems set in place to have to regulate the violence that's the direction that the people have chosen. Both the government and citizens don't agree with carrying guns everywhere they go.
Evidence of this is seen by big data companies and major organizations shoving advertisements of products, films, food, services but not guns not weapons. I'm not talking shit about guns cause I feel we all need one and I fully support the 2nd amendment. But carrying a firearm does NOT mean they decrease the chances of danger and for SURE do not eliminate it. I'll explain shortly.
Angel was right, anyone trying to forcefully stop these prejudice assholes  know their lives are in danger when all they were expected to do that day was go to the liquor store lol (No one owes you shit) You or I cannot expect anyone to step in to interrupt such a cruel act because we all know the outcome. This ain't talking about "what ifs" we know it would take dozens of unarmed people swarming those cops just to save that one life. I can't speak about the "what if" of creating a stand off against those cops because we do not live in that reality. In this dilemma, in the real world we live in I can say that my heart would break watching this in person and I may act irrationally by attempting to forcefully remove them from George's neck and almost certainly get killed in the process. But I would rather die than allow others to continue to watch and act out a murder. "treat others the way you would like to be treated."
If you received news that your loved one was murdered for a courageous and illogical act, you would only have your "what if he had a firearm" statement and it would do you no good. "Legally a cop can't shoot you if you stop being a lethal threat... Many terrorists do that so they don't get shot" -_-  A terrorist is considered a threat to the sovereignty of our home country. We are not the same threat. The fact that you bring that into the conversation is irrelevant because we're speaking about unarmed black civilians who are murdered in cold blood while they beg for their life.
The courts rule in favor of their law enforcement officers and white privileged citizens against minorities and please don't make me research this for you because this should be common knowledge. Once you can accept this common knowledge I can continue to tell you. Rioters fuck up the community, the stores even other people as we've seen in this last month. To the viewer of the organized media (narrow truth) it is narrated that this is hurting the message of the peaceful protesters. Just like every other person stuck at home you believe peaceful protesting is the way to get your voice heard because it's so amazing in getting the job done. Do you know how many peaceful protests have walked down the streets of our country for the killings and unjust verdicts slammed on our brothers and sisters since the 60's? Hundreds recorded and non recorded with absolutely no change.
Martin Luther King Jr. made the following statement: Riots are the language of the unheard. This is not a new statement, therefore not a new perspective, how can I verify this is not a new perspective? Because he stated this before his death in 1968. Who killed him? The CIA. The exact people who you just claimed have the jurisdiction to enforce the law/ protect its people against breaking the law and causing violence. What violence did MLK bring? Please tell me. I'll wait a thousand years for this answer and never get it. So why did they kill him?... Think about it.
The United States government killed Malcolm X because he was an obvious violent threat for his belief to overthrow their racial OPPRESSORS. The generational descendants of the people in power were slave owners and they are making sure they remain in power while the people under this federal system continue to build their wealth.
They ensure that these same "citizens" fight the wars against anyone who does not comply with their wishes. The murderous capital knows no bounds from extending their arms to developing defenseless countries (like Britain from 1400's to 1800's) to its own "citizens" it claims to protect. They see it easier to attack and influence small countries and if they had the chance they will overthrow another country they see as a competitor. But when you pay attention to how they attack the people who threaten their livelihood you will realize this is not for the greater good of the country. This is only serving the needs of greed from the wealthy politicians and business who profit from the dismantling and manipulation of others. ( I digress)
Let's go back to the U.S. in the 60's. They killed Malcolm & Martin to kill positive leaders who inspired self development. They symbolized the future of a race that was self-sufficient so this government that you've served saw it in their right to cut that class of minority's resources and leave people feeling lost & dependant. Apparently the department of self defense has also defended the previous verdict of the CIA killing MLK saying that there wasn't enough evidence in 2000. On paper they are not repsonsible for his murder, but logically speaking, the judicial system could not be forced to make such a monumental mistake in citing themselves as guilty. You can't just believe what others tell you, you need to dig deep and search for the truth.
Have you heard of what happened in 1920's the city called Tulsa?
Rioters have no other option to bring justice so they fuck shit up and will always continue to do so as long as we are oppressed and not treated fairly by our own so called brothers & sisters. Whether you are religious or not, look at the evidence and you will see we are all from the same family tree. So, how would you be able to claim to run a just country while it's representatives constantly put down and prosecute the disenfranchised who already have nothing and continue to take and take from them? Every bit of success or progress is highly praised within our community’s poor kids but women and men of color still experience prejudice & racism on all levels of our society.
What happened to LaVena Johnson (read up please)?
Watching someone drown is one fucked up immoral thing to do, but to purposely hold them down to watch the last bubble of air leave their lungs, it's beyond twisted. It's not just dispicable it is systematic corruption. So to say there are a "few bad apples" is not just wrong. Not just a few bad apples... watching all local law enforcements and national guard being deployed spray tear gas and shoot NON VIOLENT PROTESTORS in the face with rubber bullets (some dying from these so called "non-lethal" methods), this is a muthafuckkin INFESTATION BRUH! You don't see it?! That's called privilege. Because they haven't shined their spotlight on you don't mean you ain't subject to these methods of punishment.
These riots are not sprouting out of the blue just because they felt like it. Rodney King was not the only time between then and now that we had killings and beatings of unarmed minorities.Knowing our history is the reason for the hatred of our federal government (Govern = Control -/- Ment = Mind)
Our mind controllers have been doing a fine job at keeping us asleep for long periods of time, but when you threaten our basic civil rights we can't allow them to continue for the love of our children... for a better world.
I personally cannot loot. And I laughed when a looter was being dragged across the pavement from being stuck under the Semi truck they were trying to rob. Because looting is for the desperate. But focus on why they are desperate. Do you think you'll see rich people looting? You think these people are poor only because they spend money on alcohol? It's because the resources to become richer are made out of reach. Then we have these stock market bubble crashes that not only make people want to commit suicide from being systematically robbed but they widen the gap between poverty and wealth. The rich are not losing, they winning during every period of despair caused within this monopoly game and not sharing. They stock up and keep their resources away from everyone and get fat. Trust me dude, “when these fat muthafukkers get heavy enough, the ground of the people they walk on gonna open up and the hungry gon' EAT!”
You mention that these store owners may become depressed to commit suicide or become a shooter. That's a pretty big "what if" dude, and your whole essay was created based off the fact that you hate "what ifs". Based off my actual experience from speaking to the bankrupt, these people look for another way, they don't lose their composure and take their anger out on others. They could be turned to crime like drug dealing or other illegal services. But that's not because of the looters and rioters, that's specifically because their country's economic system has failed them. Everyone stuck in poverty is just trying to make ends meet.
The right thing like you say is the best procedure where no one gets hurt. But desperacy and greed is a bitch. It's a human element we all possess from top to bottom. Your short story of a sad business owner is heartbreaking but does not apply to every person.
So you agree an officer should be properly equipped to handle a dangerous situation as peacefully as possible. But we have CONSTANT monthly evidence of this not being executed correctly (correctly is an understatement). The petition doesn't even talk about changing police officers physical real world training. It's simply pushing for a Psychological evaluation of the people who have a deadly weapon in their fucking hands. SWAT team killed 7 year old Aiyana Jones performing a Flashbang while she was asleep bro! Where was the value of life? Where the fuck was the rationality? Where the fuck is the justice? Check on her killers and you'll see they're still walking "free" on this land. Flashbangs were made for wartime raids. I know you and I can both agree that this career will break your spirit. But these stories are beyond fucked up. Which is why we need to check on these people and maybe even get them the help they need. We don't know yet cause we're just trying to bring this shit to conversation.
You may feel personally attacked by this request because this may include your career, but we have a secret group of officers called the grim reapers (roughtly 2000 members) mainly white supremacists who KNOW the law they KNOW how to hide from the light so a social media evaluation aint SHIT on the people who could exercise their 1st amendment but against biased, racist and lethal internal terrorist is taking power AWAY from them. Tell me, where are these detectives that you speak of to prosecute these hate groups? "What sounds good to them"? These suggestions are not random dawg. Where is your solution?
If you followed your own advice to educate yourself you'll see throughout history the oppressors have brutally forced their way into a community and into another person's personal property for their own taking. These same oppressors now follow the same procedures to hold the highest power of dominance under this stolen land.
The "why the rules for law enforcement are set in place" is because they are ENFORCING their power over the masses. They created the monsters that you're scared of in the prison cells. These people (remember, these are fucking people) are compressed and compressed with hate, bigotry and systematic abuse throughout bloodlines. Stop looking at this from an individual perspective and within one generation. This has been specified abuse and re-designed slavery for generations almost 500 years now. Slavery has not ended homie. You & I are forced into it when we are forced to comply with actions against our health or will.
No, the law is NOT black & white. Because it should be the people who run the body of the system who decide what right and wrong is and perspectives change over time. Slavery used to be right. Public lynching or beheading throughout history was a public activity. So law is grey and the way we use law to seek justice is grey. That's why we symbolize Lady Justice to be blind. Because we begin our search for truth in square 1/ zero evidence. We gather our verdict, our decision of right and what is true from the evidence provided or there the lack of.  What I was telling Will yesterday about "perceived truth" is that it is not to be confused with total reality. Truth is defined as- in accordance with fact or reality. But reality is PERCEIVED through the eyes of the beholder. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". That's the grey area. That's why Jerome gets a different sentence compared to Chad: same age, same crime, same points, same judge, same courtroom even on the same goddamn day. Just because you have not experienced this horrendous atrocity of having your life threatened by an ominous hierarchy, does not mean it does not exist. It for sure does not mean you should leave it alone just because it's already in place and it seems to be working. It's not working, that's why we are trying anything we can think of to make a change and stop the menacing slaughtering of a certain people.
This is discouraging to see every bit of progress being undermined and pushed back. This is why people say their vote doesn't count and ignore politics, but that's exactly what the wealthy want you to believe. We are the masses not the minorities. The illusion of power is theirs. The real power is ours and we've just been tricked to hand our ability over to the money hungry power hungry FEW! Many different countries attach the representation of law enforcement as pigs. You ever wonder why they all have similar analysis? The characteristics of swine are they are consistently eating and eating without even thinking despite their great intelligence.
Law enforcement has been consistently eating more salary and more power gaining more rights over people and you think this kind of person should not be required to have an Associates degree. You know elementary school teachers are required to have a bachelors degree (4 years of college). I'm not even gonna ask you and give you the chance to ponder whether or not a kids school teacher should have a higher education than the officer who can carry a deadly weapon and interact with full grown adults from all walks of life and still get paid SHIT compared to them. That's not right, sir. And if you don't believe that's fucked up, I now know you prefer to be in a militant state and not a free state. Abuse of power is not within a few, it is within the very core of every powerful government.
Cali gaining more gun laws is still only directing the narrative to the scenery where people all agreed to carry firearms... Again, we do not live in that reality.
Peep this action. When someone hates & dislikes someone or something, you'll notice that these are products of misunderstanding.
There has not been sufficient compromise from the law for a comfortable life because these same issues lawmakers and congress have promised to look into and consider have been thrown in the backburner to suffocate just like the lives of the innocent our so called heroes have taken.
So, I know I mentioned defunding would be difficult to do if we continue with this but I am for defunding the police. Not abolishing but re-allocating their funds. One great way is removing the pension plan to those many fuckers who have a trackrecord of violence on the clock especially the murderers. You want more details about what qualifies or disqualifies someone to receive pension? I could continue but because I'm not a legislator and we're just speaking of a petition, I feel like it's a waste of time right now. Let's see this pass and then we'll dive in.
Defunding does not mean that we're creating an anarchist state. This does mean our heroes will be left on the streets. We can optimize the funds if necessary, but we can't allow the department of self defense to take so much away while it's own people are starving and living in motels or on the brink of losing their homes. This bullshit of lack of healthcare insurance coverage is a whole completely different ball game but also affects poverty and could also use assistance not in providing the government coverage but (for example) regulating these private physicians and hospitals on how they charge different prices for mediations or services in different countries.
Other services that drastically need that re-allocation funding (not overfunding past the law enforcement, remember that): Public housing, mental health services, public education & department of unemployment. Cutting after school programs and defunding your society's children is detrimental to our future and we've been allowing that (not just to continue) to progress for years. We are currently in a crisis of unemployment not caused by a typical economic downturn but nevertheless we've had problems within this public service for years that needs reform in it's method to assist people with finding a job like creating relations with employers for different job classes.
Sarcastically suggesting to fund the weed program because you can't think of any other programs that desperately need reform just shows your disconnect with our society. This is a direct statement to you but this is not a personal attack to you, I just want you to understand that there are many problems that need fixing and throwing money at it is not the solution. That goes for any of the public or federal departments that I've mentioned in this message.
The exponentially growing debt is NOT going to its citizens. Going back to the main topic, we as a body of people are not equipped with the right resources to equally seek liberty and pursuit of happiness. Also, we cannot fully blame anyone else for the decisions we make ourselves so don't expect people to be panhandling. We all just want an equal shot.
Taxes- Are a financial charge or levy imposed by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending and various public expenditures. This means that the people are constantly being depended on to increase the salary of every government funded worker and it's supplies and other expenses to supposedly run properly. But throwing MORE money at something is not going to always fix a problem. As a country that has always found the need to be in debt and constantly spend on the wrong things this is my reason for validating that we need to re-allocate from dangerous or unnecessary spending.
People have argued that the standard technique to privatization will incur by: first defunding, then MAKING sure the facilities will not work which make the people even more angry until those facilities are shifted to the private capital. That's how we began seeing charter schools. You can't feed or educate the people of this country properly and the house of administration wants to defund NASA unless we all agree to work towards building a space station. get THAT shit out of here. The heirs of the Trump family were just recently cited to use taxpayer dollars to fund a trip to another country for a hunting game against the largest sheep in the world (reminds me of the novel, The Most Dangerous Game ;-) hunting their own supporters). TAX PAYER money, for fun! Defund whatever the FUCK they think they can do with our money. The department of defense claims it knows what's best for another country  and so it decides to train that other country's military in an act of diplomacy in hopes to gain a new ally and drain that other country of its resources. Put THAT country in debt so that they help this country with it's spending problem. (This happened multiple times) Get THAT FUCKIN SHIT out of here. Then the U.S wanna act surprised when the threatened country starts to shove the U.S. away when they begin digging their finger in their ass and so we (yes, we. You and I allow this) attack them while creating a narrative here at home that they are savages with no organized government and therefore a broken community with immoral culture (sounds like a male's narrow perspective here in the states that gets butt hurt when they get rejected by a fine ass hyna "fuck you! Slut! You dirty ho". You know there are connotations of this). But the most dangerous areas with these so-called immoral cultures are claimed to be the countries we are at war with. And that does not always mean our home's narrative is accurate. So stop looking to the taxpayer again to bail out the wall street corps and lawmakers who want to infiltrate a new country for its dependence on us. Fix THAT trillions of dollars of spending and we don't have to increase taxes.
People want to have so much faith in the judicial system of this country saying all will be resolved with jury and judges. Do yourself a favor and read up on George Stinney and then Breonna Taylor. Then let me know what kind of rationality you create for that.
QR Codes? I'll admit this had me chuckle. I don't carry a QR scanner on me but I think it's creative and smart to have a bargaining chip you're willing to lose in this conversation.
I feel I have already addressed all bullet points previously mentioned in your response, but one more thing about the re-hire: You can't be serious to think that the main focus of a rehire banning will significantly attack those heroic officers who willingly quit. This petition is specifically calling out for the group of officers who abused their power and had to be fired. Some departments will silently suggest to those officers to quit voluntarily after their post verdict of an abuse of power. But that's another loophole that we need to address possibly in another petition or when this one is passed.
You stated "we can't cookie cutter it, people are all different...". I agree with you. If certain states have a law where an officer can be fired simply because "their captain does not like them", that sounds like another piece of bullshit that deserves a different petition to gain attention. But you fail to acknowledge the cookie cut systematic oppression. El Che (Simón Bolívar) & Pancho Villas did not rise to power for rebellion against a fair system or just for the fuck of it. Neither are we and we're not even as radical. We're still civil. No longer asking, demanding equal rights still after centuries of racial violence.
You may be completely okay with a few bad doctors, lawyers, pilots or cops because it's minuscule to associate them with the term "bad apples". But these are not just only a few bad apples that create a little bit of a sad story here in America. You can't condone an attempt to pass legislation for a petition based on too many "what ifs". But that little girl has to grow up without a father now. Your abundance of what if's are leaving her with the most traumatizing “what if's” at an early age as well as others in all communities for the colored. What if George wasn't murdered? What if he was just tried and sent to years (I don’t doubt they would of found a way to make it years) of incarceration still unable to raise his child for passing an illegal tender that HE WAS NOT GIVEN THE RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL FOR? So to this day remains innocent based on the views of this judicial system. And now what if this same system will eradicate this little girl's life? I will not ask you if a human's life is worth less than the security of our fellow "heroes" because it is not. They took an oath to protect and serve, and all they've been protecting and serving is the interest of the wealthy. The wealthy made from the base of the citizens, the taxpayers so we are the hand that feeds them. And they are threatening us.
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theartificialdane · 6 years
Andromeda, chapter 4 (Vitan - Cassiopeia)
Here comes the end of how our Paris adventure starts. Thank you @veronicasanders for betaing, and being the best support in the world!
In this tempers runs high, emotions are discussed, and a decision is made.
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3
“Do you want to go to the MAP party or the Le Comptoir General?”
Violet looked up at Sutan, a glass of wine in hand. She was sitting on the floor, a pillow underneath her, Frida resting her head in her lap as they were watching an old movie on Violet’s laptop. ‘Love in the Afternoon’ from 1957 was one of Violet’s favorites, Audrey Hepburn carrying an easy elegance and a style Violet only wished she could emulate. One of her coworkers had gifted her a boxset for Christmas, Violet more grateful for the gift than she had ever expected to be as she had spent the holiday all alone in her apartment in Paris, Frida her only company.
“... Are you on your phone?”
“Le Comptoir General sounds like more fun, don’t you think?” Sutan was wearing his glasses, very clearly not watching the movie, his thumb running over his phone screen. Violet felt a stab of annoyance. She had sat through hours and hours of Batman movies, even though she didn’t care for them at all, and here Sutan was, not even able to dedicate his time to one single movie of her choice while having dinner. “Do you have a ticket?”
Violet wanted to roll her eyes. Of course she didn’t have a ticket. Why would anyone invite her to one of the most exclusive nightclubs in Paris? She was just Violet, an anonymous worker at the Dior atelier.
“No.” Violet stood up, quickly gathering the leftovers from their dinner. She had told Sutan when he came over that she couldn’t go out, had texted him the very thing that morning and here he was insisting that they should like she hadn’t said a thing at all.
“Give me a second, I’ll call in a favor.” Sutan smiled. Clearly excited. “Everyone will be there. I’m sure Raven will be thrilled to see you. And my sister might even forgive me for bailing on dinner.”
Violet bit her lip, her annoyance growing. “I’m not going.”
“.. What?” Sutan looked up at her, his expression one of complete confusion. “Why not?”
“I don’t want to.” Violet took their plates, walking into the kitchen to get away from the argument she knew was about to happen, her stomach already tight, and sure enough, Sutan was right behind her. He was standing in the kitchen doorway before she had even turned the water on.
“What do you mean you don’t want to? I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon. We should be out there, having fun.”
Violet didn’t respond, instead focusing on scraping their leftovers off of the dishes and into the trash can.
“You used to love going to parties...”
She didn’t know what to say. Yes she used to love going to parties. Yes she still loved going. Dancing was and would always be one of her favorite activities, a club one of the few places she could let her body go and dance without her anxiety taking over. A gym, a studio or even her own home was too much like all the hours she spent on ballet to not feel sick immediately.
Sutan walked up to her, putting his arms around her.  “I’m just trying to understand darling.”
Violet bit her lip, Sutan’s arms around her feeling nothing like a comfort. “I don’t want to.”
“... Excuse me?”
“I don’t want to go to a party with you tonight.”
“Fine, we can stay in-”
“No.” Violet moved, forcing Sutan to let go of her. “I don’t…” Violet wanted to puke, this entire conversation making her sweat, her body itching and she wished he could just understand. Why did Sutan insist on making everything so difficult? “I think you should go.”
Sutan looked at her, confusion and hurt mixed in his face, and Violet wished she could open her mouth, wished she could tell him what was going on, wished she knew how to say that she couldn’t stand a night of pretending everything was fine when she knew he’d leave in a day or two. Knew that she would be alone again. She couldn’t go. Couldn’t see his friends and answer their questions, couldn’t risk anyone taking their photo together and for some random blog online to speculate about them.
“If you don’t want me here, maybe I should.”
“Vivi! I’m over here!”
Pearl waved, her blonde hair bouncing around her head, the former model looking as gorgeous as ever in a tight sheer top and jeans that looked painted on, her flat stomach on full display, a drink in hand.
“Hi girl!” Pearl smiled brightly, pulling Violet in for a hug that smelled of perfume and expensive powder, Pearl’s giant phone in hand, her skin shining with sweat from dancing. Violet hadn’t wanted to go out, but this was the only chance she had to give someone the earrings she had gotten for Betty, Trixie catching an early flight home.
“Here.” Violet gave Pearl the small gift box, the Balenciaga logo clear as day on it.
“For me?”
“Ha ha.” Violet felt like shit, the fact that she had even managed to touch up her makeup and get out the door after the argument with Sutan something she considered a herculean effort, even though she was unsure if it was even an argument. She had been curled up on the couch, Frida besides her when Pearl had texted. “Thank you for taking them.”
“Anything for you, sweet pea.” Pearl took the earrings, putting them in the black fanny pack around her hips. “Do you like it? Katya got it for me for Christmas! After Laila left I started losing my shit even more, but this is fucking genius!” Pearl shook her hips, and Violet couldn’t help but laugh. The blonde somehow always made her feel better. “I’m starting a trend.”
“It does look good.”
“I know right?” Pearl grabbed Violet’s hand. “Bartender! Two skinny bitches please.”
“Pearl I’m not sure-” Violet wanted to go home. Her clothes feeling wrong, the club all wrong, everything all wrong.
“Just one drink, gorgeous.” Pearl gave Violet a small push, making her sit down at the bar. “I promise it’ll be fun.”
“Just one.”
“Of course, prissy pants. Just one drink.” Pearl took her phone out, snapping a picture of them together, laughing when Violet tried to stop her from uploading it.
Sutan groaned softly, already miserable after less than thirty minutes in the crowded Parisian nightclub. He had left Violet’s almost two hours earlier, her easy ‘I think you should go’ with him even as he had taken a shower and changed his clothes. Le Comptoir General was crowded with people he knew, but Sutan didn’t want to talk to any of them, and least of all Bianca Del Rio, who was making her way directly towards him.
“Hey, idiot,” Bianca  said, air kissing him before she slid in next to him at the bar.
“So...who died? Because you look like a depressed truck driver. Where did you even get that shirt?”
“B,” Sutan sighed. “Please don’t start with me tonight. I’m not in the mood for your...you.”
“Ooh, she’s sassy,” Bianca laughed.
Sutan looked around the club for something to distract her. “I think that chick over there is checking you out.”
“Of course she is, I’m amazing.”
Sutan smiled, Bianca’s never ending confidence in easy hookups always entertaining. “And? Go talk to her. I think I saw her walk Moschino, but if you’re lucky, she’s legal.”
“Later. First, I want to hang out with my favorite asshole.” Bianca slung an arm around his waist.
“Lucky me.” Sutan gestered to the bartender, another round of beer showing up.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“She’s still there.” Sutan gestured, the red haired girl watching them, his phone traveling to his hand like magic, but there was not a single text from Violet. Sutan quickly clicked on Instagram, updating the platform but there was nothing interesting there.
“Sooo... what’s wrong?”
“What makes you think anything’s wrong?”
“Well first of all, you’ve been sulking in this corner since you got here, you’re checking your phone constantly, ignoring all the hot talent walking around...and you’re being a real dickhead.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“You’re antagonizing me!”
“Wow. Way to blame the victim, Sutan. #metoo and everything.”
“Please don’t make me feel more like shit than I already do.”
Bianca looked at him, realizing the extent of his current moroseness, and softened.
“Seriously. Are you okay?”
Bianca touched Sutan’s arm briefly, nodding her head in the direction of the patio, and Sutan stood up too, both of them walking into the freezing February night together. Sutan lit a cigarette, offering Bianca one but she just laughed, pulling her wrap closer around her, glass still in hand.
“So. Spill it.”
Sutan took a long drag of his cigarette before replying, “I’ve been seeing Violet.”
“And I take it...things aren’t all...uh...sunshine and lollipops?” Bianca asked, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation.
“Not exactly. I just...wish it was easier.”
“Yeah. I get it.” Bianca nodded, taking a thoughtful sip of her wine.
“I know you do.”
“Seems like I owe Karl 50 bucks.” Bianca smiled. “He swore he had seen Violet earlier this week, but I didn’t believe him, not after your sorry ass spent all of the fall looking for her.”
“It’s been... It’s been nice.” Sutan couldn’t help but laugh at himself. He had been a fool, spending all of Paris last September looking for Violet, going to every single party he could on the off chance that she would be somewhere, anywhere, that they would have a chance to talk. He had gotten his wish this time, and it seemed like he had ruined it. “I think she’s still mad that I didn’t want to move here with her. And...I don’t know how to fix that. She keeps saying that, that this isn’t real.”
“Do you want to move here?” Bianca sounded a little surprised, and Sutan shook his head.
“I don’t know...but I know that I love her. I don’t want to lose her again. But...you know.” Sutan groaned. “Fuck B, I’ve lived on Manhattan for 22 years, I can’t just- What about my job? What about you guys? If I moved it would change everything.”
“How does your conjoined twin feel about it?”
“She doesn’t know. She’s kind of...occupied.”
“So you haven’t told her?”
“I don’t know how to tell her,” Sutan confessed. “Raja is very… Raj, when things doesn’t go her way, and I’m pretty sure me moving to another continent when she has that whole...” Sutan took a sip of his beer. “Fucking motherhood thing going on.”
“Yeah. No one really saw that coming.” Bianca laughed. “Listen. I know you’re not asking for my advice. But...deal with the hard shit. Because there’s nothing worse than lying awake at night wishing you’d done things differently. Except...maybe seeing your ex on the cover of every magazine as the latest Disney Princess.”
“Thank god our Disney overlords finally got it together and made a gay princess, huh?” Sutan chuckled.
“Yeah, whatever. Representation blah blah blah. It still sucks seeing her literally everywhere constantly.”
“Well you’ve always been good at spotting talent, eh?” He held out his bottle and Bianca toasted him with a wry smile.
“We’ve got that in common.”
“We do.”
“So...anyway, whatever you decide. I’m here. To support your ugly face, come hell or high water.”
Sutan leaned his head against the wall.
“Thanks, B. Can you...keep this between us?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t want anyone to know I was nice to you.”
Sutan laughed. “You’re a piece of work.” He reached into his pocket, his phone out again before he realised it. Sutan lit another cigarette while Bianca went inside, not yet ready to face the crowd of people and the fact that his boss would without a doubt be pissed at him if he didn’t network at least a little, but then, he checked Twitter, the very first thing that showed up as he refreshed the page a picture of none other than Violet and Pearl Liaison at a bar, both girls with drinks in hand.
“And then Max had to bike all the way downtown in ruined pants-”
“No!” Violet giggled, her cheeks hot, a bunch of empty glasses on the bar as they steadily worked their way through yet another round, catching up. “You’re kidding me?”
“Swear on my favorite Prada.”
“Give Max my regards. I can’t believe his beloved shelter cats would do that to him.”
“See. I told you you should stay out. Bartender! More drinks please!” Pearl yelled the last part. “God I love this bar.” Pearl smiled, snapping a quick picture of their drinks. “They should really pay me to be here.”
“Hey, no logic allowed here. You’re not allowed to be sad when you’re with me, peach pie.”
Violet felt taken aback, surprised at Pearls words. “I’m not sad...” Or at least she wasn’t until Pearl had stuck her thumb directly into her open wound. It had felt so good to spend time with her friend, the two of them finding each other again after Laila had left Pearl for a life in LA. Pearl had been Violet’s first real friend after she dropped out of the ballet academy, the two of them meeting by chance at a Parsons party where Pearl had been to write an article about student style. It had been love at first sight for Violet, Pearl not even knowing her name then, but thankfully they had so much more now. A friendship, which was worth everything to Violet since she had so few.
“Not anymore thanks to my genius.” Pearl smiled, the blonde clearly drunk. “Now come on. Tell Auntie Pearl what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Violet’s tongue felt thick. She knew she was lying, but she couldn’t tell Pearl what was going on in her life. Couldn’t trust the blonde with something she already knew was a mistake.
“You’re a liar, Violet Chachki.” Pearl leaned in. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll just have to force you-” Violet didn’t catch what Pearl was doing until their lips was almost touching, the scent of vodka strong on her nose.
“Pearl!” Violet shoved her away, a hand on her face. “What are you doing?!”
“What? I’m single, you’re single and we’re both hot.”
“I’m… Pearl, I’m not. Single.” Violet wanted to get out of her seat. Pearl was hot, of course she was, but she didn’t think of the other woman like that anymore, her showers filled with thoughts of Sutan and sometimes Tatianna, the deep brown eyes still making her flush whenever she saw the model in a magazine.
“So you’re seeing someone?”
“It’s complicated.”
Pearl groaned. “Please don’t tell me it’s who I think it is.”
“Fuck!” Pearl kicked out, using Violet’s chair to push her own back. “Holy shit. I can’t believe he’s stealing me from you again.”
“Are you really going to go with that story?” Violet snorted, very very clearly remembering the shop assistant Pearl had been making out with on the dance floor at the Vogue party, though she couldn’t really feel mad about it, the chance of her ever talking to Sutan if Pearl hadn’t so thoroughly destroyed her heart nonexisting. Violet bit her lip, the thought of never meeting Sutan making her feel empty inside.
“I just want you to be happy, Vivi.” Pearl took Violet’s hand, and Violet smiled, allowing the blonde to connect their fingers.
“Thank you Pearl...”
Violet looked up, her name getting yelled from across the bar.
“What...” Violet saw Sutan walk towards her. “How in the-” Pearl’s picture. Of course. Of course Sutan followed Pearl. Of course he would know she was here. This was exactly why she hated social media, hated how everyone and anyone could see everything you chose to share. “Sutan. What are you doing here?”
The man stopped by their chairs. Gone was the Sutan who had left her apartment earlier that night. This man was pissed.
“I think that’s my question!”
“Aaand that’s my cue to leave.” Pearl grabbed her drink, quickly disappearing from the bar.
Violet slammed the bar door behind her.
“Leave me alone!”
She had grabbed her jacket as quickly as she could. Desperate to get away, her entire body sweating at the sheer thought of getting into a fight with her...whatever Sutan was, in a bar filled with people. There was snow on the ground, her toes going cold instantly, her shoes perfect for having a drink, but terrible for walking away without enough time to call a taxi.
“Violet. We have to talk about this!”
“We don’t have to talk about anything!” Violet stopped near the street, wishing with everything in her that a cab would come, but she wasn’t that lucky.
“You tell me you don’t want to go out, I respect that and do exactly what you tell me to do and three hours later I see Pearl fucking Liaison of all people in the entire world put up a picture of you at a bar?!”
“That’s not any of your business, Sutan!” Violet knew she could explain. Knew she could tell him everything, but she couldn’t, not really, not when Sutan was this mad.
“It is my business Violet. You’re my, you’re-”
“I’m your what Sutan?” Violet turned around, anger flashing in her. “Because guess what? You said no to that. You said no when I left New York, you said no when you didn’t follow me. I’m not your anything. You don’t get to decide what I say, who I see or how I feel. I do!”
Violet saw it happen, saw Sutan deflate, his anger rushing out of him. “Violet- Please, this is all so confusing. You keep changing your mind, one second we’re fine and the next we’re fighting on the streets! I want this to work, I want /us/ to work!”
“There is no us, Sutan!” Violet felt the tears run down her cheek before she even realised she was crying. Big fat tears over everything that was between them, this mountain of emotions that they hadn’t dealt with, a grave of regret and broken hopes. “I love you, but this is never going to work-”
“You love me?”
“Of course I love you, you asshole.” Violet was sobbing now. “I love you so much it hurts, but I’m not going to quit my job, and you’re not going to leave your family. You leave tomorrow. It took /everything/ I had to do this.”
“Don’t make me do this again…”
And then Violet did what she always did when something became too much. She ran.
Sutan hadn’t slept that night, his thoughts circling around his argument with Violet, her beautiful face broken with tears as she had yelled at him, told him to leave her alone, but she had also said something else. Three small words that somehow meant so so much. I love you.
Sutan knocked on his sister’s hotel door, opening it and walking into the room before Raja could even reply with come in. His sister was standing in front of the mirror, her long grey hair in braids around her head, dressed in a yellow jumpsuit.
[There you are!] Raja said, catching his eyes in the mirror. [I can’t believe you bailed yesterday.]
It felt so right to speak Indonesian, felt right to talk to the one person who knew him better than he knew himself.
[Raj, I need to talk to you about something-]
[Are you already done packing?] Raja closed the last button. The door to the bathroom was half open, and Sutan could hear Raven in the shower.
[Not everyone travels like you.] Sutan smiled slightly. His sister and Raven had a little over 16 suitcases between them, Fame’s fear of flying and habit of chartering private jets thankfully also keeping Raja out of the claws of baggage claim.
[Don’t be like that, brother dear. I just worry about you.] Raja was collecting clothes from the back of the couch, throwing it at the open suitcase in the middle of the room, and Sutan felt bad for Ivy for a second, his sister’s assistant an angel on earth.
[That’s actually wanted I wanted to talk to you about.] Sutan remembered exactly how Raja used to worry, how she’d fight anyone who’d dare to look at them wrong, how she was known as the dragon lady, always with her fists out, always ready to defend what was hers. Sutan had always belonged to her, just as she belonged to him, but maybe it didn’t have to be like that anymore, the small ‘I love you’ still tight in his chest. [I know we’ve always been together but-]
“RAJ! I got something in my eye!”
“Shit.” Raja stood up straight, Raven’s voice calling her from the bathroom. “I’m coming baby!” Raja looked at her brother. [Can it wait?]
Raja leaned in, kissing his forehead. [You’re the best.]
Sutan barely had time to register the scent of her perfume before she was gone, Raja already in the bathroom to take care of her new life.
Violet hadn’t spoken to anyone all day, her phone off and underneath her mattress. She knew it was childish, but she couldn’t even stand to look at it. She had turned it off the moment she got home yesterday, still fuming with anger. Violet had been to the gym, but not even the burning pain in her legs of running 10 miles had done anything, her brain still screaming at her, telling her again and again and again that she was wrong, that this was wrong, that everything was wrong wrong wrong. Sutan was about to board his plane, about to leave and Violet would be alone again.
“I’m so stupid Frida…” Violet sighed, the little dog in bed with her, Frida against her face. She should have hid when she had spotted Sutan at that party, should have run but she couldn’t, not with him. There was something about Sutan that always pulled her back in, but she wasn’t going to lose herself. She loved her job, and if Violet was one thing, it was someone who chased her dreams. “At least I have you.”
Violet looked up, not understanding why she was hearing the doorbell. She hadn’t ordered anything, and she lived on the top floor. No one ever came up here unless they wanted something.
Violet had wanted to ignore it, not wanting to talk to anyone, but then she remembered that she had promised to take a parcel for her next door neighbor Mrs. Johanson, the elderly Swedish lady one of the few in her building with whom Violet could speak English. Violet got up, quickly pulling a sweater over her head to hide the gym clothes she was still wearing.
Violet opened her door, fully expecting to see a delivery man, but instead she saw Sutan, and about four suitcases.
“.. Sutan?”
“You say this can’t work, but-”
Violet stared at him. Sutan was actually here, and not at the airport, not on the way back to New York and the life he had there.
“I want this to work Violet, I will make this work.”
“Sutan, I- I’m not going to quit my job.”
“No. But I’m going to quit mine.”
“... What?”
“Violet Chachki. I’m yours if you’ll have me, and I promise, I’ll do anything I can to make you happy. I want this to work. I want us to work, you and me, together.”
Violet knew she was staring, knew she looked like a fool, but she could barely even close her mouth. Sutan looking nervous, until he cracked a tiny little smile.
“So... Are you going to let me in? It’s going to really suck if you don’t... Because I already missed my fligh-”
Violet threw herself at him, her arms around his neck, holding him tight as she cried, not believing that he was there, that he was hers, but he was, and they would make this work.
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hanzi83 · 5 years
Next Level of Instilling Paranoia
I think the harassment has been taken to a new level with me. First I could just be dismissed as being crazy, which surely I will be labeled again. The cold and callous will post this on a sub reddit dedicated to me to further ensure I will be instilled with more paranoia, and even with something I have seen with my own eyes right now is making it a lot clearer than people in powerful positions are hacking my stuff. Maybe I am not as alarmed because I always have suspected that every tablet, every phone, every computer is tapped and I am always being monitored. Before people accuse me of being this deluded to think I am this important like the usual diatribe I am met with, I know everyone else is also monitored but some people willingly help the system because they are being blackmailed or paid. I was checking my facebook public page where trolls are attacking me, and normally seems these trolls are on meth and that is what is used to bribe them into harassing me because the comments are so random and so non imaginative. If someone is being mean to me and I know these people are paid to do this, I will stoop to their level in name calling because I know this particular people are sent to fuck with my head. I noticed comments left from me, and it was not on my actual public page but rather my personal page sending those messages. I did not post those messages, and even with me changing my password, these people will still have access and they will not stop.
It feels like I did not give in to their plan, that I suspected these soulless assholes to have, of killing myself from the constant reminder they are watching me, and even if that is a lie, it is at most cohesion to make an effort to instill paranoia and payback for even daring to attract some kind of audience, and talking about the people in position of power and since they dismiss me for being a mentally ill momma’s boy in the basement who is spewing conspiracies, but when I use my mental illness, it becomes me using it as a crutch when I am using it to my advantage since it is true. No one in their right mind could fake being this mentally ill, and while I am never proud of going off in a fit of rage and saying whatever is disrespectful because I am longing for the day I never have to be here anymore, but now that I have not killed myself or attempted to, even though there have been days the last few months where I have been going off and been more transparent about not wanting to endure all of this mental torture, that most people will not see from their view, or people who have purposely blocked the view because I am not a priority in this planet, so now they hacked my phone and make it transparent about it because it dawns on me that this is 100 percent and there is nothing I can do to change it.
I could contact facebook but they are probably run by the alt right types and they allow some of the most fucked up people on these platforms. It could be numerous people and I can throw shade at a lot of people in my life who I think would do this because a lot of them have ties to government types, some of them are part of IT and probably get paid to troll me, it could be Stern Show related since I had Wendy the Slow Adult on, and ask her questions about how Howard is not helping her, because it would be insane for someone who just offered help to Kathy Lee Gifford could help someone he exploited for entertainment and replay it nonstop for several years and then when he decides he wants all the money he could give a fuck about them, so when I bring light to that a little more, it could piss off the wrong people.
There are the usual people who have dedicated a sub reddit to me and create rumors about me nonstop, like me transitioning into a woman and wanting to darken my skin, me and some other Stern Show associate are gay together etc  or that I beat up a gay couple or that I have weapons, which I don’t and don’t plan on having access to, and try to make me out to be more extreme than I am, and fail to mention how people are dedicated to watching me and instilling paranoia and fear and if I dare snap back and get mean with them, because these people are designed to be non caring and unsympathetic individuals then they make it out to be like I am the one being an asshole like I am not being provoked. One guy I suspect is that youtuber who did the Stern imitation and since he has lost his crew and got banned as his regular name, then went the basketball route, which failed because he was copying others work without any credit, and now he became a reddit story guy who does youtube videos, and since he has been exposed by that community and doing his usual tricks of doing live streams where he sets up how he is the victim in all of this, even though he is not a victim by any stretch. He always takes from Stern in that, because people who have been the biggest bullies on the planet make it seem like they are the ones being bullied. “Don’t you do that Hanzi?” Yeah and I still think I am a victim, but what does it matter, no one believes me anyways? How many tweets, blogs, videos etc have I done ad nauseam where I say the same shit, and stuttering like a fucking jerk off and nothing has been investigated. This person who I suspect has been behind it has really tried to get me to kill myself and because I did not know who he truly was, which conveniently got put out there after months of me not wanting to be part of his show, and cosigning it, he has had a vendetta and in the process of him getting exposed by his new community and still being able to convince people he is the victim, he and others associated with him are still torturing me.
I have also been vocal about the WWE and their supposed gangster ways which I theorize because I have no facts to back me up on that matter, but it could be their trolls who also have decided to fuck with me and have held a grudge for me calling them out for shilling for the company. I have made a plethora of enemies and every one of them will continue to hate my guts. I bet if I post this on facebook, there is a good chance this might be deleted and maybe by bringing light to it they might back off but why would they back off, if no one is ever going to call out Howard Stern because it is not convenient enough. I sure as hell can’t expect any leftist to have my back, or maybe they do in spirit, but maybe because I think their voice is limited with what can be said even though it is much more than what is being said mainstream, but maybe because I call that out, why would they want to help me or expose this. They might have hints on their podcast about how people can be framed by a crime or made to look like they are crazy but nothing will ever be done.
I frankly don’t like to be here because I really feel like I am living in an episode of twilight zone but it is a never ending story of the main character bitching and no one even caring because he has burned every bridge and the people in charge no letting me die is too easy for me because it is what I want the most, and to never be seen since I am never going to be respected. I have not earned respect and the people in the system, as a collective, even though presented as individual opinion, will carry the narrative of me being entitled and a cry baby for knowing my value, even though the system tries their best to devalue you to everyone else in the world and never fill you in on the hidden rules that people will never know exist and continually have a limited view on what is transpiring. People are going to keep fucking with me. I know people in my life hate my guts and I will never trust a soul on this planet. I am in so much mental pain and I realize bitching about incessantly is not the answer, but it is better than drugging myself and boozing myself like the predecessors in the game who took what their masters served them and then continued an age of ignorance and propaganda and then further continue this propaganda by making it seem any type of leftist mentality is the problem and conflate it with the centrist mentality where systemically they support racism, homophobia and misogyny that they ingrained into most of us by making it seem fighting the system is the right to say those things and carry those attitudes. So if I have to write down my thoughts, and as boring as it gets because it is the same fucking episode over and over, it lacks substance and I have been so bombarded with nonstop thoughts and not being able to retain everything or comprehend everything I have become inept and just am counting down the clock of when I am allowed to just die because I will never belong here.
I have to continue living for some reason but these people are so dangerous and so full of vengeance towards me they will stop at nothing to be the cause of a failed attempt at suicide because they never let me succeed to begin with, and they surely would not let me succeed in suicide, they would make sure to keep me alive but under their custody because they can then abuse me even more and no one will say anything. It will be too late before any independent media outlet will ever call out Stern, barely anyone does and if they do, they do it for old material in his show which does not age well in today’s more politically correct times, but not the actual propaganda he was paid to spread and the evil things he has done to protect his spot, and it hurts so much because even I feel like my friends and loved ones have been recruited and it hurts me every time I wake up to realize people who I thought were strong willed would compromise their soul just to be included with the elite type and get advanced screenings, free tickets, access to industry sold pussy, that we cannot expose because we are creating a fake woman empowerment in the mainstream so implying that the world is run by sex etc, it would be a mansplaining type of moment from an “incel” in his mother’s basement. Even more reason to just be left for dead. I don’t belong here.
I really will never have any help and it is okay. These people will continue to do evil shit over and over and as much as writing the same shit in more mediocre ways for each blog I continue to write, I will choose that instead of doing anything to anyone or myself but please anyone in the system who claims to be good, if you read this don’t pimp out my name for your podcast or website if something happens to me and I know you won’t listen, because you won’t listen now, so when push comes to shove and something does inevitably happens to me, you will have no shame and fucking cover it and pretend to act shocked that this could have happened. These people will eventually have to kill me, they already have me on many government lists so they can justify keeping an eye on me because they can say my conspiracies are a danger to the population and I will end up doing something to someone and the only way that could happen was if they made me MK Ultra and do something. One day Howard Stern will be exposed for the piece of shit he is, and same with Vince McMahon and whoever else they recruited to fuck with other people when they speak out too much. I know people I know personally will be absolved from any wrongdoing because they were probably blackmailed or bribed and then when it becomes convenient they can pretend they were on my side the entire time.
I will never be free mentally and every single day I regret waking up to any of this and I wish I was seriously aborted. I really never did belong on this planet and I will beat that shitty drum forever. You take pleasure in my misery and taking bets in your discord serve about my self destruction and they do this with everyone else they monitor in the system, Again it is all my opinion and my mental illness that you will never take seriously because even some of these supposed independent types have sold out and have become more corporate and are actual Stern fans so they will never expose a Zionist because then you will be labeled an anti Semite. Fuck this planet forever. I will continue to wish my misery will be put to an end, I better stop writing this blog because I am just repeating myself even more than usual, and this is what happens when your head has been consumed with the possibilities of the secrecy and then having to worry about memorizing names, and retaining more valuable information that I have to just analyze this world like it is a wrestling storyline and even that has been taken from me from other people.
I can’t wait until someone in the wrestling world steals more of my thoughts from my blogs but will never have the balls to admit they were in any way influenced by anything I write but the point is I am being hacked and there is nothing I can do to stop it because it could be literally anyone helping them. Is this just a way to get me off of facebook completely since it is turning to shit? I wonder what they will fucking do next but it is going to get worse and it is probably going to really hammer home my mental illness and because I am not forgiving to those who partook in making me feel like shit they will then show how vindictive they are and the best part is they will never have to answer to any of this shit until they see it convenient to make it known but then these same people want to make some kind of peace and since I am holding a grudge against people who I think have made my days worse and really made me regret waking up and just to be hurtful toward me, where I have to be hurtful back, these people will continue to hold a grudge against me and will keep putting their steel boots to my neck until I give in and accept them for doing what they have done because I am sure it is just business but to me when you try to it known that I am being profited off of and being pimped out for others to make money and then instill fear into me about knowing my every move and posting my blogs before I even post them on tumblr. I don’t take kindly to that. I am getting bored with even writing this shitty blog because I have said all of this before and these people know I am limited with my vernacular so there is only so much I can express and nothing happens so then I will have no choice but to attempt suicide.
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daleisgreat · 4 years
Lockdown 2010
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Greetings and welcome to sixth entry chronicling the TNA/Impact Wrestling Lockdown PPVs, with this one covering the 2010 edition emanating from St. Charles, MO. For past Lockdown recaps, click or press here to peruse away! As I alluded to in last year’s entry, the 2010 Lockdown is first of four that are operated under the Hulk Hogan/Eric Bischoff regime. This is a few months into Hulk and Eric’s run in the company, and already big changes are amidst. The first noticeable change is them going back to a traditional, four-sided ring. TNA fans infamously jeered Bischoff and Hogan when they opened up the previous month’s PPV, Genesis defending the ring switch. I was indifferent on the switch. I thought the six-sided ring helped define TNA after nearly six years with it, but after hearing numerous wrestlers not being too happy with it in interviews I can understand why they changed it up. Another change from last year is replacing Don West at the announce desk with Taz (WWE kept the extra Z in his name). I liked Don West at the desk, but I also am a fan of Taz (and continue to be with his current AEW work, especially on Dark), and I was all for freshening up the announce desk by this point. The final major change in TNA is that at this point when Lockdown transpired, Impact was halfway into their brief, 10-week run on Monday nights against RAW in what ended up as a footnote of version 2.0 of the ‘Monday Night Wars.’ Hogan and Bischoff threw a lot on the first head-to-head Impact against RAW on March 8, 2010 with Hogan wrestling in the main event, and a plethora of returns and debuts of former WWE stars in TNA like Ric Flair, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Nasty Boys, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman and Sean Morley. Despite this, TNA could not get that bump up in ratings from commercial break channel flippers they were hoping for, and after 10 weeks and rapidly declining ratings, Spike TV moved them back to Thursday nights.
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Even though Sean Walman debuted a month earlier on that March 8th Impact, he no showed Lockdown as Tenay and Taz opened the show stating that his partner Scott Hall had to find a last minute replacement for his match against Team 3D or go it alone. Tenay & Taz also said that X Division champion, Doug Williams, was stuck in Europe due to a recent volcanic eruption in Iceland causing un-navigable air and TNA officials stripped Williams of the title and will declare a new champion in a triple threat match on this show. The PPV then kicked off proper with two wrestlers who would be competing in opposing teams in the Lethal Lockdown match in the main event with Rob Van Dam squaring off against James Storm to see which team would have an entrance advantage. It was a solid back and forth opener with RVD getting the win after his vintage Five Star Frog Splash. Next up was the annual X-Scape match with Homicide, Brian Kendrick, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin competing. They removed the rule where there had to be pin/submission eliminations until the final two wrestlers had to escape to win, and it was now whoever escaped the cage first would win. After several minutes of typical X-Division agility, Homicide snuck out and over the cage, with Brian Kendrick right on his tail to be declared winner. A nice video recapped Eric Young’s rivalry with Kevin Nash to set up their match aired, and despite an early flurry of offense from Young, Nash was able to shift momentum with a low blow and shortly thereafter land his Jack Knife powerbomb for the win. Nash declared after the match he would be teaming with Hall later on in the evening. It was a kind gesture of Nash to be pulling double duty considering in hindsight this would be his final Lockdown and he would be returning to WWE at the beginning of 2011.
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All of the Knockout titles were on the line next, with Knockout champ Angelina Love defending her Knockouts Title by teaming with Tara and facing off against the Beautiful People’s Madison Rayne & Velvet Skye for their Knockout Tag Titles. It was sadly a mess of a match with the uneasy alliance of Tara and Love causing a lot of clunky teamwork, before an assist from Lacey Von Erich caused Tara to get pinned by Rayne to become the new Knockout champ. Jeremy Borash interviewed Team Flair for their upcoming Lockdown match, and this was when AJ Styles was endorsed by Ric Flair to be the next Nature Boy and we got to see AJ come out in Ric Flair-esque robes and attempt to style and profile like the Nature Boy. It……kind of worked, but never really got AJ Styles seriously over as a villain in TNA like they hoped it would. A triple threat match for the vacant X-Division title was next which saw Homicide earn in a spot in the match for winning the X-Scape match earlier. Homicide went up against Kazarian and Shannon Moore. I cracked a huge grin when Moore entered to the ring carrying his book of DILLIGAF prop which I completely removed from my mind this past decade. This was another solid X-Division spotfest, with Kazarian locking in the win and the title after connecting with a sick looking inverted piledriver. Christy Hemme interviewed a wound up “Pope” D’Angelo Dinero next, who preached so hard during his promo that he needed a water break. Pope was a fun reinvented Elijah Burke from WWE, and he had an entertaining brief run in TNA that saw him reach new heights here as he would be vying for the World Title later on this night.
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Up next was the match with Nash subbing himself in for the no-show Sean Waltman, and it was not until all four guys were out there that I had a mild taken aback moment and realized I was witnessing a degree of a dream match between The Dudleyz/Team 3D against The Outsiders. Granted, Kevin Nash was in his final year of wrestling on a semi-regular basis, and Scott Hall was barely hanging on here a few years prior to entering rehab with DDP, and this would be the final Lockdown we would see Brother Ray as we knew him since he would drastically transform and evolve his persona by next year’s Lockdown. This match was better than any right it had to be. The teams busted out the bag of tricks with some crowd brawling to start off that the audience ate up. Brother Ray gets locked out of the cage while D-Von gets a 2-on-1 beat down until Ray barrels through the cage door for a crowd-pleasing comeback and The Outsiders surprisingly sell their asses off for Team 3D’s vintage Wassup Headbutt and Hall on the receiving end of a 3D through a table for the feel good Team 3D victory in the surprisingly solid match of the night. The next match will feature the first of several Lockdown appearances from one Ken Anderson, AKA, WWE’s Ken Kennedy. Anderson’s gimmick in TNA is that he self-proclaims himself an ‘Asshole’ and acts like a dick to everyone as a convincing video package for his upcoming match with Kurt Angle demonstrated. Their bout was spectacular, with Angle sacrificing his well-being for ridiculous spots like a moonsault from the top of the cage that was dangerous-yet-undeniably-awesome. Anderson goaded Angle back into the ring before his escape with some more convincing near-escape spots before Angle ultimately choked out Anderson and departed the cage for victory. Angle announced to the crowd he needs to take care of himself and would be taking a hiatus after the match.
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The TNA World Title was on the line next with AJ Styles defending against The Pope. I got a kick out of Hebner being his trademark over-animated self by ejecting Flair before the match even started. Pope was crazy over for this brief time and the crowd was absolutely into him and his near falls. The fan support was not enough though before Dinero succumbed to AJ stabbing him with a pen to set up the Styles Clash for a successful title defense. The main event was the Lethal Lockdown with Team Hogan’s Abyss, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy and Jeff Jarrett versus Team Flair’s James Storm, Robert Roode, Sting and Desmond Wolfe. Abyss and Roode started off the initial five minute period before the remaining team members entered every two minutes. The roof of the cage with weapons hanging from it and on top of its roof lowered down after Sting entered last. Jeff Hardy did an eye-popping ladder spot onto Beer Money on the roof of the cage, but what was more memorable was Abyss finally landing a move onto thumbtacks he brought to the ring when he chokeslammed Sting on the tacks….it felt like Patrick Ewing finally hitting his jump shot in the animated Clerks series. Eventually Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair get involved, with the Hulkster getting the best of Flair that of course saw him do a Flair Flop….onto the tacks! The chaos concluded with Abyss pinning Wolfe after a Black Hole Slam. The 2010 Lockdown DVD has a standard array of bonuses seen in previous releases, which is a half hour of interviews from fans and wrestlers from the floor of the previous day’s Fan Fest. This interview montage is highlighted by a fan showing Sting his custom made fan car to his disbelief, and RVD playing to the crowd’s delight. There are also a deluge of pre- and post-match interviews, with noteworthy ones being Angle elaborating on why he needs a little R&R and Jeremy Borash getting a little too mischievous and getting called out for it during his interview with the Beautiful People. Wrapping up the extras is a music video and photo gallery, from which I included a couple screenshots from in this recap!
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Keeping up with tradition, I believe we set a new record for the amount of wrestlers busting open into a bloody mess with this Lockdown having seven bloodbaths occurring….from six wrestlers because RVD bled in two separate matches. Other stars doing the bloody honors this night were Brian Kendrick, Eric Young, Ken Anderson, Ric Flair and Kurt Angle. Overall, this is one of the better Lockdown shows with almost all of the matches delivering during an era of uncertainty for TNA. I recall becoming extremely frustrated with TNA throughout 2010, and by the end of the year after six years I went from becoming a weekly Impact viewer to watching it maybe once a month. It will only get worse as cover the remaining Lockdown PPVs.
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This Lockdown entry, hell all TNA/Impact Wrestling associated entries here are dedicated to the man who I have consistently attributed as one of THE voices of TNA, one Mr. Barry Scott who sadly passed away in September of this year. As almost always mentioned in all previous Lockdown posts, I have always been a huge fan of the TNA video packages he narrated and usually introduced most of their PPVs and always gave me goosebumps narrating like only he can. He narrating packages for TNA all the way until a few months before his death - click or press here to see his final voiced video package he did for Moose in May of 2020. Impact Wrestling did a nice series of tweets highlighting his most prominent video packages I highly recommend checking out by click or pressing here so you can see his gift at getting you amped up for big shows like only he can! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania III: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
August 9, 2018: 5:18 pm:
August 9, 2018: 1:03 pm:<br><br>Observations at the Wal-Mart:<br><br>I go to ... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-09T16:58:26-0400 - Updated: 2018-08-09T20:18:02-0400
August 9, 2018: 1:03 pm: Observations at the Wal-Mart: I go to the Wal-Mart, or to the Fred Meyer's grocery store in Grants Pass Oregon to shop for food every ten days or so. The shopping for groceries experience is a life-or-death activity for Americans. Sometimes, the shopping experience includes that I will be confronted by some famous person at the store, and when that happens, things become very real... I have been confronted by Ted Nugent, Robert Duval... ========================= Incoming call from American Medical Response assassin cart drivers just now. Thursday: 1:10 pm. The AMR cart Driver service is sponsored by the Oregon State Government assassination squad in Salem Oregon from the offices of Kate Brown, Governor. ========================= ... Sarah Palin; Kid Rock; members of the cast of Cheers; members of the cast of The Office; Shelley Long; George Wendt; Barack Obama (during his tenure); Dick Cheney; Ann and Nancy Wilson more than once; Sarah Huckabee; Ted Danson; Jay Leno; David Letterman' Slash; Axle Rose; and a variety show of others. I have been doing this for a long time and the shenanigans just don't  seem to surprise me anymore. When the famous people show up, it means there is a snuff movie being made and I am the star of the show. When that happens, those are famous snuff movie makers, and have a very large, crafty, and secretively stealth entourage of support people, film and sound engineers, make-up crew and private security detail. Some of the famous snuff movie SAG members have deemed these events as "Celebrity Death Match" and are exactly that... and are filmed. If the truth ever is found, there will be a large collection of snuff movies that shoe a fight with various weapons between myself, and some famous asshole who has a team of assassins to help kill me, except that in these snuff movies, it will be shown that a lot of famous people are dead and were killed on film in a "Celebrity Death Match" that backfired. Today, right now, there are at least one hundred very famous SAG members who are indeed deceased, yet somehow, continue to live, and entertain. Tom Petty was one such person associated with Celebrity Death Match Snuff Movie making service. Mr. Petty died recently, last year, for the second time. If Tome Petty were to be famous for his most outstanding achievement, it would have to be that he is a man who managed to die twice. Two times. Duplicate Death Service. He died once in about 2010, and he died again in 2017. It must be a miracle. With that said, today, there are a number of famous people who are dead, yet still entertain, and for all intents and purposes are alive and well. In other words, there ar a lot of impostors in the SAG who will also die again someday. Ok, well I did not intend to write about all of that, but there you go. Do what ever you like with the information. I wanted to write about observances at the Wal-Mart. At Wal-Mart, there is a men's clothing department. In the clothing department there are pants for sale. There are a lot of pants at the Wal-Mart, all hanging neatly on the racks for dispaly... dys-play... The pants on the racks are size 40 waist and above. There are a few pairs of pants that are 38 waist. And a couple, two, three, 36 waist size. In a sea of pants, hundreds of pairs of pants, there are no size 31, 32, 33, 34, waist size pants. None. Zero pants in the men's clothing department that will fit any normal sized man. It has been that way for many years. They have excuses when questioned about it. The excuse is that all of the pants in normal size have sold out, and these are what is left, that I should come back and try looking again later after a new shipment arrives. =================================================== Pissed-off rant complete with cuss words and throwing of objects. =================================================== All they have available at the Wal-Mart is World-Wide-Pants. Hello? Anyone? Doughnuts and coffee? Popcorn and Jujubees? How about a Tonight Show Coffee Cup with Jay Leno's Autograph on it? How about David Letterman's Autograph? What if they just signed it instead? Would you do some ant-terrorist work then? Dickhead, yeast infected Virginia! Agent Smart... agent 86. Agent 99. Chaos. Now is a real good time to do some anti-terrorist work. The very best and most helpful way that agents from Langley could help, is to step the fuck out of the way, have fucking doughnut so you can fit into the available pants at the Wal-mart, and let the US Military do what they do... Let them bomb the living daylight out of Hollywood so we can put this mess back together. ============================================== I look at pants almost every time I go to Dystopian Wal-Mart. There are never any normal size pants. I know why there are no normal sized pants at the Wal-Mart now. It's because that in Socio-terrific Dystopia, here in Oregon, no one needs to purchase pants. The terrorists get what they need given to them. The clothes are handed out as needed by the soldiers. The normal size pants are taken to the church, most likely the one on 9th street in Grants Pass, and distributed to soldiers there. No one needs to purchase food either, instead, soldier Seventh Day Adventist Screen Actor Guild Vatican terrorists have private buffet, they can go there and eat whatever they want twice per day. But no buys food at the store. Anyone attempting to purchase food, clothing or anything at all at the Wal-Mart will be marked as an outsider and singled out for extermination services, like I have been. In the women's clothing department. There are isles and isles of shelves and racks stacked way up high... of braziers. There must be 10,000 Braziers available at the Wal-Mart in every shape, size, configuration and color option imaginable. There are so many braziers, because all of the American Women have been exterminated. Dead women don't use braziers. and that is why they have so many. They have to keep the inventory at the store a certain way so that it does not raise concerns with corporate offices, so, they still have to order more braziers, even though there are no breasts for the braziers to support. The terrorists have killed all of the American women, and no one cares. No one ever answers the cries for help... no one cares. If anti-terrorist agents would go there, to the brazier department and pick up a few bra's, then, they could take those bra's to their favorite movie actress or rock star, or public official and get a FUCKING AUTOGRAPH put on the braziers they  take. Then, at least, there would be some real FUCKING BOOBS to look at when the top blows off of the Pent-A-gone. You asshole! It's a partridge in a pair tree. You Asshole Ant-terrorist agents killed all the women because you did not know how to do your fucking job! Yeah... I am pissed off! Everyone knows what the fuck is happening except the people who are supposed to know. EVERYONE! Even the women who are forced into doing pornography have been trying to send you assholes a fucking clue, they gave you a web site called BRAZZERS... you idiots! It's a CRY FOR HELP! And, it means go to the store, it does not matter what store, just go, have look around, see anything you like? here... see these? These are my boobs... now go to the store, look around, can you help? Don't you notice something hanging right in your face you idiot? Look at the girl in the next Chatterbate booth you fucking pedophile anti-terrorist agent... she has boobs too... now go to the store, have a look around, but FOR GODS SAKE DON"T TELL ANyONE THAT I TOLD YOU TO LOOK AT BRAZIERS! because they will kill us, all of us, even the ones that did not say anything, we will all be killed if you say we sent you to the store to look at the inventory of bra's. They will just get new women to do the porn. Most of the women and girls that are doing the pornography are hero's. They are forced to it in ways the anti=terrorist agents don't understand. You cannot purchase food. One more time, Americans cannot purchase food at the grocery store. That means, that when someone, such as a young girl, young American girl, like your daughter for instance, when she tries to buy food, she is subject to a facefull of Nitrous oxide mixed with Versed airborne gas and is carried away, never to be seen or heard from again. Except on the Porn channels. There, these girls do whatever they are able to do in hopes of being rescued. They have no choices because they cannot purchase food in a society that requires money earned from income of a job that can be used to trade in exchange for food at the grocery store. Think about it. Society; money; purchase; necessities, choices; no choices; captivity; porn; please help. Look at these? Please? Look? I can give you the name of one super hero in porn that you will not understand because you are an idiot anti-terrorist agent chasing dark skinned people with black beards. Her name is Roxy Raye. If you watch Roxy Raye, then you know exactly how the terrorists are doing what they do. If you do not protect her, she will disappear as a result of this explanation. I hope you will choose to protect miss Raye. She knows more about terrorism than any one in the entire state of Virginia. ============================================ World Wide Pants: Founder: David Letterman Founded: 1991 Headquarters: New York City, NY Number of employees: 70 (2007) Type of business: Production company ============================================
Shared with: Public
+1'd by: Ha Nguyen Thi, Hazel Ramirez, Jason Hickmon
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-09T18:01:30-0400 - Updated: 2018-08-09T18:04:36-0400
August 9. 2018: 2:46 ppm: The entry above explains a whole bunch of things, it does not explain things very well, but I have no training in this, so, blow me. Here is what I think is going to happen as a result of what I wrote above. First, Miss Raye will be in danger, and possibley will never be seen or heard from again. Then, Donald J. Trump will meet with his advisers, and on the recommendation of John Bolton, the USA will bomb Syria. Again. That is how it works in the White House, Toon-Town Terror patrol. When someone explains that in Seventh Day Adventist secret code language, the word "Lettuce" means "Labia", which is part of a Vagina, then, after the explanatory jargon is digested, the agents who attempted to decipher the code come to the conclusion that there are seven days left to act in order to protect the Syrian people from a gas attack from Lybia. Muammar Gaddafi and his deceased one year old son will suddenly be reincarnated and deemed a threat to the existence of human life on Earth and Arnold Schwarzenegger will be consulted for further intel. After that, the USA bombs Syria. It;s embarrassing though, because they came to the conclusion that it was Lybia that was supposed to have been bombed, and it was all because there was some idiot who could not figure out that a camel-toe has nothing to do with the humps of a desert dwelling beast. Syria will be bombed within twenty four hours of this post, and miss Raye will vanish. The people from Virginia should save Miss Raye, Syria is already fucked.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-09T19:33:08-0400 - Updated: 2018-08-10T00:28:18-0400
August 9. 2018: 3:45 pm: As follows: Easement Brigade: Easement Brigade is a Sub-Flocking-Terrorist-Cancer-Cell. A specialized group of terrorist soldiers who use Easements on the property of selected target victims. The "Easement-Brigade" is a term I made up in order to think about what they do, a tool, the term is not likely to have been heard, and is my own invention, coined so that I can make notable reference for careful thought. If the term Easement Brigade is heard by anyone else but me, it means that said information was HACKED FROM MY EMAIL AT YAHOO. The Easement Brigade is a group that is associated with the following other groups, and the members of the sub-group belong to these other groups as a home base sort of group... OK? Grocery Outlet Pacific Power and Light Grants Pass Community Church Grants Pass Rural-Metro Fire Service Taylor's Sausage Federal Department of Fish and Game Oregon State Department of Wildlife: Medford Federal Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ): Medford Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM): Medford Others....Members of.these organizations compose the Easement Brigade when in Easement Brigade Modality. (the list above is not a joke or an exaggeration. It brings me great sorrow and grief to know that this information is discounted by anti-terrorist agencies. This information is very difficult to obtain, and dangerous to report here. Great sorrow, but not as much grief and sorrow as the victims who have been violently killed by these people, These people do extremely violent and cruel killing activities. Not like the Seventh Day Adventists who just use a Sword.) The Easement Brigade is headed by Francis Taylor of 600 "MyStreet". Ms. Taylor works closely with her husband Richard Taylor. Together they form the heart of the group. Easement Brigade encroachments are bold. Any targeted Victim who has a power line easement, property line easement, wildlife creek easement, or any other kind of measurable, and enforceable area that is used to provide emergency or other warranted access to a property is fair game for Easement Brigade encroachment. The Easement Brigade encroaches on a property and waits until the victim sees them there. Then, they insist that they have a right to be there, they sometimes bring fishing poles and will pretend to be fishing in the creek of an intended victim. Francis and Richard Taylor have a double barrel side-by-side breach barrel shotgun that they use to kill people who ask them to stop fishing in the creek areas around their homes. Not many terrorists use firearms so outwardly and visable, the Taylor's are an exception to the rules. Easement Brigade was here, doing encroachment terrorist activities as follows: Terrorist assassin at 520 "MyStreet" in the woods in the Creek Easement was launched into orbit, and presumably part of a Ford Ranger pick-up truck assassin tank commander parked on the road by the mailboxes. Tank commander assassins are recognizable by the gigantic head phones they wear for listening to com, and has a around the face microphone built in like a headset for a tank commander. It is a terrorist uniform designed to discredit anyone who reports that someone who looks like a tank commander is stalking them. It's effective. Also, Richard Taylor's Large Blue Four Door Sedan drove past my driveway to get visual information as to my position in my yard post encroachment terrorist launching from the Creek Easement. Richard Taylor, I thought, was dead. So who is driving the Blue Sedan is not known. Mr, Taylor is known as "The Garden Gnome" when I need to make reference to him because of his insistence on just sitting somewhere in my yard and claiming he has a right to be there because of the easement That is all I have on today's encroachment by Easement Brigade. Francis and Richard Taylor of 600 "MyStreet" also belong to another more specialized group of assassins that do "Whale Hunting" Service. I don't have a name for them except perhaps Moby-Dick. This will not be believable, so I am going to write about briefly. The Taylors have a Ford Econoline Old Van. The van has a metal screened cage inside that separates the cargo area from the cab area. The van has no door knobs in the cargo area, and if someone is in the cargo area of the Taylor's van, they cannot get out of it. The van has anchoring devices built onto the framework of the undercarriage. The anchoring devices lock into the ground at predetermined places where the anchoring devices have been prepaired for fit. There is one anchoring device at each corner of the old Econoline van. There is a large harpoon that can be secured inside the van. The van with harpoon projectile is set up at whale hunting locations, pre set for anchoring. Whales are American Citizens driving past the Taylor's pre-set whale hunting locations such as the one at the bottom of the Interstate 5 Freeway exit number 55 Southbound on the left hand side at the stop sign there. The harpoon is large and there is a basket that contains the coiled cable that is attached to the harpoon projectile. . The van is anchored in place. The targeted victim drives past. The harpoon is sent downrange. The harpoon hits the door of the car of the victim and impales the victim through the door. The coiled cable reaches maximum length, the van anchors keep the van in place. The victim is violently pulled through the door of the automobile they are driving. The door comes off the car sometimes. The harpoon is barbed. Other people nearby crash. It turns into the "Making of Ben Hur" because it is all filmed for entertainment by those in Government, Screen Actor Guild Members, and rock stars. Terrorists profit. Americans are killed violently. Hollywood entertainers are entertained. Government officials are satisfied. And French American Republic Territory is advanced for followers of Mitt Romney and Justin Trudeau. This is real terrorism, not the kind that is presented on television. If you want television terrorism, turn the television on to your favorite News agency and watch the "Daily Catastrophe'. It was put there for you so you won't have to worry about the real terrorism that I report here on this page. Did the USA bomb Syria Yet today? I haven't watched any network news today on YouTube so I don't know.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-09T20:36:49-0400 - Updated: 2018-08-09T21:21:56-0400
August 9, 2018: 5:35 pm:
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This is the head yeast infection. Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen (Official Photo) Department of Homeland Security This White Skinned Seventh Day Adventist Screen Actor Guild Vatican Terrorist Soldier Commander Blonde BOMBSHELL with Good Hair and Nice Looking Fingernails is responsible for carrying out orders from Terrorist Commander Screen Actor Guild Vatican Leader Donald J. Trump for Bomb Syria Cover Service Operations and is Also in Charge of Extermination of American Women at the Wal-Mart Service Providers. This Woman has a tank filled with Nitrous Oxide mixed with Versed Airborne Poison Gas Up Her Ass at all Times. This is a very dangerous person. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter and Watch as she Bursts into Bits, or is Launched into Orbit. There are more like her. Use Caution.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-09T21:54:32-0400
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Once again, this is the head Pedavore: . Betsey DaVose: US Secretary of Education Chief. I have no words for this Except that she is another Vatican operative in the White House and carries a tank of Nitrous Oxide mixed with Versed Airborne Poison Gas up her Ass at all times. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter and watch as she Bursts into Bits, or is Launched into Orbit.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-09T23:55:16-0400
August 9, 2018: 8:37 pm: The articles below are an excerpt from today's email correspondence to me from the White House Press Department regarding prison reform in the USA. ====================================================== The startling facts about America’s prison system Following successful bipartisan passage of the FIRST STEP Act in the House of Representatives, President Trump is hosting a roundtable with a number of America’s governors today to discuss implementing prison reform in their states. President Trump supports efforts to reduce recidivism—the return of former inmates to prison—as a way to make America’s streets safer. The Administration has worked closely with Congress to find a solution that reduces crime, enhances public safety, and increases opportunity for those who have earned a second chance. “The facts about America’s prison system are startling,” Senior Advisor Jared Kushner wrote in The Wall Street Journal in April. “The U.S. has 4% of the world’s population, but roughly 25% of the world’s prisoners. . . . Of the 650,000 people who leave prison every year, two-thirds will commit a new crime within three years.” The bottom line, says Kushner: “President Trump promised to fight for the forgotten men and women of this country—and that includes those in prison.” ==================================================== This news about prison systems in the USA from the White House suggests to me that the prison industry is exactly that. Reading between the lines tells me that there is a lot of money to be made by contracting with the federal government to hold people in a prison. With such an idea being true, and the prison system being an industry that profits, then, there is no incentive in the courtrooms to provide a fair trial for those people who have been arrested for crimes. I know that the State Police are impostors, I also know that the Courthouse where I live is filled with impostors and crooks who should be in prison themselves. What we have here is a situation whereby the criminals have hijacked the legal system and they have found a way to profit through imprisonment of innocent people. Not only that, but with a profit in mind per inmate, then, how is anyone who is inside a prison ever going to be treated fairly upon revue and consideration for release? This is another way the terrorists are winning. Innocent people being sent to prison so that Donald j. Trump and his Vatican friends can make a profit through imprisoning innocent people. How do we know that when the bill for the imprisonment services is rendered, that the individual subjects of the paying system are accounted for and are in good health? The only view we have into a prison, is the view granted from the Screen Actor Guild Media. So, it has to be Fake.StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-08-10T01:49:23-0400 - Updated: 2018-08-10T04:48:07-0400August 9, 2018: 10:45 pm: I am getting vibes from the sources that there is a boat of interest somewhere. An important boat or the vibes would not be there. There could be some kind of plan to steal, or damage a Navy ship, like when the McCain and the Fitzgerald were attacked with cargo ships that were loaded with Nitrous Oxide and the boats collided. maybe like that. The vibes are subtle, and secretive, and complicated, Not too complicated to say that the vibes are there. The vibes point to a space sort of idea. If I had to guess to protect something and was not even sure about what I was protecting, I would watch the USS Columbia: Los Angeles CA: SSN=771, just a little closer than usual. The inclination I am having about this boat interest includes that there are three of something. Three knobs. Three items. Three. Also, French style mustache, thin, separated, two sides of the same thing. Possibly if the boat inclination is correct, then perhaps there are three impostors on-board the boat. That is all I have on that.
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