#eight demon sorcerers
whereserpentswalk · 10 months
Beings are sorted from eldest to youngest.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
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GN!MC x Barbatos - Complete
SUMMARY: You're staying at the Demon Lord's Castle when you're bound to Barbatos because of a curse. The curse affects you in odd ways as you work to find a way to break it.
OTHER CHARACTERS: Solomon, Diavolo, a demon OC attending RAD, an OC sorcerer
INCLUDES: Angst and drama, but a happy ending. Some distressing content such as nightmares, will be tagged in the warnings on each chapter.
NOTES: Takes place sometime after season 3 of the OG and includes spoilers for season 2 in later chapters. All chapters with spoilers will be tagged. Also I definitely took some artistic liberties with the mechanics of magic... because I like making stuff up lol. You can find more about my OC Arsenios here!
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Chapter One | word count 1,182 | includes violence and injury, sorcerer OC
Chapter Two | word count 2,181 | MC recovering from previous injury
Chapter Three | word count 1,829 | Solomon appears
Chapter Four | word count 1,261 | MC has nightmares
Chapter Five | word count 1,217 | a time skip
Chapter Six | word count 1,271 | MC has some troubled sleep again
Chapter Seven | word count 1,024 | spoilers for OG season 2, demon OC
Chapter Eight | word count 1,407 | demon OC
Chapter Eight and a Half | word count 1,377 | a bonus chapter
Chapter Nine | word count 1,775 | demon OC, sorcerer OC, magical violence, MC in pain
Chapter Ten | word count 1,159 | demon OC
Chapter Eleven | word count 1,271 | some angst as MC struggles with their feelings
Chapter Twelve | word count 1,410 | a lot more angst, MC is crying
Chapter Thirteen | word count 1,187 | the final scene
Epilogue | word count 1,910 | nsfw mdni, oral & penetration (reader receiving), pet names, some cheese lol
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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eatbrick · 9 months
old man's favorite.
pt. one
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( not edited. ) 
note : i..did something and..i..i..just take me to hoe county prison at this point.. 
again, no hate please! i don’t appreciate it nor will i tolerate it. thank you!! ♥️♥️
summary : post-shibuya incident \\ naobito is alive in my delulu  
pairing : zen’in naobito x fem!reader
warnings : physical abuse (mentioned)
two months passed. 
zen’in naobito has shut everyone off and the only time he was seen was to redress the burnt wounds from the shibuya incident. the servants have said the wounds were healing, but the process was extremely slow. there were days when he would yell for them to get out or leave and would throw the gourds against the thin walls of the zen’in household to be left alone.
it’s understandable for him to be angry. it’s no different than the times before the shibuya incident occured. just this time, it felt different. 
it felt quiet. 
empty. lonely. 
ryomen sumiko felt something weird since she visited the zen’in clan. she felt anxious to see naobito again after she was sent to america sixteen years ago. it was like every time she thought about him, her heart beats over and over. it felt wrong, but yet, felt good in a terrible way possible. 
it was kept secret about her technique. too dangerous upon use and highly deadly to anyone who’s targeted of it. the two-six figures of eight cursed technique should not have ever been created to any sorcerer if they were given the opportunity to learn it. its demonic technique gives its person the skill to strip part its target into pieces and have the devil’s servants rise in the figures of eight as objects that defy as a human being but doesn’t appear as one. the demons rise above in such a eerie matter that brings chills upon the targets skin creating massive fear. 
once targeted, there will only be one out of a tenth chance to get out of technique. 
without much knowledge of her inheriting the cursed technique, her memory was wiped from the ability of knowing how to conjure the skill and use it. 
now twenty, sumiko had been adamant on wanting to go back to japan. the unreasonable miss of the zen’in clan was enough to be waited for and to go back home. after learning english in america and going to school, sumiko has finally flied back. 
smiling to herself, sumiko wonders how naobito is doing. 
naobito was drunk as usual, drinking sake and not caring what goes on around the household of the zen’in clan neglecting his duties and responsibilities as the twenty-sixth head of the zen’in sorcerer family. 
suddenly, he hears soft footsteps stomping and the giggling noises of a child as if running away from someone. 
naobito hums in confusion and just as he slides the shoji doors, a child trips in front of him. 
“ what do you think you’re doing running around, child? ” naobito observes the child. long dark-colored hair, cheeks tinted red, and crocodile tears rolling down the side of both cheeks. 
“ sumiko!! sumiko, there you are! i’ve been looking all over for you! what happens if you disturb master naobito? ” a servant had found the little child. just as they know it, naobito stood before them. 
the servant gasps in horror and apologies. “ m-master naobito!! i-i my sincere apologies for disturbing you! ” 
bowing down, the servant whispers to the child. “ sumiko, apologize for disturbing the master at once!! ” 
“ s-sorry i disturbed you. ” little sumiko’s chin was red from the fall. “ i just wanted chan-chan to chase after me. ” she confessed. 
chan-chan? the servant? naobito thought. “ what’s your name, you good for nothing child? ” 
“ sumiko. ” she sniffles again. “ ryomen sumiko. ” 
naobito freezes. his eyes widen by the surname. so this is the child that inherited the two-six figures of eight technique?
 naobito scoffs, “ i will pretend that this never happened. if you disturb me again, you will think twice about pulling that stupid stunt. am i clear? ”
“ thank you, master naobito! i apologise! ” the servant replied. 
sumiko only looked down at her lap and at her scraped knees that were now bleeding, while soflty sniffling from the pain not too long ago. 
“ i wasn’t talking to you. i was talking to her. ” naobito retorted. 
“ s-sorry, i didn’t mean to. ” she whimpered. as she looked up at naobito, more tears began to spill, in fear to what he would do. 
naobito seemed to be intrigued by the young sumiko. he rolled his eyes as the appearance of a child crying in front of him. but yet, he felt a pang in his heart seeing the child upset. 
a cloth was soon thrown on top of sumiko’s head. 
“ cry somewhere else. it’s hurting my eyes.”
“ where did she run off to now? ” 
“ how dare she take one the tea cakes!? those are for master naobito! ”
“ oh no! we’re going to be thrown into the cursed pit! ”
naobito chuckles hearing the low-life servants exclaim in fear. as naobito takes another gulp of sake from his gourd one the shoji doors slid softly. 
“ get out. i don’t wish to be disturbed by you low-lives. ”
“ … ”
“ what did i say? i said– ” 
naobito was cut off as he turnt around, not expecting a child in front of him. 
young sumiko had bandaids on her knees and one on her chin. 
he chuckles. “ do you not remember what happened last time, child? i clearly– ”
“ thank you for the cloth. ” sumiko softly said. naobito’s eyes widen again. he looks down at her hands as she raises them up to him. 
it was the cloth folded nicely and a plate of the tea cakes. sumiko looked away not wanting to see the look on his face. 
are those the tea cakes those low-lives were talking about? naobito thought. 
“ are you just going to stand there all day long until i take those? or are you going to leave? ” naobito asks. 
“ th-this isn’t mine. so i’m giving it back. ”
naobito laughs loudly, “ would you be thankful if i took the cloth back? ”
sumiko looked him in the eyes. “ yes. ”
“ and i’m guessing the tea cakes you stole from the kitchen are for me too? ” 
her face turns red as she was caught red-handed from stealing the masters desserts. 
“ y-yes. ” she quietly said. 
“ how do i know you didn’t poison them? ” 
her eyes widen at the accusation. “ i di-didn’t, i swear! ” her eyes almost started to tear up. 
again, naobito only laughed. “ you’re such a gullible child. but i shouldn’t be surprised since you’re only what, six? ”
sumiko looked down at the cloth and plate of tea cakes she was holding for naobito. “ i’m seven. ”
“ close enough. ” naobito said softly. “ set those down on the table and go on your way. ” 
as sumiko sets the plate of desserts down, her stomach starts to grumble. her eyes widen at the sound of her stomach growling loud as much as possible even for naobito to hear. 
he was amused by such a loud noise coming from the child in front of him. 
“ where is that stupid child!? ”
“ her punishment is going to be worse than master naobito’s! ”
sumiko’s look of worry was shown and the fear of being found by the servants as they searched for her. 
has she not eaten? he thought. 
“ sumiko!! ” the servants called out. 
“ you can hide here for the meantime. ” naobito says. 
“ huh? ” young sumiko replied back. “ a-are you sure? ” 
naobito hummed, taking another swig of the gourd. “ sit down, relax, and enjoy the moment of silence. ” he said sarcastically, even inches away sumiko could smell the sake off from his breath. he was totally starting to get drunk again. 
two hours had passed. the servants had still called for her and the sun was starting to go down. sumiko was trying to fight the sleep that was bound to win. her head kept on falling down, but she fought back up. nothing could have helped, considering her stomach had growled again from the lack of food. 
sumiko frowned. she didn’t want to get yelled at, nor did she want to leave also. she found it quite peaceful in the master’s room.
the door she opened had a crack to let in the golden hour shine through and hear the dung beetles sing consistently. 
naobito either hicupped, burped, or yawned during the hours of silence. it was like he didn’t care or mind that she was there; or he didn’t bother of her existence. 
“ if i hear another growl from your stomach, i’m going to kick you out. ”
sumiko froze and was stiff in an instant. “ s-sorry. i’ll make it stop. ”
“ and how would you do that? ”
the next thing that happened was what shocked naobito. 
“ hmph!! ” sumiko whimpered. with one punch to the stomach, her eyes start to water, but she furiously wipes them away remembering that naobito didn’t like the sight of it. 
her stomach growled again. her lips quiver and hated to hit her stomach again to stop making noises. with almost another contact of her fist to her stomach she was stopped. 
“ don’t ever hit your stomach again. if you were hungry, all you had to do was ask. ” suddenly the table that she earlier set the plate of tea cakes were in front of her and a kettle, most likely filled with sake. 
however, sumiko declined shaking her head. “ i will not eat your tea cakes. they are for you, since i brought them. ”
naobito was starting to get annoyed. were those piece of shits of a servant the cause of this? 
“ tell me, how did you get those bruises? ” naobito questioned. 
“ i fell down. ” 
“ i won’t ask again. tell me the truth. ” he sternly said. 
quietly, sumiko answers, “ madame ohk’i punished me for dropping a plate of your desserts from yesterday. ”
“ you did not answer my question. ” 
sumiko’s stomach growled. she thought if her stomach growled again, she wouldn’t live to see the daylights. at the thought, her eyes water. “ after dropping your desserts, they hit me in the shins and wrists. that way i shall remember to not be clumsy to trip and drop anything. ”
“ and explain the reason your stomach has been growling. ”
“ after they hit me, i was told i wouldn’t be able to eat until i give you the plate of desserts without tripping or dropping it next time. ” sumiko sniffled. 
naobito hummed in response and drinked again. without noticing until after, he pushes the table towards her again but closer. she realized that the kettle was not filled with sake, but freshly warm brewed tea. 
“ eat. and i don’t mean to only take one bite, eat all of it. ” 
“ i– ”
“ if i hear another lame ass excuse, i’m going to kick you out. ” 
as she grabs one of the desserts off from the plate, she softly takes a bite of it. tasting the flavor, her mouth started to water. she quickly took larger bites out of the desserts. while eating, she notices a cup of tea in front of her with a hand holding it. 
looking towards where the mysterious hand, it was naobito’s. he filled the cup with tea and handed it to sumiko. 
“ drink before you choke and die on my watch. ”
young sumiko started to tear up again and her doe eyes stared back at him. 
“ you better not cry. i will kick you out. ”
sumiko sighs. i wonder if i can see him again..
getting out of bed, young sumiko heads to the kitchen to grab another plate of dessert for naobito. with only one or two encounters with the older man, she seems to find some comfort being there with him. 
“ you stupid boy ,” sumiko hears naobito said to someone else, “ have i not taught you enough to inherit my technique? it’s obvious that you did not learn at all. now, get the hell out, you disappointment. ”
sumiko frowned knowing she came by at the wrong time. she was beginning to leave until the doors immediately opened from the other side. even with soft footsteps, you could hear them touch the wooden floors ever so quietly. 
“ what do you want, child? ” naobito announced. 
she froze wondering how he knew she was on the other side. sumiko soon walked to the opening of the shoji and entered in. 
“ are you wanting something from me? c’mon what is it? ” he asked sumiko. she only stood ther in front of him with the plate of desserts as before. sumiko bit her inner lip, awkward in the moment not knowing what her answer is to his question. 
“ i don’t want anything. ”
“ i realize that you’ve never called me ‘master’ just like the low-lives. why’s that? ”
“ i don’t know what to call you, exactly. ” she answered. 
and always, naobito hummed in response. “ call me ‘old man’ or ‘naobito’. consider it for the day you gave me my plate of desserts and today. ”
sumiko looked up at him. “ can i ask you a question? ”
“ you just did, child. ”
“ oh. uh, who was that boy you were talking to? ”
“ naoya, you ask? ” 
so that’s his name. naoya. 
“ who is he? ” 
naobito scoffed, “ he? he’s nothing but a disappointment. a disappointment of a child, that’s mine. ”
“ he’s your son? ” 
“ unfortunately. ” 
young sumiko frowned, “ i don’t mean to be rude, but why do you make it seem like you hate him? ”
“ who doesn’t hate their own child? especailly one that doesn’t have the ability to inherit my techniques? maybe if he were to actually put in the effort and learn, maybe i wouldn’t see him as a failure. ”
“ but he’s your son. you..you wouldn’t actually hate your son for not doing something right, right..? ”
naobito laughed, “ hahaha!! my, my, why are you so curious all of a sudden? ”
“ i know parents are supposed to be loving and caring for their children. i’ve never seen someone so mean to their own child. ” young sumiko confessed. 
naobito raised a brow and hummed. “ who are your parents, child? ”
there was a pause. “ i don’t know who my parents are or were. that is why i was brought here. ”
naobito looked over at sumiko. she was upset. he felt another sharp pang in his heart for the younger child. 
why does this keep on happening every time i see her upset? naobito wondered. 
“ i’m sorry i asked. ” 
he hummed again. “ i’m not mad. honestly, i don’t care talking about my son. needed to steam off anyways. ”
“ old man. ” sumiko announced. just as he was going to drink from his gourd, he coughed from the nickname he offered her to call him. 
“ what now, child? ” he recovered. 
“ if you were born another life and had children, do you think you would have treated your children better? ” sumiko asked quietly. 
 “ sumiko. ” he said pausing for a short time. sumiko froze. he never actually called her by her name, except for ‘child.’ 
“ yes? ”
“ i don’t think that god will ever give me second chance. ” 
“ my, my ,” naobito announces, “ you’ve grown the last time i saw you, sumiko. ”
sumiko’s breath hitched. she felt her hand tremble slightly not knowing how to react. naobitio’s skin was scorched immensely from the cursed spirit and to mention his missing arm being absent. 
“ o-old man. ” sumiko says. 
“ are you here to pity me? or do you wish for me to give you attention as always. ” he rudely said. 
sumiko flinched by how he responded back to her. she knew the act he was putting on–but really, they both knew. 
“ i flew back to come see you.. ”
naobito laughed loudly. “ how selfish of a brat you are. ”
she began to feel anger rushing within her, “ what was i supposed to do, old man! you sent me to america for fourteen years! i couldn’t bear learning english nor having american friends, it felt lonely and strange! you weren’t there!! ”
naobito had been quiet afterwards. he didn’t feel the need to utter a word towards her. 
sumiko continued, “ why did you send me to america! was i that much of a nuisance? was i really that annoying to you and seeked attention because i was a child? ”
“ stop. ” 
“ stop? ” she scoffed, “ who are you to tell me what to do? i’m an adult now, old man. sure, i listened to you when i was younger, but that was because i was a child, seven years ago. ”
“ sumiko, stop. ” naobito quietly said. her brow twitched and was confused a second, sensing the different tone he used. although, that wasn’t going to stop sumiko. 
“ no! i flew back to see you, old man! and all you have to say for yourself is that i am a selfish brat? what about you! you’re the head of the zen’in clan, and yet, all you do is drink away neglecting your duties of the family! and to mention that you’re a terrible father! hating on your own son ever since he was born because he didn’t inherit the special curse technique, it’s obviously known that the zen’in clan disowns their own–that’s fucked up! i flew back to chat with you like old times, old man! and you care less about it! i even asked those ‘low-lives’ of a servant to ask where you were. i wanted to see you, and the first time after seven years, i see you almost dead– ”
“ if you can’t shut the hell up, i’ll make you. ” 
“ then make me, old man! ” 
“ my, you really are a piece of work– ” naobito was cut off as he turned around. 
just as the first day they met, sumiko had tears rolling down her cheeks. again, naobito felt the sharp pang in his heart. 
she sniffled just as the first day they encountered each other. “ what? you got nothing to say again? ” 
“ sumiko. ”
“ what. ” 
“ why did you save me. ”
“ you would have died, old man. and there wouldn’t be a point to see myself living if you weren’t there. ” 
sumiko soon heard a shuffling sound as naobito was getting up from where he sat in the shadows. naobito was taller than her. sumiko felt the need to look elsewhere, but she couldn’t. the burnt scars all over his body and missing arm was enough for her to tear up again. 
“ old ma– ”
in an instant, naobito grabs sumiko by the arm pulling her directly to him. staring with wide eyes, she stood still not knowing how to react. 
“ accept this hug as my gratitude for your act of kindness to this old, cranky man. ” naobito explained. 
even with all the bandages wrapped in the wounds that were deep, she could feel the warmth of his skin in contact with her face buried in his chest. sumiko’s lip quiver, “ old man.. ” she whimpered as tears spill out from her eyes. 
“ it’s ‘naobito’ for you, sumiko. ” he corrected her. 
lmaoooo i just realized i put my oc in this story … oh well
i hope you gilf lovers enjoyed ~
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and here's the long awaited match-ups! for the sake of readability, here it is in text form:
Left Side:
1: The Narrator (Fight Club) VS Richard Papen (The Secret History)
2: Belgarath the Sorcerer (The Belgariad) VS Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
3: Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) VS Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
4: Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) VS Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu)
5: Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files – Nirvana Initiative) VS Ishmael (Moby Dick)
6: Amy Elliot-Dunne (Gone Girl) VS Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
7: Mary Katherine Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle) VS Odysseus (The Odysseus)
8: Pi Patel (Life of Pi) VS Alice Liddel (Alice: Madness Returns)
9: Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) VS Jonny d'Ville (The Mechanisms)
10: Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)
11: Wei Wuxian (Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) VS The Batter (OFF)
12: Charlotte Wiltshire (Hello Charlotte) VS Yuki Takeya (School-Live!)
13: Eleanor Vance (The Haunting of Hill House) VS Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
14: Louis de Point du Lac (Interview With The Vampire) VS Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
15: Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) VS Will Navidson (House of Leaves)
16: Maebara Keiichi (Higurashi: When They Cry) VS Emperor Kuzco (The Emperor's New Groove)
Right Side:
17: Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye) VS Ethan Frome (Ethan Frome)
18: Kayleigh (We Had To Remove This Post) VS Attolis Eugenides (Queen's Thief)
19: Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) VS Mapleshade (Warriors)
20: The Narrator (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo) VS Offred (The Handmaid's Tale)
21: Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) VS Zampanò (House of Leaves)
22: Steven Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) vs David Wong (John Dies At The End)
23: Renata Ghali (Planetfall) VS Johnny Truant (House of Leaves)
24: Mfer From Telltale Heart (The Tell-Tale Heart) VS Meursault (The Stranger)
25: Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) VS The Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
26: Genly Ai (The Left Hand of Darkness) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
27: Frankenstein's Monster (Frankenstein) VS Varric Tethras (Dragon Age 2)
28: Cadi My Friend Cadi (Real Life) VS John The Apostle (The Bible)
29: Pelafina Heather Lièvre (House of Leaves) VS Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077)
30: Rodion Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment) VS Marco (Animorphs)
31: Flannery Culp (The Basic Eight) VS Daniil Dankovsky (Pathologic)
32: Cecil Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) VS Mr. Stevens (The Remains of the Day)
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thetownsendsw · 2 months
One thing I really like in the remastered Pathfinder Core books, that I haven’t seen anyone else talk about yet, is these little flavor descriptors in each caster class’s Spellcasting feature:
As a wizard, when you cast spells, your incantations likely specify exactly what forces you call on and how to shape them, and your gestures precisely shape and direct your magic while circles of arcane runes flare to life.
Look at that! Pre remaster that was just “you use material components from a pouch”. Now there’s specific role play guidance like “Throw some mustard on that spell. Go all ‘BY THE EIGHT WINDS AND THE TWELVE STARS’ on some guys.”
And there’s one for every class!
As a bard, when you cast spells, your incantations might be musical riffs or clever limericks, your gestures might incorporate dance and dramatic pantomiming, and you might accompany your spellcasting by playing a musical instrument.
As a cleric, your chants generally invoke your deity and their powerful servants by name or title, while your gestures are followed by sacred symbols or other representations of your deity
As a druid, your spellcasting incantations might be pleas to the environment around you or the invocation of ancient vows; your hands might sway like willows or curl into clawlike shapes as your gestures direct your magic.
As a witch, when you cast spells, your incantations might rhyme, your gestures might be as simple as an ominous pointing finger or a complex folk sign, and your familiar might even echo your words or movements slightly as your patron's magic surges.
Just a little nudge toward roleplay potential in a central aspect of the game and how it differs from class to class, character to character.
They even brought it back for Player Core 2! “A Sorcerer with a demonic bloodline might chant guttural fiendish phrases or make brief curt gestures to cast a spell.” “As an Oracle, when you cast spells, your incantations may spill from your lips rapidly as you speak in tongues or intone in a voice not quite your own…”
Great stuff all around.
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on yeqing, opposites and equals.
contains yrzx manhua/donghua spoilers!!!
in an interview, Mi Er said the following:
Although these two seem wholly different at first glance, their temperaments are compatible.
and that's something i really like about this ship, which is how complementary they are.
ZGQ explicitly spells out their differences in manhua ch. 228 (donghua s4, ep. 5):
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and a wikia page further expands on this idea:
Zhuge Qing is unlike Wang Ye, who "is concerned for everyone beneath the heavens before they themselves are worried¹." He is someone whose starting point [of consideration] regarding all things will be from the perspective of himself and his family clan, and he will prioritize this when taking action. But [he] also possesses a normal moral bottom line. [As such, he] is a very realistic character.
half of a famous line from 《岳阳楼记》 Memorial to Yueyang Tower by Song dynasty politician and poet 范仲淹 Fan Zhongyan. the second part goes “后天下之乐而乐” / to be happy only after everyone beneath the heavens is happy.
furthermore, at the end of Biyou Village arc (donghua s5, ep. 12; manhua chs. 307-311), we learn that, since young, ZGQ has been expected to revitalize his family clan and sect.
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(yes, Zhuge Bai reveals in manhua ch. 249 that...)
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so, with that kind of pressure, is it any wonder that ZGQ would develop a 心魔 / inner demon? ZGQ is just like any other "ordinary" person with desires; it's just that his desire became an all-consuming obsession.
on the other hand, WY is "extra-ordinary." WY considers things like money and wealth or fame and profit as external; even the allure of Feng-hou Qimen, one of the legendary Eight Supremes, can't tempt him—and that's why only he can be its master.
in fact, when WY returns to Wudang, we learn that he's seemingly always had this "other-worldly" personality (manhua chs. 405-410). unlike his same-age peers, he's always concerned himself with things "beyond" the ordinary (or, secular).
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(manhua ch. 407)
so it's with these two completely differing mindsets that the two then clash upon Longhu-shan.
the initial contrast between them is especially stark. we have WY who is attending for some greater, world-altering reason that is nearly impossible to fathom in full. and then we have ZGQ who is willing to throw away his life in pursuit of something "material" (the truth of Feng-hou Qimen). and when one considers how WY tries to dissuade ZCL from pursuing the truth in the next match-up, ZGQ's desire seems even more "vulgar."
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(LA s1, ep. 14; see also manhua ch. 120)
indeed, upon first glance, the distance between WY and ZGQ seems insurmountable. the peerless little Daoist, who selflessly relinquished his own chance at enlightenment to throw himself headfirst into the chaos of the mortals... and the genius sorcerer, whose pride turned him into nothing more than a foolish frog at the bottom of a well.
(LA s1, ep. 13; see also manhua ch. 110)
of course, we'll soon see that they actually are not so different after all. but the problem lies in the fact that the two of them—for a not insignificant duration—both also believe the distance between them to be real. or, in other words, they fall prey to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
it's not that WY has ever looked down on ZGQ; rather, because he's had such "smooth" life experiences (compared to BaoLan, for example), he admits he wrongly developed a sense of superiority.
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(donghua s3, ep. 7; see also manhua ch. 196, LA s1, ep. 23)
and that's why "Beijing arc" is so important. the official title of that storyline is 入世篇 / Entering the [Secular] World arc. it's where WY discovers, for the first time, that he may have been overestimating his abilities. he's not "beyond" the secular or "extra-ordinary" at all. he's not "above" anyone, he's just been privileged and fortunate to have been able to lead such an "easy" life so far—where every aspect of his life has felt as simple and routine as clearing enemies in a dungeon crawl game. that's why he ultimately decides to become a 行者 / traveler and “看看自己到底几斤几两” / "see just what exactly I'm capable of."
HOWEVER. aware WY may be of his limits, the combination of his sense of responsibility, 怜悯之心 / heart of compassion, and fundamental goodness trumps that humility.
as 清虚舟湫 on lofter put it:
lao-Wang, he... is too good. I actually might not be very willing to interact with this kind of person in real-life; nothing personal, [he's] just too good. Standing beside this type of person, you will feel ashamed and inadequate, [because] this person is simply far too good. You may want to advise him to not get mixed up in these matters, but he'll say "OK, OK, OK" and then still [get involved] just as before. You may want to help him, but he'll just reject [you] and not leave any chance at all for you to help him. In Wang Ye's bones is [the instinct] to [naturally] elevate himself, to believe that he has the ability to change some things. Even if he [ends up] sacrificing himself, he will still redeem every living being—this is the "good deity" that he is.
plus, one of the core principles of the 全真 Quanzhen denomination of Daoism is 清修自苦 / cultivating with purity and seeking out hardship. this means WY is meant to live a troubled and bitter life. it's his duty to intervene.
as for ZGQ: like most others, he also puts WY upon a pedestal—but unlike most others, it's not for WY's abilities. it's for WY's character.
when ZGQ spills his heart to Fu Rong in manhua chs. 308-309, we learn that the source of his angst is not just the fact he was unable to master the Zhuge family's True Fire of Samadhi, or that WY possesses a skill more powerful.
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(manhua ch. 308)
it's because, for just an instant, ZGQ harbored the venomous thought: if only WY did not exist.
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(manhua ch. 309)
that ZGQ feels so tortured actually demonstrates how his character and temperament matches WY's so well. ZGQ claims to be someone completely opposite WY—someone who, for himself, will do anything—but their bottom lines are the same. their 道 / life paths are the same. and not only the same, but equal.
WY began to recognize that as early as their first meeting. the idea of 逆大势而行 / behaving in a manner that opposes the momentum of the times applies not only to their predecessor Zhuge Liang, but to both WY and ZGQ. neither sorcerer made the choice most "beneficial" to them: WY gave up his sole chance at peace to try and stop ZCL (to no avail), and ZGQ was willing to risk his life to understand WY's secrets.
WY understood that they shared this trait, which is why ZGQ's parting promise outside Longhu-shan was even more special.
“我这人不爱被卷进麻烦, 但你有麻烦的话我管。”
"The person that I am doesn't like to be involved in trouble, but if it's you who has troubles - I'll take care of them."
(manhua ch. 131)
despite WY's annoyed reaction, he was secretly very touched by those words. even if ZGQ's true goal was the Feng-hou Qimen, no one had ever offered such a thing to someone like WY before; it's likely, even, that WY had never considered such a thing possible prior to this moment.
ZGQ's sincerity, coupled with WY's own guilt over changing ZGQ's fate without permission (see manhua ch. 222), led WY to open his heart up to this friendship in earnest.
in summary, as a bilibili bullet comment put it: 两个人都问心有愧 / the two of them both have a guilty conscience. in spite of that, they are both putting in the effort to be true friends.
when WY realizes ZGQ might be in danger at Biyou Village, he chases him there without hesitation (manhua ch. 222). because ZGQ wants to “用对等的身姿和他站在一起” / "stand together with [WY] in equal bearing" (manhua ch. 309), he faces his own fears and conquers his obsession (manhua chs. 310-311). worried about how the company is using ZGQ to lure out Ma Xianhong, WY goes so far as to divine the answer (manhua ch. 373). and when the company targets WY, ZGQ tries to lie and downplay their relationship to protect him (manhua ch. 630).
this, then, brings us to the most recent chapters (manhua chs. 675-676).
WY—who can't be contacted by anyone, and has shaken off every person sent to tail him—agrees to meet in-person with ZGQ with just one phone call.
as 昂 on lofter suggested:
大家应该包括张楚岚也联系不上他,有点猜想是王也还没想好怎么处理,不确定张楚岚的态度才不联系,他想找个人商量一下,张楚岚为了自己的目的不一定会给出什么答案,不一定能站在王也的角度,张楚岚这个时候公司那边的,狗头.jpg 我滴天,所以王也一直在等诸葛青联系他吗?
"Everyone" should also include Zhang Chulan who can't contact him. Somewhat guessing that it's Wang Ye who hasn't figured out yet how to deal with [Chen Jinkui's matter]; he's unsure of Zhang Chulan's attitude [on the matter], so that's why he hasn't contacted [him]. He wants to find someone to discuss it over with. For his own purposes, Zhang Chulan may not be [willing] to come up with any solutions; [he] may not be able to [consider] from Wang Ye's perspective. At this time, Zhang Chulan is on the company's side. [doge.jpg] Oh My God, so has Wang Ye been waiting for Zhuge Qing to contact him all along?
shipping aside, i think this is a very reasonable conjecture. 薏仁椰青很美味的!on lofter lays it out very nicely:
梦回北京篇一些月下谈心啊…… “道长你赢得了一个 可以倾心相交的好友” 七年了身���能够倾诉的 还是他
Dreaming back to some of Beijing arc's heart-to-hearts beneath the moon... "Daozhang, what you've won is a good friend that you can exchange hearts with completely." (Ma Xianhong's words from manhua ch. 228) Seven years have passed, the only one beside him he can pour his heart out to—is still him.
in spite of the "distance" between them, the only one who fully understands them—and, in turn, the only one they wholly trust—is each other.
i really like this analysis by sisal on lofter:
怎么说呢,不能只说是爱情,我更喜欢说是宿命。 这张图其实把他们俩想要的都表达了。一个是像内寻“我到底是谁”,而另一个背负着振兴诸葛家的使命。但从现在看,他们都南辕北辙。一个,最寻清净的,折了清净;另一个,心魔缠了许久。他们欣赏对方,理解对方。他们都是极好的人,所以他们的宿命纠缠,反复缠绕,但不会因为利益成为宿敌,而是战友,知己,灵魂伴侣。 而里面的一个石子,穿越了时空,将两个人物命运纽带联系。
How should I put it? You can't only say it's love, I prefer to say it's 'fate.' This image actually has portrayed what both of want. One wants to figure out "who exactly am I" from within himself, while the other shoulders the duty of revitalizing the Zhuge family. But as things are, they've both acted in ways that have thwarted their intentions. One of them seeks peace the most, yet broke [his] peace; the other was haunted by his inner demon for a long time. They admire each other, understand each other. They are both extremely good people, which is why their fates are entangled, and continue to intertwine, yet they won't become mortal enemies for the sake of their interests, but rather brothers-in-arms, zhiji, and soulmates. As for the little stone within [this chapter], it traveled across space and time to connect and link together the fates of these two characters.
the little stone being, of course, not unlike the one WY used during their match to demonstrate Feng-hou Qimen.
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(LA s1, ep. 13; see also manhua ch. 110)
but whereas that first stone clearly demonstrated the difference between them, WY uses this one to bridge their disparity.
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(manhua ch. 110 / ch. 675)
ZGQ doesn't disappoint either. many readers (including me) were worried about ZGQ's reaction following the ending of manhua ch. 675; seeing WY's Feng-hou Qimen reach new heights, would ZGQ be shocked? envious? unreconciled?
NO! the answer is revealed in the next chapter, as ZGQ delivers a mighty slap across WY's face.
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(manhua ch. 676)
who gives a damn about whatever Supreme! what ZGQ cares about is getting revenge for 王也踏青图.jpg (ch. 269) and whether WY is here in-person!
ZGQ has set down his obsession for good, and now he really can stand (sit) shoulder-to-shoulder beside WY—and make good on his promise.
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(manhua ch. 181 / ch. 186 / ch. 222 / ch. 676)
if WY is in trouble, ZGQ will face it together beside him.
i've unfortunately lost track of the OP on lofter, but someone also pointed out the significance of YeQing's positions in the little pavilion:
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ZGQ faces "life," whereas WY sits behind him at "death." i don't think this is only about WY's failing health, but rather another demonstration of their dynamic.
time and time again, ZGQ turns to face WY head-on—WY who has 出世 / gone beyond and left the secular world, WY who is the enlightened Daoist up on a lofty perch, WY who is untouchable—and grounds him in the land of the living.
"you don't have to be alone," ZGQ is saying. "you aren't alone." at Longhu-shan, in Beijing, at Biyou Village, and now here in this little pavilion.
"you are human," ZGQ is saying. "you are fallible." and, most importantly, "you are still alive." he says this, then sits down at "death" beside WY.
"so," ZGQ is saying, "live with me."
清虚舟湫 on lofter concludes:
As such, this even more so demonstrates lao-Qing's importance. This little deity of ours is taking the initiative to ask to be saved.
to turn a god into a man: 明知不可为而为 / to do something knowing full well of its impossible nature.
this is the practice WY reveres and admires most.
on the topic of "death" and "life," i also want to highlight the similarity in YeQing's responses to being defeated (by a fellow sorcerer, no less):
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(manhua ch. 109 / ch. 377)
see? ZGQ's desire-turned-obsession was never so "vulgar" as it first appeared. it's "secular," it's "ordinary." WY himself—despite his attempts to dissuade ZGQ, BaoLan, and Ma Xianhong—desires his own form of "truth."
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(manhua ch. 410)
as expected of a sorcerer (see manhua ch. 108; LA s1, ep. 13).
as expected of a cultivator (see manhua ch. 196; LA s1, ep. 23).
as expected of a human. to want to lead a life with meaning; to want to understand one's true self.
and this is where it gets interesting, right? because at Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong says this (manhua ch. 229):
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and what were each of YeQing's decisions?
WY, who prioritizes the world, chose ZGQ.
ZGQ, who prioritizes himself, chose WY.
yet again, neither sorcerer made the "best" choice. but the choice they did make—fully cemented the place the other holds in their heart.
indeed, 飞蛾扑火 / moth to a flame, fatal and fated. each other's moth, each other's flame.
indeed, 冤家 / foes, and also destined lovers.
indeed, returning to the fundamental principle of Daoism: 阴阳和合 / the harmony between Yin and Yang. two beings that appear antithetical and distinct, but truthfully are complementary, interconnected, and transform the other. a false dichotomy; instead, parts of a unified whole.
opposites and equals: one cannot exist without the other.
Moth to a flame, forever altered by the other, buffeted by the winds – such is the share of fated affinity that belongs only to them. (from 水中月,镜中花 | moon in the water, blossoms in the mirror)
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Eight Demon Sorcerers from Jackie Chan Adventures
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Ch. 242 Spoilers Ahead
Seeing Takaba's power in full swing is such a great reminder of how absolutely borked the power rating system is in Jujutsu Kaisen. The system is described as being a way to determine which sorcerers go to which jobs by having a sorcerer's grade show they're somewhat more powerful than curses of the same level, but throughout the series we see that both ability mismatch and politics make the system a bit more arbitrary than perhaps one would want when determining what curses they're gonna go up against.
Ability Mismatch Part 1: Nanami vs. Mahito
We first get discussion of this back in Junpei's arc with all the stuff between Nanami and Mahito.
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Akutami makes it clear that, while technically a jujutsu sorcerer at a certain rank should be able to take out curses at their rank and lower (and Nanami, while only Grade 1, has an ability that allows him to do a LOT of damage to even special grades), a mismatch of powers can really upset the "rank" balance.
Both Nanami and Mahito are most deadly at close range, but Nanami's attack requires precision that Mahito's doesn't, and Mahito, being a curse, can just regenerate while Nanami can't. This means that while Nanami might be able to take down a special grade with a similar cursed energy level to Mahito, Mahito himself is going to give Nanami trouble because Nanami doesn't just have to have perfect offense. He also has to have perfect defense. Mahito, on the other hand, doesn't have to be perfect about anything.
Nanami's tough enough that the single hit he took from Mahito back then didn't kill him, but it did do a decent amount of damage.
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It's easy to think that taking so much damage might be more or less a common job hazard for Nanami, but when he fights Jojo Siwa Shigemo Haruta in Shibuya, we see that's hardly the case. For all Shigemo's cowardice, he's actually reasonably competent, and between that, his ruthlessness, and his ability, he might actually qualify as semi-Grade 1. But when he kicks Nanami, Nanami doesn't even flinch, and Shigemo himself compares the feeling of the kick to kicking a wall of stone. What's more, the sword slash he landed on Nanami might have sliced Nanami's fancy shirt, but Nanami himself doesn't have a scratch on him. (Also, Nanami didn't flinch for that, either.)
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Nanami's a tough cookie. Even Dagon, a low-to-mid-level special grade, comments on this when he sees Nanami didn't simply survive Dagon's fish attack, but has all his limbs and his wits (even if Nanami is a bit worse for the wear).
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And, as anyone who watched the after-credits scene for Thunderclap knows, Nanami even took a direct hit from Jogo, who appears to be the strongest of the three cursed spirits Kenjaku's currently allied with, and whom he describes as being "as tough as eight or nine of Sukuna's fingers," and Nanami survived. Survived and is walking around, still holding his weapon, even when severely burnt by an attack we first saw Jogo use on Gojo's head when those two fought.
Point being, Nanami, a Grade 1 sorcerer, can absolutely hold his own against "lower tier" special grades, and is even likely to survive long enough to escape against some low-to-mid grades. But if he's up against a Grade 1 curse (or a low-level Special Grade like Mahito) with the wrong kind of close-range attack, they're gonna give him more trouble than expected.
But we actually see this "earlier" in the series, too, and against no one less than The Strongest himself.
Ability Mismatch Part 2: Gojo vs. Miguel (and theoretically some others)
I glazed over it in Part 1, but it's a bit difficult to gauge the exact grade of curse users. And I'm about to glaze over it again (for now), except to say that Miguel, the person Geto assigns to "keep Gojo busy" during the Night Parade of A Thousand Demons in JJK0, is probably (like Nanami) a rather tough Grade 1. He might maybe, possibly, be a Special Grade, but even if he is, what does it matter? He's up against the man, the myth, the legend, Gojo Satoru himself.
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This fight should be a cakewalk for someone at Gojo's levels. Miguel might be a talented fighter, but you might have noticed he canNOT land a blow on Gojo. Meanwhile, Gojo is slapping him silly.
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So why'd this fight last so long?
I mean, sure, Gojo was trying not to seriously injure any of Geto's family, but he starts the fight by telling Miguel he's in a hurry, and then reiterates he doesn't have time for all this later on. Why can't he speed things up?
Well, Gojo tells us himself.
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The regardless of Miguel's own power level, the whip he wields contains a special-grade curse. Later in the manga (you were warned there'd be manga spoilers; get out while you can), we learn the curse negates other cursed techniques. Despite Miguel being unable to land a blow on Gojo, the curse is still mucking with Gojo's abilities. Gojo is basically slowly burning the whip away with sheer cursed energy, and he's probably only able to do that because, well, he's the strongest.
I think there's some discussion to be had on whether this fight gets dragged out because Gojo's concerned about Miguel using the whip on other allies of his, or if Gojo just wants something that might muck with his own abilities gone, or if Gojo's allowing himself to be distracted because he wants to give Yuuta a chance to tap more deeply into his abilities... but that's neither here nor there. The point is that Miguel, a considerably less strong sorcerer than Gojo, was still able to keep Gojo busy for so long Geto tells him he's late when he finally shows up. If Miguel hadn't had that technique-negating whip, it would have been much harder for that fight to have dragged on as long as it did.
But while we don't really see any other sorcerers or curses (beyond Sukuna and a quadruple-team-up of Jogo, Hanami, Choso, and Mahito) giving Gojo any real trouble in fights, the narrative lets us know that a few lower-grade characters (such as Grade 1 Sorcerer Hakari and the aforementioned Hakaba; Yuuta doesn't count at this point since the story's made it clear he pretty much matches Gojo at this point) might actually give Gojo a run for his money simply because of how their techniques work.
In fact, that stupid little ass Shigemo might also manage to escape Gojo (at least temporarily) or land a blow (though maybe not a killing one) due purely to his technique, and both Hakari and Hakaba definitely outrank him. Hells, Nobara might be able to get a hit on him if she could manage to create an appropriate shikigami, and she's not even Grade 1. Which reminds me....
(Seriously, guys. Get out now if you don't want spoilers for Shibuya.)
Ability Mismatch Part 3: Nobara vs. Mahito
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Nobara might go into Shibuya under the premise that she's going to be assessed for advancement to Grade 1, but at this point, she's ranked as a Grade 3. And while one could make an argument that she should be Grade 1, it's also worth noting that when she sees watches Nanami go to town on Shigemo, she immediately feels horrendously outclassed.
So between those two things and just how much trouble Mahito gives Nanami, when Mahito goes after her, it should be an easy victory for his Special Grade self, right?
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Unlike Nanami, Nobara's technique works best at range. She doesn't need to be close to Mahito to do damage to him. So once she gets him pinned down, she can start hitting him with relative ease.
What's more, at this point Mahito has split himself in two. AND one can't just damage his physical form to take him down. They also have to damage his soul, his sense of who he is. This isn't an easy task. At this point, only two characters have succeeded in it: Mechamaru (although he burned through a TON of power to do it) and Yuuji (because his technique is weird and because housing Sukuna makes him a Special Grade). AND Nobara isn't even fighting the real Mahito, so this duplicate is a bit more disposable than Mahito's actual body would be.
But Nobara's technique utilizes sympathetic magic. She only needs to damage part of the whole (or even just a doll that's been prepped as a stand-in with the smallest part of the whole) to hit a curse to its core. So by pinning Copy Mahito down and then smacking him with Resonance, she manages to land what's absolutely the most devastating blow Mahito has received yet.
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That's right; the worst blow this Special Grade takes is from a Grade 3 (or, at most, a Grade 1 who's still technically outclassed by Nanami, who had to flee his first fight with Mahito, only did as well as he did in the second one because Yuuji was there, and... well, if you're reading the manga, you know how the third one goes). It's so bad that Mahito decides he's going to need to run away from her for a bit while he sets up a new strategy to take her out.
If she hadn't let her guard down at just the wrong moment, there's a good chance he wouldn't have won that fight. Man, what a difference that would have made....
But I've talked enough about ability mismatch. Let's move on to politics. Don't worry; this bit only needs one part, because there's one character who embodies getting screwed over by politics more than any other....
Politics: Maki and the Sway of Jujutsu Houses
Of all the students at Jujutsu High, Maki ranks the lowest: Grade 4.
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Her own twin sister calls her a weakling, and by Jujutsu Society standards, her inability to sense or even see cursed energy without tools makes her worthless, little more than a normal human even if she has a Heavenly Restriction. To make matters worse, House Zen'in is old-school misogynist. Once it was clear she was born female, her only chance of being seen as a worthwhile human being by her family was by displaying impressive cursed energy and technique (preferably the house technique), but they already knew that wouldn't happen.
When twins are born into a family with jujutsu in their bloodline, any cursed energy they might inherit ends up split. Neither Mai nor Maki would ever have the kind of cursed energy their house demanded. While Mai ended up with some, it's barely enough to fabricate anything useful unless she seals it with a binding vow... which she does exactly once as she bestows the last of herself to her sister.
Maki's Grade 4 ranking puts her at the bottom of the stack, but she likely wouldn't even have that ranking if it weren't for Gojo. It's not like the Zen'ins were keen on her going to any Jujutsu High. They didn't want her to train, and saw her as little more than a failure and a bother. But Gojo wants to surround himself by strong allies in his students, and while I don't remember off the top of my head if he directly sponsored her enrollment, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did.
And then he puts her up for assessment to jump straight from Grade 4 to Grade 1.
This might seem drastic if one has never encountered Maki, but as Miwa was quick to notice during the Exchange Event, Maki's Grade 4 title is hardly an accurate gauge of her ability.
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While Maki's just as blown away as Nobara is by Nanami's display in Shibuya, when she ends up in Dagon's domain, she doesn't even slightly end up fish food. This is of course due in no small part to Dagon grossly underestimating her, but as she points out, his perception of her power level is inaccurate enough that he's unable to finish her with one blow.
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Shibuya Arc Maki probably would have lost to Dagon, and lost hard, had she been on her own. Even with two Grade 1s fighting beside her, they weren't able to make a lot of progress. But then everybody's favorite (and Maki stans most-loathed) character Toji shows up to give us a bit of foreshadowing of what Maki can become. Because it's not any of the sorcerers that takes Dagon down. They mostly stand there slack-jawed while Toji, a man with zero cursed energy whatsoever and thus who couldn't hold a rank in Jujutsu Society on technicality alone, beats the shit out of Dagon.
It takes a while before Maki reaches (and then quickly surpasses) Toji's level, and after she does, she eventually goes toe to toe with Sukuna, the King of Curses himself.
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Sukuna immediately recognizes her as a tough opponent. She withstood the rain of fire he sent via Nue and doesn't have a scratch on her. And while Sukuna notes his cursed energy output is all over the place, he also notes his physical movement is fine, right where it should be.
This doesn't stop Maki from landing several hits on him, even without Itadori running support. In fact, she and Itadori might have taken down Sukuna then and there if his backup hadn't shown up, so I think it's safe to say she's definitely at Special Grade level now, and probably even outclasses de-Sukuna'ed Itadori.
But at this point in the story, Grades are pretty much irrelevant. After all, they're a function of Jujutsu Society, and between Geto's disappearance, Maki's slaughter of Clan Zen'in, and Kenny's murder of all the Jujutsu higher-ups, subsequent forceful takeover of the resources in House Kamo, and Idle Transfiguration to bring back both a bunch of old-timey sorcerers and awaken a bunch more sorcerers (including a large number of Special Grades), formalized Jujutsu Society is effectively gone.
Even when it was there, it had a TON of outliers just due to politics. Maki aside, curse users are by definition separated from it, and as such they aren't granted ranks. Maybe there were more Special Grades hiding amongst them this whole time, but who can say? They're largely untallied, unaccounted for, and untested.
Jujutsu Society never had room for outliers. How fitting, then, that the house known to be the most unforgiving toward outliers would fall to the person they saw as their worst outlier?
But Let's Get Back To Takaba
And we thought Hakari's cursed technique was weird.
Takaba's ability bends reality to his will. If he wants things to go a certain way, they do. If he thinks something's funny, it happens. And everyone around him is caught up in it.
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He's basically a World of Darkness marauder dropped into Jujutsu Kaisen. I'd say, "Thank God he's on our side," but long-term, that might not actually pan out so well. His lack of awareness of his own powerset means if he's in the right mood, he could easily sweep up allies and foes into his particular brand of reality fuckery, complete with altering their states of mind to what he needs for whatever scene he's creating.
Kenjaku is losing to him.
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Since he was so eager to flee Gojo, it might be easy to forget that Kenny is MORE than competent with Geto's body both in hand-to-hand combat and in cursed technique use. At the end of Shibuya, he implemented Geto's technique to a level we never even saw Geto use as he employed several techniques from the array of curses he'd collected, signing it all off with Mahito's Idle Transfiguration on a national level. Geto wishes he could have pulled this off.
Then, when Kenjaku went after Tengen, he soundly beat Choso (who might be inexperienced, but is quick to adapt and hardly weak) and, with a much greater level of difficulty, took down combat specialist and Special Grade layabout Yuki.
Point being, he can hold his own in a fight. What's more, he's repeatedly shown he has a mind for strategy and is more than willing to take the time to plot out elaborate plans that take lifetimes or even centuries to come to fruition.
But that's just it. Takaba is not letting him think. Literally. All his thoughts just become part of the bit, which gives Takaba an advantage and keeps Kenjaku on his toes.
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I'd say this is a true battle of wits, but Takaba seems to be acting more on instinct than anything else, so I'm not sure wits come into play at all on his side of things.
But until he showed up, Kenny hadn't spared Takaba a second thought. Takaba isn't brimming with cursed energy like Yuuta and he hasn't been overtly displaying his strength in a way the Culling Game measures like Higuruma, and so he wasn't even a consideration to this centuries-old sorcerer in a Special-Grade body.
Is Takaba Special Grade? Who knows. His output of cursed energy isn't high enough for others to be actively targeting him, but his technique itself is so bonkers-crazy it's taking down someone else who was once called The Strongest and who's being piloted by an evil mastermind. And it's doing it casually. Takaba is having the time of his life, seemingly having completely forgotten that he and Kenny are locked in a fight to the death (if Takaba ever knew that in the first place).
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Maybe it was nice to think this was a series with a stereotypical power structure that could be easily defined and ranked up within. Then again, it was also nice to think this was a series where the stereotypical hero-type characters come out on top through the power of friendship, and look where that's got us.
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lunarsilkscreen · 4 months
The unexpected link between FF8 and FF9
I don't know if this is because eight and nine were developed simultaneously, or its just sheer coincidence; but they share an incredibly specific premise.
A group of magical blooded orphans' home is destroyed. Leaving a very small amount of their race left in the world.
If you're familiar with the Sorcerer class from D&D, then you know that this archetype gets their power from their bloodline. Usually from being connected to divinity or some magical beast; Dragons, Demons, or Gods.
In the world of Final Fantasy, that is effectively what a Summoner is. However; there are two types of Summoners. Those who are linked in some way to the beings they are summoning, and those who aren't.
Tho, there are often themes in both games about how one can eventually be corrupted and become a magical chimera hellbent on power.
Those who are linked to the Summons they make pacts with in FF8 and FF9, the Summoner clan, of which Eiko and Garnet are both a part of. And the orphans at Balamb Garden, including Irvine and Selphie from Galbadia and Trabia respectively.
And, for some reason; Rinoa.
Why do I say this? Because despite not being affiliated with SeeD or the Gardens, Rinoa knows two things unique to this group.
How to Summon and Junction a GF, *AND* how to [Draw].
Think about; We only ever see Draw in FF8, a game about making a pact with magical creature in order to obtain more power.
And these People are *all* Orphans, taken from their home and forced into fighting a metaphysical threat.
Simultaneously, the Summoner tribe's homelands in FF9 were attacked and destroyed, leaving only Garnet and Eiko as the remnants of the summoner Tribe.
They were targeted specifically for their strength. And Garnet was adopted and effectively kept as a pet to Queen Brahn despite being her "daughter".
FF8 does something no other game in the series does. They explain the mechanics of being a Summoner in depth. That is what the [Draw and Junction] commands are.
Part of the Summoner's toolkit.
It is reused later by Yuna in FFX, where she communes with the divine statues in order to junction their power. And who is the sole heir of the Summoner bloodline.
There are no other summoners *except* for the dreamers laid waste in Zanarkand. Which may be the city of Insomnia, but that's another story for another time.
This same story is repeated for historical summoners with the summoner bloodline. Or, are themselves corrupted by magical beasts. Like Terra,
If FF7 was the weaponization of Casters and Black Magic. Then FF8 was the weaponization of Summoners or Sorcerers.
One is the attempted replication of the abilities found in the summoner people, and the other is using them as tools of war.
What I haven't quite figured out yet; is the connection between all that and [White Magic]. Garnet being separated from her summoner past seems to have influenced her abilities to come out as Holy magic, and she seems to be well versed in it, despite there not really being a rational reason given.
It's often Described that the [Black Mages] fought against the [White Mages] in a hellish war. And yet, while both may be derived from the Summoner Tribe's abilities. I think White Magic is still it's own thing.
--Not to be confused with Racial supremacy.--
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dotster001 · 2 years
Obey Me
Return Home? Yes
Soft- Poly! reader x Lucifer Enemies to Lovers with Lucifer. Chapters One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Thank You For Your Donation-Mammon has decided to profit off the human via live stream.
The Thing I Want Most- Mammon x reader. A birthday fic for my beloved.
Personal Finance- Mammon x Reader You try to get Mammon on a budget.
What's in your hotel room?- Mammon x reader. Mams gives you the silent treatment
I miss You- Mammon x reader that scene in nightbringer where you kiss Mammon, but angst
Leviathan, the Accidental Yandere- Levi x reader. Demons have different courtship rituals than humans. Oops.
The Cat's Meow- Satan finds out you have a cat back home.
What Was Will be Again- Satan x reader in the past Satan bonds with the attendant. In the future, he's grateful for what they taught him
In Your Eyes- Asmo x Reader. Asmo tries to make his charm work on you.
Make it Work- Asmo x Ace!reader. An asexual in love with the avatar of lust? Oof.
Asmo and the Pillars of Asexuality: Garlic Bread
Together Forever- yan!Belphiex reader. Belphie will keep his family together no matter what it takes.
Happy- Yan! Diavolo x reader. Diavolo tries to figure out what's off about your relationship
Blessed- Diavolo x reader. You have to play dirty if you want your religious parents to accept your upcoming marriage.
A Gift Fit For a Prince- Barbatos x reader. It's your fault he cut himself. So of course you have to bandage him up.
Concussion Care- Barbatos x reader. Barbs is in charge of you when you have a concussion
The Sorcerer's Fiance- Simeon x reader a retelling of the Bishop's wife with our favorite Angel and MC part two part three
Fallen for You- Simeon x reader Simeon falls, and your relationship gets complicated. Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
No Dates Only Luke-Luke doesn't think that the demon brothers are worthy of dating you.
The Great Devildom Cuddle War- Obey me x Reader. Cuddles are a hot commodity in the Devildom.
The 2nd Great Devildom Cuddle War- In which all questions about Lucifer get answered.
The Sheep Saga-A series in which I sheepify the mc. Chapters One Two Three Four Five Six
Oops- You and Beel make a mess. Satan helps clean it up.
Date the Human- ? x reader a date with you is up for auction, and a mysterious person won.
Who Needs Sleep- Hcs about how the demon brothers wake you up, because they don't realize you need sleep.
Alternate End- A different route to Nightbringer lesson eight
Simeon/Solomon/Asmo x reader recovering from Bulimia
300 Followers Event Masterlist
500 Followers Event Masterlist
October Prompt list
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
MASTERPOST for summary/info/chapter list
a/n: Okay time for a lengthy author's note about this bonus chapter. This is a bonus chapter because I wasn't originally going to write this part at all. This is what happens when Arsenios and Solomon go looking for the counter curse. (If I was naming chapters, this one would be called "The Misadventures of Arrie & Sol.")
This is essentially an MC and Barbatos love story, so I didn't think I really needed to write this part since neither MC nor Barbatos are in it. Then I thought people might want to see what happened, so I decided to write it and post it as a bonus. This means that you do not need to read this chapter at all if you don't want to. You can skip it all together and the rest of the story will still make sense.
That being said, this scene is written from Arsenios's point of view. So I feel the need to clarify a couple things about him. First, know that he is all bark and no bite. He will threaten people all day and then never actually follow through. Second, there is a reason why he doesn't like Solomon, but it has nothing to do with Solomon and everything to do with Arsenios and his past. Arsenios is aware of this, but he's still struggling with it lol.
Okay, that's it, sorry for the rambling. If you do decide to read this, I hope you enjoy it! Back to MC and Barbatos in the next chapter!
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GN!MC x Barbatos still, but neither make an appearance in this chapter and you can skip it if you so desire | word count 1,377
Warnings: demon OC, sorcerer OC, minor violence (no blood), a lot of empty threats, manipulative magic, I think that's it...?
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Arsenios folded his arms, frowning at Solomon, who had the same usual annoying smile on his face. Arsenios had come to Purgatory Hall to find Solomon so they could go to the human world and find the counter curse for Barbatos.
Now he was standing inside the living room, trying to explain where Tobias's house was located.
"So you're saying it's in a forest?" Solomon asked.
"It's more like on the outskirts of a city," Arsenios said. "But there are just a lot of trees there. Man, don't you have a map or something?"
Solomon laughed lightly. "Would you know how to find the house on a map?"
Arsenios frowned even harder, unhappy about the fact that Solomon had a point.
Solomon patted Arsenios's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I think I know the location you're talking about. Why don't I take us there and you can tell me if I'm wrong?"
Arsenios glared at Solomon. "I guess."
Solomon kept his hand on Arsenios's shoulder and recited the teleportation spell.
Arsenios felt himself get a little dizzy before he was suddenly in a new place. The light from the human world sun nearly blinded him. He tried not to hiss at it as he raised an arm to shield his eyes.
"Sorry about that," Solomon said. "I forget demons can be sensitive to sunlight if they rarely leave the Devildom."
"I spent plenty of time in the human world," Arsenios said. "Tried to come at night when I could, though."
"Sure," Solomon said. "But that was a long time ago, wasn't it?"
Arsenios huffed. He looked around at where they were. They were standing on a small street with a dead end. There were indeed trees everywhere and a rickety old house at the end of the street. The nearest neighbor was far enough away that they couldn't even see their house.
"Hey," Arsenios said. "This is exactly the right spot. How did you know it?"
Solomon shrugged. "The Sorcerer's Society isn't far from here. A lot of sorcerers live in this general area. I recognized the way you described the trees here, so I figured it must be this spot."
Arsenios didn't want to be impressed, but he was. "All right, now what?"
"Now, we go ask him politely to give us the counter curse," Solomon said.
Arsenios was ready to argue with this idea, but Solomon was already walking down the street to the front door of the house.
When they reached it, Solomon knocked loudly.
Only seconds passed before the door opened.
The sorcerer standing in the doorway was short, wearing a rather dramatic black cloak, and glaring at them. The minute he saw Solomon, his scowl deepened. Although Solomon had never actually met Tobias before, there was no doubt that his reputation had preceded him. Tobias started to close the door.
Solomon seemed to anticipate this, though. He grabbed the door and held it open.
"Hello, Tobias," he said, his voice just as cheerful as it always was.
Tobias looked at him, then at Arsenios, then back at Solomon. "What do you want, Solomon?"
"I heard you've been teleporting into the Devildom without permission," Solomon said.
"Have you become a guard dog for demons now?" Tobias asked. He sneered. "What am I saying. You've always been the demons' bitch."
"Wow," Arsenios said. "Listen, I'm not Solomon's biggest fan, either, but you're talking about an immortal man who has seventy two pacts. You know how pacts work, don't you?"
Tobias looked at Arsenios a little more carefully. "And who exactly are you?"
"None of your business," Arsenios said. "We're here for the counter curse. Hand it over."
Tobias blinked. "Counter curse?"
"Don't play dumb," Arsenios snarled. "You tried to curse Barbatos, but it hit MC instead. Give us the counter curse."
"The binding threads curse," Solomon said. "You have written a counter curse for it, haven't you?"
Tobias tugged on the door, but Solomon kept hold of it. "Of course I have, but I don't see why I should give it to you."
Solomon sighed and looked at Arsenios with raised eyebrows.
"I know what you want me to do," Arsenios said. "But do I really have to bother using my power on this idiot? I think I could beat the location out of him just fine."
Tobias paled as Arsenios began to roll up his sleeves. He pulled harder on the door, but it still wouldn't budge.
"I think Barbatos would prefer it if we didn't resort to violence," Solomon said. "Anyway, do you really want to get all bloody? I would think it'd be easier to just use your power."
Tobias gave up on the door and ran into the house.
"Oh, now, you wasted too much time talking," Solomon said.
"Me?" Arsenios demanded. He poked Solomon in the chest. "You're the one who won't shut up."
Arsenios didn't wait to hear Solomon's response to this, which was likely some witty quip he didn't want to hear anyway.
Instead he went inside the house.
The main room was a sort of foyer, an empty space with a staircase and a few open doorways leading to other rooms.
Arsenios didn't need to go in any farther. He felt Solomon enter the room and close the door behind them, cutting off the sunlight and plunging the house into a sort of grey dimness.
Arsenios took a deep breath and then he began to sing. As he did, his eyes glowed purple.
The song was not complex. For persuasion, a simple song was best. He sang in the ancient language of demons, his mother tongue, as it was easiest for him to infuse with intention.
It was a quiet and eerie song, one to match the strange place they were standing in.
There was a clatter from deep inside the house. And then Tobias came down the stairs, a folded piece of paper in his hands. His eyes were dull, his expression listless. He looked like he was sleepwalking.
Tobias walked straight to Solomon and held out the paper to him.
Solomon took it, looked it over, and nodded. "This is the right one, Arsenios."
Arsenios stopped singing.
Tobias blinked. Then he made as if he was going to snatch the paper out of Solomon's hand.
Arsenios grabbed the back of his cloak before he could and lifted him entirely off the ground. Tobias squeaked, kicking his feet.
Solomon walked over to Tobias and tapped his chest with the paper. "Thanks for this. I hope I don't have to tell you that you shouldn't come back to the Devildom for a while. Barbatos isn't pleased about all of this. And I have to admit, neither am I."
"You can’t just come to my home and bully me like this!" Tobias said, still struggling.
Solomon laughed. “You didn’t honestly think you could mess with a demon like Barbatos without repercussions, did you? You should be grateful he can’t come deal with you himself. It would’ve been a lot worse for you.”
“Put me down! I’m not interested in your posturing!” Tobias said.
"I think I’ll share one more song with you,” Arsenios said. “Just to make sure you don’t think about coming back to the Devildom.”
"I don't know if that's really necessary," Solomon said. "I think he's learned his lesson."
Arsenios didn't respond, only began to sing again, eyes glowing briefly. It was a short, sharp song, something that would simply remind Tobias not to return to the Devildom. A slight influence that would play in his mind whenever he considered it.
Arsenios dropped him. Tobias landed with a little thud, still on his feet. He looked surprised that he wasn’t hurt, but he scrambled away in fear all the same.
"Let's go," Arsenios said, turning to Solomon.
Solomon laughed. "You're so scary, Arsenios!"
Arsenios rolled his eyes because he knew he was being made fun of. "Whatever, can we just go back now? I don't like being here."
"Of course, of course," Solomon said.
Solomon put his hand on Arsenios's shoulder and brought them back to the Devildom, landing them directly in Purgatory Hall's living room.
"Thanks for your help," Solomon said.
Arsenios shrugged. "I only did it because of Barbatos. You've seen him with MC."
"Yes, I have," Solomon said.
They exchanged a knowing look.
"Anyway, we can give this to Barbatos at RAD tomorrow," Solomon said.
"Great," Arsenios said, turning to leave.
"By the way, Arsenios," Solomon said.
Arsenios looked over his shoulder.
"Are you sure you wouldn't be interested in making a pact-"
Arsenios didn't even wait to hear the rest, only turning away again and walking out the door. He rolled his eyes as he heard Solomon chuckling behind him.
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masterpost | chapter one
chapter eight | chapter nine
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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qianqiancandyjar · 1 year
Yokai Ninja AU Masterpost
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RC9GN_Yokai Ninja AU
Title: Struggle of the Caged Bird
Status: Updating, duh. It's my favorite.
Introduction/Story summary:
Randy was adopted by Norisu Clan eight years ago, and trained as a ninja like he always dreamed when he was a kid. However, he did not understand why he couldn't go out like the other ninja students, and why he kept dreaming about a pair of red eyes that made him dizzy. Just what are Master Nomi and First hiding from him?
Or: Randy is Tengu, First is a Dragon, Theresa is a Carpfish yokai. Nomi isn't quite righteous when it comes to a bird demon. Sorcerer just want power. Which side is justice? Does it matter anymore?
(This au will be really out of character. Don't like, don't read!)
List of comics:
Part 1: Many first encounters
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part 2:
Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22
Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Part 3:
Chapter 27
(Trying to come up with titles)
Something about this au:
I'm obsessed with the idea of Norisu having a dark past. I mean, ninjas aren't always heroes like in the show. They are more like assassins in Japanese history.
Seriously? A bird demon's feathers were used to make ninja suit. Carpfish elements appeared here and there in the show. The Pearl of Chaos's true origins remain vague. A bunch of forbidden knowledges of "The Shadow Warrior" were never showed...
There are also many fanarts and fanfics exploring this idea. My AU inspiration came from some of them, to be honest.
There's actually an alternative cover(below), but I think I made it too...creepy and obviously going off the theme.
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I tried a new style of comic. This story will show in different points of view. When the character's area on the panel lights up, it means this part is his or her point of view, and only show what the character saw, heard, thought or felt.(If not, it means I forgot, haha)
PV/POV panel ver. 1 | ver. 2 | ver. 3
Basically it's me trying to put everything I like and almost every headcanons about rc9gn in one au comic, including but not limited to:
Tengu didn't start out as a bird demon. Something terrible must have happened.
Carpfish symbol of Norrisville has a tale or something, maybe.
First Ninja being a dad to Randy. Or big brother?
Evil Randy? Good Randy?
Fowlerham, perhaps. But less romance plot.
Nomicon wants to control the demon while also want a perfect ninja to carry the duty.
So much ANGST. Some terror, mystery, suspense and so on.
Howard being a good friend.
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mamaangiwine · 1 year
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𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝕸𝖊:
Hello, I'm Mamaangiwine but you can call me Bix. I'm occasionally gender queer, but She/Her is fine. I am twenty eight, and I live in the North West with my family consisting of one Dark Prince (my cat), one Golden Goof (my dog) and my partners who I consider to be my best friends and main party.
I am a huge nerd. I love D&D, most things fantasy, folk horror, cryptids and other cringey, spooky stuff. I also have an interest in fashion, art and muzak. I have two associates: one in literature and one in writing, and consider myself to be a writer and an artist. Be warned: I write pretty poetry, but I swear like a sailor.
I'm a folk practcioner, but also dabble in Grimoire Magic. My heritage is Ojibwe, Azorian and Hungarian and I try to incorporate all of those traditions into my practice. I have been doing magic off and on since I was twelve, and have been fully dedicated for four years. I work with a wide range of spirits; angels, demons, saints, as well as my ancestors, various gods and other manitous.
Generally speaking I am a sorcerer, but I prefer the title of "Good Woman". I am a doula, and hope one day to be a midwife and an herbalist. I am also a proffesional dream interpreter, chiromancer, and tarot reader and I am currently learning astrology.
Other Blogs/ Social Media:
Horned Lepus (General Interest and Aesthetics Blog)
Moss Sphinx (Art Blog)
TTRPG Folklore (A Niche Blog Dedicated to Archiving TTRPG Stories)
Instagram (@ moss-sphinx)
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Dark Elf Chapter 7: Spirit Bound
Series: Dark Elf
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake (this chapter)
Word Count: 2,424
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Warnings for this series: Dubcon (but not really because she's a demon)
A/N: Submission for @choicesprompts Smutember prompt event. Prompt: Hard and Fast.
A/N2: I hope no one gets confused between this one and the other dark AU I have going right now, The Dark Kingdom. This one, Dark Elf is the one where Riley is a demon here to sacrifice Hana so Liam can achieve immortality. Liam is half elf, half human. Drake shifts into a tiger. Max is the human sorcerer that summoned her.
Thanks @aussiegurl1234 for prereading and drooling over this chapter. 😆
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley woke and stretched her body as memories of the night before fell through her head. The halfling prince had been even more delicious than she had imagined he would be. She turned her head to his side of the bed. Empty. But it would be, it was well past dawn, and he was expected at a council meeting. There was a note on the nightstand.
Last night was amazing. Looking forward to doing it again. I’ll expect you at dinner again tonight. Look in the closet.
She took her time with the shower; it was much more luxurious than her own. It was a walk-in with enough room for at least eight people to shower at the same time. When she was done, she stepped into the dress and admired herself in the floor-length mirror. It showcased her assets well. But then, all the clothes in her closet did. They all had been provided by Liam and were high quality and high fashion. He had good taste; she’d give him that.
When she was dressed, she picked up the phone and called Hana to reschedule. They could have lunch tomorrow. Today she had slept in thanks to her adventures with Liam. The man was insatiable. Their post-coital cuddling had led to a second round, then a third. And he really did like it rough. She had thoroughly enjoyed their little interlude, but now it was time to turn her attention to phase two of her plan. Time was running out.
She had his blood, now she needed his spell breaker.
She didn’t have to look far to find him either. When she arrived back at her room, Drake was already outside her door. She stopped well away from him. She wanted to talk to him before she got close enough for him to smell her.
Shock flashed across his face when he saw her, “You’re not in your room?”
“Obviously not.”
“Liam told me to resume guard duty this morning, he didn’t say where. I just assumed you were in there. I didn’t realize you’d be up so early.”
“Yes, well….errands…” she drummed her fingers across her lips for a moment then she smiled at him, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”
A guarded expression flitted across his face, “Go ahead….”
“Liam calls you D’hala not Da’sa, why is that?”
Drake bristled as he answered, “Because I am not a servant!”
Awed disbelief mingled with elated surprise, “He hasn’t bound you to him?”
“No. I told you; I serve him by choice!”
“Oh, my dear sweet boy, being bound is a choice.” She marveled at the combination of strength and downright naivete she had found in him. Shifters, especially of the Pantera species, were some of the most powerful beings on earth. Physically he was a force to be reckoned with and magical means of defense or attack could not touch him. Yet he seemed almost innocent when it came to the ways of the world, most likely a result of the sheltered life he’d led at the palace.
She repressed her glee as she realized how incredibly simple Liam had made this. Stealing his spellbreaker would be easy. So easy it almost wasn’t sporting.
The cuff that adorned her right arm might be suppressing her demonic powers, but she had the full arsenal of all her vampiric powers at her fingertips. She supposed Liam wasn’t aware that when a vampire drank from a willing victim, some small part of the victim’s abilities were conveyed upon the blood drinker. In this case, his magic.
She’d never felt so much of someone else’s power coursing through her veins before, but perhaps the magnetic pull of her magic to his had somehow heightened it, strengthened it. Whatever the reason, she now possessed enough magic to help push the already teetering on the edge of giving in to her tiger right over the precipice.
Drake was immune to most magical forms of manipulation, but he wasn’t immune to tiger pheromones. And those she could easily manufacture now that she had access to a modicum of Elven magic. Produced by magical means or not, the pheromones themselves would be real enough. An illusion would never work on him. Fortunately, demons could shapeshift, so it was a simple matter of modifying her own actual pheromones, customizing them so that she became irresistible to him.
“I….what?” He eyed her with a combination of mistrust and curiosity.
“You can’t be bound against your will. It’s a form of…commitment.” One you couldn’t easily take back.
His only response was a grunt.
“There are benefits to being bound you know.”
“Like what?”
She shrugged languidly, “Depends on who’s doing the binding. Being bound to an immortal creature bestows immortality onto you as well.”
“Who wants to be immortal?” Shifters already had very long lifespans.
“You might, if you were truly devoted to someone. Wouldn’t you want to live as long as your lover?” With that, she moved down the hall, passing in front of him to open her door.
His nostrils flared as she walked past him into the room. His sense of smell was far more advanced than humans. Even this many hours later, there was no mistaking it. The scent was there under the soap and shampoo from her shower.
She cast a glance back over her shoulder, “What’s wrong, shifter? You look pissed off.”
Without preamble, he stepped into her room, grabbed her by the arm, and jerked her roughly to him. He buried his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled then he shoved her away with an accusing glare, “His smell is all over you!”
Riley stumbled backward but regained her footing, and her wits, quickly. With a mocking smile, she lifted her shoulders, “So? Why does that matter to you?”
“Why does that matter? Yesterday you were ready to….we were ready to….you let me….I….I thought….”
“Listen, tiger, I need a man who can think for himself. A strong one. Does that describe you?”
She stepped into his personal face and tilted her head up to give him a challenging stare, “Prove it then.”
He visibly started, “Prove…what, exactly?”
“Prove your devotion,” she sank her fingers into his hair, “You want to serve so badly…serve me instead.”
“That’s what I thought,” she shoved away from him, and spun to walk away, “pathetic.”
The beast inside him sprang to life as pain, fury, and desire twisted together into a deadly combination.
He reached for her and pulled her back, ripping the clothes from her body in one fluid motion. He pressed himself against her naked backside as a feral growl spilled out of him and his tiger rippled a little too close to the surface. He sank his teeth into the back of her shoulder as he struggled not to shift.
What the hell was happening? He’d had sex before, he’d felt lust and desire before but never had it affected him like this. His body was reacting to her as if she were another tiger. A female tiger in heat. He’d never actually experienced that, but every instinct he possessed was telling him that’s exactly what she was. Every instinct he had was also screaming at him to claim her, to possess her, to wipe Liam’s scent from her body and replace it with his own.  
As he struggled to calm his beast and contain himself, Riley pushed back against him, rubbing her firm, supple ass against his rock-hard cock, “What's wrong, shifter? Even now you can’t step a toe out of line without permission?”
With fury and lust clouding his mind, he forced her to the floor, heedless of the bed mere feet away. He dropped to the ground hovering over her, one hand pushing into her upper back as the other tore at his own clothing. His cock sprang free, and he pushed her legs apart then shoved himself inside her with a primal roar.
He drove himself into her with a ferocity that would have frightened him had his mind been clear enough to register it. His senses drowned in a tidal wave of need overpowering in its intensity, wiping away every vestige of common sense, and self-control he possessed.
Riley writhed underneath him, pinned face down on the floor as he pounded relentlessly into her, deep in the grip of a passion and lust-fueled delirium. Pupils blown, restraint gone, he hurtled toward the edge of the abyss and crashed over it as his teeth tore at her shoulder. Her blood filled his mouth, and her scent filled his nostrils as his seed filled her insides. He pushed one last time, sinking himself as deep as he could go as he finished pulsing inside her.
He collapsed forward and lay on top of her panting as the roaring in his ears receded and some semblance of sanity retook him. He looked down at her ripped-up shoulder in horror, “Riley, shit! I’m sorry!”
“It’ll heal,” she told him. The only thing that healed quicker than a shifter was a demon. Indeed, the skin began knitting itself back together as he watched.
He scrambled off her, sprawling on his ass next to her on the floor, his head swiveling from side to side as if he wasn’t sure where he was or how he had gotten there, “I…I don’t know what happened…”
His pants were still tangled around his legs, he’d never gotten them off, just shoved down. Her dress lay on the other side of the room, ripped completely in half. He jerked his pants up, but the zipper and button had been torn out. “What the fuck?” He whispered to himself then his eyes lifted slowly to take in the woman he’d just ravaged without so much as a by your leave.
Riley had pulled herself into a similar seated position. Her eyes bore into him as she licked blood from her lips.
His eyes widened, “Did I….did I hurt you?”
“Define hurt….”
“I’m sorry…I…I don’t know what just happened to me….”
“Come here,” she motioned for him to move closer.
He scooted forward until he was in front of her. Lowering his head into her lap he fought back tears, “I swear I’ve never…I wouldn’t…I didn’t mean to….”
“It’s okay,” she crooned as her fingers combed through his hair and caressed his scalp, “I pushed you to it.”
“There’s no excuse for losing control like that,” he croaked out, his arms circling her waist as his body began to shake with soft sobs.
“Oh, my sweet tiger, you are such a delightful mix of strength and vulnerability. There’s so much you don’t know about your own kind. Let me help you find your way. Let me help you come into your own.”
“How?” He lifted pleading eyes to her.
“Let me bind you.”
“How will that help?”
“Well for one, no one will ever be able to separate us, you’ll become immortal like me, and I’ll have eternity to teach you everything you need to know.”
“Would I have to go to hell with you when you leave?”
“That’s the beauty of it, tiger. If we do this, if you agree to it, then I don’t have to leave here. Ever. You and I and Liam can all be together, for eternity. You love him, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“In two days’ time, he becomes immortal. Bind yourself to me and so do you. You’ll never have to leave him, or me.”
“You can teach me about the other shifters?”
“My dear sweet boy, I can teach you anything you desire to know. We can go into the Black Spire Mountains and meet other shifters if you like,” she continued to stroke his hair as she crooned in a soothing voice, “We can hunt the monster that killed your mother together, and when we find it, we’ll destroy it! Once my full powers are restored, we will be a force to be reckoned with!”
He sat up abruptly, “You would help me avenge my mother?”
Her eyes danced with the anticipation of victory, “Oh yes my darling, we will crush the beast!”
He stared at her for a long moment then nodded, “Okay, I’ll do it!”
“Excellent!” she clapped her hands before conjuring an athame out of the ether, “Give me your hand.”
He eyed the ceremonial dagger as he considered the weight of his decision. The blade did not frighten him. She frightened him. But she also excited and mesmerized him. The thought of being bound to her for eternity galvanized him and he extended his hand to her willingly.
She grasped his hand in hers, “Look at me. I’m going to teach you the spell now. You must remember it and recite it perfectly. Can you do that for me?”
“I think I could do anything if it’s for you.”
“Good boy. Now listen carefully.”
Once she was convinced he had the invocation down, she returned her attention to his hand, still grasped in hers, and carved a symbol into his palm, then carved the same symbol into her own. Lacing their fingers together, she pressed her palm into his, mingling their blood as she intoned the incantation, “Magicam antiquam invoco, obedientiam tuam invoco, adstringo te mihi nunc et in perpetuum!”
Their hands began to glow as heat tingled against both palms. His resolve never wavering, he pressed his palm into hers as he repeated the chant she had taught him, “Tibi me libenter obligo, me tibi totum trado. Voluntatem meam trado tuis nunc et in perpetuum.”
The glow brightened until they couldn’t see their hands and the heat intensified to an almost painful level. There was a loud popping sound and the light, and heat, disappeared.
He felt an invisible force settle around his heart and tighten. Drawing his hand away from her, he turned it palm up to study the design carved into it. The blood was gone, his hand was clean and the design faded as he watched until his palm was just skin again. He flexed his hand open and closed. He couldn’t see the image she had carved there, but he could feel it. There was now an invisible cord connecting them, a thread he could follow, a tangible, undeniable force binding them together.
He opened his mouth to ask her what happened next but before he could get the words out, the door burst open, and Liam stumbled into the room, “Riley! Drake! What have you done?”
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phantoms-lair · 1 year
Batman Exalted Thing
Because thought experiments never stay thought experiments
"Thought you'd be up on the roof, Commish?"
Gordon turned to Bullock, "Why?"
"Signals up. Usually mean you want to talk to Bats."
Gordon rolled his eyes. Some rookie with stars in his eyes probably wanted to see the local vigilantes. He sighed and made his way up the stairs.
It wasn't a rookie he found, but a woman he knew he'd never seen before. She turn and looked at him and suddenly he felt like his very soul was being turned inside out and examined before everything snapped back to normal.
"You felt that." she sounded surprised. "Oh, I do hope he hasn't factored you into his plan."
"What was that? Who are you?"
"You may call me Quill." The woman nodded
"But that's not your name." he guessed.
She looked bitter. "I had to destroy my name to prevent magical tracking. Quill will have to do., for both of us."
"Tracking from who?" Of course Batman had appeared without notice. His full attention was on Quill.
"Ketchup Carjack." She answered succinctly.
Neither man responded for a moment. "Who?" Jim finally asked for clarification.
"It's not his real name, just similar sounding words. But he's one of those 'I demand respect' types, so I give him none on principal." Her cool façade fell as angered colored her tone. It was clear to see it wasn't just a matter of principle, she despised whoever she was talking about.
She turned her gaze to Batman. He had a notorious poker face, but years of knowing him let Jim see his discomfort as the woman's glanced at him and knew batman was feeling the same inside out feeling he had.
"You're a meta." Batman observed.
"I am something entirely different. More magical than meta. And I will explain more later, but lets get to the meat of this meeting, shall we? Ketchup is going to try to empower you and your family of vigilantes to create a permanent foothold between your world and his so he can conquer it and I'd rather like to stop him as I hate his guts and everything he stands for."
"So he's going to offer us power and we have to refuse." There was a lot in that statement that needed unpacking, but that seemed the simplest thing.
"No. He's not offering. He's going to manipulate your fates to give you power, then offer to teach you how to use it, make you a political power and through that become the true ruler behind the throne." Quill was practically growling. "And you can stop him from empowering us?" Batman pressed.
"Er, no. My plan kind of relies on you being powered up." Quill admitted awkwardly. "Look, if you can make your own fates read-only so he can't mess with them, great. That's a win condition and I can go back to hiding in the underworld until he tries again. If not, don't knock my plan of you don't have one of your own."
"You're defensive. Frightened." Batman observed.
"Of course I'm frightened!" Quill snapped. "I lost everything because I didn't know how to stop it! And now I'm trying to stop this from happening ever again. But I am one person with powers I don't really understand and even if I did they are NOT made for this kind of thing. My exigence is based around stories. And the only story I've found that can block Ketchup's world off from the multiverse is of a ritual called the Seal of Eight Divinities, which I couldn't do myself even if I was a sorcerer, which I'm not. And the only people with power that Ketchup can't track are the fair folk, the demons, and the undead, all of whom want to destroy or at least conquer reality, so my only option for help to power this is letting the monster who destroyed my life mess with other peoples." Batman sat on the structure of the bat signal next her her, his body language changed to the one he used dealing with scared children. And seeing the crying woman in front of them, Jim felt that was a more accurate reading of her that the cool and collected persona she'd first tried to project.
"This isn't the first time he's tried this, is it?" Batman said in a gentle voice.
"He tried it the other way first. When our worlds got close he grabbed a bunch of us and tried to force us to Exalt. That's, um, that the word for this power. He can't manipulate the fates of other worlds as easily. So he brought us to his to make it happen naturally. But to exalt in his world you have to prove yourself to the gods and that's dangerous and..." She gulped. "He lied. All he does is lie. He told us our world was going to be destroyed, but would be spared if we proved out worth as representatives. The others died, but for some reason I was chosen. My power was stories and when I looked at him, I saw his." "I saw his lies. Our world was never in danger, his was. He was the leader of a group of shadow manipulators who controlled fate through magic and deceit. But his very manipulations had brought their world to the brink of collapse. His work had disrupted the protectors because they were threats to his rule, and now the enemies of existence were at his gate. But he couldn't even acknowledge it to himself! As far as he was concerned if things were failing under his leadership, then they were always destined to fail and nothing could fix them. So he just had to find a new world."
"But when realities touch, it's brief. It wouldn't be enough for him to move his whole operation unless a bridge was formed. Something that joined the two worlds, say a mortal from one world empowered by the other. I knew I had to stop him so I broke my story. I erased all of it from before he caught me. So there was nothing to tie me to my original world. Not even memories." She sounded so lost, but in a way she was. So lost she didn't even have a concept of home.
"Why come to us? Why not try to contact the Justice League directly?" Batman inquired. "This may be starting on Gotham, but it sounds like it would be a global problem." "Three reasons." Quill explained. "The first is that Ketchup has narrowed his focus down to Gotham and I don't want to give him ideas about expanding. The second is as far as I know, Ketchup does not know I'm here, nor that I'm actively plotting against him. Outside help being brought in before he's even made a move will let him know something is up and may cause him to escalate or be harder to pin down. And the final and main reason-" Quill shuddered. "Cash and Murder Games on Superman."
Jim and Batman waited for further explanation, but when none seemed coming a prod was necessary.
"Is that some sort of gladiatorial colosseum?" Jima asked. "It's a ...spell is the wrong word but get the point across without going into semantics. It's one of Ketchups favorites and allows him to define the relationship between two people."
"Such as defining himself as 'beloved master' and Superman as 'devoted servant'." Batman deduced.
"Exactly! And that's far from the only mind manipulation tool in his box. They can be resisted but given Superman's specific vulnerability to magic-" Quill looked deeply uncomfortable.
"How much of the Justice League have you looked at thee way you looked at the Commissioner and myself?" Batman inquired.
His tone wasn't accusing, but Quill flinched. "A lot. Your world depends on knowing who was safe to trust, And as with Superman, not just in terms of morality. I am well into desperate times." She gave a self depreciating laugh then took a breath.
"Justice League Dark I would trust to got over the ritual to see if it needs adjustment to this world, but the magics they use would be incompatible with casting it. On the ground, if it were called for, my first choice would be Wonder Woman. Shazam as a last resort. Dr. Fate...would be a potent ally, but I don't think I'd be able to work with him personally. But then again I'm not sure what use I am on the ground either."
"Why is Shazam a last resort?" Wonder Woman made sense, and the issue with Dr. Fate seemed to be a matter of clashing personalities, but Shazam being a last resort seemed...odd.
"He has his own things he's dealing with, As a fiercely independent person, he doesn't want or need help, but I'm loathe to put another burden on his shoulders."
"Fiercely independent?" Batman raised an eyebrow.
"Can you name one times he's asked for help instead of volunteered it?" Quill challenged. "Also you might want to talk to him about workshopping a new name. Or not. It's his...I shouldn't have said anything." She pulled out several file folders. "Here, this is all the relevant information on Ketchup and different Exaltations. And the ritual. Um, I don't have a phone or anything, but I we can set a meeting time if you have any questions."
Batman pulled a small phone from his belt. "This is a burner. We can use it to contact you or vice versa. Do you have a place to stay?" "It's not hard to hide in Gotham, at least not with Ketchup having trouble with fate."
"Not back to the underworld?"
"Not if I can help it. But still better than Hell."
Batman shared a quick glance with Jim. If half of what Quill was saying was true, this woman likely had severe PTSD. They'd need to look into getting her help after the crisis was over.
"I'll have Justice League Dark look over the ritual. We'll go from there."
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||An Officer's corruption part nine||
Hi all there. Time for another one! XD however, this one is going to be between meets up involving Sukuna/Kinie and Rex/Kail. I hope you like.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
Part Eight ((Slight NSFW warning))
((Your reading part Nine))
||OVA Chapters|| ((My friend Demon mun is writing for the series))
OVA part one
OVA part two
||Drabble summary||
After the little mishap from before, it seems Yuji was already getting worked with getting out but it might be longer. In the meantime, it seems the little game has started for him and some others in this prison and others.
And word is spread that Kali was to meet up with a certain prisoner today while at the same time Sukuna meets up with Kinie for a 'chat' However, what of Megumi and Kisho after the second slip up? What about Jinx? What is really going on in these prisons and in the others? And what of the conversations? Read to find out.
~Light nsfw is present in this drabble
~Flirting is present in this drabble
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Dom and sub behavior is present in this
~Suggestive activity is present in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Kinie Ger belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Rex Oxford mills, Jinx violet OCs that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
~~~~~~~With Ink~~~~~~~~~~
"Is that so? Huh, You said your prisoner is being let out for good behavior I heard. That's good to hear! He must have been really good if he was able to do that." she said happy but she always knew Rust was good at his job.
'Uhh yeah. I didn't know he would be good at what he does but it tells he's pretty good at what he did before being arrested.' Rust said on the other line but he was looking down while trying to think.
"Hmmm, well even so, I always knew you were perfect for it Rust! You are one of my best officers of course back home." she giggled even if Rust was silent he twitched knowing he was shaking now.
"Rust? Did you hear me?" Ink asked.
'Huh? Oh, yeah sorry about that Ink but I did hear ya. You know how the work is. Though, I'm still filling out his paperwork before it would be sent for him to get the clear of being let out.' Rust was shaking but the reason? He was trapped in the dragon's arms again. His hands running up into his ruined uniform shirt as he was messing with him. Even if he was even leaving heated kisses on the back of his neck.
Davion smiled but he keeps Rust where he was while sitting in his lap. He was working on some documents but his other hand was shaking and gripping the pen. How can he write if he keeps messing with him!?
"I see. Well, I just hope your still doing your best Rust just like the others. I heard Fosh was still doing alright in the hackers program for the hacker officers with him and Officer Thomson. Though, Mouse always was really good with her work."
'I..Is that so? Knowing them both Fosh and Mouse are good at t..their j..job..' he said panting but Ink heard.
"Hey, you alright Rust?" she asked.
'I'm good! Don't worry, I'm just fi-Nuggh!' he covers his mouth shaking feeling the dragon's fingers slip into his hole fingering him he was getting excited again that he opens his eyes now seeing they were red.
'D..Damn it not now! Not now!' he screams in his head shaking but he grips the phone harder with the warning of crushing it.
"Rust? Hello? Are you still there?" Ink said.
'S..sorry Ink I'm ummm going to get back to work. I'll text ya later o..okay but I'm alright just tired from all the work. Stay safe though okay?' Rust said.
"Umm you too." she said before hanging up. What was that all about. Even with Rust he panted setting the phone down but he feels Davion stroking him now as he was panting.
"D..damn pervy d..dragon..you couldn't w..wa..ahhhhh!!" he feels him fingering him more but Davion chuckled.
"Can't help it. Though, now I'm a little excited to see if your able to focus without craving for more." he teased to turn his head and kiss him.
~~~~~Meanwhile with Kinie and Sukuna~~~~~~~
"Wait; here to see me? What for?" That was new to hear knowing the fact he was a very busy man or if one can call him a human man. Judging by his power and what he's done over the last few years in New York it was sorta scary but she wouldn't let him know that.
"Well, like I said, I came to speak with you and well....get to know you better. Given the fact your a very strong woman doing her job of running such a large building full of deadly prisoners is all." he said but Kinie said nothing looking at him.
"Yes, I know that due to what I do.." she mutters and yet, she looks to him while he smiled still finding her cute.
"Mr. Ryomen can you give me a reason to why you decided to come and visit my prison? Is this really just to see me or is this something else?" She asked wanting to get to the point. Though, Sukuna only chuckled to smile at her.
"Of course, of course. Still smart as always. Well, I'll get to the point." he said drinking some water he was given by another officer before setting it down.
"I heard from other wardens that crime has gotten a little more worse now a days. Even with the many prisons all over New york, Philly, and i Hear new Jersey, seems things are not as good. However, given that fact I wish to...hmmmm..offer some services to help with that." he said but Kinie raised one eye brow confused.
"Extra help? Why say that? I think I-"
"Now now, just hear me out princess.." he said but Kinie blinks hearing this. Did he just call her princess!? "I know that you already have some help here regarding those three guards you have but think about it. I'm willing to offer more services by more officers to help, better security and so on. I wouldn't want anything to happen to our precious warden here." He smiled to her with a gentle look but Kinie said nothing hearing this. He was willing to get extra help, more security, and other things.
".....I don't know if that's needed. I'm willing to keep a eye on my prison Mr. Ryomen. I don't think I need extra stuff to make it more complicated as it already is. I don't know if your trying to do something about this but I got it under control." she said.
"I know you do princess. I'm just trying to offer a helping hand. Besides, given the fact of the prisoners...the ones you have here are very dangerous correct? Who knows what some might do while knowing it's full of men and only a few females." He looks to Kinie but had his hands folded but his red eyes almost glowed looking at her. She tenses from the gaze, a cold yet curious gaze. What the heck?
"I'm willing to offer some services from my company to aid you my dear. It's free of charge of course. You don't have to pay a dime nor give anything of payment. I'll let you see for yourself just what I'm willing to offer." he said and yet Kinie said nothing.
".......Then...what are you even asking for?" she asked but that's when she saw Sukuna stand from his chair but looks to gently hold her hand and lift it.
"Nothing much..but I wouldn't want to give it away to startle you. Not at all." he looks to her and kisses the top of her hand. She said nothing from this only for him to smile. "As I said, I'll only wish to..become maybe closer and know more about you my dear. However, I'll let you think about it. Even with the situation with my baby brother I'm hoping to hear news of that." he smiled and yet Kinie said nothing feeling him lower her hand again as she held it.
"Though, again, I'll let you think about it but I will offer one thing..." he said.
"And that is?"
"Something of a surprise.." he chuckled.
~~~~~~~Meanwhile in lower wing hallway/Towards Rex's cell~~~~~~~
Kali was silent following two guards who was leading her to a prisoner she was speaking of. Seems the request was to speak to this guy and see if he's willing to give any info. However, judging of the location, Kali was wondering what the hell this guy did. The two guards gets to a door but takes out two card keys and slides them through the machine. A beep is heard as the door opens to let them pass.
'Geez, they really got him far away from the others in this place. Just what the fuck did he even do to get this? No focus Kali. You just need to see if he's willing to at least listen but I hope this request is worth it.' she thought glaring ahead but the sound of their footsteps is the only thing heard. Before long, she sees a door at the end. The two guards got scared but she looks at them then at the door.
"I take it the guy is through that door?" she said seeing them nod. With a sigh, she begins walking towards it.
"Officer Vin-Shia please be careful. This prisoner is dangerous but if you need backup please radio us-"
"I'll be fine. Besides, I can take care of myself." she said as the guards blinks to see her open the door and walk through. As the door closes, they remain quiet to wonder if she will still think that after speaking with him. Kali looks to see the area but this was a pretty big room. Seeing it was still light out but it was not too bad.
She blinks to see a tv, a table, some other things lingering around, even another door that seems to be locked. However, a giant cell was seen on the right that held someone. She sees a dark skinned male sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest. She saw he had long dreadlocks in a pony tail wearing black sweatpants with a prisoner shirt as well since the suit was half way seen or around his waist. He seems pretty strong too given the dangerous aura around him.
Kali figures this was the one. Rex oxford mills. The gang leader of the season demon warriors. She was quiet before looking to him. "So I take it your the one they told to speak to." she said that got Rex to hear her voice. He didn't turn his head to face her but he slowly opens his eyes to look in her direction. She saw even from here they glowed but noticed they were milky white. Was he blind?
"..Well, this is new. Warden Ger never said I could have a visitor...it's nice to see a new face." He speaks in a soft tone but looking to Kali now who remains quiet looking at him.
".........Well, judging by what you done in the past I don't blame her. Though, don't you try anything funny you hear me? I'll beat your ass if you try." she warns him and yet Rex looks to her with a tilt of his head but a chuckle is heard from him.
"Hmmm..and here I figure you would be a tough woman. Not bad. But I'll see to that. However, I don't know why your here to speak with me. We don't really have anything to talk about do we? Or was this another reason being curious of what lurks down here." he speaks in a calm tone and yet Kali was silent. He is calm about it but he was acting like nothing was wrong.
"Hey, I am a tough woman so don't you look down on me!"
"Who says I was?" he smirked to look at her and yet he was near the cell door just gazing upon her. Honestly, she looked beautiful in his eyes but she also smelled pretty nice. A little spice with some sweetness mixed in. Kali growls but Rex smiled to look at her.
"Awwww, what's wrong? I hope I didn't upset you. I wouldn't want to upset such a lovely woman in my presence. Though, I'm still wondering about one thing?" he asked.
"And that is.." she said annoyed.
"Why are you here? Did you wish to ask me a question.....or was something else on your mind?" he said to look at her and yet Kali felt nervous being under his eyes. He was a inmate but the worse of them all. So why was she....no no she wouldn't be!
"Hmmm, if you don't have anything to speak to me about..then we have nothing to talk about my dear." he said standing up straight to look at her but Kali sighed to glare at him.
"I heard that you were a gang leader for your team. The fallen maidens right?"
"....That I am." he said. "Why ask?"
"......I have a request to ask of you......"
~~~~~Meanwhile with Jinx~~~~~~~~
Jinx was already done using the bathroom or at least taking the time to breath. However, soft whimpers were heard that got muffled. She was still there but was in a stall trying to calm down.
Even if her fingers were thrusting into her, it was only burning more and more. Her red eyes were glowing behind some of her hair with one looking at how wet she got just from what happened. She still remembered it and this got her worse.
'T..that jerk! H..he did this to me all because of those stupid dreams! Even though I'm doing this, I'm still hot and really bothered right now. What is this? Why is this happening to me?' she thought but only leans against the stall leaning her head back but she covers her mouth muffled moaning behind it.
'Even after all that...I am afraid he really might do something worse to me. No, I'm stronger than that. I have to stay focused even if my body is aching after h..he...' she looks now going faster trying to get some relief feeling it dripping worse. However, she leans back parting her lips drooling to squeak crying out.
'C..cumming..I'm gonna-' before long, she bit her lip twitching as she came violently. Some hits the stall door and it runs down to drip on the door but she panted heavily while being flushed. Her eyes were half way open even with this feeling leaving her. She'll need a minute. She slowly looks to pull her wet fingers out seeing how much she came to make her only take some time to rest up.
When she regain her focus, she cleaned up and lets out a sigh. "Geez..I think I'm screwed but I should be okay..I just have to remain calm and focus. I can't let him win this..I'll show him." she huffs now quickly going to her duty again. However, she didn't know that she might regret that choice. Even now she just leaves hurrying down the hallway.
However, she passes a few areas but not knowing two others seem to have been talking. Though, she returns to see that Yuji was relaxing again but blinks seeing Megumi and Kisho gone?
"Hey Yuji!" he blinks hearing her voice to look at her. "Where is Megumi and Kisho?" she asked.
"Hmm? Oh, Megumi took Kisho back inside. Said he looked under the weather so they were back inside. Though, where did you disappear too." he said but Jinx looks to him to sigh.
"Ohhh you know. Just had to use the ladies room. Though I'm good now." she smiled happily and yet Yuji blinks raising a eye brow though while she was happily standing guard, he noticed something was off. And she was a bit flushed. Now what could that mean?
~~~~~~~Within the cell blocks~~~~~~~~
Since everyone was outside enjoying the afternoon, in a cell, Megumi was looking to Kisho who was nervous but trapped against the wall as he was looking up at him.
"You know why were back inside don't you?" he asked simply to see Kisho shaking again. He was looking nervous to him seeing his hungry expression.
"Y..Yes but I didn't mean to let it slip again almost. I'm sorry.." he said but he saw Megumi look to him but leans in close looking at him.
"Is that so?"
"Y..Yes. I'm sorry. I said I would behave..s..so please don't punish me again." he begs and yet Megumi smiled to grab his arm and traps him against the wall. He winces from the hold but that's when he feels Megumi kissing his neck while he shook closing his hands into fists. Even from a few times, he was still sensitive.
Still kissing his neck, Megumi moves back to speak into his ear. "How can I be sure? It's like you wanted me to do this again..your shaking in my arms again."
A weak shudder was heard feeling his hands touching his chest then pulling him close. A moan leaves him before he yelps feeling him pinching his nipples.
"You know what to do right?" he asked but Kisho was shaking looking away but Megumi removes his glasses to set them down and looks to him.
"....M..Megumi please I-"
"I told you what would happen if you let it slip again. Mr. Ryomen is a very serious man and even the thought of his name being let out like that angers him. So..I took the time to be sure you were punished in case you did anything dumb isn't that right? "he asked but Kisho was shaking.
"Hmmm..you do but lets still make sure you get it...get on the bed.." he said as Kisho goes to do that but as he sits, Megumi sits but was holding him while showing the toys.
"You know, If Miko saw you..she'll end up doming you at times since you tend to be sorta cute when you moan..I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
"W..w..wait what?" He said only for him to be held down with Kisho's eyes closed but opens slowly now shaking. His hands were closed in fists seeing Megumi pinning him.
"Now...time for your punishment, Hashimoto.."
~~~~Meanwhile back at Fin's prison~~~~
"Alright it seems we are ready for tonight. I know most of you boys want a try at that cutie but we need to be sure we do this right. By tonight, she'll be in a heated frenzy so whoever is lucky to find her..keeps her." one prisoner said to his group while the officers were doing patrols around.
"Though, what are you planning. How are you going to get her to take the drug to do this?"
"Simple, we slip it into her drink or her food. She won't know but don't worry, I have a plan." One said looking to the drugs. "Officer Brooks will be broken I'm sure and if this works, we can do the same to the other females here. Those girls are as good as ours." he said as most was grinning excited. They couldn't wait for tonight.
For now, they wait and hope for the best.
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