#sure hes now some cool never seen before vamp. but hes broke off his ass and turns into a stupid lil bat
littleprincepaladin · 6 months
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#ramblingpaladin#god i hate how im so easy to fall for arrogant evil men#its from the “i strahd memoirs of a vampire” fyi. im going insane over him today#funnily enough im not into#e.g ascended astarion or cazador (or gortash. but gortash is different here:)#i think it has to do with how Raphael and Strahd are just genuinely good at whatever the hell theyre doing#vain. arrogant. flawed? oh absolutely they're total jerks#but their so beloved patheticness for me comes from the fact that their weakness lies hidden behind their strengths#which can be both literal strength or can be an intellectual thing. tbf both have both. manipulative bastards that also can whoop your ass#and oh lord im about to get the worst ass whooping of my LIFE#while ascended astarion is honestly just sopping wet pathetic to me straight away. hes not really fun. but i get the fantasy ig#its been said multiple times i believe but as.astarion really just has the Vibes. not the actual thing#sure hes now some cool never seen before vamp. but hes broke off his ass and turns into a stupid lil bat#cazador definitely has his strength oh that's for sure but ultimately his weaknesses are wayyy too obvious#raphael also has them obvious but he has the charisma to make you forget hes got them#cazador is just sopping wet too#so really i believe its a matter of having the character be genuinely strong + ratio between weakness and strength#preferably the weakness to be more hidden. part of the appeal#im not putting gortash in together with as.astarion and cazador because hes also a good one imo#but for some reason im just. not into him. even tho hes literally my type#is it the anime ass hair?#its the anime ass hair.#this got long...
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deejadabbles · 4 years
Spells of Defiance (Atem x Reader x Yugi) Chapter 7
Seven: Domestic
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// Five //// Six //// Seven //// [Eight coming soon]
Summary: The Circle of Magicians protects the world from rogue, murderous fey. The police who keep bloodsuckers and flesh-eaters in check. You’ve hunted vampires for years, earning a reputation as one of the best magicians in that field; but what happens when an encounter with a particular vampire makes your already fragile loyalties split? Supernatural/Demon Hunter AU. Vampire!Atem x Reader x Incubus!Yugi (yes, a polyamorous relationship). Warnings for cursing, vulgar language, violence, and some sexual themes.
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With new leads that may possibly go somewhere, you, the boys and, Anzu ate your greasy meals contently, the conversation taking on a much more casual air as the night went on. You learned a bit more about Atem and Yugi’s past with Joey and Anzu, both friends having been close to Yugi before Atem entered the picture. The stories were...embarrassing to say the least, Yugi had taken to hiding his now scarlet face behind his hand, and Atem found the ceiling very interesting as he avoided all the smirks and winks.
“You should have seen how smitten Yugi was after he met our vampire here,” Joey winked again before taking a swig of his beer, continuing once he set it back down with a clink. “I’ll admit, I was a bit suspicious of Atem at first. Was worried some old ass vampire was taking advantage of my best bud, but he proved he was a good one pretty quick.”
Anzu cut in with a smile, also thoroughly ignoring the blushing couple they were talking about. “I think what really convinced us was that they weren’t even dating at first, Atem just started hanging around Yugi- and us, at first and eventually it turned into something more between them. Still, we were ready if Atem broke Yugi’s heart, or worse.”
With a subtle shift in his seat and a scratch to the back of his head, Atem leaned a bit closer to you and whispered, “What Anzu is electing to leave out of her story, is that she threatened to perform a ritual on me that would repeatedly turn my insides to ash, should I ever hurt Yugi.”
You snorted into your drink, having to lean back and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as your shoulders shook. Yes, there were some nasty curses a magic-user could place on someone, but you weren’t sure you had ever heard of one quite like that.
The witch in question simply shrugged with a smirk, “What can I say, no one messes with my boy and gets away with it.” She winked over at a blushing Yugi, who promptly covered his other cheek with the palm of his hand.
“And I do not blame you in the slightest, Anzu,” Atem conceded with a nod of his head.
“You know, I’m not some baby who needs protection,” Yugi mumbled, but the slight smile on his face gave his real thoughts on the matter away.
Once the conversation lapsed for a moment, Anzu, who had her interested gaze on you, took that opportunity to bring up an adjacent topic. “So what about your friends? I’ll admit I’m pretty curious how you met Mai, or did you just wander in here one day and slowly strike up a friendship with her?”
You took another long drink (now that your laughing fit was done) and contemplated the question. “Actually, I met her long before she got this place,” you started after swallowing. Everyone at the table had their eyes on you, interested given that none of you had heard about your past much, not even Yugi and Atem. Careful not to reveal anything that Mai might not want known, you continued. “Back when I was younger and still training under an older magician, I came across a vampire who...lets just say he had taken an interest in Mai, and wasn’t very picky on if she had any interest in him in turn. The vampire in question was off-limits to the Circle, something about him being an old and valuable contact to them, so when I brought it to their attention, they told me not to worry about it. Well, I didn’t like that idea, so I snuck out of the sanctuary in a disguise with a plan to protect Mai. When I caught up with her the vampire had already made his move on her- and she was actually kicking his ass as good as any human could with no weapons on her. I joined the fight and we apprehended him together. A choppy memory wiping spell later and Mai was free of the creep.”
Atem, who was once again wearing a bit of a stony face, looked as though he was going to chime in, but that moment was when Mai once again made her presence known with a flurry of golden curls as she took a seat beside the table. “She telling you about how we first met? That’s a pretty wild story, my girl here was only fourteen at the time- but she was like a lioness when she beat the crap out of that fanged creep!” Mai’s eyes glanced over at Atem with a lazy wave of her hand, “No offense towards you, honey.”
The vampire hadn’t looked at all offended- until she addressed him, which caused him to raise an eyebrow as Mai went on like the force of nature she was.
“I didn’t know anything about the fey world until that night, but being jumped by a vampire in the dead of night, then saved by a kid slinging fire kind of threw me into the deep end overnight.” Mai then wagged a teasing finger at you, “She told me to forget the whole thing ever happened, but I’m a persistent bitch and followed her for five city blocks, asking her questions until she finally caved and agreed to answer them over a midnight meal.”
“Don’t forget the part where you threatened to flag down a passing officer and tell him I was a runaway minor if I didn’t start answering your questions…” you amended dryly, though now the memory did amuse you.
“Hey, a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do,” Mai admitted with a wink.
Her eyes lingered on you for a moment, and you saw the way the emotion in them shifted a bit at the memory of that fateful meal. She was likely remembering how...troubling it was to meet a jaded fourteen-year-old who talked about killer vampires, coniferous demons, and child-stealing monsters as lightly as human girls that age would talk about boys or outings with their friends. You hadn’t understood at the time, the wrongful aspects of your upbringing still seeming rather normal, but through Mai’s friendship, your eyes slowly began to open. In many ways, Mai had taught you far more than you had ever taught her.
The lingering look only lasted for a moment though, before Mai looked back at the table at large and continued. “After that, I became pretty entrenched in the Fey scene, especially after my girl here gave me tips on how to handle the dangerous ones. Seeing how many other humans knew about the Fey world is what inspired me to open this bar, a place where everyone can get along, and if they don’t, well,” she flicked a blond curl over her shoulder with a smug grin, “you saw what happened with the minotaur.”
“That was pretty cool, I’ll admit it,” Joey conceded with a nod, though he quickly turned the conversation back a page or two, “So, what happened with the creep vamp? The Circle seems to ignore a lot more of them than I thought, considering what we saw at Pegasus’ place.”
Your eyes shifted back down to your drink, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze in the moment. It was true, there was a shortlist of vampires who had used their centuries of life to find the best ways to deal with the Circle, to get away with their dirty deeds despite the fact that magicians often persecuted lesser fey criminals- and persecuted them with a vengeance, you may add.
Finally, you said, “Remember how I mentioned a choppy memory wiping spell? I had originally intended to just wipe Mai from his memory, so he’d leave her alone- as well as forget that he saw me. Well, the spell wasn’t as precise as I meant it to be, and I wiped more than Mai from his memory. He wasn’t valuable to the Circle after that and he was thrown into a cell the next time he went after a human. I knew they suspected my hand in his...condition, but they never really bothered pursuing the issue.”
The table remained quiet, and another uncomfortable heat pricked across your neck as you continued to stare into your drink. After a few beats though, Yugi obviously took pity on you and moved the awkward moment along.
“At least there was someone in the Circle who cared about protecting Mai, and now look where she is!”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smile brightly at the woman in question, and she flashed a smile back. “You know, I’m surprised I’ve never seen you boy's here before, couples like you are just my kind of clientele!” Mai said, also moving the conversation along as she leaned in and looked Yugi and Atem over with interest.
Yugi gave a nervous chuckle, “Well, bars aren’t really our thing, but now that we know about the place we’ll probably come here more.”
“Which brings me to why I wandered back over here- besides to chat, that is,” Mai cut in, always with that sure tone.
She pulled a flyer from her lap and set it on the table, aiming the colorful ad mostly towards you and Anzu, though the boys could see it as well. You heard Jonouchi give a splutter, choking on his drink just as your own eyes went wide and Anzu let out an amused giggle. “Boys Boys Boys!” was written in bold, pink text across the top, catching an onlooker’s eye only second to the image at the center of the page. Said image was of a horned man, wearing only a bowtie and a devious smile, his prominent muscles on full display as he flexed his arms and aimed his oil-slicked body in perfect view of the camera. The only reason the image wasn’t full-on pornographic was because his waist was cut off by the end of the page, just a hair short of revealing his...well...
“We’re having some hot male dancers here in about two weeks, and all of you are invited! But you,” she wagged her finger in your direction, “ have to come! I don’t think you’d know fun if it bit you in the ass! ...And, some of these hotties might do just that, for you.”
When she let out a laugh at her own joke you sank into your seat just a bit, ignoring Anzu’s humored smile. “...I know how to have fun,” you mumbled, feeling your face go hot.
Anzu’s look changed to one that might have been sympathetic, if it weren’t for the glint in her eyes. “Oh, don’t you worry, Mai, she’ll be there, I’ll make sure of it! I was already planning on taking her out for a girl’s night some time anyway.”
How Anzu already felt comfortable enough around you to drag you to a strip show was beyond you. But, you supposed you had no real objections. Even if you did say no Mai would just pester you until you agreed.
“Boys are free to come too,” Mai went on, eyes trailing over Yugi and Atem who were both staring down at the flyer as if they had never seen the likes of it before. “Though I’ll warn you, the dancing crew will probably try to recruit a cute little incubus like you, Yugi.”
The incubus in question flushed even redder under the comment, “They’d be wasting their time, I’m a terrible dancer.”
“Oh, hon, trust me, they wouldn’t be paying attention to your dancing, so long as you’re wearing tight pants,” Mai said with another laugh.
Yugi actually chuckled along with her, and you noticed him and Atem sharing a look, though you couldn’t quite read what passed between them. Your attention was soon caught up with something else however, as Mai said your name.
“You, me, and Anzu will definitely have to go shopping so you have the perfect outfit for the occasion!”
That actually made you grumble, “I can’t be going out too much. We’re still on the hunt for Marik, and the distractions should be kept to a minimum.”
“You’re allowed to have a life outside of hunting criminals,” Yugi said, tone laced in concern as his brows knitted together.
You shifted in your seat again and darted your eyes towards Atem, thinking that he might agree with you, but to your surprise-
“Yugi has a point. Spending time with friends is important, and our mission to end Marik can’t be the thing that consumes our every waking moment.”
You blinked almost owlishly at him, but he only gave you a small smile in answer. The smile actually surprised you a bit, he had been a bit swing-like with his mood that night after all. Not that you could blame him.
“It’s settled then!” Mai practically cheered, “We’ll get together sometime next week and go shopping.”
Joey, who had been rather quiet during most of this, muttered something about avoiding the bar on “crazy girl nights” before taking another drink of his beer. He jumped when Anzu gave his ribs a good jab for the comment, and he threw her a wary look as he scooted as far away from her as the booth seat would allow. The scene actually made you smile as Anzu ignored his reproachful looks.
Maybe some distractions from the investigation wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe.
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The next morning Yugi woke early. Earlier than he usually would, but he wanted to make sure to get a head start of breakfast, after the pendulum of moods that filled yesterday, he wanted you, him, and Atem to start this day out right!
As Yugi stretched, rather cat-like, under the blankets, his eyes drifted over to his boyfriend and couldn’t help but smile. Atem looked peaceful as he slept, arms tucked under the pillows and half his face buried. At Yugi’s movements, the vampire shifted just a bit, mumbling something sleepy as he scooted over and pulled Yugi’s pillow closer. The incubus waited a moment, making sure that Atem was not only still asleep, but that him sneaking out of bed wouldn’t disturb his cozy vampire.
Once the snoozing Atem gave a sigh and pressed his face into Yugi’s pillow, Yugi smiled at the scene. Then he leaned in, placing the lightest kiss on Atem’s temple before starting the painfully slow process of slithering out of bed in a way that wouldn’t wake his boyfriend.
Once he was tiptoeing down the hallway he finally let out the long yawn he had been holding in and stretched his back even more as he entered the kitchen. A fruit bar with waffles, yes, that would be a perfect breakfast! Yugi hummed to himself as he searched the cabinets for his old waffle iron, however, just as he was about to flap his wings for the boost needed to reach the top shelf above the sink, he heard something that caught his attention.
Someone was in the backyard.
Curious, Yugi walked to the nearest window that overlooked the back porch and yard, recognizing the sound of grunts and some thudding as he got closer. He almost sighed with relief when he pulled back the curtains and saw you down below. Well, he was relieved, then a bit surprised to find you up so early. Another second of staring and he realized what exactly you were doing, apparently you thought it prudent to keep your combat skills sharp.
You were moving in hard, yet graceful gestures, hands cutting through the air in precise hits, body dodging an invisible enemy with fluid motions, and legs occasionally sweeping in powerful kicks. Your tanktop was a cut-off, revealing a chest and stomach that was well-toned for fighting demons, and the sweat covering said body said that you had been doing these exercises for a while now.
Yugi bit his lip at the way the lean muscles of your arms showed with every punch and how nice your legs looked whenever you gave another powerful kick. His eyes started lingering somewhere they really shouldn’t be, and he had just told himself to take his eyes off your rear when-
“Enjoying the view?”
The call from behind made Yugi’s heart leap into his throat. The incubus might never get used to how quiet his vampire was, and wondered how on earth he hadn’t sensed Atem looking over his shoulder.
“Don’t scare me like that!” Yugi scolded as Atem leaned back so he wasn’t burned by the rays of sun coming in through the window.
Atem smirked, “Better be careful, my love, she might get embarrassed if she catches you spying on her.”
Yugi flushed at the wink his boyfriend gave him, “I wasn’t- I mean I was just thinking about taking her something to drink. She looks hot.”
Yugi wanted to slap himself at the unintentional double entendre, especially when Atem’s smirk turned to a grin that flashed his fangs. With a scoff at his boyfriend’s silent teasing, Yugi turned and went back into the kitchen. He wasn’t lying, not really. After all, he had stared long enough to see that you didn’t seem to have anything to hydrate with, and if it wasn’t for being...distracted the thought would have come to him sooner.
Atem leaned against the counter as Yugi poured a tall glass of lemonade, “What has you up so early anyway, Aibou?”
“I was going to make us a nice breakfast. After the day we had yesterday I thought…” he shrugged, “I just wanted us to start the day nice. I thought even you would eat if I laid out the rest of the fruit in the fridge.”
He heard Atem give a small hum of appreciation, then take two steps, and suddenly arms were snaking around his waist.
“That’s very sweet, my love, I would adore some breakfast.”
Yugi let out a small noise akin to a moan as Atem’s breath ghosted across his neck, the vampire letting out a content sigh as he held Yugi a bit tighter.
“Or, if you’re hungry for something else, that’s okay too.” Yugi offered in a whisper and tilted his head just a bit so his neck was more exposed.
He felt Atem stiffen a bit behind him. “No, Aibou, you gave me plenty last night.” The vampire placed a gentle kiss on the spot where he had bitten Yugi the night before, a tender affection that no doubt helped ease Atem’s conscience. “You know I refuse to take too much from you, no matter how good you taste.”
“Does her blood taste good too?” the question was out before Yugi even knew it was on his lips. He wasn’t even sure why he asked it and felt his face getting hot as he felt stupid for the inquiry. Atem pulled away a bit and Yugi looked over his shoulder at him, “It’s okay, I saw the memory of you in the cell at the Sanctuary, when she let you feed on her so you’d have plenty of strength to escape.” Another beat of uncomfortable silence, then Yugi went on as he averted his eyes. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, I don’t even know why I did. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Atem’s views on drinking from live subjects were...messy, to put it simply. Yugi had spent the first year of their relationship convincing Atem that he didn’t mind the occasional bite, and even now Atem got touchy about the subject at times. Still, Yugi tried to shift Atem’s perspective on the matter, after all, Yugi technically fed from Atem every time they made love, and he thought it was only fair that he gave Atem a little something too. Not only that, but Atem had lived long enough to learn how to harness his blood lust. He knew how much animal blood he needed to drink to prevent any loss in his self-control, to prevent the blood of his loved ones- or even total strangers from looking too tempting to resist. That control, however, was likely a lesson hard-won.
Yugi blinked at the reply, having assumed that Atem would move the conversation along like nothing had happened, as he sometimes did when uncomfortable topics arose. When Yugi again looked up at Atem, the vampire was staring at anything that wasn’t Yugi as his mind mulled over his next words.
“She...” his tongue darted out, licking his lips for the smallest second before he shook his head. “I hate thinking about it, but, her blood tasted like ambrosia to me…” Again Atem shook his head, more violently this time and he pulled away from Yugi completely, holding his face as he looked away, his other fist clenched at his side. “I’m disgusting,” he growled, “what kind of monster says that about a woman he admires so much?”
Yugi was by his side again in an instant, taking Atem’s paling fist in his hands. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he whispered tilting his head so Atem had little choice but to meet his eyes. “You’re not disgusting, Atem. And you’re not a monster. A monster would have killed her for her blood- or at least tried to. And a disgusting man wouldn’t think about anything besides her blood, he wouldn’t admire her for anything else- you do! You see so much more in her. You can’t...you can’t help how her blood tastes to you.”
“Aibou.” The word came out like a broken whisper and in an instant Yugi was pulling him in, wrapping his arms around Atem and holding him close.
Yugi had lost count of the times they had conversations like these, of how many times he had to tell Atem that he wasn’t a monster or some dangerous animal. But Yugi didn’t care, he would remind Atem that he was the opposite a thousand more times if he had to, he would tell him every day if it meant setting Atem’s mind at ease.
Sometimes even someone as old as him just needed some reassurance.
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You were slowly starting to regret not bringing some water or other beverage with you, especially as a dry itchiness started to needle at your throat as you swiped at the air with another kick. Usually, you wouldn’t have been so careless, but, the idea of rummaging through Yugi and Atem’s fridge and taking something without their knowledge still seemed...wrong somehow. You knew they likely wouldn’t mind, given that they kept insisting you call their home your home, but you weren’t quite...there yet.
A somersault leading into an uppercut later, and you were debating on just going back inside period. You’d been out there for two hours or so, and the boys were likely awake by now. Yes, that would be best, you had built up enough of a sweat that morning.
As you straightened into a more natural posture and began stretching your arms to stave off any aches, you heard the back door to the house slide open. You looked over and saw Yugi, who was wearing an adorable purple apron, walking towards you with a smile and a tall glass of lemonade.
“What an angel.”
You instantly stiffened at the thought, scolding yourself while also wondering where the comparison even came from! Just because Yugi looked adorable and was carrying something that might as well have been a godly treat to you in that moment, you still had no right to think anything like that! Hell, you had no right to think anything akin to that of either of the men who had taken you in.
“You’re already working hard,” Yugi commented with the smallest chuckle, “You looked thirsty so I brought you this.”
“Th-thank you!” you winced at the too loud tone you answered with, feeling heat that had nothing to do with your exercises crawling across your face. Hurriedly, likely too hurriedly, you took the lemonade from Yugi and started chugging it, wanting to avoid further humiliation.
Yugi blinked at the display, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you mumbled into the now half-empty glass, instantly regretting the quick drinking as your stomach clenched and ached. “Just tired. Had trouble sleeping last night.” It wasn’t a lie, the whole reason you were out here this early was to burn off some nervous energy.
The answer only made Yugi’s brow crease, “Are you sure you’re okay? If there’s anything you want to talk about, me and Atem are both good listeners. Or is the guest bed not comfortable enough? I think we have a different one in storage somewhere, we can-”
“It’s fine, Yugi,” you assured, wanting desperately to cover your hot face with your hands, “I’ve always had trouble sleeping. It’s nothing new, you don’t have to worry.”
The incubus stared at you for another long moment but must have decided to let the topic be and instead just nodded his head. “Okay, well, if you’re done out here, I’ve already started breakfast, I hope you like waffles!”
You took a second to think, “I don’t think I’ve ever had waffles, but if you’re making them I’m sure they’re good.” Still too embarrassed to smile at the comment, you just met his eyes and hoped this wouldn’t be another moment where he acted aghast by your lack of experiences.
On the contrary, he just answered you with a shy smile, “Well, not to brag but I’ve gotten pretty good at making them, so I know they won’t let you down.” He actually winked at you then and the heat in your cheeks kicked up a few notches even as he turned away and said, “Come up whenever you’re done, okay?”
Despite already having decided to go inside, you stood there in your confused, red-faced wallowing for a few more minutes after Yugi slid the door shut behind him. You’d had too many moments like this recently. Too many times when you faltered, became unsure of yourself and the feelings seeming to creep up from some unknown part of yourself. You told yourself it was natural, that your life had changed drastically not long ago. Still, this seemed to go deeper than even that…
You shook your head, trying to clear the suddenly deep musings. It wasn’t like you had time to analyze such things right now, so like all the times before, you stuffed them in a box deep within yourself, drained the last of your lemonade (ignored the twinge in your stomach) and started for the house.
By the time you made it upstairs the apartment was filled with a doughy scent and something else that was sweet. A tenseness that had been persisting in your shoulders seemed to ease a bit, especially when you peeked into the kitchen and saw the domestic scene. Yugi pouring batter into an iron of some sort, Atem at the opposite counter cutting some strawberries and bananas.
Atem glanced up from his work to smile at you, “Good morning. I hope you’ve built up an appetite.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that answered him even if you wanted to, “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Nope,” Yugi interjected, looking over his shoulder at you, “Breakfast will be ready soon, just sit down and rest for a bit!”
It felt odd to sit while the other two worked, but you didn’t see much point in debating the fact, so you simply took a seat at one of the bar stools that peered into the kitchen over the breakfast bar.
“How long have you been up training?” Atem asked.
You shrugged, “About two hours I guess. I wanted to get plenty of practice in, still trying to hone my spell casting now that my magician’s seal is gone.”
“Is it hard to do without the seal to focus the magic?” Yugi asked, again peering over his shoulder at you.
“Not hard, really, just a little more...untamed I guess. Takes more concentration. I’ll get the hang of it though. There's only so much magic I can do without drawing attention over that fence of yours, though, so I spent the last hour or so out there just brushing up on my combat.”
“Yes, Yugi noticed.”
At Atem’s smirking remark, Yugi actually turned and gave the vampire’s back a wide-eyed look of incredulity. Atem paid no mind, and just continued his chopping until Yugi turned back to his own work with a mutter you didn’t catch. The comment only confused you, so you opted to ignore the scene as the moment passed.
After that, there wasn’t much talk while the boys finished the meal, until Yugi asked which items of their fruit spread that you wanted, piled your plate full of them, and slid a plate full of those and two waffles over to you with a bottle of syrup for the three of you to share.
When the boys had settled down with their own plates (you were again surprised to find Atem eating, though it was just a bowl of fruits with sugar sprinkled on top) Yugi asked, “So, what’s the plan for today? You said that ghoul friend of yours had more information for you?”
You didn’t bother correcting the implication that Bonz was anything more than a contact, not only was it not worth it, but you were far too engrossed with the fluffy treat you had just bitten into. You had to actively push through the distraction of the new taste to answer Yugi, “Yeah, he wants to meet me today. At first he wanted to meet at night, but I called him and told him to meet me in the afternoon instead.”
“So, you’ll be going alone?” Atem asked, and you noted that he was trying to keep his tone even and devoid of any particular emotion.
You nodded, “I thought it would be the best way to save time. If he does have something of value to tell me, we’ll have plenty of time to investigate it together tonight.”
Obviously despite himself, Atem’s expression seemed to relax a bit at your own attempt to include him and Yugi in anything more than meeting your informant. “That sounds like a plan. Hopefully he has something of value, and he won’t just be wasting your time.”
All you could manage was a garbled hum in response, having taken another full bite of waffle as well as a fork full of some fruit. “This is really good,” you said after swallowing most of the mouthful.
Yugi chuckled, gathering some strawberries on his fork, “I’m glad you like it, we’ll just have to keep making more food you’ve never tried before,” he was smiling over at you and Atem, something soft playing in his eyes before he chuckled again and turned his attention back to his plate.
You caught Atem smirking at the comment as well, though he had the grace to keep his gaze averted from yours as he continued eating as well. And with that, the rest of the morning passed quietly.
After breakfast, while Yugi prepared to open the shop, as usual, you decided to hop into the shower, washing away the tightness of the morning’s exercises with the refreshing waters. You had not been able to buy your own body wash or shampoo yet and continued to use the boy’s bottles until you could remedy that. You had a small sum of money left over from the Circle’s allowance and you would be out and about to meet Bonz later, maybe a stop at the local store would be in good order. After the meeting, of course, you wouldn’t look particularly intimidating carrying grocery bags, after all.
You were just toweling off your hair as you stepped out of the bathroom, fresh clothes and relaxed muscles ready to face the rest of the day. You headed for the main part of the house, pondering how to kill the next few hours before your meeting- when you saw Atem digging around in a closet.
Curious, you took a closer look and saw that he was bringing out cleaning supplies: a broom, mop, bucket, and some natural looking soaps. “Today’s chores, I assume?” you asked.
Atem nodded as he nudged the door shut with his shoulder. “Yes. As you’ve likely noticed, I tend to be up during the same hours as Yugi, and that gives me limited tasks to do during the day, given that I’m stuck inside. I decided long ago that keeping the house tidy is the least I can do while Yugi’s working. Doing my part, so to speak.”
Not surprising, you had taken notice of Atem's domestic tendencies the past few days, laundry, dishes, and other such chores seeming to not bother him in the slightest. You found yourself smiling, it was sweet, really.
“Let me help.” Your insistence was brought home when you flung the towel over your shoulder and grabbed the broom.
Atem actually blinked at you, “No, it’s fine, you don’t have to-”
“Atem,” you said, tone firm, if not a little amused. “I helped Yugi in the shop the other day, I can help you with chores today. Like you said, ‘doing my part’.” Indeed, if the boys insisted on you thinking of this as your home as well, and not degrade yourself to a simple guest, you would have to pull your own weight too.
That seemed to win him over, and he returned your small smile, “Thank you. You can start in the upstairs hallway if you wish.”
That made a little more than an hour pass, sweeping all the non-carpeted floors of the apartment while Atem mopped afterward. In all honesty, you had hoped that there was more to do in order to keep yourself occupied. Unfortunately, Atem seemed to divide his chores throughout the week and after you helped him dispose of the mop water, there was little left to do.
“What do you usually do when there isn’t a demon to be hunted?” Atem asked, a slight smirk pulling at his lips as he dried his hands off.
The question actually made something uncomfortable prickle across your skin. How to answer a question like that? “There’s always a demon to be hunted. They- the Circle, I mean, don’t really approve of...hobbies,” you answered, trying and failing to avoid his gaze.
Atem seemed to stiffen a bit at the blunt, matter of fact comment. Then, something shifted in his eyes, apparently regretting his question. The uncomfortable prickling was getting worse and you opened your mouth to say something to move the moment along, but Atem beat you to it.
“Come with me,” he said, tone so soft it made you falter. Well, his tone, as well as the fact that he took your hand in his.
Just as gently as his tone, he tugged you along, out of the kitchen and into the living room. Too stunned to ask what he was doing, you simply watched as he sat you down of the couch, then wandered over to the TV, regrettably having to let go of your hand to do so. You ignored the way your hand tingled with a different sensation at the loss of contact. A moment later, after turning the TV on, pressing a button on a device below it, and grabbing two objects, Atem returned to you, plopping down on the couch beside you.
“I’ll admit, for many years I widely ignored the advances of technology around me, unless it benefited me in some way,” Atem started, as a symbol of some sort flashed across the screen. “So, Yugi was quite shocked to find that I had barely dabbled in the world of video games when he first met me. By that point, the only time I had tried one, was when arcades first became popular, back in the 1980s.”
You managed to smirk at the comment, even you realizing how old that made Atem sound. Then, he handed you what you knew was a gaming controller.
“Now I find video games to be a nice pass time,” Atem concluded, as a menu board came to life on the TV. “Have you ever played?”
“Not really,” you admitted, though you had at least heard of gaming culture and knew a bit about it via cultural osmosis, “but I’m willing to try.”
With that Atem nodded and used his own controller to flip through the menus, “Let's see, I think a fighting game may be a good place to start. If you don’t take to that, we can try something more slow pace, like an Elder Scrolls game.”
The fighting game did turn out to be a decent place to start. Atem was patient when explaining the way the system and button pressing worked, though you seemed to take to it rather quickly. He let you go through a tutorial first, then fight what was called a ‘bot’, or rather a pre-programmed enemy, before he himself jumped in and played against you.
“You’re quite good for a beginner, I’m impressed,” Atem complimented, his voice practically tickling your ear as your character dodged one of his punches.
“Thank you. I’m sure Yugi was impressed with you too, not often you can teach an old vampire new games,” you quipped back, tone comedic enough to earn a chuckle from him.
“Oh, he was. Tonight we will have to show him your skills, I’m sure he’ll be impressed with you, too.” And with that, his character landed a powerful punch on yours, dropping your health bar to zero.
Oh well, at least you had beaten him once out of the three rounds. Not bad for a beginner indeed.
“I wonder if your skills in real-life combat help you any,” Atem mused as the character menu popped back on screen.
You gave a skeptical hum. “Doubtful. This is nothing like an actual fight. Real enemies are easier to read in combat, after you get their rhythm down, anyway. These programs are nothing like how actual people act. At least not most of them.” Your eyes then squinted at the screen, a bit annoyed with the image of your female character. “Not even the clothes make sense!”
Another chuckle that marred his reply, “Yes, the revealing nature of the clothes are unnecessary. Still, wouldn’t the tightness of her outfit at least help her combat style?”
You actually raised an incredulous eyebrow at him. “Perhaps. But they aren’t tight enough in the right places.” When he only lifted his own brows in question, you jabbed a finger at the character, or more specifically, her ample, heaving chest. “No woman would fight with those bouncing around. Breasts hurt when they move, and combat causes a lot of movement! ”
To your surprise, instead of a simple answer, Atem replied with a laugh. Not just any laugh, however, it was a deep, hearty one, not his usual chuckle at all. It was one that made him close his eyes, made him try and fail to hold it in for a moment, made him cover his face with his hand as it died down.
“That-” another huff of laughter, “I suppose that is true. I’m sorry game designers aren’t exactly practical or considerate, especially when it comes to their female characters.”
He smiled over at you then, his chuckles finally subsiding, and it was only then that you realized you had been staring at him. His laugh had softened his features so much, the way his genuine smiles often did, only to an even greater effect. That strange feeling persisted inside you again, a light fluttering starting as you thought of just how handsome this man was. Beyond even the typical allure most vampires had, it was deeper than that, his kind and fair heart showing through in his features, brightening him like the sun he seemed to miss so much.
Suddenly, you darted your eyes away from his, quickly covering the fact that your mind had wandered to places it shouldn’t. “W-well, at least the game is still fun, even if it is inaccurate. You and Yugi will have to show me more games sometime.”
A quick glance at the clock below the TV and your heart fell just slightly when you saw that it was approaching the time for your meeting with Bonz. A sigh, then you handed your controller to Atem.
“Time to go,” you said as you stood from the couch.
You heard Atem give a similar noise as you put your boots on, and you knew he wished the sun wouldn't bar him from accompanying you. Despite not minding the idea of company, you weren’t worried, it would be a short trip.
“Be careful,” Atem said, watching you put on your jacket from his spot leaning against the couch.
The goodbye was simple yet heartfelt, and you flashed him another reassuring smile as you grabbed the handle to the door, “Let’s just hope he actually has something worthwhile to tell me, he knows I don’t like having my time wasted.” You winked before waving goodbye, opening the door, and disappearing through it.
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The forgotten buildings that were once ‘Parkway Apartments’ was not an unfamiliar spot. Bonz often preferred neutral locations when meeting, and, honestly, you did too considering the state his home was usually in. The complex was a rotting, boarded-up set of buildings in the slums of Domino and no stranger to far more nefarious dealings than yours. As usual, you wandered to the weed-infested, junk-filled space between the buildings that had once passed for a ‘courtyard’ of sorts, knowing Bonz would be there soon if he wasn’t already.
You kept your hands tucked in your pockets as you approached the center, your heightened senses already picking up the aura of your contact. “I’m here, Bonz, what do you have for me?” you called out, voice echoing up the cracked cement of the buildings walling you in.
From behind a tree that had sprouted out of the pavement decades ago, Bonz appeared, looking sweaty and sheepish. His eyes darted about as he stepped closer, his hand tugging at the front of his shirt.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, senses edging on full alert at his nervousness.
Bonz always sweated in your presence, past experiences with the Circle giving him a constant baseline of fear and worry. This though, this was different. Had someone in Marik’s cult threatened him?
At your question, the ghoul’s eyes darted back to you and refocused, “Eh- n-nothing. Just freaked out, is all. Already told ya, I don’t like the idea of getting near that nut job’s business, ya know?”
“If you need it, you know I’ll protect you,” you said, tone firm and assuring, though not a notch softer than you could afford. “Now, what do you have to tell me?”
Bonz’s eyes were still on you as he gulped audibly. Then, he took a step back. “I- I’m sorry. They didn’t give me a choice.”
Your eyes widened, inner alarms screaming at his words. You turned, ready to bolt- just as you sensed a spell being cast.
You looked back to find Bonz hightailing it out of the way as a barrier rose from the ground, encasing you and the complex within it; a standard Circle tactic when dealing with dangerous fey, or spell casters like yourself.
You hadn’t been cautious enough. Sensing no other fey nearby had given you a false sense of security, failing to account for the fact that magicians could hide themselves when needed. Now you were trapped, the barrier would prevent you from teleporting out, as well as leaving by more pedestrian means. And unlike the seals at Pegasus’ club, this barrier would be impossible to break through.
There was only one magician you knew who could do this kind of work so fast.
“Hello, beautiful.”
An annoyed groan crawled up your throat as you turned towards the voice. A man, no older than yourself, stepped out from the shadows of the building, hefting a spellbook in his hand. A smile that had failed to win you over for years played on his lips, a face many considered handsome looking quite at ease with the situation at hand.
You sighed. “Duke. Really, they sent you to come after me?”
“Who else? Only my sealing magic is fast enough to counter your reflexes,” he answered, tone smug as his free hand started fiddling with his dark locks of hair.
You folded your arms at the comment, though you were still on full alert, feeling the area out for anyone else, for any more surprises. True, seals, sigils, and magic circles had always been an area where Duke excelled, but in fairness, you were the far better fighter, and symbols could only help a magician so much in an actual fight.
“No offense, but that isn’t exactly intimidating,” you drawled.
Long lashes closed over green eyes as he covered his heart with his hand, mocking a hurt noise. “Oh gorgeous, you wound me. You know I’ve actually improved a lot over the years, I’ve done a lot of growing since you saved me during final exams.”
The comment made you raise your eyebrow. Honestly, if he was going to try charm, he could at least get his events right. As far as you remembered you hadn’t done anything to help him during those brutal tests.
“I don’t have time for this, Duke, stand down and I won’t have to bloody up that face you're always so proud of.”
His expression actually fell a bit at that, though he was obviously trying to school it. He let out a breath. “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. The Council knew I wouldn’t be able to go against you in combat-”
“That’s why I’m here!”
Panic surged, burning through your skin at the sound of a new voice so close! You sidestepped, turning full-force towards the presence behind you- only to find a glowing magician’s seal within point-blank range. It was too close, you couldn’t dodge before-
A crack so thunderous that it shook the walls around you sounded. Ears rang, blood spilled, and someone laughed. A laugh cold and cruel bellowed as you were thrown back, senses reeling and vision darkening as skin made painful contact with the cement floor.
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A.N.  So, I had originally intended this chapter to include the next scene, but I blew past 10,000 words and still had stuff left to write in said scene. So, instead of making you all trudge through a 13,000+ long chapter, I'll just...leave you with this cliff hanger....... forgive me!
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Supernatural AU: Episode 1 - Born to Fire
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Part 1 
I’m a big fan of books when I don’t have to pour over hours and hours of lore. Emerson and Shakespeare are two of my favorites. Actually, Emerson once said “the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” Tell that to whatever cosmic entity fucked up the lives of my brothers and me. We keep deciding and ‘they’ keep knocking us off the path we ride.
Ask Sam and he’d tell you he’d make his own destiny. No one was in control but him. Ask Dean and he’d tell you destiny was bullshit.
Me on the other hand? I had to believe my brothers and I, our family, was destined for this. Whatever this even is. Otherwise I’d have no other way to justify the years of unrelenting anguish. Losing Mom. Losing Dad. Heaven. Hell. Torture. Separation. Loneliness. Guilt. So much fucking guilt. If it was destiny, it was palatable – at least for me, but without the drive of destiny behind all this…I would’ve put a bullet in my brain long ago. Boy do I wish we could go back to the good ol’ days. You know, your typical vampires, ghouls, ghosts and werewolves?
Then again, life has never been typical for us and our childhoods were lost before we’d even hit double digits. Again, if this wasn’t destiny, if this was all just happening and we have no say in anything at all, I’ll eat the butt of a gun.
I know the kind of person I want to be, but something about all this seems a little too out of my control. 
November 1981
“Should we say goodnight to Sammy?” Mary asked with her fingers clasped lightly around Bobbie’s hand. The young girl pulled away and carefully but quickly climbed into the crib to place a kiss on her littlest brother’s head. He’d only been here for six months, but everyone, even the neighbors they barely spoke with could see that the five-year-old girl would already do anything for him. She was a little mother-in-training. That wasn’t to say that Dean wouldn’t do the same. He was hovering around the littlest Winchester almost as much as Mary and his older sister.
With his mother’s help, Dean leaned into the mahogany crib and pecked the top of his baby brother’s head. “Goodnight, Sammy. Love you.”
Although it took another hour, promises to take them to the park in the morning and three bedtime stories, which Bobbie and Dean fought about of course, Mary finally got her eldest two to sleep. With the kids down for the night, she was able to go sleep herself (thankfully, so necessary), waking up just hours later to the white noise from the TV downstairs mixed with the rustling of Sam’s baby monitor. How had parents survived before baby monitors?
“John?” Mary was in bed alone again. He never had been able to sleep well. It was a perfect night, cool but not cold, no wind whatsoever – only the slight rumbling of thunder far off in the distance. A little abnormal for a November night actually. There was no reason he shouldn’t have been able to sleep, but that’s how he’d always been.
As she slipped out of the bedroom, sleep still heavy in her eyes she saw a flicker of light. At the end of the hallway, the light was flaring on and off. This house wasn’t all that old and they’d just recently replaced the light bulbs so she found it a bit odd. Some poking and prodding turned the light steady, but before she could go and find John, she got distracted by a sound coming from Sam’s room.
When she opened the door, she saw her worst fear realized.
Downstairs, John awoke to an ear-piercing scream in the direction of Sam’s room, but when he went to find his wife, she was nowhere to be found. “Hey, buddy,” he said softly, touching the top of the peaceful infant’s head. For a moment, he looked around for Mary before turning his attention back to his third, and final (definitely final, he was getting too old for this) child.
A small drop thudded onto the crib beside Sam’s head. It was liquid of some kind and was seeping into the sheets. Seriously? Was there already a leak in this roof?
“What?” John asked aloud as his finger dragged across the drop and the copper smell began to fill his nostrils. A pit formed in his stomach as he looked up to see Mary pinned to the ceiling, a gash across her stomach and blood staining her flowing, white nightgown. “Mary!”
Before he could process anything, fire began to bloom around her body; she was petrified in place but was all too aware of what was happening to her. He could see it in her eyes - the fear, the uncertainty, the guilt. Why guilt? An inherited family trait it seemed. Quickly, he turned toward the crib and grabbed Sam, running down the hallway to get his other two children to safety.
“Daddy!” Bobbie called. The little girl had bolted upright the second her mother had screamed. Dean followed closely behind, bewildered by the frightened look plastering his father’s face. His father was never scared. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”
Without a second thought, John shoved the six-month old into Bobbie’s arms. “Take your brothers outside as fast as you can. Don’t look back. Now, Bobbie!”
She bolted down the stairs, gripping tightly onto her baby brother while glancing back over and over again to ensure Dean was still there. Her father was trusting her. She had to make sure the boys were safe. That was her job. “Bobbie, Mom and Dad?” Dean asked focusing his gaze on the steps as they moved toward the door and out into the cool November night. In his short little lifetime, he’d never seen his father or his sister more scared.
He stopped in his tracks for a second and searched for either of their parents before Bobbie grabbed him by the collar of his pajama shirt and dragged him outside. “I don’t know, but we have to go!” It was the moment her innocence was lost and she was forced to grow up before her time.
Once outside, Bobbie and Dean stopped again and stared up at the house, jarred forward when John came running up behind them. “Move!”
It was just in time. The force of the explosion propelled the family toward the front of the lawn. It was probably for the best that the children didn’t see the horror unfold. They could remember what the house looked like, what their mother…
John however looked back in horror. His wife. His home. Both gone.
“Where’s Mommy?” Dean asked. His eyes were resting on Sam who was still resting somewhat peacefully in his sister’s arms.
“She’s dead,” Bobbie said softly, taking John off guard, before she burst into tears. “Mommy’s gone!” As a neighbor emerged from next door, Bobbie ripped the cross necklace off her collarbone, threw it on the cement and ran to him. She couldn’t look at her father; he’d told her that God would watch over them and keep them safe. God was nowhere around their house. He wasn’t real. He couldn’t be. The God her parents had described wouldn’t have let this happen.
Three-year-old Dean had no idea what Bobbie really meant. Mom would be back in a while. He just knew it. “Where did Mommy go? Why did she leave?”
“I don’t know, Dean,” John said, his hand shaking as he held it to his mouth. “I…I don’t know.”
Present Day – 2002
“Don’t you dare sit your vamp gut covered ass in my beautiful Baby,” Dean yelled, his voice carrying through the grove of trees as Bobbie made her way toward the decades-old Impala. It was a thing of beauty, passed down to Dean, the car-lover of the three of them, but they were still no closer to finding John and after taking out a small nest of vampires on the California-Nevada border, they desperately needed a shower and a few hours sleep before heading out to get Sam at Stanford…hopefully. They really did need the extra pair of eyes.
Turning back, Bobbie sing-songed. “Oh looooook! I’m sitting down in the car! I’m covered in vamp guts. Oh, no, Baby’s gonna get so dirty.” Teasing Dean about the car was so much fun. It was astounding how much he loved this car and how he expected it to stay clean and safe and pretty given their line of work. As Dean stared her down, she flashed the cheesiest smile at him pointing at the dimples she’d never seemed to be able to lose.
In mock anger, Dean threw the car door open, silently apologizing to his one true love when the door bounced back and hit him in the ass. “I should kill you for defiling my Baby… Ass.”
“Bitch. I’d like to see you try.”
Hours after checking into their crappy motel, the two elder Winchesters checked out, showered and as well rested as they were ever going to be. “You look like hell,” Dean said sarcastically as they got into the car. The beds were like cardboard and there was a couple next door that really needed to keep that shit at home. No sleep was had.
“Aww. You’re one of the sweetest little brothers anyone could ask for,” she replied, her tight –lipped smile causing Dean to snort. “I slept like shit.” She was surprised he’d actually slept, given the noise next door, but then it occurred to her that there were a few extra bottles of beer on the nightstand this morning. Apparently, he’d knocked himself out.
“Same nightmare?”
She spoke softly, almost drowned out by the roar of Baby’s engine and the gravel under her wheels. “Yea, both of them though.”
One was of the night their mother died. That much Dean knew. However, Bobbie had never shared the other with him and he knew better than to ask. She was open with him, almost to a fault and his annoyance. If she didn’t want to talk about it, there was a reason why and he didn’t want to press it. Plus, she was scary when she was pissy.
For nearly 40 miles, they sat in silence. It was hard to forget the things they went through –at least entirely. Actually, to forget it entirely was impossible, but zoning out on the open road ahead of them or the skyline of whatever city they happened to be passing through helped them to drown out the incessant noise in their heads for awhile. It was obvious to both that the other was thinking about something - something not all together pleasant – but it was Dean who broke the silence. This is why he blasted music. Silence left too much room for running thoughts, but after a mission or a case or whatever you wanted to call it Bobbie insisted on some quiet. “Why us?”
There couldn’t be a bigger question. It was always in the back of their minds but only after large swathes of silence did one of them ask the all-important inquiry. The silence took away the filter on their brains for some reason. “I don’t know, but I say it’s fate.”
“You believe in fate and destiny and all that crap?” Dean asked in surprise, shoving a slightly melted candy bar into his mouth. Bobbie was so grounded in reality, so good at getting the job done each and every time that it seemed out of the realm of reason for her to believe in something so indefinable as destiny.
Shrugging, she faced her brother, who was of course driving the car because god forbid anyone else put their hands on Baby’s wheel. She could’ve commented on the chocolate he was getting on the wheel, speaking of defiling, but she didn’t have the energy for it. “I have to Dean. If I don’t, my head gets more fucked up than it already is. If what happened to us plays some part in some bigger plan, then I can make sense of it.”
“How? How does Mom dying in the middle of the night engulfed in flames and plastered to the ceiling make sense?”
She started kneading the side of her head with her knuckle, feeling another migraine coming on. “It doesn’t, but if what happened back then leads to something else, then my brain has a course to follow. A stupid course, a totally not fair course, but there’s a path. It’s fixed in that way in my head, so in my own way I can make sense of it. If I can’t make sense of it, then I put a bullet in my brain.”
Dean nearly slammed the brakes as they came to the red light. Oops. She did tend to say things she shouldn’t, overshare if you will, when she was in pain and tired. The cranky ramblings of a deranged hunter are what she tended to call it. “You’ve…?” He asked shakily, unable to keep his voice steady. She was his rock; the thought that she’d wanted to check out even just once made him anxious.
“Thought about blowing my brains out?” She asked. “With what we’ve gone through and what we do is that really a surprise to you?”
He cocked an eyebrow as he thought about it. It was understandable. They’d been through more bullshit in less than 30 years than most did in their entire lives, but in his mind, he’d just drink and whore himself to death eventually. Or go out in a bloody battle. One or the other. Probably one after the other. “I guess not.” In an instant everything Dean thought he knew about his sister was turned on its head. “So why us. If we were destined for this, which I think is bullshit by the way, why us?”
Nearly every second of every day had been spent trying to figure that out. “I don’t know, but the Winchesters were born to fire, Dean. I’m sure of it.“
A/N: I hope you like Bobbie as much as I already love her. There’s so much more in store. If you want to be added to the taglist, go here and like the post.
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1.13 Children of the Damned
I remembered this episode being slower, so I thought I could write a normal length recap again...I was wrong
The episode opens in 1864, at night on a lonely section of road.  Katherine is knelt over a prone body, exercising her gift for histrionics (a gift which, according to my first boyfriend, I share).  “Please, my husband, he’s hurt!” she begs a passing coach driver.  He tells her it’s not safe to be out, she agrees, and eats him: “And that’s how it’s done!”  The previously-prone body sits up, and to my everlasting shock (this episode gets me every time), it’s Damon.  He is visibly shaken, a little bit put off, but stubbornly sticking to his guns: “I’m ready, I want you to turn me.”  “When it’s time,” Katherine tells him.
Back in the present day, Elena wakes up in Stefan’s bed.  She wishes him a good morning, he answers, “I could get used to this.”  “Rise and shine,” pipes up Damon, who has invited himself to the sleepover, as per usual, and is sitting on the end of the bed.  “Damon, please!” Elena complains; “What are you doing?” Stefan wails.  “Stop being smutty,” says Damon, nonsensically.  “Get out of here,” Stefan repeats. “If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it,” Damon says.  Elena and Stefan make the following hilarious faces. 
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Damon brings everyone up to speed on the current plan, and ropes Elena into finding the Gilbert journal, because she’s a Gilbert and also because Stefan’s helping and she’s “taken up residency in Stefan’s bed”.  She agrees.  “Y’know, I really like this menage a threesome team thing,” says Damon, “it’s got a little bit of kink to it.”  
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Later, Elena asks Stefan if he thinks Damon believes that they’re really trying to help him.  “Trust isn’t something that comes naturally to him,” Stefan says.  “You know,” Elena says, thoughtfully, “I really think that Damon believes that everything he’s done, every move he’s made, he’s done for love.  It’s twisted, but...kind of sad.”  Stefan dismisses this with the non sequitur that Damon has no regard for human life.  This is true - but it doesn’t make Elena’s point any less true.  Stefan could do with reading some Aristotle.
Alaric does his grading at school.  At first I thought this was depressing, but then I thought maybe it’s just because school is where he’s stashed his compressed air stake gun.  He hears something, grabs the gun out of a duffel in a locker, and shoots - but Stefan snatches the stake out of the air.  It’s pretty cool.  Stefan convinces Alaric to tell him what he knows, finds out that Damon killed Alaric’s wife, and tries to warn him off of revenge.  But the purpose of Stefan’s visit - the Gilbert journal - is already gone, taken by Anna, who, for a homeschooler, spends a remarkable amount of time lurking around the school.
In 1864, Giuseppe Salvatore tells his sons it’s finally time to fight back against the vampires, even though he doubts Damon’s ability to commit to a cause.  “Damon left the Confederacy on principle,” Stefan says, “it was his choice and it should be respected.”  His sweet defense of his beloved brother goes unheard: “Hard to respect a deserter,” Giuseppe says.  “I never asked for your respect,” Damon spits.  It’s more clear than ever that he’s already picked a side in the vampire-versus-human fight, and his father’s needling only pushes him further in that direction.
The next scene change is gloriously random and unexplained.  Damon is chopping a tomato, and says “My father never approved of anyone I dated, which only made me want them more, of course.  What about you?”  And who should he be talking to?
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It’s JENNA, drinking wine and sitting on the counter!!  They banter back and forth about romantic histories, and Logan Fell, whose disappearance Damon asks about idly.  Jenna says he’s on vacation, not missing, and badmouths him while Damon very attentively refills her wine glass.  As evidence in the Can-Damon-Cook-Or-Not discourse, which might be purely between @septembersung and I, this scene is actually kind of neutral.  Later we’re shown Damon tasting what looks like a tomato sauce, so that’s probably the end goal, but here he has tomatoes, chopped mushrooms, green onions, garlic, black olives, and parmesan.....I dunno, I wouldn’t put all those things together...maybe the Salvatores are from a different part of Italy than I am??  Damon says hello to Elena before she enters the room, she enters, looking very confused.  Jenna cheerfully tells her they’re cooking dinner - I’m pretty sure she’s not even compelled, she’s just having fun.  Damon asks after Stefan, Elena says he’s on the way.
Cut to Damon and Elena maneuvering around one another in the kitchen.
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“Don’t do that,” Elena says. “What?” says Damon, innocent.  “You know what, that move was deliberate!” “Well, yeah, I was deliberately trying to get to the - sink!”  She just rolls her eyes.  “Speaking of Stefan,” Damon says, even though they weren’t except insofar as Elena told him not to flirt-run-into her, “where is he?  He’s missing family night, which I am enjoying immensely.”  Elena again doesn’t answer, just sort of sighs - likely because despite Damon’s always-sarcastic tone, he clearly is enjoying himself, and based on her earlier comment, she clearly does feel sorry for him in his loneliness and desperation for love.  Into the silence, Damon says, “Is it real?”  “Is what real?” she asks.  “This renewed sense of brotherhood.  Can I trust him?”  “Yes, you can trust him,” Elena says.  She’s almost as awkward a liar as Stefan; they deserve each other.  Damon vamps over to her, she turns to face him and isn’t even surprised at his closeness, where only a few episodes ago she would have startled.  “Can I trust him?” Damon repeats.  “I’m wearing vervaine, Damon, it’s not going to work,” she says.  “I’m not compelling you!” says Damon, looking peeved that she would accuse him of trying:
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“I just want you to answer me, honestly.”  “Of course you can,” Elena says.  Damon flashes back to 1864, begging Stefan to promise not to tell their father about Katherine.  “There was a time when I trusted him more than anyone,” he tells Elena.  “Trust breeds trust,” says Elena, “you have to give it to get it.”  “Are you lecturing me?” he asks.  “Do you need to be lectured?” she counters.  “I just want her back,” Damon says, “I’m sure you can understand that.”  “I can understand that you would do anything for her,” Elena answers, her I-learned-how-to-lie-from-Stefan voice back.  “Then you understand what I will do if anyone gets in my way,” Damon tells her, standing close behind her and speaking into her ear.  
Barely-veiled threats out of the way, family night continues: Damon and Jeremy play video games.  Jeremy pauses the game to read a text without warning, Damon looks utterly betrayed:
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They discuss girls, in particular the one Jeremy is texting, whom he admits is hot, but who can be weird.  “Hot trumps weird, trust me,” Damon says.  I literally have no idea if he is referring to Katherine, Elena, or himself.  In the next room, Jenna tells Elena, “He is ridiculously hot.”  Damon is pleased:
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“Shhhh!” Elena tells her aunt, and then looks over at Damon and enunciates in tones she knows aren’t hushed enough to go unheard by vamp-hearing, “he’s an ass.”
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This goes in the same category as the sweet grin and eyebrows after asking Stefan to dance in the last episode.  She’s antagonizing him, in a playful way that shows she trusts he won’t retaliate violently.  Anyway, Jenna doesn’t seem put off.  In fact...I kind of ship it??  help
Stefan finally arrives, and is lowkey HORRIFIED when Damon and Elena open the door together.  All three of them go to interrogate Jeremy about the Gilbert journal and who knows about it.  “Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing??” says Jeremy.  He has a point.  TVD loves its macguffins.  Damon and Jeremy drive to the grill to meet hot-weird Anna; Damon sees her and flashes back to 1864 again, talking to Anna’s mother Pearl while arm-in-arm with Katherine in the apothecary shop.  There’s also a great bit when Katherine says Pearl is “saving herself for Jonathan Gilbert”, and Pearl replies “I am beyond saving, we know that”.  Present-day Damon and Anna have a moderately violent heart to heart; she suggests working together, since they both want the tomb opened.  “Sorry,” says Damon, already walking away, “I work alone.”  And with good reason, because Stefan and Elena have already betrayed him, and are in the cemetery digging up Stefan’s dear old dad on information they got from Alaric.
We learn at last that the townspeople took down the vampires by dosing Stefan with vervaine; it’s the same strategy Stefan used when he dosed Caroline, and Giuseppe knew it would work because Stefan broke his promise to Damon and tried to counsel his father against fighting the vampires.
Damon confronts Stefan and Elena in the cemetery.  “I can’t let you bring her back, I’m sorry,” Stefan tells him.  “Well so am I, for thinking for even a second that I could trust you.”  “You’re not capable of trust!” Stefan says disdainfully, “the fact that you’re here means you read the journal and were planning on doing this yourself!”  “Course I was gonna do it by myself, because the only one I can count on is me,” Damon shouts, “you made sure of that years ago, Stefan.  But you...”  His voice breaks and he turns to Elena, who has the grace to look ashamed.  “You had me fooled,” Damon tells her, looking genuinely shattered.  Honest-to-goodness twinkly score music plays.  They stare at one another, Elena drops her gaze, Damon works his jaw manfully.  “So what are you gonna do now?” he asks. “Because if you try to destroy that I’ll rip her heart out.”  “You won’t kill her,” Stefan says, confident in this fact despite everything.  Damon nods almost imperceptibly; Stefan shakes his.  Damon vamps over and grabs Elena.  “I can do one better,” he says calmly, then bites his arm and force-feeds Elena his blood.  “Give me the book, Stefan, or I’m snapping her neck, and you and I will have a vampire girlfriend.”  (You and I?? you and I?????? Katherine who)  “Let her go first,” Stefan says, shaken.  “The book.”  “I’m not gonna give this to you until she’s standing next to me.”  “The problem is,” says Damon, sounding increasingly desperate, “I no longer trust that you’ll give it back!”  “You just did the one thing that ensures that I will,” Stefan says.  Damon appears to acknowledge this; just like Damon would do anything (almost) to get Katherine back, Stefan will do anything to keep Elena safe.  There are some things you can count on, things you can trust, and love is one of them.  
Stefan puts the book down between them.  Damon...appears to toy with the idea of kissing Elena’s head??
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Then, very gently, he lets her go, running his fingers through her hair before guiding her towards Stefan.  She runs into his arms; they look at Damon like they can’t believe he went that far - or maybe can’t believe he didn’t go further.
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There’s a brilliant bit of face acting here by Ian; he doesn’t look sorry, exactly...but he doesn’t look proud, and he certainly doesn’t look uncaring.  He looks like he did what he had to do, and he’s not happy about it, but he would do it all over again.  
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He knows he gave something away when he didn’t kill her.  But I think he also knows he lost something by threatening to turn her.  She betrayed his trust, so he betrayed her right back, and like his move in the kitchen, it was completely deliberate.
Other stuff happens, I guess.  Stefan admits that Damon put his faith in him, and he destroyed that, so it is his fault.  Elena tells him he didn’t do anything wrong.  I don’t agree with her, but whatever.  Stefan wanders downstairs to get her some aspirin, Jenna tries to flex her legal-guardian muscles and tells him he’s not staying the night, and to keep the door open.  I’d be more impressed if we hadn’t already been told Elena’s taken up residency in Stefan’s bed.  But when Stefan goes back upstairs, Elena’s gone - stolen away by the friend Jeremy invited over, Anna. 
Eyebrow Watch: domestic edition
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weekendwarriorblog · 3 years
The Weekend Warrior 7/23/21 - SNAKE EYES, OLD, VAL, JOE BELL, SETTLERS, JOLT, MANDIBLES, and More!
So I definitely underestimated Space Jam: A New Legacy last week and way overestimated Escape Room: Tournament of Champions, maybe because I liked the latter way more than the former and probably underestimated the nostalgia factor for Space Jam… oh, yeah, and the fact that it was also on HBO Max, which didn’t really matter since it grossed more than $30 million anyway. Meanwhile, Escape Room, a rare theatrical-only movie, failed to bring people into theaters to see it as it ended up making about half what I expected. Oh, well. It happens. Live and learn.
Hey, guess what? We don’t have any sequels this week! Okay, to be fair, we do have a spin-off/prequel sort of thing, so I guess that counts.
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The latter is SNAKE EYES: G.I. JOE ORIGINS (Paramount Pictures/MGM/Skydance), the latest attempt by Hasbro Films to reboot its G.I. Joe franchise with Henry Golding from Crazy Rich Asians playing the popular anti-hero from the oh-so-popular Hasbro toys, comics and cartoons. As you can surmise from the subtitle, Snake Eyes, directed by Robert Schwentke (Red, R.I.P.D.), is an origin story for the most enigmatic member of the Joe team. Much of the rest of the cast are Asian actors or martial arts specialists like Iko Uwais from The Raid and its sequel. The movie does introduce Samara Weaving from Ready or Not as Scarlet, another popular G.I. Joe character, as well as her counterpart, the Baronness, so it’s definitely a G.I. Joe movie still.
It’s been quite some time since the previous Joe movie, G.I. Joe: Retaliation, which was released in March 2013 where it opened with $40.5 million, which is less than the previous movie, 2009’s G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, which opened with $54.7 million. The two movies made $150.2 million and $122.5 million respectively, although “Retaliation” did slightly better overseas to gross $375.7 million to Rise of Cobra’s $302 million. Those aren’t huge numbers compared to Hasbro’s other big toy-related franchise, the “Transformers” movies by Michael Bay, which were doing almost $300 million in the U.S. alone. Retaliation may have been hurt by being delayed a number of times putting more time between the original movie and sequel, but it introduced a few great new ideas and characters played by Dwayne “Franchise Viagra” Johnson and Bruce “You Have My Direct Deposit Info, Right?” Willis.
There is an odd connection between “Retaliation” and Snake Eyes, because the former was directed by Jon Chu, who directed Golding in Crazy Rich Asians, the movie that broke him out. Chu had talked forever about doing another G.I. Joe movie but it seems like he’s moved on and has a lot on his plate now, so who knows if we’ll ever get another direct sequel? It’s hard to say if and how Snake Eyes might integrate with previous or future Joe movies.
Either way, the G.I. Joe franchise obviously has a number of dedicated fans who might want to see more of where Snake Eyes came from, and the trailers make it look like it’s in a similar vein as John Wick Chapter 3. Unfortunately, I won’t be seeing this until Tuesday night and reviews won’t hit until Thursday, so I’m going to have to gauge interest in this without knowing whether critics liked this any more than the previous movies. (Okay, reviews went live at 3 this morning, but I was already asleep, having already finished writing this column, as always.)
I can see Snake Eyes pushing for an opening somewhere in the mid-$20 millions, and maybe it will over-perform like last week’s Space Jam: A New Legacy or Mortal Kombat and bring in closer to $30 million, since one presumes that the Joe fanbase hasn’t gone anywhere and would go with this over Old.
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Mini-Review: While I’m not really much of a G.I. Joe fan, I am a fan of martial arts, swordplay, and Japanese culture like Yakuza and samurai and such. Not really knowing that much about the title character of Snake Eyes, I was kind of interested in knowing more about him, especially the fact that they cast a real actor to play him for this movie in Henry Golding. (Sorry, not sorry, Ray Park.)
We meet him as a boy with no name, having gotten his nickname from the man who killed his father when he was a boy, urging his dad to roll dice in order to live. He rolls (what else?) snake eyes. Decades later, the boy is a man working for the Yakuza and a particularly nasty guy named Kenta (Takehiro Hira) who nearly kills Snake Eyes before he’s paired with Tommy (Andrew Koji), the prodigal son of the Arashikage clan who also happen to be Kenta’s sworn enemies. Having saved Tommy’s life, Snake Eyes is urged to stay at the family castle and train to join the clan as an assassin. His training involves a series of tests conducted by Blind Master (Peter Mensah) and Hard Master (Iko Uwais), but we soon learn that Snake Eyes is still loyal to Kenta and used his friendship with Tommy as a ruse to infiltrate the castle and steal their greatest weapon. Oh, yeah there’s also giant snakes, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Having seen Robert Schwentke’s The Captain, I know the director can make great movies, and Snake Eyes is probably one of his better American films, at least that I’ve seen. The reason this movie work at all is the casting for most of the may Asian roles are fantastic. I particularly enjoyed seeing Haruke Abe as Akiko, one of the truly kick-ass women in the movie, but the same can be said for Eri Ishida, who plays Tommy’s grandmother and the head of Tommy’s clan, and she too has some great action moments. The point is that Snake Eyes doesn’t suffer from the decision to cast talented Asian actors in the same way that Mortal Kombat did.
The movie’s biggest issues arrive when they try to fit G.I. Joe and Cobra into the mix (about an hour into the movie), because it definitely feels shoehorned into what is becoming a decent movie about honor and loyalty. I have never heard of Spanish actress Ursula Corbero, but she’s absolutely garbage as Baronness, vamping and trying to make the role more comicky apparently. By comparison, I’m generally a fan of Samara Weaving, but she isn’t much better as Scarlett. Since these are both popular G.I. Joe characters, I can’t imagine the fans will be too happy.
A lot of what happens at the end is telegraphed from a mile away, especially if you already figured out where the relationship between Snake Eyes and Tommy is going. (Maybe it isn’t a secret, but in case it isn’t obvious…)
Snake Eyes works fine as the G.I. Joe origin it’s meant to be, but I would have been perfectly fine without any G.I. Joe references at all, and if this was just a cool Asian action flick like The Villainess or some of Takashi Miike’s yakuza films.
Rating: 7/10
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M. Night Shyamalan returns to theaters after a brief sojourn into TV with Apple TV+’s Servant (which is great) with his latest high-concept thriller, OLD (Universal Pictures), which involves a family who goes to visit a remote tropical beach where they learn that something on the beach is making them age extraordinarily fast. The movie stars Gael Garcia Bernal, Vicky Krieps from Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread, Alex Wolff from Hereditary (and last week’s Pig), and Thomasin McKenzie from Jojo Rabbit. It’s a pretty great ensemble cast for sure, but how many of those actors have a proven track record to bring people into theaters? Not many, but will that matter?
Shyamalan has had an amazing career as a filmmaker in terms of box office with six movies that grossed over $100 million (and a seventh that came close), one movie (Signs) that grossed over $200 million, and then his early film, The Sixth Sense, which came close to $300 million domestically. (This is all domestic, if you didn’t figure it out.) Shyamalan’s movies have done very well overseas, often matching the amount the movies made in the States. Shyamalan’s last two movies, 2017’s Split and 2019’s Glass, took the director back to his earlier movie, 2000’s Unbreakable, starring Bruce Willis, and both those movies grossed more. (To be fair, ticket prices have increased a lot since 2000.) Glass opened with $40 million in January 2019, roughly the same as Split’s opening, and that’s a fairly standard opening for the filmmaker.
Old doesn’t have that connection to a popular past movie, nor does it really have the starpower of some of Shyamalan’s movies, so it’s definitely at a disadvantage and possibly more in line with his 2015 “comeback” thriller, The Visit, which grossed $65.2 million from an opening of $25.2 million.
Horror movies and thrillers don’t necessarily need to have big name stars but it doesn’t hurt -- look at Ethan Hawke’s forays into genre with Sinister and The Purge for Blumhouse -- and though any of the cast could appear on talk shows to promote the film, I’m not sure if any of them could be considered a draw at this point. (Maybe Alex Wolff, since he’s quite popular among young women for his horror movies and music career.)
Any way you look at it, Shyamalan has become a filmmaker whose name on a film helps drive people to see the movies in theaters, and that will be the case here, as well. You combine the Shyamalan name with an easy-to-sell concept like a beach that ages people (vs. the relaxation beaches normally provide)
My review for this one will be over at Below the Line later on Thursday, but I’m presuming that critics will be mixed on this one at best. If they go negative, which I could see happening, that might theoretically hurt the movie’s chances, although it should still be good for opening weekend.
Because of this, and because Old might lose some of its male audiences to the above Snake Eyes -- oddly, neither of these movies will be available on streaming day and date, mind you -- Shyamalan’s latest will probably end up in the mid-to-high-teens, although it might be able to make $20 million in a push.
1. Snake Eyes (Paramount/MGM/Skydance) - $24.1 million N/A
2. Old (Universal) - $17 million N/A
3. Space Jam: A New Legacy (Warner Bros.) - $15 million -51%
4. Black Widow (Marvel/Disney) - $13.5 million -48%
5. Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (Sony) - $4.5 million -49%
6. F9 (Universal) - $4.4 million -43%
7. The Boss Baby: Family Business (Universal/DreamWorks Animation) - $2.6 million -45%
8. The Forever Purge (Universal) - $2.1 million -49%
8. A Quiet Place Part II (Paramount) - $1.6 million -25%
10. Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain (Focus) - $1 million -47%
There are a few more theatrical releases, but let’s start by getting into this week’s “Chosen One”, which is…
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Leo Scott and Ting Poo’s doc VAL (Amazon) refers to actor Val Kilmer, who goes through his entire career in this fascinating portrait in which we see him in the present day dealing with the debilitating throat cancer that’s nearly taken his voice. Culled from almost four decades of archival footage, most of it shot by Kilmer himself, the film puts together an amazing story of Kilmer’s life as a working actor, but also captures his family life, his tough relationship with his father and how his marriage and career deteriorated over time.
It really surprised me how much I loved this movie, because honestly, I’ve never been a particularly big Kilmer fan, other than a few favorites like Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, and probably a few others. In fact, I finally saw Top Gun for the first time a few months ago, and I wasn’t even that big a fan, as I don’t think it aged well. But what’s great about Val, the movie, is that you get to see some of Kilmer’s own footage from on set and off for movies like Top Gun and even The Island of Doctor Moreau, which he admits was a complete disaster, a shame since it was the only chance to work with his idol, Marlon Brando (who barely shows up to set).
What’s particularly eerie is hearing a younger Val narrating the film, clearly recorded from before he was hit with the debilitating throat cancer, but the filmmakers did a great job editing all of Kilmer’s footage and words into a surprisingly cohesive (and still very linear) story.
Besides seeing the footage and how it meshed with Kilmer’s narration, I also greatly appreciated the score by Garth Stevenson, as well as the song choices, which includes some familiar tunes but always in a different way than what we’re used to. I’m really curious if Val picked some of the tunes himself, but whoever the music supervisor was on this film, really did an amazing job getting songs that meshed well with Stevenson’s music.
Val is a terrific portrait of an actor who probably never got the level of respect he deserved , but it’s also a film that will make you think of your own life and mortality.
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Mark Wahlberg stars in and as JOE BELL (Roadside Attractions/Vertical) in this drama directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green, who helmed the excellent and underrated Monsters and Men. Green didn’t write this one, but it was written by Diana Ossana and Larry McMurtry, the Oscar-winning writers of Brokeback Mountain. With that in mind, you’d expect something more interesting, but as I watched Joe Bell, I actually wasn’t aware that it was based on a real person/story.
The long and short of it is that Wahlberg’s Joe Bell is a father who has decided to walk across the country from Oregon to New York City to talk to anyone who will listen about bullying, and why it’s bad. Yup, that’s it. That’s the movie. To be fair, we do get to see Joe spending time with his gay son Jadin (Reed Miller), and those are generally the best parts of the film, but one thing that really didn’t work for me was the structure, especially the time spent (SPOILER!) pretending that Jadin was already dead before Joe went on his cross-country walk. It’s something that’s casually revealed when Joe stops in a gay bar for a drink and mentions it to a drag queen.
Otherwise, Joe Bell is a movie that leans so heavily on the screenplay and Wahlberg’s performance, which is better than others we’ve seen from him but isn’t that great. Overall, the film is just so dour, glum and frankly, quite dull, that there’s very little that can make it more interesting, especially since the narrative and structure makes the whole thing kind of obvious.
Maybe there’s a better version of this movie but when you get to what is quite a grim ending and then you realize that it’s a true story, you kind of wish that thing called ���artistic license” was used more liberally to make a better movie. All Joe Bell does is state the obvious: that bullying is bad, especially towards people different and possibly more fragile than you.
Rating: 6/10
I'm not sure how wide Roadside plans on releasing Joe Bell, but I'd expect 400 to 500 theaters, but I'm not sure that's enough to get it into the Top 10.
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Wyatt Rockefeller’s feature film directorial debut, SETTLERS (IFC Midnight) takes place on Mars, and at first, it deals with a couple (played by Johnny Lee Miller and Sofia Boutella) living on a remote base there with their young daughter Remmy (Brooklynn Prince), but it’s soon attacked by a stranger who wants them to leave. The movie premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival last month and will get a release into select theaters on Friday as well as be released in various digital formats.
Settlers starts off as if it might be a home invasion movie with a sci-fi twist, but that aspect of it is fleeting, as it soon becomes a drama where the stranger Jerry (Ismael Cruz Cordova) moves in with Remmy and her mother, and then other stuff happens. Oh, yeah, there’s also an adorable robot named Steve.
Don’t get me wrong, because I genuinely liked Settlers, although I think I was expecting something more genre-y since it’s being released by IFC Midnight. Because of the setting, I was expecting something more science fiction or home invasion, and I guess comparing it to a Western would be fair due to the wilderness setting, but really, it’s a character drama about how three people need to coexist together, especially when one of them is a stranger in their midst. Seeing how Boutella’s character slowly warms up to Jerry while Remmy is still suspicious and even angry at her mother accepting the stranger.
In many ways, this is Prince’s movie, because she’s so good in this role that she almost supports the adult actors by leading. Prince is so compelling that she’s even able to keep you interested when Remmy is just wandering around, exploring various aspects of the environment around their home base. That is, at least until the last act when the film jumps forward a number of years and Nell Tiger Free (from Servant) takes over the role of Remmy (quite fluidly, in fact).
This creates a very different dynamic between Jerry and Remmy that might feel a bit pervy to some women (okay, most women). Cordova is also quite good in a role that’s tough to sell, because he isn’t the typical bad man.
Settlers is a quiet and subdued film with not a lot of action or dialogue for that matter, but it reminds me quite a bit of Moon, and it’s a similarly solid debut by Rockefeller, showing him to be a strong storyteller able to get strong performances out of his relatively small cast. (Oh, and hey, I should have an interview with Rockefeller next week over at Below the Line.)
Rating: 7/10
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Kate Beckinsale stars in the action-thriller JOLT (Amazon), which hits Amazon Prime Video this Friday. It's directed by Tanya Wexler (Buffaloed), and in the movie, Beckinsale plays Lindy, a woman with a debilitating condition that gives her insane strength when she gets angry, and she gets angry a LOT. But no, this is not like the upcoming She-Hulk series, though it’s an incredible action movie for sure.
Beckingsale’s Lindy has something called “intermittent explosive disorder” which I’m not sure if that’s a real thing (probably not), but it gives her incredible strength when she gets mad, and it forces her to wear a vest that gives a huge electrical charge when she pushes a button. So yeah, the movie feels a lot like Crank if it had a woman lead instead of Jason Statham. Honestly, if that alone doesn’t sell you on Jolt, then this movie probably isn’t gonna be for you.
It actually starts out as a pseudo-rom-com as Lindy meets a nice guy, played by Jai Courtney, but after a few dates and some great sex, he’s killed, and Lindy is upset but even more furious than normal, swearing to find the man responsible for killing her kinda-boyfriend. So yeah, Jolt quickly turns into a revenge thriller, but it’s one with lots of Beckinsale kicking ass, some great car chases, and lots of funny doofuses getting their asses handed to them, both figuratively and literally.
Surprisingly, Wexler didn’t write this one -- the screenplay’s Scott Wascha -- but her reputation and previous films helped her put together a great cast around Beckinsale, including Stanley Tucci as her therapist who set her up with the shock vest, and Bobby Cannavale and Laverne Cox as the detectives investigating the death of Lindy’s beau, all three of them offering some great humorous dynamics to the mix.
That’s probably why Jolt is quite satisfying, not only in terms of being a female empowerment movie, but also not taking itself too seriously and always keeping the comedy on the darker side. For instance, there’s a scene where Lindy throws live babies at Cox to distract her, but what do you expect from a movie that enjoys giving its main character literal electroshock therapy?
So yeah, I definitely liked Jolt as an action-comedy. Maybe it was a bit too violent for my tastes, at times, but it definitely is everything I hoped to get out of Gunpowder Milkshake last week, and honestly, I had no idea Wexler had this kind of movie in her.
Rating: 7/10
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Quirky French filmmaker Quentin Dupieux (Rubber) returns with MANDIBLES (Magnet), a comedy of sorts about a pair of dumbass friends -- Manu (Grégoire Ludig from Keep Your Eye Out) and David Marsais’ Jean-Gab, who steal a car for a job only to find a giant fly inside its trunk, so they decide to train it to rob banks for them.
Yup, it’s another weird one from Dupieux, and honestly, it took me a long time to really get into it, as these two doofuses get into all sorts of predicaments (and who have an amusing “secret” handshake). Where it really takes off is when they meet a group of vacationers, including the one and only Adèle Exarchopoulos as Agnes, a woman who mistakes one of the guys as a high-school lover. Things just get zanier from there as the guys try to sneak in their giant trained fly -- now named Dominique -- into the vacation home where they’re staying with a bunch of Agnes suspicious friends and her brother. (There’s also one woman who literally shouts everything due to a condition, and at first, it was more aggravating than funny, but like everything else in this, she gets funnier over time.)
In fact, after I got to the end of the movie, I ended up going back to rewatch the first half again to see if I missed anything, and surprise, surprise, the two guys and their antics had definitely grown on me by the end, making it easier to enjoy a second view. I certainly wouldn’t recommend any of Dupieux’s movies to just anyone, and that goes for Mandibles, but if you enjoyed the quirky humor of Rubber or last year’s Deerskin, then you might not hate this one, but it’s also not a movie I’d recommend you rush out to see in theaters.
Rating: 6.5/10
A few more words about a few other docs… (As usual, I didn’t get to watch nearly as much as I hoped to get to this week.)
I did get to watch Garret Price’s WOODSTOCK '99: PEACE, LOVE AND RAGE (HBO), which will hit the cable network on Friday. Honestly, I barely remember it, and I’m not even sure I watched it PPV or at all, because there weren’t really that many acts at this year’s festival that interested me. I mean, Limp Bizkit? Korn? Rage Against the Machine? I wasn’t really into any of those in the late ‘90s, and certainly not my sworn-enemy Jewel or Sheryl Crow or Alannis Morrissette, the festival’s token women who were slotted into separate days. Even so, Price is a pretty decent documentation of all the awfulness at that particular festival from portapotties mixing shit in with all the mud or the many cases of sexual harassment, assault and flat-out rape that took place on the campgrounds. I’m sure I heard most of it but seeing it put together like this in the film’s two-hour running time just makes it harder to watch without tearing up. A pretty solid doc that I’m not sure I could fully recommend, but hey, I’ve never been to one of these festivals and after watching this movie, I probably never will. (It is interesting how Price contrasts the disaster of Woodstock ‘99 with the hugely-successful Coachella, which started not long afterwards.)
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to Jamila Wignot’s doc AILEY (NEON) about choreographer Alvin Ailey, making this the second movie about dance or choreography in a row. It opens in New York this weekend, in L.A. theaters next Friday July 30 and then everywhere on August 6.
Then there’s ALL THE STREETS ARE SILENT (Greenwich), Jeremy Elkin’s doc that covers the crossroads between skateboard and hip-hop in downtown Manhattan during the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. For whatever reason, I wasn’t able to get around to this, although it features Rosario Dawson, Bobbito Garcia, Stretch Armstrong, Moby (him again?!), Fab 5 Freddy, and a lot of other rappers I’ve never heard of.
Also hitting HBO Max on Thursday is THROUGH OUR EYES (HBO Max/Sesame Workshop docuseries), a series of four 30-minute films designed for adults to watch with their kids age 9 and up, dealing with things like homelessness, parental incarceration, military caregiving, and climate displacement. Sounds fun.
Hitting Netflix on Wednesday is TROLLHUNTERS: RISE OF THE TITANS (Netflix), a movie based on the popular series produced by Guillermo del Toro, which I’ve also never see, so I guess I don’t have a lot to say about this.
Lastly, premiering this week is the second season of Apple TV+’s Emmy-nominated TED LASSO which is probably gonna win a bunch of those Emmys going by previous awards shows. It’s a very popular show. I’m still on Season 1, myself.
Other films I didn’t get to… (sorry, respective publicists!)
HERE AFTER (Vertical)
Next week, it’s a doozy! Disney finally releases Jungle Cruise, starring Dwayen Johnson and Emily Blunt, while there are two smaller movies looking to make some money, Thomas McCarthy’s Stillwater (Focus Features), starring Matt Damon, and David Lowery’s The Green Knight (A24), starring Dev Patel. Should be an interesting one.
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spnsimpleman · 7 years
The Unknowns: Fourteen
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This is a continuation for The Unknowns.  Which was a one shot and is now a long ass Prologue.  Part One.  Part Two. Part Three. Part Four.  Part Five. Part Six. Part Seven.  Part Eight.Part Nine.  Part Ten.  Part Eleven.  Part Twelve.  Part Thirteen
Dean x Psychic!reader
Teaser/Summary: An AU sparked from a songfic challenge, The Unknowns is based on Season One Episode Nine, Dean met reader in Lawrence as a child and they created an unbreakable bond. At the end of The Unknowns, reader decided to stick with her boys because she felt something coming but she holds secrets; one she holds close to her heart and a few that she doesn’t even really know yet.
Word count: 6740
Lines borrowed from season one episode twenty, “Dead Man’s Blood” in Bold.
A strip of light slicing through the curtains blinded me as I turned, expecting to find Dean but the bed was empty. I was alone. I bolted up and spotted his note on the pillow beside me.
Didn't want to leave but I couldn't wake you. We’ll probably be back before you wake up but if not, don't worry, I’ll text when we’re out of the nest. There’s juice in the mini fridge and a poor excuse for breakfast on top. Relax, sweetheart. Please.
My phone was charging on the night stand beside the bed with zero new messages. I couldn't remember what time we got in last night but I was still tired and drained. I decided to take Dean’s advice but I didn't really have a choice.
I turned the water on in the shower then grabbed the juice from the fridge and chuckled at the small bag of store bought bagels on top. I opened the juice and drank half the bottle then stripped and stepped under the warm spray. What I wouldn't give to be under the fancy shower head my mother had or really what wouldn't I put up with to be under that massager spray.
I woke to the smell of bacon and coffee and for a second, I thought of Miss Mary until I remembered where I was and where she was. I threw the sheet off and shuffled into my bathroom slowly waking a little more with each part of my morning routine.
I jogged down the stairs and strolled into the kitchen. The table was set for two and my mother was just turning off the stove. “Pancakes and bacon,” she chirped as she brought the two plates over to the table.
“Thanks. What are you up so early on a Saturday for?”
“I've got work today. I was hoping to have breakfast with you before I head in.”
“How is ye ol’ nine to five?”
“I enjoy helping people and it's safe.”
I rolled my eyes at her emphasis on that last word. I picked up two pancakes and two pieces of bacon then dropped them on my plate, “not this early. Please.”
“I got a letter from your school about the fall semester. Tell me you've picked your classes already, your third year is important. You get to really branch out into the areas that you enjoy. You really liked archeology, didn't you?”
“I was good at it.” I stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth and she frowned as I continued, “there's a difference.”
“You did really well in your psychology classes. You've always been good with people.”
“And you know how I've always enjoyed helping people that get shoved out of their comfort zone and lost.”
She smiled, “I think you'd make a great therapist.”
I focused on cutting the pancakes into small squares. “I was thinking more along the weirder lines… like people who feel lost because of things that happen to them that they can't explain. The victims that truly need help because anyone else would call them crazy.”
Her fork snapped against the table with a sharp clack. “We've talked about this.”
“No, you talked and I had to listen.”
She stared at the table, her emotions guarded. “I am not going to pay for you to waste your life.”
“Because you were so gung ho for me to help people from behind a fancy desk.”
“Yes, a legitimate business, a legitimate position for you to make a life for yourself!”
“How am I making a life for myself when it's what YOU want! That's not MY LIFE!”
She reeled herself in, her calm overriding the irritation and disappointment. “You don't even know what it's like. You might actually enjoy it if you gave it a chance.”
“I just spent two years giving it a chance and all I saw were the deaths in the newspapers. Spent all day wondering if they had a chance if only a hunter had seen the signs, had stepped in and gave them a chance at life.”
“Y/n, there are plenty of hunters…”
“Yes, and I’m one of them! Just like dad! That’s what I want!”
“With Dean!” Her calm broke and she shot up from her seat. Her whole body vibrated with anger.
“Yes. I want to spend my life with him on the road…” she turned her back and walked to the sink, her hands gripped the edge. “Or anywhere, I don't care. I love him, mom. You've known it for years.” Her disappointment swirled with anger and sadness. I felt the lump swelling in my throat but shoved it down. “We’re good together.”
“And if you're lucky, you'll die together.”
“I can't live my life like that. I know you're scared because of how that werewolf could sense dad…”
“Stop!” She snapped, “just stop.” She turned around, her face as hard as her steeled determination, “please just give the real life a chance. Maybe Dean would settle down with…”
I slammed my hands on the table, “that's your real life, not mine! I don't want to fight with you but I know what I want! You’d know that if only you just listened! I don't want to be stuck behind a desk for the rest of my life. That may work for you but it doesn't work for me!”
The tears welled in her eyes, “your father and I worked hard to save that money for you to go to school…”
“And dad would've told me to follow my heart!”
“Not if it led down the same path that killed him! He wanted you to be safe! Losing you was his biggest fear!”
“And there are thousands more parents like him that could lose their children if not for us!”
A single tear sliced down her cheek and she scrubbed it away as her back straightened. “I need to get to work. I will not fight about this anymore. We obviously see things very differently and won't come to an understanding today. Enjoy your breakfast. I’ll see you after work.”
I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair and hung my head so the water could massage my back. There wasn't enough pressure so I just imagined the extra to work out the tension. I felt like I had just run a marathon and then got hit by a truck at the finish line. The image of my mother stalking out of the kitchen flashed in my mind and I shoved it away harder.
I knew when she left that I wouldn't see her after work. I had plans to meet up with Dean but she never gave me the chance to tell her. She refused to speak with me for a month or so after she knew I hadn't gone back to school or maybe I refused her calls, I couldn't remember that part so well.
The memory usually tended to bring up the fights I overheard as a child, sometimes Dean was there and the other times I wished with everything in me that he was. It was always about hunting whether I heard the words or not, I knew. My father wouldn't turn his back on the job he knew he was made for and the people he would leave to the wolves. Sometimes literally.
I wonder if she had anything to do with John’s plan to separate us, I'm sure she would've fully approved.
The water cooled and I got out. I dried off and looked in the mirror showing its age around the discolored edges. Sure, there were no nice mirrors, countertops, and fancy shower heads but I was fulfilled. I felt good every time I helped someone who would otherwise be lost, scared, and possible dead meat or find their loved ones torn to shreds.
I understood her wanting me to stay far away from that, from a grisly end like my father’s, but he was a hero. He had taken out six wolves with John before they were ambushed not knowing about the other half of the pack. It wasn't John’s fault, they both had made an error in judgment. My dad just happened to smell stronger because of his ability or maybe John was wrong and he was just in the wrong place when the wolves busted in.
My text alert chimed and I rushed to it.  A message from Dean, Wanna check out a funeral parlor with me?
I tapped out a quick reply, you sure know how to show a girl a good time.
I’d jump into anything that would get my mind off the past, my stubborn body, and fuzzy mind.
I turned on the little coffee maker. I was going to need more than a shower to brush this exhaustion away.
The closer Dean got to the motel, the more his stomach twisted. He pictured her face from last night, the agony that had ripped through her, the pain that wrapped around his head and squeezed.
He fumbled for his phone on the seat next to him then held down the number four. He didn't miss the little flicker of a light bulb although there was no mass conspiracy that got him to program her number there.
He was looking for signs everywhere now.
Pamela answered on the third ring, “what's up?”
She tried to sound calm and cool, maybe it was just him and recent events, but he felt like she was trying to hide the shake in her voice. “I know.”
“Honey, there's a whole lot you probably do and don't.”
“I know about Jessica but that's not what this is about.” He was getting distracted by a stupid number. “Something’s wrong.”
“Spit it out.”
“Ever since this case two weeks back, she’s been… drained. She sleeps a lot but doesn’t rest well and she… she just lost it last night while Sam and Dad were fighting.”
“You’re with your father?”
“Yeah, we found Danny Elkins. A vamp killed him and took the Colt.” He paused, “I’m guessing you know about the colt?”
“Of course, I do. What does she feel like to you? I’m guessing this isn't garden variety symptoms?”
“No, she’s not sick but it’s… it’s tied to Sam somehow I know it. The pain I get sometimes, the grief, it doesn’t make sense…” he had to focus on keeping his eyes on the road as it smacked him over the head. “Fuck.”
“She’s taking on his pain, isn't she? If she… of course, she did.” There was some rustling and then she was back, “there are stones in her bag, she probably still keeps them in one of the side pockets. She told me she was using them but if she’s punishing herself, she hasn’t. Two small stones that can fit in the palm of your hand, one that’s mostly blue, you called it the Galaxy stone when you were little and one that’s brown with four white bands.”
“When I was little?”
“She needs to hold them, one in each hand. Remember the meditation we did with her? Those stones will help separate and clear what’s not hers. She needs to carry them on her at all times for at least two weeks but I'd make her do it longer to help strengthen that separation. They have always had a connection but she broke a wall that needs to be replaced or she will never recover. Do you remember how I helped her?”
“She knows not to take on other’s emotions like that. She perfected that when we were in first grade.”
“You’ve seen her. You called me because something wasn’t right.” She paused just enough to reinforce who called who before continuing, “she’s wearing herself out because she’s taking on his pain, but she's probably taking on more without even realizing it. I was worried about her after our chat at the airport but I didn’t think she’d go this far.”
“It was the case, she said she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if Sam did something he’d regret later when he found out.”
“Of course, she would. Take care of her. She’ll listen to you.” 
“I’ve been trying.”
“You’re doing great. Just keep it up and tell her she doesn’t want me to come along to keep an eye on her.”
“There's something else…”
“You gonna tell me or do I have to guess? Because let me tell ya, that game is only fun when there's stripping involved.”
“How could that be any fun for you when you know the answers?”
“Because I get them naked. Come on, you're smarter than that.” She chuckled but it felt forced, “what is it?
“Sam and dad were fighting, she got in between them and she threw them away from her without even budging. She was trying to push them away, a hand on their chests and she let out this horrible shriek… and they were literally propelled away from her at least five feet. Sam says it was more.”
She was quiet so long he thought he'd have to repeat himself but then her voice was back, calm and cool but once again, it felt controlled. “It's okay, it’s just energy. If she was trying to block them when she was weak she was probably still taking in their energy but not letting any out. Essentially instead of blocking them, she was blocking herself causing a buildup that can only be held to a certain extent. It's rare but not unlikely. It's nothing to worry about as long as she takes care of herself. She needs to get her strength and control back.”
He didn't know why he felt she was only telling him so much or maybe giving him a sugar coated version. “You’re sure?”
“Who are you talking to? You probably don't remember but she moved things when she was younger. It may have been before you met though.”
He sighed, he needed to get out of his head and trust the people he respected. “Thanks, Pamela.”
“Until next time, Chachi. If you need any help with anything, you know how to find me.”
Dean dropped the phone on the passenger seat and smacked the heel of his palm against the steering wheel. He should've seen it, should've put two and two together sooner. He knew her, he knew something was wrong. He shouldn't have just chalked it up to stress. It had been decades but that was a shit excuse.
Mr. Kowalski was droning on through the alphabet and Dean was bored out of his mind. He glanced over at y/n and noticed her head bobbing. He grinned and picked up his pencil scribbling a note, Stoopid letters.
He folded the paper then watched Mr. Kowalski for the perfect moment to toss it. It landed on her desk almost where he planned. She stared down at it but didn't move. She finally glanced up at their teacher and opened it but instead of throwing him an annoyed look, she just stared at his writing like she didn't understand.
He knew instantly something was wrong. She lowered her head to the paper and pressed her hands over her ears. He moved his chair closer to her, “hey, you okay?”
Her whimper jolted something inside and he jumped from his seat, the chair clattering to the floor.
“Dean, what are you… y/n?”
He touched her arm and she blindly turned and latched onto him, another whimper cutting him to the bone. “I'm right here. It's okay.”
Mr. Kowalski knelt beside them and tried to get her attention. “Y/n, what is it?”
“She's hurt. She's… she needs her dad.” Dean tried getting the words out but they wouldn't understand. No one understood. Her dad told him how scared people can be of things they don't understand and they'd try to take her away. They couldn't take her away!
Mr. Kowalski tried to pull her away from him, “miss Kelly will take you to the nurse. She’ll call your dad.” She tightened her grip on him and Mr. Kowalski pulled harder, “Dean has to stay in class, y/n.”
He froze, he didn't know what to do. She needed him but he was supposed to listen to his teachers, but Mr. Kowalski wanted to take her away.
She shrieked as Mr. Kowalski pried her fingers from his shirt and pulled her away. “No! Dean!”
Panic kicked through his system and he jabbed his fist into Mr. Kowalski’s wrist. “You're hurting her!”
Miss Kelly knelt down next to them, “it's okay, let's calm down.” She squeezed his shoulder as he opened his arms and y/n latched onto him again, “it's okay, Dean. Y/n, we’re just going to take you to the nurse.”
“No, she's scared and you’re hurting her!” He hugged her, tightening his arms so they couldn’t pull him away, “it’s okay. I won't let them take you.” She buried her face into his neck as Miss Kelly and Mr. Kowalski shared a look then whispered to each other. Dean whispered in her ear, “I've got you. Don't worry, I won't let anyone take you away from me.”
“It hurts… so bad. So bad.”
He rubbed her back, “I'm sorry. Your dad will fix it.”
Miss Kelly held out her hand, “come on, Dean. Let's take y/n to the nurse together.” She smiled but he knew Mr. Kowalski wasn't happy about it. Stupid dickhead.
Dean parked in front of their room next to John’s truck where Sam was leaning against the vehicle waiting. Sam walked around the front of the Impala as Dean shoved his chaotic thoughts away and got out. “What took you so… what happened?”
Dean shook his head, “I talked to Pamela, figured out what's wrong.”
“What is it?”
“She’s…” He looked at Sam and knew exactly how he'd take it but he had to tell him. He sighed, “she's done this before.” Sam's eyes widened and he waved him off, “not the throwing thing… well, little things but the…” he glanced at the room and rubbed the back of his neck before leaning back against the impala.
“When we first started school, she had a really hard time because she didn’t know how to keep the other kids separate from her. She got overwhelmed because she felt every emotion of those around her as if it was her own and her body couldn't keep up. It got really bad one day. We ended up in the nurse’s office and they called our parents. The nurse said she probably had the flu but they couldn’t really find anything but a high temperature. Pamela came and got us because Dad and her dad had left for a hunt that morning. She taught her how to keep other people separate.” 
He anticipated Sam’s question, “think of it like the veil but in her head. The other emotions need to be kept on the other side of the veil so they can’t affect things on this side except the strong ones but that’s what her blocks and filters are for. There has to be a wall that makes the difference between feeling them and experiencing them.”
“Why didn’t you affect her? Or our parents?”
“Pamela said something about family links or something, I think it was something her dad did but I don’t remember I wasn’t really listening to that part. I just wanted her to get better.”
“So, she’s taking on our emotions now? I thought that was part of your bond?”
Dean nodded, “with me, yes. I guess the bond helps manage it with me.” He met his brother’s worried gaze, “but she dropped those blocks with you, she’s been feeling every pain and scrap of grief you’ve been going through since New York, maybe longer. Pamela thinks she could be taking on more than that too. I just…” Sam shoved his hands into hair and turned away. “Dude, you need to calm down.”
“I’ve been hurting her.”
“Sammy, that’s the very reason she’s been taking it on because she feels… she didn’t want you handling the burden alone but even with our bond and leaning on me… it’s not enough. It taxes her body too much. Pamela reminded me about these stones that help her get that block back on your connection.”
“My connection?”
“Of course. She's been connected with us since we were kids but there's always been that wall. Just let me do this and then I’ll go to the funeral parlor and you and dad can resolve the shit from last night. I can help her put the block back up but she’ll still be weak.”
Sam nodded, rubbing the back of his neck, “okay. Tell her I’m sorry.”
“I was terrified last night and I was pissed that you two screaming at each other hurt her but… you have every right to be upset. You and dad have shit you need to work out. That you needed to fix years ago but you’re both too damn proud. Do it for yourself, okay? That will help her.”
Y/n opened the door and glanced between them, her smile fading and the bags under her eyes glaring and more apparent. Sam waved, “hey. I’m gonna help dad. I’ll see you later?”
She nodded, her brow scrunching together, “okay.”
Sam smiled then walked toward the other room with a slight shake of his head before spinning around and rushing over to her, crushing her in a hug. “I love you.”
She patted his back as her eyes closed. Dean could feel the swell of mixing emotions; happiness, grief, guilt, but the one that topped them all was... calm blue waves with a rush of her… it was love.
He was shocked but finally understood what she meant by love feeling different for everyone and different situations.
“I love you too, Sammy.”
Sam backed away then headed to John’s door. Dean took Sam’s place but kissed her instead. He walked her backward into the room and kicked the door shut.
When he broke the kiss, she looked up at him in question. He still couldn't hide anything from her. “What is it? I thought we were going...”
“You broke the cardinal rule, sweetheart.”
“What are you..?” She took two steps back and he shook his head. Her eyes widened and she looked down, her arms crossing over her chest. She took another step back, guilt swirled in his chest as her legs hit the bed. She sat on the edge, “I guess it makes sense. I deserve it.”
“You never deserve pain.” He moved over to her bag and rummaged through the compartments as she began to ramble.
“Every time he hurts it’s because of me. I can’t help him but it’s my burden too. I should share… I should help him even if it's just a little.”
Handling the burden alone. His own words echoed in his head but he wasn’t surprised. She felt too deeply for those she loved, he should've seen it.
His fear from last night, his desperation for her to show any sign of life, the thought of losing her licked at his chest like a wildfire. “Do you hear yourself? You didn't put her in danger, the demon did that! You saved her. She doesn't blame you!”
He pulled his hand from her bag and turned to her. “You've got to stop. You've got to. I've been feeling the crazy stuff and I couldn't figure it out until I talked to Pamela.” Her eyes widened again then she dropped her head into her hands. He walked over, knelt in front of her, and lowered his voice, “you know this can't go on.” He pulled her hands away from her face and held them in his own, gazing into her eyes, begging her to listen. “Pamela warned you, we don't even know exactly what it could do. Last night could be the best case scenario.”
“You mean throwing them?”
“I mean you shutting down. You scared the shit out of me because I couldn't feel you. If you hadn't said anything I would’ve lost my damn mind in that street.” He pulled her off the bed and hugged her to his chest, “how many times through the years have you told me I'm not to blame? That it's not my fault?”
“But I am...”
“Damnit, woman,” he pulled back and cradled her face in his hands, “you saved her. You continue to save her every day you don't give that demon an inch. Look at it from my eyes. If only I could see me through your eyes, right? Well, I see a woman who knew the consequences but stuck with it because even though it was hard, it was the right thing because it kept Jess safe, it keeps her alive.”
He gazed into her eyes and felt the struggle waging inside her. “We rarely get to set the terms but in the end, he’ll have the woman he loves. That makes it worth it and I can say that with a lot of damn confidence because it's my endgame. If I go through all of this shit and I get to spend my days with you then it's all worth it. But if you tear yourself apart, not only is he going to be devastated but I… I’ll be nothing without you.” He pressed his forehead against hers, “please, stop. Please y/n, you've got to take care of yourself first or you'll be no help to anyone and neither will I.”
She let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes, “he's going to hate me.”
“Sammy could never hate you.”
She shook her her head and choked, “I'm sorry.”
He pressed his lips to hers and she leaned into it. He felt the moment her filter dropped and realized just how much she had been hiding from him. Everything she had been feeling from Sam and the consequences slammed into him with a force that knocked the air from his lungs but he held on, he wouldn't let go.  
That familiar wave of love washed over him soothing the worst of the heavy emotions. He felt his own surge of hope and relief bounce back at him with hers enhancing it, strengthening it somehow as their energies spun together dancing in a way that felt new and yet had a rush of nostalgia.
I’m so sorry. Her voice was a caress in his head.
Please don't block me.
She nestled into his chest and gripped his shirt in her hands. I promise.
He kissed the top of her head, “Pamela told me about two stones that will help you and that meditation.”
She nodded, “in the back pocket on the left.”
He walked back to her bag and pulled the two rocks out. The galaxy stone and the four stone. How did he forget that one? “We need to get that block back in place before we go anywhere.” He rubbed his sternum as he turned and headed for the bed she was climbing onto, “if you can.”
She looked up at him as she crossed her legs in front of her and rested the backs of her hands on her knees, “thank you.”
He grinned as he placed the two final pieces in her palms then kissed her forehead, “I’m mainly helping myself here. I can't lose you.”
“Still. Thanks for taking care of yourself,” she gave him that brilliant smile lighting up her tired eyes before she closed them.
He watched her chest rise from a deep breath then slowly fall. He stood there for a few moments then felt compelled to sit behind her. He took his jacket, boots, and jeans off as quietly as he could and then climbed onto the bed carefully. He moved behind her until his chest pressed against her back as much as it could. He slipped his arms around her and rested his hands over the stones encasing them in their palms.  
Her pulse thumped against him, thrummed inside him, and his began to slow and match it. Her concentration remained elsewhere but he was right there with her, their energy still moving back and forth.
He closed his eyes, felt their chests rise and fall together, their heart beat out the same rhythm and suddenly, he was eighteen again and she was dancing her fingers on his chest as their bodies synchronized on a level he hadn't understood.
Does it ever feel like… this charges your batteries? More than anything else?
For the first time in days, maybe weeks, he felt light, and good, and right.
Dean held his breath and threw John’s vamp-away crap on the fire listening to him talk about the vamp they had tied to a tree exactly like he had warned of creatures doing to him and y/n.
He glanced at the woman and almost saw Y/n. The itch to get back to her flared again. He shouldn't have left her at the motel but dad said it was safer for her because they didn't get her scent and if they found out who she was, who her father was, it would be worse.
She was so exhausted after repairing the block she couldn't even make it to the funeral parlor. That was the only reason he went through with it and now he was questioning whether that was the right move.
Dean tore his gaze from the fire and turned to the conversation behind him.
“You can't treat us like this.” The edge in Sam’s voice told him he missed something.
“Like what?”
Fuck. Maybe it was good she stayed behind.
“Like children.”
“You are my children. I'm trying to keep you safe.”
Dean’s frustration rose. “Dad, all due respect but that's a bunch of bullshit.”
“Excuse me?”
“You know what we've been hunting. Hell, you sent us on a few trips yourself. You can't be that worried.”
“It's not the same thing. You know this demon is more than the normal hunt and y/n knows it too. I don't expect to make it out of this in one piece. Your mother's death almost killed me. I can't watch my children die too. I can't watch you lose someone like her, either of you, or her lose you.”
Dean stared at his dad, “you know. You know about the bond.”
“Yeah, I know. You two have been like that for a long time, at least now I know what it is. Missouri saw a deep tether between you two when you were as young as six or seven. I thought she was just talking about you being so close not anything more but I saw it when you were older. It scared the shit out of me that it would get you both killed.” He stared into Dean’s eyes, “that’s why I pulled you out of her room that night the way I did. I thought I could stop it for a while until things were safer. If I could keep you two apart long enough...”
Sam scoffed, “Jesus, Dad.”
“Don’t.” Dean placed his hand in front of Sam but it didn’t stop him.
“How could you…”
“Because I know what it feels like to lose someone I love that much but… it was nothing like what you two have and I owed her father. I promised to keep you three safe.”
Dean’s temper flared, “it's never been just you! We’ve been trying to keep her safe, she and I have been trying to keep Sam safe and they’ve always looked out for me even when I didn't want them too! Don’t you get it? It’s not just you. It never was.”
A sad smile softened John Winchester's face. Dean wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes for the second time in close to twenty-four hours. “I’ve been learning that recently. But I still have a part to play and that demon is on to me. I’m not letting it know about you three until you need to make a move.” He turned toward his truck, “you do your job and get her out of here.”
I sat on the end of the bed beside our bag as Dean and I both rolled the last few clothes we had out. They had told me what happened when they went to help John get the colt and I was glad I hadn’t gone, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
“What is it?” Dean asked, stuffing his jeans into the bag.
“It’s good I didn’t go. I mean they mate for life and their connection was probably like ours. Being around her while she watched him die…” I looked down at the shirt in my hands. “It would’ve been hard. I know they’re monsters and they were killing innocent people but… I know what that feels like. To watch someone you love dying, just because they are… it wouldn’t make that feeling different, you know?”
The door opened and I was grateful for the distraction. John strolled into the room glancing between the three of us and something was different. He seemed lighter somehow and I had to wonder if the difference was just me but then he spoke something that didn’t add up with the emotions definitely coming from him. “You ignored a direct order back there.”
“Yeah, but we saved your ass.” Dean practically growled and I grabbed his hand.
John smirked then nodded. “You’re right. It scares the hell out of me. You three, you’re all I’ve got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So, we go after this damn thing. Together.”  
“Dad.” It slipped out of my mouth and all three men looked at me, “John.” I frowned looking down at my hand in Dean’s before taking a breath and meeting John’s gaze.
I could feel the way the word hit him, felt it swirling in my chest alongside my own conflicting emotions of confusion but understanding. He was pleasantly surprised and yet felt guilty, of course. The one thing I’d felt from the eldest Winchester since I was six years old. “You told me…” I glanced at Dean, “he told me you knew… about our bond. Back in Arizona, you told me that Dean and I were like a spotlight. Were you talking about the bond?”
He glanced between Dean and I then nodded. “Yes. He told you what I said about Missouri?”
I nodded. “So, she really saw it?”
“She said, and I quote, those two will be a force to be reckoned with but forces like that, they shine brighter. They are gonna need all the protection they can get.”
“Why didn’t she tell us that?” Dean barked.
John shook his head, “she placed protection blankets or something over you and she said that Pamela would’ve taught you enough and probably placed a few protections on you. I saw a few of them over the years so I knew she wasn’t off.”
“Like what?” Dean was still burned by the revelation but his tone had softened.
“That bracelet you’re wearing right now, it was a gift from Pamela, right?”
“Yeah, african tribal bracelet.”
“And she told you it was for good luck?”
“And protection.”
John grinned, “that one is genuine, probably at least thirteen hundred years old or more. Protection not only against misfortunes, illness, and disease but darkness with evil intent. The Momento Mori I’ve seen you wear, used by monks for meditation helps you two stay balanced but it also has a few demon repelling qualities to it.” He glanced over to Sam, “you’ve got some too.”
He pushed his watch to the side just an inch and pulled a black bracelet a lot like Dean’s closer to his hand. He stared at it as he rubbed it with his thumb. “Those around you that knew protected you in every way they could without adding more fear to your lives.”
A memory surfaced and I touched my necklace.
The aroma of bacon and pancakes filled the air and Mary turned around with two big heaping plates. She set them on the table with a smile, “want to be my little helper again?” Her blonde hair was loose and curly. Her bright blue eyes smiled.
“Can I?”
She placed her fists on her hips, “I never refuse help from a strong young lady besides…” she leaned down and glanced around then whispered, “we’ve got to stick together especially with how outnumbered we are in this house.”
I giggled into my hands and she waved me over then handed me silverware to place. I was leaning over the table setting the last fork down when my necklace fell out from under my nightgown.
Mary put the orange juice container on the table and leaned down to look at my necklace. “This is really pretty. Do you ever take it off?” She looked me in the eye for permission and I nodded.
I watched her examine the charms in her hand and glanced at the black bracelet on her wrist. “My daddy told me not to. It's very special.”
“Yes, it is. Just like you, huh?” Her smile was warm and genuine but there was a sadness I couldn't understand.
“Thank you, miss Mary.” Her strong, warm arms wrapped around me and I felt so much more than special.
“You’re so very welcome, sweetheart.”
I swam up from the memory and stared at John, “when did you find out that Mary was a hunter?”
His gaze shot up to mine and a small smile flickered along with a confusion or panic I couldn't grasp before it was whisked away. I could feel Sam’s eyes on me too, felt the connection clawing at the wall wanting with such desperation to be full again. I slipped my free hand in my pocket squeezing the stones as I did the same with Dean’s hand and I focused everything on John.
I was shocked when the needy connection was no longer distracting me but damn near knocked out when I realized John Winchester was blocking something. He learned how to hide things.
“Not long after. Her family was well known in the community.”
I nodded picturing Missouri’s sweet smile as she hid things and told me it was for my own good. From her, it was commonplace, Pamela too, but John? I wanted to ask who taught him but Sam cleared his throat.
“Mom was a hunter?”
John looked at him, “yeah. She quit when she decided she wanted to start a family with me.” His gaze dropped to his wrist and he chuckled, “mostly quit. Something that’s been in your family for generations like that, I guess it’d be hard to put behind you.”
“Wow.” The neighboring bed creaked as Sam dropped onto it. I wished to reach for him but Dean squeezed my hand and I could almost picture him shaking his head in my mind.
I watched John, “who taught you to block?” His head shot up as Sam and Dean had trouble deciding who to look at.
“You know already.”
“Missouri or Pamela?”
“Missouri. I couldn't risk the demon getting in there but I can't block everything. Just the important stuff.”
Hope bubbled up at the idea. If we could teach Sam to hide things, to lock them away like I had learned to do with difficult memories, Sam could hide Jess. How had I not thought of that before? But then I remembered how long it took me to learn, how difficult it was to lock away a single difficult memory. I shoved it away as Dean’s concern flickered along my senses.
“Are you kids ready?”
I met Dean’s gaze then we both looked at Sam. We nodded then stood up with a brightness in the air that was more than just camaraderie or a shared goal. It was like we could finally see that finish line we’d been pushing ourselves toward all our lives. It wasn’t just invigorating, it was a fucking amazing miracle drug.
“Let’s go.” We said it in perfect sync and it gave me an extra kick of excitement.
John glanced between the three of us and turned for the door, “that was creepy when you were kids, now it’s just plain scary.”
@duchessofwinchester , @jodyri , @jencharlan , @deanssweetheart23 @torn-and-frayed , @chrisatplay , @mogaruke , @captainemwinchester  , @ashrod98 , @mrswhozeewhatsis , @caitsymichelle13  , @escabell , @thealyana
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A Reason to Share a Hellmouth
This is a gift fic for @hotchickswithsuperpowers as a belated birthday present.
All the usual disclaimers on Fuffy fics for me – I’ve written and read very little Fuffy, not 100% firm on their dynamic, so this may be a piece of crap.
This is set maybe a year and a half after the end of Season 7. Ignores the comics. Slight spoilers for the end of AtS s5, but by now, I'm sure even if you haven't watched AtS, you know largely how it ends. :P
Faith got off her motorcycle as soon as it was stopped, pulling the keys out of the ignition and dropping them into the pocket of her jacket. She took a moment to double check the address, make sure she was in the right place. She’d have figured B and Company wouldn’t have set up shop for the ‘New Slayers Council’ or whatever in a warehouse… but this was the place.
The flight from Sunnydale had ended in L.A., where Angel and his buddies were getting ready to move over to Evil Incorporated – a fact that had seen B and her ex have a knock-down, drag-out argument that had been kind of fun to watch. Still, he’d let them hang in the Hyperion Hotel for a few days, and Faith was happy he’d used Wolfram and Hart’s resources to get her pardoned. Running from the law for the rest of her life hadn’t sounded like a lot of fun.
But when Buffy, Willow and Xander, and all the rest of the new baby slayers had moved onto Cleveland, Faith had rejected the idea. She’d tried sharing a Hellmouth with Buffy before.
It hadn’t taken.
And even more…
It hurt to be around B. Faith was always measuring herself against the other Slayer… and even more…
I couldn’t stay around her, knowing she’ll never love me back. Even assuming B was into chicks – which Faith still couldn’t figure out one way or the other – Faith knew that the blonde would never love her. Not with all the history and bad blood between them. All the issues and crap. And of course, how could someone like Buffy ever love someone as damaged and with as many issues and as much baggage as Faith had anyway?
And so she’d gone on a road trip, slaying her way across from L.A. to Boston, and then down to the Florida, and finally, all the way up to Cleveland. She’d never stayed in one city or town more than a few weeks, slaying demons and dusting vampires until she’d put the fear of Faith into any survivors that had evaded her (not that she made it easy for them to do that.)
Faith wasn’t sure why she was here, why she was back. She just…
She just needed to see Buffy. She’d exchanged Emails with her and the others, with Giles (and even with Angel and Wes, until they’d up and declared war on the Senior Partners and vanished/died.), kept up on what was happening with the New Council . She’d developed an odd, sort of long-distance friendship with Willow, even. Xander shared funny stories from the training of the baby slayers, and Faith had shared the same from her road trip. Giles had been pretty free with the advice, trying to make up for dropping the ball with her all those years ago, she figured. (Not that she held much against him on that front)
But with Buffy… all their emails had been business. Faith had no illusions about how things stood between her and Buffy. They were sister slayers, yeah, and Buffy didn’t try to bark orders at her… and Faith didn’t try to buck Buffy’s leadership. But beyond that…
Nothing. They weren’t friends. They weren’t even friendly.
Faith needed to see her. Needed to see the woman she still couldn’t get over. Had never been able to get over.
Faith had thought, once, that her thing for Buffy was just attraction and lust, maybe mixed up with envy. But she’d long since realized that while it may have been that at the very start, it was much more now.
Faith loved Buffy. And it hurt. It hurt so much knowing it wouldn’t happen.
But still… Faith needed to drop by. See her. Talk to her. Just be around her, if even for a little bit. She could move on in a few days. Maybe head down to Mexico. G-man said that the vamps there were in pretty tight with the drug cartels, so maybe she could kill two birds with one stake or something.
Her hands in her coat pockets, Faith walked up to the door, knocking. After a few moments, the door opened.
Buffy was on the other side.
“Faith.” Buffy said, her voice soft. “I – I didn’t know you were coming by.” Faith imagined what Buffy was holding back, thinking but not saying: Why the hell are you here?
“I didn’t – I didn’t really plan on it. Just sorta… decided to drop by. That cool with you, B?” Faith kept her tone blunt, direct. She had to create as much emotional distance from Buffy as she could.
"You're a Slayer, Faith. You're always welcome." Buffy stepped aside and Faith took the silent invitation, stepping over the threshold. Buffy stared for a moment, at the point where she'd just been, then she shook her head, blinking. "I... uhm..." Buffy cleared her throat. "Sorry, just... a little distracted." She closed the door behind Faith. "The bedrooms are over there," She pointed off to the right. The inside of the Warehouse had been completely refurbished. In here, looked like she was in any old house. "The doors that don't have any names on them - you can take any of those rooms while you're here."
"B, I don't need the Grand Tour or anything like that. I'm pretty sure I can figure out where everything is, if I look around." Faith pointed out. "Where is everybody?" She'd have figured this place would be crawling with other slayers.
"Most of the other Slayers are at school, or college. Out just, out and around the city, doing whatever. There's a team in Michigan tracking some demon cult, and Xander, Willow and a few others are off preventing another apocalypse in Cincinatti. Right now it's just me and Andrew in the building. I think he's busy baking."
"So you still got him working the kitchens?" Faith chuckled. "Well, I guess if it ain't broke..." The little nerd had been annoying at the best fo times, but he could cook damn well, and after years of prison food, that had been a nice bonus.
Faith took a breath, starting off towards the bedrooms, when she paused as a thought occured and turned back to Buffy, was standing there, watching her. "Hey... long shot... but have you heard from Angel? I know the word is he got out of L.A. alive - undead - but I haven't heard from him... figured he might have dropped you a line?"
Buffy bit her lip, looking down at the ground. "Yeah. He was in Cleveland a few weeks after everything went down in L.A. Dropped down behind me in an alley one night and chewed me out for thinking he'd gone evil, working for the lawyers. Said that the deaths of some of his people was because I didn't back him up when he reached out, asked for help. And... well, I guess he was right."
He asked for your help and you didn't give it to him? She'd always figured Angel had just been too proud and shit to ask his ex for help. "Angel's the one who made the boneheaded choice to do what he did," Faith found herself saying, even as she felt a slight surge of anger at Buffy's belief that Angel had gone evil, that Buffy hadn't helped him out. Sure, she hadn't known Gunn or Fred all that well, but she'd liked them, and Wes... well, that weird friendship they'd forged out of hunting Angelus had stayed strong by phone call and email. She remembered egging him on time after time to go after Fred. And he was dead.
Guess it makes sense. Faith knew she'd have never believed it - Angel going evil -, but B had a totally different experience with the guy. And... Faith couldn't say that it was Buffy's fault Angel did what he did. Maybe she could have helped out in L.A., maybe not, but if knowing Buffy, she'd probably beat herself up over it plenty after that fight with Angel.
"That last e-mail Wes sent me, the day before the big fight? Read like a fuckin' suicide note." She hadn't read the email itself until news of the 'riots' in Los Angeles had been all over the news, of course. "Angel was probably in the same place." Shaking her head, she shrugged.
The unclaimed bedrooms were all pretty much the same. Bed, dresser, bookshelf, closet, chair. Nothing fancy. Unpacking her stuff was quick, and Faith was sitting on the bed, reading a dog-eared, well-read paperback of The Two Towers, when she heard a knock on the door.
"Faith?" Buffy's voice came through. "Can I come in?"
"Uh - yea." Faith's surprise and curiosity took over her sense. The door opened and Buffy walked in. Like every time she walked into a room, Faith's eyes were drawn to her.
"I...I wanted to talk to you." Buffy said softly, sitting down in the chair. "Actually... well, I wanted to... I've been wanting to talk to you for a while, but... it just never seemed like the kind of thing to talk about over an e-mail. But now... I mean, since you're here." Buffy took a breath, squaring her shoulders as if working herself up to something.
"I wanted to apologize... I was... kind of an ass, in L.A., after we got out of Sunnydale. I... I didn't make it clear that you were welcome to come with us. To Cleveland."
Faith shrugged, "I knew. I just... look, B, we tried sharing a Hellmouth, and look how that turned out."
"I don't think the sharing the Hellmouth part was the problem, Faith." Buffy pointed out, her voice quiet. "I mean... totally different situation then versus... well, now."
"You inviting me to stick around?" Faith closed the book and sat up, not sure she could believe what Buffy seemed to be saying.
"Something like that, yeah." Buffy said, looking up at her, licking her lips a moment. "You remember how... after Scott Hope broke up with me, you asked me to Homecoming?" Faith did, intimately. She'd immediately walked it back... tried to make it sound completely straight when Buffy didn't seem receptive...
Of course, like the idiot she was, Faith had played that conversation over in her head more than once, she she still wasn't sure she'd read Buffy right. Especially given all the other mixed signals she'd gotten off Buffy over the years.
Why's she bringing it up now? There was no reason Faith could figure.
No reason that was possible, anyway.
"I feel like an idiot, not realizing it then, you know?" Buffy went on. "Looking back on it, before... before Finch, before you started working for the Mayor... well, you were flirting with me like... all the time, weren't you?" Buffy chuckled, smiling ruefully. "Not that you really stopped after - after..." Buffy trailed off.
"You can say it, B. After I went evil." Faith said, still not believing what she was hearing. She swallowed, her brain rejecting the very idea of where this seemed to be going.
But her brain and her heart didn't seem to be listening to each other right now.
Faith's chest felt tight, her mouth dry. No. There's no way - this...
"The thing is, Faith. There's always been... something. Between the two of us. I used to think it was just... our shared Slayerness. The two girls in all the world. Chosen ones. And yeah," Buffy smiled, and Faith felt fucking butteflies in her stomach at the sight. "That's part of it. But... that wasn't all of it. And... god, it took seeing you again, in the last days of Sunnydale... and missing you for a year and a half for me to really get it. Plus... you know, I had to realize I actually... liked girls." Buffy got up off the chair and walked towards her.
Is she-
Faith couldn't believe. But she sat there, frozen, unable to say anything.
Because... believe it or not... it was happening.
"The thing is, Faith," Buffy went on. "I... I like you. I think about you and I... I want things. I... I know we have a... a complicated history." Buffy scoffed. "And there's my understatement of the year-award phrase." She took a breath, taking another step closer to Faith. "I was thinking... maybe you and I... we could maybe - we could maybe go get some dinner tonight? Just the two of us?"
It had been a long time since Faith had had exactly what she wanted most in the world right in front of her. The last time had been, what Christmas, when she was six years old?
Part of Faith couldn't believe it. Buffy could never want her. Never have any feelings for her.
But... here she was, saying she did. Asking her out. Acknowledging their history and not letting it stop her.
Buffy's question hung out there, in the space between them for a long minute, as Faith ran it through her head over and over again, imagining a thousand different ways this could go so bad, if it wasn't already.
It was Buffy.
"I..." The other slayer started to take a step back. "I shouldn't have assumed... I mean... it's been years-" Faith stood up, shaking her head.
"It's been years, yeah, B, but I haven't stopped crushing on you. Not even a little bit." Her own lips felt dry all of a sudden, and Faith licked them quickly, her heart pounding in her chest, her entire vision Buffy.
"Yea... dinner... dinner sounds good." Faith said, her voice suddenly a little hoarse. "But there's one thing I gotta do first." Before she could stop herself, before she could chicken out, Faith put her hands on Buffy's waist and pulled the other slayer against her, pressing her own lips against hers. She held herself back as  tried to keep it light, but that only lasted for a few seconds...
Because then an eager Buffy returned the kiss with full force, and Faith felt what she could only describe as...
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