#surina tag
agentnatesewell · 1 month
Thank you darling @saintalessia @nat-seal-well @wayhavenots for tagging me for some kisses made in this picrew!
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Nate x Surina // Surina x Nate (twc)
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Adam x Layla (twc, that kiss at the end of book three)
This is such a sweet picrew! Tagging @evilbunnyking @nathanielhsewell @delucadarling @ejunkiet @grapecaseschoices @crownleys @agentark @toads-treasures and YOU!!
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iambittythings · 1 year
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Commissions from Furnal Equinox 2023! These are all tagged or named in my big thank you thread on twitter, but here is the list!
Ooky Spooky Comm, Kazooie
Ooky Spooky Comm, Kryo
Ooky Spooky Comm, Stressed Out Mess Comm, Surina
Comfy Cozy Comm, ExGriffins
Comfy Cozy Comm, for Portly Possum Seel OC
Comfy Cozy Comm, for Worms of Homemade Horrors, Rat OC gift
This was my first time taking proper illustrated commissions at a show, and I'd originally planned to take a max of 9 in total, 3 per day. I was so swamped with people, there was almost no time I wasn't interacting with someone, i cut that down to 7 on Saturday at 1pm. People were still interested, I just did not have time! And my wrist let me know it was done with my productivity nonsense. (Listen to your body kids!)
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trancowboy · 5 years
1, 2, and 17 :)
surina! hi pal, i miss you
1. what did you learn about yourself this year?
i can do a lot more than i thought
2. best moment of the year?
starting hormones
17. what are some hobbies that you developed?
i didn’t develop any new hobbies but i picked up playing video games again
end of the year asks.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
Because I have Bloomic MC Brainrot ...
i started musing about what my MCs call their partners when mentioning them to other people; then it extended to a couple of my other modern games.
Blooming Panic.
Alana (refers to NT as): Partner.
Zuriel (refers to NO as): Boyfriend
Lala (refers to xyx as): Signficant Other
DeAnte: This is QUEST, my ---  (Typically Partner). But among familiars it is definitely boyfriend.
Irvin (refers to Leon as): Boyfriend
Emile (refers to Cressida as): Girlfriend or Partner
Nicola (refers to Yakov by): His name. But occasionally boyfriend.
Kendis: Whatever irritates Cyrus. But boyfriend, my boo, my significant one.
Kai: This is Natalie (it’s about the tone). Partner. 
Pierre (refers to Felix as): Boyfriend
Tareq (refers to Ava as): My dear one. (Yes, he’s always flirting with Ava even when she’s not there. He just knows she’ll know.) 
Andy (refers to Mason by): His name. (Another it’s about the tone). Live-In Lover
Kendis: This is Nate ... he’s. Nate. (Their significant one as well. Eventually.) Though in the distant future: This is my romantic best friend Nate and our mutual platonic best friend Adam. 
Val (refers to Adam as): Oh. That pain in my ass? Yeah, he’s with me.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 years
candy, bee, sunlight
candy: You’re sweet!bee: you're funny.sunlight: we're mutuals and I love u
I LOVE YOU TOO SURINA!! I hope school is going well
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bisexualgarrus · 3 years
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@natehsewell tagged me to do myself vs a favorite oc on this picrew. and here you have them, three bisexuals starting at each other <3
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atticuos · 7 years
hey! it's been ages since i've talked to you, hope you're doing well 💝
It’s been a while indeed, it’s just I’m not on tumblr as much as I used to, I’m good, just trying to take it easy, HOW ARE YOU?
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amlovelies · 4 years
I was tagged by @vienocalledmebuddy and @agentsewells-manbun to make my detectives in this picrew
Thank you for tagging me! 💜
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1. Meghan Elm (Nate)-who wants to take care of everyone around her often at the expense of herself
2. Surina Batra (Ava)-more easygoing than Ava deserves tbh. Big team player but she does enjoy flustering Ava with a bold flirt ever so often
3. Ximena Becerra (Farah)-my poor girl who always seems to fail her stat checks, but she’s trying!
4. Jessica Davis (Felix) -doesnt mean to come across as intimidating as she does, but her almost six foot height doesn’t help things
I tag anyone who sees this! Please tag me so I can see your detectives! 💜
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angstmongertina · 4 years
Not the Detective!AU
Tagged by @quilleth to talk about what my Wayhaven Chronicles detectives would be doing if they weren’t The Detective! Gonna go ahead and tag @corgi-shepard and @jedimasteramell to join in the party. :D
Let’s see...
Surina Langford: Surina is pure, concentrated nerd with precious little people skills and absolutely no combat, so she’d probably be doing something very science/knowledge oriented. Research at a university, maybe. Something that just lets her be a science nerd in peace. She’d probably still be friends with Verda (met in university or something). Just don’t get her started on pseudoscience or question her knowledge; her lack of combat will not stop her from trying to fight you.
Elodie Lin: Elodie is basically Surina with more people skills. She loves science but she also likes to help people and joined the PD for that purpose. Ironically enough, if she hadn’t joined the PD, she’d probably have ended up as a doctor or something else medical related, working in the hospital that is so at odds with the PD. Which, incidentally, could possibly have her stumbling on the whole supernatural thing because of the “disease” in book 2...
Victoria Greene: Tori is serious, if sarcastic, a closet nerd, and joined the PD for its structure and rules. She is also good at combat and has little to no people skills (she really is a bit of a snarkier A) so she might actually be a good fit for the military or something along those lines. If her family didn’t approve of that, then she’d probably find herself bouncing around and eventually join a company? Probably a tech company since... you know, lack of people skills.
I’ve got a few more detectives in the work (and skipped my first LT character since I ported her from 7KPP), though they haven’t been fully fleshed out yet. But this was a lot of fun! Thanks for the tag! :D
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spaceokase · 4 years
Mutual Faith
Tiamat was new to Zephrine’s life, at least as far as Zephrine knew, and she was mysterious, wondrous and terrifying all at once. She was a stranger, vast and unknowable, yet there was a familiarity to her that made Zephrine feel at home. Despite everything, she trusted her, and made no attempt to resist as the goddess took a large, draconic hand and lifted her chin with a firm, yet gentle precision. She tilted her face upwards so Zephrine could look into her eyes, dark, ethereal and full of twinkling stars.
“Zephrine, I see someone who is smart, who is beautiful, who will achieve great things. You have nothing to fear from failure, my child. You will become whoever you wish to be, and this world will be better for it.”
In that moment, Zephrine believed her, and she let that carry her onward even when the darker realities of the material plane reasserted themselves.
Encore’s response to her new faith was expected, in some respects. The siren made no secret of his distaste for gods, or anyone with authority really, so his distrust of someone who was both of these things was hardly surprising. His distrust of the one responsible for the mark appearing on Zephrine’s arm, even indirectly, was even less so.
“I doubt the veracity of her claims, I doubt her intentions and I don’t like how this was thrust upon you. But if there’s anyone who can and will use the powers given to them for good, it’s you.”
As the wind swirled between them and the glow of the setting sun surrounded them on the airship, Zephrine solemnly smiled and thanked him for trusting her. Only months later, however, did she fully appreciate the gesture he had made, and the sentiment of his words.She would take note to try her best to remember his faith in her, even when they disagreed with each other.
Therila looked thoughtful, as she often did, when Zephrine asked if her newfound faith bothered her. She answered in her usual forthright manner, never one to dance around the opinions of others.
“It still does, a bit. I don’t really have much time for the gods at the best of times, and Tiamat doesn’t have the reputation she does without reason. I don’t believe in her, and I doubt I ever will. But I believe in you, Zephrine.”
As if she had anticipated that it wasn’t exactly the response her partner was hoping for, Therila punctuated the last sentence by cupping Zephrine’s cheek with her hand. They bore the roughness of someone who spent the majority of their life outdoors, and her touch was firm, carrying Therila’s unwavering certainty with it. Zephrine found herself melting into her caress, and she felt the warmth in her chest spread, faith and love mixed seamlessly into one. 
Helena’s faith in Zephrine was incredibly slow to start, in no small part due to Zephrine herself. Zephrine had done herself no favors when they met, pushing the tiefling away, finding her cloying, too childish and too naive to be reliable in any capacity. It was only after their experiences in Galindan’s tomb that things began to change, when Zephrine saw that Helena was in fact incredibly capable, and Helena saw that despite Zephrine’s past behavior and newfound deity, she was not an evil person. They spoke about it shortly after, as Helena aired what was running through her thoughts.
“I had my doubts about working with you again, but after what the temple guardian said, I realize I don’t have the full picture. There’s more to Tiamat, and there’s more to you, too. I know we haven’t always gotten along, but after everything in that tomb, with everything that’s happened… I trust you implicitly.”
It was at that point, as Zephrine smiled in response, that they found they both had common ground. They both wanted to be better people, and ultimately, they both wanted to help others. As they embraced in the morning sun, apologizing for past transgressions and vowing to treat each other better going forward, it was a promising sign that no matter how poorly things started, they always had a chance to change for the better.
Lazuli looked sheepish when Zephrine made her recent ire known. The khenra woman clearly felt somewhat bad for spilling her secret, but her explanation for the slip-up was earnest. Lazuli often was earnest, almost to a fault, which Zephrine was very quickly discovering in their brief time together.
"It's easy to forget how people see Her when you're such a good example of what she stands for." 
Those words made Zephrine’s anger dissipate, gone in an instant with the gentle breeze that blew between them. Lazuli’s mistake might cost them later, but it was hard to stay upset when it was just that. A mistake. Being referred to as a good example of Tiamat’s principles quite possibly helped evaporate the frustration as well. Just possibly. Maybe. Either way, Lazuli’s words were important, and Zephrine would do her best to carry them with her.
Surina’s response to Zephrine’s declaration that she would use her status as Hierarch for good was surprising at the time, though in retrospect, perhaps it shouldn’t have been. Surina had been with Zephrine through thick and thin, after all, and gone far beyond what she could ever ask of her or anyone else. The Scalepeeler brought Zephrine's fears and insecurities to the surface, but it couldn't destroy her love for Surina, just as it couldn't destroy Surina’s love for her, despite its best efforts.  
“I believe you will, too.”
All Zephrine could do was smile warmly and thank her in response. She knew that Surina’s faith and trust was hard-earned, and she knew that to have Surina declare it outright was even more so. Zephrine treasured it, and promised herself to never take that faith, that trust, or their friendship for granted.
There were others who entrusted Zephrine with their lives, others who believed in her and believed in her cause. There were those she’d saved, like Nat’s parents, or the people of Moonshadow, who didn’t know about her faith at all, but had faith in her. There were those she’d saved that knew everything and still believed in her, like Victor Garland, or Yara or Otyl. There were even those who didn’t know her personally, but knew her situation yet clearly saw something worth trusting, even a little, like High Cleric Efferil, or even, Zephrine started to suspect, Revered Mother Cothique, before her passing.
It was easy to forget that amongst the personal struggles, the greater tragedies and the distrust from those she didn’t know. It was so simple, so easy to focus on the negativity around her despite all the positives that it was genuinely distressing. Zephrine found herself lost in the despair of it without even realizing, and it had gotten bad enough that she genuinely believed her friends had lost faith in her. How could they not, after all, when Zephrine barely had faith in herself?
It took seeing Surina suffer under her possession, the realization that she had been suffering while Zephrine was oblivious and wallowing in her own despair, for Zephrine to understand  just how wrong this mindset was. Her god believed in her, enough to encourage her to claim her destiny. Her love believed in her, trusting her to accomplish her goals even in her absence. Her friends believed in her, staying with her even when things were at their darkest. Her god was practically all-knowing, and her lover? Her friends? They were amazing, talented, hard-working people. They were kind, and they were smart. They were good people, incredible people, and they believed in her. With how capable they were, would they really believe in someone who wasn’t worthy of that faith?
The answer should have been obvious, but now, instead of beating herself up for not realizing sooner, she let it lift her spirits higher. Instead of despairing, her heart soared. These wonderful, beautiful people of incredible merit that she believed in with all her heart, believed in her.
Never again would she let herself forget that.
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iironwreath · 2 years
Heirloom [Surina]
Surina was right. Her sister hadn’t been involved—at least, not in the way Valcyis suggested, with any sort of malicious intent. She expected to feel vindicated, but any validation was eclipsed by her sorrow, smothered by the grief and guilt that poured off her sister and filled the room with air that was hard to breathe.
For the first time since returning, it made Surina feel steady on her feet—it made her focused. For once, she could be sure of something. Amysic was always the monster; it was his machinations that sucked everyone else into his whirlpool of deceit. Their problems began and ended with him. It wasn’t vengeance anymore, it was clearing the way for an uncomplicated future. It was justice.
She understood becoming so single-minded you lost sight of everything else. That had been her anger. For Thava, it was her ambition, stoked by their parents’ judgement. Their trauma had become an heirloom, passed from Landgrave to Landgrave. 
Surina hugged Thava close. She would protect Thava from Amysic, and Thava from herself.
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agentnatesewell · 15 days
your note on the post about what would happen to adam if nate and suri broke up.... like they would just have to get back together. adam would just have to parent trap it or something and fix their relationship
First of all, thank you for reading the tags 🥹! That means to much to me
Your ask is making me laugh so much! The idea of Adam intervening and setting up a Parent Trap like plan to being Nate and Surina back together. I imagine, like with all Unit Bravo plans, Farah and Morgan are involved (who stays on the vineyard and who stays in the posh London apartment?)
But really, even though Nate and Suri are in a perpetual honeymoon phase, heart eyed with love and kisses and intimacy and friendship and happiness, the plan is that she will eventually turn. And when it comes to eternity, they’ll probably separate a time or two (and for a short period of time)
Adam, though, is in the middle of his oldest and dearest friend and the person who has designated him with the very important honor of best friend. I mean, something something once a knight always a knight, right? He can’t choose, he won’t let them make him take a side, sever him in half please!
I have been imagining him lamenting “you’re tearing me apart, [lisa]!”
What ends up happening is that he puts both Nate and Suri in a room, and makes it an official order to work it out. They do. They do work it out, in spades. Turns out they still haven’t signed the divorce papers, and the separation is over
And Adam can finally rest
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panicfast · 6 years
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more boring portraits el oh el but I’m definitely getting more comfortable painting faces
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trancowboy · 6 years
hey hope you’re doing well, just wanted to check in :)
hey, buddy! i’m doing pretty well, actually. been working hard on getting better and i’ve made a lot of progress so far. hope you’re doing well too
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 years
hi i haven't talked to you in 9 million years what's up how have you been??!!?!
SURINA HI!!! I’ve been alright, I start my new job on Monday and I have this week off of work, except I’m sick so that’s no fun. 
HOW ARE YOUU? How’s grad school? 
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
OC Association tag game
@laufire-writes tagged me over so long ago, I’ve been very slowly working on this, so here goes ...
I am tagging anyone who wants to do this, because this was extensive lol (but PLEASE feel free to at me if you do, because I would love to see what you associate your characters with!!)
Rules: Describe your OCs As…
— dawn - Enriqueta Villemont (Speaker)/Kaylee Moyano - the first hopeful sunrays crawling between mountaintops after a bleak starless night, shinning light on the teardrops of morning dew.
— noon - Paulette Lundy - the sun at its zenith, warm and suffocating and apologetic, too bright to look at directly.
— dusk - Ariel Centofanti - the sun setting calmly over the sea, illuminating and distorting its depths for one eerie moment.
— night - Anouck Rhys (Fallen Lights) - rich darkness contrasting with a shiny starry sky; a time for mystery and danger and solitude.
— friend - Irvin Etienne (KOTSAM) - steady, joyful; willing to share and share alike, ready with an uncomplicated gesture of companionship.
— lover - Surina Kingston (TWC/WTS) - giving but still wants to take; devoted and possessive; a love defined by action.
— ex - Callen Jeune (Speaker) / Carter Pushkova - disruptive, bitter, unforgettable, haunting.
— enemy - Andy Yasar (The Exile & TWC) - a force, an antithesis; the one with the plan, five steps ahead, impossible to anticipate and defeat.
— spring - Dubois Blackwell - the first sprouts breaking the barren ground and the light pink flowers covering the treets.
— summer - Luckner Occean (WTS) / Henry Parish - bright light tempering cold dispositions, pearls of fresh sweat glistening over sunkissed skin; a ripe red fruit ready to bite into.
— autumn - Kendis Crawford-Louel (KOTSAM & TWC)/Kendis Lateth (The Exile) - a explossion of warm colour as the cold inevitably advances.
— winter - Fabi Gustave (WTS) - frozen, static, ready to be awakened and shaken.
— tornado - Amos Pascale (WTS) - rambunctious, disorderly; it’ll pass through your life so quickly you won’t believe how much change it leaves behind.
— wildfire - Rene Casimir - burns everything on sight, without care to see the lives destroyed, feeding and growing and gaining terrain.
— earthquake - Carmela Brown (FHR) - starts deep, invisible; can go unnoticed until it reaches a scale that won’t leave a stone unturned or anybody standing.
— tsunami - Reuben Casseus (FHR) - gives you the briefest of warnings before the attack, swallowing and embracing and possessing everything in its path, bringing with it other unforetold catastrophes.
— mountain - Xhyera Sarnan (The Exile) - firm, high, broad. Casts a long shadow, and takes effort to reach its esteem.
— forest - Zaine Takzedh - a complex interconnected ecosystem; a keeper of secrets.
— ocean - Delilah - ancient, deep, layered, enigmatic; pleasant and refreshing or fearsome and overpowering.
— desert - Lucienne Saintilus - thriving in impossible conditions; a contradiction between day and night.
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