#survivor royale cheat
xenodile · 8 days
Dawntrail deals heavily with the idea of "proving your right to exist" and how self-destructive that line of thinking is. Each of Wuk Lamat's opponents in the Rite of Succession have something to prove that "justifies" their existence.
Bakool Ja Ja is the sole survivor of hundreds of stillborn siblings and a victim of eugenics that has spent his entire life being told he has one purpose, and that if he fails in that purpose, he is a waste of skin that should never have been born. As a result, he's a bully with horrible self-worth, who feels he HAS to lie, cheat, threaten, and kill to prove he's good enough to someone that sees him as a tool, and justify why HE was the one that lived among his hundreds of brothers and sisters that never got the chance.
Koana is so fixated on foreign technology and innovation because he needs to prove that Gulool Ja Ja adopting and raising him was "deserved", he NEEDS to "earn" his place in the royal family by making Tuliyollal a better place to live.
Zoraal Ja is a miracle child, born in circumstances no one ever thought possible, but he can't figure out what his purpose is supposed to be. Everyone told him as he grew up he'd be a great Dawnservant and surpass Gulool Ja Ja, but he could never live up to the impossible standard set by his father. He thought he was meant to be Gulool Ja Ja's heir, but his father instead adopted two other children, whom by Zoraal Ja's account, Gulool Ja Ja was more attentive too. In his eyes, he was unwanted by his own father, and nothing he ever did ever measured up to the expectations placed on him, so he wondered why he was even born when the world didn't seem to want him.
The reason Wuk Lamat succeeds is because she's driven by her own belief and desire, rather than a need to live up to a perceived standard. She is happy and content with a life that is, in a grander scheme, totally pointless. She enjoys the food she likes, she talks with people and makes friends, she just enjoys being alive and doesn't fight with herself trying to justify why she deserves to be happy, nor does she place expectations on others to prove why they should be able to live happily. Her motivation in the Rite of Succession is to maintain that simple, pointless happiness for herself and others.
After the Rite of Succession is finished, we meet Wuk Lamat's foil in Sphene. Sphene similarly just wants to protect the mundane, unconditional happiness of herself and her people, but in her case, she was created to do so, both as an individual and as a system. Because of the violence inherent to the system she was built to sustain, Sphene finds herself trapped in a contradiction wherein the action she MUST take to preserve the Endless is incompatible with what she as a person wishes to do, so in order to fulfill the purpose she was created for, she has to destroy her sense of self and identity. When Sphene is defeated, her individual desire overcoming the purpose she was built for and she is able to reflect on the harm she caused without managing do to what she was made for, she expresses the sentiment that she was a flawed creation that should never have existed. Wuk Lamat and the WoL both refute that idea, telling Sphene that even if she ultimately failed, her life still had meaning, because regardless of her "purpose" she brought happiness to others simply by existing.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
As the events are closing for requests I would like to request Gojo x reader royal au but with jujutsu sorcery
Reader is the general of a kingdom whose king is Satoru's father. Satoru is the crown prince. Reader is the strongest special grade with her powers on par with Gojo. The king orders yn to lead the army to conquer over an evil kingdom and take its people under his reign. Reader and her huge army who she is very close to leave for the mission but her army dies in the war and only reader survives . In rage of losing her army and her mentor who taught her everything she solos the opponent king Mahito and comes with victory. But she is the lone Survivor because she was the strongest.
Reader on coming home has survivors guilt and thus she comes to her boyfriend for comfort. But she finds him sleeping with other women and upon confrontation he blames her for always choosing her work despite the fact that instead of resting in her free time reader would try to satisfy his needs . She goes to her parents who has disowned her because instead of marriage she chose to work for king. They refuse to let her in the house
Reader is lonely, depressed and heartbroken from all of this and goes into depression . She spends two months in her large house crying blaming herself. The king has given her permission to rest . The king decides that yn is best suited as Gojo 's bride who will now become king so she can guide him in his new journey. So he invites reader to the ball telling that he will announce her and Gojo 's wedding there. She dresses beautifully but her mind is not stable due to losing her army, love and parents. Gojo who was already hopelessly in love with reader asks her to dance with him. They dance so beautifully that everyone cheers for them. After which kings announces his decision to get them married. At the end of the party when Gojo wants to meet yn to show her the royal palace and confess his love he finds reader has gone home. He thinks something is wrong because she would not leave until his father asked her to
He goes to her house to find reader crying and he sees that she had cut herself with her sword as self harm. He tries to comfort her and she tells him why she was crying and all her pain. Gojo confessed his love and tells yn he will love her and take her trauma. They get married and they start rulling together and Gojo heals her
You can decide the story how he heals reader and reader starts to love him. No hurry write whenever you want to. Just take care of yourself
Have a good day my favourite writer
Lose everything and regain even more
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Prince Gojo x general reader (royal au)
Summary: You've lost an entire army. Your parents kicked you out. Your boyfriend cheated on you and left you. You've lost it all, but you'll gain the love of the prince who was in love with you.
Warnings: blood, death, Self-harm
"I lost everything... I lost my army because I was a bad leader... I lost my lover because I couldn't please him... I lost my parents because I gave myself to fighting instead of a planned marriage..."
"You haven't lost people who believe in you... You have lost a lot for my father's kingdom. Because they weren't enough for you. They weren't enough. They couldn't reach you. That's why they stayed behind. Lost. Because they've lost sight of you. You didn't lose them. They've lost you. So are your beloved and your parents."
"My army... You entrusted them to me, Your Highness..."
"I have entrusted them, freedom fighters and the lives of others, to your care. Under your orders. To guide them with motivation. Because winning with such a monster is something. Every lost life has meaning. Therefore, you must know that people dying at his hands died for something. Most of them died for you to fight. They died so you could keep fighting. and come back. May you defeat the enemy and return home victorious."
"Does the Kingdom need someone who loses everything?"
"There is no man who has not lost something in his life. Even if that person seems to have everything they could possibly want."
"And do you have everything you dream of, Your Majesty? Have you ever lost anything?"
"I have almost lost someone very close to me. Because she thought it would be better if she died on the battlefield with the others. And now he thinks he's losing everything. Even though she will gain a lot more than she already had."
Your legs were heavy as you trudged through meadows and forests on your way home...
Silence Whistling in your ears.
The last time you walked this road, it was filled with the conversations of the people walking, and also the footsteps.
It was so quiet now.
Even though half a day ago you were still at the side of these people...
Their dead bodies lay on top of each other. Their deformed or severed heads when you had to keep fighting.
The stench of blood that entered your nostrils. Just seeing it all hurt.
You've seen many things in your life. But never as horrible as you've experienced so far.
And you wonder why it was you who survived...
Why you and not one of the other sorcerers who fought with you. Why are you alive and people who had families left.
You had little before. Now you have even less.
Besides having a job with the king as a general, you've lost part of your family connection.
And the person you consider family is now lying in the sand, his dead body cold.
Your mentor is gone... Everyone who was in the army you ruled... They're all dead... You're the only one standing and breathing... Why is everything so unfair...?
Even if you managed to stop that horrible King Mahito, at what cost?
They all died. Only you are alive...
You were supposed to conquer the enemy kingdom ruled by him - Mahito. You were supposed to liberate the people who were his subjects. People who begged for help.
However, you didn't know, no one knew, that he uses his Jujutsu to mutate people. His mindless monsters were killing your soldiers. While you were fighting him.
As you were spitting blood from the exertion and pain, you finally managed to calm down.
But when you got to your feet after defeating the evil king, everything was empty.
They were all on the ground. No person stood straight on their feet. They were all on the ground covered in blood. With their bodies completely cold.
Only you stood there and lived.
However, after the blind spot images, your psyche died.
Fields and meadows of dead bodies.
Exactly as it was in the letter from the evil king.
"Let the rivers run with blood. Bloody waterfall. Let brains bloom in the meadows instead of flowers, in pots made of skulls. Let the fields be tilled with fists. attacks. Let the tears be sown. And dead bodies will grow on the ground like the most beautiful flowers."
You were the strongest sorcerer in the whole kingdom. In the world. Only one person has surpassed you. The prince of your kingdom. future king.
Gojo Satoru.
Unfortunately, his Father does not allow him to go into battle in unfamiliar territories. Even if he is the strongest. Untouchable.
And so his Father feared for him so much. Because he is the future king.
He is the treasure of the whole kingdom.
So he didn't want anything to happen to him.
It was understandable to everyone.
The king had you. A person who was almost as strong.
You were the general of the kingdom.
Even if there was someone stronger than you. Your Jujutsu wasn't weak. You weren't weak.
The king has chosen you.
He thought you were the perfect candidate for the position.
you were nice. But also ruthless. You were smart and strong. He liked you. His son too. You had a very good idea of ​​what goes on in wars.
Especially when it's Jujutsu sorcerer wars.
The gate to the city was immediately opened for you, and the guards took you to the medic.
Where it was assumed that apart from a wounded psyche, nothing serious happened to you.
You spent several hours in the royal hospital with the best care.
The kingdom's chief medic used a reverse cursed technique to heal your wounds.
But the reverse cursed technique doesn't work on a human spirit.
That's why Ieiri told you to go to your loved ones for comfort. And you also got a break from work for the next time.
This decision of the king met with support and also with indignation of some people. However, he did not want to change his mind.
Because of all his people, you needed comforting the most.
That's why you went home to meet your boyfriend.
His house.
You live closer to the castle than he does...
He was supposed to be your fiancé. He was supposed to be your husband. However, everything has been moved by the position you got.
You can't be a wife and a general.
You had to choose either your husband or your job.
You had to rethink it all.
To calmly think longer about what you will do in life.
You needed a moment to help you with this.
That's why you took a quiet break.
But now that you were going to go there, you started to think more and more about it.
Maybe you'll give up and stay with him forever? Why don't you give up your life as a general to be in a quiet house all the time?
Without knocking on the door, you walked in, taking off your shoes to walk around the house in socks.
You looked into the rooms. According to the neighbor, your boyfriend didn't go anywhere.
That's why you went there to meet him.
But when you entered his bedroom, you saw his silhouette in bed. And two other women lying there with him. naked.
Her eyes widened and you felt yourself go cold. It's like your heart has stopped.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
You entered the room and looked at your boyfriend.
His eyes widened when he saw you.
He thought you died. Since no one came back, neither could you.
But you were standing there in front of him now.
Watching in disgust as the two women cling to him as if they needed protection.
Your energy around is definitely sad. And also furious.
"(y/n). You're back." He said with a slight smile. "Nice to see you."
"Nice? I see you had other fun while I was gone." you growled.
"You were never home."
Your eyes widened when you heard that.
"You can't deny it. Every time I needed you, you weren't there. You have always chosen a job! What for? To be by the king's side! I've been waiting for the moment when I found out you're giving body to the prince! I saw how he looked at you in one moment!"
"You are ridiculous! I never betrayed you! And apparently it was my mistake..." you snorted. "No matter how hard I tried to juggle our common needs with work, you never had enough. Do you think it's so cool for me? Run from the castle all the way here to take care of you?!"
"It doesn't matter anyway! We are no longer a couple! I don't want someone who puts fame, power, and work ahead of a relationship!"
"We don't want a daughter who chose to take a job with the king instead of marrying. It is a disgrace to us that our daughter is doing a man's job."
That's what you heard from your parents when you stopped on their doorstep.
They weren't proud of you. They weren't happy that you were alive after all that.
All they ever wanted from you was that you get married and have children.
They didn't want you to be such a strong sorcerer.
They only wanted you to fulfill your role as a woman...
And because you didn't do it the way they wanted, they closed the door on you, leaving you on the doorstep.
Not letting you into the house.
Because they have disowned you...
When you were banished from your family home, you were supposed to get another home. A house where you're supposed to get so much more than you got from your own family...
"(y/n) (l/n) as the general of my country and at the same time a woman, she is the perfect bride for my son. Please give her a message that I am proposing that she be Satoru's bride in two months. The perfect candidate for him. Similar age, similar strength that will provide a powerful future heir to the throne. My grandchildren. She will lead my son as king. Being his wife, lover and hopefully the mother of his children."
Normally your eyes would shine if you received such a message. But normally you'd have to say no, too. Because you had a boyfriend.
Now your eyes don't shine. They hurt from the tears you shed day and night.
Your whole eyes, red. Aching from lack of sleep.
Tears for what you've lost...
you lost everything...
And you haven't left the house for two months.
You are plagued by dreams of the death of everyone you have led into battle.
You are haunted by the words of your father and ex-boyfriend.
It's all bothering you.
Because you've already lost everything...
And now you were going to be the prince's bride?
You won't say no, because maybe at this point your father will be proud of you. You'll have the perfect husband...
Nor will you refuse because you have nothing else left in your life...
You will let the prince use your body to bear his children. Because you've lost the feeling that you're good for anything else.
Since no one loves you anyway... You can do something useful...
You had the messenger tell the king that you consented to this.
You've been home for two months... For two months the servants from the castle have been bringing you food because you didn't want to leave.
But tonight you had to get ready for the ball.
You got a dress from your fiancé especially for this occasion.
Once you got to the castle, the women started taking care of your hair and little things to make you look perfect at the ball.
"You look beautiful."
You looked at him as he entered the room.
His smile as he sat next to you at the king's table.
You've always had a seat closer to the king than others.
But now you were sitting next to the prince as he looked at you with a slight smile.
His white clothes fit his body.
He ran his fingers over your face as he saw you not eating or doing anything.
There were snacks and drinks on the tables.
He ate what he wanted in front of him.
Some people drank wine in goblets, some ate something. They were talking.
You sat there quietly, staring at the empty plate.
And it wasn't until he touched your cheek that you looked up at him.
The king, seeing this, smiled slightly.
But he knew that you hadn't smiled hard since the beginning of the evening.
And your smiles were more fake.
Your psyche was shattered.
But he hoped his son's love would fix you.
"Would you like to dance?" he asked you as he stood up. He gave you his hand.
After a moment's thought, you took his hand and let him lead you to the dance.
Then you heard his father say something.
And you understood what it was. He announced your wedding.
"Are you okay?" your fiancé asked you as he led you while music played in the banquet hall.
You didn't notice that people around you were looking at you and clapping. They cheered as they saw your movements go hand in hand.
Your body just followed his movements. Exactly as it was supposed to be.
"I lost everything... I lost my army because I was a bad leader... I lost my lover because I couldn't please him... I lost my parents because I gave myself to fighting instead of a planned marriage..."
"You haven't lost people who believe in you... You have lost a lot for my father's kingdom. Because they weren't enough for you. They weren't enough. They couldn't reach you. That's why they stayed behind. Lost. Because they lost sight of you. You didn't lose them. They've lost you. So are your beloved and your parents."
"My army... You entrusted them to me, Your Majesty..."
"I have entrusted them, freedom fighters and the lives of others, to your care. Under your orders. To guide them with motivation. Because winning with such a monster is something. Every lost life has meaning. Therefore, you must know that people dying at his hands died for something. Most of them died for you to fight. They died so you could keep fighting. and come back. May you defeat the enemy and return home victorious."
"Does the Kingdom need someone who loses everything?"
"There is no man who has not lost something in his life. Even if that person seems to have everything they could possibly want."
"And do you have everything you dream of, Your Majesty? Have you ever lost anything?"
"I have almost lost someone very close to me. Because she thought it would be better if she died on the battlefield with the others. And now he thinks he's losing everything. Even though she will gain a lot more than she already had."
Your eyes gleamed slightly as he leaned in at the end of the dance with the end of the music.
What is he talking about?
Someone important to him?
He picked you up and pulled you into a slow dance to match the melody.
"Your Majesty?"
"Call me Satoru. You will be my wife." He said with a smile as he gently placed his hand on your waist.
He suddenly rested his head on his chest, which surprised him, but he smiled. You felt pain as you remembered what you saw.
Why did you survive?
Why are you getting a prince as a husband now, even though you failed as a commander for the army?
"You don't have to worry about anything. I will be with you."
His smile faded as you gently pulled away from him, saying you'd like to go somewhere quiet for a while.
He let you, but you didn't let him go with you.
That's why he waited at the entrance to the ballroom until you came back.
He was not a patient man.
Plus, he was already hopelessly in love with you. That's why he wanted to confess his love to you.
He wanted to hear your opinion about him.
That's why he followed you.
He's been looking for you all over the castle.
He wanted to show you everything around. He wanted to talk to you. He wanted to tell you his feelings.
He was so excited about it.
However, you were nowhere.
And one of the maids said you were leaving the castle.
That's why he ran after you to find you on the way.
He wanted to go to your house.
Because maybe you didn't know, but he was one of the people who brought you food when you were tired of your psyche.
He didn't knock on the door when he got there.
He just went inside and looked for you inside.
He walked around your house.
And just as he was about to give up, he heard your quiet sobs from behind the wall.
As he hurriedly opened the door, he saw you sitting on the floor next to the bed, sword in one hand while the blade fragment on the side disappeared into your hand as you cut your own skin.
Quick drops of blood trickled from your hand as your eyes were closed.
Crying mostly from the soul pain that lingers in you.
Not to mention the pain you felt in your hand.
You pulled the sword from your wound, blindly wanting to make another cut.
However, the metal has disappeared from your hand.
You opened your eyes to see the crystal blue of his eyes.
He was kneeling in front of you holding your hands.
He hugged you suddenly and you felt a little lighter.
"What happened?" he whispered as he let you cuddle up to his arm.
"...I lost everything... They didn't lose me... It was my fault... I can't do anything for anyone else... I didn't live up to their expectations... I can't be someone perfect for everyone... My boyfriend left me and cheated on me... My parents cursed me out and kicked me out of the house..."
"No one can be perfect for everyone. Nothing that happened is your fault. Maybe they're not in your life right now... But I'm with you."
You grabbed his clothes as you hugged him.
"I will accept whatever you feel. I'll help you carry it. I will live with you. I will never leave you. I will love you all my life. You will always be loved. You'll never get hurt like this again."
You just fall in love with him. And everything he says will be true. His love will repair all your wrongs.
Falling in love with him will be easy because you have already started falling in love with his smile.
And by losing everything, you managed to gain even more.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
The violent altercation resulted in police intervention. At first, Smith’s boyfriend claimed she had been abusive towards him. But later, Smith says he tried to blame it on his gender identity issues.“ While she was checked into a hospital to heal from the abuse she was reported to the police for stating that her abusive ex was transgender.
A UK woman has been summoned for an interview by Derbyshire Police over alleged “transphobic” behavior during her hospital stay at Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
Toni Smith* says she received the notice just after being released from the hospital’s mental health unit where she had been seeking treatment following a traumatic episode related to her past abuse by a trans-identified male.
Speaking to Reduxx and The Publica for an exclusive joint report, Smith explained that she was voluntarily admitted to Chesterfield’s Herrington Unit in January after contacting emergency services herself and explaining that she had self-harmed.
Smith is a survivor of repeat sexual and physical abuse — abuse she says she suffered at the hands of her transgender ex-boyfriend.
“When we met, he was a bodybuilder. His biceps were bigger than my head. I’d never met anyone as big as him.” Smith says, explaining that the two became an item in 2017. 
Just over one year into the relationship, Smith says she discovered that her partner had a proclivity for wearing women’s clothing and expressed a desire to transition.
“It completely blindsided me. I had thought for a while that he had [body] issues… at first, a lot of the habits he had were similar to the issues my body dysmorphia caused me. So I thought it was similar.” 
Smith notes that while she was not hostile to her boyfriend’s decision, she was not interested in affirming his declaration.
Given the gender ideology debate was still far-removed from mainstream popularity at the time, Smith says she had never given too much thought to the politics surrounding transgenderism 
However, her feelings about her partner’s “transition” were mixed.
“I knew straight away that I would not stay in the relationship. But I felt sorry for him, I wanted to help him feel comfortable with whatever life he was living, and I thought we could part as friends after that.” 
But it wasn’t long after that Smith says her partner became physically abusive towards her and their disagreements would often turn violent.
“He abused me horrifically,” Smith alleges. “One time, he sat on my chest and strangled me until I passed out.” 
The violent altercation resulted in police intervention. At first, Smith’s boyfriend claimed she had been abusive towards him. But later, Smith says he tried to blame it on his gender identity issues.
“He told me that the reason he’d strangled me and was so horrible was because he was jealous of me,” she explained.
Smith says the abuse continued to escalate, with her boyfriend’s gender identity becoming a catalyst for the continued deterioration of the relationship and her mental health.
“He would take my make-up and accuse me of cheating. He controlled the money but would message his family claiming I was spending it on myself or drugs. He also began coercing me into having sex with other men for money,” Smith says, explaining that “at first” he didn’t force her, but would instead invite men over and put her on the spot.
“One of them, near the end, injured me quite badly. [My partner] knew it was too much because it was the last time he made me do it. I think with others he told himself he wasn’t abusing me because I eventually gave in. He thinks that’s consent,” Smith says. “There was a lot of blood. I started getting pains after that low down in my stomach. After I left him one day I collapsed and started convulsing and the hospital found my birth control coil had been dislodged and was basically stabbing into my cervix and embedding in the inside of it.”
Smith provided Reduxx and The Publica a number of covert videos she had recorded while in the relationship. In one, he admitted to spraying a household cleaning disinfectant down her throat because she accidentally got facial toner on him while she was spritzing it on her face. 
In another video from April of 2020, Smith captured an interaction with her partner, who is seen wearing long red-dyed hair and pink pajama pants, becoming angry at her for singing in the bedroom — something Smith says she was doing to block out the verbal abuse he had been directing at her.
The interaction ends with him storming out to shut the house’s electricity off, leaving Smith in pitch-black darkness while he calls her “abusive.” 
Smith alleges that after she stopped recording to go turn the electricity back on, he kicked her into a wall.
Disturbingly, Smith says her partner then reported her for a “hate crime” for not sufficiently affirming his gender identity — something she says had happened multiple times before in their relationship. 
Police attended the residence, but classified it as a simple domestic dispute with no intervention needed.
The next day, Smith decided to end the relationship.
“The day I left, I was begging him to get help. He told me he wouldn’t … so my friend called me a taxi and I left. I went up to the north of England, at which point I suppose he realized I was not actually going to come back to him. He started threatening to kill himself unless I did, but I refused.”
Over the coming week, police contacted Smith with questions about the relationship, clearly concerned about the distressing number of calls that had come out of the residence over time. 
Smith finally opened up to officers about the abuse after the relationship ended. Merseyside Police arranged for her to record a video statement, and Derbyshire Police took over the case.
In June of 2020, two months after Smith left, her ex was arrested while police investigated Smith’s claims of having been sex trafficked by him.
“The reason it took them so long between my statement and arresting him was because they went through every report he’d made against me. He’d been reporting me without my knowledge and there were so many reports it took them a couple of weeks to make sure they’d closed all of his, which they said they now regarded as malicious and false,” Smith explained.
Reduxx and The Publica reviewed communications exchanged between Smith and a constable with the Derbyshire Police, in which “she/her” pronouns were used for her abuser.
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No charges were ultimately pursued and minimal details were provided to Smith on why that decision had been reached.
“[The constable] came and said that his superior felt there wasn’t enough evidence and refused to even ask the crown prosecution service for a decision. He just closed it with no further action.”
Though Smith expresses her relief that the relationship had ended, she continued to struggle with her mental health even after the break-up. 
She experienced depressive episodes, self-harm, and severe anxiety. At times, Smith says she was scared to leave the house out of fear she would see one of the men who had been apart of the sexual abuse she endured while with her ex.
In January of 2023, Smith says she had a severe self-harming episode, and contacted her local hospital for help. 
She was directed to the emergency room at Chesterfield Hospital due to a lack of space, and was ultimately admitted to the Hartington Unit, the hospital’s psychiatric facility. Smith was placed in the female section for treatment, where she would spend the next few weeks rehabilitating. 
While there, Smith befriended a few other female patients in the unit — one of which, unbeknownst to Smith, identified as non-binary.
“There was no mention of her being non-binary. I didn’t know. I had heard her make a comment about another patient, saying that she was ‘transphobic and no mental illness causes that,’ which I thought was strange,” Smith says, continuing: “But there was no mention of her identity specifically. She seemed to be on a low-end of having a mental illness and was very functional.”
While the two had an amicable relationship at first, things went downhill after the non-binary individual overheard Smith discussing her ex-partner with another patient.
“She heard me talking to this other lady in the common area … I was opening about my ex and mentioned he was transgender,” Smith explained. She says that after she came in from an evening cigarette break, the non-binary patient was “screaming at the top of her lungs” about trans rights.
“She was standing in the communal area, shouting ‘trans women are women,’” Smith says. “She was shouting it. This wasn’t a private conversation.”
Smith explains she immediately perceived the outburst as being directed at her, and approached the young woman to relay her own experience.
“I told her, ‘go and get raped by one and tell me how much of a woman they are,’” Smith says. “I didn’t shout at her, and then I walked off and went to bed.”
It was the next day that the incident occurred which was ultimately reported to police.
“I got into an argument with a nurse who kept insisting the shouting patient was non-binary, not female. That gaslighting affects me in a strange way, because of my experience. [The nurse] told me, ‘they’re not a woman,’ and I said, ‘yes she is, she’s on a women’s ward, for a start.’”
Smith says she got very upset, and the non-binary patient overheard the conversation and began shouting from another area, recognizing the conversation had been about her.
Smith’s new partner would later call the hospital to complain about the nurse’s conduct, concerned that they had caused her emotional distress.
“We could not work out how this hospital was, on one hand, supposed to treat me for my trauma which they understood was caused by a transgender male, and on the other, argue with me that a woman was not a woman.”
Smith says the incident made her  want to leave the hospital because she felt increasingly distrustful of the staff. 
She was discharged at the end of February, and, approximately one month later, was issued a notice from Derbyshire Police informing her she was required to attend the station for a formal interview.
In the letter, police explain Smith was alleged to have “performed a public order offense” in which she “directed words deemed offensive towards another individual on the ward.” 
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The date on the letter corresponds with the conversation Smith had with the nurse in the kitchen about the non-binary patient.
Smith explained that she was incredulous about the letter, taking particular issue with the fact police issued it despite knowing she had been a patient on a psychiatric ward receiving treatment for her mental health.
“This specific thing does not frighten me. I know they won’t be able to prosecute me. I know the law well enough… but the fact that the police are able to harass women because of their speech is frightening,” Smith says. “There’s nothing I said that is criminal. But it does worry me that they are doing this to women.”
Reduxx and The Publica reached out to Derbyshire Police for comment but did not receive a response to the inquiry.
In the interim, Smith says she has no intention of contacting police, noting that they have her contact information but have yet to reach out to establish a date for her station interview.
“If they want me to come down, they know where I am. This whole asking me to be proactive to arrange for my own police interview… I’m not going to do that. I shouldn’t have to.”
Smith only recently became more involved in discussions surrounding gender identity through online communities, seeking support for her past experience having been abused by a trans-identified male.
“This whole movement… it’s a misogynistic men’s movement, I feel. It has nothing to do with ‘trans rights.’ They’re going after vulnerable women, and demanding we change the way we see the world.”
Disturbingly, Smith is not the first woman in the United Kingdom to face police intervention after “offending” a transgender individual.
In January of this year, a disabled woman in South Wales had her home searched and was subjected to police detention after being reported for committing a “transphobic hate crime” for putting up stickers raising awareness about domestic violence. 
The next month, Caroline Farrow, a mother of five who has been outspoken against gender ideology, had her house forced into by Surrey Police after her social media activity was reported as criminal. Farrow had previously been investigated by police in 2019 for misgendering a trans-identified male on Twitter.
*Smith’s surname has been changed to protect her identity.
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Name: Atem
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!!!
Continuity: Anime
Age: 16-19 (RP dependant)
Height: 5'0"
Birthday: July 26th 1000 BC
Birthplace: Egypt
Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Pharaoh
Father: Aknamkanon (deceased)
Mother: Unnamed (deceased)
Yami Yugi Moto, was once a Pharaoh named Atem. His father had created the millennium items in an attempt to stop a great war from happening, only it cost the lives of thousands of people from a small village stricken with poverty and thieves. The Egyptian Gods themselves: Osiris, Ra and Obelisk had all planned to punish his father until he came to an ancient tomb the Gods choose as sacred ground to beg for them to punish him but leave Atem alone.
Despite being the heir of Egypt, he had a relatively happy childhood. His mother had died in childbirth but his father tried his best to make sure Atem would grow up to be a strong, kind and confident pharaoh one day. He would befriend his bodyguard, Mahad, and a girl named Mana who worked in the palace.
The three of them were best friends, Atem even saving Mahad's life from a venomous snake. A new priest was also appointed by the name of Seto, though neither of them knew they were actually cousins. He didn't even know that his father had a brother in the first place, likely their relationship was strained or kept a secret as to avoid the royal bloodline from being wiped out by assassins.
On the day he was appointed Pharaoh, shortly after his father had passed away from an illness, Bakura the thief king had stepped in to announce he would murder him. It turns out that the king of thieves was the only survivor from the genocide that occurred when making the millennium items. He would challenge him to a dark game, using spirits (or 'ka' as they are called). Though this duel would be cut short, Atem realized that a darkness greater than he could ever imagined was growing.
Zorc was the ultimate evil darkness, slowly processing the thief king Bakura and would soon kill Atem's closest friend, Mahad. His ka would be sealed within a stone tablet where he would now be referred to as the Dark Magician.
As Zorc was wrecking havoc across Egypt and close to destroying the world, along with the mayhem of Thief King Bakura fused with him, Atem would unleash a incredibly powerful spell that would seal Zorc and himself within the Millennium puzzle. This meant that Atem would now struggle against an inner darkness, one he had never known before. While Bakura's soul would be sealed inside the Millennium ring that he had stolen from Mahad.
Yet his plan was to someday become stronger and finally defeat Zorc, only he hadn't expected that his memories would be lost in the process. Though not entirely without a backup, for he had entrusted the Ishtar bloodline to forever relay his plan for generations to come. Though even he wouldn't know how violent that would turn out, for they would carve this plan onto their body.
Atem lay asleep within the Millennium pendent, it was shattered into pieces like a puzzle for someone to solve. Hoping whoever could solve it would be powerful enough to help stop Zorc.
A man named Sugoroku Moto would soon stumble across this puzzle on a archeology trip and would give it to his grandson, Yugi Moto. Upon completing the now millennium puzzle, Atem's darkness-infused soul had now fused with Yugi's. Now making him Yami Yugi.
He was incredibly sadistic at first with a love of games with gruesome endings for the loser. This included someone being burned alive if they cheated, sealed inside a giant egg or killing themselves. Yugi did not know of Yami Yugi's cruel nature, for their souls switching had been unknown to the younger one. Many would start to notice Yugi's voice grew deeper, he grew taller and he had a stronger approach to him.
Yet as time went on, Yami Yugi would finally begin to calm down with every duel. He was learning kindness again and to respect your losing opponent, it was just a baby step in defeating the darkness inside him since he had fused Zorc's evil within him.
Though soon enough, Yugi and Yami Yugi would find out their existence and learn to talk to one another. They would become an incredibly strong team, with the two of them referring to themselves as their other half. Had Yami Yugi had his own body, they might've even been twins to many people despite their difference in age.
Slowly but surely, Yugi would help his other half find out about his past and learn from Ishizu Ishtar that Yami Yugi was meant to save the world all over again from an evil power. Though it seems just who or what this evil was had been lost to time, even to the Tomb Keepers.
Yami Yugi currently remembers very little about his life before being sealed within the puzzle, though he does not remember his true name. Participating in Battle City was a lot for him to process so the two of them are currently taking things slow again as they wait for the stone tablet the Egyptian God cards were based on to be transported back to Egypt so he can face his destiny once and for all.
Although he was once incredibly sadistic and almost evil, the Yami Yugi today is completely different. He's confident, assertive, a believer in justice and kind towards those in need. If someone was being harassed, he is absolutely the type to step in and challenge them to a game that he knows he'll win. Even if it's a game he doesn't know, he's more than willing to learn as a lover of games.
Yet he isn't perfect either. Due to his high confidence, he had a tendency to crumble down and nearly give up if his plans don't go the way he wanted. He also holds a lot of guilt inside of himself when he can't help someone that he knows needed his help, like watching his friends nearly die from dark games. He also doesn't seem to understand when he's challenging someone who could absolutely beat him.
Yami Yugi and Yugi are currently labeled the "King of Games" after winning the Kaibacorp Battle City tournament, and mastering just about any game thrown at him.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 9 months
The Fear of Falling Apart
The Fear of Falling Apart https://ift.tt/uRUJ7Dj by AzirapheleCo 2016 was supposed to be the best year of Alex's life. His mom won the election, and he was graduating at the top of his class. Then, on the night of his graduation, he finds out his long term girlfriend, Eleanor Murphy, has been cheating on him for months. The two of them get into a car accident. An accident in which he's the only survivor. After much pestering from his family, Alex joins an online grief support group under a fake name. He starts to click with someone else in the group. Little does he know, his new pin pal is the Prince of England. Words: 876, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Ellen Claremont, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), Leo (Red White & Royal Blue), Liam (Red White & Royal Blue), Original Female Character(s), Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Martha Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Queen Mary (Red White & Royal Blue), Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Car Accidents, Original Character Death(s), Alternate Universe, Eventual Romance, POV Alex Claremont-Diaz, Alex Claremont-Diaz Needs a Hug, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Needs a Hug, Hurt Alex Claremont-Diaz, Inspired by All This Time - Nikki Daughtry & Rachael Lippincott via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/HPMCXYj January 13, 2024 at 10:46AM
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ancestorsofjudah · 10 months
2 Kings 10: 12-17. "The Shearing."
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So Jehu continues his reign of terror across Samaria and the finds himself a new Beau, Jehonadab whom he invites into his chariot to watch the rest of his conquest/revenge scheme against Judah and Israel for allowing Ahab and Jezebel, le fraternite du cuntay, which included Joram and Ahaziah, "seizing and grasping" take over the land.
In this phase of the slaughter, recall this means "to teach right from wrong" he attacks some shepherds, Rabbis and educators who are responsible for shearing the sheep- removing their resistance to adult authority figures early in life, paving the way for self governance just in time for citizenship which occurs rather early in life, around age 16 in most countries.
The presence of Ahab, Jezebel, Joram and Ahaziah, wicked, slutty, whoremongers and greedy, corrupt idolators must have framed this idea other than as God and the Law intended so bold statements by the new king, Jehu were required.
One can't successfully undertake early child development while men like Joram, AhazielDo, nald Trump or Rob DeSantis wax in popularity. "Do wash your hands before eating, don't cut in line, don't call people names, do be violent towards people who are black, do beat up people who appear to be too feminine or too masculine...don't cheat, but do cheat, it's okay, they'll look the other way..."
We don't mince words, we shear the right from the wrong always, what is ethical from what is not, this is what children need. And here begins the next section:
12 Jehu then set out and went toward Samaria. At Beth Eked "house of shearing" of the Shepherds, 13a he met some relatives of Ahaziah king of Judah and asked, “Who are you?”
13b They said, “We are relatives of Ahaziah, and we have come down to greet the families of the king and of the queen mother.”
14 “Take them alive!” he ordered. So they took them alive and slaughtered them by the well of Beth Eked—forty-two of them. He left no survivors.
15 After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Rekab, "willing to volunteer" who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, “Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?”
“I am,” Jehonadab answered.
“If so,” said Jehu, “give me your hand.” So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot. 
16 Jehu said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord.” Then he had him ride along in his chariot.
17 When Jehu came to Samaria, he killed all who were left there of Ahab’s family; he destroyed them, according to the word of the Lord spoken to Elijah.
So Jehu, In God's Name, finds himself a beuaregard, Jehonadab of Rechab, "willing to volunteer, to be the driver."
"The verb רכב (rakab) essentially means to utterly control or take utter control over, and is used to describe the riding of animals such as horses and camels, but mostly riding and controlling chariots.
The derived noun רכב (rekeb) literally denotes something driven or controlled, such as the heavy millstone of an industrial grinder, but is mostly used to describe chariots.
Other derivations are: the noun רבכה (rikba), a driving; the noun רכב (rakkab), driver; the noun רכוב (rekub), (God's) chariot; the noun מרכב (merkab), literally "place/agent of driving". This word is used to describe anything from a seat or saddle to the whole of an army's chariotry. The noun מרכבה (markaba) denotes a single chariot."
Jehu asks Jehonadab to board his chariot, quite an honor, and he offers to drive. This adds yet another gay royal couple to the Melachim, the mirror image of Joram and Ahaziel, who were nothing but spoiled rotten royal thieves.
For the people to witness this after Jehu reilluminated the essence of the Law to the court and the country after the reign of Ahab and Jezebel who certainly did not share any virtues with each other must have been therapeutic.
The Values in Gematria for the above verses, which show a typical six verse cluster-pattern are below:,
v. 12-13a: the Value in Gematria is 10057, י‎אֶפֶסה‎ז, Ephesus, "the Next Phase."
‎v. 13b: the Value in Gematria is 7620, זו‎ ב‎‎ אֶפֶס, "this is at zero."
‎v. 14: the Value in Gematria is 9457, טדהז‎, tadahz, "to love and to help."
‎v. 15: the Value in Gematria is 13814, יגחאד‎, yaghad, "God's gift of a young cattle."
"The verb גדה (gdh) isn't used in the Bible, but BDB Theological Dictionary proposes a meaning of to cut, cut or tear away. And that obviously links it to the verb גדד (gadad) treated above. In the Bible only the following derivatives remain:
The feminine noun גדה (gadda), meaning bank (of a river). It occurs only in Joshua 3:15, 4:18, 1 Chronicles 12:6 and Isaiah 8:7.
The masculine noun גדי (gedi), meaning kid (young animal), and that almost exclusively as source of a meal (Genesis 27:9, Judges 6:19, 1 Samuel 10:3).
The feminine plural noun גדיה (gediya), meaning kids (Song of Solomon 1:8 only).
It's a bit of a mystery how a young animal has anything to do with a river that cuts through a landscape, but perhaps the ancients saw the visual similarity between a large herd and a large body of water (especially herds of moving deer and the likes behave very much like a liquid).
Or perhaps they saw the progression of a species as a river with branches, not unlike our modern evolutionary "tree". But on the other hand, in the olden days a person's wealth was measured according to the amount of cattle he possessed, and every kid was in fair fact a walking dollar, insinuating that the noun גדי (gedi) may have to do with the noun גד (gad) meaning fortune."
‎v. 16: the Value in Gematria is 4410, דדי‎‎‎, "a brisket daddy."
‎v. 17: the Value in Gematria is 8949, חטדט‎‎, hatadt, "used terror to correct the misunderstanding."
Brisket is associated with Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Atonement:
In the Times of Ezra
It was Rosh Hashanah in Jerusalem and the Jews who had recently returned from the Babylonain exile to rebuild the Holy Temple gathered “as one person” to hear the Torah read by Ezra the Scribe. After hearing the Torah, the nation began to mourn and weep, realizing that it was the Day of Judgement and they had not fulfilled the Torah laws properly.
However, “Nehemiah . . . and Ezra the priest . . . said to all the people, ‘This day is holy to the L‑rd your G‑d; neither mourn nor weep . . . Go eat succulent (literally “fatty”) foods and drink sweet beverages and send portions to whoever has nothing prepared, for the day is holy to our L‑rd, and do not be sad, for the joy of the L‑rd is your strength.’ ”1
Thus, although Rosh Hashanah is a solemn day of judgment, it is also a day of festivities and rejoicing, for we are certain that the ultimate judge, “our Father our King,” will judge us favorably.2
Since the verse specifies fatty meat as exemplifying the tasty food one is to eat on this day, many have the custom to eat meat during the Rosh Hashanah meal.3"
SO Jehu and the new man in his life didn't end up being all that awful together in laying down their corrective courses of action for the people. The goal of their ride together in the chariot was to re-establish the Day is holy to the Lord and cannot be deferred to the whims of corrupt rulers. Once all the criminals in a renegade government are punished, most sane persons can be convinced to be amenable to this.
As for the joy riders, quite scandalous, this was necessary to upstage the unholiness Ahab began to breed out of the cunt of Jezebel for generations to come. If it wasn't for Elisha, the spirit of social economic freedom, the yearning of all persons in the world, they might have gotten away with it, too.
Just Imagine if Joe Biden were to stand in front of a podium and say to the whole world, "It has come to my attention that the Republicans cheated in the 2016 Election and Donald Trump was not legally sworn in. This crime will be punished without mercy as will all the crimes the Republicans, Mormons, Evangelicals and spooky freaky Pro-Lifers committed during and after this. America will soon be free of these sins and all will be able to rest easy once again..."
This is what implied by the Kabbalah called the Shearing, the demonstration of the proper social means of society from the top down, i.e. those prevent it from ending in shambles.
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crumbs of anastasia’s genshin impact verse is below the cut!
anastasia is a survivor of khaenri’ah, although her early ancestors were of snezhnayan ancestry. the romanovs, although part of the eclipse dynasty’s royal court, were one of the few parties involved that predicted, and manifested, the events of the cataclysm - and consequently the destruction of the godless nation.
the romanovs were known for their “blessing”, that being, the ability to cheat death and resurrect the deceased. they were also rumored to have hosted a servant of the abyss - a formless shadow known simply as viy, who offered their servitude in exchange for shelter to heal.
her hair was once a bright reddish-blonde like her father, but during the cataclysm viy sacrificed their physical form to absorb anastasia’s wilderness curse, which lead to anastasia being cursed with immortality instead.
anastasia possesses a cryo vision and is a catalyst user!
she used to spend her days within the snowy forests on the outskirts of snezhnaya, however she has since began to wander and explore the world now that five centuries had passed.
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judg333ment · 1 year
cain oliviera (children of orcus campaign)
some notes before we get started!
major content warnings for cult activity and parental manipulation.
also a bit of a disclaimer! cain was originally a dnd character for a campaign that was being run by a dm who’s special interest at the time was the first season of critical role! i’ve never actually seen or listened to critrole though so anything from critrole involved in this character is probably vastly different than how it was in the show because i took what my dm gave me and RAN. so if you see anything that seems like a critrole thing. no you dont.
one final note: i have a ton of aus regarding cain, one of which i consider just as mainline as his original universe! those aus are also linked
about cain
half sun elf, half human
druid, circle of the shepherd. was 26 at the beginning of the campaign (28 at the end)
agender; uses he/they pronouns as well as the neopronouns set ve/ver/vis/verself
neutral good alignment
6ft2in (188 cm), 168 lbs (76 kg)
quiet, timid, gentle. Sometimes seems stand-offish, but is really just anxious.
likes: hydrangeas, wine, fields, trees, pigs, ravens and crows, having their hair braided by someone else
dislikes: most social interaction (unless he’s comfortable with you), conflict / confrontation in a social setting (he’s a veteran adventurer but will avoid social conflict at any cost), those who trample others for personal gain, those who purposely cheat death at the expense of others, loud and crowded spaces, not getting enough sleep
read vis story under the cut!
Cain was born into a circle of druids that worked as shepherds and was mostly made up of elves and dwarves. Vis mother, a sun elf, was the leader of that circle, but ve did not know vis father, a human, who left not long after Cain’s mother became pregnant.
One night, Cain’s circle was attacked by a hill giant settled in the area. Cain was part of the group sent to try and fight the giant off, but the group ended up being utterly wiped out. Cain was the only survivor, but was injured and rendered unconscious until the following morning. When ve returned to the circle’s settlement, ve found it entirely abandoned. Unsure of vis mother and other loved ones’ fates — and terrified of the possibilities — Cain was devastated, and no longer had a home. Ve wandered aimlessly around the Coast, lost, afraid, and terribly saddened, until ve was found by a brave (and very loud) red dragonborn named Cormack, who took ver under his wing. Cormack, a cleric and soldier, was well aware of the growing threat the Giants inhabiting the Sword Coast were becoming to the smallfolk that inhabited there was well, and decided to start a company of adventurers to help protect the smallfolk from this threat. Not wanting to leave the person ve had begun to trust, Cain reluctantly decided to join them, but was slow to trust the new members. and was often too afraid to confront the Giants.
As time went on, though, Cain not only began to trust the other members of the company, but began to consider them vis new family. Ve went from having nothing to do with them to protecting them with vis very life, often at vis own detriment. Ve was still often anxious and afraid, but worked very hard to push past those fears in order to protect the people ve had grown to love.
The company ended up working with the Giant’s Royal Family in Faerun to put an end to the conflict that had been endangering the smallfolk. During this conflict, Cain had begun developing feelings on the shopkeep of the magic items shop the company frequented. One day, after completing a mission for the Royal Family, the party went to the shop to find it under attack by a lich claiming to be Cain’s father. He revealed he had plans to have Cain come with him and join his faith, but the company fought him off. They didn’t see him for a while after that, and not long after, Cain and the shopkeep started dating. Not long after that, while trying to resolve conflict with Ice Giants, a little gnome girl named Keira joined the company after running away from her stifling noble family. Cain ended up adopting Keira, and she stayed with ver for the rest of her life.
There was peace for a few years after finally helping the Giants solve their conflict, during which Cain and his boyfriend got engaged. However, the peace could not last forever, and before long the company was alerted to cult activity popping up around the Sword Coast. Pretty quickly, they learned that this cult was Cain’s father’s ‘faith’ — a cult that worshipped the Demon Lord of the Undead, Orcus. At this point, Cain had become quite the powerful druid, but vis father — a still more powerful mage than Cain, and also a lich — still intended on forcing ver to join him, no matter what. Not only that, but the main goal of the cult was to bring the Demon Lord into the Material Plane, ending the world as they knew it. Because of vis own personal connection to the situation, as well as vis respect for the natural circle of life and desire to protect others, Cain vowed to do everything within vis power to stop vis father and the cult.
Several times during their pursuit for information to stop a cult made of liches and aspiring liches, the company would commune with and visit the Raven Queen, who took a liking to Cain and vis respect of the natural circle of life. Because of this, she offered vee her blessing so ve could continue to carry out this mission, and ve dedicated vis life (and afterlife) to serving her.
The company soon learned that the best way to put and end to this cult was to collect a series of powerful magical items and use them to destroy the cult. They spent a long time gathering these items, and nearly (permanently) died several times in the process — and in order to obtain the final weapon, they had to fight an Ancient red dragon. It was quite a while before they succeeded in defeating the dragon, and they took their time after that before returning to the city. They returned to calamity, The cult had already begun the ritual to bring Orcus into the Material Plane, and it was too far along to be stopped. Most of the people in the city had already been killed and brought back as mindless undead hordes, ready to swarm all those who approached. Orcus was here, and he already had an army. The end, at this point, was nearly inevitable.
But all hope wasn’t lost quite yet. Keira, who had become quite the great bard (she canonically events the kazoo in this universe!) knew of one thing that could potentially save the world. She cast a Wish spell that sent the company back in time with the knowledge of what was about to come, allowing them to prevent the worst. They arrived in the city just barely too late to stop the ritual from beginning, but were able to stop Cain’s father from finishing the ritual and shoving Orcus back into the Abyss themselves, stopping the end of the world.
Peace lasted after that. Cain and vis fiancee got married, and later, so did Cormack. Cain, their husband, and Keira ran their shop and lived happily together. Cain, however, never entirely gave up adventuring, and continued vis work for vis goddess — traveling the world to protect the lord against malicious undead, helping villages with burial rites, and fostering nature and life. Vis power grew until ve became an Arch Druid, and with the extended lifespan achieved for Arch Druids as well as the blessing from vis goddess, ve essentially stopped aging — gaining the lifespan of a Sequoia tree. Through the magic and power of nature and the forces that protect it, Cain would live for another 3,000 years.
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However, though there was a unjustified and also unfortunate period of legislated genetic segregation for treaty Indians between 1885 and also 1951, and also various other small as well as huge prejudices from 1st contact to the here and now, European resolution starting in 1535 ultimately caused irreversible pacification (the termination of tribal combat and also the willful finalizing of treaties), the free of cost and also vibrant swap of indigenous products for International produced items for 250 years, 10s of billions of bucks invested because Association in 1867 to boost the health of native folks, and also an Indian Act (1876) as well as the Constitution Action (1982) - both rooted in the Royal Proclamation of 1763 - which described, enhanced, as well as maintained the exclusive liberties and also opportunities of aboriginals (especially their negotiation legal rights). The trick to a prosperous tribal interaction strategy is actually the ability to determine guys (Tribe Involvement Staff member) that have an unique present for cross-cultural competency and also property connection – that is actually, they have to become informed in the ways of the tribes and build powerful partnerships with them based on reciprocal count on and also purposes.
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hackerbanana · 2 years
Player unknown battlegrounds pc disc
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There are no two ways to play PUBG PC on your Windows PC. Processor – Intel Core i3-6600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600.Video Card – Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB.
Operating System – 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
Memory: 8GB of RAM and 30 GB of free disc space.
Here’s the kind of hardware we’d actually recommend playing PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds on. Minimum settings are never the ideal way to play a game, and PUBG is no exception.
Network Internet Connection – Broadband Internet Connection.
Graphics – Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB /AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB.
Processor – Intel Core i3-4340/ AMD FX 6400.
OS – 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
Powerful anti-cheat mechanisms ensure a fun and fair environment for all PUBG players. Invite and team up with your friends, coordinate your battle plan through voice chat, and set up the perfect ambush. Oh, and you like the pan? We’ve got the pan.Ĭommandeer a variety of vehicles including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and boats to hunt down your enemies, race them to the play zone or make a swift escape. Feel like you’re in the thick of the action as you play with high-quality audio, immersive 3D sound effects and 7.1 channel surround sound.Ī constantly growing lethal arsenal of firearms, melee weapons, and throwables with realistic ballistics and travel trajectories gives you the option to shoot, beat down, or incinerate your adversaries. The powerful Unreal Engine 4 creates a jaw-dropping visual experience with rich detail, realistic gameplay effects, and a massive HD map for Battle Royale. Get ready to land, loot, and do whatever it takes to survive and be the last man standing! Players have to locate and scavenge their own weapons, vehicles, and supplies and defeat every player in a graphically and tactically rich battleground that forces players into a shrinking play zone.
You will gain experience with more winnings currently being said “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.” PlayerUnkown’s Battleground (PUBG PC) Game freeload Full Versionġ00 players parachute onto a remote 8×8 km island for a winner-takes-all showdown. The game includes 100 players including yourself. They are doing this along with the veteran group at Bluehole. As the maker of the Battle Royale amusement mode found in the ARMA arrangement and H1Z1 – King of the Kill, Greene is working to make the most vigorous and different Battle Royale Game experience. PLAYERUNKOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS is also called Brendan Green, a pioneer of the Battle Royale class.
This game which is very realistic is set on a massive 8×8 island with other new maps in the latest update with a level of detail that showcases Unreal Engine 4’s capabilities. In the game, players start with nothing and must fight to locate ammo and supplies in a battle to emerge as the lone or group survivor. It is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. PUBG is a third-person survival-based game. PLAYERUNKOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS also known as PUBG is a game developed by Bluehole Studio Inc. PLAYERUNKOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) for PC
PlayerUnkown’s Battleground (PUBG PC) Game freeload Full Version.PLAYERUNKOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) for PC.
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pinerpm · 2 years
Deathspank pc cheats
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#Deathspank pc cheats how to#
#Deathspank pc cheats series#
The dash jump will also allow you to close the distance quickly between an opponent who may be looking to use a projectile like the chair.
#Deathspank pc cheats how to#
Make sure you learn how to dash jump, this extended jump will enable you to traverse much longer distances and can be considerably useful when you need to cross the city on rooftops to escape from a fight. Chairs can also be effective as they can not only be swung directly in close combat but also thrown towards another player to do damage before closing the gap.Īvoid the temptation to sprint everywhere, you will be able to run well without sprinting so conserve your stamina for actual fights. Keep an eye out for baseball bats in particular as they make the best weapon in the game as they swing fast and hit hard. It is recommended that for the first few times that you play Rumbleverse you make a point of landing in different areas, so you are able to explore everywhere on the map.Īlthough there are no firearms in Rumbleverse you can still pick up things you find lying around and use them as weapons to damage other players. It is important to know where the vantage points, hiding places, and where to run to recover in each zone are. Your first priority when you land in Grindcity is to explore your surroundings so you become familiar with the map. These include why it is essential that you learn the Dash Jump and why you should search for Protein Pods. Like other battle royale games on the market all players must stay within a shrinking circle, failing to do so will start a timer which will count down from 10 and eliminate you if it reaches zero.īelow is a collection of hints and tips that will help you to progress in the game. Players must explore the city and collect magazines that are hidden inside boxes in order to obtain special moves and takedowns, as well as potions that increase stats such as health, stamina, and strength. Unlike similar games on the market you do not have access to firearms and must instead eliminate opponents using melee combat that includes attacks such as punches, kicks, and elbow drops. You are one of forty players that are dropped into Grapital City and who then must fight each other to be the last survivor. Rumbleverse is a free-to-play brawler battle royale game that is played from the third-person perspective. Take a look at our cheats and tips to get help in the game.
#Deathspank pc cheats series#
Rumbleverse is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.
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obeythebutler · 4 years
Angst Masterlist
Masterlist 2
Obey Me !
(🌻 ) - Fluff/ Humour (🌦️) - Angst ( 🔪) - Yandere / Dark themes (💋) - NSFW
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benevolentcalamity · 2 years
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Those Opal Eyes [Dragonborn (Paarthurnax) x Female!Reader feat. A poor elf]
Content Warning: Smut
Do I do a Mindflayer or Orc next, I don’t know.
Also let me know if you want me to make a series of this because honestly I miss writing full series of stuff.
Another story I'm splitting into two because this looks fine as it is, revisiting it.
Many in this profession - collecting gold in exchange for petty killings - are cold-blooded killers or cheats. Others are survivors of massacres or desperate impoverished willing to sacrifice their hearts to save themselves, chasing the cries of those who dared wrong them always feeling near, yet always out of reach.
You, ranked high enough to be sought by very lords and leaders of the realms for a faceless phantom to kill their enemies, are none of these things. Rather you were a little mouse, born of a forced union of human and Drow, that stabbed her way to save herself. Along the way, you found you liked the taste of blood, and with no heart or compass, you found yourself here. Sitting with your feet on rotted tables, sharpening your knives until someone comes by looking for answers or a job.
The Shadows of Bavellia, is the institution’s official name. Many would believe it to be the name of an opera — you wish sometimes it was — but once they go inside they find nothing but ruthless murderers.
One day, the bustling of drunken lowlifes is broken when an enormous sack of gold, seducing you with the promise of eternal comfort, drops right next to your ankles.
Ears twitching to ease your minute surprise you look up from sharpening your newly acquired dagger. Standing there, fiery eyes glistening from the torches, is a high elf, haughty as can be. Adorned in gold and silver from head to toe, importance, elegance, and status radiate from him like sunlight. Snow white hair sometimes billows about his shoulders, his jawline sharp to signify intelligence and vice. Hardly recognizing your Drow features his eyes demand your acknowledgement, which you provide in sitting up and nodding to him, giving as much a bow as you can manage from your seat.
“Top of the morning, milord,” You croon dryly. “What is the job today?”
He flicks his wrist, his bodyguard - a mighty Orc adorned in warlord armament - slapping down a rough sketch. Sliding it towards yourself you look it over; a long haired, handsome Dragonborn in mighty armor, twisted horns shooting from his scalp.
“Kill him.” The high elf demands. “Rip his heart out and deliver it to me.”
Without much else he turns on his heels, his bodyguard in tow as he shoves the others from his way before the doors slam shut behind them, leaving only the scent of citrus and linens in his wake.
“Not much to go on,” You hum, picking up the sketch to examine it. That elf must have been thorough before coming here - the job is described on the back.
This Dragonborn, charged with the mass deaths of other high elves in their realm, escaped his prison sentence and has managed to slay all who came for him for vengeance. You, a “lowly cloak-and-dagger scum,” as the elf described you, are the last resort, a being he couldn’t possibly know. Do this job well enough and you’ll be guaranteed a high position in his realm, and every wish you have granted.
Mostly that means becoming a royal/imperial concubine or servant of the royal family in general. They see no need to employ you into military, especially the “higher races.” A half-Drow like you will never be treated with the esteem of even being a cockwarmer to a king, not to say you seek such... desecration. So you’ll accept the gold, but carry on your work; you’ll never submit to anyone.
Memorizing the details, you nod once, collecting your arsenal, securing your gold, and making way for Whitevale.
Something an expert must never do is dress in their assassin’s gear going into a town. Rather they must act and look like a regular traveler, observing and replicating the words and mannerisms of whomever provides the most believable cover. It’s taken you... well, not long to master the art.
You also chose not to lie about your origins. Sobbing about watching your mother be killed from afar as she was drawn and quartered by the Drows that ripped her from home always got you somewhere in town. You’ve made change as a barmaid many a time, learning valuable information on potential bounties and where you might find them.
You wonder how the old Dwarf in Wellsbridge is doing. Still hammering away, you should hope.
Under the guise of searching for an old friend, you asked a local farmer if he’d seen a Dragonborn about. Much to your surprise, he had an answer, and now here you are, idly sipping on a rough ale and making small talk with the elf barkeep. You already forgot his name.
“You’re a rather interesting woman,” He comments as he slides you another by your request, the first being on the house because of his generosity. “You look like you’ve been through your fair share of battles, but you’re entirely on your own. Surely you’d have a party with you, yes?”
“I don’t like company.” This isn’t a lie; people have only slowed you down when you tried adventuring right after escaping that cesspit.
“That we have in common. T’is why I settled down here: people are only good until all they look forward to is money.” He retrieves your empty tanker, putting it aside. “Tell me, are you on a quest now?”
“I’m looking for someone,” You reply, giving the tavern another onceover. No sign of him. “You seen a Dragonborn around?”
“Oh, yes!” He lights up, and relief in not having to trudge around the realms settles your brain. “Paarthurnax, good friend of this town. You know, he singlehandedly drove off a Deathknight last harvest moon. Ever since we’ve been indebted to him, and we’re not the only ones he’s saved.”
A hero.
“Pray tell, why are you looking for him?” He tilts his head, ears twitching. “Wish to join his adventuring party?”
You put on a smile, innocent and ambitious. “I wish only to meet him.”
“Tonight’s your lucky night, then - he should be here soon. Went on a massive quest in The Wilds - something about a bugbear getting a bit too frisky with some goblins - and sent a letter announcing his return.” He fiddles with a clean tanker. “I tell you, he makes me miss adventuring.”
You decide some light humor, to keep from seeming too off. “Maybe if he spurns me we can go together to kill some Kobolds,” You jeer, finishing your second ale.
His eyes glisten as though you’d just proposed to him, ears perking up and turning a shade of pink at the tips. “Why, the thought pleases me! Take a job from the board, pick up our weapons, and make names for ourselves...” You immediately regret everything. “Ah. But my duties lie here. Perhaps when I have some more hands, we will be able to make that come true. For now, I will simply look forward to you being a regular here.”
Your regret subsides. Though you feel nothing for this elf, it seems he feels something for you. So perhaps if anything, he’ll be an amusement should you return to this town. Honestly, the image of the pair of you wrapped in silk sheets is... oddly appealing.
You gulp down an amaretto, provided on the house again because you about beguiled him. “Do you want to lay me?” You ask.
Taken aback, he tilts his head, cheeks matching his ears. “Er... Well...”
“No holds barred, I’m leaving tomorrow evening,” You mention. “This may be the last time in a good while you see me.”
“Yes!” He yelps. Well, you suppose now is as good a time as any.
Reaching up, you undo some of the ties of your tunic, your cleavage casting a spell on him whilst vaguely reflected on the bottles behind him.
“If you wish to love me,” You lower your voice into a seductive hum, “best make it quick.”
“Ah, Byørjn!” He calls, and within moments a blue orc with a broken tusk is at his side. “Watch the bar, please.”
Byørjn takes one look at you and huffs through his nose. “Found yourself a mate already? Good, now perhaps you can focus on getting more hands around here.”
“I’m an adventurer,” You hum as barkeep is behind you, slinking his hand into yours, “I’ll inspire him to do even more than that.”
“Don’t wear each other out.” Byørjn rolls his eyes, replacing barkeep behind the bar. “And keep quiet, t’is reaching midnight.”
... Oh. Now you remember.
Barkeep’s name is Ysh’lann.
You remember the beds always being warm, especially when you chose not to spend a night alone. Not to say you’d fuck every creature in the realms that asked, but rather you fuck solely for entertainment and because sometimes, a good round of sex will bring back a high you’ve chased since long ago. Intercourse isn’t a blank canvas — there’s always something there, be it love, hate, control, or oblivion itself.
Nevertheless, it’s an act that, at the moment, has you stark naked, spread out on a nice, soft bed, watching Ysh’lann undress. Sometimes he’ll pause, enraptured by your body, before his erection becomes unbearable, and he has to free himself so it doesn’t hurt. The adoration for you is palpable, and definitely something you’ve experienced before and thus treasured; you will let him live for this solely.
It isn’t the sex you want. It’s what the romance stories describe, how it will bond two souls in a physical declaration of love, that you yearn for. But most of all, you want to feel... at all.
What lays inside, you pray, is not a ruthless killer, but something as simple as a broken doll needing but one missing piece. If you can be fixed along this journey, you’d gladly face Shar and walk backwards into Mystra’s awaiting arms.
“You are so beautiful.”
You blink out of your thoughts at his words, watching as he crawls on the bed with you, softly holding your face. He caresses under your eye with his thumb, his hand falling slightly so his fingers can trace your lips. To your frustration, it rouses no emotion, no love or hate - only the carnal instincts to fuck. Realizing this, that in spite of his genuine adoration and desire to love you, you can feel nothing for him, brings the deep sorrow you’ve dreaded accommodating every time.
Ysh’lann’s hands rise up, holding your head and pulling you into a kiss. Ever receptive you lean into him, and he lowers one arm around your back, carefully rolling so he’s on top, you resting beneath him.
Momentarily he pulls back. “Are you comfortable?”
You nod, and he smiles, kissing you again, holding you in his arms. Reciprocating despite your emptiness, you softly cup his forearm, playing with the fine hairs as your free hand tangles in his wheat gold locks.
Pulling back again, he softly rests his forehead on yours, shuffling to wrap your legs around his waist, his shaft teasing your wetness.
“I won’t ask you not to leave me,” He whispers, softly touching noses. “But... I would be overjoyed if you were to return, and we could go on our own adventure...”
He pushes, gingerly, inside, and an uneven gasp jolts your chest slightly. Not because it hurts, but because he fits so well.
“We’ll make a name for ourselves, protecting villages and saving entire kingdoms...” He whispers, caressing your face as he moves at a perfect, eased pace. “When we’ve made enough money we can settle down, and I will marry you.”
A tear slips into your hair.
“We’ll live a happy life, adventuring, even if it doesn’t involve fighting monsters. Our home will be warm, our children playing by the fire.” He leans down to kiss you. “If it’d be alright, I’d like you to die of old age before I do. So then I can hold you in your final breaths, surrounded by our children, and their children’s children and more.”
He’s not lost in the act of sex - his entire focus is on you. How he reaches for your heart but knows somehow he can’t quite hold it. For a moment it’s like he’s aware this will never happen, for you’ve no love to give him. And he doesn’t blame you for any of it.
He’s just overjoyed to at least show you the love he has to give.
By the gods, why am I cursed with this...?
“It’s alright...” He murmurs, holding your face. “But for now... I will embrace you, treat you the way you should be - and perhaps one day, your heart will beat for me, true.”
Sinking into him, you tug him back down into your kiss, sharing in the landscape of wayward, ancient dreams.
The light of dawn, spilling elegantly through the curtains, greets you like a long lost friend. Stirring, very slightly sore, you sit up, the covers falling from your shoulders, hand falling to your belly. Last night left sort of a mess on you, him not wanting to risk locking you in, but you don’t really mind.
Pulling your hands back — you’d just realized them reaching for his throat — you instead ensure the blankets are on him properly. Still sleeping peacefully, he holds a soft smile on his lips, sometimes shifting to find your warmth. Apprehensive you shift away, leaving him to cling to your pillow in his unconsciousness, until you’re standing.
“Sorry...” You meander to retrieve your clothes. “A man like you deserves a woman with unending love... An empty shell like me...” Your eyes fall to your quivering hands. “... Can’t love anyone...”
Shaking your head of the tragic soliloquy, you ensure your weapons are well fastened. Turning, you tiptoe to the door-...
Jumping slightly, you whirl around, only to meet his soft smile as he sits up, the sunlight illuminating his body with grace.
For a moment he’s wordless, standing and approaching you. Poking your tongue out slightly you try to avert his gaze, not wishing to be pulled back in, and allowing your flights of fancy to take you where you cannot be retrieved. You cannot love this man, and pretension is too cruel...
With tender fingertips he lifts your chin, holding your face with both hands and kissing you with that same familiar sweetness. Guilt weighing on your heart, you wrap your arms around to his back, his skin soft beneath your palms. As if sensing the battleground in your chest he pulls back, his deep coal eyes calming you just with a gaze.
“You deserve to be happy, too.” He brushes your hair behind your pointy ear. “I will never forget you, nor will I hate you...”
You rest your head on his chest. “You... You’re better off forgetting me...”
“Perhaps, and maybe I’m a fool, but...” He pauses to kiss your head. “If ever you are cold, or lonely, then please come back. Even if your heart has not changed, I will love you until my heart is a slave to time no more.”
“... Your heart will have a home,” You murmur. “But I have no home to give it... You will only torture yourself.”
He pulls you into a brief kiss. “We will both find where our hearts belong. But until then, would you be willing to...?”
Your memories of last night set your cheeks softly alight. “If I should ever return, then we shall take to this room, and give each other a respite from this unforgiving cold...”
“Until then... Live a long and happy life.”
“You as well...” You make a decision, and press two fingers to his forehead. “Memorias Erasia.”
He collapses onto the floor, thankfully hitting nothing on the way down, and you stop yourself from releasing a deep sigh, knowing it won’t help.
Eventually, however, that too disappears. As you look away, leaving and closing the door behind you, the previous emotions fade with definitive memories. His name, the sweet words he whispered in your ear; the very essence of him fades away. What you’re left with in turn is simply the knowledge you’d been entertained for a night, and thus when dear barkeep wakes and returns you can search again for the Dragonborn.
“Now... I just need to occupy myself a little longer.”
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cielrouge · 3 years
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YA SFF Books by Latinx Authors
A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry: Spending the summer with his hotel-developer father in Puerto Rico, 17-year-old Lucas turns to a legendary cursed girl filled with poison when his girlfriend mysteriously disappears.
All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry: Working in the maguey fields of the Southwest, Sarah Jac and James are in love but forced to start over on a ranch that is possibly cursed where the delicate balance in their relationship begins to give way.
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria: In the city of Eldra, people are ruled by ancient prophecies. For centuries, the high council has stayed in power by virtue of the prophecies of the elder seers. In the present day, Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, is determined to fight back against the high council. But by the time Cassa and her friends uncover the mystery of the final infallible prophecy, it may be too late to save the city — or themselves.
Blanca & Roja by Anne-Marie McLemore: The del Cisne girls, Blanca & Roja, have never just been sisters; they’re also rivals. Because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans’ spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them.
Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz: 17-year-old Lana Torres, who after rescuing a prized dragon, is awarded a spot on her native Puerto Rico’s Blazewrath World Cup team. But the return of the Sire, an ancient dragon, soon threatens to compromise this year’s tournament.
They Both Die in the End by Adam Silvera: Set in a near-future New York City where a service alerts people on the day they will die, about two teens who meet using the Last Friend app and are faced with the challenge of living a lifetime on their End Day.
The Body Market (Wired #2) by Donna Freitas: When Skylar's sister betrays her and opens the Body Market, everyone in the App World is for sale and Skylar resolves to stop her sister and the malevolent market.
Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2) by Zoraida Cordova: Teenage bruja Lula Mortiz tries to save her boyfriend, Maks, by cheating Death; however, Lady de la Muerte is not so easily bested.
The Buried by Melissa Grey: After disaster strikes the remote town of Indigo Falls. A horrific event drove the residents underground, into shelters that keep them safe from the danger on the surface. Now, a handful of families inhabit this bunker together, guided by a charismatic leader named Dr. Imogen Moran. 
Cazadora (Wolves of No World #2) by Romina Garber: In this follow-up to Lobizona, Manu and her friends as they continue to fight for a better future.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: Latinx trans teen Yadriel, hoping to release his cousin’s spirit and prove himself as a brujo, accidentally summons the wrong ghost and resident bad boy Julian Diaz, falling in love with him.
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore: Summer, 1518. A strange sickness sweeps through Strasbourg: women dance in the streets, some until they fall down dead. As rumors of witchcraft spread, suspicion turns toward Lavinia and her family. Five centuries later, a pair of red shoes seal to Rosella Oliva’s feet, making her dance uncontrollably. They draw her toward a boy who knows the dancing fever’s history better than anyone: Emil.
Dealing in Dreams by Lilliam Rivera: 16-year-old Nalah leads the fiercest all-girl crew in Mega City, but when she sets her sights on giving this life up for a prestigious home in Mega Towers, she must decide if she’s willing to do the unspeakable to get what she wants.
Diamond City by Francesca Flores: Pulled from the streets at age twelve and trained to become one of the most powerful assassins in Sumerand, Aina Solis discovers a conspiracy that could rewrite the kingdom's history. 
Dragonblood Ring (Blazewrath Games #2) by Amparo Ortiz: After the Sire’s capture, teen athletes Lana Torres and Victoria Peralta travel to Puerto Rico with their former Blazewrath team. While Lana discovers her roots, nothing fills the void Blazewrath’s cancelation has left in Victoria. But it’s up to their team and the Bureau to protect their dragons.
Each of Us a Desert by Mark Oshiro: Xochital is destined to wander the desert alone. Her one desire: to share her heart with a kindred spirit. One night, Xo’s wish is granted—in the form of Emilia, the cold and beautiful daughter of the town’s murderous mayor. But when the two set out on a magical journey across the desert, they find their hearts could be a match… if only they can survive the nightmare-like terrors that arise when the sun goes down.
Fire with Fire by Destiny Soria: A contemporary fantasy about two sisters, Dani and Eden Rivera, who were raised to be fierce dragon slayers but end up on opposite sides of the impending war when one sister forms an unlikely, magical bond with a dragon.
The First 7 (The Last 8 #2) by Laura Pohl:  After leaving Earth, now devastated by an alien attack, and exploring the galaxy, Clover Martinez and her fellow teen survivors return home to find crystal formations in the soil that are threatening to destroy the planet, and a colony of survivors who are not who they seem.
Five Midnights by Ann Davila Cardinal: If Lupe Dávila and Javier Utierre can survive each other’s company, together they can solve a series of grisly murders sweeping though Puerto Rico. But the clues lead them out of the real world and into the realm of myths and legends.
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante: To have her family’s asylum request accepted, 17-year-old Marisol participates in a risky experiment to become a grief keeper, taking another’s grief into her own body to save a life.
The Healer by Donna Freitas: Manifesting astonishing healing powers that cause some people to consider her a saint, Marlena Oliveria struggles with edicts that prevent her from attending school, having friends and falling in love when she meets a boy who makes her question what she is willing to sacrifice.
Hollywood Witch Hunter by Valerie Tejeda: When a coven bent on retaining their youth must sacrifice the beautiful, and rich women of Southern California, a society of witch hunters will try to protect humans from a great evil uprising. 
Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova: As Renata Convida grows more deeply embedded in the politics of the royal court, she uncovers a secret in her past that could change the entire fate of the kingdom–and end a costly war.
Illusionary (Hollow Crown #2) by Zoraida Córdova: Reeling from betrayal, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she reluctantly joins forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy.
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera: In the Bronx, two brothers, Emil and Brighton, get caught up in a magical war generations in the making.
Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2) by Adam Silvera: Emil and Brighton Rey defied the odds. When Brighton drank the Reaper’s Blood, he believed it would make him invincible, but instead the potion is killing him. In Emil’s race to find an antidote that will not only save his brother but also rid him of his own unwanted phoenix powers, he will have to dig deep into his past lives.
Iron Cast by Destiny Soria: In 1919 Boston, best friends Corinne and Ada perform illegally as illusionists in an infamous gangster's nightclub, using their "afflicted" blood to con Boston's elite, until the law closes in.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova: Alex is a bruja and the most powerful witch in her family. . When a curse she performs to rid herself of magic backfires and her family vanishes, she must travel to Los Lagos to get her family back.
The Last 8 by Laura Pohl:  After an alien attack devastates the Earth, pilot and future astronaut Clover Martinez bands with seven other teens to survive. 
Lobizona by Romina Garber: As Manuela Azul uncovers her own story and traces her real heritage all the way back to a cursed city in Argentina, she learns it’s not just her U.S. residency that’s illegal… .it’s her entire existence.
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas:  When children start to go missing in the local woods, eighteen-year-old Wendy Darling must face her fears and a past she cannot remember to rescue them in this novel based on Peter Pan.
The Mind Virus (Wired #3) by Donna Freitas:  Skylar Cruz has managed to shut down the body market that her sister Jude opened, and to create a door to allow App World citizens reentry into the Real World. But as tensions between the newly mingling people escalate, she s not sure if it was the right decision after all. Still reeling from Kit’s betrayal, she s not sure of anything anymore.
Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia & Anna-Marie McLemore: Two friends, Lita Perez or Chicky Quintanilla, one made of stardust and one fighting to save her family’s diner, take on their small town’s 50th annual pageant in the hopes that they can change their town’s destiny, and their own.
The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore: Graciela Cristales meets Lock, a boy who was sexually assaulted at the same party as her, and they find their fates unexpectedly intertwined during a month of vanishing trees, enchanted pan dulce, and inherited magic.
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: After enduring his father's suicide, his own suicide attempt, broken friendships, and more in the Bronx projects, Aaron Soto, sixteen, is already considering the Leteo Institute's memory-alteration procedure when his new friendship with Thomas turns to unrequited love.
Never Look Back by Lilliam Rivera: An Afro-Latinx retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice set in the Bronx. Pheus is a bachata-singing dreamer who falls in love with Eury, a girl who lost everything in Hurricane Maria and is haunted by the trauma—and by an evil spirit.
Nocturna by Maya Motayne: In the Latinx-inspired kingdom of Castallan, face-changing thief Finn Voy and grief-stricken Prince Alfehr must race to vanquish a dark magic they have unleashed.
Oculta (A Forgery of Magic #2) by Maya Motayne: After joining forces to save Castallan from an ancient magical evil, Alfie and Finn reunite once again to preserve Castallan’s hopes for peace with Englass. But will they be able to stop sinister foes before a new war threatens their kingdom?
Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda: Tuck Durante, a shipraider, and Lana Gray, a curator, must work together to try to rescue a space capsule hijacked by nightmarish creatures who kill with a scream.
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We Unleash the Merciless Storm (We Set the Dark on Fire #2) by Tehlor Kay Mejia: La Voz operative Carmen Santos is forced to choose between the girl she loves, Dani, and the success of the rebellion she’s devoted her life to.
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Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore: A novel of magical realism, the Nomeolvides women have tended the lust estate grounds of La Pradera which they’ve grown for generations, until the reemergence of a family curse starts to makes the men they love disappear, again.
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hauntcdfm · 3 years
˗ˏˋ —— ⋆ wait, did you just see who just walked through washington park? i swear it was james farley, what? you don’t know them? they look a lot like (rege jean page) but i heard that they are a (33/378) year old, (cis male/he/him) that has been in portland for (six years). apparently, they are also a (vampire) who works at (farley & associates) as a (lawyer) and their reputation of being (astute) & (aloof) is noted by residents from all over the city but what can you actually believe when listening to the grapevine? don’t worry, we’ll be able to find out just who they really are when we see them in portland next.
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FULL NAME: James Farley
BORN: Edward Hamilton
DOB: January 31, 1644 ( Aquarius ☼ | Scorpio ☽ | Taurus ↗ )
AGE: 378 ( 33 when turned )
OCCUPATION: Lawyer, Farley & Associates
ORIENTATION: Bisexual | Biromantic
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Thin scar on left eyebrow, two thin scars on his back from his father.
SIRE: The woman who passed herself off as the survivor of an attacked ship, was a vampire who had killed the ship she was on and all of James’ crew, then turned him and forced him to then kill his adoptive father. 
FRIENDS: They’re few and far in between but he does make ‘em. 
ENEMIES: Easier to make for him.
EXES: Same as friends. 
Born as a result of an affair between his mother, a maid originally from Zimbabwe and his father, a navy veteran who was set to become Governor. Conceived on the boat from England, he was settled in Port Royal, Jamaica where he was raised in the Governer’s household as a member of staff alongside his mother. 
His mother died when he was ten, and the next three years spent in abject misery being ignored and unacknowledged by his father, and missing his mother. 
In 1657, when he was thirteen, pirates attacked Port Royal. They were ruthless, and his father soon died after an attack. Yet, with them he saw the freedom that he didn’t have here, and in turn one of them saw something in him. He left with them, leaving the Port city behind without a second thought.
Through the ship he gained a second family with the pirates, learnt how to sail and to fight and to cheat, but it was the life of freedom that he so sorely craved.
Growing into a respected member of the crew, he was first mate by the age of thirty, under his adoptive father figure, it was the Golden Age of Piracy. 
[DEATH TW] At the age of 33, they came across a ship that had seemingly been attacked and the crew dead bar one survivor, a woman. She pleaded sanctuary, and came aboard their ship, however on her second night her true nature was revealed. 
The woman was a vampire, and she killed his entire crew without a thought, leaving James and his adoptive father. He had tried to fight but been knocked unconscious and when he awoke, it was to be told he had been turned to a vampire. 
She forced him to kill his adoptive father, before leaving him to deal with what he had done. [END OF DEATH TW]
He forced himself into isolation, never stopping in one place for long and eventually when he felt he had the ability to control himself he began to find ways to deal with his immortality and boredom. 
He trained as a lawyer under a new name, and began his own law firm. He tends to only take on a few non supernatural cases, to cover his own ass but he focuses on supernatural clients. 
Legally the business will “change hands” from father to son over the years as James doesn’t age, and he transitions from each alias. 
Ultimately though, he’s privately been known as James for the past fifty years.
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