#sustainable irrigation systems
coastallands77capes · 5 months
Coastal Landscape Construction
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Website: https://www.coastallandscapes.net.au
Address: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Coastal Landscape Construction, a boutique landscaping service based in Melbourne, specializes in bringing clients' landscaping visions to life. With 16 years of industry experience, they offer comprehensive services including garden makeovers, new entertaining areas, construction, irrigation, drainage, decking, screens, garden lighting, and paving. As registered builders, they ensure quality and reliability in every project.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coastallandscapeconstruction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coastallandscapeconstruction/
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coastallandscapes · 5 months
Coastal Landscape Construction
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Website: https://www.coastallandscapes.net.au
Address: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Coastal Landscape Construction, a boutique landscaping service based in Melbourne, specializes in bringing clients' landscaping visions to life. With 16 years of industry experience, they offer comprehensive services including garden makeovers, new entertaining areas, construction, irrigation, drainage, decking, screens, garden lighting, and paving. As registered builders, they ensure quality and reliability in every project.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coastallandscapeconstruction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coastallandscapeconstruction/
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farmerstrend · 5 days
How Big Should Your Farm Be to Make a Profit?
Many new agripreneurs believe that the size of their farm will determine how profitable they’ll be. However, you can be profitable whether you’re farming 1 hectare or 100 hectares; it all depends on how you farm. When it comes to land, the most important thing to consider is not the number of hectares at your disposal, but rather the commodity that you farm and how you manage and control costs.…
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reallytoosublime · 5 months
Agricultural technology is using technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture to improve yield, efficiency, and profitability. In this video, we're deep-diving into the fertile fields of tech and agriculture the future of farming. Get ready to witness how groundbreaking technology revolutionizes farming practices, from the seeds sown to the crops harvested!
Agriculture technology, often referred to as "AgTech" or "agricultural technology," encompasses a wide range of innovative solutions, tools, and practices that aim to enhance the efficiency, productivity, sustainability, and profitability of agricultural processes and systems. It involves the integration of modern technologies, such as information technology, data analytics, automation, biotechnology, and more, into various aspects of agriculture to address the challenges and opportunities faced by the global farming community.
Precision farming involves the use of sensors, drones, satellites, and GPS technology to collect and analyze data related to soil composition, moisture levels, weather patterns, and crop health. By gathering real-time information, farmers can make informed decisions about when to plant, irrigate, fertilize, and harvest, thereby minimizing waste and maximizing yields.
Robotic technology is revolutionizing labor-intensive tasks in agriculture. Robots can plant seeds, and weed fields, apply pesticides precisely, and even harvest crops. Automation reduces the need for manual labor, which is increasingly scarce and expensive in many regions.
With the growing challenges of land scarcity and changing climate patterns, vertical and indoor farming systems have emerged. These systems utilize controlled environments, artificial lighting, and efficient space utilization to grow crops in vertically stacked layers or indoor facilities, allowing year-round production and reduced dependency on traditional agricultural land.
The future of farming is undergoing a technological revolution that promises increased efficiency, sustainability, and resilience in the face of global challenges. AgTech solutions are not only changing the way food is produced but also fostering a more interconnected and data-driven agricultural landscape, ensuring that we can feed the world's growing population while safeguarding our planet's resources.
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youtubemarketing1234 · 5 months
Agricultural technology uses agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture technology to improve yield, efficiency, and profitability. In this video, we're deep-diving into the fertile fields of tech and agriculture the future of farming. Get ready to witness how groundbreaking technology revolutionizes farming practices, from the seeds sown to the crops harvested!
Agriculture technology, often referred to as "AgTech" or "agricultural technology," encompasses a wide range of innovative solutions, tools, and practices that aim to enhance the efficiency, productivity, sustainability, and profitability of agricultural processes and systems. It involves the integration of modern technologies, such as information technology, data analytics, automation, biotechnology, and more, into various aspects of agriculture to address the challenges and opportunities faced by the global farming community.
Precision farming involves the use of sensors, drones, satellites, and GPS technology to collect and analyze data related to soil composition, moisture levels, weather patterns, and crop health. By gathering real-time information, farmers can make informed decisions about when to plant, irrigate, fertilize, and harvest, thereby minimizing waste and maximizing yields.
Smart irrigation systems utilize sensors and data analysis to determine when and how much water crops require. This helps prevent over-irrigation and water wastage, resulting in water conservation and improved crop quality.
The future of farming is undergoing a technological revolution that promises increased efficiency, sustainability, and resilience in the face of global challenges. AgTech solutions are not only changing the way food is produced but also fostering a more interconnected and data-driven agricultural landscape, ensuring that we can feed the world's growing population while safeguarding our planet's resources.
Tech in Agriculture: The Future of Farming
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fordragonfliesandme · 6 months
Transform Your Garden into an Eco-Oasis: 10 Sustainable Practices to Embrace Today
Introduction to Sustainable Gardening Sustainable gardening is not only a growing trend but also a responsible way to care for the environment. By implementing sustainable practices in your garden, you can create a thriving ecosystem that supports biodiversity, conserves resources, and minimizes the use of harmful chemicals. In this article, I will guide you through ten sustainable practices…
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ggacworldwide · 7 months
NPowerFarmers Guide: Mastering Efficiency in Water Management for Agricultural Success
Greetings, NPowerFarmers! As we progress through the NPowerFarmers Guide, we now explore a vital aspect of agricultural success: efficient water management. Proper hydration is the lifeblood of your farm, and mastering the art of water use can significantly impact your crop health and overall productivity. Let’s delve into the key considerations for ensuring your farm thrives with efficient water…
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euro-solar-system · 8 months
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hsmagazine254 · 11 months
Irrigation Tips for a Beautiful Garden: Keeping Your Greens Happy and Hydrated
Keeping Your Greens Happy and Hydrated A lush and thriving garden is a dream for any homeowner. To achieve that vision, proper irrigation is essential. Adequate watering is the key to keeping your plants happy and healthy throughout the seasons. Whether you have a small backyard oasis or a sprawling landscape, effective irrigation can make all the difference in nurturing your plants to their…
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natinalpartisan · 1 year
Rainwater Collection System for Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover the perfect rainwater collection system for your home with our comprehensive guide. Water scarcity and environmental concerns have led many homeowners to explore sustainable solutions, and rainwater harvesting is an excellent choice. This informative guide will walk you through various options, such as rain barrels, cisterns, and underground tanks, highlighting their benefits, installation considerations, and maintenance requirements. Learn how to select the right system size, determine optimal collection points, and integrate filtration mechanisms for optimal water quality. Whether you want to reduce your water bills, conserve resources, or enhance your garden irrigation, this guide will empower you to make an informed decision for a greener, more sustainable home.
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Zuni farmers in the southwestern United States made it through long stretches of extremely low rainfall between A.D. 1200 and 1400 by embracing small-scale, decentralized irrigation systems. Farmers in Ghana coped with severe droughts from 1450 to 1650 by planting indigenous African grains, like drought-tolerant pearl millet. Ancient practices like these are gaining new interest today. As countries face unprecedented heat waves, storms and melting glaciers, some farmers and international development organizations are reaching deep into the agricultural archives to revive these ancient solutions. Drought-stricken farmers in Spain have reclaimed medieval Moorish irrigation technology. International companies hungry for carbon offsets have paid big money for biochar made using pre-Columbian Amazonian production techniques. Texas ranchers have turned to ancient cover cropping methods to buffer against unpredictable weather patterns. But grasping for ancient technologies and techniques without paying attention to historical context misses one of the most important lessons ancient farmers can reveal: Agricultural sustainability is as much about power and sovereignty as it is about soil, water and crops.
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gothhabiba · 8 months
To drive through the West Bank is to pass through a nature-scape of browns, oranges and reds. It’s rolling hills scattered with wild olive tree groves and crop rows, and views of sprawling cities in the distance, slightly obscured by the blur of a faint haze. That backdrop changes suddenly when confronted with an Israeli settlement. Desert shades are swapped for emerald greens, and olive trees for pine. Swaths of farmland suddenly host swimming pools and soccer fields, and dry farmland dry becomes lush greenery.
This jarring polarity is a constant reminder of the Israeli occupation, says Fokha, whose village of Tubas is encircled by such settlements. “They have all these things, and we’ve been stripped of our way of life,” he says. “All I want is enough water to sustain my family and my land.”
It’s also the most effective way to permanently damage the Palestinian food system, say multiple experts.
Given the dry conditions, water access long been weaponized in the conflict. So much so, that the Oslo Accords sought to address it. It stipulated that for an interim period of five years, Israel would gain access to 80 percent of the water pumped from the West Bank and Palestinians would get the remaining 20 percent. It also limited the amount of water Palestine could drill from the shared mountain aquifer, while allowing Israel unlimited access, and required Israel sell a pre-determined amount of water to Palestinians annually. B’tselem calls what’s transpired since a “largely manmade” water shortage that allows Mekorot, the state-run Israeli water company, to control the entire grid, giving preferential access to settlers while while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians live without for weeks every year.
Palestinian farmers all over the West Bank can no longer survive as a result. Fokha, who has been working the same land since he was 18 years old, only gets enough access to water to grow for one season—August to March—which halves his yield. The soil’s suffered from the droughts, so it can no longer grow watermelon, potatoes, and certain types of cucumber, he says. Yosef Salmon has been a farmer in Beit Jala, an area outside of Bethlehem, for nearly 45 years. He says there used to be five water springs in the Makhrour Valley. Today, he can access only one, he says. His neighbor, Basem, who asked to keep his last name private, couldn’t irrigate half his crops last year, so he lost money and couldn’t live off the anticipated harvest. “Without water, we can have no progress. Without water we can’t do anything. It is life,” Basem says.
—Carly Graf, "Food Is the First Frontier of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict," 2019.
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
Dyes widely used in the textile, food and pharmaceutical industries pose a pressing threat to plant, animal and human health, as well as natural environments around the world, a new study has found. Billions of tons of dye-containing wastewater enter water systems every year, and a group of researchers from the UK, China, Korea and Belgium say that new sustainable technologies including new membrane-based nano-scale filtration are needed to solve the issue, adding that legislation is needed to compel industrial producers to eliminate colorants before they reach public sewage systems or waterways. Published today in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, the study Environmental impacts and remediation of dye-containing wastewater was written by academics from the University of Bath, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH), and KU Leuven, Belgium. The research highlights that currently, up to 80% of dye-containing industrial wastewaters created in low- and middle-income countries are released untreated into waterways or used directly for irrigation. The authors say this poses a wide range of direct and indirect threats to human, animal and plant health
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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The Iraq Museum & Three Wars: Three Steps from Hell
This article documents and elaborates on the many critical behind-the-scenes events, unknown to the public, before the history leaves us.
The author
The bulk of the “the land between the two rivers” lies in what we call today the Republic of Iraq. People have been living there, around and between the Euphrates-Tigris system for thousands of years. The earth of this land has been irrigated by these two rivers and throughout several millennia, a multitude of cultures, city-states, and empires flourished in Mesopotamia, resulting in a gradual development in each and every aspect of human life. However, the interaction between them was not always peaceful. Wars, military confrontations, and political coalitions, driven by the perspective of “the victors and the vanquished”, have made the land ever eager for blood instead of water. Throughout the history of the region, no one knows how many people have been killed in clashes between countless different rivals. The last actor in this continuous black comedy was the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, which has been irrigating Mesopotamia with different types of blood, from all around the world.
Wars and blood, instead of peace, doves, and flowers, dominated and shaped Mesopotamian history. Iraq, the legitimate heir of this legacy (by the order of destiny), the core of the Cradle of Civilizations, still bleeds. The Iraq Museum in Baghdad was officially opened on June 14, 1926 CE. The current building in Al-Salihiyyah District was completed in 1963 CE. Located within the heart of the Republic of Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, this great Museum of the human being and humanity’s history has sustained several “life-threatening and function-threatening” events. The Iraq Museum’s existence and persistence have been punctuated by three devastating wars within a relatively short period of time.
The Iraq-Iran War, 1980-1988 CE
A military conflict erupted in September 1980 CE between Iraq and its neighbor, Iran, resulting in the longest war in the 20th century. The war lasted for 8 years and ended on August 8, 1988 CE. These 8 years left their thumbprint on Mesopotamian history and resulted in a negative impact on the Iraq Museum. According to Iraqi laws, museums should close in wartime. At the beginning of the 1981 CE, the contents of the galleries of the Iraq Museum were packed and stored inside the museum itself. The large Assyrian stone slabs and several statues were left in situ, protected by foam and sandbags. This had rendered the museum virtually inactive; however, it was not closed officially. People simply ceased visiting the museum, as the galleries were somewhat empty. In 1983 CE, the construction of a new wing had increased the number of the museum’s halls and galleries from 13 to 23; the Babylonian-Chaldean, Hatra, Islamic, Manuscripts, and Coins halls received the bulk of this expansion. Some of the stored contents were re-displayed again and the new galleries were filled in with many artifacts. However, this short period was terminated rapidly with the escalation of the war. Once again, the relics were packed and stored and the museum’s halls were lifeless. Luckily, the Museum escaped damage incurred by the so-called “War of the Cities” between 1984-1988 CE (where both Iraq and Iran bombarded different cities haphazardly, resulting in the deaths of thousands of non-combat civilians and wide-spread civilian infrastructure attrition. When the war ended in August 1988, the museum’s day-to-day operations were mainly administrative; the public was not here.
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Vardzia, a Medieval Cave City in Georgia (South Caucasus), built in 1150-1200 CE: Vardzia was designed to be used as a fortress/monastery; it was accessible only through hidden passageways, and it contained more than 6,000 caves, 15 chapels, 25 wine cellars, an apothecary, a forge, a bakery, farming terraces, and an irrigation system
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The monastic caves at Vardzia cover an area of about 500 meters. They are carved into the cliffs along the Erusheti mountains, which are located in Javakheti (a southern province near the borders between Georgia, Turkey, and Armenia).
Vardzia was originally meant to serve as a fortress, particularly in the event of a Mongol Invasion. It was protected by defensive walls, and the cave system itself was largely concealed within the mountain (though much of it is now exposed); it also contained a secret escape tunnel and several dead-end tunnels that were designed to delay/confuse enemy forces. The cave city could only be accessed through a series of hidden passageways that began near the banks of the Mtkvari River (which runs through the valley below the cave complex). Water was supplied through an irrigation system that was connected to the river, providing the inhabitants with both drinking water and agricultural irrigation, as the site contained its own terraced farmland.
The cave complex also functioned as a monastery, with a large collection of manuscripts and relics ultimately being housed at the site.
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In its prime, the complex at Vardzia was inhabited by tens of thousands of residents.
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Unfortunately, most of the original structures at Vardzia were destroyed by an earthquake that struck the region in 1283 CE, just a century after its construction; the earthquake sheared away the outer layer of the cliffside, exposed many of the caves, and demolished almost two-thirds of the site. The surviving structures represent only a fraction of the cave complex that once existed at Vardzia, with only about 500 caves still intact.
When the earthquake tore through the site in 1283, much of the fortress and many of its defenses were also destroyed, and Vardzia lost most of its military/defensive purposes. Still, it continued to operate as a Georgian Orthodox monastery for several hundred years after that. It narrowly escaped the Mongol Invasions of the 1290s, but it was raided by the Persians during the 16th century; the invading forces burned many of the manuscripts, relics, and other items that were stored within the cave system, leaving permanent scorch marks along the walls of the inner chambers. The site was abandoned shortly thereafter.
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Medieval portrait of Queen/King Tamar: this portrait is one of the Medieval frescoes that still decorate the inner chambers of Vardzia; Tamar was the first queen regnant to rule over Georgia, meaning that she possessed the same power/authority as a king and, as a result, some Medieval sources even refer to her as "King Tamar"
Vardzia is often associated with the reign of Queen Tamar the Great, who ruled over the Kingdom of Georgia from 1184 to 1213 CE, during a particularly successful period that is often known as the "Golden Age" of Georgian history. Queen Tamar was also recognized as the Georgian King, with Medieval sources often referring to her as King Tamar. She possessed the powers of a sovereign leader/queen regnant, and was the first female monarch to be given that title in Georgia.
The initial phases of construction at Vardzia began under the command of King George III, but most of the complex was later built at the behest of his daughter, Queen Tamar, who owned several dedicated rooms at Vardzia and frequently visited the cave city. Due to her relationship with the cave complex at Vardzia, Queen Tamar is sometimes also referred to as the "Mountain Queen."
Despite the damage that the site has sustained throughout its history, many of the caves, tunnels, frescoes, and other structures have survived. The site currently functions as a monastery once more, with Georgian monks living in various chambers throughout the cave system.
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I visited Vardzia back in 2011, during my first trip to Georgia. It's an incredible site, though some of the tunnels are very narrow, very dark, and very steep, which can get a bit claustrophobic.
Sources & More Info:
Atlas Obscura: Vardzia Cave Monastery
CNN: Exploring Vardzia, Georgia's Mysterious Rock-Hewed Cave City
Lonely Planet: Vardzia
Globonaut: 5 Facts about Vardzia, Georgia's Hidden Cave City
Wander Lush: Vardzia Cave Monastery (complete visitor's guide)
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cognitivejustice · 2 months
A solar-powered house with eco-waste management
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Water and energy conservation are also vital elements of Casa Quinchuyaku by Emilio López (see more here). The house collects and stores water from existing decks, while the roof facilitates water collection and houses energy storage batteries for solar panels, which provide 100% of the electrical energy needed. In response to the intense erosion process affecting the slopes of Ilaló, the project focuses on soil regeneration, using gray water from bathrooms and kitchens for tree irrigation and implementing terraces and rainwater infiltration ditches to improve soil conditions. Furthermore, Casa Quinchuyaku incorporates sustainable waste management practices, including a dry bath system that converts human waste into compost for plants and trees, as well as composters for organic kitchen waste. This project serves as a harmonious blend of architecture, landscape, and sustainability, showcasing a holistic approach to environmentally responsible living.
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