#sustainable resource management
landmodsblog · 1 year
8 Key Tips to Choose the Perfect Bucking Horse Trainer: Unleash the Cowboy Permaculture Spirit!
Why we might be the next trainer for your bucking horses after all. Sometimes you need to know who, what, when, where and why to take action. Now you can.
Introduction:Are you a stock contractor seeking the perfect bucking horse trainer to take your rodeo game to new heights? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of cowboy permaculture and present you with eight key tips to convince you why we are the ideal choice for your bucking horse training needs. Get ready to unleash the spirit of the wild west and revolutionize your…
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deltaremediation · 2 years
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Chloride Remediation: Keeping Our Environment Safe and Saline-Free
Chloride remediation refers to the process of removing or reducing the concentration of chloride ions in soil, water, or other materials. Chloride ions are negatively charged particles that are commonly found in natural and man-made environments, and they can pose a variety of environmental and health hazards if they are present in high concentrations.
One of the most common sources of chloride ions is road salt, which is often used to de-ice roads and sidewalks during the winter months. As snow and ice melt, the salt dissolves and can enter nearby water sources, where it can harm aquatic life and contribute to the salinization of freshwater resources.
To remediate chloride contamination, a number of different strategies can be used, depending on the source and extent of the contamination. One common approach is to use specialized filtration systems that are designed to selectively remove chloride ions from water or other fluids. Other methods include chemical precipitation, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis.
Another important approach to chloride remediation is prevention. By reducing the use of road salt and other chloride-containing substances, it is possible to minimize the amount of chloride that enters the environment in the first place. This can involve using alternative de-icing agents, such as sand or calcium magnesium acetate, or implementing more environmentally-friendly road maintenance practices.
Overall, chloride remediation is an important aspect of environmental management, as it can help to protect both human health and natural ecosystems from the negative impacts of chloride contamination. By using a combination of remediation and prevention strategies, it is possible to minimize the amount of chloride that enters the environment and ensure that our natural resources remain healthy and sustainable for future generations.
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vounoura · 5 months
the other MMOs I've played have some pretty wild rotations but nothing has ever quite come close to the utter mayhem that was/is mag!NB in ESO
#saint.txt#bc that spec is DoT central and only some of them are on similar timers (and this is an MMO with no CDs on abilities)#keep both of your AoEs rolling constantly but also DO NOT overlap casts or we'll kill you bc that's a waste of mana.#they are both on similar but different timers and typically on your backbar.#(not overlapping casts bc it wastes resources to refresh too early goes for literally all of your abilities btw)#also you have three different buffs (all are also on differing timers) that need to also have 100% uptime. the bow one especially we'll tal#abt that in a minute. your other fill-ins (your spammables) are also all either single-target DoTs (debilitate) or summon shade and#guess what these also have timers. all of these timers are different even slightly so drift is common and it becomes more a game of#'oh god all the timer alerts are going off all at once deal with it' game than a typical MMO rotation.#that's not even talking abt the NB bow skill which is core to the class and requires you more than any other class to know and be good#at weaving bc for both the bow (which requires 5 LAs to use) and your own sustain bc of a self-buff you have to keep rolling#you HAVE to be constantly light attacking for your DPS AND your own sustain you literally do not have a choice#so you also have to manage not overcapping bow casts while also having to flip bars constantly to refresh your timers while weaving#bc in my case bow is on front bar and if you overcap bow charges bc you're on the back bar refreshing wall of elements#we will personally kill your ass. ESO combat was so fun no other MMO has come close to that flavour for me#ESO weaving literally broke my old mouse not even ff//xiv or g/w/2 axe mirage has done that
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refrigerantcenter · 6 months
#At Refrigerant Center INC#we specialize in providing comprehensive refrigerant solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a deep understanding#Ventilation#and Air Conditioning) industry and its evolving regulatory landscape#we are committed to offering environmentally responsible refrigerant products and services.#Our company prides itself on being a trusted partner for businesses operating in various sectors#including commercial#industrial#and residential. Whether you're a facility manager#HVAC contractor#or equipment manufacturer#we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your refrigerant requirements efficiently and affordably.#Key Services and Products:#Refrigerant Sales: We offer a wide range of refrigerant products#including traditional HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons)#low-GWP (Global Warming Potential) alternatives like HFOs (Hydrofluoroolefins)#and natural refrigerants such as CO2 and ammonia. Our extensive inventory ensures that clients can find the right refrigerant for their spe#Refrigerant Reclamation: Recognizing the importance of sustainability#we provide refrigerant reclamation services aimed at recovering#purifying#and reprocessing used refrigerants. Through our state-of-the-art reclamation facilities#we help clients minimize environmental impact while maximizing cost savings.#Regulatory Compliance Assistance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape surrounding refrigerants can be challenging. Our team stays u#national#and international regulations#including EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations in the United States.#Technical Support: We understand that proper handling and usage of refrigerants are critical for the safety and efficiency of HVAC systems.#training#and educational resources to assist clients in handling refrigerants safely and effectively.#Customized Solutions: Every client has unique requirements
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greenthestral · 1 year
Unveiling the Secrets of Life Below Water: Goal 14 for a Sustainable Future
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In our journey towards achieving a sustainable future, Goal 14 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) plays a pivotal role. Life Below Water, as it is commonly referred to, focuses on the preservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources. With this goal, the international community aims to safeguard marine ecosystems, mitigate the impacts of human activities, and promote sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities. This article delves into the significance of Goal 14, explores the challenges faced, and highlights the initiatives that can help us ensure a healthier and more vibrant life below water.
Understanding the Importance of Goal 14
The Earth's oceans are vast and cover more than 70% of the planet's surface. They are teeming with life and harbor a remarkable diversity of species and ecosystems. From the mesmerizing coral reefs to the mysterious depths of the abyss, the oceans are a treasure trove of biodiversity, supporting millions of species, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.
Beyond their ecological significance, the oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate. They act as a massive heat sink, absorbing a significant amount of the sun's energy and distributing it across the planet. Additionally, oceans play a vital role in the water cycle, facilitating the evaporation of water, which then falls as precipitation and sustains terrestrial ecosystems.
The oceans are not only important for the environment but also for human societies. They provide sustenance to millions of people around the world. Fishing, both for subsistence and commercial purposes, is a primary source of livelihood for coastal communities. The oceans also support economic activities such as tourism, shipping, and offshore industries, contributing significantly to global economies.
However, the delicate balance of marine ecosystems is under threat due to various human activities. Overfishing, driven by unsustainable practices and the demand for seafood, has led to the depletion of fish stocks worldwide. Large-scale industrial fishing, with destructive methods such as bottom trawling, threatens not only the targeted species but also the entire marine food web.
Marine pollution is another significant challenge faced by the oceans. Pollution from land-based sources, including plastic waste, chemicals, oil spills, and agricultural runoff, finds its way into the marine environment, causing severe harm to marine life and ecosystems. The accumulation of plastic debris in the oceans has reached alarming levels, forming giant garbage patches and causing entanglement and ingestion by marine organisms.
Habitat destruction and degradation are also taking a toll on marine ecosystems. Destructive practices such as coral reef destruction, coastal development, and the destruction of mangroves and seagrass beds result in the loss of critical habitats and the disruption of delicate ecological relationships. These habitats serve as nurseries and breeding grounds for many species, and their loss has far-reaching consequences for marine biodiversity.
Furthermore, climate change poses one of the most significant threats to life below water. Rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise are already impacting marine ecosystems. Corals, which are vital for the survival of countless marine species, are particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures and increased ocean acidity, leading to coral bleaching events and the degradation of coral reefs.
In recognition of the urgent need to protect and sustainably manage marine resources, Goal 14 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was established. Also known as Life Below Water, this goal aims to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources for present and future generations.
Goal 14 encompasses various targets and indicators to guide efforts towards sustainable ocean management. One of the key focuses is the protection and restoration of coral reefs, which are among the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. Coral reefs provide habitat for numerous species, protect coastlines from erosion, and support vibrant tourism industries. By implementing measures to reduce coral bleaching, enhance reef resilience, and combat destructive practices, Goal 14 seeks to safeguard these vital ecosystems.
Another critical aspect of Goal 14 is the reduction of marine pollution. It calls for the prevention and significant reduction of marine debris, particularly plastic waste. Efforts are being made to promote better waste management systems, recycling and reusing plastics, and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of single-use plastics. Innovative technologies for ocean cleanup are also being developed to tackle existing pollution.
To address the issue of overfishing, Goal 14 emphasizes the need to restore fish stocks to sustainable levels. This involves implementing science-based management plans, combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, and promoting responsible fishing practices. Creating marine protected areas and adopting ecosystem-based management approaches can help protect critical habitats and ensure the long-term viability of fisheries.
Furthermore, Goal 14 acknowledges the urgent need to address ocean acidification, which poses a grave risk to marine organisms. By reducing carbon dioxide emissions and taking steps to enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems, such as protecting mangroves and seagrass beds, this goal aims to mitigate the impacts of ocean acidification and ensure the survival of vulnerable species.
Achieving Goal 14 requires a collaborative effort from governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and individuals worldwide. International cooperation is crucial to strengthen governance frameworks, regulate resource exploitation, combat illegal fishing, and promote sustainable practices. By taking collective action and embracing sustainable approaches, we can secure a healthier and more vibrant future for life below water.
Challenges and Threats to Life Below Water
The life below water faces a multitude of challenges that require immediate attention and concerted efforts. Overfishing, driven by unsustainable practices and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, has led to a decline in fish stocks worldwide. The loss of biodiversity affects not only marine ecosystems but also the communities that depend on them for food security and economic opportunities.
Marine pollution poses another significant threat. Plastic waste, chemicals, oil spills, and other pollutants contaminate the oceans, harming marine life and ecosystems. The accumulation of plastic debris, in particular, has gained global attention due to its devastating impact on marine organisms and the potential consequences for human health through the food chain.
Ocean acidification, caused by the absorption of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, poses a grave risk to marine organisms such as corals, shellfish, and plankton. Acidic waters can hinder the growth and survival of these organisms, disrupting the entire marine food web and impacting the livelihoods of coastal communities.
 Initiatives and Solutions for a Sustainable Life Below Water
Achieving Goal 14 requires a comprehensive approach involving governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals. Several initiatives and solutions have emerged to address the challenges faced by life below water:
Sustainable Fisheries Management: Implementing science-based management plans, promoting responsible fishing practices, and combating illegal fishing are crucial steps towards replenishing fish stocks and ensuring the long-term sustainability of fisheries. Tools like marine protected areas and ecosystem-based management help preserve critical habitats and protect biodiversity.
Marine Pollution Prevention: Reducing plastic pollution and other sources of marine debris is vital. This can be achieved through improved waste management systems, recycling and reusing plastics, and raising awareness about the consequences of single-use plastics. Additionally, promoting the use of biodegradable alternatives and supporting innovative technologies for ocean cleanup can help mitigate the impact of existing pollution.
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Addressing climate change is fundamental to preserving life below water. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting sustainable coastal development are essential steps in mitigating the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. Additionally, enhancing the resilience of coastal communities through measures such as mangrove restoration, coastal protection, and sustainable tourism can aid adaptation efforts.
International Cooperation and Governance: Collaboration among nations is crucial for the effective implementation of Goal 14. Strengthening international frameworks, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and promoting regional cooperation can help combat illegal fishing, regulate resource exploitation, and ensure the sustainable use of marine resources.
Preserving life below water is not only crucial for the health of our oceans but also for the overall well-being of our planet. Goal 14 provides a roadmap for sustainable ocean management, aiming to conserve marine biodiversity, mitigate pollution, and promote the sustainable use of marine resources. By taking action at individual, local, and global levels, we can make a significant difference in ensuring a healthier and more vibrant future for life below water. Let us join hands and work together to safeguard the oceans for generations to come.
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nnctales · 1 year
Impact of Construction and Demolition Waste and its Use in Buildings
Introduction Construction and demolition (C&D) waste is a significant environmental concern worldwide. The massive amounts of waste generated from construction and demolition activities pose a threat to the environment and human health. However, innovative approaches have emerged to tackle this issue, focusing on recycling and reusing C&D waste in building projects. This article explores the…
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meatsound · 2 months
the problem is my heart isnt in graphic design but its the field im in. but i also need to see my works benefits to see if theyll pay for me to go back to college
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malcified · 2 months
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Today on #malcified I’d like to share this sketch called #innerhealing on #sustainability and a few words.
Sustainability: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. - UN
Our indiscriminate use of each other, land, and natural resources at a rate faster and greater than it can naturally replenish is demonstrated in our daily life as well.
- A culture of use and dispose - food, products, humans, animals, land, plants, resources…everything!
-The global workforce sufferring from #burnouts due to extreme workloads and overworking
- Inadequate and ineffective #worklifebalance measures where #HumanResources (#HR) departments have weak autonomy, functioning purely as a target-driven business process
- Businesses striving to accomplish ever-growing unrealistic revenue, investor returns, and profit projections, cutting costs and compromising on health, safety, security, well-being of its employees - full-time, part-time, and contract staff
- Hiring #Thirdpartyserviceproviders (#TPSP) without performing adequate #DueDiligence, that compromise on major #legal #compliance, #reputational, #environmental #humanrights #riskfactors by procuring cheap labor and raw materials from jurisdictions without proper #humanrights awareness, laws, and historical background, countries without appropriate #governance, Governmental frameworks like #sustainabilitypolicy, #climatepolicy #Laborlaws and support frameworks, corporate #ESG frameworks, #environmentallaws, #regulations, #judiciary, #enforcement and #implementation frameworks and systems
-consumeristic and materialistic society focused purely on indiscriminate production and consumption, with no/less awareness of their individual #carbonfootprint, of #responsibleconsumption (#SDG12)
-#throwawaysociety where single-use disposable items are expected, #unboxing and other trash-generating practices are glorified, ephemeral products and goods are preferred to life-time durable ones.
The list goes on…
Maybe, our behavior has something to do with the way we look and feel about ourselves. We’re all maybe consciously and unsconsciously insecure about some aspect of our life.
Maybe, when we feel good and appreciated from within, we appreciate and look after our surroundings well. So, working on being more compassionate, content, and appreciative of ourselves is a good place to begin, then maybe, together, we can do better.
Seeking an inner healing for each of us!
Regardless, only the beings present now and in the future shall suffer from our own over-indulgence. The land, nature, oceans, whatever we call them, have been here long before and shall evolve and replenish from our relentless onslaught, eventually. With or without us.
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townpostin · 3 months
Lack of Rain and Environmental Factors Contribute to Alarming Situation
Lack of Rain and Environmental Factors Contribute to Alarming Situation Unexpected decrease in Kharkai River’s water level raises concerns in Jamshedpur, threatening water supply and highlighting urgent need for sustainable water management practices. JAMSHEDPUR – The Kharkai River, a vital water source for Jamshedpur, is experiencing an unexpected decrease in water levels this year, raising…
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intlforestday · 5 months
International Forest Governance- A comprehensive global review (Side Event UNFF19).
The study assesses the developments in international forest governance, including main actors and instruments; the forest-related finance landscape; the relevant current discourses; and the different governance designs with deficits and alternatives.
Considering that the international forest governance is a dynamic entity, many of the organisations that form the core of the international forest regime recognise the need for coordination, especially when taking into account that forests play a key role in any cost-effective climate change mitigation actions. While the role of nation states within intergovernmental organisations remains an important component of the forest regime, non-governmental actors, both for-profit and not-for-profit are also significant aspects of the governance complex. The vital role of these actors in international politics and policy should be taken into account when discussing the broader concept of forest governance. The inclusion of new actors and relationships is being institutionalised in a variety of ways, creating new structures of transnational policy networks and partnerships. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the international forest regime cannot focus solely on the actors, but it also needs to consider the institutions and instruments found at the core of the governance complex. 
IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme has now finished a study based on IUFRO's assessment report published in 2010 on the topic of International Forest Governance. This new study provides an analysis of the latest available knowledge on global forest governance. This session will present the outcomes of this study, discussing the main aspects of the international forest governance context to improve the understanding of its increasing complexity, since new programmes and arrangements have emerged at all scales in the past years, and the interactions among them, including synergies and trade-offs, are often unclear. During the session, besides the presentations of outcomes and key messages of the assessment by some of the lead authors of the study, there will be interventions from policy-makers and implementing organisations to provide the scientific information presented with real world perspectives.
Watch International Forest Governance- A comprehensive global review (Side Event UNFF19)!
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landmodsblog · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Selecting Bucking Horses: Building a Winning Team to Defeat All Cowboys
Get some help picking your next bucking horse! A few of these dynamite kicks will really amp up your show! #rodeolife #stockcontracts
Introduction: As a stock contractor in the thrilling world of rodeo, one of the key responsibilities is selecting the right bucking horses for your string. Choosing horses that possess the perfect combination of athleticism, strength, and bucking ability is no easy feat. In this blog post, we will delve into the art of picking a bucking horse for your string and discuss how to build a winning…
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waterandenergyrelief · 5 months
2nd Session, 5th Joint meeting of WG on Integrated Water Resources Management & Monitoring and Assessment.
The 19th meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources management and the 19th meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment under the Water Convention will be held in Geneva. It will start on Monday, 6 May 2024 at 10.00 a.m., and end on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 at 1 p.m. The meetings of the two Working Groups are held jointly to exploit synergies in the work of the two bodies.
Watch the 2nd Session, 5th Joint meeting of WG on Integrated Water Resources Management & Monitoring and Assessment!
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memphisbuyandhold · 5 months
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poojagblog-blog · 5 months
/PRNewswire/ -- Solid Biomass Feedstock Market is expected to reach USD 36.2 billion by 2029 from USD 26.6 billion in 2024 at a CAGR of 6.3% during the forecast period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. Solid biomass feedstock refers to organic materials which are in solid state sourced from different sources such as agriculture, forestry, and organic waste, which can be utilized for energy production via combustion, gasification, or other conversion methods. These resources, are renewable and easily accessible, rendering them crucial for generating heat, electricity, and biofuels. Solid biomass feedstock serves as a cornerstone in the shift toward sustainable energy systems, providing a carbon-neutral substitute for fossil fuels and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
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jamaicahomescom · 6 months
Jamaica: Water Bottles and Construction
In countries filled with structures made out of brick and wood it is hard to believe that they can be made with anything else. Buildings are supposed to be sturdy and able to withstand anything from a clear day to severe thunderstorms. There’s a reason why kings built their castles out of stone, and why the two pigs who built their houses out of straw and sticks had their houses destroyed. It’s…
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ifindtaxpro · 6 months
Maximize profits and promote sustainability in forestry operations with smart tax strategies! From optimizing timber sales to leveraging sustainable forestry credits, forestry companies can navigate tax complexities while preserving natural resources. #Forestry #TaxImplications #SustainableForestry
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