#Natural resource management
gubgam · 1 year
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: ) I hate when this happens I hate when this happens
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nerdyqueer11 · 2 years
Cw/tw: Possible misogyny in academia
I'm in undergrad in the natural resource management dept . Today I attended a seminar two grad students were presenting their research projects at. I had the time and the seminar was held in the same room as my next class. I was truly interested in their topics which is why I attended in the first place (using goats to control invasive Eastern Red Cedar and the effects of fluctuating water levels on fish is nearby rivers).
The seminars are open to the public and NRM students get an email about them anyway.
I'm sitting in my usual spot for my next class when this guy sits next to me. A few minutes later he asks if I'm in the same department because he doesn't recognize me. I explain I'm in undergrad in this dept and why I wanted to attend. After the presentations he turns to me and asks if I understood what the grad students were talking about and if so how much.
I'm not sure if he meant well or not but it was still irritating. I don't know why he felt the need to ask why I was there or if I understood.
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Enhance knowledge and skills on natural resources conflict prevention.
The EU-UN partnership has developed a number of practical guidance notes and training material on land and conflict, extractives and conflict, renewable resources and conflict, capacity building for natural resource management and conflict prevention in resource rich economies. The partnership also produced an analysis called Capacity Inventory of the available capacities for the consensual and sustainable management of land and natural resources within the UN system.
Using the Guidance Notes, on-line interactive modules have also been developed to impart this knowledge and skills particularly to field staff in both the UN and EU, as well as relevant HQ personnel and partners in countries. The on-line training programme begins with a global overview to enhance understanding of the link between natural resources and conflict. The second module focuses specifically on land and conflict, while the third and the fourth relates to extractives and renewable resources and conflict respectively.
- Land and Conflict
Extractive Industries and Conflict
Renewable Resources and Conflict
Capacity-Building for NRM
Conflict Prevention in Resource Rich Economies
Capacity Inventory
The modules are designed for partners in countries, Government institutions, civil society and EU and UN colleagues in the field but also in HQ with the hope of enhancing knowledge and skills on natural resources conflict prevention.
It is our pleasure to share all these materials through this website and we hope this will contribute to the better management of conflict over land and natural resources.
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annieboltonworld · 2 years
Carbon and Water Interaction Model in Tropical Peatland
As the water issue relates the carbon issue in peatland, carbon and water interrelation has been studying for long term (more than 10 years) in peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Soil Moisture Content (SMC) and Ground Water Table (GWT) in long term have been monitoring by auto-monitoring system called SESAME, developed by our team, and Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) has been measured by Eddy Covariance on the tower. By these long-term monitoring, it is found that
a) positive correlation with SMC and GWT,  
b) negative correlation with NEE and GWT.  
On the other hand, as global soil moisture data has been provided daily from European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), we developed mapping model on GWT and NEE, applying correlation coefficient of SMC-GWT and NEE-GWT. The NEE mapping in peatland corresponds with Tier 2 and 3 level of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guideline.
Read More about this Article: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/IJESNR.MS.ID.556099.php
Read More Juniper Publishers Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=4WXzQFMAAAAJ&cstart=20&pagesize=80&citation_for_view=4WXzQFMAAAAJ:_B80troHkn4C
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crawfordlm · 3 years
Ignorance Is Not Bliss- Why Natural Resource Management Is A Burning Thought to Ponder?
“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
These words from an American President and a naturalist echo far and wide while we continue our “great work” to make this world technologically advanced. Releasing harmful toxins in the air we breathe does not terrorize us. We are ready to clear all the greenery on Earth to sustain our satisfaction. Natural Resource management has become our last priority.
A thought to ponder
The issue of overpopulation is already devouring us, forcing us to rethink about land management. We ask why we have man-eaters in the Sunder bans. Man is the most intelligent animal on Earth.
Man will use anything in his power to satisfy himself even if the world gets consumed in his pride. Being the leader of the food chain and the world destruction, there are not many moments left where we need to breathe on artificial oxygen. Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention about Covid!
There should be a subject in our curriculum known as Vegetation management. It will help us rethink that we are cutting down our own lives. Images are a powerful way of communicating with humankind. We think in the form of images. Natural resource management should be a priority if we do not know the apocalypse to break in anytime soon.
Why trust us?
We provide natural resource management services that will help us protect biodiversity by finding alternative forms of Energy sources jurisdiction-wise. We care about the world as much as you do.
Planting trees can alleviate such distress. Some say that we are moments away from seeing a tree in a museum!
It is high time that we join hands to think and act before it gets too late!
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Understand the negative and positive roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation.
Conflict stems from and is fuelled by a variety of factors. Among these, natural resource related issues figure prominently. Since 1990, at least 17 violent conflicts have involved the exploitation of natural resources. Research further suggests that over the last 60 years at least 40 per cent of all intrastate conflicts have a link to natural resources. These statistics provide a clear basis for United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) and UN Missions to incorporate principles and practices that promote the equitable, transparent and sustainable management of natural resources into transition planning processes and activities.
This guidance note aims to help UNCTs and UN Missions understand the negative and positive roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation. It provides practical guidance to assist in thinking through how natural resource management principles and practices can feed into transitional analysis and planning frameworks including: Post Conflict Needs Assessment (PCNA), Integrated Mission Planning Process (IMPP), Peacebuilding Frameworks and Tools, the UN Common Country Analysis (CCA) and the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). While not relevant in every setting, the guidance offers diagnostic tools to assist those on the ground in deciding where and when such issues need to be addressed, how this can be done, what types of roles the UN can take on, and how the UN can support other actors.
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This guidance note draws from and builds upon five guidance notes on natural resources and conflict prevention produced by the EU-UN Partnership on Land and Natural Resource Conflicts: Extractive Industries and Conflict; Renewable Resources and Conflict; Land and Conflict; Capacity Development for Managing Land and Natural Resources; and Conflict Prevention in Resource Rich Economies.
This EU-UN partnership, coordinated by the United Nations Inter-agency Framework for Preventive Action and its partner agencies (UN Environment Programme, UN Development Programme, UN Human Settlements Programme, Peacebuilding Support Office, Department of Political Affairs and Department of Economic and Social Affairs), was established in 2008 to improve national capacities for preventing conflicts over natural resources and land through the development of guidance, knowledge, training products, joint programs and the deployment of experts.
This guidance note was developed by an interagency task team on natural resources in transition settings chaired by UNEP under the umbrella of the Joint Working Group of the UN Development Group (UNDG) and the Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs (ECHA) Working Group on Transition Issues.
Natural resource management in transition settings – UNDG/ ECHA Guidance Note.
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annieboltonworld · 2 years
Systemic Risks: Intersections between Science and Society with Policy Implications for Sustainability
The notion of systemic risks denominates the danger of destruction of a whole system by the mechanisms of nonlinear interactions between its agents in combination with circular causality between the system´s elementary dynamic processes and the macroscopic structures generated by them. An extensive body of empirical evidence demonstrates a fundamental homomorphism among systemic risks in all domains, from the systems of nature over those of technology up to society. This homomorphism, based on complexity science, allows to formulate cornerstones of a scientific theory resulting in several governance strategies, associated with policy implications, be it to protect ecosystems, technical infrastructure or, last not least, avoid undesired transformation processes in societies. The approach is exemplified here for the systemic risks associated with modern migration phenomena that has direct impact on sustainable development.
Read More about this Article: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/IJESNR.MS.ID.556107.php
Read More Juniper Publishers Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=4WXzQFMAAAAJ&citation_for_view=4WXzQFMAAAAJ:bnK-pcrLprsC
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kmsgroup · 3 years
Natural resource management (NRM) is the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations.
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passionframework · 5 years
E-tizens Expression of Speech and Action Timely to address issues Involving People Zealously to help empowerment Enabling the deprived Nuturing them to Self sustainability
What is needed today is not a chaotic revolution, but a systematic thoughtful approach towards solving a problem of any person who is not covered under any umbrella of a country or region or anything.
Population also is a…
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songbird-art · 5 years
What's with this sudden feral hog discourse? Don't people realize that feral hogs are so awful that there is no off season? Literally if you see a feral hog on your land you shoot it without repercussions (but you may not touch the body unless you have a hunting license)
This is coming from someone in Natural Resource Management, literally studying wildlife management. The people who make light of feral hogs have never met one and definitely have never been gored by one.
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mystlnewsonline · 5 years
Study proposes gates to close inlets, curb back bay flooding
Study proposes gates to close inlets, curb back bay flooding
MANASQUAN, N.J. (AP) — Storm surge barriers to temporarily close off inlets and portions of bays during severe storms are among measures envisioned in a new study to protect New Jersey coastal areas from back bay flooding.
Such flooding caused major damage during Superstorm Sandy in 2012, even though more attention was paid to damage from oceanfront waves pounding on the beachfront.
By contrast,…
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lesen-und-schreiben · 6 years
Unregulated resource use, in general, is consistent with objectives for rapid economic growth, as reflected in "frontier economics".  If the social problem of traditional use rights is assumed away, the environmental problem only comes up when the resource is depleted. Can regulations be brought in before the resource disappears?
Fikret Berkes, Social Systems, Ecological Systems, and Property Rights p. 97, Rights to Nature
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crawfordlm · 3 years
Make the Utilities More Reliable with Vegetation Management in A Worthy Process
Vegetation Management
It is a process in which identification and response to the vegetation are made, which may threaten the nearby power lines. Simply we can say that it’s a process of maintaining the vegetation and trees to help ensure reliable services. For most of the country, this vegetation management is the most expensive preventive maintenance.
Brush removal, tree pruning, herbicides, hazardous tree removal are the various method which is used for Vegetation Management. Although Vegetation Management is a very expensive process, it must be done because it makes the utilities more reliable and reduces power outrages.
Equipment for Vegetation Management
We have experience in this field for decades. We are always passionate about quality, and we always try to provide the right advice so that it can be done sustainably. We are also happy to render the right equipment for this job. Because of the high built quality and the standard which we offer through our machinery, people are so glad to have service from us. The machinery which we provide is built to do this job right the first time.
How are we managing the trees?
We have qualified tree personals that are specially trained to use the integrated vegetation management. They inspect whether there is clear vegetation or not and whether this vegetation is creating any threat to transmission lines. This Integrated vegetation always bases its practice on the different types of lines and voltages.  
Our team personals use approved arboricultural tree pruning practices to maintain tree health during the establishment of clearance between the tree branches and power lines. We also provide a helping hand for Natural Resource Management and Vista Management.
In Vista Management, the property located near the black sea coast is managed. Our well-trained professionals offer various services that help rent and maintain the area located near the black sea coast.
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annieboltonworld · 2 years
Influence of Moisture, Temperature and Microbial Activity in Biomass Sustainable Storage. Special Focus on Olive Biomasses
Biomass is a renewable energy source that, due to its high seasonality, needs to be stored, handled and managed in suitable conditions for its optimum use. Sustainable storage is, therefore, a key process in which biomass can lose much of its qualities as fuel. The article presents an exhaustive bibliographic review of the factors that affect the quality of biomass during storage and the interactions that occur among them. Humidity, type of product, granulometry, size of the stockpile, airflow, temperature, and microbial action are analysed as the main factors affecting biomass during storage, and the results are compared with the tests that have been carried out on biomass from olive groves and olive oil industry. Recommendations are presented so that, using a correct storage method, losses, degradation and self-ignition risks are reduced and the energy quality of the fuel could be improved, taking advantage of the storage process to optimize the net energy yield.
Read More about this Article: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/IJESNR.MS.ID.556165.php
Read More Juniper Publishers Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=4WXzQFMAAAAJ&citation_for_view=4WXzQFMAAAAJ:EUQCXRtRnyEC
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kmsgroup · 3 years
Natural resource management (NRM) is the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations.
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faeryecologist · 6 years
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