royalsuvia · 8 days
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Explore Valta
Come explore the Suvian capital's most lively neighborhoods.
City Block Sets Not intended for gameplay 64x64 CCFree
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Eco Hills Valta - Download -
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Dockside - Download -
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Pier 17 -Download -
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Valta Circle A - Download -
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Valta Circle B - Download -
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Muy Pronto Los Rancheros En Sinaloa & Michoacan! No que las interesadas no se suvian a un tractor 😂
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
DMS: Last Sun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LRM95nb
by Huinesoron
The year is 1999. The PPC is in what some call its golden age (and others call a dictatorial police state, but you can't have everything). Alex Orange, Sam Apple, and Mortic Wentway - aka probably half of the DMS Fantasy Division - take on some of that new-fangled Internet fanfiction, starring a Lieutenant Mary Sue knockoff who doesn't understand what made the original great, and her slightly unusual Lust Object.
Words: 4256, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of PPC: Apples & Oranges
Fandoms: Protectors of the Plot Continuum, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dafydd Illian (Protectors of the Plot Continuum), Maglor | Makalaurë
Additional Tags: PPC Mission, Mission Report, Department of Mary Sues, Suvian, PPC history
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LRM95nb
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thatidioticwriter · 2 years
Suviane would return home drenched in rain water in the middle of the night when it was storming outside the house. He held his suitcase in one hand and his broken umbrella in the other. "Great, can my day be any worse?" he thought as he clicked his tongue. He'd slam the door behind him, making Atlas, who was sitting on the living room couch waiting for him, flinch. "F-Father," Atlas murmured as he rose from the couch.
"Great, it's grown worse," Suviane thought to himself, pushing his hair back because it was impeding his view. "Good evening, Father, may I take your umbrella?" Atlas murmured nervously, most of his words stumbled but he tried not to make it clear. Suviane would scowl at Atlas as he tossed his umbrella to the ground. "Go ahead, take it, I have no use for it," Suviane said before slipping one of his hands into his pockets and entering the house.
As Suviane walked past him, Atlas cast a glance at the umbrella on the ground. "And why are you up this late? Don't you have school tomorrow?" Suviane inquired as one of the servants handed him a towel to dry his vest. "Y-yes, it was because I wanted to wait for you to get home," Atlas murmured, staring over his shoulder at Suviane. Atlas became frightened as he spoke to Suviane, but he tried hard not to show it. "Don't do that again, seeing your face is annoying," Suviane stated as he walked away. Atlas would tighten his fists and grind his teeth; his father had always treated him as an outcast.
Sumi would run up to Suviane from the corridor as he walked away. "Daddy!" Sumi exclaimed, reaching her little arms towards him. She was dressed in her nightgown, and a servant was chasing her down because it was way past her bedtime. "Sumi!" Atlas yelled in terror at Sumi, fearful that Suviane would hit her for staying up so late and rushing up to him for adoration. Atlas came to a halt as he noticed Suviane beaming warmly and lifting Sumi up off the ground. "Hello there, my little princess, why are you up so late? You know you're not meant to be up this late!" Suviane chuckled, clutching Sumi warmly in his arms.
"Sumi just wanted to see you, Daddy! Sumi rarely gets to see him, so Sumi stayed up late to see him when he gets home!" Sumi replied cheerfully. The servant stood in front of Suviane, panting for oxygen, saying, "Mr. Suviane, I apologize for Sumi," as they bowed themselves into a bow of respect. "Don't worry, I perfectly understand Sumi's want for my attention," Suviane grinned. Atlas became envious of Sumi's ability to quickly win Suviane's love and attention.
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arsenicmedia · 5 years
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Adding color to this new painting. West park fountain in Mount Vernon. More of my Baltimore Monsters! #arsenicmedia #scottgoergens #sphilipg #baltimoreartist #gayartist #scifiart #darkart #creepyart #peculiarart #creatures #monsters #instagood #instaart #watercolor #watercolour #artstarsmag #blog #suvian #baltimoremonsters #mountvernonclub #mountvernonplace #westpark #fountain #sketch #monstersreadingbooks (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4nr4ynRiz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bf7nl2jncnzk
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seasaltcosmos · 4 years
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a bunch of meralani doodles ft. their daughter jade (and poof’s oc jasper bc we love joking that he’s secretly their son sakjbdjkwr)
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editsleblanc · 3 years
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os suvians - silas headers
like or reblog if u save 🖤
@styxmaes on twitter
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cheiroverde011 · 6 years
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#karate #esperia #clubeesperia #suvi #suviguirado #suviane #wendy
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armorbirdpress · 6 years
Armor Bird Reviews: Deadpool 2
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If you'll excuse the cringeworthy wordplay to start us off, I've been dying harder than a mook at Wade Wilson's mercy to see the Deadpool sequel, and I finally got my wish last weekend. The first movie is as of now my favorite in the X-Men film canon, and this is coming from somebody who's seen most if not all of the movies over the years and really enjoyed both Days of Future Past and Apocalypse. However, Deadpool topped them both by quite a margin by not only rerailing the Merc with a Mouth, but also using quite a bit of self-deprecation among other humor to blow a mile-wide hole in the fourth wall. So, was Deadpool 2 able to outdo the first film in terms of quality and humor? The spoilerific answer is under the cut!
Deadpool 2 starts off... pretty badly, actually. There is definitely humor and a bit of a jab at the ending of Logan - the film literally opens with a music box shaped like the dead Wolverine, in fact - and we get to see the Merc turn himself to ludicrous gibs literally within minutes of the studio titles. Fine and dandy for an introductory sequence, right? But then we get to see why he blew himself up: someone shot Vanessa while he and his gang broke into Wade's apartment. That... that's not how I wanted to start us off. It was a disappointment to me especially since Vanessa actually gains powers in the comics and I'd have wanted to see that play out in a Deadpool sequel, rather than her getting fridged less than ten minutes in. For reasons I'll get to much later in this review, the impact actually wasn't as bad as Mako Mori getting fridged in Pacific Rim: Uprising - which was in its entirety a bitter disappointment for my taste; I seriously hope a third PR movie does get made after all that fixes what this one made such a huge mess of, but I digress. Having Vanessa's death solely be for the sake of Deadpool's development was an upset I worried would detract from the rest of the movie. I even saw it coming, actually - Wade's narration mentions that like other family movies, which he insists this film is an example of, it starts with "a vicious murder"... definitely not him, but with nobody else significant other than Vanessa and her bringing up an interest in having children early on, I just knew it would end badly for her. Again, I'll get back to her later, but her fate left a sour taste in my mouth and I seriously hoped what followed made up for it.
To my surprise - and to my surprise, to my pleasant surprise - Deadpool's quest to do something decent for once, while undermined a little by his love interest's demise, combined the standard dose of fourth-wall-breaking antics, that continent-wide streak of dark black comedy that only Deadpool could deliver, and an impressive degree of character development while still keeping Wade a demented, murderous flock-head who only endears us because of his deceptively sophisticated sense of humor. Even in-universe, a brief cameo by some of the other X-Men demonstrates that with the exception of Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and the newly introduced Yukio (who I would later find out also showed up in The Wolverine but in a different timeline and portrayed completely differently), nobody wants anything to do with him whenever he shows up at the mansion. And yet he still charmed us all in spite of all of that. I don't know how the heck he does it - perhaps it's his casual transition between talking with the characters and the audience, and vice versa, or maybe it's his self-deprecation and acknowledgement that he's a total a-hole, or maybe it's both at once. But he remains as quotable and memetic as ever in this movie while also learning valuable life lessons about caring for others, which makes him as strong a protagonist as the first time around while still making his character arc here more distinct and special.
By the same token, the film does a good job of making it seem like there's a main antagonist - the spotlight is put on Vanessa's murderer, Cable, that mutant-hating preacher who abused Russel/Firefist, Russel himself, and Juggernaut, in that order - but ultimately having the main conflict being Deadpool trying to do good for both the world and himself without vivisecting people the way he usually does. There's no major threat to Wade in this movie apart from his own inner struggles, including wanting to see Vanessa in the afterlife, wanting to protect Russel from Cable (who is himself slightly mistaken), and wanting to punish those who abused Russel while not inciting him to go down the dark path Cable was trying to prevent in the first place. Likewise, Russel himself wants vengeance against the preacher who tortured him, but if he kills him he'll start wanting to kill more people and cause the bad future that Cable didn't want, so it's down to Deadpool to get him to see sense. Deadpool's ever-present rival, Colossus, also comes to terms with the nobility of the Merc's intentions, and even gets to loosen up and try out his more vulgar approach to life for once. And even Cable himself, who seems like a villain in the second act of the movie, ultimately comes to understand that you don't have to kill people to prevent a dark future and acts accordingly to help Deadpool. The main theme of the movie is that reckless violence only begets reckless violence, and that breaking the cycle can be difficult - it takes a selfless act from Deadpool himself to do the trick in this case - but the act of caring for others, so complicated and yet so simple, is a more sustainable solution than selfishly acting on your own interests. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the world could learn from Wade's example if only it took the time to listen.
I've rambled long enough about this movie without getting into the supporting characters as well as the blatant (and bitingly subversive) attempt at making it an X-Force pilot. The marketing played up the characters recruited by Deadpool to rescue Russel to the point where some of the trailers even included scenes featuring them that weren't in the final film (and may have even been made specifically to throw off the public). With one exception, not one of them even survives long enough to participate in said rescue - Bedlam gets hit by a bus, Shatterstar is shredded by helicopter rotors, Zeitgeist goes feet-first into a woodchipper... Even Peter the memetic ordinary guy dies trying to help that last one, though he and the aforementioned exception are also the only members of the group to make it out in the long term. Only Domino, thanks to her luck power, manages to not only stick the landing but be an awesome character from that point forward. Now, I know that weaponized luck ability sounds Suvian, and if written badly it is. But if a line from Domino when the gang gets to the orphanage where Russel was kept is any indication, she used to live there as a kid - and who knows if she was tortured like Russel was. Exploring the problems of her ability, both in her troubled past and in the present day, could be an interesting avenue to explore in her future appearances. It also doesn't hurt that Deadpool actually throws shade at her luck ability for not being photogenic, even though the Disaster Dominoes she causes allow her to get to Russel with ease. Come to think of it, a further way of deconstructing her luck could be having her eventually become aware of the collateral damage it could cause to others, and try to rectify this oversight before she ends up getting lucky at the cost of someone else's life (Maybe she already has and hasn't realized it? I can't tell). Ultimately, Domino is my second favorite character in this movie aside from the Merc himself, and I hope to see more of her in future X-Men installments.
So, where will the third Deadpool movie go now that Vanessa is dead? Well... Towards the end of the movie, Cable used the one remaining charge of his time-travel device to retroactively save Deadpool, by using the same skee-ball token he'd taken from Wade earlier as a pocket protector for its owner (previously he'd taken a bullet shot by Cable himself to save Russel and demonstrate his hidden altruism). In a mid-credits stinger, Negasonic and Yukio fix the device... and give it to Wade by mistake. Whereupon the Merc proceeds to abuse its power to undo the deaths of Vanessa and Peter (along with two old shames of Ryan Reynolds' that I won't spoil even here), meaning that surprise, Vanessa escapes the fridge after all! I honestly should've seen this coming, but unlike with the Time Stone in Avengers: Infinity War, Cable's device never was played up as a means of setting right what had gone wrong in Deadpool's history, so the stinger was a bit of a curveball for me at least. Still, it was a massive relief in hindsight that Vanessa's death was undone, since that means she'll have more room for development in the third Deadpool movie. I'd still want to see her develop superpowers of her own (I think she had shapeshifting in the comics) and ultimately end up fighting alongside her fiancee, and in fact that could be the exact conflict of the third movie if I were to guess - his coaching her through her new life and the complications that both of them being superheroes (well, super-anti-hero in Wade's case) would bring to their relationship. Fridging her in this movie was a mistake, even if it was temporary, but unlike with poor Mako Mori, there is at least a very good chance that the upcoming third film could more than make up for it, and I really hope Vanessa gets a much bigger spotlight in said third film than in this one, because gosh darn it, she needs and deserves it. On a slightly unrelated note, I'm also hopeful that Yukio gets more screentime, especially considering her lovable personality and relationship with Negasonic (major props to the producers for the same-sex pairing representation!), and as with Vanessa, I hope she gets a bigger role and becomes more pivotal to whatever shenanigans Deadpool gets involved with next time he hits the big screen. 
As a re-railing of Wade's character, and as the first R-rated X-Men installment, the first Deadpool already did set a pretty high bar, especially since its production was super troubled and it was only after several shake-ups in 20th Century Fox as well as Reynolds supposedly leaking footage of the movie himself that it managed to see the light of day. So was Deadpool 2 a worthy successor? There were a few bumps in the road, sure, but they weren't as consequential as I feared they would, and it was otherwise a hilarious and awesome romp that matched the first film in terms of quality and, yes, even exceeded it, thanks in part to solid supporting characters (Cable and Domino especially) and a slightly less cookie-cutter plotline. It's not perfect by any means - but then again, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as cinematic perfection, and nobody isn't allowed to gut movies they enjoy nor are they forbidden from providing their feedback on what could be done to make these movies better. All the same, the Deadpool series has thus far been a winner in my book, and I rest my case in the wake of Deadpool 2. I look forward to the future cinematic fourth-wall-obliterating adventures of the Merc with a Mouth... even if the rest of the X-Men probably wouldn't.
Grading Scheme:
96 - 100: A+
93 - 96: A
90 - 92.9: A-
87 - 89.9: B+
83 - 86.9: B
80 - 82.9: B-
77 - 79.9: C+
73 - 76.9: C
70 - 72.9: C-
67 - 69.9: D+
60 - 66.9: D
Below 60: E
Writing: 10
Characterization: 8
Pacing: 8
Creativity: 9
Consistency: 8
Cinematography: 10
World Building: 9
Music and Sound: 9
Effects: 8
Engagement: 10
Final Grade: 89 (B+)
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The Vehicles of Wings of Canon: The Mysterious Stormer
Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about The World Without Authors, and neither has Aelit. However, as the ninth chapter is taking longer to write due to various Real Life impediments, I thought I could still throw you readers a bone with another behind-the-scenes snippet. And maybe even a little digital feelie.
The last chapter of Blank Sprite featured a car straight out of Mai Dire Fine, the Stormer. Before anyone asks no, it has nothing to do with the Land Rover concept car of nearly two decades ago. As in the chapter itself, the relevant car is “an old, red saloon of indiscernible model with a big rear wing and a yellow lightning bolt painted on each side”, with a spaceframe racing car chassis and a 900 horsepower Alfa Romeo Busso V6 which Sergio claims to have built himself when he was just 12 (and still as much of a Gary Stu as you can guess). It is all wheel drive, with power being transmitted by a sequential gearbox with seven gears. It’s a fairly big car, around five meters, that can seat five people comfortably (well, for as much a race car with a license plate on it can be comfortable) though it often had to carry more as Sergio was the only one capable of driving in the Mai Dire Fine core cast.
The car also features Molecular Bonded Shell from the Knight Rider continuum (the thing that makes KITT bulletproof and almost indestructable), as show in the last chapter of Blank Sprite when Vera’s MAC-10s failed to have any effect on it.
But the most insane feature of the car, not used in Blank Sprite, is the twin retractable turbofans. Housed in bays between the rear wheel wells and the rear lights, they can give the Stormer a huge boost in speed for a limited time (I think I recall claiming that their fuel tank, separate from the car’s main one, holds enough jet fuel for about five minutes of use). In Mai Dire Fine I claimed the boosted speed topped out at around 500 kph, so you can guess why Sergio wasn’t keen on using them when the Stormer is already much faster than Vera’s Porsche Carrera GT as it is. It goes without saying that the car is pretty much (by Sergio’s own admission) a Suvian artifact all in itself, though it is interesting that cars from Future GPX Cyber Formula feature similar boost systems and consistently outperform the Stormer – if I were to make a racing arc featuring Cyber Formulas it would require some in-universe rework to be actually able to keep up even with the like of the Asurada GSX and Superion GT from the first season.
As a completely fictional vehicle, for a while the only thing that existed about it was a drawing I made when I was (guess it!) 12 years old.
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Notice a few things. First of all, Stormer wasn’t the original name – it was originally meant to be called R4 THS (Turbo High Speed), but I liked so much how it turned out that I made it into Sergio’s own car, and so changed its name into something that soulded cooler. “ST” was the fictional car brand I used for my designs at the time, while STV literally means “Sergio Turbo Version” to denote that it is his car.
Then the data specs. They came out a bit cut in the photo, but while I always meant the car to have a 3.0 V6 (it being a heavily tuned Busso was something I decided only later while writing Blank Sprite), as I drew it I  meant it to have a staggering 1200 horsepower and to be able to reach 450 kph. The already ridicolous canon version, with 600 horsepower for 350 kph in the first arc of Mai Dire Fine and 900 hp for 400 kph top speed afterwards, is already a step down in my insanity!
I eventually reskinned a mod of a Maserati Quattroporte for Re-Volt (a videogame about RC cars released in 1999) to make a more “physical” and driveable Stormer. While not a proper car, it did allow me to make screenshots of the car to post on Mai Dire Fine‘s blog and satiated my desire to actually drive it somewhere.
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But no, the car for Re-Volt is not the “feelie” I was talking about. Mostly because I edited someone else’s mod for my own use, and I have no idea if the original author of the car is even around in Re-Volt communities to ask for permission to release this. It has been a long time.
However, there is a game (or, rather, a combination of games) that allowed me to recreate the Stormer with a level of accuracy never seen before. Automation, a game centered in making your own car company, that allows you to design your own cars with a high degree of freedom. While it doesn’t feature the ability to drive the cars in the game itself, it has an export feature that allows them to be used as mods in BeamNG. And this is the result.
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The Stormer, in all of its reality-breaking glory! In the end, I went for a mix of features of the original drawing and the Re-Volt mod. Sadly, it’s lacking the stripe on the side as I haven’t found a way to reliably do that yet.
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Note the panel between the lights and the wheel arch. That’s one of the turbofan bays. Of course, it is only a dummy feature in the model – actual retractable turbofans are something that Automation is sadly unable to do, and while it could be doable in Beam it requires modding and 3D modeling skills I don’t have. Also, no tow hitch at the rear – it was fairly pointless in the first place.
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It does feature an interior, though. It is only a recent addition to Automation and is mostly relying on mod fixtures to do the job, but it allows me to show you roughly how that car is on the inside as well. Which is… rather plain really. The Stormer was always meant as all go and no show. 
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And also features an actual spaceframe chassis.
The engine is, as I said, derived from a 3.0 liter Busso V6 and so I used the bore and stroke of said engine as a reference. While canonically the Stormer’s engine features also a supercharger for low RPM, in Automation I was only able to put the twin turbos on it, but I still managed to get 943 horsepower, actually a little bit more than the official Mai Dire Fine figure (918). It has 792 Nm of torque, but the redline is slightly lower than the one of Mai Dire Fine at 10500 RPM instead of 12000. It doesn’t quite break the 400 kph mark either, reaching “only” 392 on a flat even surface. However, its accelleration is way better than I ever claimed: even for the latest official version I claimed a 3.5 seconds for the 0-to-100, but in Beam it actually managed an impressive 2.9 seconds.
Car is running on 245/40 R17 tyres at the front and 305/35R17 at the rear, necessary to drop down all the power through a 30/70 torque split. Weirdly enough, it is around 1485 kg according to Automation but only 1352 in BeamNG – make of that what you will. The latter figure, while fairly unrealistic, is closer to what I used to claim in Mai Dire Fine though (1300 kg).
Handling is where the Automation/BeamNG version differ the most – deliberately. The Stormer as described in my works is “Oversteer. Lots of it. All the time.” Basically, undriveable for everyone aside Sergio and maybe a few extremely talented race car drivers – and that everyone includes me. So I decided to give it a tamer handling model – it actually tends to understeer during braking, instead of going into full on oversteer mode. You can still experience the “tail out then power-over” type of drift Sergio performed while entering the highway with a bit of handbrake, though, and I find the “tame” version of the Stormer is well controllable that way as well.
So, if you have BeamNG Drive, or are planning to get it (it’s good, but it kinda requires a beefy PC to run nicely), here it is. You can finally experience my insanity first-hand by downloading it here.
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adilia-the-kouhai · 7 years
I've said this before, but, Suvian standards of beauty mostly revolve around the horns. Curvature complexity, two or one set of horns, size etc, people can get really picky about them as well as the actual person attached to them. This makes people like Vivain, who has extreme curvature, very attractive in general. On the flip side, Riki is rather 'meh', horn wise but some might like him for his other appearances instead.
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royalsuvia · 1 month
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Kal: “I am truly sorry to Mr. Wasama of the Bystander, Mr. Kyllo, the Suvian people, and most importantly my wife. Does anyone have any questions?” 
Sylvia: “I do. How DID you meet exactly?” 
Kal: “You already know that - ” 
Sylvia: “Yes of course I do, which is why I think it’s past time to share it properly. You keep telling everyone a different story, let’s hear the real one.” 
Kal: “But Sylvie!”
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ao3feed-snape · 6 years
RC #227 Mission #11: Snake Eyes (Original)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LijDA6
by SkarmorySilver
In which a supernatural school is supposedly subjugated by sapient Suvian serpents.
(Original version uploaded for archiving purposes; this mission is temporarily out-of-continuity and currently being rewritten.)
Words: 11210, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Protectors of the Plot Continuum, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Falchion (Protectors of the Plot Continuum), Velociripper (Protectors of the Plot Continuum), Harry Potter, Basilisk (Harry Potter), Original Mary Sue Character(s) (Protectors of the Plot Continuum), Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick
Additional Tags: PPC Mission, Sporking - Freeform, badfic, WTF, Baleful Polymorph, Transformation, character replacement, Out of Character, Canon derailment, Out of Continuity, move along nothing to see here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LijDA6
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hoera · 4 years
por Suviane Guirado Hoera
Eu não vejo aviões voando nesse céu tão azul, mas sou capaz de ouvir os pássaros… Será que eles estavam aí o tempo todo e só eu é que não conseguia ouvi-los?… Minha visão não alcança as florestas mas as flores da minha varanda parecem sorrir pra mim… E cá estou eu dentro da minha gaiola… dentro do…
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sittiannee · 7 years
Two murdered at metro Detroit candy importer <b>warehouse</b>
STERLING HEIGHTS — Two people were killed at the same Sterling Heights business just a few days apart. The latest victim was found dead early Saturday morning inside Laith's Candy Land. Suvian Saba was found dead inside last Monday. Then on Saturday the second victim, Liath Anki, 20, was ... from Google Alert - warehouse http://ift.tt/2ivZJVq
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arsenicmedia · 5 years
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Southern Perch is complete! This, as well as others will be available for sale at my both at Flower Mart this year. May 3rd & 4th. More of my Baltimore Monsters! #arsenicmedia #scottgoergens #sphilipg #baltimoreartist #gayartist #scifiart #darkart #creepyart #peculiarart #creatures #monsters #instagood #instaart #watercolor #watercolour #artstarsmag #blog #suvian #baltimoremonsters #mtvernonmonument #washingtonmonumentbaltimore #charlesstreet #magnoliaflowers #flowermart (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-R5GUpPlP/?igshid=12ctmn9xori8v
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