#suzanna dane
heckcareoxytwit · 7 months
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Magneto is trapped in his own personal hell of the afterlife dimension where he is crawling on what looks like hot coal, and surrounded by massive stone walls in front of him with names on it. The names on the walls are those who have died in his time - both directly and indirectly; whether they had been murdered, killed in his name by his Acolytes, mutant students died in his care (even though one of them like Doug Ramsey was murdered back then by Ani-Mator in the original New Mutants comic) or accidentally killed (Suzanna Dane, the mother of Polaris was killed in a plane crash accident). Magneto is not only tortured by his own guilt, he is also crying blood from his eyes. Storm comes over to talk to him. Storm says when a friend calls she comes as she felt his pain and so she had to answer his call. To save him if she can. Magneto tells her to leave or she may add another name to the tally. Storm asks if he's threatening her and he says he's trying to protect the life she still has. Magneto hurls a statue at her which she easily destroys with lightning. She says the world is not done with them but if this is truly what he wants… she is sorry. She brings up that Krakoa couldn't bring back his original daughter, Anya. He says yes, that was his last failure, his final straw. But the truth is that he was already broken.
Magneto also tells her that like him, she is also part of the Quiet Council where she should be guilty of being involved in condemning Sabretooth (though he deserved it) and other mutants like Third Eye, Madison Jeffries, Nekra, Melter and Oya into the Krakoan Pit. Magneto reveals to her about how he let Toad take the fall for Wanda's death. Storm is visibly and understandably shocked. He says Wanda would have never agreed to it but Toad did because he still loved Wanda. Magneto asks if Storm still feels his pain, if she still wants him back. She hesitates for a second then says she thinks she wants to speak to Wanda. Magneto lashes out and yells at her to not dare blame it on Wanda! "The fault is mine!" Thunderbird and thousands like him are alive thanks to Wanda's work and Toad's sacrifice. Ororo immediately calls him out for his spirited defense of Wanda but that he doesn't do it for himself. She tells him that he's closer to Charles than he cares to admit.
Storm tells Magneto about what happened to Charles Xavier and the fall of Krakoa in his absence. This made Magneto angry so he lashes out again by throwing the shards at her. Storm manages to throw up her barrier to defend herself from the shards. Then, Magneto kneels down exhausted and crying as he thinks of his best friend Charles Xavier and all those failures. As Magneto is on his knees, Storm kneels in front of him like a true friend. He quietly tells her to leave him. She says no, that there's something he needs to see. She positions herself behind him, her hand on his shoulder. Blood flowing from his eyes. Storm comforts him for a moment and she covers his eyes from behind then, being an avatar of life, opens his eyes with her fingers and we see his real eyes for the first time. No more blood. As he opens his eyes, he sees the light shining on the walls. Magneto gets a hold of himself and remembers that he has the MacGuffin Key of Resurrection.
Resurrection of Magneto #2, 2024
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toomanybs · 5 months
Homo Superior: Awesome New Species or Super Over-Exaggerated
Mutants being called a different species compared to baseline humans is a common trope in X-Men media. Sometimes by human bigots, sometimes by mutant supremacists. But that,,, doesn't sound right. So we're going to use a trio of Species Concepts biology taught me to test the question: Does this claim hold any water? Like, any at all?
Morphological Species Concept:
If two groups look different and distinctly recognizable, they probably aren't the same species. This is appearance, abilities, and behaviors.
Mutants can obviously do things that are impossible for baseline humans. Professor X can read minds, and Magneto can control electromagnetism. No "Homo Sapien" could, so they are a new species. Very cut and dry. However... can Professor X bend metal with his mind? No? Then I guess he is also a different species from Magneto. And every other non-telepath
Mutants are shown distinct from baseline humans by defining what they are not, but they are as different from one another as they are from baselines. A different species that does not make unless you want to try and apply that logic to each and every one of us, individually
Is a lactose intolerant man a different species than me, who loves to drink milk? No? Guess amazing abilities a nebulous ~~someone else~~ wouldn't have isn't enough to be a new species
Mutants think the same way humans do, socialize the same way humans do, and live the same way humans do. If they can hide their powers they fit right in, no greater difficulty than the stress, which they would not be able to do if a different species
Verdict: They are the same species
Molecular Species Concept:
DNA. If two groups have very similar DNA they are probably related. Similar enough and they are probably the same species.
It's called the X-gene, which seems to either refer to a group of genes or be very poorly understood/vague. Either way the genetic difference between baseline and mutant is small, possibly to the point of being unidentifiable. If you watched First Class, you've seen Charles flirt by naming mutations as an analogy for Mutants. We can assume the X-gene is so small as to be comparable to normal variation
Verdict: They are the same species
Biological Species Concept:
A species is a distinct evolutionary line. If two groups can reproduce together and get kids that can also reproduce they are probably of the same species, because the pair isn't an evolutionary dead-end. If anything gets in the way, be it mechanics, timing, genetic incompatibility, behavior, or kid's (poor) survival they are probably not the same species or on their way to diverging
Some differing species, like grey wolves and coyotes, can produce hybrids, but they won't be of either species. Instead the are something distinct and new (often less suitable to either of the parent's niches), such as the previously mentioned coywolves, who are on their way to being their own species
Let's look at some canon examples of human and mutant pairings, and their kids. I will include Comic and Movie characters, because I wanted an example of baseline parents = baseline kid without feeling pedantic:
Magneto (mutant) married Magda (baseline) and their first child was Anya (baseline). They sometimes then had Wanda+Pietro (mutants). Magneto and Suzanna Dane (baseline) had Lorna Dane (mutant)
Mystique (mutant) and Sabretooth (mutant) had Grayson Creed (baseline). Scott Summers (mutant) and Jean Gray (mutant) had Cable (mutant).
William Drake (human) and Madeline Bass (human) Bobby Drake (mutant) and Ronny Drake (baseline)
mutant + baseline = mutant or baseline, no hybrid
mutant + mutant = mutant or baseline
baseline + baseline = mutant or baseline
If you believe parents of a shared species could produce offspring of a different species, you are wrong. About as wrong as a guy who thinks the dinosaurs are all dead because a black hole was jealous of their beauty and sucked them all up. That's how wrong
Verdict: They are the same species
To Conclude:
Magneto is dumb. Apocalypse is dumb. Shaw is dumb. Trask is dumb. Baseline humans are not the irrelevant leftovers of a bygone area, or the blood-sworn enemies across town. They are the Mutants' identical twin in the bottom bunk with a slightly different freckle pattern
The fact that Apocalypse has existed since 10,000 years ago (according to X-Men: Apocalypse) and manages to find 4 other Mutants every time he shows up despite mutants being unknown to humans is evidence enough to be honest. Mutants are a part of humanity and have been for longer than literature. They are not the instantaneous, brand new direction to replace humanity. They are fully integrated, but often unrecognized, members of the Homo sapiens. No such thing as a Homo superior
You could argue they are a subspecies (Homo sapiens superior), but humans have spread across the entire globe and been cut apart by entire oceans for and have not a single subspecies among us. Native Americans are twice as old as Apocalypse, the oldest known mutant. Mutants aren't even isolated from baselines. It would be very hard to believe they are more separate than any real world group
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(Tumblr broke the post twice)
2 HEADCANONS FOR OUR MUSES’ RELATIONSHIP Lorna and Luna -- @edgymuses ||
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↪      They are the two poles of diamagnets. While they exist, it is likely that no other can control magnetism.
↪     He does not talk of, or mentions, Suzanna Dane.
↪    As she has learned during his more villanous days, their power exchange was actually the first mutant circuit. Their powers can interchange and boost one another. But Magneto also learned to basically channel her powers to himself and take control from her... (ref. Fatal Attraction)
↪      Magneto and Lorna developed a unique, almost telepathic form of communication using magnetic fields. They can convey complex thoughts and emotions without speaking a word. Please note that this has immense misscommunication chances.
↪      Lorna, Wanda and Rogue receive some of his material possessions. Be it a gift or for safe keeping. He struggles with keeping them for various reasons.
↪     consider: Planet hopping to listen to magnetic fields. Tuning into metals together. Hive mind like. But dangerous when Mags ... does Magneto things.
↪      She is, obviously, the favourite. She never saw him as Magneto and it is a relief to never have the preface of this role in her eyes. He can be grandpa Mags. He tries to be with her as his own father and grandfather were.
↪     Grandpa is on speed dial for anything she might need. Of course her parents don't know.
↪    Magneto has a knack for storytelling. He weaves tales of ancient civilizations, mythical creatures, and heroic deeds.
↪    Magneto has a knack for storytelling for her. He weaves tales of ancient civilizations, mythical creatures, and heroic deeds.
↪    There was a lot of terror when Magneto suddenly appeared at her school to pick her up for ice cream.
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earth-18104 · 2 months
Earth-18104 - 1980
List of events that occurred from 1980 to 1988 in Earth-18104. The story behind these events is not completely complete, some are well summarized. Most of these events happening here are taken by other medias, like the movies and the comics, but doesn't follow Marvel Canon or the time-line established so faithfully, and include stories of my OCs.
The (N) at the end of names serves to indicate character births. I will include more events as I write more about the characters.
List of Events of Earth-18104 (Resume)
1980 -
• Alongside his friend Mendel Stromm, Norman Osborn (25) founded his company Osborn Chemical, also known as Oscorp.
• He also married his college sweetheart Emily Lyman and they had a son, Harold "Harry" Osborn. (N)
• Unfortunately, his wife became ill and died, which caused Norman to bury himself in his work and rarely have time for young Harry.
• June 5 - Peter Parker is born, son of CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker. (N)
• Alicia Reiss's mother, Marcia Deaton, died from radioactive isotopes involved in the explosion that killed her husband years earlier. While Alicia (14) grew up to become a noted sculptor, Phillip Masters (51), her adoptive father, was heartbroken over Marcia's death.
• Adrian Toomes (33) and his wife Cheryl had their second daughter, Valeria Toomes. (N)
• Ben Grimm (18) received a football scholarship to the State University of New York, where he studied alongside his childhood friend, Reed Richards (17), who rented the Baxter Building, at 42nd Street and Madison Avenue, and decided to rent the entire top floor to transform it into a laboratory/house, which he shared with Ben.
• In college, the two met a foreign student, a scientific genius named Victor von Doom (18), who quickly formed a rivalry with Reed.
• (The Dane's plane crash)
• When Lorna Dane was five years old, her stepfather Arnold discovered that she was not his biological daughter and decided to confront his wife. He took Suzanna and Lorna to fly in his plane and a fight broke out between the couple.
• Lorna was upset about the flight and began crying, triggering the manifestation of her immense magnetic abilities, which caused her to emit a magnetic pulse that destroyed the plane and killed her parents, as well as giving her hair its iconic green color.
• Lorna was the only one who survived and was found by her real father, Magneto, who was attracted to the location by his magnetic pulse.
• Believing that she was not ready for his abilities or the life he could offer her, he had his associate Mastermind use his illusionary powers to rewrite Lorna's memories of that day, leaving her to believe that her parents died in a car accident. plane when she was a child, so she was raised by Arnold's sister and her husband.
• Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (12) lived a happy childhood, traveling with their family and adoptive parents throughout Central and Western Europe.
• As they grew, their mutant powers emerged and with the protection of their family, they had complete freedom to explore their abilities. Wanda had a strong connection with magic, while Pietro manifested super speed, which he used to his advantage on many occasions.
1981 -
• By the age of eighteen, Reed Richards had earned four degrees in fields such as engineering, mathematics, and physics.
• Meanwhile, Ben Grimm (19) quits college and joins the United States Air Force and becomes a highly skilled fighter pilot. At some point he started dating Dr. Linda McGill.
• Franklin Storm gambled away the family fortune, ending up in a penitentiary for murder after accidentally killing his loan shark. His children went to live with their aunt Marygay Dinkins, who ran a boarding house.
• Sue (16) told Johnny (8) that her father had died, and he would not discover the truth until years later.
• While her sister went to college, Johnny, who was very attached to Sue and saw her as a substitute mother, suffered greatly when she left. In his early teens, he was attracted to automobiles and became a mechanic at a young age.
• Wade Winston Wilson (10) had fled his parents' house when he encountered Francine Cavalcante (174) and Tereza Márquez (166).
• Interested in Tereza's ability, he starts following her on the streets.
• Even though she tried to scare him and send him away, Wade had nowhere else to go, so Antônio Cavalcante (181) OC took him in at Sister Margaret's School, the base of the Mercs for Money, where he was raised by the Cavalcantes to become a mercenary.
• During his last years at university, Henry Pym (18) met Maria Trovaya, a Hungarian immigrant studying in the United States with whom he begins a relationship.
• Unknow to him, Maria was daughter of Dr. Janos Trovaya, a Hungarian geneticist and entomologist, secretly involved with the HYDRA and the Red Room.
• Stephen Strange (41) studied magic with the Ancient One for seven years and returned to the United States where he became a mystical consultant and protector of New York's Sanctum Sanctorum, alongside Wong, the librarian of Kamar-Taj.
• Since then, Strange has fought demonic entities, his reputation has grown, and he has even become an occasional consultant to local and federal authorities.
• Tereza Márquez (116) joins the ranks of SHIELD, as Nick Fury Sr's request, adopting the name Sanguinária.
1982 -
• Clint Barton (16) adapted his archery skills to become a star of the carnival, a master archer named "Hawkeye," also known as "The Greatest Shot in the World."
• One day, he found Jacques Duquesne (29) and his brother Barney Barton (21) embezzling money from the circus where they lived. Before he could stop them, Jacques beat him and left him behind, escaping with Barney from the city.
• After this, Clint's relationship with his brother deteriorated.
• Greer Nelson (21) met William Nelson when he joined the Chicago police. They quickly became close and began a relationship.
• Will, wanting to be the hero in their relationship, tried to convince Greer to leave the police force and be a housewife, but Greer refused, wanting to maintain her independence and sense of adventure.
• Gabriel Summers, later known as the X-Men Vulcan and Majestor Vulcan, is born. (N)
• Years after Xavier divorced, Gabrielle Haller a teacher, living in Paris with her son, David (3). Soon after this she met and married Daniel Shomron who helped her care for her son.
1983 -
• Matt Murdock (18) got a scholarship to State University. On his first day he met Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, who was also studying law.
• Foggy and Matt immediately formed a strong friendship and Nelson often joked about his blindness, while Murdock teased Nelson about many of his poor life choices.
• During a mission to South America, Sabretooth (164) and Sanguinária (168) met Sarah Gibney, who had left home to escape her parents and her controlling boyfriend.
• After their first date at a bar, the pair of mercenaries continued to ask Sarah out and the three bonded.
• A few weeks later, Sarah began to realize that they were both dangerous people and ran away once again during the night. After that, Sabretooth and Sanguinária forgot about Sarah.
• Sarah returned home and discovered that she was pregnant. Afraid of the shame and ostracism she would face, Sarah agreed to marry her boyfriend and drop out of college.
• (EVENT Captain Marvel - Incomplete)
• Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau were chosen as test pilots for Project PEGASUS, a joint scientific project between the Air Force, SHIELD and NASA, under the command of military scientist Doctor Walter Lawson, who was secretly the Kree soldier Mar-Vell in disguise.
• Danvers and Rambeau, receiving the pilot callsigns "Avenger" and "Spectrum" respectively, would continue to fly under Lawson's supervision together.
• Lawson (or Mar-Vell) became a mentor to Carol, for whom he developed a special concern, while Carol was inspired by Lawson's passion for his work and his desire to use his skills to end wars.
• One morning, while on a reconnaissance flight, Danvers and Rambeu noticed an unknown ship approaching. Danvers did her best to avoid the attacks, but was hit. As she lost control, Carol's Kree powers activated for the first time and the cabin filled with light.
• Carol survived the fall and was found by Walter Lawson. A few days later, she woke up to find that she was in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.
• When her son was still a child, Gabrielle Haller realized that David (7) was autistic and took him to see a psychologist who confirmed his diagnosis. After that, she took David to the premiere of Return of the Jedi, making David a fan of the saga.
1984 -
• Henry Pym (21) started working on a formula for shrinking objects, but was having difficulty finding funding. He also noticed how distant his girlfriend Maria Trovaya was becoming and began to suspect that she was hiding something.
• Bobby Drake's (7) mutant powers emerged very early.
• One day he woke up feeling strangely cold, his hands were pale, his lips were purple and his body couldn't stop shaking. Despite this he didn't feel sick or weak, the cold didn't bother him in the slightest.
• At the hospital, doctors were unable to diagnose what was wrong. Bobby's core temperature dropped to fatal levels and yet he was apparently completely healthy.
• Doctors told the Drakes that their son probably wouldn't survive the night unless there was some kind of miracle.
• The next morning, Bobby was feeling better, his body had returned to normal temperature, although his skin was still pale. His mother prayed gratefully, believing that a miracle had indeed occurred, but Bobby and his father thought otherwise.
• June 12 - A few months after his mother returned to Canada, Kyle Gibney was born, being secretely Sabretooth's son. (N)
1985 -
• (X-Men - Marvel Girl)
• Jean Grey (10) was playing with her friend, Annie Richardson, when she was hit by a car. The stress awakened Jean's telepathic powers that linked her empathically to Annie, allowing her to feel her life slipping away.
• The traumatic experience left Gray in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Not being able to control her newly awakened telepathic abilities forced her to isolate herself from other people to maintain her sanity.
• Months later, a psychiatrist recommended that her parents consult Professor Charles Xavier (48), who revealed to Jean, but not to her parents, her mutant status.
• To protect her, Xavier decided to block her intense telepathic abilities by erecting psychic shields until she developed the necessary maturity to deal with them.
• He also helped her unlock her telekinetic abilities, teaching her how to levitate and manipulate objects.
• Howard and Maria Stark die in a car accident. Their son, Tony Stark (21) inherits his father's business, Stark Industries.
• In a short time, it transformed from just a munitions company into a multinational corporation with a range of interests that encompass virtually every type of contemporary scientific industry and leading the cutting edge of electronics.
• Tony also bought the company that built the car his parents were driving when they lost their lives and fixed the flaws in the brake system.
• (EVENT The Incredible Hulk)
• Bruce Banner (23) earned his doctorate in nuclear physics at Caltech and wanted to pursue philanthropic hallmarks of science, but was unable to receive any funding for his projects.
• Lacking options, he began working at a United States Department of Defense nuclear research facility in New Mexico.
• There Banner met General Thaddeus Ross, and his daughter Betty, with whom he ended up falling in love. Banner designed and supervised the construction of the "Gamma Bomb" or "G-bomb", a nuclear weapon that has a high emission of gamma radiation.
• He was present at the site for the first bomb detonation, however, upon seeing that a civilian, Rick Jones, had breached security and entered the restricted testing area, Banner entered.
• His assistant, secretly a double agent, detonated the bomb and intense waves of radiation reached the surface.
• Banner was irradiated with highly charged radioactive particles, which altered his body, causing him to frequently transform into the immensely powerful humanoid monster known as "The Hulk".
• Eventually, Henry Pym (22) became the hardest-working biochemist in the world, but the lack of innovation in his experiments eventually became too much for him.
• While working on a development program paid for by the Roxxon Oil Company, Pym was distracted by an ant farm and when his employer picked up on the case, Pym finally lost his temper.
• Grumbling about not being able to use his imagination, Pym angrily threw the ant farm across the room and quit his job.
• That same night he met with Maria Trovaya, who took him to the beach to relax. Lying in the sand, Pym expressed his desire to spend the rest of his life with her, just enjoying her presence.
• Maria joked about Pym being a "very hard-working ant" and said she doubted he would know how to relax if it weren't for her.
• Back at his apartment, Henry was inspired by Maria's words and his father's motto and decided to use his scientific prowess to try and fight crime while continuing to create his size-changing formula.
• Using ants as an example, he began studying entomology and began experimenting to find a way to reduce objects to "ant size" as well as restore them to normal.
1986 -
• After graduating from high school, Helen Cho entered college, where she graduated and became a geneticist and began working at U-GIN, a highly advanced bioengineering company based in South Korea known for her work in elaboration of regenerative tissues.
• Biologist Barbara Morse (22) was chosen by SHIELD to become an agent, being trained by several agents as well, receiving the codename Angente 19. Additionally, Barbara's propensity for insulting her opponents in battle earned her the codename of "Mockingbird".
• CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker are killed by the Red Skull and accused of treason during a mission. Young Peter Parker (6) was adopted by his uncle and aunt, Ben and May (42) Parker.
• (The Ghost Rider)
• When Johnny Blaze (22) found out that his father, Barton, was dying of cancer, he was embarrassed for planning to skip the Quentin Carnival, refusing to attend the shows with his father.
• One night, a strange man approached Johnny and offered him to sell his soul in exchange for Barton's health. Skeptical, Johnny accepted, and the next morning Barton was cured of cancer and gave Johnny his favorite motorcycle and let him go away with his beloved Roxanne.
• Despite the agreement, Barton would die almost instantly afterwards while attempting to set a new world record with a 22-car jump. About to leave Carnival, Johnny heard of his father's death and was devastated and went after the man he made the deal with and discovered that he was a demon, Mephisto.
• That same night, Johnny transformed into Ghost Rider and almost lost his soul to Mephisto, were it not for Roxanne's timely intervention proclaiming her love for him and temporarily driving Mephisto away through her purity of feelings.
• Realizing he could never free himself from his curse, he abandoned the Carnival where he grew up, taking Roxanne with him. The two would continue traveling the West seeking to escape Mephisto and remain safe.
• As he grew up, Kevin Brashear (16) fell in love with his father's work, Blue Marvel, and became his partner in Adam's countless adventures over the years.
• Stark Industries designs the Helicarrier designs for SHIELD.
• After months of work Henry Pym finally discovered what he called Pym Particles, which at the time he distilled into a chemical formula that, when exposed to the skin, caused objects to shrink in size, and a specially made antidote could restore them to normal.
• After successfully shrinking a chair, Pym presented his discovery to the Scientific Research and Development Committee.
• By displaying the shrunken chair, Pym's ideas were ridiculed, and when he accidentally mentioned a possible military application for his formula, the humanitarian committee rejected his grant.
• Leaving the committee, he met with Dr. Vernon Van Dyne, who wanted to obtain funding for his own invention, a gamma ray beam that he believes would allow him to contact worlds other than Earth's solar system.
• Normally accompanying her father to scientific meetings, Janet Van Dyne (20) met up with Pym.
• Expressing her attraction to the young man, she invited him to dinner when they first met and he quickly declined, saying he already had someone he was interested in.
1987 -
• (EVENT Iron Man - Incomplete)
• (February)
• While in the Middle East for a field test of a prototype weapon, Tony Stark (23) was kidnapped by the terrorist faction known as the Ten Rings and was seriously injured.
• Faced with imminent death and desperate to survive, Tony found the inspiration he needed to create the miniaturized arc reactor to power an electromagnet that held shrapnel from his heart.
• However, the arc reactor had another purpose - it would power Tony's escape plan and revolutionize modern weaponry.
• After coming of age, Angelo Unuscione (18) moved to North America and legally changed his name to Gunther Bain. He used his ability to create a virtually impenetrable force field to launch a career as a flamboyant and invincible costumed fighter known by the stage name Unus the Untouchable.
• Upon completion, Natalia Romanoff (25) was injected with the "Soviet Spider-Soldier Serum." Survival was not guaranteed, but she proved capable of handling it.
• Transformed into Black Widow, Natalia joined the service as an assassin, seductress, spy and saboteur. She often worked alone, but also carried out missions with other Black Widows and the Winter Soldier, with whom she began a secret relationship.
• (X-Men - Iceman)
• May 5 - Bobby Drake's powers manifested again during his 10th birthday. He accidentally froze his pool while his parents were cooking burgers; when they returned to the yard, they found their son skating on the frozen water.
• William and Madeline immediately knew that their son was something different than they thought, something more like the superhumans appearing on TV lately. Concerned for his safety, they told Bobby to be careful with his powers because others would fear them.
• Bobby, on the other hand, found the idea of ​​being a "superhero" very exciting. After this accident he began to train his powers in secret and little by little he learned how to cover his body with snow.
• (June)
• Tony Stark returns to the United States.
• After Iron Man's debut, Clint Barton (21) decided to become a vigilante, using his archery skills to fight crime.
• Just a few months after his debut as "Hawkeye" Clint Barton was handpicked by SHIELD director Colonel Nick Fury for his skills, becoming one of SHIELD's most skilled agents, where he served alongside Agent Mockingbird, Barbara Morse (23).
1988 -
• (February)
• Warren Worthington III (12) was enrolled at St. Joe's Catholic School. There he continued to excel in sports, breaking the high jump record.
• Despite being a promising and intelligent student at the age of fourteen, Henry McCoy's mutation made him a target for bullies; even teachers often ignored him.
• One day, when he was being harassed by some of his classmates, Henry was pushed into traffic. He was saved from a fatal accident thanks to his agility. Upon witnessing this, the coach of the local football team became determined to make Henry play for the school team.
• Henry became an instant star on the field, winning game after game and becoming a rising star.
• (EVENT - Ant Man)
• After many more tests, Henry Pym (25) decided to foolishly test the Pym Particles on himself, shrinking in size, despite protests from his girlfriend Maria Trovaya.
• He ended up being chased by a mouse and ran out of the house, where he stumbled upon an anthill. Fortunately he was found by Maria, who took him back into the house and helped him find the growth formula to restore himself to normal.
• To celebrate his victory in his project, Maria took him out to dinner.
• At the restaurant, the two were interrupted by Janet van Dyne, who was surprised to discover that Pym actually had someone in his life. Annoyed by Janet's presence, Henry tried to expel her, but changed his mind when he saw that she was accompanied by Janet's father.
• While Maria was upset about the interruption of her meeting, Pym invited the van Dynes to join them and explained his research, and although Vernon was unimpressed, Janet became even more enamored with Pym, which drew Maria's fury, who left the restaurant without speaking to Pym.
• Confused by the turn of events, Pym tried to talk to Maria, but she ignored him and went home. Embarrassed by her behavior, Janet tried to apologize as well but Pym left angrily.
• For the next few weeks, he did not hear from Maria and continued to study and learn how ants communicated.
• (May)
• Henry Pym then began designing a special communications helmet that allowed him to communicate with ants, as well as a suit woven from Unstable Molecules that protected him from insect bites.
• Testing these new inventions, Pym found himself in danger when he frantically tried to find the proper frequency to make the ants obey his commands.
• An ant failed to fall under his control, and when it attacked, Henry was shocked to discover that although he had shrunk in size, he still retained his average strength that he had at normal height and was easily able to fight the ant.
• Trying to get closer to Henry, Janet offered to finance his research, which made her closer to the scientist, much to Maria Trovaya's anger. Henry, on the other hand, felt a genuine friendship with the young woman and amused her with all his latest ant discoveries.
• Henry first became Ant-Man for the purpose of fighting crime, when he took a government position trying to develop a way to make people immune to radioactivity. The notes on this formula were the target of a group of spies who tied up Henry's colleagues.
• Unwilling to divulge any information, Pym was locked in an office until he was ready to speak. This allowed Henry to use his formula to decrease from size and, like Ant-Man, rescue his colleagues. Using his control helmet, he commanded an army of ants to help untie his fellow scientists and then attacked the spies.
• The spies panicked from all the insect bites and were soon incapacitated and tied up by scientists who had no idea how they broke free or what happened to their captors. Ant-Man silently escaped and returned to his normal size.
• After this, as Ant-Man, Pym established a connection with law enforcement in New York City and developed technology that allowed him to learn about ongoing crimes and police activities through a network of ants.
• (August 6, Saturday)
• (Summers' Incident)
• The Summers family was returning home from a family vacation in Christopher's old private plane.
• Scott (12), Alex (10) and Gabriel (6) were sleeping when the plane caught fire and began to fall. His mother woke them up and tied them to the same parachute, then pushed them out.
• Scott had trouble opening the parachute and they were already very close to the ground. He managed to protect his brothers from the fall, but ended up suffering a major impact, hitting his head on the ground and breaking his legs.
• Upon seeing Scott's injury and Gabriel's dispair, Alex ran to find help. After telling police about the incident and Scott receiving medical help, Alex and Gabriel taken in by different foster families, separated from their older brother.
• The head injury damaged the part of Scott's brain that would allow him to control his optic blasts. When he woke up in the hospital, he felt extreme sensitivity to light and intense pain in his eyes.
• (August 11, Wednesday)
• A few days later Scott still didn't know where his brother was and couldn't call his grandparents to let them know his situation.
• Enraged, he accidentally launched an optical blast that destroyed several floors and the hospital's roof. Soon afterwards he fell into a coma.
• Alex Summers was placed in the care of Andrew and Joanna Blanding, being raised alongside their daughter Haley. Alex was pressured to act as a replacement for Todd, the couple's son who had died years ago, which he tried to do as best he could.
• For a long time, he was frustrated because no one had information about his parents or siblings, and he could not communicate with his grandparents, often failing to remember where they lived.
• After a few years, Alex and Gabriel grew up and gradually both of them forgot about their old life, becoming unaware of the existence of their own powers.
• Charles Xavier (50) and Moira MacTaggert heard about Scott Summers and visited him in hospital, hoping he would wake up one day so they could take him to Graymalkin Manor.
• (August 20, Saturday)
• While on leave from the United States Marine Corps, Frank Castle (32) met a woman named Maria, with whom he instantly fell in love.
• (September 1, Thursday)
• (EVENT Ant-Man and Wasp)
• By this time, Henry Pym was developing a way to graft a wasp's wings and antenna onto a human body, which would protrude from their bodies once shrunk by Pym Particles
• When Dr. Vernon Van Dyne perfected a gamma-ray beam device, there was an accident in his laboratory. A fire broke out, causing an explosion that collapsed the entire building beneath Vernon.
• Although the authorities warned Janet that it was an accident, she was not completely convinced and called Henry Pym for help. As Ant-Man, Pym investigated the murder and was surprised by Van Dyne's bravery in wanting to avenge his father when they discovered that Vernon had in fact been murdered.
• Pym and Maria became closer to Janet during her time of mourning, as they continued to deal with crime on the streets.
• Deciding to reveal his secret identity to Van Dyne, Henry developed a suit with synthetic wings and antennae and began experimenting directly on Janet, exposing her to Pym particles and teaching her how to use the Wasp suit.
• (October 11, Tuesday)
• As a crime-fighting duo, Ant-Man and the Wasp have fought many villains. The Wasp, with her smart and cheerful attitude, proved crucially beneficial to Ant-Man's career, as she displayed masterful competence as a superhero.
• Additionally, in between their adventures, Janet constantly expressed her desire to become romantically involved with Pym, but continued to be rejected because he was still in love with Maria.
• With a growing reputation as a charismatic celebrity, the Wasp also frequently entertained fans, hospital patients, and even Henry Pym and Maria Trovaya, telling them various fantasy stories
• (November)
• Three months after they met, Maria informed Frank Castle that she was pregnant, offering him the chance to leave as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to propose to her, resulting in their marriage. Months later their first daughter, Lisa, was born.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
Not sure if you talked about her already in a past ask but who and how is Zala Dane related to Lorna and Max? How can she be Lorna's sister? Was the Max/Suzanna affair long enough for her to get pregnant twice and that other baby (Zala) ended up on the Savage Land? How can she be a Dane if she was never adopted by the Danes? So many questions about this character. She is giving Luminous. You can totally ignore or take your time if you decide to answer this btw. Take care queen. ❤️
Luminous is just a weird little Wanda/Pietro clone that the Evolutionary cooked up in his lab. That part's not really a mystery. The really weird thing about Luminous is how she's allegedly able to use chaos magic, even though that's not a genetic quality, it's not something Wanda was born with, and technically the Evolutionary shouldn't even be aware of it? Even if he was, he wouldn't be able to give it to her.
Anyways, Zaladane.
Zaladane was a Savage Land antagonist who showed up periodically throughout the 70s and 80s. She was a sorceress who served as priestess of the Sun People, which were an Atlantean tribe who lived in the Savage Land. She allied herself with the High Evolutionary during his time in the Savage Land, and later joined up with the Savage Land Mutates, who helped her conquer several of the Land's native peoples.
As far as I'm aware, there's no canon explanation as to where Zaladane was born, or how she came to the Savage Land. In Uncanny X-Men #249, Zaladane abducts Lorna and claims to be her sister, but she offers no further explanation. It's worth noting that this was several years before Lorna was officially confirmed to be Erik's daughter, so her own parentage was something of an open mystery at the time.
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Anyhow, Zaladane uses some of the Evolutionary's tech to transfer Lorna's magnet powers to her own body. I think the implication here is that they share some sort of genetic connection, which makes them "compatible" for such a power transfer-- this is later confirmed by Moira MacTaggert. When Zaladane died in X-Men #275, Lorna's powers were restored and she pretty much just went back to normal.
As far as I'm aware, the mystery of Lorna Dane and "Zala Dane's" connection was never really brought up again. No part of this story makes sense to me, not least because Lorna isn't even related to the Dane family by blood! They're relatives of her mom's husband, so if "Zala" is part of the "Dane" family, she's not actually genetically connected to Lorna at all.
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magnetiik · 2 years
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FULL NAME & ALIAS: max eisenhardt aka magneto CURRENT TEAM(S): brotherhood of arakko PREVIOUS ALIASES: erik lehnsherr AGE: 90′s (but doesn’t appear to be) SPECIES: mutant MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: 616
GENDER IDENTITY: male (he/him) SEXUALITY:  (demi)bisexual NATIONALITY: german, krakoan/arakkii ETHNICITY: white/jewish
FACE CLAIM: nikolaj coster-waldau SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: 24005 branded onto his arm from auschwitz HAIR COLOR: grey/white EYE COLOR: blue/grey ACCENT: ambiguous (german/polish/british type as a result of him living so many places throughout his life) CURRENT COSTUME: the all white uniform from house of x
CURRENT HOME: arakko PAST OCCUPATION: quiet council of krakoa CURRENT OCCUPATION: member of the brotherhood of arakko SNAP STATUS: n/a
SIBLING(S): ruth eisenhardt (sister, deceased) PARTNER(S): magda eisenhardt (wife, deceased), suzanna dane (affair, deceased) CHILDREN: anya eisenhardt (daughter, deceased), lorna dane (daughter), wanda maximoff (chosen daughter) PARENT(S): jakob & edie eisenhardt (deceased)
the name ‘erik magnus lehnsherr’ was an identity he took on after the death of his daughter anya. after using his powers for the first time, the kgb was sent after him and it was them that prevented him from saving anya from a burning building. because of his powers, and because he killed the men holding him back from saving his daughter, he was forced to run and take on a new name. he lived as erik lehnsherr most of his life, but has decided to use his birth name once again. he will always be magneto, but he doesn’t have to hide anymore. his parents named him max— now he chooses to remember and honor a small part of his past.
before completely dedicating his life to the mutant cause, he was a nazi hunter
max is good at crafting, and actually enjoys it. as a child, he was taught how to make jewelry and took a special liking to creating necklaces (which he often gifted magda). he tries to make time for his creativity, but being who he is.. well, it’s difficult.
wanda maximoff is not his biological daughter, as it turns out. but they have come a long way together. she will always be his daughter. even while his relationship with wanda’s brother peitro is strained, max still sees him as his son. it’s up to pietro to determine how he feels about their connection.
jean grey is also like a daughter to him.
max is an atheist. while his jewish upbringing remains an important part of his past and identity, his experiences in the camps changed him.
charles xavier. they’ve known each other a long, long time and have spent most of it at odds. but max has always respected and even admired him— even if they have distinct beliefs and methods. more recently, they have been able to work together for the future of mutants.
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earth394hqs · 2 years
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welcome to earth 394, lorna dane
« medalion rahimi, 27, she/they, comics/xmcu » ∙∙ loading case file for LORNA SALLY DANE. known aliases, if any: POLARIS, MISTRESS OF MAGNETISM. current location: NEW YORK, NEW YORK.  current occupation: PHD STUDENT + TEACHER. she has known to be STUBBORN and RUTHLESS, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: CIVILIAN. (mars, they/them)
SHORT BIO: Lorna was conceived from an affair between Suzanna Dane and Erik Lehnsherr, aka Magneto. As a child she inherited his magnetism abilities, and in doing so she killed her mother and step-father. Her memory of that day was erased and she was adopted by her step-father’s sister’s family, the Dane’s. In her early 20’s her powers re-emerged, prompting her to join the X-Men. She’s since gotten her masters in geophysics and is going for her PHD, while also teaching in Westchester. Although she has tried to lead a normal life multiple times, she’s always pulled back into X-Men affairs. She’s a strong advocate for mutant rights and will fight tooth and nail to get mutants the same recognition, respect and safety everyone else gets.
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gaysupersoldiers · 6 years
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here’s a terrible rendition of a family tree for the Magnus fam.
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pencilscratchins · 7 years
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the best family in the marvel universe tbhhh
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maddiesflame · 3 years
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The Favor headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
May 12th - Polaris
Lorna Dane, the heroine known as Polaris, is a powerful Mutant and the daughter of Magneto.  Years ago, Magneto had a brief affair with a young woman named Suzanna.  When this woman discovered she had become pregnant with Magneto’s child, she decided to keep the matter a secret.  She married another man and led him to believe he was the child’s father.  This secret maintained until Lorna was a adolescent and her Mutant powers first manifested.    Her hair turned green and she discovered she possesses the ability to mentally control magnetic fields.  As these powers further developed , Lorna found that she could use them to fly and control any object containing metal.
Later in her young adulthood, Lorna was abducted by the mind-controlling Mutant known as Mesmero.  Mesmero manipulated Lorna into becoming the super villain known as Polaris, directing her to destroy the X-Men.  Fortunately she was rescued by The X-Men and Mesmero was defeated.  In the aftermath, Lorna retained the name Polaris and briefly joined the ranks of The X-Men.  Yet the lifestyle of being a superhero did not fit for her and Lorna left the squad so to pursue a doctoral degree in geo-physics.
Contrary to her wishes, Polaris was constantly dragged back into the perilous affairs of The X-Men.  She was possessed for a time by the Mutant parasite known as Malice and herein was forced to act as a member of Mr. Sinister’s team of villains, The Marauders.  Polaris was eventually rescued by The X-Men and purged of Malice thanks to the help of Psycloke.  
Thereafter, Polaris became romantically involved with Alex Summer, the X-Man known as Havok, and the two created and co-led a new iteration of the X-Factor team.  Sadly, the pair’s relationship eventually soured and they broke up. Later, Polaris helped tend to a wounded Magneto and, after running genetic tests, discovered that he was her biological father.  She would later join her father at the Mutant nation of Genosha, where she was heralded as a princess.  
Polaris was able to survive the Sentinel attack that decimated Genosha; yet the experience left her psychologically traumatized.  She rejoined the X-Men and even rekindled her romance with Alex.  The two became engaged to marry, but Alex broke it off, further compounding Lorna’s compromised mental state.  
After temporarily losing her powers and falling prey to the manipulations of the villain, Apocalypse, Lorna regained her wits and confidence and led a team of X-Men that aided The Starjammers in the cosmic War of Kings event.  Finally returning to earth, Polaris would lead a new iteration of X-Factor sponsored by the conglomerate known as Serval Industries.  
More recently, Polaris relocated to the Mutant Nation of Krakoa.  She has grown closer with her father, having put past animosities aside.  Soon after proposing the reformulation of X-Factor as an investigative agency, Polaris was elected by her fellow Mutants to be a part of the new flagship X-Men team situated in Manhattan.  
A version of Polaris featured in the television series, The Gifted, portrayed by actress Emma Dumont.  The magnetic heroine first appeared int he pages of X-Men Vol. 1 #49 (1968).
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mvgnetsmoved · 7 years
noah fence but i invented nargis as lorna and if i see anyone using her i will flay them alive
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since we've never (as far as i'm aware) gotten a canon explanation for this, how do you think magneto met suzanna dane? was she a one night stand type of deal or was there actually a relationship?
We never did get an answer for this. And I admit that I never much thought about it. I never liked Suzanna.
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One thing, from Mags' perspective is for sure:
if it was a one-night stand it was not a one-night stand because he wanted it to be (he never seemed to be interested in them. When he likes someone, he stays)
He cannot have known Suzanna was married
Given that Lorna is introduced in 1968 or so, I presume that it is likey that Mags had the affair before he was fully the villain Magneto we know.
she must fall somewhere in the time of Isabelle --- Cassandra, or even briefly after Cassandra, because his dating timeline is woozy with all the flashbacks.
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From what little I know of Suzanna, I am going to assume it went about the same way some of his other relationships ended after a night: She was head over heels and then realized he was Magneto/had the motivations he had/was traumatized and left him. For me, Suzanna falls completely out of his usual pattern of women he likes. She is much more inconsistent, 'weaker' in character even. But that could be because of what little has been told about her.
MEETING. It could have been a young fling on her side, perhaps pressure from her marriage, wanting something else. Maybe they met by chance and the handsome, unfamiliar, European stranger made her feel cherished. Magnus, on his journey to fight for mutants, discover more of his powers, find respite and connections, found her. Or Perhaps Suzanna picked him up like a stray when something happened to him in his young Magneto years, when he still tries a touch to be a hero (like with Cassandra).
PARTING. So either she cut ties with him and ran the moment she recalled morals on cheating or him being Magneto, or I can imagine that Suzanna found out she was pregnant and regretted her affair and cut ties with Mags. She told her husband Lorna was his, too. That is the vibe I get from her.
ALMOST-MAGNETO. Then again, if it was briefly pre-Magneto, it is possible that he started finding his path, doing villainous things more and more and he was the one that cut ties with her because he became clearly more obsessed with the image of Magneto and mutant superiority. As shown with Isabelle, his powers and other things had started giving him mental and physical problems. Giving him the role of breaking up for once might be interesting for the struggle of his character. He tries to stay connected to that humanity, to the romance, to finding a path but he chooses otherwise. (Also, if he found out she was cheating on her husband, he would also not be happy)
POSSIBILITIES. Mags is shown to ponder on a lot of his past relationships and have harsh breakups with them (less so from his side). But he is never directly pondering on Dane again, not even mentioning her to Lorna, meaning that break-up was definitely not a good one and he tries not to put weight on the relationship.
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polahris · 3 years
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( halston sage. 25. she/they. non-binary. ) are you a VIGILANTE? something tells me that earthquakes living in your bones, a blonde wig on the kitchen counter, earths beating heart inside you make you who you are, LORNA DANE, with the powers of ELECTROMAGNETISM MANIPULATION, you’re sure to have a adroit, callous personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to ATOM BOMB BABY by THE FIVE STARS on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( jelly. 22 they/them. nzdt. )
character name:    lorna sally dane.      >  also known as  polaris  during her time as an villain/anti-hero  &  self-titled  mistress of magnetism.   age:    25. faceclaim:    halston sage. voiceclaim:   liza del mundo  (in wolverine and the x-men) skill set:    lorna’s skillset is divided into two sections.
electromagnetism manipulation:   the ability to create, shape & manipulate electromagnetism which for accounts for almost all physical phenomena observable to the unaided human senses, including light and other electromagnetic radiation, all of chemistry, most of mechanics (excepting gravitation), and of course magnetism and electricity. this allows for her to generate & control electricity,  see electromagnetic fields,  manipulate technology & low-level psychic immunity.
magnetism manipulation:   generate, control & manipulate magnetism in all its forms, both natural (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials/ferromagnetism, etc.), organic (generated by the electric currents of living beings) or artificial (everything creating/using electricity). can affect any matter that is magnetic (iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, some rare earth metals, naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as they will and indirectly use them to manipulate other things. this allows for the creation of magnetic force-fields,  flight,  electromagnetic sight,  concussive blasts,  energy absorption,  a geomagnetic link to earth & its em-field,  control of organic iron & control over the electromagnetic spectrum. 
extensive expertise in geophysics in which she has gained a masters degree in that field—  probably helps that she can feel the earth rotate and predict natural disasters from the way the earth moves but yknow.
affiliations:    x-men,  loosely.  family:    
suzanna dane  (mother,  deceased)
arnold dane  (step-father,  deceased)
max eisenhardt / erik lehnsherr / magneto (father)
wanda maximoff / scarlet witch  (half-sister)
pietro maximoff / quicksilver  (half-brother)
zodiac:    gemini.   june 1st. wiki link.
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? ( if your character is a dc muse:  what were they doing when they passed through the portal? )
she was in a coffee shop drinking a terribly overpriced latte.   and there she felt two things.   one:  a distant echo as half the population of earth was ripped away.   two:   the mind-numbing scream as her sister,  wanda,  was pulled from the earth.   however she didn’t have time to try and process anything.   half the population vanished & it was in that moment that the planes and helicopters started to fall from the new york city skyline. 
lorna dane was a secret identity.   polaris was a hated anti-hero.   but those are innocent people in the sky.   so she throws her coffee to the side and catches hundreds of planes and lowers them carefully to the ground.   she filled new york with a dark green swarth as she captured falling planes and collapsing buildings.   and so?   she’s spent the next five years trying to repair the world.   she’s been pulling together destroyed buildings and dragging up boats that sunk,  moving rubble and remains.   she’s taken up polaris again to do so,  keeping lorna & her job as a geo-physicist separate.   maybe the world doesn’t trust polaris but that’s okay.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
in a small apartment thats cluttered with plants.   she’s alone— bar her lazily named cat,  katze.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
lorna is alone for the simplest reason:  because no one understands her.   she watched her father & his allies be branded as  evil  for believing in mutant equality and being willing to do whatever it takes to get there.   she may align herself with others if their motives happen to be the same but lorna is a lone wolf more then anything.   however if she  did  find likeminded people,  she would join them.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
to call lorna an  ally  of the x-men is.. inherently untrue.   she is the ally of her father first and foremost.   and if he chooses to align himself with them, then so does she.   for now,  she is alone.   the identity of polaris was scorched with the terrible things she did in the name of  mutant rights  and few are willing to trust the vigilante—  even after her help after the blip.
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
magneto obviously—  jk but maybe not.   as long as humans are in charge,  mutants will never have the rights they deserve in lorna’s mind and she’s spent far too long being held down to even care who is running the country unless its her father.   he is the only person she trusts to give them the freedom they deserve.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
she is her fathers daughter above all and so that means.. not that well sometimes.   lorna suffes heavily from undiagnosed bipolar disorder & clinical depression.   while she is doing well physically,  her mental state is constantly up in the air & varies from day to day.
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surviivenow · 3 years
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NAME: dr. lorna dane
NICKNAMES: polaris ( unknown to her currently )
BIRTHDAY: august 19th
AGE: 32
PRONOUNS: she/her
LAST KNOWN MEMORY: obtaining her doctorate
ORIGINATION: marvel (comics, primarily)
FACECLAIM: alison brie
FAMILY: suzanna dane ( mother, deceased ), arnold dane ( stepfather, deceased ), erik lehnsherr ( father ), wanda maximoff ( half sister ), pietro maximoff ( half brother )
THREE FAVORITE THINGS: the connection she has with the earth around her even if it currently can’t be explained, standing up for others, old movies and mystery novels.
EDUCATION: doctorate in geophysics
SKILLS: intelligence/science, quick witted, outspoken, knowledgeable in standard self defense. 
HEADCANONS: lorna has always struggled to find her place in the world, both in decimation and in her canon life. she spent much of her life suspecting but unsure of her mother and stepfather’s accident when she was truthfully too young to remember, and, in her canon life, eventually learning of her biological father and bearing the weight of his name and what it meant to mutants everywhere. in decimation, though she has no knowledge of her life as a mutant, she’s felt an overwhelming urge to stand up for those that are different and mistreated.
WHAT THEY’RE PLANNING TO DO IN DECIMATION: lorna has recently obtained her doctor degree and picked up a job at the local college teaching geophysics - beyond that, she’s still trying to figure herself out and what exactly it is she feels like she’s missing.
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magnetxgirl · 3 years
Verse: Cherik
Polaris was born the child of Erik Lehnsherr and Suzanna Dane. Suzanna strayed from her marriage vows to Arnold Dane. She had been feeling neglected as her husband spent more and more time at the office. She did not know at the time that Erik Lehnsherr was a powerful mutant and a terrorist— only a man who gave her the attention she had been missing. The affair resulted in a pregnancy. Suzanna convinced her husband that the baby was him and they decided to name her Lorna Sally Dane after their grandmothers. However, when Polaris was born with a tuft of emerald green hair and eyes it became clear that the baby was not Arnold’s. Charles had informed his friend of the child and Magneto found her among the wreckage of a plane. Arnold had taken his wife and Lorna up into a plane so that Suzanna could not escape the conversation when he confronted her about the affair. Lorna had become so upset by the shouting and yelling that she had accidentally caused the crash of the plane through a powerful electromagnetic pulse.
Erik brought the baby back to Charles asking him to take the child. He was scared to screw this up. The two men were a couple. Charles agreed to raise Lorna but only if Erik stuck around, too. Erik agreed.
The little girl never knew the tragedy of her parents. She was happy and healthy. Charles was a doting father. He gave her anything and everything she wanted. She was raised with the other mutants at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. When she was a child, she could be found on Charles' lap as he taught. Her favorite thing was to ride around in his wheelchair. Although, she sometimes got in trouble for making it go faster than it was supposed to... Erik thought it was hilarious. He was always teaching her how to use her abilities for the greatest good-- but he always helped her prank Charles.
Erik was a sucker for his daughter. His princess. His third chance at raising a family. He didn't want to mess this up for her. However, he knew how cruel the world could be. Genosha was his dream for her.
Before Genosha was fully realized, the couple made the decision to have another child. This was to be Charles' son, Josh. He also gained his father's ability but is not as strong as Charles.
She eventually joined the X-Men team. In the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the X-Men were tutored by Professor Charles Xavier and trained in the use of their powers in the Danger Room.
After several years, Lorna left the X-Men to pursue their mutual interest in geophysics, attending graduate school in Nevada.
This is where she currently is.
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