#svtfoe kelco
adorablesquid-jpg · 6 years
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decided to colour this one ask/request
Kelly and Marco at Lava Lake beach, moments before Kelly went into premature labour
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Marco, facing off against Meteora: Attacking innocent people one-by-one! How horrible!
Hekapoo, pulling out her scissors: Let's see how you fare when it's seven against one, you monster!
Meteora, confused: Monster? I'm much more than a monster! I am-!
Tom, rolling his eyes, unimpressed: A genuine demon?
Kelly, curious: A true freak?
Meteora, eyes glowing: THE DEVIL!
Eclipsa, from the castle, looking through a telescope: OH MY GOODNESS! MY BABY IS SO GOSH DARN CUTE!
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marcoharem · 5 years
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Kelly’s World
This episode was a Kellco shippers dream come true.
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key-smasher · 5 years
the svtfoe fandom having had to endure multiple awful love triangles for literal years and waiting for a fucking conclusion
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“I’m glad star vs the forces of evil is over. That show got worse with every season and the fans got so toxic. The show could have ended great, with lots of plot twist and revelations but Nah. Let's go to quest buy, see the spells in the wand hang out and have starco and tomco and all these other ships teased. Don’t get me started on how Star “destroyed Magic”.”
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childoo4ever · 5 years
I swear if I’ll see any of you going and offending creators of Star vs The Forces of Evil, just becouse things didn’t happen the way you wanted or just because of a silly ship you like didn’t happening I’m suing your all asses.
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bakedpotater · 5 years
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They’re pretty cute together too
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stassendesigns · 5 years
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Mama’s boy
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skellyscribs · 5 years
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Fun fact: Eve knows demonic
Lucille and Adult Tom's design belong to @harchibudytgorichi :3
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thefantheorist · 5 years
Monster Arm Part 3: Tying Up Loose Ends
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Hello all my fellow Fan Theorists! Today I am finally gonna be putting out the long overdue Monster Arm Part 3 theory that I promised @sge8 I would do. So thank you very much for your request and sorry it took so long to get out. 
Anywho, let’s talk about Eclipsa for a second, and if you haven’t seen up to the most current episode in season 4 I’m gonna slap a big SPOILER WARNING on here just in case so proceed at your own risk.
Okay, Eclipsa’s presence in season four of the show has pretty much served to turn everything we thought we knew about the mewman hierarchy on its head. She doesn’t exactly seem like she is evil, however, she also doesn’t seem all that innocent. I mean, her monster husband has been confirmed to have feasted on a bunch of innocent mewmans. But honestly, I can’t quite seem to feel bad for them seeing as literally half the mewman population are complete and total dicks to all monsters, even peaceful monsters like Buffrog. Moving on. It seems as though the show is trying really hard to convince us that Eclipsa is good and honestly, I believe that she is. Or at least she is trying to be. But whatever the case, her being the central antagonist of the series is wildly ambitious of them, seeing as they only have like half a season left to wrap up the plot lines of Meteora’s magic powers, Marco’s monster arm thing, Moon’s arc with the old mewman loyalists, Mina Loveberry (who just kinda sprang out of nowhere and seems like she is going to be one of the series’ antagonists), the whole issue with the wand and the death spell, and all the filler crap they’ve poured into this season even though I still love all of it. Just, the fact that we still seriously don’t know who the primary antagonist is means that Eclipsa is probably not going to be evil, since it would mean that there would be yet another unresolved plot line that we have to deal with. So with that being said, let’s try to figure out what is going on with this season and what is going to happen next.
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So, I already talked, in detail, about the Monster Arm plot line in the first two parts of this theory, here’s the links if you wanna check that out:
Monster Arm Part 1 Theory
Monster Arm Part 2 Theory
So leaving that plot line behind, we are going to talk about an easy plot thread that I think we can tie up: Star/Marco/Tom/Kelly love square(?). I am sad to say it, but in tv shows, especially those aimed and younger demographics, the writers have typically already established which couple is going to be endgame and while that can fluctuate over time, the writers of the story usually stick to the first couple. Why do you think they booted Jackie off the show as quickly as humanly possible once Star found herself a new love interest? Either way, I am pretty sure that Star and Marco are set to be endgame, but really, it doesn’t matter to this theory so maybe I’m wrong! And if you are a Tomstar shipper or a Kelco... Melly... Marcelly--yeah I like that best-- shipper or a Starco shipper, I love all of you and all of your ships are great so please don’t hate me. Either way, this is one of the least important theorizable elements of the show for me and for this theory so let’s move on.
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Mina Loveberry... she’s pretty much the wildcard of the situation because I literally have no clue what she is going to do half the time, aside from overreact and punch something. However, I do have some speculations as to where her plot line is going to go. So, it seems that Mina is crafting a large suit of armor for... someone, probably one of the people who fought in the war against Globgor and is completely loyal to the throne of Mewni and former Queen Moon. I also think that they are someone who has a great power like Mina does, except they are much stronger, and they are obviously someone that Mina loves and respects, so maybe a family member or former colleague or something, however, that doesn’t really matter. What is important here is that we remember that Mina holds to her belief that Queen Eclipsa is a traitor and that Moon is the rightful heir to the throne.
Alright next: Eclipsa. Like I said before, I definitely don’t think that Eclipsa is going to be an antagonist, but I also don’t think that she is going to be aligned with Star when it gets down to it. Eclipsa, while not wanting to have conflict between the monsters and humans, definitely has a preference towards the monsters, since they respect her more and actually treat her with kindness, but also because she has a kindred spirit with them and whatever happened in the past with Globgor, which seemed to have been pretty bad, Eclipsa sided with him rather than the mewman people, so I suspect that when push comes to shove, Eclipsa is going to protect the monsters rather than the mewmans, which is important for reasons that I will get into in a minute.
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Speaking of Globgor, we already know that in the past he killed many mewmans, I suspect because he was protecting Eclipsa, but what does that mean for the show going forward? Well it seems to me that when Globgor is let out of his crystal prison, which he will be I can promise you that if anything, then he will probably be fighting alongside Eclipsa and the monsters in what I imagine is going to be a giant civil war. Yeah, you heard right Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Civil War is upon us, with one side being the mewmans, led by Mina Loveberry and the person in the giant armor, and the other side being the monsters, led by Eclipsa and Globgor.
Now I’m sure after leveling all of these lengthy claims at you, you’re a bit skeptical, so let me back this up a bit. So we know that monster and mewman tensions are high amongst the adult generation in the show, I mean, they had a whole episode centered around it in Cornball.
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I mean, pretty much the whole episode is like this. So we know that monster and mewman tensions are high. We also know that most of the mewmans don’t like Eclipsa, I mean take your pick of pretty much any season 4 episode with her in it and you’ll figure that out pretty quickly. Even in the newest episode, Queen-Napped, where they seem to be taking a liking to her, that is only because she got kidnapped. And even then, Ponyhead had to lie to the mewmans to make them think that Eclipsa’s life was on the line and had to live stream the gang trying to save her in order for them to get anyone to care. So there’s that, but there’s also the fact that most of the old mewman subjects have just resorted to Anarchy. Oh and also there is this line from Moon at the end of Ghost of Butterfly Castle.
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Segue to...
Moon. What is her role in all of this. Well, aside from the fact that she has created a camp of Mewmans who all would rather go back to their lives living without monsters, than try to assimilate and change, she doesn’t exactly seem to be doing much in this season. Unlike in the past seasons, where Moon was always a very active player in the final episodes, I don’t think that she is going to have that central of a role in season 4, partly because I think that the cast of characters is getting too cramped, but also because of the aforementioned picture. This picture seems to tell us what Moon and her mentality are about this war and her place in it. When the time comes, she’ll want to avoid the fight and conflict, much like she did in the final battle with Toffee, and her only real goal in the matter will be to protect her family, because that is who Moon truly cares about. Sure she cares about her people, but she doesn’t care enough about them to interfere in a war, especially if it means losing someone she loves again. Speaking of, what about Star? Where is she going to be in all of this? Well, it seems pretty obvious to me that Star--and Marco, Tom, Janna, and Kelly probably--will be stuck in the middle. The new generation of people who are going to stop the fighting and save the world. The most accepting generation. The tech obsessed, rebellious, post-millennials, you might say. *cough cough* gen Z *cough cough*
Yeah... if you didn’t get the symbolism this show was trying to hammer into your skull, then this is what it is. Now this isn’t just speculation, the show pretty much blatantly says it in the Cornball episode.
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So now we’ve got all of those plot threads wrapped up, but what is happening with Meteora. Well, it seems pretty obvious to me that the “extremely powerful magic spells that haven’t been used for centuries” is Meteora, and if it isn’t then Christ does this show have a problem with too many antagonists. However, I can’t tell you for sure where Meteora’s story is headed. The best that I can do is suspect that either Meteora’s story is going to be happening concurrently with the civil war that I mentioned, or it’s going to end with Glossarick sending Meteora back in time to grow up as Heinous, which would be why she stayed alive for all those years since her parents were frozen in the crystals, which is why Glossarick is training her to do magic in the first place. I like the last one better because it is just inherently more interesting, but it probably isn’t going to happen. But moving on now to the thing I titled this whole theory on: Monster Arm.
Yeah I know I said that I was gonna drop it, but I have to tie this all back together. Remember how I said that Star and Marco would probably be in the middle of this civil war and all, well I do think that will be the case, however, I think that there is more in store for Marco. Marco has this innate pull towards the darkness and dark magic. Remember his wand?
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Yeah, I’m definitely not the first person to point this out, but those little bat wings seem oddly out of place, until you look at the title card:
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The star inside of the ‘r’ in Star’s name obviously correlates to her wand, the little skull that dots the ‘i’ in evil correlates to Ludo (remember the first Quest Buy episode where Ludo tries to use Star’s dying wand and a little skull comes out of it), but the little wing on the ‘e’ in evil doesn’t correlate to any of the wand’s former users, or even Ludo in his dream sequence about the wand, but it does match up with the little bat wings on Marco’s wand. Essentially, the title card is telling us how this show is going to end. In the end, presumably in this civil war between mewmans and monsters, Marco is going to get corrupted by Eclipsa’s magic, perhaps because she uses that dark spell, that seems to be important again, on him or some other entity and it drives him towards evil, and after he turns, the finale of the show will be about Marco and Star battling it out
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star vs Marco
Thank you guys so so much for reading all the way through this, I know it was a long post. Finishing up this post was actually really tough for me because I absolutely love this show and I am so sad that it is going to be ending, but I genuinely hope that the finale for this season lets the show go out on a bang and not get bogged down by the multitude of characters. I know that this theory couldn’t address all of the plot lines and characters in the show, like Janna and Marco’s family on earth, but I hope it at least gave you something to chew on. Like I said before, I don’t think that Eclipsa is going to be evil, especially now that it seems like Mina is going to be a pretty heavy antagonist. Honestly, I did my best to give all of you a theory that tried to tie up all the loose ends of this series, but I really can’t, especially with the Meteora thing. Also, would you guys like the ending where Meteora gets sent back in time (since the whole time travel episode with Glossarick made it an actual possibility)? So that’s all that I got for you guys today. Thank you all again for sticking with me and I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Monster Arm Part 1 Theory
Monster Arm Part 2 Theory
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Marco, freaking out by a tree: What do we do!? What do we do!? What do we do!?
Kelly, from a distance and concerned: Uh, is he okay?
Hekapoo, giving a fake smile: Oh, sure! He's just, uh, strategizing! I mean, sure, Meteora took out the entire army of Mewni and it's just the seven of us now-
Tom, walking in holding his bags: Six. I decided it's best that I get your afterlives ready. (Walks down flaming steps into the ground, wailing screams of torment echoing until silenced by the ground closing behind him)
Hekapoo, struggling to find the silver lining: Okay... Not exactly reassuring that he went down, but you know, whatever.
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Episode Review 7a-8 SVTFOE Season 4
Out of Business has to be a great episode because it teaches that stuff is only temporary but friends are forever.
In Kelly’s World, we learn that Kelco is canon. Also fighting is payment for everything. And Kelly is actually a Woolett.
In Curse of the Blood Moon, we learned that basically in order to figure and fix the problem, they had to realize that it wasn’t the blood moon it was their own feelings for each other that caused them to be cursed forever.
Overall, @daronnefcy great job, these episodes kept me on my toes. See you guys all next week, Chao! Adiós, amigas y amigos.
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Kelly’s World
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mewnimessages · 5 years
The problem with Kellco.....
…..isn't a problem for Kellco. It's a problem for Starco. Before you downvote let's chat!
First let's get this nugget I've heard a few times out of the way, it's a rebound, a relationship born of emotional trauma, they are just FWB's, etc.
Is it a rebound? Kinda. For Kelly I would say yes. For Marco, he isn't really rebounding from anything. He wasn't in a relationship with Star and didn't seem that broken up by the end of Jarco save for one scene. And if we don't want our relationships defined by emotional trauma then let's go ahead and write off most of what Starco has going for it because some of the most iconic Starco moments stem from this. The loss of the wand, the Jarco kiss at the concert, Toffee attacking Mewni, the loss of the spellbook and Glossy. All trauma. All ended up being Starco moments.
So let us not be judging what brought them together and focus on how they are when they are together.
And that answer is fun! They get along great! They share similar interest in hand to hand combat, swords, come from similar working class families, and simply gel.
They share so much. And this is a key. Marco seems to be able to talk to Kelly about anything, even more so than Star. They have talked about each others relationships, their own relationships, everything. Marco can't talk to Star about his feelings as easily as he was able to talk to Kelly, and before you say it, he has feelings for her too. And was able to talk about both. They are very open with each other. The honesty is astonishing. Especially for the short time they've known each other.
Which leads to the next criticism. "But they barely know each other/this is out of nowhere!"
Star hasn't known Marco all that much longer than Kelly. They first met in Goblin Dogs. And they first showed interest way back in season 3 during LLB. Everyone of course dismissed this but this has been a slow burn romance that has lead us to here. Most of Kelly and Marco interactions have shown some hint at attraction. From LLB where Marco comforted Kelly and helped her with her Tad problem and then she returned the favor by making new memories with him, good memories, at her spot in the tower. He gave her his hoodie, according to Starco supporters that would be very symbolic. And she didn't just take it, but shared it with him.
Then there was monster bash where Marco was at first bothered by this new mocking dance until Kelly asked him to dance with her. Then all was forgotten and they danced.
Then we had stump day where Kelly showed concern over Marcos well being. Janna being the ever obvious pointed out that Kelly wanted Marco fighting over her instead of Star.
The wedding. Oh hail the time of Starco. Except the writers wanted to make sure you didn't forget Kelly was still in the background. Still a part of Marcos life now. His date to the wedding. Crying together, walking around, and then leaving together on the dragon cycle.
Keep in mind this is all going on why Marco is under a curse that bonds him to Star yet he still finds comfort in Kelly.
Then the finale, not lot of Kellco there admittedly but it did show he trust her and feels he can count on her. But Pony was there!
He trust Pony too. She's a pain in the ass but she still seems to do what's right when it really counts.
The Pony Head show. Kelly makes her move. Invited Marco over to make some food. Showing obvious interest at this point. And Marco is all too happy to do it.
So he does. In Kellys World. Where they he meets the parents so to speak. And they go on a adventure. And there are fireworks. Literally. So it seems the relationship has moved to yet another level.
Then we get CornBall. And Kelly was there! A surprise to all! And she was there for a simple reason. To show that when Marco had a choice, even given to him by Kelly, to go to Star or stay with her, he chose her. And not to mention they now seem a bit more casual about the relationship. Kelly gives him a quick kiss. Heavy blushing occurs. And they are cute together throughout the episode from the finger touch to the end announcing together.
So there is a little food for thought. I wouldn't write Kellco off as some simple relationship that isn't a threat to what you consider the OTP. Because the writers have went out of their way to show otherwise. And a slow burn romance is the most dangerous. Because it's had time to progress much more naturally.
Downvote to the left😊
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mojo72400 · 5 years
I just realized that
Kelly and Marco fought in sync just like Shinji and Asuka in episode 9 of Neon Genesis Evangelion
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