#svu x suits crossover?
Pairings: Rafael Barba x Reader, Harvey Specter x Reader
Part 1, Part 2
Baker - 3
December 1996
You froze when you heard his voice. Unable to move, you didn’t even turn your face to look at him. You knew that Harvey felt you tensing from the way he was looking at you. It felt like he could see what happened two months before, or at least, see that something did happened. But he didn’t pull away. Harvey kept his arm in place as he greeted Rafael with a hand gesture and a smile. You, on the other hand, briefly looked at the older man and let out a small ‘hey’.
God, was he growing a beard? Even in the second you looked at him, you saw the hair on his cheeks and chin. He mustn’t have shaved in a few days, and he looked even more handsome. He made him look even older and sexier.
Fuck, you couldn’t feel turn on right now. This situation was way too awkward.
“It’s been a while since you were here,” Rafael said to Harvey, trying to figure out what was going on.
“Yeah, Y/N and I had a rough time but it’s all good now.”
“It’ll be all good, if I say it’s all good.” AJ answered, finishing his beer.
“I’m not a child anymore, AJ.” You found your voice again. “I date who I want, when I want.”
“You two are—dating?” Rafael struggled to ask. The word ‘dating’ felt wrong in his throat since he was talking about you and Harvey.
“Yes. Very recent though.” Harvey said.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you, Harvey Specter, are coming upstairs with us.”
You had enough. AJ’s protectiveness was unbearable. You were tired of him treating you like a kid. “No, he’s not.” You stood up to face your brother. “I’m old enough to do what the hell I want. I don’t need your approval, dad’s and most certainly not Rafael’s.”
“One word.” AJ switched his gaze to Harvey. “Julie.”
Confused, you looked at Harvey. You knew who Julie was, she was a girl from school, the same age as you and Harvey. You also knew that AJ dated her older sister in high school, before he realized that girls weren’t his thing. As far as you knew, he and his ex-girlfriend stayed on good terms, they were probably still friends. “It’s different.” Harvey said, standing up too.
“Different? How many of them has it been, Specter?” AJ paused for effect but no one spoke. “You are not putting my sister on your hunting board.”
Before anyone could say something, your mother appeared in the basement. “We’re not having dinner in the basement, kids.” She said, “Rafi, Yelina is here.”
Fuck me, you thought. This night was going to be a real nightmare and you had to wake up at 3 in the morning to go to the bakery. Maybe you should have called it a night right now and ended this before it even started. But all you did was to follow everyone back in the living room.
“Is this serious?” Rafael whispered to your ear, as he was walking behind you. You felt his body heat, you even felt how tense he was. But you couldn’t answer his question since you reached the top floor and Yelina rushed to him. All you could do was to shoot him a glare.
Why did he have to come here tonight? And why did he bring Yelina? It felt like he was twisting the knife in and it just hurt. Honestly, you were thankful for Harvey’s presence. And whatever his little show was in the basement, a part of you was kinda glad that it made Rafael react. You didn’t know if it was jealousy - why would it be? - or just protection like your brother, but it did something to him. And if you had to go through a dinner with Yelina all over him, he’d have to go through with you and Harvey being what you’ve been since fourth grade: friends with no boundaries.
“Since y’all will have Christmas in your own families, we thought it would be nice to have this dinner in advance.” Your dad said as he was pouring scotch for him, AJ and Rafael. Your mother and Yelina had a glass of wine.
“Can Harvey and I have a beer?” You asked, and your parents looked at each other for a moment.
“Just one.” Your father said and you were already on your feet, grabbing two beers.
“Thanks,” Harvey softly smiled at him when you put the bottle in front of him.
“Why are you doing this?” You whispered in his ear as you wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
“Felt like you needed it.” He whispered back. “And maybe you’ll see that I can be boyfriend material.”
“Easy on the PDA, kiddos.” Your dad warned and you let go of Harvey. You didn’t care about provoking your brother, but with your father, it was a different story. After all, you were a daddy’s little girl from the minute you were born.
You were sitting between Harvey and your brother, across from Rafael and Yelina, while your parents were on each side of the table. The first half of dinner went okay, you tried to avoid looking at Rafael as much as possible, and luckily they weren’t talking about the wedding for now. There were lawyer talks - of course, when three of you were, and Harvey inspired to be one too -, they talked about Yelina’s job too - not that you cared one bit.
“What about you, Y/N?” Yelina asked, out of the blue. “Your brother said you didn’t know what you wanted to do.”
“Actually, this may have changed,” your father answered, looking at you with a smile and you felt that all eyes were on you.
“I’m thinking about going to baking school,” you said, taking a quick look at Rafael. “Culinary Institute of America,” you told everyone. “And to be sure that’s what I want to do, I’m starting at a bakery tomorrow. 4am, so after this, I’m off to bed.”
You felt your brother’s arms around your shoulders and he kissed your temple. “If that’s what you want to do, I have no doubt you’ll succeed,” he said, not letting you go. You looked at Rafael again and he was smiling big. You didn’t know what was going on in his mind, but you returned his smile anyway. He grabbed his glass, extending it to you. Taking the hint, you grabbed your beer - you managed to get a second one for you and Harvey - and clinked your bottle with his glass. “If you need a Guinea pig, I’m your man.” He said, without thinking.
“Easy,” Yelina spoke. “I don’t want you to get fat.”
“Treating yourself doesn’t mean you’re going to gain weight. Pastries aren’t just fat and sugar. Plus, a few pounds would suit Rafi.” You looked at him. “You’re skinny.” You said, showing your pinky finger for comparison. Rafael snorted with a smile and took another sip. At least, it got Yelina to shut up.
“The cake in the fridge—you made it?” AJ asked.
“Yup. This morning, with Harvey.”
“How about we eat it now?” Your mother offered. “You need to get up earlier.”
You went to the kitchen with her, taking the cake out of the fridge and getting some plates. A few seconds later, Rafael was entering the kitchen, dirty dishes in his hands. He put them in the sink before turning over to you and your mother. “Need a hand?” He offered. There was some last minute prep for the cake to be completely ready.
“I’m gonna get these plates to the table,” your mother said. “why don't you help Y/N with whatever she’s doing?” And she disappeared.
“I got it, you can go back there.”
“Harvey—is it serious? Since when have you been dating him?”
“I don’t think it’s any of your business. Not after—“
“You’re right. I’m sorry about—the kiss. It should’ve never happened. But since you’re dating him—we’re good?”
“Yup. Very good. I’m dating Harvey, you’re getting married in February. All good.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He just said.
You stopped what you were doing to look at him. “What?”
“Nothing.” He answered. “I’m glad you didn’t get any ideas because of—it.” He really was twisting the knife in.
“Why would I? It happens all the time, sticking your tongue in someone’s month for no reason. Especially when one is engaged. Doesn’t mean anything.” You couldn’t hold back the sarcasm. Luckily, the cake was entirely done, so you grabbed it and walked out of the kitchen.
Pissed off, it was easier for you to call it a night and leave them. Harvey briefly joined you upstairs to wish you good night, telling you that you were going to kill it at the bakery. Before he walked out of your bedroom, you grabbed his hand to make him spin around. He was facing you and you closed the distance, crashing your lips on his. It was awkward, you weren’t sure of what you were doing - and you knew you were doing it for the wrong reasons. He kissed you back for a short moment, before pulling away. “I’m dying to.” He said, his forehead pressed against yours. “But it’s happening for the wrong reasons right now. I want you to kiss me because you want to.”
“I do want to.” You blurted.
“But you want him more.” He whispered and you looked at the floor. He kissed your forehead and walked away, leaving with just your thoughts and inappropriate feelings.
* * * * *
You were loving working at the bakery. The chef you were working with was amazing, teaching you as much as possible, letting you do stuff a newbie probably shouldn’t be doing. “I find it hard to believe you started baking just two months ago.” He told you and you felt extremely proud.
The rhythm was exhausting. Waking up at 3 in the morning, sometimes even earlier, it wasn’t something you were used to. As soon as you got home in the afternoon, you immediately fell on your bed and napped. You didn’t see Harvey, or your brother or Rafael in a whole week. You were only focusing on work and you were thankful for it. You wanted to forget about this shitty situation.
You spent Christmas with your parents and your brother. It wasn’t anything fancy. Your mother made you all wear Christmas onesies like every year, and your boss offered you a cake you basically baked by yourself to eat with your family - you thought he would put it on sale, but you missed the decorations, so he explained that he couldn’t put it upfront. “You’re learning, don’t beat yourself up. You can’t do everything perfectly on your first try.” He said when he noticed your frustration.
On New Year’s Eve, you were going to your father’s - and your brother’s now - law firm’s party. You went every year. But it was different this time. AJ said he would bring a date. His homosexuality hasn’t been a secret in a long time for you, your family or his close friends, but you were surprised he was bringing someone to that party. He had been bullied in college because he liked men, and he didn’t want it to be repeated in his work place. “Mum convinced me to.” He told you, as he was using your bathroom to get ready. “I guess they are pros in being the boss’ son.” He joked, trying to tame his hair.
“You know that if I hear anything inappropriate, I’ll kick their asses like I used to kick yours.” You said, finishing your makeup. You don't wear makeup on daily basis, but you love doing it for special occasions. You were for pastel colors on your eyes with some eyeliner, and you planned on putting your favorite lipstick. Cherry color, the one Rafael said suits you.
You were wearing a long purple dress, revealing too much of your chest according to AJ's - not that you cared. High heels made you taller, you were almost at your brother's height.
“I let you. You were so tiny and desperate to win.” He defended himself.
“What about when I knocked you out so bad, you stayed on the floor for ten minutes?”
“Rafi helped you!” He exclaimed, “he was holding my arms! And you kicked me in the nuts!” You laughed at the memory. Everything was accurate and you remembered how AJ threatened you to drop you off in foster care and how Rafael told you he would take you with him if your brother ever did that.
“Speaking off Rafi,” here it goes. You took a deep breath, waiting for your brother to say whatever he had to. “He’ll be there tonight, without Yelina. She wants to celebrate with her friends. And since Harvey isn’t coming either, maybe you and Raf can be each other’s date.”
You looked at your brother through the mirror, with widen eyes. “What? Why would we do that?”
“Because he’ll look better with someone at his arm. He’s a lawyer, he’s going to network tonight.” He explained, like it was perfectly normal for you to be Rafael's date.
“Even if that someone is the boss’ seventeen years old daughter?”
“Especially with that someone. But for tonight, you’re officially eighteen.”
“I feel like you just tricked me.” You sighed, finding hard to concentrate on your makeup.
“Maybe I did. In my defense, I told Rafi to ask you himself, but he thought it was a bad idea.” His hair was finally done, he grabbed his cologne and put some on him, intoxicating the entire bathroom.
“He has a point.” You said, grabbing the cologne from his hand so he would stop spraying.
“Just do it, it’ll be good for his career, okay?”
“Sure, 'cause dad is going to love seeing me being a fake date to your best friend.”
“It was his idea when I told him Yelina wasn’t coming.”
This was getting worse and worse by seconds. “You guys are the worst.”
“What’s wrong with you? A handsome man like Rafael is going to be your date.” He stopped by the doorway and looked at your dress again. "Don't you have a shawl or something to put on your shoulders?" Meaning: cover your skin.
You ignored his last comment. “Why isn’t he your date?”
“Because I already have one, that I really like. And mum and you better not play good cop, bad cop with Mike.”
“We would never!”
“Kyle!” He shouted as he left your bedroom. You did do that the first time you met his ex-boyfriend. Funny enough, you were the bad cop and your mother was the good cop. Maybe you should cut AJ some slacks when he’s being overprotective with you, because you are basically doing the same with him. Maybe it’s a trait of character you both had for your father.
As you finished doing your hair, you looked at yourself in the mirror and summed up. You were going to the Law Firm’s New Year Eve’s party. Harvey had plans with some other friends and Yelina didn’t want to come.
So now, you were supposed to act as Rafael’s date. Which was your father’s idea. Totally makes sense.
Or not. Nothing makes fucking sense.
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alleyskywalker · 3 years
AO3 Stats Meme
Tagged by @vera-dauriac  Thank you!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
 2. what’s your current ao3 word count?
 3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Kinda depends on how you count it, but going with only the umbrella/primary fandom (or “fandom” in the case of like…songs and paintings and stuff) and grouping things like Historical RPF under one fandom…it’s like 52.
 Harry Potter (incl. Fantastic Beasts)
War and Peace
Star Wars
Romeo & Juliet (and musical adaptations)
ASOIAF/Game of Thrones
Historical RPF
NPatGC of 1812
Captive Prince
Mighty Ducks
Екатерина | Catherine (TV 2014)
Sherlock BBC
Eugene Onegin
A Hero of Our Time
The Borgias (Showtime)
The Imitation Game
Faking It
Teen Wolf
The Barber of Siberia
Farewell My Queen
Dark Tower
Lizzie McGuire
Law and Order: SVU (not on AO3)
Blades of Glory
Brokeback Mountain
Brothers Karamazov
Downton Abbey
Emma. (2020)
Flight Crew (2016)
Les Misérables
Pearl Harbor (2001)
The Huntsman
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Things Fall Apart
You I Love (2004)
Piano Man - Billy Joel (Song)
Viva La Vida - Coldplay (Music Video)
Las Meninas - Diego Velázquez
Jolene - Dolly Parton (Song)
Whataya Want From Me - Adam Lambert (Song)
Beautiful Losers II - Jack Vettriano
Misery - Maroon 5 (Music Video)
House - Patrick Wolf (Song)
Gay Pirates - Cosmo Jarvis (Song)
Sapphic Girls Stereotypes Alignment Chart - bedupolker
Unmistakable - Backstreet Boys (Song)
Andrew in Drag - The Magnetic Fields (Song)
 4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(Not counting translations)
Attachments (Obi/Ani – 1.1k - General)
Spontaneous Decisions (Obi/Ani – 1.1k - Mature)
Anticipation (Ron/Draco – 410 – General)
Scandalous (Danatole, mainly – 3.1k – Teen)
Ends That Start At Middles (Asher/Connor – 1k – Teen)
 5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
*sight* I’m not very consistent about this. I do try to respond, especially if it’s a comment from a recip in an exchange/someone I’m gifting the fic to or if there’s some question in the comment or if like the comment is longer/more detailed/provides a basis for a conversation or something. But, really, I adore all comments! I’m just bad at getting my shit together and also I’m not sure if people actually care about/want to receive a response that just says “thank you” lol. (But then…I don’t want to respond to some of the comments and not the others so….)
 6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I really…don’t know honestly. For one, I’ve written a bunch of fic and a LOT of it has been angst. Also like…do fics like Down By The Water, Despair, or Salt and Iron count? Because they’re all fics that are very sad and deal directly with (canonical) character death, but they’re also short and like…the whole fic is about the angst? It’s not just the ending? I want to believe  Someone Else packs a punch at the end. And, hm, Our Beautiful Disaster and Nobody's Hero (Except For Maybe Yours) both end in major character death without much resolution for the people left behind… But, ok, probably the one that actually wins this category is the You and Me series. (And I kinda feel like to get the full impact of the ending you’d wanna read the whole series, not just the last fic. Because the investment is part of the pain in the end lol.)
 7. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Actual legit crossovers…very, very few. On AO3, I think I only have one true crossover, and it’s W&P x Suits, which I guess is weird enough.
 8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
On AO3, no. Like not actual hate. There have been a couple of weird/kinda rude/wanky comments.
 9. do you write smut?
Rarely. Usually, if I do it’s because the fic is for a prompt or a gift to someone and I know/think they’d appreciate that. (For reference, the last time I posted an M rated fic was in March, and the one before that was in November of 2017. I have a total of 2 E rated fics on AO3.)
 10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not on AO3. There was an Incident many years back on the TFN forums…. I have also found one “pirated” translation of one of my fics lol, though also not on AO3.
 11. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Back on FFN, there was one, yes, in the SW fandom. It never got finished.
 12. what’s your all time favorite ship?
Which ship I’m most highkey about at any given moment tends to change over time, but I guess Dolokhov/Anatole (book verse, not Great Comet) has so far always been that one Now And Forever OTP To Top All OTPs even if I don’t currently exactly have inspiration to write for it or I’m more highkey about other ships now.
 13. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Formally? Lizzie McGuire. (Almost none of these got posted to AO3, though.)
 14. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Yea, I’ve written too much fic and, luckily, I’ve been very happy with a decent number of it, so this is really too hard to answer lol.
Tagging: @team-mom-wannabe @seeker-in-the-shade @mynameisemma @shadowofthemoth @selkiewife @salty-wench @apiroscsizmak @attaining-fic
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
I gots to know, if you could put two of your fandoms together in a crossover. Which would it be? And who would you pair? 👀 (besides the amazing trouple with Barba, Kneef and reader)
Soooo I’m going to cheat and say Suits & The Good Wife. I sorta already played with these fandoms crossing over with SVU in some of my fics: Fall From Grace (The Good Fight x SVU) and Long Way Home (SVU x Suits x The Good Wife).
And if I had to pair reader with someone aside from Kneef? Reader would be sandwiched between Will Gardner and Harvey Specter. Or maybe with Lucca Quinn orrr Rachel Zane.
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eidetictelekinetic · 3 years
Fic Interview Meme
Thanks for the tag, @rubickk7 !
How many works do you have on AO3? 
I have 115 fics.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3:
The Magicians (TV) (28)
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (21)
Inception (2010) (20)
Suits (US TV) (17)
Game of Thrones (TV) (12)
Black Sails (7)
Supernatural (6)
The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (5)
A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (5)
The Tudors (TV) (3)
The Hobbit - All Media Types (2)
X-Men (Movieverse) (2)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (2)
The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) (2)
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (2)
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) (2)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (1)
Conviction (TV 2006) (1)
16th Century CE RPF (1)
Star Wars Legends - All Media Types (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (1)
Whitechapel (TV) (1)
Chronicles of Narnia (Movies) (1)
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (1)
Here’s the list from my fanfiction.net days (some overlap here):
Song of the Lioness
Star Wars
Stargate: SG-1
Harry Potter
In The Forests of the Night
X-Men: The Movie
Circle of Magic
Doctor Who
House, M.D.
Law and Order: SVU
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Lady of Rivers and Storms [ASOIAF]: When Lysa miscarries Petyr's child before anyone learns of her pregnancy, her father negotiates a different marriage for her instead. Married to the second Baratheon son, will the future be any easier for either of them?
In the Middle (Before I Knew I Had Begun) [Suits]: It's an accident, when Mike touches Lyla. But everything follows from there. (Or maybe everything follows from the moment Rhi saw the golden tiger and all she could think was how beautiful she was.)
Skyfall Is Where We Start [ASOIAF]: 'At least Stannis won't laugh at Renly if the boy tries to follow him around when he's a bit older and takes a tumble on the flagstones. It's not much, not much at all, but perhaps it's enough to be going on with.'
Robert never loved his brothers, but this is not a story about Robert. This is about Stannis, and Renly, and glimpses of how they might have been different, had they let themselves love each other as brothers usually do.
Breakin’ Out the Institution [Suits]: “OK, so, before we start, a few things you should know about me. My name’s Mike Ross, not Rick Sorkin. I am a lawyer, I just didn’t go to Harvard. But you should hear me out anyway.”
Where Mike is actually a lawyer, a Brooklyn ADA looking for a change of pace, and gatecrashes Harvey's interviews entirely on purpose.
Lay Me Down (Pockets Full of Stones) [The Magicians]: The world spins, and Quentin doesn’t even feel his knees buckle, or how his head hits the wall on the way down. All he knows is the fall into the quiet dark.
In which Quentin survives the events of 4.13 by taking such bad care of himself he never actually makes it to the Mirror Realm. Also in which everyone loses him for a day, and Eliot is Not Happy about this.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yeah; I like getting responses to my comments so I do my best to reply to comments I get.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I had to go back to fanfiction.net for this because I never crossposted these to AO3, but Kiss My Eyes for The Tudors. It was Anne of Cleves/Cromwell, which was tragic mostly because it was historically compliant so a deathfic. Honorable mention, same fandom, was And In That Hour, Charles Brandon/Margaret Tudor and Charles Brandon/Henry VIII, unrequited love for the latter. 
Fun fact about the latter, it was the first m/m fic I ever wrote; the deal was I’d write a slash fic if one of my forum friends did a femslash one.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Ha. Hahahahahaha. So, back when I was 17-18 I was working on a verse titled A Moment To Be Real, and it was a crossover verse that, taking all the relevant fics into account, included Charmed, Primeval, the Whoniverse, and NCIS in major capacities. In more minor capacities, the plans for the verse also included Fringe, Supernatural, Stargate SG1/Atlantis, and Warehouse 13. Oh, and there were two main timelines and two minor ones the stories spent time in. Heh. Yeah, that was a thing, yes it was way too big a project and I didn’t finish it, but I truly think that working to juggle all that was very helpful to my later work. 
I don’t write a lot of major crossovers anymore, but I tend to just... live in the idea that certain canons can feasibly coexist so when I can do little crossover cameos I like to do them. One recent exception is return to the sunlit lands, which is a Magicians/Narnia crossover.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not recently; a long time ago back on ff.net, I left a comment that was misunderstood as hate (I said something was bad, meaning the characters’ situation, but the author thought I meant her writing) and the author of that fic responded in kind. Once I clarified, they were nicer in a subsequent review. I’ve been very lucky in that regard; I’ve had friends who have had to deal with a lot of drama in that sense.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I didn’t for a long time, but recently I’ve begun to! So far, it’s been m/m and f/f, though there was an intentionally-vague m/m/f scene and I’m... currently avoiding writing a more detailed one because I’m nervous as hell about it, lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, actually! Two of my older ASOIAF fics, All the Traveled Roads and I Will Not Fall, I Will Not Break have translations, which is just really neat to me.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
About ten years ago I was working on a joint project about modern day Tudors; never did get posted, alas. I’m not sure I’d be very well suited to co-writing a single story; co-writing a verse where different authors do different stories might work, though.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
God, I have no idea, but I still and always have strong feelings about Sam/Jack from Stargate SG1, so let’s go with that for longevity?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Moment To Be Real, actually; it’s not so much that I want to finish it as that I know I won’t and I regret it. I have another verse that I probably won’t finish but one of these days I’ll at least post an outline of where I saw it going so that there will be some degree of closure. Pretty much every other fic has at least a faint chance I might go back to it, or I genuinely don’t want to.
What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding and handling the moving pieces of a canon divergent AU. I’ve also been told I’m pretty good with ensembles.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, which is unfortunate when I find myself definitely needing to write a battle, and I suspect is part of my smut hang-ups too.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have done it occasionally, but honestly I feel it’s usually easier to italicize English dialogue and put the other language in the narration - I think it’s probably easier to read, too.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Stargate SG1
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I couldn’t possibly pick one, really.
Tagging @theemightypen @cosmonauthill @jayneladybright @ofthedirewolves @portraitofemmy @nellie-elizabeth @mihrsuri
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writingdayandnight · 5 years
Coincidences- Aaron Hotchner Imagine
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader; SVU crossover (kinda) 
Word Count: 1.3k
WARNINGS: Basic mentions of death, murder, the likes. Nothing graphic!
A/N: This is just something I’ve been thinking about recently, much like Hotch and his dreamy eyes. It’s a crossover with SVU in theory, but honestly you don’t need to watch the show to read. Let me know if I should make a part two or not!! I love your feedback 💗
You had been working with the BAU team for over a year now. Even within that short period of time, you had grown to love them like family. They reminded you of the slightly-more functional version of the team you left behind in New York. 
When you left New York, you made a promise to your friends and family that you would make an effort to take better care of your mental health. Now that’s a little challenging when you’re catching serial killers on a daily basis. Although, these cases tended to have a more satisfying conclusion than the ones you worked on with Special Victims Unit. Neither were ideal, of course. 
Garcia had just announced that there was a case, summoning you all to the conference room. You straggled behind the rest of the group, finishing up an email that needed to be sent. You weren’t the only one falling behind the pack, though. 
You had noticed that Hotch was in no particular rush to get to the conference room. He looked spaced out, as if his mind was in another place. Aaron Hotchner was no easy man to read, so for you to pick up on his behavior, he must really be distracted. 
“After you,” you said, meeting Hotch at the door. He gave you a simply nod and take his seat. 
Garcia dispersed the case files and presented what information was available. Three women from Eugene, Oregon had been killed in their homes, while their significant others had been on business trips. 
“That can’t be a coincidence,” Morgan remarked. 
“There’s no such thing as coincidences. Wheels up in 30,” Hotch sternly spoke, rising from his chair and leaving the room in a hurry. 
You looked at Rossi for an explanation. While you prided yourself on being able to communicate openly with your boss, nobody could read Hotch like Rossi.
“It’s been five years since Haley passed.”
“Oh, I didn’t know.”
“Well, he’s not one to share. Take it easy on him this week. No heroics,” Rossi lectured, wagging his finger at you, as had been known to take a few risks. 
“I can’t believe you’re saying this to me when Derek is right outside.” 
The plane ride to Eugene was pretty typical. Although, you found your eyes fixed on Hotch. You couldn’t help but to sympathize with his pain. It was never easy to lose a loved one, let alone your significant other. 
As the case progressed, you recognized the unsub’s patterns and habits. He was a predatory stalker; you just needed to lure him out. Rossi proposed that Prentiss and Morgan play husband and wife for a day or two, just to see if he would attempt to break in. 
Reid stayed behind, narrowing down the suspect list, while you, Hotch, Rossi, and JJ staked out the place. You had been partnered with Hotch, which was a relatively common occurrence. There was chemistry between the two of you, a natural bond that with undiscovered origins. You were calm, collected, and logical much like Hotch. You were a little more adventurous, but nowhere near the same level as the rest of the team. 
The car was silent, except for the sound of rain pattering against the roof. You were in the driver’s seat, watching the house to see if there was any sign of the unsub. Hotch sat beside you, keeping an eye on the surroundings, a tense grip on his binoculars. One of you would reach for coffee, while the other would take a deep breath and regroup. You repeated this cycle for what felt like an eternity. 
At one point you noticed Hotch staring at his phone. You tried to catch a glimpse of what he was looking at without obviously violating his privacy. Finally, you decided it was time to break the silence. 
“How are you holding up?”
“I could use another cup of coffee,” he said, tucking is phone back into his suit pocket. 
“No, that’s not what I meant. Rossi told me what this week means to you. How are you holding up in that regard?”
He remained silent, staring out at the rainy street. He couldn’t produce an answer no matter how he tried. 
“Wanna hear my sob story?” You asked, ready to tell him your biggest secret since joining the BAU.
He simply nodded. 
“I lost my fiancé two years ago. Shot in the line of duty. It was his last day before transferring units. A month before our wedding.” 
You took a deep breath, mentally preparing to continue with the story. Hotch was quiet, allowing you to finish. 
“His name was Mike. Sergeant Mike Dodds,” you mused, “he was the sweetest guy, a big softie, but God, did he know how to play the bad guy. He transferred to SVU because his father wanted him to. Everyone hated him, but I saw something in him. There was this light in his eyes, this fire. It’s what I miss most about him.” 
You didn’t realize that you had a tear streaming down your cheek, until Hotch offered you a tissue. You wiped your tears, cursing yourself for being so dramatic. Hotch just reached over and placed his hand on yours, gently reassuring you that he was there. 
“I’d tell you it gets easier, but honestly? It just gets...different. You learned to live without them, but those feelings are still there,” his voice was barely audible. 
“I came to terms with it a long time ago. He wouldn’t want me wallowing in pity all of the time; he would want me to have a fresh start. Date new people, move to another city, take all the risks- within reason- that I never took before.” Now the rain had captivated you. “I always joked that we should have leave Manhattan and get a big log cabin in the Pacific Northwest. Have a bunch of dogs, maybe a boat, and live amongst the wilderness.” You wiped another tear from your rosy cheek, letting out a giggle, “But instead, I chose to move to humid D.C. and catch serial killers for a living.”
Hotch laughed, taking a sip of his cold coffee. You swore you saw a tear slid down his cheek as well, but you didn’t mention anything. Instead, you two just laughed cathartically for a moment. In that moment, you had forgotten all the pain you suffered before coming to the BAU. There was plenty in your life worth sticking around for. You liked to think Hotch felt the same. 
“Y/N,” he broke the laughter, “thank you. Thank you for always bringing your genuine self to every situation, for everything you do for this team...for everything you do for me.”
“It’s a coincidence that we found each other, almost like the universe brought us together.”
“There is no such thing as coincidences,” he replied, shifting in his seat. 
You were facing each other now. He had beautiful, brown eyes, you noticed. Even when they were glossy from crying, they were still beautiful. You recognized a light his eyes, one you thought was stolen from you two years ago. For the first time, you saw Hotch as someone other than your stoic boss who needed solved like a puzzle. You saw him as Aaron. Vulnerable, broken, and empathetic Aaron. 
If Rossi hadn’t ruined the moment with a radio call, saying they had caught the unsub, then you swore you could’ve kissed him. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You brushed it off as heightened emotions, but you couldn’t shake the feeling. What if the universe did put you and Aaron together? What if it was a sign that you were meant to be each other’s fresh starts? 
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singofsolace · 4 years
Do you think ahead of time what fandoms you want to use in crossover AUs or it is more of a ‘I think x character(s) from x fandom(s) would be interesting to see in this environment’?
This is an amazing question! I’ve never thought about this before. I definitely don’t think ahead; I don’t think I’ve ever thought at all about the benefits of saving certain AUs for different fandoms that might be more suited to them. I just love mashing up ideas, and I’m always looking for a new universe to explore, especially when it comes to Zelda Spellman.
So, I guess what really happens is that I start with the character of Zelda, and then I imagine her in different situations/universes depending on the media I consume at the time. The idea for the story usually comes to me while I’m watching the movie or show that I plan to use as a crossover or AU.
However, it’s worth mentioning that the idea for Sir, Spare Your Threats was slightly different, as it was specifically born from a single image: Miranda Otto as Queen Leonore in I, Frankenstein.
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For real: Miranda in this costume prompted the fic... because I’m obsessed with this look. I also base a lot of that fic on my own experiences in Classical Theatre, which we won’t look too deeply into. I’ve been in The Winter’s Tale and it can get... not pretty.
But I think all of my AUs after SSYT were a mixture of me consuming media, like SVU or Sister Act, while having Madam Spellman on the brain. So, your second idea is the closest: I have a ship or character in mind that I’d like to write an AU for, and then I see an image, movie, or series that sparks the mashup.
Thanks so much for asking!
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Start Over/1
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Part 1
Pairing: Elena Gilbert x Nick Amaro
Tvd/svu crossover fanfiction
a/n: this is my new au ship - and here is a little story. I am borrowing Nick Amaro from Law&Order SUV
This is totally AU.
Premise: Nick Amaro left New York to go live in Mystic Falls, to be close to his daughter Zara.
He meets Dr Elena Gilbert Salvatore, who now is a widow, as Damon Salvatore died in a car accident.
Nick will soon find out that Mystic Falls is not such a normal town.
It’s a little love story. I hope you like it.
Thanks for reading. xoxo
tags: @miguelsbrat​
At the Salvatore School, a surprise birthday party saw old friends reunite.
"This is the best birthday present," Elena said hugging Bonnie, "when did you get here?"
"Last night. Caroline literally smuggled me in." Bonnie recalled the events of her arrival.
"That is why you cancelled on me last night?!" Elena turned to Caroline.
"We can have a much better movie night now that Bonnie is back." Caroline raised an eyebrow chuckling a bit,"now the cake. You can have your other presents later."
As they all had a cake and Elena unpacked her presents, the party dispersed, leaving Elena with Bonnie in the garden.
"Thanks so much for coming. I hope you are going to stay a while." Elena said taking a bit of the cake.
"I am. Sidney is coming down from New York this weekend. He wants to meet you guys."
"Omg - this like really serious?!"
"It is." Bonnie said, "he asked me to marry him. I got bigger news. I am pregnant."
London A week earlier
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  "Ahhh, that's great. I am so happy for you."
"Caroline heard the baby beat, the vampire her. So I told her last night."
"Hey, it's fine. We are not in competition."
"I want you guys to be my maids of honour and the baby's Godmothers." Bonnie said.
"Oh, Bon - thank you. Ah, this so made my day. I am so happy for you."
"I am really happy. I thought I would never fall in love again," Bonnie smiled, adding, "I wish you and Caroline get to be happy again, too."
"I got the practise, and Caroline's got the School." Elena sighed a little.
"I bet days like these make you miss Damon."
"I miss him. But I am good. I've been on a date." Elena said.
"Really? Omg- who with?" Bonnie got curious.
"A friend of Alaric's. A history professor from Whitmore. Joe. But it was a total didaster."
"Oh - you're not ready or? He was just not - crazy enough?!"
"I am so ready, but - there was no spark - nothing. He is ok, but - yeah"
"Spark - so important!" Bonnie emphasized,and now turned to the subject of a certain detective that Caroline had mentioned Elena was swooning about, but was not going to admit it.
"It's like totally weird. And then it kinda isn't." Elena said, her thoughts swaying to Nick.
"What's up?" Bonnie asked, seeing Elena go suddenly quiet.
"Nothing. Feel a bit tired. I had an emergency call at 6 a.m this morning and I've been working all day." Elena fibbed a little, though she did feel a tad bit exhausted.
"Tomorrow, movie night- I am so up for it. The three of us together again." Bonnie said.
"Oh, yeah. My house. We are so going all ‘High School’ retro time." Elena said standing up.
"I'll get the popcorn. God, I am so happy to be back." Bonnie stood up herself.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Elena hugged her friend warmly, before she went to find Caroline and thanked her for throwing her the party.
Sometimes later
"Yes, mom. I've got everything sorted." Nick said to his mother as he pulled in his drive way. 
"Right. I am getting things wrapped up here. I should be in Mystic Falls in a few days."
"All right. We can’t wait to see you." Nick said and as they exchanged byes, he got out of the car. 
Life changed dramatically for him. Never, in his wildest dreams did he think he would be living in a small town like Mystic Falls. It still felt like he went through the looking glass and entered another world.
Putting his phone away in his suit jacket he stood for a moment, looking at the house next door. It was a new house, belonging to Dr Gilbert Salvatore. Making a small gulp he  flashed back to the first time he had met Elena.
Two months earlier
Salvatore School Charity Night
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There, she appeared through the door of the big room. And he could not take his eyes off her.
Seeing her pull in in the driveway, he got out, meeting her as she got her medical bag out, as well as a couple of bags of groceries, trying to balance them.
"Evening" Nick said, “Can I help?"
Elena, feeling suddenly flush nodded.
Taking the groceries, without a word, the detective followed the doppelganger into the house.
Nick stepped in, glancing at the decor that screamed modern rustic look.      
"The kitchen is through here." Elena gestured the direction.
"It's a beautiful house" Nick complemented the interior.
"Thank you," the brunette said putting her medical bag on the side chair,"but you are not here to - uhm- why are you here? I mean, if it is about Zara- she just had a light sprain. The wrist will be fine in a couple of weeks.”
“It’s not about Zara. Or the case. Can I say - Happy birthday."
"Oh, thank you. Right -”
"Right - yes - uhm - I’m sorry - you must think that I am a total jerk.” the detective made a mental sigh before he continued, his whole being strangely getting rigid. "I came here to apologize."
"What for?" Elena cut in.
"The way I was dismissive the other day - among other things."
"Yeah. All right. If that is it - no big." Elena shrugged it off.
"True. Still - since I will be living here - next door. I want things to be ok between us. Be a good neighbour. And Zara likes you - she told me she wanted to be a doctor."
"We're good. I told you - no big."
"Thank you." Nick nodded."I won’t not keep you any longer- good night"
"Good night" Elena said walking to the back door opening it for the detective  who stood still as he got out, turning to the brunette.
"Yes- back there - the other day - behind the Grill - you pulled me away - you wanted to tell me something. But then Caroline Forbes came and you left. What is it that you wanted to tell me? It sounded like it was quite important”
“Well - I was - thinking to invite you to my birthday party.”
“Oh - right. And I fucked it up. Sorry”                  
Ever since her eyes locked with his, he knew his heart was already hers. Every time his saw her, coming to check on the last finishes on the house, meeting her, talking to her, he fell more for her smile, her laugh, her easy-going personality and everything else about her. He didn’t think he could fall for someone that made him feel like he was a teenager again, sheepishly staring at her, everything inside him stirred. Nick looked at Elena, losing himself in her deep chocolate eyes confirming now that she was not holding any grudges.
“You’re forgiven.” Elena said, her lips twitching cutely.
Nick curled up a little smile, nodding a little as in thank you, before turning away walking through the garden door to his house.
Elena walked inside her house, closing the back door, smiling like a cheshire cat. Putting her hands on her flushed cheeks to cool them down, she tried to calm her heart that was beating giddily.
“You’re like falling in love - and it’s great, Lena” it hummed. “It’s totally time to start over again.”
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
AO3 Author Promo
Tagged by @noonvvraith & @teamhawkeye, thank you ladies!  :-D  <3
LONG post - I didn’t want to delete anyone’s name b/c all of us writers know how valuable word-of-mouth can be!  :-D (My personal AO3 info is at the very bottom)
Thanks for the tag @novemberhush ! 💜
My fics on AO3 can be found here also under the name tabbytabbytabby. I’m gonna list ships I have fics for by fandoms below (since I have 640 fics across many fandoms and this seems like the easiest way).
Teen Wolf: Sterek, Thiam, Liam/Mason, Derek/Theo, Derek/Danny, Derek/Theo/Stiles, Sceo, Steo,  Isaac/Theo, Mason/Theo, Theo/Greenberg, Scott/Theo/Stiles, Nolan/Theo, Morey, Isaac/Nolan, Scisaac, Isaac/Danny, Liam/Isaac, Allisaac, Scanny, Scott/Nolan, Sciles, Stackson, Coach Finstock/Sheriff Stilinski, Laura/Marin, Laura/Lydia, Mason/Greenberg, Derek/Greenberg, Garrett/Greenberg, Danny/Greenberg, Danny/Corey, Danny/Jackson, Laura/Parrish, Allison/Violet, Cora/Lydia
9-1-1 / 9-1-1 Lone Star: Buddie, Tarlos
Merlin: Merthur
All American: Ashivia, Jasher
Game of Thrones: Braime, Gendrya, Theonsa
Chicago Fire: Brett/Casey
The Rookie: Chenford
Supernatural: Destiel
Harry Potter: Fremione, Drarry, Oliver/Percy
The Witcher: Geraskier
Prodigal Son: Malcolm/JT
Crossover pairings: Steve Harrington/Stiles Stilinski, Malcolm Bright/Stiles Stilinski, Draco/Theo, Allison Argent/Alaska Young, Olivia Baker/Greenberg, Dallas Winston/Billy Hargrove (and probably more that I missed)
Thanks for the tag @all-or-nothing-baby ! 😘 Everyone, go check out her fics!
Okay, folks, here’s my AO3 link. I go by novemberhush over there too and among my work you will find stories for:-
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Marvey (Suits)
Johnlock (BBC Sherlock)
McDanno (Hawaii Five-O)
Barisi (Law and Order: SVU)
Lewis/Hathaway (Lewis)
Thomas Barrow/Andy Parker a.k.a. ParkBarrow (Downton Abbey)
Thomas Barrow/Philip Lombard (Downton Abbey, And Then There Were None)
And my (so far) only attempt at writing something for the Supernatural fandom, a Dean/Sam Wincest fic (nothing physical actually happens between the guys, but there are incestuous feelings involved so it’s a case of don’t like, don’t read)
i’m on mobile, so here’s a clunky-link… (ooh, I do like the way that sounds). if anyone is interested, i’ve got:
Destiel (SPN)
Megriel ( || )
Saileen ( || )
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
Sheriarty (BBC Sherlock)
Johnlock ( || )
The Unholy Trinity (Preacher)
Cherik (X-Men: Alternate Timeline Movies)
…and i have a lot I need to and will upload soon. also, i currently have some Symbrok (Venom) and Hannibal WIPs waiting in the wings.
all-or-nothing-baby | Archive of Our Own
my pseud is BundleOfSoy, btw
…and i’ll take forever to write them! na, i’ll try my best xD
Quarantine Reading material!
To all my writers friends, let’s share our AO3 works with our beloved SPN fandom in these times of despair. Bring some sunshine to this family!
I’m BENKA79 in AO3 and here is my works link.
Love you all! 😘💕💕
Thanks for the tag @tabbytabbytabby!
My AO3 is here, and my fandoms are all over the place XD
Inception (Arthur/Eames), Teen Wolf (Sterek), How to Get Away with Murder (Coliver), Hollyoaks (Jarry), Dragon Age (various), Mass Effect (various), Marvel (Winteriron), As the world turns (Lure), to name the main ones, but there’s many others.
I would also like to take this opportunity to bring special attention to this fic (@spacerhapsody consider yourself tagged! :P) Please just click the link.
Thanks for the tag @hazelestelle !!
I only wrote for one fandom (ME:A) and one pairing (f!reyder), but here’s the link to my AO3… Part 1 and 2 of Let’s Push Things Forward are completed, but concerning Part 3 I really don’t know if I’ll ever finish it… so, maybe best not to read that one, even though it’s prolly my favorite ;)
There’s also two smutty collections (here & here), for those of you interested xD
Thank you for tagging me, @obvidalous ♥!
This is my AO3.
Nowadays, I’m only writing for Far Cry 5 fandom (and just one pairing, Jacob Seed/Female Deputy), but there’s also Mass Effect, Mass Effect Andromeda and Dragon Age one-shots there.
thank you @starsandskies and @shellibisshe ❤️❤️❤️
my Ao3 is here
i’ve written for Far Cry 5, John Seed/Female Deputy specifically, as well as for Resident Evil, for Claire Redfield x Leon Kennedy
@starsandskies @teamhawkeye thank you both so much for the tag, i pretty much saw this right when i woke up and it made my entire day 💕
My AO3 is here
Most of my writing there is Pacific Rim (Chaleigh for life) and a mix of FC4 (love writing Ajay) and FC5 (some reader insert/ a deputy with each of the Seeds).
@weekend-writer , thank u for the tag, rey! <3
my AO3 is here ( i don’t like…post anything ever or really write anything unless my ONE brain cell demands it but there’s some trash there for u )
ME (SoleSurvivorKat):
Thank you again for the tag @noonvvraith & @teamhawkeye! Love you guys!  :-D  <3
HERE is my AO3 (’Kat123′).
I have 2 main fics/WIPs: one Fallout 4 one (’Shadow of Steel’ = FemSole/Maxson, FemLoneW/Danse), and one Far Cry 5 one (’The Book of John’ = FemDep/John Seed). I’ve also done a few one-shots & gift one-shots for people as well (which you’ll see on my ‘works’ page)
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blackleatherjacketz · 7 years
Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter x Reader
Anticipation Is A Powerful Thing 
Boardwalk Empire: Gyp Rosetti x Reader
Poker Face
Farmer’s Daughter
Blind Tiger
Law and Order: SVU
Rafael Barba x Reader:
A Hero’s Welcome
Nick Amaro x Reader
Keep a Straight Face
How Was Your Day?
Whatever You Want
Lost Time
Nick Amaro x Original Male Character 
Carlos De Columbia (Unfinished)  Part 1 Part 2
Nick Amaro x Rafael Barba
Your Papi
Sonny Carisi x Reader
Some Kind of Love
Let Me Stay
Sonny Carisi x Original Male Character
Big Boy Suit (Unfinished)  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
Mike Dodds x Reader
You’re Freezing!
Call Me Michael
Hot Hot Heat
Mike Dodds x Nick Amaro
In The Ring
Amanda Rollins x Sonny Carisi
You Don’t Get It
Amanda Rollins x Sonny Carisi x Nick Amaro (Not what you’re thinking.)
Brooklyn 99:
Mike Dodds x Rosa Diaz 
I Always Fight Dirty
Sonny Carisi x Rosa Diaz
Are You My Contact?
Sonny Carisi x Charles Boyle
Cooking Class
Rafael Barba x Raymond Holt
I Disagree
Trouble In The Heights:
Bad Bitch: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9
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Feel free to steal and fill out, but please repost, don’t reblog!
Tagged by: Stolen from @waywardfeathered
Tagging: steal it guys 8)
Main blog: @intergalacticstarlight
RP Side blog(s): I don’t have any side blogs or any alternate main blogs.
Non-RP Side blog(s): I don’t have any of those, either. This is literally my ONLY blog, for personal reasons.
Characters’ fandoms: Doctor Who.
Fandoms interested in RPing with: Doctor Who [of course], Supernatural, Harry Potter, X-Files, Star Wars, Once Upon A Time, Grimm, Lucifer, Vampire Chronicles, Silence Of The Lambs/Hannibal, Lucifer, Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Angel, Charmed, Star Trek, DC [any], Marvel [any], Law & Order [SVU preferably], Lord Of The Rings, anything really.
Fandoms NOT interested in RPing with:  I don’t think there are any I’d refuse, though there are a good many I’m not familiar with.
Would you be interested in RPing with a character in a fandom you’re not familiar with? Of course I would! Especially considering it would be more realistic that way, as my muses wouldn’t know them or anything about their life/Universe at all. Reactions could be more genuine.
How exclusive or selective are you? I’m non-mutual, non-exclusive but still selective in a sense that if I feel our muses or we as people wouldn’t mesh well with writing together, I might not write with you. I like to give everyone a chance with first interactions but I’m a slow-to-respond writer [muses are finicky that way] and sometimes it just doesn’t work out. I wouldn’t mind going exclusive with certain muses so I might consider having semi-exclusivity in the very near future.
Do you have different verses for your characters? I’m a Multiverse blog so of course I do. I have different verses for each muse, and I also have multiple verses, private verses, AUs, crossovers, you name it.
Do you multi-ship?  Y. E. S. Ahem. I mean. Yes, I just so happen to multi-ship. 8) I’m open to shipping with just about any muse, but I do have a few NOTPs listed on my Relationships page.
What format are most of your threads?  (e.g. Short, para, icons, etc.) It very much depends on the person I’m writing with in the thread. For the most part, I almost never write less than a paragraph, and sometimes I can write multiple paragraphs to the extent of it being a short story in and of itself. I use purple prose heavily. If my partner uses icons or gifs, I’ll use them. If my partner formats their threads with html, I’ll generally attempt to do so as well [to the best of my ability] so that it matches the same aesthetic look.
What types of threads do you most like to write? (e.g. angst, fluff, smut, etc.) Anything pretty much, but my favorite types of threads have angst, Dark type threads, AUs, Crossovers, smut is fun to write, and of course a bit of fluff as well [especially with certain muses].
How do you like to start new threads?  (e.g. plotting, asks, open starters, etc.) Plotting isn’t really necessary at all, context isn’t needed, even with AUs and Crossovers. I’ll generally just think of something that works best and go with it when I reply. Random starters are fine, open starters are fine, ask memes, sentence starters, plotting, ANYTHING is welcome!! Just toss something at me and make sure I know which Muse it’s for and we’re all good.
What would make you stop RPing with someone? OOC hate/drama/bullying, vagueposting or passive-aggressive posts aimed at me/my muses/my threads, constantly engaging in call-out-culture for anything less than a Severe Issue [sometimes it’s understandable and appreciated, most times it’s just used to cause drama and bullsh*t that I don’t need to be a part of], constantly pestering me about replies [by this I mean daily] especially after I’ve already told you that the thread is shelved or that I’m having issues replying for some reason, excessive god-modding, someone ignoring the set scene of the thread and changing it to suit their needs without asking first [which can be considered god-modding in its’ own right].... Just the basic things that Should Not Happen anyway by default.
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inflagranteinnuendo · 7 years
i loved your suits x svu crossover with barba!! i know christine is in med school from an ask she answered a while back, could you write a grey's anatomy style crossover with barba?? love your blog girls x
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Happy holidays les amis! :) 
long ass pre-scriptum before this long ass fic:
i was in a fancy ass gourmet salad place downtown a few days ago and it’s a place where the waitstaff learns your name when you order. So whoever attends the table calls you by your name and i didn’t think much of it until this Sharply Dressed Gentleman™️ one table over suddenly got up, strode over, greeted me by my first name, and asked for my number.
can i just say i was really glad that i didn’t have salad stuck between my teeth anyways long story short i remembered this ask on my way home and was suddenly inspired
A story in 5 parts, set in New York, with foreplay consisting of words, a lot of sexy and feelings, and absurd, manipulative schemes.
A man crossed your periphery vision. Navy pinstripes, baby blue pocket square in a three-point fold, burgundy silk tie, dove grey dress shirt, clean-shaven jaw, slightly downturned lips, sharply curved nose, and preoccupied green eyes…
Your gazes cross. Distracted by your appreciation of this fine male specimen, you trip on your own two feet.
And upend the entire cup of your coffee down your front right in the middle of the cafeteria.
Your co-residents at the nearby tables unanimously clap in response, led by none other than Cristina Yang. You flush and let your head droop back in exasperation, sighing, as staff and visitors alike turn curiously toward the source of the lunchtime commotion.
“Very dignified, doctor,” Meredith Grey laughs. Fine male specimen forgotten, you frantically try to save your cellphone from a liquid death, and she thoughtfully fishes the stethoscope out of your coat pocket before you initiate the world’s first qualitative study on The Effect of Freshly Brewed Coffee on the Rate of (Overpriced) Stethoscope Tubing Degradation.
What a good friend.
“Let me get you napkins,” she says.
Slapping your cellphone on the table, you dejectedly drop down into a chair next to Cristina to await her return, grimacing at the feeling of rapidly cooling coffee against your skin. 
“Still Bad Luck Week?” Cristina snickers around a mouthful of greens. “I told you. Get laid. A good dick will fuck the bad luck right outta you.”
“Turn around, Yang, bend over, I’ll show you where your advice fits in my stupid schedule,” you grumble, flinging a wet hand at her head. Laughing, she dodges the droplets that flew at her.
Meredith comes back with a fluffy Jenga tower of crappy cafeteria napkins, glowing that ungodly post-Derek-Shepherd-kiss kind of glow. You look past her, and…
Dr. Derek Shepherd, MD, Msc, FACP –aka your off-service attending of the day– is cocking his head at you, his post-Meredith-Grey-kiss smile melting into a frown, silently marking you down on professionalism for disgracing his (and the hospital’s) good name with your attire. 
You grimace at him and mouth a regretful ‘sorry’ in his direction. 
He throws you an unimpressed glance when his next step lands him in the lake of coffee you left behind on the caf floor. 
“Fuck. Grey, you gotta put in a good word for me with your boyfriend. Please. I just soiled his Reeboks. Bad Luck Week has gone on for twice as long as its name indicates,” you lament at Meredith and Cristina as you clumsily cover yourself with napkins that instantly bloom brown with your watered-down $2.35 coffee.
“Hang on, start from the beginning, I wanna hear this,” Meredith demands as she unashamedly dabs at your chest.
“It all started when I was given the wrong room number for the morbidity and mortality rounds. The email said sub-basement 4, room 5046. And do you know what sub-basement 4, room 5046 is?”
“Uh… no?”
“It’s a fucking unisex wheelchair-accessible bathroom.”
Cristina guffaws and Meredith sprays spits all over your face. “A-a uni-unisex wh-wheel-wheelch-” she wheezes, tears of hysteria welling up at the corners of her eyes.
Scowling, you grab yet another napkin from the depleting Jenga tower and wipe dots of her saliva off your face. Gross. She had just kissed Shepherd. “And then, I was locked between the OR door and the offices when my card magically demagnetized. And I had to spend 15 minutes trapped in that hallway, trying to convince security that I was an actual staff with an actual medical degree who has actually been paged for an actual laparoscopic cholecystectomy that has my actual name beside it on the actual procedure board –”
“Excuse me?” A voice interrupts.
Meredith and Cristina were still hiccuping, faces red, spines curved, heads between their knees, so you take the responsibility of whirling around toward the source of the voice.
What the actual fuck.
It was the fine male specimen from earlier.
He speaks again but this time, he enunciates your earned title, and puts an upward inflection at the tail of your last name as it shapes his lips.
And you acutely feel underdressed in your coffee-drenched attire and stolen cafeteria napkins when you spot the silver gleam of cufflinks, peeking through his impeccably stiff dove grey shirtsleeves, with an engraving that reads “RB” –his initials, you presume.
“Uh. Yes?” You very eloquently enquire, mouth dry. 
Bless your white coat, soiled with coffee as it is. There was no way a man like RB would’ve ever mistaken you for a physician if you hadn’t been wearing it.
Cristina’s head snaps up and she eyes the man with a mix of appreciation and calculation.
“Hi,” he greets the three of you with a nod. 
Meredith has finally stopped laughing and is watching your exchange like she’s watching a tennis match, head swinging back and forth between you and RB. 
“I overheard your story about how bad of a week, or two, you’re having,” RB continues, now only addressing you with a singular focus and a slight smile. “My name is Rafael Barba. I work as a prosecutor for the DA’s office.”
Your eyes widen with every word that came tumbling out of his mouth. You watch, flabbergasted, as he reaches into his pinstriped suit jacket and slides a business card on the table by your damp phone. You stare down at the card, absent-mindedly slapping Cristina’s hand away when she stealthily reached for it.
“I don’t usually do this,” Rafael Barba boldly says with a small self-satisfied smirk, dispelling all notion that he was introducing himself in a professional capacity. “But I saw how you looked at me earlier –”
Your eyes snap up to his, cheeks immediately flushing red. He notices, and his smile grew. “–and you’ve really made my day with your stories, so please give me a call –”
He leans down and scrawls a number at the back of the business card, blessing you with a whiff of his woodsy cologne.
“–at this number when you have the time.”
Rafael Barba patiently waits, as if he had all the time in the world, for a sign that you understood. 
You swallow and nod, still dripping with lukewarm coffee.
Then, with a last smile, and a faint ‘nice to meet you’, he turns and strolls out the cafeteria without a backward glance. 
“What the fuck,” Cristina whispers softly. “And you think you’re wet?”
The huge Trump tower looms over you in all its judgemental glory and you frown up at it, judging it back, all the while feeling misplaced and underdressed once again. It was becoming a theme with this Barba guy. Maybe he was a loaded, die-hard republican, coasting on daddy dearest’s legacy. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you can just fuck him and that’d be it, he’d be out of your system and you can move on to bigger things.
“Jean Georges?” You demand in your airiest voice, trying to pass off as about 900 000 times more French and nonchalantly rich than you actually are.
“Right this way, ma’am.”
You consciously smooth down a scowl as you were guided through to Jean Georges Vongerichten’s pretentious eatery. 
When Rafael Barba had suggested on the phone that you meet him at this particular restaurant, you’d shrugged and accepted without asking questions. Sampling every crook and cranny of your bed –not world class restaurants– was what you did in your free time. So when a quick Google search spit out the location of Jean Georges (Trump International Hotel & Tower New York), you were imbued with a Strong Sense of Civil Responsibility and took it upon yourself to extend your research in order to cover ADA Rafael Barba (Manhattan prosecutor, Straight Outta South Bronx, Harvard law) and his political affiliations (unspecified).
Due diligence is normally not part of your pre-date routine, but a dignified girl has to uphold her standards.
Meredith had been completely outraged when she’d learnt where you were meeting him, but Cristina had sat you down and painted your lips the colour of fresh arterial spray, and told you that good dick is good dick, but don’t fuck this abogado if he stinks too much of that orange stench. 
A maître d’hôte greets you at the entrance. “Reservation under Barba,” you announce, before taking in your lush surroundings. Swallowing your apprehension, you realize that ending up under Barba this evening is becoming less likely as the night wears on… and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet. Everything screams money, from the embroidered napkins to the people using them to dab at their botoxed lips. Thoughts arise, unimpeded, to the forefront of your mind –of one your patients wasting away, unable to afford the standard of treatment.
Your skin crawls in revolt. 
You have never been more uncomfortable in your entire life. Despite wearing a dress that cost you about two months’ worth of rent, you self consciously straighten up in an attempt to push back at the aggressive shove that the sight of the top 1% gave you.
The maître d’hôte leads you toward your date’s table –and there Barba is, sipping at his water, eyes intently on you, following your form as you weave through the tables behind the maître d’hôte.
Barba stands up courteously from his seat when you reach him and smiles that small, smug smile at you again, perfectly at ease with being in the Trump International Hotel & Tower New York and Jean fucking George. And despite him wearing another sublime bespoke suit ensemble that looks like it would cost you the equivalent of your annual revenue as a surgical resident, you are completely and utterly disenchanted.
“Good evening, Mr. Barba,” you say in a tone dryer than the tannins ever bequeathed the bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon on the table. “What an interesting choice of restaurant.”
Under his hawk-like scrutiny, you sweep the back of your dress forward before settling down in the lily white seat among the richest lily white asses of NYC. His eyes do not dip down to your low neckline.
“Thank you, doctor,” he replies, nonplussed, nodding at the waiter in thanks before settling back down in his own seat. “Glad to know that you approve. You struck me as a woman with a taste for the finer things in life.”
While droning on about the differences between the prix fixe and the chef’s menus, the waiter tips the Cabernet Sauvignon over the crystal wine glasses. You tune him out to narrow your eyes at Barba over the stream of red spewing forth from the mouth of the bottle, wondering whether you could get away with breaking the stem of your glass and, in front of 30 live witnesses, stab Barba with the pointy tip –just for his comment.
Down, girl.
“We will have Chef Vongerichten’s selection, please, and a half-bottle of your 2007 Château Malartic-Lagravière, thank you,” you interrupt the waiter with a smile, then look back at your date, who doesn’t even blink at your ordering for the table. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Mr. Barba. Maybe the finer things that appeal to my palate don’t include you.”
“Yet,” he amends, without missing a beat.
You unceremoniously shove Barba onto the perfectly made bed before stopping to breathe while you take in the sight of him: hair tousled, pupils blown, lips swollen, tie loosened, half-undone belt askew.
“I can’t fucking believe you,” you hiss at him, kicking your heels off angrily. “Why would you do that to me?”
“I like my women riled up,” Barba drawled, slowly easing himself up to watch you perform the quickest strip-tease in the history of forever.
“What the fuck,” you bite out breathlessly with your hands on your hips, “is your problem? Don’t you think I’ve had enough crazy on the job? Couldn’t you have brought me to this nice, low key place where the fucking chef’s menu doesn’t divest you of several hundred dollar bills?”
Barba raised his eyebrows. “You’re the one who ordered some obscure Bordeaux off the cuff,” he retorts. “How about you stop trying to out-argue an attorney and divest yourself of that pretty bra?”
It was your turn to raise your eyebrows. “Well, Mr. Attorney, since you’re so good at arguing, why don’t you argue me out of it?”
He sits up fully to undo his tie, the motions of his wrists deliberately slow. “When did you realize–”
“–that you were fucking with me?” You scowl, crossing your arms.
“Well,” Barba pauses, letting the newly freed ends of his tie drape down his front. He leans back on his wrists to leer at the top of your tits, “that’s not entirely accurate. Technically, I haven’t fucked you yet–”
You step forward and he spreads his legs to accommodate you, pulling his trousers taunt across his crotch. “What makes you think,” you lean over him to leer at the line of his hardening cock, “that you are going to fuck me, not the other way around?”
“Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to,” he whispers.
“You did all this to rile me up?” You ask, whipping his tie off his collar and pressing him backward with the weight of your own body. Down on the bed he goes, almost docilely, save for that predatory glint in his eyes. “That’s a… sizeable lump sum to invest in a one night stand.” 
You suddenly find yourself on your back, dizzy and out of breath, staring up at a pair of sharp green eyes.
“Oh,” Barba says softly, reaching out to unhook the front clasp of your bra. “Is that what I am to you?”
“What else are we to each other?” You retort, gasping as he follows the line of your sternocleidomastoid with his lips and occasionally, his teeth. You reward him by undoing a button of his dress shirt each time he nips at your skin. When every button has been undone, he raises his head to kiss you. 
“Even now, knowing that I’m not a complete asshole?” Barba huffs self-deprecatingly, breaking off the kiss. And he looks so vulnerable, especially with that stray curl of his hair over his furrowed brow, that you can’t help but smile.
“Who said you’re not a complete asshole? The burden of proof is on you, Mr. Barba,” you cheekily counter with a wink, though not unkindly.
An appreciative grin makes its way to Barba’s lips. He gives you another kiss, a deep, all-consuming one that has your guts twisting pleasantly. Was this a thank you kiss for not making fun of him? 
“How high are your standards?” He wonders curiously, while unfastening his cufflinks and shrugging off his shirt. He chucks them carelessly to the side before leaning over you again.
“Beyond reasonable doubt,” you manage to gasp out as he gently tickles the tips of your nipples with his tongue.
You feel his chuckles vibrate through your thorax. “Of course,” he concedes, running a hand up and down the soft skin of your thighs, making you shiver. “The highest standard for the highest court in the land.”
A laugh escapes you before you could reign it in. “Did you just call me your workplace, the Supreme Court?” 
He mouthes along the length of your sternum till your xyphoid process, as if performing some erotic median sternotomy, then obliquely, down the right costal margin of your ribs, simulating a Kocher’s incision. “Well… you are a piece of work.”
“Work at me then, Mr. Barba.”
“Oh, believe me, I will.” His fingers ghost linearly, above the line of your panties – Pfannenstiel, your mind supplies– and a sudden blaze of pleasure makes you arch your back.
He has barely even touched you and you’re already reacting this way.
“So, doctor,” Barba begins casually, propped up on a forearm beside the splay of your hair, as his fingers dip below the waistband of your panties. “You strike me as a woman who knows exactly what she likes in the bedroom.”
“And you strike me as a man who knows exactly how to please the highest court in the land,” you breathe against his lips, each words a kiss. And as he narrows in on your clit with astonishing precision, so does your focus. Unconsciously, you begin undulating your hips to meet the pads of his teasing fingers. 
Then you realize that the possessive bastard is spelling out his own name against your pussy, but there’s nothing you can do to stop him now, because you are too busy tearing the 1000 thread count bedsheets apart with both hands and squirming up against his body, begging for more friction, for more of him, because your entire body is on fire, and he is gasoline, and only he can feed you this kind of pleasure, that possessive, 
…R, possessive bastard,
…B, and his green, 
…A, green eyes–
–and you come violently with a loud gasp, arching off the bed, head cradled against his forearm, thighs tensed and clenched around his.
“Fuck m-,” you pant, but the rest of your words are muffled against Barba’s curved lips as they press against your own in a bruising kiss. 
He rips your panties off –this man does not waste any time. And so you don’t either. You reach down to unfasten his trousers, trying to stay single-minded on your task despite the highly distracting tricks that his tongue is playing on you. But you are drunk, much too drunk on the inoxicating liquor that is Rafael Barba.
He was right. You did have a taste for finer things in life, and he was one of them.
The third time you fail to unzip him, Barba laughs into your mouth and helps you out of pity. “What have you done to me,” you grumble at the ceiling as he kicks off his trousers and boxer briefs. “I transplanted a liver yesterday. Now look at me.”
“I’m not done with you yet,” he ominously cautions, rolling on a condom. 
“By all means, counselor,” you taunt, running a hand through his chest hair. “Make your case.” 
If Rafael Barba were anybody else, you would have kicked him in the nuts for being such a fucking tease. 
“Beg for me.”
Eyes scrunched shut, bottom lip bitten through, you hiccuped before shaking your head defiantly at him. “Those your opening arguments when you try your cases?”
In retaliation for your remark, Barba runs the tip of his cock from your clit down to your entrance again, parting the soaked lips of your pussy to rest himself there for what seemed to be the 28th time. You were about to sob in desperation but one glance at his flushed face stopped you. Because, to your absolute delight, he looked as frustrated as you felt, if not more.
You’ve got to admire his tenacity, though.
“Beg,” he reiterates.
“Fuck you.”
“That’s the idea, doctor.”
He does it again and both of you groan at the filthy wet click of your pussy as the length of him slid around your clit. You clench on dissatisfactory emptiness, and suddenly, you’ve had enough. 
It’s 2017, and you’re a strong, independent woman who knows exactly what you like.
This time, he was the one to find himself on his back, dizzy and out of breath, with you straddling him triumphantly, grinding yourself on the underside of his cock. “And what an excellent idea,” you purr, manhandling him into position.
As you sink down on him, his pupils progressively dilated, until his irises were mere rims around them. He blinks as you clench around him, and his fingers tighten on you, digging crevices into your hips as the girth of him splits you wide, and the length of him assails you crudely. You put one hand around the base of his neck for balance, the jump of his carotid quickening under your fingers as you did so. 
Anchored, you begin snapping your hips forward, riding him hard and fast, never fully unsheathing him on your way back. And maybe it was the fact that an attorney always strives for control, or maybe he was too turned on to care, but his hands are restless –pushing you further down on him, squeezing your tits roughly, roaming your thighs, making you sigh, making you shiver. 
Abruptly, Barba surges up, steadying you with a hand in the back of your neck when his change in position almost threw you off him. He pulls you closer to him while he rocks up into you. The intensity in his eyes makes you falter and it’s almost too much for you, too real, too sudden, too significant, so you let your eyelids flutter shut to distance yourself from that look when he rests his forehead against yours.
That was not a look you’d give a one night stand. 
“Look at me,” his voice rumbles. “Don’t close your eyes.”
You bite your lip, choosing not to obey, but a sharp, deliberate twist of his hips makes you gasp, and your eyes fly open involuntarily.
“Rafael,” you stutter, floored at the exhibition of his tenderness as he traces your zygomatic arch and follows the line of it to tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear. At the sound of his name, he shifts his hands to cradle your head as if you were precious to him, and you whimper helplessly against his lips when your heart skips several beats. Your lips can’t help but be drawn to his in a deep kiss, pouring in all the feelings you don’t have the courage to let yourself express.
You come before him, still lost in his eyes, silently, turbulently; and he, next, inhaling in your exhales, shuddering. 
And for all your earlier exchanges of taunts and parries, silence.
He captures your lips in a slow, momentous kiss as the both of you wind down, and you finally yield to it, to whatever that has shifted between you in flagrante, letting your defensiveness and fear of intimacy recede with the tide of your high. Beneath your hand, Barba’s heart is still beating wildly, despite the languidness in his half-hooded green eyes and the relaxed set of his shoulders.
This is one perceptive man, your mind idly remarks, impressed, as he notices the change in you and breaks the kiss to look you in the eye.
“You ok?” Barba asks you softly, running a hand through your hair.
Dissatisfied with being away from his lips, you seek him out again and he indulges you for a moment before pulling back slightly.
“What’s wrong?” he persists, cupping the back of your head to make sure you can’t look away from him.
And that is really the problem with you, isn’t it? His intensity, his sincerity, his honesty –he makes you feel naked, like your soul has been bared to him, including all the indents that the ugliness of your cynicism and mistrust have made in it with ruthless picks and chisels. 
“You’re not a complete asshole,” you whisper, rendering your verdict, feeling vulnerable and small in his embrace, “and I’m not sure I know what to do.”
Barba hums, leisurely stroking your back reassuringly. “When did you come to the conclusion that I wasn’t a complete asshole?”
In your mind’s eye, you replayed the end of that hellish dinner during which you both had tried to out-suave each other to death. “At the restaurant, when I brought up the incongruity between your stance against the principles of misogyny and your presence in the Trump Tower, and you had that look on your face, that’s when I realized…”
You trail off, distracted by the swirl of his tongue against the biphasic throbbing of your jugular.
“… that’s when I realized that you had voluntarily put yourself, and I, in the Trump Tower, not because your presence within was coherent with your political interests, but because you wanted me to make me uncomfortable.”
His hand stills between your scapulae.
“It made me so mad, when I realized that you played me. And that’s what you wanted, isn’t it? To have your women all riled up?” And you were halfway to getting riled up again just remembering how offended and outraged you had felt.
“That was a joke,” Barba half-apologized, half-explained, bending his neck to catch your eye. 
You narrow your eyes at him, cheeks bright. “Then why –why the hell did you do that to me, and then –and then look at me like that, and then make me look at you while I–” you pause, biting your already mangled lip, flustered.
Rafael Barba smiles haltingly, slyly, mischievously, not unlike the blades of sunlight playing hide and seek, inadvertently piercing through swirls of tumulus clouds in their carelessness –and your breath hitches at the sight of him, sporting that smile, threatening you with traumatic pneumothorax. 
“I wanted to make you very uncomfortable,” Barba murmurs, affectionately extricating your poor bottom lip from the grasp of your teeth with his thumb, “because you struck me as a woman of many faces. And when people are uncomfortable, they let their guard down. They can’t hide behind a façade.”
He glides his index down the bridge of your nose, drawing back the crumbled remnants of your resistance. Your heart lurches, acknowledging that no one has ever exposed you so completely, and knowing that no one will ever do so, after him.
Forehead to forehead, you stare at each other, all your cards laid down. There are no aces left up either of your sleeves, no defensive strategy left in either of your tactical minds. 
Match point.
“I’m not like most people.”
“Yes,” he agrees. “That’s why it took the Trump Tower to find you.” 
Your throat squeezes shut. “You went through all this trouble for –on our first date?” 
Rafael Barba’s eyes are kind, and green, and limpid. “I was not only looking for the silly woman from the hospital cafeteria, who ended up dripping in coffee because she couldn’t look away from me.”
“Not only?” Is this what angina pectoris felt like?
“I saw you on the 6th floor, before we met in the cafeteria. You were fighting tooth and nail to get your patient on a clinical trial, but you were dismissed before you ever finished your arguments. And that flare of righteous anger. I was looking for that woman too, in the Trump Tower.”
This is exactly what angina pectoris felt like.
“Did you find her?” You ask shakily.
“I’m looking at her.”
(img credit x)
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This clearly wasn’t what I had planned from the beginning. Like I said in a post a few days ago, this fic was supposed to be a two-part things. But I guess I’m getting carried away?
Aaaaand since I’ve been watching Suits lately (I’m on season 5), idk, Harvey just fit in this (or maybe it’s just that I’m in love with this fucking character). Anyway. I’m not sure this can be consider as a Suits x SVU crossover, just yet. Maybe eventually it would? But if you don’t watch Suits, don’t know who Harvey Specter is, this won’t be a problem to read this for now.
I hope you’ll like it. Sorry not sorry about the cliffhanger 😌 Part 3 coming soon! Part 1 here.
Pairings: Rafael Barba x Reader, Harvey Specter x Reader
Baker - 2
December 1996
You haven’t seen Rafael since his birthday and the kiss in your basement - your very first kiss. You didn’t have a choice but to pretend that everything was okay, that you didn’t feel a void in your chest and in your life, but every new day was harder than the other. You couldn’t stop thinking about him, about what that kiss could possibly mean to him. Did he like you? Was he attracted to you, in any way? What about Yelina and the wedding? Did he tell her what happened? Probably not. Yelina is a Latina and she doesn’t take shit. If she knew, she would have come to you. And if that would happen, your brother would know about it and that would be catastrophic. AJ is overprotective of you, maybe more than your father is. If he knew that his very best friend for years kissed, he would lost it. Him and Rafael had been through a lot together, if their friendship came to an end because of you? You wouldn’t survive it.
Truth was that there was nothing you could do about it. You just had to keep it to yourself and pretend that it never happened. But how could you when you remembered exactly how his lips felt on yours? How soft he was, how his tongue felt like fighting with yours.
But you also remembered the aftermath. The horror on Rafael’s face when he pulled away. Disgust. That’s what was on his face when he realized what he did. He was disgusted by the kiss, by…you. That brought a whole new kind of pain in your chest.
You had been baking a lot since then. After baking his birthday cake, you realized how much you loved it, and it was your way of forgetting about the rest. It became your escape.
Christmas was just around the corner, so of course you were baking Christmas cookies for your family. “I love everything you bake, baby, but if you keep going, I’m gonna get fat and your mum is going to leave me.” Your father joked as he tried to steal one cookie, but you slapped his hand away.
“They aren’t decorated yet,” you told me. “And mum would never leave you. Even when you get bald.” You joked back. His growing baldness was a sensitive subject that you and your brother kept teasing him about. He growled, stole the cookie anyway and took a bite.
“You want to speak about something sensitive? How are your SATs going?” He smirked.
“Go away,” you said, with a small smile.
To be honest, you’d been thinking a lot about your professional future lately. Maybe baking was your thing. Maybe it was what you were supposed to do. Not that you would ever admit it was because of what Rafael said. “You should be a baker.” He told like it was the most obvious thing.
But how to know for sure? Just because you love to bake at home didn’t mean you'd love to do it for a living, right? But sometimes late at night, you imagined yourself owning your own bakery and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought.
“What if baking is my thing?” You called out to your father who was now sitting on the couch, watching tv.
“Then you’ll go to whatever university that gives you this opportunity,” he answered like it was the most common thing. You sighed, walking to the living room, with the icing in your hand.
“But how do I know for sure?” You asked him.
“Tell you what, honey. I don’t have any baker as clients, but I do have restaurant owners. I can ask around, see if someone would take you in for an internship.”
“Really? You’d do that?”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, your brother or your mother, so yeah. Guess I’ll eat at Lincoln’s restaurant on Monday.”
“I knew there was a good side of you being a lawyer for the riches.” You laughed before going over to him to kiss his cheek. “Thanks dad.”
You started to walk out of the living room when your father spoke again. “Baby, can I ask you something?” He asked. You turned around and waited for him to speak. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Why?”
“Nothing. Your mum thinks something’s wrong with you lately.”
“Everything’s fine,” you lied and disappeared.
This wasn’t good. Your mother could read you like a freaking open book. If she knew something was wrong, it wouldn’t be long before she asks you about it and you knew for a matter that you wouldn’t be able to lie to her. You never was.
On Sunday, your brother came over for lunch like every other Sunday. He has his life of his own now, but your parents made a point to have these moments as a family. There were many times where Rafael would join in, especially when they were younger, but that didn’t happen in a while, and it probably wouldn’t happen again. Maybe that was for the best. The less you saw him, the better, right?
“Y/N, you’ll have to call Rafi soon. Yelina wants you to be the flower girl.” AJ said in the middle of lunch.
“The flower girl? What am I? Five?” You answered, clearly offended.
“Don’t snap at me. I’m just the messenger.” He rose his hands in surrender.
“Yeah well, you’ll tell Yelina thanks but no thanks.”
“Don’t you want to be a part of Rafael’s wedding, honey?” Your mother softly asked.
“I do, but not as the flower girl.” As the bride to be.
“Call Raf anyway, okay?”
You nodded with a ‘yeah, whatever’, which was a deep give away. But you didn’t bother to care at this moment. The flower girl, seriously? And what Rafael said when she asked that? Probably not that he had his tongue in your month just two months prior. You were pissed at him, and pissed at Yelina. You weren’t a kid anymore, why the hell would she ask such a thing?
Later in the afternoon, your father and your brother were watching some sports while talking about work. Since your dad got your brother a job at his law firm, they never take a break. For a moment, you considered going to law school like them, you actually knew quite a few things, but it really wasn’t your thing. “Honey, can I ask you something?” Your mother came into your room, and sat on your bed across from you.
“Are you in love with Rafael?”
“Mum? What the— no! Of course not, why would you think that?”
“Your reaction makes me know that I’m right to ask that.”
“Too defensive, huh?” You sadly smiled and she chuckled.
“Tiny bit,” she moved next to you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders. “You never grew out of your crush, did you?”
“It’s worse, ma. I love him. And I know he’s older than me, that he’s AJ’s best friend, that he’s engaged, but—“
“Feelings don’t disappear because you know things, baby. But yeah, he’s gonna get married, so you’re gonna have to force yourself to move on.”
For a moment, you considered telling her about the kiss, but even though her reaction was nice and comprehensive about your feelings for him, it didn’t mean it would be about Rafael actually kissing you.
“Yelina is not good—“
“Y/N, baby,” she cut you off. “I have no doubt that you’d make Rafael happy if you two were together. But he’s with Yelina, and he wouldn’t have proposed to her if he didn’t love her with all his heart—“
“Aren’t you supposed to make me feel better?” You softly sobbed and your mother held you close to her chest.
“It wouldn’t be wise of me to keep your hopes high, honey. I want your happiness more than anything,” she kissed your hair. “You’ll turn eighteen soon, you’re going off to college in a few months, wherever that is, you’re supposed to have fun, to go out, enjoy your youth. And break boys' hearts. Not the other way around,” she chuckled and so did you. “What about Harvey? It’s been a while since you talked about him.”
“He’s changed. I’ve lost count of how many girls he’s been with in the past six months.”
“Little Harvey? Seriously?”
“One and the same. Something happened to him but every time I tried to talk to him about it, he snapped at me. He’s my friend and I love him, but I’m not his personal punching ball.”
“Fair enough,” she kissed you again. “But look, honey. Live your life to the fullest, okay? Don’t let a man, a friend, or anyone hold you back.”
“Dad never held you back. I want what you and he have. I want my first to be my last.”
“I wish it was that simple. But—“
“What you have is rare, I know. I blame both of you for raising us in a loving household,” you laughed.
“I can pick up a fight or two with him, if you want.” She playfully offered.
“His growing baldness?”
“You’re going to cause our divorce.”
Maybe your mother was right. Maybe you shouldn’t let your love for Rafael holding you back. He’s getting married to someone else. For all you knew, that kiss didn’t mean anything to him. He probably saw you as a little sister and nothing more. Why wouldn’t you just date someone too?
New week, new you. You were set. Your dad was going to get you an internship or something at a bakery - there’s nothing Counselor L/N couldn’t do - so you’d know if that’s what you want to do for a living or not. And you’ll be eighteen soon, you’re supposed to have fun. Live your life to the fullest.
That’s why at lunchtime, you boldly walked up to Harvey’s table and sat next to him. It was the last week before the break, it was now or never to make up with your friend. You didn’t care about the other people at the table, or the girl’s shoulders he had his arm wrapped around. They weren’t your friends, they weren’t Harvey’s friends. He’s just the popular guy everyone wants to be around. But you knew better.
“What do you think you’re doing?” A girl asked you as the table fell silent.
“Eating?” You answered.
“Not here, you aren’t.”
You shrugged your shoulders, not saying another word. When you spotted the mushrooms in Harvey’s plate, you picked some with your fork and ate them. “What the hell is your problem? I made that for him!” His ‘girlfriend’ basically yelled at you.
“Harvey hates mushrooms.”
He didn’t say a word, but his actions spoke volume when he dropped all the mushrooms on your plate, and kissed your temple. You did miss your friend. “Don’t kiss her!” You heard from the blond.
“I do what I want,” he just said. And after a short argument, she was so upset that she left the table.
You didn’t befriend the people at the table, you just ate in silence, but made sure they knew you were there. Maybe you were going territorial with Harvey, but it wasn’t like something he never did. You remembered three years prior when he invented a big old lie so Jake wouldn’t want to be your friend anymore.
“Harv. Do you wanna come over tomorrow after school? We can study for the math test together.”
“I have practice, but can I come after?”
That Monday night, your father came home with great news: you are expected at a bakery on Saturday morning, 4am. You wanted to know if it was for you, so that was your opportunity. Around 11pm, you were looking through baking books, learning about techniques, tastes and recipes, when you heard noises in your backyard. Your parents were already in bed. You took a look, and within seconds, Harvey appeared on your balcony. You jumped from fear, almost yelling, before you recognized him. “Harv, Jesus. You scared the hell out of me!” You yelled-whispered, after opening your window.
“Can I come in?”
You nodded and let him in. He clearly was freezing since he was only wearing a sweater. He sat on the edge of your bed, and you put a blanket over him. “What are you doing here this late?” You asked.
“Don’t want to stay at home. Can I sleep here?”
“I’ll agree if you finally tell me what’s going on with you?”
Harvey dropped his head, avoiding looking at you. You stepped between his legs, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You felt his cold hands in your back as he held you close to him. With his head buried in your neck, he finally opened up. He told you about his mother cheating on his father, and how she asked him to lie about it. He told you how horrible he felt about lying to his father, but he also knew it would break his heart if he found out. So, he just shut up.
But staying at his house was becoming too much for him. “I can’t wait to go off to college.” He whispered.
“Where would that be?”
“Boston. Harvard, hopefully. What about you?”
He wasn’t as cold as he was when he arrived. You sat on the bed next to him and handed him a brochure. Culinary Institute of America. “You want to be a chef?”
“Since when? I never saw you bake.”
“Yeah well, now I do and I love it.”
“Do you have anything baked right now? I’m starving.”
“I can check if my dad didn’t eat all of the cookies I made this weekend.”
You went downstairs. There were only two cookies left, so you took them with a glass of milk and went back to your bedroom. Harvey was laying on your bed, in just a t-shirt and jeans. He even got his socks off.
“That’s my side.” You told him. You didn’t give him the cookies or the milk until he moved to the other side of the bed - with a growl.
“Shit, that’s really good.” He said, a month full of cookies.
“It’s just cookies.”
“Best cookies I ever had.”
You talked for an hour about everything and anything. It has been months since you two were together and you had a lot to talk about. But it was only after you both lay down side by side on your bed that you asked what you really wanted to know.
“What did I do to you, Harvey?”
“Come on, you know it.” He answered with a small chuckle.
“I wouldn't be asking if I did! Was it because I opened my mouth about your behavior?”
“Nah. I know you’re right about that.”
“Then why did you snap at me? Why have you been avoiding me?”
He turned his face to you. You could make out his features thanks to the outside light. “Rafael.” He whispered.
You propped yourself on your elbows. “What about him?” You said, defensively.
“You’re in love with him.”
“I’m not an idiot, Y/N.”
“He’s AJ’s best friend,”
“Yeah, so?”
“He’s twenty—“
“Y/N, you can deny all you want. I know what I saw.”
You let your head hit your pillow and sighed. “What if I am? What does it have to do with us?”
“I wish you’d look at me the way you look at him.”
“It was hard to be just your friend. I’m not good at sharing.”
“I know. Jake.”
He laughed. “He was a dick anyway.”
Silence filled the bedroom for a moment.
“Rafael is getting married in two months. On Valentine’s Day.”
“Not to you, right?”
You punched his thigh and he grabbed your wrist midair. “Need a date?”
“Not sure I have a plus one option, but I can still ask.”
You and Harvey eventually fell asleep next to each other, fingers intertwined. You didn’t think this through, completely forgetting that your mother usually wakes you up. When you opened your eyes, saw her staring over you, and felt Harvey’s fingers between yours, you panicked. “Care to tell me why is Harvey lying next to you, honey?”
“Good morning, Mrs L/N,” he answered before you. “I’m sorry, I showed up unannounced last night. Y/N let me stay.”
“I can see that. And you know you’re welcome here, Harvey. But if my husband sees you in her bed, he won’t be nice and you know it. So, to his acknowledgement, you slept in AJ’s room.”
“Thanks ma’am.”
She waited for both of you to get up, letting Harvey lead the way. She grabbed your wrist to make you face her. She clearly was asking things with her eyes. “He just needed a friend, mum.”
“The hand that wasn’t holding yours was actually gripping your hip.”
“We were sleeping. Do you know what you do when you sleep?”
“After what you told me, I just want you to be careful honey. And even if you’re on the pill, use prot—“ you rolled your eyes with a grunt and walked downstairs.
Breakfast went okay, your father brought up the fact that Harvey slept in AJ’s bedroom. He just made clear that next time he wanted to be warned about a sleepover. You and Harvey went to school together, and it felt really nice to have him back by your side.
* * * * *
“Did you call Raf, like I asked you to?” AJ asked as he joined you in the basement on Friday night. “Specter! Been a while. What are you doing here?” He and Harvey shook hands.
“What are you doing here?” You answered back.
“Dropped some laundry to mum.”
“AJ L/N, a twenty-seven year old lawyer who still needs mummy to do his laundry.” You teased him and he kicked you - which you returned.
“Raf is going to be here in a minute. You’ll go talk to him.”
“Why is he coming?”
“Why is Harvey here?”
“Answering questions with another question. You’re such a lawyer.”
“Y/N lives here, and since she invited me over, it’s not surprising that I am here. You don’t live here anymore. So, Rafael showing up here is less common than it used to.”
AJ took a sip of his beer and laughed. “What happened to the shy little Harvey Specter who was too afraid to look at me because I was his crush’s big brother?”
“He grew up. And my crush became my girlfriend.”
When you felt his arms around your shoulders, his body pressing against yours, you froze. What the hell was he doing? At any point, did you become his girlfriend. Nothing happened in the past week. Why would he make your brother think you two were dating? You looked at him, puzzled. He just smiled and kissed your forehead. “You do realize that me, my father and Rafael are going to take you upstairs and have a talk with you?”
“You and your father, that’s fair. I don’t see why Rafael would join though.”
“He’s family. He loves Y/N like his little sister. He’s joining.”
That stings. Really bad.
All you wanted to do was to scream at him about the kiss. How could Rafael ‘love’ you like a sister but kiss you so gently and so passionately? It didn’t make any fucking sense and you hated it.
And what was Harvey doing? Making your brother think that you were dating? Where was this coming from? You needed to talk to him privately before this ‘talk’ AJ already planned.
“Fine. I can take it.”
But could you?
“We’ll see about that, kiddo. But for now, take your arm off my sister.”
You understood your brother’s protectiveness, you actually found it very sweet all those years, but at this moment, you hated the fact that he was ordering Harvey something like this. So, you grabbed his hand with yours, making sure that his arm would stay where it was.
“Hey there!” Someone called out from the stairs.
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whisperingvictory · 7 years
WIP List (that I will inevitably forget about)
WW2 Draft AU 10 Inbox Prompts Suits x SVU Crossover Teacher AU Ch 2 Age of Adeline AU Probably more that I forgot already.
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
TV Show Quiz
Tagged by @redlipstickandplaid​ - thanks m’dear!
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag peeps
Law & Order: SVU
Grey’s Anatomy
Good Girls
1. Who is your favorite character in 2? Barbae, obvs.
2. Who is your least favorite character in 1? Katrina. She needs to sit the fuck down. 
3. What is your favorite episode of 4? Season 2, episode 4: the bathroom scene. ‘Nuff said. 
4. What is your favorite season of 5? Season 8. Rachel being pregnant. 
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3? I will forever and ever stan Lexie and Mark 
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2? Barba x Sass, Barba x Coffee. <- Gotta agree with you @redlipstickandplaid
7. What is your favorite episode of 1? October Surprise. Shocking, I know. SO MUCH BARBA. The full Muñoz! Ha!
8. What is your favorite episode of 5? Rachel overdue with Emma. GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUUUUUT!! Solidarity Rach SOLIDARITY.
9. What is your favorite season of 2? S.14 - early Barba, pre-Liv influence. 
10. How long have you watched 1? Since the very beginning. 
11. How did you become interested in 3? My friends had it on in their dorm. 
12. Who is your favorite actor in 4? Retta is just phenomenal. I love her as Ruby. 
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? 2 is easy watching, great background noise.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ? 3 because there are more episodes, haha.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Beth, only because she is super-mom on top of her side hustle. She rage bakes. She rage cleans. I just rage.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? No, but HELL YES for 1 & 2. 
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Harvey and Samantha. 
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Grey’s. SO MUCH DRAMZ.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? 2! Good Girls doesn’t even have a theme, lol.
I’m tagging @madpanda75 @melsquared79 @delia26
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Full Index
Interviews + Events
SVU Interviews
2014/10/14 - PaleyFest
2015/05/01 - Perverted Justice Interview
2015/XX/XX - Daydream Believer Interview
2015/05/20 - Kelli & Peter Red Carpet (S16 Finale)
2015/08/11 - SVU Cast on Ice & Coco
2015/09/11 - Season 17 Premiere
2015/09/22 - Mass Appeal Interview
2015/09/XX - Ice T & Peter (Inside Reel)
2015/09/XX - Ice T & Peter  
SVU 400th Episode
2017/01/18 - 400th Episode Red Carpet (pt. 1)
2017/01/18 - 400th Episode Red Carpet (pt. 2)
2017/01/27 - TV Guide 400th Episode Celebration
2017/02/01 - 400th Episode Cake and Photos
2017/02/01 - 400th Episode Interview
2017/02/08 - Kelli & Peter 400th Episode Interview (1)
2017/02/08 - Kelli & Peter 400th Episode Interview (2)
2017/02/08 - Today Show BTS
2017/02/08 - Today Show 400th Episode
Groundhog Day
2016/07/15 - Happy First Preview (West End)
2017/04/17 - Opening Night
2017/04/17 - Red Carpet Challenge
2006 - Under Surveillance
2008 - Deception
2009 - The Informers
2010 - Dark Chamber | Trailer
2010 - Zenith | Trailer
2011 - Happythankyoumoreplease
2012 - Watching TV with the Red Chinese | Trailer
2013 - Frances Ha
2013 - The Cold Lands | Trailer
2014 - Mutual Friends | Trailer
Film Reel (includes clips from Mutual Friends, The Cold Lands, Happythankyoumoreplease, and The Informers)
TV Shows
Guest Roles
2005 - Law & Order Trial by Jury - Season 1 Episode 12 (make sure adblock is running for this linked site)
2005 - Third Watch - Season 6 Episodes 20 & 21
2005 - Law & Order Criminal Intent - Season 5 Episode 2
2009 - Royal Pains - Season 1 Episode 10
2009 - Law & Order - Season 20 Episode 2
2012 - A Gifted Man - Season 1 Episode 15
2012 - The Good Wife - Season 3 Episode 18
2013 - Do No Harm - Season 1 Episode 2
2013 - Unforgettable - Season 2 Episode 7
2013 - Law & Order SVU - Season 14 Episode 13
2014 - Banshee - Season 2 Episode 2
2014 - The Blacklist - Season 1 Episode 18
2014 - Person of Interest - Season 3 Episode 23
2014 - The Leftovers - Season 1 Episode 3
2015 - Chicago P.D. - Season 2 Episode 20 (SVU crossover, before SVU Season 16 Episode 20)
Series Regular
2014 - Present - Law & Order Special Victims Unit
Season 16 | Season 17 | Season 18
Other Roles & Projects
2014/06/03 - 100 Monologues - Our Gang
2011/07/24 - HolidayHoliday - A Thousand
2012/03/29 - Old Friends (Web Series)
2012/XX/XX - All State Commercial
2013/11/24 - 2013 Audition Tape
Joyful Heart Foundation
2015/04/28 - Domestic Violence PSA
2015/04/28 - Domestic Violence with Raúl Esparza
SVU Behind the Scenes
2014/09/24 - Episode Promo (instagram)
2015/06/10 - Front Flip (instagram)
2015/10/21 - BTS Filming of 17x09 - Depravity Standard
2015/11/04 - Quick Promo for SVU
2016/04/XX - Hugs for Andy Karl after Dodds dies
2016/04/29 - Season 17 Bloopers
2016/05/11 - Peter & Mariska Secret Handshake
2016/07/11 - Quick BTS with Ice (Snapchat)
2016/07/12 - “The Hair’s Gonna Do What the Hair’s Gonna Do”
2016/07/13 - BTS Filming of 18x01 - Terrorized
2016/07/XX - Central Park BTS (posted on 11/06/2016 but it’s from Terrorized, shot over the summer)
2016/10/12 - Rolling Ball BTS with Kelli
2016/10/26 - “Planing my wood” (instagram)
2016/10/26 - Movie Magic (instagram)
2016/10/26 - The Secrets of Barba’s Office (instagram)
2016/10/26 - Playing Ball BTS with Kelli (instagram)
2016/10/27 - Sonny Carisi’s desk (instagram)
2016/10/28 - Playing Guitar in Bathtub
2016/11/24 - Happy Thanksgiving from Peter
2016/12/05 - SVU Crew Mannequin Challenge
2017/01/04 - Time for Questioning with Kelli
2017/01/23 - Mariska’s birthday & Other take for Mariska’s birthday
2017/01/27 - BTS Filming of 18x14 - Net Worth
2017/02/14 - Favorite SVU moment
2017/03/20 - She’s Innocent with Kelli
2017/03/22 - Facebook Live with Kelli Giddish
2017/04/04 - Season 18 finale read through
2017/04/13 - Happy Birthday Kelli
2017/05/03 - SVU Secrets - intro, part 1, part 2, part 3
SVU Clips & Deleted Scenes
2005/05/06 - Law & Order Trial by Jury
2015/04/19 - NBC New Guy Compilation
2015/05/15 - NBC Upfront
2017/02/11 - Carisi Keeps it Real
Deleted Scenes
17x09 - Depravity Standard
17x10 - Catfishing Teacher
18x07 - Next Chapter
18x09 - Decline and Fall
18x10 - Motherly Love - precinct scene
18x10 - Motherly Love - courtroom scene
18x14 - Net Worth
Fan Vids
2015/04/05 - Do My Thing (Barisi)
2015/10/04 - Carisi and Barba | Be My Guy
2016/04/10 - you know how i try, try to compromise (Carisi)
2016/06/24 - always worth it | Rollins and Carisi
2016/11/20 - #SVU | #Barisi | Three Piece Suit
016/12/25 - Sonny Carisi x Rafael Barba (Barisi) | I’m wonderstruck
2017/02/09 - Rollisi - Look How Far They’ve Come
2017/02/27 - Rollisi - Unconditionally
2017/02/28 - Happy Birthday Peter Scanavino
2017/04/08 - Angsty Barisi
2017/04/11 - A Tragic Romance (Rollisi)
2017/04/14 - Barisi | Stolen Dance
2017/04/24 - Barisi Fluff
Avenue Potter
Samantha Roberts
Last Updated: 05/22/2017
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writingdayandnight · 7 years
Feelings -Rafael Barba Imagine (SVU/Blue Bloods Crossover)
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader (Reader is a Reagan) 
Word Count: 835
Request: None; I just really love these two shows and haven’t written nearly enough Barba on this blog. 
A/N: This took forever to write, so my apologies if it’s lacking in some places. Expect more SVU/Blue Bloods crossovers, actually crossovers in general, but they’re really fun to write! x 
From the moment Rafael Barba waltzed into the SVU squad room, freshly-pressed suit and all, you knew you would have problems with him. He was arrogant, brash, and just downright obnoxious. It was like having another older brother, but worse. 
For months, you barely spoke with Barba, only talking about cases and making small talk on occasions. You had nothing to talk about, other than your sister, his boss. He loved Erin, always speaking highly of her. It was the only time you saw him genuinely emotive, and surprisingly, it wasn’t fake. You swore that he had feelings for her in a romantic way, which bugged you. The fact that it bugged you made your hatred for Barba even stronger, recognizing what that feeling of irritation could soon entail. 
Lately, Barba was being more frustrating than normal, asking for absurd amounts of evidence and hesitating when obtaining warrants. It baffled you that Sonny was not more angry with him. 
“I just don’t understand,” you huffed, entering the squad car, “he’s been infuriating recently.” 
Sonny chuckled, “same old Barba to me. I think you’re just looking for reasons to hate him.”
“And why’s that?” 
“Y/N, come on, I’m your partner, I know all of your deep, dark secrets. It’s pretty obvious that you have feelings for him,” he nonchalantly took another sip of coffee, “plus, the faster you two date, the faster I win my bet with Rollins.” 
If the suspect did not just walk out of his building, you probably would have fought Sonny on his words. Instead, you decided to consult your twin brother, Jamie, after work. 
“I’m sorry to bother you with this. I would have gone to Erin, but I’m pretty sure she’s secretly dating him anyways,” you groaned, reclining on the couch like a patient in a therapist's office. 
“I thought you hated him,” Jamie asked, handing you a beer. 
“Join the crowd. I never thought I’d see the day where I would be talking about how flustered I get when we make eye contact or how my heart skips a beat when I see how gentle he can be with victims. I also never thought I’d see the day where I’d be telling my twin brother this.”
“I may not be as compelling as Erin, but I know what it’s like to feel this way. The only thing is that you have an opportunity to make it happen,” he offered you a hand off the couch, “now carpe diem, seize the day.” 
Taking Jamie’s advice to heart, you decided to visit Barba the next day. With coffee as a peace-offering, you walked into the courthouse. Your confidence was faltering, but it was now or never. 
“Hey, Carmen, is Barba in his office?” 
“He’s in with ADA Reagan right now, but I’ll see if you can go in,” she smiled, dialing his number, “Detective Reagan is out here, can I send them in? Alright, I’ll let them know.” 
Carmen gave you the okay, which made you incredibly nervous. It was now or never. 
Barba was sitting at his desk, feet resting on a thick legal book. Erin was reviewing case files on a couch nearby. Neither of them seemed to be talking, just enjoying the only silent place in the building. In that moment, you realized how foolish you had been thinking he and Erin were dating. They were simply the only sane part of each other’s work days. 
“Detective Reagan, what can I do for you,” he asked, kicking his feet off the desk. 
“Do you have a minute?” 
Erin’s head bolted up, understanding the cue, “I should probably leave. Rafael, I will catch you later, and Y/N, I’ll see you on Sunday.”
When Erin left the room, a weight was immediately dropped on your chest, and it was getting more difficult to speak. The words were on the tip of your tongue, but they did not want to come out. You had rehearsed your monologue a million times over but were still unprepared. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” you spoke, “Look, I know I haven’t been the most accepting person since we met. I’m sorry for that, but I’ve come to apologize.” 
Barba just laughed, relaxing back in his chair. “You know, when I first started here, Erin told me all about you. She said that you were one of the most compassionate and gracious people she had ever met, so I was a little surprised when you were cold. Then I realized it was because I can be a bit of an arrogant ass, so really, I should be apologizing.” 
“No, I made a stupid judgment and projected my feelings onto you.” 
“Elaborate,” he raised his brow. 
You took a deep breath, “I thought you were dating Erin and got a little upset, maybe even a little jealous,” you mumbled, bowing your head down. 
Barba stood up from his chair, walking over to you. He placed two fingers under your chin and gently lifted it. 
“There’s no need to be jealous; you’re the only Reagan for me,” he smirked, kissing your forehead. 
“Good, because I’m the best one,” you bit your lip.
“Look who’s being arrogant now.”
From that moment on, you knew that Rafael Barba was going to be the man you married. 
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