#swaddle cloth online
tranceindia123 · 2 months
All you need to know about magic of swaddling
Dreams start with the enchantment of wrapping up. Cover your child with comfort and style. Figure out what makes Trance Home Linen exceptional and give your child the most comfort and quality that anyone could hope to find. Get our swaddle cloth online right now to offer your children a quiet night's rest. Swaddling is something other than a wrapping strategy, a delicate embrace relieves your newborn child and advances relaxing rest by reenacting the warm, comfortable belly. Have a look at the soft 100% cotton malmal baby swaddle cloth. Your baby can have a good sense of safety with our top wrap-up materials. They create the ideal cocoon-like environment for peaceful sleep and are made from the softest cotton. They gently caress your baby's delicate skin. There are a lot more purposes for our swaddle wrap cloth, with its outrageous flexibility. These can be utilized as burp materials, carriage covers, nursing covers, or even as a slim cover for your newborn child's stomach.
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allworkwear · 1 year
Pre-baby shopping trips are an important part of equipping your new family member. Getting ready to welcome a baby into your home can be exciting and thrilling. To take care of the little one you have to fill your house with the things you’ll need. To help you figure out what to buy, the experts at Trance Home Linen have systematized the baby essentials for your baby’s arrival. These are some of the bare necessities of life thus making your caring for the child easier. And also life is more comfortable for you and your partner! We think the top of every baby checklist should be a safe place to put the baby down so you can get some rest too. A Crib and best crib mattress protector. A new, firm mattress that fits the frame. Without affecting its breathability, comes a few baby dry sheet waterproof covers, baby pillows for newborns, and swaddle wrap cloth.
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sumuraj · 7 months
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comfymommy · 10 months
Elegant Pink Brush Floral Robe Swaddle Set with Personalized Hat & Matching Dad Shirt | ComfyMommyShop
Discover the perfect matching hospital outfit for your family at ComfyMommyShop. Our Pink Brush Floral Robe, Swaddle, and Personalized Hat with Matching Dad Shirt create the ideal family hospital ensemble. Find the birth robe, mom, dad, and baby hospital outfit, and more in our collection.
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homelivingthings · 1 year
Buy Baby Wrap clothes Online at Best Prices Starting from Rs 299 | Wakefit
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pheliiaa · 8 months
you want angst to fluff?
you don’t?
i don’t care!
wilbur got home around 2 am. you had gone to bed long before then, but he broke when he saw you, shaking and crying in your sleep. it was very clear that it was a nightmare.
he approached the bed slowly and shook your shoulder, waking you. he thought you would have turned to him, smiled, and immediately reached for a hug. but no. you immediately glare at him, and shout.
“go away, wilbur!”
my name is wil to you-
“darling, what happened-”
“don’t pull this ‘darling’ shit on me! go away! i don’t want to talk to you! leave!”
you were screaming now, surely waking your neighbours by this point.
“oh, okay”
he walked back through the house to the living room, settling down on the couch and falling asleep. you fell back asleep with dried tears surrounding your eyes and a raging head.
how could he do this!
he was woken again that morning. not to a warmth covering his body or soft breaths in his ear, but to loud yelling right in front of him.
“wilbur! how fucking dare you! you leave for band rehearsal at 9 am, and get back at 2 am, and in that span of time, you need to go and get your dick wet! what did i do wrong that made you resort to going to some other slag for satisfaction! i don’t wanna see you at all today!”
you stormed into the bathroom, shuffling clothes and loud water were the only sounds for about half an hour.
he never did anything? he went straight to band rehearsal, got lunch, did some more, got dinner, and went home…
you come back out later, and barely spare him a glance. you stomp past him, avoiding his remorseful gaze, and you make breakfast.
the both of you didn’t talk at all. he cancelled his plans for the day with the band. he needed to avoid anything that would raise suspicion.
why is he doing this? he never cheated on you! what made you think that way- oh…
the click read 11 pm. you would’ve been getting ready for bed. he walked to the bedroom door and knocked. one, two, three. a groan from inside and a harsh wind against his face.
“y/n. i never cheated on you. why do you think that?”
“wilbur, go away. we’ll talk tomorrow.”
“no. what have you the impression that i found some other chick? tell me, please?”
“will, piss off! leave me alone!”
“no! what made you think i cheated on you? i know exactly what gave you the idea, but i want to make sure the answers line up.”
there was a beat of silence before you spoke in a whisper-
“it was the nightmare, i think…”
you trailed off your sentence, and wilbur mentally cheered. thank fuck you didn’t get the idea from online.
“can i come in, please? i’ll happily sit on the bed.”
“hurry up, then.”
“can i sleep in here with you tonight? im sorry for disappearing for so long yesterday, but i couldn’t reschedule with the boys. and i’d never cheat on you, ever.”
“okay, wilbur, i get it. stay in here tonight. i was cold last night”
you both laugh before you’re both falling asleep, swaddled in each others warmth.
this was actually so shit but you’re welcome…
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Autistic April Day 19: Favourite thing about being Autistic
I don't really have one specific favourite thing about being Autistic but I like being Autistic because I admire other Autistic people. No offence NTs but you're kind of boring. I see other Autistic people with have fun special interests and dress in really fun clothes and I can relate to them.
I am part of the online furby fandom which is mostly Autistic and I love how fun the other Autistic people in the furby fandom are and how they play with their furbys. I feel a strong sense of belonging in the furby fandom.
Autistic people when unmasked arnt afraid to be themselves and have toys with them. I love toys and I don't believe that disabled people should ever be told that their too old for toys because if anyone tells a disabled adult that they're too old for toys that's ableist. Toys are fun and harmless.
In general I like being Autistic because I feel as though Autistic people are more fun and accepting of differences and I like being fun and accepting of differences like many other Autistic people.
Image Descriptions:
1: This is a photo of me with my furby Ee-day and a kangaroo joey. I am a white woman with dark brown hair tied up in a pony tail. I have a pair of leopard print sunglasses on my head. I am wearing a mint green dress with various birds on it. Ee-day is sitting on my right arm. Ee-day is a 1998 furby with a yellow mane and hot pink ears with light blue insides. His fur is hot pink except for on his belly where it is light blue. His face plate and eyelids are light blue with a yellowish tinge on the eye lids. His eyes are a light blue colour and his beak is a orangish yellow colour. His feet are both white. In my other arm I am nursing a kangaroo joey like a baby. The joey is swaddled up in a fabric bag that is purple, yellow, orange and white.
2: There are a list of prompts for each day of the month for Autistic April. The top and bottom of the image is light purple and the middle part of the image is white with black text on it. The black text says "Autistic April 2024 Prompts: 1: Special interests 2: How you found out you were Autistic 3: your favourite stim 4: alternative forms of communication 5: your favourite fidget toys 6: textures you hate 7: safe foods 8: other disabilities you have 9: LBGTQI+ 10: childhood special interests11: comfort items 12: your favourite Autistic celebrities or characters13: unmasking 14: sensory aids 15: misdiagnosis 16: Autism friendly places 17: Disability support you have received 18: animals 19: favourite thing about being Autistic 20: echolalia 21: idenity first or Person first language 22: the spoon theory
23: colours that represent Autism (not blue) 24: Autistic owned small businesses 25: meltdowns and/or shutdowns 26: Your clothing prefences 27: Self care 28: Relatable Autism memes 29: Accessibility 30: routines" There is an infinity symbol that is half red and half gold on the top right corner of the white section. End Description.
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phoebeebies · 1 year
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A comic I made a while ago based on 18th & 19th century pin cushions that were gifted to pregnant women and new-borns. The pins would spell out prayers and blessings and it was believed the more pins used, the lesser the labour pains. However, gifting a pin cushion too early in the pregnancy was considered bad luck as childbirth mortality rates were so high. The pins also had a practical use as they could be used to fasten the new-born baby's clothes and swaddles etc
I find these so fascinating and eerie, the V&A online has a nice collection if you want to see the originals!
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crownamedblue · 2 years
On “real names”
To name something is to give it significance. It goes from being a rock, to Rocco the Rock (you can tell it's important because it's in uppercase). Once something has a name, it gains a personality. Some people with names may not have a personality, granted, but that's why we have given them a different moniker entirely: tool. This, in turn, brings me to another point entirely: the difference between a given name and a chosen name. Additionally, which is your real name? Now, as one could expect from one of my articles, I have done far too much research and put far too much thought into this. 
We’ll begin with the Egyptians, who have something of a tiered system of names. It may seem off topic, but more than a bit away from the sandy deserts and ancient pyramids, there lies, in America, a swampy land known as Louisiana. I bring your attention to this polar opposite, if only to point out a certain magic that exists there, among the witch doctors and wilds. That magic, of course, being voodoo. The reason I mention the needles and dolls, is that the hierarchy of names works very similarly. That is to say, that if you possess someone’s “true name,” the name that describes your soul in perfect perpetuity, you can have much of the same effects. 
However, with one notable exception, it is not much of a hierarchy if it doesn't have more than one level (that one exception being the hierarchy of angels- fun little shoutout to my Nightvale article). At the bottom are your chosen names. A chosen name is, as one might guess, a name one chooses for themselves. Consider a nickname or a username online. As previously stated, this other name may very well have a personality attached to it (unless you are a tool). It may be what you use for day to day and it may fit you better than your given, or original name, but nonetheless it is not what you were assigned at birth, and thus it has less power. The next tier, as mentioned above, is the given name, or your original name. This is the one handed to you at birth, the one you used when you hadn't the consciousness to assign another. It is a mix of it being the original and the fact that this is what your most developing period was based upon. This would, therefore, give it priority and thus greater power. The final tier is the true name, which I have already spoken about.
This wouldn’t be one of my articles if I stopped here. Oh no no, you poor thing. You sweet summer child swaddled in the cashmere cloth of innocence, you expect too little of me. Spiraling out of Egyptian beliefs, let's talk about one of my favorite things. That which I love to hate. That's right, it's time to talk about the church. Why? Demons. Specifically demon summoning. I won’t go into too much detail (please don’t censor me editors), but one of the steps required is to know the Demon’s true name. This has a similar effect to the Egyptian voodoo-esq beliefs (or vice versa technically if you based it on chronological order but you can kindly close your mouth). If you know their true name, the demon will do anything you command. The interesting part, however, is where they differ. You see, in the Egyptian mythos, to know one's true name is to control the mind, body, and spirit. You capture one’s true name, and you can order them about. The twist is that they will do it of their own will. It will be as if they want to do whatever you manipulate their name to compel them to do. Their own soul will change in accordance to your will. 
The church disagrees, as per usual. You see, the church has a problem they need to solve. They have peasants to convert, who all follow their own pesky little deities. Step one is to bring some filthy peas- I mean loyal citizens- over to your side and use them to bring even more over. Step two is to declare the gods and goddesses as evil. Step three is to then state that the remaining followers are, in fact, in league with the demons, thus putting on peer pressure and dividing the peoples. Step four though, step four is tricky. See the people didn't much care for the division of neighbors and attempts at conversion. They got testy and decided to resist, and some of them are, annoyingly enough, town leaders and good people and now the trick is to explain why these good people are actually evil. Thus come the Deals with The Devil. See, these people thought that they could control the demons, the church says. After all, knowing their true names allows control of the demonic forces. What the leaders failed to consider, the church continues, is that you only control their body, and demons are experts at finding loopholes. So they meant to be good at first, the church reassures, but the demons found the loopholes and now they own the leaders’ souls which is why you should stay away from them and only listen to us. 
With my mandatory rant against the church over, this leaves me with my closing arguments. Both the church and Egyptians will argue that a true name carries far more power than any other. However, we don’t really have access to those, so what is your real name in our current society? Contrary to Egyptian beliefs, I’d put my money on the chosen name. As someone currently trying to change mine, and who are friends with people who have, your chosen name truly reflects you the best. I've been lucky on this front, and don't experience discomfort from my given name being uttered, but regardless, that can be extremely damaging to a person. For something that I personally do get to experience, it feels so much better when someone does use the right name. So which is someone’s real name? Whatever they tell you. Respect people's pronouns, use their chosen name, and don’t be a tool.
(On pronouns, mine are any/all, so he/him she/her and they/them all work. I identify as genderqueer, meaning currently I have no idea what I am but it certainly isn't what I was assigned at birth)
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martinarecolvice · 24 days
Clothes Bins Near Me
Are you looking to declutter your wardrobe while making a positive impact? Donating clothes is an excellent way to do just that. But where can you find convenient options for donating your gently used items? The answer lies in the clothes bins near you. These donation bins are popping up in neighborhoods everywhere, offering an easy and eco-friendly solution for those who want to give back. Not only does it help others in need, but it also contributes to reducing waste by keeping usable clothing out of landfills. Let's dive into the types of items you can donate, how to locate these handy bins, and why your contributions might even benefit you come tax season!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Clothes Bins Near Me<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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Types of clothing and items can I donate to clothes bins
Clothes bins typically accept a range of items,  including clothing, shoes, accessories, and household linens. Some specific items that you can donate to clothes bins include:
1. Clothing: This includes clean, gently used clothing for men, women, and children of all ages and sizes. Examples include shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, jackets, coats, sweaters, and sleepwear.
2. Shoes: You can donate any type of footwear in good condition such as sneakers, dress shoes, sandals, boots, and slippers.
3. Accessories: Clothes bins also accept accessories like belts, scarves, hats, gloves/mittens.
4. Household Linens: These include towels (hand towels and bath towels), bed sheets/pillowcases (any size), blankets/throws/quilts/comforters.
5. Bags and purses: If you have any unused or gently used handbags or purses lying around your house that you no longer use or need they can be donated as well.
6. Baby items: You can donate baby clothes (in good condition), blankets/swaddles/burp cloths/receiving blankets if you have any little ones at home.
7. Other textiles: Clothes bins also accept other household textiles such as curtains/drapes/window treatments/shower curtains, tablecloths, and napkins.
However, it's important to check with your local clothes bin or donation center for their specific guidelines as some may have restrictions on certain types of clothing or items. Additionally, make sure that all items are clean and in good condition before donating.
Where to Donate Clothes Bins Near Me
Finding clothes bins near you is easier than ever with the help of online resources. The following websites offer search tools to help you find clothing donation bins in your area:
1. Donation Town
Donation Town is a website that allows you to search for clothing donation bins by zip code or city and state. Once you enter your location, it will provide a list of nearby organizations that accept clothing donations and their addresses.
2. Goodwill
Goodwill has a locator tool on their website that allows you to search for donation bins by zip code or state. You can also filter your search by the type of items you want to donate, including clothes.
3. The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army has a "Donate Goods" page on their website where you can find drop-off locations for clothing donations near you. You can also schedule a pick-up for larger donations.
4. American Red Cross
The American Red Cross has a "Find a Bin Near Me" tool on their website where you can enter your zip code and find nearby donation bins for clothing and other items.
5. Dress for Success
Dress for Success is an organization that provides professional attire to women in need. They have drop-off locations across the country where you can donate gently used workwear and other professional clothing.
6.Planet Aid
Planet Aid has a locator tool on their website where you can search for clothing donation bins by zip code or city and state. They also have a list of all their bin locations on their website.
7. Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters has donation bins in various locations across the country, including shopping centers and other public spaces. You can use their "Find a Donation Center" tool on their website to locate bins near you.
8. Local Charities and Non-Profit Organizations
You can also check with local charities and non-profit organizations in your area to see if they have clothing donation bins or drop-off locations. Many churches, community centers, and homeless shelters accept clothing donations and may have bins or designated drop-off areas for donations.
In addition to these online resources, you can also drive around your community and look for donation bins in public places such as parking lots, schools, libraries, or parks. Be sure to research the organization that owns the bin before donating to ensure that your items will go to a reputable charity.
Find a Donation Bin Near You
Finding a donation bin near you is easier than ever. Many organizations, such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army, place bins in convenient locations throughout your community. These bins are often located at shopping centers, schools, or places of worship.
You can also use online resources to locate nearby donation bins. Websites like DonationTown.org allow you to enter your zip code and find multiple options within your area. This feature saves time and ensures you're donating to reputable charities.
Mobile apps focused on charitable giving are another handy option. Apps like “Give Back” enable users to search for nearby donation bins using GPS technology. With these tools at your fingertips, you'll be able to help those in need while decluttering your space efficiently.
Your Tax-Deductible Donations
When you donate clothes to bins, you may not only help those in need but also benefit financially during tax season. Many donation centers are recognized as non-profit organizations, allowing your contributions to be tax-deductible.
To claim this deduction, it's essential to keep accurate records of your donations. Most places will provide a receipt or acknowledgment for items dropped off; make sure to save these documents. Consult a tax professional if you have questions about maximizing deductions related to charitable giving. This way, you'll ensure you're following all regulations while making a positive impact through your generous donations.
Finding clothes bins near you can be a game changer for decluttering your home while contributing to a good cause. These donation points provide an easy way to give away gently used clothing and items, ensuring they find new life rather than ending up in landfills. Whether you're clearing out your closet or looking to help those in need, utilizing these bins is efficient and beneficial.
Remember the types of donations acceptable at these locations. Clothing, shoes, accessories, and even some household items are usually welcomed. Each organization may have specific guidelines, so it’s wise to check before dropping off.
You can easily locate donation bins through local charity websites or community boards. Many areas also offer maps that pinpoint bin locations for convenience. It's all about making your charitable efforts as simple as possible.
What types of clothing and items can I donate to clothes bins?
Most clothes bins accept a wide range of items, including gently used clothing, shoes, accessories, and sometimes household textiles like blankets and towels. However, it’s important to check the specific bin for any restrictions or guidelines.
Are clothes bins near me accessible 24/7?
Yes, most clothes bins are available 24/7, allowing you to drop off donations at your convenience. However, it’s advisable to check with the specific location to confirm their hours of operation.
How do I find the nearest clothes bin?
You can find the nearest clothes bin by using online maps, searching “clothes bins near me,” or visiting the websites of local charities or organizations that manage donation bins. Some apps and websites also provide information on bin locations.
What happens to the clothes I donate in these bins?
The donated clothes are usually sorted by the organization managing the bin. Usable items may be given to those in need, sold in thrift stores to fund charitable activities, or recycled into new products if they are not wearable.
Are donations to clothes bins tax-deductible?
Donations to clothes bins can be tax-deductible if the bin is managed by a registered charity. To claim a deduction, you’ll need to keep a receipt or document the items donated. Be sure to check if the organization managing the bin is a recognized charity.
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tranceindia123 · 2 months
Dreams start with the enchantment of wrapping up. Cover your child with comfort and style. Figure out what makes Trance Home Linen exceptional and give your child the most comfort and quality that anyone could hope to find. Get our swaddle cloth online right now to offer your children a quiet night's rest. Swaddling is something other than a wrapping strategy, a delicate embrace relieves your newborn child and advances relaxing rest by reenacting the warm, comfortable belly. Have a look at the soft 100% cotton malmal baby swaddle cloth. Your baby can have a good sense of safety with our top wrap-up materials. They create the ideal cocoon-like environment for peaceful sleep and are made from the softest cotton. They gently caress your baby's delicate skin. There are a lot more purposes for our swaddle wrap cloth, with its outrageous flexibility. These can be utilized as burp materials, carriage covers, nursing covers, or even as a slim cover for your newborn child's stomach.
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nerrajblog · 1 month
Newborn Swaddle Cloth
Wrap your child in comfort with a high-quality newborn swaddle cloth. Soft, breathable fabric designed to keep your baby snug and secure during sleep.
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sumuraj · 9 months
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comfymommy · 10 months
Elegance, Comfort, and Unforgettable Moments with ComfyMommyShop's Maternity Robe, Swaddle Set with Personalize Hat 
At ComfyMommy Shop, we believe in turning every moment into a cherished memory. Explore our family matching maternity sets and experience the joy of stylish, comfortable, and unforgettable moments during this particular time. Parenthood is a journey; we’re here to make it even more beautiful. Shop now and celebrate the magic of family!
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homelivingthings · 1 year
Buy Baby Wrap clothes Online at Best Prices Starting from Rs 299 | Wakefit
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bravelittlelamb · 1 month
Newborn Essentials: Must-Have Items for Your Baby's Arrival
Preparing for the arrival of a newborn involves many decisions, especially when it comes to gathering essential items to ensure your baby's comfort and well-being. At Brave Little Lamb, we understand the importance of quality and functionality in newborn essentials. Whether you're a first-time parent or adding to your growing family, our collection of newborn essentials is curated to meet your needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the must-have items every parent should consider:
Soft and Gentle Clothing Ensure your newborn's comfort with soft, organic cotton clothing that is gentle on delicate skin. Our collection features a range of bodysuits, rompers, and pajama sets designed for ease of dressing and maximum comfort.
Cozy Bedding and Swaddles Create a peaceful sleep environment for your baby with our selection of cozy blankets, swaddles, and crib sheets. Opt for breathable materials that promote airflow and help regulate your baby's temperature throughout the night.
Practical Diapering Solutions Make diaper changes hassle-free with our range of diapers, wipes, and diaper creams. Choose from eco-friendly options that prioritize both your baby's health and the environment.
Feeding Essentials Whether you choose breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, having the right accessories can make all the difference. Explore our nursing pillows, burp cloths, and bottles designed to facilitate feeding times and bonding moments.
Safe and Stimulating Toys Encourage early development and exploration with our selection of safe and stimulating toys. From soft plush toys to interactive rattles, each item is chosen to support your baby's sensory and motor skills.
Health and Grooming Supplies Maintain your baby's hygiene with our gentle bath products, nail care sets, and healthcare essentials. Prioritize safety and effectiveness with products designed specifically for newborns' sensitive needs.
Practical Gear and Accessories Simplify outings with your little one by investing in practical gear such as strollers, baby carriers, and diaper bags. Our collection includes versatile options that prioritize both style and functionality.
Why Choose Brave Little Lamb? At Brave Little Lamb, we are committed to offering high-quality newborn essentials that prioritize safety, comfort, and style. Our products are meticulously curated to ensure they meet the needs of modern families while adhering to the highest standards of craftsmanship and sustainability.
Preparing for your newborn's arrival is an exciting journey filled with choices. By choosing Brave Little Lamb's collection of newborn essentials, you can rest assured that you are providing your baby with the best start in life. Explore our range today to discover everything you need to welcome your little one into the world with love and care.
Explore Our Collection Visit Brave Little Lamb today to explore our full range of newborn essentials and start preparing for your baby's arrival with confidence. Whether you're looking for clothing, bedding, feeding accessories, or health essentials, we have everything you need to create a nurturing environment for your newborn. Shop now and experience the difference quality makes at Brave Little Lamb.
Browse our collection of newborn essentials and shop online at Brave Little Lamb to ensure your baby has everything it needs from day one. With our carefully curated products and commitment to excellence, we're here to support you every step of the way. Discover the joy of parenting with Brave Little Lamb today! https://bravelittlelamb.com/
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