#swap moonjumper
rubys-forest · 1 month
nothing like redrawing another piece of art for swap au
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ahatintimepieces · 2 months
“so I know this isn’t an ask box but I don’t have an account on tumblr and needed to ask you something. Since from what I’ve gleaned this is another account of yours and you made the fic “By any other name,” I’d like to know if it’ll get that Epilogue of Luka learning to settle back into his village. (I crave ur writing- I normally like Moonjumper more than Snatcher but that one pretty much swapped my opinions around, at least for now-)” -Submitted by Anonymous Yep! That’s me! :D And, in theory, yes! I do have plans/outline for an Epilogue section of Luka adjusting back to life in the village with brambles and the inability to eat anything but fey food. I just don’t know when I’ll get to it :’o I’ve been working on personal projects and currently might be dabbling in another less intense fic just to recharge a bit. But I’m really glad you like the story <3 and @smieska-draws has a lot of lovely art for it since we bounced a lot of the ideas around together! :D and we’ve brainstormed a few other aus together that have pieces scattered around, if you’re interested!
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
* Moonstache EX pulls the strings!
* (Check) * YOUR STATS ARE [[Weak Sauce]] COMPARED TO MINE. * OH WELL. YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY, BOW... * NO [[PAIN]], NO [[game]]!!
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition, you can find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route Requirements on Google Drive! The incredible art in the thumbnail was made by @asterofthedeepforest. Be sure to support his Ko-fi and/or commission him! This track was commissioned from my boi Wisteria Bird Studios (though the extensive edits I made over the past year put this in a FAR different spot compared to the first version XD.) Be sure to check out his work too!
The Badge Seller / Moonjumper's Theme
Oh It's You + Your Contract Has Expired (modified)
"You're not supposed to be in the game!" (6:20 - 6:28)
Main Theme / Title Screen
Skittish Skirmish (modified)
Killing Two Birds (modified)
Wrath of the Horizon (brass backing)
Your Contract Has Expired
How Rude! (2:10 - 2:18)
You can also listen to this track in high quality on the AU’s SoundCloud here! The rest of the description is underneath the Read More.
Moonjumper replaces Gaster. In the TimeWarp route, after Hat Kid's (well) TimeWarp attack creates a schism in the space-time continuum, Moonjumper is FINALLY able to properly break through back into reality... by overwriting Mustache Girl's soul with their own, becoming Moonstache EX in the process. I mean, come on! You REALLY thought them selling you the ThornCrown was just to help you be a master manipulator? Ain't ya ever heard of a good ol fashioned double-cross!?
PUPPETMASTER V9 SWEEP BAYBEEEEEEEEEE (ahem) But for real tho, this track has FINALLY been updated and properly ported over to this account, and with a brand new title to boot! A big part of me was wanting to wait to release this update until other tracks in the works for the AU (all via commission) were ready... But considering that my new schedule at work goes into effect tomorrow, meaning I'll have far less time to coordinate musical junk (let alone work on any,) I want to leave you guys with SOMETHING before then - especially considering that we finally breached 100 followers on the AU SoundCloud! Thank you all so much for your support!! (Sorry that update v420 has to be how it's celebrated tho, will try to put together a more substantial package for the milestone when I've got time.) :) Anyhow, in addition to the changes with the vocals mentioned on the NYCTBA, I made the executive decision to re-record and slightly tweak the bulk of the secret lyrics too. On top of the most obvious aspects tho, I also lowered the key another semitone compared to the last public ver on my main, made some further adjustments to more accurately capture the "big picture" BIG SHOT vibe, and included a couple more minor tweaks past that (including a motif swap-in on the World Revolving section.) It's unironically been a FULL YEAR of on-and-off editing on this thing, but I think I can finally say with true confidence that this is now THE definitive ver of this track. Hope you guys enjoy! --Chris (P.S. Be sure to check out the TimeWarp writeup doc, made some more tweaks to it last month.)
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dedkirsch · 2 years
1 &9 for everyone you want to talk about please ^^
Tee hee :3
Kirsch (my beloved <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
Because my brain saw Zora/Kirsch and decided to hyperfixate. /lhj
but like apart from that. He's just such a fun character! He's a ridiculous idiot and I want to fucking smoosh his cheeks and kiss him and uushshjajssjdja <33
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
this depends because from an artistic standpoint, OUT OUT OUT OUT I HATE DRAWING THAT STUPID FUCKING ONESIE WHY MUST HE TORTURE ME LIKE THIS 😭😭😭 but apart from that it's pretty cool and he pulls it off really well!!! so it's about 50/50. Hell to draw but MAN he looks so pretty I can't fault him for it too much 😭
Zora (Kirsch’s beloved <33)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
I've always liked him tbh, his attitude is really fun to me and I love how he basically came into the Royal Knight exams, disrespected everyone, proceeded to kick their asses and managed to get in. ITS SO FUN IDK WHY
and of course I can't talk about him without mentioning his boyfriend (zorsch is canon guys it's true they kissed in front of me /hj) who my brain just said "BLORBO"
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
He's... he's definitely got the "I hate you for making me draw that" factor. I can't draw it that well. And why all the leather????? Man I feel bad for him in summer??? It's also kinda weird because his legs are entirely covered by like, 3 different layers, and then he just has "lol no shoulders" with an ENTIRELY exposed chest and- huh??? /aff he's gonna be sweating on his lower half and fucking freezing on his top half 😭
I gotta say though I like the aesthetic. And how he modelled it after the doll his dad made for him. So it's like... 50/50 as well. Torture to wear but man I can't hate it 😭
Henry (my other beloved <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
FERAL BARKING HES SO CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND I WANT TO GIVE HIM SO MANY HUGS AND SO MUCH LOVE 😭😭 I just!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM?!??!?! He's a lovable little (not really little he's TALL) skrunkly and I want to hug him and brush his hair and GOD JUST LET ME BODY SWAP WITH MERCY FOR A DAY SO I CAN GIVE HIM A HUGGGG😭
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
In. Gotta respect the pyjama grind. If I could I would also walk around in pyjamas 24/7. He looks cute in them and they're easy to draw. There is nothing wrong with his outfit. (gives him a kiss for having the best outfit score)
Snatcher (beloved #3 <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
HES JUST SO COOL MAN like you're telling me he got fucking murdered by his girlfriend and just became a fucking loveable asshole ghost?!?#*(@(@ Also his neck floof looks so FLUFFY I WANNA BURY MY HEAD IN IT AND UGHHHH <33
He really just said "if I can't live, neither can anyone else" and started stealing souls for his breakfast THATS SO FUCKING?????? i would like his claw in marriage pls
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
See now this is awkward because he technically doesn't wear anything uhhhhhh lmaoooo he's just a noodle ghost
I did once draw him in a pink princess dress and that was a 100/10 he rocked it
Moonjumper (stupid smug bitch /aff)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
Because he got cut and it pains me to see his potential wasted. Plus its so fun to insert him into fanfics because he's so freaking fun to write! He's essentially a blank slate apart from a few bits of trivia from the beta version of the game and it FASCINATES me. I love researching about him and finding out about what COULD have been if he didnt get cut! Wasted potential to its HIGHEST (possibly even more than my boo Kirsch 😭)
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
In. I love how he kept his Prince outfit. He looks so cool, especially with the broken monocle and the chains. Which is like a super fun nod to his past (monocle because he studied law, and Subcon Kingdom was likely around when monocles would be in fashion; and chains because he/the Prince died chained to the wall). He rocks it!! It fits so well with the rest of his design, too. He just gives off super weird vibes in a good way and YES
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eclipseofthehat · 2 months
Hey you, I appreciate it that you still come back with your comic from time to time. Also I think you improved a lot since the first pages.
Thank you!
Honestly no matter how long it takes I want to get this comic done to tell the story I want to tell! I have so much of it prewritten out already lol I haven't even gotten to the GOOD bits (Like Why is her memory missing, what's the connection to Moonjumper, who's the lonely man--- Granted if you follow my art blog it's already public info but still)
Thank you! I'm glad it's noticeable, I like to think I've grown as well. The first chapter is such a mess of a chapter since I wasn't really sure WHAT I was doing. Doesn't help I was swapping between monitors so the colors got horribly mangled. Alas.
Somedays I go 'redo it' but ive fallen into that trap with comics before and as such I will not and jsut they show case my growth over the time on the comic!
It's nice to hear people do still like ti even tho I update so sporadically. I know how long I can take so I'm just glad people enjoy it regardless
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thesopwithcamel · 10 months
The Three Hat's AU Subcon forest: characters part 1, the Snatchers.
1HT Snatcher.
his name before he died was Luka (yes its overused but I couldn't think of anything else) so I'll be refering him in that name for clarity's sake as there is three snatcher's.
Luka is retail Snatcher, although he has softened up over the years he is still a force to be rekoned with as the untold ruler of Subcon forest until this mess happened.
Doesn't like the other two Snatcher's and tolerates Moonjumper. he prefers sitting in his tree home and reading his book then taking part in this wondeful giant capture the flag game going on but if any of them fuck with the Dweller's he is gonna bring in the pain train.
Still recognises Caitlyn after three years and is (sorta) true to his word about the bff contract, genuinly cares for her as he hands her a shotgun before she explores the new parts of subcon forest and tells her to be careful (he says hes doing this because it will allow her to survive easier and that he doesn't care about her but we all know he's lying.
Idc what canon bullshit gets in the way I love Datcher so fuck you.
Luka can shapeshift into a snatcherfied version of his past self, really handy when writing contracts.
Deep down he still wishes that things between him and 1HT Vanessa could have been different...
Vanessa and Luka were betroved to each other at the ages of 3 and 5 years old respectively (actually built in some historical context), they never really had any choice in the matter but still loved each other (until the flowers thing happened).
Oh btw 1HT Florist is fucking dead, both she and Luka died of hypothermia.
2HT snatcher.
I'm actually gonna call him Snatcher because he fits the name slightly better.
Acts like the prototype Snatcher, a nuisance character who snatcher thing's you've forgotten about and is a dick but deep down inside him, he has a heart its just really hard to see.
A shadow created by an unknown alien who abandoned him on the planet so he tends to steal shit.
Met the 2HT Prince and actually kinda liked him and its one of the major reasons why he hates Moonjumper because Moonjumper robbed him of his friends body, when MJ tries to rob 2HT Prince's soul he hands it off to Luka for safe keeping and even makes him sign a contract over it.
The 3rd floor of Vanessa's Manor happens briefly but unfortunetally he doesn't hold up well to sudden blinding lights, flashbangs are his cryptonite.
Following Moonjumper's defeat Snatcher attempts to return 2HT Prince's soul to his body but MJ destroys the body, luckily Luka had a spare Dweller body lying around which was patched up, decorated and alived.
2HT Snatcher enjoys annoying 3HT snatcher.
Speak of the devil, 3HT Snatcher or Devil because why not.
Very little information exists about Devil but he is also featured in a Swap AU which I've had in my brain for some time now, 3HT is this au but everything goes horribly wrong.
Devil is an evil bastard due to him taking the role of Vanessa, he is also the cause behind 1HT Vanessa's death and the destruction of the 1HT Manor.
Refers to Natalie and Caitlyn as minions since he believes that they are working for 3HT Hat Kid.
stays in the manor but leaves to terroise the Dwellers, tears Proto kid to pieces and battled Luka which ended in a rather brutal draw.
Defeated by Caitlyn when she tricked him into entering a red time rift, where he ended up or what happened to him is unknown...
Does have a very good evil laugh though :).
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seafoam-taide · 3 years
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Thinking about... Boss Battles... in my swap au (which I still need to name (gosh darn it))...
There’s so much going on I’m not gonna try to explain it all down here but if anyone wants me to elaborate I ABSOLUTELY will. This has consumed my thoughts all day.
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twipsai · 3 years
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a hat in time, but somethings not right. somethings not right.
Swapcon/A Spell in Time royal/ghost has refs now!!! from left to right, The Mad Hatter (Hat Kid <-> Snatcher), StarWalker (Timmy <-> MoonJumper), and The Slumbering Queen (Bow Kid <-> Vanessa)
co-writing this au with @theskindragon !!! check them out :D
more info about them (including gameplay and theme ideas!) under the cut!
The Mad Hatter - A ghost without any emotion other than rage. After all, it’s all she’s ever known. After being killed by a thorn through the chest, she eats souls to feel other emotions. Once, long ago, she was Princess Hailey, a chaotic young royal who loved adventuring beyond the castle grounds. But, that was forever ago.
Her mechanics work pretty much the same as Snatcher’s, however some of her attacks are more themed to her actual character (blue potions are brewing potions, the lazers are small to big sized and the color of the projectile badge!) She also gives you promises instead of contracts! They usually have more pictures, but I didn’t add any because I forgot to. She also uses pink crystals instead of blue fire!
As for her theme, something a bit like the main theme mixed with a slower Time Trials from An OST in Time sounds like it would be correct! Maybe with some sparkly glitter noises! It would probably be called “Hey, Nice to See Ya!”
The Slumbering Queen - Is she a ghost? A zombie? You don’t have much time to ponder, just keep quiet! Sleepy’s plant magic gives off poison gas that makes people tired, so she’s mostly in bed. Some people may know her as Queen Sabrina, but she may not even remember that name. When she “wakes up”, she sleep-walks through her manor, looking for her siblings, calling out their names. If she spots an intruder, she immediately attacks with giant thorns and vines. She doesn’t mean to kill anyone, she just gets scared… Maybe there’s a way to save her...?
The way the Slumbering Manor works is a little different than Vanessa’s Manor, it’s a little bit more of a stealth mission. There are some rooms you need to run through because of poison gas (but doing so might make a bit of noise on those creaky floorboards), and some that have many toys on the ground that you need to be sure not to step on! Wouldn’t want Sleepy to wake up, would you?
For the music that would play in the manor, probably something along the lines of the start of A Rude Awakening from Kirby Star Allies, with maybe a little bit of a verrrry slowed down Clock Towers Beneath the Sea. A good name for it would be “Overgrowth!”
The Child who Walks Among the Stars - Or just StarWalker if you don’t have that kind of time! A spirit who trapped themself in a state of not quite alive and not quite dead by releasing a huge amount of time magic in the woods. When they were Prince Comet, they looked up to their older sisters, wishing they could be as skilled as the two of them. When he got trapped on the Horizon and the two started fighting because of them, all they could do was cry. They cried so hard, they scarred their markings down their face.
Your friend and guide for Subcon Forest! Gives you useful tips on where to go, and even provides you with a badge that gives you a shimmering boost up when you press left click in the air! They also have a more humanoid form here!
Their theme would be the mid-ground between Frost Burn World (Ice) from An OST in Time and Divination Séance ~ The Spirit's Accusation from the Ace Attorney 6 soundtrack! And maybe some Storybook Music Loop from the ahit soundtrack for lore purposes! The name of it could be something like “A Friendly Face” or “A Trapped Star”!
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crucian-tador · 3 years
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(literally after five minutes)
and what would you do if you saw yourself, huh?
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rubys-forest · 6 months
Omg other swap characters cameo
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I’d like to think if they ever get to have a big argument it goes something like this
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quartizinedaze · 3 years
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Another batch of doodles :)
 gamer snatcher is my favorite 
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kittykatcar · 3 years
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@mysteryman-17 my dude, ya keep inspiring me. I loved the threatening image of these sea lions so much so I had to make a fun little chapter screen for it.
For anyone not sure what I'm talking about heres the nice little read here.
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toxic-lavender · 3 years
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here, have some stitched au sketches of stitches and unraveling moonsnatcher. i might actually finish these another time, but im rather tired and i wanna work on some vamp au for a little bit
sketch notes under cut:
- Stitches cannot speak. He can, however, split the stitched on his face to make a make-shift mouth to eat souls. He has no teeth.
- The stitches on his body are very sore and hurt when touched or pulled.
- Unraveling Moonsnatcher is quite literally always hungry. The fusing process sapped most of both Snatcher and Moonjumper’s energy, which, paired with Snatcher’s constant (but less intrusive) hunger for souls, creates an absolutely ravenous ghost.
- Snatcher and Moonjumper compete for control over Unraveling Moonsnatcher. When Snatcher is aware of his surroundings but not in control, the yellow eye forms into a spiral. The longer he is aware, he bigger the spiral becomes. When Snatcher gains control over Unraveling Moonsnatcher, Moonjumper’s red eye becomes diamond shaped rather than eye-shaped.
- Despite his formality in speech, apparel, and posture, Unraveling Moosnatcher is a greedy glutton for souls and will not hesitate to eat as many souls at he can as fast as he can, regardless of how undignified or dangerous it could be. 
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winterpower98 · 4 years
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People wanted to see a Moonjumper Line Up and I give you the Moonjumper Line Up but you’ll have to wait to see two particular characters for now
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