#swapfell red sans is a menace
absent-enigma · 1 year
fellswap!red sans sharing embarrassing stories with reader/Mc about paps?
Heck yeah embarrass the sibling! Since I have the thought to do this in Lone Wolf Blues (fake dating to dating/papyrus lost his mandible) I’ll go with that fic and have this become a maybe part of future chapter (expanded upon). This got a bit longer but I think I can still leave it without a readmore.
You still weren’t used to Papyrus’ brother coming in for random visits, what with your worry if stalkers lingering from your social media popularity (soaring higher now thanks to Papyurs sneaking into frame now and again to greet your audience and send chat into an explosive excitement).
Today was supposed to have been quiet; you were winding down on editing a video to post, and Papyrus was dead asleep on your sofa, snoring softly with a rattle of bone now and again.
Sans’ bark of a demand to be heard had you nearly topple of your computer chair; Papyru merely stretched all his limbs out, before snuggling into the sofa heavier as the rattling snore resuming. When you saved your progress and joined Sans at the dining room table, he was seated there like he was about to either interrogate you or interview you, what with all the papers and books (albums) neatly organized in front of him.
You shouldn’t have worried.
Sans turned out to be an absolute menace despite his stern demeanor, gleefully began to air out every as many of Papyrus’ embarassing stories as he could, from being a babybones all the way to an adult, as a duty of sorts as well as revenge for his brother keeping the relationship a secret for so long.
From believing he was a master spy but being seen completely barebones as a young child, to slipping on ice and losing a fang, to tricking another monster that Papyrus was an all powerful all seeing monster at the age of three complete with shoddy clothes to match and it somehow worked, to Papyrus singing off key in Muffet’s about something utterly vulgar that Sans wouldn’t repeat.
No story was safe. Eventually, you had to wave a hand at Sans to stop, gasping for breath from laughter at one point, when he’d begun to regale a time Papyrus had attempted to drink every single caffeinated beverage when they had been on the surface for a month, only to be taken to a healer becuase his soul was trying valienlty to explode out of his chest from all the jitteriness that had been contained in his ribcage.
“YOU BELIEVE THE STORIES BUT-“ Sans evil little grin on his scarred bony face grew, chest puffed up, clearly pleased with himself, the grin sharpening as he passed over an album. “-SEEING IS ALSO BELIEVING.”
Your laughter and Sans maniacal cackling woke Papyrus up, the larger monster somehow managing to pale.
“damn, ya got me good bro.” Papyrus agreed good-naturedly, only for the sockets to scrunch up deviously as his upper fangs twitch at the sides. Then, quick as a flash, Papyrus shortcut behind you, hand dropping on your shoulder as he leaned over and mock-whispered. “sans cried when he found out that he could plant a garden and grow his own food.” A phone was in your vision, a video of Sans indeed teary eyed yet shouting in delight that he would fight the ground into submission and feast on what it grew.
“That’s great.” You told Sans, even if the monster had grown quiet. “I always thought about growing something myself but I just keep killing the plants instead.” You bit back a laugh as Papyrus chuckled lowly alongside your head at the sight of Sans’ entire skull flushing.
“aw, c’mon bro.” Papyrus taunted, sounding like he would be wearing a grin if he could. “that’s just one lil story, an’ a recent one, at that.” Papyrus pulled something out of thin air, which made Sans’ eye lights shrink. “ya got no idea of knowin’ if or when i might tell another one.”
“You Wouldn’t Dare.”
“ya know me better’n that.” Papyrus flipped the book open to a photo of Sans stomping his foot while Papyrus took a selfie next to a vandalized wall. “karma’s a bitch and now it’s your turn.”
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Can I have jealous Skellies??
So, s/o have a friend who always flirt with them, BUT, the skellies and s/o are not together
The question is: would them tell s/o about their feelings in the end??
Sorry for my English, I suck in writing, but I'm trying to be better in it
Undertale Sans - Sadly, he's not a very brave skeleton and he prefers to give up. So either you tell him or that will never go further. He tends to give up easily when there's difficulty on the way. But he will be very glad to know your feelings are the same though.
Undertale Papyrus - He would. Scream his feelings. While your friend is flirting with you. Because he can't take it anymore and your friend doesn't get the message when he tries not so discreetly to have alone time with you. Now you know. And they know. Ok, maybe he was a bit too fast with this, but he's impulsive sometimes.
Underswap Sans - He's maaaaaad. He's so jealous he's vibrating. He's good at charming people but he's not very good at telling them what he thinks. He prepares his confession long ago but every time he tries, your stupid friend gets in the way. So yeah, he might have break his car so you don't show up one day so he can confess to you lol. He regrets it. ... No, actually. He really doesn't.
Underswap Papyrus - He's devastated honestly. He's too shy to show he exists and that he has feelings so he's just.... Staying there. Looking at your friend flirt with you. Slowly dying inside. He's not even sure you like him back so he's resigned to just watch you fall in love with your friend. That's it until Blue notices and breaks your friend's car, and then locks you two into his house so Honey has nothing to do but talk to you lol.
Underfell Sans - He's definitely going to threaten your friend as soon as you're not looking. Red is very jealous and exclusive, and he really doesn't like how your friend is clearly seeing how he feels but still trying their chance. They might fight in the mud if it escalates further. Red is not really good at the confess thingy so it's the only way he knows to show you he cares.
Underfell Papyrus - Your friend keeps taunting him, but that's fine. When you're not here and your friend tries to tease him about how they're not going to give him any chance, Edge just laughs at him and says with a very condescending tone that they're clearly not playing in the same court, which makes your friend gasp in offense. Edge doesn't see your friend as a menace at all. He just waits for the good moment to tell you how he feels and watches your friend die inside.
Horrortale Sans - If he has feelings, he says it out of nowhere in the middle of a random conversation. Oak doesn't really care about your friend, chances are he didn't even notice they're flirting with you because he was too focus on you. Bonus point if it happens while your friend is flirting with you lol. He doesn't care at all.
Horrortale Papyrus - He can't rival your friend :( He knows he's not a gift with all his problems and maybe it's better if he buries his feelings for you and lets you have your fun with your friend. He doesn't want to be a burden. He's too full of insecurities to take the first step. He's too old for this :( Make the first step, please, he thinks he's not worthy.
Swapfell Sans - If you know Now a little, you can tell how annoyed he is about your friend. He answers only with short answers, his eyes are throwing daggers and he's trying all he can to make your friend understand he should leave now, getting more and more ironic and mean as the minutes pass. He wants to confess, he really wants to confess, but right now he's going to explode if your friend doesn't get the message soon. He's steaming.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh, it's fine. Since your friend doesn't get the message, he starts to flirt with your friend very insistently until they get uncomfortable and leave earlier lol. Rus has no shame, and he's quite proud of himself. Now he can finally have some alone time with you. He's not good at confession though, but he needs a little more time for this.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, he doesn't care. Wine is a big tsundere so, you know, he didn't realize he has feeling yet and will push you because your friend flirt with you. You're going to need another way to reach him lol. Good luck with that, he's not going to make it easy at all.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's so uncomfortable every time your friend is talking to you, but he doesn't know how to show it. So every time your friend talks to you, he's running to hug you and get some attention, clinging to you with all he has to distract you from your friend's flirting. He doesn't know how to confess, he just knows he doesn't like when your friend is flirting with you.
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voidandabyssal · 8 months
Undertale,underfell,underswap,and swapfell x Black! Dragon! Reader? How would they react to her werid ways of living or dragon courting tactics?
Woo boy this has been in my inbox for a while,
Definitely one of the chillest of the bunch,
He doesn’t really get your courting methods but he’s kinda into them, low key
Understands that your trying to tell him you love him and he appreciates that
Keeps every little trinket you give him, placing it on his shelf for him to admire (and for you as well when you finally come over ;)))
He cuddles with you everytime you drag him into your nest
Whoops sorry Paps, can’t help, it’s cuddle time yanno
Does research into your dragony behaviours as soon as he gets a crush on you
When you start courting him he knows immediately,
So, polite boy he is, he starts reciprocating in a way you understand
He gives you shiny gifts and soft blankets for your hoard and nest
He also helps you maintain your horns and your wings whenever you need to
Generally very helpful
Does try and calm you down when you get overprotective about him or anything in your hoard
At first he’s oblivious to the fact that you even like him.
He’s kinda oblivious to these things in general so you just have to suffer in silence
He does try and wriggle out of your impromptu snuggle sessions. He’s got too much energy for that!
He’s more than happy to help you polish your horns though!
Takes pride in after a long self care session your horns are shiny and your wings are practically dazzling when he’s done with you
More than happy to lay in your nest lol
Cuddles and snuggles abound
He was probably already aware of dragon behaviour, given he’s a big book worm so he’s pleasantly surprised when you start courting him
Really appreciates when you give him gifts, even just little ones like his favourite pack of dog treats or some food from Muffets
Gives gifts back, ones that he knows will be either really sentimental or useful to you
He doesn’t harp on about your upkeep, you wanna go a day without shining your horns? Go ahead, he loves you either way
Loves the protective behaviour
I mean seriously, he really likes it
He’s always had to put on a front of being super tough and not needing anyone ever,
So just having someone who can be there for him and act as something to lean on calms him down quite a lot
Poor boys secretly got a lot of anxiety
Let me just tell you this, boy does love a strong lady ;)) you got him swooning when you set a rude Monster on fire with just a single breath
Power couple of the century of here!!
No seriously though, he takes a lot of pride in being strong
Having a partner that keeps up with him definitely soothes something deep inside his subconscious
Takes great pride in both his and your looks
Isn’t letting you leave the house if your horns aren’t shined and sharpened to a menacing point, and your wings aren’t preened and cleaned of dust and dirt
He also loves the softer side of you, the side that builds soft nests, that pulls him into deep hugs when asleep, that cares so deeply for the people you treasure
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lavvys-headcanons · 2 years
Hey Lavvy :) thanks for answering my chronic illness ask, I love love love the HCs you shared on it (they actually made me tear up a little, what good boys our skeles are!!)
I have another one for you… what are each of the boys favourite seasons (or changing of the seasons)? UT, US, UF, SF and HT if poss!
Thank you!
AU Bros’ Favorite Seasons!
Sans: Winter. Reminds him of Snowdin! Also, perfect snugglin’ weather for this man. He likes to get fully bundled up like the kid from “A Christmas Story” just to lay down in the snow.
Papyrus: Summer, he loves sunny weather! This’ll sound boring, but he thoroughly enjoys beach days! His favorite parts have to be volleyball and grilling!
Red: Summer, but mainly for thunderstorms. He thinks it’s perfect lazy day weather, and he’s right! Whether it be video games, movie day, napping, or ignoring Edge when he comes pounding on his door! It’s the perfect weather for him.
Edge: Summer. Don’t know how he isn’t dying in his full black attire and heels. He wouldn’t admit it but he likes summer because then he likes to take Doomfanger for walks, pretty sweet tbh.
Blue: Winter, he LOVES all winter activities! His favorite thing ever is getting hot cocoa right after being outside for hours making snowmen and snow angels!
Stretch: Autumn! Mf’s a menace and will jump into a freshly made pile of leaves and they’ll go FLYING. Also, he doesn’t really like humidity of the other weathers and he just enjoys the middle of the board.
Nox: Spring. It allows him to wear his jacket but won’t be horrible if he doesn’t. Plus, more chances for outside events during this time! Even vacations to other places won’t be crunched due to time!
Rus: Winter. It’s just his excuse for not wanting to go outside. He especially likes it when it gets exceptionally cold out so he can bundle up in his room and take naps for DAYSSSS.
Ash: Spring, he doesn’t really like it when it’s overly hot or cold. Plus, the spring brings the best weather for his garden and flowers! It brings a lil’ smile on his face whenever he sees the first flower of the season bloom!
Poplar: Autumn! He likes colder weather, but his cane doesn’t work that well against snow and ice! He adores it when the leaves fall and turn orange n’ brown! Also, you can’t tell me that his outfits don’t SCREAM autumn?!
ᰔPLEASE YOU GUYS ARE SO SWEET THANK YOU. I was really worried on that previous ask as I had to research it, but I’m super happy you enjoyed it! Also, sorry, these aren’t really self inserts.ᰔ
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yinyanchan · 4 years
Off the Grid
This was a NSFW story I was making but lost interest in. Female Reader decides to go off grid away from humanity and goes to the “Haunted” Skeleton forest as it was declared public land but no one will go there after people and even search parties have disappeared. Has Classic, Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, and Horrortale bros. I really liked readers first experience meeting a skeleton in this as it is a boistrous Black after he saves her from a raging river due to a storm. Classic Sans and Papyrus have been looking out for her but in the shadows as Reader sets up her home on their territory. Reader had never encountered a skeleton and had laughed off the idea that the place was haunted after living there a month. It might be something I come back to but until then I’m leaving the whole meeting under the cut... Be aware that this is slightly NSFW but I couldn’t resist publishing it as it pertains to Swapfell boys. Enjoy!
It took you forever to secure your campsite but you were more worried for the garden. It needed to be covered from the raging storm.
As you went to cross the stream, now a furious river, with your tarp... the current caught your leg in an awkward angle and down you went.
Regretting not having gotten around to making a bridge as you are swept downstream. Doing everything you can to survive as the water became white rapids from the excessive rain.
You were smacked awake. Jerking and shaking your head you were about to yell at whoever hit you... when before you was an average in height, but still taller than you, menacing skeleton. You were scared into a stupor as you watch its shark like teeth curl into a snarl. His black and red ensamble with matching eerie red eye lights locked right on you.
So... the skeleton forest had actual skeletons in it... guess those tall tales weren’t fiction afterall...
“HOW DARE YOU TRESPASS INTO MY TERRITORY HUMAN!!!” It screeched at you causing you to flinch.
Trembling from this spooky loud skeleton you try to take in your surroundings for a possible escape route.... and realize you are no where near the stream.
“Did...did you save me?” You ask curiously and the skeleton falters then seethes.
“I HAD TO FIND OUT WHY YOU’VE COME HERE! DID YOU COME ALONE, HUMAN?” He growls as you try to right yourself and stand up fully.
“...yes...” Honesty is the best policy right?
“WELL, THAT WAS STUPID OF YOU. I THE MALEVOLANT BLACK WILL SEE YOUR END!” He wrenches you up to him by the collar of your shirt.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was trespassing! I-I...” You are cut off as he makes a weird face and takes a deeper whiff of you. A skeleton can smell things?
“FEMALE? ARE YOU FEMALE HUMAN?” He demands an answer.
“Yes.” Not knowing why it made a difference. Honestly you still feel like this is a dream or you died in the river and this was your limbo.
“I SEE... IT WAS YOUR INTENT TO FIND ME ALL ALONG!!!” He lets your shirt collar go and you stumble back a bit in confusion.
You were about to question when another taller skeleton approaches. Tall and lanky with a fur trimmed hoodie. He somehow had a gold fang for being a skeleton in the woods with no dentist, but the crack in his jaw above made you wonder if that was how his tooth fell out or if was the gold one being shoved in.
“Whatcha got m’lord?” He eyes you curiously then smirks with a hint of mischief.
“MUTT! BEHOLD! A FEMALE HAS MADE HER WAY TO FIND ME!” The shorter one puffs his chest out proudly.
“I have?” Still not sure what the hell this is you are experiencing... still kinda hoping you swallowed to much river water and this is just a dream.
You look to the other one for some sense at what is going on.
“Of course m’lord.” He smirks
well...shit... WING IT
“You know... perhaps I may have gotten carried away... As superior as you truly are... I... I’d hate to bog you down if I wasn’t at least an equal match.” Maybe by putting yourself down it might convince him to just let you go and forget all about this mating nonsense.
“HMMM... A VALID POINT...” He frowns and eyes you with scrutiny... the other however... his grin is positively shit eating.
“But M’lord... She’s braved coming this far. Perhaps it is to be. Such an adoring fan of yours should at least be bred if not taken for a lifemate.” You could punch that asshole as the smaller one seems to perk up.
“I may have jumped the gun a little early though! It’s not my season to be looking for a proper mate... Alas!” If you can pull this off you were sure he’d let you go... He wouldn’t murder someone that he was interested in right?
“BUT YOU SMELL SO FERTILE...” Well that threw you as he gives you a confused look.
“M’lord, Perhaps your presence made her cycle jump forward. You glare at the smirking skeleton that adds a wink to further your ire.
“AH HA! SO EAGER TO BE BRED BY ME MY SWEET? SO MUCH SO YOUR OWN BODY DEFIES IT’S NATURE!” Now he’s just preening but now you are curious... he’s a skeleton... how the hell was that supposed to work?
“...Since we’re talking about it.. How does it work?” Dream or not this was boggling your mind.
“WHAT?” the shorter one cocks a brow bone.
“You know... you being a skeleton and all...” You try to hint but it seems its lost on him.
“THE BLAZES ARE YOU ON ABOUT?” He had no clue.
“Darlin’ a virgin?” Oh you were going to cause physical harm to this skeleton that was obviously enjoying every moment of this torment.
You are a blushing mess.
“Somethin’ wrong darlin’?” the bigger one chuckles.
“I’m scare-roused?” This was maddening. You’ve never had anyone come onto you so aggressively. Unfortunately you seemed to have liked it and now this skeleton has you flustered.
“OF COURSE THAT IS ONLY THE FINALE... THERE ARE OTHER THINGS I WISH TO DO TO YOU BEFORE THEN.” You see a deep red glow seep out his mouth in the form of a tongue.. then is sensually sweeps across his shark like teeth.
Okay so this is happening... your finding something out about yourself as you allow him closer and that tongue graces your neck along with a few nips.
Whimpering as he places those love bites on such sinful spots that make your knees weak.
Suddenly you are yanked away.
“THIS IS OUR HUMAN, BLACK. WE’VE BEEN WORRIED SICK LOOKING FOR HER WHEN WE SAW SHE HADN’T RETURNED FROM THE CLEARING.” A sweet smiling fangless mutt? No this one had more energy and very chipper than the lazy asshole that had been goading you.
He looked to be in some makeshift armor and a long red scarf. As he holds you close to him another smaller skeleton approaches... in a blue hoodie and basketball shorts... and fuzzy pink slippers...
At this point you had to question yourself if this was still a dream... but the more you think on it the exhaustion from having to fight for your life down a raging stream is making your body scream at you.
“NO SHE IS NOT! SHE SOUGHT ME!” Black raged.
“Well she’s been living in our neck of the woods pal. Not really seeking you if she’s been in one spot for several weeks.” The blue hooded one snarks at him.
“YES! SHE HAS THE MOST AMAZING PUZZLE BOOKS!” So that’s where they’ve been disappearing to.
“Not nice to cock block classic.” Mutt squared off with the shorter one.
“I’m just thankful Red wasn’t the one that found her.” the one dubbed as Classic so far sighs.
“Yep, she’d have been fucked conscious then unconscious.” Mutt shrugged and the one holding you shuddered with a horrified look on his skull.
“SHE WAS CONSENTING TO BE BRED BY ME. I AM HER CHOSEN MATE!” Black is not about to let you go.
“More like between a rock and hard place there Black.” Classic growled making the other short one bristle.
“DO YOU WISH TO GO HOME?” The one holding you looks to you for what it is you want. You feel incredibly safe with him.
“Yes.” You simply answer feeling the weight of your exhaustion trying to pull you into the realm of sleep.
Black looks hurt at your response.
“It’s a lot to process Black but I will consider it. Just tired... you know... being dragged down a raging river... nearly dying?” He still looks a little preturbed that you didn’t want to stay with him.
“I SAVED YOU.” He states with a pout.
“You have my deepest thanks and here...” You pull out your still damp handkerchief to hand to him.
“You have my favor.” Black snatches it with a boost in his confidence.
“I shall treasure it my lady. My territory is open to you my future mate.” It should be a crime the way he looks at you.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 2: Pancake(s)
                                         [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Stretch tries to get ahead of this Papa shtick by making pancakes (Papa-ncakes!!!) and in the process, comes up with the perfect nickname for the baby! Now, the hard and daunting part is deciding how to tell everybody...
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Domestic Fluff! Pancake(s)! Brief mention of violence! Suggestive Implication (maybe? its very small lol)! Brief mention of Underswap Asgore and Toriel, Undertale Alphys and Undyne, Underfell Sans (Red) & Underswap Sans (Blue) & Swapfell Papyrus (Slim/Puppy) & Swapfell Sans (Black)!
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess? I don’t know ;;;;)
Note: Hgggghhhh now its messed up on mobile! OTL Stand by, troubleshooting!
“Remind what this is, again?”
“Practice!” Stretch flipped the pat of butter starting to sizzle in the pan with obvious gusto, “It’s what they always do in the movies- the little kid sits on the counter, making a mess while trying to stir the pancake batter, while the Dad cooks! And they talk about all sorts of things, mostly the kid asks all sorts of complicated questions the Dad struggles to answer simply. It’s good ol’ wholesome breakfast existentialism!”
Edge continued half-heartedly stirring the batter, “I see.” He paused, looking around the kitchen as though taking inventory, “I suggest you very, very carefully consider how much of a mess you make in my kitchen in the future. I won’t be lenient simply because one of you is a child and the other has the brain of one.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Stretch took the batter out of Edge’s hands, pouring some of it into the pan with a sharp sizzle, “You are seriously cramping my method acting here. You refuse to sit on the counter, you made the batter too smooth so I don’t need to help you smoosh the large uneven chunks-“ Stretch sputtered indignantly when Edge took the bowl back, wiping the side with a rag before it could drip onto the counter.
Edge hid a smile behind his hand, looking away as Stretch channeled his outrage at the pancake by poking it with the spatula. Just as quickly, his shoulders drooped and he flipped the pancake, dejectedly, “Actually, you’re right. This is stupid, isn’t it? Babies can’t even eat pancakes, so it’s not like it even matters. Not for a few years anyway. Why am I-“
“Why- uh, chickens... don’t have... teeth?”
Stretch looked up, “Huh?”
Edge cleared his throat, feeling silly, “Why don’t chickens have teeth?”
“That’s what keeps you up at night?” Despite the teasing, Stretch seemed to have brightened considerably, turning away from the stove with a sparkle in his eye, “It’s super weird, right? They have to swallow rocks to mush up the food inside, so wouldn’t it be easier to just chew it up first? Or smash it up into smaller pieces before they eat it?”
Stretch looked at him expectantly. “...yes?” Edge didn’t know anything about chickens, he had no idea what to say, “So... why... don’t they?”
“Well, they don’t have opposable thumbs.”
Edge wasn’t sure what expression he was making, but Stretch collapsed on himself with how hard he was laughing. He pushed his (stupid) husband away from the stove before he could fall into the frying pan, plating the half-burned pancake. Stretch fell to his knees, shaking and laughing hysterically as he started to curl up on himself.
“Hilarious,” Edge muttered, pouring some more batter into the frying pan and picking up the spatula again, “I hope they don’t inherit your sense of humor.”
He didn’t look down when he felt a faint tug on his leg, poking the pancake’s edges loose in preparation to flip it. “I love you-“ Stretch called from the floor, but was ignored. “That really tickles my funny bone, hehe. Anyway, it probably has to do with weight. Teeth are heavy- stomach rocks are not. Chickens with teeth would also look really weird.”
Edge did NOT think about how a chicken would look with teeth, flipping the pancake with more finesse. Stretch finally sat up, leaning against a cabinet as he watched Edge start on another. “I bet Pancake loved it.”
“The pancake is not sentient and has no sense of humor. If it ever had one, it was all burnt away by your neglect. It’s more charcoal than cake at this point.”
“Ouch, what a burn-” Stretch said in that infuriating joke intonation, ignoring the irritated sigh he got in return, “But I was talking about our baby, Pancake. Although I bet my burnt pancake liked it too-“
He froze when Edge leveled him with a piercing glare, awed and a little afraid at how he was able to finish and start on another pancake without looking at what he was doing. “We are not naming our firstborn Pancake.“
Edge turned away with dismissive click of his tongue, repeating it under his breath like it was a curse, “Pancake! Ridiculous!”
Stretch filed the firstborn comment away for later contemplation and analysis, pulling himself to his feet and taking Edge’s old spot by the counter. He eyed the growing stacks of pancakes, crossing his arms self-consciously, “I didn’t say we should name the baby Pancake. I meant Pancake should be the baby’s nickname before they’re born.”
Edge frowned as he added a third pancake, giving him a perplexed look. “...Why? And do you want a fourth pancake?”
“Nah, maybe later,” Stretch carried both plates to the table as Edge turned off the stove, moving the frying pan to the adjacent burner. Stopping by the counter where he had previously assembled all the necessary toppings, Stretch managed to balance the jam, honey, and syrup in one hand and the large tub of sprinkles in the other. Edge obviously disapproved, quickly putting down the butter to take the precariously balanced bottle of honey and place it on the table.
“Cute baby nicknames are like a rite of passage at this point- everybody does it! Of course just ‘baby’ is fine too, but…”
Stretch pointedly ignored the disgusted face Edge made as he doused his stack of pancakes with honey, shaking out a mountain of sprinkles on top.
“It’s like a cool codeword! It’s not like it’s weird. Comic and Classic’s Alphdyne called theirs ‘tadpoles’, and I think Asgoriel called the royal prince... uh, ‘prince.’”
“Who?” Edge put down his fork, looking pensive, “It’s such an undignified nickname, though...”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Stretch gave a sarcastic bow, sweeping his hand out with great flourish, “Young Master Caviar? Their lordship White Truffle? Little… uh, other expensive food name? Eh… fancy nutellla?”
Edge kicked him under the table, hard enough Stretch jolted in surprise and banged his knees against the wood. He put his head down, trying to rub some feeling back into them, “C’mon, Pancake is really cute. It’s the most natural compliment to our Red Velvet.”
“Red Velvet?” The more Stretch spoke, the more confused Edge felt. Stretch did have a tendency to ramble when he was hyper. He knew sprinkles and honey were a dangerous combination... Edge reached over to grab the jar, bringing it next to his plate with a firm shake of his head. “You made this batter. If you wanted a different flavor, that’s entirely your fault.”
“My pancake batter is amazing, thank you-“ Stretch took a huge bite to prove his point, holding his hands up in a T as he chewed as quickly as he could. Swallowing loudly in a way that had Edge twitch in revulsion, he continued, “And not only is that the best cake ever, but it’s also our ship name. Retconned SpicyHoney on account that food combination is not as great as it sounds. Sad to say.”
“Stretch,” Edge’s voice had that deceptive calm that meant he was starting to get angry, “If I found out you made another novelty purchase for some inane reason, you had better pray the angel has mercy on your soul. Because I will not.”
Self-preservation won out the urge to make a joke, shaking his hands emphatically, “Ship, as in short for relationship, not an actual boat. I wouldn’t pull that ship with you.” Damn, so close. Curse his hilarious, ill-timed sense of humor. Edge gave him that look, but he did seem to relax somewhat. Phew.
“So, Alphys and Undyne call themselves Alphdyne, and our- sorry, my monarchs are Asgoriel for Asgore and Toriel. But no combination of Stretch and Edge sounds right. Stredge sounds like something you clean out of your coffee filter. Edtch just sounds gross.”
Edge didn’t say anything, continuing to eat in silence and a blank expression. Why was Edge so reluctant and out of touch with current trends? Sometimes it felt he was married to a crusty old grandpa.
“Red Velvet?” Edge prompted after Stretch went quiet.
“That’s us!” He shook his mind clear of the mental image of Edge knitting in a rocking chair, “You’re Red cause that’s the color of your magic and you’re really...uh, intense.”
Edge hummed quizzically, “I thought that was my brother...?”
“I’m the Velvet cause I am the approachable, soft one. And together we make a great dessert. The best dessert, even.”
“I see,” Edge said in that tone of voice he always used when he was humoring Stretch. “Why Pancake? There’s also cupcakes, cookies, the actual cake-“
“Cause none of those things move. If you’re the father, I’d be willing to bet a whole bottle of honey they’re gonna be an absolute menace when they start being able to kick and move around.”
“Oh? Not that much faith in your soul signature?” Edge rested his cheek in his hand, eyeing Stretch in a predatory way that made him feel very vulnerable, “I’d take that bet, but I don’t care much for honey.”
“What would you rather have?” Stretch regretted those words immediately when Edge smirked, tapping his chin as though thinking deeply.
“How about you come with me to the youth club sometime? The children would very much benefit from your softer... touch.” Edge emphasized the last word by laying his hand over Stretch’s and intertwining their fingers.
Stretch swallowed audibly, looking away from Edge’s piercing gaze and tugging on the collar of his hoodie uncomfortably, “Uh, I dunno, Babe. Those kids are really intense... and I don’t think they like me very much.”
“Nonsense! They’re just a little wary around you because they don’t know you well. They try to intimidate you before you can intimidate them. They’re still learning.” Stretch made a distressed noise, and Edge stroked the back of his hand with his thumb, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. I won’t let any of them bully you too badly.”
“Aw, shucks,” Stretch was trying very hard to avoid giving in. He knew Edge loved those kids in his own gruff way, and they weren’t bad kids. A lot of them had rough pasts they were trying to distance themselves from, and they were getting help to manage their tempers… but angry, scared human children were the stuff of nightmares. Even with some other monster volunteers there, there was no way-
“You can make them pancakes, and get some real hands on experience,” Edge whispered directly to the side of his skull, running a hand down Stretch’s spine. “I would certainly be very appreciative,” He squeaked with that unexpected squeeze to his lower back, staring as Edge leaned back and folded his arms innocently, “But that’s only if you lose. And you are welcome to pitch a counter offer.”
“Well, when you put it like that, how can I say no?” Stretch rubbed at his neck, relishing the twinkle in Edge’s eye and the kiss he got on the cheek. “And I’ll do it even without this bet. Next week?”
Stretch let out a breath, “Yeah.”
“Excellent! Then as a counteroffer, if little Pancake takes after your lazy nature instead,” Stretch scoffed as Edge was still focused on that silly bet. He should know by now that Edge and Red took wagers incredibly seriously, and yet he was still surprised, “You need to take Puppy and Red out for some event. Your choice of activities, even mini golf, and the ability to freely veto their ideas. I would advise against bar hopping.”
“...You mean Slim?” Stretch was still confused over that latest development. Red and Edge regarded Slim and Black with suspicion and distrust, mutually held, for almost their entire courtship period. Then somewhere between getting engaged and moving into the ‘Swap’ universe permanently, Edge had somehow become absolute besties with Slim. Suddenly, he was ‘Puppy,’ and they would... sit and drink together at get-togethers without talking or really acknowledging each other. They were... getting along?
“Yeah, ok. I’ll babysit ‘Puppy’ and Red for a night,” Stretch didn’t have much to lose, and maybe he could gain some insight into this new friendship of theirs. Both of the Fell brothers had been their typical tight lipped selves about it, and Slim barely spoke to... well, anyone. “What do I get if Pancake’s not a flop, eh?”
Edge rolled his eyes, unimpressed, “You don’t want a bottle of honey?”
“Tempting,” He nodded sagely, “But if I’m gonna play nice with your friends and family, you’re gonna play nice with mine! Let Blue throw you a baby shower.”
At Edge’s dubious expression, he held up a hand, “It’s a human thing, but it’s pretty nice. It’s a little party celebrating the baby, and a chance for the parents-to-be to receive presents and advice from friends and family, play games, stuff like that.”
“Like a pre-birthday party?” Edge looked contemplative, before holding his pinky out, “Deal.”
Stretch extended his own pinky, and they shook on it. Stretch’s pancakes had long gone lukewarm, so he picked at them, debating heating them up again. Would the sprinkles melt? That’d probably still taste ok.
“So is that how you seal deals where you’re from originally?” He asked conversationally, watching Edge get up and start putting the various ingredients away. Stretch swiped the sprinkles while his back was turned, adding another heap to his plate. “Pinky promises?”
“No. That’s… Red taught me that when we were children, and it seemed appropriate. Deals are typically ratified through a Dust Oath. Both monsters slice their palm deeply enough to knock off a hit point, causing the area around the wound to dust. They clutch wounded palms together to intermingle dust, with one witness each.”
“Gotta hand it to you guys, that’s really intense,” Stretch flexed his fingers in sympathetic pain,  “I’m guessing you don’t do that everyday, huh?”
“No,” there was a wistful note in Edge’s voice as he reached up on his tiptoes, putting the flour back in the top shelf, “If you break a dust oath, the penalty is death- and it is always enforced. So it was typically only used to seal very important pledges.”
Stretch frowned at Edge’s back, standing up to put his plate in the microwave. He wondered if he should leave this thread or conversation alone, but he was very curious. Edge never did like talking about his home universe, despite an obvious fondness and longing.
“Speaking of promises, when do we tell our brothers?” Stretch asked instead. He didn’t miss the way Edge’s shoulders and posture became tense. He retrieved his pancakes and sat back down, waiting for his husband to stop scrubbing the frying pan with more force than necessary.
“‘Cause you said you wouldn’t go see the doctor about Pancake until after you told your brother first. And it has been like, two weeks. You’re kinda due for a checkup-“
“Yes, I know,” Edge’s voice had an (heh) edge to it as he turned the water on, rinsing the pan and placing it back on the stove to dry. Stretch finished the rest of his pancakes in silence, stepping around Edge to put his plate in the sink. He was stopped by a hand reaching out, grabbing his forearm tightly.
“I’m not... sure... how... ”
Edge’s voice was uncharacteristically quiet, so Stretch pulled him into a backwards hug, resting his chin on the top of his husband’s head. Edge’s penchant for high heels and his own poor posture always made him forget about their height difference, but moments like these left Edge looking so small. Stretch didn’t like it at all.
“I figured you wanted to do something dramatic, like have them work for it by completing a puzzle or a scavenger hunt or something. There’s a lip reading game that’s been popular lately- seeing as none of us have lips, that has great potential for laughs.” Edge didn’t say anything, but Stretch felt him shift, “But if you’re feeling something more lowkey...”
Stretch looked around the kitchen for a burst of inspiration, but nothing seemed to stand out. Except the dirty plate in the sink.
“We could invite our brothers over for breakfast or something, and give them a stack of red velvet pancakes. And then flat out tell them. Give em coffee in #1 Uncle mugs. What do you think? Simple but not exactly boring either.”
Edge leaned back, hugging his arms with a dejected sigh. Stretch wasn’t even sure what the problem was, why Edge had been so reluctant to share the news even though he was very clearly excited. He refused to tell anyone before he told Red... and then refused to tell Red. Did they have a fight? Was it some Fell thing? Was it because he insisted they tell Blue at the same time? What-?
Before he could say anything, Edge let go and stepped out of his embrace. He picked the plate up, starting to scrub at honey again.
“I think I’m going to be very tired of pancakes very, very soon. When do you want them over?”
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skeletorific · 7 years
Whats your headcannon relationship for the 4 main AU Gasters have with their respective Sans and Papyrus? Is he their dad, brother, scientific donor/creator, unrelated?? How do they feel about each other?
Alright, so I think I’ve said it once or twice, but I’m that basic bitch who loves me some Dadster. In the case of Tale and Fell, I believe he’s the Royal Scientist. In Swap and Swapfell, he’s the former Captain of the Royal Guard. In both cases, Sans and Papyrus are not his biological sons, nor are they his creations. Gaster, Sans, and Papyrus are the only skeletons left alive after the war with the humans. For various reasons, all of the Gasters chose to take Sans and Papyrus in, and as both were too young to properly remember their parents, he is for all intents and purposes the only father they have
UT!Gaster: We know the outline for this guy, the former Royal Scientist who fell into his own creation and had his essence dispersed across space and time, forgotten by all but a select (and highly bizarre) few. He is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and peculiarly menacing for it…..
In life he was a total dork. No, seriously, never left the lab and even inside it he was a total klutz. One of the most brilliant minds of the millennia, but woefully off-kilter, both mentally and physically. Gaster is deeply curious, enthusiastic, and in general optimistic. Something of a workaholic, but its more like time doesn’t seem to pass when he’s working. He became the father of the bros purely by accident. Asgore did a bit of matchmaking and told him there were two little skeleton orphans who he was trying to find a good home for, and wouldn’t they be more at home with one of their own people? Not to mention he would know more about their physical needs and…Gaster kept nodding and saying yes but in hindsight, maybe he should’ve waited until he was done running those trials to ask. About 10 hours later he finally pieced together that His Majesty probably wasn’t coming back for the little ones who had been following him around the lab. The older one kept getting into things when he wasn’t tending to the little one. Curious little mind, even if his grabbiness was a bit of a safety hazard. Gaster took them home and decided he had kids now, he guessed. He arranged for the partner of one of his lab assistants to watch the kids while he was working and took them to the lab with him every day he couldn’t get a sitter.
Gaster was basically benevolent and Sans and Papyrus had a fairly decent childhood, but he could tend to be a bit…neglectful. Even if he didn’t mean to. Sans was the one who taught Papyrus how to tie his shoes, color in the lines, and that the stove was hot. Gaster was always at work. Not to say that he didn’t try. On his rare days off he dedicated it almost entirely to the kids, and when the CORE wasn’t in immediate threat of blowing up he was there when they were sick and for most emergencies. When Sans’ interest in science persisted he took him under his wing and made sure he got the education necessary, and was the first audience for his comedy routine. He bought Papyrus his first books on puzzle theory and initiated the Fluffy Bunny bedtime ritual. So what if he couldn’t cook worth a damn and sometimes forgot that they were supposed to go to school. But they knew he loved them. Sans was always closer to him, and his internship at the lab only strengthened that the relationship. Although, professionally, Sans always did think Gaster was a little too reckless.
Post-Void Gaster spends a long time reasonably depressed, but you can’t keep a good dorky Void scientist down. Sans is working to bring him back every day he can remember him, and in the meantime he’s having some fun experimenting with the mechanics of his new state of being
UF!Gaster: Still curious and deeply passionate about his work. You’d have to love the subject to want to pursue science underground. Even before Kill or Be Killed became official policy the monsters were inclined to more hands-on stuff. There was a mental attitude that only heightened in the aftermath: anything that wasn’t immediately practical or designing something to kill off humans when they finally got out of this hellhole was worthless. Gaster designed a few weapons, and eventually the Core just to keep the others off his back, and spent as much time barricaded in his lab as possible. His defense system is top-notch, and even if they get passed, Gaster’s formidable on his own. As a result of these working conditions, Gaster is extremely reserved, slow to trust, and maintains a firm exterior of coldness.
Sans and Papyrus were the result of an anomalous generous urge years ago.  They stayed in small quarters under his basement, not necessarily unaccommodating, but hopefully somewhere they’d keep out of his hair. Well, not hair, but…look, assistant, you know what he means just take your notes and shut up!
No such luck, they kept wandering out. More accurately the smaller one kept breaking out and the elder followed him to make sure he stayed out of trouble. In the end, he gave up on herding them into the room and just told them to stay out of his way, or else. The scientist in him couldn’t help observing their behavior, though. The little one seemed angry, like he had too much energy for his body, and was given to expending it by lecturing the older, for his sleepiness and his lack of interest in surprise attacks on Gaster. Seemed he couldn’t take a step without walking over a tripwire or with a bucket of water falling on his head. In the end he just gave the little snot a book on puzzle theory and sectioned him off in an area of the lab they didn’t use anymore to do what he would. That area was hazardous to enter for anyone but Papyrus and Sans.
The elder was fascinated by machines, in particular the parts of the Core Gaster had in to repair. He would sit watching them for hours, an intense expression on his face. At first he thought he just found the motion hypnotic, but one late night while he was working on the ventricle converters he heard a young voice behind him. “the vents are corroded.”
He jumped. The kid was so quiet compared to the other one he sometimes forgot he talked at all. Sans didn’t trust him, which was fine. He shouldn’t. “….what?”
“the vents are corroded. on the inside. that’s why it smells weird and it keeps overheatin’.”
Gaster sniffed the air briefly and popped the vent off…..He was right. How the hell…From that point on he kept an eye on the kid, especially when Sans thought no one was watching. He discovered the kid had been tinkering behind his back, using what he had seen and overheard the adults talking about. This certainly explained how Papyrus’ traps had been getting more sophisticated…From that point on he started giving Sans scraps of busywork, justifying it by saying the little shit might as well earn his keep. He was a quick study, and rose well above most of his assistants by the time he was a teenager. Papyrus was no dummy either, although his interests weren’t with the sciences, but combat. Which was fine. Built-in guard-dog while they worked to make sure Asgore still thought they were valuable enough to keep alive.
The relationship was complicated, often strife-ridden, but there was a deep level of respect and even a bit of love, as far as that went Underground. He would chew both of them out when they messed up but when they needed saving Gaster was the first (and often only one) in line to help them out. They never called him dad, and he never asked them too. In a way, he’s more an older, sterner brother rather than a father figure.
(As a side note, this version of Gaster did perform some experiments on them, but not quite Handplates level. More injecting some maybe less than safe serums into them in the hopes that it’ll make them stronger. In the interest of fairness, he did this only in emergencies and was pretty sure it wouldn’t kill them. It made Edge sturdier than he would be normally and bolstered Red’s magic, although Edge has a low chemical tolerance and Red has the 1 HP issue as a result.)
US!Gaster: (Keep in mind swap canon on Gaster is nebulous at best. I do know what the standard swap is, but this is my version.) Swapped with Gerson, Swapster is a hero from the war and the Captain of the Royal Guard before Alphys. Gaster played the part of the Undying Hero quite well. He was enthusiastic, courageous, and filled with intense compassion for his people. That same compassion drove him to take in two young boys he discovered while out on his campaign against the humans.
He was Blue’s hero when he was a kid. After all, who doesn’t want a superhero for a dad? Gaster always was popular with the kids. His bone attacks were in very high demand and he was always happy to oblige. But despite being something of a show-off, Gaster had a very genuine love for everyone around him, and in many ways was the heart and soul of monsterkind those first few centuries under the mountain. He trained up the new generations of the Royal Guard and kept the optimism alive. Even gave Frisk a couple knife lessons (thanks, Gaster). From the time Sans could walk he tried to imitate Gaster in everything, following him around like a shadow.
With Papyrus, the relationship was more complicated. Papyrus loves his pops, but sometimes its hard to know who’s parenting too. Papyrus was savvier and in some ways more mature, and did his best to rein in his dad and brother’s crazier urges. For instance, no, Sans can PROBABLY NOT survive a leap from the roof, no matter how good he is at flipping. It can be frustrating to constantly feel like your dad is too immature to raise you, but Gaster always has his back and will support him in everything he does.
So how did our Goop Captain end up in the Void, you ask? Well, Gerson was wandering around with his friend the Captain near the edge of the abyss when he tripped. Gaster caught him and managed to throw him to safety but in the process plummeted directly into the Void, wiping him out of the memories of the very people he had sworn to protect. Gerson remembered him the most, and only barely, only on good days (or bad days, depending on your definition). Sans has vague memories, and Papyrus has fewer. Given his observation skills though it doesn’t take him long to figure out certain things aren’t adding up, and he confronts his mentor about it.
Gaster is as good as a ghost to most people beyond that. But there’s an old rumor that in the time of the Underground’s greatest need, there is an ancient magic that will return to help. A legend Chara find the truth to just before Alphys turns to dust, as goop begins to seep into her armor…
SF!Gaster: If Monsters had SOUL types, his would be Justice, a rare trait Underground. Gaster is harsh, of course, but unlike many others he has a strong sense of duty to his people. That duty led him to take on the only other two of his kind. Even if he wasn’t the fatherly type, they were his responsibility. They were never to call him dad, only “father”, or more preferably “sir”. He did his best to be as distant as their young age would allow.
This soon proved to be untenable. The smaller one was hellbent on getting himself into trouble and the taller went where he did. They would have to be trained.
Gaster was no easier on them than he was on a new recruit. They had to fight like their life depended on it, because very often it would. While Gaster would stop short of killing them (denying it every time) they would walk away with broken ribs and cracked limbs more often than not. Papyrus took as much of the heat as he could, but Sans eventually told him to stop and let him fend for himself. It was the only way he would learn. During this time they perfected their tag team attacks, to the point of being perfectly in sync. Rus still has fond memories of the day they finally overwhelmed the old man. He didn’t much more than nod in acknowledgment. But it was the day he passed his old armband down to Sans (later repurposed as a bandanna), and rather than chewing Rus out for smoking on the porch….he just joined him. Sitting in silence. But it was almost…companionable.
For all his faults, Gaster did have a genuine affection for the boys, and in moments could even be affectionate with them. He encouraged the bond between them every way he knew how, sending them on missions together when Sans wanted to join the guard, sometimes even ambushing them to see how they would react. He would go to bat for them when necessary, though no one was quicker to chew them out when they fucked up. He and Sans would butt heads constantly, but the truth is Black wanted to be him more than anything.
The CORE was an accident. Given the sensitive nature of what was contained in the Lab, only the Captain of the Royal Guard could be trusted to take care of Gerson and his staff. There was an attack, and while trying to block Rus from a blow he was knocked straight into the abyss. Papyrus and Gerson were the only ones close enough to the center to retain at least partially whole memories of him. Black retained a few vague memories, based on the closeness of their relationship.
Swapfell Gaster also plays a role in the formation of The Undying Hero in a Genocide Run, and does his best from the place in the Void to protect the brothers and Toriel (always on the clock, that guy…). He’s resigned himself to where he is, no matter what Rus tries, but that won’t stop him from doing his job.
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UT UF US SF Skelebros react with a s/o that tends to have weird habits? (im just gonna use my weird habits) like they suck their thumb when tired, screech their shirt if calm, shakes one leg if bored, shakes both if scared, and hissing is their way of saying no
(Undertale) --> Sans: it takes sans a while to figure your habits out. sucking your thumb is cute to him. He'll pull you over and let you nuzzle into his chest. If he notices you're bored, he'll put on your favorite movie or video game. If you're scared he'll hold you until what scares you is gone or over. If it's another living thing, he will stare it down with empty eyes or chase it off. --> papyrus: he sucks his thumb too, he knows the drill for that one. It's up to bed with you being the little spoon as you fall asleep together. Don't let him notice you're bored- if he does, he's taking you to Undyne for a "fun" (extreme) work out session. The hissing causes both brothers to be slightly taken aback at first, but they both quickly just add it into your vocabulary. (Underfell) --> Red: he teases you relentlessly, but out of affection. You're beyond adorable to him, but he'll never outright say that. He doesn't really react much, aside from the fear, which he'll instantly chase off what's scaring you. He isn't fond of the hissing either, as that's the noise monsters and humans make when they're injured. --> Edge: he doesn't do anything unless you're scared. He's very very slow to pick up your habits, so you'll have to be vocal about some of them until he starts noticing in his own. He prides himself in taking care of you and keeping you safe though. (Underswap) --> Blue: he's quick to pick up on you, and instantly has solutions for every habit. Tired? Blankets, snuggles, and a movie. Bored? Puzzle time. If you're scared you'll find a little blueberry standing tall as possible with a puffed out chest and a stern look- it's so cute your fear fades instantly and you start laughing. --> Stretch: he doesn't really do anything aside from tuck you in when you're tired, and pull you close when you're scared. If you're bored, he'd say to either watch tv with him or play with blue. (Swapfell) --> Raspberry: he doesn't show it, but you're like the cutest stuffed animal to him. He'll take care if all your needs that your quirks give off, so long as you don't interfere with his work. He's too prideful to be the small in cuddles, despite his shortness, so when you're tired you'll be laying on his chest. Don't let him know you're bored. Just don't. He'll take you out patrolling and it can get violent. If you're scared, what scared you is magically gone within the hour-no matter who or what it was, save for his brother. --> Saffron: he's got you. He's the most attentive out of all the skelles. If you're tired, no matter where you are, you two tp home for cuddles and a movie in bed. If you're bored, he'll play a game with you or help you find something to do. If you're scared, he will pull you to his body tightly, and stand up straight to show off his menacing height.
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Can I have a request for the Mafia skeletons and the fell and fellswaps skeletons if this request is a bit too sensitive to write feel free to ignore this request.
Skeletons are terribly wounded/beaten almost close to dusting. They were just either doing there job or taking a stroll and some enemies ambushed them. While the leader is about to grab them they suddenly go flying on the ground with there head bashed open. Turns out it's there child who is in there late teenage years and when they look at there childs face it's mixed the expression of fear, horror, and anger they stand between there father and there enemies with a menacing gaze towards the enemies that alone and the fact they took down there leader was enough for them to scramble away.
On the way home they can tell there child is holding back tears they love there father and hold them in high regard. Once they make in home where it's safe and secure there child takes it upon themselves to heal there father enough so that there not in the brink of dusting. Once they utter a single word there child finally breaks and tears start pouring from there face as they hug there father while screaming in agony. They were were so close to dusting. They were about to loose there father. It scared there child to the core.
Once there sobs calm down enough there teenage child is left trembling and holding on to the skeletons refusing to let go no matter what skeletons do or say they just want to stay close to there father and might be like that for a couple of days or weeks maybe longer. How do they comfort there now traumatized child after the whole ordeal.
( again I'm sorry if it's too sensitive and take your time also stay safe out there ❣️🙏)
Underfell Sans - He feels terrible, and he hoped to protect his child from this a little longer, or forever for all that matters. He's very angry at himself for lowering his guard so stupidly and to have put his child in danger. He's not too good at comforting people, but he tells his kid that he did well and that it was a matter of life and death, so they don't have to cry for that asshole. Never once it comes to his mind that his kid is crying because he almost died, because, well, death is something pretty normal for Fell skeletons. Red thinks they're in shock because they killed someone, but where he comes from, it's a pretty normal reaction the first time it happens. It always happens.
Underfell Papyrus - Big fail as a captain, as a fighter and as a father. Edge can't believe he got caught stupidly like that. He's terribly mad at his attacker and at himself, even more, since his kid had to do his job to save him. His child should never have been involved. Edge wanted to protect his family from all of this, but even for that, he was not good enough. After comforting his child, he goes into the garden and starts training to beat himself up, to the point of literally collapsing from exhaustion and hurting himself more, which for sure doesn't help with his injuries. Edge has a hard time accepting the situation.
Swapfell Sans - Well if it isn't the consequences of his own actions... Nox is just tired. He's glad his child was there because he was sure dead, he has no doubt about it. Maybe he hoped to die so all this hell would end for good, he doesn't know. He guesses it's not his time yet. When his kid breaks down at home, it's like an electroshock for him, as he realizes someone would actually would have missed him if he died stupidly. Nox feels so guilty, that he actually starts to get angry at himself, and then breaks down too. He can't do this anymore. He doesn't want to be just a stupid soldier anymore. He promises his child that things are going to change. He's not putting them through this again. Maybe it's time to quit. He doesn't care about the consequences anymore.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's definitely happy his child found enough courage to save him, but he's horrified they had to actually kill someone to save him. He's immediately there for his child, he's sorry for them and promises it won't happen again. Later that night, the child can hear his dad and Uncle Nox screams at each other, because Rus had to be angry at someone, and he's tired of Nox's bullshit putting them all in danger. He gives him an ultimatum. He quits the guard or he's leaving the country to leave in peace with his family far from his brother's rivals. He shut up long enough on this, he's not risking his family because Nox can't make up his mind and tell the old bitch queen to go to hell.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He stays extremely calm despite, well, being on the edge of dying, as he doesn't want his child to worry more. Honestly, he had been through worse so it's not that big of a deal for him, but he can understand why his child is upset. He's upset too, honestly. First, because he clearly had the situation under control and his kid kinda took his kill and now he's frustrated (great denial Wine), and second because now he had to suffer the humiliation of being healed by his kid because he's pretty sure his two arms are broken. He's not going to comfort his child though, as he thinks it was necessary for them to see that. He doesn't live a peaceful life, the earlier you realize it, the better he can prepare them so things like that don't happen again.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Sorry, he can't really help right now. Coffee is in complete shock and not able to do anything right now. He's kinda just staring into the emptiness, trembling, while his kid is taking care of him. His kid is the one who calls Wine to the rescue after two hours of Coffee just sitting still, completely silent. Wine takes things in hand and tells the kid they did the right thing and probably just saved their father's life. Coffee won't be normal for a few days, and even after that, he refuses to talk about what happened. He's glad his kid was there though, even if it means showing his biggest vulnerability to them, which he lives like a failure.
Mafiatale Sans - He encourages his kid as they're dragging him towards the house. His legs are not responding, but Demon is stressing out about a possible second ambush now that he clearly can't defend himself. He's tense and asks his kid to block the doors and windows once home. He can clearly see it's becoming too much for his child, but he holds on. First security, then comfort. Once he's sure nothing can get in, Demon starts to comfort his child and says they saved his life and that they did the right thing. Sometimes to do right, you have to do wrong. It's ok to be in shock, and he's here to talk about this if you need to.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Despite being close to dying, Creeper is still struggling in his child's arms to go back and destroy his enemy himself lol. He doesn't care if he can't walk, his mission is not over and he swears the frustration will kill him way before his injuries do. Demon has to put some sense into him after the traumatized child calls him, begging for help as his dad wouldn't listen to them. Demon is going to lecture the hell out of his brother and remind him he's not the only one at risk in this, and that his attitude could have killed both him and his kid. Creeper is definitely not happy about being treated like a child, but he apologizes a few hours later to his child, once he calms down.
Mafiafell Sans - He's not ok. He keeps pushing his child away and telling them to run back to safety. He doesn't care if he dies there, he's too scared of his child getting caught in mafia activities with him. He can survive a kidnapping, but if he has to choose between the mafia and his child, he prefers to risk his job and his life to save them. He's kinda impressed once the kid actually carries him all the way home. He's too exhausted to resist anymore. He simply asks his child to call Uncle Torpedo and then he kinda just collapses there. Fang is worried afterward about his kid's mental health, as he knows how bad this is to kill someone for the first time. He tries to be more present, and he has his dogs for emotional support. He hopes it will be fine, even if it will be hard to forget.
Mafiafell Papyrus - Torpedo is risking more than just his life there. If he's caught in such a weak state, he will probably be eliminated from his mafia as well. He has to let his child help because he has no other choice, as he has to disappear quickly. But he's not happy about this. Torpedo always separates the mafia and his family life, so his family is not in constant danger. Now he's terrified they're going to get killed somehow. He's thankful for his child's help, but as soon as he can walk again, he's sending them and his S/O to another country for three months. He can't explain it to them, they couldn't understand. He prefers to know they are safe elsewhere while he's building his reputation again. He understands his child's shock and will do the best he can to help them, but he can't be present too much, scared of what will happen to them if they stay longer. It's too dangerous.
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What if SO came home beaten up and bruised. When asked they say they were jumped on the way home but managed to get away. What would the bois do?
Undertale Sans - First of all, he's taking you to the hospital. You're clearly in pain, and some of you injuries look bad. Second, he will convince you to call Undyne to do a report. He won't force you if you don't want, but you got assaulted and these guys could as well do it again to people not as lucky as you were. And then he hugs you and tries to light the mood a bit to help you calm down.
Undertale Papyrus - He quickly checks you and heals all of your injuries while you're telling him what happened. He can see you're shaking, and he doesn't like it. Papyrus hugs you tight and assures you that the danger is gone now and that maybe you should explain everything to Undyne so these guys doesn't do it again.
Underswap Sans - His expression shifts from happy to see you to very serious in seconds. He tells you to come home and to explain everything. As a police officer, Blue convinces you to let him fill a report so he can search any video of your assault on the town cameras. He finds the guys in minutes once it's done and he's going to arrest them personnally. You'll sleep better that day.
Underswap Papyrus - He winces with you everytime he's bandaging one of your injuries. You can see he is very nervous, always checking you every ten minutes or so to make sure you're really ok. He really didn't like that. He tries to fill a report to his brother, but Blue said it's you who has to do it and you don't want to. He will try to convince you all evening.
Underfell Sans - He feels terribly guilty the second you said it was monsters as it can only be Edge's rivals. You can see he doesn't want to freak you out and tries his best to comfort you, but he's really agitated. As soon as you're asleep, he's getting out of bed to stand guard. If they didn't kill you, that was a warning and that means they might come back. As soon as Edge comes home, he's going to search for informations.
Underfell Papyrus - He stays silent and doesn't look you in the eyes, fists clenched tight. He tries so hard to control his feelings right now. He assures you it won't happen again, and stays with you until you fall asleep. He then leaves the house. Some of his rivals are going to die tonight. Red is standing guard in the house, making sure you're ok.
Horrortale Sans - He's overprotective once you tell him what happened, clinging to you and growling at every thing he finds too menacing. You can tell he got a bit triggered. You try to assure him you're alright but he won't listen to you. He's going to be like this for a few days. He just wants to be sure you're not going to die on him you know.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's not taking it well. He is happy you're ok, but the humans that assault you seems to be the one that assaulted him too a few weeks ago. He thought it was just an isolated accident, but now with you targeted as well, maybe you two should go talk to the police. You both wince as the police usually don't believe monsters, but maybe if you're here... You don't like this.
Swapfell Sans - He says nothing, simply comforting you and mimizing the whole thing. As soon as you're not looking though? He searches the town cameras, then sent two of his snipers take care of the problem. Here you go. No one will ever find their bodies.
Swapfell Papyrus - You feel bad. Rus and Nox are arguing in the living room, screaming at each other, because the description you made of the monsters who attacked you is similar to some of Nox's rivals. Rus is pissed off and says it's his brother's fault if there's still in danger, because he keeps accepting blindly to work for the Queen. Nox tries to justify himself, but Rus is clearly winning. Nox promises to take care of the problem, and is even a bit nicer with you the next few days. You can tell he's trying to make it up for his rival's mistake. Rus, though, will need some time to calm down.
Fellswap Gold Sans - As soon as you come home, he says he knows and that those guys won't hurt you again. Also, what they stole from you is on the table. You... You prefer to not question it for your own sanity. His James Moriarty vibes are too strong for you.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee is clinging to you all night long. He warned Wine the second you came in, then Wine left the house without a word and you have such a bad feeling. Coffee might have overdone the bandages though. You're looking like a mummy as he bandaged 90% of your body. You prefered not to say anything by fear he bursts in tears and has a panic attack. You prefer to forget the whole day.
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absent-enigma · 4 years
Current Wips:
Updated 7/4/24:
Burn out less intense, so I’m going to see what I can get posted, as I have a few in-progress drafts, as well as old outlines and other drafts being found.
On temporary hiatus:
On a Calm Summer Morning
If the Sky Falls Down (may be taken off this)
Close Proximity to the Naga
(Dust Sans x female reader)
Chapter 3 up!
Next ch: tbd
Tiny Tentacled Menace Acquired (gen):
For Mermay 2023, Nightmare becomes a baby mer octopus and everyone is scrambling to figure out how to reverse this. 100 words a chapter (likely to continue on after May is over). Going for one a day chapters.
Edit: now a however long the chapter is, that is the chapter length.
5/20/23: ch 15 up
Panacea (part of a series, gen):
Up to ch 6 (?) as of 7/10/23
Backroads and Bad Jokes:
Next chapter is a draft-time to edit it (12/11/21)
7/10/23-need to find it
8/4-found it-editing. Plan to post this weekend.
Caffeine Fixation:
Yooooo lookit that an update: ch 23
On A Calm Summer Morning:
Chapter 8 has been posted! (5/15/21)
Mending Souls series:
UF Sans/Reader, UF Papyrus/Reader
Step by Step, Venturing Forth: 5/6 chapter done
A Winding Road: up to ch 4 posted
Planned 20 chapters-could be as high as 35.
If the Sky Falls Down:
On hiatus-
outlines are lying around-waiting for motivation/inspiration to strike to continue
will post chapters when inspiration strikes
Next chapter title: Olive You [posted 12/10/21]
From Sunrise to Sunset, the World is Quiet:
Hiatus for now
Up to ch 18 now.
(The Fellswap interpretation is planned to be a mix of fellswap red (black and mutt) and a little gold (wine and coffee), along with the idea that this fellswap papyrus used to be an underfell papyrus before he went through very awful times and eventually ended up in a different universe. 
Lone Wolf Blues: (figuring out where the draft is 7/10/23
Up to chapter 16.
ch 17 is being written out/edited.
Swapfell red papyrus/reader prompt fic (where the prompt word may not even have anything to do with the chapter by the time it is posted)
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