#sweetheart pup
webkinztournament · 1 year
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xochimillilili · 7 months
Fucking them in missionary so I can nuzzle and kiss their pretty face, holding hands while I breed them, our tummies warmly squished together as I fuck a load in <3
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likesplatterpaint · 5 months
….it was a big day ❤️🖤❤️
It’s very soon. Our nunu was a once in a lifetime dog. But with the way everything lined up, I think banana had this black ball of sunshine picked out for us to help us heal. She’s sleeping on my chest, heartbeat against mine. And there is peace and love.
Hello, Ruby. Welcome to our life together.
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foolish-lov3r · 1 month
Everyone talks about parent/child or older sibling/little sibling. What if I want us both to be pretty young and neither of us know what we're doing, but it just feels soooo good we can't stop? What if my barely-older-than-me sister and I just accidentally found out it feels really good when we touch each other there? What if we both ruin each other, and we feel so dirty when we're adults because every time we get off we're thinking about how we fucked each other before we even knew what that was?
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ejunkiet · 2 years
22 with milo/sh? Currently reading your stuff for drawing inspo btw :^)
>:3 okay, this was ridiculously fun (and god, these are all getting longer and longer). (also, HELLO, BLESS YOU, BEST MESSAGE TO COME BACK TO >u<!!!)
redacted audio: milo/sweetheart, 601 wordcount, naps with aggro.
Tonight was all set up to be perfect. Fancy outfits, nice dinner, followed by a cuddle sesh on the couch, some film that neither of them cared much about playing as white noise in the background. The plan was perfect. The food was good. The kisses that followed even better.
But what he hadn’t banked on was a furry little interloper getting all up in their space, stealing his spot on the couch to cuddle up with his mate the minute his back was turned. 
“Aggro- buddy, look. You gotta give me an inch here.”
He’d only been gone for a few moments, just long enough to take dessert out of the freezer. It was meant to be a surprise - he’d gone down to the fancy patisserie earlier in the week and picked up one of their favourite treats, the cherry on the top of an otherwise perfect evening.
But now here he was, thrown to the wind, watching as his little man got all cosy with his sweetheart. The little bastard even had the gall to act pleased about it, purring like a motor engine and already halfway to sleepy town, as if he’d been there the whole time. 
“You know, Milo.” Their voice is soft and drowsy too, as if they’re also on the edge of sleep, their hand running softly through Aggro’s fur. “I get the impression that he isn’t listening.”
He snorts, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of it all. “Thank you, peanut gallery.” 
He crouches beside the couch, reluctantly offering his hand to sniff before he scratches his little idiot’s head, right behind the ears. The purrs get louder, before aggro rolls onto his back, asking for belly rubs, and really, Milo would have thought he was part dog with the way he acts sometimes.
“You’re lucky you’re so goddamn cute, or we’d be having words, little man. You’re killing the mood here. Some sort of wingman you are.”
He shivers as cool fingers settle against the nape of his neck, tracing the skin there. Christ, but if they weren’t talented with their fingers. “And what mood would that be, hmm?”
“What do you think, sweetheart?” He groans as they work their fingers into his hair, massaging at the base of his skull, and fuck. He tilts his head so they can reach further, shifting until he’s leaning against the back of the couch. “Mmm, keep going.”
They oblige him with a smile. “Seems like we’re all on our way to a nap.”
He snorts again, letting his head drop back until he can catch their gaze. “Is that so?”
“At least until your dessert is ready.” Their eyes twinkle at him, their lips curved into a pleased smile as their fingers scratch along his scalp, and if it didn’t feel so good, he’d be more annoyed at the fact that they’d already sussed him out. But he knew better than to try to keep a secret from them.
“You’re a snoop, sweetheart.”
“I know. But you love me for it.” They duck down until they can press a soft kiss against the top of his head, carefully manoeuvring around the cat, who still refuses to move his furry ass. 
He hums into it, reaching up until he can cup their cheek, running his thumb along the soft heat of their skin. “More than anything in the world, sweetheart.”
They all get a bit of shut-eye before his timer goes off, timed with the release of Aggro’s dinner, and after they’ve all been fed, he gets his private ‘cuddle’ time with his sweetheart after all.
cheeky tag for @romirola because everytime I write these two, I think of you!! <33
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monotone-artist · 6 months
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just a few foster puppy pictures out of the hmm. 500 that i have
[id: nine photographs of various brown, floppy-eared puppies. first: top view where puppy is sitting down and looking up at the camera. second: sitting with his tongue out. third: laying down on her side with her head on my leg, looking straight at the camera.
fourth: laying down on her belly. fifth: sitting and leaning against me, his head quite close to the camera, which he's looking at. sixth: one puppy lays down while another rests her chin on his back.
seventh: an extremely close-up view of a puppy's face. eighth: a puppy, who notably has one blue eye, looks through the glass door. ninth: puppy stands on her hind legs, front paws on the glass door, looking inside. end id]
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loreandorder · 25 days
it's my duty to admit rn that im absolutely soaked reading thru your blog again and imagining being a good service pup for you, doing whatever my alpha wants with a smile on my face and ruined boxers<3
You're such a good boy for coming and admitting that to Alpha. I'm so pleased with you puppy ♡
You'd look so cute smiling up at me from my feet in your ruined boxers. I wouldn't be able to resist sliding a leg between your thighs as a little reward for being so good for me~
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starlitangels · 2 years
No One’s Favorite
I... was working through some emotions when I wrote this. And it’s about time I gave Lily a spotlight 1.4k words
“Lily? Will you grab that? It’s the Moores!” Milo shouted from the kitchen.
“On it!” Lily called from the living room. She shoved her phone in the pocket of her skirt and rushed to the door, grabbing the handle and turning it before even slowing to a stop. “Hi Lasko!”
The Air Elemental who’d been a family friend Lily’s entire life jolted a little at her exuberance. “H-hi Lily,” he replied.
She opened the door wider. “C’mon in! Dinner’s almost ready. Parents are just finishing it up.”
Lasko, his Freelancer partner, and their two kids stepped inside. Each giving Lily a hug as they passed. Except the youngest son. Logan. He just gave her an awkward wave. He was Danny’s age and had never been particularly close to Lily. She waved back with a big smile and followed the Moores to the dining room.
Where her parents and brother were waiting with big smiles. “Hey Lasko,” Milo greeted. “And, of course, family.”
Lasko beamed. “Hi Milo,” he replied. The two shared a hug and more embracing was passed around. Lasko’s daughter, Penny (Penelope), leaned on Lily’s shoulder and laughed when Milo snatched Logan and hoisted him into the air with a yelp.
Once greetings were done with, Milo slipped back into the kitchen to pull dinner out of the oven.
“It’s been so long since we’ve been able to hang out,” Lasko’s partner remarked to Milo’s mate. “I’ve missed you both so much.”
“We’ve missed you too,” they replied. “Let me go grab the lighter so I can start the fire—”
“Please, let me,” the Freelancer said.
“I couldn’t ask you too—”
“I didn’t get fully certified to not use a little fire magic every now and then.” They smiled.
Milo’s mate chuckled with a sigh. “If you insist,” they relented.
Lily sat on the roof, knees drawn toward her chest and arms wrapped around them. The window to her bedroom was open just enough that she could hear her family and the Moores laughing inside. She could even hear Danny.
She sighed.
Lillian Marie Greer was many things. A competent shifter. The closest thing the Shaw Pack had to a fashionista (she got the stylish gene from her dad). A good student and a friendly girl.
She was also a coward, and only afraid to admit it to anyone but herself.
It had nothing to do with the fact that she had the smallest wolf form in the pack. Being small made her nimble. She would never have the size and brute strength of the Shaw siblings or Micah—but she could usually hold her own for a while before they overwhelmed her.
But she was too much of a coward to admit how lonely she was.
The grind of her window sliding open made her jump. She expected her dad to be sticking his head out—or, hell, even climbing out to join her—but she saw a head of white-blond hair instead.
“H-hi, Lily,” Logan said.
“My dad send you up to find me?”
“W-well… yeah.”
“I’ll be down in a minute.” She didn’t meet his eyes. Just stared out over the backyard toward the woods and hoped he wouldn’t notice the redness to her eyes.
Logan didn’t move. “Can I come sit with you?” he asked.
Lily shrugged. “If you want.”
He climbed out the window and onto the roof, placing himself down a safe distance away from her. He copied her position, knees drawn up with arms around them. “Did you need a break from the noise too?” he asked softly.
“The noise, no. The conversation, yes.”
“What’s wrong with the conversation?”
“My parents mean well. They have always been loving and supportive of me. They don’t force anything on me. They never made me be the third parent to Danny as the eldest daughter. But… sometimes I feel… lonely in a room full of people.”
“How come?”
Lily had to think about how to put her feelings into words. “I… I’m no one’s favorite. My best friend’s best friend is someone else. My parents don’t pick favorites but… if they did, their favorite would be Danny. I’m a good student but I’m… I’m a lot like my dad. I’ve got a hot temper with a short fuse and I know I’m too impulsive for my own good. I think with my heart instead of my head more often than not and I know I can wear on my parents’ patience sometimes.”
“That’s normal. That’s part of life,” Logan said, sounding like he’d been told that many times in his own life.
“Yeah… but… that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I’m no one’s best friend. Everyone I know likes… everyone else more than they like me.”
“That can’t be true.”
“Isn’t it? My best friend, Evelyn, is best friends with our alpha’s son. I almost never spend time with just Evelyn. Gabriel is always there. And I love the guy like a brother but sometimes it’d be nice to just hang out with Evelyn. Danny’s got two best friends and the three of them are all thick as thieves and best friends with each other. It’s rare for just two of them to hang out. It’s almost always all three of them and they get on like a house on fire. People at school think Danny’s some sort of player because he’s always got two girls with him. He’s actually only moon-eyed for one of them but that doesn’t stop the whispers.”
“Let me guess, Natalie Shaw?”
“Yeah. You know her?”
“We play DnD in the same group every couple weeks.” Logan nodded. “She’s gregarious. I see why Danny would like her.” He cleared his throat. “But it’s okay to feel lonely, Lily. I understand the sentiment of thinking you have a best friend, but you’re not their best friend. And then you feel excluded from things but you don’t want to make your friends feel bad. So you pretend like you’re okay with it. And then you think that your friends think you’re okay with not being invited so it feels like they don’t invite you to even more things and you pretend it’s fine and it’s a never ending cycle of loneliness.” Logan cleared his throat. “Am I close?”
“You hit the nail on the head, Logan,” Lily muttered.
Logan hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe you should hang out with Penny more often. She doesn’t have a ton of friends either.”
“I like hanging out with Penny but I don’t want to… take her away from the friends she already has. I don’t want her to feel like she has to be my friend.”
“Penny doesn’t have a best friend,” Logan said. “She never has.” He made a face. “I think it’s because she’s insecure about being an Air Elemental when she wanted to be a Freelancer—but don’t tell her I said that or she’ll suck the air right outta my lungs. But… she doesn’t have many good friends. Maybe you two can get a little closer? I don’t think she’d feel forced to be your friend, considering… you guys already are friends. I mean, our dads have been friends since before we were born, y’know? You’ve known her your whole lives. Just… maybe instead of family friends who see each other every so often, you could… hang out more.”
Lily thought about it for a bit. “Maybe,” she said.
Logan shrugged. “It’s up to you. I can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. I’d be too nervous.”
Lily laughed—big and boisterous. “Thanks,” she said.
“For what?”
“Making me feel better.”
“I… I wasn’t trying but… you’re welcome.”
“Hey, that’s part of the Moore family charm, right? You’re all comforting even when you don’t realize it.”
“Uh… sure. Okay.”
Lily chuckled and shifted up onto her knees. “C’mon. Let’s get back inside before our dads ream me for letting you sit on the roof too long and catch a cold.”
“My constitution isn’t that bad!” Logan protested as he followed Lily back through the window.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Logan.” Lily shut the window behind them. “Get back downstairs and go sit in front of that fire.”
“Fine,” he muttered.
They went back downstairs. Lily plopped down on the area rug next to where Penny and Danny were building up the Jenga tower while their parents were talking about Lasko’s job with the academy administration.
“So! Ready to get beaten at this game, Penny?” Lily teased.
Sharp grey eyes bored into her. “Shut up, Lily,” Penny retorted.
Lily laughed. “Never!”
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
been missing u omg i hope ur doing well pup
hihihi !!!!!!!!! missed u too ! n thank u so much ‪‪❤︎‬ i hope you’ve been well too !!!!!
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meggoreads · 10 months
My biggest romance pet peeve are bad pet names. Anything infantilizing makes me c r i n g e
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fbwzoo · 2 years
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Emma says this has been her favorite day in a while. I've largely been resting and playing games & she's been glued to me for the vast majority of the day. Probably like 10 hours, at least. She thinks this is wonderful and every day should be like this. Unfortunately for both of us, I still gotta work.
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battydora · 1 year
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use the tag system so you don't get lost in the depths of the ocean.
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#navigation ₊˚✩彡๋ ࣭‧₊˚𓆞
important posts for blog navigation.
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all my fanfictions and works, sfw and nsfw. no warnings.
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#[ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ] ≫boat's safe zone
trigger free fanfictions and works. only sfw.
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#thirsty? ♥.
all my thirsts
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fanfiction reblogs/recs<3
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pretty self explanatory
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#batty talks. –☼
interactions, general ramble about my interests/myself, anything that comes to my mind (might include nsfw)
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#arts. –☼
art i occasionally post!
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posts regarding my writing commissions.
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anything regarding my mha oc, shimori kizatachi!
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#: ̗̀➛ | denim lover ♡👖
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any content related to my hubby, tsunagu hakamada (a.k.a best jeanist)
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(old: #paper sweetheart !! –☼)
any content related to my lover, shinya kamihara (a.k.a edgeshot)
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#: ̗̀➛ 🔥 | little flame ♡
any content related to the love of my life, kyojuro rengoku
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#: ̗̀➛ 👹 | oni pup ♡
any content related to my bf, arataki itto
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#–✧ ❝paper denim<3.❞
(old: #paper denim !! –☼)
any content involving both shinya kamihara and tsunagu hakamada
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playlists based on my fav. characters<3
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#banners ✧༄
banners of my fav. characters<3
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ask games i reblog for you to ask me things!
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#(user/nickname)! ✩
it's 'you' posts! :)
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others: #atsv, #mha, #kny, #ygo, #fma, #jjk, etc.
reblogs of those fandoms
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We brought our new pup home today! Her name is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia and I would die for her
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starlitangels · 2 years
Fragment Friday!!!
I was tagged by the wonderful @romirola and it’s still Friday in my time zone so ssshhh! This fragment stems from a conversation I had with @zozo-01 about how in the Imperium the Pups AU could never happen and the only ones who could ever possibly exist as they are would be the Greer kids—but even then, I doubted they would. This fragment is never going to get longer than this. I have no intention of finishing it. But I figured I’d share!
“Your mother called,” I said to Milo as he ducked into the den. He met my eyes. “We talked for a bit.”
“She ask about when she’s gettin’ grandkids again?” Milo asked.
“She did.”
Milo grunted and collapsed next to me on the couch. “A’right. For the sake of discussion. Let’s say we were to have a kid. Names?”
I leaned forward and scooped up his legs, draping them across my lap. He was too tired to even protest. “Well… I was thinking something almost… floral, if it was a girl. And something… classy, but not unusual, for a boy.”
“Like what, sweetheart?” Milo pressed, closing his eyes.
I took a deep breath, thinking. “Lily,” I said. “I like Lily, for a girl. Make it short for Lillian.”
“Mm… that’s pretty.”
“Yeah. And I was thinking… Daniel, for a boy. But call him Danny. Daniel Milo Greer.”
Milo’s eyes opened and met mine. “Sounds cute. Any middle name for the girl?”
“I hadn’t gotten that far yet. Maybe Marie, for your ma. Lily Marie Greer.”
“Marie is a pretty common middle name,” Milo agreed. “I think that whole name rolls pretty well.”
I smiled. “Yeah.”
“Maybe we’d end up with one shifter and one Stealth.” Milo chuckled. “Me fallin’ for you probably means the Shaw—” He cleared his throat. “The pack will never get rid-a the Stealth genes.”
I laughed, soft but with feeling. “You’re probably right.”
Milo closed his eyes. We were silent for a few minutes. “Our parents were stronger than we are,” he said.
“Can you imagine bringin’ a child into this messed up world? Even with us bein’ empowered—shifters are at the bottom of the ladder and you lost your status with the Imperium when you got with me. I can’t imagine raisin’ a kid in a world that’d be as cruel to them as this one is.”
I pursed my lips. “Me neither.”
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shinebox · 2 years
Sheesh, you really can’t take a break ‘round here without the damn porn bots swallowing your activity feed, huh? Haha, no rest for the wicked. How’s everybody doin’? Me, I slept like shit, couldn’t tell ya why, but the neighbor’s dog woke me up way too early. Bluh.
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iamamatus · 1 month
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