spicykat9 · 1 year
GerSwe is the perfect ship except...
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koolkat9 · 1 year
I'm having many feels about Ludwig and Ber.
Them both being autistic and info dumping to each other because they know the other is a safe person to do it to because they get what it's like to want to share your interests with someone. And it also helps they share some special interests like trains/locomotives.
You probably will never hear either of them talk as much as they do when they're with each other.
I really want to talk about these two more, romantically or platonically I don't care. But my brain only has this to supply 😭
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wickdsk8r · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Germany/Sweden (Hetalia) Characters: Sweden (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia) Additional Tags: past sufin, Trans Male Character, Ludwig is transmasc, Reincarnation, Reanimation, Rituals, Suicide, Past Violence, Past Lives, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Post-Break Up, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, so basically the trio brings a dead guy back from the afterlife bc Berwald needs a boyfriend, True Love, they're not actually brothers but i imagine they might as well be, Fluff and Angst, mild body horror, Scars, Hair Braiding, Bathing/Washing, Non-Sexual Intimacy, First Kiss Summary:
One year post-heartbreak, Berwald is hitting a wall. A breaking point. Each love he throws himself into further than the last. Each one has left him behind further than the last. Will just one, only one, stay? His brothers have his back and tricks up their sleeves. Sometimes, one's destiny must be caught before it can unfold. A ritual brings Ludwig to him, but they have been waiting for each other longer than they can understand.
Berwald unknowingly resurrects a village mistake who just so happens to be a man, and a man needing Berwald as much as Berwald needs him.
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doueverwonder · 5 months
i have a sweger writing request in my inbox and the self control it is taking to be Normal About Germanic Languages while writing it is insane
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aliblablabla · 9 months
Magang Jadi Ibu-ibu
Ada yang masih menyepelekan pekerjaan "ibu rumah tangga"? Semoga udah nggak ada ya. Udah 2024 nih coy masih aja nyepelein perempuan yang berprofesi sebagai ibu rumah tangga.
Aku belum jadi wibu-wibu eh maksudnya ibu-ibu, cuma beberapa bulan ini lagi magang jadi ibu-ibu, ibu rumah tangga lebih tepatnya dengan anak 1 (baca: anak kocheng :p). Capeknya jadi ibu ruta anak 1 MasyaAllah Bund capek betol, padahal baru magang ini woy. Pekerjaan rumah (PR) zaman sekolah dulu nggak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah yang literally pekerjaan rumah.
Pagi dimulai dengan nyapu halaman dan sebagian jalan depan rumah. Cukup melelahkan kalau halamanmu luas. Sambil memegang sapu di tangan, jangan lupa nyalakan kran supaya ember penuh dan siap digunakan untuk menyiram tanaman. Percayalah menunggu ember penuh air juga melatih kesabaran apalagi kalau PDAM di tempatmu nyala airnya itir-itir.
Nyapu dan nyiram selesai, bisa lanjut pergi ke pasar kalau memang isi kulkas kosong atau bisa lanjut masak (kalau nggak mager). Sebelum masak pun kadang bingung, "Masak apa ya kira-kira hari ini?". Di sela-sela memilah bahan masakan, jangan lupa untuk memberi makan anabul agar supaya kegiatan masak-memasak berjalan lancar tanpa gangguan anabul ndusel sikil. Beres memasak terbitlah korah-korahan, kalau masakmu pagi itu agak ribet harus sabar nyuci piring dkk yang menggunung. Lagipula seringkali habis masak nggak langsung makan, butuh jeda beberapa menit sampai akhirnya muncul rasa lapar.
Lanjut ke nyapu dalam rumah. Dan bersabarlah bagi kalian yang rumahnya luas seluas Malfoy Manor. Makin kerasa capeknya kalau nyapu mu dilanjut ngepel wkwkwkwk. Nah setelah lantai rumah terasa adem kayak iklan obat pel, sebaiknya gegoleran sebentar. Ibaratnya, kayak anak SD yang istirahat minum es setelah pelajaran matematika alias sweger pol.
Kalau ada cucian di bak, air bisa diajak kerjasama, dan nggak hujan ya nyuci dong. Tapi masalahnya air di rumah seringnya sulit diajak kerjasama, jam sekian baru nyala bahkan pernah malam baru nyala.
Dan pekerjaan rumah paling melelahkan jatuh kepada nyetrika! Mungkin karena panas yang timbul dari setrika kali ya jadi ikut sumuk belum lagi kalau baju susah licin padahal udah disemprot rapika juga.
Cukup melelahkan bukan? Belum lagi kalau si ibu juga harus mengurus suami dan anaknya. Belum lagi kalau si ibu juga nyambi kerjaan sampingan. Dan belum lagi kalu si ibu juga merangkap wanita karir. Semangat Ibu-ibu!! (^_^)9
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mseirtaku · 3 years
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A secret santa gift I did for @95jezzica in the Hetagame Workshop Discord!
Here's some extra sweet platonic SweGer being buddies/cousins and making a gingerbread house! Germany did the baking and Sweden did the construction naturally~
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helltalia-inc · 3 years
I’m so fricking weak for GerSwe. I’d die for my two big, shy, gay dudes who know nothing about their emotions 😩😭
Guess that makes 2 of us, Anon!
Big scary sweet man... How is possible to not love it? Now make it double! And add a cherry on top! DELICIOUS!!!!
So their ship name is GerSwe? Could it be GerSu? Or SuGer? Or SweGer?
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rukkilill · 3 years
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Explicit Relationships: Germany/Sweden (Hetalia) Characters: Germany (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Casual Sex Summary:
When Sweden invites Germany over to his place, Germany isn't sure if he only wants company.
Should he hope for more?
New rarepair fic from me! Enjoy! :D
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twi-go · 4 years
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How NOT to impress your awkward date. Pro tip : never lead with homicide.
(Why does Berwald look so proud of himself??? ;__;)
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aph-sveriges-ikea · 4 years
In a weird way SweGer kind of makes sense for the sole reason that Germany is for whatever reason *obsessed* with IKEA.
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spicykat9 · 2 years
Mmm thinking really hard about gerengswe.
Arthur would have such a power trip having not one, but two big, handsome, muscular blonds completely under his control.
Like I'm just picturing Arthur in skimpy clothing, lounging on a chair with Ludwig and Berwald kneeling at his feet naked or in lingerie, both with a collar and leash being held by Arthur. And Arthur looks oh so cocky about it.
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Fantastic video of the record breaking 25,882 strong crowd at the Sweden vs Germany match on 6th April.
Source: swewnt
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gwnts · 5 years
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snowingclouds · 5 years
Please someone give me some SweGer. They’re perfecto for each other and Ludwig and Ber need some loving. Precious beans
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I hate Sweden'sWNT with a passion, but like, they are awesome
But I still hate them and need germany to win this already
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bisexualrhee · 5 years
we won!!!! semi final here we gooooo
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