erotetica · 2 years
Sketch request?? Celegorm!
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@swilmarillion how
did I misread this as celeborn. 3 discrete t i m e s
I do commissions
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gerardspuppy · 2 years
Hullo I’ve been reading Follow You Down for about the hundredth time and figured it was finally time to post some drawings for it :) @swilmarillion​
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wei--wuxian · 1 year
tagged by @swilmarillion thankyou!
wip ask game - post the last sentence you wrote and then tag as many people as there are words in that sentence!
posting two sentences because one wouldn't make much sense lmao
Jiang Cheng stares at the phone in his hand.
Why the fuck does Wei Ying have a saved contact with the surname Wen?
tagging: @eleanorfenyx @rabbitcrimes @layzeal @homeybee and anyone else who wants to do it!! i can't remember who has active wips and who doesn't and i'm certainly not tagging as many people as there are words omg
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WIP Last Sentence Game
Tagged by @swilmarillion and, in a roundabout kind of way, @naamah-beherit. Thank you!!
I’ll share two, because I’ve been working simultaneously on two fics for two fandoms. No telling when either will be posted, especially since the Bo-Katan/Ahsoka one has been in the works since last year.
For the last episode of FBI, fic untitled so far:
Maggie just shrugged indifferently, her face perfectly blank and difficult to read. But it was all the answer Isobel needed, really, to know she was right - even without the why of it all. Maggie’s posture made it clear the topic was not up for discussion, though, and just like that the question was dropped.
“How much have you had to drink?” Maggie asked softly after a tense beat of silence.
“Not enough,” Isobel quipped bitterly without thinking. Seeing the pinched expression on her companion’s face, she added with a touch of honesty, “Probably too much.”
“Can I drive you home?”
An also untitled Bo-Katan/Ahsoka fic, coming soon:
But then, Ahsoka had dropped off the face of the galaxy several months ago; Bo-Katan hadn’t heard from her or been able to contact her at all in a very long time, and the twist in her stomach tightened again. 
Something had gone wrong, a while back. She’d felt it even then. Nothing, it seemed, had gotten better - even if Ahsoka was suddenly back.
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admirable-mairon · 5 years
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Trevor “Totally-not-attracted-to-a-dhampir” Belmont
So anyway if you haven’t read @swilmarillion‘s fic “The art of Life’s distractions” then you REALLY should (as long as you’re 18+ ofc). 
This is the first time I’ve ever drawn Trevor, and while I know I can get a lot better with practice, I am ETERNALLY grateful for the publically avaliable character sheets the Castlevania team has put out there
Thank you for indulging me in this too, Grace!!
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sharkchimedes · 4 years
Gimme ur number 16 Spotify song pls
boss wave - xilent!
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piyo13sdoodles · 5 years
your inktober drawings are ON POINT omg also thank u for taking my prompts and turning them into magical beautiful art ❤️❤️❤️
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pictured above: me emerging from my gremlin cave to give you a hug
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crackinthecup · 5 years
swilmarillion replied to your post “I have officially finished my last ever uni assignment!!!!!”
Congrats! That’s awesome!
Thank you very much :3 It’s definitely a relief to be done with this degree!
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landrovaling-draws · 5 years
Your Trevor Belmont is the best!! I keep coming back to look at him
Ahh thank you
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cemeterything · 6 years
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day :)
i am, thank you so much!!!!! 💞💞💞
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markedasinfernal · 6 years
‘God among eyeballs’ not one of Sauron’s better title attempts, honestly
The Big EyeThe Large EyeballRaging Pink-eyeGod Among EyeballsLord of EyeThe Eye Lord
Brainstorming sessions in Barad Dur could be a little slow sometimes...
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erotetica · 1 year
💀 silm asks!
💀: You have a "Get out of jail 'Doomed by the Narrative' free" card. Who do you give it to?
Wanna say galadriel to be a butt. NOT saying maedhros specifically, the groundhog’s day au is more fun if he IS doomed bc bill murraydhros is my Sisyphus dream-cast. Nienor is. the correct answer. HOWEVER my favorite answer is Beleg, bc I think the nature of the card is that he isn’t pulled into anyone else’s dooms, but they’re still totally doomed. Turin is a looney toon walking under pianos, and beleg is the toon pushing him out of the way. Maybe Turin’s doom and beleg’s undoom are a net zero as effected on the world around them. Beleg is pushing the PIANO out of the way and it lands on someone else, Orodreth’ s piano key smile is a joint effort of dumb luck. Beleg is like ‘oops’ over his shoulder but he’s already tetherballing the NEXT piano
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gerardspuppy · 1 year
merci @swilmarillion <33
Rules: Post the last sentence/line from your WIP or wherever you left off in your art. Then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence/line. Don't reblog, make a new post.
My breath on the glass window matched the cold clouds that seemed to hang permanently in the air here. At least it wasn’t rainy like England. The clouds weren’t so bad; they blocked out the sky, and kept me grounded firmly on Arda.
tagging: @fingonbestboy @foxindarkness @elvenmoans @mywoesaregranular @junk-whunk-punk-artist @melkors-big-tits
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asgardian--angels · 6 years
If you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate and try not to break the chain 💜💜💙💖💖💜💙💙💖💙
ahh thanks grace
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WIP sentence meme
I was tagged by @swilmarillion.  Thank you!
Rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything) and tag as many people as the words in the sentence.
I’ve been working on this thing for...a really long time, and I’m hoping to finish it soon.  I’ll cheat a little and post the last bit of dialogue I wrote for y’all, since it’s been a while.
“There is not much to tell of it,” Maedhros began to say, but Fingon cracked an eye open to stare at him knowingly and he gave up that line rather quickly.  “Very well,” he said instead with a heavy sigh more for the memory than for the thought of having to share it with him.  “Shall I share the long, winding version as my brother would or the short, concise one?”
“Share your own version.  I already know you will tell me the truth, Nelyo, you have always told me the truth.”  
I’ll tag... @naamah-beherit and @acommonanomaly.
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admirable-mairon · 5 years
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Adrian “I totally don’t have a crush on the Belmont” Farenheit Tepes
Remember when I drew Trevor before? For @swilmarillion​‘s wonderful fic “The art of life’s distractions”?
Well I promised the dhampir asshat would join him! Sure, a project at uni as well as an essay and present-making got in the way for a while, but HERE HE IS
I love this fanged bastard so very much. I’ve loved him ever since I started playing Castlevania LoS in 2012 (it should be noted that it was a different version of him), and I LOVE the personality the Netflix series gave him! Like holy shit!!!
It should also be noted that ever since the Netflix series was released, I’ve downloaded Symphony of the Night and boy oh boy - The Voice Acting sure is something. Check it out if you haven’t already! Let’s hope they get him his shield in season 3
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He is such a sleepy boy and I love him
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