#swishy liveblogs
themyscirah · 6 months
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Cassie screaming bc she showed up in a new place wearing a dress
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pantoranqira · 1 year
"Millions of dead. I hear them screaming. Before I'd even returned to Earth I could hear them in my mind. Before I saw the smoke blanketing California I knew something had happened. I hear them screaming-- 'Avenge me.' 'Avenge me.' 'Avenge me.'"
- Hal Jordan, on the destruction of Coast City; Green Lantern (1990) #46, written by Gerard Jones
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Just started watching Loch Ness Monster (Scooby obvi) and I honestly don't think I've seen this movie before but it looks VERY cool
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cinastre · 2 years
st trina nonbinary icon?
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mirrorfalls · 3 years
Lego Liveblogs ST: TOS, part 3 (of who-the-hell-knows-how-many?)
So in recent years, the Trek franchise - and TOS in particular - has gained something of a reputation for taking two steps back on women for every one step forward on race. Mudd’s Women is not a title that bodes well in that department, but who knows - maybe it’ll be a pleasant surprise...
* Well, we’ve seen the Enterprise as Space Rescuers and Space Explorers... guess it’s time we got to see how a Space Cop plot goes. * So this is Mudd Leo Walsh - a cowboy who talks like the Lucky Charms leprechaun. Musta put all his Charisma points into that mustache. * What’s the matter, ya dopes, never seen a pretty girl before?! ** Anyway - maybe I’m just not the swishy-dresses type, but the actresses don’t do much for me and the camerawork and music add nothing. I feel every bit as 'meh’ as Spock. * Ever the gentleman, Kirk. ** And ever the bullshit-detector, too! Throw the book at ‘im, Captain. * A lie-detector for a stenographer! What a lovely century. ** ... buuut one where mail-order brides are apparently still a thing. * “Only heaven's own truth.” “HEAVEN HAS NO PLACE WITHIN THESE WALLS. Fifty years hard labor!” * Well, I guess we needed some way of filling out the next 30 minutes, but really, doesn’t the Enterprise have a section for civilians-slash-“civilians”? * “I’ve never met a paragon.” “Neither have I.” Ahh, just skip forward a couple decades and you’ll meet this kid called Jean-Luc... * Ahh, the sudden but inevitable Female Conscience. I was wondering when you’d show. * So... I’m still fuzzy on what exactly the conflict here is supposed to be. Harry wants to marry off some miners, let him. Is it that we’re supposed to be worried the girls aren’t acting of their own free will after- ** APPARENTLY THEY’RE NOT * So I guess this is what don’t-do-drugs stories looked like before Nixon really kicked the War up a notch. Mudd’s reasonably imposing in the pusher/pimp role, which should make him a natural foil to Kirk... * Except someone apparently decided that’s not a strong enough conflict, so enter the MacGuffin holders, who want wives so badly they’ll demand all charges against Mudd be dropped(?!?) ** Guys, if you’re ruthless enough to blackmail a Federation ship you oughta know you can just grab the wives and leave their “handler” out to dry, right? * Spock, now would be a good time to sell one of your “Violence seems the most Logical solution, captain.” brainwaves. * ... well, that wasn’t quite the violence I was thinking of, but I’ll take it. * And now her conscience is back, so it looks like we’re ending this episode on Kirk vs. The Merciless Wilds... * ... except not, because... everyone else beamed back up to the Enterprise off-screen?!? Guys, at this point you’re just stalling for time. * Oh, I guess we’re going for a “It’s what’s on the inside that counts” Aesop... except wait, the beauty pills were a magic-feather the entire time? What? * I give up. Just get the MacGuffin onboard - ooh, the first Spock-Bones zinger! - and let’s get the hell off this planet.
Sorry to report, folks, this one was just a giant misfire in every direction. It’s not as poundingly dull as last episode, but it doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be about, not even at the very end. Hell, it can’t even seem to decide who the antagonist is supposed to be. Maybe it was just counting on Mudd to Charisma the whole thing afloat, but that was a fool’s wager; Mudd’s actor isn’t that good, and he gets beaten too quickly and often to rise to any kind of genuine threat at the script level. His women threaten to be interesting here and there, but the script’s too eager to shove them off-stage whenever convenient.
(If it’s any consolation at all, I suppose the script’s zig-zagginess keeps it from being as sexist as it could’ve been - but I really hope we’ll run into an episode soon where we don’t have to choose between that and a functional story.)
Next: What’s better than one Shatner? We’re about to find out...
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themyscirah · 1 year
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Spirit World #5 by Alyssa Wong and Haining
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themyscirah · 5 months
"I am trained as a warrior, Barbara, but I am trained also to think of those skills as a last resort. There is no human conflict which cannot be served better with words than with the sword." - Diana of Themyscira, Wonder Woman (1987) #119
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themyscirah · 5 months
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Cassie has arrived!!!!
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themyscirah · 1 month
RIP Diana (again)
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themyscirah · 5 months
I swear to god guys sometimes it feels like wonder woman comics only have two plotlines
1. Something destroyed Themyscira and WW wasn't there to stop it! What will she do?
2. The government has turned against the Amazons and war is brewing between the two groups. What will she do?
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themyscirah · 3 months
Hal showing up to fight evil Barry Allen like he's not gonna go evil himself within the year is so funny to me actually
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themyscirah · 6 months
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Oop! You're about 20 years too early for Blackest Night, guys!
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themyscirah · 1 year
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Green Lantern (1990) #0
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themyscirah · 6 months
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He's so dramatic i love him
Green Lantern (1960) #172
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themyscirah · 6 months
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themyscirah · 1 year
Letter sections have SUCH gems actually they need to bring them back
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