#switzerland 2024
Switzerland's win tho... that shit made me emotional.
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aijamisespava · 4 months
One Last Time Everyone!
Well, guys. We made it...to the LAST post of the ESC 2024 season! After months of anticipation, joy, heartbreak, and anger, we finally made it to the end! And like the semis, I have a bit to unpack!
To begin, I would feel rather terrible if I didn't talk about the disqualification of Joost Klein and the Netherlands. I think I'm in agreement with a lot of people that the disqualification was harsh and that the EBU and Eurovision screwed up with this decision; a common theme this year.
My sister didn't have an iconic quote today. But let me tell you when Andrejs (of Sudden Lights so you may know where this is going) started giving Latvia's points I was squealing.
A common theme throughout the entire season (even National Finals) were that the bookmakers were wrong a LOT of the time this year. And boy were they!
NORWAY LAST?! Okay. Maybe Ulveham isn't for everyone. But I had it as my shock winner so...ouch.
There were a LOT of televote shockers, but it all made sense in the end when Croatia sprung up to the top, almost taking the win.
As for the countries that broke their NQ streaks...Ireland finished a very nice 6th place (congrats Bambie!), Latvia finished in 16th (well done Dons!), and Georgia ranked in 21st (well done Nusta!).
Before I go to talking about the winner, I would like to say that while worst case scenario did NOT happen, there is still a long way to go. Hopefully, the EBU will see us fans and eventually listen to what we want and do the proper actions.
Now...THE WINNER! This year, we came down to Croatia vs. Switzerland for the win. Croatia seemingly won the televote (correct me if I'm wrong), and Switzerland won the jury vote. And either way, history would have been made. And honestly...I wouldn't be mad if either of them won I love both songs dearly. And...because NEMO FROM SWITZERLAND WON WITH "THE CODE," this makes Nemo the first non-binary participant to win Eurovision (again, correct me if I'm wrong). So, Nemo, from the bottom of my heart, Congratulations on winning the 68th Eurovision Song Contest! Your name is etched into Eurovision history forever, and I look forward to next year in Switzerland.
Well, that reaches the end of Aijamisespava...for now. I'm going to take a much-needed summer break listening to music and doing things with people I love. The last couple weeks took a LOT out of me and your girl needs to recharge! But that doesn't mean I don't want to hang out with you guys! You are people I love too, and I can't just leave you in the dust! As I mentioned, I have a second Tumblr page. See, I'm a writer (how could you ever tell haha) called @amykitrynswritingmisadventures (long like Estonia's song title). Every day, I post a line that I wrote that I like, and I'll be more active on there this summer. My Instagram (where I'm nowhere near as Eurovision...y...as here) is justastargirl9 and I look to post a bit more on there soon (plus you get the same lines...but with music). Those are probably the best places to find me and say hello, and see what other music I listen to!
Now, before the ramonda blooms and the party's over, signing out.
Love, Aijamisespava
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cupids-fiction · 4 months
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 4 months
A Swiss Escape
Characters: Daniel Miller x Courtney Roeber
Lyn's Writing Event - Week 4 - Day 24 (late submission)
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The chalet was made of sturdy wood, with a sloping roof to let the snow slide off. The windows are framed with wooden shutters, and smoke gently curls from the chimney, indicating a fire inside. Outside, the snow blankets the ground, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The surrounding trees are frosted with snow, and the only sounds you hear are the soft crunch of snow under your feet.
Part 1:
May 24th: Week 4: Blizzard
Characters: Daniel Miller x OC Courtney Roeber (Swiss French)
The character of Daniel Miller was created by Olen Steinhauer, Bradford Winters and Zach Craley for television.  
Fandom: Richard Armitage – Berlin Station – Daniel Miller
Word Count: 1.9k (part 1)
Warnings: extreme weather, blizzard, potential smut, survival, no electricity, stranded, escape scenario, international spies, CIA, guns, knives,
The chalet was made of sturdy wood, with a sloping roof to let the snow slide off. The windows are framed with wooden shutters, and smoke gently curls from the chimney, indicating a fire inside. Outside, the snow blankets the ground, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The surrounding trees are frosted with snow, and the only sounds you hear are the soft crunch of snow under your feet.
As glasses clinked in an open bar, Daniel scanned the room for his contact. When his eyes landed on a beautiful blonde woman at the bar, he cursed under his breath, “God please don’t be her”, he shook it off and made his way towards her, his suit was a warm grey, his tie was missing, collar unbuttoned. His smile was warm, and Courtney’s cheeks flushed when this dark haired and tall man approached her. She was conversating with a colleague and was momentarily silent. The other women looked at Courtney puzzled, “Please go on, and the minister would like to address, what?” the women asked.
Courtney looked at her again, being taller than some, she was used to looking down, but eye to eye with this man was in a word, intoxicating. Daniel stood at the bar a few chairs away, sipping his gin. And side-eyeing her with a quirked expression. Courtney continued with the women, “Yes, he wants to address concerns of the constituents on that matter, I’m sorry will you excuse me, please?” her softened Swiss accent could be caught by Daniel’s perceptive knowledge of dialects. Daniel did his best Swiss dialect impression when he asked her to ‘sit down with him’.
The warm features of the bar and lounge created an ambience of leisure and comfort. Wood and glass surrounding the whole room. Intricate features on walls, and doorways. Open beams hung above them, with pendulums of light hanging in midair it seemed between the large caber beams. Guests were jovial, but not loud, it was a relaxed Sunday evening after a political conference. Some retired to their rooms, and some stayed in the lounge.
Courtney stood against the bar, and looked at him, frankly, “You are supposed to ask me something, no?” her voice came up at the end in a classical Scandinavian way. Daniel smiled shyly, setting his glass down steadily.
“Ya, Du sollst sagen: Mochte ich etwas Schokolade?” (you are supposed to say, would I like some chocolat?)
Courtney warmed with laughter, “Na, geht es dir?” (Well, do you?)
Daniel looked at the bar, and then back at her, “If you’re offering.” (he switched back to English).
Courtney blushed again, slightly, and Daniel tried not to notice. Courtney knew he would be charming, they usually are, but she didn’t trust him.
A storm was due to hit the resort tonight, but living in this area it was all or nothing. Sometimes the cell passed you by and sometimes you were buried for days. It was Sunday evening, and most were leaving for home, so the resort would be all but deserted come Monday morning. Maybe that was why he was here, to tempt her into staying past, and revealing the secrets she had. Though she wanted a cozy snow tryst, she wasn’t sure, he was the one to do that for her. Oh, he was enticing to be sure, clean, handsome, nicely dressed, trying his best to act German, but that American confidence was too obvious to hide behind some simple dialogue.
Daniel saw her mind working overtime as they sat in silence momentarily, “Whatever you know, I can protect you,” he said boldly. Courtney chuckled at that, “Oh, really? So you think this is a state secret then, not just a rambling?”
Daniel looked at her in all seriousness, “I’m not here for ramblings, your intel is good, and I am here to collect you,” 
Courtney looked at him shocked, but she tried to conceal it as she sipped her drink, “I see. Well, I don’t think I will agree to leave with you. You can take the information I have, that is all.  I will make my own way.” Daniel held his breath not wanting to make a snide retort. His hand drifted towards her on the bar, a paper concealed under his palm. Courtney, put her hand on his, and that spark seemed to get stronger, like a pulse of current running through her. Daniel drew his hand away, and she palmed the note.
“Just come find me when you are ready to talk.” He said, he finished his drink and stepped away from the bar, leaving Courtney by herself at the bar.
She found her coat at a table of colleagues and put it on as she exited onto the loggia. It was dark out on the snow, but silent, as the door closed behind her. Courtney shivered, but she wasn’t cold. A breeze kicked up her hair against her parka, and she pulled up her hood around her face framing it in fur. Courtney opened the note Daniel had given to her. It simply had his room number on it, and a code for something else, but she wasn’t sure what. It was a 4 digit code. 4152. His room number was 209. She noted that and tossed the paper into the air watching it catch in the breeze and float down to the snowy path below her. A car pulled up to the entrance below and pressed the paper further into the snow and gravel drive. Courtney amused re-entered the lounge through the glass door. She moved through the bar and headed to her room.
Daniel had retired to his room, to wait for her, though he wasn’t sure if she would come that easily. He knew what room she was in, but thought it was best to just wait and have her come to him. As long as she did it tonight. Tomorrow morning would be too much commotion when everyone from the conference leaves, including her.
He paced in the suite between the bed and the seating area, not sure what to do with himself. He hadn’t been this anxious in awhile and it drove him mad. He went to his duffle and took out his gun, clicking it, and checking the magazine, making sure the safety was on. Just busying his hands. A soft knock fell upon the door and Daniel looked up, sharply. He disengaged the gun, set it back into his bag on the dresser and stepped to the door.
“Yes?” he asked the door, looking through the peephole. Her golden locks flashed in the tiny lens, and Daniel’s eyes dilated instantly. Daniel unlocked the door and opened it, lazily hanging his hand at the top of the door, “Come in, I wasn’t sure you would stop by.” He ushered her in, checking the hallway as he closed the door and stood against it. Courtney turned to him, “I had the room, so I figured, it was worth a look”, she tried for a smile, but it looked more nervous than she actually was feeling.
The overhang of his loggia in his room created a looming shadow to the storm that was now well underway outside. The doors rattled in the wind a bit. Courtney was nervous now, she could be delayed getting home tomorrow if this storm didn’t let up by morning. Daniel watched her expression change when she looked out the glass doors to the patio.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” Daniel asked, curiously.
Courtney met his eyes this time, “Yes, you wanted me to tell you what I had for information, correct, and then I can leave, right?”
Daniel stepped towards her, she moved back a half step, even as she was nearly his height, he could still be intimidating. Daniel gave her a glowing smile to ease her apprehension, “I just need to hear it, and then I can let you know what is best for your safety, if we think you will be compromised by releasing the information to us, then I am assigned to protect you”, he smirked, looking at her hungrily, as his hand drifted towards her coat sleeve. Courtney tensed, mildly, “do you want me to take your coat?” he offered, trying to be hospitable, as he stepped clear of her and towards the makeshift bar he had made with a countertop and a mini fridge.
“Can I get you a drink?” Daniel asked her. Courtney shook her head, but realized that he wasn’t looking at her, “No, no I’m fine. Let’s just do this”, she gathered up her courage and sat down at the desk opposite the seating area.
Daniel turned to her, sipping some wine, from a tumbler glass, “Go ahead, I’m all ears.”
Courtney sighed, “Ok, my name is Courtney Roeber, I work for the Swiss Minister of Police, and I think he is involved in a scandal involving trafficking of youth from Kazakhstan,” she paused as Daniel’s eye brows furrowed, “As you probably know, Kazakstan is home to many different ethnicities’ so many different, well from a beauty and fertile standpoint, women and girls can look so very different and so very pretty, so I think he is importing them.”  Courtney, clutched her key card, rolling it over in her hand. Daniel sat down on the bed, closer to her.
“Look, I know this is a delicate matter, and I want to handle it as best I can. What made you make this link between Jans and the girls?” Daniel inquired.
Courtney looked at him and sighed, shoving her hand down her shirt and producing a thumb drive on a lanyard, “I have it in his correspondence, I run his books for him and too much money was going for “aid sponsorships” and then disappearing and reappearing into his personal holding accounts. So I copied the files, and ran them against his travel. Several dates matched up. It cannot be coincidence”. Daniel reached for the thumb drive, “Can I see it for myself?”
Courtney pulled on the lanyard and it broke free from her neck, she handed him the drive that dangled the end. Daniel took it whispering thanks, he smiled warmly and placed it into his tablet, clicking on files and scanning the data. He took out his phone and sent the files to HQ.
“Well, this all looks in order. And I see why they had to hire outside the scope. Im sorry if this compromises you, even morally”, Daniel said, placing a hand on her arm. Courtney still didn’t trust him, but he was being very nice. He wasn’t slamming her up ahainst walls or threatening her, or trying to kill her for the information. He just, asked. She smiled back at him.
“So I can go now, yes? I really should get packed up for tomorrow,” Courtney stood and Daniel stood too. His hand make it to her arm again, this time it squeezed a little.
His breath was near her face, “I don’t think you should go back to your room tonight. There may be someone out looking for you. I tracked several suspicious men on this floor just before you left the bar. Courtney froze a second, “Wait, how did you know when I left the bar?” Courtney rolled her eyes, “spies, all of you,” then she swore in German and moved away from him. Daniel let go of her. Courtney walked out of his room and into the hallway, towards the stairwell to her own floor. Daniel stared as the door closed, and chuckled to himself, “She’ll be back, but in the meantime, I have the intel.” Daniel called into HQ and gave his report, sent the files, made sure to copy them and then discarded the thumb drive in the room safe punching in the code, 4152. It clicked and locked with a beep. He closed the closet door and sorted himself out for the night. Tucking his gun under his pillow. He laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling.
@scariusaquarius @middleearthpixie @sweetestgbye @riepu10 @enchantzz @lathalea @legolasbadass @evenstaredits @amylupotter
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hola-mi-bebebe · 5 months
i, i went to hell and back to find myself on crack, i broke the code whoa-oh-oh
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melyluna07 · 4 months
The 2024 Eurovision Season Has Finally Arrived
Another Eurovision season has arrived and I can finally write something about it. I’ve wanted to talk about at least my favorites for a long time, but I haven’t written about it until today, both because I’m at a time when I’m trying to recover myself psychologically and because I find this year less impressive than last year. However, since it is the first semi-final today and I am excited about…
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kropotkindersurprise · 9 months
January 8, 2024 - A few of the many protests that happened this first week of 2024, as hundreds of thousands braved the weather in solidarity with the people of Palestine, and in condemnation of Israel's on-going genocide and fascist occupation. While our governments look away, the righteous people of the world have NOT forgotten our brothers and sisters in Palestine, suffering under the genocidal onslaught of the Israeli state, being murdered with American bombs. We keep marching, blockading, boycotting, and demanding an immediate end to the zionist occupation of Palestine!
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Copenhagen, Denmark
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Michigan, USA / Manchester, UK
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Oslo, Norway
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Milan, Italy / Paris, France / Stockholm, Sweden
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Los Angeles, USA / Switzerland / Dublin, Ireland / Leipzig, Germany
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Melbourne, Australia
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New York City, USA
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kellyrosie · 4 months
Okay but Bambie giving Nemo a crown and Nemo wearing it to the stage is super adorable!!!!
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ohmypuckingod · 4 months
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23 May '24 // SUI vs. GER ↳ 3-1 Win
"For the first time since 2018, you're going to the semifinals..."
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imperatorrrrr · 4 months
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sad Nico photoset, sorry
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lack-of-surprise · 4 months
so again croatia didnt win? and jury votes destroyed everything?
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garisia · 4 months
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I love them
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escmemesandstuff · 5 months
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Randomised sims be like
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eyepatchoflove · 4 months
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lfc-unbelievables · 3 months
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