hanukkahbingo · 11 months
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
WHAT: A fanworks bingo celebrating Jewish (and Jew-ish) characters across any and all fandoms. Write fanfiction and/or create graphics (moodboards, edits, vids, whatever you like) to fill prompts on this overall bingo card. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, submit your fills to the AO3 collection and/or post them on Tumblr to be reblogged and added to the Bingo Masterpost.
WHY: Jewish characters and Jewish fans are often overlooked or erased during the Winter Holiday Season in favor of “Secret Santa” exchanges, Christmas-themed fics, and the idea that ~Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas~ (which spoiler for all fics in this bingo: it’s not). This panfandom Bingo challenge is to celebrate Hanukkah on its own terms and give Jewish characters and fans a place to breathe. :)
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
This is it, folks! The final chapter of SWST is here and I sincerely hope all of you enjoy the ending. It's been a long and winding road to get to this point, but I can truly say that I'm proud of this opus. My deepest thanks to all of my readers (past, present and future) for your support. I'm so happy I could share this with all of you! <3
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lisaswallowswhat · 3 months
hey guys. what the fuck is up with sister wife sex strike
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possumlark · 1 year
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found this but i'm doing it now instead of over a month bc i don't have the patience nor the memory for that also i'm very indecisive so some of these will have multiple answers
1. anakin/vader
2. luke
3. piett
4. obi-wan or ahsoka
5. r2-d2
6. idk if this means vehicle or pairing so
6a. vehicle: millenium falcon
6b. pairing: anidala or hanleia
7. vader or dooku
8. anh or rotj
9. rots
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11. mustafar
12. i am your father
13. "be careful not to choke on your aspirations" - vader
14. ahsoka calling anakin skyguy for the first time in tcw
15. i'm gonna do sad and angry separate
15a. sad: ahsoka leaving the jedi order in tcw
15b. angry: any scene of palpatine interacting with anakin
16. i have a lot more than this but this is what's like readily available in my room
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17. padmé's little i'm radio rebel moment is fun
18. i don't like sand
19. anakin finding out padmes pregnant
20. the award ceremony
21. i am your father
22. helmet removal scene
23. the sequels
24. idk if this means as a person or as a character so
24a. as a person: palpatine
24b. as a character: rey or kylo ren
25. n/a
26. "i have the high ground"
27. "no longer certain, that one ever does win a war, i am, for in fighting the battles, the bloodshed, already lost we have."
28. "be careful not to choke on your aspirations"
29. i have a darth vader figure from 1978 (pictured in question 16) that my mom gave me that i used to have tea parties with when i was little
30. it's just always been in my life and my love for it has continued to grow over time, my mom, who watched it when it first was in theaters when she was 3 and has also been obsessed with it her whole life, introduced me to it through the lego games when i was about 5 and then i watched the movies from there and just fell in love with it
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softgreylo · 2 months
If i had a nickel for every time i watched a story do a 180 at the last second to kill off a lifelong grooming victim whose survival and/or redemption had been heavily foreshadowed, thereby ruining the themes and coherence of the entire narrative to create an ending that angered the character's fans and haters alike, i'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice
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seralica · 9 months
“Oh this looks like a fun deep dive into Star Wars analysis and Jessie Gender is really good, nice”
5 hours later:
Fuck Joseph Campbell and also neoliberalism
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cfmartyrs · 1 year
@jundlcndwastes​ / Juniper liked for a starter from Saufa!
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     “It’s very early. Like, very, very early. What are we doing again?”
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incognitajones · 9 months
I know it's been a million years and you're totally over this pairing but my fave fic of yours from the Reylo days is your "Reconstruction Site" series. <3
Awwwwww, thank you! I wouldn't say that I'm over Reylo; it's more that the current state of the fandom doesn't do much for me. But I'll always be happy that the SWST dragged me headfirst back into fic writing - it was a great time & I met so many wonderful people (like you) 💜
(Also I am totally going to finish that last chapter, I swear)
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redrascal1 · 1 year
Okay, yet another quote from the JCF, but this one actually sums up an attitude I will never be able to understand:
LFL seeing Adam Driver’s Solo Boy as the “true” male lead 
Finn fans are constantly wanting to know why so many of us see Ben/Kylo as such.
It's because it was the Skywalker Saga.....and he was the last one.
For all DLF's eagerness to push forward with new characters and leave Lucas's legacy behind, the entire nine film saga was about the Skywalkers. It began with Shmi, mother of Anakin, and ended with Ben, her great grandson.
DLF made a fatal mistake in 'villainising' Ben Solo - and also, if they wanted us to forget him, hiring a fine, twice Oscar nominated actor to play him plus giving him a tortured, conflicting soul. As a result of this, they created an antagonist that was far more interesting than their lead character.
Compare Rey - especially in TROS - to Kylo. She is nowhere near as compelling, and their eagerness to show her as so superior ( because she's female and they are anxious to show they aren't sexist), only makes her irritating.
Finn meanwhile, who his fans argue was the 'rightful' male lead, is even less compelling,being little more than comic relief.
The big flaw with the characters of both Rey AND Finn is that they are far too good to be true.
Look at their history.
Rey was sold into slavery at four. She spent the next fifteen years scraping an existence salvaging scrap in return for third rate food rations. Someone like this would grow up with a lot of anger in her. But, instead Disney decided to make her into a 'paragon of virtue' rather than the damaged person she should have been. TFA at least showed her very understandable capacity for darkness, but sadly the following films - even TLJ, which I love - didn't develop this further. At the end of the film it would have been a powerhouse twist if Rey had accepted Ben's hand and joined the FO, believing she could have a positive influence on him. Instead, she flounced off to a Resistance she hardly knew because it was the 'right thing to do'. From there we go to TROS, where Rey is essentially allowed to do what she wants without any consequences.
She faces and conquers her 'dark side' in five minutes - unlike Luke, who took several years, and very nearly fell at the end - only being forcibly reminded that he was on the cusp of becoming exactly like his father stopped him.
She accidentally kills Chewie with Force lightning - only to find out, that 'oh, it's ok, he's on another ship'.
She almost kills Kylo by stabbing him with his own lightsabre while he's unarmed - but they decide to give her healing powers (never canon in the films, and rightly so), so she can get away with that as well.
In short, Rey never really gets to challenge her own capacity for darkness and as such, never fulfils her real potential as a complex and intricate character.
Then we get Finn.
Okay, now why should I mention the tv adaptation of Halo along with SW?
Because this series features a character who shows just what Finn should have been.
Pablo Schreiber's MasterChief (aka John) is exactly like the stormtroopers in the SWST. He was abducted as a young boy, and brainswashed, genetically engineered, and trained to do one thing - kill for the organisation that kidnapped him. Like Finn, MasterChief has an 'epiphany' (in his case, coming into contact with an alien artefact), and it compels him to turn against his conditioning and seek a new life, and a new purpose.
But the big difference is.....unlike Finn, MasterChief has killed. He has served his time as a ruthless assassin, and thus his journey isn't just to gain his freedom, but to regain his humanity.
And he has to earn this.
If Finn had been depicted as such, he would have been an amazing character. Instead, he is a 'virgin soldier' who never shed blood before Jakku. People can argue that DLF, after all, are 'for children'. But, SW has always had a 'dark' edge to it.
Han Solo shot first and I refuse to accept anything else. In ESB, Luke loses his hand - gruesome - and we see Han being tortured. In ANH we see the agonised, burned skeletons of Luke's aunt and uncle. And ROTS....the darkest film of all.....ends with Obi Wan, our hero, dismembering Anakin and leaving him to die in agony.
In DLF's Rogue 1, Cassian Andor is seen shooting an innocent man because he would spill secrets of the Resistance if allowed to live.
SW can do 'dark'....it doesn't have to be X rated, of course, but it can do it. And if they had taken this direction with Finn and Rey...what interesting characters they could have been.
Once again, the ST is so full of failed opportunities it breaks my heart.
And as a footnote....Kylo's backstory and his 'grooming' by Snoke should never have been left for supplementary material.
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bubblesandpages · 7 months
I'm still not entirely unconvinced that a lot of Raylo drama wasn't just trolls and I say this knowing someone who during peak SWST relevance would go online and impersonate different people to start fake anti/pro-ship fights then sit back and watch the ensuing flame war they'd started. No I can't get them out of my life.
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hanukkahbingo · 1 year
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo
WHAT: A fanworks bingo celebrating Jewish (and Jew-ish) characters across any and all fandoms. Write fanfiction and/or create graphics (moodboards, edits, vids, whatever you like) to fill prompts on this overall bingo card. During the 8 nights of Hanukkah, submit your fills to the AO3 collection and/or post them on Tumblr to be reblogged and added to the Bingo Masterpost.
WHY: Jewish characters and Jewish fans are often overlooked or erased during the Winter Holiday Season in favor of “Secret Santa” exchanges, Christmas-themed fics, and the idea that ~Hanukkah is Jewish Christmas~ (which spoiler for all fics in this bingo: it’s not). This panfandom Bingo challenge is to celebrate Hanukkah on its own terms and give Jewish characters and fans a place to breathe. :)
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
It's done.
There will be revisions and tweaks to make between now and when I post it in a few days, but I have finished the final chapter of Someday We'll Shine Together. At long last, it is complete.
I'm struggling to distill all of my emotions into words at the moment. This fic has been a part of my life for about three years now. I'm feeling accomplished and proud of myself for really and truly finishing it despite the fact that when I first had the idea, I was convinced this was another of those fleeting inspirational flashes that would never go anywhere and would forever languish in my WIP folder. I got very attached to this story in the process of creating it, and I got even more attached to it when it was one of the things that helped see me through a very difficult time in my personal life. As such, I'm also grieving that it's over and that I now must let it go. Sure, it'll always exist for me to revisit whenever I want, but that feeling is never the same as the one derived from actively working on it.
While I'm still digesting all of these emotions, here's a rough timeline and some background of the fic's development, so you can all see how I finally got to this point. This is pretty personal too, because the two are irrevocably intertwined. (Content warning: death/grief)
Summer 2020: Initial inspiration hits after I rewatched Utena during COVID lockdown.
Fall 2020: Brainworms are on-and-off active, writing short blurbs in a Google doc when they come to me, but there's no true shape to the whole plot yet, it’s just random scenes. It's more or less still strictly a 3H-esque retelling of Utena, and I'm not expecting anything to actually come of these blurbs.
Winter 2020: More blurbs trickle in here and there. The story in my head is starting to divert more drastically from the show.
February 19, 2021: Draft of the pivotal scene at the end of Chapter 15 written. I remember the specific day for this because I wrote it the same day we put down our dog, Clancy. (Writing emotional scenes often helps me process my own emotions.)
April 11, 2021: Creation of my dedicated author's notes file to keep track of the various threads and ideas I'd come up with, especially the backstory about Faerghus and how Dimitri became the Lion Prince. I filled it in like an extended summary or wikipedia entry about the 'verse and the overall plot of the story. I jotted a lot of stuff down between April and June as the brainworms really got to work again.
Summer 2021: I'm starting to entertain the idea of actually seeing this project through. Chapters 1 and 2 are drafted over the summer months, but I hit a block and the self doubt comes roaring right in to deter me.  A LARGE part of my struggle with getting this fic out of development hell was me being unable to get out of my own way.  Every stumbling block I hit (especially early on) was an invitation for my inner critic to resume browbeating me into giving up this “stupid” idea.
September 2021: I finally make up my mind that I'm really going to do this, and I spend the next six weeks ironing out the bumps in the plot and making a chapter-by-chapter outline highlighting the key scenes/plot points/character beats within each one. I organized the various blurbs I had into chronological order and put them under the correct chapter headings. I also started thinking of the best way to get myself to see this project through, as well as what would be a realistic timetable for its completion. I estimated that the final length of the whole thing would be around 350 pages or roughly 150K words. (This is hilarious to me in hindsight.  I severely underestimated the scope of this fic!)
November 2021: I try to do the NaNoWriMo challenge (50K words in a month) to draft as much of the fic as I can. I "only" produce about 35K words in the end, but it was enough to draft Chapters 3 and 4 and write at least one decent-sized blurb within each of all of the remaining chapters.
December 2021: I took a short hiatus from working on SWST to finish Beneath the Ethereal Moon. When that's done, I went over my outline yet again to refine it further and then cleaned up my draft of Chapter 1 with an eye on posting it after right after New Year's. I determined that posting (and writing) one chapter per month should be doable, especially since I have a generous buffer to start with.
January 2022: I get a bad case of cold feet/anxiety and don't post Chapter 1. I'm having trouble getting a feel for Chapter 5 and fail to finish it before the end of the month. (This naturally doesn't help alleviate my self-doubt or silence my very loud inner critic.)
February 2022: Cold feet strike again and I fail to post Chapter 1 a second time. I'm still stuck on Chapter 5 (though I've at least made some progress), and while I'm extremely aware that I'm being my own worst enemy, that doesn't make it any easier to beat back old habits.
March 2, 2022: In the wee hours of the night (it was after midnight), I finally posted Chapter 1 and went straight to bed after. I slept terribly of course, haha.
I wish I could say "and you know the rest from here," but that's not true. Posting Chapter 1 was a huge mental hurdle cleared, but there were other things going on behind the scenes that almost derailed this project for good. The timing was such that if I were more prone to hubris, I'd think that the universe itself was testing my resolve. Or possibly mocking me.
On March 3, 2022 (yes, the day after I posted Chapter 1), my father was admitted to the hospital with a debilitating pain in his lower back. Initially, we thought it might be a flare up of his sciatica or maybe something like a kidney stone, but the truth was far worse. What he had was a spinal epidural abscess caused by a bacterial infection in his blood. He was transported to the ICU of a larger (further away) hospital once the severity of his condition was discovered, and he was pumped full of massive doses of antibiotics. Thanks to that, he stabilized, but what followed after was a long period of uncertainty as he would start to make gains only to suffer a setback. Even once the infection and his pain level were under control, he'd been so severely sick that the bacteria had ravaged his various body systems, leading to issues with his kidneys and his heart.
For 91 days, my family and I were stuck on a wretched rollercoaster of getting hopeful (he was transferred to a rehab facility three different times when it looked like he was improving) and then having our hopes dashed when something would happen that would see him sent back to the hospital (falling out of bed, chest pains, difficulty breathing). Hope began to fade in mid May when he was transferred back to the ICU due to diastolic heart failure, which caused his lungs to fill up with fluid. They tapped his lungs thrice, removing at least a liter of fluid each time, but they kept filling up again despite all the diuretics the doctors were giving him. Then his kidneys began to shut down too. We kept hoping right until the end, but he passed away on June 1, 2022, the day before what would've been his and my mother's 49th wedding anniversary.
(Proof that real life can be even crueler than fiction.)
I was only able to continue updating SWST while my father was sick because of that buffer I'd had, and I very nearly deleted the story from AO3 altogether after he died. I remember ruminating about how futile it was to continue with this project; I'd written almost nothing while he was sick, so my buffer was now gone and I questioned whether or not I'd be able to write, let alone write consistently, with the promised months of grief and general upheaval ahead. Even writing a story that I had, to that point, been passionate about felt utterly pointless.
It was strange though. I woke up on June 2nd thinking that maybe I should go ahead and post chapter 4 anyway, since it was already done and it was one of the chapters I particularly liked. So I did. And in the following days, we had my father's funeral and a part of me felt like I could breathe again. I was grieving yes, but the constant daily stress and uncertainty from his illness was gone, and I think that freed my creative drive to start working again. I remember the first day I sat back down at my computer with the intention to write and how much better I felt in general after I got some words onto the screen.
It's hella ironic that I planned SWST with grief and loss as major themes and it turned out I'd be processing such things myself while writing most of it. I know my own grief affected the story, though it's impossible to say to what degree; I get a lot of catharsis in general from writing emotional scenes, so I tend to go hard on them regardless. It didn't change the plot or direction of the story at all, since that was already planned, but it's certainly safe to say that I channeled a lot of my own feelings into some of the most intense moments. The ending of Chapter 9 stands out in particular as something that felt like it was coming straight out of my own heart.
Even on the hard days when I was feeling too overwhelmed and/or the words just weren’t coming, this story gave me a reason to keep going.  Just keeping the goal in mind and reasserting my resolve to be consistent and see this project through to the end helped me cope.  It both kept me grounded and helped me process what I was going through and it gave me something to look forward to when I uploaded each chapter and anxiously waited to see what the readers would think.
I started this fic as a means of testing myself: testing my commitment to writing consistently, to finishing a long-term project, and to getting over at least some of the many, MANY mental hurdles that have held me back from writing for way too long.  I knew that this story would always be near and dear to me if I managed to finish it, but it became even more precious than I ever could’ve imagined back in 2020.  It hurts that I must say goodbye to it, but…it’s forever mine.  I can say with my whole chest that I MADE THIS THING and I’m so very proud of it! <3
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fred-the-curator · 4 months
I just listened to this little gem and it deserves to be shared with other ears Tenor Fly - Rudeboy Talk Jungle dub - SWST Uploaded by Selecta J-Man via SoundCloud https://ift.tt/9keWIqr Make the community vibrate: a like, a share, or even a comment can transform our cultural mosaic together. 🔊❤️
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possumlark · 2 years
i showed my friend who hasn't seen star wars a pic of salacious b crumb and a pic of klaud and he responded to both of them with "that is a 4k picture of my cock"
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i-am-oshawott · 1 year
Hey buddy…you okay?
Wj swst kohw eo hr.e uti no nwo wgte e
Wa shvq etos buorupetn ellae usi naotup rlsoe
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cfmartyrs · 1 year
@jediaceanik​​ / Kina liked for a starter from Leika’le!
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    “I’m sensing a bit of a negative vibe here.”
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