#Jessie gender
What's funny about this four hour rant video about Jews is that I instantly recognized the photo in the right hand corner
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It's a picture of Jews who were recently liberated from Buchenwald arriving in Haifa
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Which is a really weird picture to choose especially since I don't know how you would choose that picture and not think hmm perhaps things like Buchenwald explains why Israel is important to Jews.
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 months
look if you make a 4 hour video about modern Israeli politics and Zionism, but the words “Likud” and “Kahanism” never once leave your lips… you shouldn’t be making a 4 hour video about modern Israeli politics and Zionism
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redditreceipts · 7 months
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what baffles me is that he doesn't even realise how stupid his point is when talking about white supremacy. yes, we are all socialised under white supremacy. but some of us are socialised as the supreme, and others are socialised as the inferior. or is he really arguing that there is no substancial difference in growing up white vs. growing up Black??
yes, we are all socialised under patriarchy. BUT YOU WERE SOCIALISED AS THE PATRIARCH omg are you really that stupid or are you pretending
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noa-nightingale · 6 months
Okay I... am maybe not the best person to talk about this but I have serious problems with Jessie Gender's new video, When Your Favorite Creator Turns Out to Be Zionist.
Let me first say - I like Jessie Gender. I watched many of her videos and I think she has a lot of very interesting, moving, important things to say about topics like queerness, humanity and such.
But this video just... irked me.
I do not like how she talks about Zionists and Zionism. I have seen how the word Zionist is used against Jewish people. I am not the best person to put it into words but I do not like it when it is used as an insult or implied to be inherently a bad thing.
She seems to use it to mean "person who supports Israel's actions" (implied to support what she calls a genocide throughout the video) and that... is not right.
There are other issues I have as well with the video, like comparing the I/P situation to the Holocaust. There are more things but I am honestly not qualified to speak on them.
Before someone accused me of "supporting a genocide" - I do not. I wish for peace and safety for Palestinians AND Israelis. (And since I have been called a Zionist in the past - I do not consider myself to be one.)
I am just generally disappointed by a creator I like tbh.
I don't think I got my thoughts across very well. I'll be on the lookout for posts made by Jewish people about this video.
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xclowniex · 2 months
I know i shouldn't have expected much from Jessie Gender considering her last video on the topic, but it is really annoying that her video ended up as just pseudo intellectual word salad meant to justify to herself and other goyim that they aren't antisemitic, and that antisemitism is not a big issue on the left as it's only *some* leftists and she doesn't claim that handful of leftists.
And, a lot of the issues with her video could have been avoided if she dedicated even 30m of the 4 hour long video to a jew to explain in their own words, zionism and the rise of antisemitism.
I've talked before about how the western idea of zionism is hyperfixated on khanism as the definition of zionism, instead of the Jewish idea of it being a bad and unpopular branch of zionism. And that zionism as an idea has nothing to do with Palestinians, and only when you get into how to implement it, do Palestinians become involved. As well as that two state solution zionism and land for all zionism is the most popular form of zionism amongst jews.
It seems like instead of gaining a Jewish perspective on zionism, like the one I just gave, Jessie decided to focus on only deforming things to fit the preconceived belied she has. Even with antisemitism, she again went into things ignoring any jewish perspective.
Just like how with any form of bigotry, the group not targeted by it is going to not notice it as much, which is still very much true with her. She is not Jewish, and therefore doesn't notice antisemitism as much as jews do. This is usually remedied by people listening to jews. Except, she didn't do that.
I do understand that she consulted two jews on her video, however I do not think that speaking to only two jews gets a big enough picture on any topic relating to jews as a whole. This is because A) two is not a good sample size for community opinion and B) not every jew is knowledgeable on everything relating to jews and judaism. It would have been nice for her to have reached out to some jewish organizations to get a wider picture.
Overall, I think she had an opportunity to get things right, but didn't go for it so she could soothe her ego from the antisemitism allegations (which are true).
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ftmtftm · 9 months
Still on semi-hiatus! But! I wanted to draw attention to the video Jessie Gender just posted responding to some of the criticism re: transandrophobia and her Barbie video [ here ]
I think it's a very earnest conversation to be had and I want to use my small~ish platform to put more eyes on it! I really appreciate that she made the video and is open to feedback - and I'm excited to see the next essay she describes towards the end.
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evertomorrowart · 9 months
Best of YouTube 2023
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Yes, I did spend the first week and change of January on this. I wish I could have had it done for New Years, but too many people came out with incredible work in December, so waiting turned out for the best.
What these creators do are a huge influence on my life, I would honestly have difficulty doing what I do without them. That isn't to say that my favorites of the year are *only* on this image--It was almost impossible to narrow down my favorites. Many creators I wanted to include couldn't fit on a single page, and too many of them made more than one video I wished I could draw too!
But, to all of you, thank you for what you do. You're an inspiration.
For those who don't know, further is an explanation.
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At the bottom center is an artistic masterpiece by Defunctland: "Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History." Over the last several years, Defunctland has risen from delightfully-entertaining commentary on decommissioned theme park attractions to occasionally dropping profound statements on the creation of art itself. "Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History" is worth treating like the cinematic experience it is: No second screen, you sit your ass down in front of a TV, set down the phone, and then you *watch it.* Any Disney, theme park, or independent film fan needs to pay attention to this one.
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Bottom left is Caelan Conrad with their piece "Drop the T - The Deadly Consequences of Gay Respectability Politics." While I do think they've done more visually or artistically-daring pieces before, "Drop the T" is one of the most important videos released on YouTube in today's current climate of hate. We as queer folk (and our allies) need to understand how integral every identity of the queer experience has been since the start of the Civil Rights movement (and before!). While we are not identical, we *are* inseparable, and we deserve having our real history easily accessible.
TERFs and other conservative mouthpieces need not reply. Your opinions are trash. 😘
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I cannot stop watching and rewatching this video by @patricia-taxxon, "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People." It's not just a defense of furry fandom and its eccentricities, it's a thoughtful and passionate analysis of what the artform achieves that purely human representation can't. Patricia goes outside of her usual essay format to directly speak to the viewer about the elements that define furry media (the most succinct definition I've ever heard) and just how *human* an act loving animal cartoons really is.
As an artist who can draw furry characters, but never really got into erotic furry art, this video is a treasure. Why did I choose to have her drawn as a Ghibli character, hanging out with one of the tanukis from "Pom Poko?" Guess you'll have to watch, bruh.
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Philosophy Tube continuously puts out videos that I would put on this list--I'm not even sure that "A Man Plagiarised my Work: Women, Money, and the Nation" is the best work she released in 2023. However, this video got many conversations going between myself and my partner, and the twist on the tail end of the video shocked us both to such a degree that I had no choice.
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At the very tail end of the year, Big Joel released "Fear of Death." On his Little Joel channel, he described it as the singularly best video he's ever done, and I'm inclined to agree. However, for this illustration, I ended up repeatedly going back to a mini-series he did earlier in the year: "Three Stories at the End of the World." All three videos are deeply moving and haunting, and I was brought to tears by "We Must Destroy What the Bomb Cannot." While it may be relatively-common knowledge that the original Gojira (Godzilla) film is horror grappling with the devastation America's rush to atomic dominance inflicted on Japan, Big Joel still manages to bring new words to the discussion. Please watch all three of the videos, but if, for some reason, you must have only one, let it be "We Must Destroy What the Bomb Cannot."
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Y'all. Let me confess something. I hate football. I hate watching it, I associate seeing it from the stadiums with some of my worst childhood experiences, I despise collegiate and professional football (as institutions that destroy bodies and offer up children at the feet of its alter as a pillar of American culture)--
I. L o a t h e. Football.
F.D. Signifier could get me to watch an entire hour-plus essay on why I should at least give a passing care. AND HE DID IT. I might think "F*ck the Police," the two-parter on Black conservatism, or his essay on Black men's connection to anime might be "better" videos, but this writer did the impossible and held my limited attention span towards football long enough to make a sincere case for NFL players--and reminds us that millionaires can *in fact* be workers. That alone is testament to his skill.
Sit down and watch "The REAL Reason NFL Running Backs Aren't Getting Paid." Any good anti-capitalist owes it to themselves.
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CJ the X continuously puts out stunning, emotional videos, and can do it with the most seemingly-inconsequential starting points. A 30 second song? An incestuous commercial? Five minutes of Tangled? Sure, why not. Go destroy yourself emotionally by watching them. I'm serious. Do it.
Their video Stranger Things and the Meaning of Life manages to to remind us all why the way we react to media does, in fact, matter. Yes, even nostalgia-driven, mass-media schlock. Yes, how we interact with media matters, what it says about us matters, and we all deserve to seek out the whys.
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Folding Ideas has spent the last few years articulating exactly why so much of our modern world feels broken, and because of that his voice continuously lives rent-free in my brain. While the tricks that scam artists and grifters use to try to swindle us are never new, the advancement of technology changes the aesthetics of their performances. Portions of Folding Ideas' explanations might seem dry when going into detail of how stocks work in This is Financial Advice, but every bit of it is necessary to peel back the layers of techno-babble and jargon and make sense of the results of "Meme Stocks."
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Jessie Gender puts out nothing but bangers, her absolute unit of a video about Star Wars might be my new favorite thing ever, but none of her work hit so profoundly in 2023 than the two-parter "The Myth of 'Male Socialization'" and "The Trauma of Masculinity." There's so much about modern life that isolates and traumatizes us, and so much of it is just shrugged off as "normal." We owe it to ourselves to see the world in more vivid a color palette than we're initially given.
Panels drawn after Kate Beaton and "Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands."
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"This is Not a Video Essay" is one of the most intense and beautiful pieces of art I've ever put into my eyeballs. Why do we create? What drives us to connect?
I don't even know what else to say about the Leftist Cooks' work, it repeatedly transcends the medium and platform. Watch every single one of their videos, but especially this one.
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The likelihood you are terminally online and yet haven't heard of Hbomberguy's yearly forrays into destroying the careers of awful people is pretty slim. Just because it has millions of views doesn't mean that Hbomberguy's "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" isn't worth the hype. Too long? Shut up, it has chapters and YouTube holds your place, anyway. You think a deep dive into a handful of creators is only meaningless drama? Well, you're wrong, you wrong-opinion-haver. Plagiarism is an *everyone* problem because of the actual harm it creates--the history it erases, the labor it devalues, the art it marginalizes--which you would know if you watched "Plagiarism and You(Tube)".
Watch. The damn. Video.
In fact, watch all of them!
Thanks for reading this if you did.
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aranock · 9 months
Jessie Gender and my nearly 6 hour magnum opus on the politics of star wars is now up.
We have been working on this for over a year, I did 17 minutes of animation for it, please share it around and give it a watch.
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the-library-alcove · 2 months
Watching Jessie Gender pull a James Somerton (i.e. reuploading a video with an unacknowledged redaction, because acknowledging it would be tantamount to admitting that you did no research) really just goes to show the utter lack of integrity among the "antizionist Left". You're literally using a tactic that a serial plagiarist used to avoid culpability rather than admit that you fucked up.
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botanical-babes · 2 months
CW: political cults, Jessie Gender, if you wanna stop hearing about her then scroll on
this is about why this cancelling is not like all other cancellings :V
Someone (not vagueing, i literally just dont remember the url as i post this, u can @ urself if u wanna lol) asked, validly, why people are so upset over Jessie Gender when she has barely any following, and not someone like Hasanabi who has a much bigger following.
And I think the reason a lot of us feel betrayed by Jessie is that she WASNT a politics channel. For all the "Lefttube" cult* (we will revisit this) changed her, she used to stick mostly to stellar commentary on Star Trek and very personal trans issues. This is what I think most of us loved from her before all this -- I think the Sex in Star Trek series being abandoned for all this shit is just a tragedy, for one. SO many Jews love Star Trek. It is perhaps one of the quintessentially Jewish shows of all time. And now she stabs us in the back -- et tu, Brute?
But I think the other thing is that we've actually just witnessed someone be subsumed into a political cult and watched them post one of the most bigoted things they have ever posted, as a result. :(
For a long time, I have watched what we know as LeftTube/BreadTube/etc start to grow, and I thought it started off fine enough, a group of creators similar enough that they started to become friends, show on each others channels, and collaborate.
But lately, and I think I noticed it especially with Foreign Man, I just feel like ... when someone gets accepted into the LeftTube clique, they undergo this process of Leftist sanitization and brainwashing into talking about a really specific loop of topics in a real specific kinda way. Its hard to talk about without visual examples, because like. Pre-Breadtube Foreign Man videos feel very different to the hyper-polished post-Breadtube videos in a way that shows he had to learn how to walk and talk and look like the rest of the group.
Its to a point that if you dont do that, they do ostracize you and treat you like you're stupid, like they did to Kidology who I think deserved private guidance and not a mass public shaming like she's an idiot instead of confused and working with some bad theory. I think F.D. had a responsibility to educate her on trans issues, and he actively made the decision not to because "I wont debate the rights of trans people, that makes me a bad ally." Like no, not educating others when you're in a position to do so makes you a bad ally. That's just one example of another minor but telling issue around Lefttube and how they operate.
And ... idk, I think for me there is an aspect of mourning the loss of a person to a political cult that comes with me leaving Jessie Gender behind. I genuinely don't think she can understand her bigotry until she steps back and puts being a leftist and "on the right side of history" lower on her priority list underneath "looking at the big picture and realizing how I am impacting other people."
We need to start talking more about Leftist political cults. Because I think we are looking at a lot more of them than we currently wanna recognize. And I think the video essay sphere of Breadtube is one of em. (I dont know enough about debate bro lefties to know if that has the same problem.)
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
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So very much this.
Like, there's this scene in Picard, season 3, where they all go onto the reconstructed Bridge of the Enterprise-D.
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and, you know, it's supposed to hit you right in the feels, but the problem (one of them) is that Lower Decks and Prodigy had both already done lovingly detailed reconstructions of the TNG bridge less than 2 years earlier.
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Contrast this with Scotty returning the original Enterprise bridge in TNG "Relics" back in 1992:
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it was the first time that this bridge had appeared since the animated series in the 70s, and it wouldn't turn up again on screen until ENT "Through a Mirror Darkly" nearly 13 years later.
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And, on each occasion, it was vastly more impactful than it would have been otherwise.
Pandering to nostalgia is how franchises die.
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I hope James Somerton is alive and looked after. Being a plagiarist does not make you deserve death by suicide. There can be redemption for James. There can be a life for James. Just not on YouTube. I hope he realises that.
I also hope Hbomb has people to support him. All he did was make a thorough video about plagiarism and its consequences. He wasn’t mean. He wasn’t unfair. He wasn’t harassing. He explicitly condemned harassing James. Harry did his job, and did it with as much due diligence and empathy as he could. I hope people jumping to blame him realise that. The worst things said about James were not said by Harry, not by a long shot. Hbomb is not responsible for people who do exactly the opposite of what he supported.
Also, I hope that the people blaming Harry understand that this might be what James wants. If you don’t have any hope left, you might just settle for revenge. Plenty of people make their last (public) act a spiteful one. This is why blame is not helpful. Whether James genuinely does something or not, blame further exacerbates the situation.
I just hope James hasn’t done anything irrevocable. Even if you can’t find it within yourself to have sympathy for him, imagine what his suicide could do to Hbomb, Jessie Gender, Dan Olson, Todd in the Shadows or ex-Patreons who voiced their disdain.
It’s a horrific possibility and we should all pray it does not happen.
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 months
okay I think Jessie took the Black Hebrew Israelite bit out bc I can’t for the life of me find it and she definitely shaved 17 seconds off the video since I saw it
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that’s hardly the only racist DARVO shit she tries to pull in the video but it’s one of the most obvious examples of the ignorance she proudly showcases throughout
absolutely wild that it was ever in there, but good that she isn’t spreading that particular bit of disinfo that we’d have to contend with for the rest of our lives
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joudama · 9 months
Don‘t give James Somerton clicks by watching his video. Watch this one instead.
(But James did leave comments on, so it might be worth giving him a click just to see everyone telling him that apology video ain’t it)
Edit: OMFG Somerton deleted the apology video. Y’ALL,
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doomdoomofdoom · 5 months
Apparently there's currently discussion in science (humanities in particular) about whether video essays could be accepted as academic writing on par with the academic papers we currently have
I think that's awesome as fuck tbh
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A video essay by Jessie gender (she has great st videos I recommend checking her out) about early star trek fandom
The women who pioneered it, secured a second season, and wrote the first zines and fan fictions! Also the complicated relationship between them and the production crew.
Not to forget spocks rise in popularity, and Shatners humongous ego that almost sunk the whole show from the inside.
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