#don’t know why my brain decided to choose today of all days to make this lonstanding headcanon coherent
kemendin · 1 year
I have a personal headcanon that traditionally, pureblooded Sith children are raised pretty much gender neutral. When and if a child starts expressing some sort of gender inclination, then that’s how they’re treated, no questions asked.
Purebloods have never really struck me as all that fussed about gender overall. And I think this would bleed out into how they view other species as well, just - not really placing much import on anyone else’s gender either.
Obviously bloodlines are rather important to purebloods, so biological sex is certainly taken into consideration when it comes to continuing a family’s bloodline, but often it’s more a matter of convenience than anything else. And science being what it is in the Star Wars universe, there are certainly ways to get around any biological incompatibilities when it comes to procreation.
I just think that purebloods would rather be placing priority on raising their kids to be powerful and cunning and all those good traits than to be worrying about things like gender and what’s in someone’s pants.
(Also despite what SWTOR says I think pureblood features like types of facial spurs and browstalks and chintacles are just universal and not tied to biological sex, fight me)
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astarionancuntnin · 1 month
Hyello! I don’t know if you do requests but I thought I’d ask so the request is that x reader is honestly pretty badass and Astarion does something that pisses her off and so she barges into his tent after a long day to tell him off and fight him but decides that amidst the anger there is also hunger and decides theres a a way he can make it up to her and smutty content insues, preferably very like animalistic?? think closer by nine inch nails lol i do like the idea that they're both fighting for dominance in the interaction, you choose which one wins lol hope I’m not bothering you
did i listen to closer on repeat to bring you this? perhaps
and i never really put it out there, but hell yeah im taking requests! thank you for being my first <3
(also thank you for your patience i was heavily focused on my last chapters for die for you before approaching this ask and then it really went overboard LMAO you said "animalistic" and i took it literally, i hope you enjoy!)
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Run, Little Fox
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pairing: astarion x reader!ranger!tav
rating: E
word count: 5.1k
cw: 18+. smut, biblicaly accurate Astarion primal!astarion, predator/prey, knife play (if you squint), rivals/hate sex, mildly dubious consent, fighting for dominance, p in v, blood/vampire bites, creampie, very slight somnophilia (but id rather mention it, never too safe)
read on ao3
or keep reading down below~
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That’s it. 
That was once too many.
This brat of a rogue had gotten on your nerves more times than you could recall, and today you decided you had enough. Your group trusted and respected your position as their leader, a brave and cunning ranger whose decisions everyone agreed with — as they were for the greater good — so why couldn’t he do the same? It wasn’t enough that he questioned your every move in front of everyone else, no, he grew bored of you ignoring his remarks. He just had to act on his impulses and get you in trouble this time. 
You had intended on getting information out of a group of adventurers, when he had tried to pickpocket them in the middle of your discussion, and when he got caught, things obviously went south. You tried to talk things down, but they wouldn’t hear it. One thing led to another and next thing you know, they laid in a pool of their own blood and you stood with no more information than you started with. All of it, because of him, and he had the gall to say it was your own fault for not defusing the situation better. Really?!
The stress of this adventure — the impending doom that those tadpoles in your brains were — was already enough weight on your shoulders, you didn’t want to deal with Astarion’s trickery on top of it anymore. No — you couldn’t. You had enough of his unnerving attitude; enough of his shameless flirting when it was clear you weren’t interested; enough of his impetuous disdain and insolence that matched your own. Tonight, you would set the record right.
Once back at camp after this horrendous, unending day by his side, the first thing you do after dropping your loot and equipment at your tent, is bolt straight for Astarion’s. 
Still covered in a mix of your sweat, today’s unfortunate souls’ blood — and your own — you burst through the entrance of Astarion’s tent without so much as a warning to find him peacefully laying, with one arm behind his head and the other already flipping through the pages of a book he had found, and most certainly stolen, during today’s stroll.
He barely lifts his head to notice your intrusion, his eyes darting your way, half-lidded. “Looking for a cuddle?” 
The sheer audacity of the smirk he gives you. 
“You—” You fully step into his tent, staring him down with an anger that couldn’t be contained, as you close the flaps behind you, “Have been a pain in my ass for long enough.”
He scoffs, “Darling, we haven’t been close like that yet — unless this is your way of asking?” He closes his book and puts it aside to focus on you, as he rests on his elbows, his taunting smile never leaving his lips. What you wouldn't give to wipe it away from his smug face.
“The last thing I want is you anywhere near me.”
“You see,” he checks his nails, bored. “I have a hard time believing that, dear.”
“Get over yourself.” You cross your arms over your chest, annoyed at how well he could annoy you. “What makes you think I want anything to do with you after the commotion you caused today?”
“For one, you came to me, in my tent. If that's not a dead giveaway, I don't know what is,” his eyes dart back to you. “And to further prove that point, you still haven’t left — even though you claim I am the reason for your frustration. Really, it's as if you relished my company after all.”
You open your mouth to contradict him, but your words are left hanging when he gets up, his shirt slightly unbuttoned revealing the lines of his muscles concealed underneath and you can’t help but let your eyes wander longer than you intended, gulping as you do so. He chuckles lightly before he speaks up again.
“Secondly, I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me.”
Your eyes shoot up to his face again, and you ask defensively, “Would you rather have me not look at you?”
He gives you a mischievous look as he eyes you up and down, and he meets your gaze with just as much intensity.
“Third, and lastly, I can smell you, darling.”
“I haven't washed yet.”
“You know that isn't what I'm referring to.”
Your heartbeat quickens, as the air seems to draw out of the tent, “Well, whatever you think this is, isn't your doing,” you lie plainly in the hopes he buys it, but his smirk leads you to believe he sees right through it.
“You’re not fooling anyone but yourself, dearest.” He tilts his head, a long silence settling in between the two of you, with your breathing as the only sound audible in the space of his tent. “Maybe… There's another reason you might be frustrated. That all this, pent up anger building inside, is because of something else that you can’t control.” He closes the distance between the two of you, stopping but a whisper away from your face, and his voice gets lower, deeper. “Something that you would rather not have to deal with, but for some reason just can’t get rid of. Something that just rubs you the wrong way, and is the same reason why you can’t help but want to stay in my presence.” 
You scoff, challenging his gaze, “If that something you’re referring to is you, Astarion, then you’re right — you are the sole reason of my frustration as of late, but I could do without your irritating presence.”
“Oh, but I could make it much more pleasurable.” 
You lean back, and turn your head aside, trying to make some distance between the two of you, ”You give yourself too much credit.”
He slides a finger down your throat, leaving an unexpected shiver in its wake as he exposes your neck, when he pushes your vagabond strands of hair away, before he continues.
“Why don’t you give me a chance to show you exactly what I mean? We would both benefit from this, really; I could fix your predicament, and in exchange, I could receive… a little something from you in return.”
You contemplated the opportunity laid before you for just a second before opting for the reasonable choice. You grab his hand, pulling it away from you and when you speak up again, the anger in your voice is gone, leaving place for your much smoother, yet very assertive tone. “If you want my blood, you’ll have to earn it.”
You release his hand and he keeps it in the air where you left it, cocking his head to the side as he looks at where your hand had held him, “Earn it, you say?”
You nod, “We wouldn’t want you to become soft now, would we?” A smile of your own takes place on your lips. “If I am to be your meal, it’s only fair that you work for it.”
His eyes dart back to yours as a smirk appears on his lips, “I’m all pointy ears.”
“I’ll be hiding in the woods. If you can find and catch me, you get to drink from me. But if I catch you instead, you’re never getting a drop from me.”
He sighs, “That’s hardly a fair proposition, darling.” As you’re about to contradict him, he continues, “Here’s mine instead: if you catch me, fine — I’ll keep chasing boars and whatnot in the woods — but if I catch you…” He leans over the crook of your neck, whispering. “I get to drink from you every. night.”
You grab him by the chin, bringing him face to face with you, “If I catch you, you don’t get to put the party at risk anymore. You will be kicked out of the camp if you do.” If you had to put your vitality on the line, he had to bet something just as valuable.
His fangs glow in the faint lighting of his tent as he smiles. “Deal.”
You drop his chin as he steps back and you notice how something about him seems to be shifting; the pupils of his eyes widen, darkening; his own breathing stops; the hands at his side turning into claws, with his long and sharp nails peaking out, ready to hunt. There was nothing left of the rogue in distress that you picked up a few weeks ago, who could’ve pretended to be nothing more than an innocent, but rather pale, elf. 
When he opens his mouth to speak again, you spy his elongated fangs; much longer than you remember them to be, and his voice—
You don’t lose a second more; the vision of nightmares before you triggered your fight or flight reaction and without your weapons, the choice was clear. You turn around and slide through the flaps of his tent, bolting straight for your tent, where you quickly manage to pick up your trusty dagger and your set of bow and arrows.
Thankfully, everyone else at camp had gone off to bed, so no one notices you as you pick a frantic run towards the deep woods, making distance from the hungry vampire on your tracks. 
The woods are dark, with only the faint light of the moon guiding your tracks. Once far enough, or so you think, you hide behind a tree to control your breathing; you had no intention to lose to this, you needed all the advantages you could get. With your experience as a ranger, you were almost assured to catch him off guard.
What you had seen in his tent before sprinting off was like nothing you had ever seen before. Of course, you knew Astarion was a vampire, but this was… different.
A beast, straight out of those scary bedtime stories you recall from your childhood; a monster guided by his thirst for flesh and blood, who would show no mercy, no remorse. It was merely enough to make you question this challenge with him, Gods, how embarrassing would it be to lose your life to a stupid game you had initiated purely out of spite?
The rustling of leaves nearby brings you back into focus, the adrenaline in your veins keeping you on edge for any sound. You ready your bow before you peek out of your hiding spot to aim where you heard the sound and wait patiently for another moment, your eyes never leaving the bush right until you hear another crack — right when you release the arrow, your aim striking true as you hear a loud thud. You wait a few more seconds, and when no sound can be heard from the bushes you leave your cover, advancing towards your prey. When you push the branches away, you’re face to face with none other than—
A boar.
Shit. Well — guess you caught your next meal.
Another rustling of leaves has you drawing out your bow again, ready to strike, but you’re unable to tell where it comes from.
“How does it feel, little fox?” You hear him through the woods, his deep and raspy, but unnatural voice almost echoing through you. “To be the one being hunted?”
“I’m hunting you, too, in case you forgot,” you mumble mostly to yourself, not wanting to draw out more attention and telling on your location. 
Although you were confident in your capacities, you couldn’t deny the fear building up in your chest. The unnerving feeling of knowing he was around, knowing he was onto you, but unable to find him through the dense woods, the reminder of what he looked like before you ran for your life, a creature of darkness—
“Keep running, you delicious little thing,” his voice already seems to be coming from somewhere else, where exactly you couldn't tell, as if he was constantly moving and it came from everywhere all at once. “You’re making this too easy for me.”
Damn him. He could be anywhere, it was useless to stay there, out in the open, when he was clearly onto you. Then again, he could also intentionally be pushing you to run, only to lead you into a trap of his, right where he wanted you to be. 
No, you’re smarter than this. You won't let your emotions get in the way of this: you were a hunter, born and raised for this kind of situation.
He is just another prey; you can outsmart him. You are better than him.
You put away your bow and arrows; you know your long range weapons would be of no use to you if you couldn’t see your target. If he’s trying to make you run, he has to be further ahead, so the smart choice would be to go back on your tracks.
You turn on your heels in a heartbeat and start sprinting in the opposite way, not even bothering to look behind you for any sign of him, as you hear the clear rustling of branches around you. At this moment, you know he’s right on your tail, the sounds of the forest barely covering the sound of his own movements between the trees — if that was even him. You assume it is, but who’s not to say it isn’t just another boar? Either way, all you can do now is keep running, hoping he will tire before you.
But you were against a creature of the night, someone — or rather something, now — much more in its element, in the darkness of the woods, than you were. 
You don’t run for long before you stop abruptly in your tracks to change directions, leaving the clear road for the crowded forest, where you think you could lose him.
You're temporarily reassured when you don't hear him anymore, and allow yourself to breathe again. Your heart is pounding in your chest, faster than ever, as the fear of being chased — of your life being on the line — created a warmth within you that pooled right down to your core. The risk of being caught, as for once you’re the prey, and you can’t explain it, but it excites you. Although Astarion had gotten on your every nerve, you had to give it to him — he was right that his unnerving attitude had gotten a rise out of you in the most carnal way — but you’d never admit it to his face.
A good minute passes by with no sign of him, and you feel safe enough to peek out of your hiding spot, investigating the beaten path for any sign of life. When you’re met with a dead silence, you move away from the tree you had been leaning against, only to come face to face with Astarion, who drops from the branches just above you. His eyes are somehow a much deeper shade of red, his pupils fully blown out, and he even seems taller as he smiles down on you, and that’s when you perceive the additional fangs that appeared next to the smaller ones you knew. 
You’re fixated on his sudden presence, assessing your opponent the way you would a wild animal, and you remain unmoving, focused on your own breathing.
“Nowhere left to run, I’m afraid,” the voice that comes out of his mouth is otherworldly, almost a growl and nothing like his sultry voice he used to try and charm you before. It’s as if anything that once made him pass as a mortal was gone the second you ran off from him.
You want to turn around and sprint in the opposite direction, but he's faster than your thoughts. Before you can even move a finger, he grabs you by your neck, his sharp nails digging into your skin enough to draw blood as he pushes you against the nearest tree, slightly lifting you from the ground. Instinctively, you reach for your dagger, but he is fast to catch onto your intentions and takes it away from you, throwing it on the ground far from reach. With no other options left, you reach for his hand around your neck, trying to hold on as your vision blurs from the chokehold he had on you. 
“Caught you, little fox,” he leans into your neck where you bled from to breathe you in, and licks your skin from the bottom of your neck up to your jaw, tasting your sweat mixed with the dry blood left on you. Your camp clothing leaves you dangerously exposed as opposed to your armour, and he had every intention to take advantage of it. “You will make a fine meal indeed.”
He presses his entire body against you, and you can feel not only his oddly cold breath down your neck, but also his hard bulge rubbing against your navel, right above the heat between your legs. 
A particularly bad idea crosses your mind, and you know you’ll blame it on the lack of oxygen later, but for now, it’s the only option you have.
Your hand slides down to his crotch, where you squeeze his length through his trousers, making him shudder against you and loosening his grip on your throat. You take this chance to free yourself as you quickly push him away and against the earthy ground of the forest, pinning him down using your entire body weight. You land right next to your knife and grab it just in time before he comes to his senses, now holding it against his throat.
“I win,” you say, breathless, over him.
You remain unmoving, with the threat of your knife keeping him in place, but unsure what to do next — until he laughs. You’re taken aback, but you keep your position, pressing your blade deeper into his throat.
“Well done.” His voice softens, still deeper than what you’re used to, but less guttural than it was a minute ago. “You have me completely and utterly helpless. What will you do next, I wonder?”
You don’t get to answer before you feel him moving under you, his hardness rubbing against that sweet spot between your legs. Your breathing quickens once again, caught off guard by the delicious movement of his hips against you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You ask, the words almost getting stuck in your throat.
“Fulfilling my part of the bargain, of course.”
“That’s not—” he lifts his hips higher, the tip of his crotch rubbing against your clit, and your body tenses at the contact. He’s rock hard and between your thin camp clothes, it's almost as if you were rubbing skin to skin against each other. A pleasurable shiver running across your spine, and you allow yourself to close your eyes for just a moment, fighting between giving in to your desires or stopping yourself from letting this go any further; it was clear which side of you was winning over, as your hunger for that something more was becoming impossible to ignore. You soften your grip on his wrist and your dagger against his throat, and that’s all he needs to gain back dominance over you, flipping you back under him and seizing your wrists to pin you down the same way you had him only seconds ago.
“Now,” he says, “this is much better, don’t you think?”
“Oh you prick,” you groan, fighting to free yourself from his grip on you, but he only tightens his grasp around your wrists. His immortal strength beats yours and your hand twists under his crushing grip, making you finally release your knife.
You curse under your breath for letting yourself be bested by the most annoying member of your party; the one who you had dreamed to put back in his place was now dominating you instead. A mix of anger and shame swirls in your stomach, along with something else that you want to deny, but can’t for the life of you understand.
Your eyes meet his, dark and hungry and so incredibly close to you. His lack of breath is strange in comparison to yours, so heavy that your chest rises with each breath you take, brushing against him. It wasn't a position you were used to, either, and you find yourself liking it more than you thought you would; with his entire body pining against yours, his legs surrounding yours and keeping them closed together, your wrists held strongly above your head; a prey caught by her predator.
You remain unmoving in this position for what feels like an eternity, until he licks his lips, his eyes falling to the space in your neck that was exposed just for him.
He leans into you, his deep voice shooting a warmth straight to your core. “This little game of yours made me quite hungry.”
You gasp when you feel his bulge rubbing against you once more and touching that sweet spot that made you rub your thighs together. 
“Perhaps,” he whispers, “you've grown an appetite of your own, little fox?”
You take a few breaths, "If you wanna feed, be my guest. You…” you sigh, defeated. “You earned it. Just— be quick about it.”
You turn your head aside, looking away and giving him space to feed, only for him to lean back, “Quick? Oh darling, you’re mistaken if you don’t think I won’t draw this out as long as I possibly can.”
He pushes your wrist up above your head where he can hold them both with one hand, while his other hand slides down to your chest, his sharp nails grazing against the curve of your breast. You close your eyes as his hand continues its journey down your navel, and into your pants, rubbing against the moist spot that kept growing in your panties.
“But don’t worry — I’ll make sure we both get our fill tonight,” he growls.
Your hips move of their own accord, wanting more of him and his touch, almost against your own will.
“Greedy, greedy, little fox.” He flashes a toothy smile, “Can't get enough? I'm not surprised.”
Your eyes open back up and you stare at him, frustrated, “Gods, do you ever shut up?”
“You have such a way with words.” He sighs, pulling his hand out of your pants. “You know, it's a wonder we haven't gotten killed because of your social prowess.”
“If you think you’re so much better than me, why don’t you—”
His lips collide with yours into an hungry kiss, one bold enough to shut you right up. A part of you is disgusted, furious, even, that he would push himself onto you, but your body’s reaction betrays you, as you kiss him back with the same intensity. It’s sloppy, his elongated tongue invading your mouth and rubbing against yours, until he bites into it and sucks, letting your crimson hit his lips. 
You moan as you pull back, rolling your tongue around to feel the puncture he made, and he smiles down on you, his teeth tainted by your blood.
“Ah… delicious.”
Something comes over you, a supernatural strength — almost animalistic — and you flip him back around on his back to take control once again. Your dishevelled hair frames your face over him, and he gets to see you panting, teeth bared, with angry eyes towering over him. There's a flash of surprise in his eyes before they take back their lusty look, and his hands fly to your shirt, ripping it open as his nails tear through the fabric as if it were air. Your shirt is quickly discarded, exposing your skin to the cool night air that raises the hairs on your back.
In the frenzy, you give the same treatment to his shirt, using that strength to destroy his clothing and revealing the very muscles you spied earlier in his tent. He raises himself up to meet you where you sat over his hips, his mouth finding yours  and kissing you feverishly as he did before, while his hands work to remove your pants. 
With a grunt from him, you're pushed back on the harsh forest ground where he rips away your trousers, leaving you only with your panties to cover you. You gasp into his mouth, breathing in his cold breath, when the night air that matches his breath hits the thin fabric of your undergarments. The shock of temperature affects you more than you had anticipated, as you are completely soaked from your arousal that had pooled down there since the beginning of the night. Astarion instantly notices it, and laughs ominously.
“Are you still going to deny it now?” He pushes your underwear aside and slides his dexterous fingers between your folds, discovering just how dire your situation is. “Hells, look at how wet you are, just for me.”
His fingers feel good, and fucking Hells you didn’t want to admit it — he was an absolute asshole — but that ship had sailed a while ago, and now you just wanted to know how good he would feel inside you.
“If you still want to feed, you better do it now before I change my mind,” you groan.
“Change your mind?” He scoffs. “I'm afraid that isn't an option. I won fair and square, little fox; now I get to devour you every night.” He flips you around, the sudden roughness of the earthy floor rubbing against your sensitive nipples making you gasp in surprise. You feel him move behind you, and you're not sure how or when it happened, but he must've removed his own trousers as you feel the ghost of his cock hovering just over your entrance. Your heart threatens to burst out of your chest with anticipation, and this feeling goes into your throat when he grabs you by the nape of your hair and pulls you into him, making you arch your back and clearly exposing your neck to him in the process. “Starting tonight.”
Within the same beat, he thrust into you, his hips slamming hard against your skin, and his fangs dive into the crook of your neck, finally taking what is rightfully his.
You cry out at the stabbing pain in your neck, this one much more different than the first time he bit you, as his elongated fangs dive deeper into your neck to draw out more of your life source, and the additional fangs leave more marks into your skin. It hurts and yet, you find your core growing warmer and wetter; between his bite and his reckless thrusting into you, with the added sensation of his initially cool skin getting warm from your blood. His thrusts gain in speed and force, and in that position, there is nothing else you can do but take it.
Even as you try to reach behind you with that last remaining will to have control, to grab his hair and pull him forward, Astarion takes a hold of your arm and pushes back against you, using his entire body weight to hold you firmly against the rough ground, and his hips to slam into your needy, little cunt. With your hair still pulled back, but your wrist now stuck in his grasp, he continues to take his fill of you with no restriction.
“Look at you, finally put in your place,” he growls as he licks up the drops of blood leaking from the fresh wounds in your neck. “Is this what you’ve been desiring all these times your eyes got lost at the sight of my body? What you’ve been dreaming of? To be properly used, like a bitch in heat? Ravaged by a beast?”
You manage to get a few words out between rushed breaths, sneering.
“F— Fuck. Y— You.”
He snickers wickedly, “I guess that answers my question. Don’t worry, pet. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“Oh you—”
“Shh now,” Before you can even finish your sentence, his hand quickly moves from your wrist to your mouth, muffling any sounds coming from you. “We wouldn’t want to risk waking our dear friends, now, would we? Unless that’s what you want?” You groan in the palm of his hand and he chuckles. “You depraved little thing. I’ll give you just what you desire.”
His hand previously holding your hair goes down your body to hold your hips in place as he fucks you, and his teeth sink into your shoulder on the other side of your neck. The gesture meant only to keep you steady as he fucks you senseless. With his fangs deep into your skin, his nails cutting the soft skin of your hips and his dick pounding your abused cunt, you scream into his hand as you reach your climax. It’s nerve wracking, mind shattering, and leaves you completely drained. 
With a final push inside you, Astarion’s hips still and he growls into your neck, taking his last sip of you, as he pulses around your inner walls, filling you up with his warm seed. Your muscles fail you, as your body goes limp against the earthy ground, and you barely feel anything else — leaving you almost unconscious. Behind you, Astarion pulls out of you, and a weak moan escapes you as you feel his load leaking out of you.
While you’re recuperating from this treatment, Astarion loses his monstrous features: his nails retract, his pupils go back to those annoyingly charming red ruby eyes, his fangs retract just enough to fit back into his mouth, and he mimics breathing again; now passing as a mortal again.
With the minimal strength you manage to gain back, you push yourself up, and gather the few pieces of clothes that were shredded during your nightly session; tomorrow you would definitely need to find new camp clothes, these were the only ones you had and they were utterly ruined. Thank the Gods everyone else was fast asleep and you’ll be able to walk back to your tent without any remarks.
As you’re about to take your leave, completely disregarding the rogue who looked just as messy as you were, you hear him clear his throat.
“It’s always a pleasure to be doing business with you, my dear. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
You roll your eyes before shooting him a glare. “Don’t push your luck.” Your cheeks still flushed, your hair all over the place, and your form barely clothed, making you not as convincing as you had hoped for. 
You only catch a glimpse of his smirk in response to you as you walk away, and when you catch yourself actually looking forward to it, you tell yourself it's only for the opportunity to put him back in his place. 
Perhaps another white lie to coat your true feelings, but no one needed to know about that.
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tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat @nyx-knox @anacdoce @jwera @annnagennnie @angeldarkness95 @marlowethebard @hellethil @frankie-mercury @ariajc79 @lets-just-daydream
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stuffeddeer · 9 months
imagine mistaking beastzai as your usual dazai (you thought he wanted to be emo for a day) and like did usual silly cute things with him then dazai came home and he’s like HUH WHO IS THIS GUY R U CHEATING ON ME :(( but in the end you have… double boyfriends but one’s moody and one’s fucking annoying
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anons that think alike omg telepathy … use ur powers for good!!! two asks in one btw i feel so productive
alsooo beast!dazai would be giddy like a child to be in the main tl w his love… he’d be twirling you around and enjoying what could’ve been before he has to go back!!! all dazais are cringy and in love w u it's true they told me themselves !!!!
“What’s with the outfit?” You spoke bluntly, clearly a little put off by the reappearance of the black coat and red scarf. “Dude, you look like Mori.” Harsh, sure, but your boyfriend worked so hard to walk alongside you in the light, so the last thing you wanted was to see what would’ve been, if not for — 
Dazai smiled, seemingly amused. “Ah, love, it’s merely a costume. Thought you’d get a kick out of it,” he replies easily, pulling off the long red scarf: a staple of the Port Mafia’s boss.
His words help to relax you, letting out a small sigh as you push the coat off of his shoulders. “Let me grab you your coat, I know it’s around here somewhere…” You flittered about your shared apartment, pulling a backup brown coat from its spot buried underneath your closet. “This better suits you,” you speak under your breath as Dazai pulls it on. The fit seems a little… different. Is it somehow looser than normal? You frown.
“Thank you, love,” he repeated the same pet name. It felt as though he missed saying it, which doesn’t quite make sense.
You choose not to dwell on it — maybe seeing him in black again just rewired your brain for a moment. He’s alive and well in front of you and nothing else matters. A nod is all the reply Dazai gets before you slip on your shoes.
“I thought you might have headed to work early when I didn’t see you in bed this morning, but I guess that’s my fault for assuming the impossible,” you decide to tease.
Dazai easily slips behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin against your shoulder. “Mm… I love you, you know that? Let’s skip work today. We can spend time together, ‘kay?”
He’d always been unpredictable and spontaneous, so you merely laughed in response. “I don’t have work today, remember? But you still do.”
Shaking his head, he pouts — there’s the Dazai you love. “Nope!~ I refuse to go into work today. I’m spending my whole day with my love!” He practically jumps for joy, hands moving to gently hold your waist. “Let’s bake cookies.”
There isn’t much you can do, watching with an amused grin as Dazai unties your shoes before dragging you to the kitchen.
“It does not take two hours to make cookie dough…” you sigh, trying to jostle the white flour from your hair. “We baked cookies together, like, two weeks ago! How could we already have forgotten everything…”
Dazai grins, planting kiss after kiss on your cheeks, melted butter staining your skin from when he accidentally tried to drink from the cup you’d used to soften it. “Hard to remember much when I’m with you.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” You chuckled, grabbing a towel from the counter to wipe both your face and his lips.
“Yep!~ It’s like.. my love is so pretty I can’t think when I’m around them! Oh, I could just die in… No! I don’t even want to die! I could live in your arms, grow old together and watch you get all frail and saggy,” Dazai speaks dreamily, swooning over the idea of growing old with you. How sweet.
You push him away gently and begin balling up the chocolate chip cookie dough, pressing it onto the silver pan you made Dazai buy when you first started staying over. “Saggy? No, I’ll be young and beautiful forever,” you joke, but Dazai only nods in response.
“It’s true! No one holds a candle to my love. Why, I wish I could spend every day just staring at you.” Dazai’s voice always sounded teasing when he was with you, but even as you put the last of the cookie dough onto the tray (only had enough to fill one, since Dazai kept spilling, throwing or eating the ingredients..) you could feel the genuineness in his words.
Oven preheated, you slid the sheet in to bake (making sure to start the timer) before turning to Dazai. Before you could get a word in, the front door to your shared apartment creaked open. Heart dropping to your stomach, you grabbed the closest thing to you: a whisk your boyfriend had licked clean. Said boyfriend only seemed to sigh, falling into a more somber mood, head hanging before he sent you a sad smile.
“I think the jig is up, love…”
Your name is called from the front door, the voice… suspiciously familiar. “Are you in there? You weren’t answering your phone and I got worried...” Dazai stepped into your apartment, hanging his keys by the door before turning around (an addition you made, since he tended to forget his and jumpscare you by picking the lock every few days).
The three of you stood still, no words spoken and the only sound being that of your metal whisk dropping to the floor. Spinning from one Dazai to the next, you wiped a splotch of flour from your shirt collar. You felt guilty for some reason, like you were at fault for not recognizing an imposter Dazai, and wanted to make yourself look more presentable.
“Awww, love!” The Dazai at the door pouts, throwing his coat on the floor as he quickly heads over to you. “Are you cheating on me?” He continues, slouching over you to impose as much of his weight as he can. You struggle for a moment, his bone crushing hug enveloping more than you expected.
Guilt still apparent as your tummy twisted, you shook your head. “I didn’t— “
The other Dazai, the one wearing a black tie and covered in various cookie ingredients pouted as well. “Maybe she’s cheating on me! I mean, I can’t believe my love moved in with another man…”
God, this was too confusing. You gently pushed Dazai A off of you, stepping back from the two. “I don’t— “
“I can’t believe this… I head to work early one time and now you’re making cookies for someone else!” Dazai A whined, face smooshed against the oven door’s glass in longing. “I’ll never be on time again! In fact, I think I’ll always have to be late.”
Dazai B pulled Dazai A back towards him by his collar, whispering obnoxiously, “I’ll share the cookies if you share the beautiful partner.”
Dazai A nods in approval, eyes closed and arms crossed like it was the easiest decision to make in the world. “I want half the sheet. And, I want a kiss…” He pouts towards you. Ugh, how annoying.
You deadpan towards the two, no longer feeling guilty. These two were just as much Dazai as they could get. Arms spread, you let Dazai A pull you into a hug so you can give him a proper welcome home kiss. “Both of you are obnoxious. Is that all I’m worth? Half a sheet of cookies?”
“Half a sheet of your cookies,” Dazai B grins. “That’s not something either of us would give up lightly.” The other Dazai nods in agreement.
Both of your stupid, annoying, clingy boyfriends tug on your sleeves, forcing you over to the couch so they can both receive your affections while the cookies bake.
the timer goes off after a while but they both whine about not wanting to let u get up. once you threaten letting the cookies burn they're quick to let go. i hate them both.
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kooahae · 5 months
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Pairing : Idol Namjoon x non idol female reader
Summary: You can’t stay away from him - at least that’s what it feels like the universe is telling you. You and the man of your dreams, somewhere that you both hate, just to end up in a place you both love- his bed.
Genre: very mild angst, fluff, smut.
Warnings: oral (f) receiving, fingering, pussy smacking, Unprotected sex/ he finishes inside ( pls don't do this lol) making out, Namjoon is so sweet but ofc he is! Readers a creamer, Missionary, slight yearning. MDNI
“Before you even ask me , I came ‘cause I knew you’d show up…”
“This isn’t even your scene, what if someone sees you?” You ask, searching the area. You would hate to be at the scene of what you know for sure would make the headlines, Although the 6ft of sin standing in front of you doesn’t seem to care.
Namjoon would be anything you needed. He decided that the moment you entered his life. You affected him. You always have. The first girl who understood him- not just intellectually, but emotionally. It’s always been you. Even if his career made it difficult, he would always choose you. Even right now standing in the middle of the club -where he knew it could get him in to some heavy shit, but none of that mattered. His heart didn’t agree with the opinions clouding his brain about staying away from you. You’re beautiful inside and out, it doesn’t matter how much you attempt to make him uninterested, all the attempts of staying away from you , horrible attempts from you where you tried to be selfless - he on the other hand wouldn’t stop trying. He’s never been a quitter, so why be different today?
“You really shouldn’t be here Joonie.” You say as you pull him somewhere into a dark corner.
The club is not a place Namjoon would decide to spend his time on a Thursday night. Neither would you, you’re only here with your friends-who you abandoned, because you needed an escape. Something to get you to stop thinking about him. Of course, he would be here though. It’s as if the universe pulled you together, no matter how far you tried to run away.
Namjoon can’t take his eyes off of you. He heard you loud and clear but all he’s thinking about is the nickname at the end of your statement. It always sounds so sweet when you say it. Everything you do drives him mad. He didn’t have a choice. It’s been this way from the moment you looked at him. He remembers the day vividly- but it isn’t the time to reminisce. He’s focused on now.
“You missed everything I said…I’m here because of you. I don’t care if I should be or not. I don’t care if it’s not my usual place to kick it at either. I’m here for you.” He reiterates.
He knows you understand. You’re just doing the thing you always do- putting up a wall.
“How long are you in town for?” You sigh. You can’t even believe you’re debating doing this. If only you didn’t want him just as bad.
“Tomorrow afternoon.” He’s searching your eyes. He needs you.
“This isn’t a good idea and you know that…” you roll your bottom lip through your teeth and shake your head before making eye contact with him.
He tilts his head, mimicking the same facial expression you’ve just given him.
“Fuck it. I don’t care. You can leave me after…I can’t stop thinking about you.” He’s pleading at this point but he’s never been too proud to do that either- not when it comes to you.
“Please.” He mutters looking at you. You’re screwed. You were the moment he walked in. You knew that too.
“Fuck it. Take me to your place.” You say. You’ve never been good at pushing him away. Every attempt is always a failure.
Namjoon wastes no time. The quicker he can get you alone, the quicker you can be skin-to-skin. Molded together and intertwined. He sticks his hand out for you to place yours in, and leads you out of the club.
The ride to his place is filled with no words, but tons of sexual tension. You wish you could convince him to stay with you- long term. You have always told yourself to be selfless, let him chase his dreams, and support him as best as you can, so you won’t interfere. You can’t deny it though. Namjoon has always been everything you want in a man. Smart, determined, well-mannered, good in bed, He’s your earth in every sense of the word.
Even now, your enamored as you watch his jaw clench as he parks the car. You reach to undo your seatbelt but Namjoon stops you.
“Come closer.” He says in a low tone, motioning you with his finger closer to his face.
He’s losing his composure. He really is just like you. Eager for what awaits. You do as he says and lean closer, brushibg your nose against his but right before he can make a move. You giggle and send his heart into a frenzy.
“Look who’s all worked up. When I told you to take me to your place, I meant inside.” You plant a kiss on his nose and then open your door.
“Whatever you want, darling.” He chuckles and you have to refrain from jumping on him at that moment. He knows you like it when he calls you that.
Once you make it to the steps, that’s when the fun starts. Your lips are immediately on each other. Hungry, acting like starved animals. When he finally reaches his door he pulls away. He knows you are antsy by the way you’re attacking his neck sucking on his most sensitive spots. He swears, it’s never taken him this long to open a door, and once he finally hears the lock retract he pushes the door open, spins you around so you’re in front of him, picks you up, making you straddle him. Your hands immediately wrap around his neck as you continue kissing him all over.
“You’re fucking needy.” He says nudging your head up so your lips connect and throwing his keys across the counter. Sliding his shoes off and carrying you to the countertop.
“I am. I missed you.” You say, nothing but truth behind your statement.
honesty- a shared trait between you that he respects so much.
You reach for his belt buckle and start to unfasten it.
You only have until tomorrow, you’re not here to waste a second.
As your hands find a place in his briefs, Namjoon starts to remove your top. He’s trying not to rip it off but he fails- he’s eager and you can’t help but laugh again. flinging your hair behind your shoulders, and covering your chest.
“I missed you too.” He says and smiles at you. Capturing your heart, with his dragon-like eyes and deep dimples.
“The counter was a cute idea but, I think I want you in the bed.” He pulls your hands away from your chest, placing them on his shoulders.
He picks you up again and starts kissing you on the way to his bedroom. your low moans into the kiss aren’t helping him right now. He’s pretty sure he could come through his pants right now. He can’t wait any longer. He needs to taste you, to be in you. He could do this for days, but unfortunately, time is not his friend. So he tosses you onto the bed and removes his shirt. His body is glistening. Chest heaving up and down in anticipation.
“Joonie…” you sound just as desperate. Like you’ve been longing for him.
“Shh baby, I’m right here.” He says as he climbs on top of you. your lips reconnect and he pins your hands above your head.
“Take your time?” You ask and he nods as he starts kissing down your neck. He knows you hate when he marks you, but you also know him. He thinks it’s sexy when he can see the little bruises he leaves on you. Little reminders he etches in your skin before he has to leave. The sad part for you is that they are just like him- disappearing acts.
He slowly but surely makes his way to your bra and slides the straps down your shoulder.
“I missed hearing you say my name.” He says as he fully removes it, leaving open kisses down your body. Getting the response he wished for.
His hands slide up your skirt and he starts to rub you through your panties. You’re aching and he can feel you throbbing against his fingers.
“Joon, please…” you say as you moan, reaching and pushing his hand to apply more pressure.
He takes the hint and slides further down. Looking up at you with his lust filled eyes, kissing your waist, and slowly sliding down your skirt and panties. You’re now fully undressed underneath him. He loves the view. You’ve always been shy so once he sees you attempt to cover your chest for the second time, He restrains your arms again with his right hand.
“You’re the one who asked me to take my time, now look at who’s worked up.” He teases.
You lift up, and try to kiss him but he just smiles some more against your lips. As he parts your legs, he rubs up your thigh and then you feel his hand right where you need him.
He tilts his head as you both look each other in the eyes. Kissing you one last time, parting your lips, and smacking your pussy. Capturing the moan you let out in his mouth.
“Mmmmmmm.” You say as your eyebrows furrow in.
Fuck. Still vulnerable, still responsive. He thinks to himself. He wants to be the only person who can make you feel like this.
He pulls himself away and immediately puts his face where he belongs. He
“Oh fuck.” You gasp at the pleasure as your breath hitches in your throat.
He takes his time eating you out. Like it might be the last time, you both know it never is because you can’t seem to walk away. He enjoys the way you squirm underneath him. The head pushes telling him you need more, the way you moan his name out in repetition. He could never let you go. Not when you show him how good he makes you feel.
“Joon, oh my god…right there.”
He follows the instructions you give. Sliding a finger into you, pumping it in and out as you continue with your whimpers and cries of pleasure. He adds another finger and glides into you, a steady rhythm of penetration and the gentle force from his tongue, sends you over the edge. He laps up your juices that he knows he’s responsible for. You only cum like this for him. You’re his no matter how much time you spend apart.
“Come here…” you say panting.
He climbs back up your legs and kisses you in the mouth. Lightly smacking your clit as he does. You just came but Namjoon knows you have more.
“Joonie …”
“Mmm, I wanna cum with you.” You say. Eyes rolling back feeling yourself close yet again since he is still playing with your pussy. You want to be with him like this for longer. Be in his arms for longer. Cum for him anytime he wants you to.
“You sure you’re ready?” He asks and you nod.
“Yes, if you don’t stop I’m gonna cum.” You say finally having the energy to move his hand which earns you a laugh from the man hovering above you.
He removes his pants all the way finally. You were just as desperate as him. Like usual.
You set yourself up on your elbows to take at the sight in front of you.
“You’re bad.” You say biting your lip and looking him up and down.
“Could say the same about you.” He says as he crawls back over to you. He takes his time lining himself up to be inside the walls most familiar to him.
“I can’t stay away from you.” He admits and your heart nearly breaks. You give him a small smile. You know you can’t either.
“Hurry up. I miss-.”
You both moan upon his entrance. He’s looking you right in the eyes as he pumps in and out of you. Watching the way you cream, it feels like every time he removes himself there’s more of you spilling out onto him.
“Damn baby, look at us…” He says and you meet his gaze.
“You can’t look at me like that.” You say in between your moans
“You don’t mind.” He’s right, you don’t. But you should- you’ll miss him again. You don’t need the visual of him looking like this engraved in your mind but, it’s better than the memory you’ll have when he leaves tomorrow you tell yourself.
His deep and slow strokes make you feel so full.
“This is so much better than the club.” You say and you look into his eyes and he can’t help but give you a grin.
He reaches for your left hand and intertwines it with his.
“Yeah?” He asks as you moan out and put your free hand on his bicep that’s caging you in.
“Yeah, I hate the club.” You double down on your statement because it’s true. In more ways than one. You hate the club because it isn’t your scene. You hate the club because it isn’t going to help you forget Namjoon, it’ll bring you to him for whatever reason. The universe always puts him in your orbit.
Your pussy is milking him for everything he has, creaming all over him, If he wouldn’t have showed up- he doesn’t even want to think about that. A day without being inside of you always feels like years have passed by. Months feel like centuries.
“Fuck Joonie… just like that.” You moan out and he can’t stop himself from pecking your lips afterwards.
“You are my brightest star. Did you know that?” He says as he listens to your moans. They’re so soft, so alluring.
“I- I’m close.” You manage to muster up and he nods.
“I know baby, I can tell by the way you’re squeezing me. Shit” He isn’t too far off either.
“You’re gonna cum with me, right baby?” You ask and he nods.
He hurries and presses his lips to yours, thrust getting sloppy and lazy.
Your breath gets caught In your throat as you feel the knot deep in your stomach unravel.
“Shit, shit, shit.” He chants out as he empties himself inside of you.
He collapses onto your chest and you stroke his hair. Then the air gets heavy. You can feel it- time is going to run out.
“That was amazing, as always.” You say and he slowly pulls out of you and lays flat on his back. Eyes facing the ceiling before he glances over and looks at you.
“Be my girlfriend? No more of this not knowing how long it’ll take to see each other bullshit. I want you. I’d ask you more romantically but I just … I don’t want you to walk out of the door and me not know what’s next. I want to come home to you. I don’t care about anything else.” He’s serious and it’s everything you wanted to hear, but you’re quiet.
You’re scared. That must be the reason for your silence he assumes.
“You want me? You’re not worried about the public?”
He was right. You are scared. So he grabs your hand and kisses it softly.
“I’ll protect you from anyone, anything. No. I’m not worried, because I need you and I don’t care
who likes it or not.” He says as he reaches for your hand and kisses the back of it.
“Well then I’m Namjoon’s girlfriend then.” You say
Smiling but you’re not done yet
“Promise me you’ll still be the same person you are. I can’t handle anything else.”
He chuckles and pulls you into him.
“People change baby we need to grow but my love won’t unless it’s for the better.” He states matter of factly.
“Love?” You ask as you search his eyes.
“Love.” He says and you nod.
A kiss sealing the deal. Passionate, Fiery, but also just as soft as flower petals- just like the man who is now yours to claim.
“Mmm, princess can I tell you something?” He says as he pulls away.
“I think love the club.” He says chuckling and you can’t help but laugh.
“It brought me the best sex of my life and my dream boyfriend, I might suddenly love the club too.” You say as you cup his face.
“Love?” He ask in the same tone as you did previously.
“Love,” you say stealing a kiss and sealing the deal.
A/n : let’s be fr. I love a happy ending lol
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Blood Ties Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore, vivid depictions of nightmares, vomiting
Moodboard by @dannyo000 💙
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The first thing you heard was the song of the birds, signaling the sun was out and a new day had begun. You were slow to open your eyes, knowing that the world you would see was not the same as the one in your dreams. Those first few waking moments when the memories would melt into one another were the worst. It was a horror movie at the forefront of your brain and you had no choice but to watch. 
“I don’t wanna go!” You stomped your tiny feet, crossing your arms and giving the angriest pout you could possibly conjure. 
“I know, Peanut, but you have to go.” Your father cupped your chin, making a silly face as he gave your head a little shake. 
“No! No! I don’t wanna go, daddy, please!” Your hand was red, red, red. It was all red. You pressed on the wound but the red still came. 
“I know—but you have—have to go, Peanut.” Red on your father’s lips. His face. Red were your uncles. Your aunt. 
The bus pulled up as you clung to your father’s leg, scared but determined. 
“Don’t forget your backpack!”
The dead were spilling out of the trees, gnashing teeth greedy for living flesh. Red. You clung to your father. 
“Get your—your bag. Don’t forget your—bag.”
You grabbed your backpack, giggling when a strap got caught on the doorknob and most of the contents spilled. 
You grabbed your bag, screaming when a rotting hand tried to pull you forward by a strap and most of the contents spilled. 
You stood between the bus and your house, your father blowing you a kiss before he closed the door. 
You stood at the edge of the forest, your father blowing you a kiss as the dead engulfed him. 
“I love you, my peanut.”
“I love you, daddy.”
Your memories were red. 
“Daddy!” You bolted upright, nearly tumbling off the branch you had strapped yourself to for the night. You pulled your knees to your chest and cried into them, smothering your grief in the blood-stained denim. 
They were gone. 
Your family was gone. 
It took a while to get yourself somewhat under control. At least stable enough to climb down safely. Once your feet touched the ground, you simply stood there, letting the tree bear your weight. Your forehead was pressed against the bark so hard that it hurt. You wished that pain was the cause of your tears instead of the pain wrenching your heart in two. 
You needed to find water. You had been in that tree an entire day and night. Still, you should stay put. Daryl would meet you there today. Midday. You had to keep your wits about you. There were geeks in the forest now. And they had found you, found your family. 
And now your family was gone. 
You just needed to wait for Daryl.
You just needed to wait. 
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Midday had come and gone without any sign of the archer. You had slowly sank until you were left sitting against the trunk of the tree, exhausted and dehydrated. Why? Why, out of all the times we’ve met, did you choose not to come this time?
You felt more alone than you had ever felt before. Your family was taken from you. Daryl abandoned you. But could you really blame him? You were just some chick in the woods. Just a hole to fuck. Your meetups were never meant to involve feelings. 
However, there was still that chance that you were carrying Daryl’s baby. Letting your head roll against the rough bark, you lazily tugged at your pack and unzipped it. The pregnancy tests had been lost in your struggle to get away. Fuck.
Did you even want a baby? Your own mother had abandoned you. You never thought of children of your own. You had your father to care for. You had to hunt and gather, even before the world ended. There was no time to think about such things. 
There was nothing to be done about it now, even if you decided you didn’t want it. 
Either way, baby or no baby, you had to move; get up and find water. You tried to stand, exhaustion pulling heavily at your limbs, enough to drag you right back down.  
“Get up.” You growled at yourself. “Get up.” Your voice was gravelly, your throat dry and painful. Everything hurt and you couldn’t understand why. You had tussles with a few of the undead but you weren’t injured. Dehydration was most likely the culprit but you couldn’t remedy that unless you got your sorry ass up and moved. 
You opened your eyes at the sound of his voice, not even certain of when you had closed them in the first place. The blurry image of Daryl was running toward you, flickering in and out of focus like an old film. 
“Are ya bit?” He asked, crouched in front of you. You had enough presence of mind to shake your head. “S’all this your blood?”
Red. So much red. A sob broke free of your lips. “My daddy, he—” you trailed off, too exhausted to cry properly. 
“Goddamnit.” You heard him moving, felt the press of your pack against your hip disappear. “Alright. Guess you’re comin’ with me. Fuckin’ pain in my ass.” You were being moved, lifted. The redneck was muttering something, but you didn’t hear the words. The fog in your head was too dense, pressing outward against your skull until it stifled the last thread of consciousness you had been clinging to and you were thrown into darkness. 
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When you awoke, it felt like you were being rocked. There was wind on your face and the smell of exhaust. You peeled open your dry, heavy eyes, the dashboard of a vehicle swimming into focus. Your stomach rolled, a wave of nausea washing over so intensely that you forced yourself to sit up, one hand on your stomach and the other covering your mouth. 
“Aw shit.” 
The truck swerved and the horn sounded while you fumbled with the door handle and gracelessly fell out to grass below, retching and heaving futilely. There was nothing in your stomach to offer but acid and bile, the rancid, burning liquid only serving to encourage your gag reflex. 
“Is she alright?”
“You still haven’t told us who she is. Where did you find her?”
“Shut up, man. I said she’s good. Ain’t no threat.”
“Well, she certainly doesn’t look like she could hurt anyone.”
“Everyone just give her some space!”
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, looking up to seek out Daryl. You had heard his voice, knew he was near. He was the only person you could trust now that your family was gone. Well, you hoped you could trust him. He’d had plenty of chances to hurt you. He could have simply left you in the forest and no one would have known. Regardless, there were several other faces staring down at you, some concerned. Some wary. Some stoic and unreadable. 
A man was kneeling next to you, offering a bottle of water. “Here. Drink it slow.” You clumsily grabbed for it, reining in the strong urge to greedily gulp it down. With a careful tilt of the bottle you managed a sip, watching the man with a cautious gaze. He wore a police uniform. Behind him, Daryl was pacing, one arm crossed over his chest while he gnawed on the opposite thumb. 
“Ya done? We’re wastin’ time.” He snapped, stopping his nervous march to glare at you over the officer’s head. You narrowed your dry eyes at him and extended the bottle back to the other one. 
“You hold onto that. Seems like you might need it.” The man insisted, gently pushing the bottle back. “Can you at least tell me your name? Daryl hasn’t really been forthcoming with anything.”
You looked around at all the people awaiting your answer as if knowing your name was the cure to the outbreak; the answer to all their problems. 
“Y/N.” You took another sip of water. “My name is Y/N.”
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mercurygguk · 11 months
head over skates · jjk ; part iv.
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··· SUMMARY; jeon jungkook is the captain of the hockey team and one of the biggest fuckboys on campus. you happen to have known him for as long as you can remember but he is not who he used to be and you simply can’t stand it.
so what happens when you’re suddenly stuck doing a project with him for three weeks?
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PAIRING; hockey player!jungkook x f. reader
GENRE; fwb au, childhood friends to enemies to lovers au, college au
WARNINGS; swearing, mentions of sex, jk being nice and getting shit for it lol
a/n; part 4 and ohmygodddd the angst is coming y'all !! i hope you enjoy reading this one – lmk what you think and tysm for reading <3
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It’s a nice day today.
The sun is shining, it’s getting warmer due to spring, there’s not a single hint of a breeze in the air, and everyone seems to be in a great mood. It’s amazing what the changing seasons do to people and their mood – yourself included.
You’re working on the project for your photography class while sitting on your jacket on the grass quad on campus. You’ve almost finished the introduction and made sure to note down the plans for the project as well as set up the whole layout. The need to be organized has taken over but you always see it as a good thing; it keeps you focused and it makes school work seem less overwhelming.
It’s peaceful here on the quad, the faint sound of other students talking and laughing fills the atmosphere around you. There’s even a guy playing the guitar not too far away from you.
It’s nice, you think to yourself as a small smile spreads across your lips.
Until it isn’t anymore.
The evil spawn, also known as Jeon Jungkook, suddenly appears in front of you and blocks the sun as he grins at you, looking cheerful and happy for some reason you don’t care to know about.
Your smile has now turned into a scowl as you stare at him, ignoring the fact that he’s once again holding two americanos in his hands, “is this gonna be a thing now?”
Jungkook nods instantly, not noticing or simply just ignoring the glare you shoot at him.
“Yeah, it’s a tradition now, ____ – I bring iced Americano and you bring your moody attitude and then we work on the project together,” he says, his grin now a smirk that you suddenly feel the urge to slap off his face.
God, why is he so persistent on doing this project with you? Why can’t he just leave you to do it on your own? Why can’t he go do what he usually does – being a fuckboy and play hockey – instead of bothering you with his presence?
You can’t help but scoff and roll your eyes at his words, choosing to ignore the comment he so casually dropped about you being ‘moody’.
“I can get my own iced americano, thank you very much,” you pointedly say.
“Oh, really? Where is it?” He asks, looking around on the grass surrounding you, “did you chug it?”
His quick retort circuits your brain as you’re left gaping at him. You then shake your head as if to clear your head and ask another question.
You’re not quite sure why you haven’t told him to leave yet…
“So what? Are you stalking me now?”
Jungkook snorts as you quirk an eyebrow at him in question, shooting you a look of amusement as he glances around at all the people surrounding you and him.
“____, you’re literally on the campus quad. Anyone with eyes in their head could find you here.”
You blink at him for a second, causing Jungkook to flash you a knowing smirk and offer you one of the beverages he so kindly brought along once again. You decide to ignore his smart retort and take the iced americano he’s holding out, instantly taking a sip and withholding the moan of satisfaction that was threatening to escape just now.
Jungkook huffs out a chuckle to himself as he sits down next to you and slips off his backpack, pulling out his laptop. You stare at him in bewilderment as if he has three heads when he sits down, wondering how he’s taking your hostility as an invite to sit down with you.
“Jungkook, what are you doing here?” You can’t help but ask, confused as to why he’s sitting here next to you for the second time within just two days.
“To work on the project?”
There’s a look of confusion on his face as he looks at you, eyebrows pulled together in question.
“No, seriously – I told you, I’m doing this project by myself. What are you really doing here?”
Jungkook’s face twists in slight annoyance at your determination to work on the project by yourself, “you’re not the only one who cares about their grades, you know?”
He doesn’t care about his grades – there’s just no way that a stereotypical jock like him could care about anything but frat parties, getting laid and his sport. Old Jungkook might’ve cared but this Jungkook right here? He hasn’t given a single fuck about anything but hockey and his image since he became the popular and hot hockey player.
“Are you saying that me doing the project on my own will give us a bad grade? If anything, you working with me on the project will make it even worse!”
The tone of your voice has turned defensive as you cross your arms over your chest and stare at him. Jungkook scoffs, a hint of amusement within the sound. If he’s offended by your words, he doesn’t show it. Why would he be? He doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
“Excuse me, I have a 94 in this class right now!”
You fall silent.
A score of 94%.
You can’t help but let out a laugh, wondering how he managed to score a 94 in photography when all he ever does with his spare time is hooking up with girls around campus or spending it in the hockey arena with his teammates. 
“And how did you manage to do that? Did you flirt with Mrs. Kim or something?” You huff out a mocking chuckle.
Just for a split second, you swear you see a flicker of hurt flash across his eyes before it’s replaced by his usual smirk.
“And if I did?” He taunts.
Your eyes roll before you have a chance to stop them from doing so, causing Jungkook’s smirk to turn into an almost devilish grin.
“Wow, ____, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.”
His words have you scowling at him – something you seem to do a lot when he’s anywhere near you. You then grab the iced coffee and take another sip, turning your attention back to your laptop screen, leaving Jungkook to sit next to you and work on the project in silence. You don’t say another word to him as you share the document with him so he can partake in the process.
His words affected you more than you wish they did because it was once the truth but if there’s anything you’ll never be again, it’s being jealous of something Jeon Jungkook does.
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devildomwriter · 11 days
Obey Me As Tumblr #33
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MC: Eating chips with chopsticks is unironically Galaxy brain. Your fingers don’t get greasy and it lasts longer
Solomon: Fork
MC: Oh yeah I’m going to stab my crunchy foods and make them fall apart like an absolute absent minded dunce fool, clown, jester, like a monstrous moron, an idiot of Shakespearean proportions, a cretin
Diavolo: Uhm, you seem to forget that chips can also mean fries? And that’s probably what they were talking about haha
MC: I did not forget anything. I purposefully ignore the idea of using British vocabulary to do my part in helping it die out
Belphegor: An alarm clock except it’s set to every time
Leviathan: We touch
Solomon: I get
Diavolo: This feeling
Beelzebub: I was talking with my brothers yesterday and we decided the best way to own a guy who takes off his shirt to fight you is to pick his shirt up and put it on
Mammon: That might be one of the ultimate power moves
Simeon: Or pick it up and say “lift your arms up” and try to put it back on him
Leviathan: By day I appear to be no more than just an average run of the mill office worker, but when night time strikes! I’m crying alone in my bed
Solomon: I bought my friend an elephant for their room
They said “thank you”
I said “don’t mention it”
Mammon: Is there a joke here that everyone gets but I don’t?
Belphegor: Nobody tell them
Them: why are you competing in our cooking show today?
Me: the government banned gladiatorial matches yet I yearn for glory in the arena
Solomon: I’m here to tell you gladiator matches are still a thing, pal
Thirteen: Hm. Interesting. The last time I tried to behead a man for prestige and the right to majesty, I was dragged out of the alleyway by three very unreasonable men of the law and I would like to know where you live
Diavolo: What do you call a snobbish criminal going down the stairs?
Lucifer: I don’t know. What?
Diavolo: A condescending con descending
Lucifer: Get out
MC: That was beautiful
Leviathan: Bitten by a radioactive cicada. Now all I do is sit in a tree and scream all day
Solomon: Self-care is slathering yourself in baby oil and sliding down the 7th lane in your local bowling alley so the mechanical pin setter will pick you up and take you to the forbidden place behind the bowling lanes where you can meet God but only on Tuesdays
Mammon: Security called me at work today and told me they saw me outside chasing a frog around on the security cameras. I wasn’t in trouble they just wanted to let me know they saw me, I didn’t catch him
Leviathan: Me wearing a blanket as a cloak, stirring my man’n’cheese in a dimly lit room: potion
Satan: When I say I’m “feral” it doesn’t always mean I’m angry, maybe I’m stupid and if you give me food you’ll earn my trust and I’ll follow you around
Asmodeus: Covered in blood for sexy reasons
Asmodeus: Also I just got stabbed
Asmodeus: Don’t suppose there’s anyone here willing to tenderly clean, stitch and bandage my wounds while calling me an idiot in an exasperatedly fond tone of voice is there?
Diavolo: Introducing a new alignment— chaotic lawful. I have a strict moral code but nobody can figure out what the hell it is
Mammon: My best feature is that I’m blindingly intelligent for about 30 seconds a day
Mammon: I do not get to choose which seconds, they are not consecutive
Satan: Okay I’m normal now I promise. Let me out of the case please
Leviathan: Power move: calling someone a coward in the middle of a fight while also running away from them as fast as you possibly can
Lucifer: Mammon ghost wrote this
Mammon: YO
Leviathan: “Are you a boy or a girl?”
I am the physical embodiment of suffering
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whoseholtz · 4 months
today was a fairytale | alexander holtz
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pairing : alexander holtz x fem!reader
warnings : one of my first fully written fics, swearing, use of y/n, switch of pov (will be written in italics!)
summary : when reader goes to a devil's game and decides to make a sign asking #10 for a puck in exchange for a lego set and he actually notices her and the day turns out to be like one in a fairytale.
word count : 1.6k
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y/n pov
“Girl, it’s a stupid idea, there’s a bunch of signs around the rink why would he choose yours?” your best friend says looking at the sign you made for your favourite player.
She always knew how to ruin the mood.
You slightly adjusted the sign in your hands which read, ‘Can I trade you a Lego set for a puck, #10?’ in a goofy font. The white card had been something you picked up from the craft store on your way home from work, an impulsive decision as always.
“But but but there’s barely any with his name on it, plus who cares, it’s fun okay, and if he actually spots me it’s a bonus,” you smiled clinging onto that little bit of hope that he would see your sign.
“Yeah, I guess,” your friend shrugged as a smirk grew on her face.
“What is it?” you asked knowing that when that smirk appeared there was always a plan brewing in her head.
“Oh nothing, just the fact that you are a beautiful hot girl who likes lego oh and he’s a guy who likes girls and lego, get his number girl,” she said jokingly nudging your shoulder.
In what world would ALEXANDER HOLTZ notice you?
“Okay get out of your Wattpad-loving brain, let’s just enjoy warmups and the game,” a smirk forming on your friend's face, “but no high hopes of anything more than the game.”
The lights started dimming in the arena, the colours of the devils shining bright with the booming voices from the speakers announcing the players would be entering the ice soon.
Your friend slapping your arm, “Look how cute they look, they’re Disney princesses with pads.”
“Yes, yes, I know to calm down, we don’t wanna look like the crazy ones,” you replied, being conscious of when #10 entered the ice.
Then there he was, gliding smoothly across the ice.
He could easily be on one of the top lines but he gets treated like shit from the shitty old coaches.
Warm-ups went on like normal, the silly superstitions, and pucks across the ice in every direction.
“He’s good at skating I guess,” your friend said smartly, “he plays for the NHL dipshit, of course, he’s good at skating.”
“I know but I looked at his stats and his ice time is really low and like that means he doesn’t have any chance to get good plays,” your friend shrugged, her eyes following his every move.
All she said was true, he dealt with the game. all he cared about was that he was in the league, the best league in the world for hockey.
Being a player's biggest fan came with the depression of the issues at hand, their places on the lines, their falls and other setbacks that come with being an NHL player, and every day you wish they could be the best and biggest player in the league.
Even harder being on a team with two top first-round picks and a bunch of other players who are raved about all around the league.
“Girl snap the fuck of out, he’s looking at you, right at you holy shit,” your friend said slapping your shoulder, pointing at him skating around in circles, locking eyes with you.
“Oh my god, no way he’s looking at me,” you said, jumping up and down not knowing what to do, stay weird or keep calm and try your best to look hot.
The Lego Ferrari car shook in your hand, the other shaking against the glass trying to keep your cool as he skated towards where you were situated.
alex pov
Skating towards such a pretty girl was scary, but the sign caught his eye. he didn’t get many signs, trades even and Lego is his favourite thing, so why wouldn’t he be excited?
The white, red and black sign with the pretty girl holding it couldn’t pass his way, maybe he’d even get a point this game.
Going home after a win but with little ice time and no points didn’t help with his mood. he’d sit on his couch in the dim room questioning why he could never be enough for the team and the league.
He has tried so hard.
y/n pov
“No way he’s gonna actually want the set. no way you are getting a puck, oh my god y/n this is crazy ahhh he’s coming towards us,” she said, slapping you repeatedly in the same spot, it was starting to hurt.
“Okay just stop, calm down and look cool girl,” you said, wanting to look as normal as possible for Alexander Holtz.
Tap, tap, tap on the glass.
A red glove right in front of your face, the culprit of the tapping noise.
His adorable smiling face looking at you, signalling to get ready for the puck to be thrown over the ice.
You smiled back and nodded, pulling the sign down, holding your hands ready to catch it, not believing what was going on.
You almost wanted to keep your eyes on him even when the puck had been thrown from his hands, but you obviously couldn’t.
The puck weighing in your hand, your eyes fixated on it.
"Y/n, y/n, y/n the lego set, stop googling at the puck and hand him the bloody lego set,” your friend said, slapping you once again.
“Oh fuck yeah wait, hold the puck while I chuck this thing over the glass,” you said, questioning if all those years of skipping gym were back to bite you.
First try, failed.
Second try, failed.
Third try, failed.
Fourth time, WE GOT IT.
He grinned at you one last time before turning around and skating to the bench to place the set down.
A weird feeling flowed through your body. Almost as if you’d just lost something, a presence and a sense of comfort just poof, gone.
But that thought quickly got taken away when the stadium filled with screams of die-hard fans, with you being one of them.
Somehow you’d made it to your seat already getting ready for the game to start.
You realised your head couldn’t stop thinking about the interaction with him, the puck clinging to your hand.
“Hey hey y/n, maybe loosen your grip on the puck, your knuckles are turning white and we don’t want to leave before the game even starts,” your friend said, nudging you to get your attention.
“Oh shit sorry, it’s just he’s so ahhhh, like oh my god he’s got something in his possession that I bought, with my own money,” you grinned, immediately the wave of regret of spending that much money on a lego set, washing away.
“Well let’s just enjoy this game and hope for a win and a Holtz point,” she said, holding up her overpriced drink to yours.
“I’ll toast to that, to Holtz getting a point and maybe a devil's won.”
The shock on your face shouldn’t have been that big but when a fourth-line player gets chosen as the star of the game it is huge.
“Girl he did it for you, you are his good luck charm, you need to give him something every game,” your friend yells beside you jumping out of her seat.
“Okay, I get hockey players are superstitious but girl there’s no way, let’s just leave it,” you sighed, your life couldn’t be all butterflies and rainbows.
It was not a Wattpad story, and you couldn’t treat it like it was. He probably just threw out the Lego set, you thought you were insane thinking there was a chance he actually remembered who you were; there’s no way he did.
alex pov
He couldn’t stop thinking about her smile, how it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. and he got a goal, points, the fucking star of the game.
yeah, he laughed at people saying hockey players are suppositions and yeah he was a tiny bit. he had his routines but it was never that serious, the only thing different about his game was seeing her, locking eyes with her.
The Lego set sitting on his living room table was a reminder of how her smile made him feel, all bubbly inside like he could rule the world.
“Bro stop zoning out it’s scary, you just got star of the game let’s celebrate,” Luke said as he walked past you, he had invited himself in like he did every other night. win or lose he was there.
“Sorry sorry just trying to figure out what happened today that made me play so good.”
“It was totally that girl you were spying on from the start of the game to the end,” Luke joked, “this is the Lego set she gave you right?” he questioned picking it up off the table.
“Hey, don’t touch that,” he yelled, running towards Luke.
“Shit, sorry didn’t think it was such a big deal,” he said dropping the Lego set onto the table again.
“No sorry I just can’t seem to get her out of my head, and the thought I probably will never see her again,” Alexander said slowly sitting down on the couch.
“Okay don’t think about it that way, be happy you’ve somewhat met her and that you are the star, be present,” Luke replied sitting down on the couch like it was his own home, grabbing the remote and flicking some random show on.
“Never say something like that again, it's weird hearing advice from you,” Alex replied, shocked by the words coming out of his mouth.
“HEY,” Luke yelled, slapping him in the process.
It wasn’t like Luke thought, he still felt her presence somewhat, a faint smell of grapefruit which you would only notice if you really paid attention.
He couldn’t get away from the thought of her.
He couldn’t stop wondering when he’d see her again.
a/n :: hi guyssss sorry i've been lacking motivation so this took... a while to publish and stuff so i hope u like it!! tysm for all the love on if i could tell her <33
also i might be making this a series? maybe? don't hold me to that though :}
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doromoni · 1 year
Hunting Affections
Charles Leclerc x photographer!reader
Max Verstappen x photographer!reader
fanfic + smau fic
faceclaim : Hwang Eunbi
warnings : nothing ig?
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Summary; Love is but a concept — just connections of neurons that take part in the brain … and yet, why is it the most painful when one falls alone?
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back , until you can’t no more. Maybe then they’ll actually know what they’ve lost.
Certainty is not a word to describe life, as change is constant, and nothing can tell what tomorrow may bring. No day is perfect, and no day is the same as the ones before. Everything changes and not all people in our lives actually stay, and not everything that we planned is fated for us — but maybe it’s actually for the best.
I thought that I had lost myself when a person that I loved parted from my life. I thought that my everything was over when Charles Leclerc left me.— well I did, and it did, but I found a better version of me in the end.
Now, I could honestly say that I’ve forgiven all that had been done. I am truly thankful for everything that had happened in the past, for what I have now couldn’t have happened because of it.
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y/n_stills. Everyone, we would like for you to meet our sweetest angel, Jilian 💙.
We’ve decided that it was time that you all get to meet our most precious, baby girl. During the first few years of our baby, we have decided that it would be the best to keep her out of the spotlight and keep her to ourselves for the meantime. We hope that you understand and respect our decision and that everyone will show kindness to our angel.
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“Mommy, please hurry up! I don’t wanna miss Daddy’s race” and there goes my most precious little girl stomping her feet as she sped towards my legs hugging them in a death grip.
“I know, I know , my sweet . Mommy just needs a minute to fix my hair , then we’ll go see daddy, alright? Why don’t you choose which car you want Mommy to drive” I said trying to placate the pouting girl. Nodding eagerly, she dashed towards the garage.
She was a carbon copy of her dad, from her features to her attitude — She really was her daddy’s daughter alright. She even got his love for cars and his passion for the sport — I love her even more for it.
Hearing the small footsteps coming back, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Seeing my daughter bounce in excitement as she clutched the car keys in her tiny hands has brought the greatest of warmth to my heart. Zooming towards me she then pushed the keys to my hands, then making her way back to the garage. Looking down to key, a chuckle left my lips. As expected, my daughter knew what she wanted , her favorite — and of course it’s her daddy’s Ferrari 488 Pista.
After buckling my baby in her car seat, I drove us to the race circuit. Today was her first ever actual race and appearance to the public. Her father and I had agreed that it was about time to desensitize her to the motorsport world, since both of us are still active in our fields … plus she’s been begging to come with us rather than staying in with her nanny.
Feeling the excitement from my baby , as the circuit came nearer and fans wearing the colors of their teams rushing past our car — with some sending waves our way.
“Mommy, why are they saying hi? Are they friends?” My daughter asked with big eyes as she tried to take everything in.
“Yes sweetie, they are our friends! They also support daddy and other uncles’ racing.” I explained as I parked the car in the private lot.
y/n_stills. 2mins
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viewed by landonorris, oscarpiastri, lewishamilton and 1,636,162 others
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landonorris your favorite unkow wando is hereeee
y/n_stills. Hmmm favorite… sure.
oscarpiastri Mom! You brought Jillyyyyyy~ please let me babysit later! 🥺
y/n_stills. Well she did miss you
oscarpiastri YES! I promise I won’t leave her with lando!
Grabbing everything we need, I picked up my daughter and placed her on my hip. Her tiny arms circled my neck tightly growing shy from the attention we were getting from the fans as we walked through the paddock
“It’s ok baby. Mommy is here, their not gonna hurt you. Remember, they are our friends! Let’s go find your Daddy, hm?” I said soothingly as I placed a kiss on her forehead. Sensing that she was starting to get overwhelmed, I planned to move quicker to our motorhome, when a familiar voice shouted catching our attention.
“Y/N! Mon Petit Jillian! “
My Jillian physically perked up at the voice. Suddenly giddy , she squirmed at my hold. With a soft smile and with no choice but to let go , I looked at my daughter run towards the man with a squeal.
Jillian ran straight into the arms of Charles Leclerc.
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“Charles, let’s talk please”
Here we are, where everything had all began. We are once again sitting beneath the stars , hidden from civilization, on the same beach where we poured our soul out for the world to hear.
He remained quiet as he looked at the crashing waves up ahead. Charles looked so peaceful, as if everything had finally fallen into place. Then a soft smile suddenly appeared on his lips as he looked straight into my eyes. Patting the place next to him as he looked back into the ocean, I then complied and took a seat beside him.
We sat their in complete silence, only savoring the peace that the both of us missed. He then spoke , his voice blending in with the sound of the waves crashing ahead of us.
“Do you really love him?” Charles had asked earnestly, there was no anger in his voice. His eyes were clear, holding only tranquility and peace.
“Yes, I do. I do love Max, so so much.” a smile growing , as I answered without a doubt. Charles turned silent again , this time closing his eyes. Yet , again a smile had shown in his lips, this time it reflected understanding acknowledgment, and then finally… acceptance.
“I was really a fool for what I did to you, Y/N. I’m sorry for being selfish and hindering you from your happiness . To be honest, I haven’t been alright for a while … even I don’t understand myself. I felt miserable and I felt that it wasn’t fair … and others should feel the same.”
“When I saw you getting along with everyone, I grew jealous and vindictive, specially when my entire family loved you instantly, I could never do that you know? I was blinded by my own faults, so I blamed you instead because it was easier. I had the mindset that you were mine and I that we should be hurting together… that you shouldn’t be happy when i’m not. I took everything out on you and you didn’t deserve any of it. Not at all. You deserve the entire world and more.”
Charles then looked back at me with the same eyes that looked at me when we first met — the same eyes that filled with the same spark… the spark of freedom.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry for everything …. I’m letting you go. Be happy“
My tears gushed endlessly, as i choked on my sobs. Now Charles and I chanting a different promise to the same stars that witnessed our journey.
5 years had passed, and a lot has changed. All of us had moved on and had gone through with our lives. Everything has changed, all of us had matured to what we are now.
“How is my favorite little girl, doing? Did mommy let you play with the present I gave you?” Charles had lifted Jillian to his hip as he caught the toddler mid run. Rolling my eyes at the Monegasque driver, I went towards them.
“Noooooo , Uncle ChaCha! Mommy didn’t let me play with it yet! She said that I could play with it when I’m five!”
Seeing my daughter act petulant to her favorite uncle (Don’t tell Lando) brought a chuckle to the both of us.
“What? How dare Mommy say no to a princess?” Charles acted exaggeratedly
“ Well Mommy is the queen , and Daddy said that everyone should follow her orders” My baby said smartly.
“And Daddy stands by his statement! Mommy is always right!” Then the voice of my husband boomed behind me, and our daughter automatically jumping into her Daddy’s arms.
There stood with the biggest of smiles with our bundle of happiness, joy and love , our daughter settled in his arms, Max Emilian Verstappen , my husband, the father of our child, and the love of my life.
I didn’t need to hunt for affection any longer , Now I am surrounded by it .
Thank you for reading, everyone 🤍
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captain-mj · 7 months
Are we gonna get a part four for love potion pretty please I‘m eating drywall right now
Of course!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Soap went into the woods that night with Ghost to search for the beast. Well, that’s why Ghost invited him. He was collecting some of the ingredients for Roach. And then he did it the next night. And the next. Eventually, it had been two full cycles of the moon. 
Ghost had become slightly more lax around him. Not much, but if his armor exposed some of his skin or he just didn’t know what to say, he let Soap know. He joked with Soap. Soap was pretty sure he smiled at him. He swore he heard it in his voice. 
Right now, Ghost casually took off his mask. This far away from his beloveds, his eyes were normal. His hair had been cut a bit shorter since they had last talked. Soap wanted to draw him. Or kiss his freckles. Or both. “Hungry?” 
If he had less of a filter, he would’ve said yes, for him. The time together did not do him any favors. Instead of finding flaws with him, something to convince him that his crush is stupid. All it did was make him want him more and more. Sometimes all he wanted was to press his face against Ghost’s neck. 
If he was honest, with all of his spare time being used for Roach as well, he had a similar feeling. He wanted to press against him, kiss him breathless.
It was a good thing neither wanted him as it would impossible to ever choose. 
Soap nodded. “I could eat.” He pulled his bag out and sat down to lean against a tree. He expected Ghost to pick a different tree to sit at but instead, he sat right next to Soap, thighs almost pressed together. “We do this for how long, sir? Won’t Lord Roba miss you?”
“He’s found his time with me.” Ghost sighed. “Always does.” He stole a piece of the goat cheese Soap had and popped it in his mouth. 
Soap watched him, fascinated with how his teeth chewed through things. He took a piece of the fruit Ghost had and ate it quietly. 
Memories faded. That was part of the passage of time. But that night had been sealed into his brain. Ghost in the throes of pleasure, head tilted back, mouth open. Soap knew he could do better than them. With no spell, he was sure he could do better by Ghost. 
Maybe it was a bit of a wicked thought.. Especially with what he knew Ghost went through. But God that did not help his feelings for him. He wanted to kiss him desperately. To touch him. Run his fingers through his hair. Press against him. 
“Finds time?”
“In the morning. Today he decided to get my time before I left.” 
Soap glanced at him, biting his jealous back. Now that he pointed it out, Soap could see the bites right at the edge of his collar. “Hmm. And when do you sleep?”
Ghost laughed. “I don’t sleep.”
“Elf thing?”
“Ghost thing. Never slept well. Especially not now a days.” Ghost closed his eyes. 
“Did they do something that hurts?”
Ghost paused and glanced at him. “Why do you care?”
“I want to know if you’re hurt.” Soap answered honestly. 
He seemed to accept that answer as he nodded and looked away again. “Some cuts on my thighs. I can move just fine. My fault?”
“How was it your fault?”
Ghost finished his food and sighed. He glanced at him. “Haven’t found the thing yet. They’re punishing me until I find it.” 
Soap nodded. “We’ll find it.” Or he’d die trying. He hated the idea of Ghost being punished for the crime of not being able to track a creature that might not even exist. 
Ghost sighed. “I hope we don’t. I can take it. It’s just a creature following it’s nature. Doesn’t deserve to die for that. I’m used to being hurt.”
“You joked about eating it.”
“I’ll make the most of it if we do. I won’t hesitate to kill it. But… I don’t want to. I stopped wanting to hurt anyone a long time ago.” Ghost smiled and closed his eyes. 
Soap swallowed and chose to sit in silence with that. He looked at him, wanting to kiss him. 
Simon looked at him. Soap could feel the difference. Something changed from one second to another. “Johnny.”
“Simon, do you think if we were miles away, things would be different?”
“What do you mean?”
“If we were somewhere else, miles removed from everything, what would you do?” 
Ghost thought about it for a minute. “I’d go home to Roba and Pilar as soon as I could.” 
Soap felt his heart break. “Ah. I see. Let’s keep going.” 
Ghost nodded and got up, pulling his mask back on. 
The two of them ventured further out and Soap looked for the last two ingredients on his list. Something from Ghost and foxgloves. They had something to do with deception and the breaking of it. 
Soap had no clue how he was going to get something from Ghost. He did tell Ghost he was looking for foxglove. When asked why he’d need foxglove, he fumbled before just awkwardly explaining they were his favorite.
Ghost had stared at him for a minute before they continued through the night. As the moon started to set, Soap realized it was another night without the plant he needed and another day where Ghost would be punished for not finding this fucking thing. 
Soap sighed as they circled the entire town. “Guess we’ll have to call it a night, Simon.” He turned around and paused. 
Ghost had a bundle of foxglove out. “Here. I passed some earlier.” 
Soap swallowed and took it slowly. “Thank you.” 
Ghost nodded and left him alone there. Soap looked at the flowers in his hand and swallowed thickly. His hand came up slowly to touch the buds. 
It took him a long time to walk away from that spot as his head spun. But eventually he did. He went straight to Roach. 
Roach who beamed when he saw him. Roach who always let him stay longer than he needed to. 
Roach who took the foxglove and noticed an important detail. 
Ghost had used his handkerchief to hold the stems together. 
“Everything I need.”
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pixelyssa · 3 months
The love of my life has been ignoring/stone walling me, and today it led to a HORRIBLE binge. I couldn’t stop, I was sobbing. I feel disgusting
I guess I’m wondering.. what advice do you have for preventing large binges like that?
hi lovey
first, im sorry about that.. i hope their gears start working properly and they talk to you soon 🩷
i don’t struggling with b1nging personally, and it’s not a flex, its just b1nging is a term i’ve been told not to use here. because for me, its still less than a “normal 1ntake” when i “overe@t” but i def know the disgusting feeling afterwards and the guilt/regret.
(i have to clarify that or i get threats)
anyways!! seems to me like it was obv triggered by ur problem w whoever this person is… like the b1nge was your coping skill.
so to answer ur question on preventing it, make a list of other coping skills you know work.
-distraction coping skills (to name a few: shows, documentaries, youtube, music, games, call/text a friend, read, coloring/drawing, writing, cleaning, showering, exercise, nap) these don’t fix ur problem ofc but itll distract u from the big feelings and unhealthy coping skills, and eventually (hopefully) you will regulate & be safe! a lot of people on this side of tumblr dont realize the distractions we use to avoid e@ting are usually good for us. deciding to go on a walk or take a shower instead of r3lapse in soemthing?? hell ya
-problem focused coping skills! (ex: asking for help, text/call a hotline, deep breathing, establishing boundaries outloud “i will not ___” or “i am not ____” etc) these are harder to do when ur having big emotions because your brain doesnt think “yes lets do some hard self refelction!!
but i wanted to give some examples so you have some incase you can’t think of any rn.
like i said, write it down. that way when this happens, or even other negative things, you have all ur tools in one spot. notes app, a journal, whereva 🩷
besides that, sometimes its alr too late to choose another coping skill. i can only recommend if you give in and you know youre gonna, to try these things
-put the f00d on a plate (small ones r best for me in this situation) that way im not having a whole bag of cookies/chips its just a couple on a plate
-i also get rid of any f00ds that would be dangerous during a b1nge for me lol. ik some people live with others and they can’t do this, but when im rlly hungri my only options these days are strawberries or carrots with hot sauce 😭 so maybe thatll help? if theres no f00d, theres no b1nge?
-watching true crime or g0re helps me bc it makes me unable to e@t the f00d in front of me 😭 sorry if this is crazy but… like maybe when ur upset like that and you have tried to do the healthy coping skills and just still wanna b1nge… you could just watch some true crime? 😭😭
-managing ur daily 1ntake could also help. ik sometimes even if ur full you can get the b1nge urges, but yk it genuinely could be that ur not having enough per day to function and ur stomach is sending those urges to ur brain.
kinda all over the place ik. i havent been active for a bit im going through it 🤭 anyways i feel so bad for u why tf is ur person ignoring u 😭 idk what i would do 💔 i hope this was a little helpful atleast’
ily stay safe xoxo🩷
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konigsblog · 4 months
Hi Orla! ☺️
I hope you’re doing okay. I’ve been seeing a lot of hate on your page recently and I’m sorry about that. :(
Especially with the recent one you just responded to. Like what?? How could someone sit down, type that out, then submit it like they actually know you? I don’t understand how people can be so ignorant. It’s not even ignorance at this point, I just cannot find the words for it.
I’m sorry you’re dealing with all these people, honey. It’s sucks so much. It baffles me that people cannot just block you or filter their content and just continue on with their life. Instead they have to come in your inbox and ruin your mood.
I hope you know that you’ve got supporters here! And that we love and appreciate you vv much, my beloved. It sucks that there’s so much negativity, but I hope messages like mine can help you get through it! 🫶
Anyways, how has your day been, my love? What did you eat today? Have you been drinking enough water? Did you do something you enjoyed today? I hope you did.
Sending you a big hug and plenty of kisses along with good vibes! I love you vv much, my gorgeous Orla! ❤️❤️
~Berri 🍓💕
hello, my sweet berrie !! :33 🫐🍓 i appreciate your lovely words and your constant support and kindness. i guess it's just frustrating to see people so... evil? there isn't a word to describe how i feel about these people, but i don't give them too much thought. i enjoy writing, and what i choose to write doesn't make me disgusting, insane, or immoral.
a lot of the hate i receive is the same old insults, occasionally someone will send a death threat or similar to that, and other times it's bait. i try to focus on the amount of support and how people wait for my uploads, it's motivating to know that people care and that i'm not alone, especially when i have people insulting my brain and saying 'i have a few screws loose'.
i love you guys a lot, your support and motivation is endless and it means a lot to me, especially since nowadays i'm receiving more and more hate from daft twats that can't read a tw. i'll never apologise for the content i write, ever. there is no apology for it, because it's not wrong. if they don't like it, they can leave, and they said that they had me blocked, but still decided to come back. doesn't that show a level of obsession? that despite having someone blocked, they're still on your mind? i wonder if these people have a hobby outside of shaming writers. they'd be better off shaming people that create porn websites, where real rape tapes/videos are uploaded.
my day was alright, boring, but not that bad. i was pretty tired, i crashed later in the day which explains why i didn't upload earlier. i'll try to get a couple of posts out once i catch some sleep, since it's currently four in the morning and i'm unable to sleep from my nap earlier... i did eat, and... i think i should probably get some water... 😅 i'm horrible for remembering things like water. 🥲
sending you lots of love, my sweetest !! i really do appreciate when people reach out to me, i'm thankful that people care :') 💗
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sirowsky-stories · 5 months
The Flowers Always Know
Chapter 10 - Coalescence
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Description: Refusing to let you go back to work until he'd seen that you'd returned to your normal, tenacious, strongwilled self, Marcus made sure you kept your mind on other things for the time being.
**Beware! Author chooses NOT to display warnings on the individual chapters of this story. Read at your own risk!**
Rating: Explicit 18+ONLY Word Count: 4145 (1988 words added) Masterlist (this story)
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   You woke up slowly, as though your brain and body were in disagreement over whether you were rested enough, until their argument got sufficiently loud for you to gradually become aware of yourself.    And the first thing you noticed was that something was making you uncomfortable, and you slowly learned it was due to being tangled in sheets with your blouse and skirt twisted around you.
   You didn’t remember going to bed in your clothes. You never did that, it always ended up waking you since you moved around a lot in your sleep.    And why did the bed smell like lilacs? Your detergent smelled only faintly of citrus.    Too much perfume in anything meant to rest against your skin had always made you itchy. Not because you were allergic or prone to eczema, it just irritated your skin.
   So, if the bed smelled wrong, it had to mean…
   You sat up with a jolt, making yourself dizzy, and you briefly wondered if you’d hit your head yesterday, before it all came back to you.    The room was small, filled with bookcases and trinkets. Lots of stuff Missy must have made when she was younger, and things she’d probably outgrown, but which they hadn’t gotten around to selling or throwing away yet.
   There was one large window to your right, and the blinds hadn’t been closed, so the daylight was coming in unhindered.    Daylight… not morning-light.    You scrambled to free yourself from the sheets, then jumped out of bed and hastily tried to pull your clothes into some semblance of order as you left the room.
   But you were momentarily disoriented when you stepped out into a hallway you didn’t recognize. It was long, probably stretching through the entire inner half of the house, and the room you’d come out of was in the middle of it.     Thankfully, at the end of the hall to your right, you could see a part of the kitchen and you did recognize that, so you headed there.    You walked in to find Marcus behind the stove, frying something which smelled really good, making your stomach wake up with a growl.
   “What time is it?” you asked, or more like demanded, and he jumped in surprise at the sound of your loud and gruff morning voice behind him.
   But when he turned around, he was smiling, looking over your rumpled state and apparently finding it cute, because he hummed in a giddy sort of way when he replied.
   “That watch on your wrist broken, or something?”
   “Honestly, I don’t trust it anymore,” you deadpanned, to which he chuckled and shook his head, returning his attention to the frying pan.
   “It’s almost midday. I’m maki-…”
   “What!?” you cut him off and then started frantically looking around for your shoes. “Marcus, what the hell? Why didn’t you wake me, I’m beyond fucking late!”
   “Cálmate, preciosa. You’re taking a sick-day, I called it in this morning,” he responded, perfectly at ease, not missing a beat as he flipped something in the pan.
   And completely unaware of how peeved you suddenly were, stopping your search to glare at him.
   “And what exactly gives you the right to decide that for me? Do you have any idea what I have on my plate today?” you accused, before something else occurred to you. “And why the hell did they just take your word for it, without checking with me first?”
   At first, all your saw was his broad back, seemingly unbothered by your little tantrum. But then he turned the stove off and moved the frying pan off the hot plate.    He turned around, and there was a gorgeous smile, mostly in his eyes, as he came over to you and put his hands on your cheeks, before he kissed you. Just once, but tenderly.    You were a bit too annoyed to appreciate the gesture, until he leaned back and spoke.
   “There you are, my feisty, headstrong hermosa. I’ve missed you.”
   It took you a couple of seconds, but once it dawned on you what he meant, you sighed and allowed yourself to fall forwards, and he let go of your face to wrap his arms around you instead.    The irritation vanished, but was instantly replaced by a sense of idiocy, because you knew he was right. You hadn’t felt like yourself ever since you’d taken the job, and of course he’d noticed even before you had.
   “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you,” you offered, meeting his eyes to let him see how bad you felt about it.
   “Thank you, but please don’t worry about that. To be honest, I’d expected worse,” he replied, trying to lighten your mood, but you really did feel awful.
   “I crashed and burned, honey. Don’t let my mildly panicked morning mood fool you, I’m still way too tired for any elaborate comebacks,” you said, but he got a strange look in his eyes then, and you couldn’t work out what it might mean. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
   “Because you just… called me a nickname,” he realized, starting to smile as he continued. “You’ve never called me anything other than Marcus before.”
   “Oh. Is that okay?” you nervously asked, suddenly worried, even though he looked happy about it.
   “Are you kidding?” he said with a laugh, before starting to count out all the ones he regularly used for you. “Hermosa, preciosa, querida, cariño…”
   You still didn’t know exactly what they translated to, and you didn’t care, because you loved hearing him say them. Still, feeling less stressed and more joyful, you playfully scrunched your nose at him.
   “Alright, so I might not have a dozen cute Spanish words to offer, but honey suits you, since that’s what your voice has always sounded like to me,” you admitted, and then thought about just how important that sound had been to you, for a long time. “Hearing your voice is the first memory I have of you, except for seeing your face at the hospital. And for so long it was all I wanted to hear.    I waited every day for your visit, hoping you’d find time for me, but I was still so surprised every time you showed up. I just couldn’t understand why I would ever matter to you. Why you would take the time to sit there with me, in that boring room with all those machines, with nothing to do.”
   His smile faded as you spoke, replaced by that look you’d only seen on him once before, and assumed you’d imagined.    Something like reverence.    But he didn’t seem to know what to say, or how to respond right then, which left you with a good opportunity, since he was clearly very emotionally open, to let him know just how much he’d come to mean to you. If you only had the courage to say the words.
   “I think I knew even back then,” you timidly started, searching for the right way to phrase it, while he curiously tilted his head and waited. “Don’t ask me how, I didn’t even know you, so it shouldn’t really be possible. But somehow, I knew… that I’d already fallen for you.”
   You weren’t sure, but he seemed to stop breathing then. And once again you were terrified you might’ve said too much, moved too fast.    How was it possible you could be so desperate for him to know, and at the same time so absolutely terrified of his reaction? It wasn’t that the two emotions were impossible to have at once, of course not. It was just that the intensity of them should be too much for one body to experience at once.
   Also, you felt so stupid and hypocritical, since you were the one who’d wanted to slow things down.    Yet here you were, declaring your love for him like some infatuated teenager, awaiting his response with the sensation of a lead-weight being wrapped around your neck, ready to pull you down through the ground and choke you if it turned out he didn’t love you back.
   He made you wait for it, probably just because he couldn’t speak at first, holding your eyes for a long moment before he finally managed to draw a jagged breath.
   “Te quiero, hermosa,” he finally whispered through a windpipe which sounded much too tight. “I know what you mean. God, I know exactly what you mean, becuase I felt it too. From the first time I walked into that med-chamber and saw you, I knew you mattered. I felt it so strongly it nearly made me panic.    I’ve wanted to tell you every day since then. Thought I’d go crazy while I waited to find out if you could possibly feel the same...”
   He trailed off when his voice faltered, and you could hear the overbearing emotions which were causing it.    Letting his arms tighten around you, as if he found strength in the sensation of your body safely tucked into his own, with a few breaths he seemed to find a deeper power, giving him back the usual honey smoothness of his timbre.
   “I love you,” he declared, and there was no tightness bothering him now.
   These words he spoke with the conviction of the leader he truly was, and all the power within his heart. Then he stood still and waited, looking for your guidance on how to proceed.    A declaration wasn’t automatically an invitation, but you’d never met a man who hadn’t treated it as such, so it took you a moment to grasp what he was doing.
   You’d never felt anything like the feeling that spread through your blood in those moments. It was warm and tingling and exciting, comforting and joyous and fucking scary.    But also, just… perfect.    You weren’t sure if his lips reached yours first, or if it was the other way around, only that once you felt those soft, hungry lips try to devour you, the heat inside you flared like never before, and you were suddenly absolutely certain that if he didn’t touch you, you’d spontaneously combust.
   Slipping your arms under his t-shirt, needing to feel his skin like a parched person needs water, you silently begged for relief, but it was nowhere near enough.    You squirmed in his arms, reaching down to his ass and holding him to you while you rubbed your sex against him, gasping with the intensity of feeling his hardening member grinding into you in eager response.
   Reaching for his hand, you pulled it down between your bodies, reluctantly pulling away from him just enough that his arm fit between you, placing his fingers over your mound, and he eagerly obliged.    He barely even needed to touch you, but his hand was perfect. In no time at all he’d figured out how to stroke you just right, so that even through both the skirt and your panties, he had you cramping in a matter of seconds.
   You couldn’t have spoken to save your life, but your throat was making all kinds of sounds, all on its own, and he apparently loved hearing it.    His fingers danced over your hyper-sensitive clit, and you unravelled. He kept his other arm around you, holding you to him so he could feel your orgasm against his body. And while it was strong, it was also more like a precursor than a full-blown release, and if anything, it only made you hungrier for more.
   Marcus watched you ride it out, wetting his lips repeatedly in the meantime, as if he couldn’t wait to taste you. Finally growing so impatient that he licked your neck and bit into the top of your shoulder, before moving back to look at you again.    And then as soon as you were starting to come down, he picked you up and without even waiting for you to wrap your legs around him, he started carrying you down the hall to his bedroom.
   Once there, he set you down right by the bed and in one fluid motion, ripped your blouse clean off. You hadn’t even had a chance to react to that before he quickly followed up with your skirt, discarding both the ruined garments by throwing them over his shoulder.    Right. Super-strength.    He’d never really flexed that side of himself in your presence before, but now that he did, you found you liked it. A lot. You had lots of blouses and skirts, after all.
   Clearly very eager not to waste time on anything trivial, his own clothes met the same fate right after. Although, while he’d kept your underwear intact, his own was shown no such mercy, leaving him bare and exposed. But he seemed perfectly comfortable with it.    When he reached for you again, his hands were soft, removing your bra slowly, obviously worried the tight-fitted fabric might burn your skin if he ripped it. But you also felt certain it was to give you time to object, should you feel uneasy.    You didn’t, though.
   He slowed down then, caressing your breasts, exploring their shape and softness, first with his hands and then his mouth, and every second that passed seemed to deepen his desire.    Especially when his efforts drew sounds from you, making you gasp and moan involuntarily with the intense pleasure he gave you, even with the smallest and simplest touches.    It spurred him on and he righted himself so that he was flush against you, his now fully hardened length pushed into the little gap between the tops of your thighs and your pussy.
   Pushing back until he could put one knee on the bed, he then slowly lowered both of you down, while keeping your body pressed against his.    As soon as your back was on the mattress, you reached down to rid yourself of the last bit of cloth between you, to show him just how much you wanted this, and he lifted his hips up to give you more room.
   But before your panties were even half-way down your thighs, you felt the weight of his torso lessen, before he sat up to reach the obnoxious fabric and quickly ripped it on both sides, relieving you of having to try and shimmy them down your legs.    You stole a better look at his cock while he was seated upright, feeling yourself grow wetter with the anticipation of having him inside you. And when he caught you admiring him, that excitement only intensified.
   He moved slowly, probably to tease you, but definitely also to prolong this wonderful feeling you knew he was experiencing just as intensely as you. It was practically written on his face while he caressed your hips, massaged his way up your sides, sliding over your chest and then around to the backs of your shoulders when he dropped his elbows to the mattress to support his weight.
   You let your own hands roam along with his, tracing the muscles of his abdomen at first, then as he dropped lower, caressing the length of his spine all the way up to his shoulder-blades, where you wrapped your arms as far around him as you could, and then tried to pull him down heavier on top of you.    He kissed you with such heat, you could’ve sworn you heard purring somewhere deep within his chest, content to finally taste you, but also desperate for more.
   Rubbing his shaft firmly against your slit, he was making your entire body tremble, while coating himself in your wetness. Of which there was a lot by then. There had to be a minor pool underneath you already, you craved him so badly.    Growing dizzy with desire, you slipped your hands down the length of his back, lightly clawing at him along the way to the enticing curve of his ass, where you pulled him down harder against you, and he immediately took the hint.
   He didn’t even need to use his hands to guide him, there was no mistaking the heat and slick which was practically oozing out of your entrance.    As he pushed the head of his cock inside you, you both gasped as your bodies reflexively tensed with the overload of sensations, and he had to stop there for a beat, just to remember how to breathe.
   When he’d regained some of his composure, he tried to push further, and seemed to utterly lose control of himself. His arms moved as if operated by someone else, snaking further underneath you to wrap all the way around your back, squeezing you about as hard as you could take, while his hips relentlessly drove forwards even though he was trembling with the effort.
   And you? You had the curious sensation of hanging on for dear life, but devoid of all fear, instead experiencing the most intense pleasure anyone could ever imagine.    Your limbs seemed strangely detached, each one tingling and sparkling in its own way, but at the same time saturating your nerves system with so much vibrancy it was robbing you of all your higher brain-functions.
   The way he was holding you meant he couldn’t support his own weight, leaving your tightly held torso to carry all of it, and oh, how you loved the feeling of him pushing down on you, as he slowly stretched you and went deeper.    Once he was buried inside you, all he had to do was flex his hips a tiny amount, and your entire core clenched in on itself.
   Your abdomen constricted so much it forced your back to curve against the massive hold of his arms. He growled deeply against your cheek, and then you felt his forehead drop to the mattress above your right shoulder, as he tried to ride out your reaction.    You were starting to tremble with the sheer effort your muscles were being made to expend, and you could feel drops of sweat trickle down the backs of your thighs, down your neck, and even along your ribs.
   There was no thought involved with any of this. It was purely physical. Both of you lost in a world created by the other’s body, to which only the two of you had invitations.    But somewhere in your mind, you knew you’d never believed it possible to feel this much. And while your body was practically ripping at the seams with the need for release, the only thought you were aware of having, was just not wanting it to end.
   God, had you ever actually made love before? It had sure as hell never felt anything close to this with anyone else.
   Marcus was so relentlessly captured by your internal walls that all he could do was stay buried all the way inside you, and just grind his base against your opening in small circles. But that was also all it took.    You would’ve thought it impossible for your core to constrict any more than it already had, but it did. A lot more.
   As you tumbled over the edge, you lost all control of every muscle, tendon and nerve. Your abdomen drew so harshly in on itself that your entire upper body actually lifted clean off the mattress, even with your partners added weight on top of you.    Then it unclenched to let you fall back down, again entirely out of your control, only to repeat the motion a second later when the next wave rolled through you.    Your knees drew upwards as well, your legs clenching hard against his hips, and you couldn’t have let him go if you’d wanted to.
   Marcus didn’t really have a choice but to topple over along with you, as no one could have held off against that much pressure, squeezing, rolling, and demanding his release.    But while your orgasm was quite literally taking all the breath out of you, your partner’s reaction was the opposite. He cried out when he spilled into you, with a completely involuntary, raw and almost animalistic sound, which was honestly the sexiest damned thing you’d ever heard.    There was something primal and pure about a total loss of control.
   The waves of pleasure kept rolling through you for what had to be a good minute, continuing to force your torso to push up against him, while clenching down on him to milk him of everything he had.    They lasted long enough that your abdomen was seriously hurting towards the end, having been cramped up as tightly as it would go, and then some.
   But when they finally ebbed out and soothing dopamine began to replace the harsher edges of the craving, you quickly became completely limp underneath him. Your arms and legs fell to the sides and you felt as though your bones had turned to jelly.    You felt the same thing from your partner as he seemed to grow droopier, slumping down heavier on top of you with each passing moment. But even now, when you were pleasantly exhausted, you didn’t mind his weight on you.
   The way his broader frame almost enveloped you made you feel safe, and after a few minutes, when he turned his head to press light kisses into your neck, you were glad he didn’t rise back onto his elbows or hurried to roll off you.
   “Holy fuck, woman. What the hell are you made of?” he said with a strong exhale, still noticeably affected by what had just happened.
   “I could ask you the same,” you countered, blissfully languid but also just as taken as he clearly was.
   “So… this wasn’t a normal experience for you either?”
   “Hell no. Not even the same ballpark,” you admitted, and then something occurred to you. “Could your powers have affected us somehow?”
   “No, I don’t think so. At least, they never have before, and if they were, I didn’t even notice it.”
   “Does that ever happen, though? Have you ever used your powers without realizing?”
   “Sure, on a few rare occasions. Usually if I’m really stressed or pissed off.    But never like this. Not even close.”
   “Hm… Maybe we’re just super-compatible, then,” you joked, smiling as you turned your head to meet his eyes.
   “Now that’s a theory I could get behind,” he grinned in return, before kissing you softly.
   When he pulled back, he took a deeper breath and managed to muster enough strength to drag his arms out from underneath you, making it more comfortable for your back. But you quickly wrapped your arms around him to make sure he stayed on top of you a little longer.    And you were ridiculously pleased when he not only remained in place, but also jutted his hips forwards to make sure he wouldn’t slip out of you yet.
   “You do realize this means I’m never letting you go again, right?” he wondered once he’d stilled, his face now directly above yours.
   You noticed that there was an edge to his voice, though. As if he was worried about something, needing to confirm he hadn’t misunderstood anything. Which felt utterly illogical to you, after what you’d just shared.    But he really seemed adamant about not making any assumptions, which made you wonder if he’d been burned before after moving too fast or maybe just not communicating well enough.
   “We’re… together now. For real, right? I get to call you mine?” he continued, and you couldn’t help but smile at the notion that he could be so insecure, even after such an amazing experience.
   But he was seriously asking, so you gave him as a clear of a response as you could come up with.
   “Yes, Marcus. I have professed my love for you and then consummated it. We’re practically married. Of course, I’m yours.    And you’re mine,” you added, which wasn’t a question but a statement, and you could tell he really liked hearing you make such a claim to him.
   He kissed you again, and when you reciprocated, letting him taste your devotion in the way you let your lips linger on his, asking for, and offering more at the same time, you felt him stir inside you.    And even though it should’ve been impossible, given you were still fucking spent and couldn’t move right, the heat somehow sparked within you again when he started slowly rolling his hips, working the sensitive nerves around your opening to get you to release a bit more lubricant for him.
   “I’ve made a decision, honey,” you hurried to tell him before you lost the ability to think again.
   “Hm. What’s that?” he hummed, already getting lost in the fresh volleys of pleasure.
   “From now on, all rights of decision-making concerning my sick days, fall to you,” you declared, and he smiled in a way which made his entire face light up, happy, giddy and definitely mischievous.
   “Careful, mi amor. Or I might just make you lose your job on purpose.”
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heroesfan101 · 9 months
The Gift of Time
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For @love-and-lore's gift exchange! I had such a fun time making this and getting to know my recipient @bitchgray ❤️ Kat, it was great getting to know more about you and your self-ships as well as your love of tea. I hope you enjoy this fic 😊
Word Count: 1.5k
Ship: Nanami x Kat
Any day with your Kento was automatically a perfect day. The weekends, when you had the most time together, were the most blissful. Still today was not the weekend and so it would be just like any other weekday. But what happens when just an ordinary day has an unexpected beginning?
It starts with a missed alarm. With Nanami being a salaryman, you’re used to his alarm going off at 6am sharp. He goes through his morning routing getting ready while you continue to bundle yourself in the sheets.
Despite your restful state, you can always feel Kento kissing your forehead before he leaves for work as it is a ritual of his. But today is different as you begin to wake up, feeling a warm broad chest underneath you.
Despite not being a morning person, your eyes fly open and your head jerks to look up at him.
There he was, the man of your affections, looking relaxed and peaceful in his slumber. His blond hair, fluffy and uncombed, framing his handsome face. Your eyes flash over to the alarm clock as it was suddenly 9:00am, clearly way past time for him to leave.
Feeling you stir, the strong yet gentle hand on your back moved in smooth, slow circles. “Good morning my love. No need to be alarmed, I called out today.” Given that it was a rarity, your eyebrows perked up.
“Any reason why? Is everything okay?” Surely, he would tell you if anything was wrong. He smiles gently, “Yes, I wanted to spend time with you, Kat.” The electricity that was stored in your brain with curious and racing thoughts, surged and went right down to your heart. The smile on your face, in Kento’s eyes, was priceless. “Let’s rest a little now before we really have to get up, hmm?”
You both stay in bed for a while before deciding to rise to the occasion. It was a nice change of pace to be able to move slow with him the morning.
After leaving the bathroom, you both make your way to the kitchen, starting to work on breakfast. The kettle heats up your water as Kento reaches to get the pancake mix. You grab fruits from the fruit and begin to cut up strawberries. The high-pitched whistle cuts through the comfortable silence as Kento grabs your special made tea and his drip coffee set.
You look up at him in disbelief as it had slipped your mind to order more tea last week. Recognizing this, Kento gave you a small smile. “I saw you were low on tea and made sure to order more for you. It’s a reoccurring order so you won’t have to worry about it.” He says, easygoing as he focuses pouting the water in your tea before using the rest for his coffee. A smile graces your lips as you gently kiss his cheek in thanks. You both enjoy sipping your drinks as you cook breakfast, making some strawberry crepes.
Taking your time to sit and eat, you make small talk here and there before asking the next big question on your mind.
“So what do you want to do today?” You ask curiously, wondering if he wants to have a day out or spend it in the warmth of your cozy apartment. Again, he smiles with a hint of anticipation, “If you’re up for it, I did have a few things I wanted to do with you today. I hope you don’t mind if it’s a secret.”
You shake your head in response and before you can ask, he answers again, “You don’t need to wear anything fancy, just something casual and comfortable.” You can’t help but laugh, Kento really knows you so well.
Taking your time, you both get dressed for the day. You choose your jacket with your favorite acrylic pins, a casual t-shirt and leggings. Kento opts for a forest green sweater and jeans. Grabbing your hand, he leads you out the door and you start on your way.
The walk wasn’t long at all as you find yourselves in the city square, bustling with people and lively shops. Your thoughts wandered, wondering where Kento could be taking you. He leads you down a few side streets before you end up at what appears to be a new store, a thrift store in fact.
Opening the door for you, you step in and are surprised by what you see. The place is covered with clothing items and little trinkets. You find yourself wandering looking at pins, necklaces and even some of the coolest, eclectic jackets. Kento watches as you enjoy yourself with a small grin. He had stumbled on this place a few weeks ago and instantly thought of you. Seeing you stare at the jacket, he smiles and grabs it along with the sweater you were looking at earlier.
“Why don’t you go try it on?” He asks and the associate coos at the scene. Helping you to the back, Nanami patiently waits for you to come out. And wow was it worth the wait. The sweater fit you perfectly and the jacket really made your features pop. The associate was quick to speak, “You look amazing, just like a model!” Your eyes shift to Nanami, who has a soft, loving look in his eyes.
“Yes, they do look amazing. You’re stunning my love. Do you like it?”
“I do! Can we get this please?” You ask and he nods as he pays for it up front while you put your regular clothes on. Once everything is bagged up and ready to go, you exit the store but not even five steps past the shop’s door you stop.
“Is everything okay?” Kento asks calmly and you nod.
“I just forgot something. I’ll be right back!” You reply quickly, rushing back in the store. He wondered what you left but waited knowing you’d be back momentarily. In two minutes tops, you’re back by his side and he kisses your forehead, noting the blush on your cheeks making you a bit warm. Your fingers intertwine with his as you both continue on your way.
It seems Kento truly wanted to spoil you today as he treated you to a lunch, sharing a sandwich from his favorite sandwich shop. Afterwards, you decide to walk it off by going through the local farmer’s market, looking at tasty treats and wares from the town. You end up acquiring some cool earrings and a few more pins.
You would point out things you knew Kento would like, cologne and leather-bound stationary, but he gently declined, saying today was all about you. Pouting, you looked up at him with concern and asked, “Are you sure I can’t get you anything? You should get something too.” He shakes his head, leaning into to kiss your cheek before whispering, “As long as I have you, you’re all I need.” Needless to say, you weren’t going to win this battle. Or so Kento thought.
After a nice day on the town and picking up dinner, you both end up on the sofa, relaxing from the day. Kento with a book in hand and you were scrolling through your phone. Looking up at him, you will yourself not to grin, “Hey Kento?” He pauses and looks at you, “Yes, my love?” You put your phone down and move over to him, “You have something on your face. Could you close your eyes for a second?”
He obliges, closing his eyes and you take in how relaxed his face looks. Not a wrinkle or furrowed brow to be seen and it warms your heart. After a minute of not feeling you move or touch his face, he bites his lips.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes, open your eyes.” And he does, coming to the sight of you and a pocket watch. It was in great condition with the engraving to say “Our love is Timeless”. He looks up at you in surprise and you chuckle.
“I saw it when we were in the store and I had to get it for you. I know you like watches and it has such a classic style. Plus you can put a picture in there too!” You chirp happily and he laughs.
“This is great. Truly a lovely surprise, you’re always so thoughtful. I really appreciate it. I love you, Kat.” With such sweet words, he seals it with a kiss to your lips as you both enjoy the end of your evening.
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quinnharperwrites · 1 year
The Isles of Blirrosia: Chapter Two
Taglist: @anonymousfoz, @kaiarchives, @awleeofficial, and @immortaladrien
(Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! Also, I found a proofreader!)
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“Finally! A break!” a pale, redheaded girl exclaimed. 
“You’ve only had two classes so far,” Saffron said as she sat on the grass, careful not to sit on her magenta hair. “And don’t forget you have one more today, Lai!”
Lai practically threw herself on the ground. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m going to be so tense without you there! Sometimes, I wish we had the same aptitude.”
“We’re both manipulators—isn’t that enough?”
“Yeah, us and 11% of the grade!”
“That isn’t a lot…”
“But if you think about it, most of the other types manipulate too. Like, physiological aptitudes manipulate physiology. Science and technology aptitudes manipulate science and technology. See what I mean?”
Well, she certainly wasn’t wrong. “Okay, I admit it, you’re right. But you took your medication this morning, right?”
“I did, I did, don’t worry, Mom. You don’t have to check all the time,” Lai groaned. “But, while we’re on the topic, how was it this morning?”
“When the police files on the guy said that he was a Stardust Absrober, I got a bit excited. But after looking at previous altercations and fighting him myself? I think I have the right to be disappointed, Lai. However,” she folded her arms, “I wasn’t there for my own entertainment. What matters is that another criminal is where he belongs, so the city is one step closer to staying safe.”
Lai snickered when she said that. “That’s the spirit! Think of it like this, Saffy-Taffy! At least you got some more hands-on practice.”
“As if she needed it,” a new voice replied. Saffron turned to see her other friend, Zain Bolton, plop on the grass across from them. “Saffron, you get so many opportunities these days. And why are we sitting on the grass in the middle of winter?”
“Don’t look at me,” Saffron said, pointing to Lai, “It was all her idea.”
“And you agreed?!”
“Yes, she did! It’s better out here than indoors anyways.” The weather had somewhat improved from the morning. The sky was now clear, and because the sun was no longer obstructed, it was feeling more temperate. “I can feel my fire pumping through my veins!”
“Better for you, maybe. And you know your aptitude doesn’t work like that, right?”
“Of course, I do, Zain! Don’t act like such a know-it-all. That’s basic information. Speaking of, can you believe that Professor Blume actually gave us this project? As freshman? At the Rosia City University of Heroics, no less.”
“Wait, what project?”
“Oh wait, you weren’t there this morning. Zain you tell her.”
“Professor Blume gave us a history project–”
“She doesn’t even teach history!”
“Shut up, Lai. As I was saying, she gave us a history project about the Pre-Modern Eras.”
“Why would we even need a project about that?! Everyone with half a brain knows the story! We’ve been in school for over 13 years and–”
“Lai, let the man speak! I wanna know how much I have to suffer.”
“Thank you, Saffron,” Zain grinned. “Anyways, we at least were able to pick which era we wanted, but we have to write a 10-paged research paper and make a PowerPoint presentation.”
“Oh hell no. What is this, high school?” Professor Blume was nefarious for assigning projects that belonged in a high school (or maybe even a middle school) class. “Okay, what are the groups?”
“That’s the worst part!” Lai yelled. “There aren’t any! She said it was strictly individual!”
“I decided to go with the Uzarian Era,” Zain declared. “It’s a long period, but it shouldn’t be too bad.”
“I’m going with the Acclimization Era. It’s only thirteen years long, so it’s an easy pass.”
“I guess that leaves me with the Readjustment Era.”
“What! Aren’t you gonna choose the same one as me?” Lai playfully whined. “We could make a pretty good team, Saffronator, don’t you think?”
“After what happened last time? No thanks. And how do you come up with all of these atrocious nicknames?”
“I’ll never tell! Anyways, you let me,” Lai smirked.
“Careful,” Saffron warned. “You’re starting to sound like a nuisance that I know all too well.”
“Oh dang. I forgot that fleabag was there with you.”
“What did he do this time, Saffron?” Zain asked.
“It certainly wasn’t as bad as it has been in the past, and it definitely wasn’t as bad as it 
could’ve been. He just asked me for coffee this time.”
“And you kicked him in the face, right?”
“Of course, she didn’t, Lai!” Zain scolded. “She obviously kicked him in the crotch.”
“I didn’t do either,” she sighed. “I said no and flew away.”
“I don’t know how you haven’t snapped at him, Saffron. I would’ve toasted him by now.”
“Yeah, and I would’ve used the remaining smoke to choke him. This guy has been harassing you nonstop since you turned eighteen. You don’t deserve this.”
“Well, I agree. But, if you did that, you both would’ve gotten a hefty fine. They might’ve even considered revoking your license.” 
“You’re right,” Zain sighed. “Not to mention, the public wouldn’t be too pleased.”
“I don’t know what they see in him if I’m being honest,” Lai started. “I mean, they treat him like an idol, at least some of them.”
It was no secret that Sensation was one of the most popular heroes ever. Definitely the most popular of their time, ever since Saffron’s parents retired.
“It’s not like there’s anything we can do about it,” Saffron replied.
“Actually, there is. Report him. You don’t owe him anything, Saffron,” Zain said firmly.
“It’s not worth it! He’s a beloved hero and a really good one, too. Blirrosia can’t afford to lose him.”
“It doesn’t matter! He keeps harassing you!” Zain retorted. “And he keeps getting into your dorm somehow. So now it’s not only you who’s suffering, but Mimi as well! Is that what she deserves? Is that what you deserve?”
“Okay, Zain. You’ve made your point. Getting heated won’t solve anything.”
“You know I’m right though.”
The trio fell silent. Zain’s smoky eyes bore into Saffron’s, staring into her soul. Eventually, she let her eyes drop to a patch of dandelion-speckled grass in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lai clench her jaw and cross her arms. She knew that the redhead hated conflict—it made her anxious. She was responsible for this, even if it was indirect. Just when she was about to respond, Zain sighed, before speaking again.
“Crap, I’m sorry, to both of you. I shouldn’t have escalated things like that.”
“No, you have a point. I just don’t see what I can do. And, not going to lie, this whole Matteo thing isn’t my biggest concern right now.” She stood up. “I have more important fish to fry.”
“I guess. I just worry for you sometimes Saffron. It seems like you’re always in the limelight, even when you don’t want to be.”
“Eh, I blame the parents,” Lai mused. “Before, it was Sabryna Solis this, Emil Solis that. Once they had kids, they practically declared the press as distant relatives.”
They all laughed. Trust Lai to make a joke to lighten the mood. “Ok,” Saffron started, “I’m going to head to my dorm, then I’ll start training early. I’ll see you two at dinner.”
“Yeah, I should get going too. I’m going to talk to Professor Zimmerman before class about my physical form. Bye,” Lai called out before walking off. 
“What about you, Zain?” Saffron asked. 
“I think I’ll stay out here a little longer. Soak up some sun.”
“What happened to you complaining about being outside?” she teased.
“No!” he protested, “I was complaining about sitting on the wet grass. Not about staying outside. Nice try, though.”
“Whatever you say, Zain. Whatever you say,” Saffron said before walking towards the dorms. “See you later!”
“Wait, Saffron!”
She paused mid-stride and turned back to face him. “Yeah?”
“I am truly sorry for being so harsh.”
“It’s fi–”
“No, it’s not. I was out of line.” He took a deep breath and looked at the sky for a moment, then made eye contact. “If…if you ever need me, I’ll be there.”
“Thanks,” Saffron smiled. “You mean a lot to me. Lai, too.”
“You deserve the best,” he said. “Both of you! I’m glad that you can call me a friend,” he rushed.
Saffron didn’t know what to say to that. She and Lai have been best friends for as long as they can remember, but they only met Zain after their first year of high school. The heartfelt turn in the conversation surprised her, even the apology left her shocked—he wasn’t wrong.
“Me too. But, you don’t have to apologize.” He was about to contradict her, but she stopped him again. “Really, it’s fine. You were right. I should be more proactive.”
“Well, I’m glad you realized that, Saffron.”
“Yeah…I’ll see you around, Zain! Thanks again.”
“Don’t worry about it, Saffy. Goodbye!”
As she was walking back inside, she felt someone watching her, so she turned around and saw Zain still looking at her; she waved and he waved back before quickly turning away. She chuckled to herself, turned back, and kept going on her way. But for some reason, the feeling didn’t subside.
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kenahlihsoul · 2 years
Mediocrity Is Addictive
We all have the same thought from time to time, and if you don’t, well, you’re lying to yourself. That thought is: Why is my life so mundane? So full of routines and deadlines? Why am I bored? Well, the answer to that question is simple. It’s because you choose to live your life that way. I am not going to lie, those sorts of thoughts go through my head on a near-daily basis. Today was different though. Today I decided to change it up a bit. Be spontaneous. 
    Spontaneous is a scary word for most people. Who in their right mind would want to do something that wasn’t planned for or scheduled in the itinerary for the day? That could cause a lot of problems, like being late for my meeting or embarrassment from the public. But we as a society need to retrain our brains that being spontaneous is not a bad thing. Wanting to change your daily routine is not a bad thing. See, the problem here is that people are addicted to mediocrity because it's safe. 
    Now ask yourself who do you know made a mark in this world that didn’t play it safe? If you can think of one tell me because I cannot think of anybody. Benjamin Franklin electrocuted himself to discover electricity, Freedom Riders participated in sit-ins for civil rights, and Joan of Arc ended up being burned at the stake but later canonized as a roman catholic saint. Now I am not telling you to go and die for the sake of a belief (although good on you for standing strong). What I am telling you, is to live life outside of your comfort zone. Even if that does mean you embarrass yourself or you run behind your schedule. Take a different route to work, say hello to a complete stranger (and maybe even make a friend), go out of your way to help someone, travel somewhere new, play the lottery, go out with friends on the weekend when you typically don’t, or stay in and have some alone time if you usually go out. There are endless solutions to creating a little change in your world and in no time you will begin to like the subtle changes so much that you will crave more. Soon, spontaneity and change are going to become your new addiction.
    Today I was feeling pretty blah. Not too entirely sure about myself and questioning a lot about my future. Thankfully, we had a guest speaker in my skeletal biology class. She got her masters and doctorates in anthropology. Typically, I don’t go seeking people who can potentially help guide me because of intimidation, but I had a lot on my mind and I took the opportunity to talk to her after class. We talked about grad school and how I could approach the situation and while I was contemplating not even moving on after my bachelor's degree before this talk, she convinced me otherwise. Now, I have a game plan with her, my advisor, and professors on what it is going to take to get me all the way to the Ph.D. I so badly desire. Of course baby steps, but I will get there someday.
    If I never deliberately went out of my comfort zone to talk to this lady, who I have never met before, to ask some questions I was personally terrified of the answers of; I would never have cleared up the doubts in my mind. Sometimes, all it takes is that little push. It doesn't have to be a major life-altering event. Start small and build your way up to living outside your comfort zone and then once that becomes your new zone make a new one all over again. 
    After all this pep talk about changing up your routine, I feel like a hypocrite because tomorrow I could be doubting myself all over again, tomorrow I might go right back into my routine. And that is okay, nobody is perfect, and stepping outside of your comfort zone is not as easy or exciting as it sounds on paper. Just like a drug, alcohol, or even caffeine addiction, you will have withdrawals when trying to knock them. So don’t try going cold turkey. It is okay to have schedules and certain things you do every day, like a workout at 6 am or to work 30 minutes early because you’re a workaholic. Just remember to add in some change, some spontaneity into your life. Work up to something big, the ultimate push outside of your comfort zone, and then eventually break that zone altogether. Become addicted to change.
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