#sylph togekiss
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((OOC intro will be under the cut!)
Hello! My name is Professor Adrian Wisteria, though I usually just go by Wisteria. I use she/her pronouns if it's helpful. I'm a fairly new graduate of the Kalosian Research Academy's Legendary and Mythical Pokemon program where I got my first Pokemon, hence the professor title, and I'm currently working in the Legendary Research Lab at the base of Mt. Coronet!
It's a wonderful opportunity, and one I'm taking to open up a blog and talk about my work! Spreading education is a vital part of my job right now, so I'll post about my work and study subjects - Legendary and Mythical Pokemon! Also Ultra Beasts, but not as much. Feel free to ask me anything or chat about your own experiences, and I'll also post info unprompted!
I'll list my current team members, and then there will be more details about the blog below the cut.
Violet - F!Meowstic, my starter from Kalos. Serious nature, hates to lose. Likes to look important, not often playful.
Sylph - M!Togekiss, a gift from an ex-friend. Brave nature, somewhat of a clown. Flies in circles around my head and uses himself as a hat.
Giblets - M!Gible, a lab Pokemon who I'm currently in charge of...as much as you can be in charge of a Gible. Naughty nature, strong-willed. A handful and a half.
Nessie - F!Lapras, caught in Kalos. Jolly nature, loves to eat. Big girl, nibbles people's heads to say hello.
Shades - M!Liepard, bought from a reputable breeder in Kalos. Lax nature, scatters things often. Likes to play, in the laziest way possible. Lap fungus.
Tesla - NB!Porygon2, gifted from the lab I stayed with in Kalos, doesn't battle. Sassy nature, highly curious. Pretends to be a mad scientist sometimes for shits and giggles.
Bloom - F!Leafeon, caught as an Eevee in Kalos. Mild nature, likes to relax. Sleeps a lot, values her quiet time.
Zips - F!Luxio, child of my mother's Luxray. Hasty nature, likes to run. Recently evolved, still tripping over her paws often.
((Hello! This blog is run by Gem (any pronouns), I also run @gemalawashomestuck and @john-dirk. This is one of those scientificish Pokemon ask blogs, but with a bit of a quirk - in this one, there are multiple of each Legendary/Mythical Pokemon, though they're far from common, and people can catch/own/see them as a regular thing!
As such, this blog will mostly focus on Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, but there will absolutely be content about others. Feel free to send in asks - questions, sightings, experiences, etc! Otherwise I'll just headcanonpost like. A lot.
Terfs/exclus/transmeds/anti-MOGAI/otherwise bigots will be blocked, as will thinspo/ED blogs and antivaxxers/antimaskers/otherwise science deniers.
Please keep the blog on-topic-ish - any Pokemon-related ask or ask about the character/s or blog is very welcomed, even if it's just related to headcanons/etc. But asks that don't have anything to do with the blog might not be answered.
Explicit NSFW asks won't be answered - I'm fine cussing and talking in the abstract about dark or NSFW topics, but this is mostly an SFW blog and I'd rather not talk in detail about sexual topics or whatnot. It's also mostly irrelevant. That said, there will be appropriately tagged discussions of death, violence, medical issues, poaching, etc.
Also, please do not send any asks that directly impact my blog - like sending me Pokemon, changing something dramatic in the world, or coming to the lab - without asking me and discussing it, preferably off anon/in DMs because I can't answer anons privately. While I don't have solid plans for this blog, there are certain things I'd prefer to do or not do and I'd love to be included in the decision-making as again, I can't answer anons privately so if you're on anon, your plan would be aired to everyone before we could execute.
Also for asks, feel free to take on the roles of various canon characters if you wish. The only thing I ask is that you search their name on my blog first. The only exception is Cynthia, until I announce her secret, please message or off-anon ask me first so I can tell it to you.
Tags (TBA):
out of character
in character
legendary pokemon
mythical pokemon
ultra beasts
professor wisteria
violet meowstic
sylph togekiss
giblets garchomp (tagged as final evo for convenience)
shades liepard
tesla porgyonz (final evo for ease)
bloom leafeon
zips luxray
nessie lapras
lilith iron moth
jenova arceus
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Sylph
Inspired by @onemegawatt since I love the Altaria crossbreeds they made and wanted to make my own!
Sylph is the name for members of the Altaria line with a Togetic/Togekiss father. They get their name from the Sylph fairies, which were mythical faries that could ride on the wind. They were originally bred as showbreeds. For how rare Togekiss are in the wild, this breed is even rarer.
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Sylph Swablu have lighter primary feathers and the speckled markings of Togepi on theri chest. They are also less skiddish, and wild ones are willing to fly up to humans out of pure curiosity. Many of the wild ones that come up are caught for protection reasons, and the ones that aren't are marked so they can be protected by the region. Since both Togekiss and Altaria mate for life, they are often raised by both parents. Sylph Swablu are also known to be more clingy to their trainers than standard Swablu.
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Sylph Altaria spend most of their time in the sky and away from humans. They have a pretty happy-go-lucky personality and will live with other Altaria and Swablu (doesn't matter of purebred or not). In many myths and legends, seeing a Sylph Altaria means a baby has had its first laugh.
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Hey, I'm pretty interested in contests, and have noticed a lot of interesting Pokemon while watching them! What exactly are some of the common contest breeds?
(///ooc: I looked through the ENTIRE national dex MULTIPLE TIMES for this. Why? Because I wanted to.)
Hello! There are many different types of contests; beauty pageant style contests, performance based contests, battle contests, I've even seen a sub-type of beauty pageant contests that focus on pokemon that are often considered "too ugly" for regular beauty pageants like Trubbish and Garbodor. I have divided this into different parts. Note: Pretty much every pokemon has an official "contest" breed and official "battle" breed.
First is a list of the top 5 most popular beauty pageant contest pokemon with the three most popular contest breeds of each pokemon.
Pikachu. The three most popular contest breeds are the cosplay breed (obviously), the long tail breed (dedenne father), and the bushy tail breed (pachirisu father)
Eevee and the Eevee-lutions. The most popular contests breeds are the snow coat breed (alolan vulpix or ninetales father), the boots breed (nickit or thievul father), and the blue coat breed (alolan meowth or persian father).
Gardevoir. The three most popular contest breeds are the funeral breed (gothita, gothorita, or gothitelle father), the dolly breed (shuppet or banette father), and the ice cream breed (milcery or alcremie father)
Altaria. The three most popular contest breeds are dancer breed (oricorio father), blood cloud breed (rufflet or braviary father), and the Sylph breed (info can be found here)
Milotic. The three most popular contest breeds are the mosaic breed (Galarian Slowpoke, Slowbro, or Slowking father), tropical breed (horsea, seadra, or kingdra father), and reef breed (johtian corsola father).
Performance contests include using dancing, singing, performing tricks, and other show tasks.
Jigglypuff. The three most popular contest breeds are the positive breed (plusle father), the spotted breed (shroomish or breloom father), and the caroler breed (snorunt or glalie father).
Zoroark. The three most popular contest breeds are the will-o-wisp breed (Kantonian Ponyta or Rapidash father), lake spirit breed (vaporeon father), and the watcher breed (sentret or furret father).
Audino. The three most popular contest breeds are the harlot breed (Spritzee or Aromatisse father), the pigtails breed (Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, or Tinkaton father), and the cheerleader breed (Hoppip, Skiploom, or Jumpluff father)
Absol. The three most popular contest breeds are the Egyptian breed (Kantonian Sandshrew or Sandslash father), the Flood breed (Paldean Tauros Aqua father), and the Eruption breed (Johtian Typhlosion father)
Oricorio. The three most popular contest breeds are the ballet breed (togepi, togetic, or togekiss father), the kickbox breed (hawlucha father), and the masquerade breed (pidove, tranquill, or unfezant father).
The "battle" contests are very similar to the performance contests just with a focus on using pokemon moves within the performance.
The hitmon line. The three most popular contest breeds are the ethereal breed (ceruledge father), the brawler breed (spinda father), and the kick-box breed (Buneary and Lopunny father).
Metagross. The three most popular contest breeds are the sundance breed (Solrock father), the steampunk breed (klink, klang, or klinkklang father), and the collector breed (klefki father).
Ampharos. The three most popular contest breeds are the sunflower breed (Chikorita, Bayleef, or Meganium father), the forest breed (Turtwig, Grotle, or Torterra father), and the snowglow breed (Alolan Vulpix or Ninetales father).
Porygon2. The three most popular contest breeds are the magnetic breed (Magnemite, Magneton, or Magnezone father), the ringer breed (Bronzor or Bronzong father), and the salt lick breed (Nacli, Naclstack, or Garganacl father).
Aegislash. The three most popular contest breeds are the pixelated breed (Porygon, 2, or Z father), the butter knife breed (Sinistea or Polteageist father), and the bread knife breed (Fidough or Dachsbun father).
Then there are "anti-beauty" pageants that focus on pokemon that are often considered too "ugly" for regular pageants. (this is my personal favorite type of contest)
Garbodor. The three most popular contest breeds are the petrified breed (Glimmet or Glimmora father), the run off breed (Bergmite or Avalugg father), and the recycled breed (Vanillite, Vanillish, or Vanilluxe father).
Muk. The three most popular contest breeds are the haunted breed (Gastly, Haunter, or Gengar father), the lava breed (Slugma or Magcargo father), and the chime breed (Chingling or Chimecho father)
Golbat. The three most popular contest breeds are the heart breed (Woobat or Swoobat father), the wyrm breed (Noibat or Noivern father), and the statue breed (Natu or Xatu father).
Shiinotic. The three most popular contest breeds are the cherry breed (Bounsweet, Steenee, or Tsareena father), the banana breed (tropius father), and the apple breed (Applin, Appletun, or Flapple father).
Grimmsnarl. The three most popular contest breeds are the warlock breed (Hatenna, Hattrem, and Hatterene father), the strawberry breed (Snubbull or Granbull father), and the snaggletooth breed (Mawile father).
-Prof. V. Maple.
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dumb pokemon au: dirk
team: pelipper- seagulls, cmon man you cant expect him not to befriend one seagull, prolly his first catch since the fucker followed him around in his childhood togekiss- a weird choice, but hear me out, togepi is a pokemon that evolves when its friendly with its trainer, right? so imagine dirk getting one and raising it and he never really bonds with it until jane points it out to him, it finally evolves at like level 60 greninja- dirk would be the type to probably put way too much research into the starter pokemon before he gets one so he knows thats what the endgame is, his starter aegislash- a pretty cool pokemon in general, also sword banette- creepy revived doll, he likes puppets, see what im getting at here weavile- actually a complete clutz, probably misses a lot of its moves, still his precious baby other -also from goldenrod -older brother to dave, cares a lot about him -he and bro are seperare people -claims to want to be a gym leader, would probably rather like to work with a company like sylph co
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swanwinged-princess · 5 years
Hhhh Pokemon au... 
-Altair Apollyon Cygnus is/was a Pokemon champion/top scientist turned roving champion of justice going around righting wrongs and taking down evil and stuff 
 -Wandered into Schwanensee, a small kingdom/principality/province where people and Pokemon lived together in harmony, with a rich history etc. etc., decided to stay and study it bc everything seems to be really... healthy and nice for lack of a better word 
 -The lore/culture of Schwanensee heavily involves two previously unheard-of legendary Pokemon, Sygneraph and Monstravan (aka the Salvation Pokemon and the Despair Pokemon) 
-Basically to sum it up they’re a pair of legendary birds; in ages past they used to work together to keep balance but eventually had some sort of falling-out and Monstravan stormed off to the other side of the forest to set up its own domain full of darkness and poison and is basically just a blighted hellscape 
-Blighted hellscape land is still part of Schwanensee but only technically; is ruled by Baron Bertrand von Rothbart or something totally obvious like that, while nice and healthy and flourishing land is ruled by the royal family, currently only consisting of crown princess/young queen Leda 
-Leda is special because she can commune with (talk to) Pokemon and she has a similar aura to a healing Pokemon like Chansey or Audino 
-The Baron is big salty because he has to rule blighted hellscape-land populated exclusively by ruffians and thugs and other such unsavory individuals; in the history books it says that the baron’s family chose to rule over it out of the goodness of their hearts bc somebody had to take care of it, but actually they and all their followers got exiled because they tried to pull some Fuck Shit to usurp the throne
-When Altair shows up he’s all fixing to move in and marry Leda, but obviously she and Altair fall in love and get married, making Altair the new king (they were actually arranged to be married, but after Leda officially became queen she abolished arranged marriage in Schwanensee forever for the sake of True Love)
 -Baron throws a tantrum, goes back to blighted hellscape-land for a few years; everyone thinks he’s just sulking but ACTUALLY he’s been setting up a big evil science operation, actually CAPTURED Monstravan and is now doing experiments on it 
-Fast-forward a couple years; Altair and Leda are happily married and are throwing a gala to celebrate Leda being in the late stages of pregnancy 
 -Baron von Rothbart shows up to ‘offer the olive branch’/reveal that he has somehow acquired a few children of his own (even though he doesn’t have a wife), makes ‘jokes’ about how since he has boys AND girls any of his kids could marry their kid, which fall kinda flat 
-Since nobody seems to be down with his ‘random idea’ of arranging a marriage between his kid(s) and the still-unborn heir, he decides to move on to plan B which is POISON LEDA AND HER BABY with a vial of Monstravan blood extract
 -He slips it into a cup of special wine, years old from his family’s best stock etc. etc., and is ‘I know her majesty is expecting the blessed event any day now, but surely a mere MOUTHFUL wouldn’t hurt, it’s my best wine, a peace offering’ blah blah blah 
-Leda takes one swallow and collapses dramatically; the cup rolls along the floor and the wine evaporates into purple smoke, and so on and so forth 
-Leda gets rushed to Altair’s lab under the castle where a bunch of scientists and healer Pokemon try to save her/figure out what’s wrong with her but they can’t seem to figure anything out because they’ve never had to work with essence of Monstravan before 
-Baron and associates are banished from Schwanensee proper under pain of death; Altair starts having a big high-tech ultra-fortified wall built between the forest and hellscape-land, guarded night and day and etc. etc. 
-The scientists managed to save Leda/keep her stable but the baby (Tutu obviously) is another matter... they got her out of Leda and into a special incubator but she’s still dying and nobody knows what to do 
-Altair ordered everybody who knew about the poisoning to keep their mouths shut so the kingdom at large is still celebrating the upcoming birth of the heir 
-Altair goes to the garden to wallow in despair and lo and behold, who should come descending down from the sky in a ray of light and settle majestically onto the castle’s Swanna pond than Sygneraph 
-Sygneraph talks to him with telepathy and is like ‘I know what has happened here; I can feel that this child is the hope of this land— there is a way to save her, but be warned because if you do this, she will not be the same’ 
-Altair is like ‘uhhhh FUCK YEAH I’m gonna do this’ and runs and grabs Tutu out of the incubator and brings her to Sygneraph 
-Sygneraph takes out one of its heart gems (3 special gems on its chest) and places it on Tutu’s chest; it merges with her/becomes part of her like it was part of Sygneraph and she does a Swan Princess-style swirly sparkly transformation into a weirdly beautiful Pokemon-like creature 
-Sygneraph is like ‘I have given up part of my power to this child and I can no longer protect this land as strongly as I once did; the poison is gone but the power necessary to do so has changed her forever. She is now neither human nor Pokemon, but perhaps she can bring us closer together. All eras must come to an end-- and I will hope that this child is the light needed to usher in a new one’ 
-Then it explains that at night she’ll be more like a Pokemon but in the daytime she’ll be more like a human, but she’ll still have Pokemon-like features 
-Altair also tells everyone to keep it a secret that Tutu is like that because he doesn’t want sketchy people and scientists coming to try and get at her 
-Sygneraph decides to chill in the castle gardens for the foreseeable future because it just lost a full third of its power, and also somebody’s gonna have to keep an eye on Tutu to make sure everything’s ok/teach her how to be part-legendary Pokemon 
-Meanwhile in blighted hellscape-land (because everything has to have a balance), Monstravan looks up in its laser prison and goes ‘I sense that Sygneraph grows weaker... But a new light has awoken... What can this mean’ 
-Baron is like ‘EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO ME OR I’LL ZAP YOU WITH LASERS AGAIN’ and Monstravan is like *sigh* ‘ok way to ruin my enigmatic dramatic moment-- basically I think Sygneraph just gave one of its heart gems to the royal baby’ 
-Baron is like ‘oh YEAH?!?! Well if Altair gets that then I’m gonna do THIS’ and snatches one of Monstravan’s soul shards (3 special gems on its forehead) and gets his scientists to figure out how to distribute it to his horrible ‘kids’ 
-Fast forward a few years-- Tutu is growing up and generally being cute/sweet/a beloved young princess; the kingdom adores her and she has a happy life with her mom and dad and ‘fairy godfather’ Sygneraph 
 -In the daytime she looks human except for her arms (which are wings w. claw-hands) and a long, trailing set of fairy wings on the small of her back that almost form a ‘train’ or ‘tail’ when they’re folded down, and her eyes, which are particularly big and beautiful and a pretty sort of iridescent gradient like Allura’s eyes from VLD; basically she just wears long, kimono-style sleeves and floor-length puffy skirts to hide them when she has to be seen by people outside the castle 
-At night, she turns into almost a Gardevoir or Kirlia-esque or fairylike creature, with those delicate, inhuman proportions and even bigger eyes/no nose to speak of/a feather ‘dress’ that’s sort of part of her body; climbs out of her window when she’s supposed to be sleeping and flutters around the garden and dances on the lake with Sygneraph and all kinds of different Pokemon 
-When she’s about seven years old there’s a surprise attack on the castle at night; lots of grunts in raggedy black cloaks with pointy hoods to look like birds; swarms of Murkrow and Honchkrow and Corviknight and even hired mercenaries with real ass guns and everything 
 -They set fire to the castle grounds and during the altercation, a few guards/palace staff, some Pokemon and of course Leda are killed 
-In the aftermath, Altair and Sygneraph decide to leave on a journey/self-imposed exile to prove it was the Baron/restore balance/take revenge/just wallow in his own man-guilt and leave Tutu to be taken care of by the scientists and servants 
-She grows up more and becomes beautiful/kind/wise/beloved by all; isn’t the official ruler yet but still has a hand in how things work and is actually quite good at it 
-Enter the baron’s fuckboy son, Cor von Rothbart, who swaggers in and is like ‘Hey princess, YOU’RE going to marry ME’ and she is like.... ‘ew no’ 
-This is basically the climate up until now, interspersed with a few kidnapping schemes and attempts to trick or entrap Tutu into agreeing to marry/engaging herself to Cor 
-Tutu doesn’t battle or coordinate, but she does have a ‘team’, consisting of a Gardevoir (Giselle, her lady-in-waiting, who does the things she can’t do without showing she has wings for hands), an Altaria (Sylph), a red Florges (Aurora), a Swanna (Siegfried), a Togekiss (Cupid), and a shiny Bellossom (Flora). 
-She can use Pokemon moves but mainly only defensive/healing/restoration-type moves; if I had to give her a typing it would be Fairy (Sygneraph is Fairy/Dragon (I KNOW BUT UNTIL/IF WE GET A LIGHT TYPE IT’S THE BEST I’VE GOT), Monstravan is Dark/Dragon/Poison) 
-She can also talk to Pokemon (more traditionally ‘talking’, like a Disney princess in this case, rather than just ~communing~ bc I say so and I think it’d be cute if she’s just chatting away with a bunch of Pokemon and responding like they’re actually having a conversation while all anybody else can hear is ‘Pika pi!’ or whatever) 
-Pokemon are also drawn to her, moreso in her night/‘true’ form, bc she has that same aura as a healing legendary like Xerneas or something, but even as a ‘human’ ppl will remark about how she can seem to get even the most stand-offish Pokemon to open up to her 
-it’s possible to reveal her true form during the day, but it would take a lot of power/specific wavelengths and energy and stuff, and it would definitely really hurt 
-I’ll talk about the ‘setting’ it’ll probably be easiest to interact w her in in a different post bc this has already gotten long enough as is
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