#zips luxray
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((OOC intro will be under the cut!)
Hello! My name is Professor Adrian Wisteria, though I usually just go by Wisteria. I use she/her pronouns if it's helpful. I'm a fairly new graduate of the Kalosian Research Academy's Legendary and Mythical Pokemon program where I got my first Pokemon, hence the professor title, and I'm currently working in the Legendary Research Lab at the base of Mt. Coronet!
It's a wonderful opportunity, and one I'm taking to open up a blog and talk about my work! Spreading education is a vital part of my job right now, so I'll post about my work and study subjects - Legendary and Mythical Pokemon! Also Ultra Beasts, but not as much. Feel free to ask me anything or chat about your own experiences, and I'll also post info unprompted!
I'll list my current team members, and then there will be more details about the blog below the cut.
Violet - F!Meowstic, my starter from Kalos. Serious nature, hates to lose. Likes to look important, not often playful.
Sylph - M!Togekiss, a gift from an ex-friend. Brave nature, somewhat of a clown. Flies in circles around my head and uses himself as a hat.
Giblets - M!Gible, a lab Pokemon who I'm currently in charge of...as much as you can be in charge of a Gible. Naughty nature, strong-willed. A handful and a half.
Nessie - F!Lapras, caught in Kalos. Jolly nature, loves to eat. Big girl, nibbles people's heads to say hello.
Shades - M!Liepard, bought from a reputable breeder in Kalos. Lax nature, scatters things often. Likes to play, in the laziest way possible. Lap fungus.
Tesla - NB!Porygon2, gifted from the lab I stayed with in Kalos, doesn't battle. Sassy nature, highly curious. Pretends to be a mad scientist sometimes for shits and giggles.
Bloom - F!Leafeon, caught as an Eevee in Kalos. Mild nature, likes to relax. Sleeps a lot, values her quiet time.
Zips - F!Luxio, child of my mother's Luxray. Hasty nature, likes to run. Recently evolved, still tripping over her paws often.
((Hello! This blog is run by Gem (any pronouns), I also run @gemalawashomestuck and @john-dirk. This is one of those scientificish Pokemon ask blogs, but with a bit of a quirk - in this one, there are multiple of each Legendary/Mythical Pokemon, though they're far from common, and people can catch/own/see them as a regular thing!
As such, this blog will mostly focus on Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, but there will absolutely be content about others. Feel free to send in asks - questions, sightings, experiences, etc! Otherwise I'll just headcanonpost like. A lot.
Terfs/exclus/transmeds/anti-MOGAI/otherwise bigots will be blocked, as will thinspo/ED blogs and antivaxxers/antimaskers/otherwise science deniers.
Please keep the blog on-topic-ish - any Pokemon-related ask or ask about the character/s or blog is very welcomed, even if it's just related to headcanons/etc. But asks that don't have anything to do with the blog might not be answered.
Explicit NSFW asks won't be answered - I'm fine cussing and talking in the abstract about dark or NSFW topics, but this is mostly an SFW blog and I'd rather not talk in detail about sexual topics or whatnot. It's also mostly irrelevant. That said, there will be appropriately tagged discussions of death, violence, medical issues, poaching, etc.
Also, please do not send any asks that directly impact my blog - like sending me Pokemon, changing something dramatic in the world, or coming to the lab - without asking me and discussing it, preferably off anon/in DMs because I can't answer anons privately. While I don't have solid plans for this blog, there are certain things I'd prefer to do or not do and I'd love to be included in the decision-making as again, I can't answer anons privately so if you're on anon, your plan would be aired to everyone before we could execute.
Also for asks, feel free to take on the roles of various canon characters if you wish. The only thing I ask is that you search their name on my blog first. The only exception is Cynthia, until I announce her secret, please message or off-anon ask me first so I can tell it to you.
Tags (TBA):
out of character
in character
legendary pokemon
mythical pokemon
ultra beasts
professor wisteria
violet meowstic
sylph togekiss
giblets garchomp (tagged as final evo for convenience)
shades liepard
tesla porgyonz (final evo for ease)
bloom leafeon
zips luxray
nessie lapras
lilith iron moth
jenova arceus
meta info
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nationalicondex · 22 days
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435 Luxray icons from The Pokemon Anime. If you decide to use these icons then give credit. A like or reblog is not necessary but appreciated. You will find the icons in a ZIP FILE.
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fruti2flutie · 7 months
let's go, slowbro! (4/7)
summary: With every status change inflicted onto his Pokémon, Changbin finds himself inside Levanter's Pokémon Center to get them healed. There he meets Seungmin, the nurse on duty that has a Yamper's bark, a Gible's bite, and a quirky personality that makes Changbin feel like he's been dropped smack dab in battle.
Nevertheless, Seungmin is a fun guy to chat with, and Changbin looks forward to seeing him every time. But he can't explain the odd feelings that begin to develop as his stay at Levanter goes long: his heart going Rapidash-fast, his skin pinkening to the color of a Clefairy, his mind a jumbled mess whenever he enters the Center...
Maybe Changbin's Pokémon aren't the only ones being affected?
pairing: seungbin (seungmin/changbin)
rating: G
posted: march 10, 2024
Jeongin spots them as Spoink is bouncing happily around the grass and Changbin is sorting Berries. The younger trainer's voice is carried by the wind, a surprised shout of Changbin's name, and he does nothing to stop his accompanying Luxray from zipping across the field barreling Changbin and his Berries over.
(read on ao3)
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shinx-oh · 7 months
Okay I’ve been ruminating on the “long story” I mentioned earlier: So AFAIK, she made a deal with the fae, got eebied (but slowly because…?) in exchange for her name, then us, the anons zipped her (and eventually, Jean, the luxray) to modern day then Someone sent the egg, it hatched and she used a teleport gem (again our giving) to come here. That’s the basics I think.
... Ah. That's. Definitely a lot. Poor girl...
- Nurse Joy.
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autumnbreezecontest · 11 months
Name and pronouns of mun:  Knight (she/they/he)
Timezone: EST
Name and pronouns of muse: Takashi "Richard" Testushima (he/him)
Stage name if applicable: Rich Steel
Pokémon (up to 12):
- Sparkles the Luxray
- Thorn the Roserade
- Zip the Emolga
- Pip the Empoleon
- Dia the Froslass
- Fletch the Staraptor
Wanted Contest plots (if any): Since he re-debuted in the spring (this time, revealing his true identity!!) perhaps some of his old fans and rivals will come out of the woodwork? Either way, he's just here to have a good time.
Accepted! Welcome!
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Name and pronouns of muse: Richard Tetsushima, he/him
Stage name if applicable: Rich Steele
Name and pronouns of mun: Knight, she/they/he (I'm nonbinary/agender and not really attached to any pronouns, so use whatever!)
Timezone: EST
Pokémon (up to 12):
Sparkles the Luxray (M, adamant)
Thorn the Roserade (M, rash)
Pip the Empoleon (M, hasty)
Zip the Emolga (M, timid)
Fletch the Staraptor (M, impish)
Dia the Froslass (F, gentle)
Wanted Contest plots (if any): Roughly 30 years ago, under his old stage name, he did pretty well in contests for several years... and then just stopped appearing. This is his first major appearance since he was 25! And, tying in with the theme of "hope" and "change" - he used his persona as a mask, back then, and hid his real identity. But now? I think he's ready to reveal the truth!
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“Oh? A past coordinator of sinnoh? I feel like I've seen you before..."
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“oh well, welcome Richard!"
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
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We’re gonna go from not posting for weeks to a bunch in a couple of days—I blame getting back on Pokémon: Legends Arceus for this.
Anywho, in the ongoing saga of Obake and Tadashi get Isekai’ed—this happened to me in my last session.  I was picking a fight with a Staravia, threw my Luxray at it…and the Luxray popped up behind it, grabbed a Vivichoke, and then zipped back in the Pokéball.  My immediate comment: this isn’t helping me. Just barely got it back out before the Staravia attacked me. XD  Obake, of course, has less luck in this case.
Find it on Eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Pokémon © Game Freak; Nintendo
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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Heya! I'm looking for some advice. My Luxio, Zip, just evolved into a Luxray earlier this month! I'm really pleasantly surprised because I thought evolving would make Jim more stoic and less of a cuddly baby, but it seems like quite the opposite. He's done with his angry luxio years and is more affectionate than ever! Problem is...he still thinks he's suitably a lap pokemon. I really really want to humour and snuggle him while I'm working, but he's way too big now and blocks my view, and crushes my legs. Is there anything I can give to him as an alternative? He gets so sad when I have to nudge him off
Well, you can give him a pillow to lay on instead of your legs. That always worked with my father’s Luxray.
You can also try introducing new types of affection. Try hugging Zip next time he wants your attention, or petting him slowly, or brushing his mane. 
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thelastpilot · 5 years
I’m in a bad mood right now so i wanted to do something fun!
I know not everyone is going to agree with my selections but I will provide my reasoning for each and do every character I have remembered. I haven’t watched ML at all in ages but here we go lol
The plot, in my head, is pokemon living inside the universe, none of which were once humans. They are just in the world, operating within it. It follows Adrien, Nino, Marinette and Alya joining a rescue guild and forming their own team. Over time their guild threatens to close so after a lot of hard work they open their own guild and all their friends join and make teams! 
The Gang
Nino- A Buizel. I love a water pokemon for Nino and buizels design and color scheme are just so vibrant. Plus bubbles! He’s a good mix of energetic but also chill. just an otter chilling in a current, floating away, probably asleep
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Adrien- a Pikachu. Poster boy? Poster pokemon! He’s the popular cute beloved pokemon with an electric personality, but really wants nothing more than to be part of a group. Cat Noir’s brashness and diving into trouble suits an impulsive electric type. I considered shinx but Adrien isnt cool enough to be a Luxray lmao
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Alya- A Vulpix! Kind of obvious I know but shes firey and impulsive, while also being sassy. Plus you know she would be a regal kickass Ninetales one day. Perfect color scheme for her, I can just see a little vulpix with a birthmark
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Marinette- Eevee! when it comes to what pokemon a character would BE as opposed to what they would HAVE i dont think ledian fits at all. As a trainer she’d have one maybe but she wouldn’t be one. I say Eevees have so much potential and can be so many things, they thrive in being ‘normal’ but CAN wield a lot of power and are the epitome of adaptable. Specifically I think she’d evolve into a Sylveon, with a crux ass friendship moment being the reason. 
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The Class; AKA The Town/Guild
Chloe- Servine
Snivy is so cool and elegant and snooty as is it’s whole line, you KNOW her mom is a super mean Serperior which is exactly what Chloe is aspiring to be. I was tempted to put all classmates into the unevolved category to keep them ‘young’ but since it can happen due to experience or moments in their life I feel like it’s okay to hop around a little. Also, regardless of what you think of her Chloe had some tough moments as a kind. I bet she evolved after her mom left while fighting with her dad. ( Who LOOKS like a very fat serperior but is really a big ole ditto and everyone knows it, Chloe however is convinced no one know and always covers it up)  
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Sabrina- Butterfree!
I love the idea of a skittish little Caterpie that clung to Snivys back and was always put down a little (especially as a insecure Metapod that evolved because it was standing up to Chloe and ‘toughened up’ a little) eventually evolving into a super unique cool little Butterfree that’s beautiful but still a little timid. Maybe even a pink Butterfree like the anime!
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Max- Rotom? Porygon 2?
Max seems too reserved to be energetic rotom but I think Rotom has more personality than Porygon 2. I think if I had to commit I would choose Porygon 2 because the personality can always adapt and Rotom by nature is always zipping about so I think I’ll go with the second idea
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Kim- Croconaw
Kim was tough for me, but I think Croconaw is a good comprise of goofy (i mean come on totodile is so goofy) loves to swim (water pokemon!) but also kind of jock who wants to get BIG and aspires to be a super buff Feraligator
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Alix- Scorbunny or Raboot
Either in this evolution line is fine with me, especially a particually short Raboot who was really hoping evolution was gonna help in the height department. Fun sporty competitive and also a RABBIT
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Ivan- Pangoro
This one feels a little obvious so im not totally sold I also considered a Gogoat but I kind of love the idea of Ivan evolving early so he was suddenly SO much bigger and scarier than his peers. People who were already skittish of the pancham were now totally avoiding this big brute, but people who know him well know that he’s still a young dude inside who wants to hang out with his friends, he just evolved kind of early
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Mylene- Audino
Audino is such a sweet round warm loving creature, like how absolutely pleasant it is. It reminds me of Mylenes nature and i can imagine her being exactly like her normal self, always emerging with this lumbering scary Pangoro and treating him so sweetly. This one just fits, i think it works
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Nathaneal-  Mimikyu
Now i’ll tell you this one is really a toss up so feel free to suggest alteratives. I also heavily considered Datrix, the mid evolution of the Rowlet line. I think that this one is cute cause hes a shy dude that is beloved by many even if he struggles with putting himself out there. plus how he make that outfit? creative! 
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Rose- Deerling
This one also seems like a easy one but there are many sweet rounded creatures you can pick for Rose, I feel like she slots in many places. But I like deerling for her because its pink and naturey and also really sweet and earnest looking. I feel like a Deerling would always give the benefit of the doubt and i can imagine it swooning about love. 
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Juleka- Mismagius or Mawile
Also kind of tough you can probably also go with its pre-evolution for this . But I think Mawile isn’t a far reach either! In fact as I’m typing this i might even like it more but i’ll stick to my guns with it. There are a few pokemon you could use for Juleka I think
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Lila- Sneasle
I could have also gone Zoura but I think Sneasle just suits her better. Its mean, its deceptive, it is cunny and brilliant. It suits her true nature but not exactly what she claims to be so I will also say Nickit is not totally a far reach for her I feel like that makes sense I just dont like what it evolves into much. Sneasle seems more dangerous to me than Nickit, but perhaps part of Lila’s charm is her unassuming appearance. Open to suggestions on this one! 
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heatobrienswife · 4 years
Zips on to Sned 🍄? I dunno if I sent one or not already oof.
If you did then it didn't show up in my inbox :( 
But the obvious one would be gengar! So I'm also gonna give you a luxray! 
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kodirocks-blog · 5 years
Repositories For Kodi | 15 Best Kodi Repositories
The simplest way to download and installation kodi addons is with the aid of locating a repository first. But, this is in which you need help because the high-quality kodi repositories are frequently hard to locate. Or even even as you discover one, there are no ensures that it’ll stick round for a long term. We’ve completed our homework of locating absolutely-going for walks kodi repositories, as of december 2019. Because of this that the following alternatives assist you to set up hundreds, if now not masses of kodi addons, and enhance your entire user enjoy. So, no more wasting it sluggish on faulty addons or builds – we’ve were given precisely what you need! Top 15 fine kodi repositories
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kodibae is probably the maximum up to date repository right now. Even though this developer continues to be quite new in the international of kodi addons, he already controlled to end up pretty popular. One among the most important motives why it’s so popular is because of hosting an all-new exodus addon. This previously popular addon went offline some time once more. However, kodibae managed to resurrect it. Amongst distinctive addons, you could additionally anticipate ccloud, primewire, and sports satan. This repository also has addons made by specific builders, which includes seren, as an instance. Url: visit on github (set up through zip record) do checkout: Best Kodi repositories
2 : tvaddons
other than being one of the pleasant kodi repositories inside the intervening time, this is additionally one of the maximum turbulent ones. Because of its reputation, tvaddons modified into attacked via the use of some of big organizations and anti-piracy organizations. However, this repository through hook or via crook commonly manages to resurface regardless of ongoing felony issues. In truth, this repository brings some thing you may’t find somewhere else and that’s git browser. Way to the git browser addon, you may without difficulty set up any addon that can be located on github. This add-on downloads a zipper report from github and installs that document inside kodi. For more records, right here’s our guide on tvaddons’ gitbrowser. Make sure to try it out, and installation a number of the quality kodi repositories discovered in this text. Three : streamarmy
it’s actual that streamarmy has had its united states of americaand downs inside the past. This became as quickly as one of the most famous kodi repositories with dozens of high-quality addons. But, it went via a length at the same time as it was offline, losing plenty of enthusiasts. But, this repository is in the end returned. If you decide to try the streamarmy repo, we advocate putting in addons together with entertain me, adult swim, and nemesis aio. You’ll moreover find a few man or woman-content cloth addons like fapzone and xxx-o-dus
four : diamond wizard
diamond repo is all about remarkable, no longer amount. It comes with 20+ addons within the mean time, which gained’t seem like plenty. But, every of these offers a way to decorate your kodi in incredible approaches. And this is why we strongly accept as proper with that this is one of the terrific kodi repositories right now. We advocate downloading tubi tv and movie theater butter for the modern-day films and tv indicates. Then, you may go along with grownup swim, reddit viewer, and 7of9 aio – all of which come with tremendous content material libraries.
5 : dimitrology
dimitrology has a totally lengthy statistics, with its usaand downs. It got here online some years back and controlled to host loads of addons within the route of all this time. Some months ago, it suddenly went offline, which amazed the entire worldwide kodi consumer network. However, we’re happy to look dimitrology decrease returned. What essential to look at is that you can use dimitrology to put in other repositories with the maximum famous addons proper now. Therefore, and for now, that could be a should-have repository for every kodi individual.
6 : sincerely caz repository
subsequent, we've a repository recognized for television-related addons. For the duration of the previous few months, this form of addons has come to be hard to discover. Every stay-tv and on-name for options have disappeared, that’s why we felt excited to discover the certainly caz repo. Actually caz is slowly turning to legal addons, to avoid getting on the radar of copyright safety businesses. Right now, we advocate you to attempt addons like livetube, youtube, and maybe even earth cam if you’re searching out some thing instructional.
7 : bludhavengrayson repository
over the past couple of months, bludhaven grayson has become a trending call in the kodi community. Although it capabilities just a few addons inside the interim, all of those are absolutely amazing. You need to additionally realize that this repository is all approximately sports activities and live tv programming. We’ve stumbled upon bludhaven grayson seeking out the following notable sports activities addon. That’s how we’ve positioned addons like health blender and boxplus. Then, there are some live television kodi addons as properly which can be in the main focused on the tv channels from the usa and uk. Take a look and you’ll see why this is one of the fine kodi repositories. Url: visit on github (install through zip file)
8 : mr. Freeworld (legionworld tv)
over the past couple of months, we’ve seen that many were speakme approximately the freeworld repository. Within the absence of numerous popular addons that are no longer to be had, kodi users have been turning to options. And that’s how this repository got here under the spotlight. By means of the use of this repository, you’ll get to install addons inclusive of neptune growing, guillermo inform, precise, mobdro, and plenty greater. All of these are currently trending options that deliver masses of content material fabric on their personal. And more importantly, all of those get maintain of ordinary updates, which has end up something that we don’t see frequently nowadays
9 : kodi nerds
with over 100 addons on provide, the kodi nerds repository brings pretty lots any type of content you can consider. What have to be highlighted right here is that you’ll find a pleasant choice of definitely prison kodi addons, which function gateways to video streaming offerings. Also, it seems like loads of addons supplied thru kodi nerds come from germany and austria – which ought to be of hobby to kodi users coming from those  international places. We exceptionally recommend locating out addons like nasa, dailymotion, vevo television, youtube track, mtv mediathek, xbox stay. We’re certain you’ll discover lots extra which you’d need to down load right away. Url: visit on github (set up through zip file)
10 : dk-xbmc repository
dk-xbmc is a popular kodi repository that now only exists on github. What’s particular approximately this one is that it brings a difficult and speedy of addons that you received’t find everywhere else. That is why we’ve featured dk-xbmc in our article on anime kodi addons and chinese language language kodi addons. Our strong idea is to install this repository and discover it on your personal. We’re certain you’re going to like what you’ll discover there. And notwithstanding the fact that there are round forty addons on provide proper now, all of them offer masses of hours of particular content. Url: visit on github (install through zip report)
11 : ezzer-mac’s wizard repository
it’s actual that the ezzer-mac’s repository isn’t one in every of the largest of its kind. In the imply time, you’ll discover close to 40 addons here. But, we’re recommending it in this text due to the quality of the addons you’ll find out right here. Plenty of these are a number of the most well-known proper now, and we’re more than certain which you’ll be happy to have observed them. If you want a few on-factor pointers, we endorse putting in deathstar, athena, medusa, and kratos reborn – for movies and tv indicates. And there’s additionally the luxray pinnacle addon proper right here, that’s one in all our favorite aio (all-in-one) addons in the meanwhile. This need to be sufficient that allows you to look why the ezzer-mac’s wizard repository is one of the first-rate repositories proper now.
12 : octopus repository
it’s real that the octopus repository is a glowing one – but that doesn’t forestall us from recommending it in this newsletter. That’s because of the truth you’ll find out a few pinnacle-rated alternatives right right here, and we moreover accept as genuine with that this can soon be the house to some of the high-quality kodi addons around. If you make a decision to try this repository out, ensure to put in addons such as alvin and taz. Those carry a large library of films and tv shows, further to masses of different content. They come with intuitive navigation and also you’ll rarely discover non-operating hyperlinks there. Also, this repository offers a few exclusive exciting alternatives, which include sportsdevil, and plex unfastened.
13 : t2k repository
over the last couple of months, we placed ourselves gaining access to this repository quite frequently. That’s due to the reality its collection of addons has been unexpectedly evolving. In any case, this is the home of the it kodi addon, that is one of the most famous movie-associated addons available. This addon is the motive sufficient to attempt t2k. Now not too lengthy ago, a few other addon seemed right here. We’re speaking approximately the dominion kodi addon, which combines many one among a type forms of content material. But, what we like the maximum is its offer of iptv channels. Proper now, there are hundreds of live tv channels provided proper here, that is some thing you received’t discover some vicinity else.
14 : golden gun repository
then, we’ve the presently trending golden gun repository. This isn’t a large repository of kodi addons – but you’ll locate some noteworthy options here. We’re speaking about addons including i’m ego, resistance, and the lab. All of these deliver films, tv indicates, cartoons, and distinct types of content material.
15 : authentic kodi repository
in case you want get entry to to masses of addons that art work without any troubles, you should flip to kodi’s reputable repository. The ones are all crook and demonstrated addons which have long beyond via an extensive trying out segment. Consequently, this is the very exceptional manner to supplement your kodi with new content material with out the worry of inflicting any technical complications. Of direction, navigating your manner via masses of addons isn’t an clean venture. That will help you with this, we have prepare a guide to the exceptional legal kodi addons. That is wherein you'll discover addons made by well-known companies that assist you to watch on-demand and in addition to stay content. Final phrases : there also are distinctive exciting options proper right here, some of which can be considered to be the classics of kodi addons. We’re talking approximately sportsdevil, livestreamspro, and greater. All in all, it’s smooth to look why we count on that is one of the fine kodi repositories in 2019 – and we strongly suggest you try it out.
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linzerj · 7 years
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next OC’s pokemon team is made!
Meet Liz’s team - Lyssa the Venusaur, Sparkle the Jolteon, Zip the Rotom, Amp the Mareep, Voltron the Luxray, and Littlefoot the Aurorus!
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Been a while, sorry! It's Elly, the older trainer with the shiny Luxray. Here to both answer something/ask something; Zip's trainer; Luxray tend to be a more mellowed version of when they were Shinx, I find! Jenny is fiercely protective & yet despite her size, thinks I should carry her most places. Second; Jenny thinks I should carry her everywhere again. I started doing it again after she sprained a paw in Galar, it's not backbreaking but its kinda inconvenient, do I let her old butt have this?
I wouldn’t recommend carrying Luxray when she isn’t injured, they tend to be pretty heavy, and you don’t want a fully evolved Pokemon getting lazy on top of that
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