#giblets garchomp
The Jenova Update
So! Things have been...complicated. But I'm sure everyone remembers Jenova, the Arceus Shard that was basically dropped in my lap. Figuring out how to handle her has taken some time, but she's now settled into her new situation - and I thought you might like to hear what it is. Below the cut, so I don't clog any dashes more than necessary.
I had, honestly, no desire to keep Jenova on as one of my Pokemon. To put it simply, I'm not in any position to take on an Arceus Shard as a Pokemon - especially one who, understandably, didn't choose to be in my care at all. As such, I am not her legal Trainer, and only was for about an hour. However, she has agreed that I can say I had an Arceus Shard at one point, for the cool factor.
Technically, right now, Jenova is the lab's Pokemon. She emancipated herself as belonging to herself - something any Pokemon capable of communication can do - and took ownership of her own Pokeball. And then, immediately, she designated our lab as a trusted holder of her Pokeball, registered herself as a lab Pokemon, and turned her ball over to the lab where it's currently being held in a secure location.
As such, she is her own Trainer, but we are responsible for her and her ball by her own choice, because she decided to remain here. She's more of an employee now than anything - she has her own office, which is being furnished for her (door enlargement, rearranging furniture so she has space, etc). She's also on payroll as a protector Pokemon - officially, her job is to prevent any dangers like Paradox Pokemon attacks or poaching attempts. She is our biggest, scariest line of defense.
Unofficially, she's mostly here to learn about the present, work with the Sinnoh League, and just enjoy herself. She's also consented to be studied - simple things like taking measurements, checking up on her health, and similar things. From that, we've determined that she's slightly shorter than the Original, with longer fur - and while that may not seem like much, it's huge news! We finally know for sure that Shards are NOT direct physical copies of their progenitor. She has physical and mental characteristics - a preference for she/her pronouns among them - that they do not, and it seems that Shards are more autonomous than most initially believed, though the Original still receives their memories.
She's settling in quite well, all things considered. I think Violet is helping and Giblets is 'helping' her rearrange her new office a bit right now while Tesla and Lilith are outside getting some sun and not-very-subtly watching, hah. Jenova seems to enjoy human food, amusingly enough...specifically coffee and pastries. A lot of the lab - myself included - are trying hard to get along with her, which has led to...too many donut runs.
All in all, things are going well. And I really don't envy the next person who tries breaking in to the lab.
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refriedbeankip · 1 year
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Garchomp and Gibbles (Giblets)
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auggie-sycamore · 6 months
why do you keep so many things in the lab?? aren't some of those like.. tripping hazards???
They’re only tripping hazards if you trip over them, as I say! And I try to keep things to the sides- my beloved Giblet the Gible keeps moving them, though. I’m under the suspicion my Garchomp has begun taking part, too…
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deinotrainer69 · 1 year
hiiii! my favorite things are deinos and dressing like an electric-type gym leader while never using electric types. dark and dragon types are my darlings <33 i like to travel and get team members from all over the world! come and chat with me!!
team description:
mud - deino (✨️, given 2 me by a friend!)
moxie - toxapex (caught in alola as a mareanie!)
sunday - noivern (✨️, found in the wild in paldea!)
wildberry - druddigon (rescued from a crowded nursery in unova!)
hestia - volcarona (just appeared in a pokeball in my bag one day while in kanto somehow? pre-evolution? she doesn't quite match the rest of my team but i love her so much)
giblet - garchomp (trained up from a gible found in a sinnoh cave!)
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mcmcntomorii-later · 3 years
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  Mukuro never found the appeal of battling pokémon, her main interest had always been in contests. Since she already had quite the strong bond with some of her pokémon, coordinating moves wasn’t a problem for her. It was because of that hard work and bond with her pokémon that allowed her to quickly rise through the ranks of the contest scene, ascending to champion status. And it was there when she was undefeated until she retired to become a pokémon photographer.
  What really spurred her into making the change from contest champion to photographer was really enjoying the moments where she’d capture her pokémon acting cute with one another or even the rarer moments where she’d encounter wild pokémon. Having won quite a good amount of money from contest winnings, Mukuro felt comfortable enough to retire from that scene and start down another career path of photographing wild pokémon. 
  It’s also during this time where Mukuro dabbles a bit more into pokémon battles. She still rarely does it mainly because she hates the thought of hurting pokémon but if she comes across a trainer that wants to battle, she won’t say no ( she also won’t say yes right away but still )
Her team is as follows:
Houndoom ♂ ( Nicknamed: Helter | Nature: Naughty | Ability: Flash Fire )   He’s been apart of Mukuro’s team since he hatched from an egg as a Houndour. Has one of the strongest bonds with Mukuro.
Ninetales - Alola Variant ( shiny )  ♀ ( Nicknamed: Aurora | Nature: Calm | Ability: Snow Warning )   Acquired her as a Vulpix in a trade.
Sharpedo  ♀ ( Nicknamed: Umi | Nature: Jolly | Ability: Speed Boost )   Was given to her as a Carvanha by a trainer who was disgruntled that the fish pokemon that they caught was a Carvanha and not a  Feebas
Kommo-o  ♂ ( Nicknamed: Jigoku  | Nature: Rash | Ability: Overcoat )   During the start of her travels as a photographer Mukuro rescued him back when he was a Jangmo-o from a very abusive trainer. Is the other pokemon on Mukuro’s team that has a very strong bond with Mukuro outside of her Houndoom.
Garchomp  ♂ ( Nicknamed: Giblet | Nature: Impish | Ability: Rough Skin )   Found him abandoned on a trail, it was clear that he was a trainer’s pokemon with how friendly and easily he came up to Mukuro. After feeding him a couple of poffins, he wouldn’t leave her side.
Seviper ( shiny ) ♀ ( Nicknamed: Doku  | Nature: Gentle | Ability: Infiltrator )   Happened across in the wild. Caught her with a quick ball.
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Pinned Post
((OOC intro will be under the cut!)
Hello! My name is Professor Adrian Wisteria, though I usually just go by Wisteria. I use she/her pronouns if it's helpful. I'm a fairly new graduate of the Kalosian Research Academy's Legendary and Mythical Pokemon program where I got my first Pokemon, hence the professor title, and I'm currently working in the Legendary Research Lab at the base of Mt. Coronet!
It's a wonderful opportunity, and one I'm taking to open up a blog and talk about my work! Spreading education is a vital part of my job right now, so I'll post about my work and study subjects - Legendary and Mythical Pokemon! Also Ultra Beasts, but not as much. Feel free to ask me anything or chat about your own experiences, and I'll also post info unprompted!
I'll list my current team members, and then there will be more details about the blog below the cut.
Violet - F!Meowstic, my starter from Kalos. Serious nature, hates to lose. Likes to look important, not often playful.
Sylph - M!Togekiss, a gift from an ex-friend. Brave nature, somewhat of a clown. Flies in circles around my head and uses himself as a hat.
Giblets - M!Gible, a lab Pokemon who I'm currently in charge of...as much as you can be in charge of a Gible. Naughty nature, strong-willed. A handful and a half.
Nessie - F!Lapras, caught in Kalos. Jolly nature, loves to eat. Big girl, nibbles people's heads to say hello.
Shades - M!Liepard, bought from a reputable breeder in Kalos. Lax nature, scatters things often. Likes to play, in the laziest way possible. Lap fungus.
Tesla - NB!Porygon2, gifted from the lab I stayed with in Kalos, doesn't battle. Sassy nature, highly curious. Pretends to be a mad scientist sometimes for shits and giggles.
Bloom - F!Leafeon, caught as an Eevee in Kalos. Mild nature, likes to relax. Sleeps a lot, values her quiet time.
Zips - F!Luxio, child of my mother's Luxray. Hasty nature, likes to run. Recently evolved, still tripping over her paws often.
((Hello! This blog is run by Gem (any pronouns), I also run @gemalawashomestuck and @john-dirk. This is one of those scientificish Pokemon ask blogs, but with a bit of a quirk - in this one, there are multiple of each Legendary/Mythical Pokemon, though they're far from common, and people can catch/own/see them as a regular thing!
As such, this blog will mostly focus on Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, but there will absolutely be content about others. Feel free to send in asks - questions, sightings, experiences, etc! Otherwise I'll just headcanonpost like. A lot.
Terfs/exclus/transmeds/anti-MOGAI/otherwise bigots will be blocked, as will thinspo/ED blogs and antivaxxers/antimaskers/otherwise science deniers.
Please keep the blog on-topic-ish - any Pokemon-related ask or ask about the character/s or blog is very welcomed, even if it's just related to headcanons/etc. But asks that don't have anything to do with the blog might not be answered.
Explicit NSFW asks won't be answered - I'm fine cussing and talking in the abstract about dark or NSFW topics, but this is mostly an SFW blog and I'd rather not talk in detail about sexual topics or whatnot. It's also mostly irrelevant. That said, there will be appropriately tagged discussions of death, violence, medical issues, poaching, etc.
Also, please do not send any asks that directly impact my blog - like sending me Pokemon, changing something dramatic in the world, or coming to the lab - without asking me and discussing it, preferably off anon/in DMs because I can't answer anons privately. While I don't have solid plans for this blog, there are certain things I'd prefer to do or not do and I'd love to be included in the decision-making as again, I can't answer anons privately so if you're on anon, your plan would be aired to everyone before we could execute.
Also for asks, feel free to take on the roles of various canon characters if you wish. The only thing I ask is that you search their name on my blog first. The only exception is Cynthia, until I announce her secret, please message or off-anon ask me first so I can tell it to you.
Tags (TBA):
out of character
in character
legendary pokemon
mythical pokemon
ultra beasts
professor wisteria
violet meowstic
sylph togekiss
giblets garchomp (tagged as final evo for convenience)
shades liepard
tesla porgyonz (final evo for ease)
bloom leafeon
zips luxray
nessie lapras
lilith iron moth
jenova arceus
meta info
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Usually, the lab is mostly peaceful. People are mostly quiet, Pokemon like to hang around but they're usually quiet as well. There aren't usually Legendaries here, because Sinnoh's rules about Legendaries are...strict to say the least, which can be difficult to deal with. So it's usually quiet enough, and working here is rather chill.
And then on occasion, I hear another staffer chasing Giblets down the hall yelling because he's eating something he shouldn't be.
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