juney-blues · 4 months
how exactly do you intend to provide for people on a basis that is neither personal nor authoritative on a farm with no government oversight, or reason to engage with any outside forces, fully self sufficient lives a family of farmers say heterosexual family with a daughter and a son, the daughter is gay and either through homophobia or social expectations the father does not want to provide for her over that, through personal loyalty or agreement the mother sides with the father and the children can not be expected to provide for themselves, what can be done here without infringing on anyones personal freedoms or the suffering of the daughter due to bigotry
wow what a fucked up situation, i'll bite
what you are describing is less of an analogue to an anarchist commune, and more the logical conclusion of the nuclear family, there are a lot of solutions to a problem like this but i'd lean more towards "we need to abolish the tyranny of the family and restructure society such that children are not seen as the property of their parents and have a robust community to fall back on as a support network" rather than "we need an authority even HIGHER than the family to make sure the family stays in line, and we assure you that WE will NEVER misuse that authority nuh uh you can trust us"
"but june" i hear you say "what if the community as a whole is homophobic and thinks these children should starve!"
wow what a shitty situation, this hypothetical fuckin sucks for those kids i guess. let me ask you a question though, what if your *state* is homophobic, what if it thinks this child should be imprisoned and sentenced to hard labor or just executed. what is your solution to that
like we could just sit here all day posing the hypothetical of "okay but what if those running your society, be they few or many, were rotten to the fucking core and evil, what then, huh?" and like idk the answer to that is it'd be a shitty fuckin society. great job. if the people who ran your ideal vision of society were monsters then it wouldn't be ideal, really productive conversation personally i think that a society where people have as little power over eachother as possible is one that leaves as little room for abuse as possible. like yeah no shit there are going to be interpersonal struggles and abuses between people and that's going to fucking suck, there are ways of mitigating that, and some of them leave more room for abuse and oppresion than others. I often hear the sentiment "I somehow care more about the long ongoing violence the bourgeoisie inflict on the oppressed, than the temporary violence of a revolution" so i'm sure you can get where i'm coming from when i say "i somehow care less about the interpersonal violence a state could mitigate, than the overwhelming violence and oppression it would nominally be doing in service of that"
god this got off topic, the main question was "how exactly do you intend to provide for people on a basis that is neither personal nor authoritative" so i should answer that
nice dichotomy idiot what lies outside it
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hiiiiiii i just wanna say i love whenever my wife sends me your vriskan art <3 also quotes your pinned tweet at me constantly
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That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard, I'm actually so honored!!!!!!!! I'm glad my silly little doodles are so special to you two, here's a little 8it of Vriskan as a treat for you and your wife! ::::)
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mesetacadre · 9 days
Today maduro called madrid the facist capital of europe if not the world, do you agree with that
I see his point but Brussels and DC are much worse
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chronotopes · 6 months
Insane question so no obligation to respond, but for talk shop tuesday how do you square the circle with regards to the sort of contradiction between al2rnia as originally developed and al2rnia as continually worked on(i admit i dont know how applicable the latter is to you but aivide the prequel was still being edited fairly recently into last year and i dont doubt you have some input vis a vis vinbre the epilogue) with such a large collaboration i cant imagine even the majority of original artists are still interested in the project and of course the scope of the narrative has shifted substantially, in conclusion what is the fate of justay cowboy
omg, insane question but a very fun one! your question is almost two questions, the first one being how to square my own artistic process/evolution as al2rnia evolves in the way i and other people write it, and the second being how to square written material (atp, vtn) with the greater al2rnia paratext presented by People Saying Things In A Discord Server. they're two distinct approaches to me, at any rate, so i'm going to address them separately.
regarding PART THE FIRST, the real answer is that i just have to address the Mortifying Ordeal of Publicly Editing My Work. Aivide parts one and two were uploaded to ao3 when i was 20 years old and i have been very sneakily adding stuff and moving it around as time goes on, both in terms of my own evolution as a writer and in terms of new stuff happening in vinbre that becomes immediately relevant to aivide. is this a particularly effective way to construct a narrative? not really lmao, and in another world i would have revised and uploaded aivide in its entirety post-vtn completion, but i can't blame 2021 me for wanting it in public, so there's really nothing to do but say "this is on ao3. it is not a big deal." and make the evolution of the story a semi-public process.
regarding PART THE SECOND, i think it's a question of clear delineation between what is on paper / immediately relevant to the scope of my project, and what is not. things about characters created by not-me that are relevant to aivide include many of the events of vinbre the novel, given carett's connection to nora, sasara's life and online self-presentation at age 22ish and older, eubala's life trajectory and current position and demeanor, and raigne and bettah as they are when they work in eubala's office. i feel a very strong obligation to write those parts of the world in a way that is true to the things established by my collaborators, and it's my job in that sense to not really trouble myself more than i need to with things that are not directly connected to the project at hand. it would have been very self-deluding and counterproductive to approach aivide the prequel with the task of "THIS IS PART TWO OF ???? IN A GRAND EPIC FANSESSION WITH ???? NUMBER OF CONTRIBUTIONS!!" aivide the prequel does set up some of her ingame stuff to a very limited extent, but the story has to be able to work without that.
so i guess tl;dr i have not ever troubled myself overmuch with the fate of justay cowboy in the process of writing aivide the prequel, because i have approached it with the mindset that the only Truly Established texts i'm working from are vinbre the novel, which immediately precedes it, and the aivide characterization-relevant plans i've discussed that i feel very confident about the large-scale stability of. vinbre and aivide's stories as published are compelling stories as the novels they are, with or without the greater context. the materiality of the world that esther and julia established and i worked from in aivide with their help really helps with that. so i guess the answer is that aivide the prequel is not set-up for anything except for the things i'm completely confident about or have discussed with friends as relevance dictates, and it does not directly build on anything except for vinbre, which is now published and complete. and really good.
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bagelswithtoast · 6 months
good luck on the hrt roadtrip o7
Thank you!! We are leaving sooo soon 😳😳😳
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maomango-doodle · 7 months
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Jazz puns, am I right?
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Some random doodles
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m1nsur0 · 5 months
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Olé! Sylvia!
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zichiwatchesyou · 13 days
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Random screenshots day 24 The Tourist
Gotta post earlier
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mango-mya · 3 months
How I imagine their earlier interactions lmao
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whatsfourteenupto · 8 months
Fourteen is the errand friend who just likes to go places with everyone. Someone running to pick up the takeout? He’s in the passenger seat. Rose is swinging by a friend’s to grab something for a school project? She’s got a shadow. Donna needs to stop by the post office and drop something off? “Can I tag along?” He doesn’t even offer to give them a lift in the TARDIS most of the time, he just sees someone going somewhere and is like “Me too!”
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dreamerslovechaos · 2 years
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the applicant, sylvia plath // revolutionary girl utena
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mesetacadre · 4 months
ok big geography question what is in your opinion the proper split of the americas by continent
Okay I'm going to be using this map as a reference so people who don't have a very clear mental image of the geography can follow along. Thanks to Bigstock for sponsoring this tumblr post
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I think to properly answer this question you have to first figure out what you want the continent classification to be for. I talked about this in the old blog but continents are a really inconsistent thing with no actual rigurous definition that can be stretched or changed depending on your goals. Personally, I don't think it's useful because of this nebulousness and that at the root of some of these problems is the fact that maybe not every piece of land above the ocean should be classified into a continent. For the sake of this ask I'm going to pretend that I don't believe this and play along.
In my opinion, if it had to all be classified, I'd just make it all a single continent, named America, and make any other divisions just regions of the continent. Basically every other continent is also divided internally like this: South East Asia, East Africa, Central Europe, Southwest Asia / Middle East (colonizer name but I'm including it for the sake of example), North Africa. These are just some examples of popular divisions of continents that can have their utility. Nobody asks that eastern Europe be its own continent, despite the differences with the west, or that North Africa be separated from the rest of Africa. Why should the Americas be different? (it's so canadians and usamericans don't feel icky being grouped in with the Poors to the south, but don't tell them that. Why else would some people include Mexico in Central or even South America?). We already have the same kind of division with the same naming convention as in other continents.
As to defining the subdivisions of America, I think an interesting place to start is Greenland. Geographically it's closer to something which we can all agree could be classified as part of the Americas, that being Canada. It's part of the north American plate, but historically it has more ties with European colonizers. So Greenland is I think a good example of why we have to keep our intentions clear with classifying the continents. A purely geographical criteria is much more straightforward but maybe less useful when talking about broad groups of people. However, a definition that's more rooted in "cultural" and historical similarities can easily turn into Huntington's clash of civilizations theory, see his division below
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I find it very funny how he places Japan into its own civilization while at the same time he groups vast regions into one. It's also extremely racist. Moving on.
Personally I'd put Greenland in America not just because of geographical criteria but also because the indigenous people of Greenland have closer ties to those of the Canadian islands, Labrador and such.
I do not think Central America should be its own continent, even if we're making North and South America their own continents, but it is interesting as a region within America. I'll get to it last.
I find myself agreeing with the Panama Isthmus / Darién gap / Panama-Colombia border as the northern border of South America, simply because there is no better place to put it. I guess the part of the Andes that cuts Colombia in half could be an option, but it feels wrong to make any part of Colombia not South America. Again, continents are not a coherent classification so it often does just come down to feel. You could argue the Guatemala-Belize-Mexico border is another option, which it can be, but there isn't a good geographical feature to divide it. With the Panama region, you get a really clear divide because of the sudden change in width, and it roughly aligns with the plates as well.
But what is there here?
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There is no major river and the mountain ranges all go in a different direction to the intended division. Look at the northern part of the border, it's literally just a straight line going through jungle that's identical on both sides. This is not the place to divide a continent in half, I'm sorry. I guess the Caribbean plate does roughly meet the north american plate here, but to me the plates can just be a reinforcing argument, not a deciding factor. Using only country borders to decide the continents is very sloppy IMO, especially if those country borders were decided by defining straight lines between rivers and latitudes.
So that's where I think the North-South America border should lie, somewhere in the Darién gap between Panama and Colombia. I wouldn't use the Panama Canal because that's manmade. By the same metric we don't consider canals rivers, I wouldn't consider canals a worthy feature to divide things at.
About the Caribbean, most maps place the north/south divide at the last island chain in the lesser Antilles and make everything else North America, but to me it makes a bit more sense to place the border between the greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican republic, and Puerto Rico) and the lesser Antilles (the chain of smaller islands that go from Puerto Rico to Venezuela). Again, the ambiguity of continents forces for some decisions to be vibe based. And to me, putting Trinidad and Tobago and Granada in North America is wrong. The difference in size between the two Antilles and the presence of a US Colony Territory makes a good enough justification even if it's iffy.
This is why a Central America in the context of a single American continent is better than making it its own continent or a region of either a South or North American continent. I am a bit more orthodox in what I'd consider to be Central America, the entire Caribbean island chain/cluster plus the traditional central american countries. This time I'm kinder to a border on the southern border of Mexico, because it's not as significant a limit as The North-South divide, and Central America ending in Guatemala has a historical precedent in the form of the short lived Federal Republic of Central America. Cuba feels much more comfortable in the same category as, say, Honduras but different from like. Miami. It also does alleviate the where-does-the-Antilles-fit issue.
So yeah, that's my answer, if you force me to put everything into a continent. If it were up to me there would be three continents, America, Afro-Eurasia and Antarctica, leave every island out of it and permanently kill the continent as a category.
As a side note, while looking for a map of the Americas, I found this godawful one and I had to share
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The shading, the apparent Alaskan independence from a US-Canada union, Mexico stretches to Panama. I think this would be a good candidate for EmperorTigerstar's (now defunct) youtube series on bad maps
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mariocki · 2 months
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Play for Today: The Flipside of Dominick Hide (BBC, 1980)
"Complacent with your mission, Dominick? Amusing, the history of transport. We've made a modicum of progress: trips are regulated to microseconds, punctuality taken for granted."
"Why then were you two minutes late on your double return? Machine fault?"
"No. I'm sorry."
"I accept apology. Reason?"
"It was raining. Rain slows everything. I saw an old woman knocked down and I was checking how long before help reached her. The medi-car was blocked in progress, I think she died."
"I thought it might be interesting."
"People are not your conspectus, Dominick. If you wish to study people, watch old films."
#play for today#the flipside of dominick hide#classic tv#bbc#1980#alan gibson#jeremy paul#peter firth#caroline langrishe#pippa guard#patrick magee#trevor ray#sylvia coleridge#jean trend#timothy davies#denis lawson#bernadette shortt#tony melody#bill gavin#david griffin#karl howman#PfT is often discussed as if it only produced gritty social realism (which was perhaps its abiding impact) but the strand wasn't afraid to#dip its toes into genre waters: cue this‚ one of the most successful plays in PfT's run‚ spawning a sequel‚ a spin off series of plays#(short lived Play for Tomorrow) and ended up as probably the best received and reviewed bbc play of 1980. finally catching up to it and i#can see why it struck a chord maybe; it's a very charming piece‚ with a delightful central performance from Firth‚ and a greater emphasis#on romantic comedy than hard sci fi. but it's also a rewardingly detailed script (dialogue in all future scenes is stripped of anything#but necessary words‚ so that sentences are blunt and self contained‚ just one aspect of a streamlined future) and with oblique references#for the viewer to work out (unsettling mention of an elderly tourist breaking down at a visit to the 1936 Olympics‚ the significance lost#on Dominick and his future colleagues). the cast is stuffed with future stars in small roles (Phil Davis‚ Mark Wingett and Denis Lawson all#have small roles) but i was delighted to find Pat Magee onboard‚ having genuinely no idea he'd appeared in this. a fun time! sweet and soft
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oatmeal983 · 3 months
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drew these characters by memory i still have no fucking idea what to put in guilty fav and all time fav
i was gonna add american houseiwfe and abbot elementary + silver and shadow but i wasn’t sure
i was gonna do actual coloring but i did it on the main layer so i ran with the tool bucket and (tried) to use it
how the fuck do i remove the rainbow effect i was jst messing around
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pastelxwind78 · 5 months
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Some parts
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I'm tired of drawing 😔
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
when sylvia plath said “i can never read all the books i want, i can never be all the people i want and live all the lives i want. i can never train myself in all the i want. and why do i want? i want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. and i am horribly limited.”
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